杭汽轮B:2009年度关联交易发生额及2010年度预计额 2010-04-23
从审计意见类型看,297家上市公司被出具了无保留意见的审计报告,6家上市公司(ST天宏、ST筑信、自仪股份、ST洛玻、中电广通和*ST中钨)被出具了带强调事项段的无保留意见审计报告,2家上市公司(ST 源发和赛格三星)被出具了无法表示意见的审计报告。
在被出具带强调事项段无保留意见审计报告的6家上市公司中,4家是因为持续经营能力存在重大不确定性,1家是因为未决诉讼事项存在重大不确定性,1家是因为与重要关联方在人员和机构等方面未完全分开且持续经营能力存在重大不确定性:(1)ST天宏主业持续亏损,2009 年度经营亏损4,692.14 万元,净利润-2,573.41 万元。
其中:归属于母公司所有者的净利润-2,632.79 万元,扣除非经常性损益后归属于母公司所有者的净利润-4,500.64 万元。
ST筑信持续经营能力具有不确定性;(3)截至2009年12月31日,自仪股份累计亏损约4.87 亿元,尚未偿还的银行借款及利息约5.59亿元,自仪股份持续经营能力存在重大不确定性;(4)截至2009年12月31日,ST洛玻及其子公司累计未弥补亏损1,414,213,763.32元,流动负债超过流动资产881,188,055.56元,ST洛玻持续经营能力存在重大不确定性;(5)2003年12月,中电广通与中国有线电视网络有限公司签订价值30,964.05万元的设备供货合同。
杭汽轮B:2010年半年度财务报告(英文版) 2010-08-28
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.Financial Report(Not Audited)(I) Financial StatementsBalance SheetPrepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Ended June 30, 2010 in RMB YuanBalance at the end of term Balance at the beginning of year ItemsConsolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company Current asset:Monetary capital 468,533,578.69149,989,673.29486,439,602.82 100,717,329.17 Settlement provisionOutgoing call loanTransactional financial assetsNotes receivable 569,736,165.06363,217,504.37585,510,190.21 434,620,525.22 Account receivable 1,589,408,947.691,322,963,582.451,329,433,302.65 1,115,063,042.90 Prepayment 318,739,151.06123,948,075.50219,791,399.56 78,676,643.13 Insurance receivableReinsurance receivableProvisions of Reinsurance contracts receivableInterest receivableDividend receivableOther account receivable 29,050,437.4324,249,125.6417,333,756.04 16,869,617.12 Repurchasing of financial assetsInventories 1,174,826,940.07869,692,814.011,009,100,047.12 774,155,875.55 Non-current asset due in 1 yearOther current asset 108,275.80Total of current asset 4,150,295,220.002,854,060,775.263,647,716,574.20 2,520,103,033.09 Non-current assetsLoans and payment on other’s behalf disbursedDisposable financial assetExpired investment in possessLong-term receivableLong-term share equity investment 402,586,451.62472,280,099.47402,586,451.62 472,280,099.47 Investment propertiesFixed assets 516,774,651.56336,300,049.36528,315,267.49 350,458,537.59 Construction in process 181,058,362.5739,587,413.97133,993,100.65 14,507,898.96 Engineering goods 411,981.80Fixed asset disposalProduction physical assetsGas & petrolIntangible assets 160,138,182.2346,724,159.17141,444,716.26 47,902,806.89 R&D expenseGoodwill 187,501.55Long-term amortizable expenses 9,716,028.937,438,801.138,092,318.74 7,438,801.13 Differed income tax asset 52,709,215.1939,114,576.9648,623,815.34 39,114,576.96 Other non-current assetTotal of non-current assets 1,323,582,375.45941,445,100.061,263,055,670.10 931,702,721.00 Total of assets 5,473,877,595.453,795,505,875.324,910,772,244.30 3,451,805,754.09 Current liabilitiesShort-term loans 195,000,000.00136,000,000.00Loan from Central BankDeposit received and hold for othersCall loan receivedTrade off financial liabilitiesNotes payable 70,004,809.9247,141,782.92103,656,815.22 155,170,592.22Account payable 536,270,437.77387,235,375.67320,766,161.48 202,453,257.90 Prepayment received 1,387,427,722.19961,417,044.871,233,884,154.03 872,137,702.04 Selling of repurchased financial assetsFees and commissions receivableEmployees’ wage payable 35,749,491.6923,286,688.3923,241,197.54 14,713,270.72 Tax payable 76,686,730.3966,942,907.1589,484,573.70 62,319,098.96 Interest payable 195,250.00Dividend payableOther account payable 88,031,611.0031,969,193.3924,231,372.13 14,582,847.36 Reinsurance fee payableInsurance contract provisionEntrusted trading of securitiesEntrusted selling of securitiesNon-current liability due in 1 yearOther current liabilityTotal of current liability 2,389,170,802.961,517,992,992.391,931,459,524.10 1,321,376,769.20 Non-current liabilitiesLong-term borrowings 260,463,800.00190,463,800.00247,463,800.00 190,463,800.00 Bond payableLong-term payable 330,000.00330,000.00Special payableContingent liabilitiesDiffered income tax liability 1,225,366.391,225,366.391,225,366.39 1,225,366.39 Other non-recurring liabilities 8,004,440.006,362,250.003,322,740.00 1,942,250.00 Total of non-current liabilities 270,023,606.39198,051,416.39252,341,906.39 193,631,416.39 Total of liability 2,659,194,409.351,716,044,408.782,183,801,430.49 1,515,008,185.59 Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)Capital paid in (or share capital) 483,340,000.00483,340,000.00371,800,000.00 371,800,000.00 Capital reserves 138,953,250.09138,953,250.09138,953,250.09 138,953,250.09 Less: Shares in stockSpecial reservesSurplus reserves 327,932,742.87309,176,337.74327,932,742.87 309,176,337.74 Common risk provisionRetained profit 1,492,988,294.961,147,991,878.711,497,423,473.50 1,116,867,980.67 Different of foreign currency translationTotal of owner’s equity belong to the parent company 2,443,214,287.922,079,461,466.542,336,109,466.46 1,936,797,568.50 Minor shareholders’ equity 371,468,898.18390,861,347.35Total of owners’ equity 2,814,683,186.102,079,461,466.542,726,970,813.81 1,936,797,568.50 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 5,473,877,595.453,795,505,875.324,910,772,244.30 