12V10Ah STT电池规格书
电池产品规格书产品名称碱性锌锰干电池型号LR6 (5号) 日期:2010-9-16 1、外形尺寸电池的外形尺寸如下图2、标称电压最大 1.650V最小 1.500V3、电性能测试是在温度为:20℃±2℃相对湿度为60±15%RH非人条件下进行3.1 负载电阻精度不低于±0.5%10Ω放电周期24h/d终止电压0.9V最小平均放电时间初始期(电池在生产后30天内为初始期)18.3h在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存12个月17.4h在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存24个月16.5h在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存36个月15.5h3.2 负载电阻精度不低于±0.5% 1.8Ω放电周期15s/min 24h/d终止电压0.9V最小平均放电时间初始期(电池在生产后30天内为初始期)550次在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存12个月511次在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存24个月495次在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存36个月440次3.3 负载电阻精度不低于±0.5% 3.9Ω放电周期24h/d终止电压0.8V最小平均放电时间初始期(电池在生产后30天内为初始期) 6.0h在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存12个月 5.5h在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存24个月 5.1h在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存36个月 4.8h3.4 负载电阻精度不低于±0.5% 3.9Ω放电周期1h/d终止电压0.8V平均最小放电时间初始期(电池在生产后30天内为初始期) 6.6h在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存12个月 6.1h在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存24个月 5.9h在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存36个月 5.2h3.5 负载43Ω放电周期1h/d终止电压0.9V平均最小放电时间初始期(电池在生产后30天内为初始期)85.0h在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存12个月80.0h在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存24个月77.0h在20℃±2℃和60±10%相对湿度贮存36个月72.0h3.6 负载1000mA放电周期15s/min 1h/d终止电压0.9v最小平均放电时间初始期(电池在生产后30天内为初始期)250次4、耐漏液性能4.1 高温高压下贮存实验实验条件60±2℃90±5RH实验周期20天在实验期间内电池不漏夜即电池的任何外表面应无电解质、密封剂或其它内部组份。
欣宿 E 系列铅晶电池 技术说明书
德国CTD○R铅晶电池国际环保电源E系列铅晶电池技术说明书上海欣宿电源设备有限公司Shanghai Xinsu Power Supply Equipment Co ., Ltd一、标准:铅晶电池符合如下标准:1、JIS C 8707-1992 阴极吸收式密封固定型铅酸蓄电池标准2、JB/T 8451-96 中华人民共和国机械行业标准3、YD/T 799-2002 中华人民共和国通信行业标准4、DL/T 637-1997 中华人民共和国电力行业标准5、GB/T 22473-2008 中华人民共和国密封固定型铅酸蓄电池标准6、GB13337.1-91 《固定型防酸式铅酸蓄电池技术条件》7、DL/T637-1997 《阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池订货技术条件》8、YD/T99-1996 《通信用阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池技术要求和检验方法》9、IEC896-2 《固定型铅酸蓄电池一般要求和试验方法》10、DL/T5044-2004《电力工程直流系统设计技术规程》11、GB2900.11-1988《电工名词术语蓄电池名词术语》12、GB/T3941-1999 《铅酸蓄电池包装标准》13、GB191-2000 《包装储运图示标志》14、YD/T799-2002《通信用阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池》15、JB/T8451-1996 《固定型阀控密封式铅酸蓄电池》16、JIS C8707-1992 《阴极吸收式密封固定性铅酸蓄电池》17、IEC896-6《铅晶蓄电池一般要求和试验方法》18、DL/T5137-2001 《电测量及电能计量装置设计技术规程》二、应用范围:⑴电话交换机⑼启动用、船用、发电机、发电机⑵电器设备、医疗设备及仪器仪表⑽无线电通讯系统⑶计算机不间断电源、⑾电动车⑷输变电站、开关控制和事故照明⑿便携式电器及采矿系统⑸消防、安全及报警监测⒀交通及航标信号灯⑹通信用备用电源⒁发电厂、水电站直流电源⑺变电站开关控制⒂铁路用直流电源⑻太阳能、风能系统⒃移动机站、应急照明、⑺变电站开关控制、办公自动化系统三、主要特点;铅晶电池优点:由于技术上的重大突破,在性能上有如下优点:一、寿命长,基本上是铅酸电池的一倍以上:1、阻止正极脱落,由于采用纳米级气象级高导多聚硅酸盐高结晶聚合物电解质,有机物与无机酸共同起作用,无机硅晶提高了正极板表面的压力,阻止正极活性物质的软化脱落,从而进一步延长电池的使用寿命。
65.0mm max
153mm max
253mm max
明槊科技电池组技术规范1、适用范围本产品规格书适用于遂宁市明槊科技有限公司使用的可充电锂电池产品 12V 10Ah。
2、体系可充电锂离子电池3、常规技术参数4、产品性能测试5、产品贮存及运输产品贮存如电池贮存 6 个月以上,电池须置于温度为 30±5℃、湿度为 65±20%RH 的环境中,电池的贮存电压需保持在11.1V~12.6V,需每隔 6个月激活电池一次,具体方法如下:标准充放电后,搁置 5 分钟,2A 充电至 12.6V产品运输电池在运输中为半电状态,应避免剧烈震动、挤压、日晒及浸湿。
充电电池必须在 0℃~45℃的环境温度范围内进行充电,充电电流不得超过本标准书中规定的最大充电电流。
为防止电池过放电,应定期充电,保持其电压高于 11.1V。
NP230-12 电池规格书(A.1)
GDYB产 品 标 准版 次 A/1 页 次3/46.3 充电 Charging充电方式Method电压设定 Voltage Setting充电最大电流Maximum chargingCurrent说明Special condition(S)循环充电CyclicCharging 14.4V~15.0V 0.25 C 10(A) 当环境温度上升时,充电电压必须降低避免造成过充电。
因此建议以-4mV/℃/cell (25℃基准值)做温度校正补偿。
As the average ambient temperature rises,charging voltage should be reduced to prevent overcharge. Accordingly,the recommended compensation factor is-4mV/℃/cell at 25℃ of standard centre point. Caution: Should set appropriate charging time in order to avoid excess over charging that can result in the damage of the batteries.6.4 使用温度范围 Su Operating temperature range状态 Conditions 温度范围 Temperature range放电 Discharging -15℃~45℃ 充电 Charging-15℃~45℃放置 Storage -15℃~45℃6.5 保管温度和补充电的间隔Battery re-charge period under different storage temperature保管温度Storage temperature 补充电间隔 Re-charge period 补充电方法(举例) Re-charge methodTemp.≤ 25℃ 6个月一次 Every 6 months ● 以0.25CA、2.275V/单格,定电流定电压充电2~3天;Constant charge current: 0.25CA and constant charge voltage: 2.275V/cell, charge 2~3 days;● 以0.25CA、2.4V/单格,定电流定电压充电10~16小时;Constant charge current: 0.25CA and constant charge voltage: 2.4V/cell, charge 10~16 hours;● 以0.05CA 定电流充电16~20小时。
