



UNIT1To invite eminent persons to help make advertisements should be regarded as one of the best advertising strategies and could, of course, produce a spectacular(powerful) VIP effect, provided that those celebrities are perfectly willing to accept the invitation and, more importantly, the products to be advertised are genuine and of fair prices. Sometimes, while a commodity is of inferior quality, the advertisement is full of words lavishing praise on it, if a celebrity shows up as an image agent for such a product, the advertisement could, if any, be temporarily successful before it turns the brand of the product in question notorious and, more disastrously, ruins the reputation of the eminent person thereafter. So, the famous are well advised to think more than twice before they agree to appear on the commercial.邀请名人做广告,只要商品确实是货真价实,名人又愿意,这应该是广告技巧的上策,会产生很强的名人效应。






UNIT ONE Party PoliticsP8 I Comprehension Check1—5 DCDAB 6-10 DDCABP10 Vocabulary StudyI 1—5 CBADB 6—10 CDBCDII 1.etiquette 2.looped 3.unaccountable 4。

told off 5。

conspicuously 6. pesky 7。

let loose 8。

racy 9。

murky 10。

ticklishP11III TranslationTo invite eminent persons to help make advertisements should be regarded as one of the best advertising strategies and could, of course, produce a spectacular(powerful) VIP effect, privided that those celebrities are perfectly willing to accept the invitation and, more importantly, the products to be advertised are genuine and of fair prices。



� 。排 安来洽融系关否是间互相个照按样那单名柬请象不也间事同中作工且而 �系关密亲的间之人家了响影经已作工出外为因 。好更会果效加参友朋或偶 配工员请邀是但。行举内间时班上在并�加参工员部内于限只以可会晚司 公(。名姓的友朋或偶配的行同写填己自工员让以可过不。事的楚清查以难 到感都主雇的智明位一何任和姐小节礼令是会晚席出伴结谁和谁 .02
。人的 出付谢感该应到识意�说是就也——番一谢回该应到识意会也人客的懂懵 最是使即�时此。临光的他谢感�手的宾来的开离想位每住握�处口出的 眼抢在站地动不也动一们板老时此。列队客送个一外另需还�后最.52 。题话的外之作工谈高何如得懂工员该出现表以可样这 为因�围解司上的面局尬尴入陷替是而�司上求恳是不会机正真的升晋途 仕求寻工员外另。堪难很会为行种这光目的客好人主于碍中会晚人私在但 �责指人无法做的酒喝少量尽或绝拒中会晚司公在。点点指指人被会不就 点一守保稍稍得穿道知们他为因�样一司上与得穿会工员的明聪 .42
在�道报的局计统家国国法据。的低最中录记的年 061 在率婚结的国英 在现。话的婚结要还们他果如——了晚更也婚结且并了多更婚离、了长更 命寿们他为因�活生自独入步在人洲欧的多越来越。击冲大巨生产活生私 的人洲欧对都军大业产入进女妇量大及以性动流到渡过性定稳从化文业商 、命革的术技信通。分部成组的势趋义主人个的拒抗可不纪世个上是渡过 的式模活生身独到活生庭家从种这论评曼夫考·特劳克·让家学会社国法 。迎欢遍普的人类这商告广和商展发产地房、家学口人到受�象气新济经洲 欧是而�考思生人的观悲是不这。活生身独过定决就候时的轻年很在人洲 欧的多越来越是但。人一独单是将都终最们我�言所们人圣如正 .3 ” 。长成地扰干受不并择选权有人个一为作我。省反我自间空和间时有我使 活生自独是但。往交人与欢喜我�交社恶厌不我“ �说她。活生身单着论谈 地溢洋情热中歇间的话电打在�机手着抓手一另�盘向方着扶手一�风着 兜黎巴在地速快车汽小牌 ITG floG 国德的亮漂着开她。果结的功成业事 是成看寓公的己自和活生立独有拥把她 �家行银黎巴的岁 92 个是莱戈尔 克·白莎丽伊 。人的样这莱戈尔克 ·白莎丽伊像是而�夫鳏和女处老的槁枯 容面些那去过像再不族身单的在现。了返复不去一经已子日些那 .2







第一单元阅读材料The Year of the HorseThe year of the horse is fifth in the Chinese zodiac. It is a symbol of speed, power, and luck. People born in this year are thought to be intelligent, independent, and hardworking. They tend to be ambitious and enjoy taking risks. The year of the horse is sd to bring good fortune, and many people believe that starting a new venture or project during this time will bring success.练习题1.What is the year of the horse known for?A. Intelligence, independence and hard workB. Speed, power and luckC. Collaboration and teamworkD. None of the above答案:B2.What type of person is born in the year of the horse?A. Ambitious and enjoys taking risksB. Lazy and unmotivatedC. Unintelligent and dependentD. None of the above答案:A3.What do many people believe about starting a new venture orproject during the year of the horse?A. It will bring bad luckB. It will have no impactC. It will bring successD. None of the above答案:C第二单元阅读材料The Benefits of GardeningGardening is a popular hobby for many people. It involves planting, cultivating, and mntning plants and flowers. In addition to being a rewarding and enjoyable activity, gardening also has a number of health benefits. Studies have shown that spending time outdoors and with naturecan reduce stress levels and provide a sense of well-being. Gardening also provides moderate exercise and can help improve muscle strength and flexibility. Additionally, growing your own fruits and vegetables can provide a source of healthy and fresh produce for you and your family.练习题1.What is gardening?A. A popular indoor activityB. A hobby involving plants and flowersC. A profession involving animal careD. None of the above答案:B2.What are some health benefits of gardening?A. Reduced stress levels and a sense of well-beingB. Decreased physical activityC. Increased joint pnD. None of the above答案:A3.What is a potential benefit of growing your own fruits andvegetables?A. A source of unhealthy and stale produceB. A source of fresh and healthy produceC. A source of unhealthy and spicy produceD. None of the above答案:B结论通过阅读以上两篇材料和相关练习题,我们可以更好地了解“马年”和园艺对我们的生活和健康的影响。



