新版 2013 仁爱英语 七上 电子课本




仁爱版英语七年级上册课文及翻译集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-仁爱版七年级上册Unit 1 Making New Friends交新朋友Topic 1 Welcome to China!欢迎来到中国!Section A1aGood morning!I’m Kangkang.早上好,我是康康!Good morning!早上好!Welcome to China!欢迎来到中国!Thank you.谢谢!2a1.Hello!你好!Hello!你好!I’m Kangkang.Are you Michael我是康康。

你是迈克吗Yes,I am.是的,我是。

2.Hello!Are you Maria你好!你是玛丽娜吗No,I’m not. I’m Jane.不,我不是。


Oh, nice to meet you, Jane. 哦。


Nice to meet you, too.我也很高兴见到你。

3.Hi,Maria!你好,玛丽娜!Hi,Kangkang.你好,康康!Welcome to China!欢迎来到中国!Thanks.谢谢!Section B1aGood morning, Mr. Brown! Nice to see you.早上好,布朗先生!很高兴见到你。

Good morning, Maria! Nice to see you, too.早上好,玛丽娜!我也很高兴见到你。

n,.this is my mom.妈妈,这是我的老师,布朗先生。


How do you do你好!How do you do你好!Topic 2 Where are you from?你来自哪里Section A1aExcuse me, are you Jane打扰一下,你是简吗Yes, I am.What’s your name,please是的,我是。

仁爱版初中英语课件七年级上U1 T2 S A

仁爱版初中英语课件七年级上U1 T2 S A
please 请
where 在(到)哪里 from 来自,从
/'kænədə/ n. Canada 加拿大
/ə'merikə/ n. America 美国
/dʒə'pæn/ n. Japan 日本
/'iŋglənd/ n. /ðeɪ/ pron. /hu:/ pron. /'kju:bə/ n. /hi:/ pron. /ʃi:/ pron.
Where is she from?
She is from _t_h_e_U_S_A___ / _A__m_e_r_i_c_a__.
/'kæ nədə/ Canada Where is he from? He is from Canada.
Havana 哈瓦那
/'kju:bɚ/ Cuba
Where is Maria from? She is from Cuba.
1. be 动词的用法
我(I)是 am, 你(you)是are; is 跟着 他(he)她(she)它(it) 单数用is, 复数要用
主格 be动词 主格 be动词
第一人称 I am 第二人称 you are
he 第三人称 she is
we are you are
1./ik'skju:z/ 2./mi:/ 3./wɔt/ 4./jɔ:(r)/ 5./neɪm/ 6./'pli:z/ 7./weə/ 8./frɔm/
9. 加拿大 10.美国 11.日本 12.英格兰13./ðeɪ/
14./hu:/ 15.古巴



仁爱版七年级上册Unit 1 Making New Friends交新朋友Topic 1 Welcome to China!欢迎来到中国!Section A1aGood morning!I'm Kangkang。

早上好,我是康康!Good morning!早上好!Welcome to China!欢迎来到中国!Thank you。


Hello!你好!Hello!你好!I’m Kangkang。

Are you Michael?我是康康.你是迈克吗?Yes,I am。


2.Hello!Are you Maria?你好!你是玛丽娜吗?No,I’m not. I’m Jane.不,我不是。


Oh, nice to meet you, Jane. 哦。


Nice to meet you, too。



你好,康康!Welcome to China!欢迎来到中国!Thanks.谢谢!Section B1aGood morning, Mr。

Brown! Nice to see you.早上好,布朗先生!很高兴见到你.Good morning, Maria! Nice to see you, too。


Mom,this is my teacher,Mr。



this is my mom. 妈妈,这是我的老师,布朗先生。


How do you do?你好!How do you do?你好!Topic 2 Where are you from?你来自哪里?Section A1aExcuse me, are you Jane?打扰一下,你是简吗?Yes, I am。

