09 行动计划Action plan
![09 行动计划Action plan](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/624efac784254b35eefd3453.png)
司与 课程名称、培训对象、总体目标 沟学 点状需求分析图,分出章节 通员 设计培训目标,每个章节1-2个目标 上 设计各目标内容大纲,使之满足以下条件:
1. 2. 3. 4.
能实现目标 遵循四步骤 过程生动 可操作
各章节排序,计算并调整学员/讲师的时间比 6. 每一个节一个PPT,完成教材设计
内部培训师培训 9-5
未来1-3个月内 行动计划
行动计划-课程设计 (1个月)
– 图片/视频 – 练习(角色扮演、情景模拟、案例分析、小
内部培训师培训 9-2
行动计划-收集培训辅助材料 (3个月内)
真实案例 奇闻轶事 比喻、寓言、故事 游戏、小品 排比句、顺口溜 笑话、幽默图片、漫画 打油诗、对联
内部培训师培训 9-3
演练 (1个月内)
做一次培训 演练相关技巧
1. 2. 小 3. 课 4.
从 这 里 开 始 5.
action plan
![action plan](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d8de1f24b4daa58da1114a0d.png)
1 floorplan (cradle manage)
2 coordination(cradle manage)
3 sales analysis(cradle manage)
4 inventory control(Rose manage)
二 Training
1 Arron /rose
2 lucy 3 simon 4 Tim
5 Marry/Orange
三 management
1 FR
2 SR
3 Inmage (Rose manage)
Action Plan(sep-oct)
1when we received the pics ,should be know if we can do 2check ALB list , if can change priority ,what we can do . 3 comunication with DT timely 1when show items must follow pictures ,Follow the standard by high demanding when change coordination and make picture to you to check the results 2 :Ranking is also very important like before, coordination changing must according to it, and keep best sellers in the best position. 3:According local customers' habit of dressing and weather situation to choose items 1 Format clearly 2 target ;sales analysis is push sales 3 summary ,to prepare for next week. 1Improve daily management(FR,Alarm report,the door,keepzoing ,greeting) 2inventory day control
action plan
![action plan](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/87c08903e87101f69e31958c.png)
Green Action PlanRecycling:1.Set up a “Green corner” with three boxes to recycle plastic bottles, batteries, new spapers and magazines.2. Make good use of each piece of paper in our notebooks.3.Collect stationary, such as notebooks, pens and textbo--ks to donate.4.Buy water bottles that can be used many times. Drink less bottled water.5. Use paper dictionaries more often.6.Collect waste water from our bottles in a pot to mop the floor.7. Use recycled paper.Environment/transportation/electricity:1.The last one to leave the classroom should make sure all pieces of electric equipm ent are turned off.2. When sunlight is enough, turn off the lights.3.Plant some flowers and green plants to make the air in our classroom fresh.4.Suggest all 10A students going to school on foot or by bike; try to take public transp ortations instead of cars when taking a long journey.5.Bring biodegradable bags to go shopping. Try not to use any plastic bags.6.Try to use less air conditioner. The temperature of the air conditioner should not be below 26 degrees Celsius.e less often mobiles phones, computers and other electric equipment to save e lectricity and reduce pollution.Society and Life:1. Eat more local fruits and vegetables; eat less meat. Reuse or recycle the disposable packaging.2. Choose to take a shower instead of a bath.3. Buy fewer new clothes. Wear clothes that are made of biodegradable materials. D onate old clothes to people who need them.4. Send E-mails to greet each other instead of using paper made postcards.5. Put up posters to invite all students in our school to join our action plan.6. Write articles about improving our city environment on our blogs to draw more attention from the society.。
Action Plan
![Action Plan](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9badfbce6137ee06eff918af.png)
Action PlanAppendix 7 of the Final ReportA. On the occasion of the Conference “A Global Assessment of the 1989 Recommendation on the Safeguarding of T raditional Culture and Folklore: Local Empowerment and International Cooperation,” held at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., from 27 to 30 June 1999;1. T aking into account the results of the four-year process of evaluating the implementa-tion of the Recommendation on the Safeguarding of T raditional Culture and Folklore and the recommendations stemming from the eight Regional and Sub-Regional Seminars [Stránice (Czech Republic, June 1995, for Central and Eastern European countries); Mexico City (Mexico, September 1997, for Latin American and Caribbean countries); Tokyo (Japan, February/March 1998, for Asian countries); Joensuu (Finland, September 1998, for Western European countries); Tashkent (Republic of Uzbekistan, October 1998, for Central Asia and the Caucasus); Accra (Ghana, January 1999, for the African region); Noumea (New Caledonia, February 1999, for the Pacific Countries); and Beirut (Lebanon, May 1999, for the Arab States)];2. Bearing in mind that the term “folklore” has generally been considered inappropriate, but emphasizing the