New York


newark和new york区别

newark和new york区别

newark和new york区别newark和new york区别:1.New York和Newark不是一个地方。

2.New York:纽约。
























市名虽然一般写作:New York City“,但”City of New York“才是官方名称。




1. New York is a city of things unnoticed. It is a city with cats sleeping under parked cars, two stone armadillos crawling up St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and thousands of ants creeping on top of the Empire State Building. The ants probably were carried there by winds or birds, but nobody is sure; nobody in New York knows any more about the ants than they do about the panhandler who takes taxis to the Bowery; or the dapper man who picks trash out of Sixth Avenue trash cans; or the medium in the West Seventies who claims, ‘I’m clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsensuous.’aaaaa纽约拥有众多不为人注意的事物。



在纽约没有人了解蚂蚁,就像他们不知道那个乞丐去保利区乞讨时乘的是出租车;还有那个衣冠楚楚的家伙专门在第 6 大街从垃圾筒里捡垃圾;还有西70 街的那位灵媒宣称:“我无所不见、无所不闻、无所不觉。

”2. New York is a city for eccentrics and a center for odd bits of information. New Yorkers blink twenty-eight times a minute, but forty when tense. Most popcorn chewers at Yankee Stadium stop chewing momentarily just before the pitch. Gumchewers on Macy's escalators stop chewing momentarily just before they, get off —— to concentrate on the last step. Coins, paper clips, ball-point pens, and little girls' pocketbooks are found by work-men when they clean the sea lions' pool at the BronxZoo.纽约是一个古怪者的天堂,是奇事异闻的中心。

New York原文及译文

New York原文及译文

1. New Y ork is a city of things unnoticed. It is a city with cats sleeping under parked cars, two stone armadillos crawling up St. Patrick‟s Cathedral, and thousands of ants creeping on top of the Empire State Building. The ants probably were carried there by winds or birds, but nobody is sure; nobody in New Y ork knows any more about the ants than they do about the panhandler who takes taxis to the Bowery; or the dapper man who picks trash out of Sixth Avenue trash cans; or the medium in the West Seventies who claims, …I‟m clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsensuous.‟纽约拥有众多不为人注意的事物。



在纽约没有人了解蚂蚁,就像他们不知道那个乞丐去保利区乞讨时乘的是出租车;还有那个衣冠楚楚的家伙专门在第6 大街从垃圾筒里捡垃圾;还有西70 街的那位灵媒宣称:“我无所不见、无所不闻、无所不觉。

”2. New Y ork is a city for eccentrics and a center for odd bits of information. New Y orkers blink twenty-eight times a minute, but forty when tense. Most popcorn chewers at Y ankee Stadium stop chewing momentarily just before the pitch. Gumchewers on Macy's escalators stop chewing momentarily just before they, get off —— to concentrate on the last step. Coins, paper clips, ball-point pens, and little girls' pocketbooks are found by work-men when they clean the sea lions' pool at the BronxZoo.纽约是一个古怪者的天堂,是奇事异闻的中心。



new york(纽约)是是美国第一大城市
纽约市(New York City,简称:NYC),是美国第一大城市,全美最大的金融、商业、贸易、文化和传媒中心。









纽约英文介绍 -New York

纽约英文介绍 -New York
Harbin Engineering University
Event 911
The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in March 2001. 1 WTC, the North Tower, with antenna, is on the left; 2 WTC, the South is on the left; 2 WTC, the South Tower, is on the right
Harbin Engineering University
Many districts and landmarks in New York City have become well known to outsiders
Midtown Manhattan, the United Nations Headquarters, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, the Unisphere in Queens, the Brooklyn Bridge, and Lower Manhattan with the Staten Island Ferry
Harbin Engineering University
Located on a large natural harbor on the Atlantic coast of the Northeastern United States
New York City consists of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island.