What's your name,please ?是的,我是。



U n i t1m a k i n g n e w f r i e n d sKangkang:Goodmorning,MissWang!MissWang:Goodmorning!Kangkang:MissWang,thisisMichael.Michael,thisisMissWang.Michael:Nicetomeetyou.MissWang:Nicetomeetyou,too.Maria:Hi,Mr.Lee!Nicetoseeyou.Mr.Lee:Hi,Maria!Nicetoseeyou,too.Maria:Mr.Lee,thisismymom.Mom,thisismyteacher,Mr.Lee.Mom:Howdoyoudo?Mr.Lee:Howdoyoudo?Sally:Excuseme,areyouJane?Jane:Yes,iam.What’syourname?Sally:MynameisSally.Whereareyoufrom?Jane:I’mfromCanada.AreyoufromCanada,too?Sally:No,I’mnot.I’A:Excuseme,whoarethey?B:They’reMariaandJane.A:AretheyfromEngland?B:No,theyaren’t.A:Wherearetheyfrom,then?B:MariaisfromCubaandJaneisfromCanada.LiMing:Hello,I’mLiMing.What’syourname?Sally:MynameisSally.LiMing:Iamtwelveyearsold.Howoldareyou?Sally:I’mtwelve,too.LiMing:Whatclassareyouin?Sally:I’minClassFour,GradeSeven.AreyouinClassFour,too?LiMing:No,I’mnot.I’minClassFive.WangJunfeng:Excuseme,what’sthisinEnglish?Jane:It’saneraser.WangJunfeng:Howdoyouspellit?Jane:E-R-A-S-E-R,eraser.WangJunfeng:Thankyou.Jane:That’sOK.Liu Jiajia:What’sthatinEnglish,Maria?Maria:It’samap.LiuJiajia:Canyouspellit,please?Maria:Yes.M-A-P,map.LiuJiajia:Thanks.Maria:You’rewelcome.JaneisfromCanada.Sheistwelveyearsold.NowsheisinBeijingRen’aiInternationalSchool.SheisinClassfour,GradeSeven.Herphonenumberis0109267-6929. HuangHuaisfromChina.HisEnglishnameisTom.Heistwelve.HeisinClassThree,G radeSeven.Hisphonenumberis0109252-5233.Theyarenotinthesameclass,butth eyaregoodfriends.Unit2lookingdifferentA:Guess,whoamI?B:AreyouMichael?A:No,I’mnot.Ihaveasmallnose,buthehasabigone.B:Doyouhaveabigone?A:Yes,Ido.B:Oh,Iknow.YouareKangkang.A:Yes,you’reright.Kangkang:Michael,whoisyourfavoritemoviestar?Michael:Guess.He’sChineseandhehasabignose.Kangkang:Doeshehavelonghair?Michael:No,hedoesn’t.Kangkang:Doeshehaveawidemouth?Michael:Yes,hedoes.Kangkang:Iknow.It’sBruceLee.Michael:No.Guessagain.Iamaboy.I’mthirteenyearsold.IcomefromEngland.I’mastudent.Ihavearoun dfaceandsmalleyes.Mynoseisbig,andmymouthissmall.Ihaveasister.Hernamei sAmy.Sheistwelve.Sheisastudent,too.Shehasaroundface,bigeyes,asmallnos eandasmallmouth.Weareinthesameschool,butindifferentgrades.Michael:Hello,Kangkang!Whoisthatboy?Kangkang:Oh,he’smyfriend,Yukio.Michael:Whereishefrom?Kangkang:He’sformJapan.Michael:Butyoulookthesame.kangkang:That’sright.Webothhaveblackhairandblackeyes.Michael:Ihaveblandhairandblueeyes.Kangkang:Wedon’thavethesamelooks,butwearegoodfriends.Man:PleasegivethislettertoMaria.SheisinClassFour,GradeSeven.Girl:Sorry,Idon’tknowher.Whatdoesshelooklike?Man:Sheistalllikeyou,but shedoesn’thavelonghair.It’sshortandbrown. Girl:Oh,Isee.I’llgiveittoher.Man:Thanks.Girl:You’rewelcome.A:WhatcoloristhisT-shirt?B:It’sred.A:Whatcoloraretheseshoes?B:They’regreen.A:Whatcoloristhiscap?B:It’syellow.Lookatthisphoto.ThegirlinyellowisMaria.Sheistall.Shehasshortbrownhair .Michaelisstrong.Heisinablackcapandblueshoes.Hehasblandhair.Janeisina purpleT-shirtandapinkskirt.Herhairisred.TheboyinawhiteT-shirtisKangka ng.Hispantsareblue.Theylookdifferent,buttheyaregoodfriends.Maria:Isthisyourcap,Jane?Jane:No,it’snotmine.Maria:Whosecapisit,then?Jane:It’sSally’s.Ben:Whosejacketisthis?Isityours,Michael?Michael:No,it’snotmine.Mineishere.IthinkitisKangkang’s.Ben:Kangkang,isthisjacketyours?Kangkang:No,myjacketisblueandwhite.Thisoneisblue.IthinkitisLiMing’s. I’mKangkang.Ihaveanewclassmate.HeisfromJapan.Webothhaveblackhairandb lackeyes.Welookthesame,butweareindifferentclothes.HeisinapurpleT-shir tandmyT-shirtisred.Hispantsareblueandminearewhite.Myshoesareblueandhi sareblack.Guess!Whoishe?ThismanisfromCanada.Heistwelveyearsold.Heistallandhehasbrownhair.Heha ssmalleyes,abignoseandawidemouth.Heisinblackclothes.Pleasehelpusfindh im.Ourphonenumberis902877-3641.Unit3gettingtogetherLiXiang:Excuseme,couldyoupleasetellmeyourname?Jane:Sure.MynameisJane.Jane:No,Idon’t.IcomefromCanada.LiXiang:Oh,IhaveapenpalinCanada.HecanspeaksomeChinese.DoyoulikeChines e?Jane:Yes,Ido.ButmyChineseispoor.Couldyouhelpmewithit?LiXiang:Noproblem.Jane:Whoistheletterfrom?Kangkang:It’sfrommypenpal,Sam.Jane:DoeshespeakChinese?Kangkang:No,hedoesn’t.HespeaksEnglish.Jane:DoesheliveinEngland?Kangkang:Yes,hedoes.Jane:Whatdoeshesayintheletter?Kangkang:HewantstovisittheGreatWall.Janeismygoodfriend.ShecomesfromCanada.ShespeaksEnglish.Wearebothinthe sameclass.ManystudentsinourclasslikeEnglishalot,butidon’tlikeitatall .MyEnglishispoor,soJaneoftenhelpsmewithit.AndihelpherstudyChinese.Weh elpeachother.Kangkang:Mom,I’mhome.Thesearemyclassmates.Mom:Welcome,kids!Gladtomeetyou.Kids:Gladtomeetyou,too.Mom:Pleasehaveaseat.Kids:Thankyou.’mastudentinGradeSeven.Ihaveahappyfamily.WeliveinBeijingnow. Myfatherisadoctor.Heworksinahospital.Mymotherisateacher.Sheteachesina highschool.Mylittlesister,Rose,isonlyfouryearsold.Sheisverycute.Mygra ndparentslivewithusandlookafterRoseathome.Kangkang:Helpyourselves!Michael:Thankyou.Iwouldlikeaneggandsomefish.Kangkang:Wouldyoulikesomeeggs,Maria?Maria:No,thans.I’dlikesomechicken.Kangkang:Whataboutyou,Jane?Jane:Riceandchicken,please.Kangkang:Allright.Whatwouldyouliketodrink?Jane:Applejuice,please.Ilikeitverymuch.Maria:Milkforme,please.Michael:Me,too.Kangkang:Whatdoyouusuallyhaveforbreakfast,Michael?Michael:Iusuallyhavemilkandbreadforbreakfast.Kangkang:Whataboutlunch?Michael:Iusuallyhavechickenwithvegetablesandsomerice.Kangkang:Andsupper?Michael:Jiaozi.It’smyfa voritefood.IlikeChinesefoodverymuch. DearJack,I’minChinanow.Ihavemanyfriendshere.Theyareallkindtome.Ioftenhavedinn erwiththem.IlikeChinesefood,suchasSichuanfood,HunanfoodandGuangdongfo odverymuch.Theyaregood.I’mverygladtobehere.Yours,JaneUnit4enjoyingyourselvesSalesman:WhatcanIdoforyou,madam?Mother:Iwanttobuysomeclothesformydaughter.Salesman:Theclothesareoverthere,madam.Mother:Thanks.Salesman:Notatall.Saleswoman:MayIhelpyou?Maria:Yes,please.I’dliketheyellowcoat.CanItryiton?Saleswoman:Sure.(Mariatriesonthecoat)Mother:Wow!Itlooksveryniceonyou.Howmuchisit?Saleswoman:It’sonlyseventyyuan,madam.Mother:That’sfine.We’lltakeit.Saleswoman:Howdoyoulikethepants?Michael:They’retoolong.Saleswoman:Whynottryonthatpair?Michael:Allright.Maria:Jane,whatdoyouthinkofthisgreenskirt?Jane:Oh,Idon’tlikeitatall.Howabouttheblueone?Maria:Mm,howmuchisit?Saleswoman:It’s280yuan.Jane:280yuan!Areyoukidding?Well,I’llthinkaboutit.Thankyouallthesame. Dad:Couldyouhelpmedosomeshopping,Ben?Ben:Sure.Whatdoweneed?Dad:Weneedtwokilosofapplesandsomesalt.Ben:Howmuchsaltdoweneed?Dad:Threebagsofsalt.Oh,wedon’thaveanymilk.Ben:Howmanybottles?Dad:Sixbottles.Ben:Isthatall?Dad:Yes,Ithinkso.Ben:OK,twokilosofapples,threebagsofsaltandsixbottlesofmilk.Dad:That’sright.WelcometoMicky’snewshopMicky:CanIhelpyou?Rabbit:Yes.Doyouhaveanyvegetables?I’dliketwokilos.Micky:Yes.Hereyouare.Rabbit:Thankyou.Howmucharethey?Micky:Twoyuanandfiftyfen,please.Rabbit:Hereyouare.Micky:Thanks.Micky:MayIhelpyou?Ant:Yes,please.Iwanttobuysomebread.Micky:Hereitis.Wouldyoulikeabogofrice?Ant:Yes,butit’stooheavy.Micky:Don’tworry.Icanhelpyou.Cat:Hello,Micky!Micky:Oh,Mr.Cat,whatcanIdoforyou?Wehavesomefishhere.Cat:No,thanks.Idon’twantanyfish.Micky:Howaboutsomebread?Cat:No,Idon’tlikebreadatall.Micky:Whatwouldyoulike,then?Cat:I’dlikeafatmouse.Meow...Micky:Ohno!Goodbye.Jane:Hello!Kangkang:Hello,Jane!ThisisKangkang.Jane:Hi,Kangkang!Kangkang:AreyoufreethisSunday?Jane:Yes.What’sup?Kangkang:PleasetellMariaaboutit.Jane:Sure.I’llcallher.Kangkang:Don’tforgettobringyourguitar.Jane:Allright.Seeyouthen.Kangkang:Seeyou.Jane:Wouldyouliketosingsomesongswithme?Kangkang:I’msorryIcan’t.Ihavetocook.Michael:Wouldyouliketocookwithus?WangJunfeng:Yes,I’dloveto.It’sfun.Maria:Steve,howaboutflyingakitewithme?Steve:I’dlikethat,butI’mafraidIhavenotime.Ihavetocarrysomewater. Maria:Howaboutyou,Bobby?Bobby:Bow-wow...Maria’smother:Hello!Sally:Hello!MayIspeaktoMaria?Maria’smother:Who’sthis,please?Sally:ThisisSally.Maria’smother:Oh,hello,Sally.Mariaisn’tinnow.Sally:Couldyouaskhertocallmebackthisevening?Maria’smother:Sure.Sally:Thankyou.Goodbye.Maria’smother:Bye.Kangkang:Doyouhavetimetomorrow?Michael:Yes.What’sup?Kangkang:Wewanttogotothezoo.Wouldyouliketogowithus?Michael:Goodidea!Canweseepandasthere?Kangkang:Yes.Wecanseemonkeys,lions,tigersandelephants,too.Michael:Great!Kangkang:Let’smeetat9o’clockinmyhome.Michael:OK.Kangkang:Seeyouthen.Michael:Seeyou.(AtKangkang’shome)Kangkang:Whattimeisit?Michael:It’s9o’clock.Kangkang:Areweallhere?JaneandMaria:Yes,weare.Kangkang:OK.Let’sgo.(Atthezoo)Kangkang:Lookatthosemonkeys.They’resoclever.Ilikethemverymuch. Michael:Ilikepandas.Theyarecute.Whatareyourfavoriteanimals,Jane? Jane:Elephants.They’resokindandtheyhavelongnoses.Whataboutyou,Maria? Maria:Tigers.They’reverystrong.(Onehourlater)Jane:Oh,what’sthetimenow?Maria:Mm,it’shalfpasteleven.Kangkang:It’stimetogohome.Michael:Yes.Wehavetogonow.All:Goodbye,animalfriends!Seeyounexttime.。



(完整)最新仁爱版英语七年级上册课文及翻译仁爱版七年级上册Unit 1 Making New Friends交新朋友Topic 1 Welcome to China!欢迎来到中国!Section A1aGood morning!I’m Kangkang.早上好,我是康康!Good morning!早上好!Welcome to China!欢迎来到中国!Thank you.谢谢!2a1.Hello!你好!Hello!你好!I’m Kangkang.Are y ou Michael?我是康康。

你是迈克吗?Yes,I am.是的,我是。

2.Hello!Are you Maria?你好!你是玛丽娜吗?No,I’m not. I’m Jane.不,我不是。


Oh, nice to meet you, Jane.哦。


Nice to meet you, too.我也很高兴见到你。

3.Hi,Maria!你好,玛丽娜!Hi,Kangkang.你好,康康!Welcome to China!欢迎来到中国!Thanks.谢谢!Section B1aGood morning, Mr. Brown! Nice to see you.早上好,布朗先生!很高兴见到你。

Good morning, Maria! Nice to see you, too.早上好,玛丽娜!我也很高兴见到你。

Mom,this is my teacher,Mr. Brown.Mr.Brown,.this is my mom.妈妈,这是我的老师,布朗先生。


How do you do?你好!How do you do?你好!Topic 2 Where are you from?你来自哪里?Section A1aExcuse me, are you Jane?打扰一下,你是简吗?Yes, I am.What’s your name,please ?是的,我是。



— What do you do? — I’m a student/nurse …
—What does he/she do? — He/She is a driver/teacher … — What do they do? — They are office workers...
1. What do you do? I am a student. 2. What do your parents do?
Look at the photos and complete the sentences
My father works on a farm. He is a__fa_r_m__e_r .
He drives a Taxi. He is_a_d_r_iv_e_r_.
She acts in the film(电影). She is_a_n_a_c_t_o_r_.
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!
They are office workers. 3. What does he/she do?
He/She is a (an) driver/teacher/actor.
1. I am a teacher. (对画线部分提问)
W___h_a_t_ do you __d_o___?
2. His sister is a nurse. (对画线部分提问)
Unit3 Topic2
Be What You Wanna Be
Doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或歌 唱家
Why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做一 个有梦想的人



