



针对特定材料和工件,设计合理的热处理工艺,提高材料性能和 降低能耗。
建立焊接过程的3D模型,定义材料属性、热源模型、边界条件和 加载方式,进行网格划分和求解设置。
通过后处理功能,查看焊接过程中的温度场、应力场和变形结果, 分析残余应力分布和焊接质量。
评估自由锻造过程中的成形质量,预测锻造缺陷和优化工艺参数 。
利用专业后处理软件对结果进行进一 步处理和分析,如应力云图、流线图 等。
将计算结果与实验数据或其他理论结 果进行对比验证,以确保计算结果的 准确性和可靠性。
案例分析与实践操作 演练
设定适当的残差收敛标准,以确保求解精度 和效率。
利用并行计算资源加速求解过程,如多核 CPU、GPU或分布式计算。
将计算结果以图形、表格或数据文件的 形式输出,以便后续分析和可视化。


执行后 的视图
Tutorial 1:消音器建模
1.23 在新建的壳体上添加丝绵
先选择新建的壳体,然后在菜单选择“Builder/Add Feature/Wool”,按 下图所示添加丝绵:
执 行 后 的 视 图
Tutorial 1:消音器建模
1.24 在消音器壳体内添加挡板
先选择壳体,然后在菜单选择“Builder/Add Feature/Baffle”,按下图所 示添加挡板:
Tutorial 1:消音器建模
先选择锥形弯管(“outlet1”),然后在菜单选择“Builder/Add Feature/Perforate Section”,按下图所示设定添加穿孔:
执行后 的视图
Tutorial 1:消音器建模
1.16 建立包覆有套筒的直管
点击工具栏的 按钮,或选择“Builder/Add Component/Straight Pipe”, 按如下设定建立直管。并建立其与锥形弯管的连接:
执行后 的视图
Tutorial 1:消音器建模
选择“Connection/Flow Connection”,建立弯管与直管的连接。然后选择 “Builder/Transformations/Component Rotation”,将弯管旋转145度:
Tutorial 1:消音器建模
1.20 建立连接上面弯管的直管
GEM3D v7.0.0 培训教程

3d max Tutorial Part 1

3d max Tutorial Part 1

3Ds Max Tutorial - Ferrari F430 ModelPart 1Softwares: 3ds Studio MaxV-rayHi people, before start the tutorial is important you download Ferrari F430 blueprints at this link: /blueprints/FerrariF430Blueprint.gifNow we start with 3ds Max.BLUEPRINTSFirst we make a box and put the blueprints images as I show in the image 1. Then select the box, make a right click and select object properties. Then select the option Backface Cull.WHEELSBefore start with the modeled we need an image as reference.We can use that image to see the details: /blog/wp-content/2005FerrariF430FrontWheel1600x1200.jpgNow we start to model.At first we make the most important circles of reference as I show in the image 2.Then we make a plane with two vertex in the center of the Y axis as show the image 3.Now we transform it in an editable poly and put a simetry in the Y axis.And then we put five new simetries with center point in the midle of the wheel and rotate its 72º one for one.Then we select the edges and start to extrude as I show in the image 5.We continue with the process making the sameThen we extrude the faces in the form as explain the next images:Now we select in modifier list the option edit poly and selecting the border of the wheel we extrude it:We continue with the same system:Then in the modifier list we select the option turbosmooth and put 2 iterations:Now we continue with the screws starting with a cilinder with 6 sides and converting it in an editable poly.Then we select the frontal face and make an inset. After that estrude it as I show in the image:Then Chamfer the red edges:Now we aply a turbosmooth with 3 iterations:Scale the screw as the image.Now we select the screw and put the pibot in the center of the wheel:Then we open the menu tools and then select the array option and configure as I show:Next we make a cilinder with two caps segments and move the vertex of the center as I show in the image 17.Apply a chamfer to the border of the cilinder and then a turbosmooth:Now we have fineshed the wheel and we will start with the model of the rest of the car.。


①infinite 进行无限出售(OP专用);
②basic 仅用于展示;
③tutorial 用于说明
④exchange 物品换物品;
⑤finite 出售物品(玩家可用,售卖自己拥有的物品)。
暂不支持向服务器出售物品的功能 3.之后输入项(无需加斜杠直接输入):
(例)来设置权限,其中: ①123是领地名,不填则默认为当前所处领地; ②flags是权限,有:
container(打开箱子);pvp(玩家伤害);tp(传送到该领地);ignite(点火); firespread(火的传播);
改变刷怪笼的刷新物,反正小熊试过是无用的- -/manuadd 名字
这个不需要/,&0~9,a~fxxx 发出聊天消息xxx并带上颜色

我的世界 指令大全

我的世界 指令大全

首先/manuadd xx gm?如果要使用这个命令,需要自己先有权限在控制台输入manuadd xx admin然后添加sethome权限manselect 世界名字(默认world)输入mangaddp essentials.sethome default(应该是这个格式不行的话就试试mangaddp default essentials.sethome)这样就添加完sethome权限了另外你启动完成之后输入plugins命令看看插件,把插件截图发出来默认拥有全部权限的是admin【单机】ascend - 把自己提升到上一个平台bind <命令> {命令关键字} - 设置一键命令clear - 清空控制台damage - 关闭或者开启伤害即无敌descend - 把自己移动到下面一个的平台destroy [all] - 破坏当前的东西(背包)defuse [all] - 拆弹(拆除已经点燃了的TNT炸药)diff - Xdifficulty - 设置游戏难度dropstore - 在身边创建一个储物柜*drops - 开关物品掉落,关闭的话采矿打怪不掉东西。

dupe [all] - 复制东西duplicate [all] - 复制手上的东西并丢出来explode [范围] - 设置一个地方爆炸(在自家慎用)extinguish [all] - 熄灭周围所有的火ext [all] - 一样是熄灭火falldamage - 开关高空落下伤害firedamage - 开关火的伤害fly - 飞行模式*freeze - 冻结怪物give <物品> [数量] - 给一样物品goto <名字> - 去一个地方grow [all] - 让立即小麦成长h [COMMAND] - 命令列表/帮助heal - 补指定的血health - 设置生命值help [COMMAND] - 命令列表/帮助home 回到出生点i <物品代码> [数量] - 刷东西instantmine - 开关即时采矿(采矿无延迟)item <物品代码|物品名称> [数量] [费用] 给玩家物品, 如果不指定则是最大的数量itemname - 显示当前手上的物品名称itemstack <物品代码> [数量] - 给玩家指定数量的物品kill 自杀不解释jump - 瞬移到鼠标所指的地方killnpc [all] - 杀死周围全部NPC 或者叫杀了附近所有除自己外的活体生物l - X*light - 把光永久性关闭listwaypoints - 列出所有路径点macro <文件名> {参数} - 允许运行宏maxstack [物品ID|物品名称|全部] [数量] - 最大的把某物品堆起来*mobdamage - 怪物不会给你伤害msg <消息> - 添加一个消息到控制台music [音量] - 播放音乐noclip - 穿墙p - 显示当前坐标pos 现在玩家的坐标reach - 玩家到指定地方return - 传送到之前传送的地方rem - 删除指定路点removedrops [all] - 删掉地上物品*rename - 修改命令名称replenish [all] - Xrepair [all] - 修复当前物品耐久reset - 恢复默认设置s <名字> - Same as /setsearch <关键词> - 搜索物品名称set <名字> - 在这世界标记一个路径点setjump [JUMP|reset] - 设置跳跃的高度落地伤害和移动 1:1 setspawn [ ] 设置当前位置 X轴 Y轴 Z轴setspeed [速度|重置] - 设置移动速度spawn [QTY] - 产生一个生物spawnstack {NAME|ID|random} - 产生一个合体的怪物NPC*superheat [all] - Turns items which are furnace-able into their furnaced formt - Same as /teletele - 传送到此坐标time [set|get|day|night [minute|hour|day [TIME]]] - 设置指定时间得到物品timeschedule > - 设定一段时间段,让世界永远保持在这段时间之间- - 《凉宫春日漫无止境的八月》unbind - 解除一个命令useportal - 传送到地狱waterdamage - 开关潜水伤害【world设置】world - 世界情报world load - 加载指定的文件world save - 保存退出游戏world seed [SEED] - 给你看看你世界里有多少个方块world new [FILENAME] [SEED] - 在指定位置创建新地图world exit - 不保存退出游戏world list - 列出所有存档你可以去这看 ".minecraft/saves"* = 新命令?setspawn 设置重生点【服务器】1.限权插件由于限权插件使用很麻烦,而且会引起各种问题(如进地狱除op外都被限权等),所以就删除了。



3D Max动画基础基础课程0 …………基础课程1 …………基础课程2 …………第01课………………第02课………………第03课………………第04课………………第05课………………第06课………………第07课………………第08课………………第09课………………第10课………………第11课………………第12课………………第13课………………第14课………………第15课………………第16课………………第17课………………第18课………………第19课………………第20课………………第21课………………第22课………………第23课………………第24课………………第25课………………第26课………………第27课………………第28课………………第29课………………第30课………………3D Max基础3D Max基础启动3D Max 双击桌面上的3ds max立方体图标或者单击“开始”|“程序”,在程序菜单中找到discreet菜单选择3dmax再选择3dmax立方体图标。