17.适用文档新世研究生英后及答案Unit1Therepresentative(众)presentedtothecommitteea petition(愿)signedby1,200electorsaskingforathoro ughprobeintothefinancialscandalsurroundingthecandidatefortheregionallegi slature.Thelandladyfiredtheservantwho pocketed(独吞)householdfundsforhisownuse.3.Afterexploringformorethanhalfayear,theec ologistfeltagreatfrom thrill()spottingtherarespeciesatthefootofthemountai n.“Betterlatethannever platitude(”isa)thatisveryfamiliartomostEnglishsp eakers.Thecouplehadbeentryingtosatisfyalltheneedsoftheironlyyoungster,wh ohadbeen importuning(胡蛮)formorepocketmonenyallthetime.Theunruly(不守矩的)crowdbecameevenmore boisterous(喧的)whenthenegotiatortriedtoquietthem.7.Thebeliefthatoneshouldworkhardand behonestisdeeply ingrained(根深蒂固)inourculture.8.Thecompanywasfinancially cornered(把⋯逼入境)andalmostwentintobankruptcy(破)duringlastyear’seconomicrecession.The emp loyeestriedtoavoideveryriskthatmight incur(致)herdispleasureduringthefirstmonthafterherdivorce.Inordertopreventasudden outbreakofhostilities,wemustmakeno provocative(刺激的,挑的)move.Theauthorofthebookmadeacomparativestudyof courtesy(礼貌,礼)betweenthetwodifferentcultrues.(etiquette礼貌,礼)12.Afterlongnightofrevelry(狂)attheNewYear’sEveparty,mostoftheguestswere drunk(喝醉的).(looped喝醉的)13.Sincethebeginningoflastmonth,shehassufferednowandthenfromasharpand unexplained(不明原由的)headacheforwhichthedoctorsaretryingtofindacure.(unaccountable不明原由的)Thesecurityguard spokeangrilyandseriously(气的斥)tothegroupofnoisyboysactingupinthegardenofthehotel.(toldoff斥)Comparedwithallhispeers,theyoungengineerhadbeen noticeably(著地)successfulinthatfield.(conspicuously著地)16.Manymentendtoregarddailyhouseworksuchascooking,cleaningandlaundryt obean irritating(令人的)nuisance.(pesky令人的)Thepsychiatristencouragedhispatientto release(放)allhisresentmentatthewaylifehadtreatedhim.(letloose放,放松)Inthis lively(生的)romantichistoricalnovel,theauthornarratesariveting (引人入的)lovestorybetweentwogreatfiguresofthe19thcentury.(racy生的)Shewasdepressedbythe gloomy(阴暗的,沮的),fog-boundsceneonthewaterfrontandfeltevenmorelonely.(murky阴暗的,沮的)文案大全适用文档20.Thechairmanadvisedbothpartiestocalmdownandberationalbecausethyhadreacheda sensitive(敏感的)stageoftheirbusinessnegotiation.(ticklish棘手的,敏感的)翻译:Toinviteeminentpersonstohelpmakeadvertisementsshouldberegardedasoneofthebestadvertisingstrate giesandcould,ofcourse,produceaspectacular(powerful)VIPeffect,prividedthatthosecelebritiesarep erfectlywillingtoaccepttheinvitationand,moreimportantly,theproductstobeadvertisedaregenuinean doffairprices.Sometimes,whileacommodityisofinferiorquality,theadvertisementisfullofwordslavis hingpraiseonit,ifacelebrityshowsupasanimageagentforsuchaproduct,theadvertisementcould,ifany,b etemporarilysuccessfulbeforeitturnsthebrandoftheproductinquestionnotoriousand,moredisastrousl y,ruinsthereputationoftheeminentpersonthereafter.So,thefamousarewelladvisedtothinkmorethantwi cebeforetheyagreetoappearonthecommercial.Unit2Italian neo-realist(新实在论者)cinemafocusedonworking—classsubjects,usingamateuractorsandfilmingonlocation,ratherthaninthestudio.2.Despitehiswartimeatrocities,(暴行)Hitlerisstillreveredby neo-Nazi(新纳粹主义的)inmanycountries.3.Neo-fascist(新法西斯主义者)groupsareanincreasingthreattoethnicminoritiesacrossEurope.By neocolonialism(新殖民主义)wemeanthepracticeofgrantingasortofindependencewiththeconcealedintentionofmakingaliberatedcountryaclient—state.Thetutortriedhardtodissuade(阻挡)studentsfromusingneologisms(新词)informalwritingHeisa neo-Darwinist(新进化论者)animalsisprincipallydeterminedbynaturalselection,andthatacquiredcharacteristicscannotbeinherited.7.ThearchitecttraveledaroundthewholeofEuropeseekingPalladio’swonderful16th-century neoclassical(新古典主义的)buildings.8.Inviewofthestillunknownphysicalrisksthatcloningmightimposeon neonates(婴儿)appropriate.9.Thechallengeforthefutureliesin fostering(培育)conditionsincitiesthatwillbefavorabletoeconomicgrowth.Theoldlady reaved (赞誉)abouthergrandchildrenforaboutanhour.Genetherapy-----theactualcorrectionorreplacementofdefectivegenesequencesintheembryoortheadult------isthe holygrail(最受欢迎的)ofgeneticmedicine.12.Throughgeneticengineering,willscientistsbetamperingwiththegeneticdiversitythathasbeenthe mainstay(支柱)ofhumansurvivalinthepast?AnewsreleasebytheChineseMinistryofPersonnelprintedinafewleadingnewspapersandonnewswebsitescaughttheattentionofthousandsof twenty-somethings(人到二十)inOctober.14.Formanyreasons,thevastmajorityof heterosexuals(异性的)stillpreferthe“old—fashioned”,sexualwayofproducingchildren.Noothermethodbetterexpressesthelovingunionofamanandawomanseekingtomakeababy.文案大全适用文档15.Itisabsolutely mandatory(强迫的)thateverydriverofavehiclemustpassadriver’slicensetest.Intoday’slightningspeedworld—manysinglesare embracing(拥抱,接受)thenewesttrendinrelationship-----speeddating-------tosizeupapotentialloveinterest.Asayoungman,hespentalotoftime meditating(冥想)uponthepurposeoflife.Shereallyenjoyedthefilmbecauseitwasa(n)fusion(交融)ofhistoryandcontemporaryevents.翻译:Nowadaysinthecity’stonierre sidentialdistrictstherearepeplenamedassingles,whoareusuallyyoung, richandtech-savvyprofessionalsandchooseindependentlytheirownlifesyles.Thenumberofsingleshasincreaseddramaticallyovertherecentyears.Thereason sofremainingsinglearevarious:somemaybebusyexploringcareerswithoutputtingtheirmarriageintothe agenda,somemayindulgeintheirjobs,travel,entertainment,physicalfitnessorfriendship,Morethan80 %ofthemhavenotabandonedthevalueofmarriage,andtheysaytheyaspiretomarryortheywanttobemarriedso meday,buttheyarepatientandfeelcontentbeingsingleuntiltheymeettherightperson.Unit31.InChina,h omecomputerownershipisexpectedto exceed(超出)thatoftheU.S.andEuropecombined.(outstrip超出)Thecompanyhasbeenplacedin astateofuncertainty(处于不确立状态)astheboarddecideswhattodonext.(limbo处于不确立状态)Hewrotequickly,butfromtimetotimehe stopped(停下来)andlookoutofthewindow.(ceased停止)4.Thousandsofrefugeesleftthecountry following(紧随)theoutbreakofcivilwar.(inthewakeof紧随)Anairlinespokesmanstatedthatthesafetyofpassengerswasabsolutely ofthemostimportance(最重要的).(paramount最重要的)6.Theuseofanimalsinscientifictestsraisesdifficult moral(道德的)questions.(ethical道德的)coverageofthematchhadtobe extended(延伸)whenitwentintoover-time.prolonged延伸)8.He’sagoodpersontobewithifeveryou tough(困难’的re)insituation.(thorny 困难的)Heseemedtobea born(天生的)liar.(congenital天生的)Theoperationwasratherpainful,butIfeltalotbetter afterwards(以后).(subsequently以后)IntheNetherlands euthanasia(安乐死)hasalreadybeenlegalized.Someobserversdoubtwhetherthepeaceprocesscanbe salvaged(拯救).1 ckofessentialmineralscancause deformity(畸形)inunbornchildren.1 4.Allthecarsaretestedfor defects(不合格)beforetheyleavethefactory15.Wehelppeoplewithmentalorphysical handicaps(残障)tofindworkShehada(n)lingering(挥之不去的)senseofguiltforsometimeafterbreakingoffherrelationshipwithHenry.文案大全新世纪研究生英语b课后习题及问题详解考试复习计划适用文档1 7.TheGovernmenthasto grapplewith(努力战胜)theproblemofunemployment.1 8.Hewasarrestedfor allegedly(据,据称)stabbinghisformerwife1 9.Toherreliefshewas acquitted(无罪开ofallthechargeslaidagainsther .2 0.The frontiers(尖端科学)ofmedicalknowledgearebeingpushedfartheroutwardsastimegoeson.翻:Peoplewhoareenergetic,happy,andrelaxedarelesslikelytocatchacoldthanthosewhoaredepressed,nervous,or angry.Whenthebrainis“happy”,itsendsmessagestoourorgansthahelpkeepthebodyhealthyandsound.Yourchan ceofdevelopingthecommoncold,pneumonia,orevencancermayverywellbedecreasedbykeepingyourbraininahealt hystate.Inaddition,happyandrelaxedpeoplearepronetobetterhealthpracticesthantheirnegativeandstresse dcounterparts.Theyaremorelikelytogetplentyofsleepandtoengagedinregularexercise,andhavebeenshowntoh avelowerlevelsofcertainstresshormones.18.Unit4perceiveshapeand dimensions(模,大小)------(size)seecross-cultural varieties(品种;种)------(types)any intrusion(侵入;入)------(penetration)essence(本,)------(core)thewordmeans“inahouse”chamber(or“from室内a的;个人的)”------(room)adaptations(适;改)------(adjustments)amountof distinguishing(有区的)------(distinctive)makecareful distinctions(区)amongdifferentspatialelements------(differentiation)secularand sacred(神的;神的)(holy)differentperceptionsoftimemaycausecultural conflicts(矛盾;矛盾)------(clashes)Timeisnota“mereconnection”,assome anthropologists(English人学家)butoneofthemostbasicorganizingsystemsoflife,becauseallsituationalbehaviorhasatemporalandaspatialdimension.Patterns(模式)arethoseimplicitculturalrulesbymeansofwhichsetsarearrangedsothattheytakeonmeaning.Infact,comparedwithmore tangible(有形的;切的)assaultsonhischaracter------namelyJones’pendingsexualharassment—lawsuitandthefederalinvestigationintoWhite—water------wordsinabookcouldbarelyhurthim.14.Asmallbut persistent(固的,持的)⋯stilldon’tbuyit.Mr.Smith,whowasworriedthatthebanmight infringe(入侵;反)—abidinggunowners,hadalreadyvotedagainstthebill.Afterall,scientistsnoted,HIVisaretrovirus,aclassofinfectiousagentsknownfortheiralarmingabilityto integrate(使⋯完好;使⋯成整体)17.Suddenly,perfectly secular(世俗的;期的)medieval—eraargumentsagainstthehubrisofscience.Mystudyofspace----howpeopleexperienceitandcreateamodelofthe spatial(空的;存在于空的)worldinthecentralnervoussystem-----forcedmetoacknowledgetheperceptualclichsofémyculture.文案大全适用文档19.Myignoranceofbothhydroponicsandof florist’花店s()shopsmademefeelsomewhatIdidnotcommunicateinthemannerIgenerallyusewhenIamspeakingonafami liarsubjectinafamiliarsetting.Tounderstandanorganization,youhavetoconsiderallofitscomponen anizationsarenetworksofrelatedparts.Eachelementworkstogetherwiththeotherstosupportef ficientoperations.ThenewMBAbuzzwordforitallisOrganizational.Architecture(建筑学;建筑风格).翻译:Asonetravelsabroadandexaminesthewaysinwhichspaceishandled,startlingvariationsarediscovered ;differrenceswhichwereacttovigorously.Sincenoneofusaretaughttolookatspaceasisolatedfromoth erassociations,feelingscuedbythehandlingofspaceareoftenattributedtosomethingelse.Ingrowing uppeoplelearnliterarilythousandsofspatialcues,allofwhichhavetheirownmeaningsintheirowncont exts.当人们到国外旅行时,假如留意察看外国人怎样办理空间关系,就会发现很多令人吃惊的不一样之处;而这些不一样之处总让我们反响激烈。



