序号:C04 展品名称:50级甲醇碳纤遥控直升机
序号:C01 展品名称:450级电动遥控直升机
尺寸:长800mm 宽:300mm 高:250mm
序号:C07 展品名称:拉玛油动像真遥控直升机
尺寸:长1400mm 宽:950mm 高:400mm
先锋易讯集团电话交换机 目录说明书
Cablofil Cable Tray 全球指定使用最多的桥架
卡博菲1972年创建于法国,是全球指定使用最多的桥架 供应商,在全球70多个国家设有销售机构,敷设量超过 199,000公里,拥有众多的成功案例。总部位于巴黎的卡博菲 是法国罗格朗集团的子公司之一。卡博菲桥架经证实是适用 于任何类型电缆敷设的理想选择,尤其是用于数据中心、研 发中心、食品饮料行业、电厂电站、化工医药行业、高科技 办公楼、船舶制造业、基础设施建设和移动通讯系统等。 罗格朗低压电器(无锡)有限公司为法国罗格朗集团在 中国的全资子公司,是一家专业从事电缆桥架、低压配电和 不间断电源产品的研发、生产、营销、综合服务的工业企 业。
CM50 XL 墙面安装支架
CP 桥盖板
CU 支架
电镀锌 热镀锌
T型转接 直线段L300 GKL GLO4/100 UC50 支架 UFC 抱箍
304L 316L 不锈钢
EDRN 快速连接件
FAS Roller 滚轮
PA 支架
DEV100 分线
AS 吊装附件
CSN L型支架
通过简单操作,配线架可以固定在卡博菲网格 式桥架上,水平线缆的整理和路由在桥架上进 行,而配线架自带的环形理线器可以正常进行 跳线的管理,当机柜需要进行增减或变更时, 只需插拔跳线即可,非常方便。 开放结构大大简化线缆的移动、增减和变更的 施工量,适应于数据中心频繁的升级扩建。线 缆根根可见,全面管控布线质量,便于维护和 保障检修。
R55 支架
通信与功率工业 4cx250fg 8621 250 w 辐射束功率四极管 说明书.pdf
/mppMaximum plate dissipation: 250 Watts Maximum screen dissipation: 12 Watts Maximum grid dissipation: 2 Watts Frequency for max rating (CW): 500 MHz Amplification factor: 5Filament/cathode: Oxide Coated Voltage: 26.5 Volts Current: 0.54 Amps Capacitance: Grounded cathode Input: 15.7 pF Output: 4.5 pF Feedthrough: .04 pF Capacitance: Grounded grid Input: 13.0 pF Output: 4.5 pF Feedthrough: .01 pF Cooling: Forced Air Base: 9 Pin Special Air Socket: SK-600A Air Chimney: SK-606Boiler: ---Length: 2.46 in; 62.50 mmDiameter: 1.64 in; 41.70 mmWeight: 4 oz; 113 gmBENEFITS:• Worldwide brand name recognition• Over 85 years technical expertiseAPPLICATIONS:•CommunicationsCommunications & Power Industries TetrodeThe 4CX250FG/8621 has a maximum plate dissipation rating of 250 watts and a maxi-mum input power rating of 500 watts. The 4CX250FG/8621 is designed for operationat a heater voltage of 26.5 volts.With a history of producing high quality products, we can help you with your tetrode.******************************************+1650-846-2800. The data should be used for basic information only.Formal, controlled specifications may be obtained from CPI for use in equipment design.Microwave Power Products Division 811 Hansen Way Palo Alto, California USA 94304tel +1 650-846-2800fax +1 650-856-0705**************************web /MPPFor more detailed information, please refer to thecorresponding CPI technical description if one hasbeen published, or contact CPI. Specifications maychange without notice as a result of additional data orproduct refinement. Please contact CPI before usingthis information for system design.©2020 Communications & Power Industries LLC.Company proprietary: use and reproduction is strictlyprohibited without written authorization from CPI.。
飞马特大电流等离子焊接电源系统设备和技术说明一.飞马特大电流等离子焊接电源系统设备组成1. 标准配置: POWERMASTER500直流电源+ WC-100B 等离子控制器+ WC-100BTO PM500 电缆+ HE-100A冷却水箱+ PWM300 机用等离子焊枪+PWM300耗件集成盒+ 专用冷却液两桶可选件: 1)WC-1 多功能程序控制器+ WC-1 TO WC-100B 电缆---环缝用2)REMOTE HAND PENDENT遥控控制盒(7.6米)---WC-1选用3)PWM6A机用等离子焊枪4)HE-150更大功率冷却水箱2.设备说明:PM500------CC/CV多功能逆变高效节能直流焊机; 450A/100%暂载率; 91%有效率;43.3A输入电流(380V/3P); 手工焊/氩弧焊/气体保护焊/碳弧气刨功能WC-100B---等离子引导弧控制器; 自动/手动操作功能; 高暂载率; 可以快速连接各种规格焊枪; 大/小引导弧设置功能HE-100A----飞马特等离子系统专用冷却水箱; 飞马特专用冷却液更有效延长焊枪耗件使用寿命HE-150-----飞马特等离子系统专用冷却水箱; 更强冷却效果;飞马特专用冷却液更有效延长焊枪耗件使用寿命PWM300----300A/180度机用等离子焊枪; 300A/100%暂载率; 3.8米/7.6米两种电缆长度选择; 长时间使用寿命的焊枪耗件PWM300耗件集成盒---焊枪耗件一盒, 包括专用工具一套.PWM6A-----500A/180度机用等离子焊枪; 500A/100%暂载率; 3.8米/7.6米两种电缆长度选择; 长时间使用寿命的焊枪耗件WC-1--------多功能焊接程序控制器; 32组焊接程序选择; 脉冲电流功能更好的控制热变形量/熔深/焊接搅拌; 电流SLOPE功能提供更完美的焊接性能;二.飞马特等离子焊接电源系统技术说明1.PWM300自动焊配置系统(300A)高效率节能的焊接系统; 单面焊双面成型; 可一次焊透8毫米(包括8毫米)以下材料(考虑一定的焊接速度的情形下); 完美的焊接表面和焊接背面成型; 可选择填丝焊接(根据用户焊接工艺要求)2.PWM6A自动焊配置系统(500A)高效率节能的焊接系统; 单面焊双面成型; 可一次焊透12毫米(包括12毫米)以下材料(考虑一定的焊接速度的情形下); 完美的焊接表面和焊接背面成型; 可选择填丝焊接(根据用户焊接工艺要求)3.气体要求焊枪离子气:AR/100%; 焊枪保护气:AR/100% 或AR/95%+H2/5%(for SS,,Ni,etc);保护气:AR/100%(工件背面保护用---for SS,Ni,Ti等建议使用);4.飞马特等离子焊接系统可以直接根据用户需要来选择是否填丝, 即可直接在等离子弧上进行外填丝操作, 不需要补充其他焊接设备来进行填丝功能三.质量保证自用户安装调试日起, 所有设备(PM500&WC-100B&HE-100A&HE-150&WC-1)一年内保修, 焊枪及所有连接附件半年内保修(焊枪耗件和人为损坏除外).。
其他辅助工具可按生产情况购买存库. 例如;砂轮机,抛光机,开口机等。
注:暂定此类型其他参数以实物为主。 (可按使用要求 自制加工平台)
型号:WS315 型 加工参数:
输入电压380V 频率50/60Hz 输出5——315A 可氩弧 手工焊功能,自锁功能。 焊枪规格 QS-315-C或WP-26 吨位重量 43kg
型号:MIG_350型 加工参数:
型号:1220/4000型 加工参数:
可开槽宽度 1220 mm 可开槽长度 4000mm 吨位重量 9000 kg
注:暂定此类型其他参数以实物为主。 (如果对弯角 没有要求可不选用此设备)
型号:160 S型 加工参数:
可切割宽度 1358mm 可切割长度 1600mm
吨位重量 66 kg
型号:0460型 加工参数:
可剪板厚 4 mm 可剪板宽 6000mm 吨位重量 16000 kg源自注:暂定此类型其他参数以实物为主。
型号:W67K040032型 加工参数:
可折宽度 3200 mm 开启高度 500mm 吨位重量 25600 kg
注:暂定此类型其他参数以实物为主。 (此型号为单 台机两台可双机联动)
Carbon steel
ic-7300 高级全译中文说明
ic-7300 高级全译中文说明一、产品概述ICOM IC-7300是一款多功能的通信设备,具有先进的技术和强大的性能。
二、主要功能1. 内置天线调谐器IC-7300内置了自动天线调谐器,能够自动匹配天线和50Ω的阻抗,以确保设备在不同频率下的最佳性能。
2. 大屏幕彩色显示IC-7300采用了4.3英寸的大屏幕彩色显示,显示效果清晰,操作简单方便。
3. 数字信号处理IC-7300内置了数字信号处理器,可以实现自动噪声消除、自动增益控制、以及内置全数字语音压缩器等功能,极大地提高了通信质量。
4. 多种模式的支持IC-7300支持SSB、CW、RTTY、AM、以及FM等多种模式,满足了不同操作者的需求。
5. USB接口IC-7300支持USB接口,可以直接与电脑进行连接,实现便捷的数据传输和控制。
6. 前置面板调频IC-7300采用前置面板调频设计,便于操作者进行频率的快速调节和切换。
7. 高性能PA发射器IC-7300的PA发射器采用了新型F6001 7601的MOSFET,具有高效率、低噪声、高稳定性的特点。
