









以下是一些常用的和弦和指法示意图:1. C和弦:(这里插入C和弦的指法示意图)2. G和弦:(这里插入G和弦的指法示意图)3. Am和弦:(这里插入Am和弦的指法示意图)4. F和弦:(这里插入F和弦的指法示意图)以上是《一念一生》中常用的几个和弦,希望大家能够熟练掌握它们,并在演奏中灵活运用。

在演奏《一念一生》时,我们需要注意以下几点:1. 节奏感:这首歌曲的节奏感较强,需要准确地掌握每个音符的时值和强弱。

2. 手指的位置:在演奏和弦时,手指需要准确地按在正确的位置上,以保证音准的准确性。

3. 指法的转换:在歌曲的不同部分,可能需要频繁地转换和弦,需要注意手指的移动和指法的转换。

4. 表达情感:《一念一生》是一首充满情感的歌曲,演奏时需要通过音色和弦的变化来表达出歌曲中的情感。






千千阙歌吉他谱原调:E选调:C变调夹:4品曲谱文字:小中大C Em Dm G徐徐回望曾属于彼此的晚上红红仍是你赠我的心中艳阳如流傻泪, 祈望可体恤兼见谅明晨离别你, 路也许孤单得漫长临行临别, 才顿感哀伤的漂亮原来全是你, 令我的思忆漫长何年何月, 才又可今宵一样停留凝望里, 让眼睛讲彼此立场F EmG Am Dm Em Am Am一瞬间太多东西要讲可惜即将在各一方只好深深将这刻尽凝望当某天, 雨点轻敲你窗当风声吹乱你构想可否抽空想这张旧模样C Am C Em来日纵使千千阙歌飘于远方我路上来日纵使千千阙歌亮过今晚月亮 Dm F G C都比不起这宵美丽都比不上今晚我所想因今晚你可共我唱Hard chords: Cadd9 Am7 name unsure of (n.u) G/F# C#me --3-- e --0-- e --2-- e --3-- e --4--B --3-- B --1-- B --2-- B --3-- B --5--G --0-- G --0-- G --2-- G --0-- G --6--D --2-- D --2-- D --0-- D --0-- D --6--A --3-- A --0-- A --0-- A --0-- A --4--E --0-- E --0-- E --0-- E --2-- E --4--Intro| G | Cadd9 | G | Cadd9 - let ring....Verse 1G EmSend someone to love me, I need to rest in armsAm7 DKeep me safe from harm, in pouring rainG EmGive me endless summer, Lord I fear the coldAm7 DFeel I’m gettin old, before my timeChorusAm7 G DAs my soul, heals the shameAm7 G G/F# EmI will grow, through this painAm7 DLord I’m doin, all I can:GTo be a better manChords as introVerse 2 (chords as verse 1)ChorusMiddleA n.uOnce you’ve found that lover you’re homeward bound C#m BmLove is all around, love is all aroundA n.uI know some have fallen on stony ground, C#m Bmbut love is all aroundVerse 1 repeatedChorusEnd送一个人来爱我。





《文科生的一个下午》吉他谱《文科生的一个下午》歌词扔掉了疲惫忧愁沮丧伤心的感觉缓缓的骑上车子驶出家门把自己放入一个轻松的世界里面再缓缓睁开朦胧的双眼商场里两个人在义务演出只因为被对方弄脏了衣服诅咒的声音在此起彼伏我赶紧逃也似的慌忙跑出忘掉了作业太多的英语算数走进了文学我的乐土从荷马史诗到鲁讯全集这个下午我好舒服然后我走出书店来到了阳光里面看到了马路旁边的咖啡屋听到了那里传来抒情浪漫的曲子我的心就随着那音乐跳舞地铁门口有一位盲人歌手唱着那李春波的一封家书翻遍身上褪色的牛仔服我向他包裹里扔进了两毛五拐进了我家住的那一条胡同每一个人都忙忙碌碌做着自己该作的事情走着自己该走的路闻着那路旁美味的烤红薯回到家中我还得读书文科生的美丽的下午这个下午我很幸福《文科生的一个下午》歌手简介赵节英文名:Zhao Jie生日:02-13 星座:水瓶座血型:A型身高:161cm 体重:45kg兴趣:郊游、发呆最喜欢的饮料:白开水最喜欢的颜色:白、黑最喜欢的动物:狗最喜欢的运动:开摩托艇最喜欢的服装:牛仔、休闲最喜欢的演员:梅里尔斯特里普最喜欢的歌手:张国荣、齐豫最喜欢的电影:美国往事最喜欢的歌:张三的歌最喜欢的饰物:手链最难忘的事:爸妈组织的18岁生日会最感激的人:妈妈最向往的事:老了以后在有乌蓬船的江南小镇晒太阳、织毛衣、回忆年轻时候的种种自幼热爱音律,3岁登台演唱。










扮0野曲:許\冠傑 | 詞:許\冠傑/黎彼得 | 編:C Am我時時扮0野 言談扮相妖冶 逢人就嗲 行為十足小姐F CG F G C動作多扭擰 行路腰似蛇 雙眼又邪 帽又戴歪 時時扮0野C Am Am F完全掂過碌蔗 頻頻換車 其實系指單車 做廁所洗地C F G C成日充少爺 人人窒我我照扮0野Am Em F G C我老竇查實姓謝 改佢\話姓小野Am Em F G C出街我仲夠LAIR-HAIR 冇雨落成日帶遮 時時扮0野 無料又好演0野 Am F C G 求其亂車 俄文日文識寫 重要懶醒目 凡時都要FAIR 敦正大蛇F G C Am重招待記者 時時扮0野 何妨扮到拼PAIR 逢人就賒唔掂就搵姑姐 F C F G C話阿三叔病 尋日死阿爺 連隨掂曬我靠扮0野蓝色街灯徐徐隐退等级:自由人帖子:734积分:3707威望:0精华:2注册:2003-11-29 20:32:25Post By:2007-9-7 23:58:5904 祝福你 許\冠傑 Key: EEb Cm Ab Bb許\冠傑: 04 祝福你 祈求禍劫遠離 Eb Bb梁漢文: 還望神佑香江大地Ab Gm Cm 古巨基: 回憶莫再追 不必憂或淚\垂 Ab Bb Eb鄭中基: 平伏你心 找生存樂趣Eb Cm Ab Bb 梁詠琪: 04 祝福你 祈求病痛遠離Eb Bb 楊千嬅: 人生仍是充滿驚喜Ab Gm Cm 何韻詩: 留戀每一刻 珍惜見面別離 Ab Bb EbCookies: 幸福始終常伴你KEY: EE C#m A BE B齊心同步新既日期A G#m C#m明天滿生機 一起創造傳奇A B C#m懷著信心進軍2004A B E懷著勇敢進軍2004E B不怕命運 牽出愛心A B E溫馨裡道別愁緒1點解要擺酒【原曲:點解手牽手】- 許冠傑 Key: CC Am F G7點解要擺酒 亂咁?錢冇理由C G C人人為飲一杯酒 累到夫妻一世憂C Am F G7C G C求人度水搵幫手 月尾薪金起勢扣G C G C杯酒共渡患難 通走做阿茂Am C G Am實係日後我與妳 做到獅子咁?口C Am F G7點解要擺酒 望見張單報晒仇C G C難為自己一雙手 預算開支點會夠許冠傑 - 搵0野做Key DIntroE|----------|-------------|--------|-----5-7--|-------------|------5------| B|--5h7-5---|-5h7----5----|-5------|--5h7-----|-------------|--5~7---7--5-| G|--------7-|----------7--|---7-7--|----------|-------------|-------------| D|----------|-------------|--------|----------|-------4-5-7-|-------------| A|----------|-------------|--------|----------|--5~~7-------|-------------| E|----------|-------------|--------|----------|-------------|-------------| D A從前有個人叫莫大毛G D日日攤響屋企等米路G D神神化化作風虛無G A G A又唔願剃鬚(仲成日去賭)D A窮途意冷走去問前途但願仙家指點三兩度G D如何有法變得富豪A D望黃大仙能預告(呢支簽話呢)ChrousG拿拿聲即刻走去搵野做A D人必須知道自己既用途Bm E唔去奮鬥你咪望有酬勞(no no no no) E D A想搵錢應該快手Come On Let's GoD G「著著」聲即刻走去搵野做A D人必須旨意自己創路途G A快去奮鬥你實會攀得高A D你要坐Benz靠自己個腦SoloD A連隨悔覺好個莫大毛G D立業興家終於走正路榮華富貴靠刻苦耐勞G A G A漸漸年事已高(成就更高)D A同時見個仔阿莫二毛G D日日攤響屋企等米路G D連隨稱佢起身搏命熬A D話黃大仙曾預告Repeat Chrous繼續微笑 許\冠傑Key:F 4/4 tempo=F D m* 繼續微笑 縱使悲傷往事忘不了Bb Bbm C C aug 縱使驚恐困惑停不了 縱使心中滿寂寥F D m# 帶著微笑 珍惜此刻有陽光照Bb Bbm C珍惜此刻你仍然心跳 也可呼吸與呼叫@ 綿綿人生 沒有大不了Bb A m G m處身虎穴也輕笑G m G G 7 C 7你會發覺重要事 原是渺小Repeat * # @F D m繼續微笑 抹乾心中眼淚\會心笑Bb Bbm C C aug感激天主愛護長關照 痛苦中不畏寂寥F D m帶著微笑 幾多辛酸也仍然歡笑Bb Bbm C上帝創造宇宙何嬌肖 冥冥中一切有分撓繼續微笑 繼續微笑 繼續微笑日本娃娃 許\冠傑詞曲: 許\冠傑Key:A 4/4 tempo=126A B m E A尋晚響東急碰正個日本娃娃 對眼特別大 重有尖尖下巴 A B m E A有o的似中森明菜 唔係講假 趣怪又特別 直頭日本化 A B m E A求愛敢死隊我屬御三家 最注重浪漫 又夠風騷夠肉麻 A B m E A戴起副紫色太陽鏡 人就瀟洒 百五磅魅力 實行大轟炸F#m C#mHello Kon Ban Wa 小姐你好嗎?D EWatashi Wa Hong Kong No MatchiDesuF#m C#mAnata Wa Totemo KawaiF#m E A實行用架文 跟佢\ Friend 下A B m E A同佢\去 Happy 跳上架 Toyota 去晚飯直落共舞於 CasablancaA B m E A趁高興飛身上台唱 Careless Whispers 再散步月下連隨幻想下F#m C#m娶左娃娃 即刻就變哂身價D E洗杉煲湯 Dum 骨練背脊遞茶F#m C#m1997個陣 冇有駛怕F#m E A實行住原宿 開間 Sushi BarA B m E A同佢\去宵夜我叫 Tempura 佢\叫立立雜雜 刺身鬼咁豪華A B m E A哎找數三千零八 