importance of its definition as it stands in the 1989 Recommendation on the Safeguarding of T raditional Culture and Folklore, while recommending a study on a more appropriate terminology, and provisionally continuing to use the term “folklore,”along with “oral heritage,” “traditional knowledge and skills,” “intangible heritage,” “forms of knowing, being, and doing,” among other terms, all of which, for the purposes of this recommendation, we consider to be equivalent to “traditional culture and folklore” in the definition of the aforementioned 1989 Recommendation;3. Cognizant of the impossibility of separating tangible, intangible, and natural heritage in many communities;4. Considering that traditional culture and folklore are primarily based in community activ-ities which express, reinforce, and reflect largely shared values, beliefs, ideas, and practices;5. Emphasizing that the diversity embodied in multiple cultural ways of knowing, being, and doing is an essential characteristic of cultural heritage and is vital in the construction of a peaceful coexistence for all life forms in the future;6. Underlining the specific nature and importance of traditional culture and folklore as an integral part of the heritage of humanity;7. Noting the spiritual, social, economic, cultural, ecological, and political importance of traditional culture and folklore, their role in the histories of peoples, and their place in con-temporary society;8. Acknowledging that traditional culture and folklore can be a powerful means of bring-ing together different peoples and social groups and of asserting their cultural identities in a spirit of understanding and respect for other cultures;302Action Plan3039. Stressing the need in all countries for recognition of the role of traditional culture and folklore and the danger that practitioners face from multiple factors;10. Concerned with the fact that the well-being of community members and their prac-tices — whose strength and numbers are threatened daily by powerful forces such as war, forced displacement, intolerant ideologies and philosophies, environmental deterioration, socio-economic marginalization, and global commercialized culture — must be at the cen-ter of national and international cultural policy;11. T aking into account that traditional culture and folklore are dynamic and are often adapted through the innovative practices of community life;12. Recognizing that practitioners of traditional culture and folklore must be included to contribute expertise that is crucial to local, national, and international policy-making in such areas as health, environment, education, youth, gender, conflict resolution, the peace-ful coexistence of ethnic groups, sustainable human development, and inclusive civic par-ticipation as well as fighting chauvinism and intolerance;13. Deploring the exclusion of traditional groups from decision-making concerning the safeguarding of traditional culture and folklore;14. Acknowledging that states are comprised of cultural communities, that these com-munities and their folklore and beliefs often extend beyond state boundaries, and that indi-viduals may be members of more than one community;15. Recognizing that cultural interaction and exchange leads to the emergence of hybrid genres that reflect these cross-cultural exchanges;16. Recognizing that the preservation of traditional culture and folklore and the right to cultural self-determination in local communities should be consistent with current inter-national standards of human rights;17. Observing the important role that governments and non-governmental organizations can play in collaboration with tradition-bearers in the safeguarding of traditional culture and folklore and that they should act as quickly as possibleB. We, the participants in the Conference “A Global Assessment of the 1989 Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore: Local Empowerment and International Cooperation,” recognize that the following measures need to be taken:1. develop legal and administrative instruments for protecting traditional communities— who create and nurture traditional culture and folklore — from poverty, exploita-tion, and marginalization;2. facilitate collaboration among communities, government and academic institutions,local and non-governmental organizations as well as private-sector organizations in order to address the issues facing traditional groups;3. ensure meaningful participation of traditional groups in decision-making processes inforums at all levels concerned with issues and policies that affect those groups;4. develop, in cooperation with communities, adequate education and training, includ-ing legal training, for their