变态心理学 焦 虑 障 碍 An iety disorders
•血 液 恐 惧 症
• 恐水症 (hydrophobia)
•黑 夜 恐 惧 症
• 恐蛇症 (ophidophobia)
A、由于存在或预期某种特殊物体或情境(如飞行、高空 或动物)而出现显著诊断标准
• A、在不熟悉的人们面前或被他人注意或观察
时(可能如此),害怕自己可能会作出一些使 人难堪的行为或表现出焦虑症状。
• B、处于所害怕的社交场合,几乎不可避免地
产生焦虑,并可能出现仅限于此情境的惊恐发 作。
• C、患者认知到这种害怕是不合理的或过度的。 • D、患者一般都设法避免这种情景,否则便以
• -内心紧张不安、预感到似乎将要发生
某种不利情况而又难于应付的不愉快情 绪(指向未来)
• DSM-IV 焦虑障碍(包括PTSD, 无转换、
• ICD-10神经症、应激相关的及躯体形式
• CCMD-2-R 神经症(包括抑郁性神经症、
电、黑暗、坐飞机、外伤或出血、锐器, 以及特定的疾病等
恐惧对象的希腊语后加上一个后缀—phobia,这 样就创造了诸多以phobia结尾的英文词汇
•蜘 蛛 恐 惧 症
•雷 电 恐 惧 症
•幽 闭 恐 惧 症
– 认知学派的观点
在以上行为主义观点的基础上,学者们提出了惊恐发作的认知模型。这一 模型的要点是惊恐障碍的患者对自己的 躯体感受过度敏感,并易于对这些 感受作出灾难化的解释和评价。例如,患者出现心跳加 快时,就可能草率 地下出结论———“我得了心脏病”;或者仅仅有些头晕,就会认为“我 将 会晕倒”。这种灾难化的想法,可导致更多的焦虑性躯体症状,而这些 躯体症状又可激发 更可怕的想法,从而形成一种恶性循环,并最终出现惊 恐发作
• 患病率 • 美国:
– 社交恐怖症终生患病率:11.1%(男)和15.5% (女) (Magee,1996) – 特殊恐怖症的终生患病率大约为 11% (其中男性 7% , 女性16%) ( Keller,1994) – 广场恐怖症终生患病率为 5.3% (其中女性约占 75% ) ( Keller,1994) 中国: –全国12地区调查时点患病率为0.059‰ (1986,1978以前 无此诊断)
• 三个特点:
1、焦虑症状 担心昏倒,或失去自控;植物性神经功能激活 的表现;惊恐发作 2、焦虑均在特定情境中发生 人群拥挤的场合、封闭场所、难以立即逃到安 全的地方等情境 3、回避行为 立即从恐怖情境中逃走或回避恐怖情境
社交恐怖症 (social phobias)
– 对一种或多种人际处境具有持久的强烈恐惧和 回避行为 – 恐惧的对象可以是某个人或某些人,也可以相 当泛化,如恐惧被别人注视 – 恐惧自己会做出丢脸的言谈举止或表情尴尬
广泛性焦虑:对多种事件或活动 (例如工作或学习)呈现出过分的 焦虑和担心(一种提心吊胆地等待 和期待),患者感到难以控制自己 不去担心。
• 患病率 一般:2%-5% 我国:1.48‰ (1986) • 共病: – 其它焦虑障碍 (如恐怖症和惊恐障碍) – 抑郁障碍
紧张综合征包括常见恐惧症(phobia)、强迫症(obsessive- compulsives disorder)、社交焦虑症(social anxiety disorder)、逃避性人格障碍(avoidant personality disorder)、强迫性障碍(compulsive disorder)、抑郁症(depression)、恐慌症(panic disorder)、癔症(mania)、先天性敏感性综合症(PTSD)。
恐慌症(panic disorder) 懼曠症
強迫症(obsessive compulsive disorder)
急性壓力症(acute stress disorder) 廣泛性焦慮症(generalized anxiety disorder) 創傷後壓力症(post-traumatic stress disorder)
7.創傷後壓力症 (1)個人持續地反覆體驗該創傷事件。 (2)個人持續地避開與創傷有關的刺 激。 (3)個人持續增加警覺症狀。 (4)個人可能經驗到注意集中度與記憶 力受損的現象 (5)個人可能經驗到憂鬱的感覺。
共患現象 1.7% in USA
1.明顯害怕表演 2.過度害怕別人注視 3. 害怕因行為失當而 遭致羞辱
1.重鬱症 2.輕鬱情感障礙症
持續至少六個月的精神、身 體、自主神經的焦慮症狀 1. 精神的:無法控制的擔心 、注意力差等 2. 身體的:肌肉張力高、頭 痛、靜不下來等 3. 自律神經的:冒汗、發抖 、呼吸急促、心悸等
GAD特徵 : (1)一般特徵是他們活在相對較緊張、擔 憂;較廣泛的擔心狀態下,其有特定的 外觀,面部看起來緊繃且眉頭深鎖,姿 勢僵化,顯得不安,或有顫抖,膚色蒼 白,手腳和腋下多有出汗。 (2)通常很難專心與做決定,非常害怕犯 錯。 (3)他們會抱怨肌肉緊縮,尤其是頸部與肩 膀,也有睡眠障礙。
盛行率 :廣泛性焦慮疾患是較為常見的, 現在估計每年的流行率約3%,終 身盛行率約有5%。女性比男性多 兩倍。 GAD被視為一種終生呈現的人格疾患。
焦慮性疾患(Anxiety disorders)
資料整理:王蔚竣、李冠泓、郭珮婷、蕭家宜 彙整:蔡順良 2005.04.01
心理疾病 英语
心理疾病英语心理疾病在英语中通常被称为"mental disorders" 或"psychological disorders"。
以下是一些常见的心理疾病的英语表达:1.抑郁症(Depression):Depression is a mood disordercharacterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in daily activities.2.焦虑症(Anxiety Disorder):Anxiety disorder involvesexcessive and uncontrollable worry or fear about everyday situations.3.精神分裂症(Schizophrenia):Schizophrenia is a severe mentaldisorder characterized by disorganized thinking, hallucinations, delusions, and disrupted social functioning.4.双相情感障碍(Bipolar Disorder):Bipolar disorder, alsoknown as manic-depressive illness, involves extreme mood swings, including episodes of mania and depression.5.强迫症(Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD):OCD is ananxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions).6.创伤后应激障碍(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD):PTSD is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, causing symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety.7.注意力缺陷多动症(Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder,ADHD):ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.8.自闭症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD):ASD isa developmental disorder that affects communication, socialinteraction, and behavior.9.饮食障碍(Eating Disorders):Eating disorders, such asanorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, involve abnormal eating behaviors and attitudes towards food and body weight.10.人格障碍(Personality Disorders):Personality disorders arecharacterized by enduring patterns of inner experience and behavior that deviate from cultural expectations, causing distress or impairment.请注意,以上术语可能有时会有一些细微的区别,具体表达可能因国家、文化和专业领域而有所不同。
