4.中英文差异5.心理语言Fra bibliotek在教学上的应用
6.input hypothesis
7.TG grammar
复试试题(语言学及应用语言学)复试试题(语言学及应用语言学)2000年现代汉语1. 填空2. 名词解释:基本词汇、存现句、音素和音位、比喻和比拟3. 句法分析4. 现代汉语词汇的特点5. 哪几种把字句不能或不宜变换成主谓宾句式2001年1. 汉民族共同语形成的过程2. /e/代表几个音素,为什么可以用一个/e/代表几个音素3. 给下列轻声字写出国际音标,并说明轻声引起了哪几种音变:棉花、豆腐等10-15个词4. 同义词辨析:仔细/细心常常/经常/往往5. 归并义项:“轻”的多个义项6. 词性标注,并说明其语法功能7. 分析歧义句,说明变换分析法与层次分析法的区别:保护了小张的奶奶8. 歧义分化的实质是什么9. 指出下列单位中,哪些是词、字、短语,说明三者之间的关系如何10. 说说你是如何理解“语法的动态多角度验证”的。
1,每—各; 2,吗—呢四,“听说他马上回来”和“命令他马上回来”有何区别,请加以论证。
(20分)语言学概论部分(40分)一,名词解释1,组合关系和聚合关系 2,义素分析法 3,历史比较法二,严式标音(马、谈、见、猫等)指出其中元音是几个音位,为什么?三,以语言结构各要素和社会联系的不同,说明语言发展的不平衡性。
05年复试语言学概论部分(30分)一,名词解释1,亲属语言 2,屈折语 3,音质音位 4,语法范畴二,简答1、口语和书面语的关系2、语言发展变化的两大特点3、词汇意义和语法意义的区别。
北语考研语言学复试题及答案一、名词解释1. 语言变异:指的是语言在不同社会群体、地域、语境中所表现出的差异。
2. 社会语言学:研究语言与社会之间的关系,包括语言变异、语言态度、语言政策等。
3. 语言习得:指个体从出生开始,通过与周围环境的互动,逐渐掌握一种或多种语言的过程。
4. 语言接触:不同语言或方言的使用者在交流过程中,语言元素相互影响的现象。
二、简答题1. 描述语言的任意性特征,并举例说明。
2. 简述语音学中的音位和音素的区别。
三、论述题1. 论述语言的社会功能。
- 甲:你今天去图书馆了吗?- 乙:去了,但是没找到那本书。
五、综合题1. 请结合实际例子,讨论语言习得过程中的关键期假说。
Chapter I Introduction I教学重点1. Definition of Linguistics2. Important distinctions in linguistics1) Prescriptive vs. descriptive2) Synchronic vs. diachronic教学难点1. Prescriptive vs. descriptive2. Synchronic vs. diachronic思考题:1. How do you understand that linguistics is the scientific study of language?2. What are the major branches of linguistics? What does each of them study?3. Is modern linguistics mainly synchronic or diachronic? Why?Introduction II教学重点1. Important distinctions in linguistics Speech and writingLangue and paroleCompetence and performance2. Traditional grammar and modern linguistics教学难点1. Speech vs. Writing2. Langue vs. Parole3. Competence vs. Performance4. Traditional Grammar vs. Modern Linguistics思考题:l.How i s Saussure’s distinction between langue and parole similar to Chomsky’s distinction between competence and performance?2.For what reason does modern linguistics give priority to speech rather than to writing?Chapter II Speech Sounds思考题:1.How is broad transcription different from narrow transcription?2.What are the three cavities involved in the production of speech sounds? How do they function?● 笔头作业:l.What are the principles by which we classify consonants and vowels?2.How do we describe a consonant or a vowel?Chapter II Phonology II教学 1.Phonology vs phonetics重点 2.Phone, phoneme and allophone3. Phonemic contrast, complementary distribution, and minimal pair教学难点1.Phone, phoneme and allophone2. Phonemic contrast, complementary distribution, and minimal pair思考题:l. How do phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study?2. What is a phone? How is it different from a phoneme? How are allophones related to a phoneme?Chapter 3 Morphology教学重点1.Morphemes2.Types of morphemes3.Word formation教学难点Understanding of different types of morphemes思考题:1. How is a free morpheme different from a bound morpheme?2. How are derivational morphemes different from inflectional morphemes? Chapter 4 Syntax I教学重点不同的语言流派对句子结构的分析方法教学难点表层结构,深层结构Questions and Exercises1, 2, 5, 9Chapter 4 Syntax II教学重点表层结构与深层结构教学难点句子的生成及其转换Questions and Exercises1, 2, 5, 9Semantics (I)学重点1.The naming theory2.The conceptualist view3.Contextualism4.Behaviourism教学难点Views concerning the study of meaning思考题:What are the major views concerning the study of meaning? Semantics (II)教学重点Sense vs. Reference Synonymy vs Antonymy教学难点1.Lexical MeaningSense and reference2.Different types of synonyms3.Different types of antonyms and their characteristicsHow can words opposite in meaning be classified? What are the characteristics of each category of antonyms?Semantics (III)教学重点1. Sense relations between sentences2. Componential analysis3. Predication analysis教学难点1. Componential analysis2. Predication analysis思考题:1. What are the major sense relations between sentences? How can we judge these sense relations?2. What is componential analysis? What is the advantage of componential analysis?3. How do you understand predication analysis?Pragmatics (I)教学重点1.Pragmatics vs. Semantics2.Context3.Sentence meaning vs. utterance