

Unit 1

Task 2 A contrary to ?implicit assertion look upadapted

Sustainunbiased In the course of metaphor clutter

B bolstercredible impromptu sparinglyanecdote

Credentials testimony hypothetical paraphrase juxtaposition Task 3 Translation



C.1. The youngergeneration should continue to sustain and developour finetraditions and long-standing culture.

2. Inthe courseof preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly a wareof how one couldmake effective useofstatisticsan dexamplesto bolster

one’s point of view.

3.Animpromptu speech isoneof thespeaking skills that college students should learnand develop through practice.

4.By using simile and metaphor, you can make your language morevivid andmore attractive to your audience.

5.The proper examplesyou cite might help reinforcetheimpression on your listeners and make your viewpointsmore convincing.

6. Whenyou are speaking, you should choosecommon and easy wordsandat the same time avoid clutterin you speech.

7.When youwrite a paper,citing theviewsfrom someexpertsis a good way to make your ideas morecredible.

8. A good method ofdelivering a speech willimprove its quality andwill help convey the speakers’ ideas clearlyandinterestingly.

9.Youshouldmot blindly use a word that you are not sur eabout, and if you are notsure, lookup the word ina dictionary.

10. Your language should adaptto the particular occasion and audie nce. Ifyour languageis appropriate in allrespects,your speech issuccessful.

D.Before you deliver an academic speech, you should,fir

st ofall,getwellprepared forit.Then,youshouldm akeyour major points clear in your speech,and yourspeechshould bewell organized. Whenspeaking, you should not speak too fast, and yourlanguage should be explicit.Don’t alway sread thenotes you prepared beforehand. From timetotime, youshould lookat your audience. On one hand, you canshow your respect to your audience, and on the otherhand,you willbeable togoon with yourspeech more smoothly. Unit 2

Task 2 V ocabularyDevelopment

devastating posed massive contributeto triple menace liabilityconsensusentails plausible

plausible portendpindown aggravating staggerin g

on apar withemergence resurgence detract from inad equacy

Task 3 Translation


C.1. Energyuse should benefitglobal sustainability so that itcan contribute tolong-term humanwell-being.

2. Today, this consensushas given way toa variety of family styles as a result of people living longer, marrying later , anddivorcing more.

3. Muchof the current research entailsclose collaboration with industry,which leads to a profitableexchangeof personneland ideas.

4. Ifwe cannot pin down exactly whatwearesupposed to be m anaging, how can we manage it?

5. Themagnitude of urban migrationin recent years isevid enceofmore disturbingtrends:theexpanding gapbetwee nrich and poor, rapidpopulationgrowth and increasing e nvironmental degradation.

6.The students perceived that the toxicity testing ofan insec ticide ison a par with thatof a cosmetic.

7. Thispresentation describes alargeset of plausible goals,at leastone ofwhich should be achievedwithin years.

9.Even the verymediocre services and food at thebeauty sp

ot didnotdetract from the enjoyment of the tourists.

10. To financeher two daughterswhoare both atcollege,

she began making handicraft toaugment the family income. D.It is difficult toquantify the totalcontribution of all thes

efactorsto the monetary costs of energy supply,in par tbecause factorsnotrelatedto theenvironment are oftenentwined with environmentalones.For example, construc tion delays have beencaused notjustby regulatoryconstr aints butalso by problems of engineering,managementand q uality control. Nevertheless,intheUS,environmentalimpacts have increased the monetary costs ofsupplying petroleum productsbyat least 25percent during thepast20years, andthe costs of generating electricityfrom coal and nuclear powerby 40percentor more.

Unit 3

Task 2 Vocabulary Development

A.inother wordsenforced regardless ofaddress involvedbordering on applied to suggest convictions available

B. subsequentwhoppingfatalities sporadicallypri or toprodturned up whim nail crash

Task 3 Translation

B.在感恩节的周末,24小时内发生了2起车祸,撞死3人,使得过去2周里斯普林菲尔德城市道路上死亡人数上升到6人。本年度还剩下最后1个月,在斯普林菲尔德至少有17人死于车祸,其中包括上周在44号州际公路上撞死的来自芝加哥的一家三口。周日,斯普林菲尔德的一对夫妇,58岁的乔恩.保尔和59岁的詹尼特.保尔在南格林斯顿大道的2400街区被车撞死.据警察讲述,上午10点半左右, 乔恩.保尔南行的2001现代胜菲擦边撞上了一辆同样往南开的1995年出产的克莱斯勒柔斯,司机是27岁的查理.罗德,来自阿肯色州的山居。乔恩.保尔的车继续南行,撞在斯普林菲尔德国家公墓的砖墙上,又撞上了一根公用电线杆。斯普林菲尔德消防队把对夫妇从车里拉了出来,詹尼特.保尔杯当场宣布死亡,乔恩.保尔不省人事,被送到圣约翰地区医疗中心,之后也被宣布死亡。警察在调查现场时交通被关闭了4小时。

C.1.The statistics show that fataltraffic accidents increase by 15 percent because of the declineof trafficcitations.