[严重标准] 病人因难以忍受又无法解脱,而感到痛苦。 [病程标准] 在1个月内至少有3次惊恐发作,或在首 次发作后继发害怕再发作的焦虑持续1个月。 [排除标准] 1 排除其他精神障碍,如恐惧症、抑郁症,或躯体形式障 碍等继发的惊恐发作; 2 排除躯体疾病如癫痫、心脏病发作、嗜铬细胞瘤、甲亢 或自发性低血糖等继发的惊恐发作。
1.症状量表 SAS (焦虑自评量表) SDS(忧虑自评量 表) HAMD(汉密顿焦虑量表 )HAMA SCL-90 2.个性分析 MMPI 16-PF EPQ 3.其他 脑电图检查
(一)心理治疗 1.解释性心理治疗 主要为支持性心理治疗。向患者说明 疾病的性质,减轻精神压力,鼓励患者坚持治疗计划。组 织同类患者参加小组治疗,相互帮助,取得更好的效果。 2.认知疗法 分三步:提供信息,适度保证;识别和盘诘负 性自动想法,协调检查能够促进认识转变;系统的认知疗 法。结合行为疗法,形成认知行为治疗。 3.行为治疗 系统脱敏法,放松训练,暴露刺激疗法。 4.生物反馈疗法
【严重标准】社会功能受损,病人因难以忍受又无法解脱 ,而感到痛苦。 【病程标准】符合症状标准至少已6个月。 【排除标准】 (1)排除甲状腺机能亢进、高血压、冠心病等躯体疾 病的继发性焦虑; (2)排除兴奋药物过量、催眠镇静药物,或抗焦虑药 的戒断反应,强迫症、恐惧症、疑病症、神经衰弱、躁狂 症、抑郁症,或精神分裂症等伴发的焦虑。
焦 虑
(Anxiety disorders)
正常人在面对困难或有危险的任务,预感将要发生不利的 情况或危险发生时,可产生焦虑(一种没有明确原因的、令 人不愉快的紧张状态),这种焦虑通常并不构成疾病,是一 种正常的心理状态。焦虑并不是坏事,焦虑往往能够促使你 鼓起力量,去应付即将发生的危机(或者说焦虑是一种积极应 激的本能)。只有当焦虑的程度及持续时间超过一定的范围时 才构成焦虑症状,这会起到相反的作用-妨碍人应付、对处 理面前的危机,甚至妨碍正常生活。 焦虑症(Anxiety disorders)是一种以焦虑情绪为主的 常见神经症.焦虑症是一种具有持久性焦虑、恐惧、紧张情绪 和植物神经活动障碍的脑机能失调,常伴有运动性不安和躯 体不适感。发病于青壮年期,男女两性发病率无明显差异。 我国的调查研究显示:焦虑症在一般居民中的发病率为2% ,其中41%为广泛性焦虑,33%为情境性焦虑。精神障碍 病人中,至少有三分之一有某种形式的焦虑障碍,而且随着 社会竞争日趋激烈,生活中应激因素增加,心理不适应等焦 虑反应势必增多,应引起大家的重视。
1. 抑郁症(Depression):患者持续感到沮丧、无助、自责,丧失兴趣和快乐感,伴随睡眠障碍、食欲改变、注意力不集中等症状。
2. 焦虑症(Anxiety disorder):表现为持续的焦虑、紧张和恐惧,伴随心悸、呼吸困难、出汗等生理症状,常常干扰个人日常生活。
3. 双相情感障碍(Bipolar Disorder):患者情绪波动明显,出现周期性的抑郁和躁狂发作,躁狂期时情绪高涨、冲动、活力增加,抑郁期则表现为低落、自卑。
4. 精神分裂症(Schizophrenia):患者遭受幻觉、妄想、思维混乱、情绪不稳定等症状,导致对现实的认知和社交功能受损。
5. 应激障碍(Stress Disorder):由于严重的创伤或应激事件引起的焦虑、恐惧和回忆性困扰,如创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)。
6. 强迫症(Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder):患者有反复出现而难以控制的强迫思维或行为,如反复洗手、检查,以减轻焦虑感。
7. 注意力缺陷多动障碍(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,ADHD):儿童或成人的注意力集中困难、多动、冲动,并且常常影响学业和工作表现。
8. 食物摄入障碍(Eating Disorders):包括厌食症(Anorexia Nervosa)和暴食症(Bulimia Nervosa),患者对食物有异常的态度和行为,导致体重和健康问题。
9. 睡眠障碍(Sleep Disorders):包括失眠症、睡眠呼吸暂停、过度入睡等,患者无法正常入睡、睡眠中断或睡眠质量差,导致白天疲倦和注意力不集中。
10. 人格障碍(Personality Disorders):患者的思维、情感和行为模式长期稳定,偏离正常社会期待,如孤独型、边缘型等。
有些女性惊恐障碍患者报告说她们在 行经前期和产后的焦虑症状更严重 (2001)。原因可能是卵巢激素,特 别是黄体激素,对惊恐障碍的易致病 性有影响。
认知理论:认为容易惊恐发作的人们 (1)十分关注自己的躯体感觉; (2)错误地理解这些躯体感觉; (3)思考问题时倾向于夸张和灾难化。 认为躯体症状会导致有害结果的信念被命 名为焦虑敏感性。与焦虑敏感性低的人比, 焦虑敏感性高的人更容易患惊恐障碍,惊 恐发作频率更高,或者时间更长。
担心昏倒,或失去自控;植物性神经功能激 活的表现;惊恐发作 2、焦虑均在特定情境中发生 人群拥挤的场合、封闭场所、难以立即逃到 安全的地方等情境 3、回避行为 立即从恐怖情境中逃走或回避恐怖情境
特殊恐怖症(specific phobias)
又译特定恐惧症,更符合人们对恐惧的认识。 指对存在或预期的某种特殊物体或情境 而出现的不合理焦虑
惊恐发作 发作常突然产生 l0分钟左右到达高峰 通常持续20一30分钟 极少超过1小时 通常每周1一2次
病程: 1个月内至少有3次惊恐发作 或害怕再发作的焦虑持续1个月(CCMD-3) 预后 约50%患者完全缓解,20%基本无变化 病前功能状况良好,症状持续时间短暂者,大 多预后较好。 共病 抑郁症、其它焦虑障碍 (如广泛性焦虑、广场 恐怖症、其他恐怖症等)
惊恐障碍(伴有或不伴广场恐怖) 广场恐怖(无惊恐障碍) 特殊恐怖症 社交恐怖症 强迫症 广泛性焦虑障碍 创伤后应激障碍
CCMD-3中神经症的主要类型 恐惧症(恐怖症) 场所、社交、特定恐惧症 焦虑症 惊恐障碍、广泛性焦虑 强迫症 除惊恐障碍之外,病程要求: DSM-Ⅳ -症状持续6个月以上 CCMD-3 -症状持续3个月以上
2017年高三英语一模汇编——完形填空III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: ForeachblankinthefollowingpassagetherearefourwordsorphrasesmarkedA, B, CandD. Fillin each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Anxiety disorders-- defined by extreme fear, restlessness,and muscle tension --are carefully considering,disabling, and can increase the risk for _____41_____and self-murder. They are some of the most common mental health conditions around the world, _____42_____around four out of every 100 people and costing the health care system and job employers over US $42billion each year.焦虑症-----被定义为极度恐惧、不安和肌肉紧张,正在小心地重视,禁止,它增加了( 41 )和自杀的风险。
