

单杆 单位位置或3路(多位置)通用光度调节器说明书

单杆 单位位置或3路(多位置)通用光度调节器说明书

Single Pole (One location) or 3-Way (Multi-location)Universal DimmerCat. No. REL06, 600W Incandescent, 600VA Magnetic Low Voltage, 300W - LED & CFL120VAC, 60HzINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGS AND CAUTIONS:• TO AVOID FIRE, SHOCK, OR DEATH; TURN OFF POWER at circuit breaker or fuse and test that power is off before wiring!• DISCONNECT POWER AT CIRCUIT BREAKER OR FUSE WHEN SERVICING, INSTALLING OR REMOVING FIXTURE.• To be installed and/or used in accordance with electrical codes and regulations.• If you are unsure about any part of these instructions, consult an electrician.•T o avoid overheating and possible damage to this device and other equipment, do not install to control a receptacle, fluorescent lighting, a motor- or transformer operated appliance with exception to the listed compatible loads. Refer to for compatible LED and CFL bulbs.• Renu™ dimmers are not compatible with standard 3-way or 4-way switches. They must be used with compatible Renu™ remotes for multi-location dimming.• Use only one (1) Renu™ dimmer in a multi-location circuit with up to 9 coordinating remotes. The remote(s) will turn the light on at the brightness level selected at the dimmer.WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS:• F or use with compatible LED and CFL bulbs or fixtures that are marked as dimmable and designed for use with incandescent style phase cut dimmers.• Do not use to operate dioded lamps (Sylvania Designer 16™ or Philips PAR-16™).• Total minimum load must exceed 8W.• Dimmer may feel warm to the touch during normal operation.• Recommended minimum wall box depth is 2-1/2".• Maximum wire length from dimmer to all installed remotes cannot exceed 300 ft.• Use this device WITH COPPER OR COPPER CLAD WIRE ONLY .renuTMDI-000-REL06-02A-X6。

自动旋光仪的使用介绍 旋光仪如何做好保养

自动旋光仪的使用介绍 旋光仪如何做好保养















(5)接受双游标读数法可按下列公式求得结果Q=(A+B)/2 式中:A和B分别为两游标窗读数值。










二.技术条件2.1 性能指标2.基本功能a.显示方式:线性(mw/μw/ nw),对数(dBm)、相对測量(dB);b.自动功能:自动量程,自动调零,量程保持,平均处理,相对测量处理, 波长校准;三.原理光功率计由五部分组成, 即光探測器、程控放大器和程控滤波器、A/D转换器、微处理器以及控制面板与数码显示器。

被測光由PIN光探测器检测转换为光电流,由后续斩波稳定程控放大器将电流信号转换成电压信号,即实现I/V转换并放大,经程控滤波器滤除斩波附加分量及干扰信号后,送至A/D 转换器,变成相应于输入光功率电平的数字信号,由微处理器(CPU)进行数据处理,再由数码显示器显示其数据。



四.使用4.1 面板说明1)前面板(1)POWER 电源开关。

(2)W dBm 对数或线性测量方式转换开关按键每按一次此键,显示方式在“W”和“dBm”之间切换,并且数码显示窗右侧相应的指示器发光。

(3)d(REL) 相对测量按键。


按“W dBm”键便解除了此测量方式。

(4)λ SEL 波长选择键。





4.2 操作电源开关置“ON”。



旋钮式LED 调色温开关二
本开关是一款集控于LED 开关/色温,适用于86暗盒式安装,固定式有线控制器,避免以往遥控器丢失或死区造成的遥控不灵的现象出现。


1、额定电压:220VAC ±10%
1、适用于可调色温LED 球泡灯、吸顶灯、射灯灯。

2、利用旋钮开关旋转控制ON/OFF 和亮度,中间按钮功能调节灯的色温。

面板功能分别为亮度加与减,色温冷与暖,ON/OFF 。





火线入 数据线 火线 零线 零线入 信号地 零线
旋钮调光调色温开关 可调光调色温LED 灯
6、 本开关如下图
旋钮调光调色温开关 LED 灯内置数据解码,解码出PWM(DIM)信号去控制LED 灯的亮度和色温 电源变换电路供MCU , 零线入 火线入



