SAE J1772-2010
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2010 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790Email: CustomerService@SAE WEB ADDRESS:h ttp://SAE values your input. To provide feedback on this Technical Report, please visit/technical/standards/J1772_201001SURFACEVEHICLERECOMMENDED PRACTICEJ1772™ JAN2010Issued 1996-10Revised 2010-01Superseding J1772™ NOV2001(R) SAE Electric Vehicle and Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conductive Charge CouplerRATIONALEThis recommended practice redefines AC Level 1 and AC Level 2 charge levels and specifies a new conductive charge coupler and electrical interfaces for AC Level 1 and AC Level 2 charging. The coupler and interfaces for DC charging are currently being developed and will be added to this document upon completion. Adoption of multiple standard charge couplers based on charge level will enable selection of an appropriate charge coupler based on vehicle requirements thus allowing for better vehicle packaging, reduced cost, and ease of customer use.FOREWORDEnergy stored in a battery provides power for an Electric Vehicle (EV) or Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV). Conductive charging is a method for connecting the electric power supply network to the EV/PHEV for the purpose of transferring energy to charge the battery and operate other vehicle electrical systems, establishing a reliable equipment grounding path, and exchanging control information between the EV/PHEV and the supply equipment. This document describes the electrical and physical interfaces between the EV/PHEV and supply equipment to facilitate conductive charging. Functional and performance requirements for the EV/PHEV and supply equipment are also specified. This document contains 51 pages, including this page, and should not be used as a design tool if any of the pages are missing.NOTE: T his SAE Recommended Practice is intended as a guide toward standard practice and is subject to change inorder to harmonize with international standards and to keep pace with experience and technical advances.TABLE OF CONTENTS1. SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Applicable Publications ................................................................................................................................. 4 2.1.1 SAE Publications ........................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.2 Canadian Standards Association Publication .. (4)2.1.3 Federal Communication Commission Publications ...................................................................................... 4 2.1.4 International Electrotechnical Commission Publication ................................................................................ 5 2.1.5 International Standards Organization Publication ........................................................................................ 5 2.1.6 National Fire Protection Association Publication .......................................................................................... 5 2.1.7 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Publications ................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Related Publications ..................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2.1 SAE Publications ........................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2.2 International Electrotechnical Commission Publications .............................................................................. 6 2.2.3Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Publications (6)零点花园标准区欢迎您!零点花园标准区欢迎您!/bbs/?fromuid=3554433.DEFINITIONS (7)3.1AC Level 1 Charging (7)3.2AC Level 2 Charging (7)3.3Charger (7)3.4Chassis Ground (7)3.5Conductive (7)3.6Connector (Charge) (7)3.7Contact (Charge) (7)3.8Control Pilot (7)3.9Coupler (Charge) (8)3.10DC Charging (8)3.11Electric Vehicle (EV) (8)3.12Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) (8)3.13Equipment Ground (Grounding Conductor) (8)3.14EV/PHEV Charging System (8)3.15Insulator (8)3.16Off-Board Charger (8)3.17On-Board Charger (8)3.18Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) (8)3.19Vehicle Inlet (Charge) (9)4.GENERAL CONDUCTIVE CHARGING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION (9)4.1AC Level 1 and AC Level 2 Interface Functions (9)4.2AC Level 1 Charging (11)4.3AC Level 2 Charging (12)4.4DC Charging (12)5.CONTROL AND DATA (12)5.1Typical Control Pilot Circuit (13)5.2Equivalent Control Pilot Circuit (13)5.3Control Pilot Functions (15)5.3.1Verification of Vehicle Connection (15)5.3.2EVSE Ready to Supply Energy (15)5.3.3EV/PHEV Ready to Accept Energy (15)5.3.4Determination of Indoor Ventilation (15)5.3.5EVSE Current Capacity (15)5.3.6Verification of Equipment Grounding Continuity (17)5.4Proximity Detection (17)5.5Digital Data Transfer (18)5.6Typical Start Up Sequence (20)6.GENERAL EV/PHEV REQUIREMENTS (21)6.1EV/PHEV Cable Ampacity Coordination (21)6.2Environmental (22)7.GENERAL EVSE REQUIREMENTS (22)7.1EVSE Electromagnetic Emissions (22)7.1.1EVSE Conducted Emissions (22)7.1.2EVSE Radiated Emissions (22)7.2EVSE Electromagnetic Immunity (22)7.3EVSE Electrostatic Discharge (24)7.4EVSE Harmonic Distortion Immunity (24)7.5EVSE Electrical Fast Transient Immunity (24)7.6EVSE Voltage Dips, Short Interruptions and Voltage Variations Immunity (24)7.7EVSE Magnetic Field Immunity (24)7.8EVSE Capacitor Switching Transient Test (24)7.9EVSE Voltage Surge Test (24)零点花园标准区欢迎您!The Standard is downloaded from Standard Sharing7.10Installation Requirements (25)7.11General Product Standards (25)7.12Personnel Protection System (25)7.13AC Present Indicator (25)7.14Conductor Cord Requirements (25)7.15Coupler Requirements (25)8.COUPLER REQUIREMENTS (25)8.1Vehicle Inlet/ Connector Compatibility (25)8.2Ergonomic Requirements (25)8.2.1Ease of Use (25)8.2.2Indexing (25)8.2.3Alignment (26)8.2.4Tactile Feel (26)8.2.5Latching (26)8.3Safety Requirements (26)8.3.1Isolation (26)8.3.2Exposure of Contacts (26)8.3.3Sharp Edges (26)8.3.4Touch Temperature (26)8.3.5Hazardous Conditions (26)8.3.6Unauthorized Access (26)8.4Performance Requirements (26)8.4.1Design Life (27)8.4.2Impact Resistance (27)8.4.3Vehicle Drive-Over (27)8.5Environmental Requirements (27)8.5.1General Environmental Considerations (27)8.5.2Temperature Range (27)8.5.3Temperature Rise (27)8.5.4Insulation Resistance (27)8.5.5Fluid Resistance (27)8.5.6Mechanical Requirements (27)8.5.7Sealing Requirements (28)8.6General Coupler Physical Description (28)8.6.1Vehicle Inlet General requirements (28)8.6.2Connector General Requirements (29)8.7Dimensional Requirements (29)8.7.1Interface Contacts Sizing (29)8.7.2Vehicle Inlet Physical Dimensions (29)8.7.3Connector Physical Dimensions (29)8.7.4Vehicle Inlet Access Zone (29)8.7.5Contact Sequencing (29)9.CHARGE STATUS INDICATOR (30)10.CONNECTOR / VEHICLE INLET OPTIONAL MARKING (30)11.NOTES (30)11.1Marginal Indicia (30)APPENDIX A HISTORY EVSE/VEHICLE INTERFACE (31)APPENDIX B AC LEVEL 3 CHARGING (34)APPENDIX C PREVIOUS CHARGE COUPLER DESIGNS (37)APPENDIX D CHARGE COUPLER DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS (NON LOCKABLE) (43)APPENDIX E CHARGE COUPLER DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS (LOCKABLE) (49)零点花园标准区欢迎您!1. SCOPEThis SAE Recommended Practice covers the general physical, electrical, functional and performance requirements to facilitate conductive charging of EV/PHEV vehicles in North America. This document defines a common EV/PHEV and supply equipment vehicle conductive charging method including operational requirements and the functional and dimensional requirements for the vehicle inlet and mating connector.2. REFERENCES2.1 Applicable PublicationsThe following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE and other applicable publications shall apply.Publications2.1.1 SAEAvailable from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), .SAE J1113-21 Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedure for Vehicle Components—Part 21: Immunity to Electromagnetic Fields, 30 MHz to 18 GHz, Absorber-Lined ChamberSAE