



JohnnyHuang © Extech Corp. 2011
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特色 全新的互交设计环境加快创பைடு நூலகம்速度
Solid Edge ST 是目前市场上最完善的基于特征的 2D/3D CAD系统。此系统将直接建模的速度与灵活性 与尺寸驱动设计的准确性结合在一起,提供最快、最 灵活的设计体验和全新的建模方式。 在同步建模技术的支持下,软件允许直接针对模型进 行设计工作,更快、更流畅地创建设计和进行编辑, 而且无需扩大当前的设计团队就能以比竞争对手更快 的速度进行创新。

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特色 全新的互交设计环境加快创新速度
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特色 用2D的简单性驾驭3D的强大功能
由于软件允许在同一环境中使用统一的二维和三维建 模命令进行设计,因此它提供了一个二维和三维混合 设计的平台。在二维中使用的那些熟悉的命令也出现 在三维环境中。用户可以利用对二维设计系统中各项 常见技术的深刻理解,进行直接的设计和编辑。



篮球术语及英语A——E8 man rotation game:8人替补的比赛;比赛过程教练调度哲学。

指重要赛中,教练一般都只让8人轮流上场,亦即一个控球后卫(point guard)的替补,一个2号得分后卫(shoo ting guard)、3号小前锋(big forward)球员共同的替补,一个4号大前锋(power forward)、5号中锋(center)等球员共同的替补,再加五个先发共8人。

8 second violation:8秒违例;篮球比赛对进攻方限制规则。


air ball:篮外空心球;进攻投篮状况之一。

意指进攻投篮时候,球体都没有碰到篮板、篮框、篮网等状况;多数的篮外空心球和防守是否积极封阻(block shoot)有关。

alley oop:高吊传球攻击;进攻传导球攻击技术之一。




assistant coach:助理教练;队职员名称。


away game:客场比赛;比赛形式名称。


baby hook:小勾射;进攻技巧之一。


back cut:前挤后退切;空手走位技巧之一。


1.1 Overview......................................... 5

1.1 Overview......................................... 5

The Durm German LemmatizerPraharshana Perera and Ren´e WitteUniversit¨a t KarlsruheInstitut f¨ur Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation(IPD)Karlsruhe,Germanywitte@a.deMay28,2006Contents1The Durm Lemmatizer51.1Overview (5)1.2Setup (6)2German Case Tagger92.1Overview (9)2.2Usage (9)2.2.1Initialization Paramaters (9)2.2.2Runtime parameters (9)2.2.3Output Annotations (10)2.3Implementation notes (10)2.3.1Probability Files (10)3German POS-based Number Tagger133.1Overview (13)3.2Usage (13)3.2.1Runtime parameters (13)3.2.2Output Annotations (13)3.3Implementation notes (13)4German Morphological Analyzer154.1Overview (15)4.2Usage (15)4.2.1Runtime parameters (15)4.2.2Output Annotations (15)4.3Implementation notes (16)5German Lemmatizer175.1Overview (17)5.2Durm Lexicon (17)5.2.1Evolving the Lexicon (18)5.2.2Manual Correction of Entries (19)5.3Usage (19)5.3.1Runtime parameters (19)5.3.2Output Annotations (19)5.4Implementation notes (19)About this documentThis document contains documentation for the Durm German Lemmatization system.You can get the latest version from a.de/˜durm/tm/lemma/.3ContentsAcknowledgmentsDevelopment of the German Lemmatizer has been supported by the German research foun-dation(DFG)within the project”Entstehungswissen”(LO296/18-1).The TIGER Treebank (Version2)has been used for training and evaluation of the Case Tagger.41The Durm LemmatizerThe Durm Lemmatization System performs morphological analysis and lemmatization for German nouns.Figure1.1:Annotations generated by the Durm Lemmatizer running in the GATE environ-ment1.1OverviewThe Durm Lemmatization system consists of a number of GATE components and resources, which have to be used within the GATE(/)architecture.It includes the following components to perform morphological analysis and lemmatization:•The Case Tagger,which adds case information(Nominativ,Genitiv,Dativ,Akkusativ) to nouns;•The POS-based Number Tagger,which adds number information(singular,plural);51The Durm Lemmatizer•The Morphological Analyser,which classifies nouns into morphological classes;•The German Lemmatizer,which annotates nouns with their lemma.Additionaly,it uses information provided by two other components:•A POS-tagger for German(currently we only support the STTS tagset as used by the TreeTagger1)•The MuNPEx2noun phrase chunker for German.The Durm German lexicon is a main resource in the lemmatization system.It is an automat-ically created and updated German lexicon containing lemma,number,and case information for nouns.For a more detailed motivation,as well as the theoretical background,you should read our paper on German lemmatization(Perera and Witte,2005).1.2SetupYou should have a working GATE installation including the TreeTagger.Then set up a pipeline with the following components(Figure1.2):3Figure1.2:Sample pipeline configuration for the lemmatization system1.Load GATE’s sample application for German:german+tagger.gapp(you canfind itin your GATE installation under gate/plugins/german/resources/).Note:this pipeline works on the annotation set“NE,”so you’ll either have to(a)also use“NE”as the input/output annotation set for all downstream components or(b)(perhaps sim-pler)remove all references to“NE”within the GATE pipeline to make it work on the default annotation set.1http://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/projekte/corplex/TreeTagger/DecisionTreeTagger.html2a.de/˜durm/tm/munpex/3If you do not know how to add a new CREOLE repository or load new components into a pipeline,please read the GATE’s user guidefirst at /sale/tao/index.html.61.2Setup2.Add the MuNPEx4noun phrase chunker for German(using the main grammarfilede-np main.jape)3.Add a JAPE-Transducer component with the grammarfile DeLem/de morph main.jape4.Add the Case Tagger component(CaseTagger/build).Here you’ll have to set theinitialization parameter to the CaseProbs directory containing the probabilityfiles.Note:To add this and the next three components from the GUI,use File→Manage CREOLE plugins→Add a new CREOLE repository and then select the indicated build directory.5.Add the Number Tagger component(Number/build)6.Add the German Morphological Analyzer component(GermanMorphologicalAnalyzer/build)7.Add the main German Lemmatizer component(GermanLemmatizer/build).Here you’llhave to set the initialization parameter to thefile containing the German lexicon:DE-Lexicon/delexicon.txt.8.Optionally:add a“Document Reset”component to remove the temp annotations NPFNP,PosNumber,Preposition,PN,Case,Num,and Gender(see Figure1.3)Figure1.3:You can remove temporary annotations generated by the Durm lemmatizer witha Document Reset PR componentNow load some German texts and run the pipeline.Enjoy the new annotations for Lemma and DE-Morph.4a.de/˜durm/tm/munpex/71The Durm Lemmatizer 82German Case TaggerThe German case tagger assigns a grammatical case(Nom,Gen,Dat,Akk)for each noun ina document.2.1OverviewThe case tagger is developed as an additional resource to support the Durm lemmatization system.It is a main component in the Durm lemmatizer since the lemmatizer requires the grammatical case for nouns in order to determine their base forms.It uses information pro-vided by a POS-tagger1.It takes sentences tagged for part-of-speech as input and attempts to produce the best case tag for each noun or pronoun in the sentence.The underlying tagging algorithm of the case tagger is based on the stochastic tagging algorithm generally known as the Hidden Markov Model or HMM tagger.For a morphologically complex language like German,assigning the correct case for each noun is a very difficult task.For example, given the following sentence:Sie/NOM AKK trinken Wasser/NOM AKK DATAutomatically assigning a case tag to each noun or pronoun is not trivial,because the grammatical case for Sie and Wasser is ambiguous.That is,they have more than one possible grammatical case.The pronoun Sie can either be nominative or accusative and the noun Wasser can take3possible values for case,nominative,accusative,and dative respectively.The task of case tagging is to resolve these ambiguities,choosing the proper tag for the context.2.2Usage2.2.1Initialization ParamatersWhen initializing the case tagger component,you’ll have to set the following parameters: Name the component’s name,as it appears under P ROCESSING R ESOURCE.You can leave it empty,it will then default to C ASE T AGGER.probabilityFiles path to the directory,where the probabilityfiles,listed in section2.3.1,are stored for the calculation of probabilities for stochastic case tagging.This parameter should be set when initializing this component.2.2.2Runtime parametersinputASName input annotation setoutputASName output annotation setextractAnnotations these are annotations to extract in addition to tokens for the case tagger.Since this component requires NPs in addition to tokens,set this parameter to NP.1Currently,only the TreeTagger with the STTS tagset is supported92German Case Tagger2.2.3Output AnnotationsCase The case(Nom,Gen,Dat,Akk)for every noun in a document.2.3Implementation notesThe implementation of the case tagger is based on an HMM tagger.Like other stochastic taggers,it picks the most likely tag for the noun based on learned probabilities of a training corpus.The required probabilities are located asfiles in the directory given as a parameter when initializing the component.HMM taggers choose the tag sequence that maximizes the following formula:P(word|tag)∗P(tag|previous n tags)(2.1) HMM taggers generally choose a tag sequence for a whole sentence rather than for a single word.The case tagger is based on a trigram-HMM and chooses the tag t i for word w i that is most probable given the previous two tags t i−1and t i−2and the current word w i:P(t j|t i−1t i−2)P(w i|t i)(2.2)t i=argmaxjThe interface to the case tagger defines one method,String[]getCaseTags(Document gate-doc,ArrayList tokens),it accepts a GATE document and an ArrayList of tokens as parameters. The list of tokens contains a sentence,which contains tokens that are annotated for part-of-speech.This method returns an array of strings that contains the grammatical case for each noun in the sentence in the same order as the nouns in the sentence.The underlying implementation of the case tagger calls the methods in the Viterbi interface,which defines the functionality of the Viterbi algorithm2,whichfinds the best sequence of case tags for the nouns in the sentence.2.3.1Probability Filesn1counts.txt Unigram countsn2counts.txt Bigram countsn3counts.txt Trigram countscontext2.txt Bigram probabilitiescontext3.txt Trigram probabilitiesWordStat.txt Lexical probabilities P(NN∨NE|tag)for normales Nomen or Eigennamen adjstat.txt Lexical probabilites P(ADJA|tag)for attributives Adjektivapprstat.txt Lexical probabilites P(APPR|tag)for Pr¨a positionapprartstat.txt Lexical probabilites P(APPRARTS|tag)for Pr¨a position mit Artikelartstat.txt Lexical probabilites P(ART|tag)for bestimmter oder unbestimmter Artikel pdatstat.txt Lexical probabilites P(PDAT|tag)for attribuierendes Demonstrativepronomen pidatstat.txt Lexical probabilities P(PIDAT|tag)for attribuierendes Indefinitepronomen mit Determiner2/wiki/Viterbi_algorithm102.3Implementation notes piatstat.txt Lexical probabilities P(PIAT|tag)for attribuierendes Indefinitepronomen ohne Determinerpposatstat.txt Lexical probabilities P(PPOSAT|tag)for attribuierendes Possesivepronomen pperstat.txt Lexical probabilities P(PPER|tag)for irreflexives Personalpronomenprfstat.txt Lexical probabilities P(PRF|tag)for reflexives Personalpronomen Visit the JavaDoc Documentation../../../Gate/CaseTagger/doc/javadoc/index.html112German Case Tagger 123German POS-based Number TaggerThe German POS-based number tagger determines the number of the subject noun of a sentence.3.1OverviewThe POS-based number tagger has been developed as an additional resource to support the Durm lemmatization system.It analyzes a whole sentence using the part-of-speech information provided by a German POS-tagger1and the case information provided by the case tagger in order to determine the number of the subject noun of a sentence. Determining the number of the subject is based on a basic grammatical rule in German that says,the number of the subject should agree with the number of the main verb in the sentence.With the help of the case tagger wefind the subject(case:Nom)of the sentence and with the help of the part-of-speech tagger wefind the main verb.Since we have both the main verb and the subject,we apply a small heuristic to determine the number of the main verb.This is done by checking the suffix of the main verb,since in German most of the plural verbs have the suffix-en or-n.In this way,we determine the number of the main verb and in turn the number of the subject noun.3.2UsageIn a pipeline,this component must be inserted after a POS-tagger and the Case tagger,since it uses information given by these two components.3.2.1Runtime parametersinputASName input annotation setoutputASName output annotation setextractAnnotations these are annotations to extract in addition to tokens for the POS-based number tagger.Since this component requires NPs in addition to tokens,set this parameter to NP.3.2.2Output AnnotationsPosNumber The number(Sg or Pl)for the subject in a sentence.3.3Implementation notesInitially this component determines the main verb of the sentence by looking at the POS tags.This is done by iterating through each token of a sentence and examining the POS 1Currently,only the TreeTagger with the STTS tagset is supported133German POS-based Number Taggerof each token until a token with the POS VVFIN2,VAFIN3,or VMFIN4is found.When the programfinds a token with one of these POS tags,this token is assigned as the main verb of the sentence,since in German the POS of a main verb is VVFIN,VAFIN,or VMFIN.After determining the main verb,the program determines the subject of the sentence by looking at the grammatical case tag for each noun.This is again done by iterating through the tokens in a sentence until a match is found for POS=NN and Case=Nom,i.e.,a noun with the case tagged as nominative.Afterfinding the subject,it applies the heuristic explained above, looking at the suffix of the verb,in order to determine the number of the subject.The interface to the POS-Number tagger defines the method public ng.String get-Number(java.Util.ArrayList tokens)method,where it accepts an ArrayList of tokens as its arguments to the method and returns a string representing the position of the subject of the sentence and whether the subject is singular or plural.For example,the string”30”means that the3rd noun of the sentence is singular.The last digit of the string defines the number, i.e.,0=singular and1=plural.Visit the JavaDoc Documentation../../../Gate/Number/doc/javadoc/index.html2finites Verb,voll3Infinitive,aux4finites Verb,modal144German Morphological AnalyzerThe German morphological analyzer assigns number and gender for nouns in a document.4.1OverviewThe morphological analyzer considers the context of nouns by analyzing NPs given by the multi-lingual NP chunker(MuNPE)in order to provide the morphological classification re-quired for lemmatization.The Durm lemmatizer processes nouns considering their morpho-logical features such as number,gender,and their surrounding context.Since information required for lemmatization regarding number and gender cannot be solely determined from the word form itself,the lemmatization algorithm captures the context of nouns by analyzing NP chunks.The algorithm processes NPs with:•determiners,•determiners and modifiers,•modifiers only,•without determiners or modifiers,in order to compute the features number and gender.This component uses rules and heuristics based on the German grammar.4.2UsageSince the main input to this component are NP chunks,this component must be inserted to the pipeline after an NP chunker.4.2.1Runtime parametersinputASName input annotation setoutputASName output annotation setextractAnnotations these are annotations to extract in addition to tokens for the German morphological analyzer.Since this component requires NPs in addition to tokens,set this parameter to NP.4.2.2Output AnnotationsNumber The number for nouns in the document.Gender The gender for nouns in the document.154German Morphological Analyzer4.3Implementation notesThis component processes nouns in different ways with respect to their context information given by the NP chunker.To facilitate this kind of processing,the interface to the lemmati-zation algorithm defines one method,public MorphologyImpl classifyMorphology(Annotation token,gate.Document doc),which takes a token as an argument within the currently pro-cessing document and returns an object of type MorphologyImpl,which holds information regarding number,gender etc.This method is then implemented in different ways in differ-ent subclasses in the inheritance hierarchy.In order to decouple the interface from its implementation so that the two can vary independently,we have employed the Bridge design pattern.The class Morphology de-fines the abstraction interface,which maintains a reference to an object of type imple-mentor and the class GermanMorphology extends the interface defined by the Abstraction. The class MorphologyImpl defines the interface for implementation classes and its sub-classes implement the Implementor interface and defines their concrete implementation. Visit the JavaDoc Documentation../../../Gate/LemmatizationAlg/doc/javadoc/index.html165German LemmatizerThe German Lemmatizer lemmatizes nouns in a document based on the morphological fea-tures number,gender,and case based on the morphological classes generated by the German Morphological Analyzer and lookups in the Durm lexicon.Additionally,it inserts new entries into the Durm lexicon and updates existing entries,allowing the lexicon to evolve in both coverage and accuracy.5.1OverviewThis component is the last component within the Durm lemmatization system,where the actual lemmatization and lexicon generation take place.It determines the lemma of nouns or possible lemma candidates for them by applying a simple algorithm,depending on their morphological classes as given by the German Morphological Analyzer.It then uses the lemma given by the lemmatizer to update the lexicon.When it updates the lexicon it also tries to correct the existing entries in the lexicon as well as the entry that is currently entered to the lexicon from the entries that are already in the lexicon.The input to this component is a noun with its morphological features number,gender,and case.Based on these features the lemmatizer determines the lemma or lemma candidates1. Afterwards the noun with the lemma including other morphological information is used to update the lexicon.5.2Durm LexiconThe Durm lexicon is generated automatically from nouns processed by the German Lemma-tizer.It grows by updating itself,learning correct values for the lexical entries.The lexicon stores full forms of words with their base form or lemma and other morphological features such as number,gender,and case.Additionally,it also holds information on:•The number of times that the entry has been found when generating the lexicon•Inserted time•Modified time•Reference to afile,which specifies documents,where the entry has been found•A lock to specify,whether the entry’s lemma is correct or manually corrected,and therefore,needs not to be updated.An example entry in the lexicon is shown below:Kinder Pl Masc Nom.Akk.Dat Kind10227/7/200520:14:5221/10/20058:47:1936248locked1Lemma candidates are generated for nouns with irregular morphological features,for example,nouns with um-lauts.The correct lemma for these nouns can be identified,when the same noun appears again in a different context175German LemmatizerThefile reference(36248)points to the an entry in an auxiliaryfile holding information about the documents containing the word:36248file:/home/user/Testdata/TestCorpus3/Test100.txtfile:/home/user/Testdata/TestCorpus3/Test102.txt..file:/home/user/Downloads/Spiegel/12.05.2005wwwww.txtCurrently the lexicon is available in plain text format.We are also working on making it available in XML format.5.2.1Evolving the LexiconThe lexicon has the capability of self-correction.This feature has been implemented by lexicon update procedures.These procedures are illustrated using examples.Updating LemmasIf a new word to be inserted has more than one lemma candidate,the lexicon tries to assign the correct lemma for this new word by looking at the lemmas that are already in the lexicon:Current state of the lexicon(lemma only)Land LandLandes LandNew EntryL¨a nder L¨a nde.L¨a ndState of the lexicon after updateLand LandLandes LandL¨a nder LandIn the same way,if a new word to be inserted has the correct lemma,the lexicon tries to update the words in the lexicon that have more than one lemma using the lemma of the new word:Current state of the lexicon(lemma only)L¨a nder L¨a nde.L¨a ndL¨a ndern L¨a nder.L¨a nde.L¨a ndNew EntryLandes LandState of the lexicon after updateLandes LandL¨a nder LandL¨a ndern LandAutomatic Error CorrectionThe lemmatization algorithm may produce errors,for example,a plural noun wrongly tagged as singular may not be lemmatized,resulting in a wrong entry.While the lexicon evolves, such errors produced by the algorithm are corrected automatically.If a word that has a wrong entry in the lexicon is entered again with the correct lemma,the word itself and all its inflectional forms will be updated with the correct lemma:185.3UsageCurrent state of the lexicon(lemma only)Jahr JahrJahre Jahre(wrong)New EntryJahren Jahre.JahrState of the lexicon after updateJahr JahrJahre Jahre(wrong)Jahren Jahre.Jahr(two possibilities)New EntryJahre Jahr(correct lemmatization)State of the lexicon after updateJahr JahrJahre JahrJahren Jahr5.2.2Manual Correction of EntriesSome entries in the lexion may need to be corrected manually or some manual inspection may be done to avoid the system from updating correct lemmas.Those entries that have been manually corrected or have been determined as correct will be locked.Locked entries are not be processed by lexicon update algorithms.5.3UsageThis component must run after case tagger,POS-based number tagger,and the morphologi-cal analyzer components.When initializing the case tagger component,you’ll have to set the following parameters: lexiconPath path to the directory,where the Durm lexicon is stored.This parameter must be set when initializing this component.5.3.1Runtime parametersinputASName input annotation setoutputASName output annotation set5.3.2Output AnnotationsLemma The lemma produced by the lemmatizer for nouns in a document.DE-Morph An annotation containing values for number,gender,and case for nouns in a document(Figure5.1).5.4Implementation notesThe lexicon is loaded when the component is initialized.The updates to the lexicon are written to the lexicon during run-time.The lexicon entries are stored in hash tables.In order to support self-correction and fast updates,three hash tables are employed.The first hash table lexiconEntries stores lexicon entries,pointing to all its features like number, gender,case,lemma etc.,the next hash table entriesLemma only to the lemma,and the last195German LemmatizerFigure5.1:Example output annotation generated by the Durm lemmatizerhash table lemmaEntries contains lemmas in the lexicon pointing to their respective entries. The lexicon update algorithms are coupled with these hash tables.Due to its higher accuracy,the lemma produced by the lexicon has precedence over the lemma produced by the algorithm,if both are bale to determine the lemma.Visit the JavaDoc Documentation../../../Gate/GermanLemmatizer/doc/javadoc/index.html20BibliographyPraharshana Perera and Ren´e Witte.A Self-Learning Context-Aware Lemmatizer for German. In Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing(HLT/EMNLP2005),pages636–643,Vancouver, British Columbia,Canada,October6–82005.Association for Computational Linguistics. /anthology/H/H05/H05-1080.21。