Power Supply:
230V 50 HZ
DC 1-10V
2.2KW*2 10A * 两路

z 输入信号缓冲设计,调光更平滑
z 调光输入、输出比例准确,上升时间≥220us z 35MM 标准导轨卡接, 安装方便 z 多重温度保护,超温时,会自动调低亮度或者关闭输出,更安全
在应急需要和检测时,持续按住应急手动/测试按钮(3), 此时,指示灯(1)开始快速闪烁,A 组输出亮度将持续从 0-100%, 100%-0 循环;短按按钮(3),回到正常工作状态,即 A 组输出 亮度,跟随(11)—(9)间输入电压改变。指示灯慢速闪烁。
B 组使用与 A 组相同,在(10)—(9)之间输入前级直流调 光信号(1-10V)时,输出端(5)输出大电流的调光信号。
入该设备。 z 如受潮或被液体侵袭,应及时进行干燥处理。 z 定期检查线路的受损和老化程度,应及时更换不合格
线路。 z 机器出现故障时,请与授权服务中心或本公司联系。 z ! 电源 AC220~240V 的接入必须通过合适的断路
制造监制商:莱明电子科技有限公司 本公司保留修改产品规格的权利
○1 A 组 LED 指示灯 ○2 B 组 LED 指示灯 ○3 A 组 应急按钮 ○4 B 组 应急按钮 ○5 调光输出 (B 组) ○6 调光输出 (A 组)
○7 电 源 L ○8 电 源 N ○9 直流调光信号输入 1-10V 公共端
○10 B 组调光信号输入 1-10V 正极端 ○11 A 组调光信号输入 1-10V 正极端 ○12 接地端
调光上升时间 外型尺寸 重量 安装方式 外壳材料, 颜色 防护 执行标准 工作温度范围



第六章 故障处理及保养维护................................................................................ 34
6.1 故障处理 ......................................................................................................................... 34 6.2 保养维护 ......................................................................................................................... 34
第三章 安装及配线 ................................................................................................. 7
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 开箱检查 ........................................................................................................................... 7 使用条件 ........................................................................................................................... 7 安装 ................................................................................................................................... 8 电气配线 ........................................................................................................................... 8 基本接线原理图 ............................................................................................................... 9 端子说明 ......................................................................................................................... 10




开关面板符合国家:GB16915.1-2003标准;该系列产品荣获国家两项专利:实用新型专利:200920167799.8 外观专利:200930083453.5特别适合家庭、酒店客房、别墅、商场、办公室、医院、仓库等照明场所使用。

一:产品结构示意图及规格说明:1、大小: 88mm*88mm*36mm2、装饰: 常规本白:镀金/镀银/PU银色/PU金色等(颜色装饰任选或自定)。

3、颜色: 面板钢化玻璃为黑色/纯白/银色/粉红(四种任选);底壳为黑色、ABS防火材料。



二:技术指标:1、最大负载电流:总负载≤400W ; 大于400W时可订做。

2、使用寿命:10,0000 次操作;3、工作电压:交流AC:160-250V 50Hz/60H;4、温度环境:-10~60 度; 相对湿度≤90%;(无结露)5、工作电流:AC220V 时,待机功耗<0.2W。



8、安装方法:接线:与普通的传统开关完全一样, 可以直接更换和安装(不需要接零线)。

9、适用灯具:可以适用于市场上常见可调光灯具,常见的白炽灯,射灯,部分LED灯等,(对于节能灯管不适用) ;10:上电系统默认为100﹪最亮。


三:主要功能:1、多向控制--即可墙上用手动触摸控制,也可移动遥控器控制,手动遥控互动使用更方便;2、集中遥控-- 一个多键的遥控器可集中控制全家的智能遥控开关;3、隔墙遥控-- 可隔墙进行无线远距离遥控(在房间可遥控客厅的灯具);4、来电自熄-- 电网停电后再来电,开关自动处于关闭状态,避免浪费电能;5、互不干扰-- 采用数字编解码技术,无方向性,与邻居家同型号产品间不会互相干扰;6、群控功能-- 可让遥控器上的一个按键同时控制任意多路灯具的同时开、或同时关;7、总开总关-- 遥控器上可自由设定总开/总关按键轻松按下一个按键就能打开或关掉,(己学习并在控制距离范围内的)所有灯具;8、配合我公司的场景遥控器可实现:延时关、娱乐、夜、总开、总关等功能,还可通过电话控制器、防盗报警、网络控制。