仁爱版七年级上课文集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)U n i t1m a k i n g n e w f r i e n d s Kangkang: Good morning, Miss Wang!Miss Wang: Good morning!Kangkang: Miss Wang, this is Michael. Michael, this is Miss Wang.Michael: Nice to meet you.Miss Wang: Nice to meet you, too.Maria: Hi, Mr. Lee! Nice to see you.Mr. Lee: Hi, Maria! Nice to see you, too.Maria: Mr. Lee, this is my mom. Mom, this is my teacher, Mr. Lee.Mom: How do you do?Mr. Lee: How do you do?Sally: Excuse me, are you Jane?Jane: Yes, i am. What’s your name?Sally: My name is Sally. Where are you from?Jane: I’m from Canada. Are you from Canada, too?Sally: No, I’m not. I’A: Excuse me, who are they?B: They’re Maria and Jane.A: Are they from England?B: No, they aren’t.A: Where are they from, then?B: Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada.Li Ming: Hello, I’m Li Ming. What’s your name?Sally: My name is Sally.Li Ming: I am twelve years old. How old are you?Sally: I’m twelve, too.Li Ming: What class are you in?Sally: I’ m in Class Four, Grade Seven. Are you in Class Four, too?Li Ming: No, I’m not. I’m in Class Five.Wang Junfeng: Excuse me, what’s this in English?Jane: It’s an eraser.Wang Junfeng: How do you spell it?Jane: E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.Wang Junfeng: Thank you.Jane: That’s OK.Liu Jiajia: What’s that in English, Maria?Maria: It’s a map.Liu Jiajia: Can you spell it, please?Maria: Yes. M-A-P, map.Liu Jiajia: Thanks.Maria: You’re welcome.Jane is from Canada. She is twelve years old. Now she is in Beijing Ren’ai International School. She is in Class four, Grade Seven. Her phone number is 010 9267-6929.Huang Hua is from China. His English name is Tom. He is twelve. He is in Class Three, Grade Seven. His phone number is 010 9252-5233. They are not in the same class, but they are good friends.Unit 2 looking differentA: Guess, who am I?B: Are you Michael?A: No, I’m not. I have a small nose, but he has a big one.B: Do you have a big one?A: Yes, I do.B: Oh, I know. You are Kangkang.A: Yes, you’re right.Kangkang: Michael, who is your favorite movie star?Michael: Guess. He’s Chinese and he has a big nose. Kangkang: Does he have long hair?Michael: No, he doesn’t.Kangkang: Does he have a wide mouth?Michael: Yes, he does.Kangkang: I know. It’s Bruce Lee.Michael: No. Guess again.I am a boy. I’m thirteen years old. I come from England. I’ma student. I have a round face and small eyes. My nose is big, and my mouth is small. I have a sister. Her name is Amy. She is twelve. She is a student, too. She has a round face, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. We are in the same school, but in different grades.Michael: Hello, Kangkang! Who is that boy?Kangkang: Oh, he’s my friend, Yukio.Michael: Where is he from?Kangkang: He’s form Japan.Michael: But you look the same.kangkang: That’s right. We both have black hair and black eyes. Michael: I have bland hair and blue eyes.Kangkang: We don’t have the same looks, but we are good friends.Man: Please give this letter to Maria. She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.Girl: Sorry, I don’t know her. What does she look like?Man: She is tall like you, but she doesn’t have long hair.It’s short and brown.Girl: Oh, I see. I’ll give it to her.Man: Thanks.Girl: You’re welcome.A: What color is this T-shirt?B: It’s red.A: What color are these shoes?B: They’re green.A: What color is this cap?B: It’s yellow.Look at this photo. The girl in yellow is Maria. She is tall. She has short brown hair. Michael is strong. He is in a black cap and blue shoes. He has bland hair. Jane is in a purple T-shirt and a pink skirt. Her hair is red. The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang. His pants are blue. They look different, but they are good friends.Maria: Is this your cap, Jane?Jane: No, it’s not mine.Maria: Whose cap is it, then?Jane: It’s Sally’s.Ben: Whose jacket is this? Is it yours, Michael?Michael: No, it’s not mine. Mine is here. I think it is Kangkang’s.Ben: Kangkang, is this jacket yours?Kangkang: No, my jacket is blue and white. This one is blue. I think it is Li Ming’s.I’m Kangkang. I have a new classmate. He is from Japan. We both have black hair and black eyes. We look the same, but we are in different clothes. He is in a purple T-shirt and my T-shirt is red. His pants are blue and mine are white. My shoes are blue and his are black. Guess! Who is he ?This man is from Canada. He is twelve years old. He is tall and he has brown hair. He has small eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth. He is in black clothes. Please help us find him. Our phone number is 902 877-3641.Unit 3 getting togetherLi Xiang: Excuse me, could you please tell me your name?Jane: Sure. My name is Jane.Jane: No, I don’t. I come from Canada.Li Xiang: Oh, I have a pen pal in Canada. He can speak some Chinese. Do you like Chinese?Jane: Yes, I do. But my Chinese is poor. Could you help me with it?Li Xiang: No problem.Jane: Who is the letter from?Kangkang: It’s from my pen pal, Sam.Jane: Does he speak Chinese?Kangkang: No, he doesn’t. He speaks English.Jane: Does he live in England?Kangkang: Yes, he does.Jane: What does he say in the letter?Kangkang: He wants to visit the Great Wall.Jane is my good friend. She comes from Canada. She speaks English. We are both in the same class. Many students in our class like English a lot, but i don’t like it at all. My English is poor, so Jane often helps me with it. And i help her study Chinese. We help each other.Kangkang: Mom, I’m home. These are my classmates.Mom: Welcome, kids! Glad to meet you.Kids: Glad to meet you, too.Mom: Please have a seat.Kids: Thank you.’m a student in Grade Seven. I have a happy family. We live in Beijing now.My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. My mother is a teacher. She teaches in a high school. My little sister, Rose, is only four years old. She is very cute. My grandparents live with us and look after Rose at home.Kangkang: Help yourselves!Michael: Thank you. I would like an egg and some fish. Kangkang: Would you like some eggs, Maria?Maria: No, thans. I’d like some chicken.Kangkang: What about you, Jane?Jane: Rice and chicken, please.Kangkang: All right. What would you like to drink?Jane: Apple juice, please. I like it very much.Maria: Milk for me, please.Michael: Me, too.Kangkang: What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael? Michael: I usually have milk and bread for breakfast. Kangkang: What about lunch?Michael: I usually have chicken with vegetables and some rice. Kangkang: And supper?Michael: Jiaozi. It’s my favorite food. I like Chinese food very much.Dear Jack,I’m in China now. I have many friends here. They are all kind to me. I often have dinner with them. I like Chinese food, such as Sichuan food, Hunan food and Guangdong food very much. They are good. I’m very glad to be here.Yours,JaneUnit 4 enjoying yourselvesSalesman: What can I do for you, madam?Mother: I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.Salesman: The clothes are over there, madam.Mother: Thanks.Salesman: Not at all.Saleswoman: May I help you?Maria: Yes, please. I’d like the yellow coat. Can I try it on? Saleswoman: Sure.(Maria tries on the coat)Mother: Wow! It looks very nice on you. How much is it? Saleswoman: It’s only seventy yuan, madam.Mother: That’s fine. We’ll take it.Saleswoman: How do you like the pants?Michael: They’re too long.Saleswoman: Why not try on that pair?Michael: All right.Maria: Jane, what do you think of this green skirt?Jane: Oh, I don’t like it at all. How about the blue one? Maria: Mm, how much is it?Saleswoman: It’s 280 yuan.Jane: 280 yuan! Are you kidding? Well, I’ll think about it. Thank you all the same.Dad: Could you help me do some shopping, Ben?Ben: Sure. What do we need?Dad: We need two kilos of apples and some salt.Ben: How much salt do we need?Dad: Three bags of salt. Oh, we don’t have any milk.Ben: How many bottles?Dad: Six bottles.Ben: Is that all?Dad: Yes, I think so.Ben: OK, two kilos of apples, three bags of salt and six bottles of milk.Dad: That’s right.Welcome to Micky’s new shopMicky: Can I help you?Rabbit: Yes. Do you have any vegetables? I’d like two kilos. Micky: Yes. Here you are.Rabbit: Thank you. How much are they?Micky: Two yuan and fifty fen, please.Rabbit: Here you are.Micky: Thanks.Micky: May I help you?Ant: Yes, please. I want to buy some bread.Micky: Here it is. Would you like a bog of rice?Ant: Yes, but it’s too heavy.Micky: Don’t worry. I can help you.Cat: Hello, Micky!Micky: Oh, Mr. Cat, what can I do for you? We have some fish here.Cat: No, thanks. I don’t want any fish.Micky: How about some bread?Cat: No, I don’t like bread at all.Micky: What would you like, then?Cat: I’d like a fat mouse. Meow...Micky: Oh no! Goodbye.Jane: Hello!Kangkang: Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang.Jane: Hi, Kangkang!Kangkang: Are you free this Sunday?Jane: Yes. What’s up?Kangkang: Please tell Maria about it.Jane: Sure. I’ll call her.Kangkang: Don’t forget to bring your guitar.Jane: All right. See you then.Kangkang: See you.Jane: Would you like to sing some songs with me?Kangkang: I’m sorry I can’t. I have to cook.Michael: Would you like to cook with us?Wang Junfeng: Yes, I’d love to. It’s fun.Maria: Steve, how about flying a kite with me?Steve: I’d like that, but I’m afraid I have no time. I have to carry some water.Maria: How about you, Bobby?Bobby: Bow-wow...Maria’s mother: Hello!Sally: Hello! May I speak to Maria?Maria’s mother: Who’s this, please?Sally: This is Sally.Maria’s mother: Oh, hello, Sally. Maria isn’t in now. Sally: Could you ask her to call me back this evening?Maria’s mother: Sure.Sally: Thank you. Goodbye.Maria’s mother: Bye.Kangkang: Do you have time tomorrow?Michael: Yes. What’s up?Kangkang: We want to go to the zoo. Would you like to go with us?Michael: Good idea! Can we see pandas there?Kangkang: Yes. We can see monkeys, lions, tigers and elephants, too.Michael: Great!Kangkang: Let’s meet at 9 o’ clock in my home.Michael: OK.Kangkang: See you then.Michael: See you.(At Kangkang’s home)Kangkang: What time is it?Michael: It’s 9 o’clock.Kangkang: Are we all here?Jane and Maria: Yes, we are.Kangkang: OK. Let’s go.(At the zoo)Kangkang: Look at those monkeys. They’re so clever. I like them very much.Michael: I like pandas. They are cute. What are your favorite animals, Jane?Jane: Elephants. They’re so kind and they have long noses. What about you, Maria?Maria: Tigers. They’re very strong.(One hour later)Jane: Oh, wha t’s the time now?Maria: Mm, it’s half past eleven.Kangkang: It’s time to go home.Michael: Yes. We have to go now.All: Goodbye, animal friends! See you next time.。


Ren'ai Edition English Seventh Grade Volume 1
• Course Introduction • Textbook analysis • Teaching methods and techniques • Teaching evaluation and feedback • Teaching resources and auxiliary
Teaching methods
Preview and review: Ask students to preview the text and then review it after reading to identify key information
Context understanding: Enhance students to analyze the context of the text to infer meanings of unknown words
introductions, teaching students how to start conversations and
introduce themselves in English
Unit 2
Discussing family and hobbies: This unit explores family and
Group work
Students will work in groups to practice speaking English and collaborating on projects
Audio visual materials