2.The researchers point out that the innocentare often made to pay the price for the carelessness ofdrivers.

3.Many peoplelink trafficaccidents to cell phone usage,a lcohol and speedingviolations.

4. Within four months of receiving a traffic ticket,adriver’s

riskofbeinginvolved in a crash will be back upto where it was before the citation.

5. Besides enforcing highwaysafety laws,there are lots of otherthings for the government to spend moneyon.

6.Thoughmillions of peopledie in traffic accidents everyyear,wehavecome to acceptitas a way of life.

7.Accordingto relatedreports, everyyearmillions of children around the world are permanently disabled in trafficaccide nts.

8. The two researchers set out to see if there is a correlation betw een traffictickets and traffic accidents.

9. Ina separate event,a traffic copwas hit by a carand died when writing a trafficticket.

10. Afterabrief rest,everything isback tobusiness as usual.

D.Using a driving simulator, some US researchers studied thedriving of40 people.Someof them drove while talking on a cell phone, othersnavigated whiledrunk, and others drove with no such distractionsorimpairments.The results showed that therewerethreeaccidents in whichthe drivers weretalking on cell phones---allof them involving a rear-ending.The research hasfound thatthose talkingonthephone whiledrivingare more sluggish.In addition, talking onthe phone can reduce reactiontime by 9percentin terms of braking and19 percent intermsof pickingup speed after braking.


Task 2 Vocabulary Development



Task 3Translation


C. 1. Since women oftenthinkinterms of closeness andsupport,

they struggle to preserveintimacy.

2. Don’t let her makemischief betweenyou -she is only jealous.

3. Sexual harassment isan issue thatfrequentlyarisesinthe U.S. andthat may strikeyou aspeculiar, in part because your country maynot have similarlaws.

4.There is a considerable measure ofopposition bothlocallyand inthe media against the government’s plan to buildanother nuclearpower plant. But the governmentwill getitsway in the en d.

5. The DivorceLaw ReformUnionwasfoundedby a small group ofprominent British male leaders who setabout effec tingDoyle’s reform plans.

6. In theearlymorning of April 15, 1912, the Titanic,the wo rld’slargest ocean lineratthe time, sank after striking a niceberg.Laterinvestigationturned up at least20 cases of people having premonitionsof the disaster.

7. Endinga speechis themostdifficult part for many speakers.

A conclusion with appropriate mood andcontent requires adelicate touch.

8.The studythat Ellen quotes asher scientificbasis for men’s aversionto smart women isbased on a studyby psychology researchers atthe University of Michigan.

9.When you communicate, keep in mind that eventhough English isconsidered the international language ofbusiness,it is a mistake to assume that everybusinessperson speaks goodEnglis


10. Granted, future domestic robots canhelp relieve housewives from heavy routine householdchores. But moat families cannot afford such amachine even ifitisavailable.

D.Inher best-selling book YouJust Don’t Understand,DeborahTannen points out that, although American boys andgirlsoften play together, they spend mostof theirtimeplayinginsame-sex groups. She alsopointsoutthat boysand girls do play same gamestogether, but their favorite gamesare very often quite different. Tannen and other researcherson this topichavefound that young boys,say ages8though12, tend to playoutside thehouse rather than in the house, and theypl ayin large groupsthat are hierarchically structured. A groupof boysgenerallyhas aleader who tellsthe other boyswhat to do and how to do it.It is by givingorders and ma kingtheother boys play bythe rulesthatboys achievehigher ormore dominant status in their play groups.

Writing Practice

Task 1

Thistablefeatures the relationshipbetween learning and earning as well as salarydifferences between men and womenbelonging to thefourcategorieslisted inthe table.Fi rst,for women who have ahigh school diploma, their average income is$18,648 ayearwhilemen with the same learningearn$26,766 a year. Next, women who graduate withan associate degreeearn$24,849 a yearon average while men with the same degree earn $32,349 a year. Then, womenwith abac helor’s degreeearn $29,284ayear and men with a bachelor’s degree earn$40,381a year. Last, women with amaster’s degree earn $35,018a year while menwith thesame degree earn more:$47,260 ayearon average.As we can see here,the more one learns, themoreone earns. And thisaccountsfor the fact thatstudents alloverthe world areworkinghar dfor higher degrees.Another factthat cannot be ignoredissex discriminationinpay.With thesame educational background, womenare earning 30% less than men on average,whichis a discouraging statistic.

