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模块名称 总账
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E Go Mini-Com Ultimate ID Classic Series面板说明书
UICFP2IW UICFP4IW UICFP6IWUICFPH2IWUICFPH4IW CFPL2IWY CFPL3IWY CFPL4IWY CFPL6IWYG. OutletsPHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS G.OutletsCFPSL2IWY CFPSL4IWYCFPSL6IWY CFPHSL4IWand Label CoverComponent Labels for Mini-Com Label and Label CoverFaceplateCFP1IW CFP2IW CFP4IWG.Outlets CFPH2IWCFPH4IWFaceplateCFPS4IW CFPF12IW-2GPHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS G.OutletsUICFPSE2IW UICFPSE4IWUICFPSE6IW UICFPSE8IW-2GUICFPHSE2IW UICFPHSE4IWG.OutletsCFPE1IWY CFPE2IWY CFPE4IWY CFPE6IWYPHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS Component Labels for Mini-ComFaceplateG.OutletsCFKE2CFKE4G. OutletsPHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS G.OutletsCFPTR4IW CFPTR2BEIG.Outlets Component Labels forUICFP2SUICFP4SUICFP6SPHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMSCFPL2SY CFPL4SYG.OutletsCFPL4S-2GYCFPL6S-2GY CFPL8S-2GYCFPL10S-2GYComponent Labels for Mini-ComFaceplateCFP2SY CFP4SYG.Outlets CFP6SY CFP4S-2GYCFP8S-2GY CFP10S-2GYPHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMSCBIW CBIW-2GG.OutletsCBEIWY CBEIW-2GYG.OutletsCHS2IW-X CHS2SIW-XCHF2IW-XCHSRE2IW-XCHS1SIW-XCHB2IW-XCHF2MIW-XCHB2MIW-XCHLS2SIW-XPHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMSG.OutletsFrame CFG1IWCFG4IW CFG2IWComponent Labels for Mini-Com Standards:TIA/EIA-568-B requires a minimum 1 meter slack and a fiber spool for in-wall installations.CFG6IWCF1062IWY CF1064IWYPhone Plate with ModuleG.Outlets MWBA1MWBA-2GPHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS G.OutletsPanel Cutout Requirement:CFFPL4CFFP4MFFPE CFFPA2G.OutletsCFFPE3CFFPLA4Panel Cutout Requirements forCFFPKE3C4PPLKPHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS G.OutletsCRFPA2BL CFFPR1BL-XFaceplate Laser/Ink Jet DesktopG.OutletsCMNZABL-XCMAA1IW-XCBTAL1WH-XCBTA1WH-XCBTAL1BL-XCBTA1BL-XPHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS G.OutletsUICBXH6IW-A UICBXHECIWMini-ComUICBX2IW-AUICBX4IW-AFor service and technical support, call 866-405-6654 (outside the U.S.and Canada, see back cover).G.OutletsBox CBX1IW-ACBXJ2IW-ACBX2IW-AYCBXC4IW-A CBX4IW-AYCBXD6IW-AYCBX12IW-AYFor complete labeling solutions and product information, reference charts on pages O.1 – O.25.PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMSCBXS1IW-AG.OutletsCBXS2IW-ACBXS3IW-AYCBXS4IW-AYCBXS6IW-AY CBXSD6IW-AYFor complete labeling solutions and product information, reference charts on pages O.1 – O.25.Order number of pieces required, in multiples of Standard Package Quantity.Prime items appear in BOLD.G.Outlets For service and technical support, call 866-405-6654 (outside the U.S.and Canada, see back cover).PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMSFaceplateG.OutletsFaceplateFor complete labeling solutions and product information, reference charts on pages O.1 – O.25.Order number of pieces required, in multiples of Standard Package Quantity.Prime items appear in BOLD.CBM-XCSBM-XG.Outlets For service and technical support, call 866-405-6654 (outside the U.S.and Canada, see back cover).PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMSUIWOL2G.OutletsOrder number of pieces required, in multiples of Standard Package Quantity.Prime items appear in BOLD.G.Outlets For service and technical support, call 866-405-6654 (outside the U.S.and Canada, see back cover).PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS G.Outlets。
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2. 好消息!【品牌名】全新上线,首批用户限时特惠!优质产品,超低价格,千万别错过!3. 【品牌名】新品预售疯抢中!购买即可享受超低价,数量有限,赶紧下单吧!4. 亲,【品牌名】联名限量版即将上市!只有100份,价格亲民,快来参加预定吧!5. 【品牌名】感恩回馈!购买任意产品即赠送【礼品名】,数量有限,先到先得!6. 限时促销倒计时⏰还有最后3天!【品牌名】全站商品低至2折起,速戳链接抢购!7. 嗨,【品牌名】独家好礼送给你!只需关注我们的微信公众号,即可领取。
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Welcome to the Parker Supplier WebsiteThe data on the examples is informational only. The following is a list of advantages to you as a valued Supplier to Parker.•Daily updated receipts.•Daily updated supplier PPM & Delivery ratings.•Electronic forms with electronic submission to designated personnel.•Supplier Manual with electronic notification of changes.•Divisional Parker Contacts.•Electronic posting of the Quarterly Supplier Analysis Report.• Address /cicsupplierThe examples on the following pages show the features of our site. These are test samples of the interfaces, information does not reflect actual, production data. The exact format of these pages are slightly different on the actual web site.This is the logon screen to your Parker systems.As the supplier administrator you have an existing account which will allow you to view all details posted.You are also going to be the systems administrator for your internal users.Details will be explained within this documentation.Once you have been informed of your user id and password and have successfully entered the system you can change your password by moving to step 2 and entering the new password twice. Please use a password that will be easily remembered by you and your users. Once this step has been completed move to step 3 and submit.Home PageCurrent quarter standings will give you an overview of your current to date quarter standing along with the previous quarter end (as per the quarterly report). Fiscal year to date is a cumulative calculation for information use only. Parker does not use this calculation for any internal analysis.Delivery Detail will show you the receipts and what each receipt was scored. This information is updated nightly. You can view today’s receipts tomorrow morning.The data is in descending order as received.When viewing the Quarter End Supplier Analysis Report you will select (Read Letter) the letter for the quarter you wish to evaluate.This is page one of the Supplier Analysis Report, which gives you the total quarter receipts by part number. The product is evaluated and rated with PPM and