3.1 ACTIVITY DEPENDENCIES..................................................................







1. 启动Activity启动Activity是Android应用程序中最基本的操作之一。


例如,我们可以通过以下代码启动一个新的Activity:```javaIntent intent = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class);intent.putExtra("key", "value");startActivity(intent);```在新的Activity中,我们可以通过getIntent()方法获取传递过来的数据,并进行相应的处理。

2. 生命周期管理Activity有多个生命周期方法,如onCreate()、onStart()、onResume()、onPause()、onStop()和onDestroy()等。



3. 返回数据在Activity之间进行数据交换是常见的操作。


例如,我们可以通过以下代码启动一个新的Activity并获取返回数据:```javaIntent intent = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class);startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE);```在新的Activity中,我们可以通过以下代码返回数据给上一个Activity:```javaIntent intent = new Intent();intent.putExtra("result", "data");setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);finish();```在上一个Activity中,我们可以通过onActivityResult()方法获取返回的数据,并进行相应的处理。



Chapter 1 An Introduction to Software Engineering1. Why software engineering is important?软件工程由应对软件危机也产生,软件工程的发展极大地完善了我们的软件。


软件工程中新的标记发和工具大大降低了制作大型、复杂系统的工作量2. What is software? What is software engineering?软件工程是一门工程学科,包括了软件开发的各个方面,从最初的系统描述一直到使用后的系统维护,都属于其学科范畴。

3. What is the difference between software engineering and computer science?计算机科学研究的是构成计算机和软件系统基础的有关理论和方法,耳软件工程则研究软件制作中的实际问题。

计算机科学侧重理论和基础; 软件工程侧重软件开发和交付的实际活动。

4. What are the attributes of good software?软件除了提供基本的功能,对用户来说是还应该是可维护的、可依赖的和可接受的。

可维护性,软件必须能够不断变化以满足变化;可依赖性,软件必须可以被信赖;有效性,软件不能浪费系统资源;可用性,使用起来比较容易5. What is CASE?CASE 工具是一些软件系统,被设计成支持软件过程中的常规活动,如编辑设计图表、检查图表的连贯性、跟踪已经运行的程序测试等。

6. What is the difference between software engineering and system engineering?系统工程侧重于计算机系统开发的所有方面,包括硬件、软件和处理工程。


最新Activity 详解 Activity文档翻译

最新Activity 详解  Activity文档翻译

A c t i v i t y详解A c t i v i t y文档翻译Activity 详解 Activity文档翻译转自:展现在用户面前的经常是全屏窗口,你也可以将activity作为浮动窗口来使用(使用设置了windowIsFloating的主题),或者嵌入到其他的activity(使用ActivityGroup)中。


更重要的是,用户做的任何改变都应该在该点上提交(经常提交到ContentProvide r这里保存数据)。





一个paused状态的activity完全是alive的(它维护自己所有的状态和成员信息,而且仍然在window manager的管理中),但当系统内存极度贫乏时也会将其killed。






---Project Title: [Insert Project Title Here]Prepared By: [Insert Your Name]Date: [Insert Date]---1. IntroductionThis document outlines the initial stages of a comprehensive work plan for the [Insert Project Title Here]. The purpose of this plan is to provide a structured approach to achieving the project objectives. While the plan is currently incomplete, it serves as a starting point for further development and refinement. The following sections provide an overview of the key components of the work plan, including objectives, tasks, timelines, and resources required.---2. Project ObjectivesThe primary objectives of the [Insert Project Title Here] are as follows:- [Objective 1: Brief description]- [Objective 2: Brief description]- [Objective 3: Brief description]These objectives are designed to ensure that the project delivers value to stakeholders and aligns with the overall strategic goals of the organization.---3. Scope of WorkThe scope of the [Insert Project Title Here] includes the following key activities:- [Activity 1: Detailed description of activity, including deliverables and dependencies]- [Activity 2: Detailed description of activity, including deliverables and dependencies]- [Activity 3: Detailed description of activity, including deliverables and dependencies]It is important to note that the scope may be subject to change as the project progresses and additional requirements are identified.---4. Tasks and ResponsibilitiesThe following tasks have been identified to achieve the project objectives:Task 1: Research and Analysis- [Sub-task 1.1: Identify relevant data sources]- [Sub-task 1.2: Conduct literature review]- [Sub-task 1.3: Analyze data and trends]Task 2: Planning and Design- [Sub-task 2.1: Develop project timeline]- [Sub-task 2.2: Create detailed project plan]- [Sub-task 2.3: Design prototypes and mock-ups]Task 3: Implementation- [Sub-task 3.1: Coordinate with stakeholders]- [Sub-task 3.2: Execute project activities]- [Sub-task 3.3: Monitor progress and manage risks]Task 4: Quality Assurance and Testing- [Sub-task 4.1: Conduct testing phases]- [Sub-task 4.2: Identify and fix issues]- [Sub-task 4.3: Prepare final deliverables]Task 5: Project Closure- [Sub-task 5.1: Present final project results]- [Sub-task 5.2: Document lessons learned]- [Sub-task 5.3: Celebrate project success]Responsibilities for each task will be assigned to specific team members as the project progresses.---5. TimelinesThe project is expected to be completed within [Insert Duration, e.g., 6 months]. The following timeline provides a high-level overview of key milestones:- Month 1-2: Research and Analysis- Month 3-4: Planning and Design- Month 5-6: Implementation- Month 7: Quality Assurance and Testing- Month 8: Project ClosurePlease note that this timeline is subject to change based on the progress of the project and any unforeseen delays.---6. Resources RequiredTo successfully complete the [Insert Project Title Here], the following resources will be required:- Human Resources: [List of team members, including their roles and responsibilities]- Financial Resources: [Estimated budget and funding sources]- Material Resources: [List of equipment, software, and other materials needed]- External Resources: [Consultants, vendors, or other external parties to be engaged]---7. Risk ManagementPotential risks associated with the [Insert Project Title Here] include:- [Risk 1: Detailed description of risk and its potential impact]- [Risk 2: Detailed description of risk and its potential impact]- [Risk 3: Detailed description of risk and its potential impact]Mitigation strategies for each risk will be developed and implemented as the project progresses.---8. ConclusionThis work plan provides a foundational framework for the [Insert Project Title Here]. While it is incomplete at this stage, it serves as a guide for further development and refinement. As the project progresses, additional details will be added, and the plan will be updated toreflect the evolving needs and goals of the project. Regular review and adjustment of the work plan will ensure that the project remains on track and achieves its intended objectives.---Note: This template is a starting point and should be customized to fit the specific requirements of the project. Additional sections, such ascommunication plan, change management, and quality control, may be added as needed.。