介绍new york

介绍new york

It contains five areas : • The Bronx(布朗克斯区) • Brooklyn(布鲁克林区) • Manhattan(曼哈顿) • Queens(皇后区)(昆斯区) • Staten Island(斯塔滕岛)
New York City is composed of five boroughs:The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island.
The Bronx is the birthplace of rap and hip-hop culture. Except for a small section of Manhattan known as Marble Hill, the Bronx is the only section of the city that is part of the United States mainland. Brooklyn is known for its cultural, social and ethnic diversity, an independent art scene, distinct neighborhoods and a distinctive architectural heritage.
Citi Field in Queens, home to the New York Mets since 2009.
• • • • 哥伦比亚大学Columbia University 纽约大学New York University 圣约翰大学St. John's University 纽约州立大学The State University of New York (SUNY)

new york 英文歌

new york 英文歌

new york 英文歌
当提到纽约(New York),有许多英文歌曲是与这座城市有关的。


1. "New York, New York" 弗兰克·辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra)的这首经典曲目是一首关于纽约的标志性歌曲,歌词中描述了这座城市的独特魅力。

2. "Empire State of Mind" 艾莉西亚·凯斯(Alicia Keys)和杰伦(Jay-Z)合作的这首歌曲,赞美了纽约市的繁荣和多样性。

3. "Welcome to New York" 泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的这首歌曲歌颂了纽约市的活力和无限可能性。

4. "New York State of Mind" 比利·乔尔(Billy Joel)的这首歌曲描述了一个对纽约的深情眷恋,表达了对这座城市的热爱之情。

5. "Englishman in New York" 斯汀(Sting)的这首歌曲讲述



New York 纽约介绍 PPT

New York 纽约介绍 PPT

. New York City is posed of five boroughs:The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island.
The Bronx
Northernmost 最北面 Yankee 纽约洋基队
Africa America 美籍非裔 Slum 贫民窟 Arson 纵火案
of Art's collection and special
exhibits offer something for
everyone -- from Ancient
Egyptian Vases and Roman
Statues to Tiffany Stained Glass
and Rembrandt Paintings there is
任的人,有人也因之称他为宇 宙神。
worth visiting to experience
The Rockefeller Center 洛克菲勒中心
the architecture and art, as well as to enjoy the area's shopping and dining.
the stock market crash,
construction continued,
providing much needed
阿特拉斯,Atlas,希腊神话 中的巨神,以肩膀扛顶地球。 后代,也引伸有能担负重责大
employment during the Great Depression. This commercial complex of 19 buildings is

new york是哪个国家

new york是哪个国家

new york是纽约。








纽约虽然一般写作“New York City”,但“City of New York”才是官方名称。

纽约(New York)意为“新约克郡”—英荷战争结束后,荷兰战败被迫将新阿姆斯特丹割让给英国,当时正好是英王查理二世的弟弟,约克公爵的生日,于是将新阿姆斯特丹改名为新约克郡,作为送给约克公爵的礼物。


因此纽约常被昵称为“大苹果”(the Big Apple),便是取“好看、好吃,人人都想咬一口”之意。

纽约市有官方拉丁语名称Novum Eboracum用于市徽上,意为“新艾伯拉肯”。




1. New York is a cityof things unnoticed.It is a city with cats sleeping underparked cars,twostonearmadillos crawlingupSt.Patrick’sCathedral, and thousands ofantscreeping on topof theEmpire StateBuilding. Theants probably were carried there by winds or birds, butnobody is sure;nobody in New York knows any more about theants than they do about thepanhandler whotakes taxis to theBowery;or thedappermanwho pickstrashoutof Sixth Avenuetrash cans;or themedium in the West Seventies who claims, ‘I’m clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsensuous.’aaaaa纽约拥有众多不为人注意的事物。



在纽约没有人了解蚂蚁,就像他们不知道那个乞丐去保利区乞讨时乘的是出租车;还有那个衣冠楚楚的家伙专门在第 6 大街从垃圾筒里捡垃圾;还有西70街的那位灵媒宣称:“我无所不见、无所不闻、无所不觉。

”2. New York isacity foreccentrics and a center for odd bits ofinformation.New Yorkers blink twenty-eight timesaminute, but forty when tense. Most popcorn chewersat YankeeStadium stop chewingmomentarilyjust before thepitch. GumchewersonMacy's escalatorsstop chewing momentarily justbefore they, get off —— to concentrate onthe last step. Coins, paperclips, bal l-point pens,andlittle girls' pocketbooks are found by work-menwhenthey clean the sea lions' poolat theBronx Zoo.纽约是一个古怪者的天堂,是奇事异闻的中心。