Specification Approval Sheet 产品规格承认书Customer 客户名称:域拓Model产品型号:4LType 产品类型:Li-ion battery Specification产品规格:3.7V/1400mAHAMENDMENT RECORDSCatalogue 目录1 .Battery type and scope电池型号和适用范围 (3)1 . 1: model产品型号: (4)1 . 2: scope适用范围:客户定义 (4)2 . Basic character and compose of battery电池的基本特性及组成 (4)2 . 1: fundamental performance parameter of battery电池基本性能参数: (4)2 . 2: Main components and parts主要零部件 (6)2 . 3: Regular performance and unfailing performance产品常规性能和可靠性能 (6)2 . 4: Contour Dimension of the Battery电池外形尺寸 (11)3 . Specifications of Parts零部件规格 (102)3 . 1: fender保护板 (102)3 . 2: general electric and protection characters一般电气与保护特征 (102)3 . 2: electric schematic diagram of battery电池电路原理图: (113)3 . 3 : PCB layout 电路布局图………………………………………………………………….错误!未定义书签。
34 . Specifications of the Cells电芯规格 (124)Announcements注意事项 (135)Danger 危险 (135)Warnings 警告 (146)Announcements 注意事项 (157)1 .Battery type and scope电池型号和适用范围This Specification Approval Sheet is for rechargeable Li-polymer battery provided by Shirui Battery Co., LTD.This product is according with the national standard of PRC. ‘GB/T18287-2000’. ‘General specification of lithium-ion battery for cellular phone’.本《规格书》为时瑞电池有限公司提供的可充电式锂离子电池规格。
产 品 标 准
NP65-12 电池规格书
阀控式铅酸蓄电池 Valve Regulated Lead Acid(VRLA) Rechargeable Battery 1. 型号 Model:NP65-12 2. 额定电压 / 额定容量:12V /65AH(10HR) Normal voltage/Normal capacity:12V / 65AH(10HR) 3. 主要参数 Mechanical Spec 长 Length 尺寸 Measurements 宽 Width 槽高 Case height 总高 Overall height 端子 Terminal 重量 Weight ABS 难燃等级 ABS Flame class 期待寿命 Design Life ‘L’型端子 L terminal 约 About 20 kg 阻燃 ABS /普通 ABS Flame Retardant ABS /Normal ABS 浮充设计寿命 6 年(25℃) Design Life is 6 years(25℃)for floating use 350±3mm 166±3mm 174±3mm 174±3mm
TIME F.V. 1.65V 1.67V 1.70V 1.75V 1.80V 10min 261.8 257.8 251.9 239.8 225.5 15min 209.0 205.9 201.3 190.3 179.3 20min 172.7 170.1 166.1 157.3 149.6 30min 130.9 129.6 127.6 122.1 114.4 40min 106.3 105.0 103.1 98.6 93.5 45min 95.1 93.9 92.2 88.3 83.9 1h 79.4 78.2 76.3 73.5 70.4 1.5h 59.1 58.4 57.2 55.0 52.6 2h 49.1 48.6 47.9 46.0 43.9 3h 36.2 35.8 35.1 33.7 32.2 4h 28.5 28.1 27.5 26.6 25.4 5h 22.4 22.1 21.7 20.9 20.1 10h 12.5 12.4 12.2 11.7 11.3
15 Watt 12V 太阳能电池板充电器用户手册说明书
15 WATT SOLAR 12 VOLT BATTERYCHARGERUser’s Manual15 Watt Solar 12 Volt Battery ChargerSolar Power Panel15 Watt/ 1 AmpRead this manual BEFORE and DURING the use of this productSpecifications and Included Items:Power Rating: Up to 15WattsCurrent: 1Amp @ 15VIncludes12 Volt DC Plug, Alligator Clamps, 11.5ft Wire, Solar Panel, 4 Stainless Steel Mounting Screws,InstallationSecurely place the solar panel in the sun. Included mounting screws can be used if necessary for permanent installation. To allow for heat dissipation, use a heat-resistant spacer between the panel and the surface, such as the rubber washers included.Installation through 12 Volt DC Plug:Plug the 12VDC Plug into the 12 Volt DC socket in vehicle. Make sure both ends are secure and aligned correctly. For optimal power, ensure the panel (solar cell up) is directly facing the sun.Installation to Battery by Alligator Clamps:Connect the alligator clamps correctly by matching the red clamp which is Positive (+) to the Positive (+) terminal on your battery. Connect the black Clamp which is Negative (-) to the Negative (-) Terminal on your battery.WARNING Alligator clips must be placed on the battery in the aforementioned order. Wrong