.NET 系列教程2310B_11
Visual Basic .NET经典教程
♕ 2.常量和变量
(3)变量的命名规则 变量名必须以英文字母开头。 变量名长度不可以超过255个字符。 除英文字母、数字、下划线外,其他字符尽量避免 使用。 变量名不能和关键字同名。如If、Loop等是VB中的 关键字,不能做为变量名
(3)变量的命名规则 ♘ 为变量命名时应注意: ♘ ① 变量名尽可能简单明了,见名知义。如用sum (或s)代表求和,用Difference(或d)代表求差 等。变量名太长不便于阅读和书写。 ♘ ② 变量名不能出现像句点“.”、空格或嵌入 “!”、“#”、“@”、“$”、“%”、“&”等字符。 ♘ ③ 尽量采用VB建议的变量名前缀或后缀的约定来 命名,以便区分变量的类型。如intMax,strName。
♕1.1 Visual Basic .NET简介
最佳开发环境 ♙ 完全集成, 可扩展, 可定制 ♙ 设计, 编辑, 测试, 调试, 部署 语言革新 ♙ 完全面向对象 ♙ 基于特性的遍程 适用于企业 ♙ 先进的建模和测试工具 ♙ 企业框架和模板 释放 Windows的功能 ♙ 丰富的用户界面产生最佳的用户经历 ♙ 与丰富的地方资源交互 ♙ 优良的在线或离线经历
功能: 访问或执行VB的所有功能(命令)
♕2.4 自定义Visual Basic .NET的工具栏 ♕2.5 自定义工具箱
♘ ♘ ♘ ♘
1 2 3 4 5
添加选项卡 重命名选项卡 向选项卡中添加控件 删除选项卡中的控件 删除选项卡
♕第3章 Visual Basic .NET的语法
♘ ♘ ♘
3.1 3.2 3.3
♕解决方案资源管理器 为了有效的管理开发工作中所需要的项,如引用、 数据连接、文件夹和文件。.net提供了两个容器:解 决方案和项目。而管理和查看这些容器及其关联项 的界面就是解决方案资源管理器。集成开发环境的 一部分。 解决方案资源管理器:为项目及其文件提供有组织 的视图,还提供对项目和文件相关命令的快捷访问。
.NET 系列教程 2310B_00
Course Outline
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework Module 2: Using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Module 3: Using Microsoft .NET–Based Languages Module 4: Creating a Microsoft Web Form Module 5: Adding Code to a Microsoft Web Form Module 6: Tracing in Microsoft Web Applications
Microsoft Official Curriculum
2310B: Developing Microsoft Web Applications Using Visual Studio .NET
Data Access
1905: Building XML-Based Web Applications 2389: Programming with 2500: Introduction 2663: Programming to XML and the with XML in the Microsoft .NET Platform Microsoft .NET Framework
Microsoft Certified Professional Program
Core exam for the following tracks
Exam number and title
70-305: Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 70-315: Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
.NET 系列教程2310B_16
Overview of Forms-Based Authentication
Not Authenticated Username Someone Password ***********ation
Client requests page Access Denied
What Is Secure Sockets Layer?
SSL is a protocol used for transmitting data securely across a network. SSL secures data through: Data encryption
-Ensures that the data sent is read only by a secure target server
Module 16: Securing a Microsoft Web Application
Web Application Security Overview Working with Windows-Based Authentication Working with Forms-Based Authentication Overview of Microsoft Passport Authentication
Lesson: Working with Forms-Based Authentication
Overview of Forms-Based Authentication Multimedia: Forms-Based Authentication How to Enable Forms-Based Authentication Creating a Logon Page Demonstration: Using Forms-Based Authentication
第一章 基础 第二章 简单的程序设计 第三章 语言基础 第四章 基本的控制结构 第五章 数 组 第六章 过 程 第七章 用户界面设计 第八章 面向对象程序设计基础 第九章 文 件 第十章 图形应用程序开发 第十一章 数据库应用程序开发
第一章 基础
Windows应用程序 程序
1.1.3 特点
1.三种工作模式 设计模式 界面的设计和代码的编制 运行模式 运行应用程序 中断模式 暂时中断程序运行,调试程序
2. 菜单栏 包括11个下拉菜单
3. 工具栏
1.2.3 窗体设计/代码设计窗口
1.窗体设计器窗口 建立应用程序的界面(一个应用程序可以 有多个窗体,通过“项目|添加Windows窗体” 命令增加新窗体)。 2.代码设计窗口 专门用来进行代码设计,包括各种事件过程、过 程和类等源程序代码的编写和修改。 打开代码设计窗口的方法:双击窗体、控件或单 击代码窗口上方的选项卡组对应项。
项目 项目
组件和代码模块 组件和代码模块
1. 什么是.NET框架? 2. 简述的特点 3. 有多种类型的窗口,若想在设计时 看到代码窗口,怎样操作? 4. 如何使各窗口显示或不显示? 5. 如果窗口布局搞乱了,如何恢复默认布局? 6. 解决方案与项目的区别?