成份身家 佢\笑住重話 Arigato Gozaimashita A B m E A陪佢\番 Lobby 企正個日本爸爸 佢\眼茂骨骨大喝聲 Nan Desu Ka A B m E AF#m C#mSayonara 忍著淚\說 Goodbye 啦 D EThanks Thanks Thanks Monica F#m C#m摸摸個袋 哎駛剩八個幾咋F#m E A蝕埋份糧添呢次衰左啦天才白痴夢 - 許冠傑Dm F Gm人皆尋夢 夢裡不分西東C Dm Gm C7 片刻春風得意 未知景物矇矓 Dm F Gm人生如夢 夢裡輾轉吉凶C Dm Gm C7 尋樂不堪苦困 未知苦與樂同 Dm Dm C F天造 之材 皆有其用F Dm C C7振翅高飛 無須在夢中Dm F GmDm Gm C7醉翁他朝醒覺 是否跨鳳乘龍Dm F Gm何必尋夢 夢裡甘苦皆空Dm Gm C7勸君珍惜此際 自當欣慰無窮Dm何必尋夢十個女仔 許\冠傑曲:許\冠傑 | 詞:許\冠傑/黎彼得Key:F#- G 4/4 tempo=F# B C#7 F## 十個女仔 九個認細 明明係老佢\話唔係D#m G#m C#7 F#三張幾野 紮起辮仔 青春美麗就冇失禮F# B C#7 F#十個女仔 九個浪費 時時換季 已係成例D#m G#m C#7 F#身光頸靚 襯起好睇 錢亂咁\"fing\" 為顧身世F# B C#7 F#十個女仔 九個實際 人人恨嫁 富裕門第D#m G#m C#7 F#小妹選婿 要講家底 屈居妾侍 亦冇乜計F# B D#m C#* 望女仔 續個睇 眼厲厲(眼厲厲) 燕瘦環肥大細樣樣齊(樣樣齊)男仕實在要感激上帝(Hallelujah) 皆因女仔使你意亂情迷F# B C#7 F#十個女仔 九個話咪 明明係制 猛話唔係D#m G#m C#7 F#想討好佢\ 老鼠拉龜 一味作狀 扮哂矜貴F# B C#7 F#十個女仔 九個玉砌 情懷善變 確係文藝D#m G#m C#7 F#郁的都會 發起啷黎 一出眼淚\ 就要安慰Repeat *Repeat # in G亦冇乜計 十個女仔 為顧身世 十個女仔 亦冇乜計 ... 心裡日記 許\冠傑Key:F m 4/4 tempo=F m C m Db Ab夜之中 喜愛倚星塵 從頭重讀 我的心裡日記Db6 C 7 Eb7 Ab7遲遲才去睡 原因每頁都有妳Db C m* 妳是我全部往昔往年Bbm Ab也是我來日每一天Db C m F m Bbm7 C 7 F mF 7 Bbm Eb Ab F m# 願心中那日記隨年變厚 而當中的角色從無分手Bbm Eb F m F 7齊編織歡笑聲和諧詩篇 為彼此抹掉愁是暖的手Bbm Eb Ab F m願心中那日記長年暖透 藍灰灰的冷冬黃黃的秋Bbm Eb C 7 F m而當中的兩顆紅紅的心 在戀火裡逗留F m C m Db Ab人海中 只愛妳一人 為何如是 我不需說道理Db6 C 7 Eb7 Ab7旁人難細讀 藏於我內心那日記Repeat * #半斤八兩 - 許冠傑Em Em Em Em我地呢班打工仔 通街走糴直頭係壞腸胃Em Am Am Em搵果些少到月底點夠洗﹝奀過鬼﹞ 確係認真濕滯Em Em Em Em最弊波士郁D發威﹝癲過雞﹞ 一味係處係唔係亂咁吠 Em Am Am Em郁親加薪塊面挪起惡睇﹝扭晒計﹞你就認真開胃半斤八兩 做到隻積咁既樣G Em C D7半斤八兩 濕水炮將點會響G Em C D7半斤八兩 夠薑呀鎗走去搶G Em C D7出左半斤力 想話羅番足八兩G Em C D7 Em家陣惡搵食 邊有半斤八兩咁 理想﹝吹漲﹞ Em Em Em Em我地呢班打工仔 一生一世為錢幣做奴隸Em Am Am Em 果種辛苦折墮講出嚇鬼﹝死俾你睇﹞咪話冇乜所謂 G Em C D7半斤八兩 就算有福都冇你享G Em C D7半斤八兩 重慘過滾水淥豬腸G Em C D7半斤八兩 雞碎咁多都要啄G Em C D7出左半斤力 想話羅番足八兩G E C D7 Em家陣惡搵食 邊有半斤八兩咁 理想﹝吹漲﹞Em Em Em Em我地呢班打工仔 一生一世為錢幣做奴隸Em Am Am Em 種辛苦折墮講出嚇鬼﹝死俾你睇﹞咪話冇乜所謂 先敬羅衣後敬人> >> > Play Am> > 如果識著衫 泥蜢充正班 做野亨通包冇話難> >> > Am G C> > 人人無論富或貧 都要曉得裝下身> > Dm Am AmGF Dm E> > 祇要著得好款 開聲屋都震 有冇現款冇人問> > Am G C> > 皮鞋明亮冇滴塵 記住領呔花要新> > Dm Am AmGF Dm E Am> > 君見否尖沙咀通街光棍 皆因先敬羅衣後敬人> >> > Am G C Dm Am (Am,G,F) Dm E (Am)> > 啦...... 啦......> >> > Am Am Dm E> > 寧願少喫餐\\\ 時裝錢咪慳 就算水干幾大要撐> > Am Am Dm E Am> > 明廠Piere Cardan 來佬出產 任我點撿都無麻煩> >> > Am G C> > 人人無論富或貧 都要曉得裝下身> > Dm Am AmGF Dm E > > 睇你衣冠不整 差佬都 Mang 警棍 當你系賊要盤問 > > Am G C> > 注重洋服 Ge 流行 記住買褸皮要真> > Dm Am AmGF F E Am > > 希爾頓摩羅叉都講聲(Welcome) 皆因先敬羅衣後敬人> > 如果識著衫 泥蜢充正班 做野亨通包冇話難> > Dm E Am Dm F E Am> > 做野亨通包冇話難打雀英雄傳 - 許冠傑Dm Dm Gm Gm Gm六嬸 三太公 大眾開檯喇面似蓮蓉 又放工 打餐懵Dm C7 Dm C7 Dm圍埋砌幾圈 論呀論英雄 誰是大英雄(大英雄!)Dm Dm Gm Gm Gm 落手(上!)三隻東(碰!) 度到呢 三吊二五六筒(死啦!)Gm Gm Dm C7 Dm截正糊(噓…)真陰功 「騰騰」震呀 嬲到面呀面都紅白﹕ 上下家 搏晒懵 依呀鬆鋼眨眉眨眼打籠通係咁鬆 正衰公 難為?仔會浸呀浸蛟龍Dm Dm Gm亂咁質 真勢兇 學到足 關帝坐鎮華容Gm Gm Dm C7 Dm恨滿胸 裹蒸粽 ??轉 好似大呀大燈籠Dm Dm Gm大相公 小相公 遇老千 ?張法亂晒大籠Gm Gm Dm C7 Dm食詐糊 包出沖 ??貢 好似大呀大灰熊白﹕ 執左位 起過風 移燈換凳洗手食煙「熨」櫃桶轉下運 哈哈 確唔同 連除喫幾鋪 我露呀露歡容白﹕ 混一色 碰七筒 一簡白板發財做眼槓紅中Dm Dm Gm崛尾龍(上!)起勢攻(碰!)大四喜 晒南北西東(死啦!) Gm Gm Dm C7 Dm C7 Dm做牌 講天聰 頻頻滿糊 我做呀做英雄 時勢做英雄(大英雄!)尖沙咀Susie 許\冠傑曲:許\冠傑 | 詞:許\冠傑/黎彼得Key:A 4/4 tempo=A E有佢\咁靚時 冇佢\咁夠盞A尖沙咀Susie 點止咁簡單A D樣貌與身材 GOOD FIT 夾耀眼D E想搵多個都幾難A E佢\下下要有型 個性最好玩A出名煉車王 響青山鬥片彎A D日日吃幾籠 蝦餃當食晏D E A思想開放 好識歎* 尖沙咀Susie 駛乜憂兩餐\D A佢\老竇勤力慣 係街市賣鴨蛋D A尖沙咀Susie 屋企多靚衫F#m E D E橙溝綠 米襯藍 套套惹火搶眼A E# 佢\碰見猛男 對眼會猛咁貶A風騷兼銷魂 乜都笑一餐\A D密密去DISCO 通宵到達旦D E攬身攬勢都好閒A E@ 有佢\咁野蠻 冇佢\咁夠膽A尖沙咀Susie 死都「拗」番生A D但望亞Susie 光陰咪亂散D E A青春一去空悲歎Repeat * # @夜半輕私語D Em A7 D千般相思似毛毛雨 抑鬱苦惱一於作首詩寫遍艷麗言詞 合你意 藉以表心癡D Em A7 D執起張紙卻恨無語 心聲傾訴實在唔容易Bm F#m Em D依稀往事言猶 在我耳 望你解深意Em D Em D胡言亂語更多錯字 總之兩心 知Em D E7 A全無異志吐出心事 只盼望知曉意思D Em A7 D深宵追憶會亂神智 怎許\相對有若 籐纏樹 Bm F#m Em D衷心暗示期求 諒錯處 夜半輕私語《阿郎戀曲》曲:羅大佑 詞:許冠傑 唱:許冠傑Key: FF Bb水汪汪的黑眼睛 笑態多親善C F C你面容上的改變 腦裡未移遷F Bb輕飄飄的舊時日 悄悄的飛逝C F C數載如夢煙般散 回首那堪計F Bb*風蕭蕭的漫長路 你隻身飄零C F C仍在尋覓你蹤影 杳杳像流星F BbC F C 破曉乍醒多空虛 難可再擁有Am Dm Am Dm #抬頭遙望天邊隱隱見那倦鳥返家 G C你可會像她不久便再歸家Am Dm Bb 但願重拾美麗往昔再見你一面 F C一生匆匆怎捨浮雲和藍天F Bb +淒清清的秋雨點 再碰我窗前C F C 你別離後的轉變 我永是魂牽F Bb 孤單單的身影中 那痛苦失落C F C 永不咎往昔恩怨 情於你心托知音夢裡尋 - 許冠傑Key: CAm C EmEm C Em B7誰料此際被情困 想伊人空抱憾Am C Em春色醉人夜已深 結他輕奏別離韻Em C Em B7 Em盟誓毀碎淚難禁 嘆息知音夢裡尋B7 Em D7 Em亂我心思傷透神 舊愛竟貪新Am Em Am B7腸斷那堪風陣陣 悽怨倩誰問Am C Em街燈已殘月暗昏 惋惜空記熱情吻Em C Em B7 Em徒自追索綠雲鬢 嘆息知音夢裡尋急流勇退> > 作詞:許\\\冠傑 作曲:許\\\冠傑 編曲:Richard Yuen > >> > F C Dm> > 名成利就人人想擁有> > Am Dm Gm C> > 誰料此刻祇嚮往自由> > AmDm Bb> > 留住這光輝 今天不再等候> > Gm C7> > 奮勇地退出這急流> > F C Dm> > 求名逐利時常多爭鬥> > Am Dm Gm C> > 嚐盡圈中的歡笑淚\\\流> > AmDm Bb> > Gm C F F7> > 長日擔憂心神倦透> > Bb Am> > 不奢望天長地久> > Gm C F> > 祇要是曾經擁有> > A Dm> > 今天內心感足夠> > Gm G C> > 應走時候決定放手> > F C Dm> > 至愛知音感謝你恩深厚(Thank You)> > Am Dm Gm C> > 臨別依依不忍再望轉頭(Goodbye)> >> > Am Dm> > *期望你記住我> > Bb> > 今晚分手以後> > Gm C F> > 從舊歌中心靈互扣*> >> > 重唱*是雨是淚 - 許冠傑Key Dm 4/4Dm C Bb Dm C Am# 滴滴雨點彷彿似流淚, 滴在我冰冷的身驅 . Dm F Gm Bb看看手中那玉墜, 家中的她已熟睡,漸漸覺得眼腔濕透, 是雨? 是淚?