connections may cause sparking or explosion.For optimal power, ensure the panel (solar cell up) is directly facing the sun.NOTE:This solar panel has a built in blocking diode to prevent reverse discharge. It is strongly recommended to use a Sunforce 7 Amp Solar Charge Controller to prevent battery from overcharging, this item is sold separately.FAQWhat type of batteries does this panel charge?All rechargeable 12V batteries like those used in Cars, Boats, RV’s, Motorcycles and PWC’s.Can I use this solar panel outdoors?Yes, this solar panel is weatherproof. The weatherproofing includes UV protection and protects from weather effects of -35°F-175°F (-37°C - 79°C).How long does it take to charge a battery?This solar panel can generate 1 Amp per hour under ideal conditions. For example, under ideal conditions, the panel will generate 15 Watts x 7 hours x 7 days per week for a total of 735 Watts of power. You can connect multiple panels together to decrease overall charging time. By adding a second panel of the same output you will double your output and half the length of the charge time.How can I run AC appliances with my Solar Power Panel?You may connect the battery to a power inverter (sold separately) that converts DC power to AC power and run your appliances from the inverter.Can I overcharge my battery?Yes, it is strongly recommended to use a Sunforce 7 Amp Solar Charge Controller to prevent battery from overcharging, this item is sold separately.Can I extend the wire?Without loss of power or voltage the 11.5’ wire may be extended to a maximum length of 25’ with 16 gauge wire. Ensure proper connections.How do I know if the panel is working?To measure the voltage of the panel use a voltmeter. The voltage reading should be between 16 and 25 Volts in full sun.Can I start/drive my vehicle while the unit is connected to the battery?No, for safety reasons please make sure the panel is not in use while you are using your vehicle.TROUBLESHOOTINGProblem:My panel is not functioning.•Ensure battery is operational•Ensure that the distance of the wires is not longer than 25’ and all connections are secure.WarrantyThis product is covered by a 5 year limited warranty. N’Power Product's will warrant to the original purchaser that this product is free from defects in materials and workmanship for the period of five years from date of purchase. To obtain warranty service please contact N’Power Products for further instruction, at 1-800-222-5381. Proof of purchase including date, and an explanation of complaint is required for warranty service. Distributed by Northern Tool + Equipment Company 2800 South cross Drive Burnsville, MN 55306。
NP38-12 汤浅电池规格书
A/0 GDYB3/56.6 ChargingMethodVoltageSettingMaximum chargingCurrentSpecial conditionFloat Charging13.65V±0.15V 0.25 C 20-3mV/ /cell 25 As the average ambient temperature rises charging voltage should be reduced to prevent overcharge. Accordingly the recommended compensation factor is -3mV/ /cell at 25 of standard centre point.Cyclic Charging14.4V 15.0V 0.25 C 20 -4mV/ /cell 25As the average ambient temperature rises charging voltage should be reduced to prevent overcharge. Accordingly the recommended compensation factor is -4mV/ /cell at 25 of standard centre point.Caution: Should set appropriate charging time in or der to avoid excess over charging that can result in the damage of the batteries.6.7 Operating temperature range Conditions Temperature rangeDischarging -15 50 Charging 40 Storage-15 406.8 Battery re-charge period under different storage temperatureStorage temperature Re-charge period ) Re-charge methodTemp. 