每一百人中有四人会受它的(42 ),每年要花费健康关心系统(卫生保健系统)和就业者近42亿美金。
anxiety 英[æŋˈzaɪəti] n.焦虑,忧虑;disorder英 [dɪsˈɔ:də(r)] n.混乱,凌乱;(身心机能的)失调使混乱,使凌乱The emergency room was in disorder 急诊室里一片混乱。
紧张综合症(Anxiety disorders)是指一类临床病理学上具有明确特点,其
焦虑症的定义英语作文Anxiety Disorder。
Anxiety disorder is a mental health condition characterized by excessive and persistent worry, fear, and nervousness. It is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and it can be debilitating if left untreated.There are several types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias. Each type has its own set of symptoms, but they all share a common thread of excessive and irrational fear.GAD is characterized by excessive worry and anxiety about everyday events and activities. People with GAD often worry about things that are unlikely to happen or are out of their control. They may also experience physical symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, and stomachproblems.Panic disorder is characterized by sudden and intense panic attacks. During a panic attack, a person may experience symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, and shortness of breath. Panic attacks can be very frightening and can lead to avoidance of certain situations or places.Social anxiety disorder is characterized by a fear of social situations and interactions. People with social anxiety disorder may avoid social situations or experience extreme anxiety when they are in social situations. They may worry about being judged or embarrassed in front of others.Specific phobias are characterized by an intense fear of a specific object or situation. Common phobias include heights, spiders, and flying. People with specific phobias may go to great lengths to avoid the object of their fear.Treatment for anxiety disorders may include therapy,medication, or a combination of both. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common form of therapy used to treat anxiety disorders. CBT helps people learn to identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to their anxiety.Medications used to treat anxiety disorders include antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and beta-blockers. These medications can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and make it easier for people to participate in therapy.In conclusion, anxiety disorder is a common and treatable mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of anxiety, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional. With the right treatment, people with anxiety disorders can lead happy and fulfilling lives.。
5.Anxiety Disorders
广泛性焦虑障碍是经常为 小事而感到持续焦虑的状态, 这种焦虑与周围任何特定的情 境没有关系,而一般是由过度 的担忧引起。
广泛性焦虑障碍的特征主 要包括:经常感到不安和兴奋, 难以集中注意力,易疲劳,易 激惹,并会遭受长期的肌肉紧 张和失眠。作为对这些症状的 反应,许多人发展了第二种焦 虑——对焦虑的焦虑,害怕他 们的症状会使他们失去工作, 疏远配偶等。
表5-1 焦虑障碍的特征表
障 碍 表 现
反复的惊恐发作,伴随眩晕、心跳加速、颤抖等 生理症状,也伴有惊骇、难逃劫数之感或伴有广 场恐惧症。 强迫观念:出现难以控制的思维、冲动、意向; 强迫行为:不断重复的行为或精神活动。 经历创伤性事件后引起高唤起症状,回避和事件 有关的刺激,回忆该事件则会引起焦虑。 和伤后应激障碍的症状相同,但其持续时间为4 个星期或更短。
David H. Barlow, V. Mark Durand, P129~132
相关链接 焦虑障碍的病因(续2)
(三)社会因素 产生应激的生活事件可能触发我们生物学和心理学上对焦虑的易 感性。
应激的生活事件:结婚、离婚、工作上的难题、家人亲友 的死亡等
(四)一个整合的模式 综合上述各种因素,变态心理学提出了所谓“焦虑发展”学说, 以及相关的精神因素易感性,并称之为“三种易感性”理论。 ①泛化的生物易感性 ②泛化的心理易感性 ③从早期经验中学到的特定对象心理易感性 这三种易感性可参见图5-1
表5-3 广场恐怖症患者通常会回避的典型情境