members and other cultural workers in understanding, pre-serving, and protecting traditional culture and folklore;5. develop programs that address the transnational nature of some traditional culture andfolklore;6. give special emphasis to programs that recognize, celebrate, and support women’s rolesin all aspects of their communities, which have been historically underrepresented, as contributors to traditional cultures and as field workers, scholars, and administrators;7. provide support for programs of cultural revitalization, particularly for groups dis-placed by war, famine, or natural disasters and other groups under threat of extinction;8. undertake measures to assist traditional groups, including legal assistance, in theirown efforts to improve their social status and economic well-being, which are essen-tial to their continued cultural practices.C. Specific Actions: On the basis of the aforementioned principles and needs, we recom-mend to the Governments of States that they:1. identify and support programs that encourage public recognition and validation of tra-ditional culture and folklore, continuing to support existing institutions and programs as well as establishing new ones where appropriate;2. institute and strengthen schemes for the comprehensive welfare of custodians andpractitioners of traditional cultures addressing issues such as housing, health care, and occupational hazards;3. nclude local knowledge in national forums that consider questions such as sustainablehuman development, globalization, environmental degradation, youth, education, and peaceful coexistence;4. facilitate and assist communities to develop their traditional material culture and workpractices in new contexts as efficient countermeasures to the destruction of the natu-ral environment and the devaluation of the dignity of human labor;5. provide cultural awareness training to workers in administrative, educational, andother institutions involved with traditional groups;6. facilitate access for members of traditional groups to relevant educational programsand, where necessary , facilitate the creation — with the community — of multipur-pose, community-based centers for education, documentation, and training;7. provide support to communities to preserve the active, creative use of local languagesin areas that include, but are not limited to, education, publishing, and public per-formance;8. provide support for the preservation of significant material culture and spaces that arecrucial to the transmission of traditional culture and folklore;9. support local, national, and international symposiums that bring together members oftraditional groups, representatives of non-governmental organizations, policy makers,and others to address issues facing traditional groups;10. identify , understand, encourage, and support traditional educational practices, espe-cially those relating to the very young;11. create a network of experts to assist local groups, cultural institutions, non-govern-mental organizations, and commercial organizations in the work of safeguarding tra-ditional culture, especially in areas such as education, tourism, law , and development;12. consider, if they so desire, the possible submission of a draft resolution to the UNESCOGeneral Conference requesting UNESCO to undertake a study on the feasibility of adopting a new normative instrument on the safeguarding of traditional culture and folklore;13. act in accordance with the obligations of States to protect the right to culture in Article27 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, by actively supporting communities in their practices of generation, transmission, authorization, and attribu-tion of traditional knowledge and skills in accordance with the wishes of the commu-nities, and in conformity with current international standards of human rights and consider taking steps, including, but not limited to, the following:Action Plan304i. adopting a legal scheme, according to which traditional knowledge can be made available by the community , in compliance with its wishes, for public use with a requirement of remuneration or other benefits in case of commercial use; and coop-erating to assure mutual recognition by all States of the effects of such schemes;ii. adopting a sui generis legal regime which would ensure protection• extending for the life of the community;• vested in the community , or in the individual and the community;• in accordance with traditional authorization and attribution procedures in thecommunity;• and establishing a body representing the community concerned and the relevantsectors of civil society to balance the competing interests of access and control iii.in