

Professional English英文写作交流-前言篇PPT教学课件

Professional English英文写作交流-前言篇PPT教学课件
步骤(c)的难点:1)在于追踪这一领域的代表 性文章,以及发展过程(比较可行的方法是找 几篇最近的文章或者综述性文章,这些文章的 前言一般都会有充足的信息)2)不能跟踪最 近期发表的有关文献。
前言部份和文章的标题密切相关。一般题目中的关键词汇在前言中都要详 细解释。
a) 如何指出当前研究的不足以及有目的地引导出自己的研究的重要性通常在叙述了 前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,比如:
there is still dearth of
We need to aim to have to
provide more documents data records studies
increase the dataset
Further studies are still necessary... essential...
2) 研究区域的问题 和时间问题一样,明确提出你只关心这一地区
or no none of these studies
has (have) been less done on ... focused on attempted to conducted investigated studied
(with respect to)
Previous research /studies/records has (have)
点问题 e. 总结自己的观点
( 在总结部份,提出自己预期的目标以及有待改进 的问题)
前言就是作者与读者之间的契约。通过读前言, 读者首先了解这一领域的重点工作。
步骤(c)的目的:除了表明作者已经掌握了足 够得工作背景以外,还向另一层含义——向读 者介绍这一领域目前的发展方向,以及相关的 文献。


• 教学队伍职称、年龄结构合理。本课程组共有4名专职主讲教师, 两名外聘职业经理人担任实训教师。100%的主讲教师都具备 “双师”素质,100%主讲教师具有丰富的涉外企业工作经验。 课程组教师教学经验丰富,在课堂上能理论联系实际,教学效果 好,连续多年评教结果优秀;主持或参与国家、省、市级课题多 项;有较强的社会服务能力,为各类培训机构、企业培训,并担 任各种外语考证的考评员;建立了校企课程教学合作机制,聘请 了1名长期工作在涉外企业的优秀管理者担任课程客座教师,为学 生举办主题讲座并承担课程建设和实践性教学任务。
• 3、教学模式 • 在教学模式上,我们提出了“TTP”教学模式, • 即课堂教学(Teaching)、 • 校内模拟实训(Training) • 和校外顶岗实习(Practice)相结合。
• 一、教学方法 • 1.案例教学法 • 本课程所采用的教材以案例为主线编写。因此,我们首选案例
• 课程辅助校本教材内容来自区域经济中优势行业或产业外贸典
型工作任务。我们针对高职高专学生的特点,听取企业专家意见, 准备编并写出版国家了“十一五”教材《商务英语函电》。本书 内容涵盖了书信结构,建立业务关系,询盘、报盘和还盘,形式 发票,通信方式,促销,付款方式,包装,保险,装运,投诉和 索赔等贸易业务。每章涉及一个外贸行业(如服装、石材、树脂、 包袋、机械模具、电器),遵循了“应用型原则”,突出了外贸信
• 二、教学手段 • 采用多媒体教学手段呈现真实工作案例 • 运用现代化的多媒体技术进行教学,提高学生的学习兴趣。
根据需要补充真实案例材料等相关内容。以教材为为主要学习资 源,充分挖掘、建设课程学习资源库,如通过我校毕业生收集外 贸公司具有不同行业特点的实际往来信函、各种商品交易会图片 和影像资料、以及泉州、晋江等地的一些著名外贸企业的介绍资 料、国内着名B2B商务网站等资源转化为CALL课件在课堂上演 示,供学生学习。这样,课程内容可以得到不断地更新,从而从 多方面体现课堂内容的多样性和实用性,促使学生能够一步步地 更有效地来熟悉各个业务环节。



经常听英语音频、视频和播客,提高 对英语语音、语调和节奏的敏感度。
通过做听力练习题,如听写、选择题 和判断题,提高听力理解和应试能力 。
精听有助于提高细节理解能力,泛听 有助于提高整体理解能力。
用简单易懂的语言表达,避免使用复 杂的词汇和句子结构。
参加英语演讲比赛,提高口语表 达能力和自信心。
加入英语辩论俱乐部,提高口语 表达和逻辑思维能力。
参加国际志愿服务活动,与不同 国家和文化背景的人交流,提高
通过快速浏览全文,抓住文章 主旨和关键信息,提高阅读效
合理划分段落,使文章 层次分明,易于理解。
多进行写作练习,并寻 求老师或同学的反馈,
选择适合自己水平的英文原著 进行阅读,提高阅读能力和文
定期进行写作练习,如写日记 、短文等,培养写作习惯。
参加模拟考试和英语写作竞赛 ,锻炼实际应试能力。
保持语速适中,避免停顿和重复,使 表达更加自然流畅。
• 准确发音:注意发音准确,尤其是元音和辅音的 发音要标准。