DSM-Ⅳ-TR将惊恐障碍 区分为不伴广场恐惧症的惊恐 障碍(panic disorder without agoraphobia)和伴有广场恐惧 症的惊恐障碍(panic disorder with agoraphobia)。 所有证据都证明了这样 一个结论,广场恐怖症的回避 行为只是严重的不可预料型惊 恐发作的一个并发症。
焦 虑 障 碍(Anxiety disorders) 共35页
C.排除社交恐惧症、特殊恐惧症、PTSD或离别性焦虑 障碍等精神障碍引起的种焦虑或恐惧性回避,
2、社交恐惧症(social phobias)
对一种或多种人际处境具有持久的强烈 恐惧和回避行为
ICD-10、DSM-Ⅳ和CCMD-2-R把恐惧症分为 广场恐惧症、社交恐惧症和特殊恐惧症三 类(DSM-Ⅳ认为广场恐惧症常伴发惊恐障 碍-伴广场恐惧的惊恐障碍、不伴广场恐 惧的惊恐障碍)
1、广场恐惧症(agoraphobia)-场所恐惧 症
国外:焦虑障碍与抑郁性障碍:5-10% 国内:神经症:北京(1991)35.18‰
是指接触到特定事物或处境时具有的强烈 的恐惧情绪。患者采取回避行为,并有焦 虑症状和植物性神经功能障碍的一类心理 障碍。
恐惧症在人群中常见,是仅次于抑郁症、 酒依赖,位于第三位的精神障碍
到安全地方等情境 ③回避行为 立即从恐惧情境中逃走或回避恐惧情境
A、 对置身于某处感到焦虑,觉得难以逃脱(或感 到难堪),或感到在发生意想不到的惊恐发作时找不 到帮助。典型的广场恐惧易发生的情景:独自离家在 外;在一群人中或正在站队;在一座桥上;在公共汽 车、火车里。(注:如只是某一个或一二个特殊情景, 那就可以考虑特殊恐惧症;如果仅限于社交情景,那 就应诊断社交恐惧症。)
焦 虑 障 碍(Anxiety disorders)
包括害怕开放的空间或害怕离家(或独自在家) 害怕臵身于人群拥挤场合以及难以逃回安全处 所(如商店、剧院、车厢或机舱等 广场恐惧症患者常伴发抑郁症状,占1/3~1/2; 女性多于男性
①焦虑症状 担心在公共场所中昏倒而无亲友救助,或失去 自控又无法离开 伴有植物性神经功能激活的表现 在焦虑程度严重时出现惊恐发作(Panic attacks) ②焦虑均在特定情境中发生 多数场合是拥挤人群、封闭场所、难以立即逃 到安全地方等情境 ③回避行为 立即从恐惧情境中逃走或回避恐惧情境
(1) 心理分析理论 恐惧是对抗焦虑的一种防御反应,而焦虑 的产生根源在于无意识的本我冲动
行为治疗认为:恐惧反应可以经过条件反射而建 立 Mowrer(1947)认为恐惧症的形成有二个步骤: 第一,通过经典条件反射,一个人习得了对条件 刺激(即中性刺激)的害怕反应;第二,为了减 少条件性的害怕反应,习得了回避性条件刺激的 行为。这是一个操作性条件作用过程,它使得回 避行为得到了强化而长期存在。 模仿学习的观点,认为恐惧反应是通过观察、模 仿学习而形成的。
2、社交恐惧症(social phobias)
对一种或多种人际处境具有持久的强烈 恐惧和回避行为 恐惧的对象可以是某个人或某些人,也 可以相当泛化 多数患者起病于青少年 有自卑感和害怕别人评论自己。
2、社交恐惧症(social phobias)
恐惧被别人注视 恐惧自己会做出丢脸的言谈举止或表情尴尬 怕自己在别人面前张口结舌 怕吃饭时由于有人注视而丑态百出 恐惧得手发抖以致无法写字 害怕在公共场所呕吐等 回避见人、所有公众场合 焦虑,面红、心慌、震颤、出汗、恶心、尿急等 在公共厕所里怕因恐惧而解不出小便。
二、常见用法与搭配1. Anxiety as a noun"Noun + anxiety"结构表示某种特定类型或原因引起的焦虑。
例如:- Test anxiety (考试焦虑): Many students experience test anxiety before important exams.- Social anxiety (社交焦虑): People with social anxiety find it difficult to interact with others in social situations.- Separation anxiety (分离焦虑): Young children may exhibit separation anxiety when they are separated from their primary caregivers.2. Anxiety as an adjective"Anxiety + noun"结构表示某物引起的焦虑或紧张。
例如:- Anxiety disorder (焦虑障碍): Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive and irrational worrying.- Anxiety symptoms (焦虑症状): Common anxiety symptoms include restlessness, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.3. Anxiety as a verb"To + verb"结构可用于表示焦虑或担忧的动作。
心理健康疾病英语Mental Health Disorders in EnglishMental health disorders, also known as psychiatric disorders or psychological disorders, refer to a range of conditions that affect a person's thinking, mood, behavior, and overall well-being. These disorders have become a global concern, and the English language provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and discussing mental health issues. In this article, we will explore some of the most common mental health disorders and their respective English terminology.1. DepressionDepression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in activities. In English, terms such as "major depressive disorder" or simply "depression" are commonly used to describe this condition. It is important to note that having occasional feelings of sadness is a normal part of life, but when these feelings become overwhelming and interfere with daily functioning, it may indicate depression.2. Anxiety DisordersAnxiety disorders encompass a group of disorders characterized by excessive worry, fear, or anxiety that significantly impact an individual's quality of life. Various English terms are used to describe specific anxiety disorders, such as "generalized anxiety disorder," "panic disorder," or "social anxiety disorder." People with anxiety disorders may experience symptomssuch as restlessness, trembling, difficulty