UNIT ONE Party PoliticsP10 V ocabulary StudyI 1-5 CBADB 6-10 CDBCDII 1.etiquette礼仪 2.looped 环 3.unaccountable莫名其妙 4.told off责备 5. Conspicuously明显的6. pesky讨厌7.let loose放开8.racy活泼9.murky模糊10.ticklish厌恶的A.1-5 FFFTT 6-10 FTFTTB.1-5 FTFTF 6-10 FTFTFUNIT TWO The New SinglesP31 V ocabulary StudyI 1.neo-realist新现实主义 2.neo-Nazis 新纳粹 3.Neo-fascist新法西斯主义4.neocolonialism新殖民主义5. neologisms新词6.neo-Darwinist新达尔文主义7.neoclassical新古典8. neonates新生儿II 1.fostering 培育 2.reaved穿绕 3.holy grail圣杯 4.mainstay支柱5.twenty-somethings二十出头 6.heterosexuals异性恋7.mandatory强制性8.embracing拥抱9.meditating沉思10.fusion聚变UNIT THREE Doctor’s Dilemma:Treat or Let Die?P53 V ocabulary StudyI 1.outstrip超过2.limbo打入冷宫3.ceased停止4. in the wake of在之后5. paramount最重要的 6.ethical合乎道德的7.prolonged经久8. thorny多刺的9.congenital先天性10.subsequently后来II 1.euthanasia 安乐死2.salvaged打捞3.deformity畸形4.defects缺陷5. handicaps 障碍 6.lingering缠绵7. grapple抓钩8. allegedly据称9.acquitted 无罪释放10.frontiers前沿P59 Key to Supplementary ReadingsA.1-5 FTFTF 6-10 TTTFT B 1-5 FFTTF 6-10 TFTFFUNIT FOUR The Cultural Patterning of SpaceP73 V ocabulary StudyI 1-5 begja 6-10 hcifdII 1.anthropologists人类学家2. Patterns模式3.tangible有形4. persistent一贯, 固执5. infringe违犯6. integrate整合, 结合, 7. secular世俗8. spatial空间性9.florist’s花店10.Architecture建筑UNIT FIVE Can You Raise a Polite Kid in This Rude World?P95 V ocabulary StudyI 1-5 deigj 6-10 hfabcII 1.provocative挑衅2. notional概念上的3. curb抑制4.devastating压倒性, 破坏性5. appalling骇人听闻的6.perspective透视7. counterpart副本,对方8. fray磨损9.defuse化解10.frustrated受挫1、销售人员向委员会申请(Petition)关于1200个选举人的财政深入调查的申2、房东解雇了仆人他总是把钱装进口袋里(pocketed)装房子里的钱3、通过一年半的探索,这个生态学家是异常兴奋的(thrill)4、迟做总比不做好是陈词滥调(platitude)在英语中。



新世纪研究生公共英语教材阅读B课文原文及翻译Unit1Party PoliticsJudith Martin1. Etiquette at an office party? Why, these people have been socializing happily every working day of their lives, give or take a few melees, rumors, and complaint petitions. All it takes to turn this into holiday merriment is a bit of greenery looped around the office—the staff will soon be looped, too. Surely it is enough that the annual Christmas party has the magic ingredients: time off from work, free food and drink, and a spirit of fun replacing such ugly work realities as sexual harassment.2. Furthermore, partygoers figure, it offers relief from such pesky obligations as thanking anyone or being kind to wallflowers because there really aren‟t any hosts. Nobody has to pay (that same Nobody who generously provides the telephone line for long-distance personal calls), and so nobody‟s feelings need be considered.3. This is all pure hospitality—there for the taking, like the office-supplied felt-tipped pens everyone has been pocketing all year. Out of the natural goodness of its corporate heart and the spirit of the holiday season, the company wishes only to give its employees a roaring good time, and the employees, out of loyalty and the thrill of getting to know their bosses off-duty as equals, delight in the opportunity.4. For those still dimly aware of the once-standard give-and-take of real social life, this no-fault approach to business entertaining seems a godsend. In the now-rare domain of genuine society, hosts are supposed to plan and pay for the entertainment of their guests, on their own time and in their own houses. Guests have strict duties, as well—from answering invitations to cooperating with all arrangements, even to the extent of pronouncing them perfectly lovely.5. Business entertaining appears to remove the burdens of time, effort, money, individual responsibility—and the etiquette connected with them. The people who do the planning are paid for their trouble, so those who benefit need not consider they have incurred a debt. Why, the annual Christmas party ought to be an inspiration to lower-level employees to work their way into realms where company-sponsored partying can be enjoyed all year long.6. Not so fast. Flinty Miss Manners does not recognize any holidays from etiquette. (Employees, if not employers, should consider themselves lucky that she is only on the Party Committee, not the one that might take up ethical questions about those pens and calls.) Office parties differ from private ones but are no freer from rules.7. If it were indeed true that everyone has a better time without etiquette, Miss Manners could easily be persuaded to take the day off. But having long served on the Office Party Etiquette Cleanup subcommittee, she is aware that things generally do not go well when there is no recognized etiquette and everyone is forced to improvise.8. Let us look at all this spontaneous, carefree fun: There being no proper place for the boss, he or she hangs around the door, concerned about mixing with everyone. It might discourage hospitable bosses to see guests staring at them in horror and then slithering in by a side door. But etiquette‟s solution of having everyone greeted in a receiving line was rejected as too stiff. So one can hardly blame employees for recalling a long-ingrained principle of the workplace: Seeing the boss and having a good time are best not scheduled at the same time.9. Desperate to make the time count, the boss grabs the nearest available person and startsdelivering practiced words about the contribution he makes to their great enterprise. The reaction is not quite what was hoped for. Discreet questioning establishes that this is an employee‟s guest. He doesn‟t work for the company, recognize the boss, or appreciate the attention—and, as a matter of fact, has only a passing acquaintance with the employee who issued the invitation. What this guest wants is not professional fellowship but a fresh drink, if the boss would kindly step out of the way.10. Now, the reason the invitation said “and guest” was to avoid the ticklish issue of who is still married to whom and what the spouse calls itself. Last year, unmarried employees were furious when their partners were not included, and married employees complained that the forms by which their spouses were addressed were offensive: “Mrs.” offended women who preferred “Ms.,” and wives who had the same surnames outraged everybody who didn‟t. This year, the complaints will be from spouses who were not told that there was a party or who were told that spouses weren‟t invited—but found out otherwise. There won‟t be many complaints. They will, however, be memorable, darkly charging the company with promoting immorality.11. Meanwhile, what about those who are interested in promoting a bit of immorality, or just plain romance, of their own? They, too, are creating problems that will reach far into the new year. True office romances are the least of them, with their charges of favoritism and melding professional and personal time. More serious is the fact that, in spite of the liquor and high spirits, it still counts as sexual harassment when anyone with supervisory powers makes unreciprocated overtures to a lower-ranking employee. And foolhardy when a lower-ranking employee annoys a higher-ranking one.12. Some employees have their minds only on business and will be spending party time actively promoting workaday concerns. Remembering the company rhetoric about open communications and all being in this together, they will actually seek out the boss, who by this time is grateful to be addressed by anyone at all.13. But they do n‟t want to engage in platitudes. They accept compliments with: “Well, then how about a raise?” They plead for promotions, explain confidentially who ought to be fired, and advance previously submitted ideas about revolutionizing the business that have been unaccountably unappreciated for years. In one evening, they manage to cut through the entire hierarchy and procedures the boss has painstakingly established for the purpose of being spared this kind of importuning.14. Eventually—usually somewhat late in the party—it occurs to someone that this informal setting is just the time to offer the boss some constructive personal criticism. What else does talking frankly and informally mean but an invitation to unload opinions without any career consequence?15. Here is where the company has pulled a fast one on its employees. “Go ahead,” it has said, “relax, have a good time, forget about the job.” And the naive have taken this at face value. This event is called a party—a place where one lets loose without worrying about being judged by the cold standard of professional usefulness.16. Even employees who adhere strictly to standard business dress in the office may not know what the bosses might consider vulgar in evening wear. Here is a chance to show off their racy and imaginative off-duty clothes. But over there are supervisors murmuring that people who look like that can‟t really be sent out to represent the company.17. Worse are the comments on anyone whose idea of fun is a little boisterous. It may be just thebehavior that makes one a delight—or a trial—to one‟s friends. But here, it is not being offered for the delight or tolerance of friends. It is being judged on criteria other than whether the person is a riot.18. It is not that Miss Manners wants to spoil the office party by these warnings. She just wants to prevent it from spoiling careers. And the solution is what was banished from the party for being too inhibiting: etiquette.19. The first formality that must come back is inviting everyone by name. The practice of merely counting every invitation as two is as dangerous as it is unflattering. But people who have been clearly identified and told that they must respond—the suggestion must be made neutrally, to show that the party is a treat, not a requirement—already have some sense that they are both individually sought after and expected to be responsible.20. What constitutes a couple is a murkier question than Miss Manners and any sensible employer ought to investigate, but employees simply can be asked to supply the name of a spouse or friend they want to invite. (An office party can be limited by confining it to employees, in which case it should be held during office hours. But inviting spouses and such is better. Having to work is enough distract ion from one‟s more intimate relationships, and the staff was not compiled like a guest list, according to personal compatibility.21. Since we have established, Miss Manners hopes, that the point of an office party is not whooping it up or telling people off, what is it? It is showing appreciation of the staff.22. This starts with a well-run receiving line. However much popular opinion may regard receiving lines as nasty ordeals, they were invented to be, and remain, the easiest way to get everyone recognized by the key people. The oldest receiving-line trick in the world still works: Someone whose business it is to know everyone—or someone unimportant enough to be able to ask each guest his name—announces the guests to the host as they go through the line. The host can then scornfully declare: “Of course I know Annette. We couldn‟t run this place without her.” For extra charm, the employee‟s guest is also told how wonderful that employee is. This always seems more sincere than straight-out flattery, and from then on, whenever the employee complains that everyone at the office is an idiot, the spouse will counter by repeating that appreciation.23. It is often erroneously assumed that the style of the party ought to be what employees are used to: their own kind of music, food, and other things the executive level believes itself to have outgrown. Nonsense. What employees want is a taste of high-level entertaining. This may vary greatly according to the nature of the business. If, however, the party is too formal for the employees‟ taste, they‟ll get a good laugh and enjoy the contrast all the more when they continue partying on their own afterward.24. The clever employee will dress as the executives do, keeping in mind that there are few fields in which people are condemned for looking insufficiently provocative. Refusing or limiting drinks is not the handicap at business parties that it may be under the overly hospitable eye of a private host. And the real opportunity for career advancement is not petitioning a boss but rescuing one who has been cornered or stranded, thus demonstrating that one knows how to talk charmingly about nonbusiness matters.25. At the end, there is another receiving line. That is, the bosses plant themselves conspicuously by the exit, grabbing the hand of anyone trying to get away and thanking him for coming. Even the dimmest guest will then realize it is appropriate to thank back—that is, to realize that something has been offered and deserves gratitude.26. After all, isn‟t that why the office Christmas party is given?27. If the only goal were for the company to show the staff its appreciation, this could be effectively done with a day off and a bonus to go with it.第一单元晚会之道朱迪丝•马丁1. 办公室晚会礼节?有这个必要吗?员工们每天开开心心地彼此交往,虽然时不时会推推撞撞,发生点儿口角,传播点儿谣言,或是联名写点儿投诉信。