J1211 Handbook for Robustness Validation of Automotive Electrical/Electronic ModulesSAE J1850 Class B Data Communications Network InterfaceSAE J2293-1 Energy Transfer System for Electric Vehicles—Part 1: Functional Requirements and System ArchitecturesSAE J2293-2 Energy Transfer System for Electric Vehicles—Part 2: Communication Requirements and Network Architecture2.1.2 Canadian Standards Association PublicationAvailable from Canadian Standards Association, 170 Rexdale Boulevard, Rexdale, Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3, Electrical Code Part 1, Section 862.1.3 Federal Communication Commission PublicationsAvailable from the United States Government Printing Office, 732 North Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20401, Tel: 202-512-1800, /cfr/retrieve.html.CFR 40 Code of Federal Regulations—Title 40, Part 600, Subchapter QCFR 47 Code of Federal Regulations—Title 47, Parts 15A, 15B, and 18C零点花园标准区欢迎您!The Standard is downloaded from Standard Sharing2.1.4 InternationalElectrotechnical Commission PublicationAvailable from International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Verambe, P.O. Box 131, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Tel: +41-22-919-02-11, Publications are also available from the American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002, Tel: 212-642-4900, .CISPR 12 Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines—Radio disturbance characteristics—Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of off-board receivers61000-4-6 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)—Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques—Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radiofrequency fields2.1.5 International Standards Organization PublicationAvailable from International Organization for Standardization, 1 rue de Varembe, Case Postale 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Tel: +41-22-749-01-11, .Also available from American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002, Tel: 212-642-4900, .ISO 11451-2 Road vehicles—Vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy—Part 2: Off-vehicle radiation sources2.1.6 National Fire Protection Association PublicationAvailable from the National Fire Protection Agency, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471, Tel: 617-770-3000, .National Electrical Code, NFPA 70 Article 625 (2008 edition)Laboratories Inc. Publications2.1.7 UnderwritersAvailable from Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096, Tel: 847-272-8800, .UL 50 Standard for Enclosures for Electrical EquipmentUL 1439 Determination of Sharpness of Edges on EquipmentUL 2202 EV Charging System EquipmentUL 2231-1 Personnel Protection Systems for Electric Vehicle Supply Circuits: General RequirementsUL 2231-2 Personnel Protection Systems for Electric Vehicle Supply Circuits: Particular Requirements for Protection Devices for Use in Charging SystemsUL 2251 Plugs, Receptacles, and Couplers for Electric Vehicles2.2 Related PublicationsThe following publications are provide for information purposes only and are not a required part of this document.零点花园标准区欢迎您!2.2.1 SAEPublicationsAvailable from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), .SAE J551-5 Performance Levels and Methods of Measurement of Magnetic and Electric Field Strength from Electric Vehicles, Broadband, 9 kHz to 30 MHzSAE J1742 Connections for High Voltage On-Board Vehicle Electrical Wiring Harness—Test Methods and General Performance RequirementsSAE J1773 SAE Electric Vehicle Inductively Coupled ChargingSAE J1812 Function Performance Status Classification for EMC Immunity TestingSAE J2178-1 Class B Data Communication Network Messages—Detailed Header Formats and Physical Address AssignmentsSAE J2178-2 Class B Data Communication Network Messages—Part 2: Data Parameter DefinitionsSAE J2178-3 Class B Data Communication Network Messages—Part 3: Frame IDs for Single-Byte Forms of HeadersSAE J2178-4 Class B Data Communication Network Messages—Message Definitions for Three Byte HeadersElectrotechnical Commission Publications2.2.2 InternationalAvailable from International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Verambe, P.O. Box 131, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Tel: +41-22-919-02-11, Publications are also available from the American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002, Tel: 212-642-4900, .61000-4-3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)—Part 4-3: Testing and measurement techniques—Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity testIEC 61851-1 Electric Vehicle Conductive Charging System—Part 1: General RequirementsIEC 61851-21 Electric Vehicle Conductive Charging System—Part 21: Electric Vehicle Requirements for Connection to an AC / DC SupplyIEC 61851-22 Electric Vehicle Conductive Charging System—Part 22: AC Electric Vehicle Charging StationLaboratories Inc. Publications2.2.3 UnderwritersAvailable from Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096, Tel: 847-272-8800, .UL 94 Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and AppliancesUL 231 Power OutletsUL 746A Standard for Polymeric Materials—Short Term Property EvaluationsUL 840 Insulation Coordination Including Clearance and Creepage Distances for Electrical EquipmentUL 2594 Outline of Investigation—Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment零点花园标准区欢迎您!The Standard is downloaded from Standard Sharing3. DEFINITIONS3.1 AC Level 1 ChargingA method that allows an EV/PHEV to be connected to the most common grounded electrical receptacles (NEMA 5-15R and NEMA 5-20R). The vehicle shall be fitted with an on-board charger capable of accepting energy from the existing single phase alternating current (AC) supply network. The maximum power supplied for AC Level 1 charging shall conform to the values in Table 1. A cord and plug EVSE with a NEMA 5-15P plug may be used with a NEMA 5-20R receptacle. A cord and plug EVSE with a NEMA 5-20P plug is not compatible with a NEMA 5-15R receptacle.3.2 AC Level 2 ChargingA method that uses dedicated AC EV/PHEV supply equipment in either private or public locations. The vehicle shall be fitted with an on-board charger capable of accepting energy from single phase alternating current (AC) electric vehicle supply equipment. The maximum power supplied for AC Level 2 charging shall conform to the values in Table 1.3.3 ChargerAn electrical device that converts alternating current energy to regulated direct current for replenishing the energy of an energy storage device (i.e., battery) and may also provide energy for operating other vehicle electrical systems.3.4 Chassis GroundThe conductor used to connect the non-current carrying metal parts of the vehicle high voltage system to the equipment ground.3.5 ConductiveHaving the ability to transmit electricity through a physical path (conductor).3.6 Connector (Charge)A conductive device that by insertion into a vehicle inlet establishes an electrical connection to the electric vehicle for the purpose of transferring energy and exchanging information. This is part of the coupler.3.7 Contact (Charge)A conductive element in a connector that mates with a corresponding element in the vehicle inlet to provide an electrical path.3.8 Control PilotAn electrical signal that is sourced by the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). Control Pilot is the primary control conductor and is connected to the equipment ground through control circuitry on the vehicle and performs the following functions:a. Verifies that the vehicle is present and connectedb. Permits energization/de-energization of the supplyc. Transmits supply equipment current rating to the vehicled. Monitors the presence of the equipment grounde. Establishes vehicle ventilation requirements零点花园标准区欢迎您!3.9 Coupler (Charge)A mating vehicle inlet and connector set.3.10 DC ChargingA method that uses dedicated direct current (DC) EV/PHEV supply equipment to provide energy from an appropriate off-board charger to the EV/PHEV in either private or public locations.3.11 