三、技术规格频率范围:0.030-74.800 MHz工作模式:LSB, USB, CW, RTTY, AM, FM天线接口:SO-239×2耗电量:13.8V DC尺寸:240×238×95mm重量:4.2kg四、常见问题解答1. 如何设置IC-7300的天线调谐器?答:在设置菜单中选择天线调谐器,然后进行天线匹配的操作即可。
2. 如何连接IC-7300与电脑?答:通过USB线将IC-7300与电脑连接,在电脑中安装相应的驱动程序即可实现数据传输和控制。
五、使用注意事项1. 请在通风良好的环境下使用IC-7300,避免因散热不良而导致设备性能下降。
Lincoln Electric 240V 150A MIG FLUX 熔炼机说明书
Issued March2019•Index No. DC/12.58Advanced Auto-Set™includes five different wire/gas combinations and three wire size capabilities.•Wire/gas combinations include Flux Cored,Mild Steel with 100% CO2, Mild Steel with C25,Stainless Steel, and Aluminum with spool gun•Select the wire type and gas being used•Set the wire diameter (.024, .030 or .035 in.).A blue LED indicates that Auto-Set is activated•Dial in the thickness of what you’re welding•Start welding with the exact parametersyou need!Inverter technology combines best-in-class arccharacteristics with the portability of a 38-poundmachine. The arc is extremely forgiving tovariations in arc length and travel speeds.Multi-voltage plug (MVP™)allows connection tocommon 120- and 240-volt power receptacleswithout the use of anytools—simply choose the plug that fits thereceptacle and connect to the power cord.Angled cast-aluminum drive system withcalibrated tension knob creates consistentfeeding and easy setup.Quick Select™drive roll makes setup quickerby offering three grooves—two for differentsize solid wire and a third for flux-cored wire.Auto Spool Gun Detect™automatically detectswhen a MIG gun or spool gun is connected,eliminating the need for a switch.Fan-On-Demand™cooling system only operateswhen needed, reducing noise, energy use andcontaminants pulled though the machine.Smooth-Start™provides a smooth, spatter-freestart. It’s the best-starting machine in the smallMIG machine category.Thermal overload protection shuts down unitand activates the over temperature light ifairflow is blocked or duty cycle is exceeded.Automatically resets when unit cools.and can be set up to weld with .024–.035 inch(0.6–0.9 mm) solid wire and .030–.045 inch(0.8–1.2 mm) flux-cored wire. Millermatic®211Comes complete with:Power source10 ft. (3 m) MDX™-100 MIG gun10 ft. (3 m) work cable with clamp6.5 ft. (2m) power cord with MVP™plugsfor 120 V and 240 VFlow gauge regulator and gas hose forargon or AR/CO2mixHobart®spool of .030 in. (0.8 mm)solid wireTwo contact tips for .030 in. (0.8 mm) wireQuick Select™drive rolls for .024 in.(0.6 mm) or .030/.035 in. (0.8/0.9 mm)solid wire, and .030/.035 in.(0.8/0.9 mm) flux-cored wireMaterial thickness gauge229895Hook-and-loop cord wrapsNote: Shielding gas andsafety equipment not included.MIG Power Source,Wire Feeder and Gun PackageMiller Electric Mfg. LLCAn ITW Welding Company1635 West Spencer StreetP.O. Box 1079Appleton, WI 54912-1079 USAEquipment Sales US and CanadaPhone: 866-931-9730FAX: 800-637-2315International Phone: 920-735-4554International FAX: 920-735-4125Now with™MDX consumable system featuring a dual-locked,front-loading liner that optimizes wire feedability.Welder is warranted for three years, parts and labor.Gun warranted for 90 days, parts only.Uses 120- or 240-volt power PortableWEIGHSONLY38lb.Quick and easy setupMATER I AL T H I C KNESS789121110AmpsV o l t s% Duty CycleW e l d A m p e r e s250200150********5040302060708090100Duty Cycle Chart240 V120 V, 20 APerformance Data2Control PanelOperation ModesCertified by Canadian Standards Association to both the Canadian and U.S. Standards.Rated Output 115 A at 19.8 VDC,20% duty cycle 150 A at 21.5 VDC,40% duty cycleMax. Open-CircuitVoltage 54Amps Input at Rated Output, 50/60 Hz 120 V 240 V KVA KW 24.3 – 2.9 2.9– 16.6 4.0 4.0Wire Feed Speed60–600 ipm (1.5–15.2 m/min.)Wire Type and DiameterSolid/stainless: .024–.035 in.(0.6–0.9 mm)Flux-cored: .030–.045 in. (0.8–1.2 mm)Dimensions H: 12.5 in. (318 mm)W:11.25 in. (286 mm)D: 20.5 in. (521 mm)Net Weight 38 lb.(17.2 kg)42 lb.(19.1 kg)with gun1.Power On Light2.Over Temperature Light3.Auto-Set Light4.Wire Speed/Wire Diameter Control5.Wire Selector Knob6.Voltage/Material Thickness Control7.Plastic Hub with Retaining Ring for8-inch Spools (shaft also accepts 4-inch spools)8.Calibrated Tension Knob 9.T-Knob (secures torch)10.Drive Roll11.Trigger Control Connector 12.Polarity Changeover TerminalsNote: Power switch and gas solenoid are on machine back panel.Amperage Range 30–130 A30–230 AInput Power 120 V240 V Auto-Set ™modeFor MDX ™-100 MIG GunMiller ®AccuLock ™MDX Consumables Smaller consumables and components to access hard-to-reach weldments.Contact Tips (10 per package)T-M023 .023 in. (0.6 mm)T-M030 .030 in. (0.8 mm)T-M035 .035 in. (0.9 mm)T-M045 .045 in. (1.2 mm)T-M047 3/64 in. (1.2 mm)NozzlesNS-M1200B Brass, 1/2 in. ID, flush NS-M1200C Copper, 1/2 in. ID, flush NS-MFLX Gasless nozzle Diffuser D-M100Monocoil Replacement Liners (10 ft.)LM1A-10 .023/.025 in. (0.6 mm)LM2A-10 .030/.035 in. (0.8/0.9 mm)LM3A-10 .035/.045 in. (0.9/1.2 mm)For Spoolmate ™100 Spool Gun Contact Tips (5 per package)199730 .024 in. (0.6 mm)186419 .030 in. (0.8 mm)186406 035 in. (0.9 mm)Nozzle 186405For Spoolmate ™150 Spool GunContact Tips (5 per package)199387 .030 in. (0.8 mm)199388 .035 in. (0.9 mm)Nozzle 050622For Both Spool GunsDrive Roll (1) 186413 For .030/.035-inch (0.8/0.9 mm) wire.Push Roll (1) 186414 For .030/.035-inch (0.8/0.9 mm) wire.For Millermatic ®211Quick Select ™Drive Roll 261157For .024-inch (0.6 mm) or .030/.035-inch (0.8/0.9 mm) solid wire, and .030/.035-inch (0.8/0.9 mm) flux-cored wire.V-Knurled Dual-Groove Drive Roll 202926For .030/.035-inch (0.8/0.9 mm) or .045-inch (1.2 mm) flux-cored wire.MDX ™-100 MIG Gun 1770028100-amp MIG gun with Miller ®AccuLock ™MDX consumables for .030–.035 in. (0.8–0.9 mm)wire. Includes 10 ft. (3 m) cable assembly.•Install AccuLock contact tips with a single turn.•AccuLock liner locks at front and back of gun to align with contact tip and power pin for a flawless wire feed path.•Durable, ergonomic handle with overmolding improves grip and comfort.•Ball-and-socket handle with rear swivel for increased gun maneuverability while reducing welder fatigue.Spoolmate ™100 Spool Gun 300371Direct-connect spool gun handles .030–.035 inch (0.8–0.9 mm)aluminum (4043 only)and .023–.035 inch(0.6–0.9 mm) steel/stainless steel wires. Rated at 135 amps, 30 percent duty cycle. Includes 12-foot (3.7 m) cable assembly and custom carrying case.Spoolmate ™150 Spool Gun 301272Direct-connect spool gun handles .030–.035 inch (0.8–0.9 mm)4000/5000 seriesaluminum and .023–.035 inch (0.6–0.9 mm)steel/stainless steel wires. Rated at 150 amps,60 percent duty cycle. Includes 20-foot (6.1 m)cable assembly.Running Gear/Cylinder Rack 301239Heavy-dutyconstruction with 8-inch rubber rear wheels. Convenient front handles, cable holders and plastic consumable box.For gas cylindersno greater than 7 inches (178 mm) in diameter or 65 pounds (29.5 kg) in weight.Dual Cylinder Rack Conversion Kit and Tool Holder 301454Converts running gear/cylinder rack (301239)from a single cylinder cart to a dual cylinder cart.Top bracket holds a variety of tools including a welper, adjustable wrench, screwdrivers,chipping hammer, wire brush and filler rod.Protective Cover 3012623Genuine Miller ®AccessoriesConsumablesPurchase the Millermatic 211 package (951603)and receive the Millermatic 211 and running gear/cylinder rack (301239) packaged together!Note: Miller ®FasTip ™, M-Series and Bernard Centerfire ™diffusers and consumables are NOT compatible with MDX Series guns.Ordering InformationPower Source and Options Stock No. Description Qty. PriceMillermatic®211 907614 120/240 V, 50/60 HzMillermatic®211 with Running Gear/Cyl Rack 951603 Power source packaged with 301239 running gear/cylinder rackGunsMDX™-100 Gun 1770028 10 ft. (3 m), .030–.035 in (0.8–0.9 mm) wireSpoolmate™100 Spool Gun300371 12 ft. (3.7 m). Includes custom carrying caseSpoolmate™150 Spool Gun301272 20 ft. (6.1 m)AccessoriesRunning Gear/Cylinder Rack301239Dual Cylinder Rack Conversion Kit and Tool Holder301454Dual Cylinder Rack Cart 951770Includes running gear/cylinder rack 301239 and dual cylinder rackconversion kit 301454. Must be assembled togetherProtective Cover301262Material Thickness Gauge229895Flow Gauge Regulator for Argon or AR/CO2Mix 31-50-580-6Replacement standard regulatorFlow Gauge Regulator for CO231-50-320 Required if using 100 percent CO2gasFlux-cored WireSolid WireShielding Gas CylinderHelmet/Gloves/Scratch BrushConsumablesContact Tips See page 3Nozzles See page 3Diffuser See page 3Monocoil Replacement Liners See page 3Drive Rolls See page 3Date: Total Quoted Price:Distributed by:©2019 Miller Electric Mfg. LLC。
TOSHIBA Intelligent Power Module Silicon N Channel IGBTMIG50Q201HHigh Power Switching ApplicationsMotor Control Applicationsl Integrates inverter, brake power circuits & control circuits (IGBT drive units, protection units for over−current, realtime-current-control (RTC), under−voltage & over-temperature) in one package.l The electrodes are isolated from case.l High speed type IGBT : V CE(sat) = 3.5 V (Max.)t off = 2.6 µs (Max.)t rr = 0.21 µs (Max.)2−110A1Al Outline :gl Weight :520Equivalent CircuitMaximum Ratings (T j = 25°C )Stage CharacteristicCondition Symbol Ratings UnitSupply voltageP-N power terminalV CC 900 V Collector −emitter voltage―V CES 1200 V Collector current Tc = 25°C, DC I C 50 A Forward currentTc = 25°C, DC I F 50 A Collector power dissipation Tc = 25°CP C300 W InverterJunction temperature ―T j 150 °C Supply voltageP −N power terminalV CC 900 V Collector −emitter voltage ―V CES 1200 V Collector currentTc = 25°C, DCI C 25 A Reverse voltage ―V R 1200 V Forward currentTc = 25°C, DC I F 25 A Collector power dissipation Tc = 25°CP C 140 W BrakeJunction temperature ―T j 150 °C