启动3D Max后会出现一个窗口,物体制作就在这个窗口中,下面我们来看一下。










3d修改命令板里面命令的中英文对照3d修改命令面板里面命令的中英文对照一、File〈文件〉New〈新建〉Reset〈重置〉Open〈打开〉Save〈保存〉Save As〈保存为〉Save selected〈保存选择〉XRef Objects〈外部引用物体〉XRef Scenes〈外部引用场景〉Merge〈合并〉Merge Animation〈合并动画动作〉Replace〈替换〉Import〈输入〉Export〈输出〉Export Selected〈选择输出〉Archive〈存档〉Summary Info〈摘要信息〉File Properties〈文件属性〉View Image File〈显示图像文件〉History〈历史〉Exit〈退出〉二、Edit〈菜单〉Undo or Redo〈取消/重做〉Hold and fetch〈保留/引用〉Delete〈删除〉Clone〈克隆〉Select All〈全部选择〉Select None〈空出选择〉Select Invert〈反向选择〉Select By〈参考选择〉Color〈颜色选择〉Name〈名字选择〉Rectangular Region〈矩形选择〉Circular Region〈圆形选择〉Fabce Region〈连点选择〉Lasso Region〈套索选择〉Region:〈区域选择〉Window〈包含〉Crossing〈相交〉Named Selection Sets〈命名选择集〉Object Properties〈物体属性〉三、Tools〈工具〉Transform Type-In〈键盘输入变换〉Display Floater〈视窗显示浮动对话框〉Selection Floater〈选择器浮动对话框〉Light Lister〈灯光列表〉Mirror〈镜像物体〉Array〈阵列〉Align〈对齐〉Snapshot〈快照〉Spacing Tool〈间距分布工具〉Normal Align〈法线对齐〉Align Camera〈相机对齐〉Align to View〈视窗对齐〉Place Highlight〈放置高光〉Isolate Selection〈隔离选择〉Rename Objects〈物体更名〉四、Group〈群组〉Group〈群组〉Ungroup〈撤消群组〉Open〈开放组〉Close〈关闭组〉Attach〈配属〉Detach〈分离〉Explode〈分散组〉五、Views〈查看〉Undo View Change/Redo View change〈取消/重做视窗变化〉Save Active View/Restore Active View〈保存/还原当前视窗〉Viewport Configuration〈视窗配置〉Grids〈栅格〉Show Home Grid〈显示栅格命令〉Activate Home Grid〈活跃原始栅格命令〉Activate Grid Object〈活跃栅格物体命令〉Activate Grid to View〈栅格及视窗对齐命令〉Viewport Background〈视窗背景〉Update Background Image〈更新背景〉Reset Background Transform〈重置背景变换〉Show Transform Gizmo〈显示变换坐标系〉Show Ghosting〈显示重橡〉Show Key Times〈显示时间键〉Shade Selected〈选择亮显〉Show Dependencies〈显示关联物体〉Match Camera to View〈相机与视窗匹配〉Add Default Lights To Scene〈增加场景缺省灯光〉Redraw All Views〈重画所有视窗〉Activate All Maps〈显示所有贴图〉Deactivate All Maps〈关闭显示所有贴图〉Update During Spinner Drag〈微调时实时显示〉Adaptive Degradation Toggle 〈绑定适应消隐〉Expert Mode〈专家模式〉六、Create〈创建〉Standard Primitives〈标准图元〉Box〈立方体〉Cone〈圆锥体〉Sphere〈球体〉GeoSphere〈三角面片球体〉Cylinder〈圆柱体〉Tube〈管状体〉Torus〈圆环体〉Pyramid〈角锥体〉Plane〈平面〉Teapot〈茶壶〉Extended Primitives〈扩展图元〉Hedra〈多面体〉Torus Knot〈环面纽结体〉Chamfer Box〈斜切立方体〉Chamfer Cylinder〈斜切圆柱体〉Oil Tank〈桶状体〉Capsule〈角囊体〉Spindle〈纺锤体〉L-Extrusion〈L形体按钮〉Gengon〈导角棱柱〉C-Extrusion〈C形体按钮〉RingWave〈环状波〉Hose〈软管体〉Prism〈三棱柱〉Shapes〈形状〉Line〈线条〉Text〈文字〉Arc〈弧〉Circle〈圆〉Donut〈圆环〉Ellipse〈椭圆〉Helix〈螺旋线〉NGon〈多边形〉Rectangle〈矩形〉Section〈截面〉Star〈星型〉Lights〈灯光〉Target Spotlight〈目标聚光灯〉Free Spotlight〈自由聚光灯〉Target Directional Light〈目标平行光〉Directional Light〈平行光〉Omni Light〈泛光灯〉Skylight〈天光〉Target Point Light〈目标指向点光源〉Free Point Light〈自由点光源〉Target Area Light〈指向面光源〉IES Sky〈IES天光〉IES Sun〈IES阳光〉SuNLIGHT System and Daylight〈太阳光及日光系统〉Camera〈相机〉Free Camera〈自由相机〉Target Camera〈目标相机〉Particles〈粒子系统〉Blizzard〈暴风雪系统〉PArray〈粒子阵列系统〉PCloud〈粒子云系统〉Snow〈雪花系统〉Spray〈喷溅系统〉Super Spray〈超级喷射系统〉七、Modifiers〈修改器〉Selection Modifiers〈选择修改器〉Mesh Select〈网格选择修改器〉Poly Select〈多边形选择修改器〉Patch Select〈面片选择修改器〉Spline Select〈样条选择修改器〉Volume Select〈体积选择修改器〉FFD Select〈自由变形选择修改器〉NURBS Surface Select〈NURBS表面选择修改器〉Patch/Spline Editing〈面片/样条线修改器〉:Edit Patch〈面片修改器〉Edit Spline〈样条线修改器〉Cross Section〈截面相交修改器〉Surface〈表面生成修改器〉Delete Patch〈删除面片修改器〉Delete Spline〈删除样条线修改器〉Lathe〈车床修改器〉Normalize Spline〈规格化样条线修改器〉Fillet/Chamfer〈圆切及斜切修改器〉Trim/Extend〈修剪及延伸修改器〉Mesh Editing〈表面编辑〉Cap Holes〈顶端洞口编辑器〉Delete Mesh〈编辑网格物体编辑器〉Edit Normals〈编辑法线编辑器〉Extrude〈挤压编辑器〉Face Extrude〈面拉伸编辑器〉Normal〈法线编辑器〉Optimize〈优化编辑器〉Smooth〈平滑编辑器〉STL Check〈STL检查编辑器〉Symmetry〈对称编辑器〉Tessellate〈镶嵌编辑器〉Vertex Paint〈顶点着色编辑器〉Vertex Weld〈顶点焊接编辑器〉Animation Modifiers〈动画编辑器〉Skin〈皮肤编辑器〉Morpher〈变体编辑器〉Flex〈伸缩编辑器〉Melt〈熔化编辑器〉Linked XForm〈连结参考变换编辑器〉Patch Deform〈面片变形编辑器〉Path Deform〈路径变形编辑器〉Surf Deform〈表面变形编辑器〉* Surf Deform〈空间变形编辑器〉UV Coordinates〈贴图轴坐标系〉UVW Map〈UVW贴图编辑器〉UVW Xform〈UVW贴图参考变换编辑器〉Unwrap UVW〈展开贴图编辑器〉Camera Map〈相机贴图编辑器〉* Camera Map〈环境相机贴图编辑器〉Cache Tools〈捕捉工具〉Point Cache〈点捕捉编辑器〉Subdivision Surfaces〈表面细分〉MeshSmooth〈表面平滑编辑器〉HSDS Modifier〈分级细分编辑器〉Free Form Deformers〈自由变形工具〉FFD 2×2×2/FFD 3×3×3/FFD 4×4×4〈自由变形工具2×2×2/3×3×3/4×4×4〉FFD Box/FFD Cylinder〈盒体和圆柱体自由变形工具〉Parametric Deformers〈参数变形工具〉Bend〈弯曲〉Taper〈锥形化〉Twist〈扭曲〉Noise〈噪声〉Stretch〈缩放〉Squeeze〈压榨〉Push〈推挤〉Relax〈松弛〉Ripple〈波纹〉Wave〈波浪〉Skew〈倾斜〉Slice〈切片〉Spherify〈球形扭曲〉Affect Region〈面域影响〉Lattice〈栅格〉Mirror〈镜像〉Displace〈置换〉XForm〈参考变换〉Preserve〈保持〉Surface〈表面编辑〉Material〈材质变换〉Material By Element〈元素材质变换〉Disp Approx〈近似表面替换〉NURBS Editing〈NURBS面编辑〉NURBS Surface Select〈NURBS表面选择〉Surf Deform〈表面变形编辑器〉Disp Approx〈近似表面替换〉Radiosity Modifiers〈光能传递修改器〉Subdivide〈细分〉* Subdivide〈超级细分〉八、Character〈角色人物〉Create Character〈创建角色〉Destroy Character〈删除角色〉Lock/Unlock〈锁住与解锁〉Insert Character〈插入角色〉Save Character〈保存角色〉Bone Tools〈骨骼工具〉Set Skin Pose〈调整皮肤姿势〉Assume Skin Pose〈还原姿势〉Skin Pose Mode〈表面姿势模式〉九、Animation〈动画〉IK Solvers〈反向动力学〉HI Solver〈非历史性控制器〉HD Solver〈历史性控制器〉IK Limb Solver〈反向动力学肢体控制器〉SplineIK Solver〈样条反向动力控制器〉Constraints〈约束〉Attachment Constraint〈附件约束〉Surface Constraint〈表面约束〉Path Constraint〈路径约束〉Position Constraint〈位置约束〉Link Constraint〈连结约束〉LookAt Constraint〈视觉跟随约束〉Orientation Constraint〈方位约束〉Transform Constraint〈变换控制〉Link Constraint〈连接约束〉Position/Rotation/Scale〈PRS控制器〉Transform Script〈变换控制脚本〉Position Controllers〈位置控制器〉Audio〈音频控制器〉Bezier〈贝塞尔曲线控制器〉Expression〈表达式控制器〉Linear〈线性控制器〉Motion Capture〈动作捕捉〉Noise〈燥波控制器〉Quatermion(TC〈TCB控制器〉Reactor〈反应器〉Spring〈弹力控制器〉Script〈脚本控制器〉XYZ〈XYZ位置控制器〉Attachment Constraint〈附件约束〉Path Constraint〈路径约束〉Position Constraint〈位置约束〉Surface Constraint〈表面约束〉Rotation Controllers〈旋转控制器〉注:该命令工十一个子菜单。

tutorial 中文手册2.2

tutorial 中文手册2.2

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I、TrueGrid介绍True Grid是一套优秀的、功能强大的通用网格生成前处理软件。


作为一套简单易用,交互式、批处理前处理器,True Grid支持三十多款当今主流的分析软件。

True Grid是基于多块体结构(multiple-block-structured)的网格划分工具,尽管这个指南手册开始会提供一些介绍信息,新手还是强烈要求阅读用户手册(True Grid® User’s Manual)的前2章,用户指南和参考手册。

True Grid是几何和网格形成过程是分开进行。


块网格(block mesh)初始化然后通过各种变换与几何模型匹配形成最后的有限元模型。

True Grid网格划分过程:运用block命令初始化块网格;块网格部分会被删掉以使拓扑结构与划分目标对应;块网格部分通过移动,曲线定位,曲面投影等方法进行变换;网格插值、光滑和Zoning(控制边界节点分布)等技术可以用来形成更好的网格;块网格之间独立形成,然后通过块边界面(BB)和普通节点合并命令(指定容差范围内合并)将各块网格合并成完整的有限元模型。

Disciples II 游戏指南说明书

Disciples II 游戏指南说明书

• Tutorial:Allows you to play the tutorial map.Campaign Selection MenuAfter selecting your race, a menu will pop up asking you to select which campaign you want to play. You can choose between the original Disciples II – Dark Prophecy campaign and the new high level campaigns. Depending on which pack you own you can pick either Disciples II – Guardians of The Light or Disciples II – Servants of the Dark.New resources interfaceWhen Resources is toggled, the Resource window displays the total resources that youown. Remember, this is different from the Beginning of Turn report, which only displaysthe resources acquired during a single turn. Once this panel is open, you have access to another button located to the right. Pressing this button displays a prediction of your incomes for the next turn. The prediction is based on the actual resources you have under your control.Note:For convenience, there is also a resource bar that can be toggled on and off. The button is located just aside the briefing button.Click to review all the quest events messages.• Lock Unit Type: Clicking this button allows you to prevent a unit from upgrading intothe next type of unit in its upgrade branch. The target unit will continue to gain experience, and it will move up levels, but it will not gain the abilities and attributes ofthe higher level unit.New combat menu• Instant Resolve: Click this icon to have the computer instantly resolve the fight. Notethat this command cannot be cancelled.High-Level Unit IconsWhen a unit achieves a certain number of levels over its base level, an icon will appear on its por-trait to indicate its experience. A unit 5 levels above its base level will have a blue sword for an icon, a unit 10 levels above its base level will have an orange sword for an icon, and a unit 15 or more levels above its base unit will have a red sword for an icon.Every time you finish the last scenario of a campaign you will be prompted to export one or more of your leaders. The exported leaders can later be imported into skirmishes or expansion campaigns.ChatInside the game, pressing Enter will bring the chat interface allowing you to communicate with your opponents. The chat window is available in the isometric view, the combat screen, and the cities screen.To access the random map generator:•Open the scenario editor (scenedit.exe)•Create a map and name it•In the top menu, click on MAP•In the MAP TOOLS menu, click on RANDOMIZE MAP•This will open the random map generator menuThe configuration editor can be found in the Disciples II folder in the start menu. The configuration editor allows you to modify the following options:Display Settings• Screen resolution: Allows you to select the desired resolution for the game, from 800x600 up to 1280 x 1024.• Refresh rate:Allows you to select the desired refresh rate. WARNING: These refresh ratesare reported by your video card. Your monitor may not actually support all the ones listed. Settingthe refresh rate to an unsupported setting may damage your monitor. Use default setting if in doubt.• Display game in a window:Allows you to display the game in a window. Much slower, desktop must be set to 16 bit unless using Direct 3D.• Use Direct 3D: Enable 3D hardware acceleration. Note that this is an unsupported feature.• Stretch to full screen: Use it in conjunction with the Direct 3D option to display the game window in fullscreen when using a resolution higher that 800 x 600.• Compatibility mode: When using Direct 3D, check that option if the game runs too slow. Notethat this is an unsupported feature.Audio settings• Custom MP3 soundtrack path:Here you can put the path to your preferred MP3 music tracks.• Pause Audio Environment While AI is Playing :Increase the performance.• Play sounds:Turn on or off the sound effects.• Play music:Turn on or off the music.Preferences• Delay before you can close an event pop up message:Time must be put in milliseconds.• Accumulate AI action points for smoother animation playback during AI turn:Improve game performance.• Play intro when game starts:Turn on or off the intro movie played when you launch the game.• Use persistent encyclopedia mode:Check this to make the encyclopedia remain open after releasing the right mouse button, eliminating the need to hold the button down. A second click or a key press (Esc, Enter or Space) closes the encyclopedia.• Display turn count in paths :Allows you to see the number of turn required to reach a destination.• Snap mouse to Cursor :Turn this option on to Automatically snap the mouse cursor over the OK button in dialogs.Iso :[CTRL+L]:Allows you to quick-load the save game from QuickSave, does not work in multiplayer (except in hotseat play).ProductionProducerAriel GauthierLead Designer/Project LeaderDanny BélangerLead Artist - 2D Character ArtAlexandre RodrigueLead ProgrammerFrédéric FerlandProgrammingJean-François MarquisEnvironment ArtAlexandre RodrigueArtVincent LamontagneCarl BoulayNorman OlsenLudovic PinardSebastien PrimeauAlex GingrasGame DesignersEva BunodièreErin MartelEthan Petty Skirmishes maps Erin Martel Emanuel Protopapas Eva bunodière Guillaume Bourbonnière Sylvain Schmidt Ludovic PinardEthan Petty Cinematics Nathalie Guimond Michel Therrien Raphaël BeaupréElie RocrayAlex GingrasWriting/Manual Calvin Campbell SoundVoice ActorsDoug CampbellKarl Gerhardt Graap Orla JohannesKersti KassDavid LawsonWill LicariRobert Saigec TaylorSound EngineerSimon LamoureuxMusic Designer/Composer Philippe CharronQuality Assurance Customer Support Brock Beaubien Emanuel ProtopapasQuality Assurance Team Éric TougasSylvain SchmidtYan Favreau LippéGuillaume Bourbonnière Michel ChouinardAllison SkerlDavid Mallet MarketingProduct Manager Prokopios “Pro” Sotos Director of Marketing Steve MilburnPackaging and Design Philippe BrindamourWeb DesignerHugo TrépanierSerge MongeauSenior PR AssociateKelly EkinsAssistant Product Manager Ryan BastienPresidentDon McFatridgeSenior V.P.Brian ClarkeV.P. Business Development Steve WallV.P. Product Development Richard TherrienV.P. SystemsDave HillV.P FinanceSonia Langlois。