25 6 Every 6 months 25 Temp. 30 4 Every 4 months 30 Temp. 35 3 Every 3 months35 Temp. 40 2 Every 2 months0.25CA2.275V/Constant charge current: 0.25CA andconstant charge voltage: 2.275V/cell, charge 2 3 days 0.25CA 2.4V/10 16Constant charge current: 0.25CA and constant charge voltage: 2.4V/cell, charge 10 16 hours0.1CA 10Constant charge current: 0.1CA charge 10 hoursA/0 GDYB4/56.9 Eechanical strength100mm 12VDrop battery 2 times from a 100mm height onto harden, flat concrete floor in terminal upward direction. Read the voltage and make visual inspection. Battery should no extreme damage and no electrolyte leakage, battery voltage should 12V or more.7. Installation Conditions7.1Storage container for rechargeable battery must not be of sealed and air tight construction; the container must be equipped with appropriate ventilation system such as ventilation holes leading to the outside and so on.7.2The following applies to using a rechargeable battery inside a metallic storage box: to prevent the rechargeable battery from leaking fluid due to a breakage in the electrolytic cell, thus forming a leak circuit between the battery and the storage box (or fixed frame), install between these two items a heat and acid resistant insulating sheet (or tray) that will not be damaged by periodic stress. Alternatively, place the rechargeable battery inside an insulating bag but not to be sealed. For the above described insulation material, do not use any material that can be stained with grease, or that can have organic substance oozing out of itself.7.3Do not allow the rechargeable battery to come into contact with vinyl tape containing plasticizer, insulation sheet, solvent, or grease.7.4 5mm 10mm TRS 10mmWhen connect battery over 2 rows, to keep good heat emission, distance between each row should be 5mm 10mm. if use thermal switch(TRS) or temperature sensor, distance between each row should be over 10mm.A/0 GDYB5/58. Caution8.1Please re-charge battery rightly after discharge, while over discharge, Please recharge rightly.8.2Use different capacity, different lot number, different manufacturer battery together, for battery character are different, both battery and equipment maybe will damage, please avoid.8.3While parallel connection, please consider to keep each parallel group current average, please avoid parallel connection more than 3 groups.8.4While cyclic charging, parallel connection maybe will lead battery life shorten or damage, please avoid. If need, please contact us.。
12 Volt Sealed Lead-Acid BatteryTo maximize the life of the battery the following conditions should be met:1.Avoid over or undercharge. This is the single worst enemy of lead-acid batteries.2.Batteries should not be stored in a discharged state or at elevated ambient temperatures.3.Avoid exposing batteries to heat! Service life is shortened considerably at ambient above 30°C (86°F).4.Due to the characteristics of this battery, after six to nine months of storage, the battery should be recharged.5.Charge the battery at the proper rate. Current should be limited to 1.2 amps or less.6.Provide adequate air circulation when charging battery. Do not charge battery in any other container besides the supplied 7.sparks or flames.8.Do not expose battery case to organic solvents 9.Battery Data Chart• 12 VOLT• Maximum charge current must be limited to 1.2 amps• Length = 3.54” Width = 2.76” Height = 4.13”Terminals: Fasten Tab .187” x .032”• Service Life:Under normal operating conditions,4-5 years in standby applications or 200-1000 charge/discharge cycles depending upon depth of discharge and rate of charge.1.Remove Charger and Battery from the battery case.2.Mount battery case securely to frame, jack post or other suitable location on trailer.3.Bolt Breakaway Switch \ to frame of trailer or battery case bracket.4.Disconnect trailer from tow vehicle. Install battery and charger into the battery case.Feed wires out the back, then close the top.5.Wire per schematic diagram. Properly insulate