*风险管理计划 *采购
1、项目管理计划2、批准的纠正措施3、批准的 预防措施4、批准的变更申请5、批准的缺陷补 救6、确认的缺陷补救7、行政收尾程序
1、项目管理方法系2、项目管理信息系统 1、可交付成果2、请求的变更3、实施的变更请
求4、实施的纠正措施5、实施的预防措施6、实 施的缺陷补救7、工作绩效信息
Time management 时间管理
Lead,Lag,CPM 关键路径, Float/Slack 时差, PERT计划评审技术,悲观值 Pessimistic,最可能值 Most Likely,乐观值 Optimistic,Standard deviation 标准差,工期压缩 Duration Compression,赶工 Crashing,成本与进度的平衡/折衷 cost and schedule tradeoff,快速跟进 Fast tracking,
(1)掌握计算软件、网络和信息系统集成知识 (2)掌握系统集成项目管理知识、方法和工具 (3)熟悉信息化知识 (4)熟悉系统集成有关的法律法规、标准、规范 (5)熟悉系统集成项目管理工程师职业道德要求 (6)了解信息安全知识与安全管理体系 (7)了解信息系统工程监理知识 (8)了解信息系统服务管理、软件过程改进等相
1、合同(如果适用)2、项目工作说明书3、事 业环境因素4、组织过程资产
1、项目选择方法2、项目管理方法系3、项目管 理信息系统4、专家判断
1、项目章程2、项目工作说明书3、事业环境因 素4、组织过程资产





2.⼀个常见的开发例⼦public class TestActivity extends Activity{@Overrideprotected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);xxx.onCreate();}@Overrideprotected void onStart() {super.onStart();xxx.onStart();}@Overrideprotected void onStop() {super.onStop();xxx.onStop();}}通常,我们都会写出⼀些类似上⾯的代码来监听⽣命周期。


如下⼀段例⼦:@Overrideprotected void onStart() {super.onStart();xxx.onStart();xxx1.onStart();xxx2.onStart();//...}Lifecycle组件能够解决这个问题,从⽽使代码能够写得更优雅。


3.1 添加依赖在相应的moudle⽬录下的build.gradle中添加以下依赖:dependencies {//...def lifecycle_version = "1.1.1"implementation "android.arch.lifecycle:runtime:$lifecycle_version"}3.2 实现LifecycleObserver接⼝public class TestLifeCycle implements LifecycleObserver {private static final String TAG = "test";@OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_CREATE)public void onCreate() {Log.d(TAG, "onCreate: ");}@OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_START)public void onStart() {Log.d(TAG, "onStart: ");}@OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_RESUME)public void onResume() {Log.d(TAG, "onResume: ");}@OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_PAUSE)public void onPause() {Log.d(TAG, "onPause: ");}@OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_STOP)public void onStop() {Log.d(TAG, "onStop: ");}@OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_DESTROY)public void onDestroy() {Log.d(TAG, "onDestroy: ");}@OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_ANY)public void onAny() {Log.d(TAG, "onAny: ");}}通过实现LifecycleObserver接⼝,然后在相应的⽅法上⾯添加注解@OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.XXX)即可。



单位工程施工进度计划的主要内容英文回答:Contents of a Unit Construction Project Schedule.A unit construction project schedule is a detailed plan that outlines the tasks, resources, and timeline required to complete a construction project. It is an essential tool for project managers, as it allows them to plan and track project progress, identify potential risks, and make informed decisions.The main contents of a unit construction project schedule include:1. Project scope: A brief description of the project, including its goals, objectives, and deliverables.2. Work breakdown structure (WBS): A hierarchical breakdown of the project into smaller, more manageabletasks.3. Activity list: A list of all the activities required to complete the project, including their durations, dependencies, and resources.4. Resource allocation: A plan for allocating resources to activities, including personnel, equipment, and materials.5. Schedule: A timeline showing the planned start and finish dates for each activity, as well as the overall project duration.6. Progress tracking: A system for tracking the progress of the project and identifying any deviations from the schedule.7. Risk assessment: A list of potential risks to the project, along with mitigation strategies.中文回答:单位工程施工进度计划的主要内容。




下面介绍下Activity的用法:1. 创建Activity:Android提供基本的Activity模版,需要使用其子类定义界面。


2. Activity的生命周期:Activity的生命周期包括创建、启动(活动、可视、暂停、停止)、销毁几个阶段,在Activity切换时,会一次性进行持续处理各阶段动作。

3. Activity消息管理:Android使用消息机制处理不同Activity之间的通信,如:主Activity调用子Activity,在子Activity返回来时,会发出信号通知主Activity,并传递结果。

4. Activity回退处理:Activity提供回退键功能,有三种反应:关闭当前Activity、回到上一Level、回回到桌面,它可以使用finish()方法关闭Activity,也可以配置点击回退键的行为。

5. Activity启动流程:Activity的启动流程涉及到Activity的创建(onCreate())、显示(onResume())、销毁(onDestory())等,为确保正常运行,只能在对应的生命周期回调函数中完成对应的操作。

6. Activity进阶功能:Activity可以切花Window悬浮方式,可以显示2个Activity同时存在,并可以支持悬浮窗等功能;Activity也可以支持高斯模糊,可以达到Android手机拨号等效果;可以添加植入式广告、视频等功能,实现定制化内容展示。

7. Activity性能提升:可以使用代理类或模板技术,将不活跃的界面保持活跃状态,减少界面的资源重新加载;可以在onStop()函数实现缓存,减少不必要的逻辑操作。


Primavera Integration API使用手册

Primavera Integration API使用手册

Primavera Integration API使 用 手 册上海普华科技发展有限公司 吕小妮第一章 Primavera API概要1.1简介随着业务需求的不断增长,高速互联网/局域网所催生的发展机遇,企业要求快速交换信息,实现信息快速共享,以提高企业内部各个部门的共同协作效率和水平,要求将企业生产信息,企业销售信息,企业服务信息和企业管理信息集成在一起。

作为企业项目管理信息平台的Primavera软件也提供了快速与其他系统的集成方法:Primavera Integration API。

Primavera Integration API是在企业级应用上,提供与其他的应用系统一个无缝的访问接口。

具有以下特征:1、 一个支持所有的关键业务对象和功能的接口;2、 可升级,性能稳定,可以支持大型企业级的集成;3、 安全性高,无论是在应用层还是在网络层;4、 以面向对象的方式封装了Primavera所有的业务对象,每个业务对象都有自己的属性和方法。



1.2架构Primavera Integration API是遵循Primavera 业务逻辑(Primavera Business Rule Engine BRE)的,遵循Primavera的myPrimavera的业务对象逻辑,技术上的连接池,缓存,许可和安全等基本原理也同于myPrimavera。