meaning4.Speech Act Theory教学难点Locutionary act; illocutionary act; perlocutionary act; classification of illocutionary act思考题:1. How is Pragmatics different from Semantics?2. How do you understand the differences between sentence meaning and utterance meaning?3. How do you understand locutionary act,illocutionary act and perlocutionary act?4. How does Searle classify the illocutionary act? What is the illocutionary point of each type?Pragmatics (II) The theory of conversational implicature教学重点会话含义理论准则的违反及特殊会话含义的产生教学难点特殊会话含义笔头作业:1. How do you understand the cooperative principle?2.How does the flouting of the maxims give rise to conversational implicature? Pragmatics (III) Politness Principle教学重点Politeness Principle教学难点The maxims to realize the politenessThe weakpoints of Leech’s pliteness principle思考题:1.Why do we need politeness principle to supplement Cooperative Principle?2. What are the weakpoints of Leech’s Politeness principle?Language Change教学重点1.Nature of language change2.Changes in the English language3.Causes of language change教学难点1.Causes of language change2.Historical development of English1. What are the major periods in the history of English and what are the characteristics of English in each period?2. Think of the examples to show how English has changed in phonetic, morphological, syntactic and semantic systems.● 笔头作业:What are the causes of linguistic changes?Language and Society (I)教学重点The relatedness between language and society Social variation教学难点The relatedness between language and society笔头作业:Discuss with examples the relatedness between language and society Language and Society (II)教学重点语域、标准语言与非标准语言、双言与双语教学难点语域思考题:l. What is register? How does it affect our choices of linguistic forms?2. What are the differences between diglossia and bilingualism?3. How do social factors influence the use of language?Second Language Acquisition I教学重点Learning vs acquisition;roles of linguistic input, classroom instructions, reinforcement and imitation in the process of first language acquisition;教学难点the influence of linguistic input, classroom instructions, reinforcement and imitation on first language acquisition思考题:l. How is acquisition different from learning according to Krachen?2. How does the linguistic input and classroom instruction affect language acquisition?Second Language Acquisition II教学重点1. Influence of input, classroom instructions and learner factors on second language acquisition2. Grading rubrics;Common scales of DWA;Assessment criteria: Basic functions教学难点Influence of learner factors on second language acquisition; assessment criteria思考题:1. What are roles played by the input and classroom instructions in the processof second language acquisition?2. How do learner factors affect second language acquisition?3. What is a grading rubric?4. How many common scoring methods of DWA? What are they?5. What are the basic functions of assessment criteria?Language Testing :Grading Rubrics & Direct Writing Assessment张红霞副教授Questions for review:1. How to define classroom assessment?2. What’s the relationship between classroom assessment and instruction?3. What does DWA simulate?4. For writing to be effective, what skills and knowledge required (product-based and process-based)?Questions for summary1. What is a grading rubric?2. How many common scoring methods of DWA? What are they?3. What are the basic functions of assessment criteria?。
(8分)就是辅音声母在轻音节中变成浊音的那几个音p-b 这些。
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广东外语外贸大学英文学院硕士学位研究生复试入学考试语言学及应用语言学专业(050211)语言学及应用语言学试卷●本试卷共9页(不含本页);其中问卷(Question Booklet)3页(1-3),答题纸(Answer Sheet)6页(4-9)。