3,451,805,754.09Income StatementPrepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Jan - Jun 2010 in RMB YuanAmount of the Current Term Amount of the Previous Term ItemsConsolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company I. Total revenue 1,840,515,550.971,315,034,718.531,646,527,768.37 1,073,162,456.36 Incl. Business income 1,840,515,550.971,315,034,718.531,646,527,768.37 1,073,162,456.36 Interest incomeInsurance fee earnedFee and commission receivedII. Total business cost 1,477,083,633.931,086,383,790.371,338,614,316.66 897,083,253.50 Incl. Business cost 1,180,414,236.98882,879,318.321,012,507,507.68 647,775,737.01 Interest expenseFee and commission paidInsurance discharge paymentNet claim amount paidNet insurance policy reserves providedInsurance policy dividend paidReinsurance expensesBusiness tax and surcharge 5,129,818.231,947,356.385,160,353.50 1,470,364.64 Sales expense 54,567,107.0535,616,211.6445,458,660.63 31,560,637.45 Administrative expense 177,912,362.66122,113,732.45249,922,132.65 201,008,922.60 Financial expenses 9,719,615.004,603,057.83-6,368,268.96 -8,223,147.20 Asset impairment loss 49,340,494.0139,224,113.7531,933,931.16 23,490,739.00 Plus: Gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)Investment gain (“-“ for loss) 1,100,735.7798,297,793.2729,898,083.98 74,878,300.00 Incl. Investment gains from affiliatesGains from currency exchange (“-“ for loss)III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 364,532,652.81326,948,721.43337,811,535.69 250,957,502.86 Plus: Non business income 2,207,680.04891,907.713,489,025.96 274,985.76 Less: Non-business expenses 5,058,255.042,382,712.612,868,349.38 1,673,162.45 Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assetsIV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 361,682,077.81325,457,916.53338,432,212.27 249,559,326.17 Less: Income tax expenses 55,770,552.8534,074,018.4950,301,587.28 26,202,153.93 V. Net profit (“-“for net loss) 305,911,524.96291,383,898.04288,130,624.99 223,357,172.24 Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company255,824,821.46291,383,898.04238,780,981.80 223,357,172.24 Minor shareholders’ equity 50,086,703.5049,349,643.19VI. Earnings per share:(I) Basic earnings per share 0.52930.6422(II) Diluted earnings per share 0.52930.6422VII. Other misc. incomesVIII. Total of misc. incomes 305,911,524.96291,383,898.04288,130,624.99 223,357,172.24Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the255,824,821.46291,383,898.04238,780,981.80 223,357,172.24 parent companyTotal misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders50,086,703.5049,349,643.19Cash Flow StatementPrepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Jan - Jun 2010 in RMB YuanAmount of the Current Term Amount of the Previous TermItemsConsolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent companyI. Net cash flow from business operationCash received from sales of products and providing of1,762,387,472.251,107,857,783.611,406,430,485.49 938,720,443.94servicesNet increase of customer deposits and capital kept forbrother companyNet increase of loans from central bankNet increase of inter-bank loans from other financialbodiesCash received against original insurance contractNet cash received from reinsurance businessNet increase of client deposit and investmentNet increase of trade financial asset disposalCash received as interest, processing fee, andcommissionNet increase of inter-bank fund receivedNet increase of repurchasing businessTax returned 1,069,300.0015,999,725.87 14,407,182.93Other cash received from business operation 28,631,978.565,500,330.1420,064,437.32 2,191,871.00Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities 1,792,088,750.811,113,358,113.751,442,494,648.68 955,319,497.87 Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services1,074,285,012.58665,615,592.591,042,124,631.51 839,332,022.58Net increase of client trade and advanceNet increase of savings in central bank and brothercompanyCash paid for original contract claimCash paid for interest, processing fee and commissionCash paid for policy dividend152,196,676.51 Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 207,469,163.90164,121,586.78191,294,908.68Taxes paid 191,337,679.45115,386,353.49160,723,076.96 100,812,561.79Other cash paid for business activities 109,021,931.6135,380,449.4658,126,016.46 20,394,180.04Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities 1,582,113,787.54980,503,982.321,452,268,633.61 1,112,735,440.92Cash flow generated by business operation, net 209,974,963.27132,854,131.43-9,773,984.93 -157,415,943.05II. Cash flow generated by investingCash received from investment retrievingCash received as investment gains 1,100,735.7798,197,057.5030,114,561.65 92,090,800.00Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,92,900.0072,950.00146,400.00 146,400.00intangible assets, and other long-term assetsNet cash received from disposal of subsidiaries orother operational unitsOther investment-related cash received 90,868.96100,735.77Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities1,284,504.7398,370,743.2730,260,961.65 