Primavera Integration API有两种架构“Local Mode”和“Remote Mode”。

Local Mode模式,也就是Standalone,那么,Primavera Integration API就不需要一个应用服务器,这个模式最方便建立的。

其架构图如下:如果配置成Remote Mode模式,那么,Primavera Integration API就必须要有一台应用服务器,这台服务器上要求有JSP服务器,也就是J2EE服务器,现在Primavera支持的J2EE服务器有BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere,或者是Oracle 9iAS。



AndroidX下使⽤Activity和Fragment的变化详解过去的⼀段时间,AndroidX 软件包下的 Activity/Fragmet 的 API 发⽣了很多变化。

让我们看看它们是如何提升Android 的开发效率以及如何适应当下流⾏的编程规则和模式。

本⽂中描述的所有功能现在都可以在稳定的 AndroidX 软件包中使⽤,它们在去年均已发布或移⾄稳定版本。

在构造器中传⼊布局 ID从 AndroidX AppCompat 1.1.0 和 Fragment 1.1.0 ( 译者注:AppCompat 包含 Fragment,且 Fragment 包含 Activity,详情见【整理】Jetpack 主要组件的依赖及传递关系 )开始,您可以使⽤将 layoutId 作为参数的构造函数:class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity(yout.my_activity)class MyFragmentActivity: FragmentActivity(yout.my_fragment_activity)class MyFragment : Fragment(yout.my_fragment)这种⽅法可以减少 Activity/Fragment 中⽅法重写的数量,并使类更具可读性。

⽆需在Activity 中重写 onCreate() 即可调⽤setContentView() ⽅法。

另外,⽆需⼿动在Fragment中重写 onCreateView 即可⼿动调⽤ Inflater 来扩展视图。

扩展 Activity/Fragment 的灵活性借助 AndroidX 新的 API ,可以减少在 Activity/Fragment 处理某些功能的情况。

通常,您可以获取提供某些功能的对象并向其注册您的处理逻辑,⽽不是重写 Activity / Fragment 中的⽅法。




Activity使⽤详解极⼒推荐⽂章:欢迎收藏本篇⽂章主要介绍Android开发中的部分知识点,通过阅读本篇⽂章,您将收获以下内容:1. Activity ⽣命周期简介2. Activity 必须在AndroidMainfest.xml 中注册3. 启动Activity 的⽅法4. 启动带返回值的Activity5. Activity结束⽅法6. Activity状态保存,恢复的⽅法7. ⾯试中经常问到的例⼦Activity是Android最基本的四⼤组件之⼀(Activity活动,Service服务,ContentProvider内容提供者,BroadcastReceiver⼴播),Activity主要负责与⽤户进⾏交互,是每位Android开发必须掌握的知识点。

1. Activity ⽣命周期简介⾸先我们需要了解⼀下Activity的继承关系。

Activity 继承关系Activity继承关系如下:ng.Object↳ android.content.Context↳ android.content.ContextWrapper↳ android.view.ContextThemeWrapper↳ android.app.Activity理解完Activity的继承关系后,我们开始了解Activity的声明周期,Activity的⽣命周期直接影响到与⽤户的交互,此声明周期很重要。

Activity ⽣命周期Activity⽣命周期图如下:Activity ⽣命周期图在代码中Activity⽣命周期回调⽅法Activity⽣命周期回调⽅法如下:// Activity 创建⽅法@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);Log.i(TAG, "----onCreate----");setContentView(yout.activity_methods);}// Activity 在最新任务列表中打开时候会⾛此⽅法@Overrideprotected void onRestart() {super.onRestart();Log.i(TAG, "----onRestart----");}// Activity 在onCreate 或者 onRestart之后执⾏@Overrideprotected void onStart() {super.onStart();Log.i(TAG, "----onStart----");}// 正在与⽤户交互的界⾯@Overrideprotected void onResume() {super.onResume();Log.i(TAG, "----onResume----");}// 被其他与⽤户交互的Activity 部分覆盖@Overrideprotected void onPause() {super.onPause();Log.i(TAG, "----onPause----");}// 被其它与⽤户交互的Activity 全部覆盖@Overrideprotected void onStop() {super.onStop();Log.i(TAG, "----onStop----");}// Activity 销毁时候调⽤此⽅法@Overrideprotected void onDestroy() {super.onDestroy();Log.i(TAG, "----onDestroy----");}Activity 4 种Activity常见的四种⽣命周期状态如下:1. Active 运⾏状态2. Pause 暂停状态3. Stop 停⽌状态4. Killed 消亡状态2. Activity 必须在 AndroidMainfest.xml 中注册Activity是四⼤组件之⼀,Android规定四⼤组件必须在AndroidMainfest.xml中注册,Activity如果不注册,则会引起App Crash报错。



AndroidStudio应用开发入门教程第一章:AndroidStudio入门1.1 AndroidStudio的介绍AndroidStudio是一种专为Android应用开发而设计的集成开发环境(IDE),它提供了丰富的工具和功能,方便开发者进行代码编写、调试和测试。


1.2 安装AndroidStudio步骤1:下载AndroidStudio安装包。




第二章:项目创建与设置2.1 创建新项目步骤1:在AndroidStudio中点击“Start a new Android Studio project”。





2.2 配置项目设置步骤1:在项目结构上右击,选择“Open Module Settings”。




第三章:界面设计与布局3.1 Android布局介绍Android应用程序的布局和视图层次结构的基本概念,如LinearLayout、RelativeLayout、ConstraintLayout等,并给出实例代码进行演示。

3.2 使用XML进行界面设计介绍使用XML文件进行Android界面设计的基本方法,例如使用TextView、Button、EditText等控件,以及使用LinearLayout、ConstraintLayout等布局容器。



pictureselector用法1. 介绍pictureselector是一个用于选择图片的工具,它提供了丰富的功能和灵活的用法,可以帮助开发者在应用中方便地实现图片选择和处理的功能。