awaiting adoption of a better protective scheme, encouraging modification anduse, in accordance with customary laws, of existing intellectual property regimes for the protection of traditional knowledge;iv .creating task forces to engage in further study of the following issues:content of “prior informed consent”; verification processes (burden of proof,modes of evidence codes); community intellectual rights vis a vis intellectual property rights; relationship to other instruments and Draft Documents (UN Draft Document, WIPO, TRIPS, CBD, Maatatu, SUVA and other Indigenous peoples’ declarations); questions of “rights” (authorship. moral, compensation);role of governments; problems of terminology (e.g., definitions and connota-tions of “folklore,” “popular culture,” etc.); alternative forms of compensation;promotion of case studies in relation to case law; legal mechanisms/documents specific to handicrafts, music, and other art forms; legal mechanisms applicable to knowledge collected prior to this instrument.We recommend that UNESCO:1. promote this Action Plan among its Member States by bringing this meeting to theattention of Member States;2. establish an international, interdisciplinary network of experts to assist Member Statesin developing, upon request, concrete programs in conformity with the principles of the present Action Plan;3. establish an international, interdisciplinary mobile working group of legal experts towork as advisors in collaboration with communities to develop suitable instruments for the protection of traditional culture and folklore;4. encourage the participation and, wherever necessary , the establishment of interna-tional non-governmental organizations with specialist expertise in particular areas of folklore and traditional knowledge to advise UNESCO on the protection of folklore and traditional knowledge;5. encourage international groups (scholars, cultural professionals, commercial organiza-tions, and legal bodies) to develop and adopt codes of ethics ensuring appropriate,respectful approaches to traditional culture and folklore6. accelerate the movement for the return of human remains and for repatriation of cultural heritage to assist the revitalization and self-perception of traditional cultures according to their own fundamental values;7. organize and support the formation of an international forum for the representation of Action Plan 305traditional communities’ concerns for safeguarding their own culture as well as regional and international symposiums that bring together members of traditional groups, representatives of non-governmental organizations, policy makers, and others to address issues facing traditional groups, such as women’s role in the safeguarding of traditional culture. Symposiums should be held in diverse locations, particularly out-side of First World nations — for example, in Yakutia;8.facilitate the application of new technologies in local, national, and regional docu-mentation centers through networks of collaboration and expertise, including local tradition-bearers;9.promote traditional culture and folklore on a global scale by such measures as pro-ducing regional festivals and declaring a World Day for Safeguarding Traditional Culture and Folklore;10.continue UNESCO’s collaboration with WIPO on issues of common interest;11. use UNESCO’s existing procedures to bring the possible adverse impact of actions onhuman rights, environment, food, agriculture, livelihood and industry , health and trade on culture to the attention of other UN bodies, such as FAO, WHO, UNICEF ,UNIFEM, and others as well as the WTO.Action Plan306。
Action Plan 活动计划
![Action Plan 活动计划](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/43ec82026edb6f1aff001feb.png)
Review all key points
Method 培训方式
Training Steps 培训步骤
回顾所有的要点 Give an example to show what a good action plan is. 给学员展示一个好的活动计划书。(例子样本)
Task: 任务: Action Plan 活动计划
Code 序号: OH-SM-RM-A201 Objectives: At the end of this session every trainee will be able to ensure sales Efforts are planned and directed against each key account and key prospect. 目的: 课程结束后每个学员能够独立完成对重要客户和有潜在生意客户的 活动计划。 Standard: 标准: Follow up S&P 参照标准和程序
Time 时间
8 minutes
Lecture 教学式
25 minutes All standard & Procedure be written in the flipchart 1 and showing to trainees: 在翻转展示板 1 上给学员展示服务标准与程序 1. Action Plans will require a minimum of two Valid Call Objectives in the next six months. Page 1 of 3
Process, Area /过程,区域
Product design and development
Statement of nonconformity不符合项陈述:
6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training能力、意识和培训
Corrective actions have been implemented?整改是否完成?
yes /是no /否
Plan for closing is suitable; non conformity is 100% solved?关闭计划是合适的,不符合项是否100%解决?