5 W. Scacchi, CMAG Presentation, 9 March 2007
Other Motivating Applications
• Game-based virtual worlds
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– Objects of interaction marking events and event flow – How objects are situated in facilitating collaboration, conflict, or conflict mitigation – Requires scalable, concurrent content crawling and indexing – Guided by meta-model and multi-mode process models

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4. 如何在演讲或演示中有效使用overview?- 在演讲或演示中,overview可以用于开场白或导言部分,帮助听众快速掌握主题的要点和结构。



lesson 11 excuse / iks'kju:z, iks'kju:s/ v.原谅2 me / mi:, mi/ pron.我(宾格)3 yes / jes/ ad.是的4 is / iz/ v.be动词现在时第三人称单数5 this / Tis/ pron.这6 your / jR:/ pron.你的,你们的7 handbag / 'hAndbAg/ n.(女用)手提包8 pardon / 'pa:dn/ int.原谅,请再说一遍9 it / it/ pron.它10 thank you / / vt.感谢11 very much / / 非常地lesson 31 umbrella / Qm5brelE/ n.伞2 please / pli:z/ int.请3 here / hiE/ ad.这里4 my / mai/ pron.我的5 ticket / 'tikit/ n.票6 number / 'nQmbE/ n.号码7 five / faiv/ num. 五8 sorry / 5sRri/ a.对不起的9 sir / sE:/ n.先生10 cloakroom / 5klEukru:m/ n.衣帽存放处lesson 51 Mr. / / 先生2 good / gud/ a.好3 morning / 5mR:niN/ n.早晨4 Miss / mis/ 小姐5 new / nju:/ a.新的6 student / 5stju:dEnt/ n.学生7 French / frentF/ a.& n.法国人8 German / 5dVE:mEn/ a.& n.德国人9 nice / 'nais/ a.美好的10 meet / mi:t/ v.遇见11 Japanese / 5dVApE5ni:z/ a.& n.日本人12 Korean / kou5ri:En/ a.& n.韩国人13 Chinese / 5tFai5ni:z/ a.& n.中国人14 too / tu:/ ad.也lesson 71 I / ai/ pron.我2 am / Am, Em/ v.be动词现在时第一人称单数3 are / a:/ v.be动词现在时复数4 name / 'neim/ n.名字5 what / wRt/ a.& pron.什么6 nationality / 5dVApE5ni:z/ n.国籍7 job / dVRb/ n.工作8 keyboard / 5kibR:d/ n.电脑键盘9 operator / 5RpEreitE/ n.操作人员10 engineer / 'endVi'niE/ n.工程师lesson 91 hello / 'hE'lEu/ int.喂(表示问候)2 hi / hai/ int.喂,嗨3 how / hau/ ad.怎样4 today / tE5dei/ ad.今天5 well / wel/ a.身体好6 fine / fain/ a.美好的7 thanks / / int.谢谢8 goodbye / / int.再见9 see / si:/ v.见lesson 111 whose / hu:z/ pron.谁的2 blue / blu:/ a.蓝色的3 perhaps / pE5hAps/ ad.大概4 white / wait/ a.白色的5 catch / kAtF/ v.抓住lesson 131 colour / 'kQlE/ n.颜色2 green / gri:n/ a.绿色3 come / kQm/ v.来4 upstairs / Qp'stZEz/ ad.楼上5 smart / sma:t/ a.时髦的,巧妙的6 hat / hAt/ n.帽子7 same / seim/ a.相同的8 lovely / 'lQvli/ a.可爱的,秀丽的lesson 151 customs / / n.海关2 officer / 'RfisE/ n.官员3 girl / gE:l/ n.女孩,姑娘4 Danish / 'deiniF/ a.& n.丹麦人5 friend / frend/ n.朋友6 Norwegian / nR:'wi:dVEn/ a.& n.挪威人7 passport / 'pa:spR:t/ n.护照8 brown / braun/ a.棕色的9 tourist / 'tuErist/ n.旅游者lesson 171 employee / 'emplRi'i:/ n.雇员2 hard-working / / a.勤奋的3 sales reps / / 推销员4 man / mAn/ n.男人5 office / 'Rfis/ n.办公室6 assistant / E'sistEnt/ n.助手lesson 191 matter / 'mAtE/ n.事情2 children / 'tFildrEn/ n.孩子们3 tired / 'taiEd/ a.累,疲乏4 boy / bRi/ n.男孩5 thirsty / 'WE:sti/ a.渴6 mum / mQm/ n.妈妈7 sit down / / 坐下8 right / rait/ a.好,可以;n.右边9 ice cream / / 冰淇淋lesson 211 give / giv/ v.给2 one / wQn/ pron.一个3 which / 'witF/ pron.哪一个lesson 231 on / Rn/ prep.在…之上2 shelf / Felf/ n.架子,搁板lesson 251 Mrs. / / n.夫人2 kitchen / 'kitFin/ n.厨房3 refrigerator / ri'ridVEreit E/ n.电冰箱4 right / rait/ a.好,可以;n.右边5 electric / i'lektrik/ a.带电的,可通电的6 left / left/ n.左边7 cooker / / n.炉子,炊具8 middle / 'midl/ n.中间9 of / Rv, Ev/ prep.(属于)…的10 room / ru:m, rum/ n.房间11 cup / kQp/ n.茶杯lesson 271 living room / / 客厅2 near / niE/ prep.靠近3 window / 'windEu/ n.窗户4 armchair / 'a:m'tFZE/ n.手扶椅5 door / dR:/ n.门6 picture / 'piktFE/ n.图画7 wall / wR:l/ n.墙lesson 291 shut / FQt/ a.关着的2 bedroom / 'bedrum/ n.卧室3 untidy / Qn'taidi/ a.乱,不整齐4 must / mQst/ aux.v.必须,应该5 open / 'EupEn/ a.开着的6 air / ZE/ v.使…通风,换换空气7 put / put/ v.放置8 clothes / klEuTz/ n.衣服9 wardrobe / 'wR:drEub/ n.大衣柜10 dust / dQst/ v.掸掉灰尘11 sweep / swi:p/ v.扫lesson 311 garden / 'ga:dn/ n.花园2 under / 'QndE/ prep.在…之下3 tree / tri:/ n.树4 climb / klaim/ v.爬,攀登5 who / hu:/ pron.谁6 run / rQn/ v.跑7 grass / gra:s/ n.草,草地8 after / 'a:ftE/ prep.在…之后9 cat / kAt/ n.猫lesson 331 day / dei/ n.日子2 cloud / klaud/ n.云3 sky / skai/ n.天空4 sun / sQn/ n.太阳5 shine / Fain/ v.照耀6 with / wiT/ prep.和…在一起7 family / 'fAmili/ n.家庭(成员)8 walk / wR:k/ v.走路,步行9 over / 'EuvE/ prep.跨越,在…之上10 bridge / bridV/ n.桥11 boat / bEut/ n.船12 river / 'rivE/ n.河13 ship / Fip/ n.轮船14 aeroplane / 'ZErEplein/ n.飞机15 fly / flai/ v.飞lesson 351 photograph / 'fEutEgra:f/ n.照片2 village / 'vilidV/ n.村庄3 valley / 'vAli/ n.山谷4 between / bi'twi:n/ prep.在…之间5 hill / hil/ n.小山6 another / E'nQTE/ 另一个7 wife / waif/ n.妻子8 along / E'lRN/ prep.沿着9 bank / bANk/ n.河岸10 water / 'wR:tE/ n.水11 swim / swim/ v.游泳12 across / E'krRs/ prep.横过,穿过13 building / 'bildiN/ n.大楼,建筑物14 park / pa:k/ n.公园15 into / 'intu, 'intE/ prep.进入lesson 371 work / wE:k/ v.工作2 hard / 'ha:d/ ad.努力地3 make / meik/ n.(产品的)牌号4 bookcase / 'bukkeis/ n.书橱,书架5 hammer / 'hAmE/ n.锤子6 paint / peint/ v.上漆,涂7 pink / piNk/ n.& a.粉红色8 favourite / 'feivErit/ a.最喜欢的lesson 391 front / frQnt/ n.前面2 in front of / / 在…之前3 careful / 'kZEful/ a.小心的,仔细的4 vase / va:z/ n.花瓶5 drop / drRp/ v.掉下6 flower / 'flauE/ n.花lesson 411 cheese / tFi:z/ n.乳酪,干酪2 bread / bred/ n.面包3 soap / sEup/ n.肥皂4 chocolate / 'tFRkElit/ n.巧克力5 sugar / 'FugE/ n.糖6 coffee / 'kRfi/ n.咖啡7 tea / ti:/ n.茶8 tobacco / tE'bAkEu/ n.烟草,烟丝lesson 431 of course / / 当然2 kettle / 'ketl/ n.水壶3 behind / bi'haind/ prep.在…后面4 teapot / 'ti:pRt/ n.茶壶5 now / nau/ ad.现在,此刻6 find / faind/ v.找到7 boil / bRil/ v.沸腾,开lesson 451 can / kAn/ aux.v.能够2 boss / bRs/ n.老板,上司3 minute / 'minit, mai'nju:t/ n.分(钟)4 ask / a:sk/ v.请求,要求5 handwriting / 'hAndraitiN/ n.书写6 terrible / 'terEbl/ a.糟糕的,可怕的lesson 471 like / laik/ v.喜欢,想要2 want / wRnt/ v.想lesson 491 butcher / 'butFE/ n.卖肉的2 meat / mi:t/ n.(食用)肉3 beef / bi:f/ n.牛肉4 lamb / lAm/ n.羔羊肉5 husband / 'hQzbEnd/ n.丈夫6 steak / 'steik/ n.牛排7 mince / mins/ n.肉馅,绞肉8 chicken / 'tFikin/ n.鸡9 tell / tel/ v.告诉10 truth / tru:W/ n.实情11 either / 'aiTE, 'i:TE/ ad.也lesson 511 Greece / gri:s/ n.希腊2 climate / 'klaimit/ n.气候3 country / 'kQntri/ n.国家; 乡村4 pleasant / 'pleznt/ a.宜人的5 weather / 'weTE/ n.天气6 spring / spriN/ n.春季7 windy / 'windi/ a.有风的8 warm / wR:m/ a.温暖的9 rain / rein/ v.下雨10 sometimes / 'sQmtaimz/ ad.有时11 summer / 'sQmE/ n.夏天12 autumn / 'R:tEm/ n.秋天13 winter / 'wintE/ n.冬天14 snow / snEu/ v.下雪15 January / 'dVAnjuEri/ n.一月16 February / 'februEri/ n.二月17 March / ma:tF/ n.三月18 April / 'eiprEl/ n.四月19 May / mei/ n.五月20 June / dVu:n/ n.六月21 July / dVu:'lai/ n.七月22 August / R:'gQst/ n.八月23 September / sep'tembE/ n.九月24 October / Rk'tEubE/ n. 十月25 November / nEu'vembE/ n.十一月26 December / di'sembE/ n.十二月lesson 531 mild / maild/ a.温和的,温暖的2 always / 'R:lweiz, 'R:lwEz/ ad.总是3 north / nR:W/ n.北方4 east / i:st/ n.东方5 wet / wet/ a.潮湿的6 west / west/ n.西方7 south / sauW/ n.南方8 season / 'si:zn/ n.季节9 best / best/ a. 最好的;ad.最,最好地10 night / nait/ n.夜晚11 rise / raiz/ v.升起12 early / 'E:li/ ad.早13 set / set/ v.(太阳)落下去14 late / leit/ ad.晚,迟15 interesting / 'intristiN/ a.有趣的,有意思的16 subject / 'sQbdVikt, sQb'dVekt/ n.话题,主题17 conversation / 'kRnvE'seiFEn/ n.谈话lesson 551 live / liv' laiv/ v.住,生活2 stay / stei/ v.呆在,停留3 home / hEum/ n.家;ad.在家,到家4 housework / 'hauswE:k/ n.家务5 lunch / lQntF/ n.午饭6 afternoon / 'a:ftE'nu:n/ n.下午7 usually / 'ju:VuEli/ ad.通常8 together / tE5geTE/ ad.一起9 evening / 'i:vniN/ n.晚上10 arrive / E'raiv/ v.到达11 night / nait/ n.夜晚lesson 571 o'clock / / ad.点钟2 shop / FRp/ n.商店3 moment moment n.片刻,瞬间lesson 591 envelope / 'envElEup/ n.信封2 writing paper / / 信纸3 shop assistant / / 售货员4 size / saiz/ n.尺寸,尺码,大小5 pad / pAd/ n.信笺簿6 glue / glu:/ n.胶水7 chalk / tFR:k/ n.粉笔8 change / tFeindV/ n.零钱,找给的钱;v.兑换(钱) lesson 611 feel / fi:l/ v.感觉2 look / luk/ v.看(起来)3 must / mQst/ aux.v.必须,应该4 call / kR:l/ v.叫,请5 doctor / 'dRktE/ n.医生6 telephone / 'telifEun/ n.电话;v.打电话7 remember / ri'membE/ v.记得,记住8 mouth / mauW/ n.嘴9 tongue / tQN/ n.舌头10 bad / bAd/ a.坏的,严重的11 cold / kEuld/ a.冷的12 news / nju:z/ n.消息13 headache / 'hedeik/ n.头痛14 aspirin / 'AspErin/ n.阿斯匹林15 earache / 'iEreik/ n.耳痛16 toothache / 'tu:Weik/ n.牙痛17 dentist / 'dentist/ n.牙医18 stomach ache / / 胃痛19 medicine / 'medisin/ n.药20 temperature / 'tempEritFE/ n.温度21 flu / flu:/ n.流行性感冒22 measles / 'mi:zlz/ n.麻疹23 mumps / mQmps/ n.腮腺炎lesson 631 better / 'betE/ a.较好的;ad.更好2 certainly / 'sE:tEnli/ ad.当然3 get up / / 起床4 yet / jet/ ad.还,仍5 rich / ritF/ a.油腻的6 food / fu:d/ n.食物7 remain / ri'mein/ v.保持,继续lesson 651 Dad / dAd/ n.