all connections.1.USE ZIP TIE TO SECURE Battery Box, Use a UV-Resistant Zip Tie to Secure the Cover to the Box using one or both 2.Improper installation of the control. The negative (-) terminal must attach to ground and positive (+) terminal must 3.Check your Breakaway \ periodically to insure that wiring and connections are secure. A short or an open circuit can result in a no-brake condition.4.If excessive discharging of the breakaway battery occurs, check battery and recharge using a Heavy Duty Multi Stage/Maintenance Charger. Tekonsha charger 2024-07 is recommended for proper charging.5.If the secondary battery needs charging,current will be drawn from the tow vehicle’s battery at anytime the tow vehicle isconnected to the trailer. Tekonsha charger 2024-07 is recommended for proper charging.6.To only charge the breakaway battery when vehicle is running, a battery isolator may be installed in the 12 volt supply line (RED wire for tow charger).Breakaway Battery Charger Installation Instructions for:ABCD* (*Accelerated Battery Charging Device)TOW CHARGER12 Volt Lead-Acid BatteryHEAVy DuTy QuICk/MAInTEnAnCE MuLTI STAGE CHARGERABCD (Accelerated Battery Charging Device)READ THIS FIRST:Check condition of battery prior to installation and prior to each trip.\ Refer to Breakaway Switch Installation Instructions for complete operating instructions and cautionary statements.Important Facts to Remember1.ATTENTION INSTALLER: Please givethis sheet to consumer upon completion of installation.2.SAFETY ITEM: Solder all wireconnections.3.Check condition of battery prior to eachdo so will result in severe damage to and connections are secure. A short or an open circuit can result in a no-brake condition.6.For optimal performance, it isrecommended that breakaway devices be replaced every 3-5 years.Installation Guide1.Mount Battery Case securely to frame,jack post or other suitable location on trailer with Breakaway Switch Cable towards tow vehicle.pull in event of vehicle separation.3.Bolt breakaway switch bracket to frameof trailer or battery case bracket using 1/4” bolt and lock nut or (2) 1/4” jam nuts. (Bolt and nuts not included in kit.)5.Disconnect trailer from tow vehicle.Check and install battery.6.Wire per schematic. Properly insulate allconnections.7.Attaching to tow vehicle: AttachBreakaway Switch Cable to tow vehicle frame being certain the cable does not drag on the ground and no strain or restriction is placed on the cable.BREAkAWAy SWITCH。
超级锰酸锂动力电池产品规格书产品名称:电动车动力电池组产品规格: 48V12Ah制定审核 批准申细伟李缃维 邓瑞森深圳市伏特能源股份有限公司文件编号 : FT- 190506 版本编号 : A3.0产品规格书页次:1o5生效日期: 2019-05-05Product Specification生效日期:2019-05-05 1. 前言本标准描述了超级锰酸锂电池组 48V12Ah 电池组的外型尺寸、特性、技术要求及注意事项,本标准适用于高锰锂电池48V12Ah 电池组。
1.产品规格及型号2.1 产品规格:电动车动力电池组2.2 型号:FT4812(14S1P12Ah-3.7V-48V12Ah)2.3 相关图片及出线方式(以实物为准)正极输出红色一根12号线线长(200±10)mm负极输出黑色一根12号线线长(200±10)mm产品规格书文件编号:FT- 190506版本编号:A3.0 Product Specification 页次:5of5生效日期:2019-05-05 5.充放电特性5.1标准充电用锂电专用测试柜以电压为58.8V、电流0.2C(A),恒流恒压充电至电流降至0.02C(A)。
5.3电性能测试项目测试方法测试标准电芯按 5.1 规定充电结束后,在标准测试荷电保持能力条件下搁置 28 天,再以 0.5C(A)放电荷电保持率≥80%至终止电压。
电芯按 5.1 规定充电后,搁置 0.5~1h,然循环寿命后以 0.5C(A)放电至终止电压,放电结容量保持率≥75% 束后,搁置 0.5~1h,再进行下一个充放电循环,连续循环 800次。
6.充放电曲线FT48V12Ah Charge Curve 0.2C,25℃。
储能型磷酸铁锂电池规格书STORAGE LiFePO4 BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS客户名称(Customer):产品型号(Type):CF12V80Ah发行日期(Issuing Date):1. 适用范围(Product Scope)本规格书描述了锂离子二次电池的技术要求、测量方法、运输、储存及注意事项。