产品目录1 基础类控制器 (2)1.1 LED简易控制器(ZJ-JY01/02) (2)1.2单键控制器(ZJ-D11/12) (3)1.3薄膜6键控制器(ZJ-61/2) (4)1.4信号中继器(ZJ-RL01/2) (5)1.5信号中继器(ZJ-RL01/2MN) (6)1.5幻彩信号中继器(ZJ-RL168) (7)2 红外类控制器 (8)2.1红外24键控制器(ZJ-IR241/2) (8)2.2红外44键控制器(ZJ-IR441/2) (9)2.3铝壳红外24键控制器(ZJ-IRL241/2) (10)2.4红外薄膜6键控制器(ZJ-IR61/2) (11)2.5九路RGB红外控制器(ZJ-IR91) (12)2.6红外12键面板调光器(ZJ-IRT01) (13)2.7红外铝壳44键控制器(ZJ-IRL441/2) (14)3 无线射频类控制器 (15)3.1无线射频四键控制器(铝壳版)(ZJ-RF41/2) (15)3.2无线射频四键控制器(铁壳版)(ZJ-RFT41/2) (16)3.3无线射频六键控制器(铝壳版)(ZJ-RF61/2) (17)3.4无线射频六键控制器(铁壳版)(ZJ-RFT61/2) (18)4.1旋钮式单路调光器(ZJ-T01) (19)4.2 RGB三路调光器 (ZJ-T03) (20)4.3射频遥控单路调光器(ZJ-RFT01) (21)5 全彩类控制器 (22)5.1 1606幻彩控制器(ZJ-1606/RF1606) (22)5.2 6803幻彩控制器(ZJ-6803/RF6803) (23)5.3 1680幻彩控制器(ZJ-1680/RF1680) (24)1 基础类控制器1.1 LED简易控制器(ZJ-JY01/02)技术参数型号:HX-JYA \ HX-JYC工作温度:-20-60℃供电电压:DC 5V、12V、24V可选(订货时需注明)外形尺寸:L50*W35*H22mm输出:三个CMOS漏极开路输出连接方式:共阳、共阴最大负载电流:每路2A功能:七彩渐变、七彩跳变。



Selected Programmable ParametersPOWER UP Options: On/Off Sets the status of luminaires when power is applied. On - lights power-up on irrespective of occupancy. Off - lights respond to occupancy after 15 seconds. Pre-set - OnMOVEMENT DETECTOR OPERATIONOptions: Auto/Semi-auto Note: Only affects switched-live output, R1 (R2 is always fully automatic).Auto - lights switch on and off automatically. Semi-auto - lights are switched on by wall switch or hand-held controller and switch off automatically. Pre-set - Auto OFF DELAY 1 minute - 96 hours Sets the period after the last observed movement when the lights switch off. (In walk-test mode, the Off Delay is 10 seconds.) Pre-set - 20 mins(SENSITIVITY) RANGE WHEN LIGHTS ON/LIGHTS OFFOptions: 12 levels Occupied (i.e. Lights On): Max, High, Med, LowUnoccupied: (i.e. Lights Off): can reduce to a percentage of the ‘Occupied’ Range, improving immunity to nuisance triggering. Pre-set - HIGH/75%PHOTOCELL Options: Active/Passive/Disabled Passive - holds lights off when sufficient natural light. Active - lights turn on and off as required when natural light levels fluctuate and area is occupied. Disabled - the photocell has no effect. Pre-set - Disabled 24 HOUR CYCLE Options: Yes/No For use in ‘Washroom Mode’ only. Provides hygiene flush if area has been unoccupied for 24 hours. Pre-set - NoThe Gold Series LightSpot is part of a comprehensive range of presence detection systems designed to control modular luminaires with high frequency ballasts and other fixed-output lighting loads.Gold LightSpot offers superior-performance, programmable presence detection for lighting control in offices including open-plan areas. It uses microwave presence detection technology which enables the range and sensitivity to be adjusted to ensure a tailored detection pattern to suit any application. It is a dual-circuit control and is available for flush and surface mounting.Gold LightSpot offers the following features:LightSpot - Stand-alone lighting control by presence detection and photocellGold Series LightSpotActive presence detection by microwave technology.Passive photocell holds lights off in ambient conditions. Active photocell has the capability to switch lights off in occupied areas.Off delay - period following the last observedmovement after which the lights switch off (selectable via QuickSet Pro).Detection pattern and range in metres under normaloperating conditions.Switched Live influenced by photocell and occupancy; volt-free output by occupancy only. Independent time delays can be programmed via QuickSet Pro.Hand-held Controller provides local user override.Remote programming ensures changes can be easily accommodated.Washroom mode. If no movement is detected in a 24-hour period, detector can be programmed to switch the load on for the duration of the off delay. Can operate as a urinal control when used with an SV3 solenoid valve unit.Gold Series LightSpot T echnical Data Sheet D4072 Rev. H 14-Jul-2020 Page 1Gold Series LightSpot detectors are extremely sensitive to movement; they must be mounted on a solid surface which has no movement whatsoever.As these detectors use microwave technology to detect movement they are not recommended for applications where there are large surface areas of metal, e.g. metal ceiling or floor tiles, as unpredictable sensitivity may result.Also, note that these detectors are capable of detecting large moving metal objects well beyond the normal range at which they are sensitive to human targets.The units are colour coded (blue, yellow, red or green) according to four variations in operating frequency. T o ensure reliable operation, it is essential that units of the same colour code do not occupy adjacent positions in open-plan areas.Installation and Commissioning NotesSurface versionThe housing may be secured to a hard surface or a BESA box. The unit fits into the sinking box with a simple bayonet action thus concealing the fixing screws.Flush versionDepth required behind ceiling: 62mm from front flange plus an allowance for the minimum bend radius of the cable. Sinking box fits into 89mm diameter hole in ceiling tile or plasterboard ceiling. T o avoid damage to ceiling tile, do not overtighten. No access above the ceiling is necessary.Note :Do not mount within 25cm of a luminaire.Do not position this product on a pitch narrower than 5m.Page 2 Gold Series LightSpot T echnical Data Sheet D4072 Rev. H 14-Jul-2020Part Numbers MS2421PF Dual-circuit Gold LightSpot with photocell - flushMS2421PSM Dual-circuit Gold LightSpot with photocell - surface mounted QUICKSET PRO QuickSet Pro Digital 2-Way ProgrammerHC5A Universal Hand-held Controller c/w wall bracketSV3 WRAS-Approved Solenoid Valve - 15mm compression fittingsQuickSet Pro Digital 2-Way ProgrammerMenu-driven LCD Programmer with automatic equipment recognition and parameter download facilities.HC5A Universal Hand-held ControllerAllows manual override. Supplied with wall bracket.Ancillary ItemsOPERATING VOLTAGE: 230V 50-60 HzPRODUCT RATING & RECOMMENDED CIRCUIT PROTECTION: 10 Amps MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED LOAD: 10 Amps per output (not exceeding 10A in total)2TERMINAL CAPACITY: 2 x 2.5mm PHOTOCELL: Adjustable 0-5000 lux (with a 20% reflective work plane)OFF DELAY: 1 minute - 96 hoursRANGE: Approx 7m dia at 2.4m ceiling heightMAXIMUM RECOMMENDED MOUNTING HEIGHT : 3.0m COLOUR: WhiteMATERIAL: Flame retardant PC/ABSWEIGHT : 243g (flush version), 251g (surface version)IP RATING: 2Xo o OPERATING TEMPERATURE: 0C to 40CEx-Or operates a genuine policy of continuous improvement. You may expect the specification to be regularly enhanced. For latest technical information, please visit Technical DataGold Series LightSpot T echnical Data Sheet D4072 Rev. H 14-Jul-2020 Page 3Please check to ensure this is the most recent issueD4072 Rev. H 14-Jul-2020Gold Series LightSpot T echnical Data Sheet Page 4。
