concentrating, or avoiding certain situations.3. Bipolar DisorderBipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depressive illness, is a condition characterized by extreme mood swings, including episodes of mania and depression. English terminology for bipolar disorder typically includes phrases such as "bipolar disorder" or "bipolar affective disorder." People with bipolar disorder may experience intense periods of elevated mood, high energy levels, and impulsive behavior during manic episodes, which are then followed by depressive episodes.4. SchizophreniaSchizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder that affects a person's perception of reality, thinking, emotions, and behavior. In English, the term "schizophrenia" is widely used to refer to this condition. Individuals with schizophrenia may experience hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech and behavior, and impaired cognition. It is crucial to note that schizophrenia is not the same as having multiple personalities, as commonly misunderstood.5. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted and intrusive thoughts, urges, or images (obsessions) that lead to repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions). In English, the term "obsessive-compulsive disorder" or its abbreviation "OCD" is commonlyused. People with OCD often feel compelled to engage in rituals or repetitive behaviors to alleviate distress caused by obsessive thoughts.6. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. In English, the term "post-traumatic stress disorder" or its abbreviation "PTSD" is widely used. Individuals with PTSD may experience flashbacks, nightmares, emotional distress, and avoid reminders of the traumatic event. It is important to seek professional help when dealing with PTSD to manage symptoms effectively.7. Eating DisordersEating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder, are serious mental illnesses that affect a person's relationship with food and their body image. In English, specific terms such as "anorexia nervosa" or "bulimia nervosa" are used to describe these disorders. People with eating disorders may show extreme restriction of food intake, binge-eating followed by compensatory behaviors, or a combination of both.ConclusionMental health disorders are complex conditions that can have a significant impact on individuals' lives. Understanding the terminology related to these disorders is crucial for effective communication, seeking help, and reducing stigma. This article provides an overview of some common mental health disorders and the English terminology used to describe them. Remember, it is essential to consult a healthcare professionalfor an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment if you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of a mental health disorder.。
有关焦虑症的英语作文Title: Understanding Anxiety Disorders。
Anxiety disorders affect millions of people worldwide, manifesting in various forms and intensities. This essay aims to explore the nature of anxiety disorders, their impact on individuals and society, as well as potential coping strategies and treatments.Firstly, it's crucial to define anxiety disorders. They encompass a range of mental health conditions characterized by excessive fear, worry, and apprehension. These feelings are often irrational and disproportionate to the actual threat posed by a situation. Common types of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias.The causes of anxiety