2. 功能特点•图片选择:pictureselector可以让用户在应用中选择图片,支持从相册、文件夹和网络等多种来源选择图片。







3. 使用方法3.1 引入依赖在项目的build.gradle文件中添加以下依赖:dependencies {implementation 'com.github.pictureselector:pictureselector:1.0.0'}3.2 配置权限在应用的AndroidManifest.xml文件中添加以下权限:<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>3.3 调用图片选择器在需要使用图片选择器的地方,调用以下代码:PictureSelector.create(MainActivity.this).openGallery() // 打开相册.maxSelectCount(9) // 最多选择9张图片.imageSpanCount(3) // 每行显示3张图片.selectionMode(PictureConfig.MULTIPLE) // 多选模式.previewImage(true) // 开启图片预览.compress(true) // 开启图片压缩.crop(true) // 开启图片裁剪.forResult(PictureConfig.CHOOSE_REQUEST); // 设置请求码3.4 处理选择结果在Activity或Fragment中重写onActivityResult方法,处理选择结果:@Overrideprotected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);if (requestCode == PictureConfig.CHOOSE_REQUEST && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {List<LocalMedia> selectList = PictureSelector.obtainMultipleResult(dat a);// 处理选择的图片for (LocalMedia media : selectList) {String path = media.getPath();// TODO: 处理图片路径}}}4. 高级用法4.1 自定义图片加载器如果你的应用使用了第三方的图片加载库,你可以通过自定义图片加载器来加载图片。



骑自行车的好坏处英语作文The Pros and Cons of Cycling.Cycling, a popular mode of transportation and a beloved recreational activity, presents a unique blend of advantages and disadvantages. Its popularity is attributed to its convenience, environmental friendliness, and health benefits, among other factors. However, it also has its share of challenges and limitations.Advantages of Cycling.1. Environmental Friendliness.Cycling is one of the most environmentally friendly modes of transportation. It does not emit greenhouse gases or contribute to air pollution, unlike motorized vehicles. By cycling, individuals can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to sustainable development.2. Health Benefits.Cycling is an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise that can significantly improve one's physical health. It strengthens the heart, improves blood circulation, and enhances overall cardiovascular health. Regular cycling can also help in weight management, increase muscle strength, and improve joint flexibility.3. Convenience.Cycling is a highly convenient mode of transportation, especially in urban areas where traffic congestion is common. Bicycles can easily navigate through narrow streets and avoid traffic jams, making commuting faster and more efficient. Additionally, bicycles require minimal parking space, further adding to their convenience.4. Cost-Effectiveness.Compared to other modes of transportation, cycling is relatively inexpensive. Bicycles are relatively affordableto purchase and maintain, and they do not require fuel or insurance. This makes cycling a cost-effective option for those on a budget.5. Recreational Activity.Cycling is also a fun and enjoyable activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It offers an opportunity to explore new places, enjoy scenic views, and spend quality time outdoors. Whether it's a casual ride through the park or a challenging mountain bike trail, cycling provides an excellent way to stay active and connected to nature.Disadvantages of Cycling.1. Safety Concerns.One of the primary concerns associated with cycling is safety. Bicycles are smaller and less visible on the road compared to motorized vehicles, making them more susceptible to accidents. Additionally, cyclists are atrisk of being hit by motorists who may not be paying attention or who may not see them. This can lead to serious injuries or even fatalities.2. Weather Dependencies.Cycling is greatly affected by weather conditions. Rain, snow, and extreme temperatures can make cycling uncomfortable and even dangerous. During adverse weather conditions, cyclists may have to rely on alternative modesof transportation or forgo their rides altogether.3. Limited Range.Compared to motorized vehicles, bicycles have a limited range. They require more frequent stops for rest and to recharge batteries (in the case of electric bicycles). This can make long-distance travel by bicycle challenging and time-consuming.4. Physical Exertion.Cycling, especially over long distances or on steep hills, can be physically exhausting. It requires a significant amount of effort and stamina, which may not be suitable for everyone. For those who are not accustomed to regular exercise, cycling can be a challenging activity.5. Infrastructure Limitations.In many areas, bicycle infrastructure such as bike lanes and bike paths is limited or nonexistent. This can make cycling unsafe and inconvenient, especially in areas with heavy traffic or poor road conditions. The lack of bicycle-friendly infrastructure can be a significantbarrier to cycling adoption.In conclusion, cycling offers numerous benefits including environmental friendliness, health benefits, convenience, cost-effectivenesss, and recreational value. However, it also has its share of challenges andlimitations such as safety concerns, weather dependencies, limited range, physical exertion, and infrastructure limitations. Despite these disadvantages, cycling remains apopular and viable mode of transportation and recreation for many people. With improved infrastructure, safety measures, and public awareness, cycling could become an even more attractive option in the future.。



试简述网络计划技术的基本原理和组成要素Network planning is a technique used in project management to effectively schedule and allocate resources to a project. This technique involves the use of various tools and methods to plan and control the flow of activities and resources throughout the project lifecycle.网络计划是项目管理中使用的一种技术,用于有效地安排和分配项目的资源。


The basic principle of network planning involves the creation of a graphical representation of the project activities and their dependencies. This representation is typically in the form of a network diagram, which visually depicts the sequence of activities and the relationships between them.网络计划的基本原理涉及创建项目活动及其依赖关系的图形表示。


The key elements of network planning include the identification of project activities, the estimation of activity durations, the establishment of activity dependencies, and the determination of the project schedule. These elements collectively contribute to the development of a comprehensive network plan that serves as a roadmap for the successful execution of the project.网络计划的关键要素包括确定项目活动、估计活动持续时间、建立活动之间的依赖关系、确定项目进度。



第一章企业资源规划(ERP:Enterprise Resource Planning)物料需求计划(MRP:Matcrials Requirement Planning)客户关系管理(CRM:Customer Relationship Management)企业工程重组(BPR:Business Process Reengineering)供应链管理(SCM:Supply Chain Management)企业应用集成(EAI:Enterprise Application Integration)电子数据交换(EDI:Electronic Data Interchange)企业对终端客户(B2C:Business 2 Customer)企业对企业(B2B:Business 2 Business)企业与政府(B2G:Business 2 Govt)消费者与消费者(C2C:Customer 2 Customer)商业智能(BI:Business Intelligence)联机分析处理(OLAP:On-Line-Analysis-Process)ETL过程(抽取Extraction、转换Transformation、装载Load)第二章IT管理指南(ITIL:Information Technology Infrastructure Library)IT服务管理(ITSM)软件统一过程(RUP:Rational Unified Process)第三章软件需求说明书(SRS:software Requirements Speeifications)数据仓库:(DW:Date Warehouse)网络技术的标准协议:TCP/IP、UDP、NETBEUI、IPX/UPX网络接入技术:(xDSL 数字用户线路、HFC 光纤同轴混合接入、DDN 数字数据网接入)第四章制定项目目标的SMART原则(Specific 具体的、Measurable 可测量的、Agreed to 相关方同意的、Realistic 现实的、Time-oriented 有时限要求的)项目发起人(Project Sponsor)项目管理办公室(PMO)第五章第六章项目章程(Project Charter)现值(Present Value)组织的过程资产(Organizational Process Assets)项目约定(Project Assumption)项目约束(Project Constraint)环境的和组织的因素(Enterprise Environmental Factots)变更控制流程(Change Control Procedure)变更控制委员会(Change Control Board)静态投资回收期(Static Payback Period)工作说明书(SOW)基准计划(Base Plan)变更控制委员会(CCB)第七章工作分解结构(WBS:Work Breakdown Structure)产品范围(Product Scope)项目范围(Project Scope)价值工程(VE:Value Engineering)第八章活动(Activity)里程碑(Milestone)历时(Duration)工期(time limit for a activity or a project)强制性依赖关系(Mandatory Dependencies)任意依赖关系(Discretionary Dependencies)外部依赖关系(External Dependencies)逻辑关系(Logical Relationship)子网(Subnet)网络分析(Network Analysis)、进度分析(Schedule Analysis)网络路径(Network Path)项目进度计划(Project Schedule)主进度计划(Time Schedule)快速跟进(Fast Track in)PERT估算的活动历时均值=(悲观估值+4最可能估值+乐观估值)/6PERT估算的活动历时偏差=(悲观估值-乐观估值)/6CV成本偏差= EV挣值– AC实际成本•CV=0,表明项目实施按预算进;CV>0,表明项目实施的实际成本小于计划的预算成本,项目处于成本降低状态,此时项目成本绩效表现良好;CV<0,表明项目处于成本超支状态,此时项目成本绩效表现不好。