Evidences for classification as 100% solved have to be attached
组织应The organization shall: a)确定从事影响产品符合质量要求的工作人员所必须的能力
Objective evidence客观证据:
Type of follow up /
action plan 行动方案
![action plan 行动方案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/28a23e4df02d2af90242a8956bec0975f465a4f1.png)
action plan 行动方案
1. 目标确定:明确制定行动方案的目标,确保对整个过程有清晰的了解。
2. 问题分析:对当前问题进行详细的分析和评估,确定问题原因和影响范围。
3. 解决方案确定:根据问题的分析结果,确定最合适的解决方案。
4. 行动计划制定:将解决方案转化为具体的行动计划。
5. 实施行动计划:执行制定的行动计划,确保按时完成工作任务,并监控整个过程是否按预期进行。
6. 评估行动效果:评估行动计划的实施效果,看是否达到了预期的目标。
7. 反馈和总结:收集反馈意见,总结经验教训,为未来的行动计划提供参考。
8. 持续改进:将总结反馈的经验教训应用到以后的行动计划中,不断优化改进行动方案,提高制定行动方案的能力。
action plan 模板 -回复
![action plan 模板 -回复](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/dd7dceae988fcc22bcd126fff705cc1755275ff2.png)
action plan 模板-回复“action plan模板”是指为了实现某个目标而制定的一系列步骤或计划的模板。
action plan 模板 -回复
![action plan 模板 -回复](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/89757dc670fe910ef12d2af90242a8956becaa33.png)
action plan 模板-回复如何制定一个行动计划引言:制定一个行动计划能够帮助我们实现目标,无论是在个人生活中还是职业生涯中。
stretch reconciliation action plan 行动计划
![stretch reconciliation action plan 行动计划](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3848ba576d175f0e7cd184254b35eefdc9d3155a.png)
stretch reconciliation action plan 行动计划为了确保为了确保stretch reconciliation行动计划的成功实施,我们需要制定一份详细的行动计划。
stretch reconciliation行动计划的成功实施,我们需要制定一个详细的行动计划。
以下是一个可能的行动计划:1. 确定目标:首先,我们需要明确stretch reconciliation的目标,例如提高企业的财务透明度、减少差异、提高报告质量等。
以下是一个可能的行动计划示例:一、目标该行动计划的目标是通过stretch reconciliation,优化公司的业务流程,提高效率和准确性,并确保数据的完整性和一致性。
2. 评估现状:我们需要评估企业当前的reconciliation状况,包括现有的流程、工具、人员能力和数据质量等方面。
二、时间安排1. 阶段一(X年X月-X年X月):确定需要优化的业务流程和相关数据,以及这将帮助我们识别存在的问题和改进的机会。
2. 阶段二(X年X月-X年X月):开发并测试stretch reconciliation 系统,确保其功能和性能符合3. 制定行动步骤:根据目标和现状评估结果,我们可以制定具体的行动步骤,例如改进流程、引入新的工具、培训人员、预期。
3. 阶段三(X年X月-X年X月):全面部署stretch reconciliation 系统,并进行必要的培训和推广。
4. 监控和调整:在实施行动计划的过程中,我们需要持续监控各项行动的进展情况,并及时调整计划以适应变化。
4. 阶段四(X年X月-X年X月):持续优化和改进stretch reconciliation系统,并根据实际运行情况进行调整和改进。
Dependencies, Risks, and Constraints:
Estimated Completion Date for All Activities:
Action Items for
Action Item Number:Owner:Due Date:
Action Plan for
version 1.0 draft1
Measures of Success:
Scope of Organizational Impact:
Staffing and Participants:
Time Commitment
Description of Activity:
Resources Needed:
Action Plan Tracking for
Action Item Number
Date Started
Date Completed
Resources Needed:
Action Item Number:Owner:Due Date:
Description of Activity:
ResourOwner:Due Date:
Description of Activity:
Resources Needed:
Action Items forError! Bookmark not defined.