#Dm C Bb Dm C Am舊日與她愛深沒愁慮, 共渡困苦雨打風吹,Dm F Gm Bb今天的她怨受罪, 不想把她再負累,Dm C Bb Am Dm立定決心離家他方去, 夜雨伴隨 .Bb F* 想起當初相依相對, 心不禁唏噓!C Dm想起當初一切夢想, 破滅那堪追?Bb F祝福她找得好鴛侶, 不必再空虛,E C Bb但願她今生多歡趣 *Dm C Bb Dm C Am道別我手中她的玉墜, 便擲向街角的一堆廢堆,Dm F Gm Bb抹去眼腔的雨或淚, 再見我走了你繼續睡,Dm C Bb Am Dm就讓雨把往昔都沖去, 莫怨恨誰追求三部曲 - 許冠傑Key: GG Am C D7 Em G面撞面個妹釘確係人省鏡 望落順眼風姿綽約夠標青G C D7 D7 G 冒昧問句小姐你係叫乜名 哈佬一聲 Alright 搞掂實靈擎 G Am C D7 Em G密密預約海邊搏命齊撐艇 漫步綠柳花間結伴行山頂G C D7 D7 GG Em Em G佢尊翁綽號包頂頸﹝三寸釘﹞屋企住茶果嶺﹝瓦封嶺﹞ G G G D7見我口輕輕 當我花靚倞 實在阿啦面慒兼心精G Am C D7 Em G但願做對鴛鴦結合查篤撐 二萬賀禮鮑參翅席嫌錢腥G C D7 D7 G另外又要親戚派十擔西餅 一聽驚驚今次整定煲要掟梨渦淺笑 許\冠傑曲:許\冠傑 | 詞:許\冠傑/黎彼得Key:F# 4/4 tempo=F# A# D#m梨渦淺笑 可知否奧妙D# G#m寂寞深鎖暗動搖C# A#m A# D#m魂消魄蕩 身飄渺G#m G#7 C#7被困擾 怎得共渡藍橋F# A# D#m梨渦輕照 映出花月調D# G#m但望相看慰寂寥時刻與共 享分秒G#m C#7 F#願折腰 今生效同林鳥B C#7 F#* 梨渦淺笑 似把君邀D#m G#m G#7 C#綺夢輕泛浪潮 春宵猶未覺曉F# A# D#m# 梨渦雖俏 悲歡竟逆料D# G#m樂極癡戀變恨苗C# A#m A# D#m情絲寸斷 一朝了G#m C#7 F#夢已消 花依舊玉人渺Repeat * #G#m C#7 F#夢已消 花依舊玉人渺這一曲送給您> > Capo 4> > Play G> >> > 作詞:許\\\冠傑/黎彼得 作曲:許\\\冠傑 > >> > Am D G> > 前景感到崎嶇> > B7 Em> > 人生有若遊戲> > Am D> > 他朝總有轉機> >> > G> > 如果君心碎> > Em> > 常暗自下淚\\\> > Am D G> > 何必感歎唏噓> > B7 Em> > 還希你莫嫌棄> > Am D G> > 這一曲送給您> >> > Am D G Em > > 我願能助您鬱結消除 > > Am D G> > 結伴同尋新樂趣> > Em Bm> > 我願憑樂韻解君寂寞 > > Am A7 D7> > 此曲望您惜取> >> > Am D G> > 難堪枕冷空虛> > B7 Em> > 還請您夢鄉僅記> > Am D G> > 這一曲送給您> >> > Bm Em> > 請君您夢鄉僅記> > Am D G> > 這一曲送給您> >無情夜冷風> >> > Play F 4/4> >> > 作詞:許\冠英 作曲:許\冠英 > >> > F> > 無情夜冷風> > F F> > 吹散熱情夢> > C> > 含淚\對孤燈> > F> > 痴心錯恨種> > Bb> > 情緣如霧散> > Bb F> > 戀愛多變幻> > F C> > 獨念往日情> > C F> > 悽酸透心間> >> > Bb> > 懷人空悲嘆> > Bb F> > 悵惘心冷淡> > F C> > 月夜暗自彈> > C F> > 傷心滿淚\眼> >> > F> > 無情夜冷風> > F F> > 憶往日情重> > C> > 離別燕分飛> > F> > 相思已斷送學生哥 - 許冠傑Em Em C Em 學生哥好溫功課 咪日夜掛住踢波最敝肥佬左有 陰功咯 同學亦愛莫能助 ChorusG Em C B7螞蟻亦要搵野食 唔做事確係冇益G Em C Bm Em少壯就要多努力 來日望自食其力Repeat ChorusEm Em C Em學生哥好咪書咯 咪日夜掛住拍拖B7 Em Em C Bm Em 顧住十幾科 科科鍋 面慒慒一 肚火 Repeat ChorusEm Em C Em學生哥要思己過 唔係第日悔恨更多Repeat ChorusB7 Em Em C Bm Em人之初 應知錯 唔自立就會挨餓Repeat ChorusEm Em C Em學生哥 一個個 我地日日記住隻歌B7 Em Em C Bm Em 人多多ReMiReDo 齊合力唱詠同和Repeat Chorus許\冠傑 - 錫晒你前湊:G Em“錫晒你,你乖乖地,我實行錫晒你,C D倆家都拖到實隻手指尾,上去天棚放飛機” 開始:錫晒你,使乜講,我直頭錫晒你,C D我響屋企帶定個影相機,替你羅景訓響地。





oh 泪水模糊了我的视线wowo
~~~~~~~~~~~~~solo~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 午夜的钟声
oh 泪水模糊了我的视线wowo





人生海海吉他谱G Am Em有一天我在想我到底算是个什么东西G D还是我会不会根本就不算东西G D天天都漫无目的偏偏又想要证明真理G Am别人从屁股放屁我却每天每天都说要革命D G D C D就算是整个世界把我抛弃而至少快乐伤心我自己决定G D C D所以我说就让他去我知道潮落之后一定有潮起G有什么了不起G Am Em常常我豁出去拚了命走过却没有痕迹G D可是我从不怕挖出我火热的心G D手上有一个硬币反面就决定放弃嗝屁G Am但是啊在我心底却完完全全不想放弃D G D C D就算是整个世界把我抛弃而至少快乐伤心我自己决定G D C D所以我说就让他去我知道潮落之后一定有潮起G有什么了不起G D常常我闭上眼睛听到了海的呼吸是你G E温柔的蓝色潮汐告诉我没有关系G D C D就算真的整个世界把我抛弃而至少快乐伤心我自己决定G D C D所以我说就让他去我知道潮落之后一定有潮起*转B(A)调:*E A E D E我不能忘记无论是我的明天要去哪里而至少快乐伤心我自己决定A E D E所以我说就让他去我知道潮落之后一定有潮起A有什么了不起A A A E A E啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦......扩展阅读歌曲简介《人生海海》是台湾摇滚乐团五月天的第三张创作专辑,发行于2001年7月6日,共收录了12首歌曲。


2001年该专辑歌曲《好不好》获得HIT FM年度单曲。


speak now前12首歌曲的吉他谱

speak now前12首歌曲的吉他谱

第三张专辑----Speak Now1. Mine 3:502. Sparks Fly 4:203. Back To December 4:534. Speak Now 4:005. Dear John 6:436. Mean 3:577. The Story Of Us 4:258. Never Grow Up 4:509. Enchanted 5:5210.Better Than Revenge 3:3711.Innocent 5:0212.Haunted 4:02st Kiss 6:0714.Long Live 5:18Mine ChordsC GD x4 on forth time don't jump the beat for the D C G DYou were in college working part time waiting tables C G Dleft a small town never looked backC G DI was a flight risk with a fear of fallingC G D~~~wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts C G DI say can you believe it?C G DAs we're lying on the couchC G DThe moment i could see itC G D~~~yes yes i can see it nowChorus:C GDo you remember we were sitting there by the water D Em Dyou put your arm around me for the first timeC Gyou made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter D Em Dyou are the best thing that's ever been mineC~~~Don't jump the beat for first 4 D'sC G DFlash forward and we're taking on the world togetherC G DAnd there's a drawer of my things at your placeC G DYou learned my secrets and you figure out why i'm guard ed?C G D~~~You say we'll never make my parents mistakesC G DWe got bills to payC G DWe got nothing figured outC G DWhen it was hard to yes yesC G D~~~This is what i thought aboutChorus:C GDo you remember we were sitting there by the waterD Em Dyou put your arm around me for the first timeC Gyou made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughterD Em Dyou are the best thing that's ever bee n mineC GDo you remember all the city lights on the waterD Em~ D~You saw me start to believe for the first timeC Gyou made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughterD Em Dyou are the best thing that's ever been mineC GD x2Em CAnd i remember that fight 2:30 AMDYou said everything was slipping out of our handsEm C DI ran out crying and you followed me out into the street C G DBrace myself for the goodbyeC G DCos that's all i ever knownC G Dand you took me by supriseC GD C~~~you said I'll never leave you aloneChorus:C GI remember how we felt sitting about the waterD Em DAnd every time I look at you it's like the first timeC GI fell in love with careless man’s careful daughterD Em