activity.runonuithread 的理解

activity.runonuithread 的理解

activity.runonuithread 的理解在Android开发中,`activity.runOnUiThread` 是一种在UI线程上执行代码块的方法。

Android UI框架要求所有与UI相关的操作必须在主线程(UI线程)上执行,以确保界面更新的同步性和一致性。


`activity.runOnUiThread` 提供了一种在后台线程(非UI线程)中安全地更新UI的方式。


当调用`activity.runOnUiThread` 时,它会将`Runnable` 对象提交到主线程的消息队列中,以确保在UI线程上执行。

以下是一个简单的示例,演示了如何使用`activity.runOnUiThread` 在后台线程中更新UI:```javanew Thread(new Runnable() {@Overridepublic void run() {// 在后台线程中执行一些耗时操作// 需要在UI线程上更新UI的操作activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {@Overridepublic void run() {// 在UI线程上更新UI的代码// 例如,更新TextView的文本或执行其他UI操作textView.setText("Updated text on UI thread");}});}}).start();```在这个例子中,后台线程执行一些耗时操作,然后通过`activity.runOnUiThread` 将更新UI 的代码块提交到UI线程,确保在正确的上下文中更新UI。




(⼆)Activiti之⽤activiti.cfg.xml配置⽂件初始化表⼀、案例本章案例使⽤activiti版本 1.1 引⼊maven依赖<dependencies><dependency><groupId>junit</groupId><artifactId>junit</artifactId><version>4.12</version><scope>test</scope></dependency><dependency><groupId>org.activiti</groupId><artifactId>activiti-engine</artifactId><version></version></dependency><dependency><groupId>org.activiti</groupId><artifactId>activiti-spring</artifactId><version></version></dependency><dependency><groupId>org.activiti</groupId><artifactId>activiti-bpmn-model</artifactId><version></version></dependency><dependency><groupId>mysql</groupId><artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId><version>5.1.38</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>javax.servlet</groupId><artifactId>javax.servlet-api</artifactId><version>4.0.0</version><scope>provided</scope></dependency></dependencies> 1.2 初始化public class App{@Testpublic void testCreateTable() {ProcessEngineConfiguration pec=ProcessEngineConfiguration.createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResource("activiti.cfg.xml");ProcessEngine pe=pec.buildProcessEngine();}} 1.3 配置activiti.cfg.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><beans xmlns="/schema/beans"xmlns:xsi="/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xsi:schemaLocation="/schema/beans /schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd"><bean id="processEngineConfiguration" class="org.activiti.engine.impl.cfg.StandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration"><property name="jdbcUrl" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db_activiti"/><property name="jdbcDriver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/><property name="jdbcUsername" value="root"/><property name="jdbcPassword" value=""/><!-- 配置模式 true ⾃动创建和更新表 --><property name="databaseSchemaUpdate" value="true"/></bean></beans> 1.4 执⾏以及结果如图activiti版本的共⽣成了25张表,6.0.0好像会⽣成28张表。



任务名称:依赖项说明1. 什么是依赖项?在软件开发中,依赖项(Dependencies)指的是一个软件模块或库所依赖的其他模块或库。


依赖项可以分为两种类型:编译时依赖(Compile-time dependencies)和运行时依赖(Runtime dependencies)。


2. 为什么需要依赖项?在软件开发过程中,我们通常会使用其他人开发的库或框架来加速开发过程、提高代码质量和功能扩展性。



3. 如何管理依赖项?为了管理项目中的依赖项,我们通常会使用一种构建工具或包管理器。




在配置文件中,我们可以指定每个依赖项的坐标(Group ID、Artifact ID和版本号),构建工具会根据这些信息从公共仓库中下载相应的库。

例如,在Maven中,我们可以这样定义一个依赖项:<dependencies><dependency><groupId>com.example</groupId><artifactId>my-library</artifactId><version>1.0.0</version></dependency></dependencies>在Gradle中,我们可以这样定义一个依赖项:dependencies {implementation 'com.example:my-library:1.0.0'}构建工具还可以解决依赖项之间的冲突问题。