Electric Vehicle (EV)An automotive type vehicle, intended for highway use, primarily powered by an electric motor that draws from a rechargeable energy storage device. For the purpose of this document the definition in the United States Code of Federal Regulations – Title 40, Part 600, Subchapter Q is used. Specifically, an automobile means:a. Any four wheeled vehicle propelled by a combustion engine using on-board fuel or by an electric motor drawingcurrent from a rechargeable storage battery or other portable energy devices (rechargeable using energy from a source off the vehicle such as residential electric service).b. Which is manufactured primarily for use on public streets, roads, and highways.c. Which is rated not more that 3855.6 kg (8500 lb), which has a curb weight of not more than 2721.6 kg (6000 lb), andwhich has a basic frontal area of not more than 4.18 m2 (45 ft2).3.12 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)The conductors, including the ungrounded, grounded, and equipment grounding conductors, the electric vehicle connectors, attachment plugs, and all other fittings, devices, power outlets, or apparatuses installed specifically for the purpose of delivering energy from the premises wiring to the electric vehicle. Charging cords with NEMA 5-15P and NEMA 5-20P attachment plugs are considered EVSEs.3.13 Equipment Ground (Grounding Conductor)A conductor used to connect the non-current carrying metal parts of the EV/PHEV supply equipment to the systemgrounding conductor, the grounding electrode conductor, or both, at the service equipment.3.14 EV/PHEV Charging SystemThe equipment required to condition and transfer energy from the constant frequency, constant voltage supply network to the direct current, variable voltage EV/PHEV traction battery bus for the purpose of charging the battery and/or operating vehicle electrical systems while connected.3.15 InsulatorThe portion of a charging system that provides for the separation, support, sealing, and protection from live parts.3.16 Off-Board ChargerA charger located off of the vehicle.3.17 On-Board ChargerA charger located on the vehicle.3.18 Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)A hybrid vehicle with the ability to store and use off-board electrical energy in a rechargeable energy storage device.零点花园标准区欢迎您!The Standard is downloaded from Standard Sharing3.19 Vehicle Inlet (Charge)The device on the electric vehicle into which the connector is inserted for the purpose of transferring energy andexchanging information. This is part of the coupler.4. GENERAL CONDUCTIVE CHARGING SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONIn the most fundamental sense, there are 3 functions, 2 electrical and 1 mechanical, that must be performed to allow charging of the EV/PHEV battery from the electric supply network. The electric supply network transmits alternating current electrical energy at various nominal voltages (rms) and a frequency of 60 Hz. The EV/PHEV battery is a DC device that operates at a varying voltage depending on the nominal battery voltage, state-of-charge, and charge/discharge rate. The first electrical function converts the AC to DC and is commonly referred to as rectification. The second electrical function is the control or regulation of the supply voltage to a level that permits a managed charge rate based on the battery charge acceptance characteristics – i.e., voltage, capacity, electrochemistry, and other parameters. The combination of these two functions are the embodiment of a charger. The mechanical function is the physical coupling or connecting of the EV/PHEV to the EVSE and is performed by the user. The conductive charging system consists of a charger and a coupler. The conductive system architecture is suitable for use with electrical ratings as specified in Table 1 and as shown in Figure 1.TABLE 1 - CHARGE METHOD ELECTRICAL RATINGS (NORTH AMERICA)Charge Method Nominal Supply Voltage(Volts) Maximum Current (Amps-continuous) Branch Circuit Breakerrating (Amps) AC Level 1 120 V AC, 1-phase 12 A 15 A (minimum)120 V AC, 1-phase16 A 20 AAC Level 2 208 to 240 V AC, 1-phase ≤ 80 A Per NEC 625 DC ChargingUnder DevelopmentConductive CouplerEV Supply EquipmentElectric VehicleFIGURE 1 - CONDUCTIVE EV/PHEV CHARGING SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE4.1AC Level 1 and AC Level 2 Interface FunctionsThe conductive coupler consists of a connector/vehicle inlet set with electromechanical contacts imbedded in an insulator and contained within a housing for each of the mating parts. The contacts provide a physical connection at the vehicle interface for the power conductors, equipment grounding conductor, and control pilot conductor between the EV/PHEV and EVSE. In addition a proximity sense conductor is provided between the EV/PHEV and charge connector. The interface consists of 5 contacts that perform the interface functions as shown in Figure 2 and specified in Table 2.零点花园标准区欢迎您!FIGURE 2 - AC LEVEL 1 AND AC LEVEL 2 CONDUCTIVE COUPLER CONTACT INTERFACE FUNCTIONSTABLE 2 - AC LEVEL 1 AND AC LEVEL 2 CONDUCTIVE COUPLER CONTACT FUNCTIONSContact #Connector Function Vehicle Inlet Function Description1 AC Power (L1) Charger 1 Power for AC Level 1 and2 2 AC Power (L2,N) Charger 2Power for AC Level 1 and 23 Equipment ground Chassis ground Connect EVSE equipment grounding conductor to EV/PHEV chassis ground during charging4 Control pilot Control pilot Primary control conductor (operation described in Section 5)5 Proximity DetectionProximity DetectionAllows vehicle to detect presence of charge connector零点花园标准区欢迎您!The Standard is downloaded from Standard Sharing4.2 AC Level 1 ChargingA method of EV/PHEV charging that extends AC power from the most common grounded electrical receptacle to an on-board charger using an appropriate cord set, as shown in Figure 3 at the electrical ratings specified in Table 1. AC level 1 allows connection to existing electrical receptacles in compliance with the National Electrical Code - Article 625.FIGURE 3 - AC LEVEL 1 SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONFigure Illustrates Vehicle Charging零点花园标准区欢迎您!4.3 AC Level 2 ChargingThe primary method of EV/PHEV charging that extends AC power from the electric supply to an on-board charger from a dedicated EVSE as shown in Figure 4. The electrical ratings are similar to large household appliances and specified in Table 1. AC Level 2 may be utilized at home, workplace, and public charging facilities.FIGURE 4 - AC LEVEL 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONFigure Illustrates Vehicle Charging4.4 DC ChargingUnder development.5. CONTROL AND DATAThe control pilot circuit is the primary control means to ensure proper operation when connecting an EV/PHEV to the EVSE. This section describes the functions and sequencing of events for this circuit based on the recommended typical implementation or equivalent circuit parameters.零点花园标准区欢迎您!The Standard is downloaded from Standard Sharing5.1 Typical Control Pilot CircuitA typical control pilot circuit is shown in Figure 5.FIGURE 5 - TYPICAL CONTROL PILOT CIRCUIT5.2 Equivalent Control Pilot CircuitThe equivalent control pilot circuit and vehicle states are shown in Figure 6 and defined in Table 3, Table 4, and Table 5.FIGURE 6 - CONTROL PILOT EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT零点花园标准区欢迎您!TABLE 3 - DEFINITION OF VEHICLE STATESVehicle State Designation Voltage (vdc Nominal) Description of Vehicle StateState A 12.0(1)Vehicle not connectedState B 9.0(2)(3)Vehicle connected / not ready to accept energyState C 6.0(2)Vehicle connected / ready to accept energy / indoorcharging area ventilation not requiredState D 3.0(2)Vehicle connected / ready to accept energy / indoorcharging area ventilation requiredState E 0 EVSE disconnected, utility power not available, orother EVSE problemState F –12.0(1)EVSE not available, or other EVSE problem1. Static voltage.2. Positive portion of 1 KHz square wave, measured after transition has fully settled.3. From a transition from State A to State B begins as a static DC voltage which transitions to PWM upon the EVSE detection of vehicleconnected / not ready to accept energy.TABLE 4 - EVSE CONTROL PILOT CIRCUIT PARAMETERS (SEE FIGURE 6)Parameter(1)Symbol Units Nominal Value Maximum Value Minimum Value Generatorvoltage high, open circuit Voch Volts 12.00 12.60 11.40voltage low, open circuit Vocl Volts –12.00 –12.60 –11.40Frequency FoHertz10001020980 pulse width(2)Pwo Microsec Per Figure 7 Nom, + 25 µs Nom, - 25 µsrise time(3) TrgMicrosecn.a.2n.a. fall time(3) TfgMicrosecn.a.2n.a. settling time(4) TsgMicrosecn.a.3 n.a. Output Componentsequivalent source resistance R1 Ohms 1000 1030(5) 970(5)total equivalent EVSE capacitance, w/o cable C1 Picofaradsn.a. n.a. 300(6)total equivalent EVSEcapacitance, including cableC1 + Cc Picofarads n.a. 3100 n.a.1. Tolerances to be maintained over the environmental conditions and useful life as specified by the manufacturer.2. Measured at 50% points of complete negative-to-positive or positive-to-negative transitions.3. 