92,237,200.00Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible123,511,525.9228,680,728.1524,019,009.01 7,944,707.66assets and other long-term assets1,937,647.85Cash paid as investment 700,000.001,937,647.85 Net increase of loan against pledgeNet cash received from subsidiaries and otheroperational unitsOther cash paid for investment activitiesSub-total of cash outflow due to investment124,211,525.9228,680,728.1525,956,656.86 9,882,355.51activitiesNet cash flow generated by investment -122,927,021.1969,690,015.124,304,304.79 82,354,844.49III. Cash flow generated by financingCash received as investmentIncl. Cash received as investment from minorshareholders140,463,800.00Cash received as loans 193,000,000.00287,463,800.00 Cash received from bond placingOther financing-related cash receivedSubtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 193,000,000.00287,463,800.00 140,463,800.00Cash to repay debts 71,000,000.00105,000,000.00Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests 226,621,543.69152,939,465.11210,780,258.38 151,503,175.10Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minorshareholdersOther cash paid for financing activities 3,000,000.00Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities297,621,543.69152,939,465.11318,780,258.38 151,503,175.10Net cash flow generated by financing -104,621,543.69-152,939,465.11-31,316,458.38 -11,039,375.10IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash-332,422.52-332,337.3213,042,975.99 13,042,967.12equivalentsV. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -17,906,024.1349,272,344.12-23,743,162.53 -73,057,506.54Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the486,439,602.82100,717,329.17450,103,030.94 158,711,304.02beginning of termVI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term468,533,578.69149,989,673.29426,359,868.41 85,653,797.48Consolidated Statement of Change in Owners’ EquityPrepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The 1st Half of 2010 in RMB YuanAmount of the Current Term Amount of Last Year Owners’Equity Attributable to the Parent Company Owners’Equity Attributable to the Parent CompanyItems Capital paidin (or sharecapital) CapitalreservesLess:Sharesin stockSpecialreservesSurplusreservesCommon riskprovisionRetainedprofitOthersMinorshareholders’equityTotal ofowners’equityCapital paidin (or sharecapital)CapitalreservesLess:Sharesin stockSpecialreservesSurplusreservesCommon riskprovisionRetainedprofitOthersMinorshareholders’equityTotal ofowners’equityI. Balance at the end of last year 371,800,000.00138,953,250.09327,932,742.871,497,423,473.50390,861,347.352,726,970,813.81371,800,000.00138,953,250.09279,205,827.201,111,352,798.36306,483,927.772,207,795,803.42Plus: Change of accounting policy Correcting of previous errors OthersII. Balance at the beginning of current year 371,800,000.00138,953,250.09327,932,742.871,497,423,473.50390,861,347.352,726,970,813.81371,800,000.00138,953,250.09279,205,827.201,111,352,798.36306,483,927.772,207,795,803.42III. Changed in the current year (“-“ for decrease) 111,540,000.00-4,435,178.54-19,392,449.1787,712,372.2948,726,915.67386,070,675.1484,377,419.58519,175,010.39(I)Netprofit 255,824,821.4650,086,703.5305,911,524.96583,517,590.81121,356,241.00704,873,831.81(II) Other misc. incomeTotal of (I) and (II) 255,824,821.4650,086,703.5305,911,524.96583,517,590.81121,356,241.00704,873,831.81(III) Investment ordecreasing of capital by owners 6,585,711.866,585,711.861. Capital inputted by owners 18,067,564.8618,067,564.862. Amount of shares paid and accounted as owners’ equity3. Others -11,481,853.0-11,481,853.0(IV) Profit allotment 111,540,000.00260,260,000.0-69,479,152.67-218,199,152.6748,726,915.67-197,446,915.67-43,564,533.28-192,284,533.281. Providing of surplus reserves 48,726,915.67-48,726,915.672. Common riskprovision3. Allotment to the 111,540,000.260,260,000.0-69,479,152.6-218,199,152.-148,720,000.-43,564,533.2-192,284,533.6owners (orshareholders)000767008 28 4. Others(V) Internaltransferring ofowners’ equity1. Capitalizing ofcapital reserves (orto capital shares)2. Capitalizing ofsurplus reserves (orto capital shares)3. Making up lossesby surplus reserves4. Others(VI) Specialreserves1. Provided thisyear2. Used this termIV. Balance at the end of this term 483,340,000.00138,953,250.09327,932,742.871,492,988,294.96371,468,898.182,814,683,186.10371,800,000.00138,953,250.09327,932,742.871,497,423,473.50390,861,347.352,726,970,813.81Change in Owners’ Equity (Parent Co.)Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The 1st Half of 2010 in RMB YuanAmount of the Current Term Amount of Last YearItems Capital paidin (or sharecapital) CapitalreservesLess:SharesinstockSpecialreservesSurplusreservesCommonriskprovisionRetainedprofitTotal ofowners’equityCapital paidin (or sharecapital)CapitalreservesLess:SharesinstockSpecialreservesSurplusreservesCommonriskprovisionRetainedprofitTotal ofowners’ equityI. Balance at the end of last year 371,800,000.00138,953,250.09309,176,337.741,116,867,980.671,936,797,568.50371,800,000.00138,953,250.09260,449,422.07827,045,739.681,598,248,411.84Plus: Change of accounting policy Correcting of previous errorsOthersII. Balance at the beginning of current year 371,800,000.00138,953,250.09309,176,337.741,116,867,980.671,936,797,568.50371,800,000.00138,953,250.09260,449,422.07827,045,739.681,598,248,411.84III. Changed in the current year (“-“ for decrease) 111,540,000.031,123,898.04142,663,898.0448,726,915.67289,822,240.99338,549,156.667(I)Netprofit 291,383,898.04291,383,898.04487,269,156.66487,269,156.66(II)Othermisc.incomeTotal of (I) and (II) 291,383,898.04291,383,898.04487,269,156.66487,269,156.66(III) Investment or decreasing of capital by owners1. Capital inputted by owners2. Amount of shares paid and accounted as owners’equity3. Others(IV) Profit allotment 111,540,000.0-260,260,000.00-148,720,000.0048,726,915.67-197,446,915.67-148,720,000.01. Providing of surplus reserves 48,726,915.67-48,726,915.672.Commonriskprovision3. Allotment to the owners (or shareholders) 111,540,000.0-260,260,000.00-148,720,000.00-148,720,000.00-148,720,000.04. Others(V) Internal transferringof owners’ equity1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to capitalshares)2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to capitalshares)3. Making up losses bysurplus reserves4. Others(VI)Specialreserves 1.Providedthisyear 2. Used this termIV. Balance at the end of this term 483,340,000.00138,953,250.09309,176,337.741,147,991,878.712,079,461,466.54371,800,000.00138,953,250.09309,176,337.741,116,867,980.671,936,797,568.508(II) Notes to Financial Statements (the 1st half of 2010)In RMB I. Company ProfileHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. (the Company) was incorporated as a joint stock limited company exclusively promoted by Hangzhou Steam Turbine & Power Group Company Limited (“HSTG”) approved by the Securities Regulatory Commission of the State Council with the Document SRC [1998] No. 8 by offering domestically listed foreign currency ordinary shares (B Shares), with registration date: April 23, 1998, legal entity business license No.: QGZZ Zi No. 002150, current registered capital RMB 220,000,000. The Company has issued 80,000,000 B Shares which have been listed for trading with Shenzhen Stock Exchange commencing from April 28, 1998. On December 2, 1998, the Company became a joint stock enterprise with foreign investment through approval by the State Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation with the document [1998]外经贸资二函字第745号. The number of Business License was changed to 330000400001023 on May 6, 2009.On June 8th 2006, as approved at the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2005, the Company capitalized the common reserves upon the total capital shares of 220 million shares at December 31, 2005, namely 3 new shares to each 10 shares. After that, the total of capital shares was changed to 286 million shares, and the registered capital was changed to RMB286 million thereof. Registration alternation procedures have been accomplished on December 31, 2006.On June 15th 2006, as approved at the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2006, the Company capitalized the common reserves upon the total capital shares of 286 million shares at December 31, 2006, namely 3 new shares to each 10 shares (tax included). After that, the total of capital shares was changed to 371.8 million shares, and the registered capital was changed to RMB371.8 million thereof. Registration alternation procedures have been accomplished in December, 2007.On June 2, 2010, as approved at the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2009, the Company capitalized the common reserves upon the total capital shares of 371.8 million shares at December 31, 2009, namely 3 new shares to each 10 shares (tax included). After that, the total of capital shares was changed to 483.34 million shares, and the registered capital was changed to RMB483.34 million thereof. Among the capital shares, 307.58 million shares are non-negotiable state-owned legal person shares, and 175.76 million are current B-shares. Registration alternation procedures are in process.The scope of key business of the Company: The design and manufacturing of steam turbine, gas turbine, other rotating and to-and-fro machinery and auxiliary equipment, and spare parts and components, sales of self-manufactured products and the provision of relevant after-sales service and import & export service.II. The main accounting policies and accounting estimations adopted(I) Basis of compiling the finance reportThe Company adopts perpetual operation as the basis of financial statements.(II) Statement of compliance to the Enterprise Accounting StandardThe finance report compiled by the Company is accordance with the enterprise accounting standard taken effect in February 2006, it reflects the Company’s finance state, achievements and cash flow fairly and entirely.(III) Accounting periodThe Company uses the calendar year for its fiscal year. A fiscal year is from January 1 to December 31.(IV) Standard currency for bookkeepingThe Company uses Renminbi (RMB) as the standard currency for book keeping.