爸(儿语)2 key / ki:/ n.钥匙3 baby / 'beibi/ n.婴儿4 hear / hiE/ v.听见5 enjoy / in'dVRi/ v.玩得快活,享受……的乐趣6 yourself / jR:'self/ pron.你自己7 ourselves / 'auE'selvz/ pron.我们自己lesson 671 greengrocer / 'gri:n'grEusE/ n.蔬菜水果零售商2 absent / 'AbsEnt, Eb'sent/ a.缺席的3 Monday / 'mQndi/ n.星期一4 Tuesday / 'tju:zdi/ n.星期二5 Wednesday / 'wenzdi/ n.星期三6 Thursday / 'WE:zdi/ 星期四7 keep / ki:p/ v.(身体健康)处于(状况)8 spend / spend/ v.度过9 weekend / 'wi:kend/ n.周末10 Friday / 'fraidi/ n.星期五11 Saturday / 'sAtEdi/ n.星期六12 Sunday / 'sQndi/ n.星期日13 country / 'kQntri/ n.国家; 乡村14 lucky / 'lQki/ a.幸运的lesson 691 year / jE:, jiE/ n.年2 race / reis/ n.比赛3 town / taun/ n.城镇4 crowd / kraud/ n.人群5 stand / stAnd/ v.站立6 exciting / ik'saitiN/ a.使人激动的7 just / dVQst/ ad.正好,恰好8 finish / 'finiF/ n.结尾,结束9 winner / 'winE/ n.获胜者10 behind / bi'haind/ prop.在…之后11 way / wei/ n.路途lesson 711 awful / 'R:ful/ ad.让人讨厌的,坏的2 telephone / 'telifEun/ n.电话;v.打电话3 time / taim/ n.次(数)4 answer / 'a:nsE/ v.接(电话)5 last / la:st/ a.最后的,前一次的6 phone / fEun/ n.电话7 again / E'gein, E'gen/ ad.又一次地8 say / sei/ v.说lesson 731 week / wi:k/ n.周2 London / 'lQndEn/ n.伦敦3 suddenly / 'sQdnli/ ad.突然地4 bus stop / / 公共汽车车站5 smile / smail/ v.微笑6 pleasantly / 'plezntli/ ad.愉快地7 understand / 'QndE'stAnd/ v.懂,明白8 speak / spi:k/ v.讲,说9 hand / hAnd/ n.手10 pocket / 'pRRkit/ n.衣袋11 phrasebook / / n.短语手册,常用语手册12 phrase / freiz/ n.短语13 slowly / 'slEuli/ ad.缓慢地lesson 751 ago / E'gEu/ ad.以前2 buy / bai/ v.买3 pair / pZE/ n.双,对4 fashion / 'fAFEn/ n.(服装的)流行式样5 uncomfortable / Qn'kQmfEtEbl/ a.不舒服的6 wear / wZE/ v.穿着lesson 771 appointment / E5pRintmEnt/ n.约会,预约2 urgent / 'E:dVEnt/ a.紧急的,急迫的3 till / til/ prep.直到…为止lesson 791 shopping / 'FRpiN/ n.购物2 list / list/ n.单子3 vegetable / 'vedVitEbl/ n.蔬菜4 need / ni:d/ v.需要5 hope / hEup/ v.希望6 thing / WiN/ n.事情7 money / 'mQni/ n.钱lesson 811 bath / ba:W/ n.洗澡2 nearly / 'niEli/ ad.几乎,将近3 ready / 'redi/ a.准备好的,完好的4 dinner / 'dinE/ n.正餐,晚餐5 restaurant / 'restErRnt/ n.饭馆,餐馆6 roast / rEust/ a.烤的lesson 831 mess / mes/ n.杂乱,凌乱2 pack / pAk/ v.包装,打包,装箱3 suitcase / 'sju:tkeis/ n.手提箱4 leave / li:v/ v.离开5 already / R:l'redi/ ad.已经lesson 851 Paris / 'pAris/ n.巴黎2 cinema / 'sinimE/ n.电影院3 film / film/ n.电影4 beautiful / 'bju:tiful/ a.漂亮的5 city / 'siti/ n.城市6 never / 'nevE/ ad.从来没有7 ever / 'evE/ ad.在任何时候lesson 871 attendant / E5tendEnt/ n.接待员2 bring / briN/ v.带来,送来3 garage / 'gAra:V/ n.车库,汽车修理厂4 crash / krAF/ n.碰撞5 lamp-post / / 灯杆6 repair / ri'pZE/ v.修理7 try / trai/ v.努力,设法lesson 891 believe / bi'li:v/ v.相信,认为2 may / mei/ (用于请求许可)可以3 how long / / 多长4 since / sins/ prep.自从5 why / wai/ ad.为什么6 sell / sel/ v.卖,出售7 because / bi'kRz/ conj.因为8 retire / ri'taiE/ v.退休9 cost / kRst/ v.花费10 pound / paund/ n.英镑(£)11 worth / wE:W/ prep.值…钱12 penny / 'peni/ n.便士lesson 911 still / stil/ ad.还,仍旧2 move / mu:v/ v.搬家3 miss / mis/ v.想念,思念4 neighbour / 'neibE/ n.邻居5 person / 'pE:sn/ n.人6 people / 'pi:pl/ n.人们7 poor / puE/ a.可怜的; 贫穷的lesson 931 pilot / 'pailEt/ n.飞行员2 return / ri'tE:n/ v.返回;n.往返3 New York / / n.纽约4 Tokyo / / n.东京5 Madrid / mE5drid/ n.马德里6 fly / flai/ v.飞lesson 951 return / ri'tE:n/ v.返回;n.往返2 train / trein/ n.火车3 platform / 'plAtfR:m/ n.站台4 plenty / 'plenti/ n.大量5 bar / ba:/ n.酒吧6 station / 'steiFEn/ n.车站,火车站7 catch / kAtF/ v.抓住8 miss / mis/ v.想念,思念lesson 971 leave / li:v/ v.离开2 describe / dis'kraib/ v.描述3 zip / zip/ n.拉链4 label / 'leibl/ n.标签5 handle / 'hAndl/ n.提手,把手6 address / E5dres/ n.地址7 pence / pens/ n. 便士8 belong / bi'lRN/ v.属于lesson 991 ow / au/ int.哎哟2 slip / slip/ v.滑倒,滑了一脚3 fall / fR:l/ v.落下,跌倒4 downstairs / 'daun'stZEz/ ad.下楼5 hurt / hE:t/ v.伤,伤害,疼痛6 back / bAk/ n.背7 stand up / / 起立,站起来8 help / help/ v.帮助9 at once / / 立即10 sure / FuE/ a.一定的,确信的11 X-ray / / n.X光透视lesson 1011 Scotland / 'skRtlEnd/ n.苏格兰2 card / ka:d/ n.明信片3 youth / ju:W/ n.青年4 hostel / 'hRstEl/ n.招待所,旅馆5 association / E5sEusi'eiFEn/ n.协会6 soon / su:n/ ad.不久7 write / rait/ v.写lesson 1031 exam / ig'zAm/ n.考试2 pass / pa:s/ v.及格,通过3 mathematics / 'mAWi'mAtiks/ n.数学4 question / 'kwestFEn/ n.问题5 easy / 'i:zi/ a.容易的6 enough / i'nQf/ a.足够的;ad.足够地7 paper / 'peipE/ n.考卷8 fail / feil/ v.未及格,失败9 answer / 'a:nsE/ v.接(电话)10 mark / ma:k/ n.分数11 rest / rest/ n.其他的东西12 difficult / 'difikElt/ a.困难的13 hate / heit/ v.讨厌14 low / lEu/ a.低的,矮的15 cheer / tFiE/ v.振作,振奋16 guy / gai/ n.家伙,人17 top / tRp/ n.上方,顶部lesson 1051 spell / spel/ v.拼写2 intelligent / in'telidVEnt/ a.聪明的,有智慧的3 mistake / mis'teik/ n.错误4 present / 'preznt/ n.礼物5 dictionary / 'dikFEnEri/ n.词典lesson 1071 madam / 'mAdEm/ n.夫人,女士(对妇女的尊称)2 as well / / 同样3 suit / sju:t/ v.适于4 pretty / 'priti/ a.漂亮的lesson 1091 idea / ai'diE/ n.主意2 a little / / 少许3 teaspoonful / 'ti:spu:n'ful, -spun-/ n.一满茶匙4 less / les/ a.较少的,更小的5 a few / / 几个6 pity / 'piti/ n.遗憾7 instead / in'sted/ ad.代替8 advice / Ed'vais/ n.建议,忠告lesson 1111 model / 'mRdl/ n.型号,式样2 afford / E5fR:d/ v.付得起(钱)3 deposit / di'pRzit/ n.预付定金4 instalment / in'stR:lmEnt/ n.分期付款5 price / prais/ n.价格6 millionaire / 'miljE5nZE/ n.百万富翁lesson 1131 conductor / kEn'dQktE/ n.售票员2 fare / fZE/ n.车费,车票3 change / tFeindV/ n.零钱,找给的钱;v.兑换(钱)4 note / nEut/ n.纸币5 passenger / 5pAsindVE/ n.乘客6 none / nQn/ pron.没有任何东西7 neither / 5naiTE, 5ni:TE/ ad.也不8 get off / / 下车9 tramp / trAmp/ n.流浪汉10 except / ik'sept/ prep.除…外lesson 1151 anyone / 'eniwQn/ pron.任何人2 knock / nRk/ v.敲,打3 everything / 'evriWiN/ pron.一切事物4 quiet / 'kwaiEt/ a.宁静的,安静的5 impossible / im'pRsEbl/ a.不可能的6 invite / in'vait/ v.邀请7 anything / 'eniWiN/ pron.任何东西8 nothing / 'nQWiN/ pron.什么也没有9 lemonade / 'lemE5neid/ n.柠檬水10 joke / dVEuk/ v.开玩笑lesson 1171 dining room / / 饭厅2 coin / kRin/ n.硬币3 mouth / mauW/ n.嘴4 swallow / 'swRlEu/ v.吞下5 later / / ad.后来6 toilet / 'tRilit/ n.厕所,盥洗室lesson 1191 story / 'stR:ri/ n.故事2 happen / 'hApEn/ v.发生3 thief / Wi:f/ n.贼4 enter / 'entE/ v.进入5 dark / da:k/ a.黑暗的6 torch / tR:tF/ n.手电筒7 voice / vRis/ n.(说话的)声音8 parrot / 'pArEt/ n.鹦鹉lesson 1211 customer / / n.顾客2 forget / fE5get/ v.忘记3 manager / 'mAnidVE/ n.经理4 serve / sE:v/ v.照应,服务,接待5 counter / 'kauntE/ n.柜台6 recognize / 'rekEgnaiz/ v.认识lesson 1231 during / 'djuEriN/ prep.在…期间2 trip / trip/ n.旅行3 travel / 'trAvl/ v.旅行4 offer / 'RfE/ v.提供5 job / dVRb/ n.工作6 guess / ges/ v.猜7 grow / grEu/ v.长,让…生长8 beard / biEd/ n.(下巴上的)胡子,络腮胡子lesson 1251 water / 'wR:tE/ n.水2 terribly / 'terEbli/ ad.非常3 dry / drai/ a.干燥的,干的4 nuisance / 'nju:sns/ n.讨厌的东西或人5 mean / mi:n/ v.意味着,意思是6 surprise / sE5praiz/ n.惊奇,意外的事lesson 1271 famous / 'feimEs/ a.著名的2 actress / 'Aktris/ n.女演员3 at least / / 至少4 actor / 'AktE/ n.男演员5 read / ri:d/ v.读lesson 1291 wave / weiv/ v.招手2 track / trAk/ n.跑道3 mile / mail/ n.英里4 overtake / 'EuvE5teik/ v.从后面超越,超车5 speed / spi:d/ 限速6 dream / dri:m/ v.做梦,思想不集中7 sign / sain/ n.标记,牌子8 driving licence / / 驾驶执照9 charge / tFa:dV/ v.罚款10 darling / 'da:liN/ n.亲爱的(用作表示称呼)lesson 1311 Egypt / 'i:dVipt/ n.埃及2 abroad / E5brR:d/ ad.国外3 worry / 'wQri/ v.担忧lesson 1331 reporter / ri'p:RtE/ n.记者2 sensational / sen'seiFEnl/ a.爆炸性的,耸人听闻的3 mink coat / / 貂皮大衣lesson 1351 future / 'fju:tFE/ a.未来的2 get married / / 结婚3 hotel / hEu'tel/ n.饭店4 latest / 'leitist/ a.最新的5 introduce / 'intrE5dju:s/ v.介绍lesson 1371 football / 'futbR:l/ n.足球2 pool / pu:l/ n.赌注3 win / win/ v.赢4 world / wE:ld/ n.世界5 poor / puE/ a.可怜的; 贫穷的6 depend / di'pend/ v.依靠lesson 1391 extra / 'ekstrE/ a.额外的2 engineer / 'endVi'niE/ n.工程师3 overseas / 'Euve'si:z/ a.海外的,国外的4 engineering / 'endVi'niEriN/ n.工程5 company / 'kQmpEni/ n.公司6 line / lain/ n.线路lesson 1411 excited / / a.兴奋的2 get on / / 登上3 middle-aged / / a.中年的4 opposite / 'RpEzit/ prep.在…对面5 curiously / 'kjuEriEsli/ ad.好奇地6 funny / 'fQni/ a.可笑的,滑稽的7 powder / 'paudE/ n.香粉8 compact / 'kRmpAkt, kEm'pAkt/ n.带镜的化妆盒9 kindly / 'kaindli/ ad.和蔼地10 ugly / 'Qgli/ a.丑陋的11 amused / E5mju:zd/ a.有趣的12 smile / smail/ v.微笑13 embarrassed / / a.尴尬的,窘迫的lesson 1431 surround / sE5raund/ v.包围2 wood / wud/ n.树林3 beauty spot / / 风景点4 hundred / 'hQndrid/ n.百5 city / 'siti/ n.城市6 through / Wru:/ prep.穿过7 visitor / 'vizitE/ n.参观者,游客,来访者8 tidy / 'taidi/ a.整齐的9 litter / 'litE/ n.杂乱的东西10 litter basket / / 废物筐11 place / pleis/ v.放12 throw / WrEu/ v.扔,抛13 rubbish / 'rQbiF/ n.垃圾14 count / kaunt/ v.数,点15 cover / 'kQvE/ v.覆盖16 piece / pi:s/ n.碎片17 tyre / 'taiE/ n.轮胎18 rusty / 'rQsti/ a.生锈的19 among / E5mQN/ prep.在…之间20 prosecute / 'prRsikju:t/ v.依法处置。