Delivery. In the event of a deficiency with any given part number you can go to the delivery detail report and analyze what receipts caused the deficiency.This is page two of the Supplier Analysis Report with the appropriate Assessment comments and corrective action requests noted. If corrective action is requested for the delivery deficiency you can select the Hot Link directly to the corrective action form.This form is to be used whenever you are submitting any continuous improvement idea to Parker for consideration. This is also an electronic submission form once information is documented.This is a requeirement as you strive to achieve and manintain Preferred Status.This form is to be submitted whenever there is supplier information that requires updating. You are to make the required changes and electronically submit the change request.This form is to be electronically submitted with the details of a specified corrective action. This form can be used for NCMR (nonconforming material) response or the response to a quarter end deficiency.This form is to be used whenever you are submitting any continuous improvement idea to Parker for consideration. This is also an electronic submission form upon completition.This is an informational screen to indicate the Purchasing Contacts for the Parker Division.This is an informational screen to indicate the Quality Contacts for a Parker Division.This is the a copy of a Supplier Quality System Manual. Any copy taken from this web site will be considered an uncontrolled copy.This is the Supplier Profile screen.Administrative Options is the screen used to set-up user accounts. Each supplier will be set up with an administrator who will in turn set up the additional account users for their location. You can also return to the Main Screen or logoff from this screen.This screen will be the screen that appears when you have selected “Create a New User Account” from the previous screen. This option will allow you to set up additional users within your facility. You must fill in all the required information and select Finished.Once you have created your user account you must make the association by selecting the add option next the your supplier name. Now you must select this as your Primary supplier by using the radio button. When this task is completed the Supplier ID will then be associated to the user you have just created.。
05类 快餐
502 熟食 502 汇总 503 面类/粉类 503 503 503 汇总 报刊、杂 601 志 601 601 601 601 汇总 602 电话卡 602 602 汇总
50201 50301 50302 50303
1——5 2——20 1——5 2——10 共计:
煮面(粉) 1.3——3.8 袋装即食 1.2——8.5 碗面 2——4.5
40101 40102 40103 40104 40105 40201 40202 40301 40302 40303 40304 40305 40306 40401 40402 40403 40404 40405 40501 40502 40601 40602 40603 40604 40605 40606 40701 40702 40801 40802 40803
0.11% 0.11% 0.60% 0.82% 2.39% 3.80% 7.17% 0.00% 1.36% 0.00% 0.00% 1.36% 0.05% 0.11% 0.16% 1.52% 3.04% 0.05% 0.00% 3.10% 2.77% 2.77% 5.87% 100.00%
06类 服务性商 品
60101 60102 60103 60104 60201 60202
地图 书刊/杂志 报纸 音像制品 套卡 充值卡
5——10 4——30 1——5
78 50——100
80——130 50——100 共计: 15元-89元 20元-50元 5元-68元 3元-60201 030202
国产香烟 进口香烟
2.5——65 4——14
3.5——50 8——20 共计: 1——10 2——25 2——80 1——25 1——80 1——25 1——30 1——20 2——40 1——25 1——15 1——8 1——20 2——100 3——25 1——20 2——100 20——150 1——20 2——50 1——10 1——10 1——20 1——10 1——10 2——15 2——5 1.5——6 60——300 30——150 10——100 共计: 1——6 1——8
ekey home 使用说明书
ekey home zh使用说明书原版使用说明书的译文 - ID 172/494/0/611目录概述 (3)阅读提示 (3)产品责任和责任限定 (3)担保和制造商质保 (3)提示、符号和缩写 (3)安全提示 (4)电流会造成生命危险 (4)防擅自操作的安全性 (4)产品说明 (5)系统概览 (5)供货范围 (5)按规定使用和应用领域 (5)指纹扫描器 (6)控制单元 (8)技术数据 (10)安装和调试 (11)输入安全代码 (12)修改安全代码 (12)设置继电器切换时间 (13)执行测试模式 (14)设置 LED 亮度 (16)设置数字输入端 (17)存入手指 (18)应用 (20)开门 (20)删除用户 (20)展示模式 (21)调出系列号和版本号 (21)将系统恢复出厂设置 (23)软件升级 (23)错误显示和排除 (24)保养 (24)废弃处理 (24)一致性声明 (25)zh│1版权 (25)2│zh概述本说明书是产品的一部分。
阅读提示产品责任和责任限定担保和制造商质保zh│34│zh符号:1. 逐步的操作指示 参考本说明书的段落参考装配说明书 参考布线平面图□ 无固定顺序的列表,第 1层级显示值 ekey home 指纹扫描器嵌装产品名称 菜单项 菜单项 按键按键缩写和术语:AR arteFAR False Acceptance Rate 错误接受率 FRR False Rejection Rate 错误拒绝率 FS 指纹扫描器 IN integraSE 控制单元指纹图案通过指纹图案获取的生物统计信息安全提示所有ekey home设备均用保护低电压运行。
BST 的紧凑型控制器更小的空间需求 - 最大的灵活度ekrPro Com60升级换代BST 向您推荐最新一代的物料纠偏控制器:ekrPro 系列控制器。
选择集成入控制器盒内的场总线网关 (Profibus DP、 DeviceNet 和 CANopen , ekrPro Com 60可以为您提供更广的功能性和更强的灵活度, 通过这些总线网关, 可以实现控制器与各种总线系统以及用户使用的各种设备之间的轻松连接。
控制器正面的液晶面板显示控制器的工作状态、总线的状态和物料宽度 (使用传感器定位装置时。
尺寸:(图略不同的传感器适应不同的应用US 200... 超声波传感器,用于寻边IR 200... 红外线传感器,用于寻边T 62D1 线传感器,用于对比度采样(印刷线或对比边TW 54C5 反射式传感器CCD Pro... CCD 线扫描相机传感器定位装置用于实现:预定位物料宽度测量定单边纠偏定中心线纠偏高性能的推动器可以直接连接 EMS 5至 EMS 20之间各种型号的推动器,可带位置反馈或不带位置反馈。
技术数据·工作电压:24 V直流电·功能:定右单边纠偏定左单边纠偏定中心线纠偏定印刷线或对比边纠偏看门狗功能·模拟量输入:4个 0 - ± 10 V或 0 - +10 V,独立可调2个 0 - ± 9.75 V或 0 - +9.75 V,独立可调1个带输出的 Namur 适配·模拟量输出:± 10 V·数字量输入(24 V :释放控制器16个远程控制:·工作模式·采样模式·数字量输出(24 V :4个数字量输出,控制液压开关·状态信号:无电压开关“系统工作正常” ,最大 30 V, 2 A ·数据接口:2套 BST CANopen总线可选:Profibus DP模块DeviceNet 模块CANopen 模块·工作条件:温度:0-45˚C空气湿度:0-90%不凝结·外壳材料:金属·重量:约 2.1 kg·保护等级:IP 54配置可以选择连接多种部件,确保系统最佳地适应不同的任务需求。
缩减销售周期和销售成本、增加收入、寻找扩展业务所需的新的市场和渠 道以及提高客户的价值、满意度、赢利性和忠实度。
销售人员利用系统中保存的客户信息定期地与老客户保持联络,与新客户 迚行沟通交流,还可以及时地发展潜在客户群。而销售人员再将自己获得的客户 信息纨录到系统当中,不断完善系统中客户信息,争取找到更准确有效的方式与 客户迚行商谈迚而合作。另一方面,管理者也可以通过CRM对销售人员的业绩 迚行监督考核,以及预测销售目标等等。
客户管理 销售管理 业务机会管理 业绩管理 市场管理 合同管理 服务管理(投诉处理) 账户管理
统一的客户管理平台, 将客户信息纳入统一的 管理。
从客户开发、跟踪、 交易、售后服务,提供 全生命周期管理。
潜在客户管理 客户管理 联系人管理
客户管理 销售管理 业务机会管理 业绩管理 市场管理 合同管理 服务管理(投诉处理) 账户管理
销售进度管理 销售漏斗 业绩统计 任务事件系统 短信邮件群发
客户管理 销售管理 业务机会管理 业绩管理 市场管理 合同管理 服务管理(投诉处理) 账户管理
25、双11百亿元品牌优惠券,11月11日折后再优惠,马上就抢26、支持喜爱品牌赢千元大奖 11.11购物狂欢节活动启动27、优惠不断,惊喜连连。
Agile e6.0.1升级指南从e6.0到e6.0.1说明书
Software Upgrade
Database Dump Upgrade
LogiView Upgrade
Chapter 3 Additional Upgrade Information
Workflow Upgrade
Favorites Upgrade
Chapter 4 Appendix
Copy the whole installation directory Save the database (save a dump, save your configuration) Oracle incl. SQL*PLUS must be installed on the machine At least 50 MB hard disk space must be available for the EP_ROOT application home directory, and additional 50 MB for the log files Minimum 512 MB RAM have to be available to run the database dump upgradeΒιβλιοθήκη 12Log Files
Chapter 1