听力:Lesson1 43312 11334 32314 , part B 42221Lesson2 42443 22332 33231 , 13424Lesson3 24312 24423 13312 , 12244Lesson4 44113 22441 13413 , 24214Lesson5 12433 24123 31312 , 32321Lesson6 11142 44241 14123 , 31344Lesson7 31234 33441 31444 , 44314Lesson8 11211 34211 24213 , 没有(Part B 可能不考)阅读理解课后答案:Unit 1 vocabulary study第一部分选择32142 34234第二部分替换etiquette ,looped, unaccountable , told off, conspicuously , risky , let loose , racy ,nurky , ticklishUnit 2 vocabulary study第一部分选词填空neo-realist 新现实主义, neo-Nazis 新纳粹主义,Neo-fascist 新法西斯主义,neocolonialism新殖民主义,neologism新词,neo-Darwinist 新进化论, neoclassical新经典, neonate新生儿第二部分选词填空Fostering,has raved , holy grail , mainstay ,twenty-something , Heterosexual , mandatory , embracing , meditating , fusionUnit3 vocabulary study第一部分替换Outstrip ,limbo ,ceased ,in the wake of , paramount ,ethical , prolonged ,thorny ,congenital, subsequently第二部分选词填空Euthanasia ,salvaged ,deformity ,defects ,handicaps , lingering ,grapple ,allegedly , acquitted ,frontiersUnit4 vocabulary study第一部分连线1B 2E 3G 4J 5A 6H 7C 8I 9F 10D第二部分选词填空Anthropologists , patterns , tangible , persistent , infringe , integrate, secular , spatial , florist’s , architectureUnit5 vocabulary study第一部分连线1d 2e 3i 4g 5j 6h 7f 8a 9b 10c第二部分选词填空Provocative , notional , curb , devastating, appalling , perspective ,counterpart ,fray , defuse , frustratedUnit6 vocabulary study第一部分替换Outgoing ,petite ,emphatically , self-possessed ,quest ,personable ,fantasiled, buy into , defer , caught up第二部分选词填空Involved , committed , figure out , convinced , affluent , tied down , quest , the end of the rainbow ,therapeutic , formulatingUnit7 vocabulary study 没讲Unit8 vocabulary study第一部分连线1j 2h 3g 4a 5b 6i 7d 8c 9f 10e第二部分选词填空Aggressive , stereotyped ,inhibit ,masculine , disapproval , subsistence , speculate , perceive ,socialize , prone 相信能就一定能考试时间6月17号东校区三教(逸夫教学楼)选择是难,更何况是心灵选择。

























UNIT1To invite eminent persons to help make advertisements should be regarded as one of the best advertising strategies and could, of course, produce a spectacular(powerful) VIP effect, provided that those celebrities are perfectly willing to accept the invitation and, more importantly, the products to be advertised are genuine and of fair prices. Sometimes, while a commodity is of inferior quality, the advertisement is full of words lavishing praise on it, if a celebrity shows up as an image agent for such a product, the advertisement could, if any, be temporarily successful before it turns the brand of the product in question notorious and, more disastrously, ruins the reputation of the eminent person thereafter. So, the famous are well advised to think more than twice before they agree to appear on the commercial.邀请名人做广告,只要商品确实是货真价实,名人又愿意,这应该是广告技巧的上策,会产生很强的名人效应。