DShe is the best thing that’s ever been mineC GYou're gone, Make it lastD Em DYou're gone, Never turn backC GYou made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter DYou are the best thing that's ever been mineC G DYou're gone, Yeah yeah…Do you believe it ?C G DYou're gone, We’re gonna make it now.C G DYou're gone, And I can see it yeah yeahC G D~~~And I can see it now, See it now, See it now2.Sparks FlyAm F C G x2Am FThe way you move is like a full on rainstormC GAnd I'm a house of cardsAm FYou're the kind of reckless that should send me runningC GBut I kinda know that I won't get farF GAnd you stood there in front of me justC G AmClose enough to touchF GClose enough to hope you couldn't see what I was thinkin g of【Chorus】AmDrop everything nowFMeet me in the pouring rainCKiss me on the sidewalkGTake away the painAm F C G'Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smileAmGet me with those green eyes, babyFAs the lights go downC GGive me something that'll haunt me when you're not arou ndAm F C G Am F C G'Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smileAm FMy mind forgets to remind meC GYou're a bad ideaAm FYou touch me once and it's really somethingC GYou find I'm even better than you imagined I would beF GI'm on my guard for the rest of the worldC G AmBut with you I know it's no goodFAnd I could wait patiently butGI really wish you wouldRepeat【Chorus】Am FI run my fingers through your hairC GAnd watch the lights go wildAm FJust keep on keeping your eyes on meC GIt's just wrong enough to make it feel rightAm FAnd lead me up the staircaseC GWon't you whisper soft and slowAm F C GI'm captivated by you baby like a fireworks show Repeat【Chorus】C G Am F C G Am And the sparks fly, baby smile, and the sparks fly3.Speak NowG GG DI am not the kind of girlAmWho should be rudely barging inCOn a white veil occasionG DBut you are not the kind of boyAm C -stopWho should be marrying the wrong girlG DI sneak in and see your friendsAmAnd her snotty little familyCAll dressed in pastelG DAnd she is yelling at a bridesmaidAmSomewhere back inside a roomCWearing a gown shaped like a pastryAm C GThi--is i---is surely notDWhat you thought it would beAm C GI---I lose myself in a daydream n.C.Where I stand and say【Chorus】G DDon't say "Yes" run away nowAmI'll meet you when your outC GOf the church at the back doorDDon't wait or say a single vowAmYou need to hear me outC -stopAnd they said "Speak Now"G D Am CG DFond gestures are exchangedAmAnd the organ starts to play a song CThat sounds like a death marchG DAnd I am hiding in the curtainsAmIt seems that I was uninvitedCBy your lovely bride-to-beAm CShe---e floats down the aisleG DLike a pageant queenAm CBut I--I kno--owGYou wish it was meD -stopYou wish it was me- Don't you? Repeat【Chorus】*2D Am C GOhooho laaaahhohD Am C Oooh(Say you see me now)ooohoohEm* -Once C*I hear the preacher say speak nowG* D* DOr forever hold your pe---aceAmThere's a silence, there's my last chance CI stand up with shaky handsG D -onceAll eyes on meAm CHorrified looks from everyone in the roomG D -onceBut I'm only lookin' at youG DI am not the kind of girlAmWho should be rudely barging inCOn a white veil occasionG DBut you are not the kind of boyAm CWho should be marrying the wrong girl Repeat【Chorus】DAnd you say "Lets run away now"AmI'll meet you when I'm outC GOf my tux at the back doorDBaby I didn't say my vowsAmSo glad you were aroundC G -onceWhen they said "Speak no--ow"4.Back To DecemberD Bm G (2x)DI'm so glad you made the time to see meBmHow's life, tell me how's your familyG D AI haven't seen them in a whileDYou've been good, busier than everBmWe small talk, work and the weatherG D AYou're guard is up, and I know whyBm ABecause the last time you saw meD GIt's still burned in the back of your mindBm A GYou gave me roses and I left them there to dieDSo this is me swallowing my prideF#mStanding in front of you sayingG"I'm sorry for that night" and I go D ABack to December all the time DIt turns out freedom ain't(D)Nothing but missing youF#mWishing I'd realized what I hadGWhen you were mineDI'd go back to December,A GTurn around and make it all right Bm *once A*I go back to December all the timeD Bm G (2x)DThese days I haven't been sleepingBmStayin' up playing back myself leavingG D AWhen your birthday passed and I didn't callDThen I think about summer all the beautiful times BmI watch you laughing from the passenger sideG D AAnd realized I loved you in the fallBm AAnd then the cold came the dark daysD GWhen fear crept into my mindBmYou gave me all your love andA GAll I gave you was goodbyeDSo this is me swallowing my prideF#mStanding in front of you sayingG"I'm sorry for that night" and I goD ABack to December all the timeDIt turns out