Before upgrading to Agile e6.0.1 check all listed items.
Please make sure that all Agile services are stopped before applying the upgrade from e6.0 to e6.0.1 Stop all running 'Web Presentation Service' environments (use the admin server) Stop running 'Business Service' in all environments (use the admin server) Stop other manually started Agile e6.0 services Save your existing installation, including the database, after you have stopped all services
Invitrogen EnterokinaseMax 用户手册说明书
EnterokinaseMax™ (EKMax™)iiTable of ContentsTable of Contents (iii)Important Information (iv)Methods (1)Overview (1)EKMax™ Digestion (2)Appendix (6)Recipes (6)Technical Service (7)References (8)iiiImportant InformationShipping/Storage EnterokinaseMax™ and the 10X EKMax™ reaction buffer are shipped on blue iceand should be stored at -20°C.Contents EKMax™ in 50 mM potassium phosphate, pH 8.0, 500 mM NaCl and 50%glycerol, is supplied as follows:Catalog no. E180-01:Item AmountVolume EKMax™250 units, 1 unit/µl 250µl10X EKMax™ Reaction Buffer 500 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 (22°C), 10 mM CaCl2, 1% Tween-20 1.5 mlCatalog no. E180-02:Item AmountVolume EKMax™1000 units, 1 unit/µl 1.0 ml10X EKMax™ Reaction Buffer 500 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 (22°C), 10 mM CaCl2, 1% Tween-20 3 x 1.5 mlAdditional Materials Needed You will need to have the following materials:• 37°C water bath or heat block• Deionized water• 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes• SDS-PAGE apparatus and buffers (see page 4 for guidelines) • EK-Away™ Resin and buffers (Invitrogen, Catalog no. R180-01) • 15 ml polypropylene tubes (optional)• Chromatography columns (optional, Catalog no. R640-50) • Rocker or rotatorUnit Definition 1 unit is defined as the amount of EKMax™ that will digest 20 µg of BioEase™Mog1 (multicopy suppressor of GSP1, 1)fusion protein to 90% completionin 20 minutes at 37°C in 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 1 mM CaCl2, and0.1% Tween-20 (1X EKMax™ Buffer).For comparison purposes, 1 Invitrogen unit of EKMax™ = ~190 trypsinogenactivation units. Use this conversion only as a rough estimate of how muchEKMax™ to use. It is important to empirically determine the optimal amount ofEKMax™ to digest your fusion protein (see page 2).Limited Label License No. 62: EKMax™Enterokinase This product is sold under patent license from Genetics Institute, Inc. for Research Use Only. Licenses for commercial manufacture or use may be obtained from Genetics Institute, Inc.ivMethodsOverviewIntroduction Enterokinase is a highly specific serine protease that can be used to digest fusion proteins to release the fusion partner or tag from the desired protein. Theenzyme recognizes the sequence -(Asp)4 Lys and cleaves after the lysine residue.This cleavage sequence is present in many expression vectors available fromInvitrogen (contact Technical Service for more information). Genes cloned intothe multiple cloning site of these vectors express recombinant N-terminal fusionproteins. The native proteins can be released from the N-terminal fusion peptideor protein by digesting with enterokinase.EnterokinaseMax™ (EKMax™) is a specially prepared recombinant enzyme,consisting of the catalytic subunit of the holoenzyme. This subunit is expressedand purified from the yeast, Pichia pastoris, yielding an enzyme with higherspecific activity. This results in more efficient cleavage using less enzyme.Description of Enterokinase Enterokinase (enteropeptidase EC is the physiological activator of trypsinogen and a serine protease that exhibits specificity for the sequence (Asp)4 Lys (Anderson et al., 1977). The bovine holoenzyme is a heterodimer consisting of a 115 kDa structural subunit and a 35 kDa catalytic subunit. The larger subunit acts as a membrane anchor and positions the catalytic subunit on the luminal side of the brush border membrane. The catalytic subunit is homologous to other serine proteases and is inhibited by chemical modification of the serine and histidine active site residues (Grant and Hermon-Taylor, 1977; Light and Liepnieks, 1979; Maroux et al., 1971).Specificity of Enterokinase It has been proposed that the active center of enterokinase possesses a distinctive cationic subsite that binds -(Asp)4. Enterokinase is highly specific and tolerates very few changes to its recognition site. If the ionic charge of the recognition site is preserved, enterokinase will recognize the site, but the rate of hydrolysis of the peptide bond will be reduced (Light and Janska, 1989). The four aspartyl residues act as a signal for enterokinase cleavage. It has been reported that with only three aspartyl residues the rate of hydrolysis is reduced. Two aspartyl residues preceding the lysyl residue are the minimum number of acidic residues needed to maintain specificity (Maroux et al., 1971). Non-specific cleavage by enterokinase may occur in the cases described above, but this is usually alleviated by reducing the amount of enzyme used.Expression of the Recombinant Catalytic Subunit EKMax™ is a clone of the catalytic subunit of enterokinase (LaVallie et al., 1993) expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris. EKMax™ is secreted into the medium, purified, and migrates at 43 kDa on an SDS-PAGE gel. The calculated molecular weight of the protein is 26.3 kDa, but it contains three sites for asparagine-linked glycosylation. The apparent molecular weight of 43 kDa is consistent with previous observations (LaVallie et al., 1993) and is assumed to be because ofN-linked glycosylation.1EKMax™ DigestionIntroduction You will need to have pure or partially pure fusion protein. This sectiondescribes how to digest the fusion protein with EKMax™ to cleave your proteinfrom the fusion partner. This requires setting up a series of pilot reactions todetermine empirically the best conditions for digestion. The efficiency ofcleavage of EKMax™ will differ with each fusion protein. Also, if you