Eaton SUL06P-GYEaton slide dimmer, 300W LED-600W Halogen, #14 -12 AWG,Residential/ Light Commercial, Flush, 120V, Grey, 63 Hz, Mark 10Flourescent, Single-pole, Three-way, 1,2,3+, Single-phase, Backand side wire, Polycarbonate, 300W - 600W 319199General specificationsProduct Name Catalog NumberEaton slide dimmer SUL06P-GYUPC Product Length/Depth************ 2 inProduct Height Product Width4.25 in 2 inProduct Weight Certifications0.001 lb Contact ManufacturerSingle-phase Back and side wire Mark 10 FLR-4 °FMaintainedBack and side Flush300 - 600 WSlide158 °F60 Hz120VBackSide120 VNo neutral required Dimmer switch Gray Universal slide dimmer instruction sheetUniversal slide dimmer brochureUniversal slide dimmer sell sheetUniversal dimmers brochureUniversal dimmers sell sheetUniversal slide dimmerHow to install Eaton's universal slide dimmersUniversal dimmers quick reference guideEaton SUL dimmers - how to change the color of the faceplateEaton Specification Sheet - SUL06P-GYUniversal slide dimmer spec sheetPhaseTermination styleLoad typeOperating temperature - min Closure typeWiring methodMounting methodPower consumptionStyle typeOperating temperature - max Frequency ratingVoltageConnection typeVoltage ratingSpecial featuresSwitch typeColor BrochuresInstallation instructions Installation videosManuals and user guides MultimediaSpecifications and datasheetsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaResidential Polycarbonate Single-pole, Three-way 2 3 1GrayDryThree-way Low-voltage/low-magnetic 14 lbf-inchGrade Material Number Of Poles Number of gangs Surface finishing color Environmental conditions Number of ways ApplicationTorque rating。



SMARTISYS IPCLI系列调光器使用说明一.功能描述在学术报告、多媒体演示等场合,配合演示要求,通过SMARTISYS®控制系统和IPCLI调光器对会议灯光进行控制和调节能够极大地提高演示的效果。

SMARTISYS®IPCLI系列调光器有程序控制和手动控制两种控制模式;在应急情况下,可以通过手动方式对相应的灯组进行开关控制及操作;在程序控制模式下,通过Smart Control Builder™编程进行任意独立或组合的灯光进行明暗调节和控制。


在整个SMARTISYS®系统中,每一个网络控制单元均需要设置一个唯一的ID,它由两位十六进制数组成,用户通过直接调拨L和H两个旋钮,根据需要,设置成从03到FF,只要设置同Smart Control Builder™软件硬件配置中的参数匹配,系统便可自动识别,以达到对应控制目的。