• 与战略联盟成员进行项目开发合 作
•股份研发中心/ 战略规划部
•股份研发中心/ 战略规划部
•股份研发中心/ 战略规划部
• 2000年12月至1月
• 2019年1月至2019 年12月
• 完成传输设备业 务流程优化设计
• 制定招聘计划并制定下岗员工 安置计划
• 股份生产副总裁 • 股份市场部
• 股份投资管理部 • 股份财务部 • 股份基础元器件部 • 股份基础元器件部
• 2000年11月至 2000年12月
• 2000年11月
• 完成智能卡投 资和业务流程 重组
• 拓展全球定位系 统及地理信息业 务
• GPS车载防盗系统上市
• 建立与主要汽车生产商的合作, 建立GPS车载防盗系统的捆绑销 售
• 评估与三吉及赛格合作的可行性, 包括双方的价值所在、参与联盟 的意愿、双方企业文化整合的能 力等
• 建立与三吉或赛格的合作,包括 营销合作或项目研发合作
• 完成电子地图与手机产品的结合 应用并推出相关产品
• 开拓与国家测绘局的合作,获取 并开发新的图源
• 建立与其他手机厂商合作,进行 合作研发及捆绑销售
• 股份软件部 • 股份软件部/市场部
• 股份软件部 • 股份软件部 • 股份软件部
• 2000年11月至 2000年12月
• 2019年1月至2019 年12月
action plan范文
![action plan范文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a86a0f88a0c7aa00b52acfc789eb172ded63990c.png)
action plan范文行动计划:提高个人健康水平引言:在现代社会中,个人的健康水平对于身心健康以及生活质量有着重要的影响。
学习目标 — 行动计划(Action Plan)
![学习目标 — 行动计划(Action Plan)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cdbcb11715791711cc7931b765ce0508763275fe.png)
我的新知识来自于我喜欢的活动形式应该有自 学和小伙伴一起学习学习小组读 书听/看别人讲动手实践
HINA SCENEBETTER COMMUNICATION | GREATER VALUETo thoroughly implement the National Standardization Development Outline and National Talent Development Plan in the 14th Five-Year Plan Period , the Standardization Administration of China (SAC), Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce jointly released the Special Action Plan on Standardization Talent Cultivation (2023-2025) recently.The plan puts forward requirements to innovate standardization talent cultivation mechanism, optimize the environment of standardization talent development, comprehensively promote the building of talents for standards research, standardization management, standards application, standardization education, international standardization, etc., which strongly support China’s goal of realizing modernization.The plan sets the following goals by 2025: improving the professional, vocational, national and systematic standardization talent cultivation mechanism; forming the pattern of caring, educating, introducing and employing talents; primarily building the vocational capacity evaluation mechanism of standardization talents; establishing a batch of international standardization talent cultivation centers, national standardization talent education and practical training centers and national standardization technical committee training centers.Also, medium and large enterprises are encouraged to set up the standardization director system. Over 15 universities will establish the major of standardization engineering. Over 60 international standardization innovation teams will spring. And more than 25% members of national standardization technical committees will register in international standards organizations.The standardization talent incentive mechanism will be improved. Qualified talents will be awarded and enjoy preferential policies of tax, employment, etc. Meanwhile, the standardization talent cultivation work will be included in the evaluation of governments at all levels, and local governments are encouraged to give financial support for the talent cultivation.Action plan on standardization talent cultivation released8 CHINA STANDARDIZATION Academic Paper Supplement。
亚马逊action plan 怎么写相信很多卖家都曾经收到过亚马逊卖家绩效团队的邮件通知,而最让人揪心的就是销售权限被移除,对于这类通知,有些是可以写行动计划(Action Plan)申诉的,有些是不接受申诉的。
但上面这封邮件显然不是这种情况,邮件中提到,销售权限的移除是暂时的(your selling privileges have been temporarily removed),同时还特意的有一段强调了绩效团队将如何处理你的申诉邮件,邮件内容说得很详细,导向其实也很明确,就是希望卖家能够认清违规的实施,做出有效的整改措施,亚马逊绩效团队将根据你的改善计划,给以恢复销售权限。
所以,通篇邮件汇总成一句话:你写一封好的针对性强的保证书,我给你一次机会action plan ----云畅销求个人目标行动计划的英语作文范文然而,我们不能失去对未来的希望,它将会帮助我们实现个人成长。
2. Always have a positive mindYou should develop a positive mind, as this would be useful when you face challenge along the way. Through this type of mind, you will be able to continue with your life no matter how hard the situation is. You should always find a reason to be happy, which will fuel you to go on further and further until you reach your destination.2.总是保持积极的心态你应该培养一种积极的心态,因为当你遇到挑战的时候这会一直对你有用。