新世纪研究生英语课后习题及答案Unit11. The representative(众议员)presented to the committee a petition(请愿书) signed by 1,200 electors asking for a thorough probe into the financial scandal surrounding the candidate for the regional legislature.2. The landlady fired the servant who pocketed(独吞) household funds for his own use.3. After exploring for more than half a year, the ecologist felt a great from thrill(兴奋) spotting therare species at the foot of the mountain.4. “Better late than never”is a platitude(陈词滥调) that is very familiar to most English speakers.5. The couple had been trying to satisfy all the needs of their only youngster, who had been importuning (胡搅蛮缠) for more pocket moneny all the time.6. The unruly(不守规矩的) crowd became even more boisterous(喧闹的) when the negotiator tried to quiet them.7. The belief that one should work hard and be honest is deeply ingrained(根深蒂固)in our culture.8. The company was financially cornered(把…逼入绝境)and almost went into bankruptcy(破产) during last year’s economic recession.9. The employees tried to avoid every risk that might incur(导致)her displeasure during the firstmonth after her divorce.10. In order to prevent a sudden outbreak of hostilities, we must make no provocative(刺激的,挑拨的)move.11. The author of the book made a comparative study of courtesy(礼貌,礼节)between the two different cultrues. (etiquette 礼貌,礼节)12. After long night of revelry(狂欢)at the New Year’s Eve party ,most of the guests were drunk(喝醉的).(looped 喝醉的)13. Since the beginning of last month, she has suffered now and then from a sharp and unexplained (不明原因的) headache for which the doctors are trying to find a cure. (unaccountable不明原因的)14. The security guard spoke angrily and seriously(气愤的斥责) to the group of noisy boys acting up in the garden of the hotel. (told off 斥责)15. Compared with all his peers, the young engineer had been noticeably(显著地)successful in that field.(conspicuously显著地)16. Many men tend to regard daily housework such as cooking, cleaning and laundry to be an irritating(使人烦恼的)nuisance. (pesky使人烦恼的)17. The psychiatrist encouraged his patient to release(释放)all his resentment at the way life had treated him.(let loose释放,放松)18. In this lively(生动的) romantic historical novel, the author narrates a riveting (引人入胜的)love story between two great figures of the 19th century. (racy 生动的)19. She was depressed by the gloomy(阴郁的,沮丧的), fog-bound scene on the waterfront and felt even more lonely.(murky 阴郁的,沮丧的)20. The chairman advised both parties to calm down and be rational because thy had reached a sensitive(敏感的) stage of their business negotiation.(ticklish棘手的,敏感的)翻译:To invite eminent persons to help make advertisements should be regarded as one of the best advertising strategies and could, of course, produce a spectacular(powerful) VIP effect, privided that those celebrities are perfectly willing to accept the invitation and, more importantly, the products to be advertised are genuine and of fair prices. Sometimes, while a commodity is of inferior quality, the advertisement is full of words lavishing praise on it, if a celebrity shows up as an image agent for such a product, the advertisement could, if any, be temporarily successful before it turns the brand of the product in question notorious and, more disastrously, ruins the reputation of the eminent person thereafter. So, the famous are well advised to think more than twice before they agree to appear on the commercial.Unit21. Italian neo-realist(新实在论者)cinema focused on working—class subjects, using amateur actors and filming on location, rather than in the studio.2. Despite his wartime atrocities,(暴行)Hitler is still revered by neo-Nazi(新纳粹主义的) in many countries.3.Neo-fascist(新法西斯主义者)groups are an increasing threat to ethnic minorities across Europe.4. By neocolonialism(新殖民主义)we mean the practice of granting a sort of independence with the concealed intention of making a liberated country a client—state.5. The tutor tried hard to dissuade(阻止) students from using neologisms(新词)in formal writing6. He is a neo-Darwinist(新进化论者) animals is principally determined by natural selection, and that acquired characteristics cannot be inherited.7. The architect traveled around the whole of Europe seeking Palladio’s wonderful 16th-century neoclassical(新古典主义的)buildings.8. In view of the still unknown physical risks that cloning might impose on neonates(婴儿)appropriate.9. The challenge for the future lies in fostering(培养)conditions in cities that will be favorable to economic growth.10. The old lady reaved(赞扬)about her grandchildren for about an hour.11. Gene therapy-----the actual correction or replacement of defective gene sequences in the embryo or the adult ------is the holy grail(最受欢迎的)of genetic medicine.12. Through genetic engineering, will scientists be tampering with the genetic diversity that has been the mainstay(支柱)of human survival in the past? 13. A news release by the Chinese Ministry of Personnel printed in a few leading newspapers and on news websites caught the attention of thousands of twenty-somethings(人到二十)in October.14. For many reasons, the vast majority of heterosexuals(异性的) still prefer the “old—fashioned”, sexual way of producing children. No other method better expresses the loving union of a man and a woman seeking to make a baby.15. It is absolutely mandatory(强制的)that every driver of a vehicle must passa driver’s license test.16. In today’s lightning—speed world many singles are embracing(拥抱,接受)the newest trend in relationship ----- speed dating-------to size up a potential love interest.17. As a young man, he spent a lot of time meditating(冥想)upon the purpose of life.18. She really enjoyed the film because it was a(n)fusion(融合) of history and contemporary events.翻译:Nowadays in the city’s tonier residential districts there are peple named as singles, who are usually young, rich and tech-savvy professionals and choose independently their own lifesyles. The number of singles has increased dramatically over the recent years. The reasons of remaining single arevarious:some may be busy exploring careers without putting their marriage into the agenda, some may indulge in their jobs, travel, entertainment, physical fitness or friendship, More than 80% of them have not abandoned the value of marriage, and they say they aspire to marry or they want to be married someday, but they are patient and feel content being single until they meet the right person.Unit31. In China, home computer ownership is expected to exceed(超过)that of the U.S. and Europe combined. ( outstrip超过)2. The company has been placed in a state of uncertainty(处于不确定状态) as the board decides what to do next.( limbo处于不确定状态)3. He wrote quickly, but from time to time he stopped(停下来) and look out of the window. ( ceased停止)4. Thousands of refugees left the country following(紧随)the outbreak of civil war.( in the wake of 紧随)5. An airline spokesman stated that the safety of passengers was absolutely of the most importance(最重要的).(paramount 最重要的)6. The use of animals in scientific tests raises difficult moral(道德的) questions. (ethical道德的)7. TV coverage of the match had to be extended(延长) when it went into over -time.(prolonged延长)8. He’s a good person to be with if ever you’re in a tough(艰难的) situation. ( thorny 艰难的)9. He seemed to be a born(天生的)liar. ( congenital天生的)10. The operation was rather painful, but I felt a lot better afterwards(之后). (subsequently之后)11. In the Netherlands euthanasia(安乐死)has already been legalized.12. Some observers doubt whether the peace process can be salvaged(挽救).13. Lack of essential minerals can cause deformity(畸形)in unborn children.14. All the cars are tested for defects(不合格)before they leave the factory15. We help people with mental or physical handicaps(残障)to find work16. She had a(n)lingering(挥之不去的)sense of guilt for some time after breaking off her relationship with Henry.17. The Government has to grapple with(努力克服)the problem of unemployment.18. He was arrested for allegedly(据说,据称)stabbing his former wife19. To her relief she was acquitted(无罪开释of all the charges laid against her.20. The frontiers(尖端科学) of medical knowledge are being pushed farther outwards as time goes on.翻译:People who are energetic, happy, and relaxed are less likely to catch a cold than those who are depressed, nervous, or angry. When the brain is “happy”, it sends messages to our organs that help keep the body healthy and sound. Yourchance of developing the common cold, pneumonia, or even cancer may very well be decreased by keeping your brain in a healthy state. In addition, happy and relaxed people are prone to better health practices than their negative and stressed counterparts. They are more likely to get plenty of sleep and to engaged in regular exercise, and have been shown to have lower levels of certain stress hormones.Unit 41.Westerners perceive shape and dimensions(规模,大小)------(size)2. see cross-cultural varieties(品种;种类)------(types)3. any intrusion(侵入;闯入)------(penetration)4. essence(本质,实质)------(core)5. the word means “in a house”or “from a chamber(室内的;私人的)”------(room)6. adaptations(适应;改编)------(adjustments)7.The amount of distinguishing(有区别的)------(distinctive)8. make careful distinctions(区别) among different spatial elements------(differentiation)9. secular and sacred(神的;神的)(holy)10. different perceptions of time may cause cultural conflicts(冲突;矛盾)------(clashes)11. Time is not a “mere connection”, as some English anthropologists(人类学家)but one of the most basic organizing systems of life, because all situational behavior has a temporal and a spatial dimension.12. Patterns(模式)are those implicit cultural rules by means of which sets are arranged so that they take on meaning.13. In fact, compared with more tangible(有形的;切实的)assaults on his character------namely Jones’pending sexual—harassment lawsuit and the federal investigation into White—water ------words in a book could barely hurt him.14. A small but persistent(固执的,坚持的) …still don’t buy it.15. Mr. Smith, who was worried that the ban might infringe(侵犯;违反)—abiding gun owners , had already voted against the bill.16. After all, scientists noted, HIV is a retrovirus, a class of infectious agents known for their alarming ability to integrate(使…完整;使…成整体)17. Suddenly, perfectly secular(世俗的;长期的)medieval—era arguments against the hubris of science.18. My study of space---- how people experience it and create a model of the spatial(空间的;存在于空间的)world in the central nervous system-----forced me to acknowledge the perceptual clichés of my culture.19. My ignorance of both hydroponics and of florist’s(花店)shops made me feel somewhat ease.Consequently I did not communicate in the manner I generally use when I am speaking on a familiar subject in a familiar setting.20. To understand an organization, you have to consider all of its components. Organizations arenetworks of related parts. Each element works together with the others to support efficient operations. The new MBA buzzword for it all is Organizational .Architecture(建筑学;建筑风格).翻译:As one travels abroad and examines the ways in which space is handled, startling variations are discovered; differrences which we react to vigorously. Since none of us are taught to look at space as isolated from other associations, feelings cued by the handling of space are often attributed to something else. In growing up people learn literarily thousands of spatial cues, all of which have their own meanings in their own contexts.当人们到海外旅游时,如果留心观察外国人如何处理空间关系,就会发现许多令人惊讶的不同之处;而这些不同之处总让我们反应强烈。



UNIT1To invite eminent persons to help make advertisements should be regarded as one of the best advertising strategies and could, of course, produce a spectacular(powerful) VIP effect, provided that those celebrities are perfectly willing to accept the invitation and, more importantly, the products to be advertised are genuine and of fair prices. Sometimes, while a commodity is of inferior quality, the advertisement is full of words lavishing praise on it, if a celebrity shows up as an image agent for such a product, the advertisement could, if any, be temporarily successful before it turns the brand of the product in question notorious and, more disastrously, ruins the reputation of the eminent person thereafter. So, the famous are well advised to think more than twice before they agree to appear on the commercial.邀请名人做广告,只要商品确实是货真价实,名人又愿意,这应该是广告技巧的上策,会产生很强的名人效应。