10% to 90% of complete negative-to-positive transition or 90% to 10% of complete positive-to-negative transition measured betweenthe pulse generator output and R1. Note that the term Generator is referring to the EVSE circuitry prior to and driving the 1KΩ sourceresistor with a ±12V square wave. This circuitry should have rise/fall times faster than 2 µsec. Rise/fall times slower than this will beginto add noticeably to the output rise/fall times dictated by the 1KΩ resistor and all capacitance on the Pilot line.4. To 95% of steady-state value, measured from start of transition.5. Maximum and minimum resistor values are ±3% about nominal.6. Guarantees rise time slow enough to remove transmission line effects from cable.零点花园标准区欢迎您!The Standard is downloaded from Standard Sharing。
Managing for the sustained success of an organization —A quality management approach组织持续成功管理-一种质量管理方法1 ScopeThis International Standard provides guidance to organizations to support the achievement of sustained success by a quality management approach. It is applicable to any organization, regardless of size, type and activity.This International Standard is not intended for certification, regulatory or contractual use.1、范围这个国际标准提供一种质量管理方法为组织实现持续成功提供指南。
2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents relate to the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 9000, Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary2、引用标准下列引用标准与本文的应用有关,对于注日期引用的标准,只有指定的版本使用;对非注日期引用的标准,最新的版本适用。
标准化实用英语practical english-1
Practical English for International Standardization
Guangdong WTO/TBT Notification, Consultation and Research Center 广东省WTO/TBT通报咨询研究中心 2012
American Petroleum Institute (API)美国石油学会
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)美国试验材料协会
British Standards Institution (BSI)英国标准学会 European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA)欧洲计算机制造商协会 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)国际电工技术委员会 International Organization for Standardization (ISO)国际标准化组织 International System of Units (SI Units)国际单位制 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)国际电信联盟
环境标准物质标准英文Environmental Standard and Substances Standard。
Environmental standard and substances standard refer to the regulations and criteria set by government or international organizations to control and manage the quality of the environment and the substances that may have an impact on the environment. These standards are crucial for maintaining a healthy and sustainable environment, as well asfor protecting human health and the ecosystem.Environmental standard includes air quality standard, water quality standard, soil quality standard, noise standard, and radiation standard. These standards specify the acceptable levels of pollutants and contaminants in the environment, and provide guidelines for monitoring and managing these levels. For example, air quality standard sets limits for pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter in the air, while water quality standard defines the maximum allowable concentrations of heavy metals, organic pollutants, and pathogens in water bodies.Substances standard, on the other hand, focuses on regulating the production, use, and disposal of hazardous substances. These standards cover a wide range of substances, including chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial waste. They aim to minimize the release of harmful substances into the environment, and to ensure that the handling and disposal of these substances are carried out in a safe and responsible manner. For instance, substances standard may specify the permissible levels of toxic chemicals in consumer products, as well as the requirements for labeling, packaging, and storage of hazardous substances.Compliance with environmental standard and substances standard is essential for businesses, industries, and government agencies. By adhering to these standards, they can minimize their environmental impact, reduce the risk of pollution and contamination, and fulfill their legal and ethical responsibilities. Moreover, meeting these standards can enhance their reputation, build trust with stakeholders, and create a competitive advantage in the market.In addition, environmental standard and substances standard play a key role in international trade and cooperation. They serve as a common framework for countries to harmonize their environmental regulations, facilitate the exchange of goods and services, and address transboundary environmental issues. By aligning their standards with international norms, countries can promote environmental sustainability, protect public health, and promote a level playing field for businesses operating in the global market.In conclusion, environmental standard and substances standard are essential tools for protecting the environment, safeguarding human health, and promoting sustainable development. By establishing clear and enforceable criteria, these standards help to prevent pollution, minimize the release of hazardous substances, and ensure that natural resources are used in a responsible and efficient manner. It is imperative for governments, industries, and individuals to uphold these standards and work together to create a clean, safe, and healthy environment for present and future generations. Only by doing so can we achieve a balance between economic growth and environmental protection, and build a more resilient and prosperous world for all.。
Our partnership facilitates scholarship on, access to, and compliance with coherent integrated international economic, social and environmental law. This initiative is geared to lawyers, law professors and students, judiciaries, and to non-lawyers, from developed and developing countries.
Links to the Global SD Agenda:
With regard to facilitating the implementation of sustainable development, the CSD should: “(e) Take into account significant legal developments in the field of sustainable development, with due regard to the role of relevant intergovernmental bodies in promoting the implementation of Agenda 21 relating to international legal instruments and mechanisms.” (2002 WSSD Plan of Implementation, Chapter XI, 148 e) Instruments and Mechanisms) and Chapter 38 (International Institutional Arrangements) of Agenda 21, states and other partners are urged to: ▪ To further develop international law on sustainable development, giving special attention to the delicate balance between environmental and developmental concerns (39.1.a.); ▪ To clarify and strengthen the relationship between existing international instruments or agreements in the field of environment and relevant social and economic agreements or instruments, taking into account the special needs of developing countries (39.1.b.); ▪ To provide developing countries with technical assistance in their attempts to enhance their national legislative capabilities in the field of environmental law (39.1.d). ▪ To integrate environment and development issues at national, sub-regional, regional and international levels, including in the United Nations system institutional arrangements (38.7).