TutorialTutorial OverviewThis chapter is intended to familiarize new users with major components of the FLOW-3D Graphical User Interface (GUI) and to walk through the setup and running of various simulations. A brief section on the Philosophy for Using CFD is followed by an introduction to the Simulation Filenames and ways to run simulation files. After those introductions follows a discussion of how to preprocess and postprocess simulations.The problems in this chapter are intended to cover the basics of using FLOW-3D. New users are advised to work through all of the problems and the variations. The tutorial problems were chosen to illustrate a variety of topics and address a number of questions that might be encountered. This tutorial should be used while you are sitting at your computer running FLOW-3D.Philosophy for Using CFDComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a method of simulating a flow process in which standard flow equations such as the Navier-Stokes and continuity equation are discretized and solved for each computational cell.Using CFD software is in many ways similar to setting up an experiment. If the experiment is not set up correctly to simulate a real-life situation, then the results will not reflect the real-life situation. In the same way, if the numerical model does not accurately represent the real-life situation, then the results will not reflect the real-life situation. The user must decide what things are important and how they should be represented. It is essential to ask a series of questions, including:•What do I want to learn from the calculation?•What is the scale and how should the mesh be designed to capture important phenomena?•What kinds of boundary conditions best represent the actual physical situation?•What kinds of fluids should be used?•What fluid properties are important for this problem?•What other physical phenomena are important?•What should the initial fluid state be?•What system of units should be used?It is important to ensure that the problem being modeled represents the actual physical situation as closely as possible. We recommend that users try to break down their complex simulation efforts into digestible pieces. Start with a relatively simple, easily understandable model of your process and work it through before moving on to add more complicating physical effects on an incremental basis. Simple hand calculations (Bernoulli’s equation, energy balance, wave speed propagation, boundary layer growth, etc.) can give the user confidence that the model is set up correctly and that the program is running accurately.Simulation FilenamesThe FLOW-3D input or “simulation” file is generally called prepin.ext where ext can be any character string which allows you to easily identify the input file. The prepin file contains all of the information necessary to describe a unique FLOW-3D simulation.The default name for the simulation input file is prepin.inp. When the prepin file has this default name, all output files will have the suffix .dat. When you give the prepin file an extension different than .inp,, as when you name the simulation in the GUI, then all of the output files will have the same extension as the input file, allowing you to keep track of which output files and input file go together.The main output file that contains solution results that are saved at various times during the simulation is called flsgrf. Users should be careful not to delete prepin and flsgrf files. Plots can be generated from any flsgrf file at any time during or after a simulation.For a restart simulation, the flsgrf file from a previous run must be available for data initialization in the solver.Note:Starting from a prepin file similar to the problem you intend to model can greatly simplify setup and is recommended whenever possible. Just open an existing input file and then save it to another directory and start working.The prepin file for a simulation can be recovered from its flsgrf file. The prepin file is written at the end of the file g_flsgrf which is created after the flsgrf is processed by the postprocessor or opened in the GUI’s Analyze tab.Setting up SimulationsThere are two ways to create simulations: (1) using the graphical user interface (GUI) and (2) manually by editing the prepin file. If you are curious about the contents of the prepin file, refer to the Input Variable Summary and Units, which contains a general description of the prepin file and its variables. Most FLOW-3D variables have default values, so not all variables used by the simulation need to be specified in the file. These tutorials will focus on using the GUI to create and edit simulations.Tutorial - Running an Example ProblemIn this exercise, you will learn how to create a new workspace and add an existing project file from the Examples directory. The example problem represents flow over a sharp-crested weir. You will learn how to view the setup, run the simulation, and then visualize the simulation results. Finally you will create a simulation copy and perform a restart. Along the way, other methods you can use to create simulations and view results will also be described.Numbered items are instructions to follow to complete the tutorial.Using the FLOW-3D Graphical User InterfaceThis section shows how to use the GUI to open a simulation file and execute FLOW-3D.Starting the FLOW-3D Graphical User InterfaceTo start the GUI on a Windows machine, click on the FLOW-3D icon on the desktop or find FLOW-3D in the program listing in the Start menu. To start the GUI on a Linux machine, type, “flow3d” at the command prompt and hit the Enter key. The picture below shows the opening screen of FLOW-3D.unch FLOW-3D by double-clicking the FLOW-3D icon on your desktop.At the very top of the GUI is a Menu Bar which includes the following menu headings: File, Diagnostics, Preference, Physics, Utilities, Simulate, Materials and Help. Below the menu bar is a row of tabs: Simulation Manager, Model Setup, Analyze, and Display. Each of these tabs corresponds to specific steps in a FLOW-3D simulation.When FLOW-3D is opened, the Simulation Manager tab is presented. This is where the user can create, save, copy, delete, and queue simulations to run. This tab also displays useful information on simulations that are running or have been previously run.Simulations are grouped into Workspaces, which are like folders and may represent individual projects or users of the program. For example, simulations related to the same design project can be organized into one workspace for ease of their setup. All simulations in a workspace can be run sequentially at a click of the mouse.Create a Workspace and Add an Example SimulationCreate a New WorkspaceWhen FLOW-3D is opened, a default workspace is automatically created.1.On the Simulation Manager tab, create a new workspace by selecting File ‣ New Workspace.2.Enter a name for your workspace. Type in “Hydraulics Examples”. It is recommended that theCreate subdirectory using workspace name checkbox be selected so that all the files associated with this project are in their own directory. Click OK to create the workspace.Add the Flow Over a Weir Example Simulation1.Your FLOW-3D installation includes several dozen pre-built simulations, called Examples. Add oneto this workspace by selecting File ‣ Add Example from the menu bar. The dialog below will appear. Select Flow Over a Weir from the list. Select the Open button to import the project and click OK to accept the default creation options.More Ways to Manage Simulations in WorkspacesNew or existing simulations can be added to a highlighted workspace containing other simulation using the File menu. To start a simulation from scratch, go to File ‣ Add New Simulation. To work with an existing simulation (an already-created prepin file and associated geometry files), select Add Existing Simulation instead. A simulation can be removed from the workspace by selecting the simulation and pressing the Delete key or selecting Remove Simulation from the File menu at the top or the pop-up menu that appears by right-clicking a simulation.Note:Although it is possible to locate and open files located on other machines on the network, the user will not be able to run them with FLOW-3D on their own machine. To run a simulation that has been set up on another machine, the user must first copy the input file and any associated geometry files to the local hard disk.Examine the SimulationWhether starting a new simulation or modifying an existing one, all of the selections or entries the user needs to make are executed in the Model Setup tab. The selections made in the Model Setup tab are recorded in an input file called the prepin file, which drives the FLOW-3D solver.When a simulation is selected in Simulation Manager, the Model Setup tab becomes active. The Model Setup tab has another row of tabs corresponding to various input sections for a FLOW-3D simulation.1.Select Flow Over A Weir by clicking on it.2.Select Model Setup ‣ Meshing & Geometry tab.Mouse Modes and Display Functions in the Meshing & Geometry TabMouse ModesFamiliarize yourself with the three functions of the mouse buttons:1.Left-button – Rotate: Click and hold the left-mouse button and move the mouse in the Meshing &Geometry window. The model will rotate accordingly.2.Middle-button – Zoom: Click and hold the middle-mouse button while moving the mouse verticallyin the window. Moving the mouse toward the top of the screen zooms in and moving the mouse downward zooms out.3.Right-button – Move: Click and hold the right-mouse button and move the mouse in the window.The model will move with the mouse.Display FunctionsGlobal Transparency1.The Transparency slider in the toolbar controls the transparency of ALL objects in the Meshing &Geometry display window. Move the slider from left to right and you will observe that the weir structure becomes more transparent as you continue to move the slider to the right. Later you will learn how to select transparency for individual objects in the display.View Model Along Axes1.Due to the complexity of three dimensional simulations, it is often necessary to view objects in 2-D.This can be accomplished by selecting one of the axes from the toolbar: Select the +X icon to position the view so that the geometry is viewed along the X-axis, looking toward the negative X pole. The icon now changes to -X.2.Click the same icon (now -X) to change the view to the opposite pole, looking along the X-axis inthe positive direction.Mesh Viewing Options1.Click the Mesh menu item at the top of the display (above the simple geometric shapes toolbar).2.Make sure the Show option is checked so the mesh is displayed.3.To display only the outline of the mesh (domain extents), select Mesh ‣ View Mode ‣ Outline. Thisview is shown at lower right.4.To display all user-specified gridlines (but not automatically generated gridlines), select Mesh ‣View mode ‣ Mesh Planes.5.Finally, display all the gridlines in the mesh by selecting Mesh ‣ View Mode ‣ Grid Lines.Assessing Mesh ResolutionOne of the most important aspects of simulation setup is choosing an appropriate computational mesh. If the mesh is too coarse, portions of the geometry may not be resolved and the simulation will not represent the actual problem. If the mesh is too fine, the runtime may be unnecessarily long. The goal of mesh setup is to use just enough cells to resolve the geometry and the flow features of interest.There are two ways of judging how well a computational mesh resolves the geometry. One way is to run the preprocessor but this can be time-consuming. A quicker way is to FAVORize the geometry. FAVORize embeds the geometry in the current computational mesh and displays the result in the Display window. The resulting geometry is called the FAVORized geometry.1.Click the FAVORize icon () in the Meshing & Geometry window toolbar. The FAVOR dialogwill appear.2.To display the solid geometry, select the Solid radio button.3.Click Render to display the solid geometry as in the image below.The image above on the right shows the weir structure. The sharp crest of the weir is visible and it appears to be adequately resolved. In later exercises you will use the FAVORize function to evaluate mesh resolution.4.Select Return to Model Building.Additional methods of checking the mesh resolution should also be used. In particular, the tri-directional aspect ratio of individual cells and the uni-directional aspect ratio between neighboring cells should be examined, especially when multiple mesh blocks are used. These checks are described in the application-specific tutorials.Preprocess the SimulationPortions of the geometry may be hidden from view in simulations with complex geometries and may require more information than what is provided by FAVORize in order to be assessed. For example, if there were some internal structure within the weir, 2-D plots would be required to assess mesh resolution. Preprocessing a simulation generates more information than FAVORize and allows a user to determine essential information such as adequacy of mesh resolution.The Preprocess Simulation command runs the preprocessor in the preview mode. It verifies the problem specifications, creates the grid and geometry, and produces both printed and plotted output. Running the preprocessor helps to ensure that the problem is set up correctly before the solver is run, which can save time. The user can examine the preprocessor output files in the Diagnostics menu and visualize the geometry and initial conditions by loading the prpgrf file into the Analyze tab. These steps are described below.1.Select Simulate ‣ Preprocess Simulation from the menu bar.2.If you are prompted to Save, select Yes.3.Switch to the Simulation Manager tab. The Flow Over A Weir simulation has been added to theSimulation Queues pane. It will have a clock-like icon: . Scroll over the icon to display a note indicating that it is running and connected. Once the solver begins to preprocess the simulation, a status bar will fill above the dashboard and the clock icon will also fill. It should complete (100%) within a few seconds. The next step is to display the preprocessor results.Display the Preprocessed Results in 3-D and 2-DThe preprocessor generates a results file named prpgrf.***. In this case, the project extension is “Flow Over A Weir”.1.To display the results contained in the prpgrf.Flow_Over_A_Weir file, select theAnalyze tab.2.If another results file is already loaded, you will see the Analyze tab. Select the Open Results Filebutton. If no other results file is loaded, FLOW-3D will take you directly to the FLOW-3D Results dialog described below.3.Select the Custom radio button to display the full output files generated by the solver and selecthow you want to visualize the data.4.Select prpgrf.Flow_Over_A_Weir from the dialog box, followed by OK. The Analyze tab is nowdisplayed.Although the full capabilities of the Analyze panel are available, typically only 2-D and 3-D plots are necessary to validate the model setup. First, you will generate the same display that was generated by the FAVORize function.5.Select the Analyze ‣ 3-D sub-tab.6.On the 3-D tab, select Complement of Volume Fraction in the Iso-surface dropdown and selectNone from the Color Variable dropdown.7.Select Render. You will see the same image in the Display window as you saw in the FAVORizedisplay. A 3-D display of Complement of Volume Fraction shows the same image as you saw when you FAVORized.The next step will be to generate 2-D plots with the mesh overlayed. The object will be to generatea 2-D display of pressure in the X-Z plane at Y = 0.8.Select the Analyze ‣ 2-D sub-tab.9.Choose the X-Z radio button.10.Move both Y-direction limits sliders to the left-most position (J = 2, Y = 0.25).11.Select the Mesh checkbox to overlay the mesh on the results.12.Click Renderto generate the graphics. You will see the image shown below.This is the fluid and solid configuration at the first simulation time step, looking at the cell centers of the X-Z plane at Cartesian Y = 0 (this location is the the minimum Y-extent of the domain, which is the centerline of the weir). The sharp crest of the weir can be seen indicating the mesh resolution is probably adequate for resolving the geometry features of interest.The initial fluid configuration is also shown. The initial velocity is shown, with the maximum vector value in the upper right. The units of the vector are length/time in whatever consistent units the simulation is set up in. Pressure is shown in this plot, also in units of mass/length/time . In the next section, you will check which unit system is being used. This plot, and others like it, allow the user to determine the correctness of the setup before running the simulation. If other flow quantities such as density or scalar concentration were initialized, they could be checked here as well by selecting them in the Contour Variable dropdown list.Modify the SimulationBefore running the simulation, you want to:•Check the Simulation Units (to allow output unit labels)•Request Hydraulic Data (to record additional data of interest)•Specify Selected Data output (to record some data more frequently than by default)Check the Simulation Units1.Select the Model Setup ‣ General tab. On the right-hand side of the General tab you will see a group box named Units .2.Note that CGS is selected in the dropdown box. This means that the geometry and fluid unit of length is the cm, the unit of mass is the gram, and the unit of time is the second.2Any unit system is acceptable, but the imported geometry must have matching units of length, and the length/mass/time units must be the same for all geometric and fluid properties (such as density, dynamic viscosity, etc.) Temperature is not selected because there is no thermal calculation in this model. Any temperature units may be used, as long as they are also uniformly applied to all model parameters.Request Hydraulic Data1.Select the Model Setup ‣ Output tab.2.In the Additional Output section, select the checkbox for Hydraulic Data as shown below. This willcause the fluid elevation, fluid depth, Froude number, and depth-averaged velocity to be computed and stored in the results file.Additional Output data will not be computed unless it is selected on the Output tab before running the simulation because it is secondary data (derived from other primary quantities).Specify Selected Data OutputSelected data is data chosen by the user to be output more frequently than Restart data. Selected data is output at default intervals of 1/100th of the simulation time and includes only variables of interest whereas Restart data is output at default intervals of 1/10th of the simulation time and includes all variables necessary to solve the fluid flow equations. Selected data is useful for creating smooth animations without making excessively large output files.1.On the Output tab, select the following data: Fluid Fraction, Fluid Velocities, Hydraulic data, andPressure as shown below.Selected data output should be chosen with care since only the specified variables will be written more frequently to the results file during the simulation. If you determine later that you need avariable which was not specified in the Selected Data list, the simulation will need to be re-run with this output specified.Run the SimulationThere are two ways to run FLOW-3D: (1) from the graphical user interface (GUI) and (2) from the command line. Either option launches the solver program called hydr3d.exe. Launching the solver from the command line may be useful during debugging and in other special cases. This example will launch the solver from the GUI, which is the typical usage.See also:Running FLOW-3D from the Command LineThe menu selections for running simulations are located in the Simulate menu at the top of the GUI window:1.Start the simulation by selecting Simulate ‣ Run Simulation from top menu bar.2.The simulation must be saved before running, so select Yes when prompted to save.3.Switch to the Simulation Manager tab.The right side of the Simulation Manager tab can be thought of as a dashboard for the simulation.The efficiency and accuracy of the simulation are indicated by the runtime diagnostics plots and the runtime messages. This space also allows the user to interact with the solver while it runs.The Terminate icon: or Simulate ‣ Terminate Simulation... from the top menu will shut down the preprocessor or solver. When the solver is terminated, it will write a final data plot to the output file before shutting down.4.Select Preference ‣ Show Simulation Text in Navigator from the top menu. The status of a FLOW-3D simulation, as well as any warning or error messages generated, will appear in the Runtime Messages window below the plot.5.Familiarize yourself with the various runtime diagnostic plots available in the drop-down list abovethe plot. Each selection shows a different graph.Stability limit & dt: Provides a comparison of the time step stability limit (largest time step allowable) and dt, the actual time step being used. Ideally the time step dt is the same as the stability limit but it may be smaller due to various factors such as excessive pressure iteration or splashing.Time-step size: The solver time step.Epsi & max residual: Epsi represents the pressure iteration convergence criteria. The max residual represents the actual value of the criteria after the pressure iteration has either converged or the iteration count has reached the maximum allowable value. If a pressure iteration failure occurs, the max residual plot will be above the Epsi plot.Pressure iteration count: The number of pressure iterations. Low values indicate good pressure convergence. Different pressure solvers have different values that may be considered ‘high’.Fill fraction: The total volume of fluid divided by the total open (non-solid) volume in the domain. A near-constant value is one indication that the flow is nearly steady.Conv. volume error (% lost): Represents the amount of fluid gained (negative value) or lost (positive value) due to advection errors. Typically much less than 1%, values larger than 1%-3% may indicate problems with the simulation, particularly with mesh aspect ratio, excessive fluid break-up, or rapid solid (moving object) motion.Volume of fluid 1: The fluid volume within the domain over time. Indicates if the domain is filling or draining, and can be used to estimate if a simulation has reached steady state.Fluid 1 surface area: The free-surface area of Fluid #1 is the domain. Scattered values indicate sloshing, waves, droplets, or filling/draining.Mass-avg mean kinetic energy: Provides a measure of the average mean kinetic energy of flow. This is a good indicator of the steadiness of the flow.Particle count: The number of Lagrangian particles in the domain, if present. In this example, particles are used to visualize flow paths, and are not re-generated at the inlet, so the total number of particlesdecreases over time.Introduction to Results AnalysisThe graphical results of a simulation can be viewed while the simulation is running or after the simulation is complete. It is often useful to visualize the 2-D and 3-D results while a simulation is running to check that it is running correctly.View Existing Plots1.Click on the Analyze tab. A message appears indicating that the prpgrf file no longer exists.The prpgrf file, which was generated during the Preprocess phase, is deleted when the simulation is run. Select Continue and the FLOW-3D Results dialog will be presented.If no message appears (the Analyze tab opens), select Load Results File to open the same dialog.2.Select the Existing radio button. Two types of files will be shown in the data file path box, if theyexist. Files with the name prpplt.* contain plots created automatically by the preprocessor, while files with the name flsplt.* contain plots automatically created by the postprocessor as well as plots pre-specified in the input file.3.Select flsplt.Flow_Over_A_Weir and click OK. This will cause the Display tab to openautomatically.4.A list of available plots appears at the right. A particular plot may be viewed by clicking on thename of that plot in the list. Select plot 26.Viewing Custom Plots1.Click on the Analyze tab. A message appears indicating that the prpgrf file no longer exists.The prpgrf file, which was generated during the Preprocess phase, is deleted when the simulation is run. Select Continue and the FLOW-3D Results dialog will be presented.If no message appears (the Analyze tab opens), select Load Results File to open the same dialog.2.Select the Custom radio button to see full output files. Full output files include prpgrf.* filesand flsgrf.* files. Since the simulation has been run, the preprocessor output file has been deleted and incorporated into the flsgrf file.3.Select the flsgrf.Flow_Over_A_Weir file in the dialog and click OK.The Analyze tab will now be displayed. There are many ways to visualize the results of the simulation. The available plot types are:Custom: Can be used to write an output file using the output codes in the Customized Postprocessing section of this manual.Probe: Displays output data for individual computational cells, boundaries, components, and domain-wide (global) parameters.1-D: Cell data can be viewed along a line of cells in the X, Y, or Z direction. Plot limits can be applied both spatially and in time.2-D: Cell data can be viewed in X-Y, Y-Z, or X-Z planes. Plot limits can be applied both spatially and in time. Velocity vectors and particles can be added.3-D: Surface plots of both fluid and solid can be generated and colored by cell data. Additional information such as velocity vectors, particles (if present), and streamlines can be added. Plot limits can be applied both spatially and in time.Text Output: Restart, Selected, and Solidification data can be written to text files.Neutral File: Restart and Selected Data can be output for user-specified interpolation points.FSI TSE: Output specific to the finite-element fluid/solid interaction and thermal-stress evolution physics package, not used in this example.Data SourcesOnce a plot type has been selected, the next step is to choose the data source. There are six sources of data in FLOW-3D:Restart: All flow variables. Default output frequency = 1/10th of the simulation time.Selected: Only user selected flow variables. Default output frequency = 1/100th of the simulation time.General History: Time-dependent data such as time step and kinetic energy. Default output frequency = 1/100th of the simulation time.Mesh Dependent: Variables (such as flow rate) computed or specified at boundary conditions.Solidification: Only available if the solidification model is active.FSI TSE: Additional output options for deformable solids.Examples of some of the available plot types will be generated in the next section.Introduction to Custom 3-D Graphic Output1.Select the Analyze ‣ 3-D tab.2.Select Iso-surface = Fraction of fluid. This is the variable that is used to draw a surface. Thesurface is drawn through all cells that meet the Contour Value criteria for the selected Iso-surface variable. Fraction of fluid is the default, and will show the fluid surface.3.Select Color variable = pressure. This selection determines which variable is used to color the iso-surface (in this case, the fluid surface will be drawn colored by pressure).。