This Specification describes the requirements of the lithium ion rechargeable battery supplied by2. 电池组特性(Battery Group Specifications)单只电芯曲线图feature curve for single cell3. 技术要求 (Technical Requirements)Management system 管理系统Single cell over-charge cut-off voltage单只过压保护值3.9V Charge Working voltage 过压释放值 3.8V Single cell under-discharge cut-offvoltage 单只欠压保护值2.3V Discharge working voltage 欠压释放值2.7VConditions of over-charge and under-discharge voltage recovery过、欠压恢复条件With the high-point voltage reaching the workingvoltage 极限电压达到释放值Over-charge cut-off current 过流保护值80AShort-circuit protection 短路保护 Own this ability 具备此功能Condition for the recovery of over-current and short-circuit protection过流\短路保护恢复条件Cut the circuit to automatic recovery断开负载自动恢复3.1测试条件(除特别规定) Testing Conditions (unless otherwise specified)温度Temperature: 15~35℃相对湿度Relative Humidity: 45%~75%大气压Atmospheric pressure:86~106Kpa3.2充放电性能(Electrical Characteristics)3.3环境性能(Environmental Characteristic)3.4机械性能(Mechanical characteristics)3.5安全性能(Safe Characteristic)4 电池组基本性能(Basic Characteristics of Battery)5 电池组保护功能要求 (Battery Required Protection Functions)To insure the safety, charger and the protection circuit shall be satisfied the items below. As safety device, please use in combinationwith the temperature fuse. The standard charge method is CC/CV (constant current/constant voltage)为确保安全,充电器和保护电路应符合以下要求。
4SL ES240J 16.8V 10A 立式电池充电器说明书
Specification of Battery ChargerBATTERY CHARGERwith LED display4SL ES240J 16.8V / 10A Lithium ionGeneralBattery Charger ES240J 180×90×50mm can work normally under 16.8V DC/ 10A and with reverse polarity protection.1.Main product specificationMax.output power InputvoltageOutput voltageCombinedregulationOutput currentCombinedregulation240W220V16.8V+/-0.2V DC+/-0.2V10A+/-0.2A 2.Environmental conditionNo. Item Technical specification Remark1 Humidity 5~95% With package2 Altitude ≤5000m Work normally3.Electrical characteristics4.1 Input characteristicNo. Item Technical specification Remark1 Rated input voltage 220Vac180/240Vac Selection2 Input voltage range 180 ~ 240Vac3 AC input voltage frequency 50~60 Hz4.2 Output characteristic or charge stagesNo. Item Technical specification Remark1 CC(constant current) ≤16.8V dc,10A2 CV(constant voltage) 16.8V dc, 10A↓3 Float stage 0.2A CC4 Power efficiency ≥90% =230Vac, Vin=230Vac,ratedload4.3 Protection characteristicsNo. Item Technical specification Remark1 Over voltageprotectionYes2Software overvoltage protectionThe charger software limits the maximum output voltage to alevel suitable for the connected battery system.3 Thermal protection No4 Current limitingprotectionYes At CC mode5 Short circuitprotectionShort circuit protection should be automatically recovery afterremove the condition.6 Reverse polarityprotectionWhen output wires are reversely connected to the battery thecharger will not operate and will work normally when DCwires are correctly connected.4.4 Charging indicatorNo. Item Status Remark1 Power on LED1: Red2 Charging LED2: Red3 Fully charged LED2: Green4 Charging V oltage Display Yes5 Charging Current Display No4.Safety & EMCNo.Item Standard (or test condition) Remark1 Electricstrength testInput-output 1500V ac/10mA/1min No breakdown2 IsolationresistanceInput-ground ≥10Mohm@500VdcOutput-ground ≥10Mohm@500Vdc3 Leakage current <5.5mA Vin=264Vac4 LVD EN60335-1:2002+EN60335-2-29:2002Remark: Discrimination A- Function OK under technical requirement range;Discrimination R- Physical damage or failure of equipment are not allowed, but damage of protection device (fuse) caused by interference signal of outside is allowed, and the whole equipment can work normally after replacement of protection device and reset of running parameter5.Environmental testing requirementsNo. Item Technical specification Remark1 High temperatureambient operating+40℃Features OK2 Low temperatureambient operating-10℃Features OK3 High temperaturestorage+70℃Work normally after recovery undernormal temperature for 2 hours4Lowtemperature storage-40℃Work normally after recovery undernormal temperature for 2 hours5 Random vibration 20Hz to 2000Hz 3Grms 20hoursper axis6 Repetitive shock 40g peak 3 orthogonal axes, 3+ and 3-in each axis, 11ms