freedom ain't(D)Nothing but missing youF#mWishing I'd realized what I hadGWhen you were mineDI'd go back to December,A GTurn around and change my own mindBm AI go back to December all the timeD Bm G (2x)Bm GI miss your tan skin your sweet smileD ASo good to me, so rightBm GAnd how you held me in your armsDThat September nightA Bm -stopThe first time you ever saw me cryG -stopMaybe this is wishful thinkingDProbably mindless dreaming(D) A *onceIf you loved again I swear I'd love you rightBm *once A* G*I'd go back in time and change it but I can't Bm* A* G*So if the chain is on your door I understandDBut this is me swallowing my prideF#mStanding in front of you sayingG"I'm sorry for that night" and I goD ABack to December...DIt turns out freedom ain't(D)Nothing but missing youF#mWishing I'd realized what I hadGWhen you were mineDI'd go back to DecemberA GTurn around and make it all rightDI'd go back to DecemberA GTurn around and change my own mindBm *once A*I go back to December all the timeD Bm G D Bm GAll the time5.Dear JohnE Asus2 (2x)E Asus2Long were the nights when my days once revolved around youE Asus2Counting my footsteps, prayin' the floor won't fall through, againB C#m BMy mother accused me of losing my mindAsus2But I swore I was fineE Asus2You paint me a blue sky and go back and turn it to rainE Asus2And I lived in your chess game but you changed the rules every dayB C#m B Asus2 Wonderin' which version of you I might get on the phone, tonight.B C#m B Asus2 Well I stopped pickin' up and this song is to let you know whyE ADear John, I see it all now that you're gone.C#mDon't you think I was too young to be messed with?B AThe girl in the dress cried the whole way home.E Asus2I shoulda known.E Asus2Well maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame.E Asus2 Maybe it's you and your sick need to give love then take i t away.B C#m BAnd you'll add my name to your long list of traitors Asus2Who don't understand.B C#m BAnd I'll look back in regret how I ignored when they said Asus2"Run as fast as you can."E ADear John, I see it all now that you're gone.C#mDon't you think I was too young to be messed with?B AThe girl in the dress cried the whole way home.E ADear John, I see it all now it was wrong.C#m BDon't you think nineteen's too young to be played by your dark twisted gamesAWhen I loved you so?E Asus2I shoulda known.C#mYou are an expert at sorryBAnd keeping lines blurryAAnd never impressed by me acing your testsC#mAll the girls that you run dryBHave tired lifeless eyesA'Cause you burned them outBBut I took your matchesC#m BBefore fire could catch meAsus2So don't look nowBI'm shining like fireworksA E Asus2 C#mB A Over your sad empty townE ADear John, I see it all now that you're gone.C#mDon't you think I was too young to be messed with?B AThe girl in the dress cried the whole way home.E AI see it all now that you're gone.C#mDon't you think I was too young to be messed with?B Asus2The girl in the dress wrote you a song.EYou shoulda known.Asus2You shoulda known.E Asus2Don't you think I was too young?EYou shoulda known.6.Mean ChordsStandard TuningW/ Capo on 2D Asus4 GYou, with your words like knives and swordsD/F#And weapons that you use against meD Asus4 GYou, have knocked me off my feet againD/F#Got me feelin' like a nothin'D Asus4 GYou, with your voice like nails on a chalk boardD/F#Callin' me out when I'm woundedD Asus4 GYou, pickin' on the weaker manA D G D/F# AWell you can take me down with just one single blowG -onceBut you don't know, what you don't know...D Asus4 Bm GSomeday I'll be livin in a big ol' cityD Asus4 GAnd all you're ever gonna be is meanD Asus4 Bm G Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit meD Asus4 G......StopAnd all you're ever gonna be is mean(no chord) DWhy you gotta be so mean?Bm A You, with your swithching sides andG D/F#Your wild fire lies and your humiliationBm AG You, have pointed out my flaws again-stopAs if I don't already see themBm AI walk with my head downGtryin' to block you outD/F#'cause I never impress youBm AGI just wanna feel okay againAI bet you got pushed aroundD G D/F# ASomebody made you cold(A)But the cycle ends right now 'causeGYou can't lead me down that roadD/F# G -stop And you don't know what you don't knowD Asus4 Bm GSomeday I'll be livin in a big ol' cityD Asus4 GAnd all you're ever gonna be is meanD Asus4 Bm G Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit meD Asus4 GAnd all you're ever gonna be is meanD Asus4 GWhy you gotta be so mean?AAnd I can't see you years from now in a bar D G D/F# ATalkin' over a football game(A)With that same big loud opinionD G D/F# ABut no one's listening(A)Washed up and ranting about theD* *once A* G*same old bitter thingsA D* A* G*Drunk and grumblin' all