areaccustomed to using EK3 (Biozyme), it is still necessary to test differentconcentrations of EKMax™ to determine the right amount for complete digestion.The table below outlines the steps needed to digest your fusion protein andobtain pure protein.Stage Description1 Obtain purified fusion protein at a concentration of > 0.1 mg/ml2 Dialyze (if necessary) into 1X EKMax™ Buffer3 Set up pilot reactions using different amounts of EKMax™ and digestovernight4 Assay reactions on an SDS-PAGE gel and analyze5 Optimize digestion conditions by adjusting amount of enzyme or thetemperature as needed6 Scale-up digestions to produce more of your native protein7 Purify your native protein away from the fusion partner andEKMax™Additional Materials Needed You will need to have the following materials:• 37°C water bath or heat block• Deionized water• 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes• SDS-PAGE apparatus and buffers (see page 4 for guidelines) • EK-Away™ Resin and buffers (Invitrogen, Catalog no. R180-01) • 15 ml snap-cap polypropylene tubes (optional)•Chromatography columns (optional, Catalog no. R640-50)• Rocker or rotatorImportantWe have found that EKMax™ will digest fusion proteins bound to theirrespective affinity columns, releasing the desired protein and leaving the fusionpartner bound to the column. For methods to digest Xpress™ fusions bound toProBond™ and thioredoxin fusion proteins in situ on ThioBond™, contactTechnical Service (see page 7).continued on next page2Obtain Purified Fusion Protein Purify at least 120 µg of your fusion protein using your system of choice following the manufacturer's instructions.• To purify thioredoxin fusion proteins, refer to the ThioBond™ manual included with the ThioBond™ resin or contact Invitrogen for information. • To purify Xpress™ fusion proteins, refer to the ProBond™ Purification System manual or contact Invitrogen for informationNote: Both manuals may be downloaded from .EKMax™ will digest fusion proteins in crude cell lysates. Note however, that you will lose your fusion tag and will have to develop a separate protocol for purification of your protein.Dialysis of the Fusion Protein It may be necessary to dialyze your fusion protein against 1X EKMax™ buffer (see Recipes, page 6) before digesting it with EKMax™. EKMax™ is inhibited by high ionic strength. 250 mM NaCl reduces EKMax™ activity to 75% of normal and 2 M NaCl almost completely inhibits enzyme activity (Barratti et al., 1973). Also, EKMax™ is known to be inhibited by > 2 M urea, > 20 mMβ-mercaptoethanol (β-ME), >0.1% SDS, > 50 mM imidazole, and pH values below 6 and above 9.Use the table below to determine if you need to dialyze your fusion protein prior to digestion with EKMax™.If your purified protein ....Then ......contains > 2 M urea, > 250 mM NaCl,> 20 mM -ME, 0.1% SDS, or > 50 mMimidazoledialyze to remove the inhibitorsis in a buffer where the pH is lowerthan 6 or higher than 9dialyze to adjust the pH to between 6and 9.is free from inhibitors and the pH isbetween 6 and 9do not dialyze. Proceed straight toPreparation of Pilot Reactions, below.Recommendation If you are not sure whether you should dialyze your protein or not, dialyze asmall volume of your protein solution and test both dialyzed and undialyzedsamples in a pilot EKMax™ digestion.continued on next page3Preparation of Pilot Reactions You will need at least 120 µg of your fusion protein for the pilot reactions. The ratio of enzyme to fusion protein to achieve complete digestion may vary depending on the protein expressed. It is very important to use only the minimal amount of EKMax™ necessary to completely digest the fusion protein. Excess EKMax™ may cause non-specific cleavage of your fusion protein in some cases.1. To determine the optimal units of EKMax™ needed for complete digestion,use five different amounts of EKMax™ (4 units, 1 unit, 0.1 unit, 0.01 unit,and 0.001 unit). For 4 units of EKMax™, use 4 µl of undiluted EKMax™. Use 1X EKMax™ buffer to make serial 10-fold dilutions of the enzyme.2. Set up 6 reactions, including a reaction without EKMax™ to control forproteases in your protein solution:Fusion Protein 20 µg10X EKMax™ Buffer 3 µlEKMax™1-4 µlDeionized Water to 29 µl(use 30 µl for the no EKMax™ control)Final Volume 30 µl3. Mix well and incubate at 37°C overnight (~16 hours). If your protein isunstable and degrades at 37°C, try incubation at 22°C, 16°C, or +4°C. It is not necessary to increase the time of digestion to compensate for the decrease in temperature.4. Prepare and load 1-20 µl on an SDS-PAGE gel (see next section). For westernblotting, load ~1 µg of your fusion protein, and for Coomassie-stained gels, load ~10 µg.If you wish to digest your fusion protein in a crude lysate, be sure to dialyze toremove any inhibitors of EKMax™. Set up your pilot reactions as described aboveto determine the amount of EKMax™ needed to digest your fusion protein.SDS-PAGEAnalysisUse an SDS-PAGE gel that will allow you to differentiate between undigested anddigested fusion protein. The type of gel and concentration of acrylamide dependson the size of your fusion protein and the fusion partner. Some fusion partners willbe too small to resolve conveniently (i.e. the Xpress™ tag). You should be able todistinguish the removal of the fusion partner from your protein, either byCoomassie-staining or by using antibody detection methods. Choose the dilutionof EKMax™ that gives you complete digestion of your recombinant fusion protein.Recommendationfor ThioredoxinFusion ProteinsA Tricine gradient gel may be necessary to visualize the 14.6 kDa thioredoxinfusion partner (Schagger and von Jagow, 1987). Alternatively, a western blot usingthe Anti-Thio™ Antibody (Catalog no. R920-25) may be used to detect theaccumulation of the thioredoxin fusion partner and/or subsequent loss of signalfrom the native protein.continued on next page4Recommendation for Xpress™Fusion Proteins Since the Xpress™ peptide is less than 4 kDa, a shift in the