Control supply voltageV D −GND terminal V D 20 V Input voltage IN −GND terminal V IN 20 V Fault output voltage FO −GND (L) terminal V FO 20 V ControlFault output current FO sink currentI FO14 mAOperating temperature― TC −20 ~ +100 °C Storage temperature range ―T stg −40 ~ +125°CIsolation voltage AC 1 minute V ISO2500 VModuleScrew torqueM5― 3 NmElectrical Characteristicsa. Inverter StageCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitT j = 25°C ― ― 1Collector cut −off currentI CEXV CE = 1200V T j = 125°C ―― 10mAT j = 25°C ― 2.6 3.5 Collector −emitter saturation voltage V CE (sat) V D = 15 V,I C = 50 AV IN = 15 V → 0 V T j = 125°C― 2.5 ―VForward voltageV F I F = 50A― 2.0 2.8 V t on ― 1.0 1.7t c (on)― 0.4 0.8 t rr ― 0.16 0.21t off ― 1.9 2.6 Switching timet c (off)V CC = 600 V, I C = 50 A V D = 15 V, V IN = 15 V 0 V Inductive load(Note 1)― 0.35 0.6µsb. Brake StageCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitT j = 25°C ― ― 1Collector cut −off currentI CEXV CE = 1200V T j = 125°C ―― 10mAT j = 25°C ― 2.6 3.5 Collector −emitter saturation voltageV CE (sat)V D = 15 V,I C = 25 AV IN = 15 V → 0 V T j = 125°C― 2.5 ― V― ― 1Reverse current I R V R = 1200 V ―― 10mAForward voltageV F I F = 25A― 1.4 2.2 V t on ― 1.3 1.9t c (on)― 0.85 1.6 t rr ― 0.42 0.50t off ― 1.9 2.6 Switching timet c (off)V CC = 600 V, I C = 25 A V D = 15 V, V IN = 15 V 0 V Inductive load(Note 1)― 0.3 0.6µsc. Control Stage (T j = 25°C)Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitHigh side I D (H) ― 8 12Control circuitcurrentLow sideI D (L) V D = 15 V― 32 48 mAInput −on signal voltage V IN (on) V D = 15 V, I C = 50 mA1.41.61.8VInput −off signal voltage V IN (off)― 2.2 2.5 2.8 VProtection I FO (on) 5.4 6.0 6.6Fault output current Normal I FO (off)V D = 15 V ― ― 0.1mAInverter 85 100 ―Over current protection trip level Brake OC V D = 15 V, T j = 125°C 40 50 ―AInverter 120 150 ―Short circuit protection trip levelBrake SC V D = 15 V, T j = 125°C 60 75 ―AOver current cut-off time t off (OC) V D = 15 V― 5 ― µs Trip level OT 110118125Overtemperature protection Reset level OTr Case temperature ― 98 ― °CTrip level UV supply under voltage protectionReset levelUVr ―12.0 12.5 13.0V Fault output pulse widtht FOV D = 15 V123msd. Thermal Resistance (T j = 25°C)Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. MaxUnitInverter IGBT stage― ― 0.417Inverter FRD stage ― ― 1.000Brake IGBT stage ― ― 0.892Junction to case thermal resistanceR th (j −c)Brake FRD stage―― 2.000°C / WCase to fin thermal resistanceR th (c −f)Compound is applied― 0.05 ― °C / WNote 1: Switching time test circuit & timing chartPackage Dimensions: TOSHIBA 2-110A1AUnit: mm· TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc.. · The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.). These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in this document shall be made at the customer’s own risk. · The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others.· The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.000707EAARESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USEThis datasheet has been download from: Datasheets for electronics components.。
0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0
中空轴型 (空心轴型)
旋转轴为中空轴形状,通过将驱动侧的轴直接与中空孔 连接,可节省轴方向的空间。 以板簧为缓冲,吸收驱动轴的振动等
编码器的旋转板 (盘)是用金属制成的,与玻璃旋转板 (盘)相比,更强化了耐冲击性。但受到狭缝加工的制 约,不能应用于高分辨率。
轴旋转1次时输出的增量信号脉冲数或绝对值的绝对位 置数。
增量型式的输出信号数。包括1相型(A相)、2相型(A 相、 B相)、 3相 (A相、 B相、 Z相)。 Z相输出1次即输 出1次原点用的信号。
轴旋转时,将A相、B相各信号相互间上升或下降中的时 间偏移量与信号1周期时间的比,或者用电气角表示信 号1周期为360°。 A相、 B相用电气角表示为90°的相位差。
多旋转 绝对型
᪡㆛ 绝对型
㾚㾝Ӵᛳ఼ ᅝܼऎඳ
Poly VVX 450 IP 电话 - OBI 版说明书
POLY VVX 450 IP PHONE - OBI EDITIONMore lines—more contacts at your fingertips. Feel in command of your day with this high quality, color, twelve-line phone that gets the job done without distracting background noise. Be confident that your conversations will always sound great on Google Voice and other selected cloud VoIP platforms. IT will appreciate robust provisioning and management capabilities that take the headache out of telephony deployment and support. Need even more lines? The optional VVX EM50 expansion module puts them right where you need them.• 12 line keys with a 4.3 inch color LCD display (480 x 272 pixels)• Crystal clear sound with Poly HD Voice and Poly Acoustic Clarity • Full duplex speakerphone with world-class echo cancellation • Easy to install anywhere with optional Poly Wi-Fi USB accessory • Headset options to suit any style (USB, RJ9, EHS ports)GO PRO WITH TWELVE LINESBENEFITS• C onversations stay on track. Hear every nuance with industry-leading sound quality featuring Poly HD Voice • Eliminate distracting background noise at the source with exclusive award-winning Poly Acoustic Fence technology • With the Obi Edition VVX, every pixel can be customized to reflect a corporate brand, color or image• Easy deployment and administration with web-based management tools andzero-touch provisioningSPECIFICATIONSUSER INTERFACE FEATURES• 4.3” color LCD (480x272 pixel resolution) • Adjustable base height• Unicode UTF-8 character support• Two USB ports (2.0 compliant) for Plantronics USB headsets or Wi-Fi5G dongle• Multilingual user interface including Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English (Canada/ US/UK), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish AUDIO FEATURES• Poly HD Voice delivers lifelike voice quality for each audio path, handset, hands-free speakerphone, and optional headset.