最初的;最早的 adj. 小学 信息;消息 戏院;剧场 (=theatre) 使人舒服的;舒 适的 座位;坐处(如椅 子等) 银幕;屏幕 (在空间、时间 上)接近 票;入场券 n.
/ 'praimEri/
/ ,infE'meiFEn/
八上 Unit 4
theater comfortable seat screen close ticket n. adj. n. n. adj. n. / 'WiEtE/ / 'kQmfEtEbl/ / si:t/ / skri:n/ / klEuz/ / 'tikit/
大概;或许;可能 adv. 最小;最少;最小 的;最少的 至少;不少于;起 码 无用的东西;无 价值的东西 垃圾食品 咖啡 健康;人的身 体;(或精神)状 态 结果;后果
/ 'meibi:/
adv. / li:st/ adj. n.
/ dVQNk/
n. n.
/ 'kRfi/ / 'helW/
/ ri'zQlt/ / pE'sent/
v.&n. / Akt/ / mi:l/
creative performer talent
早(或午、晚) 餐;一餐所吃的 n. 食物 有创造力的;创 adj. 造性的 表演者;演员 n. 天资;天赋
/ kri:'eitiv/ / pE'fR:mE/ / 'tAlEnt/
有相同特征;(想 have„in common 法,兴趣等方面) 相同 魔术师 n. magician
adv. adv.
/ 'hB:dli/ / 'evE/

overview用法 -回复

overview用法 -回复




















1. ResearchOverview

1.  ResearchOverview

1.Research OverviewThe1999International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors(ITRS99)projects at-speed testing and delayfault diagnosis as increasingly difficult problems.LBIST fault coverage requirements are projected to rise to98%in2004and99%in2005with no known solutions.Delay fault diagnosis is increasingly important,but failure analysisfor delay faults is considered a difficult challenge.In this research we propose to address these problems withresearch on delay fault modeling,fault simulation,ATPG and diagnosis,targeting full/mostly-scan logic designsimplemented in static and dynamic CMOS circuits.Previous work on delay fault testing has used abstract models such as the transition or path delay fault.Thesemodels do not completely describe real delay fault behaviors,and so result in incomplete fault coverage and poordiagnostic accuracy.They do not account for pattern-sensitive delay due to capacitive coupling or resistive bridges,nor do they take advantage of the spatially correlated nature of process parameter variation.The latter means that thepath delay fault model is very pessimistic and thus difficult to use.In this research we propose to use physically realistic yet economical fault models to improve at-speed test coverage and delay fault diagnostic accuracy.The set of faults we consider is shown in Figure1.Local delay faults are increases in logic stage delay causedby a spot defect that causes a fault such as a resistive bridge or open.Global delay faults are slow paths due toprocess parameter variation such as ILD thickness bined delay faults are caused by both of theseeffects acting together.In all three cases,capacitive crosstalk must be taken into account.We propose to developphysically realistic models for local,global,and combined delay faults and apply them in fault simulation,ATPGand diagnosis algorithms.Specifically we will consider process variation,spatial process correlation,capacitivecoupling,resistive bridges,and resistive opens.This research is novel in that no other research combines theseeffects.Our delay fault tests will also screen for some functional failures and reliability hazards.Our work onmodeling process variability is also applicable to DFM including statistical timing and signal integrity analysis.Proposed ResearchFigure1.Fault types addressed in this research.Figure2shows an example of a test generation problem for a combined delay fault.A resistive via is present onB.The capacitances shown are between neighboring lines on the specified metal layer,and vary with line width andthickness on that layer.The logic stage delays also vary with process parameters,such as polysilicon linewidth.The test generation problem is to ensure that paths A-B-C-D and A-B-C-E have delay<T max for all input transitions, process parameter values,and via resistance.Since the side inputs on the paths are stable,the paths are robustlytestable.A transition fault model would select one of A-B-C-D or A-B-C-E and propagate both rising and fallingtransitions along it.But large delay faults may escape these tests.In the transition fault model F is a Don’t Care.If itis assigned the same transition as A,then the G-B capacitance could cause G2to switch with little or no increaseddelay even for large via resistance[Moore00].This could happen even though the G-B capacitance is much smallerthan the total B capacitance if the via resistance shields most of the B capacitance from G2and the G-B capacitor.The same situation is true for the H input.Transition fault tests are not guaranteed to select the longest path,so smalldelay faults due to a moderate via resistance may also escape.The path delay fault model would avoid this problemby generating tests for both paths.However it does not consider coupling and so does not guarantee that F and H aresensitized to maximize the path delay.Even if a test generator is aware of capacitance,it still could not set F and H without additional information.Depending on the values of the G-B and G-C capacitors and the G5logic stage delay,a rising or falling transition onF may maximize the path delay.Since the G6stage delay also varies,H could be a Don’t Care or require theopposite transition of A.This parameter uncertainty means that even generating all combinations does not ensure100%delay fault coverage.The paths would be classified as possible detects.By using process sensitivity and process parameter correlation information,we can generate better tests with amore accurate coverage metric.In this example all the M4capacitors are adjacent and their values are highlycorrelated.The delays of logic stages G3and G4are highly correlated,and the parameters of gates G1,G2and G5are highly correlated.Paths A-B-C-D and A-B-C-E are structurally correlated[Luong96]in that they share the A-B-C segment.This combination of structural and spatial correlation means that if A-B-C-D is tested,then it is not necessary to test A-B-C-E.This also assumes C is an equipotential.In[Luong96]we showed that only a small amount of correlation could drastically reduce the number of paths that must be tested.The G-B and G-C capacitors track one another,so the F transition to maximize the A-B-C-D delay can be determined.We will assume it is the opposite of the A transition.Since G5and G1track one another,the G and B transitions are aligned except for the I-B crosstalk and via resistance.The via resistance can cause the B transition to come after the G transition.But due to the increasing time constant on B with increasing via resistance,the alignment window widens,and the opposing G transition is still the desired one over the entire process range.In this example the G6logic stage delay is not correlated with the other logic stages so the I transition does not track a B transition.In this example we will also assume that the latest I transition occurs well before the earliest B transition.As with F,the H transition should be the opposite of A.In summary,our more physically realistic model would test only the A-B-C-D path with patterns: (A↑,F↓,H↓)and(A↓,F↑,H↑)to ensure100%coverage of paths A-B-C-D and A-B-C-E with a resistive via at B.FD AE <Tmax?Figure2.Example of delay fault test problem.2.PI and Co-PI Previous Related WorkIn prior work we have considered local and global delay faults,but separately and incompletely.We developed a method for quickly identifying the K longest dynamically sensitizable paths under process variation,including ISCAS85circuit C6288[Bell96].In general long paths are sometimes sensitizable in that a given path is only sensitizable over a subset of the process parameters.We developed gate delay models that were a function of the seven most significant process parameters and combined these with our path search method to generate small test sets for global delay faults[Luong96].But this work did not consider interconnect variation or coupling and its nonlinear optimization algorithm was expensive.We have performed statistical timing analysis including sensitizing the worst-case path delays under coupling and process variation[Choi00].However to reduce complexity we used a simple switch factor model and did not consider process variation or mutual coupling on the side paths.Our prior work on local delay faults targeted resistive bridges that can cause local delay faults and VLV testing for them[Liao96a][Liao96b].Most of our work on resistive bridges focused on fault simulation and ATPG for functional failures[Sar-Dessai98][Sar-Dessai99][Lee00].We have recently developed new implementations that are efficient enough to apply to industrial circuits.Our prior work in performance prediction used a variety of transistors and ring oscillators.By estimating the local process gradient,we achieved80%correlation between predicted and measured FMAX values in an AMD K6 microprocessor[Lee99].This was sufficient to correctly predict the speed bin of most chips.Higher correlation could have been achieved by using ring oscillators that were more sensitive to interconnect variation.Even higher correlation can be achieved by measuring flush delays in LSSD scan chains[Huisman98].Our prior work in diagnosis focused on localization of shorts and opens[Stanojevic00].By combining stuck-at diagnosis and layout information we have produced search areas in the range of tens of square microns on industrial circuits.The FedEx fault extractor developed in this work can quickly generate realistic bridging fault lists for use in test generation as well as diagnosis.Our work in design error diagnosis and correction can also be extended to fault diagnosis[Nayak99].Our performance prediction work also provided some diagnostic results in that local delay faults were identified by significant differences between predicted and actual FMAX measurements.One fault modeling challenge is quickly and accurately estimating the sensitivity of coupling capacitances to process variation and their impact on circuit delay.We have developed a capacitance extractor that is100x faster than FastCap,and so can be used to compute process sensitivity of common interconnect configurations[Shi98]. 3.Research PlanThere are four parts to the proposed research:delay fault models,fault simulation,ATPG,and fault diagnosis, described in the following sections.We have formed two tasks to cover the research plan.Task1“Realistic Delay Fault Modeling”focuses on the work described in Section3.1.Task2“Realistic Delay Fault Simulation,Test Generation,and Diagnosis”uses the models developed in Task1in the applications described in Sections3.2-3.4.In order to create a realistic delay fault model for fault simulation and testing at both regular and VLV voltages, we must develop a simple model that captures process variation,via/contact resistance variation,coupling capacitance,and bridging resistance.The key to the simple model is a new model dimension reduction algorithm that reduces the number of variations of a given circuit,without losing any variation corners of the circuit.We will also develop algorithms and tools for delay estimation under process variation and local defects,and develop algorithms and tools for parameterized static timing analysis that quickly finds critical or near critical paths where process variation and spot defects may cause delay faults.The timing analysis does not consider path sensitization, which is left for the path generator described in Sections3.2and3.3.We will consider process variations of both interconnect(such as metal width,metal thickness,ILD thickness and via resistance)and device(such as gate length,gate oxide thickness,and doping density).We will also include coupling capacitance,bridging resistance,and spatial process parameter correlation into the model.From our experience in industry and previous research[Bell96][Luong96][Choi00],process variation can cause10% variation in signal delay.For sub-180nm technology,interconnect variation will dominate but device variation will still be important.Figure3shows the impact of process variation on parasitic capacitance in a DSM technology,for realistic ranges of process variation.Via resistance for a mature technology has a small tail,but out of every half million or million vias there could be one with large resistance.-30-20-100102030Process Variation(%)Figure3.Impact of Process Variation on Interconnect CapacitanceWe will build delay models for static and dynamic CMOS circuits as follows.We will design algorithms and tools to extract interconnect parasitic with variations.Our algorithms will be built on top of commercial layout parasitic extraction tools,with which we have extensive working experience.Model order reduction is performed on the parasitics[Liu99]and variational gate delay models are built[Cao99].These techniques permit fast delay estimation without SPICE simulation.Crosstalk,via resistance and bridging resistance can be included in a similar way.A useful tool for studying device variation is Circuit Surfer[Circuit98].Once the delay can be estimated between buffers,we want to quickly find the critical paths where delay faults may occur.This will be done by a static timing analysis tool that takes the buffer-to-buffer delay as intervals(not independent intervals,though)and performs quick screening.Now we explain the idea of model dimension reduction.Consider an RC circuit representing the parasitics of an interconnect,where the value of each resistor and capacitor may vary with the process variation and local defects. We call the number of variables the dimension of the model.In the traditional approach,the dimension equals the number of variables,which is often the sum of the number of process parameters and the number of via/contacts.As a result,fault simulation and test generation have to deal with complicated circuits and the optimization problems they must solve are very expensive.When coupling capacitance and bridging resistance are included,the model is even more complicated.We will show that it is possible to use a simple model with very few variables to capture all behavior corners of the original RC circuit.For example,it can be shown that a ladder of distributed RCs,each a variable,can be approximated by a pi model of2variable capacitors and1variable resistor,without losing any corner.We will develop algorithms to perform dimension reduction for arbitrary RC(L)circuits.The ITRS99projects increasing use of at-speed LBIST.Therefore we expect delay fault ATPG to be used as a cleanup phase.This requires delay fault simulation to drop detected faults prior to ATPG.Fault sites consist of local delay increases at gate inputs,outputs,or fan-outs,and the sensitizable paths through these points.During fault simulation,each test vector constrains the local delay and process parameter values to be in the range that they do not cause one of the sensitized paths to violate timing.A fault site can be dropped if all the untested paths in the fault site are constrained to meet their timing specification.Fault simulation proceeds by considering each fault site one at a time and applying the test vectors.The potentially sensitized paths in the fault site are identified using a min-max gate delay model,computed using the analytical timing models assuming uncorrelated best/worst process,input slope,and coupled transitions.For each path an analytical timing model is then ing timing sensitivity information and a FAN algorithm[Choi 00]we identify the side paths and their sensitizations that could generate aligned coupled transitions causing the largest delay increase on the path.The spatial process parameter correlation model and the path timing specification form constraints on path process parameters and the local delay increase.Sometimes sensitizable paths also have constraints on the range of process parameters,for which they are sensitizable,since they provide no information when they do not propagate.We remember the longest tested paths in one fault site since they are likely the longest paths in all fault sites containing them.Paths and their constraints are collected until one close to the longest structural length is sensitized,and then the longest sensitizable path under the constraints is determined using the timing models and a path generator that is a modified version of[Bell96].The generator must be modified to include existing variable assignments,the existence of a local delay fault,and the restriction that the path pass through the local delay fault.Since the timing models and constraints are linear,the analysis is very fast.If this path meets the timing specification,the fault site is dropped.Otherwise the next vector is considered.We wait until a long path is sensitized since testing short paths in the fault site is unlikely to drop the fault.For faults that are not dropped during fault simulation,the path models and constraints are retained for input to ATPG.Due to random local process variation,alignment of coupled transitions is uncertain.Fault sites that are detected for only some of the uncertainty interval are potential detects,and so are not dropped,since a test may exist that guarantees detection.Since coupled paths tend to be nearby,the random local variability and thus the number of potential detect cases should be small.In VLV testing the allowable maximum path delay during fault simulation will be relaxed since the tests will typically be applied at scan speeds.However we must still estimate which paths tested at lower speed fail to meet their normal voltage timing ing the path generator with VLV-generated constraints and normal-voltage delay models can do this.Escapes can then be targeted for at-speed test.Conversely the VLV test speed must be determined that does not cause ing VLV delay models and the path generator with normal voltage constraints can do this.3.3.Automatic Test Pattern GenerationIn ATPG we consider each fault site that was not dropped by fault simulation.We use the path generator to enumerate the K longest paths in the fault site and their necessary input assignments that could exceed their timing specification while meeting the constraints.As in fault simulation,we use timing model sensitivity information anda FAN algorithm to assign the remaining inputs so that the coupled transitions maximize the path delay.As in[Choi00],the search process must avoid local minima.In this search we do not consider input vector constraints such as a skewed load delay test.To handle the random local process variation mentioned in Section3.2,we attempt to maximize the probability of transition alignment.The tested path generates additional constraints for the remaining untested paths in the fault site.The test generation process is repeated until the fault site can be dropped.The incremental nature of the path generator reduces the cost of this iteration.By starting with the longest path first,we put the tightest constraints on later paths,permitting the fault site to be dropped earlier[Luong96].As with fault simulation,it may be beneficial to retain the constraints from one fault site when considering another nearby one,to take advantage of spatial correlation.If the local delay fault is caused by a resistive bridge,there are also constraints on the resistively coupled node. To maximize the delay on the bridged logic stage,it should transition to the opposing value prior to the on-path transition.However this assignment may preclude a coupled transition causing an even larger delay for some resistance values.To avoid this,the bridged node is first treated as a necessary assignment,and then considered a form of coupling and included in the FAN algorithm for coupled transitions.For some low-resistance bridges,the on-path value will dominate and determine the value propagated on the bridged path.Based on the results in[Luong96][Huisman98],we believe that only a small number of paths must be tested in each fault site,so the total number of paths that must be considered will be approximately linear in circuit size.Considering constraints from one fault site to the next may substantially reduce the number of tests,since the longest path in a given fault site is likely to be the longest path in all fault sites that contain it.One issue in VLV testing is that different paths may have different delay voltage sensitivities.As a result,the best vectors for VLV and normal voltage testing may be different.We will investigate whether this is a significant effect,and whether it can be readily detected during ATPG so that both vectors can be generated in those cases. 3.4.Delay Fault DiagnosisSimilar to spot defect diagnosis today,we assume that the input to the delay fault diagnosis is a set of passing and failing at-speed test vectors captured after the first failing vector.Capture of such vectors is readily automated so that a sampling scheme or dynamic tester decision can be made in order to use the diagnostic results as a form of process monitoring.For each passing and failing vector we can use the fault simulation engine to build the set of sensitizable paths and their constraints.Sensitizable paths feeding an incorrect value have the constraint that at least one of them is too slow.The combination of delay models and constraints allows us to determine the set of process parameters and local delay faults that could explain the behavior.These locations can then be examined with a SEM. Thus this is a cause-effect approach.The drawback is that when the faulty behavior is not one of the modeled behaviors,the diagnostic results are poor.An alternative is to use an effect-cause analysis similar to[Nayak99].Instead of making assumptions about process parameters,simple min-max delay models and local delay increases can be used,and their values constrained by the vector results.The level of suspicion on each fault site and paths within the site would be based on how many faulty vectors they could explain.The set of fault sites could then be reduced using our delay models.4.Relationship to Other SRC-Funded ResearchWe can take advantage of prior SRC work on delay fault modeling and transition alignment[Chen97][Chen 98][Chen99][Lee98][Liu99].[Chen99]considered delay variation due to coupling,but only at a single fault site and without process variation or correlation.We can evaluate test sets generated using surrogate approaches [Pomeranz99]to determine their realistic delay fault coverage.Previous SRC realistic delay fault diagnosis work [Sivaraman98]did not consider coupling or combined delay faults.We would investigate whether the work of [Krstic99]on power supply variation can be incorporated into our models.References[Bell96]J.Bell,“Timing Analysis of Logic-Level Digital Circuits Using Uncertainty Intervals”,M.S.Thesis,Dept.of Computer Science,Texas A&M University,1996.[Cao99]M.Cao,Y.Liu and A.Strojwas,SRC Technical Report,1999.[Chen97]W.Chen,S.Gupta and M.Breuer,“Analytic models for crosstalk delay and pulse analysis under non-ideal inputs”,ITC,1997. [Chen98]W.Chen,S.Gupta and M.Breuer,“Test Generation in VLSI Circuits for Crosstalk Noise”,ITC,1998.[Chen99]W.Chen,S.Gupta,and M.Breuer,“Test Generation for Crosstalk-Induced Delay in Integrated Circuits”,ITC99.[Choi00] B.Choi and D.Walker,“Timing Analysis of Combinational Circuits Including Capacitive Coupling and Statistical Process Variation”,VTS,2000.[Circuit98]Circuit Surfer User's Manual,PDF Solutions,Inc.,San Jose CA,1998.[Huisman98]L.Huisman,“Correlations Between Path Delays and the Accuracy of Performance Prediction”,ITC,1998.[Krstic99] A.Krstic,Y.Jiang,and K.Cheng,“Delay Testing Considering Power Supply Noise Effects”,ITC,1999.[Lee98]K.Lee,C.Nordquist,J.Abraham,“Automatic Test Pattern Generation for Crosstalk Glitches in Digital Circuits”,VTS,1998. [Lee99]J.Lee,D.Walker,or,Y.Peng,and G.Hill,“IC Performance Prediction for Test Cost Reduction”,ISSM99.[Lee00] C.Lee and D.Walker,“PROBE:A PPSFP Simulator for Resistive Bridging Faults”,VTS,2000.[Liao96a]Y.Liao and D.Walker,“Optimal Voltage Testing for Physically-Based Faults”,VTS,1996.[Liao96b]Y.Liao and D.Walker,“Fault Coverage Analysis of Physically-Based Bridging Faults at Different Power Supply Voltages”, ITC,1996.[Liu99]Y.Liu,L.Pileggi and A.Strojwas,“Model Order-Reduction of RCL Interconnect Including Variational Analysis”,DAC,1999. [Luong96]G.Luong,and D.Walker,“Test Generation for Global Delay Faults”,ITC,1996,pp.433-442.[Moore00]W.Moore,G.Gronthoud,K.Baker and M.Lousberg,“Delay-Fault Testing and Defects in Sub-Micron ICs–Does Critical Resistance Really Mean Anything?”,ITC,2000.[Nayak99] D.Nayak and D.Walker,“Simulation-Based Design Error Diagnosis and Correction in Combinational Circuits”,VTS,1999. [Pomeranz99]I.Pomeranz and S.Reddy,“On Achieving Complete Coverage of Delay Faults in Full Scan Circuits using Locally Available Lines”,ITC,1999.[Sar-Dessai98]V.Sar-Dessai and D.Walker,“Accurate Fault Modeling and Fault Simulation of Resistive Bridges”,DFTS,1998.[Sar-Dessai99]V.Sar-Dessai,and D.Walker,“Resistive Bridge Fault Modeling,Simulation,and Test Generation”,ITC,1999. [Sivaraman98]M.Sivaraman and A.Strojwas,A Unified Approach for Timing Verification and Delay Fault Testing,Kluwer,1998.[Shi98]W.Shi,J.Liu,N.Kakani and T.Yu,“A Fast Hierarchical Algorithm for3-D Capacitance Extraction”,DAC,1998. [Stanojevic00]Z.Stanojevic,H.Balachandran,D.Walker,khani,S.Jandhyala,J.Saxena and K.Butler,“Computer-Aided Fault to Defect Mapping(CAFDM)for Defect Diagnosis”,ITC,2000.Faculty Web Site and Papers:/faculty/walker/cadt00_06_22.html。