国际标准的翻译方法及词汇国际标准用词和用语3.1 封面封面用语的英文表述3.1.1 中华人民共和国国家标准National Standard of the People’s Republic of China3.1.2 国家质量技术监督局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision3.1.3 国家技术监督局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Technical Supervision3.1.4 国家标准局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Standards3.1.5 发布日期Issue date3.1.6 实施日期Implementation date3.1.7 等同采用IDT3.1.8 修改(等效)采用MOD3.1.9 非等效采用NEQ3.2 目次目次用语的英文表述3.2.1 目次contents3.2.2 附录annex3.2.3 参考文献bibliography3.2.4 索引index(es)3.2.5 图figure(s)3.2.6 表table(s)3.3 前言前言部分用语的英文表述3.3.1 前言Foreword3.3.2 本国家标准等同采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is identical to IEC(ISO) ××××3.3.3 本国家标准修改(等效)采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is modified in relation to IEC(ISO) ××××3.3.4 本国家标准非等效采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is not equivalent to IEC(ISO) ××××3.3.5 本国家标准附录××××是标准的附录(补充件)Annex ××××/Annexes ×××× of this national standard is/are normative3.3.6 本国家标准附录××××是提示的附录(参考件)Annex ××××/annexes ×××× of this national standard is/are informative3.3.7 本国家标准对先前版本技术内容作了下述重要修改There have been some significant changes in this nationals standard over its previous edition in the following technical aspects3.3.8 本国家标准与所采用国际标准的主要技术差异The main technical differences between the national standard and the international standard adopted3.3.9 本国家标准从实施日期起代替××××This national standard will replace ×××× from the implementation date of this standard3.3.10 本国家标准由××××提出This national standard was proposed by ××××3.3.11 本国家标准由××××归口This national standard is under the jurisdiction of ××××3.3.12 本国家标准由××××起草This national standard was drafted by ××××3.4 引言3.4.1 引言introduction3.5 范围范围部分用语的英文表述:3.5.1 主题和范围subject and the aspect(s) covered3.5.2 本国家标准规定……的尺寸This national standard specifies the dimensions of ……3.5.3 本国家标准规定……的方法This national standar d specifies a method of ……3.5.4 本国家标准规定……的性能This national standard specifies the characteristics of ……3.5.5 本国家标准规定……的系统This national standard establishes a system for ……3.5.6 本国家标准规定……的基本原理This national standard establishes general principles for3.5.7 本国家标准适用于……This national standard is applicable to ……3.6 引用标准引语的英文表述(根据中文文本从a, b中选取):a. 下列标准中所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。
2024年环保法律法规的新要求和挑战英文版New Requirements and Challenges of Environmental Laws and Regulations in 2024 Environmental laws and regulations are constantly evolving to address the growing concerns of climate change and the protection of our planet. In 2024, there are new requirements and challenges that businesses and individuals must navigate.One of the key requirements is the reduction of carbon emissions. Companies will be required to implement strategies to lower their carbon footprint and transition towards renewable energy sources. This will involve investing in green technologies and sustainable practices to comply with the regulations.Another important aspect is the protection of natural habitats and biodiversity. Laws will be stricter in preserving ecosystems and preventing habitat destruction. Businesses will need to conduct thoroughenvironmental impact assessments before starting any new projects to ensure minimal impact on the environment.Waste management is also a critical issue that will be addressed in 2024. Companies will have to adhere to strict guidelines for handling and disposing of waste materials. Recycling and waste reduction programs will be encouraged to minimize the environmental impact of waste disposal.Water conservation will be another focus of environmental laws in 2024. Businesses will need to implement water-saving measures and reduce water wastage in their operations. This will involve improving water efficiency and implementing water recycling systems.Compliance with environmental laws and regulations will pose challenges for businesses in 2024. Companies will need to invest in training and resources to ensure they are up to date with the latest requirements. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines and damage to the company's reputation.Overall, the new requirements and challenges of environmental laws and regulations in 2024 will push businesses and individuals to adopt more sustainable practices and prioritize environmental protection in their operations.。
ISO CD 13052 前导轮国际标准原文(草)—译文
ISO TC22/SC4 N593Date\日期: 2009-08-13ISO/CD 13052Secretariat\秘书处: BNARoad vehicles – Trailers up to 3,5t – Requirements for jockey wheels and jacking systems公路车辆—3.5T以下挂车—支撑轮和升降装置的要求Véhicules routiers – Remorques jusqu'à 3,5t - Exigences pour roues jockey et systèmes de cricWarningThis document is not an ISO International Standard. It is distributed for review and comment. It is subject to change without notice and may not be referred to as an International Standard.Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation.警示此文件不是ISO国际标准,可以被用来参阅和讨论。
Contents \目录Page \页码Foreword \前言 (3)1 Scope \ 范围 (4)2 Normative references \ 规范性引文 (4)3 Jockey wheels – requirements \ 支撑轮—要求 (5)3.1 Markings \标识 (5)3.2 Testing \ 测试 (5)3.3 Actuating force of the jockey wheel hand crank and T-screw支撑轮摇柄和T型摇把的转动力 ..................................................... ............... .............................. (5)3.4 Deactivated condition (trailer in towed mode)支撑轮收起时(挂车在牵引方式下) (5)4 Mounting, operating and maintenance instructions安装,操作和维护说明............................................................................................................ . (6)4.1 Mounting instructions \安装,操作和维护说明 (6)4.2 Operating and maintenance instructions \安装,操作和维护说明 (6)Bibliography \安装,操作和维护说明 (7)\前言ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.国际标准化组织(ISO)是由各国标准化团体(ISO成员团体)组成的世界性的联合会。
financing = main barrier
GS in the Voluntary Market
• CDM=完全规范的-黄金标准标记为“最好的商品” Voluntary Market:自愿减排市场
• • • • • no rules - no standards - high fragmentation: „Anything goes.“
conceptual marketing - not a broker or buyer!
为什么是一流的市场? Why a premium market?
• 引导石油经济向可再生能源经济的转变 Driving the shift from oil-based to renewables-based economy • 降低结果的不确定性 Low hanging fruit • 回报长期考虑 Rewards for long-term thinking • 为可持续发展定价 Pricing sustainable development
0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 -0,1 -0,1 0,0 Low -0,2 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 High 1,0 Wind, hydro LFG HFC-23
Likelihood of emissions reductions 可能产生的减排量
概念上 Conceptually:
• Promotion of specific technologies: RE/EE; methane-to-energy ==>changing our relationship to energy • • structured assessment of sustainable development
ISPM 15 国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则
INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR PHYTOSANITARY MEASURESGuidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade ISPM No. 15CONTENTS ENDORSEMENT (199)INTRODUCTION SCOPE (199)REFERENCES (199)DEFINITIONS (199)OUTLINE OF REQUIREMENTS (199)REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS1. Basis for Regulating (200)2. Regulated Wood Packaging Material (200)3. Measures for Wood Packaging Material (200)3.1 Approved measures (200)3.2 Measures pending approval (201)3.3 Other measures (201)3.4 Review of measures (201)OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS (201)4. Dunnage (201)5. Procedures Used Prior to Export (201)5.1 Compliance checks on procedures applied prior to export (201)5.2 Transit arrangements (201)6. Procedures upon Import (201)6.1 Measures for non-compliance at point of entry (202)6.2 Disposal (202)ANNEXESI. Approved measures associated with wood packaging material (203)II. Marking for approved measures (204)III. Measures being considered for approval under this standard (205)ENDORSEMENTThis standard was endorsed by the Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures in March 2002. Modifications to Annex I were endorsed by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures in April 2006.INTRODUCTIONSCOPEThis standard describes phytosanitary measures to reduce the risk of introduction and/or spread of quarantine pests associated with wood packaging material (including dunnage), made of coniferous and non-coniferous raw wood, in use in international trade.REFERENCESAgreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, 1994. World Trade Organization, Geneva. Export certification system, 1997. ISPM No. 7, FAO, Rome.Glossary of phytosanitary terms, 2001. ISPM No. 5, FAO, Rome.Guidelines for phytosanitary certificates, 2001. ISPM No. 12, FAO, Rome.Guidelines on notification of non-compliance and emergency action, 2001. ISPM No. 13, FAO, Rome.ISO 3166-1-ALPHA-2 CODE ELEMENTS ( International Plant Protection Convention, 1997. FAO, Rome.Principles of plant quarantine as related to international trade, 1995. ISPM No. 1, FAO, Rome.DEFINITIONSDefinitions of phytosanitary terms used in the present standard can be found in ISPM No. 