SMARTISYS®系列调光器有IPCLI-4、IPCLI-4L和IPCLI-6L两个型号,它们具有相同的电气特性,主要区别在于:IPCLI-4 IPCLI系列调光器,4路独立灯光调节单元IPCLI-4L IPCLI系列机架式调光器,4路独立灯光调节单元IPCLI-6L IPCLI系列机架式调光器,6路独立灯光调节单元二.物理特征调光路数:4路/6路独立调光单元接入功率:单通道220V,1800W,总功率小于3600W网络输入:4位专用网络接线端子外壳:深灰色和黑色金属外壳安装方式:嵌墙、挂墙式或机架式三.操作说明输入包括4-Pin专用网络接线端子,用于直接给该设备发送控制信号,接入了系统,便可直接通过主控机控制,调光器控制芯片通过解析主控机发送过来的命令从而执行相应的操作。



一、调光面板示意图图1二、 面板的安装按下图2方式连接好火线、零线以及灯控线。




学习状态有以下4种模式:学码指示灯闪亮1次,同时蜂鸣器“滴”一声 -------学习单开/单关;(按一下开,按一下关)学码指示灯闪亮2次,同时蜂鸣器“滴”一声 -------学习只开不关;学码指示灯闪亮3次,同时蜂鸣器“滴”一声 -------学习只关不开;学习指示灯闪亮4次,同时蜂鸣器“滴”一声 -------开关按键进入清码状态。