pulse width7 Thermal shock -35℃to 75℃, <3min transition, 2.5hours dwell, 200cycle8 Drop test BS EN60068-2-32:1993 TEST ED: free fall appendix B6.Mechanical characteristic:Outline dimension: L*W*H = 180 x 90 x 50mmInput socket: meets IEC standard 1.5AC wires:length 1.5mDC wire: length 1.0mNet Weight: 1.2k g8.Package, transportation & storage8.1 Package:There is product name, model, name of manufacturer, safety approval, serial number, User Manual and packing list in the package box.8.2 Transportation:Suit for transportation by truck, the products should be shielded by tent from sunshine, and loaded and unloaded carefully.8.3 Storage:Products should be stored in package box when it is not used. And warehouse temperature should be -40~70℃, and relative humidity is 5~95%. In the warehouse, there should not be harmful gas, inflammable, explosive products, and corrosive chemical products, and strong mechanical vibration, shock and strong magnetic field affection. The package box should be above ground at least 20cm height, and 50cm away from wall, thermal source, and vent. Under this requirement, product has 2 years of storage period, and should be rechecked when over 2 years.9.Reliability requirementsMTBF (standard, environmental temperature, load requirement) ≥10K hours; 25℃testing condition: 25℃,full load, testing proved value.10.Charging Curve。
Power-Sonic 12V 7Ah 锂电池说明书
FEATURES•Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) technology forsuperior performance•Valve regulated, maintenance free spill proof construction •CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS(USA AND INTERNATIONAL EXCLUDING EMEA)Power-Sonic Corporation7550 Panasonic Way, San Diego, California 92154LIFE CHARACTERISTICS IN STAND-BY USE Standing Period (Months)R e t Years806040200012345R e t e n t i o n C a p a c i t y (%)YearsLIFE CHARACTERISTICS IN STAND-BY USECHARGINGCycle Applications: Apply constant voltage charge at2.35v/c – 2.45v/c (14.1 – 14.7v for 12v Monobloc) at 20°C. Initial charging current should be set at less than 0.25C Amps. Switch to float charge to avoid overcharging.“Float” or “Stand-By” Service: Apply constant voltage charge of 2.25v/c – 2.30v/c (13.5 to 13.8 volts for 12v Monobloc at 20°C. When held at this voltage, the battery will seek its own current level and maintain itself in a fully charged condition.Temperature Compensation: Charging Voltage for both Cyclic and Standby applications should be regulated in relation to ambient temperature. As temperature rises charging voltage should be reduced to prevent overcharge and increased as temperature falls to avoid undercharge.For further charging information including temperature compensation factors, see Power Sonic Technical Manual/Power Sonic Charger specifications.CHARGERSPower Sonic offers a wide range of chargers suitable for batteries with a variety of capacities.Please refer to our website for more information on our switch mode and transformer type chargers.Please contact our technical department for advice if you have difficulty in locating a suitable charger.FURTHER INFORMATIONPlease refer to our website for a complete range of useful downloads, such as product catalogs, material safety data sheets (MSDS), ISO certification, etc.APPLICATIONS •General purpose •Emergency lighting•Medical•Fire and securityPS-127012V 7.0 AH @ 20-hr.12V 6.5 AH @ 10-hr.Rechargeable Sealed Lead Acid BatteryPS – General Purpose Series。
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temperature /humidity
将电池放入温度为 40℃,相对湿度为 90%的条件下搁置
恒定湿热性能 96 小时
70% at 0℃ 100% at 25℃ 96% at 60℃
Recovery capacity ≥ 85%
3.4 Mechanical characteristics
After discharge to 2.00V cut-off with discharge current 1C, the battery is to be subjected to a charging current 3C.The specified charging current
fire, vent or leak.