• Poly Acoustic Clarity provides full-duplex conversations, acoustic echo cancellation and background noise suppression.• TIA-920 wideband audio type 1-compliant (IEEE 1329 full duplex)• Frequency response—150 Hz—7 kHz for handset, optional headset and handsfree speakerphone modes• Codecs: G.711 (A-law and μ-law), G.729AB, G.722 (HD Voice), iLBC, OPUS• Individual volume settings with visual feedback for each audio path• Voice activity detection• Comfort noise generation• DTMF tone generation (RFC 2833and in-band)• Low-delay audio packet transmission• Adaptive jitter buffers• Packet loss concealment HEADSET AND HANDSET COMPATIBILITY• Dedicated RJ-9 headset port• Hearing aid compatibility to ITU-T P.370 andTIA 504A standards• Compliant with ADA Section 508 Subpart B1194.23 (all)• Hearing aid compatible (HAC) handset formagnetic coupling to hearing aids• Compatible with commercially-available TTYadapter equipmentCALL HANDLING FEATURES• 12 lines (programmable line keys)• Shared call/bridged line appearance• Busy lamp field (BLF)• Flexible line appearance (one or moreline keys can be assigned for eachline extension)• Distinctive incoming call treatment/call waiting• Call timer and call waiting• Call transfer, hold, divert (forward), pickup• Called, calling, connected party information• Local three-way audio conferencing• One-touch speed dial, redial remote missedcall notification• Do not disturb function• Electronic hook switch capable• Local configurable digit map/dial plan• OBi XML applications• Corporate directory access using LDAPNETWORK AND PROVISIONING• SIP protocol support• SDP• IETF SIP (RFC 3261 and companion RFCs)• Two-port Gigabit Ethernet switch10/100/1000Base-TX across LAN andPC ports• Conforms to IEEE802.3-2005 (Clause 40)for Physical media attachment• Conforms to IEEE802.3-2002 (Clause 28)for link partner auto-negotiation• Static or dynamic host configurationprotocol (DHCP) network setup• Time and date synchronization using SNTP• TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS server-based centralprovisioning for mass deployments• call server redundancy supported1• QoS Support—IEEE 802.1p/Q tagging• (VLAN), Layer 3 TOS,• DHCP VLAN discovery, LLDP-MED forVLAN discovery• Network address translation support forstatic configuration and “keep-alive”• RTCP and RTP support• Event logging• Syslog• Hardware diagnostics• Status and statistics reporting• IPv4• TCP• UDP• DNS-SRVPOLY VVX 450 IP PHONE -OBI EDITIONSECURITY• 802.1X authentication and EAPOL media encryption via SRTP• Transport layer security (TLS)• Encrypted configuration files• Digest authentication• Password login• HTTPS secure provisioning• Support for signed software executables POWER• Built-in auto sensing IEEE 802.3af power over Ethernet (Class 0) 13W (Max)• External Universal AC/DC Adapter (optional) 5VDC @ 3A (15W)• ENERGY STAR® ratedAPPROVALS• FCC Part 15 (CFR 47) Class B• ICES-003 Class B• EN55032 Class B• CISPR32 Class B• VCCI Class B• EN55024• EN61000-3-2; EN61000-3-3• NZ Telepermit• Korea KCC• UAE TRA • Russia CU• Brazil ANATEL• Australia RCM• South Africa ICASA• Saudi Arabia CITC• Indonesia SDPPI• S.Korea KC• Mexico NOM ANCE• RoHS Compliant• TAASAFETY• UL 60950-1/62368-1• CE Mark• CAN/CSA C22.2 No 60950-1/62368-1-1• EN 60950-1/62368-1• IEC 60950-1/62368-1• AS/NZS 60950-1OPERATING CONDITIONS• Temperature-0 to 40°C (+32 to 104°F)• Relative humidity-5% to 95%, noncondensingSTORAGE TEMPERATURE• -40 to +70° C (-40 to +160° F)POLYCOM VVX 450 COMES WITH• Console• Handset with handset cord• Network (LAN) cable—CAT-5E• Desk stand/wall mount bracket• Setup sheetSIZE• 24cm x 23cm x 5.7cm WxHxD• 9.5in x 10in x 2.2in WxHxDPART NUMBER• 2200-48842-025 OBi Edition VVX 450 PoEWEIGHT• Carton weight- 1.043kg (2.23 lbs)MASTER CARTON QUANTITY• Ten (10)WARRANTY• One (1) year1. M ost software-enabled features and capabilitiesmust be supported by the server. Please contactyour IP PBX/Softswitch vendor or serviceprovider for a list of supported features.©2020 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Poly and the propeller design are trademarks of Plantronics, Inc. The Bluetooth trademark is owned by Bluetooth LEARN MOREFor more information on Poly VVX 450 IP Phone - Obi Edition visitwww. /us/en/products/phones。
H3C 中低端系列路由器 电缆手册