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Action plan1.1. IntroductionI am assigned to the Cadogan Bank plc.as an Ivestment Services Manager. I am now asked to the consider the prividing solutions to Alexander Flynn who has referred from the Bank’s Western Branch. The couple have 3 children in different ages, I will considerAbout their saving for the education and raising for children, they also have an outstanding mortgage on the property, and Alexander want secured against his previous family home. so he need an alternative methods of borrowing on their property.and protecting for Alexander and Janet also is necessary. I would be concern about the suitable saving products the privide.This report would be divided into 3 steps: planning, developing, evaluation.1.2. Likely resources to be usedAll most the informations on this report were lookuped from the Internet,The fact that the Internet is operational at all times makes it the most efficient business machine to date.In the report preparing stage, I can fiand financial products and institution rundly.Utilizing the Internet to obtain the Detailed information of the bank and insurance institution. The bank of Internet is usually accessible 24 hours per day. So I can use it to speed up communication and decision-making (for choose Financial products) at any time. Traditional methods of performing surveys are often relatively slow and expensive compared to online surveys conducted on the Internet which is combined with the situation of Alexander’ family.in order to fill out various needs of customers or what they would like to see in a future product. it's often necessary to compile a list of address and make a announcements, Because there is virtually no time lag from the time it takes to publish information to making the information available to users.In order to present the complete material, I have a group disscusion, every groupmember have various kinds of way to collect the information with different medium, so we can disscus with team mates to syuthesize some peachy idea.simply put:•Ideas can be generated.•Ideas can be shared.•Ideas can be 'tried out'.•Ideas can be responded to by others.Some other resources I can find from concerning brochure, or consulting tutor, visiting prociser is a immediate choise if I have enough time to go abroad.1.3. Strategy for carring out reportFirst of all, I analysised the case which give us some basic information about Financialsituation of Alexander’s, I would be formulate a financing plan in cinnecting with personal information. And then I will make to do list and fix a time schedule accordingly. The action plan should be prepared, In order to let the report more coherent.On the developing stage , I will find the sources of information through the internet, and the likely financial needs of the clients would be: saving borrowing and insurance. According to the plan, finding the suitable suppliers and compare with the recommend products for Alexander’family should be prudently. I can write the case study report after selected the products. And then I need to review the reach process and motify some mistakes.After all of it, changes made during project compared to original action plan.1.4. How the project will be managedAfter analysis the cases, this project report could take the following format: Planning—action planI will make the time distrubution in this process, and collecting likely resources which would be used. Expecially how the project will be project.Developing –write the reportI will find the likely financial needs of the clients: savings, mortgage needs, protection needs. moreover, I will help them to choose suitable products. I am now haply know the situation about the fimaly of Alexander. I perform detailed analysis of the client's specific needs and recommend appropriate solutions.providing risk solutions to Alexander and Janet. And deal with all major insurers, saving products or alternative methods of borrowing.I will establish a series of financial plans:Suitable saving products that provide:I am consider about AER which have best return s in interest, and NS&I operated by HM treasury that are the most attractive feature;Protection for them:protection for Alexander and Janet against, with a view to health problems, I recommend to take out CII for Alexander.Borrowing on their property:And alternative methods of borrowing on their property, Alexander was underfunded to set up his company, so I suggest to use APR to remortage.EvaluationThis the last step of the report.during this project, I will compared to the original plan.All of the information about the financial service product would be backup to the u card avoid lose, or create some floder on the computer which can be named as ―saving/borrowing/protect products information‖.1.5. Time scales for project1.6. Sources of informationMost of information are derived from the text books and websit. From these books I can find the matching products for Alexander’ family:<personal financial services><financial sector:an introduction><principles of insurance>Internet also has unlimited resources for my reference, such as wikipia, google.and I can exchange ideas on the BBS with the insiders.。