4.2xx% 亮度学习首先调光灯处于开灯状态。









Dimmer & Power supply208Connectable length per dimmerble driverPX24606 (3A x 1ch)DALI6010 (10A x 1ch)DIM-S1L10V-0 (10A x 1ch)PWM-120-24*connectable up to 2.4A,when using 100W DC24V PSUas 60% load factor*connectable up to 3.75A,when using 150W DC24V PSUas 60% load factor*connect up to 108W as 90% load Model No.Output(W/m)Max. lengthper circuit (m)Connectable lengthper one driver (m)W (VA)Connectable lengthper one driver (m)W (VA)Connectable lengthper one driver (m)W (VA) LRE-1003-*DF-I31.2 3.3 1.856.2 2.887.4 3.4*106.1 LCEL or LCEF-0880-*-DF-I20.65 2.755.7 4.388.6 5.2*107.1 LSWK or LSXK-1008-*-DF-I-1313.16 4.356.4 6.889.18.2*107.4 LSWK or LSXK-1008-*-DF-I-88.167.1*57.611.1*89.913.3*107.7 LSWK or LSXK-1008-*-DF-I-4 4.3613.3*57.220.9*89.925.1*107.9 LNL-0980-*DF-I7.258*57.612.5*9015*108 LSM-T1000W-*-DF-I15.45 3.7*57 5.8*89.37*107.8 LFPEX15-T1000W-*-CL-*18.2 5.0 m (I), 3.5 m(O) 3.156.5 4.989.2 5.9*107.4 LFPEX20-T1000W-*-CL-*12.15 4.756.97.489.58.9*107.7 LFPEX30-T1000W-*-CL-*-99.556*579.4*89.311.3*107.4 LFPEX30-T1000W-*-CL-*-6 6.558.8*57.213.8*89.716.6*107.9 LFPEX30-T1000W-*-CL-*-4 4.5512.8*57.620*9024*108 LFPSC20-1000-*-CL-I14.25456.8 6.3*89.57.6*108 LFP15-T0900W-*-CL-*15.4 4.5 3.757 5.8*89.37*107.8 LFP20-T1000W-*-CL-*10.55 5.456.78.5*89.310.2*107.1 LFPA20-0960-*-CL-*10.45 5.5*57.28.6*89.410.3*107.1 LFTF10 or LFTXF10-T1000W-*-CL-* 3.9514.7*57.423*89.727.6*107.6 LFTF16-T1000W-*-CL-* 2.5523*57.536*9043.2*108 LRO-1142-*-DF-IW8.4 4.5 6.8*57.210.7*89.912.8*107.5 L-ELA9K2-096***-24C-P19.29357.6 4.688.3 5.6*107.5 L-ELS7K1-098***-247.7 6.97.4*5711.6*89.314*107.8 L-ELR9K2-098***-M-247.7 6.97.4*5711.6*89.314*107.8 LFU -T1000WS-*-DF-O-1515.85 3.656.9 5.688.5 6.8107.4 LFU -T1000WS-*-DF-O-121210 4.857.67.5909108 LFU -T1000WS-*-DF-O-88107.257.611.289.613.5*108 LFXK-T1000W-*-DF-O 4.81012*57.618.7*89.822.5*108Dimmer*Split into multiple circuitDimmer & Power supply | DimmerDimmer | Dimmer & Power supplyDimmer & Power supply209DALI or Touch DIM- Meets DMX512/1990- 1 output CH.,can drive 3A- With control system,can express perfect effect - Can set the DMX512 addess freely- Modularizing,can be combined with LED module neatly - Single channel constant voltage output ,10A - Meet DALI protocol IEC 62386- Dimming range from 0.1-100%- PWM digital dimming, no alter LED color rendering index - Suitable for indoor LED lighting application- Protections: Short circuit, over load, over temperature Wiring DiagramWiring DiagramMaximum wiring distance from - is 10m/20m.Please refer to manuals of each product. Please check the maximum of connectable LED length in one series referring to the catalog page of each product.When the LED total length exceeds the maximum length in series, please connect by separating into several circuit.Twist shield cable is recommended to use as a signal cable.Maximum wiring distance from - is 10m/20m.Please refer to manuals of each product. Please check the maximum of connectable LED length in one series referring to the catalog page of each product.When the LED total length exceeds the maximum length in series, please connect by separating into several circuit.Twist shield cable is recommended to use as a signal cable.0-10V DCDNX512INPUT DNX512OUTPUT For DC24V single color series PX24606series Constant Voltage - Dimmable driver (DC input) - 1ch DMX Driver 3A x 1chDimmable driver (DC input) - 1ch EUCHIPSFor DC24V single color series DALI6010Constant Voltage - Dimmable driver (DC input) - 1ch DALI Driver 10A x 1ch EUCHIPS* Please read and follow the specification and the instruction manual issued by the manufacturer of controller and driver. The specification may be subject to change without prior notice.Dimmer & Power supply2100-10V / 1-10VDC12-24VPOWERDimmer・Analog Signal driver,receive 0-10V/1-10V dimsingal.・1channel output,MAX 10A per 1ch.*Connectable 80% load=8A of LED・Over-temperature protection・Analog Signal driver,receive 1-10V dimsingal.Wiring DiagramWiring DiagramMaximum wiring distance from - is 20m.Maximum wiring distance from - is 20m.Please check the maximum of connectable LED length in one series referring to thecatalog page of each product.When the LED total length exceeds the maximum lengthin series, please connect by separating into several circuit.Twist shield cable is recommended to use as a signal cable.For DC24V single color seriesFor single color seriesDIM-S1L10V-0Walldim 103E1Constant Voltage - Dimmable driver (DC input) - 1chDimmer controller - 1ch0-10V/1-10V Driver 10A x 1ch1-10V Dimmer ControllerEUCHIPSEUCHIPSMaximum wiring distance from - is 10m/20m.Please refer to manuals of eachproduct. Please check the maximum of connectable LED length in one series referring tothe catalog page of each product.When the LED total length exceeds the maximum length in series, please connect byseparating into several circuit.Twist shield cable is recommended to use as a signal cable.* Please read and follow the specification and the instruction manual issued by the manufacturer of controller and driver. The specification may be subject to change without prior notice.Dimmer & Power supply | DimmerDimmer | Dimmer & Power supplyDimmer & Power supply211Twist shield cable is recommended to use as a signal cable.