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The Virtual Design Team:A Computational Model of Project OrganizationsA paper submitted toComputational and Mathematical Organization TheorybyYan Jin and Raymond E. LevittDepartment of Civil Engineering, Stanford UniversityStanford, CA 94305-4020Phone: (415)723-2918, Fax: (415)725-6014jin@, levitt@March 15, 1996This research was supported by CIFE and National Science Foundation under grant #9122541ContentsABSTRACT1. INTRODUCTION (1)2. AN EXTENDED INFORMATION-PROCESSING VIEW OF DESIGN TEAMS (4)3. MODELING ORGANIZATIONAL TASKS (7)3.1 A CTIVITY D EPENDENCIES (8)3.2 P RODUCTION AND C OORDINATION P ROCESSES (10)3.3 P ROCESS E FFICIENCY AND Q UALITY (11)3.4 L INK TO R EAL P ROJECTS (13)4. MODELING MICRO-LEVEL BEHAVIOR OF ACTORS (14)4.1 F UNDAMENTAL A CTOR B EHAVIORS (15)4.1.1 Attention Allocation (15)4.1.2 Information Processing (16)4.2 A CTORS’ M ICRO-L EVEL A CTIONS (17)4.2.1 Information flow and Communication Tools in VDT (18)4.2.2 Actor Action Cycles (19)5. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE (23)5.1 C ONTROL STRUCTURE AND C ENTRALIZATION (23)5.2 C OMMUNICATION S TRUCTURE, F ORMALIZATION AND M ATRIX S TRENGTH (24)6. THE VDT SIMULATION SYSTEM (25)7. DISCUSSION (26)7.1 M ODEL V ALIDATION (26)7.2 R ELATED WORK (28)7.3 F UTURE WORK (29)8. ACKNOWLEDGMENT (30)9. REFERENCES (31)The Virtual Design Team:A Computational Model of Project OrganizationsYan Jin and Raymond E. LevittAbstractLarge scale and multidisciplinary engineering projects (e.g., design of a hospital building) are often complex and involve many interdependent activities, and require intensive coordination among actors to deal with the activity interdependencies. To make such projects more efficient and effective, one needs to understand how coordination requirements are generated and what coordination mechanisms should be applied for a given project situation. Our research on the Virtual Design Team (VDT) attempts to develop a computational model of project organizations to analyze how activity interdependencies raise coordination needs and how organization design and introduction of communication tools may change the coordination capacity of project teams, with resulting impacts on project performance. The VDT model is built based on organizational contingency theory (Galbraith 1977) and our observations about collaborative and multidisciplinary work in large, complex projects. VDT explicitly models actors, activities, communication tools and organizations. Based on our extended information-processing view of organizations, VDT simulates the actions of, and interactions among, actors as processes of attention allocation, capacity allocation, and communication. VDT evaluates organization performance by measuring emergent project duration, direct cost, and coordination quality. The VDT model has been tested internally, and evaluated externally through case-studies. We found three way qualitative consistency among predictions of the simulation model, of organization theory, and of experienced project managers. In this paper, we present the VDT model in detail and discuss some general issues involved in computational organization modeling, including level of abstraction of tasks and actors’ reasoning, and model validation.The Virtual Design Team:A Computational Model of Project OrganizationsYan Jin and Raymond E. Levitt1. IntroductionIn the early 1990s, the Statfjord Sub-sea Satellites Project was undertaken to produce oil from deep ocean wells in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. The goal of this project was to design, manufacture and place unmanned sub-sea oil production modules on the ocean floor. Since they would be expensive to access once placed, the Statfjord modules were designed to very high quality standards to ensure that they would operate reliably, maintenance-free, for extended periods. After this project started, its work plan was changed to reduce its development schedule from three years to two years. To fit this new schedule, the design phase of this project had to be reduced from 22 months to 15 months. As a result, many sequential activities in the original plan had to be carried out concurrently.Several questions arose from the schedule change to which the Statfjord project manager needed answers:• Could the original design team complete the design within 15 month, instead of 22 months? If not, which specific design disciplines or management groups should be augmented?• What detailed changes, if any, could the manager usefully make in the organization structure of the 25-person design team, e.g., decentralization of certain design approvals or decisions?• If decision-making authority were decentralized to save design time, what would be the impact on other aspects of project performance—i.e., design cost and quality?• What would be the predicted impact on project schedule of investing in advanced communication technologies, e.g., CAD file sharing or video conferencing?The Statfjord project managers could only answer these questions intuitively, relying on their experience, since no extant technology and/or theory could provide explicit answers. While the Critical Path Method (CPM) models sequential interdependencies through explicit representation of precedence relationships between activities, it does not take into account reciprocal information requirements between concurrent activities, nor the impacts of actor interactions. At the same time, organizational contingency theory can provide only limited answers to these questions because of its aggregated view of organizations and its relatively general definitions of contingency factors.Our research on the Virtual Design Team (VDT) attempts to develop a computational organization model, called VDT, to answer the questions. The VDT research was initiated in the late 1980s with a long term goal to develop new theory and tools that could extend the reach of both organizational contingency theory and network based management tools like CPM, to provide reliable answers to these kinds of questions for project organizations engaged in complex, but relatively routine tasks. In VDT, the organization’s tasks (i.e., the design tasks in the above example), its actors (i.e., the particular designers and managers in the above example), and aspects of the organization’s structure are explicitly represented. For a given task and organization setting, VDT can generate emergent organizational performance through simulating micro-level actions of, and interactions among, the actors.Our initial VDT model was developed based on two observations about collaborative, multidisciplinary work in large, complex projects. First, organizational tasks in project organizations can be divided into two parts: the primary production work that directly adds value to final products, and coordination work that facilitates the production work. For a given project, the amount of production work usually depends on specifications of the product to be produced, and variation in its scope or volume as a function of the team’s organization is thus relatively low. The nature and amount of required coordination work, however, may vary considerably, depending on how theproject team is organized—centralization, formalization, task assignment, decision-making policy, available communication tools, actors’ team experience, etc. A model of how coordination work is generated and dealt with by team actors should thus be useful for researchers to understand organizational behavior of project teams and for project managers to analyze their organization’s performance for better team design.Second, although the extant organization contingency theory provides qualitative insights about the extent of coordination work given aggregated project parameters (Galbraith 1977, Thompson 1967), it does not say anything about which specific activities and actors are the source of the coordination load, and what specific steps can be taken to resolve coordination overload problems. We need an elaborated version of contingency theory with contingency factors set at more specific levels, since answering these specific questions is important for managers to be able to make effective decisions about their organizations and work processes.Advances in computer modeling technology, such as object oriented programming and model-based reasoning techniques, have made it representationally and computationally feasible to address human coordination issues through explicit representation of tasks, actor behavior and coordination actions. Creating an effective conceptual model that can take maximum advantage of state-of-the-art computer technology is a research challenge with a high potential payoff.In the course of developing the VDT model, we encountered a number of quite general organization modeling questions including:• What is the appropriate abstraction level for the model so that it can capture reality at a sufficient level of detail while, at same time, avoid becoming too complex or too “realistic” to comprehend (Burton and Obel 1995)?• To what extent should organizational tasks be explicitly represented so that actors’ action, communication, and skill can be captured properly (Carley and Prietula 1994)?