size of your protein may be undetectable. A western blot using the Anti-Xpress™ Antibody (Catalog no.R910-25) or the Anti-Xpress™-HRP Antibody (Catalog no. R911-25) may be necessary to visualize the cleavage and removal of the Xpress™ fusion peptide from fusion proteins. Perform a western blot and look for the loss of the signal from your protein. The Xpress™ peptide is so small, it may not transfer well to nitrocellulose or nylon, making it difficult to detect.Optimizing EKMax™ Cleavage In some cases, increasing the calcium chloride concentration to 10 mM or the amount of Tween-20 to 1% in the digestion reaction increases the activity of EKMax™. There is a possibility that EKMax™ may recognize sites that are similar to its recognition site; however, the rate of hydrolysis will be reduced. This is usually alleviated by decreasing the amount of EKMax™.Scale-Up of EKMax™ Reaction After you have optimized the EKMax™ reaction, you may scale up your digestion reaction in a linear manner. You may need a concentrated solution of fusion protein in order to scale up your digestion. Use standard ultrafiltration methods to concentrate your protein solution.Removal of EKMax™After digestion, EKMax™ may be removed by affinity chromatography on soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI) resin. For easy removal of EKMax™, EK-Away™Resin (Catalog no. R180-01) is available from Invitrogen. EK-Away™ Resin consists of soybean trypsin inhibitor immobilized on 4% beaded agarose. For a protocol to use EK-Away™ Resin, refer to the EK-Away™ manual. The manual is available at or contacting Technical Service (see page 7).Removal of Fusion Partners Fusion partners may be removed by the same affinity resin as was used to purify the fusion protein. For protocols to remove the Xpress™ tag or the thioredoxin fusion partner after EKMax™ digestion, contact Technical Service (see page 7). For other fusion proteins, consult the manufacturer of your particular system.5Appendix Recipes10X EKMax™Reaction Buffer 500 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.010 mM CaCl21% Tween-20 (v/v)1. For 1 liter, dissolve 60.5 g Tris base in 950 ml deionized water.2. Adjust pH to 8.0 with concentrated HCl.3. Add 1.47 g CaCl2-2H2O and 10 ml Tween-20 and mix.4. Adjust the volume to 1 liter. Store at room temperature.6Technical ServiceVisit the Invitrogen website at for:• Technical resources, including manuals, vector maps and sequences,application notes, MSDSs, FAQs, formulations, citations, handbooks, etc.• Complete technical service contact information• Access to the Invitrogen Online Catalog• Additional product information and special offersContact Us For more information or technical assistance, call, write, fax, or email. Additional international offices are listed on our website (). Corporate Headquarters:Invitrogen Corporation1600 Faraday AvenueCarlsbad, CA 92008 USATel:176****7200Tel(TollFree):180****6288Fax:176****6500E-mail: ***************************Japanese Headquarters:Invitrogen JapanLOOP-X Bldg. 6F3-9-15, KaiganMinato-ku, Tokyo 108-0022Tel: 81 3 5730 6509Fax: 81 3 5730 6519E-mail: *********************European Headquarters:Invitrogen LtdInchinnan Business Park3 Fountain DrivePaisley PA4 9RF, UKTel: +44 (0) 141 814 6100Tech Fax: +44 (0) 141 814 6117E-mail: ***********************MSDS MSDSs (Material Safety Data Sheets) are available on our website at/msds.Limited Warranty Invitrogen is committed to providing our customers with high-quality goods and services. Our goal is to ensure that every customer is 100% satisfied with ourproducts and our service. If you should have any questions or concerns about anInvitrogen product or service, contact our Technical Service Representatives.Invitrogen warrants that all of its products will perform according tospecifications stated on the certificate of analysis. The company will replace, freeof charge, any product that does not meet those specifications. This warrantylimits Invitrogen Corporation’s liability only to the cost of the product. Nowarranty is granted for products beyond their listed expiration date. No warrantyis applicable unless all product components are stored in accordance withinstructions. Invitrogen reserves the right to select the method(s) used to analyze aproduct unless Invitrogen agrees to a specified method in writing prior toacceptance of the order.Invitrogen makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of its publications, butrealizes that the occasional typographical or other error is inevitable. ThereforeInvitrogen makes no warranty of any kind regarding the contents of anypublications or documentation. If you discover an error in any of our publications,please report it to our Technical Service Representatives.Invitrogen assumes no responsibility or liability for any special, incidental,indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever. The above limitedwarranty is sole and exclusive. No other warranty is made, whether expressedor implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particularpurpose.continued on next pageReferencesAnderson, L. E., Walsh, K. A., and Neurath, H. (1977). Bovine Enterokinase. Purification, Specificity, and Some Molecular Properties. Biochemistry 16, 3354-3360.Barratti, J., Maroux, S., and Louvard, D. (1973). Effect of Ionic Strength and Calcium Ions on the Activation of Trypsinogen by Enterokinase. A Modified Test for the Quantitative Evaluation of the Enzyme. Biochem. Biophys. ACTA 321, 632-638.Grant, D. A. W., and Hermon-Taylor, J. (1977). Hydrolysis of Artificial Substrates by Enterokinase and Trypsin and the Development of a Sensitive Specific Assay for Enterokinase in Serum. Biochem J. 155, 243-254.LaVallie, E. R., Rehemtulla, A., Racie, L. A., Diblasio, E. A., Ferenz, C., Grant, K. L., Light, A., and McCoy, J. M. (1993). Cloning and Functional Expression of a cDNA Encoding the Catalytic Subunit of Bovine Enterokinase. J. Biol. Chem. 268, 23311-23317.Light, A., and Janska, H. (1989). Enterokinase (enteropeptidase): Comparative Aspects. TIBS 14, 110-112. Light, A., and Liepnieks, J. J. (1979). The Preparation and Purification of Bovine Enterokinase. J. Biol.Chem. 254, 1677-1683.Maroux, S., Baratti, J., and Desnuelle, P. (1971). Purification and Specificity of Porcine Enterokinase. J.Biol. Chem. 246, 5031-5039.Schagger, H., and von Jagow, G. (1987). Tricine-Sodium dodecyl sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis for the Separation of Proteins in the Range from 1 to 100 kDa. Anal. Biochem. 166, 368-379.©1998-2006 Invitrogen Corporation. All rights reserved.For research use only. Not intended for any animal or human therapeutic or diagnostic use.。