Unit 1 making new friendsKangkang: Good morning, Miss Wang!Miss Wang: Good morning!Kangkang: Miss Wang, this is Michael. Michael, this is Miss Wang. Michael: Nice to meet you.Miss Wang: Nice to meet you, too.Maria: Hi, Mr. Lee! Nice to see you.Mr. Lee: Hi, Maria! Nice to see you, too.Maria: Mr. Lee, this is my mom. Mom, this is my teacher, Mr. Lee. Mom: How do you do?Mr. Lee: How do you do?Sally: Excuse me, are you Jane?Jane: Yes, i am. Wha’t s your name?Sally: My name is Sally. Where are you from?Jane: I’m from Canada. Are you from Canada, too?Sally: No, I’m not. I’m from the U.S.A.A: Excuse me, who are they?B: They ’re Maria and Jane.A: Are they from England?B: No, they aren ’t.A: Where are they from, then?B: Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada.Li Ming: Hello, I ’m Li Ming. What ’s your name?Sally: My name is Sally.Li Ming: I am twelve years old. How old are you?Sally: I’m twelve, too.Li Ming: What class are you in?Sally: I’m in Class Four, Grade Seven. Are you in Class Four, too? Li Ming: No, I ’m not. I’m in Class Five.Wang Junfeng: Excuse me, what ’s this in English?Jane: It ’s an eraser.Wang Junfeng: How do you spell it?Jane: E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.Wang Junfeng: Thank you.Jane: That ’s OK.Liu Jiajia: What ’s that i s n h E,n M g a lria?Maria: It ’s a map.Liu Jiajia: Can you spell it, please?Maria: Yes. M-A-P, map.Liu Jiajia: Thanks.Maria: You ’re welcome.Jane is from Canada. She is twelve years old. Now she is in Beijing Ren’a i International School. She is in Class four, Grade Seven. Her phone number is 010 9267-6929.Huang Hua is from China. His English name is Tom. He is twelve. He is in Class Three, Grade Seven. His phone number is 010 9252-5233. They are not in the same class, but they are good friends.Unit 2 looking differentA: Guess, who am I?B: Are you Michael?A: No, I ’m not. I have a small nose, but he has a big one.B: Do you have a big one?A: Yes, I do.B: Oh, I know. You are Kangkang.A: Yes, you’r e right.Kangkang: Michael, who is your favorite movie star?Michael: Guess. He ’s Chinese and he has a big nose.Kangkang: Does he have long hair?Michael: No, he doesn ’t.Kangkang: Does he have a wide mouth?Michael: Yes, he does.Kangkang: I know. It ’s Bruce Lee.Michael: No. Guess again.I am a boy. I’m thirteen years old. I come from England. I’m a student. I have a round face and small eyes. My nose is big, and my mouth is small. I have a sister. Her nameis Amy. She is twelve. She is a student, too. She has a round face, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. We are in the same school, but in different grades.Michael: Hello, Kangkang! Who is that boy?Kangkang: Oh, he’s my friend, Yukio.Michael: Where is he from?Kangkang: He’s form Japan.Michael: But you look the same.kangkang: That’s right. We both have black hair and black eyes.Michael: I have bland hair and blue eyes.Kangkang: We don’t have the same looks, but we are good friends.Man: Please give this letter to Maria. She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.Girl: Sorry, I don ’t know her. W h h a e t dloo e k s lsike?Man: She is tall like you, but she doesn ’t have long hair. It ’s short and brown. Girl: Oh, I see. I ’ll give it to her.Man: Thanks.Girl: You ’re welcome.A: What color is this T-shirt?B: It ’s red.A: What color are these shoes?B: They ’r er egen.A: What color is this cap?B: It ’s yellow.Look at this photo. The girl in yellow is Maria. She is tall. She has short brown hair.Michael is strong. He is in a black cap and blue shoes. He has bland hair. Jane is in apurple T-shirt and a pink skirt. Her hair is red. The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang.His pants are blue. They look different, but they are good friends.Maria: Is this your cap, Jane?Jane: No, it ’s not mine.Maria: Whose cap is it, then?Jane: It ’s Sally ’s.Ben: Whose jacket is this? Is it yours, Michael?Michael: No, it’s not mine. Mine is here. I think it is Kangkang’s.Ben: Kangkang, is this jacket yours?Kangkang: No, my jacket is blue and white. This one is blue. I think it is Li Ming’s.I’m Kangkang. I have a new classmate. He is from Japan. We both have black hairand black eyes. We look the same, but we are in different clothes. He is in a purpleT-shirt and my T-shirt is red. His pants are blue and mine are white. My shoes are blueand his are black. Guess! Who is he ?This man is from Canada. He is twelve years old. He is tall and he has brown hair. Hehas small eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth. He is in black clothes. Please help usfind him. Our phone number is 902 877-3641.Unit 3 getting togetherLi Xiang: Excuse me, could you please tell me your name?Jane: Sure. My name is Jane.Li Xiang: Do you come from the U.S.A.?Jane: No, I don ’t. I come from Canada.Li Xiang: Oh, I have a pen pal in Canada. He can speak some Chinese. Do you likeChinese?Jane: Yes, I do. But my Chinese is poor. Could you help me with it?Li Xiang: No problem.Jane: Who is the letter from?Kangkang: It ’s from my pen pal, Sam.Jane: Does he speak Chinese?Kangkang: No, he doesn ’t. He speaks English.Jane: Does he live in England?Kangkang: Yes, he does.Jane: What does he say in the letter?Kangkang: He wants to visit the Great Wall.Jane is my good friend. She comes from Canada. She speaks English. We are both in the same class. Many students in our class like English a lot, but i don’t like it at all. My English is poor, so Jane often helps me with it. And i help her study Chinese. We help each other.Kangkang: Mom, I’m home. These are my classmates.Mom: Welcome, kids! Glad to meet you.Kids: Glad to meet you, too.Mom: Please have a seat.Kids: Thank you.My name is Peter. I come from the U.S.A. I am twelve years ole. I’m a student in Grade Seven. I have a happy family. We live in Beijing now.My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. My mother is a teacher. She teaches in a high school. My little sister, Rose, is only four years old. She is very cute. My grandparents live with us and look after Rose at home.Kangkang: Help yourselves!Michael: Thank you. I would like an egg and some fish.Kangkang: Would you like some eggs, Maria?Maria: No, thans. I’d like some chicken.Kangkang: What about you, Jane?Jane: Rice and chicken, please.Kangkang: All right. What would you like to drink?Jane: Apple juice, please. I like it very much.Maria: Milk for me, please.Michael: Me, too.Kangkang: What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael?Michael: I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.Kangkang: What about lunch?Michael: I usually have chicken with vegetables and some rice.。