MA Entrance ExaminationLinguistics and Applied Linguistics1. Provide a description, in terms of manner of articulation and voicing (if necessary), ofyour pronunciation of the initial consonants of the list of English words. (10%)Examples: 1) mist[+NASAL]2) bat[+PLOSIVE, +VOICED](a)far(b)rope(c)thin(d)joke(e)gun2. In the following sentences there are seven verbs. Give their subcategorization frames andclassify them accordingly. (10%)(a) He eats at home.(b) They slept in the cave.(c) I hit the man in the face.(d) She studies in a British school.(e) He worked in a small company.(f) She put a flower pot on the TV set.(g) We studied several subjects at school.(h) I like the car in that garage very much.(i) They ate a kind of wild fruit in the woods.3. State whether each pronoun in the following sentences is (i) free, (ii) bound or (iii) eitherfree or bound. Consider each sentence independently. (10%)Example: John said that he loved her.he: bound or free; her: free(a)Whenever I see you, I think of her.(b)Louise said to herself in the mirror: “I’m so ugly.”(c)The fact that he considers her pretty pleases Maria.(d)It seems that she and he will never stop arguing with them.(e)John discovered that a picture of himself was hanging in the post office, and that factbugged him, but it pleased her.4. Study the given data and do the two tasks. (10%)(A) John hit the dog with a bone.(B) (a) What did John hit the dog with?(b) *What did John hit the dog with?Tasks: (1) The sentence in (A) is ambiguous. Draw a complete tree diagram to show the structure of the sentence for each interpretation.(2) As shown in (B), in one interpretation we can ask about the phrase a bone, butin the other we cannot. Give your explanation.5. In English, the idea of possession can be marked by an inflectional suffix (-’s) on the noun representing the ‘possessor’, placed before the noun that is ‘possessed’ (as in John’s car). Other languages work differently. The data below are from a West African language called Basari, spoken in Ghana. Study them and do the two tasks that follow.(10%)(A) (a) (‘chief’) uboti(b) (‘wife’) unimpu(c) (‘farm’)kusaau(B) (a) (‘a man’s chief’)uninja botiu(b) (‘a man’s wife’)uninja nimpuu(c) (‘one wife’)unimpu ubo(d) (‘this man’s one wife’)uninja-nee nimpuu ubo(e) (‘one farm’)kusaau kubo(f) (‘a man’s farm’)uninja saaku(g) (‘a man’s one farm’)uninja saaku kubo(h) (‘one man’s farm’)uninja ubo saakuTasks: (1) Describe how ‘possession’ is expressed in these Basari examples.(2) If the Basari word for ‘mortar’ is kukuntuu, then how would you translateuninja-nee nimpuu kuntuuku?6. A famous example of a sentence that is syntactically ‘good’ but semantically ‘odd’ wasColorless green ideas sleep furiously, suggested by Noam Chomsky (1957). How many mismatches of meaning are present in this one sentence? Can it be interpreted at all?Explain why or why not. (10%)7. Below are samples of speech from children at three different stages in the acquisitionprocess. Identify the most likely order (from least to most advanced) of these three stages and describe the features in each group of utterances which you would use as evidence to support your ordering. (10%)(A) Stage X: You want eat?I can’t see my bookWhy you waking me up?(B) Stage Y: Where those dogs goed?You didn’t eat supperDoes lions walk?(C) Stage Z: No picture in thereWhere monna boot?Have some?8. All of the following expressions have deictic elements in them. What aspects of contexthave to be considered in order to interpret such expressions? State these aspects respectively. (10%)(a) Back in one hour (Notice on office door)(b) I’m not here now(Telephone answering machine)(c) Just do it(Advertisement for sports shoes)(d) Oh, no, I’m in last place! (Watching a horse race)(e) Oh, it’s you(Answering a telephone)(f) YOU ARE HERE(On a map/directory)(g) Maybe I’m out of gas(In a car that won’t start)(h) Where is she today?(Pointing to an empty chair)9. Observe the following interaction between two people who are working at nearby desks.Anne’s first turn is an opening sequence. What does it signal, and what does Ed’s response indicate? Why did Anne not merely open with Do you have a ruler? (10%)Anne: Ed?Ed: Yeah?Anne: Do you have a ruler?10. Answer ONE of the following two questions. (10%)(A)What is the difference between human language and animal language?(B)Linguistics is a leading science in the modern time and will be so in the future. Defend.。