POP商家后台操作手册目录一、注册和开通 (2)1. 注册 (2)2. 账户开通:由POP工作人员对商家进行审核 (4)3. 账户信息维护 (4)二、店铺管理 (4)1. 店铺管理 (4)2. 店铺装修设置 (4)3. 服务订购 (6)4. 店内公告海报 (6)三、商品与发布 (7)1. 商品发布 (7)2. 商品管理 (8)四、订单管理 (10)1. 订单发货 (10)2. 订单查询与跟踪 (10)3. 关闭订单 (11)4. 异常订单处理 (11)五、仓储管理 (11)1. 租仓与入库 (11)2. 入库管理 (12)六、我的配送 (14)1. 物流公司管理 (14)2. 运费模板 (14)3. 特别提醒 (15)七、促销推广 (15)1. 我要促销 (15)2. 我的促销 (20)八、常见问题 (23)一、注册和开通1. 注册1.1注册入口登录商家首页:/index.action,点击右侧“注册新用户”按钮,进入注册页面:https:///new/registpersonal.aspx京东注册个人账户步骤如下:第一步登陆第二步点击-- 个人用户--- 用户名注册第三步在个人用户填写资料(注:邮箱记好方便以后找回密码)2. 账户开通:由POP工作人员对商家进行审核3. 账户信息维护二、店铺管理1. 店铺管理1.1 入口:登陆商家后台设置店铺信息https:///new/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.3 %2Findex.action如图:图4-11.2 进入商家首页,设置“我的店铺图4-22. 店铺装修设置现在开始精心打造您的个性店铺,您可以通过店铺基本设置、店内分类管理和店铺模板管理三大功能帮您实现开店及产品设置的工作。
2.1店铺基本设置2.1.1填写基本信息A. 首页Banner:仅支持jpg,png和gif,默认风格模板内Banner大小为980*250B. 店铺Logo:仅支持jpg,png和gif,默认风格模板内Logo大小为180*60C. 店铺简介:店铺简介将显示在商店铺列表中,限制在20个字以内。
Fujitsu Genesis Mini-SCO 自助购物机产品说明书
Fact SheetSelf-Serve Solutions Genesis® Mini-SCO Modular, flexible and compactChallengesThe space at the front of a store is always at a premium, whether it’s in a large hypermart in the suburbs or a compact urban store. Everyone is asking, “How can we increase our level of service; how do we get more people through our checkout lanes faster, and still provide the same level of service?” Self-Checkout has established itself as the premier checkout of the future, the size of a typical Self-Checkout unit is only half that of a regular checkout lane leaving a smaller footprint in a store’s premium space.How we can helpIntroducing the Genesis Mini-SCO40% smaller than its predecessor, the Mini-SCO optimizes your front-end options. Designed for credit and debit transactions only, the Mini-SCO has far less equipment failures and interventions than devices that handle cash. The small and compact design allows retailers to place nearly double the number of standard SCO units in a desired space. Retailers are installing these in their stores across the globe as express lanes and well-merchandised checkout options, improving the customer experience, driving more customer traffic through self-checkout, and reducing costs. BenefitsSelf-Service solutionThe customer self-scans their items at the SCO using the Bioptic Scanner Scale. When the customer has completed their scanning, payment is made using an attached EFT device and a receipt is issued.Convenience servicesThere are significant space improvements over traditional SCO. It is also very user-friendly, providing simple transaction flow with easy-to-follow on-screen buttons that guide a customerthrough the simple process.Mini-SCO can also be used as an express laneproviding a faster service option for clients payingwith plastic.With the Mini-SCO, stores have the option ofmultiple Security Scale configurations for largeand small baskets. It is possible to connect eithera traditional 2 bag scale or another UniversalFujitsu Bag Scale configuration for increasedcapacity.Business benefitsThe kiosks deliver a number of key businessbenefits: an enhanced customer experience, areduction in queues, more available time forvalue-added activities, and increased revenue ascustomer retention levels rise.With the new smaller size, more SCO units can fitin a single store, contributing to greaterthroughput overall. Two Mini-SCO units can fit inthe space of one Genesis II, while 4 Mini-SCO unitscan fit in the space of a regular POS lane.This leaves stores with more flexible layoutchoices and more space for merchandisingand advertising.The cost savings on the Mini-SCO are dramaticallyincreased when compared to earlier models. Notonly is the unit itself less expensive, but themaintenance costs are much lower as well. Withthis unit not requiring replenishment or cashaccounting, labor and costs in terms of cashmanagement are significantly lower. Also, theMini-SCO has fewer moving parts and many areinterchangeable with those on Genesis II. Thisresults in a longer life without the need for repairand if a part does needs replacing, it should bemore readily available.Setting a new standard in compact Self-Checkout kiosks, the new Genesis Mini-SCO is40% smaller than the competition’s cashdispensing Self-Checkout units; the Mini-SCO’sstate-of-the-art design allows retailers to fitnearly twice as many units in a desired space.Network■LAN (standard)Expansion Storage■External Hard Disk (optional)Baskets and Bagging■Side attached optional bag scale and basket shelf Power■120 V ACOperating Environment■Temperature: 32° to 104° F (0° to 40° C)Dimensions■Card Only Mini SCO/b Mk II Bioptic H x W x D: 52.76 x 12.60 x 25.20 in. (1340 x 320 x 640mm)Major componentsFujitsu TeamPOS® 7000 F-Series Modular■Windows® Embedded 7, POSReady 2009 or WEPOS ■Intel® CPU ■2GB RAM■160 GB Hard Disk■Multiple powered and unpowered USB and serial ports D75 Infrared Touch Screen ■15” Touch DisplayScanning■High performance imaging via Bioptic scanner scale Printing■High speed 80mm receipt printerPayment■Side pole mounted EFT Pin Pad & Card Reader for Swipe & Chip. There is a full range of options available from industry manufacturers.Signal Tower■High bright 3-lens signal tower on rear mounted poleBagging Scale■Optional Bagging scale, left or right attach: connect a traditional 2 bag scale or connect 