about how I can't sing-no chord D Asus4 GBut all you are is mean(G) D Asus4 DAll you are is mean...and a liar...and patheticG D Asus4 D GAnd alone in life and mean, and mean, and mean, and m ean(*Palm mute*)D* Asus4* Bm* G*But someday I'll be livin in a big ol' cityD* Asus4* G* GAnd all you're ever gonna be is mean, yeah--ahD Asus4 Bm GSomeday I'll be big enough so you can't hit meD Asus4 GAnd all you're ever gonna be is mean(G) DWhy you gotta be so...SomedayAsus4 Bm GI'll be livin in a big ol' city (why ya gotta be so mean)D Asus4 GAnd all you're ever gonna be is mean (why ya gotta be s o mean)D Asus4 Bm GSomeday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me (why ya gotta be so mean)D* *once Asus4* G*And all you're ever gonna be is meanD*Why you gotta be so mean?7.The Story Of Us ChordsStandard TuningW/ Capo on 2A Bm Dsus2 GA Bm Dsus2 GD A GI used to think one day we'd tell the story of usDHow we met and the sparks flew instantlyA GPeople would say, "They're the lucky ones"D A GI used to know my place was a spot next to youDNow I'm searching the room for an empty seatA G'Cause lately I don't even know what page you're onA BmOh, a simple complicationD Asus4Miscommunications lead to fall outGSo many things that I wish you knewASo many walls up I can't break throughD Asus4 Em7Now I'm standing alone in a crowded roomG DAnd we're not speakingAsus4 Em7 And I'm dying to know is it killing youGLike it's killing me?Bm A DI don't know what to say since a twist of fateGWhen it all broke downBm AGAnd the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now- Next chapterA Bm Dsus2 GD AHow'd we end up this way?GSee me nervously pulling at my clothesDAnd trying to look busyA GAnd you're doing your best to avoid meD A GI'm starting to think one day I'll tell the story of usDHow I was losing my mind when I saw you hereA GBut you held your pride like you should have held meA BmOh, we're scared to see the endingD Asus4Why are we pretending this is nothing?GI'd tell you I miss you but I don't know howA -stopI've never heard silence quite this loudD Asus4 Em7Now I'm standing alone in a crowded roomG DAnd we're not speakingAsus4 Em7 And I'm dying to know is it killing youGLike it's killing me?Bm A DI don't know what to say since a twist of fateGWhen it all broke downBm AGAnd the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy nowA Bm Dsus2 GA Bm Dsus2 GD -once GThis is looking like a contest(G)Of who can act like they care lessD A GBut I liked it better when you were on my side D GThe battle's in your hands now(G)But I would lay my armor downBm A GIf you'd say you'd rather love than fightGSo many things that you wish I knewA -stopBut the story of us might be ending soonD (2x *fast/stop) Now I'm standing aloneAsus4 (2x*) G -once GIn a crowded room and we're not speakin gD Asus4 Em7And I'm dying to know is it killing youGLike it's killing me?Bm A DI don't know what to say since a twist of fateGWhen it all broke downBmAnd the story of usA G D Asus4Looks a lot like a tragedy now, now, no-----owEm7 G DAnd we're not speakingAsus4 Em7 And I'm dying to know is it killing youGLike it's killing me?Bm A DI don't know what to say since a twist of fateG'Cause we're go-ing downBm A G ...stopAnd the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now8.Never Grow UpCapo on 7thIntro/interlude:e|------------------------------------------------------------------|B|-------------3-----------3--------3--------3-------3--------------| G|-----0-----0-------0---2-------0---------0-------2-------2p0------| D|---0-------------2---0------------------------0-------0-----------| A|----------------------------3---------3---------------------------|E|-3------2------0--------------------------------------------------|e|---------------------------------------------------3--------------------------|B|-------------3-----------3--------3-------------------------------------------|G|-----0-----0-------0---2-------0---------0------------------0-----------------|D|---0-------------2---0------------------------------------2-----------2-------|A|----------------------------3---------3----------------3----------3-----------|E|-3------2------0--------------------------------------------------------------|Verse x2e|--------------------------------------------------------------------|B|-------------3-----------3--------3--------3-------3---------3------| G|-----0-----0-------0---2-------0---------0-------2-------2----------| D|---0-------------2---0------------------------0-------0-------------| A|----------------------------3---------3-----------------------------| E|-3------2------0----------------------------------------------------|Your little hands wrapped around my fingerAnd it's so quiet in the world