New York纽约PPT课件

New York纽约PPT课件
the Columbia symbol. Alma Master代表古希腊的 智慧女神雅典娜,拉丁语 中为“养育生命的母亲”,
oldest institution of higher learning in New York
state, the fifth oldest in the United States.
Alma Mater statue,
before the main administrative building of
Located on one of the world's largest natural harbors, New York City consists of five boroughs which were consolidated in 1898:
1. Manhattan曼哈顿岛 is the most densely populated borough and is home to Central Park and most of the city's skyscrapers. It is the financial center of the city .
2. Brooklyn 布鲁克林 3. Queens 纽约皇后区 4. The Bronx 布朗克斯区 5. Staten Island 斯塔顿岛
English explorer Henry Hudson in 1609 sailed up the river that now bears his name. He was working for a Dutch company. The company started a settlement at the mouth of the Hudson in 1624. They called it New Amsterdam. The English captured the settlement in 1664 and renamed it New York. Since colonial days New York has been an important city. It was the U.S. capital from 1785 to 1790. New York passed Philadelphia in 1810 to become America’s largest city. 5

new york 英语介绍一个城市

new york 英语介绍一个城市

海 狮 表 演 热带雨林区 区
Dazzing neon signs(霓虹灯) and billboards (广告牌)light up Times Square at night.The square is home to New York City's famous Broadway (百老 汇剧院)theater district
40 1971 911
Central Park in New York City was desighed by Frederick Law Olmstead(弗雷德里克· 劳· 奥姆斯特德) and Calvert Vaux(沃克斯) in the 1850s.It was so popular that it inspired a series of similar metropolitan parks all over the United States.The park covers 341 hectares of Manhattan Island,and houses the Central Park Zoo and Wildlife Center and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.The park also hosta many outdoor concerts and events each year.
The billboard of(冬季花园剧院) the Winter Garden Theater on the Avenue of the(美洲大街) Americasin New York City advertises the Broadway shberty was a gift to the United States in honor of friendship established during the French Revolution(法国大革命).It has become an American symbol of freedom(自由的 象征).

英文介绍纽约New York

英文介绍纽约New York

Coney Island
Coney Island, in New York’s borough of Brooklyn, was a famous amusement area until its decline in the 1960s. Many of the original attractions have burned or closed. Today the boardwalk, two and one-half miles long, attracts a variety of people.
Central Park
Central Park in New York City was designed by Frederick Law Olmstead and Calvert Vaux in the 1850s. It was so popular that it inspired a series of similar metropolitan parks all over the United States. The park covers 341 hectares of Manhattan Island, and houses the Central Park Zoo and Wildlife Center and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The park also hosts many outdoor concerts and events each year.
In 1880, more than half the city’s working population was foreign-born, providing New York with the largest immigrant labor force on earth.



1. New York is a city of things unnoticed. It is a city with cats sleeping under parked cars, two stone armadillos crawling up St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and thousands of ants creeping on top of the Empire State Building. The ants probably were carried there by winds or birds, but nobody is sure; nobody in New York knows any more about the ants than they do about the panhandler who takes taxis to the Bowery; or the dapper man who picks trash out of Sixth Avenue trash cans; or the medium in the West Seventies who claims, ‘I’m clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsensuous.’aaaaa纽约拥有众多不为人注意的事物。



在纽约没有人了解蚂蚁,就像他们不知道那个乞丐去保利区乞讨时乘的是出租车;还有那个衣冠楚楚的家伙专门在第 6 大街从垃圾筒里捡垃圾;还有西70 街的那位灵媒宣称:“我无所不见、无所不闻、无所不觉。

”2. New York is a city for eccentrics and a center for odd bits of information. New Yorkers blink twenty-eight times a minute, but forty when tense. Most popcorn chewers at Yankee Stadium stop chewing momentarily just before the pitch. Gumchewers on Macy's escalators stop chewing momentarily just before they, get off —— to concentrate on the last step. Coins, paper clips, ball-point pens, and little girls' pocketbooks are found by work-men when they clean the sea lions' pool at the BronxZoo.纽约是一个古怪者的天堂,是奇事异闻的中心。