- DC 24V constant volage dimmable power supply - IP67 waterproof- 3 in 1 dimming function 0-10V, PWM, resistance Wiring DiagramFor DC24V single color series PWM-120-24Constant Voltage - Dimmable driver (AC input) - 1ch Dimmable power supply IP67MeanwellAC/L(Brown)AC/N(Blue)+V(Red)-V(Black)DIM+(Blue)DIM-(White)Dimmer & Power supply212- Support 3-in-1 dimming function(0-10V /1-10V active signal, Adjustable resistance, PWM)- Support dimming mode selectionc- Support the short circuit, over current protection and alarm functionc- Logarithmic dimming curve- Built-in CCT adjust mode, the user can adjust color temperaturewithout changing the output power- For adjusting the brightness/ color temperature of LED strip- Supply voltage of 12-15VDC- Output 2 channels 0-10V analog dimming signal- Can adjust brightness and color temperature of lamps- Show the current brightness or color grades- can be installed in compliance with DIN 49073 and 86 standard wall boxWiring DiagramWiring DiagramFor DC24V Dynamic white seriesFor Dynamic white seriesDIM-S2L8V-0Walldim 202Constant Voltage - Dimmable driver (DC input) - 2chDimmer controller - 2ch0-10V/1-10V Driver 8A, 2ch2ch Multi Function Panel ControllerEUCHIPSEUCHIPS0/1-10V SignalDC12-24VPOWER0-10V SignalDC12POWERLED DimmerConnectable length per dimmerble driver (DIM-S2L8V)ex. when using 150W PSU, 60% load factorModel No.Output(W/m)Max. lengthper circuit (m)Connectable lengthper one driver (m)W (VA)LFPTH-1000--*CL-I1158.1*89.1LTH-1000-*-DF-I31.24 2.887.4* Please read and follow the specification and the instruction manual issued by the manufacturer of controller and driver. The specification may be subject to change without prior notice.Twist shield cable is recommended to use as a signal cable.*Split into multiple circuitTwist shield cable is recommended to use as a signal cable.Dimmer & Power supply | DimmerDimmer | Dimmer & Power supplyDimmer & Power supply213- Wide input range 180 ~ 528 VAC - Constant current mode output - Metal housing with class I design- IP67 / IP65 design for indoor or outdoor installations - Function options:output adjustable via potentiometer; 3 in 1 dimming (dim-to-off); Timer dimmingWiring DiagramFor Vivoxy Graze HVGC-*-*B Constant Current - Dimmable driver (AC input) - 1ch Constant Current dimmable driver IP67MeanwellFG (Green/Yellow)AC/L(Brown)AC/N(Blue)HVGC-65DIM+(Blue)DIM-(White)-V(Black)+V(Red)* Please read and follow the specification and the instruction manual issued by the manufacturer of controller and driver. The specification may be subject to change without prior notice.Twist shield cable is recommended to use as a signal cable.Dimmer & Power supply214With thorough quality control,Luci continues to make products that customers canuse with confidenceQuality policy of Luci ORILEGA- In-house designed electric circuit and housing- Reliability test and safety test conducted by our company and third-party test laboratory- Ongoing operation test in high-temperature circumstance (60- Production process under Luci own standards and one hundred percent inspectionPSE certified range: AC100 - 242VComplied with CISPR11Ordinary LED driver used in Japan100V100V 120V242VORILEGA is PSE compliant at all voltages. Voltage range that can be used not onlyin Japan but also in many overseas countries.CISPR is an abbreviation of French of the International Special Committee on RadioInterference, and it is a standard that sets electromagnetic tolerance for equipment thatmay be affected by electromagnetic waves. Available to use in hospital and medicalinstitution as ORILEGA is in conformity to CISPR11 and CISPR15.Quiet structure conforming to JISReduced sound generation due to coil vibration during PWM dimming, maintainingoperating noise in 25 dB or less. Meets the requirements of JIS C 8115 sound level.CE mark compliance / RoHScompliant with environmental directivesAvailable to import and use in EU as ORILEGA comply with CE mark which required tobe labelled on the product complying with the laws and regulations and RoHS directivecompliant with the environmental standard in EU. In addition, ORILEGA is designedLuci ORILEGA conforms to various standardsPower SupplyPower supply | Dimmer & Power supplyDimmer & Power supply | Power supplyDimmer & Power supplyDimmer & Power supply215Luci Power Supply AC100v-242vPC isolated case, safe and durable structureRobust structure conforming to Japan indoor wiring regulations aimed at securing the safety of electrical equipment Countermeasures against discoloration and overheating*In case using LED fixture which maximum length per series is 5m.=1.25sqMaximum distanceto the terminal of LED fixture: 35 mThe distance from power supply to the terminal of LED fixture can be extended up to 35 m when the output cable is 1.25 sq mm.Structure of low heat dissipationRipple voltage occurs in DC24V output device. It may slightly affect the output effect of the LED fixtures. The lower output ripple voltage, the lower flickering occurs. Output ripple voltage of ORILEGA is 50mV which is lower than other power supply.TimetyPower supply | Dimmer & Power supplyDimmer & Power supply216LPSOLND : Non dimLPSOL -- 24 - ND -I145 : 145W 075 : 75W 030 : 30W24 : 24VLPSOL -145/075/030I : IndoorsCertification- PSE (AC100 ~242V) - CE - CCC - RoHS- IEC61000-3-2 Class C - CISPR11, CISPR15- JIS C 8115 Sound level requirement75W30W12.584side view 23512side view 25012side view 2Dimmer & Power supply | Power supplyDimmer & Power supply217Terminal block for Output side Model No. : LBX-O1Easy output side connectionOutput box with built-in terminal block Output branch (3 branch)9041.525.4side view 2side view 1top viewTerminal blockOption partsPower supply | Dimmer & Power supplyDimmer & Power supply218System configuration diagramDimmingLuci ORILEGA DC24V power supply LPSOL-*-24-ND-IExternal dimming driverInstallation Guide* Please read and follow the specification and the instruction manual issued by the manufacturer of controller and driver. The specification may be subject to change without prior notice.Dimmer & Power supply | Power supplyDimmer & Power supply219vertical orientation!