中低端系列路由器电缆手册杭州华三通信技术有限公司资料版本:T1-082000-20070925-C-1.02声明Copyright ©2006-2007 杭州华三通信技术有限公司及其许可者版权所有,保留一切权利。
H3C、、Aolynk、、H3Care、、TOP G、、IRF、NetPilot、Neocean、NeoVTL、SecPro、SecPoint、SecEngine、SecPath、Comware、Secware、Storware、NQA、VVG、V2G、V n G、PSPT、XGbus、N-Bus、TiGem、InnoVision、HUASAN、华三均为杭州华三通信技术有限公司的商标。
技术支持用户支持邮箱:customer_service@技术支持热线电话:800-810-0504(固话拨打)400-810-0504(手机、固话均可拨打)网址:前言相关手册手册名称用途《H3C AR 18-2X系列路由器安装手册》主要介绍了H3C AR 18-2X系列以太网路由器的硬件特性、安装、配置、维护以及常见故障的排除方法。
《H3C AR 18-3X系列路由器安装手册》主要介绍了H3C AR 18-3X系列xDSL路由器的硬件特性、安装、配置、维护以及常见故障的排除方法。
《H3C AR 18-3XE/21X系列路由器安装手册》主要介绍了H3C AR 18-3XE/21X系列ADSL2+路由器的硬件特性、安装、配置、维护以及常见故障的排除方法。
《H3C AR 18-22-24路由器安装手册》主要介绍了H3C AR 18-22-24路由器的硬件特性、安装、配置、维护以及常见故障的排除方法。
GIGE接口面阵相机硬件相关电气规格:1. 仅29*29*42 GIGE支持。
2. 支持+6~+24VDC外置电源与PoE冗余供电(互为备份)。
3. 供电电源必须满足SEL V、LPS规格。
4. 仅29*29*29mm机型有此接口。
5. 29*29*29mm机型的网口浪涌防护提高至1kV(差模)/2kV(共模)USB接口面阵相机硬件相关电气规格:(以下是29*29*29mm USB相机的电气参数)面阵相机外部I/O接口说明:接口线序:面阵相机接口6芯信号电源接口1.仅29*29*29mm GIGE相机有此功能。
隔离I/O 输入口灌入(Sink )电流5~15mA 。
输入电压最大+30V 直流光耦输入典型应用接线图:与TTL/CMOS 逻辑对接注意:此接法传感器输出需要接一个上拉电阻至传感器电源,选择合适电阻阻值,保证高低电平满足相机光耦隔离接口输入要求。
注意:此接法PLC输出需要接一个上拉电阻至外隔离I/O 输出口最大持续通过50mA 电流。
+24V典型电压输出电路相机的晶体管输出通过光耦隔离器与内部回路分隔,因此晶体管输出可用作NPN 输出或者PNP 输出。
+3.3至+5V直流使用5V TTL逻辑电平输入时:作为输出时IO口最大灌入50mA电流。
ITX-M50 VER 2.2(2015.10.15)主板说明书
Intel○R Bay Trail Processor ITX-M50 VER:2.2说明除列明随产品配置的配件外,本手册包含的内容并不代表本公司的承诺,本公司保留对此手册更改的权利,且不另行通知。
目录第一章产品介绍................................................................................................... - 4 -1.1 产品规格 .................................................................................................. - 5 - 第二章安装说明................................................................................................. - 10 -2.1 主板尺寸图............................................................................................. - 10 -2.2 接口位置示意图...................................................................................... - 11 -2.3 安装步骤 ................................................................................................ - 12 -2.4 内存安装 ................................................................................................ - 12 -2.5 跳线功能设置 ......................................................................................... - 12 -2.5.1 CMOS内容清除/保持设置(JBAT1).................................................. - 12 -2.5.2 JPW1选择跳线..................................................................................... -12 -2.5.3 SATA2、SATA5接口功能设置(SATA1_SW1) .................................. -12 -2.6 接口说明 ................................................................................................ - 14 -2.6.1 SATA接口(SATA2、PWROUT1) .............................. 错误!未定义书签。
电子插件 FEL52 ( 直流供电 (DC)、 PNP) . . . . . . . . . . 8 电源 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 电气连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 输出信号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 报警信号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 连接负载 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR <Intelligent Power Module>MIG75Q6CSB1X (1200V/75A 6in1)High Power Switching ApplicationsMotor Control Applications• Integrates inverter and control circuits (IGBT drive units, protection units for short-circuit current, over current, under voltage and over temperature) in one package.• The electrodes are isolated from case.• V CE (sat) = 2.2 V (typ.)• UL recognized: File No. E87989Equivalent Circuit1. V D (U)2. FO (U)3. IN (U)4.GND (U)5.V D (V)6.FO (V)7. IN (V)8. GND(V) 9. V D (W) 10. FO (W)11.IN (W)12.GND (W)13.V D (L) 14. FO (L)15. Open 16. Open 17. IN (X) 18.IN (Y) 19.IN (Z) 20.GND (L)Package DimensionsUnit: mm1. V D (U)2. FO (U)3.IN (U)4.GND (U)5.V D (V)6. FO (V)(V) 9.V D (W)10.FO (W)11.IN (W)12. GND (W)7. IN(V) 8. GND13. V D (L)14. FO (L) 15.Open 16.Open 17.IN (X) 18. IN (Y)(L)GND19.IN(Z)20.Signal Terminal LayoutUnit: mm1. V D (U)2. FO (U)3.IN (U)4.GND (U)5.V D (V)6. FO (V)(V) 9.V D (W)10.FO (W)11.IN (W)12. GND (W)7. IN(V) 8. GND13. V D (L)14. FO (L) 15.Open 16.Open 17.IN (X) 18. IN (Y)(L)GND19.IN(Z)20.Maximum Ratings (T j = 25°C)Stage CharacteristicCondition Symbol Ratings UnitSupply voltageP-N power terminalV CC 900 V Collector-emitter voltage⎯V CES 1200 V Collector current Tc = 25°C, DC I C 75 A Forward currentTc = 25°C, DC I F 75ACollector power dissipation Tc = 25°CP C 830 W InverterJunction temperature ⎯T j 150 °C Control supply voltageV D -GND terminal V D 20 V Input voltage IN-GND terminal V IN 20 V Fault output voltage FO-GND terminal V FO 20 V ControlFault output current FO sink currentI FO 14 mA Operating temperature ⎯ Tc −20 to 100 °C Storage temperature range⎯T stg−40 to 125°CIsolation voltage AC 1 minute V ISO 2500 V Screw torque (terminal) M4 ⎯ 2 N·m ModuleScrew torque (mounting)M5⎯ 3 N·mElectrical Characteristics1. Inverter StageCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitT j = 25°C ⎯ ⎯ 1Collector cut-off currentI CEXV CE = 1200 V T j = 125°C ⎯⎯ 10mAT j = 25°C ⎯ 2.2 2.6 Collector-emitter saturation voltage V CE (sat) V D = 15 V,I C = 75 A,V IN = 15 V → 0 VT j = 125°C⎯⎯ 3.0V Forward voltageV F I F = 75 A, T j = 25°C⎯ 2.4 2.8 Vt on ⎯2.03.0 t c (on)⎯ 0.3 ⎯ t rr ⎯ 0.3⎯t off ⎯ 1.5 2.5 Switching timet c (off)V CC = 600 V, I C = 75 A,V D = 15 V, V IN = 15 V ↔ 0 V, T j = 25°C, Inductive load(Note 1)⎯0.4⎯µsNote 1: Switching time test circuit and timing chart.2. Control Stage (T j = 25°C)Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitHigh side I D (H) ⎯ 13 17Control circuit current Low sideI D (L) V D = 15 V ⎯ 39 51 mAInput-on signal voltage V IN (on) V D = 15 V 1.4 1.6 1.8 V Input-off signal voltage V IN (off)V D = 15 V 2.2 2.52.8VProtection I FO (on) 8 10 12Fault output current Normal I FO (off)V D = 15 V⎯⎯ 0.1mAOver currentprotection trip level Inverter OC V D = 15 V, T j <=125°C 120 ⎯ ⎯ A Short-circuit current protection trip level Inverter SC V D = 15 V, T j <=125°C 120⎯ ⎯ A Over current cut-off time t off (OC) V D = 15 V ⎯ 5 ⎯ µs Trip level OT 110118125Over temperature protectionReset level OTr Case temperature⎯ 98 ⎯ °CTrip level UV supply under voltage protection Reset level UVr ⎯12.0 12.5 13.0 V Fault output pulse widtht FOV D = 15 V 123ms3. Thermal Resistance (Tc = 25°C)Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitInverter IGBT stage ⎯ ⎯ 0.15 Junction to case thermal resistance R th (j-c) Inverter FRD stage ⎯⎯0.35°C/WCase to fin thermal resistanceR th (c-f)Compound is applied⎯ 0.017 ⎯ °C/WSwitching Time Test CircuitTiming ChartInput PulseV IN WaveformI C WaveformV CE WaveformCC4. Recommended conditions for applicationCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitSupply voltage V CC P-N Power terminal⎯ 600 800 V Control supply voltage V DV D -GND Signal terminal13.5 1516.5VCarrier frequency fc PWM Control ⎯ ⎯ 20 kHz Dead timetdeadSwitching time test circuit(see page.6) (Note 2)3⎯⎯µsNote 2: The table lists Dead time requirements for the module input, excluding photocoupler delays. Whenspecifying dead time requirements for the photocoupler input, please add photocoupler delays to the dead time given above.Dead Time Timing Chart15 VV IN WaveformV IN Waveform15 VI C – V CEI C – V CESwitching time – I CSwitching time – I CI F – V Ftrr, Irr – I FCollector-emitter voltage V CE (V)Collector-emitter voltage V CE (V)Collector current I C (A)Collector current I C (A)Forward voltage V F (V)Forward current I F (A)C o l l e c t o r c u r r e n t I C (A )C o l l e c t o r c u r r e n t I C (A )S w i t c h i n g t i m e (µs )S w i t c h i n g t i m e (µs )P e a k r e v e r s e r e c o v e r y c u r r e n t I r r (A ) R e v e r s e r e c o v e r y t i m e t r r (×10 n S )F o r w a r d c u r r e n t I F (A )0 52 1 3 45213452 13 4OC – TcI D (H) – fcI D (L) – fcReverse bias SOAR th (t) – tw Inverter stageCase temperature Tc (°C)Carrier frequency fc (kHz)Carrier frequency fc (kHz)Collector-emitter voltage V CE (V)Pulse width tw (s)H i g h s i d e c o n t r o l c i r c u i t c u r r e n t I D (H ) (m A )O v e r c u r r e n t p r o t e c t i o n t r i p l e v e l O C (A )C o l l e c t o r c u r r e n t I C (A )L o w s i d e c o n t r o l c i r c u i t c u r r e n t I D (L ) (m A )T r a n s i e n t t h e r m a l r e s i s t a n c e R t h (t )/(°C /W )255 1015 20 100.001 0.01 0.11 150025 50 75 100 125Turn on loss – I CTurn off loss – I CCollector current I C (A)Collector current I C (A)T u r n o f f l o s s E o f f (m J )T u r n o n l o s s E o n (m J )801020304060 70 5010 20 30 40 60 70 500 80。
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TOSHIBA Intelligent Power Module Silicon N Channel IGBTMIG50Q6CSB1X (1200V/50A 6in1)High Power Switching ApplicationsMotor Control Applications· Integrates inverter and control circuits (IGBT drive units, protection units for short-circuit current, over current, under voltage and over temperature) in one package.· The electrodes are isolated from case.· V CE (sat) = 2.2 V (typ.)· UL recognized: File No. E87989Equivalent Circuit1. V D (U)2. FO (U)3. IN (U)4.GND (U)5.V D (V)6.FO (V)7. IN (V)(V) 9. V D (W) 10. FO (W)11.IN (W)12.GND (W)13.V D (L) 14. FO (L)8. GND(L)(Z) 20.GND15. Open 16. Open 17. IN(X) 18.IN(Y) 19.INPackage Dimensions: TOSHIBA 2-108G1DUnit: mm1. V D (U)2. FO (U)3.IN (U)4.GND (U)5.V D (V)6. FO (V)7. IN (V) 8. GND (V) 9.V D (W)10.FO (W)11.IN (W)12. GND (W)13. V D (L) 14. FO (L) 15.Open 16.Open 17.IN (X) 18. IN (Y)(L)GND19.IN(Z)20.Signal Terminal LayoutUnit: mm1. V D (U)2. FO (U)3.IN (U)4.GND (U)5.V D (V)6. FO (V)7. IN (V) 8. GND (V) 9.V D (W)10.FO (W)11.IN (W)12. GND (W)13. V D (L) 14. FO (L) 15.Open 16.Open 17.IN (X) 18. IN (Y)(L)GND19.IN(Z)20.Maximum Ratings (unless otherwise specified, T j = 25°C)Stage CharacteristicCondition Symbol Ratings UnitSupply voltageP-N power terminalV