newark和new york区别

newark和new york区别

newark和new york区别
newark和new york的区别:
1、人口不同: newark的人口是19000, new york的人口是4400。

2、面积不同: newark的面积是土地面积,新york是人口数量。


这样看来,你就知道他们之间的区别了吧!对了,还有一个值得一提的是:newark和new york都是美国城市,但是却并非“姐妹”,它们两个属于不同的地区。


这样看来,你就知道他们之间的区别了吧!对了,还有一个值得一提的是: newark和new york都是美国城市,但是却并非“姐妹”,它们两个属于不同的地区。






- 1 -。

New York纽约介绍

New York纽约介绍
百老汇(Broadway),纽约曼哈顿区一 条大街的名称,原意为“宽阔的街”, 指纽约市中以巴特里公园为起点,由南 向北纵贯曼哈顿岛,全长25公里的一条 长街,早在1811年纽约市进行城市规划 之前就已存在。街上多戏院及夜总会等 娱乐场所,故常作美国娱乐行业的代称 。1959年11月16日,音乐剧《音乐之声 》首次在百老汇上演。
华尔街是个寸土寸金的地方,每一座建筑都充分利用有限的空 间来争取最大的收益。由于建筑的间距非常小,走在街上有种 喘不过气来的压抑感。这种氛围不禁使人联想到这里的股市每 天上演的激烈博弈。据统计,在纽约从事金融业的职员中,有 10万在华尔街工作。因此,每天的上下班时间,整条街都拥堵 不堪。华尔街的快节奏生活使这里的人们步履匆匆,无暇顾及 身边事。不过由于是白领和顶级富豪的聚集地,人们的衣着都 非常时髦光鲜,只要看到他们的穿戴,就能捕捉到这个季节的 流行脉搏了。众所周知,华尔街的标志是一座身长5米、体重 6300公斤的铜牛塑像。设计者迪莫迪卡最早为它挑选的立足点 是纽约证券交易所门前的人行道。当时,为了保证铜牛的安全 ,警察每晚8时在铜牛周围巡逻察看。当人们第一次看到这个身 体健硕、鼻孔发光的庞然大物时,都被它浑身透着的“牛”气 震住。不过,铜牛还是被搬到与华尔街斜交的百老汇大街上安 了家。如今,它已成为“力量和勇气”的象征,似乎只要铜牛 在,股市就能永保“牛”市。
下辖地区: 曼哈顿、布鲁克林、布朗克斯、昆斯、里士满 建立时间: 1624 面积: 1214 人口: 1800万人(2010) 地理位置: 美国大西洋海岸的东北部 友好城市: 北京 著名景点: 自由女神像,帝国大厦,时代广场 主要街道: 第五大道,华尔街 地标: 自由女神像 机场: 肯尼迪国际机场 纽瓦克国际机场

小学英语课件 New York New York

小学英语课件  New York New York

“A city that doesn't sleep”
“I want to wake up in a city, that doesn’t sleep” – these words from the world-famous song of Frank Sinatra can describe this fantastic city best of all.
New York is situated in the mouth of the Hudson river and consists of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Manhattan is the central and the oldest paቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱt of the city. It is the district of business and finance. The Bronx is a residential part of New York. Brooklyn is the largest in population. It’s home for 3 000 000 people. Queens is the largest in area, the second largest in population, and the easternmost of the five boroughs.
New York played a very important role during the Revolutionary War. The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point of the war. New York's constitution was adopted in 1777, and strongly influenced the United States Constitution.



1. New York is a city of things unnoticed. It is a city with cats sleeping under parked cars, two stone armadillos crawling up St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and thousands of ants creeping on top of the Empire State Building. The ants probably were carried there by winds or birds, but nobody is sure; nobody in New York knows any more about the ants than they do about the panhandler who takes taxis to the Bowery; or the dapper man who picks trash out of Sixth Avenue trash cans; or the medium in the West Seventies who claims, ‘I’m clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsensuous.’aaaaa纽约拥有众多不为人注意的事物。



在纽约没有人了解蚂蚁,就像他们不知道那个乞丐去保利区乞讨时乘的是出租车;还有那个衣冠楚楚的家伙专门在第 6 大街从垃圾筒里捡垃圾;还有西70 街的那位灵媒宣称:“我无所不见、无所不闻、无所不觉。

〞2. New York is a city for eccentrics and a center for odd bits of information. New Yorkers blink twenty-eight times a minute, but forty when tense. Most popcorn chewers at Yankee Stadium stop chewing momentarily just before the pitch. Gumchewers on Macy's escalators stop chewing momentarily just before they, get off —— to concentrate on the last step. Coins, paper clips, ball-point pens, and little girls' pocketbooks are found by work-men when they clean the sea lions' pool at the BronxZoo.纽约是一个乖僻者的天堂,是奇事异闻的中心。