- This product has a life span.- Degradation occurs inside after 8-10 years of installation even when the device looks fine from the outside.- Parts of the product degrade due to heat when using for a long period. This causes not only safety issues, but also reduces power efficiency and it is recommended to have regular maintenance and inspection. - Life cycle of the product will be shorter in high ambient temperature or in the use for a long period.- Cleaning and inspection should be performed at least once every 6 months.- Inspection by a specialist, such as a product contractor, should be performed at least once every 3 years.- If the product is used for a long time without having an inspection, there is a small possibility that it could lead to fuming, igniting, electric shock and the like. Inspection MethodsIs the output verification indicator (LED-green: located at the side of the lead-wire on output side) turned on?Are output voltage and output current in normal conditions?Is there any coloring/ fall-off/ abnormal heat build-up at wiring connection part?Is there any unusual smell, sound or heat?Are there any cracks, splits, or detached parts on any parts or joints?Cleaning MethodTurn off the power before cleaning the device.Lightly wipe this product with a soft cloth.To best clean this product, wipe dirt with a soft cloth which has been soaked in a neutral detergent diluted with water and wrung firmly. To finish off, wipe it with a damp cloth and dry it. Make sure the place of installation has enough strength to hold the weight of the device. Make sure the LED fixture meets the specification of this device.Do not perform installation/ removal work while power on. Otherwise, an electric shock may occur.Wire connection methodsInstalling the productMaintenance and Inspectioninstantly.Please ensure to connect the device to ground in order to protect from electric shock or devices from getting damaged by external noise.Power supply | Dimmer & Power supplyDimmer & Power supply220Model Product nameModel No.Rating Size noteCCC, CE Model35W Single Output Switching Power SupplyLRS-35-2485~264VACDC24V 1.5A W99 H82 D30- MEAN WELL - I/O terminal block-Protections: Short circuit / Overload / Over voltage100W Single Output Switching Power SupplyLRS-100-24DC24V 4.5A W129 H97 D30150W Single Output Switching Power SupplyLRS-150-2485~132VAC / 170~264VAC by switchDC24V 6.5A W159 H97 D30- MEAN WELL - I/O terminal block-Protections: Short circuit / Overload /Over voltage / Over temperaturCables used for connecting LED fixtures and Power supply must be a suitable type and gauge.The cable should be joined with a suitable terminal. Otherwise, the power supply will be broken. Please install appopriate envioment according to specifications.Caution: When using a long thin cable, the resistance of cable will increase. Voltage drop and heat accumulation may occur and result in brightness decreasing.Caution: When separate one cable to multiple circuits in the same gauge, the current loading are collected on the junction of the branch circuit and it will be high temprature there. Please consider the loading of the power supply (quantity of LED fixture) and review the wiring system to avoid the above problem.When connect the dimmer driver with power supply, unpredicted noise might occur. It is the characteristic of electronic devices, not a malfunction of the LED fixture.Please choose an appropriate power supply and consider a place to install. Reducing the loading factor of LED fixture mightimprove the noise from the power supply, and the noise from LED fixtures might be improved by splitting the circuit of LED fixtures into multiple.Pay attention to the electrical capacity of the load (lamp) connected to the power supply.For 15 to 150W, consumption of 70% of a full power or less by the load is typically assumed.When using dimming driver, the load factor of the LED fixtures connected to the power supply is recommended 60% or less to reduce the possibility of occurrence of noise.Example: Choosing power supply for 10pcs of Luci Power FLEX 20mm pitch Luci Power FLEX 20mm pitch 10.5W x 10pcs = 105W 105W ÷70% (load factor) = Approx. 150W Select a 150W power supply.Small noise may be emitted from the appliance and the dimmer while using the dimmer, but it is normal. Load capacity of 60% is recommended to reduce noise.Specification may be subject to change without announcement.Power supplyConnecting to power supplyPower supply selection method* Please read and follow the specification and the instruction manual issued by the manufacturer of controller and driver. The specification may be subject to change without prior notice.CE MARK CE MARK221Signature:Junko Kageyama。




不眩目,不刺眼.长时间拍摄室内温度不升高.寿命长,灯管寿命不低于一万小时. 2.冷光聚光灯,光学设计合理,光效高、重量轻、散热性能好,灯具冲压成型,耐高温喷塑工艺。


悬挂部分:1.主、副轨采用铝合金“工”字轨,重量轻,承重性能好,移动无噪音,不导磁.是演播室首选悬挂器材. 2.万向滑车、灯具滑车采用铝合金材料。








2、调光台的连接和使用(见HDL-3006调光台说明书3-4)3、调光器的连接和使用(见HDL-3006DS(N)调光台说明书6-8)五、实验心得附一:调光技术的基础知识一、调光控制系统的现状1.1 调光控制系统的构成调光控制系统主要由调光控制台、调光器及辅助设备等组成。











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●输出功率: <24W( 12V ) ; <48W( 24V )
●外型尺寸:L65ΧW33ΧH35 mm