新世纪研究生公共英语教材阅读B课文原文及翻译Unit1Party PoliticsJudith Martin1. Etiquette at an office party? Why, these people have been socializing happily every working dayof their lives, give or take a few melees, rumors, and complaint petitions. All it takes to turn thisinto holiday merriment is a bit of greenery looped around the office—the staff will soon be looped, too. Surely it is enough that the annual Christmas party has the magic ingredients: time off from work, free food and drink, and a spirit of fun replacing such ugly work realities as sexual harassment.2. Furthermore, partygoers figure, it offers relief from such pesky obligations as thanking anyoneor being kind to wallflowers because there really aren?t any hosts. Nobody has to pay (that same Nobody who generously provides the telephone line for long-distance personal calls), and so nobody?s feelings need be considered.3. This is all pure hospitality—there for the taking, like the office-supplied felt-tipped pens everyone has been pocketing all year. Out of the natural goodness of its corporate heart and the spirit of the holiday season, the company wishes only to give its employees a roaring good time,and the employees, out of loyalty and the thrill of getting to know their bosses off-duty as equals, delight in the opportunity.4. For those still dimly aware of the once-standard give-and-take of real social life, this no-fault approach to business entertaining seems a godsend. In the now-rare domain of genuine society, hosts are supposed to plan and pay for the entertainment of their guests, on their own time and in their own houses. Guests have strict duties, as well—from answering invitations to cooperating with all arrangements, even to the extent of pronouncing them perfectly lovely.5. Business entertaining appears to remove the burdens of time, effort, money, individual responsibility—and the etiquette connected with them. The people who do the planning are paidfor their trouble, so those who benefit need not consider they have incurred a debt. Why, the annual Christmas party ought to be an inspiration to lower-level employees to work their way into realms where company-sponsored partying can be enjoyed all year long.6. Not so fast. Flinty Miss Manners does not recognize any holidays from etiquette. (Employees, if not employers, should consider themselves lucky that she is only on the Party Committee, not the one that might take up ethical questions about those pens and calls.) Office parties differ from private ones but are no freer from rules.7. If it were indeed true that everyone has a better time without etiquette, Miss Manners could easily be persuaded to take the day off. But having long served on the Office Party Etiquette Cleanup subcommittee, she is aware that things generally do not go well when there is no recognized etiquette and everyone is forced to improvise.8. Let us look at all this spontaneous, carefree fun: There being no proper place for the boss, he or she hangs around the door, concerned about mixing with everyone. It might discourage hospitable bosses to see guests staring at them in horror and then slithering in by a side door. But etiquette?s solution of having everyone greeted in a receiving line was rejected as too stiff. So one can hardly blame employees for recalling a long-ingrained principle of the workplace: Seeing the boss and having a good time are best not scheduled at the same time.9. Desperate to make the time count, the boss grabs the nearest available person and startsdelivering practiced words about the contribution he makes to their great enterprise. The reactionis not quite what was hoped for. Discreet questioning establishes that this is an employee?s guest.and, as a matterHe doesn?t work for the company, recognize the boss, or appreciate the attention—of fact, has only a passing acquaintance with the employee who issued the invitation. What thisguest wants is not professional fellowship but a fresh drink, if the boss would kindly step out ofthe way.10. Now, the reason the invitation said “and guest” was to avoid the ticklish issue of who is still married to whom and what the spouse calls itself. Last year, unmarried employees were furiouswhen their partners were not included, and married employees complained that the forms bywhich their spouses were addressed were offensive: “Mrs.” offended women who preferred “and wives who had the same surnames outraged everybody who didn?t. This year, the complaintswill be from spouses who were not told that there was a party or who were told that spousescomplaints. They will, however,weren?t invited—but found out otherwise. There won?t be manybe memorable, darkly charging the company with promoting immorality.11. Meanwhile, what about those who are interested in promoting a bit of immorality, or just plainromance, of their own? They, too, are creating problems that will reach far into the new year. Trueoffice romances are the least of them, with their charges of favoritism and melding professionaland personal time. More serious is the fact that, in spite of the liquor and high spirits, it still countsas sexual harassment when anyone with supervisory powers makes unreciprocated overtures to alower-ranking employee. And foolhardy when a lower-ranking employee annoys a higher-rankingone.12. Some employees have their minds only on business and will be spending party time activelypromoting workaday concerns. Remembering the company rhetoric about open communicationsand all being in this together, they will actually seek out the boss, who by this time is grateful tobe addressed by anyone at all.13. But they do n?t want to engage in platitudes. They accept compliments with: “Well, then howThey plead for promotions, explain confidentially who ought to be fired, andabout a raise?” advance previously submitted ideas about revolutionizing the business that have beenunaccountably unappreciated for years. In one evening, they manage to cut through the entirehierarchy and procedures the boss has painstakingly established for the purpose of being sparedthis kind of importuning.14. Eventually—usually somewhat late in the party—it occurs to someone that this informalsetting is just the time to offer the boss some constructive personal criticism. What else doestalking frankly and informally mean but an invitation to unload opinions without any careerconsequence?15. Here is where the company has pulled a fast one on its employees. “Go ahead,” it has said “relax, have a good time, forget about the job.” And the naive have taken this at face value. This event is called a party—a place where one lets loose without worrying about being judged by thecold standard of professional usefulness.16. Even employees who adhere strictly to standard business dress in the office may not knowwhat the bosses might consider vulgar in evening wear. Here is a chance to show off their racy andimaginative off-duty clothes. But over there are supervisors murmuring that people who look likethat can?t really be sent out to represent the company.17. Worse are the comments on anyone whose idea of fun is a little boisterous. It may be just thebehavior that makes one a delight—or a trial—to one?s friends. But here, it is not being offered forthe delight or tolerance of friends. It is being judged on criteria other than whether the person is ariot.18. It is not that Miss Manners wants to spoil the office party by these warnings. She just wants toprevent it from spoiling careers. And the solution is what was banished from the party for beingtoo inhibiting: etiquette.19. The first formality that must come back is inviting everyone by name. The practice of merelycounting every invitation as two is as dangerous as it is unflattering. But people who have beenclearly identified and told that they must respond—the suggestion must be made neutrally, toshow that the party is a treat, not a requirement—already have some sense that they are both individually sought after and expected to be responsible.20. What constitutes a couple is a murkier question than Miss Manners and any sensible employerought to investigate, but employees simply can be asked to supply the name of a spouse or friendthey want to invite. (An office party can be limited by confining it to employees, in which case itshould be held during office hours. But inviting spouses and such is better. Having to work is enough distract ion from one?s more intimate relationships, and the staff was not compiled like aguest list, according to personal compatibility.21. Since we have established, Miss Manners hopes, that the point of an office party is not whooping it up or telling people off, what is it? It is showing appreciation of the staff.22. This starts with a well-run receiving line. However much popular opinion may regard receiving lines as nasty ordeals, they were invented to be, and remain, the easiest way to get everyone recognized by the key people. The oldest receiving-line trick in the world still works:Someone whose business it is to know everyone—or someone unimportant enough to be able toask each guest his name—announces the guests to the host as they go through the line. The hostcan then scornfully declare: “Of course I know Annette. We couldn?t run this place without her. For extra charm, the employee?s guest is also told how wonderful that employee is. This alwaysseems more sincere than straight-out flattery, and from then on, whenever the employee complainsthat everyone at the office is an idiot, the spouse will counter by repeating that appreciation.23. It is often erroneously assumed that the style of the party ought to be what employees are usedto: their own kind of music, food, and other things the executive level believes itself to have outgrown. Nonsense. What employees want is a taste of high-level entertaining. This may vary greatly according to the nature of the business. If, however, the party is too formal for the employees? taste, they?ll get a good laugh and enjoy the contrast all the more when they continue partying on their own afterward.24. The clever employee will dress as the executives do, keeping in mind that there are few fieldsin which people are condemned for looking insufficiently provocative. Refusing or limiting drinksis not the handicap at business parties that it may be under the overly hospitable eye of a privatehost. And the real opportunity for career advancement is not petitioning a boss but rescuing onewho has been cornered or stranded, thus demonstrating that one knows how to talk charminglyabout nonbusiness matters.25. At the end, there is another receiving line. That is, the bosses plant themselves conspicuouslyby the exit, grabbing the hand of anyone trying to get away and thanking him for coming. Eventhe dimmest guest will then realize it is appropriate to thank back—that is, to realize that something has been offered and deserves gratitude.26. After all, isn?t that why the office Christmas party is given?27. If the only goal were for the company to show the staff its appreciation, this could be effectively done with a day off and a bonus to go with it.第一单元晚会之道朱迪丝?马丁1. 办公室晚会礼节?有这个必要吗?员工们每天开开心心地彼此交往,虽然时不时会推推撞撞,发生点儿口角,传播点儿谣言,或是联名写点儿投诉信。