tonightYour little eyelids flutter cause you're dreamingSo I tuck you in and turn on your favorite nightlightBridge:e|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-0h2--|B|--------------3-----------------------3-----------------3--------------------------------|G|-------0-----------0----0------0-----------0------0--------0---0h2--------2--------------|D|----2------2----2----2-------2----2----2-------2---2-----2-----0---------0---------------|A |3-------3------------------------------------3-------------------------0----------------|E|----------------------------0------------------------------------------------------------|To you, everything's funnyYou got nothing to regretI'd give all I have honeyIf you could stay like thatChorus:e|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-------------3---------------------3-----3--------3--------------------|G|-----0-----0-------0--------0-----0-----0--------2-------2p0-----------|D|---0-------------2--------2--------------------0--------0--------------|A|---------------------------------3------3------------------------------| E|-3------2------0------0------------------------------------------------|Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow u p. Just stay this littlee|------------------------------------------------------------0h2----------|B|-------------3----------------------3-----3--------3---------------------|G|-----0-----0-------0--------0-----0-----0--------2-----------------------|D|---0-------------2--------2--------------------0-------------------------|A|---------------------------------3------3--------------------------------|E|-3------2------0------0--------------------------------------------------|Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow u pIt could stay this simplee|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-0h2--|B|----------------3-----------------------3----------------3---------------------------------|G|---------0-----------0----0------0----------0-------0--------0---0h2 -------2---------------|D|------2------2----2----2-------2----2----2-------2---2----2-----0--------0-----------------|A |--3-------3------------------------------------3-----------------------0------------------|E|------------------------------0------------------------------------------------------------|I won't let nobody hurt you. Wont let no one break your heart. No one will desert you.try to never grow up.Intro/interludeVerse 2:You're in the car on the way to the moviesAnd you're mortified your mama's dropping you off(pause) At 14, there's just so much you can't doAnd you can't wait to move outSomeday and call your own shotsBridge 2:But don't make her drop you off around the block Remember she's getting older tooAnd don't lose the way that you dance around in your P. J.’s getting ready for schoolChorus:Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow u pJust stay this littleOh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow u pIt could stay this simpleNo one's ever burnedNothing's ever left you scarredEven though you want to, just try to never grow upInterlude:e|------------------------------------------------2-2-2-2-2-2-2---|B|-------------3-----------3--------3------------ 3-3-3-3-3-3-3---| G|-----0-----0-------0---2-------0---------0------0h2-2-2-2-2-2p0-| D|---0-------------2---0--------------------------0-0-0-0-0-0-0---| A|----------------------------3---------3---------0-0-0-0-0-0-0---|E|-3------2------0--------------------------------0-0-0-0-0-0-0---|(Cadd9)Take pictures in your (G)mind of your childhood (D) room(Cadd9)Memorize what it (G)sounded like whet your (Dsus 4)dad gets home(Dsus4)(Cadd9)Remember the footsteps, remember the (G)words s aidAnd all your (D)little brother's favorite songs (Dsus4)e|---------------------------------2------|B|-------3--------3----------3-----3------|G|----0----0---0---0-----2----2----2------|D|----------------------0----------0------|A|---------------------------------0------|E|--3---------3--------------------0------|I just realized everything I had is someday gonna be gone Verse 3:So here I am in my new apartmentIn a big city, they just dropped me off (pause)It's so much colder than I thought it would beSo I tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on Interlude:e|-------------------------------------2-2-2-2-2-2-2-------------|B|-------------------------------------3-3-3-3-3-3-3-------------|G|---------0------0-------------0----0h2-2-2-2-2-2-2p0-----------| D|---2--2------2-----0------0------------------------------------|A|---3-------3-------2----2--------------------------------------|E|---------------------------------------------------------------|e|-------------------------------------------------2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2---|B|-------------------------------------------------3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3---|G|---------0--------------0----------0-------------0-0-0h2-2-2-2-2-2 ---|D|--2--2------2------2-------0--0------2-----2-----0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---|A|--3-------------3----------2-------------3-------0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 ---|E|-------------------------------------------------0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---|I Wish I’d Never grown up Wish I’d never grown up(G)Oh I don't (G*)wanna grow upWish I'd (Cadd9)never grown upCould (Dus4)still be little(G)Oh I don't (G*)wanna grow upWish I’d (Cadd9))never grown upIt could (Dsus4)still be simpleOh Oh ohm ohhhhDon't you ever grow upOh ohh ohJust never grow up9.Enchantedcapo on 1stIntro: G,Bm,C,GVerse 1G BmThere I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles C GSame old tired, lonely placeG BmWalls of insincerity Shifiting eyes and vancancyC Gvanished when I saw your faceC Em DAll I can say is it was enchanting to meet youGYour eyes whispered "have we met?"Bm C GAcross the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to meG BmThe playful conversation starts Counter all your quick rema rksC Glike passing notes in secrecyC Em DAnd it was enchanting to meet youC Em DAll I can say is I was enchanted to meet youChorus:C GD C。





吉他谱[e] ---8-10-11-10-8----|[B] -8-------------8--|[G] ------------------|[D] ------------------|[A] ------------------|[E] ------------------|[e] ---13-11-10-8---------|[B] --------------11-10--|[G] ---------------------|[D] ---------------------|[A] ---------------------|[E] ---------------------|[e] ------------------8-10-11-10-8----|[B] -------------8-10-------------10-8|[G] ------8-9-10----------------------|[D] -10-12----------------------------|[A] ----------------------------------|[E] ----------------------------------|[e] ---13-15-17-15-13----|[B] -15-------------15--|[G] --------------------|[D] --------------------|[A] --------------------|[E] --------------------|[e] ---20-18-17-15---------|[B] --------------18-17--|[G] ---------------------|[D] ---------------------|[A] ---------------------|[E] ---------------------|[e] ----------------11-13-15-13-11----| [B] -------------13-------------13-11| [G] ------12-13-14-------------------| [D] -15-17---------------------------| [A] ---------------------------------| [E] ---------------------------------|[e] --13-15-17-13-------|[B] --------------15-17-|[G] --------------------|[D] --------------------|[E] --------------------|[e] -8-10-11-10-8----| [B] -------------8--| [G] ----------------| [D] ----------------| [A] ----------------| [E] ----------------|[e] ----11-10-8---------| [B] -8-11-------11-10-8-| [G] --------------------| [D] --------------------| [A] --------------------| [E] --------------------|[e] --8-10-11-10-8----| [B] -------------8--| [G] ----------------| [D] ----------------| [A] ----------------| [E] ----------------|[e] ----11-10-8---------| [B] -8-11-------11-10-8-| [G] --------------------|[A] --------------------|[E] --------------------|[e] ---8-10-11-10-8----|[B] -8-------------8--|[G] ------------------|[D] ------------------|[A] ------------------|[E] ------------------|歌词雨下整夜我的爱溢出就像这雨水你不会知道我的存在你只是在那里轻轻的听着这雨落凄美的面容也苍白我等待着你却不知道你会不会出现我的这份心也废了唯有雨还不停站在这片茫茫的草地我想就让雨将我沈默的埋葬你的脸淋湿了也看不清但我知道你会回来的虽然会很慢但我会一直等我会一直等站在这片茫茫的草地我想就让雨将我沈默的埋葬总有一天你会发现有一个人一直在你的身边哪怕是在你最需要他的时候。































古巨基花洒吉他谱古巨基花洒吉他谱介绍古巨基(Leo Ku),华语流行歌手、演员,代表作品有《中意你》、《狂野之城》等,拥有众多忠实粉丝。


和弦和弦指法:G/C/DG 口琴 Solo:G -2 2 3 3 3 2C 2 3 3 -3 -3 -3G -2 2 3 3 3 2D -3 -3 -3 3 3 3歌词及吉他谱Verse:G C D G晚風中小雨淋濕了頭髮G C D G這情境清幽我多情发作G C D G走近你好像没勇氣触碰你手G C D G只是一睹你動人的眼睛窝Chorus:G戀愛就像花洒冲激出竟沖散瞬间的悸动 C D讓人不經意地感受刻骨銘心擁有的感動 G戀愛就像花洒落下離散却有相同的信仰 C D只要還有一絲相信奇蹟總有一天會發生Verse:G C D G討厭這种茫然不知道未來G C D G偏偏又恍然象是愛上一片云G C D G轻轻轻轻要牵你手带你走在音乐间G C D G什么也没有我赋诗作曲等着梦想变真(Chorus)Bridge:C D如有一天你在夜深沉尘的角落遇见我G C D请你别客气和我告白十年后可不可重来一遍Verse:G C D G你写过了几本只有爱的日记G C D G我们有没有想过什么会伴着我们的距离G C D G淚水淋洗过承受不住时间的侵袭G C D G只能一次次讲述回忆下流的阳光(Chorus)(Outro Solo)结语以上就是古巨基《花洒》的吉他谱,希望能对吉他爱好者有所帮助。





连诗雅到此为止歌词《连诗雅到此为止》歌词Verse 1:在这个嘈杂的世界中连诗雅站在舞台前星星闪耀的灯光照耀她口中唱出的歌声她微笑着,波浪般的长发如风儿般轻盈飘扬不定她的歌声,如天籁之音穿越寂静与混乱的空间Chorus:连诗雅到此为止她的歌声,她的存在给我带来了力量与希望她是音乐世界的化身Verse 2:每一次的演唱都像痴迷的咒语让人忘记了一切的烦恼和痛苦她的歌声是柔软的梦境将人们带入一个美丽的世界她的歌词跌落在我的心间如雨滴般清凉而真挚我闭上眼睛,沉浸在音乐的海洋连诗雅的歌声一直在回响Chorus:连诗雅到此为止她的歌声,她的存在给我带来了力量与希望她是音乐世界的化身Bridge:当夜晚降临,寂静的时刻连诗雅的歌声在我的心中回响她的音符穿越黑夜,捧出微光照亮我生活中的每个角落她的音乐不仅是娱乐更是一种灵魂的互动她的声音带来了感动和启发她的歌词传递着生活的哲理Chorus:连诗雅到此为止她的歌声,她的存在给我带来了力量与希望她是音乐世界的化身Outro:连诗雅是我生活中的指南针她的歌声引领着我前行她的存在让我相信音乐的力量连诗雅,永远是我的心中最亮的星这首《连诗雅到此为止》的歌词是为了向连诗雅这位才华横溢的音乐人致敬而创作的。










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