(V) Accounting treatment of the entities under common control and different control as well1. Treatment of entities under common controlAssets and liabilities acquired in merger of entities are measured at book values at the date of merger. The difference between the net book value of asset and the offered price (or total of face value of shares issued) will be adjusted into capital reserves; when the capital reserves is not enough to reduce, it will be adjusted into retainedprofit.2. Treatment of entities under different controlThe difference of takeover cost over the fair value of recognizable net asset of the acquired entity is recognized as goodwill at the day of takeover; in case the takeover cost is lower than the fair value of recognizable net asset of the acquired entity, the measuring process over the recognizable asset, liabilities,contingent liabilities, and takeover cost, shall be repeated, if comes out the same result, the difference shall be recorded into current income account.(VI) Method for preparing the consolidated financial statementsThe parent company puts all of its subsidiaries under its control into the consolidated financial statements. The consolidated financial statements are prepared according to the 揈nterprise Accounting Standard No. 33 – Consolidated Financial Statements”, basing on the accounts of the parent company and the subisidiaries, and after adjusting the long-term investment equity in the subsidiary on equity basis.(VII) Recognition of cash and cash equivalentsCash equivalent refers to the investment held by the Company with short term, strong liquidity and lower risk of value fluctuation that is easy to be converted into cash of known amount.(VIII) Foreign currency trade and translation of foreign currencies1. Translation of foreign currencyForeign currency trades are translated into RMB at the rate of the day when the trades are made. Those balances of foreign currencies and monetary items in foreign currencies are accounted at the exchange rate of the balance sheet date. Exchange differences, other than special loans satisfying the conditions of capitalization, are accounted into current income account. Non-monetary items in foreign currencies and on historical cost are translated at the rate of the trade day. Non-monetary items in foreign currencies and on fair value are translated at the rate of the day when the fair value is recognized, where the differences are accounted as gain/loss from change of fair value.2. Translation of foreign currency financial statementsAsset and liability items in the balance sheet are translated at the rate of the balance sheet day; Owners’ equity, other than “retained profit”, are translated at the rate when occurred; income and expense items in the income statement are translated at the rate of the trade date. Differences raised from aforesaid translations are presented individually under the owners’ equity in the balance sheet. Items in the cash flow statement are translated at the rate when the particular item was occurred. Influence of the changing of exchange rate are presented in the cash flow statement individually.(IX) Financial instruments1. Type of finance asset and finance debtFinance assets are divided initially into four types of financial asset appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts(including transactional finance asset and financial asset appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts), transactional financial assets, debt and account receivable, finance asset saleable.Finance debts are divided initially into two types of financial debt appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts(including transactional finance debt and financial debt appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts), other finance debt.2. Basis of recognition and accounting of finance asset and finance debtWhen the Company is one part of the finance instrument contract, one finance asset or debt is recognized. When on recognizing initially finance asset or debt, it is measured by fair value, for the finance asset or debt which appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, the related transaction expenses are directly accounted into current gain and loss; for other finance asset and debt, the related transaction expenses accounted into the initial recognition account.The Company future measures finance asset by fair value without deducting future possible transaction fee but with exception: (1) Due investment, debt and account receivable are measured by actual interest rate according to the amortized costs. (2) Equity instrument investment which have no quote in active market and which fair value can’tbe measured reliably, and its derived finance assets which are connected with the equity instrument and which are summarized through the equity instrument, are measured by cost.The Company conduct successive measure of finance debt according to amortized cost by actual interest rate with exception as following: (1) finance debt which appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, is measured at fir value without deducting