Lesson11.The representative presented to the committee a petition signed by 1,200 electors asking fora thorough probe into the financial scandal surrounding the candidate for the regionalsegislature.2.The landlady fired the servant who pocketed household funds for his own use.3.After exploring for more than half a year, the ecologist felt a great thrill from spotting therare species at the foot of the mountain.4.“Better late than never” is a platitude that is very familiar to most English speakers.5.The couple had been trying to satisfy all the needs of their only youngster, who had beenimportuning for more pocket moneny all the time.6.The unruly crowd became even more boisterous when the negotiator tried to quiet them.7.The belief that one should work hard and be honest is deeply ingrained in our culture.8.The company was financially cornered and almost went into bankruptcy during last year’seconomic recession.9.The employees tried to avoid every risk that might incur her displeasure during the firstmonth after her divorce.10.In order to prevent a sudden outbreak of hostilities, we must make no provocative move.Replce the italicized parts in the following sentence with the appropriate forms of words or expressions from the text.11.The author of the book made a comparative study of courtesy between the two differentcultrues. (etiquette)12.After long night of revelry at the New Year’s Eve party ,most of the guests weredrunk.(looped)13.Since the beginning of last month, she has suffered now and then from a sharp andunexplained headache for which the doctors are trying to find a cure.(unaccountable)14.The security guard spoke angrily and seriously to the group of noisy boys acting up in thegarden of the hotel. (told off )pared with all his peers, the young engineer had been noticeably successful in thatfield.(conspicuously)16.Many men tend to regard daily housework such as cooking, cleaning and laundry to be anirritating nuisance. (pesky)17.The psychiatrist encouraged his patient to release all his resentment at the way life hadtreated him.(let loose)18.In this lively romantic historical novel, the author narrates a riveting love story between twogreat figures of the 19th century. (race)19.She was depressed by the gloomy, fog-bound scene on the waterfront and felt even morelonely.(murky)20.The chairman advised both parties to calm down and be rational because thy had reached asensitive stage of their business negotiations.(ticklish)Lesson21.Italian neo-realist cinema focused on working—class subjects, using amateur actors andfilming on location, rather than in the studio.2.Despite his wartime atrocities,(暴行)Hitler is still revered by neo-Nazi in many countries.3.Neo-fascist groups are an increasing threat to ethnic minorities across Europe.4.By neocolonialism we mean the practice of granting a sort of independence with theconcealed intention of making a liberated country a client—state.5.The tutor tried hard to dissuade(阻止) students from using neologism in formal writing.6.He is a neo-Darwinis t who always preaches that the evolutionary development of plants andanimals is principally determined by natural selection, and that acquired characteristics cannot be inherited.7.The architect traveled around the whole of Europe seeking Palladio’s wonderful 16th-centuryneo-classical buildings.8.In view of the still unknown physical risks that cloning might impose on neonates, caution isappropriate.9.The challenge for the future lies in fostering conditions in cities that will be favorable toeconomic growth.10.The old lady raved about her grandchildren for about an hour.11.Gene therapy-----the actual correction or replacement of defective gene sequences in theembryo or the adult ------is the holy grail of genetic medicine.12.Through genetic engineering, will scientists be tampering with the genetic diversity that hasbeen the mainstay of human survival in the past?13.A news release by the Chinese Ministry of Personnel printed in a few leading newspapers andon news websites caught the attention of thousands of twenty-somethings in October.14.For many reasons, the vast majority of heterosexuals still prefer the “old—fashioned”,sexual way of producing children. No other method better expresses the loving union of a man and a woman seeking to make a baby.15.It is absolutely mandatory that every driver of a vehicle must pass a driver’s license test.16.In today’s lightning—speed world many singles are embracing the newest trend inrelationship ----- speed dating-------to size up a potential love interest.17.As a young man, he spent a lot of time meditating upon the purpose of life.18.She really enjoyed the film because it was a(n) fusion of history and contemporary events.Lesson 31.In China, home computer ownership is expected to exceed that of the U.S. and Europecombined. ( outstrip )2.The company has been placed in a state of uncertainty as the board decides what to donext.( limbo)3.He wrote quickly, but from time to time the stopped and outbreak of civil war. ( ceased)4.Thousands of refugees left the country following the outbreak of civil war.( in the wake of)5.An airline spokesman stated that the safety of passengers was absolutely of the most important.(paramount)6.The use of animals in scientific tests raises difficult moral questions. (ethical) coverage of the match had to be extended when it went into over—time.(prolonged)8.He’s a good person to be with if ever you’re in a tough situation. ( thorny)9.He seemed to be a born liar. ( congenital)10.The operation was rather painful, but I felt a lot better afterwards. (subsequently)11.In the Netherlands euthanasia has already been legalized.12.Some observers doubt whether the peace process can be salvagedck of essential minerals can cause deformity in unborn children.14.All the cars are tested for defects before they leave the factory15.We help people with mental or physical handicaps to find work16.She had a(n) lingering sense of guilt for some time after breaking off her relationship withHenry.17.The Government has to grapple with the problem of unemployment.18.He was arrested for allegedly stabbing his former wife19.To her relief she was acquitted of all the charges laid against her.20.The frontiers of medical knowledge are being pushed farther outwards as time goes on.Lesson 41.Westerners perceive shape and dimensions. (size)2.see cross—cultural varieties of spatial perception (types)3.any intrusion of one activity into a space (penetration)4.essence of beauty the Japanese call “shibumi”(core)5.the word means “in a house” or “from a chamber”(room)6.adaptations to specific environment (adjustments)7.the amount of distinguishing landmarks in a region (distinctive)8.make careful distinctions among different spatial elements (differentiation)9.secular and sacred activities are kept apart. (holy)10.different perceptions of time may cause cultural conflicts. (clashes)11.Time is not a “mere connection”, as some English anthropologists would lead us to believe,but one of the most basic organizing systems of life, because all situational behavior has a temporal and a spatial dimension.12.Patterns are those implicit cultural rules by means of which sets are arranged so that theytake on meaning.13.In fact, compared with more tangible assaults on his character------namely Jones’pendingsexual—harassment lawsuit and the federal investigation into White—water ------words in a book could barely hurt him.14.A small but persistent group of critics, many of them supported by the oil and coal industries,still don’t buy it.15.Mr. Smith, who was worried that the ban might infringe on the rights of law—abiding gunowners , had already voted against the bill.16.After all, scientists noted, HIV is a retrovirus, a class of infectious agents known for theiralarming ability to integrate their own genes into the DNA of the cells they infect.17.Suddenly, perfectly secular folks were throwing around words like sanctity and dredging upmedieval—era arguments against the hubris of science.18.My study of space---- how people experience it and create a model of the spatial world in thecentral nervous system-----forced me to acknowledge the perceptual clichés of my culture. 19.My ignorance of both hydroponics and of florist’s shops made me feel somewhat ill at ease.Consequently I did not communicate in the manner I generally use when I am speaking on afamiliar subject in a familiar setting.20.To understand an organization, you have to consider all of its components. Organizations arenetworks of related parts. Each element works together with the others to support efficient operations. The new MBA buzzword for it all is Organizational Architecture.Lesson 51.sat in rapt attention (complete; engrossed)2.pay for the use of the inn’s facilities (resources; means)3. a seemingly intelligent couple condone behavior that is so obviously rude (overlook; ignore)4.witness the abominable display (contemptible)paring assessments of (appraisals)6.her friend’s mother was livid (furious)7.learn to behave more gallantly than they feel (bravely; politely)8.call a neighbor a jerk (idiot; fool)9.become aggressive, demanding and rude at the slightest provocation(irritation; annoyance)10.the result of thoughtlessness rather than of deliberate aggression. (intentional; purposeful)11.It is not our desire to be provocative, but the status quo cannot continue. Neither can thepresent standoff, without the danger of a more serious confrontation that nobody wants.12.Like all derivatives, they function, essentially, as bets on the direction of particular markets.So coveted is such insurance that the total face amount -----or “notional value”-----of swaps and similar contracts has soared to an astronomical $11 trillion.13.Annoyed, shareholders have moved to curb such abuses-----just as they have moved toremove a number of CEOs in recent months.14.The day was star—crossed, Friday, October 13th, on the eve of the second anniversary of a(n)devastating market crash.15.In a(n) appalling demonstration of the mistreatment of recruits and their meager food rations,in March 1993 four sailors on Russky Island in the Far East died of malnutrition.16.Even more interesting, from a business perspective,is the so—called intranet----thecollection of networks that connect computers within corporations---- that both Sun and Microsoft have targeted as a rich area for growth.17.She was at times less successful winning over her counterpart at the U.N., who, likeNapoleon’s army, travels on his stomach.18.Members of the NASA—led team arrived in Washington fully prepared to enter the fray.19.Negotiation could sometimes defuse these situations and produce more acceptableconsequences for both parties.20.It may not seem much consolation to point out that the teacher, too, becomes frustrated whenhis efforts appear to produce less than obvious result.Lesson 61.Marsgall’s skills and her pleasant and sociable personality made her very effective in herpublic relations job. (outgoing)2.Mary was small, pretty, and very ambitious (petite)3.He has always strongly and clearly denied the allegations. (emphatically)4.On the surface Dana was calm and self—assured, but I knew that this wasn’t completely thecase. (self-possessed)5.Many of its best—educated residents have been driven to neighboring counties in search ofbetter jobs. (quest)6.He was certainly the most attractive and pleasant lecturer there. (personable)7.For a while she imagined that she was a rich woman, living in a beautiful house. (fantasized)8.I like the idea of getting married but I don’t accept the traditional view of what marriageshould be all about. (buy into)9.They decided to postpone the wedding until Pam’s mother was out of the hospital (defer)10.The government got involved in a bitter dispute between the miners and theiremployers.( caught up)11.Fathers are encouraged to be more involved with their families.12.Edinburgh sees itself as a university of the new millennium, committed to research andteaching.13.I couldn’t figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was.14.Researchers are convinced that there is a genetic cause for the disease.15.Spatial mobility tends to be highest among the most affluent groups on the one hand and thepoorest on the other.16.She didn’t want to be tied down by a full-time job.17.She loves her life and is immersed in the quest for knowledge for knowledge’s sake.18.It seems like everybody in America is looking for the end of the rainbow19.Some claim that the herb has therapeutic value for treating pain.20.She has lots of good ideas, but she has difficulty formulating them.Lesson 71.The old lady complained continuously about the way her granddaughters dressed.(carped)2.His painting gave a concrete form to the spirit of the age.(embodied)3.The poor couple suffered great pain every night over the decision to send their sons to schooland keep their only daughter at home to help with farming work.(agonized)4.He issued an open and direct denial of the story that he was involved in bribery.(outright)5.Bill looked hard at the computer screen, wondering what his programming mistakewas.(peered)6.Mary’s parents knew clearly that their daughter’s poor scores would keep her out of anyprestigious university.(mediocre)7.The company was flooded with application letters after their advertisement for newemployees appeared in local newspapers.(inundated)8.The manager stubbornly opposed the suggestion to reduce his staff despite his failingbusiness.(bucked)9.John Bull is always speaking sharply to the workers for no apparent reason.(snarling at )10.The rain came gradually to a stop before we got started.(petered out)11.Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting became popular.12.It is ver hard for me not to wince when I see a nurse putting a needle into my arm.13.No one would deny that the marathon is the most grueling event in the sports meet.14.The whizzed through the rehearsal so that there would be time for a short meeting.15.The film star made a(n) pretentious speech to journalists, stating that he only cared about art,not wealth.16.The senator squelched the reporters who tried to interrupt him during his speech.17.It took a long time for him to mull over the whole thing before eventually making a decision.18.It was exciting to see such a movie for the first time, but we soon became jaded when ourTV was flooded with programs of a similar kind.19.Jane hoped her new housemaid could be trusted, but she will had some misgivings.20.When the war broken out, a large number of refugees crossed the border, seeking sanctuaryin the neighboring country.21.Fame happened almost overnight for the 25-year-old actress, but she has been unfazed by allthe recent media attention.22.The man posed as a health-worker in order to get into the old lady’s house, and then stole hermoney.23.Years ago, people would have scoffed at the notion that robots would operate on patientsinstead of surgeons.24.Mrs. Williams was upset when she heard that her son had misbehaved at school.Lesson 81.This hostile and aggressive attitude towards the host country evidently grows out of thegenuine difficulty which the visitor experiences in the adjustment process.2.Many teachers have stereotyped opinions concerning naughty pupils.3.It is natural for people to have hope, admiration, and jealousy. To inhibit such feelings is cruelbecause it goes against human nature.4.Some research suggests that woman with masculine-sounding names such as “Sam”and“Chris” are more successful in the business world.5.It’s said that in Slav areas it is not wise to nod approval or shake one’s head in disapproval,because the meanings of these gestures are opposite to the anglicized cultural meanings.6.In this poverty—stricken area, many of the families are forced to live at the subsistence level.7.We must first understand the ordinary rules of stability and the pervasive patterns of naturalhistory before we can speculate on the origin of the major body plants.8.He was only able to perceive black and white: he could not see properly.9.In recent years, young parents, female professionals, and well-educated parents are morelikely to socialize their children into more equal gender roles.10.Men are more prone to revenge injuries than to requite kindness, says Thomas Fuller.。