1, timebase时基;扫描基线timebase: 时基线| 时基| 触发式时基2, prescaler ['pri:skeilə]n. [电子] 预定标器prescaler: 预标定器| 预分频器| 预换算装置3, R&Dabbr. 研究与开发(research and development)4, Bachelor Degree学士学位;大学本科学位证书Bachelor Degree: 学士学位| 学士| 本科学位5, purchasing manager采购经理Purchasing Manager: 采购经理| 代理| 采购部经理6, HR manager人事经理;人力资源经理;行政经理HR Manager: 人力资源经理| 人事经理| 人力资源部经理7, real-time clock[计] 实时时钟real-time clock: 实时时计| 真实时钟| 实际时钟8, alternating current ['ɔ:ltəneitiŋ][电] 交流电alternating current: 交流电| 交流| 交流电流9, screw driver[机] 螺丝刀;螺钉起子;改锥10, Calibration [,kæli'breiʃən]n. 校准;刻度;标度11, Resistive [ri'zistiv]adj. 有抵抗力的12, permanent ['pə:mənənt]n. 烫发(等于permanent wave)adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的13, access ['ækses, 'æksəs, æk'ses]n. 进入;使用权;通路vt. 使用;存取;接近14, Exclusive [ik'sklu:siv]n. 独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者adj. 独有的;排外的;专一的15, Swap [swɔp, swɔ:p]n. 交换;交换之物vt. 与...交换;以...作交换vi. 交换;交易16, inverse ['invə:s, in'v-, in'və:s]n. 相反;倒转adj. 相反的;倒转的vt. 使倒转;使颠倒17, rollover ['rəul,əuvə]n. 翻转;(车)翻覆;延期付款18, embed [im'bed]vt. 栽种;使嵌入,使插入;使深留脑中19, Accumulator [ə'kju:mjuleitə]n. 蓄电池;[计] 累加器;积聚者20, modulator ['mɔdjuleitə, -dʒu-]n. [电子] 调幅器,[电子][通信] 调制器;调节人modulator: 调制器| 灯器| 调制剂21, Overview ['əuvəvju:]n. [图情] 综述;概观22, drawback ['drɔ:bæk]n. 缺点,不利条件;退税23, settle ['setl]n. 有背长椅vi. 解决;定居;沉淀;下陷vt. 解决;安排;使…定居24, Multichannel [,mʌlti'tʃænəl]adj. 多波段的;多通话线路的25, Integral ['intiɡrəl]n. 积分;部分;完整adj. 积分的;完整的,整体的26, resistive load[电] 电阻负载27, TempcoTempco: 温度系数| 温度补偿系数28, tolerance ['tɔlərəns]n. 公差;宽容;容忍;公差tolerance: 公差| 工差| 耐受性29, electrostatic discharge静电放电electrostatic discharge: 放静电| 静电释放| 静电放电30, multiplexed ['mʌltiplekst]多路复用multiplexed: 多路复用31, dynamic range[电子] 动态范围Dynamic range: 动态范围| 灰黑比可调范围| 动态规模32, nonvolatile [nɔn'vɔlətail]adj. 非易失性的;非挥发性的nonvolatile: 非易失性的| 非挥发的33, configuredadj. 配置;配置的,组态的v. 使…成形;按特定形式装配(configure的过去分词)configured: 组态的| 配置态| 配置状态34, firmware ['fə:mwεə]n. 固件;韧件Firmware: 固件| 软件| 固件版本35, emulation [,emju'leiʃən]n. [计] 仿真;竞争;效法emulation: 仿真| 竞争| 好胜心36, transducer [trænz'dju:sə, træns-, trɑ:n-]n. [自] 传感器,[电子] 变换器,[电子] 换能器transducer: 传感器| 换能器| 转能器37, synchronous ['siŋkrənəs]adj. 同步的;同时的synchronous: 同步的| 同期的| 同时的38, asynchronous [ei'siŋkrənəs]adj. [电] 异步的;不同时的;不同期的39, domain [dəu'mein]n. 领域;域名;产业;地产domain: 领域| 一个或多个属性的取值范围| 定义域40, decouple [di:'kʌpl]n. [电] 去耦vt. 减弱震波decouple: 去耦| 分离| 减震41, protocol ['prəutəkɔl]n. 协议;草案;礼仪vt. 拟定vi. 拟定protocol: 协议| 草案| 议定书42, procedure [prə'si:dʒə]n. 程序,手续;步骤procedure: 程序| 过程| 手续43, discrete [dis'kri:t]adj. 离散的,不连续的n. 分立元件;独立部件discrete: 离散| 分立的| 各别44, remote [ri'məut]adj. 遥远的;偏僻的;疏远的n. 远程Remote: 远程遥控| 远程| 遥远45, PGAabbr. 美国职业高尔夫球协会(Professional Golfer' Association of America)PGA: 可编程增益放大器(Programmable Gain Amplifier)46, pseudo ['psju:dəu]n. 伪君子;假冒的人adj. 冒充的,假的pseudo: 假的| 雁| 冒充的47, strobesn. 闪光灯(strobe的复数)adj. 频闪的(等于stroboscopic)v. 用闪光灯(strobe的第三人称单数)strobes: 闪光灯48, power-down modepower-down mode: 省电模式| 省电状态49, incorporate [in'kɔ:pəreit, in'kɔ:pərət] adj. 合并的;一体化的;组成公司的vt. 包含,吸收;体现;把……合并vi. 合并;混合;组成公司incorporate: 结合| 合并| 编入50, gain error[电子] 增益误差gain error: 增益误差| 增益误差51, Serial CLockSerial CLock: 串行时钟52, permanently ['pə:mənəntli]adv. 永久地,长期不变地permanently: 永久地| 永存地| 长久地53, auxiliary [ɔ:ɡ'ziljəri]n. 助动词;辅助者,辅助物;附属机构adj. 辅助的;副的;附加的Auxiliary: 辅助的| 助动词| 附属的54, solder ['sɔldə]n. 焊料;接合物vt. 焊接;使联接在一起vi. 焊接solder: 锡线| 焊料| 焊锡55, differential input[电子] 差分输入differential input: 差动输入| 差分输入56, electrostatic [i,lektrə'stætik]adj. 静电的;静电学的57, map intomap into: 映入58, 馒头[mán tóu]steamed bun[食品] steamed bread馒头: the steamed bread | Stea med buns 59, PWMabbr. 脉宽调变(Pulse-Width Modulation)PWM: 脉宽调制| 脉冲宽度调制(Pulse Width Modulation)60, sampling frequency[自] 采样频率;[电子] 取样频率;[自] 抽样频率;量化频率sampling frequency: 取样频率| 抽样频率| 样频率61, summing stagesumming stage: 加法级62, high-performanceadj. 高性能的;高效能的high-performance: 高效能63, EX [eks]abbr. 激励器64, peripheral interface外围接口peripheral interface: 外部| 外围接口| 周边介面65, clock pulse[计] 时钟脉冲,定时脉冲clock pulse: 时钟脉冲| 定时脉冲| 时钟脉波66, parameten. 参数67, configuration registerconfiguration register: 配置寄存器| 配置登记| 设置寄存器68, input voltage range输入电压范围input voltage range: 输入电压范围| 能够作为一个模拟输入并实现具体功能的最大和最小的信号| 输入电压69, compatibility [kəm,pætə'biləti]n. [计] 兼容性Compatibility: 兼容| 配伍性| 兼容模式70, dynamic [dai'næmik]n. 动态;动力adj. 动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的71, capacitor [kə'pæsitə]n. [电] 电容器capacitor: 电容器| 电容| 容器72, front-end ['frʌnt'end]adj. 前端的front-end: 前端| 前段| 前台73, MOSIabbr. 科学和工业博物馆(Museum of Science and Industry);主机输出从机输入(Master Out Slave In)MOSI: 主出从入| Master Out Slave In | 数据线74, temperature measurement温度测量,测温;水温测定temperature measurement: 温度测量| 温度量测| 温度测试75, in general terms概括地;一般地说76, timestamp ['taimstæmp]n. 时间戳;时间邮票TimeStamp: 时戳(Ti M E S T A M P) | 时标| 时间信息77, critical ['kritikəl]adj. 鉴定的;[核] 临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的critical: 临界的| 批评的| 关键性的78, settling time沉淀时间,校正时间;稳定时间79, quiescent current无信号电流;[电子] 静态电流quiescent current: 静态电流| 电信号电流80, power amplifier[电子] 功率放大器power amplifier: 功率放大器| 功率放大| 功放81, external memory[计] 外部存储器external memory: 外存储器| 外记忆| 外置存储器82, sufficiently [sə'fiʃəntli]adv. 充分地;足够地sufficiently: 十分地| 达到满意的程度| 足够地83, Antialiasing filterAntialiasing filter: 边缘抗齿锯过滤84, reflow soldering再流焊;[机] 回流焊接reflow soldering: 回粮接| 回流焊接| 回流式焊接85, scratch pad便笺本;电脑高速暂存记忆区SCRA TCH PAD: 草稿栏| 暂存式| 便笺本86, integer ['intidʒə]n. [数] 整数;整体;完整的事物integer: 整数| 整型| 整数型87, implementedadj. 应用的v. 实施(implement的过去分词形式);执行implemented: 执行| 实施| 贯彻88, summing ['sʌmiŋ]n. 求和adj. 求和的;做加法的v. 合计(sum的ing形式)Summing: 合并89, in this manner以这种方式;如此in this manner: 这样| 用这种方式| 如此90, SMODSMOD: 横波模量| 控制位| 最高位91, multiplexing ['mʌltipleksiŋ]n. 多路技术v. 多重发讯(multiplex的ing形式)multiplexing: 多路复用技术| 多路复用| 多工92, saturation [,sætʃə'reiʃən]n. 饱和;浸透;色饱和度;磁化饱和93, drive capabilitydrive capability: 驱动能力| 驾使能力94, reflect [ri'flekt]vt. 反映;反射,照出;反省vi. 反射,映现;深思reflect: 反映| 反射| 考虑95, execute in在(某材料、题材等)中表现出,展示,(根据构思、草图等)制作(艺术品等):execute in: 以96, roll over翻滚;转存;延缓付款roll over: 翻滚| 翻身| 转仓97, linearity [,lini'ærəti]n. 线性;线性度;直线性linearity: 线性| 线性度| 直线性98, ambient ['æmbiənt]n. 周围环境adj. 周围的;外界的;环绕的Ambient: 阴影色| 氛围音乐| 周围的99, span errorspan error: 量程误差100, integrator ['intiɡreitə]n. [自] 积分器;[电子] 积分电路;整合之人integrator: 积分仪| 积分器| 积分电路101, Bank SelectBank Select: 音色库选择| 库选择102, band [bænd]n. 带;乐队;松紧带;一帮;传送带vt. 使团结;用带捆;用条纹装饰;给…镶边vi. 联合;聚焦band: 管乐队| 频段| 存储单元103, approximately [ə'prɔksimitli]adv. 大约,近似地;近于approximately: 大概| 大约| 近似104, margin of safety[贸易] 安全边际;安全系数margin of safety: 安全系数| 安全边际| 安全度105, trip point跳变点Trip Point: 跳变点106, data retentiondata retention: 数据保留| 数据保持能力| 资料保存107, monitor ['mɔnitə]n. 监视器;监听器;监控器;班长vt. 监控108, synchronizedadj. 同步的;同步化的v. 使协调(synchronize的过去分词);同时发生;校准synchronized: 同步的| 同步化| 已同步109, flicker ['flikə]n. 闪烁;闪光;电影vi. 闪烁;摇曳;颤动;扑动翅膀;假装昏倒vt. 使闪烁;使摇曳flicker: 闪烁| 闪变| 闪光110, the partthe part: 脚色111, battery-poweredadj. [电] 靠电池供电的battery-powered: 靠电池供电的| 用电池供电的| 电池推动112, upgrade ['ʌpɡreid, ʌp'ɡreid]n. 升级;上升;上坡vt. 使升级;提升;改良品种adj. 向上的adv. 往上113, available on仅在…有效(付款)Available on: 仅在| 仅在…有效114, manipulationsn. 操作(manipulation的复数);处理manipulations: 操作| 操作法115, detection [di'tekʃən]n. 侦查,探测;发觉,发现;察觉detection: 检测| 难检度| 检波116, general-purpose ['dʒenərəl'pə:pəs]adj. 多用途的;一般用途的general-purpose: 通用的| 多种用途的| 通用目的117, serial interface串联接口serial interface: 串行接口| 序列界面| 串口118, override [,əuvə'raid]n. 