Storage Temperature 2.15 储存温度
Relative Humidity 2.16 相对湿度
1 month 1 个月 3 month 3 个月 1 year 1 年
-10~60℃ -10~45℃ -10~25℃
2.17 Visual Requirements
当外观不良如擦伤,开裂,脏污,生锈,变形,变色,泄漏等影 响到商业价值时不能接收
3.1 Testing Conditions (unless otherwise specified) 测试条件(除特别规定)
Temperature 温
Rated Capacity 1C to 2.00V cut-off within 1 hour after standard
标准充电方式充电后,以 1C 电流放电至 2.00V 的容量
Measure the capacity after 1500 cycles of standard
Measure capacity with constant discharge current
0.5C to 2.00V cut-off at each temperature after
Temperature standard charge at 25℃,
Impacting 2 Testing
After standard charge, fixed the cell to vibration table and subjected to vibration cycling that the frequency is to be varied at the rate of 1Hz per minute between 10Hz~ 55Hz, the excursion of the vibration is 1.6mm.The cell shall be vibrated for 30 minutes per axis of XYZ axes.
Aluminum-plastic film 铝塑膜
Nominal Voltage 2.3 额定电压
3.2 V
Nominal Capacity 2.4 额定容量
Internal Resistance 2.5 内阻
<5 mΩ
Discharge Cut-off Voltage 2.6 放电截止电压
Dimension 2.12 尺寸
Weight 2.13 重量
CC/CV (constant current/constant voltage)
CC/CV (恒流恒压)
180 – 0 .5
Width 宽度: 66.00 -0.5 mm
Height 高度: 133.00 -0.5 mm
4 haractetorage at 60℃ from standard
标准充电方式充电后,60℃下储存 7 天后的容量
Retention capacity ≥90%
Recovery capacity ≥ 90%
3.3 Environmental Characteristic
1.0 SCOPE This Specification describes the requirements of the lithium ion rechargeable battery supplied by Hubei
About: 270g
Operating Temperature: 2.14 环境温度
Charging Temperature 充电温度:
Discharging Temperature 放电温度: -10~60℃
100 m/s2 and pulse lasting time 16ms.
将振动后的电池以峰值加速度为 100 m/s2 的脉冲撞击 1000±
The battery shall not rupture, smoke, catch fire, vent or leak and the voltage not be lower than 2.5V
hood is to be short-circuited by connecting the
positive and negative terminals with an external
load of less than 50 mΩ till the battery case
Short Circuit
Relative Humidity 相对湿度:
Atmospheric pressure 大气压: 86~106Kpa
3.2 Electrical Characteristics
Charging the cell initially with constant current at
Max Charge Current 2.7 最大充电电流
Max Discharge Current
2.8 最大放电电流
Max Discharge Current(Peak)
2.9 最大放电电流(峰值)
Max Charge Voltage 2.10 最大充电电压
Charge method 2.11 充电方法
0.5C and then with constant voltage at 3.9V till
1 Standard Charge charge current declines to 0.05C
先用 0.5C 恒流充电至 3.9V,再恒压 3.9V 充电直至充电
Measure discharge capacity with discharge current
将标准充电后的电芯固定在振动台上,沿 X、Y、Z 三个方向
各振动 30 分钟,振幅 1.6 mm,振动频率为 10Hz~55Hz,每分
钟变化为 1Hz。
After vibration , the battery will be impacted 1000 ± 10 times(60±20 times per minute) with the acceleration of
times in three mutually perpendicular directions from the
height of 1.0m onto a hard board with the thickness of
Free fall
碰撞实验结束后,将电池由高度为 1m 的位置自由跌落到置于
temperature has returned to near ambient
路总电阻不大于 50mΩ),实验过程中监视电池温度变 The battery shall not
rupture, smoke, catch
Capacity after 30days storage at 25 ℃ from
standard charge
标准充电方式充电后,25℃下储存 30 天后的容量
水泥地面上的 20mm 厚的硬木板上,从 X、Y、Z 正负方向(六