possible future transactional fee at settlement; (2) Equity instrument investment which have no quote in active market and which fair value can’t be measured reliably, and its derived finance assets which are connected with the equity instrument and which are closed off through the equity instrument, are measured by cost. (3) finance debt sponship contracts which are not appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, or debt agreements at rate lower than market rate and which are not appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, are measured at the higher value between the optimal estimated value payable according to current obligations and the surplus value from which the initial recognition value deduct the accumulated amortized amount according to the actual interest rate.Gain or loss from fluctuation of financial assets or liabilities are handled at the following ways, except for relating to hedge instrument. (1) Gain or loss from fluctuation of fair value of financial assets or liabilities and accounted into current gain/loss account, are accounted into gain/loss of fluctuation of fair value. Interests or cash dividend received in the period of holding these assets are recognized as investment gains. When they are disposed, the difference between the amount actually received and initially booked value is recognized as investment gains, and adjust the gain/loss from fair value fluctuation. (2) Fluctuation of fair value of sellable financial assets accounted into capital reserves; interests gained at actual interest rate are accounting into investment gains; the cash dividend received from sellable instrument investment, are accounted into investment gains when distributed; At disposal of these investment, the difference between actual amount received and book value are recognized as investment gains after deducting of accumulated change of fair value which are originally accounted into capital reserves.As soon as the contract rights of acquiring the cash flow of particular financial asset have been terminated or almost all of the risks and rewards attached to the financial asset have been transferred, recognition of the financial asset is terminated; as soon as the current liabilities attached to the financial liability have been completely or partially relieved, recognition of the financial liability or part of is terminated.3. Basis of recognition and accounting of financial asset transferringThe Company stop recognizing the finance asset which risks and remuneration of ownership are transferred to the receiver; and continue to recognize the transferred finance asset which risks and remuneration of ownership are kept, and recognize the value as one finance debt. For the finance assets which risks and remuneration of ownership are not transferred or kept, the Company recognize them as following: (1) stop recognizing the finance asset which are given up the control; (2) continue to recognize the finance asset and related finance debt according to the extend which involved into the transferred finance asset for the finance asset which are not given up control.The Company measured the surplus between the following two values for the transferred finance assets which fulfill the stop recognition requirements into current gain or loss: (1) Account value of the transferred finance asset; (2) Consideration plus the accumulated fair value changes which were accounted directed into ownership rights. For the transferred finance assets which partly fulfill the stop recognition requirements the Company amortized the stopped recognition part and the not-stopped recognition part of the account value of the whole transferred finance asset, and account the surplus between the following two values into current gain or loss: (1) Account value of the stopped recognition part; (2) consideration plus the corresponding stopped recognition part of the accumulated fair value changes which were accounted directed into ownership rights.4. Basis of recognition and accounting of fair value for the main finance asset and finance debtFor the finance asset or debt which active market exists, the Company recognize the fair value according to the quote on the active market; for the finance asset or debt which active market not exists, the Company recognized the fair value using estimation technology (including reference of the latest market prices from freewill transactions by persons familiar with conditions, reference of the current fair value of other similar finance instrument in characteristics, discounted cash flow models and Option Pricing Model); for the initially acquired or initial finance asset or finance debt, the Company recognize the fair value basis on the market trading price.5. Impairment test and impairment reserves planThe Company conduct impairment test to the finance asset other than which appointed to be measured at fair value。
证券代码:200771 证券简称:杭汽轮B 公告编号:2020-37
2、关联交易管理制度对日常 相关要求,制订《关联交易审议程序》,明
关联交易的审议要求不明确, 确对日常关联交易的审议要求及其它关联
3、 对相关人员进行《关联交易审议程序》的培
4、 对 2010 年的发生的日常关联交易项目及预
信息披露工作现场检查发现问题 原因分析与整改方案