DEFORMTM TM 3D 5.03 版用户手册Hfut_mcadcam整理目录绪言 (6)第 1 章. DEFORM概述 (7)1.1. DEFORM系列产品 (7)DEFORN-HT (8)1.2. 性能..... (8)1.3. 用使DEFORM分析制造工序 (11)1.4. 使用之前 (11)1.5. 几何学表述 (12)1.6. DEFORM系统 (13)1.7. 前处理 (14)1.8. 创建输入数据 (14)1.9. 文件系统 (15)1.10. 运行模拟 (17)1.11. 后处理器 (17)1.12. 单位制 (17)第 2 章. 前处理器 (19)2.1. 模拟控制 (19)2.1.1. 主要部份控制 (20)2.1.2. 步骤控制 (22)2.1.4. 高级步骤控制 (24)2.1.5. 停止控制 (27)2.1.6. 重划分准则 (28)2.1.7. 迭代控制 (29)2.1.8. 处理情况 (32)2.1.9. 高级控制 (35)2.2.1. 时期和混合 (42)2.2.2. 弹性数据 (43)2.2.3. 热数据 (44)2.2.4. 塑性数据 (46)2.2.5. 扩散数据 (52)2.2.6. 硬度数据 [MIC] (54)2.2.7. 晶粒生长/再结晶模型 (55)2.2.8. 高级材料属性 (61)2.2.9. 材料数据获得 (61)2.3. 插入材料数据 (64)2.3.1. 变形关系 (PHASTF) (64)2.3.2. 动力学模型 (TTTD) (65)2.3.3. 潜热 (PHASLH) (70)2.3.4. 变形感应体积变化 (PHASVL) (70)2.3.5. 变形可塑性 (TRNSFP) (71)2.4. 物体定义 (73)2.4.1. 添加,删除物体 (73)2.4.2. 物体名称(OBJNAM) (74)2.4.3. 主要模具 (PDIE) (74)2.4.4. 物体类型 (OBJTYP) (75)2.4.5. 物体形状 (77)2.4.6. 物体分网 (84)2.4.6. 物体材料 (94)2.4.7. 物体初始条件 (94)2.4.7. 物体属性 (95)2.4.11. 物体边界条件 (101)2.4.12. 接触边界条件 (104)2.4.13. 物体运动控制 (105)2.4.14. 物体节点变量 (112)2.4.15. 物体单元变量 (118)2.5. 物体关系定义....................... .. (125)2.5.1.物体关系界面 (126)工具磨损 (130)2.5.2. 定位 (131)2.5.3. 物体关系边界条件 (134)2.6. 数据库生成 (135)第 3 章. 运行模拟 (137)3.1. 交互式和批处理式 (137)3.2. 处理器转换 (变梯度和稀疏的) (137)3.3. 运行MPI (138)3.4. 寄出结果 (138)3.5. 开始模拟 (138)3.6. 模拟图形 (139)3.7. 加入排队 (批处理队列) (139)3.7. 程序监视器 (140)3.8. 停止一个模拟 (140)3.9. 故障处理问题 (141)3.9.1. 信息文件传送 (141)3.9.2. 模拟用户中止 (141)3.9.3.不能在负的步骤重划分网格 (141)3.9.4.重划分是极力推荐的 (142)3.9.5. 负Jacobian (142)3.9.6. 计算不收敛 (143)3.9.7. 刚度矩阵是非正定定义 (145)3.9.8. 零枢 (146)3.9.9. 数据的插补法 (146)3.9.10. 差的单元形状 (147)第 4 章. 后处理器 (148)4.1. 后处理器概述 (148)4.2. 图解式显示 (149)4.2.1. 窗口规划 (149)鼠标右键点击菜单 (151)显示物体状态 (152)树水平和功能 (153)另外的后处理功能 (155)4.3. 后处理摘要 (156)4.3.1. 模拟摘要 (156)4.3.2. 状态变量 (157)4.3.3. 点跟踪 (165)4.3.4. 负荷冲击曲线 (166)4.3.5. 坐标系统 (168)4.3.6. 步骤选择 & 操作 (169)4.3.7. 步骤列表 (170)4.3.9. 旋转 (173)4.3.10. 坐标轴视野 (174)4.3.11. 点的选择 (174)4.2.13. 多重视口 (174)4.2.14. 节点 (175)4.2.14. 单元 (176)4.2.15. 视口 (178)4.2.16. 数据输出 (179)第 5 章. Metalforming 和有限的单元分析的初步观念 (181)第 6 章. 用户步骤 (193)6.1. 用户定义的 FEM 步骤 (193)6.2. 用户定义的后处理步骤 (200)6.3. DEFORM-3D用户步骤(Windows NT/2000/XP) (204)版本注释 (205)FEM 引擎 (209)用户界面 (211)安装DEFORM-3D (218)Windows NT/2000/XP 安装: 安装笔记 (231)快速参考 (239)DEFORM-3D快速参考 (239)冷形成 (239)热形成 (243)附录 A: 以文本模式运行DEFORM (249)附录 B: 在Powerpoint插入DEFORM TM动画显示 (252)附录 C: SPIN.KEY中的运动控制的细节 (254)附录 D: 数据文件 (256)附录 E: 2D到3D的转化功能 (258)附录 F: 单元剔除的破裂和危险的软化 (260)附录 G: 旋转坯料模拟 (264)附录 H: DEFORM-3D中的板料模拟 (273)附录 I: 3D滚扎工艺的Euler法处理 (282)附录 J: 避免截面模拟中的节点泄漏 (284)绪言这个手册讲述了DEFORM-3D系统的特征和性能,它也包括对输入、安装和运行的讲述,如果你还从来没有接触过DEFORM,我们建议你先看看DEFORM实例手册以获得对该软件的初步了解以及如何运行不同类型的模拟。