Task 2

This bargraphshows howfrequently people use their cellul ar phones to communicatewith others. Eachbarrepresents a p articular groupof people withwhom cellularphone users communicate.Startingfromthefirst bar ontheleft,we see that 73% of cellular phone users use theirmobile phone tocom municate withfriends orfamily.Then, movingto theright, we see48% of cellularphone users use their phone to commu nicate withtheir co-workers, 39%with other business associa tes, 31%with customers and 11%with others.As we cansee, the cellular phone ismostfrequently usedbypeopleas ameans of conveying personal orprivate messages. As a communicat ion tool, the cellularphoneis muchsafer and convenient com pared with the desk telephone.It can be used almost anytime and anywhere. Andwith itsreducedsellingprices and cost, the cell ular phone will become more andmore popular.

Task 3

This is a pie chart showing how on-the-job communication time is spent. As we can see, 55% of people’son-the-job communication time is spent on listening, 13.3%onreading, 8.4% onwriting and23% onspeaking.We can easily see the importanceof listening skills in the workplace as people spend more thanhal fof theirtotal on-the-job communicationtime listeni

ng to otherpeople talking.Theyhaveto use their listenin gskills effectively whilethey areat meeting,having discussions, on the phone,ortakinginstructions. The secondmost important communication skill isspeaking. People atwork often have to talk to others. For example, they have to talkto their boss, supervisors, colleagues and customers. Reading and writing skillsarealsoimportant.In order to keeppace with the latest developmentsandup-to-date information inone’s field,one has to read extensively:books, journals,magazines,newspapers and information onthe Internet. Writingis importantat work as well. Jobsinvolving research papers,memos, reports,etc. allrequire effectivewriting skills. In fact, whatever kind of j ob one has,one needs to be good atthesefourbasic comm unication skills.


This is a line graph showing the numberof children aged 12 and underwho were diagnosed with HIV and died of AIDS from 1985to 1995.

As wecan see,during aten-yearperiodof time, thenumberof HIV-infected children rosefrom 250 in 1985to6,700 in1995.Inotherwords,thenumberofHIV-i nfected children under12 increased by almost 3,000%, or nearly30 times overaten-year periodof timeandduring th esame period of time 3,811children diedof Aids.Thisis a h eartbreakingfact, and in the majorityofcases children ac quire HIV from their infected motherduring pregnancy,lab our, delivery or,after birth, through breastfeeding. Also,a small numberofchildrenacquire HIVinfection as aresult of receiving unscreened infectedblood orbloodproducts.

Therefore, the mosteffectiveway to reduce the number of chi ldrenwho become infected with HIV is to prevent HIV infection in parents-to-be. Thisrequires strengthening offamily-planningservice. Ofcourse,healtheducation isalso veryimportant. Peopleneed to know that childrencan becomeinfected with HIV. Atthe sametimemore care andsupport shouldbe given to theHIV-infected children sothat they canlivea longer and better life.


Task 2 Vocabulary Development

Benacted implementintractable impact fragile payoffs prosecuted accountable compliance petty

Task 3 Translation



C.1.Acid rain poisonsfish, destroys forest, and corrodes bui ldings.

2. We shouldnotjustpay lipservice toenvironmental pro tection; we mustact.

3.Investigationshowedthat some petty bureaucrats hadalso been involvedinthis “power for money exchange”.

4.Wemust reinforce themomentum of the anticorruption drive and showno mercy to the corruptofficials.

5.Thegovernment’s transportation agenciesmustexecute thelaw strictly andenforce severe penaltiesfor drunken dr ivers.

6.December 9 is designatedby the UNasInternationalAnticorruption Day, which provides aunique opportunitytoenhancepublic awareness and commitment to combating graft andcurbing corruption.

7.The United Nationshas newly promulgated the UN An ticorruptionConvention, requiring that the signed member nations enact laws prohibiting bribery andextortion.

8. Thetrue impact ofcorruption is now widelyacknowledged: corruptiondistortsmarkets and competition,breeds cynicism amo ng citizens,underminesthe rule of law, damages government legitimacy, and corrodes theintegrityof the private sector.

9.Developed nations must be willing toinvestigateand prosecute their multinational corporationswhen they engage in bribery abroad, even in the face of intense globe competition.

10.Bi Yuxi, theformer vice-director of Beijing Municipal Bureauof Communications was sentenced todeath yesterdayfor accepting bribes and embezzling state-owned assetswith a two-yearreprieveatthe Beijing FirstInternational People’s Court. According tothe ruling/judgment, he wasdeprived ofhispolitical rights for lifeandall his personalproperty will be confiscated.