广东证监局按照《关于开展上市公司信息披露检查专项活动的通 知》(广东证监[2010]30 号 ) 要求,于 2010 年 5 月 17 至 19 日共三 天,对我公司的信息披露工作制度建立、执行情况以及开展信息披露 检查专项活动情况进行了现场检查,并于 6 月 12 日向公司发出了《现 场检查结果告知书》{ [2010] 22 号} 。现就公司自查存在的不足及证 监局现场检查发现的问题进行原因分析,并提出整改方案如下表:
2、公司 2009 年度部分关联交易 1、相关人员对关联交易相关 1、 组织董事、监事、高级管理人员及其它相关 邹建平
的实施未按规定经董事会审议, 的审议与披露要求理解和认 人员学习相关法律法规;
2、 依据《关联交易管理制度》及《上市规则》
责任 人
完成 时间
1、关联交易管理制度存在缺陷: 1、制度制订过程中,对文件 1、对《关联交易管理制度》中的相关条款进行 邹建平
关联交易的审批权限规定中存 的编审、校对工作不够严谨, 修订,并在董事会上审议。
3、中化集团发起2笔巨额海外并购 ●内容&特点 中化集团在8月12日宣布,以超过63亿人民币(5.32亿英镑)的现金收购 Emerald能源公司,交易溢价约11%;而2009年8月底消息传中化集 团或以最高 约47亿元(4亿英镑)收购Gulfsands Petroleum Plc(下称“Gulfsands”),溢价高 达42%。 Emerald Energy公司是在英国上市的一家独立石油企业,其拥有叙利亚26 区块中东KHURBET油田及YOUSSEFIEH油田50%的份 额;Gulfsands是一家 英国的独立油气开发、生产公司,股票在伦敦证券交易所上市,业务主要集中 于中东地区。此外Gulfsands也是的 Emerald在叙利亚东Khurbet油田的合资伙 伴。如果对Gulfsands的并购成功,中化集团将拥有东Khurbet油田的全部权益 作为国内第四大油气公司,中化集团在国内油气上游业务的竞争中远落后与 中石油、中石化以及中海油,面对已然没有剩余资源空间,只有更多地依靠海 外收购来发展。此此背景下,Emerald、Gulfsands等海外公司进入了中化集团 的收购视野; 中化集团无法分食国内油气资源 无奈海外并购
9、双马水泥拟出资28亿元收购都江堰拉法基50%股权 ●内容&特点
四川双马水泥股份有限公司1月8日发布公告称,其将以280117.81万元收购拉 法基中国持有的都江堰拉法基50%的股权。 公告显示,上述收购价格是采取收益法评估后的股东全部权益价值的一半 进行定价。都江堰拉法基的总资产账面值为179922万元,总负债为44100万 元 ,净资产为135822万元;采用收益法评估后的股东全部权益价值为560235.62 万元,评估增值424413.62万元,增值率312.48%。 此前,《财经网》曾报道,*ST双马拟以7.61元/股定向增发4亿股股票收购 拉法基中国持有的都江堰拉法基的股权。拉法基中国为*ST双马的实际控制人, 持有*ST双马56.81%的股权。本次发行完成后,拉法基中国将持有*ST双马 80.82%的股权。 *ST双马当时表示,此次重大资产重组,是为支持四川汶川地震后的重建工作, 满足灾后重建的水泥需求。
在2006年供水行业的工业总产值所占比重达到了0.31 %,2007-2009年该比重呈现逐年递减的趋势,2009年供水行业的工业总产值所占比重降到了0.21%。
中国已是全球轮胎最大的消耗国, 同时也是轮胎最大生产国和出口国, 占据许多个“世界第一”。
改革开放为我国轮胎工业提供了近30 年的产品升级、企业调整和高速发展机遇; 国际金融风暴和贸易保护主义促使中国轮胎企业自主创新。
“十二五”是中国轮胎工业理性发展期, 2010年及“十二五”期间轮胎工业将会加快转变增长方式,实现以技术进步、结构优化为主导的平稳较快发展。
2009 年的全球经济危机使我国轮胎生产和出口受到较大影响。
轮胎行业界定数据来源:世纪未来研发部二、2010年轮胎行业发展环境2010 年是中国经济最为复杂的一年。
l.注册会计师审计产生的直接原因是( B )A.商品经济的发展 B.财产所有权和经营权的分离C.股份公司的出现 D.合伙企业的出现2.在获取的下列审计证据中,可靠性最强的通常是( A )A.银行存款函证回函 B.被审计单位管理层提供的声明书C.被审计单位连续编号的采购订单 D.被审计单位编制的成本分配计算表3.在社会审计的四个阶段中,可以被称为英国式审计的是( A )A.详细审计阶段 B.资产负债表审计阶段C.会计报表审计阶段 D.现代审计阶段4.按照审计的主体不同,审计可以分为( B )A.财务报表审计和合规性审计B.政府审计、内部审计和注册会计师审计C.详细审计和资产负债表审计D.整体审计和局部审计5.资产类审计与负债类审计的最大区别是( A )A.前者侧重于防止高估和虚列,后者侧重于防止低估和漏列B.前者侧重于审查所有权,后者侧重于审查义务C.前者侧重于应付账款,后者侧重于应收账款D.前者与损益无关,后者与损益有关6.下列各项,体现审计制约作用的是( B )A.提高经济效益B.揭露错误与舞弊C.加强宏观调控D.改善经营管理7.下列各项,不属于...内部证据的是( D )A.领料单 B.董事会会议记录C.管理当局声明书 D.原材料采购发票8.我国在1982年的宪法中明确规定,在国务院设立的最高审计机关是( C )A.国家审计局 B.国家审计委员会C.审计署 D.证监会9.注册会计师为发现被审计单位的会计报表和其它会计数据中的重要比率及趋势的异常变动,应采用的收集审计证据的方法是( D )A.检查记录或文件B.函证C.监盘 D.分析程序10.审计档案的所有权应属于( C )A.委托单位 B.编制审计工作底稿的审计师C.承接该项业务的会计师事务所 D.注册会计师协会11.下列选项中,属于当期档案的是( C )A.被审计单位的组织结构 B.营业执照C.审计具体计划 D.公司章程12.下列各项中,属于注册会计师鉴证业务的是( D )A. 管理咨询B.代编财务信息C.税务咨询D.财务报表审计13.对通过函证无法证实的应收账款,注册会计师应当执行的最有效的审计程序是( D )A.进行分析性复核 B.审查资产负债表日后的收款情况C.重新测试相关的内部控制 D.审查与应收账款相关的销货凭证14.在注册会计师针对下列各项目分别提出的具体目标中,属于完整性目标的是( A ) A.实现的销售是否均已登记入账B.关联交易类型、金额是否在附注中恰当披露C.将下期交易提前到本期入账D.有价证券的金额是否予以适当列示15.一般来讲,会导致注册会计师承担刑事责任的是( C )A.违约 B.重大过失 C.欺诈 D.共同过失16.具体审计计划的内容不包括...( B )A.风险评估程序 B.初步业务活动C.进一步审计程序 D.计划其他审计程序17.为证实W公司所记录的资产是否均由W公司拥有或控制,注册会计师采用下列( B )程序能够获取充分、适当的审计证据。
万丰奥威:第三届董事会第二十二次会议决议公告 2010-04-21
股票代码:002085 股票简称:万丰奥威公告编号:2010-015
《浙江万丰奥威汽轮股份有限公司2010年度第一季度报告正文及全文》见公司指定信息披露网站,《浙江万丰奥威汽轮股份有限公司2009 年度第一季度报告正文》同时刊登在2010年4月21日《证券时报》上。
董事会 2010年4月19日。
杭汽轮B:2010年第一次临时股东大会的法律意见书 2010-09-21
04年以来每年的现金分红最少也有1 0派4元,最高是10派7元,此外还有2年有10送转3股,其分红在深B中只逊于张裕B,而胜于其他B股,排名老二。
胖 救
天 潮 抽蒯
淞 司
储 骈 }
根据合作 } 办议 双 方将 充分 发挥各自优势 实现 资源 共享与业 务共 赢 避免价格战 等恶 性竞争 在客户 网络等方 面 实现 资源 互 补 建立 经 营管理经 验交流机制 在饱受争议的邮政专营条例尚不 明朗之 际 J8 ~ p 5 国有快递 的合作 显 然将为顺丰速运 未来的发展 加上 道 保险
而且 运
20 09
日舞 展有’ 公司 瑟 泼
广东 佛 山
中国 五 金矿 产进 出 口崭满婀
做央 企 供 应 商 的有4 家
2 0 0 9 ~ 企 整 合 民企
上 对浙 江 代 表 团 指 出 :
民企 要 大 发 展
还 要傍央
l O大 案 例
的整合 方 式则相对 单
企 大
央 企有 钱
世 界 5 0 0 强 里 有 19 家
你 们抓 紧 傍 老 还 有资 源
圈 臼
本刊记 者 白友文
zoog ~
国进 民退
பைடு நூலகம்
愈演 愈烈
已然成 为 当年
四 川 10 9 ()f乙元
民企 对 接 央 企 的热 情 十 分 高
5.10 司法拍卖..................................................................................................................................................24 5.11 股权冻结..................................................................................................................................................24 5.12 清算信息..................................................................................................................................................24 5.13 公示催告..................................................................................................................................................24 六、知识产权 .......................................................................................................................................................24 6.1 商标信息 ....................................................................................................................................................24 6.2 专利信息 ....................................................................................................................................................29 6.3 软件著作权................................................................................................................................................32 6.4 作品著作权................................................................................................................................................33 6.5 网站备案 ....................................................................................................................................................33 七、企业发展 .......................................................................................................................................................33 7.1 融资信息 ....................................................................................................................................................33 7.2 核心成员 ....................................................................................................................................................34 7.3 竞品信息 ....................................................................................................................................................34 7.4 企业品牌项目............................................................................................................................................34 八、经营状况 .......................................................................................................................................................35 8.1 招投标 ........................................................................................................................................................35 8.2 税务评级 ....................................................................................................................................................38 8.3 资质证书 ....................................................................................................................................................39 8.4 抽查检查 ....................................................................................................................................................39 8.5 进出口信用................................................................................................................................................39 8.6 行政许可 ....................................................................................................................................................39
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告杭州国能汽轮工程有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:杭州国能汽轮工程有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分杭州国能汽轮工程有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质增值税一般纳税人产品服务:汽轮机及辅机制造;特种设备销售;汽轮机及1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
目录一、企业背景 (5)1.1 工商信息 (5)1.2 分支机构 (5)1.3 变更记录 (5)1.4 主要人员 (8)1.5 联系方式 (8)二、股东信息 (8)三、对外投资信息 (9)四、企业年报 (9)五、重点关注 (10)5.1 被执行人 (10)5.2 失信信息 (10)5.3 裁判文书 (11)5.4 法院公告 (11)5.5 行政处罚 (11)5.6 严重违法 (11)5.7 股权出质 (11)5.8 动产抵押 (11)5.9 开庭公告 (11)5.11 股权冻结 (12)5.12 清算信息 (12)5.13 公示催告 (12)六、知识产权 (12)6.1 商标信息 (12)6.2 专利信息 (13)6.3 软件著作权 (16)6.4 作品著作权 (16)6.5 网站备案 (16)七、企业发展 (17)7.1 融资信息 (17)7.2 核心成员 (17)7.3 竞品信息 (17)7.4 企业品牌项目 (17)八、经营状况 (18)8.1 招投标 (18)8.2 税务评级 (18)8.3 资质证书 (18)8.4 抽查检查 (19)8.5 进出口信用 (19)8.6 行政许可 (19)一、企业背景1.1 工商信息企业名称:杭州国能汽轮工程有限公司工商注册号:330100400020410统一信用代码:9133010079365592X7法定代表人:汪烈峰组织机构代码:79365592-X企业类型:有限责任公司(非自然人投资或控股的法人独资)所属行业:通用设备制造业经营状态:开业注册资本:4,000万(元)注册时间:2006-12-07注册地址:浙江省杭州市临平区塘栖工业区块塘旺街10号营业期限:2006-12-07 至 2056-12-06经营范围:汽轮机、燃气轮机、其他旋转类及往复类机械设备的辅机成套设备及备品备件、热交换器、油站(供油装置)、加热器的设计、制造和销售;汽轮机热能工程的成套相关设备的设计、制造、销售及安装服务;以及相关的技术咨询、技术服务、进出口贸易(不含进口分销);批发:钢材、建筑材料(涉及国家实施特别管理措施的除外)(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)登记机关:杭州市临平区市场监督管理局核准日期:2022-01-251.2 分支机构截止2022年03月02日,爱企查未找到该公司的分支机构内容。
第六条具有以下情形之一的自然人,为公司的关联自然人:(一)直接或间接持有公司5%以上股份的自然人;(二)公司董事、监事及高级管理人员;(三)本制度第五条第(一)项所列法人的董事、监事及高级管理人员;(四)本条第(一)、(二)项所述人士的关系密切的家庭成员,包括配偶、父母及配偶的父母、兄弟姐妹及其配偶、年满18 周岁的子女及其配偶、配偶的兄弟姐妹和子女配偶的父母;(五)中国证监会、上海证券交易所或公司根据实质重于形式的原则认定的其他与公司有特殊关系,可能造成公司对其利益倾斜的自然人,包括持有对上市公司具有重要影响的控股子公司10%以上股份的自然人等。
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证券简称:杭汽轮B 证券代码:200771 公司编号:2010-12 杭州汽轮机股份有限公司2009年度关联交易发生额及2010年度预计额本公司及董事会全体成员保证公告内容真实、准确和完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏。
一、公司日常经营性关联交易2009年实际发生额、2010年预计额情况具体构成表:(合并)金额单位:万元序号关联交易类别关联人交易内容2009年发生额2010年预计金额杭发集团发电机12,553.309,000.00杭州南方通达齿轮有限公司齿轮箱971.58 1,600.00 杭州南华木业包装箱公司箱板848.251,000.00 杭汽实业公司配件92.50100.00杭州热联进出口股份有限公司材料28.19唐山热联贸易有限公司材料2,944.951、向关联人采购与主业生产有关的各种原材料合计17,438.77 11,700.002、向关联人购买生产经营所需的水、电、煤、气等燃料和动力杭汽集团水、电1,128.201,500.00 杭汽汽车公司零星材料1.71杭州南方通达齿轮有限公司配件31.89杭州汽轮动力集团能源技术有限公司配件0.193、向关联人销售本公司或经营的各种产品、商品合计33.794、向关联人提供劳务杭发集团 加工费21.8820.005、杭汽集团办公楼租赁174.09200.93土地租赁 134.09 134.09 集体宿舍 122.60 116.76 物管 11.55 12.13 职教费273.00 286.65 搭伙费147.00154.35 商标费300.00 150.00 医疗费8.2166.15 供应仓库 32.5534.18小计 1,203.09 1,155.24 杭汽实业公司卫生服务 68.74 70.00杭州东风船舶制造有限公司加工费70.84100.00客车服务 107.25 120.00 修理费129.17 150.00 运输费2,077.312,500.00代购客车及电瓶车21.55 0接受关联人提供的劳务杭汽汽车公司小计2,335.28 2,770.00杭汽集团 汽轮机886.32 杭汽集团销售公司汽轮机18,942.85杭汽科技公司汽轮机及配件0 3,000.006、委托关联人销售本公司生产或经营的各种产品、商品 小计19,829.17 3,000.007、 受关联人委托代为销售其生产或经营的各种产品、商品总计42,129.76 20,315.24二、关联方介绍和关联关系(一)杭州汽轮动力集团有限公司1、基本情况注册地址:杭州市石桥路路357 号法定代表人:聂忠海注册资本:50000万元经营性质:国有独资经营范围:制造加工:纺织机械、造纸机、泵、铸件、电动工具、变速齿轮装置、热交换器、电子管等产品制造加工;承包境外机械行业工程及境内国际招标工程与上述工程所需的设备、材料出口,热电工程承包及其设备成套;批发零售:为集团成员企业采购生产所需的原材料,设备、备品配件,销售集团成员企业的产品,为集团下属企业提供水、电、气供应服务。
(三) 杭州南方通达齿轮有限公司1、基本情况注册地址:杭州市下城区体育场路130号法定代表人:严敬和注册资本:600万元经济形式:有限责任公司经营业务:制造加工:齿轮减速机、齿轮箱及配套设备;批发零售:齿轮箱、汽轮机及配件、钢材等。