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms).OUTLINE OF REQUIREMENTSWood packaging material made of unprocessed raw wood is a pathway for the introduction and spread of pests. Because the origin of wood packaging material is often difficult to determine, globally approved measures that significantly reduce the risk of pest spread are described. NPPOs are encouraged to accept wood packaging material that has been subjected to an approved measure without further requirements. Such wood packaging material includes dunnage, but excludes processed wood packaging material.Procedures to verify that an approved measure, including the application of a globally recognized mark, has been applied should be in place in both exporting and importing countries. Other measures agreed to under a bilateral arrangement are also considered in this standard. Wood packaging material that does not comply with the requirements of this standard should be disposed of in an approved manner.REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS1. Basis for RegulatingWood packaging material is frequently made of raw wood that may not have undergone sufficient processing or treatment to remove or kill pests and therefore becomes a pathway for the introduction and spread of pests. Furthermore, wood packaging material is very often re-used, recycled or re-manufactured (in that packaging received with an imported consignment may be re-used to accompany another consignment for export). The true origin of any piece of wood packaging material is difficult to determine and thus its phytosanitary status cannot be ascertained. Therefore the normal process of undertaking risk analysis to determine if measures are necessary and the strength of such measures is frequently not possible for wood packaging material because its origin and phytosanitary status may not be known. For this reason, this standard describes globally accepted measures that are approved and that may be applied to wood packaging material by all countries to practically eliminate the risk for most quarantine pests and significantly reduce the risk from a number of other pests that may be associated with that material.Countries should have technical justification for requiring the application of the approved measures as described in this standard for imported wood packaging material. Requiring phytosanitary measures beyond an approved measure as described in this standard also requires technical justification.2. Regulated Wood Packaging MaterialThese guidelines are for coniferous and non-coniferous raw wood packaging material that may serve as a pathway for plant pests posing a threat mainly to living trees. They cover wood packaging material such as pallets, dunnage, crating, packing blocks, drums, cases, load boards, pallet collars, and skids which can be present in almost any imported consignment, including consignments which would not normally be the target of phytosanitary inspection.Wood packaging made wholly of wood-based products such as plywood, particle board, oriented strand board or veneer that have been created using glue, heat and pressure or a combination thereof should be considered sufficiently processed to have eliminated the risk associated with the raw wood. It is unlikely to be infested by raw wood pests during its use and therefore should not be regulated for these pests.Wood packaging material such as veneer peeler cores1, sawdust, wood wool, and shavings, and raw wood cut into thin2 pieces may not be pathways for introduction of quarantine pests and should not be regulated unless technically justified.3. Measures for Wood Packaging Material3.1 Approved measuresAny treatment, process, or a combination of these that is significantly effective against most pests should be considered effective in mitigating pest risks associated with wood packaging material used in transport. The choice of a measure for wood packaging material is based on consideration of:- the range of pests that may be affected- the efficacy of the measure- the technical and/or commercial feasibility.Approved measures should be accepted by all NPPOs as the basis for authorizing the entry of wood packaging material without further requirements except where it is determined through interceptions and/or PRA that specific quarantine pests associated with certain types of wood packaging material from specific sources require more rigorous measures.Approved measures are specified in Annex I.Wood packaging material subjected to these approved measures should display a specified mark shown in Annex II.The use of marks addresses the operational difficulties associated with the verification of compliance with treatment for wood packaging material. A universally recognized, non-language specific mark facilitates verification during inspection at the point of export, at the point of entry or elsewhere.References for supporting documentation on approved measures are available from the IPPC Secretariat.1Veneer peeler cores are a by-product of veneer production involving high temperatures and comprising the center of a log remaining after the peeling process.2 Thin wood is considered to be 6mm thickness or less according to the Customs Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (the Harmonized System or HS).3.2 Measures pending approvalOther treatments or processes for wood packaging material will be approved when it can be demonstrated that they provide an appropriate level of phytosanitary protection (Annex III). The currently measures identified in Annex I continue to be under review, and new research may point, for example, to other temperature/time combinations. New measures may also reduce risk by changing the character of the wood packaging material. NPPOs should be aware that measures may be added or changed and should have sufficiently flexible import requirements for wood packaging to accommodate changes as they are approved.3.3 Other measuresNPPOs may accept any measures other than those listed in Annex I by arrangement with their trading partners, especially in cases where the measures listed in Annex I cannot be applied or verified in the exporting country. Such measures should be technically justified and respect the principles of transparency, non-discrimination and equivalence.The NPPOs of importing countries should consider other arrangements for wood packaging material associated with exports from any country (or particular source) where evidence is provided which demonstrates that the pest risk is adequately managed or absent (e.g. areas with similar phytosanitary situations or pest free areas).Certain movements of wood packaging material (e.g. tropical hardwoods associated with exports to temperate countries) may be considered by the importing NPPO not to carry a phytosanitary risk and thus can be exempted from measures. Subject to technical justification, countries may require that imported wood packaging material subjected to an approved measure be made from debarked wood and display a mark as shown in Annex II.3.4 Review of measuresThe approved measures specified in Annex I and the list of measures under consideration in Annex III should be reviewed based on new information provided to the Secretariat by NPPOs. This standard should be amended appropriately by the ICPM.OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTSTo meet the objective of preventing the spread of pests, both exporting and importing countries should verify that the requirements of this standard have been met.4. DunnageIdeally, dunnage should also be marked in accordance with Annex II of this standard as having been subjected to an approved measure. If not, it requires special consideration and should, as a minimum, be made from bark-free wood that is free from pests and signs of live pests. Otherwise it should be refused entry or immediately disposed of in authorized manner (see section 6).5. Procedures Used Prior to Export5.1 Compliance checks on procedures applied prior to exportThe NPPO of the exporting country has responsibility for ensuring that systems for exports meet the requirements set out in this standard. It includes monitoring certification and marking systems that verify compliance, and establishing inspection procedures (see also ISPM No. 7: Export certification system), registration or accreditation and auditing of commercial companies that apply the measures, etc.5.2 Transit arrangementsWhere consignments moving in transit have exposed wood packaging material that has not met the requirements for approved measures, the NPPOs of the transit countries may require measures in addition to those of the importing country to ensure that wood packaging material does not present an unacceptable risk.6. Procedures upon ImportThe regulation of wood packaging material requires that NPPOs have policies and procedures for other aspects of their responsibilities related to wood packaging material.Since wood packaging materials are associated with almost all shipments, including those not normally the target of phytosanitary inspections, cooperation with agencies, organizations, etc. not normally involved with meeting phytosanitary export conditions or import requirements is important. For example, cooperation with Customsorganizations should be reviewed to ensure effectiveness in detecting potential non-compliance of wood packaging material. Cooperation with the producers of wood packaging material also needs to be developed.6.1 Measures for non-compliance at point of entryWhere wood packaging material does not carry the required mark, action may be taken unless other bilateral