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Rockefeller Center(纽约洛克菲勒中心)
Rockefeller Center(纽约洛克菲勒中心)

The Rockefeller Center complex was conceived by John D. Rockef eller Jr. in early 1929 in the hopes of revitalizing the area. Despite t he stock market crash, construction continued, providing much need ed employment during the Great Depression. This commercial com plex of 19 buildings is worth visiting to experience the architecture a nd art, as well as to enjoy the area's shopping and dining.
New York was established in 1642. New York is the most popular city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area,one of the most popular Metropolitan areas in the world. New York has a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. The home of the United Nations Headquarters, New York is an important center for international affairs and is widely deemed the cultural capital of the world. The city is also known as New York City or the City of New York to distinguish it from the state of New York, of which it is a part.
Brooklyn Bridge(布鲁chill from his rippling rest The seagull's wings shall dip and pivot him, Shedding white rings of tumult, building high Over the chained bay waters Liberty-Then, with inviolate curve, forsake our eyes As apparitional as sails that cross Some page of figures to be filed away; --Till elevators drop us from our day . . . I think of cinemas, panoramic sleights With multitudes bent toward some flashing scene Never disclosed, but hastened to again, Foretold to other eyes on the same screen; And Thee, across the harbor, silver-paced As though the sun took step of thee, yet left Some motion ever unspent in thy stride,-Implicitly thy freedom staying thee!
Central Park Zoo(中央公园动物园) Bethesda Fountain(毕士达喷泉)
Sheep Meadow(绵羊草原)
Strawberry Fields(草莓园) Conservatory Water(保护水域) Belvedere Castle(眺望台城堡) Delacorte Theater (戴拉寇特剧院)
Wei Xing
New York is located in the Northeastern of United States.
The city of New York
New York city
Now York City is composed of five areas:
The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island.
The Statue of Liberty Metropolitan Museum of Art The Empire State Building
The Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty

Fr éd éric Auguste Bartholdi (弗雷德里克 · 奥古斯特 · 巴特勒 迪 ) sculpted the statue and obtained a U.S. patent for its structure. Maurice Koechlin (莫里斯梅希林)- chief engineer of Gustave ( 古斯塔 夫 )Eiffel's engineering company and designer of the Eiffel Tower - engineered the internal structure. Eug ène Viollet-le-Duc (维欧勒· 勒· 杜 克 )was responsible for the choice of copper in the statue's construction and adoption of the repoussé(凸 纹饰的) technique, where a malleable metal is hammered on the reverse side.
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Empire State Building
American Museum of Natural History (美国自然历史博物馆)
Central Park (中央公园)
Central Park (中央公园)

Fifth Avenue(第五大道)
Fifth Avenue(第五大道)

Fifth Avenue which is the center of Manhattan, is one of the most world famous business streets. From the Rockefeller Center to t he 58th Street,there are many lu xury shops.The avenue’s most famous name is still Tiffany, the jeweller brought to fame by the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany’ s.In this movie,every day mornin g ,Audrey Hepburn(奥黛丽· 赫 本 ) came to New York's fifth avenue of Tiffany window, eating her br ead and dreaming that she coul d have breakfast in the jewelry s hop one day
Columbia University(哥伦比亚大学)
Columbia University(哥伦比亚大学)

Columbia University in the City of New York is a private, Ivy League university in Manhattan, New York City. Columbia is the oldest institution of higher learning in the state of New York, the fifth oldest in the United States, and one of the country's nine Colonial Colleges founded before the American Revolution. Today the University operates 4 Columbia Global Centers overseas in Amman of Jordan, Beijing in China, Paris of France besides Mumbai India.
多少个晨曦,当粼粼的静水沁寒, 海鸥双翅点水,绕它盘旋, 投下激动的白圈,在此链囚的 海湾上矗立起一座“自由”—— 接着,无玷的弧线一划,远离视野 若灵幻的帆,横越了 白纸上的黑字,好给存档; ——直至升降机把我们从日间掷下…… 我想起电影院,全景的戏法 吸引观众躬身朝着闪耀的一幕, 从不揭秘,只会匆匆重掠, 在同一屏幕上已显示给其他眼睛的形象 而您,横跨海港,银闪的步伐 竟似旭日尾随,却于 迈步之中留下余力不尽—— 内蕴的自由令您止步。
Broadway (百老汇)
Broadway (百老汇)