Listening and Speaking
Useful expressions——Telephone Message
• Who is speaking ? • This is … (speaking). • May I speak to …? • I’m sorry, but he is not in at the moment. • He’s not available right now. • Do you know when he will be back? • Would you like to leave a message? • Can I take a message? • When he comes back, can you have him call me
want to be friends with her but I
don't know how
to get the message
Warming uacpross.
我再也不想和她 做朋友了,但我 不知道如何告诉 她。
Listening and Speaking
e.g. You make the
01 Warming up
02 Listening and Speaking
03 Reading and Vocabulary
04 Grammar for Use
05 Practical Reading & Writing 06 Project
07 Around the World 08 My Progress Check
01 here later on
this afternoon.


2. Before I finish, let me just say….
3. To close my speech, I’ll show you the last slide.
4. Let’s look at what I have talked.
5. To end my presentation, I’d like to show you the last slide.
Well, I am not quite sure what your question is. Does it mean…?
Are you referring to the significance of the difference?
Are you suggesting that …?
• 6. That’s all for my talk. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me. Thank you.
• 7. ladies and gentlemen, thanks for your attention and I am quite willing to discuss with you anytime. Thank you.
Excuse me, Dr…. I am…from China. I am interested in…. Could you …?
Hello, Dr. xxx. Nice to meet you. I’d appreciate the chance to talk to you sometime because I….
Perhaps we could….
I suppose that … but the fact is…



我们可以往返月球,但却很难迈出一步去亲近我们的左亲右邻 We reached the Moon and came back, but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our neighbors.
花多点时间与你的家人及朋友在一起,吃你想吃的食物,去你爱去 的地方 Spend more time with your family and friends, eat your favorite foods, visit the places you love.
请告诉我们的家人和朋友,我们是多么得爱他们 Let’s tell our families and friends how much we love them. 不要延迟任何可以给你生活带来欢笑和快乐的事情 Do not delay anything that adds laughter and joy to your life.
我们可以征服 太空,却征服不了我们的内心 We have conquered the outer space, but not our inner space.
我们的收入增加了,但我们的道德却少了 We have higher income, but less morals.



注解: 1)Do you watch much TV?:much是表示程度 的“量” 词,可以指时间的长短,也可以指次数的多少。这 里 主要指时间。下文a lot of television与 much television同义。但疑问句中多用much. 2)favourite programmers:最喜爱的节目。注 意美语中的拼法是favorite programs。 3)documentary:反映现实或历史事件的新闻片, 纪录片。 4)Snooker:一种以15只红木球及6只其他彩色球 在台球桌上进行的游戏。
1,没有男人或女人是值得你为他流眼泪,值得的那一位,不 会要你哭 2,一个真正的朋友是向着你伸手,触动你心灵的人。 3,在世界里你可能只是某人,但对某人你可能是全世界。
4. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. 5. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 6 Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
Homework for today:
Reading comprehension: Translate the short passage after class.
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city." The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid. After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid."

communication. 有关交流的英语PPTPPT 课件

communication. 有关交流的英语PPTPPT 课件

Part 2 : Engaging Your Audience
e gestures. These include gestures with your hands and face. Make your whole body talk. Use smaller gestures for individuals and small groups. The ge that one is addressing increases in size.
Decoding: Finally, the receiver translates the words or symbols into a concept or information that a person can understand.
Three primary steps of communication
Part1: Understanding the Basics of
Communication Skills
3.Practice. Developing advanced communication skills begins with simple interactions. Communication skills can be practiced every day in settings that range from the social to the professional. New skills take time to refine, but each time you use your communication skills, you open yourself to opportunities and future partnerships.