disorders are multifaceted andcan include genetic predispositions, brain chemistry, personality factors, and life experiences. Traumatic events,chronic stress, and imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine can all contribute to the development of anxiety disorders.The impact of anxiety disorders on individuals can be profound. They can disrupt daily functioning, impair performance at work or school, strain relationships, and lead to physical health problems such as headaches, digestive issues, and insomnia. Moreover, untreated anxiety disorders can exacerbate other mental health conditionslike depression, substance abuse, and even suicidal ideation.Beyond the personal level, anxiety disorders also impose a significant burden on society. They contribute to increased healthcare costs, decreased productivity in the workforce, and higher rates of disability claims. Additionally, the stigma surrounding mental illness often prevents individuals from seeking help, further perpetuating the cycle of suffering and societal costs.Fortunately, there are various coping strategies andtreatments available for anxiety disorders. These may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation can also alleviate symptoms by reducing physiological arousal.In addition to therapy, medication may be prescribed in some cases to manage symptoms. Antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and beta-blockers are among the medications commonly used to treat anxiety disorders. However, it's essential to work closely with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment plan, as medication alone may not address the underlying causes of anxiety.Moreover, lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, healthy eating habits, and minimizing stressors can complement professional treatment and promote overall well-being. Building a strong support network of friends, family, and mental health professionalsis also crucial for managing anxiety disorders effectively.In conclusion, anxiety disorders are complex mental health conditions that can have profound effects on individuals and society as a whole. Understanding the causes, impact, and available treatments for anxiety disorders is essential for promoting awareness, reducing stigma, and improving outcomes for those affected. With the right support and interventions, individuals with anxiety disorders can lead fulfilling lives and contribute positively to their communities.。
有关焦虑作文英语的词汇Title: Understanding Anxiety: Exploring Key Vocabulary。
Introduction:Anxiety is a prevalent mental health condition characterized by feelings of worry, fear, and unease. Understanding the vocabulary associated with anxiety is crucial for effectively communicating about this topic. In this essay, we will explore key English vocabulary relatedto anxiety.1. Anxiety Disorders:Anxiety disorders encompass a range of conditions, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder (SAD), and specific phobias. These disorders involve excessive worry and fear that can interfere with daily life.2. Symptoms:Symptoms of anxiety may include palpitations, sweating, trembling, feelings of impending doom, and gastrointestinal distress. These physical and psychological symptoms can vary in intensity and duration.3. Triggers:Triggers are stimuli or situations that provoke anxiety reactions. Common triggers include stress, trauma, specific phobias, social situations, and major life changes.4. Coping Mechanisms:Coping mechanisms are