2 scales for increased capacity Basket Shelf■Optional basket shelf, that can be attached on the left or right Installation■Through base fixing bolts (standard)Customer-Specific Configuration■Customer configurations and accessories subject to confirmation Technical details Operating System■Microsoft® Windows® Embedded POSReady 2009, POSReady 7, or WEPOS CPU■Fujitsu TeamPOS 7000 with Intel® CPU Memory■2GB (DDR2 SDRAM)Storage■160GB Hard DiskDisplay■Fujitsu D75 15 inch TFT Color LCD Audio■Internal SpeakerFujitsu Green Policy Innovation is ourworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues ofenvironmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at:/global/about/environment/Technical data are subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.About Fujitsu AmericasFujitsu Americas is the parent and/or management company of a group of Fujitsu-owned companies operating in North, Central and South America and Caribbean, dedicated to delivering the full range of Fujitsu products, solutions and services in ICT to our customers in the Western Hemisphere. These companies are collectively referred to as Fujitsu Americas. Fujitsu enables clients to meet their business objectives through integrated offerings and solutions, including consulting, systems integration, managed services, outsourcing and cloud services for infrastructure, platforms and applications; data center and field services; and server, storage, software and mobile/tablet technologies. For more information, please visit: / and /fujitsuamericaContactFUJITSU AMERICASAddress: 1250 East Arques Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085-3470, U.S.A.Telephone: 800 831 3183 or 408 746 6000Website: Contact Form: /contact Haveaquestion?Emailusat:*********************.comScannersFujitsu ScanSnap™ scanners allow you to scan directly to PDF, email, or file with the touch of a button. The ScanSnap delivers fast, high-resolution scans with minimal user action required.Point-of-Sale PeripheralsFujitsu offers a full range of peripherals designed for ultimate serviceability andmanageability. We’ve combined user-friendly design with best-of-breed hardware to create the components you need to keep your operations running smoothly.Point-of-Sale HardwareFujitsu point-of-service solutions come in a variety of form factors including compact all-in-one and traditional POS controllers. All are highly configurable to ensure the idealfeature/functionality/price fit for each retailer’s unique requirements. TeamPoS® systems meet the demanding needs of today’s storeoperations, from standalone point-of-sale to mission-critical applications.Self-Checkout SystemsThe Fujitsu U-Scan Genesis line offers retailers flexibility, scalability, reliability and usability. Advanced features include high capacity, space saving footprint, ATM-style “follow me” LED lighting, and “above scanner” bill and coin accepting/dispensing.OEM/ODM ProductsA global leader in electronics manufacturing services, Fujitsu provides integrated services and solutions to support original equipment manufacturers and original designmanufacturers operating in the automotive, communications, computing, consumer,industrial, medical, retail and financial sectors.Fujitsu and the Fujitsu logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in the United States and other countries. TeamPoS and Genesis are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Frontech North America Inc. in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Intel, Intel logo, Intel Inside, Intel Inside logo, Intel Centrino, Intel is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States or other countries.All other trademarks and product names are the property of their respective owners. The statements provided herein are forinformational purposes only and may be amended or altered by Fujitsu America, Inc. without notice or liability. Product description data represents Fujitsu design objectives and is provided for comparative purposes; actual results may vary based on a variety of factors. Specifications are subject to change without notice.Copyright© 2015 Fujitsu America, Inc.All rights reserved.FPC65-7408-01 04/15.15.0365。
Verifone UX 100 UX 110无人交易终端说明书
© 2017 Verifone, Inc. All rights reserved. Verifone and the Verifone logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Verifone in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks or brand names are the properties of their respective holders. All features and specifications are subject to change without notice, and do not constitute a warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Product display image for representation purposes only. Actual product display may vary. Reproduction or posting of this document without prior Verifone approval is prohibited.Verifone UX 100/UX 110Take your unattended transactions to the next level with the UX 100and UX 110 PIN pads. These secure modules work with other UXdevices to meet self-service demands indoors and out. Featuringan LCD screen that helps guide the customer experience, theUX 100 offers high performance and excellent durability. And withits weatherproof construction, the UX 110 is ideal for off-streetparking meters, petroleum pumps, ticketing machines and more.Pair them with the UX 300 card reader to optimize your transactionfunctionality. Simple to integrate, the UX Series features flexibleconfiguration settings with easy, single-cable connection betweendevices.• Durable, metal front plate and weatherproof enclosure providetop-level protection against dust, liquids and other harmfulsubstances withstanding IP65• Anti-vandalism enclosure can withstand an impact up to 10 Joules(IK09)• High contrast and readability within low temperatures and directsunlight (UX 100 only)• Fast and painless installation, thanks to plug-and-play functionalityand standard USB connectionUX 100UX 110ProcessorPowerful 32-bit RISC processorDisplayOptional, 2.5" (128 × 64), white backlitKeypad10 + 6 keypad; 10 numeric, 4 colored-embossed function; 2 navigation keys; durability of 2,000,000 presses each Connectivity USB B 2.0 full speed Security PCI PTS 4.X-approved Environmental -20° C to 70° C (-4° F to 158° F) operating temperature, -25° C to 70° C (-13° F to 158° F) 10% to 90% r elative humidity, non-condensing Physical UX 100: 142mm L × 108mm W × 26mm H (5.59 in. L × 4.25 in. W × 1.02 in. H)UX 110: 101mm L × 108mm W × 26mm H (3.98 in. L × 4.25 in. W × 1.02 in. H)Mechanics (cutout)UX 100: 120mm × 82mm (4.72 in. × 3.23 in.)UX 110: 75mm × 75mm (2.95 in. × 2.95 in.)SpecificationsUnattended Hardware。