UNIT ONE Party PoliticsP8 I Comprehension Check1—5 DCDAB 6-10 DDCABP10 Vocabulary StudyI 1—5 CBADB 6—10 CDBCDII 1.etiquette 2.looped 3.unaccountable 4。

told off 5。

conspicuously 6. pesky 7。

let loose 8。

racy 9。

murky 10。

ticklishP11III TranslationTo invite eminent persons to help make advertisements should be regarded as one of the best advertising strategies and could, of course, produce a spectacular(powerful) VIP effect, privided that those celebrities are perfectly willing to accept the invitation and, more importantly, the products to be advertised are genuine and of fair prices。

(王哲)新世纪研究生公共英语教材 Reading B课文翻译

(王哲)新世纪研究生公共英语教材 Reading B课文翻译

新世纪研究生公共英语教材Reading BUnit 31. 在特效药、风险性手术进程、放疗法以及特护病房方面的医学进展已为数千人带来新生。


2. 医生采用一系列航空时代技术进行治疗的能力已超过人体本身的治愈能力。



3. 不少美国人身陷医学囹圄,形同南韩拳击手金得九(Duk Koo Kim)的境遇。



4. 医疗技术进步了,是力求生存还是注重生命质量,哪个目标更为重要,这一问题在全美的医院和疗养院里引发了激烈的争论。

5. “归根结底,问题在于,医疗的宗旨是什么?”位于纽约哈德逊河上黑斯廷斯的社会、伦理及生命科学学会主席丹尼尔·卡拉汉说,“是真的要挽救生命还是要为病人谋取更大的利益?”6. 医生、病患、家属,通常还有法庭都不得不在医疗方面作出艰难的抉择。


7. 这些因现代医学技术而产生的两难问题已不断催生出生物伦理学的新准则。



死亡和垂死8. 在所有特护病房的垂死病人当中,有约莫20%的病例,其当事人面临艰难的道德抉择——是继续尽力挽救生命还是改变初衷、听凭病患死去。


9. 现在就连死亡的定义也已经改变。



Unit 9 动物的情感劳拉·坦利非常的开心,浪漫的爱情,悲痛的哀悼,科学家说宠物和野生动物也有感情。
















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UNIT1To invite eminent persons to help make advertisements should be regarded as one of the best advertising strategies and could, of course, produce a spectacular(powerful) VIP effect, provided that those celebrities are perfectly willing to accept the invitation and, more importantly, the products to be advertised are genuine and of fair prices. Sometimes, while a commodity is of inferior quality, the advertisement is full of words lavishing praise on it, if a celebrity shows up as an image agent for such a product, the advertisement could, if any, be temporarily successful before it turns the brand of the product in question notorious and, more disastrously, ruins the reputation of the eminent person thereafter. So, the famous are well advised to think more than twice before they agree to appear on the commercial.邀请名人做广告,只要商品确实是货真价实,名人又愿意,这应该是广告技巧的上策,会产生很强的名人效应。



UNIT2Nowadays in the city’s tonier residential districts there are people named as singles, who are usually young, rich and tech-savvy professionals and choose independently their own lifestyles. The number of singles has increased dramatically over the recent years. The reasons of remaining single are various: some may be busy exploring careers without putting their marriage into the agenda, some may indulge in their jobs, travel, entertainment, physical fitness or friendship, More than 80% of them have not abandoned the value of marriage, and they say they aspire to marry or they want to be married someday, but they are patient and feel content being single until they meet the right person.当今都市较高贵的居住区中有群被人们称作单身族的人,他们通常是些有技术的专业人员,既年轻、富有,又独立选择自己的生活方式。





UNIT3People who are energetic, happy, and relaxed are less likely to catch a cold than those who are depressed, nervous, or angry. When the brain is “happy”, it sends messages to our organs that help keep the body healthy and sound. Your chance of developing the common cold, pneumonia, or even cancer may very well be decreased by keeping your brain in a healthy state. In addition, happy and relaxed people are prone to betterhealth practices than their negative and stressed counterparts. They are more likely to get plenty of sleep and to engaged in regular exercise, and have been shown to have lower levels of certain stress hormones.精力充沛、快乐轻松的人和沮丧、紧张、易怒的人相比不容易患感冒。





UNIT4As one travels broad and examines the ways in which space is handled, startling variations are discovered; differences which we react to vigorously. Since none of us is taught to look at space as isolated from other associations, feelings cued by the handling of space are often attributed to something else. In growing up people learn literarily thousands of spatial cues, all of which have their own meanings in their own contexts.当人们到海外旅游时,如果留心观察外国人如何处理空间关系,就会发现许多令人惊讶的不同之处;而这些不同之处总让我们反应强烈。




UNIT5Wealth exposed American manners to continuing international scrutiny because it underwrote an expansion of tourism. In the late nineteenth century the American abroad symbolized for some the dangers of sudden wealth and became an instrument to expose comparative social codes and standards of morality. Boasting, vulgarity, obsessive acquisitiveness, and insensitivity were soon associated with this early version of the Ugly American. Representing a small portion of the population, the international travelers seemed to stand for the whole country in the eyes of many foreigners, and it was the prodigality of their wealth, the apparently limitless wallets and purses, that seemed most dangerous. American money threatened to loot the Old World of its historic treasures, and aggressive celebrity hunters and relic gatherers to invade European privacy as well.财富使美国人的行为一直受到国际上的关注,因为它是旅游业的基础。

19 世纪末,有人认为,在海外的美国人是那些骤增财富的内在危险的象征,并使他们那并非完美无缺的社会准则和道德标准面临腐蚀的危险。