• How can we validate the computational organizational model? If the model is relatively abstract, can we find ways to link the representation of, and predictions from, the abstract model to the real project data so that the model can be comparable with real projects?In the rest of this paper, we first present our elaborated information-processing view of organizations and introduce the top-level concepts of the VDT model. In Section 3 and Section 4, we describe how VDT models organizational tasks and organizational actors, respectively, to make coordination work explicit and measurable. Section 5 describes how organization structure is defined in VDT and used as a set of variables for organizational analysis. Section 6 presents an overview of VDT system architecture. Finally in Section 7 we discuss the general organization modeling issues mentioned above in the context of model validation, related work, and our future work.2. An Extended Information-Processing View of Design TeamsOrganizations, including project organizations, need information flows to function, and strive to create efficient information flows to be effective. An organization processes information to coordinate and control its activities. Since Weber’s fundamental work in the early 1900s (Weber 1924), many organization theorists have adopted an information processing view of organizations (March and Simon 1958, Galbraith 1977). In this view, an organization is an information-processing and communication system, structured to achieve a specific set of tasks, and comprised of limited capacity, “boundedly rational” information processors (individuals or sub-teams). These information processors send and receive messages along specific lines of communication (e.g., formal lines of authority) via communication tools with limited capacity (e.g., memos, voice mail, meetings).This information-processing view of organizations provides a foundation of our VDT model. In VDT, the information-processing view has two implications. The first is that we can model design teams as information-processing structures that are composed of tasks generating information to beprocessed, actors processing and communicating information, communication tools linking actors for communication, and an organization structure that constrains actors’ information-processing behavior. Figure 1 shows an overview of this information-processing structure in which, tasks, actors, communication tools, and organization structure are the key conceptual components.Organization Task Network of ActivitiesFigure 1: An Overview of the VDT ModelThe second implication is that for a project design team, both primary production work (i.e., design) and coordination work (i.e., communication and decision-making carried out to facilitate design) can be viewed as information-processing, so that we can model the amount of information being processed or to be processed in terms of work volume1. This uniform way to represent the contents of organizational tasks provides a strong means for abstraction. For a given project, let the total work volume of the project be TW, production work volume PW, and coordination work volume CW, then we assume that1 In VDT, we use work volume to represent the amount of information and that of the work of information-processing. Work volume is an attribute of a piece of work (e.g., an activity, a work item, a communication item) and is associated with required skill set. Work volume is expressed in units of time and represents the nominal time taken by one person with a medium level of the needed skill set to complete the work.(1) TW = PW + CWFurthermore, PW can be divided into two parts: originally planned production work PW o and production rework PW r arising due to the failure of original production information processing.PW o + PW r=(2)PWFrom (1) and (2) we have:(3)=PW o + PW r + CWTWFor a given project task, PW o is given, and PW r+ CW may vary depending on the characteristics of the task and the effectiveness of the organization (i.e., project team) working on the task. The ratio R c = (PW r + CW) / TW(4)provides a rough measurement of coordination load relative to originally planned production work load, and is a function of both task complexity and organization capacity. If a task is “perfectly simple” or nearly decomposable (Simon 1969) – i.e., there is almost no associated coordination requirement; or if the design team working on the task is composed of “perfect” designers and managers organized in a “perfect” way–i.e., with high skills relative to task complexity (Galbraith 1977), the value of R c can be close to 0. At the other extreme, the value of R c can be close to 1, meaning that the project will never finish due to endless rework and coordination.Between the two extremes, we believe, there exists a range of the spectrum in which the variation of R c can be at least partially controlled by adjusting certain organization design variables. The question here is “Can we create a model that can estimate PW r and CW at a sufficient level of detail so that we can use the model to analyze the performance of different organization designs to achieve the best efficiency or minimum R c?”Our experience with VDT has shown that for routine design projects the answer is yes. For routine design projects, the project tasks can be pre-specified and actors are highly institutionalizedsuch that their behavior is more professional than social, and thus relatively easy to model. In VDT, we have taken a Monte Carlo simulation approach to predict PW r and CW. VDT simulation takes PW o, other task variables (described in Section 3), and organization settings (described in Section 4 and 5) as input, and produces emergent PW r and CW through simulation. At the start of simulation, each actor in VDT is assigned a position in the team organization and one or more project activities (production work) to work on, as shown in Figure 1. During simulation, an actor processes information items in its in-tray and sends processed information items to others through its out-tray via selected communication tools. The in-coming items include production work, information, and decisions received from others, whereas the outgoing items include requests for information, answers to requests, exception reports, and decisions. Besides production work, actors in VDT spend time on information exchange, exception-reporting, and decision-making. Furthermore, an actor may have to wait for decisions about how to handle certain exceptions when its supervisor is too busy to make and communicate a decision immediately. Based on this information-processing model, the coordination work volume CW in (2) and (3) can be divided into three parts: CW cm for information exchange communication work volume, CW ct for decision-making work volume, and CW wt for waiting time. So we have=PW o + PW r + CW cm+ CW ct+ CW wtTW(4)The following sections describe our models of organization tasks, actor actions, and organization structures, and show how the simulation generates emergent PW r, CW cm, CW ct and CW wt, based ona given organization task and project team design.3. Modeling Organizational TasksProject organizations are task-driven. They have specific tasks (e.g., to design a hospital building) that must be finished by a certain time (e.g., the end of 1996) and cannot cost more than abudgetary limit (e.g., $50 million). Usually, the top-level organizational task needs to be divided into smaller sub-tasks, called activities in this paper, so that they can be carried out by individual actors or small groups of actors. Activities represent primary production work (i.e., design work for a design team). As an activity is carried out by its responsible actor, coordination work may occur depending on both the work content and the type of dependency between this activity and related activities. Although project managers seek to define activities that are independent from each other, this division of tasks almost invariably creates dependencies among the activities and thus generates a need for coordination.There are two basic requirements for a VDT task model. First, the model must capture enough detail of both work contents and activity dependencies so that both production work (PW) and coordination work (CW) can be generated. The challenge here is how to make the model simple, but still effective, across many specific types of design projects. The second requirement is to be able to map the model attributes to accessible, real project data, so that the model is comparable with real project information and the insights generated from the model are realistic. The research issue associated with this requirement is “Can we define a methodology to link real project information to the VDT task model?”3.1 Activity DependenciesIn the organization literature, task dependencies have been considered as an important environmental measurement of uncertainty (Lawrence and Lorsch 1967; Galbraith 1977). Although this aggregated account of task dependency may be used to show how uncertain an overall organizational task is, it does not provide insights into specific dependency relations between particular activities and their impact on organizational performance, nor into what coordination mechanism may be employed to manage a particular dependency.In VDT, several kinds of dependencies among activities are explicitly represented and treated asthe sources of coordination work. Following Thompson (1967), VDT models pooled, sequential and reciprocal dependency relationships among activities.Pooled dependency: Since we model project organizations, each activity is part of the overall project and is thus always in a pooled relation with other activities. Following Thompson, rules and standards, e.g. about how to deal with exceptions, serve