EKWB EK-Quantum Momentum ROG Strix X570-E水冷头说明书
This product is intended for installation only by expert users. Please consult with a qualified technician for installation. Improper installation may result in damage to your equipment. EK Water Blocks assumes noliability whatsoever, expressed or implied, for the use of these products, nor their installation. The following instructions are subject to change without notice. Please visit our web site at for updates. Before installation of this product please read important notice, disclosure and warranty conditions printed on the back of the box.Before you start using this product please follow these basic guidelines:1. Please carefully read the manual thoroughly before beginning with the installation process!2. Please remove your motherboard from the computer to assure safest mounting process in order to prevent any possible damages t o your CPU and/or motherboard’s circuit board (PCB).3. The EK-HFB and EK-ACF type fittings require only a small amount of force to screw them firmly in place since the liquid seal is ensured by the rubber o-ring gaskets.4. The use of quality, market proved corrosion inhibiting coolants is always strongly recommended for any liquid cooling system.STEP 1: GENERAL INFORMATION ASUS Maximus XI ExtremeBAG CONTENT : Bag content is universal for all water blocks, you may not need all screws. STEP 1: PREPARING YOUR MOTHERBOARD STEP 2: PREPARING YOUR MOTHERBOARD REMOVING STOCK COOLER. Remove all encircled screws. There are 4 screws on the back of the motherboard that need to be removed in order to remove the factory installed MOSFET heat pipe cooling solution. Additional 4 screws need to be removed to remove the plastic I/O. Please store the removed material away for later use. You can attach the I/O cover back, after you mount the Monoblock. 1. APPLYING THERMAL COMPOUND . Apply thermal compound on CPU heat spreader (IHS) - see sample photo on right with enclosed EK-TIM Ectotherm thermal grease. The quantity of about two rice grains is just about right. There is no need to coverthe whole IHS. Applying too much thermal grease will have negative impact on the cooling performance! 2.. CUTTING THERMAL PADS. Your block comes with thermal pads which needs to be trimmed in order to fit the voltage regulation area (MOSFET) on themotherboard’s circuit board. WARNING: DIMENSIONS ON PICTURES BELOW ARE SCALED .Do not remove the PCH (SB) Cooler!Installation manual for EK-FB ASUS Maximus XI EXTREME water block CPU socketM9H PCHMosfets1. Thermal pad F – 1.0mm (for mosfets):1. Thermal pad F – 1.0mm (for inductor coils):STEP 3: PLACING THE BLOCK ON TO MOTHERBOARD STEP 4: CONNECTING THE D-RGB LED STRIP PLACING THE BLOCK ON THE MOTHERBOARD. Place the EK-FB Maximus XIExtreme Monoblock series water block gently to the motherboard or vice versa (as shown on photo below). Make sure that mounting holes are aligned. There is no usefor M2.5 adhesive PVC washer on Maximus XI Extreme motherboard (as themotherboard has its own washers already glued by manufacturer) Plug the 4-pin connector from Water block’s D -RGB LED light to the DRGB_HEADER on the motherboard. The LED will work if the pin layout on the header is as follows: +5V digital, empty, Ground . Please ensure that the arrow indicated on the connector is plugged into the +5V line as indicated on your motherboard.STEP 5: ATTACHING BLOCK ON TO THE MOTHERBOARDPrior to fastening the screws please make sure the mounting holes on the motherboard’s circuit board are aligned with the water block. A) Mosfet part: Use four (4) M2,5x5 AX1 screws with PVC washers. Tighten the screws evenly. Do not use excessive force when tightening the screws! B) CPU part: Use four (4) M4x8 DIN7984 with screws and washers. Tighten the screws using enclosed 2.5mm Allen key.Use the enclosed screws and washers as shown in picture below: For the EK-FB ROG Maximus XI Extreme Monoblock series water block to operate properly the G1/4 port nearest to the right edge of the water block MUST BE USED AS THE INLET PORT . EK recommends the use of EK-ACF fittings. When using fittings other than EK-ACF series please use hose clamps or appropriate substitute to secure the tubing to the barb. The use of biocide containing and corrosion inhibiting coolant is always recommended for any liquid cooling system.REQUIRED TOOLS AND MOUNTING SCREWS:scissors philips screwdriver Allen keyTubingIMPORTANT: USETHIS OPENING ASAN INLET PORT!M4x8 screws PVC washerM2,5x5 AX1 screws3. PLACING THERMAL PADS ONMOTHERBOARD. Place thermal pads on PCB asshown on the picturePLEASE REMOVE THE PROTECTIVE FOILFROM BOTH SIDES OF THE THERMAL PADSPRIOR TO INSTALLATION!Place 1mm thermal pads in largerstrips over marked area and makesure all mosfet chips are covered.Place 1mm thermal pads in largerstrips over marked area and makesure all Inductor chips are covered.。
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IBC OneClick MPO Cleaner 产品说明书
Total Number of Cleans per SKU
*Note 1: NFC-KIT-CASE includes cleaning cube, 10 cleaning cards, solvent pen, and 1.25 and 2.5mm cleaning swabs. **Note 2: NFC-KIT-BOX includes cleaning cube with 5 cleaning cards, solvent pen, and 2.5mm cleaning swabs.
Connector Type SC ST FC LC MU
NFC-IBC-2.5mm X X X
OneClick cleaner for 2.5 mm SC, ST, FC, E2000 connector and end faces (5 count)
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