Unit 1 making new friendsKangkang: Good morning, Miss Wang!Miss Wang: Good morning!Kangkang: Miss Wang, this is Michael. Michael, this is Miss Wang.Michael: Nice to meet you.Miss Wang: Nice to meet you, too.Maria: Hi, Mr. Lee! Nice to see you.Mr. Lee: Hi, Maria! Nice to see you, too.Maria: Mr. Lee, this is my mom. Mom, this is my teacher, Mr. Lee.Mom: How do you do?Mr. Lee: How do you do?Sally: Excuse me, are you Jane?Jane: Yes, i am. What’s your name?Sally: My name is Sally. Where are you from?Jane: I’m from Canada. Are you from Canada, too?Sally: No, I’m not. I’m from the Excuse me, who are they?B: They’re Maria and Jane.A: Are they from England?B: No, they aren’t.A: Where are they from, then?B: Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada.Li Ming: Hello, I’m Li Ming. What’s your name?Sally: My name is Sally.Li Ming: I am twelve years old. How old are you?Sally: I’m twelve, too.Li Ming: What class are you in?Sally: I’ m in Class Four, Grade Seven. Are you in Class Four, too?Li Ming: No, I’m not. I’m in Class Five.Wang Junfeng: Excuse me, what’s this in English?Jane: It’s an eraser.Wang Junfeng: How do you spell it?Jane: E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.Wang Junfeng: Thank you.Jane: That’s OK.Liu Jiajia: What’s that in English, Maria?Ma ria: It’s a map.Liu Jiajia: Can you spell it, please?Maria: Yes. M-A-P, map.Liu Jiajia: Thanks.Maria: You’re welcome.Jane is from Canada. She is twelve years old. Now she is in Beijing Ren’ai International School. She is in Class four, Grade Seven. Her phone number is 010 9267-6929.Huang Hua is from China. His English name is Tom. He is twelve. He is in ClassThree, Grade Seven. His phone number is 010 9252-5233. They are not in the same class, but they are good friends.Unit 2 looking differentA: Guess, who am I?B: Are you Michael?A: No, I’m not. I have a small nose, but he has a big one.B: Do you have a big one?A: Yes, I do.B: Oh, I know. You are Kangkang.A: Yes, you’re right.Kangkang: Michael, who is your favorite movie star?Michael: Guess. He’s Chinese and he has a big nose.Kangkang: Does he have long hair?Michael: No, he doesn’t.Kangkang: Does he have a wide mouth?Michael: Yes, he does.Kangkang: I know. It’s Bruce Lee.Michael: No. Guess again.I am a boy. I’m thirteen years old. I come from England. I’m a student. I have a round face and small eyes. My nose is big, and my mouth is small. I have a sister. Her name is Amy. She is twelve. She is a student, too. She has a round face, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. We are in the same school, but in different grades. Michael: Hello, Kangkang! Who is that boy?Kangkang: Oh, he’s my friend, Yukio.Michael: Where is he from?Kangkang: He’s form Japan.Michael: But you look the same.kangkang: That’s right. We both have black hair and black eyes.Michael: I have bland hair and blue eyes.Kangkang: We don’t have the same looks, but we are good friends.Man: Please give this letter to Maria. She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.Girl: Sorry, I don’t know her. What does she look like?Man: S he is tall like you, but she doesn’t have long hair. It’s short and brown.Girl: Oh, I see. I’ll give it to her.Man: Thanks.Girl: You’re welcome.A: What color is this T-shirt?B: It’s red.A: What color are these shoes?B: They’re green.A: What color is this cap?B: It’s yellow.Look at this photo. The girl in yellow is Maria. She is tall. She has short brown hair. Michael is strong. He is in a black cap and blue shoes. He has bland hair. Jane is in apurple T-shirt and a pink skirt. Her hair is red. The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang. His pants are blue. They look different, but they are good friends.Maria: Is this your cap, Jane?Jane: No, it’s not mine.Maria: Whose cap is it, then?Jane: It’s Sally’s.Ben: Whose jacket is this? Is it yours, Michael?Michael: No, it’s not mine. Mine is here. I think it is Kangkang’s.Ben: Kangkang, is this jacket yours?Kangkang: No, my jacket is blue and white. This one is blue. I think it is Li Ming’s. I’m Kangkang. I have a new classmate. He is from Japan. We both have black hair and black eyes. We look the same, but we are in different clothes. He is in a purple T-shirt and my T-shirt is red. His pants are blue and mine are white. My shoes are blue and his are black. Guess! Who is he ?This man is from Canada. He is twelve years old. He is tall and he has brown hair. He has small eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth. He is in black clothes. Please help us find him. Our phone number is 902 877-3641.Unit 3 getting togetherLi Xiang: Excuse me, could you please tell me your name?Jane: Sure. My name is Jane.Li Xiang: Do you come from the No, I don’t. I come from Canada.Li Xiang: Oh, I have a pen pal in Canada. He can speak some Chinese. Do you like Chinese?Jane: Yes, I do. But my Chinese is poor. Could you help me with it?Li Xiang: No problem.Jane: Who is the letter from?Kangkang: It’s from my pen pal, Sam.Jane: Does he speak Chinese?Kangkang: No, he doesn’t. He speaks English.Jane: Does he live in England?Kangkang: Yes, he does.Jane: What does he say in the letter?Kangkang: He wants to visit the Great Wall.Jane is my good friend. She comes from Canada. She speaks English. We are both in the same class. Many students in our class like English a lot, but i don’t like it at all. My English is poor, so Jane often helps me with it. And i help her study Chinese. We help each other.Kangkang: Mom, I’m home. These are my classmates.Mom: Welcome, kids! Glad to meet you.Kids: Glad to meet you, too.Mom: Please have a seat.Kids: Thank you.My name is Peter. I come from the I am twelve years ole. I’m a student in Grade Seven. I have a happy family. We live in Beijing now.My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. My mother is a teacher. She teaches in a high school. My little sister, Rose, is only four years old. She is very cute. My grandparents live with us and look after Rose at home.Kangkang: Help yourselves!Michael: Thank you. I would like an egg and some fish.Kangkang: Would you like some eggs, Maria?Maria: No, thans. I’d like some chicken.Kangkang: What about you, Jane?Jane: Rice and chicken, please.Kangkang: All right. What would you like to drink?Jane: Apple juice, please. I like it very much.Maria: Milk for me, please.Michael: Me, too.Kangkang: What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael?Michael: I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.Kangkang: What about lunch?Michael: I usually have chicken with vegetables and some rice.Kangkang: And supper?Michael: Jiaozi. It’s my favorite food. I like Chinese food very much.Dear Jack,I’m in China now. I have many friends here. They are all kind to me. I often have dinner with them. I like Chinese food, such as Sichuan food, Hunan food and Guangdong food very much. They are good. I’m very glad to be here.Yours,JaneUnit 4 enjoying yourselvesSalesman: What can I do for you, madam?Mother: I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.Salesman: The clothes are over there, madam.Mother: Thanks.Salesman: Not at all.Saleswoman: May I help you?Maria: Yes, please. I’d like the yellow coat. Can I try it on?Saleswoman: Sure.(Maria tries on the coat)Mother: Wow! It looks very nice on you. How much is it?Saleswoman: It’s only seventy yuan, madam.Mother: That’s fine. We’ll take it.Saleswoman: How do you like the pants?Michael: They’re too long.Saleswoman: Why not try on that pair?Michael: All right.Maria: Jane, what do you think of this green skirt?Jane: Oh, I don’t like it at all. How about the blue one?Maria: Mm, how much is it?Saleswoman: It’s 280 yuan.Jane: 280 yuan! Are you kidding? Well, I’ll think about it. Thank you all the same. Dad: Could you help me do some shopping, Ben?Ben: Sure. What do we need?Dad: We need two kilos of apples and some salt.Ben: How much salt do we need?Dad: Three bags of salt. Oh, we don’t have any milk.Ben: How many bottles?Dad: Six bottles.Ben: Is that all?Dad: Yes, I think so.Ben: OK, two kilos of apples, three bags of salt and six bottles of milk.Dad: That’s right.Welcome to Micky’s new shopMicky: Can I help you?Rabbit: Yes. Do you have any vegetables? I’d like two kilos.Micky: Yes. Here you are.Rabbit: Thank you. How much are they?Micky: Two yuan and fifty fen, please.Rabbit: Here you are.Micky: Thanks.Micky: May I help you?Ant: Yes, please. I want to buy some bread.Micky: Here it is. Would you like a bog of rice?Ant: Yes, but it’s too heavy.Micky: Don’t worry. I can help you.Cat: Hello, Micky!Micky: Oh, Mr. Cat, what can I do for you? We have some fish here.Cat: No, thanks. I don’t want any fish.Micky: How about some bread?Cat: No, I don’t like bread at all.Micky: What would you like, then?Cat: I’d like a fat mouse. Meow...Micky: Oh no! Goodbye.Jane: Hello!Kangkang: Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang.Jane: Hi, Kangkang!Kangkang: Are you free this Sunday?Jane: Yes. What’s up?Kangkang: Please tell Maria about it.Jane: Sure. I’ll call her.Kangkang: Don’t forget to bring your guitar.Jane: All right. See you then.Kangkang: See you.Jane: Would you like to sing some songs with me?Kangkang: I’m sorry I can’t. I have to cook.Michael: Would you like to cook with us?Wang Junfeng: Yes, I’d love to. It’s fun.Maria: Steve, how about flying a kite with me?Steve: I’d like that, but I’m afraid I have no time. I have to carry some water. Maria: How about you, Bobby?Bobby: Bow-wow...Maria’s mother: Hello!Sally: Hello! May I speak to Maria?Maria’s mother: Who’s this, please?Sally: This is Sally.Maria’s mother: Oh, hello, Sally. Maria isn’t in now.Sally: Could you ask her to call me back this evening?Maria’s mother: Sure.Sally: Thank you. Goodbye.Maria’s mother: Bye.Kangkang: Do you have time tomorrow?Michael: Yes. What’s up?Kangkang: We want to go to the zoo. Would you like to go with us?Michael: Good idea! Can we see pandas there?Kangkang: Yes. We can see monkeys, lions, tigers and elephants, too.Michael: Great!Kangkang: Let’s meet at 9 o’ clock in my home.Michael: OK.Kangkang: See you then.Michael: See you.(At Kangkang’s home)Kangkang: What time is it?Michael: It’s 9 o’clock.Kangkang: Are we all here?Jane and Maria: Yes, we are.Kangkang: OK. Let’s go.(At the zoo)Kangkang: Look at those monkeys. They’re so clever. I like them very much. Michael: I like pandas. They are cute. What are your favorite animals, Jane? Jane: Elephants. They’re so kind and they have long noses. What about you, Maria? Maria: Tigers. They’re very strong.(One hour later)Jane: Oh, what’s the time now?Maria: Mm, it’s half past eleven.Kangkang: It’s time to go home.Michael: Yes. We have to go now.All: Goodbye, animal friends! See you next time.。