strategies individuals use to manage anxiety. These may include deep breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, physical activity, and seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals.5. Rumination:Rumination refers to the repetitive and intrusive thoughts associated with anxiety. Individuals may dwell on past or future events, leading to heightened feelings of distress and worry.6. Avoidance Behaviors:Avoidance behaviors involve avoiding situations or stimuli that trigger anxiety. While this may provide temporary relief, it can reinforce anxiety over the long term by preventing individuals from confronting their fears.7. Comorbidity:Comorbidity refers to the presence of two or more coexisting conditions. Anxiety disorders frequently co-occur with other mental health conditions, such as depression, substance use disorders, and eating disorders.8. Cognitive Distortions:Cognitive distortions are irrational thoughts that contribute to anxiety. Examples include catastrophizing (expecting the worst possible outcome), black-and-white thinking, and overgeneralization.9. Exposure Therapy:Exposure therapy is a treatment approach used to reduce anxiety by gradually exposing individuals to feared stimuli or situations in a controlled manner. This helps desensitize them to their triggers over time.10. Self-Care:Self-care practices are essential for managing anxiety. This may involve maintaining a healthy lifestyle, practicing relaxation techniques, setting boundaries, and engaging in activities that promote well-being.11. Medication:Medications such as selective serotonin reuptakeinhibitors (SSRIs), benzodiazepines, and beta-blockers may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms of anxiety. However, medication should be used in conjunction with therapy and other coping strategies.12. Mindfulness:Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Mindfulness-based interventions, such as meditation and yoga, can help individuals reduce anxiety by fostering a greater sense of awareness and acceptance.Conclusion:Understanding the vocabulary associated with anxiety is essential for fostering awareness, empathy, and effective communication about this common mental health condition. By familiarizing ourselves with these terms, we can better support individuals experiencing anxiety and work towards promoting mental well-being in our communities.。
精神障碍的名词解释是什么呢英语精神障碍的名词解释是什么呢?精神障碍(Mental Disorder)是指在个人的思维、情感、行为和社交功能方面出现异常,导致对日常生活和社会交往的困扰和障碍。
在现代医学领域,精神障碍的定义和分类标准主要依赖于《精神障碍的诊断与统计手册》(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,简称DSM)以及《国际疾病分类》(International Classification of Diseases,简称ICD)。
一些常见的精神障碍包括:1. 焦虑障碍(Anxiety Disorders):包括广泛性焦虑障碍、恐慌障碍、社交焦虑障碍等。
2. 抑郁障碍(Depressive Disorders):包括抑郁症、双相情感障碍等。
3. 精神分裂症(Schizophrenia):是一种严重的精神障碍,患者常常出现幻觉、妄想、思维紊乱、社交障碍等症状。
4. 儿童和青少年的精神障碍(Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents):儿童和青少年也可能面临精神障碍的挑战,如注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)、自闭症谱系障碍、进食障碍等。
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Mental Health Center Sichuan University Huang Yi
Definition of anxiety disorders
Abnormal states Striking features– anxiety
Mental symptoms Physical symptoms
Clinical picture
Comorbidity—alcohol abuse Limited social phobia– speaking, writing, playing Phobias of excretion Phobias of vomiting
One-year prevalence Men: 7% Women: 9%
Obsessive compulsive disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder
Generalized anxiety disorders
Persistent Not restricted to or strongly predominating