Brief Introduction of Conference Obtaining Conference Information Keeping up Pre-/Post- conference Correspondence Preparing Conference Paper Reading Manuscripts Preparing a Speech Beginning and Ending the Speech Delivering the Speech Asking and Answering Questions Formality in Conference
Brief Introduction of Conference
Meeting Conference Symposium
Convention Colloquium Forum
Conference —— 大会,较正式用词,使用范围甚广,多
数国际会议用此词,如: Yalta Conference、
一个群体的集会,至少三人,两人的聚会称为“对话”; 必须有主持人,没有人主持的聚会断不能行事; 有一定议事规则,遵循一定规矩,有始有终,发言有 先有后; 有明确的议题,反映共同关心的问题; 有一定的目的,而不是无意识的活动; 有一定的结果; 一种临时性的行为,世界上不存在永无止境的会议。
Obtaining Conference Information
Conference Information
基本信息 General Information

剑桥标准流利口语 book2 讲义Unit 10 Communication 沟通交流

剑桥标准流利口语 book2 讲义Unit 10 Communication 沟通交流

剑桥标准流利口语进阶(Book 2)Unit 10 Communication 沟通交流➢基本课1 Compare ways of communication 不同的沟通方式➢基本课2 Manage phone conversations 电话沟通➢会话课Interrupt and restart a phone 打断和重启电话谈话➢Use just to soften what you say 运用just来弱化语气➢基本课1 Compare ways of communication 不同的沟通方式01 Questions for youHow do you communicate with people?TextingVideo conferencingSocial networkingVideo callingInstant messaging(IM)Social networking 比texting更fun。

...比...更... 比较级02 Topic 11.Listen to it!How do they keep in touch with people?Use video conferencingText friendsUse emailsUse social networkVideo call parentsSend a cardIt;s ________________expensive_____________a business trip.And more ________________And you don’t get jet lag, either. Texting’s a lot_________and_________than calling. It’s ___________, too. There’s nothing _____________than spam in your inbox.I video call my parents. They think it’s ________than the phone because they can see me.I know regular mail is ___________and___________reliable than email, but cards are __________________.Answer:less; than; convenient; quicker; easier; more fun; worse; better; slower; less; more personal2.Figure it out! Comparative adjectives3.Practice fill in blanks1.A Do you like e-cards? I think they’re_______________________(interesting) real cards.B.True. And they’re __________(easy) to send, too. Though they’re a bit _______________________real cards.2.A Do you ever use video calling? Our grandfathers think it’s ________(nice) because they an see us. It’s _________________(good) thephone.B Yeah, and it’s ______________________________(expensive) international phone calls.3.A Do you prefer your tablet or your laptop?B My laptop. It’s _________(big), but it’s ____________________(useful) a tablet. Tablets are _______________________(difficult) to work on.A Yeah? My sister prefers her tablet. She says it’s __________(light) than her laptop, so it’s ______________________(convenient) to carry around.4.A Do you use email much these days? I don’t. I just use my social network.B Me too. It’s _________________________(efficient), And it’s __________(fun). It’s ________________(good) texting, too. Texting’s _____________(bad) email.Answer:1.more interesting than; easier; less personal than2. nicer; better than; less expensive than3. bigger; more useful than; more different; lighter; more convenient4. more efficient than; more fun; better than; worse than2.Say it! Linking3.Practice! Listen and repeat4.Things to talk about➢基本课2 Manage phone conversations 电话沟通01 Questions for youMake a phone callDosWho receives a call, who talks first.Respond, sometimes.Smile, people would know.Don’tsDon’t talk too loud.Don’t interrupt.Don’t make phone calls while you drive.02 Topic 11.Listen and take notes2.Listen againSun Company.Hello. ____________________Angela Bell, please?Hi, Angela. _______________________Nathan.________________________on my cell.Oh, hold on. I have __________________________. Call me later, ok?I’m sorry. I think I have ________________________.I can’t hear you. ____________________________________.Oh no! We got_________________.Answer:Could I speak to; This is; Call me back; another call; the wrong number; You’re braking up; cut off3.Figure outCould I speak to..., please?This is...Call me back on my cell.Oh, hold on. I have another call.I’m sorry. I think I have the wrong number.You’re breaking up.We got cut off.4.PracticeWhat can you say when...5.Things to talk aboutCall someone you like.Speak in English.Ask her/him out for a movie03 What can I do?Compare ways of communicating: Xxx is adj.er/ more+adj./less+adj. than... Manage phone conversations:Could I speak to..., please?Call me back on my cell.I have the wrong number.➢会话课1 Interrupt and restart a phone 打断和重启电话谈话01 Questions for youWhat kinds of things can interrupt phone conversations?02 Topic 11.Listen and answerWhat happened while they were talking on the phone?They were interrupted for several times.Culture code: Respond2.Listen againHow does Sarah interrupt and restart the conversation?Juan and I went out to a fancy restaurant last night and...Oh, ________________. I’ve got another call. ____________________.Sorry. So ____________________________________________?Oh, yeah, the wedding’s going to be in ...Oh, sorry. Now there’s someone’s at the door. _________________ ...OK. So _______________________?Answer:just a minute; Hold on a second; what were you saying; Hold on; you were saying3.Figure it out!4.Conversation strategyDon’t interrupt unless you have to . Even if you do, please be nice and polite.Excuse me a second.You were saying?5.Practice Listen and finish1.A. So yeah. I just read on a friend’s social networking page that...B. Oh, ___________________________________... I need my charger. OK. Got it. So, __________________________?2. A. Anyway, my teacher told me...B. Oh, ______________. My toast is burning. Let me just-gosh... OK. _______. So, Yeah. _____________________________________?3. A. Sorry about that. I dropped my phone. So, __________________________?B. You said your social life is more important than your job. Oh, _______________________________? Um, a coffee, please. Sorry. I’m at a coffee shop. So, __________________________?Answer:1.I’m sorry. Hold on a second; what were we talking about?2.Just a minute; Sorry; What were you saying3.where were we; can yo hold on a second; you were saying6.Strategy plus7.PracticeListen and write Just8.Practice Listen and strategiesCheck the reasons for the two interruptions in each conversationAnswer:9.Listen for the third time Will Sarah go to the wedding?➢Unit10 Conclusion。