Unit 1 making new friendsKangkang: Good morning, Miss Wang!Miss Wang: Good morning!Kangkang: Miss Wang, this is Michael. Michael, this is Miss Wang.Michael: Nice to meet you.Miss Wang: Nice to meet you, too.Maria: Hi, Mr. Lee! Nice to see you.Mr. Lee: Hi, Maria! Nice to see you, too.Maria: Mr. Lee, this is my mom. Mom, this is my teacher, Mr. Lee.Mom: How do you do?Mr. Lee: How do you do?Sally: Excuse me, are you Jane?Jane: Yes, i am. What’s your name?Sally: My name is Sally. Where are you from?Jane: I’m from Canada. Are you from Canada, too?Sally: No, I’m not. I’m from the U.S.A.A: Excuse me, who are they?B: They’re Maria and Jane.A: Are they from England?B: No, they aren’t.A: Where are they from, then?B: Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada.Li Ming: Hello, I’m Li Ming. What’s your name?Sally: My name is Sally.Li Ming: I am twelve years old. How old are you?Sally: I’m twelve, too.Li Ming: What class are you in?Sally: I’ m in Class Four, Grade Seven. Are you in Class Four, too?Li Ming: No, I’m not. I’m in Class Five.Wang Junfeng: Excuse me, what’s this in English?Jane: It’s an eraser.Wang Junfeng: How do you spell it?Jane: E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.Wang Junfeng: Thank you.Jane: That’s OK.Liu Jiajia: What’s that in English, Maria?Maria: It’s a map.Liu Jiajia: Can you spell it, please?Maria: Yes. M-A-P, map.Liu Jiajia: Thanks.Maria: You’re welcome.Jane is from Canada. She is twelve years old. Now she is in Beijing Ren’ai International School. She is in Class four, Grade Seven. Her phone number is 010 9267-6929.Huang Hua is from China. His English name is Tom. He is twelve. He is in Class Three, Grade Seven. His phone number is 010 9252-5233. They are not in the same class, but they are good friends.Unit 2 looking differentA: Guess, who am I?B: Are you Michael?A: No, I’m not. I have a small nose, but he has a big one.B: Do you have a big one?A: Yes, I do.B: Oh, I know. You are Kangkang.A: Yes, you’re right.Kangkang: Michael, who is your favorite movie star?Micha el: Guess. He’s Chinese and he has a big nose.Kangkang: Does he have long hair?Michael: No, he doesn’t.Kangkang: Does he have a wide mouth?Michael: Yes, he does.Kangkang: I know. It’s Bruce Lee.Michael: No. Guess again.I am a boy. I’m thirteen years old. I come from England. I’m a student. I have a round face and small eyes. My nose is big, and my mouth is small. I have a sister. Her name is Amy. She is twelve. She is a student, too. She has a round face, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. We are in the same school, but in different grades. Michael: Hello, Kangkang! Who is that boy?Kangkang: Oh, he’s my friend, Yukio.Michael: Where is he from?Kangkang: He’s form Japan.Michael: But you look the same.kangkang: That’s right. We both have black hair and black eyes.Michael: I have bland hair and blue eyes.Kangkang: We don’t have the same looks, but we are good friends.Man: Please give this letter to Maria. She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.Girl: Sorry, I don’t know her. What does she look li ke?Man: She is tall like you, but she doesn’t have long hair. It’s short and brown.Girl: Oh, I see. I’ll give it to her.Man: Thanks.Girl: You’re welcome.A: What color is this T-shirt?B: It’s red.A: What color are these shoes?B: They’re green.A: What color is this cap?B: It’s yellow.Look at this photo. The girl in yellow is Maria. She is tall. She has short brown hair.Michael is strong. He is in a black cap and blue shoes. He has bland hair. Jane is in a purple T-shirt and a pink skirt. Her hair is red. The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang. His pants are blue. They look different, but they are good friends.Maria: Is this your cap, Jane?Jane: No, it’s not mine.Maria: Whose cap is it, then?Jane: It’s Sally’s.Ben: Whose jacket is this? Is it yours, Michael?Michael: No, it’s not mine. Mine is here. I think it is Kangkang’s.Ben: Kangkang, is this jacket yours?Kangkang: No, my jacket is blue and white. This one is blue. I think it is Li Ming’s. I’m Kangkang. I have a new classmate. He is from Japan. We both have black hair and black eyes. We look the same, but we are in different clothes. He is in a purple T-shirt and my T-shirt is red. His pants are blue and mine are white. My shoes are blue and his are black. Guess! Who is he ?This man is from Canada. He is twelve years old. He is tall and he has brown hair. He has small eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth. He is in black clothes. Please help us find him. Our phone number is 902 877-3641.Unit 3 getting togetherLi Xiang: Excuse me, could you please tell me your name?Jane: Sure. My name is Jane.Li Xiang: Do you come from the U.S.A.?Jane: No, I don’t. I come from Canada.Li Xiang: Oh, I have a pen pal in Canada. He can speak some Chinese. Do you like Chinese?Jane: Yes, I do. But my Chinese is poor. Could you help me with it?Li Xiang: No problem.Jane: Who is the letter from?Kangkang: It’s from my pen pal, Sam.Jane: Does he speak Chinese?Kangkang: No, he doesn’t. He speaks English.Jane: Does he live in England?Kangkang: Yes, he does.Jane: What does he say in the letter?Kangkang: He wants to visit the Great Wall.Jane is my good friend. She comes from Canada. She speaks English. We are both in the same class. Many students in our class like English a lot, but i don’t like it at all. My English is poor, so Jane often helps me with it. And i help her study Chinese. We help each other.Kangkang: Mom, I’m home. These are my classmates.Mom: Welcome, kids! Glad to meet you.Kids: Glad to meet you, too.Mom: Please have a seat.Kids: Thank you.My name is Peter. I come from the U.S.A. I am twelve years ole. I’m a student in Grade Seven. I have a happy family. We live in Beijing now.My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. My mother is a teacher. She teaches in a high school. My little sister, Rose, is only four years old. She is very cute. My grandparents live with us and look after Rose at home.Kangkang: Help yourselves!Michael: Thank you. I would like an egg and some fish.Kangkang: Would you like some eggs, Maria?Maria: No, thans. I’d like some chicken.Kangkang: What about you, Jane?Jane: Rice and chicken, please.Kangkang: All right. What would you like to drink?Jane: Apple juice, please. I like it very much.Maria: Milk for me, please.Michael: Me, too.Kangkang: What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael?Michael: I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.Kangkang: What about lunch?Michael: I usually have chicken with vegetables and some rice.Kangkang: And supper?Michael: Jiaozi. It’s my favorite food. I like Chinese food very much.Dear Jack,I’m in China now. I have many friends here. They are all kind to me. I often have dinner with them. I like Chinese food, such as Sichuan food, Hunan food and Guangdong food very much. They are good. I’m very glad to be here.Yours,JaneUnit 4 enjoying yourselvesSalesman: What can I do for you, madam?Mother: I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.Salesman: The clothes are over there, madam.Mother: Thanks.Salesman: Not at all.Saleswoman: May I help you?Maria: Yes, please. I’d like the yellow coat. Can I try it on?Saleswoman: Sure.(Maria tries on the coat)Mother: Wow! It looks very nice on you. How much is it?Saleswoman: It’s only seventy yuan, madam.Mother: That’s fine. We’ll take it.Saleswoman: How do you like the pants?Michael: They’re too long.Saleswoman: Why not try on that pair?Michael: All right.Maria: Jane, what do you think of this green skirt?Jane: Oh, I don’t like it at all. How about the blue one?Maria: Mm, how much is it?Saleswoman: It’s 280 yuan.Jane: 280 yuan! Are you kidding? Well, I’ll think about it. Thank you all the same. Dad: Could you help me do some shopping, Ben?Ben: Sure. What do we need?Dad: We need two kilos of apples and some salt.Ben: How much salt do we need?Dad: Three bags of salt. Oh, we don’t have any milk.Ben: How many bottles?Dad: Six bottles.Ben: Is that all?Dad: Yes, I think so.Ben: OK, two kilos of apples, three bags of salt and six bottles of milk.Dad: That’s right.Welcome to Micky’s new shopMicky: Can I help you?Rabbit: Yes. Do you have any vegetables? I’d like two kilos.Micky: Yes. Here you are.Rabbit: Thank you. How much are they?Micky: Two yuan and fifty fen, please.Rabbit: Here you are.Micky: Thanks.Micky: May I help you?Ant: Yes, please. I want to buy some bread.Micky: Here it is. Would you like a bog of rice?Ant: Yes, but it’s too heavy.Micky: Don’t worry. I can help you.Cat: Hello, Micky!Micky: Oh, Mr. Cat, what can I do for you? We have some fish here.Cat: No, thanks. I don’t want any fish.Micky: How about some bread?Cat: No, I don’t like bread at all.Micky: What would you like, then?Cat: I’d like a fat mouse. Meow...Micky: Oh no! Goodbye.Jane: Hello!Kangkang: Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang.Jane: Hi, Kangkang!Kangkang: Are you free this Sunday?Jane: Yes. What’s up?Kangkang: Please tell Maria about it.Jane: Sure. I’ll call her.Kangkang: Don’t forget to bring your guitar.Jane: All right. See you then.Kangkang: See you.Jane: Would you like to sing some songs with me?Kangkang: I’m sorry I can’t. I have to cook.Michael: Would you like to cook with us?Wang Junfeng: Yes, I’d love to. It’s fun.Maria: Steve, how about flying a kite with me?Steve: I’d like that, but I’m afraid I have no time. I have to carry some water. Maria: How about you, Bobby?Bobby: Bow-wow...Maria’s mother: Hello!Sally: Hello! May I speak to Maria?Maria’s mother: Who’s this, p lease?Sally: This is Sally.Maria’s mother: Oh, hello, Sally. Maria isn’t in now.Sally: Could you ask her to call me back this evening?Maria’s mother: Sure.Sally: Thank you. Goodbye.Maria’s mother: Bye.Kangkang: Do you have time tomorrow?Michael: Yes. What’s up?Kangkang: We want to go to the zoo. Would you like to go with us?Michael: Good idea! Can we see pandas there?Kangkang: Yes. We can see monkeys, lions, tigers and elephants, too.Michael: Great!Kangkang: Let’s meet at 9 o’ clock in my hom e.Michael: OK.Kangkang: See you then.Michael: See you.(At Kangkang’s home)Kangkang: What time is it?Michael: It’s 9 o’clock.Kangkang: Are we all here?Jane and Maria: Yes, we are.Kangkang: OK. Let’s go.(At the zoo)Kangkang: Look at those monkeys. They’re so clever. I like them very much. Michael: I like pandas. They are cute. What are your favorite animals, Jane? Jane: Elephants. They’re so kind and they have long noses. What about you, Maria? Maria: Tigers. They’re very strong.(One hour later)Jane: Oh, what’s the time now?Maria: Mm, it’s half past eleven.Kangkang: It’s time to go home.Michael: Yes. We have to go now.All: Goodbye, animal friends! See you next time.。