unity3d 教学大纲

unity3d 教学大纲

unity3d 教学大纲Unity3D教学大纲引言:Unity3D是一款功能强大的跨平台游戏引擎,被广泛应用于游戏开发、虚拟现实、增强现实等领域。


一、Unity3D入门1.1 Unity3D概述- 介绍Unity3D的发展历程和应用领域。

- 解释Unity3D的基本概念,如场景、游戏对象、组件等。

1.2 Unity3D安装与界面- 指导学习者下载和安装Unity3D,并介绍Unity3D的界面布局。

- 详细讲解Unity3D的各个面板和工具栏的作用。

1.3 创建第一个游戏场景- 指导学习者创建一个简单的游戏场景,并添加基本的游戏对象和材质。

- 教授如何设置摄像机、灯光和碰撞体等组件。

二、游戏对象与组件2.1 游戏对象的创建与操作- 介绍如何创建不同类型的游戏对象,如立方体、球体等。

- 解释如何在场景中移动、旋转和缩放游戏对象。

2.2 组件的使用与定制- 详细讲解Unity3D内置组件的功能和用法,如刚体、动画、音频等。

- 引导学习者自定义组件,实现特定的游戏逻辑。

三、场景与关卡设计3.1 场景的构建与编辑- 教授如何使用Unity3D的编辑器工具创建复杂的游戏场景。

- 解释如何使用地形编辑器、粒子系统等实现场景的细节设计。

3.2 关卡设计与流程控制- 引导学习者设计游戏关卡,包括关卡目标、难度设置等。

- 教授如何使用脚本编写游戏流程控制,如关卡切换、计分等。

四、游戏物理与碰撞检测4.1 游戏物理引擎的使用- 介绍Unity3D内置的物理引擎,并讲解刚体、碰撞体等物理组件的使用。

- 引导学习者实现基本的物理效果,如重力、碰撞反应等。

4.2 碰撞检测与触发器- 教授如何使用碰撞器和触发器组件实现游戏中的碰撞检测。

- 解释如何编写脚本,实现碰撞事件的处理和触发器的使用。

五、游戏逻辑与脚本编程5.1 C#语言基础- 介绍C#语言的基本语法和面向对象编程的概念。






资源⽬录(SDK root)\Samples\C++\Direct3D11\Tutorials\Tutorial01设置Direct3D 11 设备第⼀步是创建⼀个窗⼝和消息循环,这些在Direct3D 9, Direct3D 10, 和Direct3D 11都是相同的。