• 2. Relatives appellation terms 英语的亲属以家庭为中心,一代人为一个称谓板块,只区别男性、女 性,却忽视配偶双方因性别不同而出现的称谓差异。显得男女平等。 如: 英文“grandparents,grandfather,grandmother”,而中文“祖 辈、爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆”。 再如,父母同辈中的称谓:英文“uncle”和“aunt”,而中文“伯 伯、叔叔、舅舅等,姑妈、姨妈等”。 还有,英文中的表示下辈的“nephew和 niece”是不分侄甥的,表 示同辈的“cousin”不分堂表、性别。
Cultural differences in language expression
• 1. Answer questions 中国人对别人的问话,总是以肯定或否定对方的话来确定用“对”或 者“不对”。如: “我想你不到20岁,对吗?” “是的,我不到20岁。” In English, to answer a question, according to the results of the facts is always true or not use "Yes" or "No". For example: “You're not a student,are you?” “Yes,I am.”
Describe various indicators of cultural differences
1.Power distance Power distance in an organization that is in the power of the concentration degree and leadership of the dictatorship degree. 2.Uncertainty avoidance index In any society, people for uncertain, vague, faces an uncertain future situation, will feel the face is a threat, which is always trying to be prevented.



30sGood afternoon, everyone. The title of the paper is Visible Microspectroscopy for Diagnosis of Gastric Precancer. Its author is Liu Yong from Department of Physics, Zhao qing University. It’s presented by Li Mengfan from CAS, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science. You can know more about cancer and the new method to diagnose gastric precancer after reading this paper.58sCancer is very common among human beings. It is mostly related to the habit of the patients, the job, the environment, the drinking water and the soil matters, too. If a person is affected by certain bacteria, he may also get gastric cancer. Bad habits like smoking, drinking, mental tension, eating improperly and living irregularly increase the possibility of having cancer. Before specific treatment, the doctor should make sure whether the patient has cancer and where the focus is. The method used to diagnose cancer and locate thecancerous area is very important.42sBefore we design a method to diagnose cancer, we should know more about cancer like where it starts and what it causes.Firstly, about 90% of the human’s cancer start from the epithelial layer of skin, internal organs and tubular organs in the body. Secondly ,cancer usually accompanied by the changes of organization structure in the cell level.So, the changes which appear in the structure of organization and chemical composition provides important evidence for diagnosis of precancer.42sNormal method to diagnose gastric precancer is Reflectance spectroscopy. It’s very prospective in early diagnosis of cancer and is commonly used these years.One of the most common technology is diffuse reflectance visible spectroscopy, it can acquire the approximate information of the target tissue. This method is low cost, fast and non-invasive, it provides important means for diagnosis of malignant damage of organization of human organs. However, there are also some disadvantages of this method which need to be improved.55sThis is the system of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, the light beam emitted from the tungsten halogen lamp is guided into the integral ball by the source fiber. The light come out of the integral ball irradiate the standard board, the reflected light of the standard board is treated as the background. Then take target tissue substitute for the standard board, and scan the reflected light of it. The reflected light spectra of the gastric tissue mucosal layer and the submucosa layer is guided into the spectrometer by the collector fiber. The spectrometer and the computer is connected by USB, spectrum can be processed using computer.36sFirst of all, only average visible spectrum of the target tissue can be acquired, it means that the docters cannot make out the location of the cancerous tissue