arrangements are in place. This action may take the form of treatment, disposal or refused entry. The NPPO of the exporting country may be notified (see ISPM No. 13: Guidelines on notification of non-compliance and emergency action). Where the wood packaging material does carry the required mark, and evidence of live pests is found, action can be taken. These actions may take the form of treatment, disposal or refused entry. The NPPO of the exporting country should be notified in cases where live pests are found, and may be notified in other cases (see ISPM No. 13: Guidelines on notification of non-compliance and emergency action).6.2 DisposalDisposal of wood packaging material is a risk management option that may be used by the NPPO of the importing country upon arrival of the wood packaging material where treatment is not available or desirable. The following methods are recommended for the disposal of wood packaging material where this is required. Wood packaging material that requires emergency action should be appropriately safeguarded prior to treatment or disposal to prevent escape of any pest between the time of the detection of the pest posing the threat and the time of treatment or disposal. IncinerationComplete burningBurialDeep burial in sites approved by appropriate authorities. (Note: not a suitable disposal option for wood infested with termites). The depth of the burial may depend on climatic conditions and the pest, but is recommended to be at least 1 metre. The material should be covered immediately after burial and should remain buried.ProcessingChipping and further processing in a manner approved by the NPPO of the importing country for the elimination of pests of concern (e.g. manufacture of oriented strand board).Other methodsProcedures endorsed by the NPPO as effective for the pests of concern.The methods should be applied with the least possible delay.ANNEX I (modified in 2006)APPROVED MEASURES ASSOCIATED WITH WOOD PACKAGING MATERIALHeat treatment (HT)Wood packaging material should be heated in accordance with a specific time-temperature schedule that achieves a minimum wood core temperature of 56°C for a minimum of 30 minutes3.Kiln-drying (KD), chemical pressure impregnation (CPI), or other treatments may be considered HT treatments to the extent that these meet the HT specifications. For example, CPI may meet the HT specification through the use of steam, hot water, or dry heat.Heat treatment is indicated by the mark HT. (see Annex II)Methyl bromide (MB) fumigation for wood packaging material (modified in 20064)The wood packaging material should be fumigated with methyl bromide. The treatment is indicated by the mark MB. The minimum standard for methyl bromide fumigation treatment for wood packaging material is as follows:Temperature DosageMinimum concentration (g/m3) at:(g/m3) 2hrs. 4hrs. 12hrs. 24hrs.21°C or above 48 36 31 28 2416°C or above 56 42 36 32 2810°C or above 64 48 42 36 32The minimum temperature should not be less than 10°C and the minimum exposure time should be 24 hours. Monitoring of concentrations should be carried out at a minimum at 2, 4 and 24 hrs.List of most significant pests targeted by HT and MBMembers of the following pest groups associated with wood packaging material are practically eliminated by HT and MB treatment in accordance with the specifications listed above:Pest groupInsectsAnobiidaeBostrichidaeBuprestidaeCerambycidaeCurculionidaeIsopteraLyctidae (with some exceptions for HT)OedemeridaeScolytidaeSiricidaeNematodesBursaphelenchus xylophilus3 A minimum core temperature of 56° C for a minimum of 30 min. is chosen in consideration of the wide range of pests for which this combination is documented to be lethal and a commercially feasible treatment. Although it is recognized that some pests are known to have a higher thermal tolerance, quarantine pests in this category are managed by NPPOs on a case by case basis.4 When a revised schedule is adopted for treatment of wood packaging, material treated under the previous treatment schedule does not need to be retreated, remarked or recertified.ANNEX IIMARKING FOR APPROVED MEASURESThe mark shown below is to certify that the wood packaging material that bears the mark has been subjected to anThe mark should at minimum include the:- symbol- ISO two letter country code followed by a unique number assigned by the NPPO to the producer of the wood packaging material, who is responsible for ensuring appropriate wood is used and properly marked- IPPC abbreviation according to Annex I for the approved measure used (e.g. HT, MB).NPPOs, producers or suppliers may at their discretion add control numbers or other information used for identifying specific lots. Where debarking is required the letters DB should be added to the abbreviation of the approved measure. Other information may also be included provided it is not confusing, misleading, or deceptive.Markings should be:- according to the model shown here- legible- permanent and not transferable- placed in a visible location, preferably on at least two opposite sides of the article being certified.The use of red or orange should be avoided since these colors are used in the labeling of dangerous goods. Recycled, remanufactured or repaired wood packaging material should be re-certified and re-marked. All components of such material should have been treated.Shippers should be encouraged to use appropriately marked wood for dunnage.Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade ISPM No. 15ANNEX III MEASURES BEING CONSIDERED FOR APPROVAL UNDER THIS STANDARD Treatments5 being considered and which may be approved when appropriate data becomes available, include but are not limited to:FumigationPhosphineSulfuryl fluorideCarbonyl sulphideCPIHigh-pressure/vacuum processDouble vacuum processHot and cold open tank processSap displacement methodIrradiationGamma radiationX-raysMicrowavesInfra redElectron beam treatmentControlled atmosphere5 Certain treatments such as phosphine fumigation and some CPI treatments are generally believed to be very effective but at present lack experimental data concerning efficacy which would allow them to be approved measures. This present lack of data is specifically in relation to the elimination of raw wood pests present at the time of application of the treatment.International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No. 1 to 29 (2007 edition) 205。
13摘 要:本文首先提出了南方电网公司参与城市可持续发展国际标准的必要性和重要性,在总结ISO/TC 268 城市可持续发展国际标准研制进展和趋势的基础上,结合南方电网公司主营业务,研究提出南方电网公司实质参与城市可持续发展国际标准的方向建议。
关键词:城市,可持续发展,国际标准DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5698.2021.03.002Research on the Direction of International Standards forSustainable Cities and Communities—Taking China Southern Power Grid (CSPG )as an ExampleSONG Yu-fei 1 ZHOU Yu-zhong 1 YANG Feng 2*(1. China Southern Power Grid Research Institute;2.China National Institute of Standardization )Abstract: This article proposes the necessity and importance for CSPG to participate in the international standardization of sustainable cities and communities. Based on the summary of the progress and trends of ISO/TC 268 standards development and combination with the main business of CSPG, it offers the direction suggestions of sustainable cities and communities international standards to CSPG.Keywords:cities, sustainable development, international standards电网企业参与城市可持续发展国际标准的方向研究——以南方电网为例宋禹飞1 周育忠1 杨 锋2*(1.南方电网科学研究院;2.中国标准化研究院)基金项目: 本文受NQI专项项目“城市可持续发展关键基础通用技术标准研究”(项目编号: 2017YFF0207300)资助。
当前五年计划里环境标准的情况The current five-year plan includes environmental standards as an important component to address the pressing issues of pollution, climate change, and resource depletion. 当前的五年计划将环境标准作为解决污染、气候变化和资源枯竭等紧迫问题的重要组成部分。
Firstly, it is crucial to recognize the importance of implementing and enforcing strict environmental standards in order to protect our planet for future generations. 首先,我们必须认识到实施和执行严格的环境标准对于保护我们的地球,让我们的下一代能够更好地生存是至关重要的。
From an economic perspective, adhering to environmental standards can lead to the development of innovative technologies and industries, creating new opportunities for job growth and sustainable economic development. 从经济的角度来看,遵守环境标准可以推动创新技术和产业的发展,为就业增长和可持续经济发展创造新的机会。
Furthermore, strict environmental standards can help to improve public health by reducing exposure to harmful pollutants and toxinsin the air, water, and soil. 此外,严格的环境标准可以通过减少人们接触空气、水和土壤中有害污染物和毒素来改善公共健康。
可持续发展创造共赢价值——法国电力能源公司与伦敦2012 奥运会合作的样本
57 2019.03 可持续发展经济导刊 | 能源对大型活动的可持续性表现至关重要。
作为全球首个被BS 89011认证的可持续奥运会和残奥会,伦敦2012奥运会从申办起,就提出了“举办一届可持续的奥运会”的承诺。
|宣越雯 林仁超 李宛莹 陆心媛——法国电力能源公司与伦敦2012奥运会合作的样本EVENT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT | 大型活动可持续性管理发动公众参与,点亮“绿色英国”法国电力能源公司策划了一系列营销活动,通过广告投放、公众人物发出倡议等方式带动公众践行可持续的生活方式,鼓励全社会参与可持续发展的进程。
例如,在奥运会筹备期的2008年1月,法国电力能源公司投放了一个名为Save Today,Save Tomorrow 的商业电视广告,这个60秒的电视广告完全由回收的电影剪辑制作而成。
国际标准化英语practical english
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Introduction of IEC and IEC system