有关此过程的介绍,请参阅Direct3D 10教程00:Win 32 Basics。

现在我们有了⼀个正在显⽰的窗⼝,我们可以继续设置⼀个Direct3D 11设备。


⾸先要做的是创建三个对象:⼀个设备(device),⼀个直接的上下⽂(immediate context),⼀个交换链(swap chain)。

直接上下⽂是Direct3d 11中的⼀个新对象。

在Direct3D 10中,设备对象⽤于执⾏渲染和资源的创建。

在Direct3D 11中,应⽤程序使⽤直接上下⽂对缓冲区执⾏渲染,设备中包含创建资源的⽅法。









为了创建交换链,我们填写 DXGI_SWAPCHAIN_DESC 结构来描述我们即将创建的交换链。



JAVA 3D 官方教程_CH_5

JAVA 3D 官方教程_CH_5

Getting Started with the Java 3D™ APIChapter 5AnimationDennis J BouvierK ComputingModule2: Interaction and Animation Chapter 5. Animation © 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc.2550 Garcia Avenue, Mountain View, California 94043-1100 U.S.AAll Rights Reserved.The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.SUN MICROSYSTEMS PROVIDES THIS MATERIAL "AS IS" AND MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SUN MICROSYSTEMS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ERRORS CONTAINED HEREIN OR FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS IN CONNECTION WITH THE FURNISHING, PERFORMANCE OR USE OFTHIS MATERIAL, WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY).THIS DOCUMENT COULD INCLUDE TECHNICAL INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. CHANGES ARE PERIODICALLY MADE TO THE INFORMATION HEREIN; THESE CHANGES WILL BE INCORPORATED IN NEW EDITIONS OF THE PUBLICATION. SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. MAY MAKE IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR CHANGES IN THE PRODUCT(S) AND/OR PROGRAM(S) DESCRIBED IN THIS PUBLICATION AT ANY TIME.Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or the limitations or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations and exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you also may have other rights which vary from state to state.Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes and without fee is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies.This documentation was prepared for Sun Microsystems by K Computing (530 Showers Drive, Suite 7-225, Mountain View, CA 94040, 770-982-7881, ). For further information about course development or course delivery, please contact either Sun Microsystems or K Computing.Java, JavaScript, Java 3D, HotJava, Sun, Sun Microsystems, and the Sun logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. All other product names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners.Module 2: Interaction and AnimationTable of ContentsChapter 5 Animation.............................................................................................................................................5-1 5.1Animations................................................................................................................................5-1 5.2Interpolators and Alpha Object Provide Time-based Animations.................................................5-25.2.1Alpha.................................................................................................................................5-25.2.2Using Interpolator and Alpha Objects.................................................................................5-45.2.3Example Using Alpha and RotationInterpolator..................................................................5-45.2.4Alpha API.........................................................................................................................5-85.2.5Interpolator Behavior Classes...........................................................................................5-105.2.6Core Interpolator API......................................................................................................5-125.2.7Path Interpolator Classes..................................................................................................5-20 5.3Billboard Class........................................................................................................................5-245.3.1Using a Billboard Object..................................................................................................5-245.3.2Example Billboard Program.............................................................................................5-255.3.3Billboard API..................................................................................................................5-26 5.4Level of Detail (LOD) Animations...........................................................................................5-285.4.1Using a DistanceLOD Object...........................................................................................5-295.4.2Example Usage of DistanceLOD......................................................................................5-295.4.3DistanceLOD API............................................................................................................5-315.4.4LOD (Level of Detail) API...............................................................................................5-32 5.5Morph.....................................................................................................................................5-335.5.1Using a Morph Object......................................................................................................5-345.5.2Example Morph Application: Walking..............................................................................5-345.5.3Morph API......................................................................................................................5-37 5.6Chapter Summary....................................................................................................................5-38 5.7Self Test..................................................................................................................................5-38List of FiguresFigure 5-1 Some Classes used in Java 3D Animations............................................................................5-2 Figure 5-2 Phases of the Alpha Waveform.............................................................................................5-3 Figure 5-3 Some Basic Waveforms Easily Made with an Alpha Object..................................................5-4 Figure 5-4 Recipe for Using an Interpolator and Alpha Objects for Animation........................................5-4 Figure 5-5 Scene Rendered at 4:30 by the ClockApp Example Program.................................................5-6 Figure 5-6 Smoothing of the Waveform Produced by Alpha...................................................................5-7 Figure 5-7 Four Scenes Rendered by AlphaApp Showing the Effect of IncreasingAlphaRampDuration..5-7 Figure 5-8 Java 3D Core and Utility (shaded boxes) Interpolator Classes Hierarchy.............................5-10 Figure 5-9 Two Scenes from InterpolatorApp Showing Various Interpolators.......................................5-11 Figure 5-10 Partial Scene Graph Diagram of a ColorInterpolator Object and its Target Material NodeComponent Object...............................................................................................................5-13 Figure 5-11The Relationship Between Knots and Alpha Value for a 2D Position Example...................5-20 Figure 5-12 Recipe for Using a Path Interpolator Object......................................................................5-21 Figure 5-13A Scene Rendered by RotPosPathApp Showing the Interpolation of the Rotation and Position of the Color Cube. The Red Dots Show the Knots Positions of the Example Application..............5-22 Figure 5-14 Recipe for Using a Billboard Object to Provide Animation................................................5-24 Figure 5-15 Diagram of Scene Graph Using a Billboard Object as Created in Code Fragment 5-3........5-26 Figure 5-16 Image of BillboardApp with all 2D 'Trees' Facing the Viewer............................................5-26 Figure 5-17 Recipe for Using a DistanceLOD Object to Provide Animation.........................................5-29 Figure 5-18 Partial Scene Graph Diagram for DistanceLODApp Example Program.............................5-30 Figure 5-19 Two Scenes Rendered from DistanceLODApp..................................................................5-31 Figure 5-20 Recipe for Using a Morph Object.....................................................................................5-34 Figure 5-21 Key Frame Images from MorphApp with the Trace of One Vertex....................................5-36 Figure 5-22 A Scene Rendered from Morph3App Showing the Animations of Three Alternative Behavior Classes (not all are good).............................................................................................................5-37 List of Code FragmentsCode Fragment 5-1 Using a RotationInterpolator and Alpha to Spin a Clock (from ClockApp)...............5-5 Code Fragment 5-2 An Excerpt from the CreateSceneGraph Method of Code Fragment 5-3 Except From the createSceneGraph Method of Code Fragment 5-4 Excerpt from createSceneGraph Method in DistanceLODApp...............................5-30 Code Fragment 5-5 MorphBehavior Class from MorphApp.................................................................5-35 Code Fragment 5-6 An Excerpt from the createSceneGraph Method of MorphApp..............................5-36 List of TablesTable 5-1 Summary of Core Interpolator Classes.................................................................................5-11List of Reference BlocksAlpha Constructor Summary.................................................................................................................5-8 Alpha Method Summary (partial list)....................................................................................................5-9 Interpolator Method Summary (partial list)..........................................................................................5-12 ColorInterpolator Constructor Summary..............................................................................................5-13 ColorInterpolator Method Summary (partial list).................................................................................5-14 PositionInterpolator Constructor Summary..........................................................................................5-14 PositionInterpolator Method Summary (partial list)..............................................................................5-15 RotationInterpolator Constructor Summary.........................................................................................5-15 RotationInterpolator Method Summary (partial list).............................................................................5-16 ScaleInterpolator Constructor Summary..............................................................................................5-16 ScaleInterpolator Method Summary.....................................................................................................5-17 SwitchValueInterpolator Constructor Summary...................................................................................5-17 SwitchValueInterpolator Method Summary (partial list)......................................................................5-18 Switch Constructor Summary..............................................................................................................5-18 Switch Method Summary (partial list).................................................................................................5-19 Switch Capability Summary................................................................................................................5-19 TransparencyInterpolator Constructor Summary..................................................................................5-19 TransparencyInterpolator Method Summary........................................................................................5-20 PathInterpolator..................................................................................................................................5-23 PathInterpolator Method Summary (partial list)...................................................................................5-23 RotPosPathInterpolator Constructor Summary....................................................................................5-23 RotPosPathInterpolator Method Summary...........................................................................................5-24 Billboard Constructor Summary..........................................................................................................5-27 Billboard Method Summary (partial list).............................................................................................5-28 DistanceLOD Constructor Summary...................................................................................................5-32 DistanceLOD Method Summary..........................................................................................................5-32 LOD Constructor Summary................................................................................................................5-32 LOD Method Summary.......................................................................................................................5-33 Morph Constructor Summary..............................................................................................................5-37 Morph Method Summary (partial list).................................................................................................5-38 Morph Capabilities Summary..............................................................................................................5-38 Preface to Chapter 5This document is one part of a tutorial on using the Java 3D API. You should be familiar with Java 3D API basics to fully appreciate the material presented in this Chapter. Additional chapters and the full preface to this material are presented in the Module 0 document available at:/products/javamedia/3d/collateralCover ImageThe cover image represents the key frame animation possible using a Morph object and the appropriate behavior. Section 5.5 presents an example program utilizing a Morph object, an Alpha object, and a Behavior object to animate a stick man.Module 2: Interaction and Animation5AnimationChapter ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, you’ll be able to:• use Alpha and Interpolator classes to add simple animations• use LOD and Billboard to provide computation saving animations• use Morph objects with custom behaviors to provide key frame animationsC ertain visual objects change independent of user actions. For example, a clock in the virtual worldshould keep on ticking without user interaction. The clock is an example of animation. For the purposes of this tutorial, animation is defined as changes in the virtual universe that occur without direct user action 1.By contrast, changes in the virtual universe as a direct result of user actions are defined as interactions.Chapter 4 presents interaction classes and programs. This chapter is about animations.5.1 AnimationsAs with interaction, animations in Java 3D are implemented using Behavior objects 2. As you might imagine,any custom animation can be created using behavior objects. However, the Java 3D API provides a number of classes useful in creating animations without having to create a new class. It should come as no surprise that these classes are based on the Behavior class.One set of animation classes are known as interpolators. An Interpolator object, together with an Alpha object, manipulates some parameter of a scene graph object to create a time-based animation. The Alpha object provides the timing. Interpolators and Alpha objects are explained in Section 5.2.1 The distinction between animation and interaction made in this tutorial is fairly fine (direct is the key word here).Chapter 4 provides an example to help clarify this distinction (see "Animation versus Interaction" on page 4-3).2 Chapter 4 presents the Behavior class in detail and the application of Behaviors, in general. The material presented in Section 4.2 is a prerequisite for this chapter.C H A P T E RAnother set of animation classes animates visual objects in response to view changes. This set of classes includes the billboard and Level of Detail (LOD) behaviors which are driven not by the passage of time, but on the position or orientation of the view. Classes for both of these behaviors are provided in the Java 3D core and presented in Sections 5.3 and 5.4, respectively. Figure 5-1 shows the high level class hierarchy for animation classes.Figure 5-1 Some Classes used in Java 3D AnimationsSection 5.5 presents the Morph class. The Morph class is used in both animation or interpolator applications.5.2Interpolators and Alpha Object Provide Time-based Animations3An Alpha object produces a value between zero and one, inclusive, depending on the time and the parameters of the Alpha object. Interpolators are customized behavior objects that use an Alpha object to provide animations of visual objects. Interpolator actions include changing the location, orientation, size, color, or transparency of a visual object. All interpolator behaviors could be implemented by creating a custom behavior class; however, using an interpolator makes creating these animations much easier. Interpolator classes exist for other actions, including some combinations of these actions. The RotationInterpolator class is used in an example program in Section alpha object produces a value, called the alpha value, between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. The alpha value changes over time as specified by the parameters of the alpha object. For specific parameter values at any particular time, there is only one alpha value the alpha object will produce. Plotting the alpha value over time shows the waveform that the alpha object produces.The alpha object waveform has four phases: increasing alpha, alpha at one, decreasing alpha, and alpha at zero. The collection of all four phases is one cycle of the alpha waveform. These four phases correspond with four parameters of the Alpha object. The duration of the four phases is specified by an integer value expressing the duration in milliseconds of time. Figure 5-2 shows the four phases of the alpha waveform. All alpha timings are relative to the start time for the Alpha object. The start time for all Alpha object is taken from the system start time. Consequently, Alpha objects created at different times will have the same 3 Section 1.9 introduced the RotationInterpolator and Alpha classes. You may want to read that section first. Also, the Java 3D API Specification covers Alpha in detail.start time. As a result, all interpolator objects, even those based on different Alpha objects, are synchronized.Alpha objects can have their waveforms begin at different times. The beginning of an alpha object's first waveform cycle may be delayed by either or both of two other parameters: TriggerTime and PhaseDelayDuration. The TriggerTime parameter specifies a time after the StartTime to begin operation of the Alpha object. For a time specified by the PhaseDelayDuration parameter after the TriggerTime, the first cycle of the waveform begins4. Figure 5-2 shows the StartTime, TriggerTime and PhaseDelayDuration.An alpha waveform may cycle once, repeat a specific number of times, or cycle continuously. The number of cycles is specified by the loopCount parameter. When the loopCount is positive, it specifies the number of cycles. A loopCount of –1 specifies continuous looping. When the alpha waveform cycles more than once, only the four cycles repeat. The phase delay is not repeated.An alpha waveform does not always use all four phases. An alpha waveform can be formed from one, two, three, or four phases of the Alpha waveform. Figure 5-3 shows waveforms created using one, two, or three phases of the Alpha waveform. Six of the 15 possible phase combinations are shown in the figure.4 Either startTime or phaseDelayDuration can be used for the same purpose. It is a rare application that requires the use of both parameters.basic waveforms of INCREASING_ENABLEmode basic waveforms of DECREASING_ENABLE mode some other waveformsThe alpha object has two modes which specify a subset of phases are used. The INCREASING_ENABLE mode indicates the increasing alpha and alpha at one phases are used. The DECREASING_ENABLE mode indicates the decreasing alpha and alpha at zero phases are used. A third mode is the combination of these two modes indicating that all four phases are used.The mode specification overrides the duration parameter settings. For example, when the mode is INCREASING_ENABLE, the DecreasingAlphaDuration, DecreasingAlphaRampDuration 5, and AlphaAtZeroDuration parameters are ignored. While any waveform may be specified by setting the duration of unwanted phases to zero, the proper specification of the mode increases the efficiency of the Alpha object.5.2.2 Using Interpolator and Alpha ObjectsThe recipe for using Interpolator and Alpha objects is very similar to using any behavior object. The major difference from the behavior usage recipe (given in Section 4.2.2) is to include the Alpha object. Figure 5-4gives the basic interpolator and alpha object usage recipe 6.1. create the target object with the appropriate capability2. create the Alpha object3. create the Interpolator object referencing the Alpha object and target object4. add scheduling bounds to the Interpolator object5. add Interpolator object to the scene graphFigure 5-4 Recipe for Using an Interpolator and Alpha Objects for Animation.5.2.3 Example Using Alpha and is an example use of the RotationInterpolator class. The scene is of a clock face. The clock is rotated by a RotationInterpolator and Alpha objects once per minute. The complete code for this example is included in the examples/Animation subdirectory of the examples jar 7.5The ramp parameters are discussed in the 'Smoothing of the Alpha Waveform' Section on page 5-66This is the same recipe as given in Section The examples jar contains all of the source code for the examples in The Java 3D Tutorial; available for download from The Java 3D website.In this application, the target object is a TransformGroup object. The ALLOW_TRANSFORM_WRITE capability is required for the TransformGroup target object. Some other interpolators act upon different target objects. For example, the target of a ColorInterpolator object is a Material object. An interpolator object sets the value of its target object based on the alpha value and values that the interpolator object holds.The interpolator defines the end points of the animation. In the case of the RotationInterpolator, the object specifies the start and end angles of rotation. The alpha controls the animation with respect to the timing and how the interpolator will move from one defined point to the other by the specification of the phases of the alpha waveform.This application uses the default RotationInterpolator settings of a start angle of zero and an end angle of 2Π (one complete rotation). The default axis of rotation is the y-axis. The alpha object is set to continuously rotate (loopCount = -1) with a period of one minute (60,000 milliseconds). The combination of these two objects will cause the visual object to rotate one full rotation every minute. The cycle continuously and immediately repeats. The result looks like the clock is continuously spinning, not that the clock spins once and starts over.Code Fragment 5-1 shows the createSceneGraph method from This code fragment is annotated with the steps from the recipe of Figure 5-4.1.public BranchGroup createSceneGraph() {2. // Create the root of the branch graph3. BranchGroup objRoot = new BranchGroup();4.5. // create target TransformGroup with Capabilities6.Œ TransformGroup objSpin = new TransformGroup();7. objSpin.setCapability(TransformGroup.ALLOW_TRANSFORM_WRITE);8.9. // create Alpha that continuously rotates with a period of 1 minute10.• Alpha alpha = new Alpha (-1, 60000);11.12. // create interpolator object; by default: full rotation about y-axis13.Ž RotationInterpolator rotInt = new RotationInterpolator(alpha, objSpin);14.• rotInt.setSchedulingBounds(new BoundingSphere());15.16. //assemble scene graph17.• objRoot.addChild(objSpin);18. objSpin.addChild(new Clock());19. objRoot.addChild(rotInt);20.21. // Let Java 3D perform optimizations on this scene graph.22. pile();23.24. return objRoot;25.} // end of CreateSceneGraph method of ClockAppCode Fragment 5-1 Using a RotationInterpolator and Alpha to Spin a Clock (from ClockApp). Figure 5-5 is of a scene rendered by ClockApp at 4:30. The clock face is oblique to the viewer since the entire clock face is rotating.Figure 5-5 Scene Rendered at 4:30 by the ClockApp Example Program.The ClockApp program shows a simple application of the RotationInterpolator. The Clock object, defined in available in the examples/Animation subdirectory, shows a more advanced application of the RotationInterpolator object. The clock object in the program uses one RotationInterpolator object to animate each hand of the clock8. However, only one alpha object is used in the clock. It is not necessary to use one Alpha object to coordinate the hands; as noted above, all Alpha objects are synchronized on the program start time. However, sharing one Alpha object saves system memory.Some of the potentially interesting features of the Clock Class are:•the setting of the start and end angles for the hands,•the setting of the axes of rotation, and•the setting of the polygonal culling for the various components of the clock.The source code for the clock is in, also available in the examples/Animation subdirectory. The study of the Clock class is left to the reader.Smoothing of the Alpha WaveformIn addition to the duration of the four phases, the programmer can specify a ramp duration for the increasing alpha and decreasing alpha phases. During the ramp duration, the alpha value changes gradually. In the case of motion interpolators, it will appear as though the visual object is accelerating and decelerating in a more natural, real world, manner.The ramp duration value is used for both the beginning and ending portions of the phase and therefore the ramp duration is limited to half of the duration of the phase. Figure 5-6 shows an Alpha waveform with both IncreasingAlphaRampDuration and a DecreasingAlphaRampDuration. Note that the alpha value changes linearly between the two ramp periods.8 Since the clock has front and back facing hands, there are four hands and four RotationInterpolator objects.IncreasingAlphaRampDuration DecreasingAlphaRampDurationIncreasingAlphaDuration DecreasingAlphaDurationFigure 5-6 Smoothing of the Waveform Produced by Alpha9An example program,, demonstrates the effect of an IncreasingAlphaRampDuration on an Alpha waveform. In this program there are three car visual objects. The three cars start at the same time from the same x coordinate and travel parallel. The upper car has no ramp (ramp duration = 0), the bottom car has maximum ramp duration (half of the duration of the increasing or decreasing alpha duration), and the middle car has half the maximum ramp duration (one quarter of the duration of the increasing or decreasing alpha duration). Each car takes two seconds to cross the view. In Figure 5-7 shows four scenes rendered from this application.ramptime ~ 0.4s time ~ 0.8s time ~ 1.2s time ~ 1.6s durationnone½fullFigure 5-7 Four Scenes Rendered by AlphaApp Showing the Effect of IncreasingAlphaRampDuration. At about 0.4 seconds after the cars start, the first (left) image of Figure 5-7 was captured showing the positions of the cars. The top car, which will proceed at a constant rate in the absence of a ramp, has traveled the most distance in the first frame. The other two cars begin more slowly and accelerate. At one second (not shown), all the cars have traveled the same distance. The relative positions reverse during the second half of the phase. At the end of the two second phase, each of the cars have traveled the same distance.The source for AlphaApp is available in the examples/Animation subdirectory.9 Justin Couch provided the inspiration and most of the artwork for this figure.。



matlab课程设计3D荷叶一、课程目标知识目标:1. 理解3D建模的基本原理,掌握使用MATLAB进行3D荷叶建模的关键技术;2. 学会运用MATLAB中的相关函数和工具箱进行3D图形的绘制和编辑;3. 了解荷叶的形态特征,将其运用到3D建模过程中。

技能目标:1. 能够运用MATLAB软件独立完成3D荷叶的建模任务;2. 掌握基本的模型调整和优化方法,提升3D建模效果;3. 学会与同学进行合作交流,共同解决问题,提高团队协作能力。

情感态度价值观目标:1. 培养学生对计算机辅助设计的兴趣,激发其创新意识和探索精神;2. 增强学生对自然美的感知能力,提高审美素养;3. 引导学生关注生态环境,培养环保意识。




二、教学内容1. 3D建模基本概念:讲解3D建模的定义、分类及在现实生活中的应用;2. MATLAB软件操作:介绍MATLAB软件的界面、基本操作和常用工具箱;3. 荷叶特征分析:分析荷叶的形态、纹理等特征,为3D建模提供参考;4. 3D荷叶建模步骤:讲解使用MATLAB进行3D荷叶建模的详细步骤,包括:a. 建立基本形状;b. 细化模型;c. 添加纹理和材质;d. 调整光照和视角;5. 模型优化与调整:介绍优化模型的方法和技巧,提高3D荷叶建模的效果;6. 教学案例分析与实践:结合实际案例,组织学生进行小组讨论和实践操作,巩固所学知识。