precisely.What’s more, the device is easy to be affected by changes of optical path length induced by different set-up of prober and the variation of hemoglobin concentration due to the pressure between prober and tissue.50sTo avoid the problems of the commonly used techniques, diffuse reflectance visible spectroscopy, scientists do a lot of researches to find out a new way to diagnose precancer.The new method is Visible Microspectroscopy. The visible microspectroscopic measurement device is accomplished on the basis of fiber confocal microscope, its 3-d imaging principle devote to the optical tomography ability of the system.The visible microspectrum of cancerous and normal tissue can be analysed andcontrasted, so it’s more useful than the normal method.45sThis is the structure of the visible microspectroscopy device .The fiber coupler can separate the lighting beams from the signal beam. The two lens can focus the light on the tissue ,The 3-D electronic controlled platform move along the direction of optic axis, so that the device can acquire the visible microspectroscopy signal of the sample in different depth, precisely locate the boundary of the cancerous tissue.The signal measured from different position can be stored in the computer after analysed by the spectrometer.31sThis is the spectrum chart of the normal tissue and cancerous tissue, they are analyzed by the spectrometer before being transmitted to the computer. The upper chart is the visible spectrum of normal tissue, it is regular. Contrasting to this, in the nether chart, the spectrum of the cancerous area shows that the strength of reflected light grows as the wave length grows.49sIn comparison with the normal method, there are a lot of advantages of the new method.Firstly, the structure of visible microspectroscopy device is very simple. The main parts consist of source, fiber coupler, 3-D electronic controlled platform, spectrometer and the computer.Secondly, the 3-D space microspectrum can be acquired , which can help the doctors efficiently make out whether the gastric tissue is cancerous.What’s more, the optical tomography ability enabled the device to precisely locate the edge of the cancerous area.32si.In conclusion, the main goal of this research is to find a new way to diagnose thegastric precancer.ii.The spectrum of the normal and cancerous gastric tissues which can be measured by visible microspectroscopy in cell level is the central idea .iii.This new method can obtain the cell level information, and is not affected bychanges of optical path length and hemoglobin concentration.50si. The device is very simple, so it can have a small size, which can reduce the sufferings of patients.It can efficiently make out whether the tissue is canceration.ii. Besides, the 3-D space microspectrum and optical tomography ability can make the device accurately distinguish the cancerous tumor area from the normal tissue in cell level, thus the boundary of the cancerous tissue can be ascertained accurately.iii. The result of the research shows that this device may be used to non-invasively diagnosis of early gastric cancer.20sThis device is only researched in the lab, there are still a lot of works to do to make this device applied into practice. So, s pecial design of this device should be made which can be applied to the medical diagnosis.给大家推荐一个英语微信群Empty Your Cup英语微信群是目前学习英语最有效的方法,群里都是说英语,没有半个中文,而且规则非常严格,是一个超级不错的英语学习环境,群里有好多英语超好的超牛逼的人,还有鬼佬和外国美眉。


通过阅读、听力等途径,不断积累英语词汇,提高词汇 量,增强英语表达能力。
介绍有效的词汇记忆方法,如联想记忆、语境记忆等, 帮助学生快速记忆单词。
学习英语的基本语法规则,如时态 、语态、主谓一致等,了解句子结 构。
提供阅读反馈和评估,帮助学 生了解自己的阅读水平和需要
学习英语的基础语法规则和 常用词汇,能够正确地表达 意思,避免常见的语法和拼
通过大量的阅读和听力练习,培养英语语 感,提高对英语语言的理解和运用能力。
讲解如何准备和发表商 务演讲,以及如何撰写 商务报告,提高演讲和
介绍生活英语的定义、特点和应用范围,以 及其在日常生活中的重要性。
介绍旅游中常用的表达方式和技巧,如何与 旅游服务人员有效沟通。
讲解如何用英语进行日常会话交流,包括问 候、介绍、道别等场景。