Unit 1 making new friendsKangkang: Good morning, Miss Wang!Miss Wang: Good morning!Kangkang: Miss Wang, this is Michael. Michael, this is Miss Wang. Michael: Nice to meet you.Miss Wang: Nice to meet you, too.Maria: Hi, Mr. Lee! Nice to see you.Mr. Lee: Hi, Maria! Nice to see you, too.Maria: Mr. Lee, this is my mom. Mom, this is my teacher, Mr. Lee. Mom: How do you do?Mr. Lee: How do you do?Sally: Excuse me, are you Jane?Jane: Yes, i am. What’s your name?Sally: My name is Sally. Where are you from?Jane: I’m from Canada. Are you from Canada, too?Sally: No, I’m not. I’A: Excuse me, who are they?B: They’re Maria and Jane.A: Are they from England?B: No, they aren’t.A: Where are they from, then?B: Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada.Li Ming: Hello, I’m Li Ming. What’s your name?Sally: My name is Sally.Li Ming: I am twelve years old. How old are you?Sally: I’m twelve, too.Li Ming: What class are you in?Sally: I’ m in Class Four, Grade Seven. Are you in Class Four, too? Li Ming: No, I’m not. I’m in Class Five.Wang Junfeng: Excuse me, what’s this in English?Jane: It’s an eraser.Wang Junfeng: How do you spell it?Jane: E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.Wang Junfeng: Thank you.Jane: That’s OK.Liu Jiajia: What’s that in English, Maria?Maria: It’s a map.Liu Jiajia: Can you spell it, please?Maria: Yes. M-A-P, map.Liu Jiajia: Thanks.Maria: You’re welcome.Jane is from Canada. She is twelve years old. Now she is in Beijing Ren’ai International School. She is in Class four, Grade Seven. Her phone number is 010 9267-6929.Huang Hua is from China. His English name is Tom. He is twelve. He is in Class Three, Grade Seven. His phone number is 010 9252-5233. They are not in the same class, but they are good friends.Unit 2 looking differentA: Guess, who am I?B: Are you Michael?A: No, I’m not. I have a small nose, but he has a big one.B: Do you have a big one?A: Yes, I do.B: Oh, I know. You are Kangkang.A: Yes, you’re right.Kangkang: Michael, who is your favorite movie star?Michael: Guess. He’s Chinese and he has a big nose.Kangkang: Does he have long hair?Michael: No, he doesn’t.Kangkang: Does he have a wide mouth?Michael: Yes, he does.Kangkang: I know. It’s Bruce Lee.Michael: No. Guess again.I am a boy. I’m thirteen years old. I come from England. I’m a student. I have a round face and small eyes. My nose is big, and my mouth is small. I have a sister. Her name is Amy. She is twelve. She is a student, too. She has a round face, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. We are in the same school, but in different grades. Michael: Hello, Kangkang! Who is that boy?Kangkang: Oh, he’s my friend, Yukio.Michael: Where is he from?Kangkang: He’s form Japan.Michael: But you look the same.kangkang: That’s right. We both have black hair and black eyes.Michael: I have bland hair and blue eyes.Kangkang: We don’t have the same looks, but we are good friends.Man: Please give this letter to Maria. She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.Girl: Sorry, I don’t know her. What does she look lik e?Man: She is tall like you, but she doesn’t have long hair. It’s short and brown.Girl: Oh, I see. I’ll give it to her.Man: Thanks.Girl: You’re welcome.A: What color is this T-shirt?B: It’s red.A: What color are these shoes?B: They’re green.A: What color is this cap?B: It’s yellow.Look at this photo. The girl in yellow is Maria. She is tall. She has short brown hair. Michael is strong. He is in a black cap and blue shoes. He has bland hair. Jane is in a purple T-shirt and a pink skirt. Her hair is red. The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang. His pants are blue. They look different, but they are good friends.Maria: Is this your cap, Jane?Jane: No, it’s not mine.Maria: Whose cap is it, then?Jane: It’s Sally’s.Ben: Whose jacket is this? Is it yours, Michael?Michael: No, it’s not mine. Mine is here. I think it is Kangkang’s.Ben: Kangkang, is this jacket yours?Kangkang: No, my jacket is blue and white. This one is blue. I think it is Li Ming’s.I’m Kangkang. I have a new classmate. He is from Japan. We both have black hair and black eyes. We look the same, but we are in different clothes. He is in a purple T-shirt and my T-shirt is red. His pants are blue and mine are white. My shoes are blue and his are black. Guess! Who is he ?This man is from Canada. He is twelve years old. He is tall and he has brown hair. He has small eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth. He is in black clothes. Please help us find him. Our phone number is 902 877-3641.Unit 3 getting togetherLi Xiang: Excuse me, could you please tell me your name?Jane: Sure. My name is Jane.Jane: No, I don’t. I come from Canada.Li Xiang: Oh, I have a pen pal in Canada. He can speak some Chinese. Do you like Chinese?Jane: Yes, I do. But my Chinese is poor. Could you help me with it?Li Xiang: No problem.Jane: Who is the letter from?Kangkang: It’s from my pen pal, Sam.Jane: Does he speak Chinese?Kangkang: No, he doesn’t. He speaks English.Jane: Does he live in England?Kangkang: Yes, he does.Jane: What does he say in the letter?Kangkang: He wants to visit the Great Wall.Jane is my good friend. She comes from Canada. She speaks English. We are both in the same class. Many students in our class like English a lot, but i don’t like it at all. My English is poor, so Jane often helps me with it. And i help her study Chinese. We help each other.Kangkang: Mom, I’m home. These are my classmates.Mom: Welcome, kids! Glad to meet you.Kids: Glad to meet you, too.Mom: Please have a seat.Kids: Thank you.’m a student in Grade Seven. I have a happy family. We live in Beijing now.My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. My mother is a teacher. She teaches in a high school. My little sister, Rose, is only four years old. She is very cute. My grandparents live with us and look after Rose at home.Kangkang: Help yourselves!Michael: Thank you. I would like an egg and some fish.Kangkang: Would you like some eggs, Maria?Maria: No, thans. I’d like some chicken.Kangkang: What about you, Jane?Jane: Rice and chicken, please.Kangkang: All right. What would you like to drink?Jane: Apple juice, please. I like it very much.Maria: Milk for me, please.Michael: Me, too.Kangkang: What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael?Michael: I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.Kangkang: What about lunch?Michael: I usually have chicken with vegetables and some rice.Kangkang: And supper?Michael: Jiaozi. It’s my favorite food. I like Chinese food very much.Dear Jack,I’m in China now. I have many friends here. They are all kind to me. I often have dinner with them. I like Chinese food, such as Sichuan food, Hunan food and Guangdong food very much. They are good. I’m very glad to be here.Yours,JaneUnit 4 enjoying yourselvesSalesman: What can I do for you, madam?Mother: I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.Salesman: The clothes are over there, madam.Mother: Thanks.Salesman: Not at all.Saleswoman: May I help you?Maria: Yes, please. I’d like the yellow coat. Can I try it on?Saleswoman: Sure.(Maria tries on the coat)Mother: Wow! It looks very nice on you. How much is it?Saleswoman: It’s only seventy yuan, madam.Mother: That’s fine. We’ll take it.Saleswoman: How do you like the pants?Michael: They’re too long.Saleswoman: Why not try on that pair?Michael: All right.Maria: Jane, what do you think of this green skirt?Jane: Oh, I don’t like it at all. How about the blue one?Maria: Mm, how much is it?Saleswoman: It’s 280 yuan.Jane: 280 yuan! Are you kidding? Well, I’ll think about it. Thank you all the same. Dad: Could you help me do some shopping, Ben?Ben: Sure. What do we need?Dad: We need two kilos of apples and some salt.Ben: How much salt do we need?Dad: Three bags of salt. Oh, we don’t have any milk.Ben: How many bottles?Dad: Six bottles.Ben: Is that all?Dad: Yes, I think so.Ben: OK, two kilos of apples, three bags of salt and six bottles of milk. Dad: That’s right.Welcome to Micky’s new shopMicky: Can I help you?Rabbit: Yes. Do you have any vegetables? I’d like two kilos.Micky: Yes. Here you are.Rabbit: Thank you. How much are they?Micky: Two yuan and fifty fen, please.Rabbit: Here you are.Micky: Thanks.Micky: May I help you?Ant: Yes, please. I want to buy some bread.Micky: Here it is. Would you like a bog of rice?Ant: Yes, but it’s too heavy.Micky: Don’t worry. I can help you.Cat: Hello, Micky!Micky: Oh, Mr. Cat, what can I do for you? We have some fish here.Cat: No, thanks. I don’t want any fish.Micky: How about some bread?Cat: No, I don’t like bread at all.Micky: What would you like, then?Cat: I’d like a fat mouse. Meow...Micky: Oh no! Goodbye.Jane: Hello!Kangkang: Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang.Jane: Hi, Kangkang!Kangkang: Are you free this Sunday?Jane: Yes. What’s up?Kangkang: Please tell Maria about it.Jane: Sure. I’ll call her.Kangkang: Don’t forget to bring your guitar.Jane: All right. See you then.Kangkang: See you.Jane: Would you like to sing some songs with me?Kangkang: I’m sorry I can’t. I have to cook.Michael: Would you like to cook with us?Wang Junfeng: Yes, I’d love to. It’s fun.Maria: Steve, how about flying a kite with me?Steve: I’d like that, but I’m afraid I have no time. I have to carry some water.Maria: How about you, Bobby?Bobby: Bow-wow...Maria’s mother: Hello!Sally: Hello! May I speak to Maria?Maria’s mother: Who’s this, please?Sally: This is Sally.Maria’s mother: Oh, hello, Sally. Maria isn’t in now.Sally: Could you ask her to call me back this evening?Maria’s mother: Sure.Sally: Thank you. Goodbye.Maria’s mother: Bye.Kangkang: Do you have time tomorrow?Michael: Yes. What’s up?Kangkang: We want to go to the zoo. Would you like to go with us?Michael: Good idea! Can we see pandas there?Kangkang: Yes. We can see monkeys, lions, tigers and elephants, too.Michael: Great!Kangkang: Let’s meet at 9 o’ clock in my home.Michael: OK.Kangkang: See you then.Michael: See you.(At Kangkang’s home)Kangkang: What time is it?Michael: It’s 9 o’clock.Kangkang: Are we all here?Jane and Maria: Yes, we are.Kangkang: OK. Let’s go.(At the zoo)Kangkang: Look at those monkeys. They’re so clever. I like them very much. Michael: I like pandas. They are cute. What are your favorite animals, Jane? Jane: Elephants. They’re so kind and they have long noses. What about you, Maria? Maria: Tigers. They’re very strong.(One hour later)Jane: Oh, what’s the time now?Maria: Mm, it’s half past eleven.Kang kang: It’s time to go home.Michael: Yes. We have to go now.All: Goodbye, animal friends! See you next time.。