CC 900 V Collector-emitter voltage¾V CES 1200 V Collector current Tc = 25°C, DC I C 50 A Forward currentTc = 25°C, DC I F 50ACollector power dissipation Tc = 25°CP C 580 W InverterJunction temperature ¾T j 150°C Control supply voltageV D -GND terminal V D 20 V Input voltage IN-GND terminal V IN 20 V Fault output voltage FO-GND terminal V FO 20 V ControlFault output current FO sink currentI FO 14 mA Operating temperature ¾ Tc -20 to 100°C Storage temperature range¾T stg-40 to 125°CIsolation voltage AC 1 minute V ISO 2500 V Screw torque (terminal) M4 ¾ 2 N·m ModuleScrew torque (mounting)M5¾ 3 N·mElectrical Characteristics1. Inverter StageCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitT j = 25°C ¾ ¾ 1Collector cut-off currentI CEXV CE = 1200 V T j = 125°C ¾¾ 10mAT j = 25°C ¾ 2.2 2.6 Collector-emitter saturation voltage V CE (sat) V D = 15 V,I C = 50 A,V IN = 15 V ® 0 VT j = 125°C¾¾ 3.0V Forward voltageV F I F = 50 A, T j = 25°C¾ 2.4 2.8 Vt on ¾2.03.0 t c (on)¾ 0.3 ¾ t rr ¾ 0.3¾t off ¾ 1.5 2.5 Switching timet c (off)V CC = 600 V, I C = 50 A,V D = 15 V, V IN = 15 V « 0 V, T j = 25°C, Inductive load(Note 1)¾0.4¾m sNote 1: Switching time test circuit and timing chart.2. Control Stage (T j = 25°C)Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitHigh side I D (H) ¾ 13 17Control circuit current Low sideI D (L) V D = 15 V ¾39 51mAInput-on signal voltage V IN (on) V D = 15 V 1.4 1.6 1.8 V Input-off signal voltage V IN (off)V D = 15 V 2.2 2.5 2.8 V Protection I FO (on) 8 10 12Fault output current Normal I FO (off)V D = 15 V¾¾ 0.1mAOver currentprotection trip level Inverter OC V D = 15 V, T j <=125°C 80 ¾ ¾ A Short-circuit current protection trip level Inverter SC V D = 15 V, T j <=125°C 80¾ ¾ A Over current cut-off time t off (OC) V D = 15 V ¾ 5 ¾ m s Trip level OT 110 118 125Over temperature protectionReset level OTr Case temperature¾ 98 ¾ °CTrip level UV 11.0 12.0 12.5Control supply under voltage protection Reset level UVr ¾12.0 12.5 13.0VFault output pulse widtht FOV D = 15 V1 2 3 ms3. Thermal Resistance (Tc = 25°C)Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitInverter IGBT stage ¾ ¾ 0.215Junction to case thermal resistance R th (j-c)Inverter FRD stage¾¾0.464°C/WCase to fin thermal resistanceR th (c-f) Compound is applied¾ 0.017 ¾ °C/WSwitching Time Test CircuitTiming ChartInput PulseV IN WaveformI C WaveformV CE WaveformIntelligent power moduleCC4. Recommended conditions for applicationCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. MaxUnitSupply voltage V CC P-N Power terminal ¾ 600 800V Control supply voltage V DV D -GND Signal terminal13.5 1516.5VCarrier frequency fc PWM Control ¾ ¾ 20 kHz Dead timetdeadSwitching time test circuit(see page.6) (Note 2)3¾¾m sNote 2: The table lists Dead time requirements for the module input, excluding photocoupler delays. Whenspecifying dead time requirements for the photocoupler input, please add photocoupler delays to the dead time given above.Dead Time Timing Chart15 VV IN WaveformV IN Waveform15 V52 134 I C – V CEI C – V CESwitching time – I CSwitching time – I CI F – V Ftrr, Irr – I FCollector-emitter voltage V CE (V)Collector-emitter voltage V CE (V)Collector current I C (A)Collector current I C (A)Forward voltage V F (V)Forward current I F (A)C o l l e c t o r c u r r e n t I C (A )C o l l e c t o r c u r r e n t I C (A )S w i t c h i n g t i m e (m s )S w i t c h i n g t i m e (m s )P e a k r e v e r s e r e c o v e r y c u r r e n t I r r (A ) R e v e r s e r e c o v e r y t i m e t r r (´10 n S )F o r w a r d c u r r e n t I F (A )5213420 40 6010 30502040 6010305052 134 02040 60105030OC – TcI D (H) – fcI D (L) – fcReverse bias SOAR th (t) – tw Inverter stageCase temperature Tc (°C)Carrier frequency fc (kHz)Carrier frequency fc (kHz)Collector-emitter voltage V CE (V)Pulse width tw (s)H i g h s i d e c o n t r o l c i r c u i t c u r r e n t I D (H ) (m A )O v e r c u r r e n t p r o t e c t i o n t r i p l e v e l O C (A )C o l l e c t o r c u r r e n t I C (A )L o w s i d e c o n t r o l c i r c u i t c u r r e n t I D (L ) (m A )T r a n s i e n t t h e r m a l r e s i s t a n c e R t h (t )/(°C /W )100.001 0.01 0.11 255 1015 20 1400200400600800 1000 1200 15025 50 75100 125 255 10 15 2020 40 6010 3050Turn on loss – I CTurn off loss – I CCollector current I C (A)Collector current I C (A)T u r n o f f l o s s E o f f (m J )T u r n o n l o s s E o n (m J )1040 605030102003-02-19 11· TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc..· The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.). These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in this document shall be made at the customer’s own risk.· The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others.· The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.000707EAA RESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE 元器件交易网。