代理佣金vt. 推翻;不顾;践踏override: 覆盖| 重写| 覆写119, reside in居住;存在于120, permanent damage永久损伤permanent damage: 永久损伤121, several ['sevərəl]adj. 几个的;各自的pron. 几个;数个several: 几个| 个别| 好几个122, span [/spæn/]n. 跨度,跨距;范围vt. 跨越;持续;以手指测量span: 跨度| 跨距| 径距123, pulse train脉冲序列;脉冲群;一串脉冲124, degradation [,deɡrə'deiʃən]n. 退化;降格,降级;堕落degradation: 退化| 降解| 降级125, Port PinsPort Pins: 埠插脚| 端口引线126, UART ['ju:,a:t]abbr. 通用非同步收发传输器(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter)UART: 通用异步收发器127, dynamic load动载荷,[力] 动力载荷dynamic load: 动载荷| 动负荷| 动荷载128, memory organizationmemory organization: 记忆组织| 存储器结构| 存储器组织129, implement ['implimənt, 'impliment]vt. 实施,执行;实现,使生效n. 工具,器具;手段130, offset [,ɔf'set, ,ɔ:-, 'ɔfset, 'ɔ:-]n. 抵消,补偿;平版印刷;支管vt. 抵消;弥补;用平版印刷术印刷vi. 装支管Offset: 位移| 偏移| 偏置式131, triggered ['triɡəd]v. 引起;引爆(trigger的过去分词);扣…的扳机adj. 触发的;起动的;有扳机的triggered: 触发的| 引发132, as a consequence of因此;由于…的结果as a consequence of: 由于| 结果133, internal buffer【计算机】内部缓冲区Internal Buffer: 超大容量缓存| 缓冲区134, register bankregister bank: 寄存器组| 存器库| 寄存器堆135, extended [ik'stendid]adj. 延伸的;扩大的;长期的;广大的v. 延长;扩充(extend的过去分词)extended: 扩展端口信息| 扩展视图| 扩展136, MQFPMQFP: Metric Quad Flat Package | 金属封装137, comparator ['kəmpəreitə]n. [仪] 比较仪;比测仪comparator: 比较器| 比测仪| 比较仪138, Boolean ['bu:liən]adj. 布尔数学体系的Boolean: 布尔对象| 布尔运算| 布尔139, printed circuit boards印刷电路板,线路板电镀Printed Circuit Boards: 印刷电路板140, pressure transducer[流][自] 压力传感器pressure transducer: 压强传感器| 压力转换器| 压力变换器压力传感器141, program status wordprogram status word: 程序状态代码| 程序状态字寄存器142, excitation current励磁电流;激磁电流143, Slave DeviceSlave Device: 从盘SL | 置为从盘| 子设备144, extended period延长期;持续期extended period: 持续期| 延续期| 一段时间145, serial ['siəriəl, 'si:r-]adj. 连续的;连载的;分期偿还的n. 电视连续剧;[图情] 期刊;连载小说serial: 串行的| 系列片| 序列号146, curve [kə:v]n. 曲线;弯曲;曲线球;曲线图表adj. 弯曲的;曲线形的vt. 弯;使弯曲vi. 成曲形curve: 曲线| 弯道| 使弯曲147, mechanism ['mekənizəm]n. 机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧mechanism: 机构| 机制| 机构学148, calibration [,kæli'breiʃən]n. 校准;刻度;标度calibration: 校准| 定标| 校正149, waveformsn. 波形(waveform的复数)Waveforms: 波形150, weigh scaleweigh scale: 磅秤151, pending ['pendiŋ]prep. 在…期间;直到…时为止;在等待…之际adj. 未决定的;行将发生的v. 待定;悬而不决(pend的ing形式)pending: 挂起| 暂挂| 未决的152, hardware developmenthardware development: 硬件开发153, abbreviationsn. 缩写词,缩略语;缩写(abbreviation的复数)Abbreviations: 关于缩写词的问题| 缩写| 缩略语154, instruction set指令组(表),指令系统instruction set: 指令集| 指令集合| 指令系统155, antialiasing ['ænti:'eili:əsiŋ]n. 反混淆;反锯齿156, unsynchronizedunsynchronized: 异步157, flexible ['fleksibl]adj. 灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的flexible: 灵活的| 柔韧的| 灵活性158, PORabbr. 返回后付款(pay on return)POR: 上电复位(Power On Reset) | 环氧丙烷橡胶| 通电复位159, endpoint ['end,pɔint]n. 端点;末端,终结点EndPoint: 终结点| 末端| 终端160, in this case既然这样,假若这样in this case: 既然是这样| 既然这样| 在这种情况下161, silicon controlled rectifier可控硅;[电子] 硅可控整流器162, static characteristic[电子] 静态特性static characteristic: 静态特性| 静特性| 电弧静特性163, mappedv. 映射(map的过去式和过去分词形式);计划;绘制...之地图mapped: 映射| 绘制164, soldering ['sɔldəriŋ]n. 焊接;焊料;焊接处v. 焊接;使联合;修补(solder的ing形式)adj. 用于焊接的Soldering: 钎焊| 锡焊接合| 焊接165, transient condition瞬时条件;瞬变工况transient condition: 瞬时条件| 暂现条件166, pull-up resistorpull-up resistor: 上拉电阻器| 上拉电阻167, routed [ru:tid]v. 按路线发送(route的过去分词和过去式)n. 已选择路径Routed: 路由| 已选择路径168, neglect [ni'ɡlekt]n. 疏忽,忽视;怠慢vt. 疏忽,忽视;忽略neglect: 忽视| 疏忽| 忽略169, detector [di'tektə]n. 检测器;发现者;侦察器detector: 探测器| 检测器| 检波器170, bidirectional [,baidi'rekʃənəl]adj. 双向的;双向作用的bidirectional: 双向| 双向性的| 双向作用171, dual ['dju:əl]adj. 双的;双重的n. 双数;双数词dual: 二元的| 双的| 对偶172, group into(使)分成:group into: 归合成173, reside [ri'zaid]vt. 属于;住,居住174, stack pointer[计] 栈指针;栈指示器;[计] 堆栈指示字stack pointer: 栈指针| 堆栈指针| 栈指示器175, stop bitn. [计] 停止位stop bit: 停止位| 终止位| 停止位元176, WDTabbr. 监视定时器(Watch Dog Timer)WDT: 看门狗| 看门狗定时器| 监视定时器177, cutoff frequency截止频率cutoff frequency: 截频| 截止频率| 截频点178, monolithic [,mɔnəu'liθik]n. 单块集成电路,单片电路adj. 整体的;巨石的,庞大的;完全统一的monolithic: 单片| 巨大的| 整体式179, encroach [in'krəutʃ]vi. 侵占;蚕食;侵蚀vt. 侵犯encroach: 侵占| 侵蚀| 侵入180, MISO ['mi:səu]abbr. 军事情报部门组织(Military Intelligence Service Organization)miso: 味噌| 多输入单输出| 主入从出181, correct datacorrect data: 校正数据| 正确数据182, digitize ['didʒitaiz]vt. [计] 数字化digitize: 数字化| 计数化| 使数字化183, accuracy ['ækjurəsi]n. [数] 精确度,准确性184, as an example例如;作为一个例子as an example: 例如185, location [ləu'keiʃən]n. 位置(形容词locational);地点;外景拍摄场地location: 存储单元| 地点| 位置186, OSCabbr. 振荡器(Open Source Commerce)OSC: 震荡量指标| 振荡器| 光监控信道187, ESDabbr. 电火花检测器(Electro Spark Detector);回音探测仪(Echo-Sounding Device);静电放电(Electro-Static discharge);预计装运日期(Estimated Shipping Date)ESD: 静电放电(Electronic Static Discharge) | 防静电188, oscillator ['ɔsileitə]n. [电子] 振荡器;摆动物;动摇的人189, nominal ['nɔminəl]n. [语] 名词性词adj. 名义上的;有名无实的;[会计] 票面上的Nominal: 名义| 名义上的| 标称植190, rms noise平方根噪声值rms noise: 平方根噪声值| 有效值杂讯191, PCONPCON: 电源控制寄存器| 寄存器| 电源控制192, dotted line(尤指文件上指示签名处的)虚线dotted line: 虚线| 点线| 点线字母193, remainder [ri'meində]n. [数] 余数,残余;剩余物;其余的人adj. 剩余的;吃剩的vt. 廉价出售;削价出售vi. 廉价出售;削价出售remainder: 剩余物| 留候乘客| 剩余194, limiting value[数] 极限值;限度;极限与配合limiting value: 限度| 界限值| 极限数195, DVDDDVDD: 数字电源| 电压| 小裁缝196, primary ['praiməri]n. 原色;最主要者adj. 主要的;初级的;基本的primary: 主要的| 主分区| 初级的197, QuickStartn. 快速入门QuickStart: 快速入门| 快启动198, applications [æpli'keiʃəns]n. 应用;应用程序;应用软件(application的复数)applications: 应用程序| 应用| 应用程式199, monotonicity [,mɔnətə'nisəti]n. [数] 单调性monotonicity: 单调性| 单翟200, XRAMXRAM: 存储器| 外部数据存储器201, peripheral [pə'rifərəl]adj. 外围的;次要的202, logging ['lɔɡiŋ, 'lɔ:ɡ-]n. 记录;伐木工作v. 把…锯成段木;砍伐树木(log的ing形式)logging: 登录| 修改注册信息| 测井203, embedded [im'bedid]adj. 嵌入式的;植入的;内含的v. 嵌入(embed的过去式和过去分词形式)Embedded: 嵌入式| 嵌入| 内嵌的204, throughput ['θru:put]n. 生产量,生产能力Throughput: 吞吐量| 通气量| 吞吐率205, encroach on侵犯;蚕食encroach on: 侵犯| 蚕食| 侵入206, countdown ['kaunt,daun]n. 倒数计秒countdown: 倒计时| 堡垒出击| 递减计数207, stack [stæk]n. 堆;堆叠vt. 使堆叠;把…堆积起来vi. 堆积,堆叠stack: 炉身| 堆栈| 堆积208, Strain-gageStrain-gage: 变形测试209, accumulator [ə'kju:mjuleitə]n. 蓄电池;[计] 累加器;积聚者accumulator: 蓄电池| 贮气箱| 累股权证210, digital filter[电子] 数字滤波器digital filter: 数字滤波器| 数字滤波器数字过滤器| 数位滤波器211, signal chainsignal chain: 信号链| 不需在讯号链| 千余种最新的信号链路212, electrical noise电气噪声,电气噪音electrical noise: 电噪声| 电气噪声213, wait state等待状态wait state: 等待状态| 等候状态214, bandwidth ['bændwidθ]n. [电子][物] 带宽;[通信] 频带宽度bandwidth: 频带宽度| 频宽| 频带宽215, electrostatic charge[电磁] 静电电荷;[物] 静电荷electrostatic charge: 静电荷| 静电电荷216, bipolar [bai'pəulə]adj. 有两极的,双极的bipolar: 双极的| 双极性| 两极的217, retention [ri'tenʃən]n. 保留;扣留,滞留;记忆力;闭尿218, differential pairdifferential pair: 微分对| 差动对| 差分信号219, normal operation正常运行,常规操作normal operation: 正常运行| 正常工作| 正常运转220, pre-incrementpre-increment: 前增量221, quantization noise[通信][自] 量化噪声quantization noise: 量化畸变| 量化噪声| 量化杂讯222, impedance [im'pi:dəns]n. [电]阻抗223, worst-case ['wə:stkeis]adj. 作最坏打算的;最糟情况的worst-case: 最坏情况224, executionsn. 死刑(execution的复数形式);实行;完成Executions: 终结技使用次数| 执行次数225, strain gage应变计;电阻丝应变仪strain gage: 应变仪| 电阻丝应变仪| 应变计量器226, alternately [ɔ:l'tə:nitli]adv. 交替地;轮流地;隔一个地alternately: 交替地| 轮流地| 隔一个地227, critical parameter临界参数critical parameter: 临界参量228, interface ['intəfeis]n. 界面;接口;接触面interface: 界面| 分界面| 接口229, decimal ['desiməl]n. 小数adj. 小数的;十进位的230, carry flag[计] 进位标记carry flag: 进位标志| 进位旗标| 进位标志位231, operational amplifiers运算放大器;运作放大器Operational Amplifiers: 运算放大器| 运作放大器232, specification [,spesifi'keiʃən]n. 规格;说明书;详述Specification: 规格| 规范| 质量指标233, significantly [sig'nifəkəntli]adv. 意味深长地;值得注目地significantly: 意味深长地| 显着地| 明显地。