Unit 1 making new friendsKangkang: Good morning, Miss Wang!Miss Wang: Good morning!Kangkang: Miss Wang, this is Michael. Michael, this is Miss Wang. Michael: Nice to meet you.Miss Wang: Nice to meet you, too.Maria: Hi, Mr. Lee! Nice to see you.Mr. Lee: Hi, Maria! Nice to see you, too.Maria: Mr. Lee, this is my mom. Mom, this is my teacher, Mr. Lee. Mom: How do you do?Mr. Lee: How do you do?Sally: Excuse me, are you Jane?Jane: Yes, i am. What’s your name?Sally: My name is Sally. Where are you from?Jane: I’m from Canada. Are you from Canada, too?Sally: No, I’m not. I’m from the U.S.A.A: Excuse me, who are they?B: They’re Maria and Jane.A: Are they from England?B: No, they aren’t.A: Where are they from, then?B: Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada.Li Ming: Hello, I’m Li Ming. What’s your name?Sally: My name is Sally.Li Ming: I am twelve years old. How old are you?Sally: I’m twelve, too.Li Ming: What class are you in?Sally: I’ m in Class Four, Grade Seven. Are you in Class Four, too? Li Ming: No, I’m not. I’m in Class Five.Wang Junfeng: Excuse me, what’s this in English?Jane: It’s an eraser.Wang Junfeng: How do you spell it?Jane: E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.Wang Junfeng: Thank you.Jane: That’s OK.Liu Jiajia: What’s that in English, Maria?Maria: It’s a map.Liu Jiajia: Can you spell it, please?Maria: Yes. M-A-P, map.Liu Jiajia: Thanks.Maria: You’re welcome.Jane is from Canada. She is twelve years old. Now she is in Beijing Ren’ai International School. She is in Class four, Grade Seven. Her phone number is 010 9267-6929.Huang Hua is from China. His English name is Tom. He is twelve. He is in Class Three, Grade Seven. His phone number is 010 9252-5233. They are not in the same class, but they are good friends.Unit 2 looking differentA: Guess, who am I?B: Are you Michael?A: No, I’m not. I have a small nose, but he has a big one.B: Do you have a big one?A: Yes, I do.B: Oh, I know. You are Kangkang.A: Yes, you’re right.Kangkang: Michael, who is your favorite movie star?Michael: Guess. He’s Chinese and he has a big nose.Kangkang: Does he have long hair?Michael: No, he doesn’t.Kangkang: Does he have a wide mouth?Michael: Yes, he does.Kangkang: I know. It’s Bruce Le e.Michael: No. Guess again.I am a boy. I’m thirteen years old. I come from England. I’m a student. I have a round face and small eyes. My nose is big, and my mouth is small. I have a sister. Her name is Amy. She is twelve. She is a student, too. She has a round face, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. We are in the same school, but in different grades. Michael: Hello, Kangkang! Who is that boy?Kangkang: Oh, he’s my friend, Yukio.Michael: Where is he from?Kangkang: He’s form Japan.Michael: But you look the same.kangkang: That’s right. We both have black hair and black eyes.Michael: I have bland hair and blue eyes.Kangkang: We don’t have the same looks, but we are good friends.Man: Please give this letter to Maria. She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.Girl: Sorry, I don’t know her. What does she look like?Man: She is tall like you, but she doesn’t have long hair. It’s short and brown.Girl: Oh, I see. I’ll give it to her.Man: Thanks.Girl: You’re welcome.A: What color is this T-shirt?B: It’s red.A: What color are these shoes?B: They’re green.A: What color is this cap?B: It’s yellow.Look at this photo. The girl in yellow is Maria. She is tall. She has short brown hair. Michael is strong. He is in a black cap and blue shoes. He has bland hair. Jane is in a purple T-shirt and a pink skirt. Her hair is red. The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang. His pants are blue. They look different, but they are good friends.Maria: Is this your cap, Jane?Jane: No, it’s not mine.Maria: Whose cap is it, then?Jane: It’s Sally’s.Ben: Whose jacket is this? Is it yours, Michael?Michael: No, it’s not mine. Mine is here. I think it is Kangkang’s.Ben: Kangkang, is this jacket yours?Kangkang: No, my jacket is blue and white. This one is blue. I think it is Li Ming’s.I’m Kangkang. I have a new classmate. He is from Japan. We both have black hair and black eyes. We look the same, but we are in different clothes. He is in a purple T-shirt and my T-shirt is red. His pants are blue and mine are white. My shoes are blue and his are black. Guess! Who is he ?This man is from Canada. He is twelve years old. He is tall and he has brown hair. He has small eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth. He is in black clothes. Please help us find him. Our phone number is 902 877-3641.Unit 3 getting togetherLi Xiang: Excuse me, could you please tell me your name?Jane: Sure. My name is Jane.Li Xiang: Do you come from the U.S.A.?Jane: No, I don’t. I come from Canada.Li Xiang: Oh, I have a pen pal in Canada. He can speak some Chinese. Do you like Chinese?Jane: Yes, I do. But my Chinese is poor. Could you help me with it?Li Xiang: No problem.Jane: Who is the letter from?Kangkang: It’s from my pen pal, Sam.Jane: Does he speak Chinese?Kangkang: No, he doesn’t. He speaks English.Jane: Does he live in England?Kangkang: Yes, he does.Jane: What does he say in the letter?Kangkang: He wants to visit the Great Wall.Jane is my good friend. She comes from Canada. She speaks English. We are both in the same class. Many students in our class like English a lot, but i don’t like it at all. My English is poor, so Jane often helps me with it. And i help her study Chinese. We help each other.Kangkang: Mom, I’m home. These are my classmates.Mom: Welcome, kids! Glad to meet you.Kids: Glad to meet you, too.Mom: Please have a seat.Kids: Thank you.My name is Peter. I come from the U.S.A. I am twelve years ole. I’m a student in Grade Seven. I have a happy family. We live in Beijing now.My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. My mother is a teacher. She teaches in a high school. My little sister, Rose, is only four years old. She is very cute. My grandparents live with us and look after Rose at home.Kangkang: Help yourselves!Michael: Thank you. I would like an egg and some fish.Kangkang: Would you like some eggs, Maria?Maria: No, thans. I’d like some chicken.Kangkang: What about you, Jane?Jane: Rice and chicken, please.Kangkang: All right. What would you like to drink?Jane: Apple juice, please. I like it very much.Maria: Milk for me, please.Michael: Me, too.Kangkang: What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael?Michael: I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.Kangkang: What about lunch?Michael: I usually have chicken with vegetables and some rice.Kangkang: And supper?Michael: Jiaozi. It’s my favorite food. I like Chinese food very much.Dear Jack,I’m in China now. I have many friends here. They are all kind to me. I often have dinner with them. I like Chinese food, such as Sichuan food, Hunan food and Guangdong food very much. They are good. I’m very glad to be here.Yours,JaneUnit 4 enjoying yourselvesSalesman: What can I do for you, madam?Mother: I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.Salesman: The clothes are over there, madam.Mother: Thanks.Salesman: Not at all.Saleswoman: May I help you?Maria: Yes, please. I’d like the yellow coat. Can I try it on?Saleswoman: Sure.(Maria tries on the coat)Mother: Wow! It looks very nice on you. How much is it?Saleswoman: It’s only seventy yuan, madam.Mother: That’s fine. We’ll take it.Saleswoman: How do you like the pants?Michael: They’re too long.Saleswoman: Why not try on that pair?Michael: All right.Maria: Jane, what do you think of this green skirt?Jane: Oh, I don’t like it at all. How about the blue one?Maria: Mm, how much is it?Saleswoman: It’s 280 yuan.Jane: 280 yuan! Are you kidding? Well, I’ll think about it. Thank you all the same. Dad: Could you help me do some shopping, Ben?Ben: Sure. What do we need?Dad: We need two kilos of apples and some salt.Ben: How much salt do we need?Dad: Three bags of salt. Oh, we don’t have any milk.Ben: How many bottles?Dad: Six bottles.Ben: Is that all?Dad: Yes, I think so.Ben: OK, two kilos of apples, three bags of salt and six bottles of milk. Dad: That’s right.Welcome to Micky’s new shopMicky: Can I help you?Rabbit: Yes. Do you have any vegetables? I’d like two kilos. Micky: Yes. Here you are.Rabbit: Thank you. How much are they?Micky: Two yuan and fifty fen, please.Rabbit: Here you are.Micky: Thanks.Micky: May I help you?Ant: Yes, please. I want to buy some bread.Micky: Here it is. Would you like a bog of rice?Ant: Yes, but it’s too heavy.Micky: Don’t worry. I can help you.Cat: Hello, Micky!Micky: Oh, Mr. Cat, what can I do for you? We have some fish here. Cat: No, thanks. I don’t want any fish.Micky: How about some bread?Cat: No, I don’t like bread at all.Micky: What would you like, then?Cat: I’d like a fat mouse. Meow...Micky: Oh no! Goodbye.Jane: Hello!Kangkang: Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang.Jane: Hi, Kangkang!Kangkang: Are you free this Sunday?Jane: Yes. What’s up?Kangkang: Please tell Maria about it.Jane: Sure. I’ll call her.Kangkang: Don’t forget to bring your guitar.Jane: All right. See you then.Kangkang: See you.Jane: Would you like to sing some songs with me?Kangkang: I’m sorry I can’t. I have to cook.Michael: Would you like to cook with us?Wang Junfeng: Yes, I’d love to. It’s fun.Maria: Steve, how about flying a kite with me?Steve: I’d like that, but I’m afraid I have no time. I have to carry some water. Maria: How about you, Bobby?Bobby: Bow-wow...Maria’s mother: Hello!Sally: Hello! May I speak to Maria?Maria’s mother: Who’s this, please?Sally: This is Sally.Maria’s mother: Oh, hello, Sally. Maria isn’t in now.Sally: Could you ask her to call me back this evening?Maria’s mother: Sure.Sally: Thank you. Goodbye.Maria’s mother: Bye.Kangkang: Do you have time tomorrow?Michael: Yes. What’s up?Kangkang: We want to go to the zoo. Would you like to go with us?Michael: Good idea! Can we see pandas there?Kangkang: Yes. We can see monkeys, lions, tigers and elephants, too.Michael: Great!Kangkang: Let’s meet at 9 o’ clock in my home.Michael: OK.Kangkang: See you then.Michael: See you.(At Kangkang’s home)Kangkang: What time is it?Michael: It’s 9 o’clock.Kangkang: Are we all here?Jane and Maria: Yes, we are.Kangkang: OK. Let’s go.(At the zoo)Kangkang: Look at those monkeys. They’re so clever. I like them very much. Michael: I like pandas. They are cute. What are your favorite animals, Jane?Jan e: Elephants. They’re so kind and they have long noses. What about you, Maria? Maria: Tigers. They’re very strong.(One hour later)Jane: Oh, what’s the time now?Maria: Mm, it’s half past eleven.Kangkang: It’s time to go home.Michael: Yes. We have to go now.All: Goodbye, animal friends! See you next time.。

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