to coordinate this kind of interdependency.Sequential dependency: VDT adopts the successor relationship used in CPM (Critical Path Method) networks to represent sequential dependency between activities. An activity Actv B is a finish-to-start successor of Actv A if Actv B can start only after Actv A is completed. If Actv B can start some length of time after Actv A is started then Actv B is a start-to-start successor of Actv A, etc.Reciprocal dependency: VDT’s task model captures two types of reciprocal dependencies. One is information related, and the other is work related. An information related reciprocal relation represents a mutual information requirement dependency between two activities. For example, the mechanical design and structural design activities of a building design project may be carried out in parallel. The structural designer needs spatial and weight information about mechanical equipment from the mechanical designer; and the mechanical designer may need to know the size and location of structural members to plan where mechanical equipment can be located. Work related reciprocal relation describes whether an exception (e.g., design change, error detected) generated within one activity will have any impact on the work of another. For the above example, if a design change is made in the mechanical design, then the structural designer may have to choose a different beam size; similarly, if the structural design is changed, then the mechanical design may have to be reconsidered because equipment sizes and/or locations may need to be changed. The VDT coordination load modeling methodology captures these reciprocal relationships through a series of manual analyses of the requirements and solutions of each (Christiansen 1993).3.2 Production and Coordination ProcessesThe activity dependency relationships described above explicitly represent the potential need for coordination work but do not define when and how much coordination work is needed. In VDT, the amount and the content of production work are defined explicitly as attributes of activities. Coordination work is implicit, and generated stochastically by VDT based on activity complexity, uncertainty, and task-actor skill match.It has been pointed out that the level of abstraction of an organization model is determined by the modeling purpose (Burton and Obel 1995). Our purpose for modeling is to predict emergent coordination work volume (CW) and rework volume (PWr) as dependent variables of both task situation and organization design. To achieve this goal, our process model is centered around describing how much time is needed for a given project organization to finish a specified task rather than explicitly treating design as a knowledge-based, problem-solving process. From the information-processing view of organizations described above, we assume that• An activity representing production work has a preset amount of work described by work volume and skill requirement (see footnote 1)• While processing production work of an activity, an actor will probabilistically need to communicate with relevant actors to get required information. The frequency of requiredcommunication depends on reciprocal dependency with other activities and the activity’s level of uncertainty. Communications may take place via informal information exchange between two actors or in formally scheduled meetings among two or more actors.• While processing production work of an activity, a small portion of the activity (typically one day’s work), called a work item, may fail stochastically. The failure probability of a work item, called verification failure probability, depends on the complexity of the activity and the match between the activity’s skill requirement and its responsible actor’s skill level. This work failurewill trigger a process of exception-report and decision-making. Failed work items need rework to maintain production quality described below.An activity in VDT is defined by its work volume, skill requirement, complexity and uncertainty, and by its relationships to other activities. These attributes define not only the production work but also the derived coordination work needed to facilitate the production work. Moreover, depending on how the project team is organized and tasks are assigned to actors, the required volume and locus of coordination work (e.g., exceptions and decisions) will be different, and consequently the time needed to carry out the coordination work may vary.While task complexity and uncertainty are treated in the organization literature as variables describing the task environment faced by an organization, complexity and uncertainty in VDT are associated with activities and affect the volume of both production work and coordination work. This change in focus from an abstract, overall task to specific activities allows us to analyze the lower level contingency factors (e.g., making two sequential activities parallel) that are needed for managers to analyze and design their project organizations.3.3 Process Efficiency and QualityA VDT simulation produces several outputs, including measures of the amount of production work PW and coordination work CW, and thus the combination of the two, total work TW. Generally, for a given project, the smaller the TW the more efficient the project team, since fewer person-hours are needed to finish the task. In VDT, we measure the project direct cost efficiency E c and time efficiency E tE c = PW o / TW;(5)E t = PD / SD(6)where PD is planned project duration and SD simulated project duration. For a given project, thebigger the values of E c and E t are, the more efficient the project is. From equations (1), (5) and (6), it is obvious that excessive coordination (CW cm and CW ct) and waiting (CW wt) will decrease the project efficiency.For an organization design A and its redesign B, the differences∆ E c = E c B - E c A = PW o * (TW A - TW B) / TW A * TW B and∆ E t = E t B - E t A = PD * (SD A - SD B) / SD A * SD Brepresent the impact of the organization redesign on the process efficiency.Besides efficiency, VDT also measures process quality. Since VDT does not model the engineering content of products, it cannot judge the quality of the final product. Instead, we measure process quality or effectiveness in terms of how well task failures and coordination requests are dealt with by actors.When a task fails, the organization may or may not detect the failure. If the failure is detected, the organization can respond in ways ranging from completely reworking the failed activity and all related activities to ignoring the failure and proceeding directly with related concurrent tasks and future tasks. We take the position that detection of task failure is not in itself an indicator of poor quality; rather it is the organization’s response to detected failures that determines the verification quality Q v of its work processes. We view the proportion of detected failures that get reworked as a measure of the quality of an organization’s work processes. Let PW f denote the total failed production work volume. Then the verification quality can be expressed asQ v= PW r / PW f(7)Another aspect of process quality is the extent to which requests for coordination among interdependent actors are attended to. If actors are so busy that requests for coordination lie unattended in their “in-trays” then interdependent tasks will receive inadequate coordination. Theproportion of attended requests for coordination will thus be viewed as a second measure of process quality—coordination quality, Q c—that VDT can generate. Let (Cw cm req + Cw ct req) denote the total work volume of coordination requests generated from the simulation and (Cw cm att + Cw ct att) the work volume of coordination requested that were actually attended to by the receivers during the simulation. Then the coordination quality for a simulation can be expressed asQ c = (Cw cm att + Cw ct att) / (Cw cm req + Cw ct req)(8)The notion that the quality of an organization’s work processes affects the quality of its ultimate product (in this case, a capital facility) has been demonstrated convincingly by several researchers in the facility engineering domain (Fergusson 1993). During the 1970s and 1980s, US manufacturing and service organizations changed their focus from measuring the quality of completed products to reducing the variance, and hence enhancing the quality, of work processes. From an engineering viewpoint, we argue that VDT’s approach to modeling process quality is a logical next step up the chain of quality control--i.e., we propose to measure the quality of the organizations that determine the quality of work processes that, in turn, determine the quality of its products.3.4 Link to Real ProjectsMapping between an organization task model and accessible real project data is the second requirement described above. VDT's activities are described in terms of complexity, uncertainty and interdependency. Therefore, in order to simulate a real engineering project in VDT and relate the simulation results to real project performance, a link between these task properties and real project data is needed. As part of the VDT task model, Christiansen (1993) developed a methodology that maps real project information into VDT task model through a set of well defined engineering management analyses. This model uses an adaptation of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) (Hauser and Clausing, 1988) and Design Structure Matrix (DSM) (Gebala and Eppinger 1991)。