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. These serve as a basis for national standardization and as references when drafting international tenders and contracts. 国际电工委员会(IEC)是制定和出版所有电气、电子和相关技术国际标准的 主要的国际组织。这些标准是国家标准化的基础,是起草国际标书和合同 的参考。 Through its members, the IEC promotes international cooperation on all questions of electrotechnical standardization and related matters, such as the assessment of conformity to standards, in the fields of electricity, electronics and related technologies. IEC通过其成员促进在电工标准化的所有问题及诸如电气、电子及相关技 术领域的标准符合性等相关事宜方面的国际合作。
issb 可持续信披准则
issb 可持续信披准则ISSB(International Sustainability Standards Board)可持续信披准则是一项旨在推动企业在环境、社会和治理(ESG)方面进行透明度和披露的全球性倡议。
二、背景ISSB可持续信披准则由国际财务报告准则理事会(IFRS Foundation)发起,并与全球范围内的利益相关方合作制定。
三、准则内容ISSB可持续信披准则主要包括以下几个方面:1. 企业战略与目标:准则要求企业明确规划和披露其可持续发展战略和目标,包括环境、社会和治理方面的目标,并与财务目标相结合。
2. 风险管理:准则要求企业识别和管理与可持续发展相关的风险,包括气候变化、自然资源管理、劳工权益等方面的风险,并披露相关的管理措施。
3. 业绩指标与报告:准则要求企业披露与可持续发展相关的关键业绩指标,如碳排放量、能源消耗、员工满意度等,并提供详细的报告说明。
4. 利益相关方参与:准则要求企业积极与利益相关方进行合作,包括员工、客户、供应商、社区等,以提高可持续发展绩效。
5. 标准与认证:准则要求企业遵循国际标准和认证,如ISO 14001环境管理体系认证、SA8000社会责任管理体系认证等,并进行相应的披露。
四、准则的意义和影响ISSB可持续信披准则对企业和投资者都具有重要意义和影响:1. 对企业而言,准则的实施有助于提高企业的可持续发展绩效,增强企业的竞争力和声誉,吸引更多的投资和资源。
Global standards bodies celebrate World Standards Day 全球标准机构庆祝世界标准日Standards bodies across the globe celebrated the World Standards Dayand showed their efforts in standardization.South Africa Bureau of Standards“In order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the role of standardization is more relevant than ever. Setting clear guidelines, through the development of standards and collaboration with stakeholders will provide real world solutions that can collectively contribute to the achievement of SDGs,” said Sadhvir Bissoon, Acting CEO of the South African Bureau of Standards.South Africa develops, maintains and promotes national standard, through the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS), who is a member of ISO and IEC. National Standards, or SANS, are developed through consensus. During the financial year, which ended in March 2023, SABS published 404 SANS, convened more than 200 technical committee meetings, provided effective oversight over 2500 technical committee members, and participated in the various global associations of national bodies.“The development and maintenance of standards is a rigorous and process-driven field, that relies on collaboration and consensus from all sectors of society and business. World Standards Day is an opportunity for the SABS to recognize the dedication and active participation of our technical experts in South Africa who are members of SABS technical committees and contribute to the critical work ofdeveloping national and international standards,” said Bissoon.40 CHINA STANDARDIZATION November / December 2023POT LIGHTBETTER COMMUNICATION | GREATER VALUEGCC Standardization OrganizationStandardization community in the U.S.The GCC Standardization Organization for the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GSO) joined similar bodies and organizations in the countries of the world in celebrating the 53rd World Standards Day.Saud bin Nasser Al-Khusaibi, President of GSO, indicated that the celebration this year comes under the theme “Standards and Sustainable Development Goals, our shared vision for a better world” was chosen for the third time to emphasize the importance of standards and their connection to sustainable development goals, and to emphasize the pivotal role of sustainable development in meeting the needs of present days.He explained that GSO, in cooperation with the national standardization bodies of member states and its partners from relevant international and regional organizations, work to develop and adopt many international standards in the fields of health care and quality of life. GSO has issued up to date about 27,000 Gulf standards and technical regulations for various sectors, products and services, including those relating to health care and quality of life.At the conclusion of his speech, Al-Khusaibi praised the great efforts exerted by the international, regional, and national organizations in the field of standardization.Members of the broader U.S. standardization community came together for the U.S. Celebration of World Standards Day, attending an exhibition and reception to recognize the tremendous impact that voluntary codes and standards have on society’s public health, safety, and security.Each year, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) co-chair the event. ASTM International served as the 2023 administrating organization.In today’s globally interconnected world, collaboration furthers our shared goals. The standardization system has the greatest impact when all stakeholders work together—from the public and private sector; to national and international representatives; to consumers, industry, governments, academia, and non-governmental organizations. Together, we can achieve more through standardization, developing solutions to the complex global challenges of sustainability, safety, security and climate change…and leaving a better, more resilient, and more equitable world for the next generation.“Standardization is all about cooperation,” said Joe Bhatia, ANSI president and CEO, in his closing remarks. “Events such as the U.S. Celebration of World Standards Day nurture those relationships—keeping them alive and strong—and reinforcing our ability to come together and create solutions to build a better world.”(Source: SABS, GCC Standardization Organization, ANSI)41 2023 November / December CHINA STANDARDIZATION。
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Implementation 2007-….
Legal Adoption And Policy
Development Cooperation
Testing Drafting
People & Politics
Voluntary Codes of Practice
Pilot implementation in field projects
Information exchange, recommendations
Specific questions /research
Task groups, add. experts
Prioritizing implementation strategies
Management and business practices
Structure of the ISSC-MAP:
example of Wild Collection and Conservation Requirements
Principle 1: Maintaining Wild MAP Resources
Management Plans for Species and Regions
ISSC-MAP Development process
Project lead, design and coordination Standard drafting, Owner of draft document Final decision making, Funding + Fundraising Promotion
Indicator 4.2.5
Resource access and benefit sharing agreements reflect available scientific, local, industry, and other relevant sources of knowledge/information concerning the current and anticipated value of the resource.
Steering Group
Advisory Group (ca. 120)
Advice on standard content and implementation
scenarios Promotion
Hale Waihona Puke Other Experts e.g. implementation study
ISSC-MAP – Purpose and objectives
• To ensure the continued use and long-term survival of medicinal and aromatic plant (MAP) species and populations in their habitats, while respecting the traditions, cultures and livelihoods of all stakeholders.
Criterion 4.2: Benefit Sharing
Agreements with local communities and indigenous people are based on appropriate and adequate knowledge of MAP resource tenure, management requirements, and value.
Wild collection of MAP resources shall be conducted at a scale and rate and in a manner that maintains populations and species over the long term.
Criterion 1.2: Knowledge-based collection practices
Indicator 1.2.5
Internal collection instructions define collection methods for each target MAP species / part of plant based on appropriate sources of information and knowledge of biological characteristics of the species.
Variable High
Low High High High
Urgency Rank
Depends on 1
CITES Secretariat
Industry and companies Business, certifiers, market
Wild collection and conservation requirements
Legal and ethical requirements
economic and social
Applying Responsible Management Practices Applying Responsible Business Practices
• To serve as a basis for monitoring and reporting, and
• To recommend requirements for certification of sustainable wild collection of MAPs.
Working Draft (2006): 6 Principles
The missing link: Standard =
? set of rules to define, implement, and
evaluate good management practices
Devils Claw Namibia
Arnica Romania
Boldo Chile
Aquilaria SE-Asia
Resource management (Species and area level)
CITES (NDF) Good Harvesting Practices Legal adoption
Medium Variable Medium
Voluntary Codes of Practice
•Collection Manager •Consultant •Certifier
Structure of the ISSC-MAP:
example of Legal and Ethical Requirements
Principle 4: Respecting Customary Rights
Maintaining Wild Map Resources
Preventing Negative Environmental Impacts
Compliance with Laws, Regulations, and Agreements
Respecting Customary Rights
Verification and control
•Agreement document
•Records, reports, or other evidence reflecting the resource value
•Collection Manager
Development 2004-2006
Priority implementation strategies
→ Promotion → Fundraising → Awareness
Meet the demand
• Dialogue with relevant stakeholders • Combination with other scenarios
International Standard for
Sustainable Wild Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Uses of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Food Medicines Cosmetics
MAP collection and management practices are based on adequate identification, inventory, assessment, and monitoring of the target species and collection impacts.
• To provide a framework of principles and criteria that can be applied to the management of MAP species and their ecosystems