in any particular circumstances
Genetic factors Non-specific environmental factors Cognitive factor– fear of negative evaluation
Psychological treatment
Social skills training Relaxation training Exposure
clinic picture(2)
Two groups of anxiety symptoms
Panic attacks Anxious cognitions about fainting and loss of control
Other symptoms—depression, depersonalization, obsessional thoughts
Risk factors
Stressful events involving threat Genetic causes (41% VS. 4%) Personality
Psychoanalytic theories
Central symptoms of all kinds of neurosis Result of defences Principle cause– intrapyschic conflicts Ego overwhelmed by
One-year prevalence Agoraphobia without panic disorder Men: 1.7% Women: 3.8% The lifetime prevalence : 6%-10%
Unreasonably afraid of minor physical symptoms—misinterpreted Biological predisposition- inhibitory mechanism defected Unconscious mental conflicts Learning , conditioning, personality
Without treatment, lasts for many years, Beings in the ages of 17-30 Deliberate self-harm
Differential diagnosis
Generalized anxiety disorder Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Avoidant personality disorder Social inadequacy-type of a behavior
Social phobia
Anxiety symptoms –blushing,trembling In situations in which the person is observed and could be criticized Avoidance Anticipatory anxiety Idea—being observed critically
Drug treatment
Agoraphobia-clinic picture(1)
Anxiety symptoms Circumstances
Away from home In crowds In situations what they can not leave easily
Worry and apprehension Autonomic hyperactivity Motor tension
Persistent Difficult to control Prolonged
Generalized anxiety disorders Phobic anxiety disorders Panic disorder
Explanation for the nature of the disorder and reassurance Help to deal with and adjust to social events
Cognitive behavioral treatment
Severity Order in which they appeared
Schizophrenic Senile and presenile dementia Substance abuse Physical illnesses(thyrotoxicosis, hypoglycemia)
clinic picture(3)
Anticipatory anxiety Other symptoms
Depression Depersonalization Comorbid with Prolapse of the mitral valves
Differential diagnosis
Panic disorder Social phobia Generalized anxiety disorder Depressive disorder Paranoid delusions
Simple phobia Social phobia agrophobia
Simple phobia
Inappropriately anxious Particular objects, sit Nhomakorabeaations
Phobia of dental treatment Phobia of flying Phobia of illness
Adults lifetime prevalence Men: 4% Women: 13%
Continuation of childhood phobias Modest genetic vulnerability combined with phobia-specific stressful events Psychoanalytic theory -displacement
Realistic anxiety Neurotic anxiety Moral anxiety
Vulnerable ego weakened by development failure in childhood
Psychological responses stressful events
Conditioning theories
Phobic anxiety disorders
Anxiety symptoms Symptoms occur only in particular circumstances Avoidance Anticipatory anxiety Situations, objects,natural phenomena
Autonomic symptoms
Gastro-intestinal Respiratory Cardiovascular Genitourinary Nervous system
Clinical picture(3)
Sleep disturbance
Difficulty in falling asleep Night terrors Wake unrefreshed
One-year prevalence rates 2.5-6.4% 2% women 4.3% men
Be caused by stressors acting on a personality predisposed by a combination of genetic factors and environmental influences on childhood.
Inherited predisposition to autonomic hyperactivity Initial fear responses become generalized by conditioning to neutral stimuli
Cognitive theories
Tendency to worry unproductively Focus on potentially threatening circumstances