根据文章中的线索和背景知识 ,推断出作者未明确表达的含
确定文章的主题和主旨,以及 作者的观点和态度。
分析文章的结构和组织,了解 作者如何安排段落和布局。



I'm Jane. The rest of them have basically said it, so let me talk about writing. Before, writing was my worst part, and later, I asked a lot of well-written students, summed up some methods, improve my writing level. Now I'll share my methods with you. First, find some typical examples to imitate. Do not ask to write too much, as long as the description of one thing, clarify their point of view can be. Second, you can find some pen pals, correct each other, learn from each other. Often others find out the problem can arouse their own attention and attention.
Thank you to several students for sharing. Learning English is a gradual process, good learning methods are important, persistence is also very important . The improvement of ab时ili间ty 邵ne邵ed雅s a飞long period of training, so, beginners must become attracted to English and are absorbed in English . Finally, we should set high standards of English. Thank you all, this is the ennge.


“First impression is called as last impres sion and you will never get second chan ce for your first impression.”
“By communications, I mean the simple process of getting information known by one person to the atten tion of the other people who should have this inform ation…”
• Provide all necessary information • Answer all question asked • Give something extra when desirable
• Business people are bead busy.They don’t have time to go through unneces sary lengthy message.
r exchanging ideas, knowledge, etc.
• Transactional process in which messages are filtered thr ough the perceptions, emotions and experiences of thos e involved.
• The writer is also a loser if he writes wordy messages . • Conciseness message save time and expense for both sender and receiver so



1. 每次派出两个人,一人表演(主要是做动作),一人猜 词。 2. 猜词人背对投影片,做动作者用身体语言表达投影片上的 词语。 3. 直到猜对为止。
抛媚 眼
Physical Distance
Space and Distance
• 亲密的距离(Intimate distance):0cm一45cm ; • 私人的距离(Personal distance): • 礼貌的距离(Social distance):
Non-verbal Communication
Chronemics 时间学
Proxemics 空间学
Kinesics 身姿学
Paralanguage 副语言
Body language means more than just hand or arm gestures.it refers to any little movement of any part of the body.The Body language vocabulary totals over 700,000,more than that in the largest English dictionary.
•Do not understand what you say, unfortunately 不明白你说的话,无奈 •Embarrassment, forgetfulness, lying 尴尬,健忘,撒谎 •Hostile, negative ,criticism, criticism, prevention 敌意,否定,批评,预防
close personal distance (45cm一75cm) :your husband and wife far personal distance(75cm--120cm) : chat in the street
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① Try to expand and develop your voice with softness.
② Slow down your speech to avoid showing that you are nervous. ③ Avoid a monotone and use high pitch and soft sound to communicate.
④ Don’t mumble(喃喃而语,)while speaking, pronounce each word clearly. People will judge your capabilities through your vocabulary.
⑤ Use the words you know. Don’t use any word, if you are not sure of the meaning.
⑥ Make eye contact as this will help you to be more confident and people will show interest in you. ⑦ Use body gestures to show your interest in the conversation. ⑧ Make sure that your words, body gestures, facial expression, message and tone all match with one another. None of these should be different.
VOCAL 声觉 38%
VISUAL 视觉 55%
Eye Contact
• If the eyes are the windows to the soul – then the eyebrows are the windows to the eyes.
• Eyes generally smile along with the mouth when someone is happy. For example, “^. ^” signifies happiness
Four Steps of The Listening Process 听 的 四 步 曲
• Paying Attention 集中注意力 • Attaching Meaning 赋予意义 • Evaluating the Message 掂量对方的话 • Responding and Remembering 作出反应,牢记细节
Benefits of Good Communication Skills
• Communicate with the other in an effective manner
• Improving and maintaining good and healthy relationships
About Communication
Group 5
What is communication? Give some examples of different types of communication ?
What is Communication Communication is an exchange of information from the sender to the receiver with the message being understood as intended by the sender
Body Language and Gestures
• Do you know how to use your body language?
• Act some body language means welcome/disagree
Body Language
Improving CommunicationClear
Effective communication
Constructive (建设性的) Courteous (礼貌的)
Active Listening
• Active Listening
– Listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations
How To Develop Good Communication Skills
• Make Direct Eye Contact • Stay In Tune(合调 ) with Your Body Language • Speak Loudly • Practice
The Impact of Nonverbal Communication 非言语沟通的作用