三、教学方法1. 讲授法:在讲解3D建模基本概念、MATLAB软件操作及荷叶特征分析等理论知识点时,采用讲授法进行教学,为学生提供清晰、系统的知识框架;2. 演示法:在介绍3D荷叶建模步骤和模型优化与调整方法时,运用演示法,通过实际操作向学生展示建模过程,提高学生对建模技术的理解和掌握;3. 讨论法:针对教学案例,组织学生进行小组讨论,鼓励学生发表见解,培养其独立思考和团队协作能力;4. 案例分析法:选择具有代表性的3D荷叶建模案例,引导学生分析、总结建模过程中的关键技术和注意事项,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力;5. 实验法:安排学生在计算机实验室进行上机实践,让学生在实际操作中掌握3D荷叶建模技术,提高动手能力;6. 互动式教学:在教学过程中,教师与学生保持互动,及时解答学生疑问,关注学生学习进展,调整教学方法和进度;7. 创新性教学:鼓励学生在掌握基本建模技术的基础上,尝试创新设计,培养其创新意识和能力;8. 激励评价:采用积极、鼓励性的评价方式,关注学生在学习过程中的进步,激发学生的学习兴趣和主动性。









int DrawGLScene(GLvoid) // 此过程中包括所有的绘制代码{glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // 清除屏幕及深度缓存glLoadIdentity(); // 重置模型观察矩阵glTranslatef(-1.5f,0.0f,-6.0f); // 左移1.5 单位,并移入屏幕6.0glRotatef(rtri,0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); // 绕Y轴旋转金字塔glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); // 开始绘制金字塔的各个面有些人可能早已在上节课中的代码上尝试自行创建3D对象了。













3DOne简易操作教程目录3DOne简易操作教程.............................................................................................................................................. - 3 - 第1章3Done 操作界面篇....................................................................................................................... - 3 -1.主菜单(如图一数字1)................................................................................................................. - 3 -2. 标题栏(如图一数字2) .............................................................................................................. - 3 -3. 帮助和授权(如图一数字3)..................................................................................................... - 4 -4.主要命令工具栏(如图一数字4).............................................................................................. - 4 -5. XY平面网格(如图一数字5).................................................................................................... - 4 -6.案例资源库(如图一数字6) ....................................................................................................... - 4 -7.视图导航(如图一数字7)............................................................................................................ - 4 -8. DA工具条(如图一数字8) ....................................................................................................... - 4 -9. 坐标值和单位展示框(如图一数字9)................................................................................... - 5 -第2章3Done 图形交互篇....................................................................................................................... - 5 -1. 即时拖拽尺寸手柄......................................................................................................................... - 5 -2. 移动旋转手柄...................................................................................................................................... - 6 -3.直接编辑................................................................................................................................................ - 6 -第3章3Done 鼠标键盘篇....................................................................................................................... - 6 -1、灵活的鼠标拾取 ............................................................................................................................ - 7 -2、快捷的键盘操作 ............................................................................................................................ - 8 - 第4章3Done 草图绘制篇........................................................................................................................- 8 - (1)、矩形.............................................................................................................................................- 8 - (2)、圆形.............................................................................................................................................- 9 - (3)、椭圆形.........................................................................................................................................- 9 - (4)、正多边形....................................................................................................................................- 9 - (5)、直线.......................................................................................................................................... - 10 - (6)、圆弧.......................................................................................................................................... - 10 - (7)、多段线...................................................................................................................................... - 10 - (8)、通过点绘制曲线................................................................................................................... - 11 - (9)、预制文字................................................................................................................................. - 11 - (10)、参考几何体.......................................................................................................................... - 12 - 第5章3Done 草图编辑篇..................................................................................................................... - 12 - (1)、圆角.......................................................................................................................................... - 12 - (2)、倒角.......................................................................................................................................... - 13 - (3)、单击修剪................................................................................................................................. - 13 - (4)、修剪/延伸曲线...................................................................................................................... - 14 - (5)、偏移曲线................................................................................................................................. - 14 - 第6章3Done 基本实体篇..................................................................................................................... - 14 -(1)、六面体............................................................................................................................................ - 15 -(2)、球体 ................................................................................................................................................ - 15 -(3)、圆柱体............................................................................................................................................ - 15 -(4)、圆锥体............................................................................................................................................ - 16 -(5)、椭球体............................................................................................................................................ - 16 - 第7章3Done 特征造型篇..................................................................................................................... - 17 -(1)、拉伸................................................................................................................................................. - 17 -(2)、旋转................................................................................................................................................. - 17 -(3)、扫掠................................................................................................................................................. - 18 -(4)、放样................................................................................................................................................. - 18 -(5)、圆角................................................................................................................................................. - 19 -(6)、倒角................................................................................................................................................. - 19 -(7)、拔模................................................................................................................................................. - 20 -(8)、点变形............................................................................................................................................ - 20 - 第8章3Done 特殊功能篇..................................................................................................................... - 21 -(1)、抽壳................................................................................................................................................. - 21 -(2)、扭曲................................................................................................................................................. - 21 -(3)、圆环折弯........................................................................................................................................ - 22 -(4)、浮雕................................................................................................................................................. - 22 -(5)、镶嵌曲线........................................................................................................................................ - 22 -(6)、实体分割........................................................................................................................................ - 23 -(7)、圆柱折弯........................................................................................................................................ - 23 -(8)、锥削................................................................................................................................................. - 24 - 第9章3Done 基本编辑篇..................................................................................................................... - 24 -(1)、移动.......................................................................................................................................... - 24 - (2)、缩放.......................................................................................................................................... - 25 - (3)、阵列.......................................................................................................................................... - 25 - (4)、镜像......................................................................................................................................... - 25 - (5)、DE移动................................................................................................................................... - 26 - (6)、对齐移动................................................................................................................................. - 26 - 第10章3Done 组合编辑篇.................................................................................................................. - 27 - (1)、布尔加运算 ............................................................................................................................ - 27 - (2)、布尔减运算........................................................................................................................... - 27 - (3)、布尔交运算 ............................................................................................................................ - 28 - 白银市平川区第二中学3D One校本课教学计划............................................................................ - 28 - 【前言】 ................................................................................................................................................. - 28 - 【学情分析】 ........................................................................................................................................ - 28 - 【教学软件分析】............................................................................................................................... - 28 - 【教学目标】 ........................................................................................................................................ - 28 - 【教学方法】 ........................................................................................................................................ - 29 - 【教学内容安排】............................................................................................................................... - 29 - 【课时安排】 ........................................................................................................................................ - 29 -3DOne简易操作教程第1章3Done 操作界面篇自从中小学3D打印课程开展后,应该使用什么样的3D设计软件进行教学,成为人们关注的热点。



SHAPE ROLLING TEMPLATE (ALE)1.1.Creating a New Problem 1yout of Shape rolling template 3 1.3.Defining the Rolling Process 4 1.4.Roll Pass Design Setup 101.5.Defining Rolls 12 1.5.1. Defining Geometry for Roll 12 1.5.2. Defining Material & BCC for Roll 17 1.5.3. Defining Angular Movement for Roll 181.6.Defining Workpiece. 19 1.6.1. Defining Workpiece Geometry 19 1.6.2. Generating Mesh for Workpiece 21 1.6.3. Defining Material & BCC for Workpiece 281.7.Defining Inter-Object Relations 29 1.8.Running the Simulation and Post-Processing 32 1.9.Exiting DEFORM-3D 321.1. Creating a New ProblemOn a UNIX machine, type DEFORM3 to open DEFORM™-3D. On a Windowsmachine, go to the button and select DEFORM-3D from the menu. The DEFORM-3D MAIN window will appear, as shown below. Make a new problem under “Problem” directory. The problem setup window will open.Select the shape rolling guiding template and click. (See Figure 1)Select under problem current directory in the problem, name the simulation SHAPE_ROLL_Lab2 and click Finish.Figure 1: The problem type selection window.Figure 2: The problem location setup window.Figure 3: The problem name setup window.1.2. Layout of Shape rolling templateThe layout of the interface can be seen in the figure below. The screen is distributed into four discrete sections. The display window is where the objects for the current operation can be viewed. The project list window is where the list of settings currently editable.Based on the selection in the project list window, certain values can be edited in the setting modification window. As information is provided to the interface, information will be printed in the project record window such as saved steps.Figure 4: The layout of the shape rolling template interfaceSelect SI units for this Lab, while we leave the Project Name & Title to remain defaults as shown in Figure 4.1.3. Defining the Rolling ProcessThe shape rolling preprocessor will start.The process setting window, as seen below, should appear on the screen. This window allows the user to insert operations into the process list.Add one multistand operation to process (either drag rolling icon into project view or click “add to tree”.) Project list window looks like as shown in Figure 5.Figure 5: Template showing added operationsYou can modify the default settings (See Figure 6) for rolling operation before adding the operations to the project by clicking on default setting button, these settings would automatically get modified once the data is input in subsequent operations.Figure 6: Default process setting windowClose process setting window. Click on the first operation in the project view dialog and click “open opr” button to open the operation. Name operation “PASS1" (See Figure 7and Figure 7a).Figure 7: Process of opening first operation and renaming.Figure 7a: Process of renaming the operation.Select rolling type as “Steady state ALE rolling” (See Figure 8). Click Next.Figure 8: Roll Type Selection window.In the thermal calculations page, select the "Calculate temperature in workpiece and rolls (non-isothermal)" option (See Figure 9). Click Next.Figure 9: Setting type of thermal calculationIn the number of objects page, there are three models such as full, half and quarter model. In this lab, we will use quarter model option and add 4 roll stands and assign the distance for stands as shown in Figure 10. We will be using main rolls and the workpiece in this lab. (See Figure 10)Figure 10: Model type and roll stand page.Note: The shape rolling template supports the guided/open concepts used by many DEFORM products. At any time during the problem setup, the next or back buttons can be used to navigate to adjoining windows. In addition, the Project View highlights the current position in the setup at any time.1.4. Roll Pass Design SetupIn “Roll Pass Design” we select to use primitives for main roll pass design (See Figure11). Select Flat rolls with the dimensions as shown in Figure 13 and create the geometry.Similarly assign 86mm, 84mm and 82mm values for roll gap in 2nd, 3rd and 4th roll stands and generate roll geometry. The geometry looks as shown in Figure 13. Click on "Close"button to close the pop-up Roll Pass Design window. As you see only top roll is created because by default we assume that it is quarter symmetry.Figure 11: Roll Stand definition page.Figure 12: Roll Pass Geometry Definition Window.Figure 13: The rolls defined by the selection of roll geometry.1.5. Defining RollsSpecify a temperature of 40°C for the top roll. Click Next. (At this point, the rollgeometry could be edited, a different geometry imported, or a different primitiveselected).Figure 14: Setting of top roll temperature.1.5.1. Defining Geometry for RollAs the roll geometry is already defined, and no changes are necessary, go on to generate the 3D geometry for the roll with the settings as shown in Figure 15. 3D geometry of the roll looks like as shown in Figure 16.Figure 15: The geometry generation window.Figure 16: Three-dimensional image of the roll geometry.In geometry surface page, select the symmetric plane as shown in the Figure 17 and select “add” to define the boundary condition of the roll. Click Next.Figure 17: Selection of symmetric plane.Figure 18: Applying geometry condition for roll geometry.Use 100 elements in the 2D mesh for the top roll cross-section and generate the mesh. For top roll 3D mesh, change the number of layers to 72, leave all the other settings as default and generate the 3D mesh.Figure 19: The mesh generation window.Figure 20: Three-dimensional image of the roll geometry with mesh.1.5.2. Defining Material & BCC for RollIn Material window, import AISI-D3 data from the DEFORM™ library.Figure 21: Material selection window.Click Next will take you to the BCC page.In BCC Page select symmetry plane and generate the symmetry BCC as shown in Figure22. By default, Heat exchange with environment is already generated during the 3D rollmesh generation on all surfaces excluding symmetry plane. However, if geometry symmetry surface (Figure 18) is not defined, it will be generated on all surfaces includingsymmetry plane and then click button (Repeat the same in all stands). Click NextFigure 22: Assigning Symmetry BCC1.5.3. Defining Angular Movement for RollFigure 23: The display page showing the direction of assigned angular velocity. Assign a constant angular velocity of 55 rpm for top roll. (See Figure 23) Click Next.1.6. Defining Workpiece.Specify a workpiece temperature of 100 °C. Choose the object length type as “User”defined with length 1000mm (See Figure 24) and click next to define its Geometry.Figure 24: Defining workpiece parameters1.6.1. Defining Workpiece GeometrySelect “Use Edit 2D geometry” for workpiece 2D cross-section (See Figure 25),and add the points as shown in Figure 27 and create a hollow quarter circle. (See Figure 26).Figure 25: Selecting the mode of creating 2D geometry.Figure 26: 2D Edit geometry option in the shape-rolling template.1.6.2. Generating Mesh for WorkpieceUse 100 elements in the 2D mesh for the workpiece cross-section and generate the mesh.For the workpiece 3D mesh, increase the number of layers to 120 and leave all other settings as default and generate the 3D mesh. (See Figure 27) Zoom in and ensure that workpiece looks as seen in Figure 28.Figure 27: Mesh Settings for workpiece.Figure 28: 3-D brick mesh for the shape-rolling template.16.2.1 Defining finer mesh using Relative and Absolute methods.In Shape rolling (ALE) user can generate finer mesh by using the relative distance and values of specific distance, the option are: -1. Relative method2. Absolute methodExample1: - Generating finer mesh using Relative method.Select Finer mesh from radio button in mesh window and define starting and ending relative distance as 0.4 and 0.6 respectively (See Figure 29)..Figure 29 Defining relative finer mesh values in mesh window.Also we can define the relative finer mesh values in User-Defined Exit cross-section window (See Figure 30).Figure 30: Defining Relative finer mesh in User-Defined Exit cross-section window.This setting uses a relative percentage to determine where the fine mesh is located. The center of the stand is located at a position of 0.5 and the ends of the workpiece (or the midpoints between stands) are located at positions of 0.0 and 1.0 (See Figure 31 and Figure 32).Figure 31 – Relative finer mesh for ALE Lab setupFigure 32 –Relative finer mesh for two rolls setup with equal distance.Example2: - Generating finer mesh using Absolute method.Select Finer mesh Position radio button in mesh window and define finer mesh position as –20 to 20 (See Figure33).Figure 33:- Defining Absolute finer mesh Distance in mesh windowAlso we can define the absolute finer mesh distance in User-Defined Exit cross-section window (See Figure 34)Figure 34: Defining Absolute finer mesh in User-Defined Exit cross-section window.This setting uses an absolute distance to determine where the fine mesh is located. The values specified are the distances (in or mm) on either sides of the roll center. It considers the roll center as zero and generates the mesh according to the + (positive) and – (negative) fine mesh distance (See the Figure 35).Figure 36 shows the absolute finer mesh with -5 to +5 distance for two-rollstep-up with equal roll distance.Figure 35 – Absolute finer mesh for ALE Lab setup.Figure 36 – Absolute finer mesh for two rolls setup with equal distance.1.6.3. Defining Material & BCC for WorkpieceIn Material window, import AISI-1055 data from the DEFORM™ library.Figure 37: The Material library window.Figure 38: The Material selection page.View the default symmetry conditions & Heat exchange with environment surface assigned. The default conditions are correct and hence we can go ahead, click Next.1.7. Defining Inter-Object RelationsObject positioning is not required at this stage of the lab setting.In the Generate inter-object relations page (master-slave relations will be automatic). Go to edit page, define the coulomb factor as 0.5 and interface heat transfer coefficient as5.Click on for contact generation tolerance. Select the “Generate all” button. TheGenerated contacts looks as shown in Figure 40.Figure 39: Inter-object relationship window.Figure 40: Contact generation between roll and workpiece.After inter-objects relations, go to step controls and stopping criteria. Set 5000 time steps for this simulation with a step increment of 25.Set “TIME PER STEP” value to .001.Figure 41: Step controls.Check the data and generate the database. Close operation 1.Figure 42: Generate database window.Image of the setup after assigning all the roll stand details is as shown below in Figure 43.Figure 43: Image after complete setup has been done in quarter symmetry mode.1.8. Running the Simulation and Post-ProcessingExit the shape rolling template. In GUI main select the DB & under simulator click on Run. The simulation will be started. Simulation Graphics to see the results simultaneously as simulation runs. Post-Processor can be used to view the results.1.9. Exiting DEFORM-3DDEFORM-3D by selecting File→Quit or by clicking. When asked whether you wantto quit, click.。