总论 introduction overview

总论 introduction overview

总论 introduction overview



1. 背景信息:介绍与主题相关的背景情况,包括相关领域的现状、发展趋势等,以使读者对主题有一个基本的了解。

2. 主题介绍:明确阐述文章或报告的主题,以及为什么这个主题重要或值得关注。

3. 目的和范围:说明写作的目的,以及文章或报告涵盖的范围和重点。

4. 方法概述:如果适用,简要介绍研究或分析的方法,使读者了解你是如何进行研究的。

5. 主要内容概述:概括文章或报告的主要内容和结构,让读者对后续的详细内容有一个预期。

6. 结论预览:在概述主要内容的基础上,提前透露一些文章或报告的结论或重要发现,以激发读者的兴趣。

7. 引导语:最后,用一句话或一段话来引导读者进入正文,例如"接下来,我们将详细探讨......"。




Reference Copy
Work Center
Basic •Description •Location •Hierarchy Scheduling • Formula • Queue times Costing • Cost center • Activity types
Sales Document Type Item Category Schedule Line Category
PP Master Data
Work Center
Platz 1
Material Master
Bill of Material
Organizational units
Controlling areas Sales organizations Company codes Purchasing organizations
Valuation areas
Storage locations/Batches/Special stocks
SAP R/3 - Modules
Sales & . MM Distrib Material . Manag
Financial Accounting



CJKI汉英学习词典The CJKI Chinese Learner's Dictionary春遍雀來(Jack Halpern)概要本词典提供常用汉字的详细释义、注音、复合词等信息,帮助读者深入理解现代汉语中的汉字使用,是本词典的最大目标。


主要特点● 全书收录了2,782个汉字和19,811条词语● 提供多种查阅方法,包括划时代的字型式检字法(SKIP)● 中心意,方便读者迅速准确地了解每个汉字的基本字义● 复合词按汉字的基本字义分类,有助于准确理解字义● 频率统计基于10亿词条的语料库● 详细的笔划顺序表● 包括统一码(Unicode)的多种字符编码● 全面支持汉语水平考试(HSK),收录了按级别分类的所有HSK必备单词● 为读者提供有用的附录● 版面设计精美大方,方便读者轻松浏览● 精准的词性为什么需要新的汉字词典?世界上有着3,000多万汉语学习者,然而现有的词典由于各种原因(见下文)无法完全满足学习者学习汉语的需求。







中心意 中心意独具特色,它用简明扼要的关键词定义每个汉字的最基本字义,随后解析详细释义,以此阐明了数十万复合词是如何用数千基本语素相互结合而产生的。






首先,overview应该从三个角度展开:1. overall trend整体趋势2. biggest rise/ fall/ change最大变化项目3. comparison对比其次,overview具体内容应该这样写:1. 写1-2个总体的特征2. 不用带具体数值3. 对比和最大值,或整体趋势往往需要结合起来写4. 可以加一些功能性语言:总体看来overall; 最明显的是… It is obvious that…等最后,咱们结合例子来看是如何体现的:1. 找最大值The British were the biggest spenders in all six categories among the nations compared in the bar chart while the lowest spending levels were attributed to the residents of Belgium2. 总体数量比较Overall, there were more male research students than females in 2005.3. 总体趋势比较Overall, the consumption of margarine and butter decreased over period given while for low fat and reduced spreads, it rose.4. 总体占比对比+总体趋势变化It is clear that Yemen had the younger population in the year 2000, and the same is predicted for the year 2050. The populations of both countries are predicted to get older over the 50 year period.5. 变化性对比As is seen from the given illustration, men were well ahead of women in all the job sectors in Freedonia in 1975. However the scenario changed in the 1995 and women did a remarkable progress in their professions.6. 最大值最小值对比The television was the most popular consumer durable while dishwasher was the least common type of durables the British people had during the years 1972 to 1983.7. 最大值+总量对比Overall, it can be seen that donated food accounted for the majority of the income, while program services accounted for the most expenditure. Total revenue sources just exceeded outgoings.8. 总体趋势+对比+最大值Overall, there was an increase in the number of visits to and from the UK and there were more visits abroad by UK residentsthan visits to the UK by overseas residents over the period given. Furthermore, the most popular country to visit by UK residents was France in 1999.。



1, geometrical [dʒiə'metrikəl]adj. 几何的,几何学的2, hybrid ['haibrid]n. 混合物;杂种,混血儿adj. 杂种的;混合的3, design [di'zain]vt. 设计;计划;构思n. 设计;图案vi. 设计4, enable [i'neibl]vt. 使能够,使成为可能;授予权利或方法enable: 进入优先命令状态 | 使能 | 允许5, ordered ['ɔ:dəd]adj. [数] 有序的;整齐的;安排好的v. 命令;点餐(order的过去式和过去分词)ordered: 有序的 | 秩序井然的 | 有次序的6, cancel ['kænsəl]n. 取消,撤销vt. 取消;删去vi. 取消;相互抵销Cancel: 取消 | 省略 | 清除7, auto ['ɔ:təu]n. 汽车(等于automobile);自动vi. 乘汽车AUTO: 自动 | 自动模式 | 全自动8, file ['fail]n. 文件;档案;文件夹;锉刀vt. 提出;锉;琢磨;把…归档vi. 列队行进;用锉刀锉file: 文件 | 档案 | 存储在副主存储器中的相关记录的一个命名集合9, assembly [ə'sembli]n. 装配;集会,集合assembly: 汇编 | 组装 | 装配10, drafting ['drɑ:ftiŋ, 'dræft-]n. 起草;制图;拖拽v. 起草;挑选;脱去(draft的ing形式)11, freestyle ['fri:stail]n. 自由式adj. 自由式的adv. 自由地;随心所欲地freestyle: 自由式 | 自由泳 | 街头篮球12, generative ['dʒenərətiv]adj. 生殖的;生产的;有生殖力的;有生产力的13, digitized ['didʒitaizd]adj. 数字化的v. 使数字化(digitize的过去分词)digitized: 数字化的 | 数位化14, management ['mænidʒmənt]n. 管理;管理人员;管理部门;操纵;经营手段15, mail [meil]n. 邮件;邮政,邮递;盔甲vt. 邮寄;给穿盔甲vi. 邮寄;寄出mail: 电子邮件 | 邮箱 | 邮件赚钱16, directory [di'rektəri, dai-]n. [计] 目录;工商名录;姓名地址录adj. 指导的;咨询的directory: 目录 | 指南 | 名录17, document ['dɔkjumənt, 'dɔkjument]n. 文件,公文;[计] 文档;证件vt. 用文件证明document: 文档 | 文件 | 证件18, propertiesn. 属性性能;道具,内容(property的复数形式)19, setup ['setʌp]n. 设置;装备;组织;计划;机构;调整20, paste [peist]n. 面团,膏;糊状物,[胶粘] 浆糊vt. 张贴,裱糊;用浆糊粘Paste: 粘贴 | 浆糊 | 糊剂21, paste special选择性粘贴Paste Special: 选择性粘贴 | 选择性贴上 | 特殊粘贴22, special ['speʃəl]n. 特使,特派人员;特刊;特色菜;专车;特价商品adj. 特别的;专门的,专用的special: 特别 | 特殊 | 次世代23, selection [si'lekʃən]n. 选择,挑选;选集;精选品24, setsn. 集合,设置(set的复数)v. 放置(set单三形式)Sets: 套链25, own [əun]adj. [常用于所有格代词后面,加强语气]自己的;属于自己的;具有自己特点的,特有的n. 自己的东西;属于自己的东西(或人)vt. 有,拥有:;承认:26, links ['liŋks]n. 沙丘;沙地;链接(link的复数)27, property ['prɔpəti]n. 财产;性质,性能;所有权28, view [vju:]vt. 观察;考虑;查看n. 观察;视野;意见;风景view: 风光 | 论调 | 视像29, toolbarsn. 工具栏;工具条(toolbar的复数)Toolbars: 工具栏 | 工具条 | 工具列30, commands [kə'mændz]n. 命令,指令(command复数形式)Commands: 命令 | 指令 | 命令面板31, geometry [dʒi'ɔmitri]n. 几何学Geometry: 几何体 | 几何 | 几何学32, specificationsn. 规格(specification的复数形式);说明书Specifications: 性能规范 | 技术规范 | 技术参数33, compass ['kʌmpəs]n. 指南针,罗盘;圆规vt. 包围34, expansion [ik'spænʃən]n. 膨胀;阐述;扩张物expansion: 膨胀 | 扩展 | 扩张35, overview ['əuvəvju:]n. [图情] 综述;概观Overview: 概述 | 全貌 | 概览36, zoom [zu:m]缩放 n. 急速上升;嗡嗡声;[摄] 变焦摄影vt. 使摄象机移动vi. 急速上升;摄象机移动ZOOM: 缩放 | 变焦 | 图象电子放大37, area ['εəriə]n. 区域,地区;面积;范围area: 面积 | 区域 | 区38, pan [pæn]平移 n. 平锅,盘子;摇镜头vi. (镜头)被摇动vt. 淘金;摇镜头39, modify ['mɔdifai]vt. 修改,修饰;更改vi. 修改40, named [neimd]adj. 命名的;指定的;被指名的v. 命名;任命(name的过去分词);称呼named: 命名的 | 叫 | 名为41, viewsn. 见解;视图(view的复数);景点;查看v. 认为;观看(view的三单形式)Views: 视图 | 视图菜单 | 浏览42, render ['rendə]渲染 n. 打底;交纳;粉刷vt. 致使;提出;实施;着色;以回报vi. 给予补偿Render: 渲染 | 着色或渲染 | 给予43, mode [məud]n. 模式;方式;风格;时尚Mode: 模式 | 众数 | 方式44, navigation [,nævi'ɡeiʃən]n. 航行;航海45, depth [depθ]n. 深度;深奥46, effect [i'fekt]n. 影响;效果;作用vt. 产生;达到目的effect: 效果 | 效应 | 实验效应47, magnifier ['mæɡnifaiə]n. [光] 放大镜;[电子] 放大器magnifier: 放大镜 | 放大器 | 天平放大镜48, hide [haid]n. 躲藏;兽皮;躲藏处vt. 隐藏;隐瞒;鞭打vi. 隐藏Hide: 藏 | 隐藏 | 松本秀人49, show [ʃəu]n. 显示;表演;炫耀vt. 显示;说明;演出;展出vi. 显示;说明;指示show: 显示 | 带领 | 隐藏工具50, body ['bɔdi]几何体n. 身体;主体;大量;团体;主要部分vt. 赋以形体BODY: 体 | 阀体 | 正文51, setn. 集合;一套;布景;装置vt. 树立;点燃;点缀;vi. (日,月)落沉;凝固;结果adj. 固定的;规定的;固执的52, annotation [,ænəu'teiʃən]n. 注解,注释(工作),评注;释文,注文53, constraints [kən'streint]n. 约束;限制;约束条件(constraint的复数形式)Constraints: 约束 | 限制 | 约束条件54, sketcher ['sketʃə]草图编辑器n. 作素描者;舞台布景设计者55, featuresn. 产品特点,特征;容貌;嘴脸(feature的复数)v. 是的特色,使突出(feature的第三人称单数)features: 特征 | 特性 | 装置56, feature ['fi:tʃə]n. 容貌;特色,特征;特写或专题节目vi. 起重要作用vt. 以…为特色;由…主演;特写57, Dress-Up FeaturesDress-Up Features: 修饰特征58, Sketch-based featuresSketch-based features: 基于草图的特征59, Transformation FeaturesTransformation Features: 变换特征60, transformation [,trænsfə'meiʃən, ,trænz-, trɑ:n-] n. [遗] 转化;转换;改革;变形61, operationsn. 运营;运作;业务操作(operation的复数)Operations: 操作 | 运作 | 组合程序假运算62, Boolean ['bu:liən]adj. 布尔数学体系的63, formula ['fɔ:mjulə]n. [数] 公式,准则;配方;婴儿食品FORMULA: 分子式 | 公式 | 配方64, macro ['mækrəu]n. 宏,巨(计算机术语)adj. 巨大的,大量的MACRO: 宏 | 宏指令 | 巨集65, utility [ju:'tiləti]n. 实用;效用;公共设施;功用adj. 实用的;通用的;有多种用途的utility: 效用 | 实用程序 | 实用工具66, Work ObjectWork Object: 工作目的67, analysis [ə'næləsis]n. 分析;分解;验定analysis: 分析 | 荟萃分析 | 解析68, parameterization [pə,ræmitərai'zeiʃən]n. 参数化69, customize ['kʌstəmaiz]自定义 vt. 定做,按客户具体要求制造Customize: 自定义 | 定制 | 客制化70, support [sə'pɔ:t]n. 支持,维持;支援,供养;支持者,支撑物vt. 支持,支撑,支援;扶持,帮助;赡养,供养support: 支持 | 配角 | 支座71, browser ['brauzə]n. [计] 浏览器;吃嫩叶的动物;浏览书本的人Browser: 浏览器 | 浏览程序 | 阅读器72, filtersn. 滤器,滤波器;滤光片(filter的复数)v. 过滤(filter的三单形式)Filters: 过滤器 | 滤波器 | 滤镜73, visualization [,vizjuəlai'zeiʃən]可视化 n. 形象化;清楚地呈现在心Visualization: 可视化 | 视觉化 | 显谱74, options选项 n. 选择;期权;选择项(option的复数)v. 给予的销售权;为提供选择供应的附件(option的三单形式)Options: 选项 | 可选项 | 操作菜单75, standardsn. 标准;规格(standard的复数)76, sta ndard ['stændəd]n. 标准;度量衡标准;旗;水准adj. 标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的77, conferencing ['kɔnfərənsiŋ]n. 会议技术v. 开会(conference的现在分词)78, cascade [kæs'keid]n. 层叠;小瀑布;喷流v. 使瀑布似地落下vi. 像瀑布般冲下或倾泻cascade: 级联 | 串联 | 阶叠熔接法79, horizontally [,hɔri'zɔntli]adv. 水平地;地平地Horizontally: 水平置中 | 卧式的 | 水平地80, tile horizontallytile horizontally: 水平并排 | 水平平铺 | 横向平铺窗口81, current ['kʌrənt]当前的 adj. 现在的;流通的,通用的;最近的;草写的n. (水,气,电)流;趋势;涌流current: 直流 | 当前的 | 电流82, definition [,difi'niʃən]n. 定义;[物] 清晰度;解说definition: 清晰度 | 定义 | 明确83, pad [pæd]凸台 n. 衬垫;护具;便笺簿;填补vi. 步行;放轻脚步走vt. 填补;走84, length [leŋθ, leŋkθ]n. 长度,长;时间的长短;(语)音长Length: 长度 | 返回数组长度 | 返回字符串的长度85, type [taip]n. 类型,品种;模范;样式vt. 打字;测定(血等)类型vi. 打字type: 象征 | 种类 | 机型86, profile ['prəufail]n. 侧面;轮廓;外形;剖面Profile: 旺铺介绍 | 属性 | 轮廓87, thick [θik]厚度 n. 最拥挤部份;活动最多部份;事物的粗大浓密部份adj. 厚的;浓的;粗大的adv. 密集地;浓浓地,厚厚地Thick: 沈重 | 粗缆 | 厚的88, mirrored ['mirəd]adj. 装有镜子的;如镜子的v. 反映(mirror的过去式和过去分词);反射Mirrored: 成镜像方式89, extent [ik'stent]n. 程度;范围;长度extent: 范围 | 程度 | 广度90, reverse direction反向reverse direction: 反方向 | 反向 | 反转方向91, reverse side背面,反面REVERSE SIDE: 反面 | 背面 | 违面92, reverse [ri'və:s]n. 背面;相反;倒退;失败;vt. 颠倒;倒转;adj. 反面的;颠倒的;[篮球]反身的;vi. 倒退;[桥牌]逆叫93, mirrored extent镜像范围94, dimension [di'menʃən, dai-]n. [数] 维;尺寸;次元;容积adj. 规格的vt. 标出尺寸DIMENSION: 尺寸 | 尺码 | 量纲95, normal to profile轮廓的法线96, normal ['nɔ:məl]adj. 正常的;正规的,标准的n. 常态;正常;标准97, thin [θin]adj. 薄的;瘦的;稀薄的;微弱的vt. 使淡;使瘦;使稀疏vi. 变淡;变薄;变瘦adv. 稀疏地;微弱地n. 细小部分98, thickness ['θiknis]n. 厚度;层;浓度;含混不清thickness: 厚度 | 厚 | 密度99, merge [mə:dʒ]vt. 合并;使合并;吞没vi. 合并;融合Merge: 合并 | 归并 | 使消失100, Merge endsMerge ends: 合并端点101, neutral fiber中性边界102, pocket ['pɔkit]凹槽 adj. 小型的,袖珍的;金钱上的n. 口袋;钱;容器vt. 隐藏;忍受;将放入衣袋vi. 形成袋或囊pocket: 衣袋 | 岩石上的凹坑 | 口袋103, shaft [ʃɑ:ft, ʃæft]旋转体 n. 拍杆;[机] 轴;箭杆;杆状物;vt. 利用;在上装杆shaft: 传动轴 | 名叫沙拂特 | 轴104, axis ['æksis]n. 轴;轴线;轴心国Axis: 轴 | 轴向 | 坐标轴105, diameter [dai'æmitə]n. 直径Diameter: 直径 | 径 | 半径106, facesn. 表面(face的复数);脸色;脸面v. 向;面对;转向(face的三单形式)faces: 容颜 | 斧刃面 | 面数107, default [di'fɔ:lt]n. 违约;缺席;缺乏;系统默认值vt. 不履行;不参加(比赛等);对处以缺席裁判vi. 拖欠;不履行;不到场default: 默认 | 缺省 | 默认值108, coordinates [kəu'ɔ:dineits]n. [数] 坐标;相配之衣物v. 使协调;使调和(coordinate的第三人称单数形式)Coordinates: 坐标轴 | 坐标系 | 坐标109, curve [kə:v]n. 曲线;弯曲;曲线球;曲线图表vt. 弯;使弯曲vi. 成曲形adj. 弯曲的;曲线形的curve: 曲线 | 弯道 | 使弯曲110, plane [plein]平面 n. 飞机;平面;程度,水平vt. 刨平;用刨子刨;掠过水面vi. 刨;乘飞机旅行;翱翔adj. 平的;平面的Plane: 平面物体 | 平面 | 背板111, surface ['sə:fis]曲面 n. 表面;表层;外观vi. 浮出水面vt. 使浮出水面;使成平面adj. 表面的,肤浅的surface: 表面 | 面 | 表面编辑112, tangent ['tændʒənt]n. [数] 切线,[数] 正切adj. 切线的,相切的;接触的;离题的tangent: 切线 | 正切 | 相切113, between [bi'twi:n]prep. 在之间adv. 在中间between: 中间人 | 嫁人 | 在114, preview [pri:'vju:]n. 预览;试映;事先查看vt. 预览;预演;事先查看preview: 预览 | 打印预览 | 预视115, color ['kʌlə]n. 颜色;脸色;肤色;颜料vt. 给...涂颜色;粉饰;歪曲vi. 变色;获得颜色116, dialog ['daiəlɔɡ]n. 对话;会话Dialog: 对话框 | 对话 | 对白117, startup ['sta:tʌp]n. 启动;开办STARTUP: 启动 | 开始工作 | 启动项118, printer ['printə]n. [计] 打印机;印刷工;印花工printer: 打印机 | 印表机 | 印刷机119, repeat [ri'pi:t]n. 重复;副本vt. 重复;复制;背诵vi. 重做;重复发生Repeat: 重复最后一次操作 | 重复 | 中继120, undo [,ʌn'du:]vt. 取消;解开;破坏;扰乱vi. 撤消Undo: 还原 | 撤消 | 取消上一次操作121, update [ʌp'deit, 'ʌpdeit]n. 更新;现代化vt. 更新;校正,修正;使现代化update: 更新 | 修正 | 修改122, External LinkExternal Link: 网站连结123, external [ik'stə:nəl]adj. 外部的;表面的;外面的;[药]外用的;外国的n. 外部;外面;外观124, scan [skæn]vt. 扫描;细看;浏览;详细调查;标出格律vi. 扫描;扫掠n. 扫描;浏览;审视;细看125, reset [,ri:'set, 'ri:set]n. 重新设定;重新组合;重排版vt. 重置;重新设定;重新组合vi. 重置;清零Reset: 重写 | 复位 | 复位键126, specification [,spesifi'keiʃən]n. 规格;详述;说明书127, rotate [rəu'teit, 'rəut-, 'rəuteit] adj. [植] 辐状的vt. 使旋转;使转动;使轮流vi. 旋转;循环Rotate: 旋转 | 循环 | 指定的原点和方向旋转128, style [stail]n. 风格;类型;时尚;字体vt. 设计;称呼;使合潮流vi. 设计式样;用刻刀作装饰画129, templatesn. 模板;范本(template的复数);属性单元Templates: 模板 | 范本 | 模版130, instantiate [in'stænʃieit]vt. 例示,举例说明131, offset [,ɔf'set, ,ɔ:-, 'ɔfset, 'ɔ:-] 偏移 n. 抵消,补偿;平版印刷;支管vt. 抵消;弥补;用平版印刷术印刷vi. 装支管OFFSET: 偏移 | 偏移量 | 位移132, parallel ['pærəlel]n. 平行线;对比adj. 平行的;类似的,相同的vt. 使与平行Parallel: 平行 | 并行 | 并联133, through [θru:]prep. 通过;穿过;凭借adj. 直达的;过境的;完结的adv. 彻底;从头至尾through: 直通 | 穿过 | 拉桨距离134, Angle ['æŋgl]n. 盎格鲁人angle: 角度 | 角度值 | 角135, normal tonormal to: 垂直于136, planar ['pleinə, -hɑ:]adj. 平面的;二维的;平坦的Planar: 曲面 | 平坦 | 平面137, equation [i'kweiʒən, -ʃən]n. 方程式,等式;相等;[化学] 反应式equation: 方程式 | 等式 | 方程138, mean [mi:n]n. 平均值adj. 平均的;卑鄙的;低劣的vt. 意味;想要;意欲vi. 用意Mean: 平均值 | 平均数 | 中数。

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Integrated Business Solutions
Client / Server ABAP/4
Industry Solutions Human Resources
Fixed Assets Mgmt.
QM Enterprise Information System
Integration with FI
Purchase Order Goods Receipt Invoice verification Goods Issue ...... Backflush Goods Receipt Sales Order Delivery Billing
완제품출고 Billing GR document Invoice doc.
ERP Consulting Team
FI01.ppt - 18
Customer/Vendor Master Record
Client General data
Air Conditioners Inc. Chicago 60609
> Accounting Data > Master Data > General Ledger and sub-ledgers sub> Bank Data
ERP Consulting Team
FI01.ppt - 15
Accounting Data
Configuration Data Configuration Master Data G/L Accounts Sample accounts Customers Vendors Banks Transaction Data Documents Account type "D" Account type "K" Account type "S”
Introduction to Financial Accounting
ERP Consulting Team
FI01.ppt - 1
Financial Accounting
>1. Organizational Structure in FI
> 2. Integration with other module > 3. Master Data > 4. Document > 5. Account Receivable > 6. Account Payable > 7. Closing > 8. Tax reporting > 9. Differences between 3.x and 4.x
ERP Consulting Team
FI01.ppt - 4
Organizational Structure Chart
Client Chart of Acct AAAA Chart of Acct BBBB
Company code 0001 Business area 0001 Business area 0002 Business area 0003
Quality Management PM Plant Maintenance
Project System
Integrated Data Base
Enterprise Business Process Model
Parameter 지정에 의한 개발
FI01.ppt - 10
일반지출 및 전표관리
발의부서/ 발의부서/구매팀
예산확인 가전표입력 지출결의서
경리(재경) 경리(재경)
현금 이체 어음
현금출납장, 은행장, 현금출납장, 은행장, 지급어음 보조부, 수불부, 보조부, 어음수납 수불부, 매입처원장, 매입처원장, 총계정원장
ERP Consulting Team
FI01.ppt - 11
생산관리 및 제조원가
생산/ 생산/생산관리팀
생산계획 제조지시서 생산 생산완료보고서 생산일보 생산월보 수불관리
원재료출고 원재료 수불대장 제품입고 제품수불대장
경리(재경) 경리(재경)
출고전표 입고전표
경리(원가) 경리(원가)
Processing parameters
Business area balance sheets Max. exchange rate deviation Propose fiscal year. . . .
Address Additional details
ERP Consulting Team
1000 1000
50000 50000
출고 전표 완제품입고
ERP Consulting Team
FI01.ppt - 14
3. Master Data
FI01.ppt - 7
2. Integration with other module
Topics - 매출 및 수금관리 - 구매계약에 의한 매입관리 - 일반지출 및 전표관리 - 생산관리 및 제조원가 - 자금관리 및 예측 - Integration with FI
ERP Consulting Team
ERP Consulting Team
FI01.ppt - 12
자금관리 및 예측
구매품의 및 계약 원재료 입고
매입채무 보조원장 총계정원장
세금계산서외 대금지불
유동성 관리 / 예측
납기일 + 대금지불조건 Historical payment behavior 대금지불 혹은 수금후 갱신
총계정원장 매출처원장
세금 계산서
수금전표 (회계처리) 회계처리)
총계정원장 매출처원장 현금출납장 받을어음대장
경리(원가) 경리(원가)
사업부/유통채널/ 사업부/유통채널/ 영업소/ 영업소/품목별 /...
경리(자금) 경리(자금)
유동성 관리
외상매출금 만기일별관리
현금 및 예금 ERP Consulting Team 시재
ERP Consulting Team
FI01.ppt - 2
1. Organizational Structure in FI
> SAP R/3 Module Diagram > Organizational Structure Chart > Organizational Structure Description > Company code Global data
Client - SAP system의 최상위 level로 독립적 DB단위임 의 로 단위임. 단위임 Company Code - 외부 보고목적의 재무제표를 만들기 위한 가장 기본적인 R/3 system의 법적 회계단위 의 Group Company - 연결 결합재무제표를 작성하기 위한 상위 연결,결합재무제표를 레벨의 company Business Area - 각각의 독립된 운영과 책임을 대표하는 사용됨. 회계단위이며 내부 보고목적의 재무제표를 만들기 위해 사용됨 Functional Area - FI에서 매출원가 회계방식 비용을 판매비 일반 회계방식(비용을 판매비, 에서 관리비, 연구개발비, 제조경비, 세분) 관리비 연구개발비 제조경비 수출등으로 세분 에 의해 손익계산서를 작성하기 위해 사용 Business place - 사업장 Plant, Tax office와 연결되어서 부가세 사업장. 와 사용됨(From V4.5). 기존의 Tax.Jcode는 의미 없어짐 신고단위로 사용됨 는 Section code - 원천세 신고단위로 사용 사용(From V4.5)
Company code 0002 Business area 0001 Business area 0002
Company code 0003 Business area 0001
ERP Consulting Team
FI01.ppt - 5
Organizational Structure Description
ERP Consulting Team
FI01.ppt - 3
SAP R/3 Module Diagram
SD Open Systems PP Client / Server Architecture
Sales & Distribution
Financial Accounting
Materials Mgmt. Production Planning
FI01.ppt - 9
구매계약에 의한 매입관리
구매주문서 주문서 승인 및 주문
원재료 입고 거래명세서 검수증 1 원재료 수불대장 월별원재료 수불집계장
경리 (재경) 재경)