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Interactive Design SystemsMC3D MC3D Tutorial Example Tutorial ExampleGetting Started GuideApplication Status: Version 1.1 Doc. Status: DraftLast Update: 11.9.20092 MC3D TutotialCopyrightAbout MC3DVersion 1.1Copyright © 2005-2009 Interactive Design SystemsCopyrightCopyright © 2009 Interactive Design Systems. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of thispublication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, ortranslated into any language in any form without prior written consent from InteractiveDesign Systems. The software applications described in this manual, including themanual and any associated media, is copyrighted and contains proprietary informationthat is subject to change without notice. All other trademarks or registered trademarksare acknowledged as the exclusive property of their respective owners.Interactive Design SystemsInteractive Design Systems16885 Via Del Campo Ct. Suite# 207San Diego CA 92128Phone: (858) 674-4196 or (800) 326-5525E-mail: support@Web: Contents 3 ContentsChapter 1 — Introduction__________________________________________4Overview (4)Structures (4)General Coordinates (5)Chapter 2 — Using MC3D_________________________________________7Input of General Coordinate (7)Initializing Precast-Segments Definition (10)Survey, Match-Cast Setup and As-Cast Coordinates (13)4 MC3D TutotialChapter 1 — IntroductionThis is an example of utilization of the MC3D program with general coordinates createdby IDS’ GEOM3D – 3D Bridge Geometry Modeler.OverviewGEOM3D is used to generate the 3D general coordinates of precast segments. Thisexample is for a multi-span variable depth cross-section box girder bridge erected inbalanced cantilever. GEOM3D is also capable of generating 3D coordinates for Span-by-Span type construction.For this example, the cross-section is shown below:The cross-section dimensions vary along the longitudinal axis of the bridge, however thetop slab dimensions remain constant. The “B” value required by MC3D is equal to 2.5m.The elevation bolts and hairpins used for horizontal offset will be located at 5cm for thesections ( a = 0.05 and c = 0.05).StructuresThe bridge is broken down in “sub-structures” (also called “Casting Sets” in the MC3Dprogram). In this example a “casting-set” is a half-cantilever (either down-station or up-station).Chapter 1 — Introduction 5General CoordinatesThe GEOM3D program produces the 3D general coordinates at the joints. These are the values exported to the MC3D program – per casting unit. Please see the GEOM3Dmanual for additional information on how GEOM3D generates the joint generalcoordinates.Here is a graphical display of the control points and coordinates computed by GEOM3D and necessary as input to the MC3D program:As an example, GEOM3D may be used to export coordinates to an Excel file:6 MC3D TutotialGEOM3D can also export to a text file:This text file has the proper format for input into the MC3D program for a specific castingunit.Chapter 2 — Using MC3D 7Chapter 2 — Using MC3DInput of General CoordinateGeneral coordinates at the joints may be input in MC3D in two different ways:•Using an Excel file•Using a text file•Keying values by hand in the Coordinates Tab view of MC3DThe following explains each method.Importing Coordinates Data from an Excel fileThe general coordinates must be formatted in the Excel file according to the sequenceneeded in the MC3D tab view. Start the the MC3D program and proceed to the“Coordinates” view and simply “Copy/Paste” the coordinates from the excel file –example:Copy highlighted rows to the Windows clipboard:8 MC3D TutotialThen paste into the coordinates view in MC3D:Importing Coordinates from a Text FileStart the the MC3D program and proceed to the “Coordinates” view. From the “Tools”pull-down menu, select “Options”. The Option dialog box is displayed:On this dialog box, it is possible to restrict the number of joints selected in the text file.You can select the start and end joints by keying the number of joints to skip at thebeginning and the end of the file. You can also specify that the text file includes thesegment names (on the same line as the joint number). There is also an option to“Include Shims”. Please ignore this option which is not needed for basic use of MC3D.Chapter 2 — Using MC3D 9 Click OK to return to the Coordinate view and click the “Read File” button:You can then open the text file, assuming that the file has been properly formatted for MC3D input. The process will populate the Coordinates grid view.Input Coordinates by HandFinally you can simply key-in the coordinates values in the grid view. This method is obviously more time consuming and more prone to typing errors.Camber ValuesMC3D assumes that the camber values (opposite of final vertical deflections) to be added to the general elevations are not included in the general coordinates, and will be provided separately in the Camber tab view. Of course if the camber values are already included in the final elevation values then the camber values should be zero.You would then key-in the camber values in the “Camber” grid view. For example:10 MC3D TutotialIn this view, only the “Vert(Z)” column is active to input vertical deflections. MC3Dautomatically adds the camber values to the general coordinates (elevations), prior toproviding match-cast setup values and as-cast coordinates.Initializing Precast-Segments DefinitionInitializing Coordinates and SegmentsIf you click the “Apply” button at this point, you will get the Message:“Please set the “B” value first”.This is because MC3D needs to check that this dimension is consistent for all thecoordinates of all the joints given in input.At this point, you must go back to the “Project Properties” tab and input the basedimensions as described in the MC3D manual. In this example, the “B” value is 2.5m.Project PropertiesKey in the Project Properties, text and numeral fields as show below, and click “OK”The MC3D program responds that the Project is initialized. At this point, you must go back to the Coordinates tab to initialize the segments – click the “Apply” button:MC3D responds that “All Segments are Properly Initialized”. At this point, MC3D has computed the “theoretical” set-up values for all segments, as if the casting operations were “perfect”, i.e. all match-cast segment were positioned exactly as required, and all wet-cast were cast accordingly.It is possible to view this “perfect cast” situation and the resulting “as-cast” coordinates (in this case the as-cast coordinates will be exactly equal to the theoretical coordinates) by selecting “Perfect Cast” on the Setup and Survey tab view for all the segments.But in reality, casting will not be perfect, and that is precisely the reason why a program like MC3D is needed. It will provide the best possible match-cast setup for all segments, based on the wet-cast and match-cast survey elevations and horizontal offsets provided by the surveyors during the casting operations.Note that MC3D checks the orientation of the general coordinates. The coordinates must be given in a “right-hand rule” Cartesian coordinate system, and the arbitrary “North” is always in the Casting Direction. If the coordinates do not meet the basic requirements, MC3D displays an error message saying that “Coordinates are Reversed”.This means that a simple vector product of the x-axis and y-axis resulting from the coordinates produce a z-value that is negative downward instead of upward (positive elevation is always upward). If this message is displayed, you must re-orient the coordinates so they meet the basic MC3D requirements.Upon clicking on the “Preview” button, MC3D displays a window showing the basic parameters resulting from the given general coordinates. For example:It is important to check these values. The display show the resulting values for each joint:• B value – should be close to the theoretical value (2.5m in the example)•Angle of the Bulkhead and Centerline – should be 90 degrees•Resulting Cross-Slope – should be close to theoretical•Orientation of the z-axis – should be “Upward”It is the user’s responsibility to evaluate these computed values and determine if thecoordinates are accurately input. As a general rule, MC3D requires at least 5 decimalson the general coordinate values for better accuracy.At this point, MC3D is ready to provide the Starter Segment Set-Up and record surveyvalues for the first cast.Survey, Match-Cast Setup and As-Cast CoordinatesStarter SegmentGo to the “Setup & Survey” tab view. MC3D displays the Setup for the Starter Segment.Floating Bulkhead SetupEast and West Elevations and Center Offset provides the setup for the floating bulkhead(i.e. on the South side of the Starter Segment). MC3D always assume that the fixedbulkhead is placed “on theoretical plane”, therefore the East and West Lengths should be measured from the fixed bulkhead back to the floating bulkhead.SurveyYou may record survey readings for the floating bulkhead and the Starter Segmentelevations (Wet cast here).Fixed Bulkhead MovementThere is always the possibility that the fixed bulkhead has moved during the casting operation. You may key-in this information here.Recording the Survey and Computing Next Set-UpAt this point, when the survey values have been checked and keyed-in, you may record the Survey by clicking the “Apply” button. Doing so will record the survey values for the Starter Segment and Set-Up the next match cast values (for the first Typical Segment).You may click on the “As-Cast Coordinates” tab view to display the As-Cast coordinates computed as a result of the recorded survey for the Starter. For example:This form shows the theoretical control point coordinates on the left and the resulting as-cast coordinates on the right. It also provides the bolts elevations and hairpins offset values. These can be used at the time of erection of the segment.Typical SegmentGo back to the “Setup & Survey” tab view and select the next segment in the “Segment” drop-down list box. MC3D displays the Setup and Survey form for the first Typical.You can use the Set-up values for the Typical Segment and record the survey readings for the wet-cast and the match-cast here – and repeat the operation for all typical segments.Match-Cast SetupNorth and South Elevations for both lines (East and West) and North and South Center Offset values provides the setup for the Match cast segment MC3D also needs the length of segment measured on center.SurveyYou may record survey readings for the Match-Cast and the Wet-Cast Segments elevations and offsets.Fixed Bulkhead MovementThere is always the possibility that the fixed bulkhead has moved during the casting operation. You may key-in this information here.Recording the Survey and Computing Next Set-UpAt this point, when the survey values have been checked and keyed-in, you may record the Survey by clicking the “Apply” button. Doing so will record the survey values for the Typical Segment and Set-Up the next match cast values (for the next Typical Segment).MC3D displays the “Twist” values resulting from moving the previously cast segment in match-cast position (see MC3D manual for definition of the “twist” values and explanations of how MC3D handles the twisting of the match-cast segment). MC3D corrects the survey values automatically to counteract twisting of the segment. It is extremely important to make this correction to avoid compounding warping errors during casting.You may click on the “As-Cast Coordinates” tab view to display the As-Cast coordinates computed as a result of the recorded survey for the Starter. For example:Again, this form shows the theoretical control point coordinates on the left and the resulting as-cast coordinates on the right. It also provides the bolts elevations and hairpins offset values. These can be used at the time of erection of the segment.Printing ReportsYou can go to the “Reports” tab view. MC3D displays the Reporting and Printing Options available.You may click the “Preview” button to display a Preview Window prior to sending to a printer:You may click the “Excel” button to create an Excel compatible file with the theoretical and as-cast coordinates which can be used during erection of the casting-set segments or for other evaluation purpose.This concludes this example tutorial showing the various steps involved in creating 3D bridge models, control point coordinates, and then using the MC3D Geometry Control program to monitor the casting operations of a concrete box girder bridge.。