.NET 系列教程2310B_02
幻灯片 1 LYH1 使用
刘昱宏, 2004-6-18
Overview of Visual Studio .NET Creating an Web Application Project
ProjectA.vbproj WebForm1.aspx WebForm1.aspx.vb
(Code-behind page)
幻灯片 14 LYH69 LYH70 LYH71 LYH72 LYH73 Web应用程序文件结构
刘昱宏, 2004-6-18
幻灯片 6 LYH20 LYH21 可用的项目模板
刘昱宏, 2004-6-18
刘昱宏, 2004-6-18
Practice: Select the Project Template
Students will:LYH25
Select the correct project template given a scenario LYH24 Time: 5 minutes LYH23
刘昱宏, 2004-6-18
程序集文件(编译后) 二进制文件*.dll
刘昱宏, 2004-6-18
刘昱宏, 2004-6-18
调试时开发文件存放的路径 IIS服务的网站主目录
刘昱宏, 2004-6-18
Demonstration: Creating a Web Application Project LYH74
.NET Core 2.1入门指南说明书
.NET Core 2.1Getting Started GuideLast Updated: 2018-10-12.NET Core 2.1 Getting Started GuideLegal NoticeCopyright © 2018 Red Hat, Inc.The text of and illustrations in this document are licensed by Red Hat under a Creative Commons Attribution–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license ("CC-BY-SA"). An explanation of CC-BY-SA is available at/licenses/by-sa/3.0/. In accordance with CC-BY-SA, if you distribute this document or an adaptation of it, you must provide the URL for the original version.Red Hat, as the licensor of this document, waives the right to enforce, and agrees not to assert, Section 4d of CC-BY-SA to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.Red Hat, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Shadowman logo, JBoss, OpenShift, Fedora, the Infinity logo, and RHCE are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.Linux ® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. Java ® is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.XFS ® is a trademark of Silicon Graphics International Corp. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.MySQL ® is a registered trademark of MySQL AB in the United States, the European Union and other countries.Node.js ® is an official trademark of Joyent. Red Hat Software Collections is not formally related to or endorsed by the official Joyent Node.js open source or commercial project.The OpenStack ® Word Mark and OpenStack logo are either registered trademarks/service marks or trademarks/service marks of the OpenStack Foundation, in the United States and other countries and are used with the OpenStack Foundation's permission. We are not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by the OpenStack Foundation, or the OpenStack community.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Abstract.NET Core is a general purpose development platform featuring automatic memory management and modern programming languages. It allows users to build high-quality applications efficiently..NET Core is available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OpenShift Container Platform via certified containers. .NET Core offers the following features: The ability to follow a microservices-based approach, where some components are built with .NET and others with Java, but all can run on a common, supported platform in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OpenShift Container Platform. The capacity to more easily develop new .NET Core workloads on Microsoft Windows. Customers can deploy and run on either Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Windows Server. A heterogeneous data center, where the underlying infrastructure is capable of running .NET applications without having to rely solely on Windows Server. .NET Core 2.1 is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and OpenShift Container Platform versions 3.3 and later.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table of Contents CHAPTER 1. USING .NET CORE 2.1 ON RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX 1.1. INSTALL AND REGISTER RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX 1.2. INSTALL .NET CORE 1.3. CREATE AN APPLICATION1.4. PUBLISH APPLICATIONS1.4.1. Publish .NET Core Applications1.4.2. Publish Core Applications1.5. RUN APPLICATIONS ON DOCKER CHAPTER2. USING .NET CORE 2.1 ON RED HAT OPENSHIFT CONTAINER PLATFORM 2.1. INSTALL IMAGE STREAMS 2.2. DEPLOY APPLICATIONS FROM SOURCE 2.3. DEPLOY APPLICATIONS FROM BINARY ARTIFACTS 2.4. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES 2.5. SAMPLE APPLICATIONS CHAPTER 3. MIGRATING TO .NET CORE 2.13.1. MIGRATING FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF .NET CORE 3.2. MIGRATING FROM .NET FRAMEWORK TO .NET CORE Migration considerations 3.2.2. .NET Framework migration articles APPENDIX A. REVISION HISTORY 33455567889101012141414141516Table of Contents1.NET Core 2.1 Getting Started Guide 2CHAPTER 1. USING .NET CORE 2.1 ON RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX37. Install the scl tool.$ sudo yum install scl-utils1.2. INSTALL .NET CORE1. Install .NET Core2.1 and all of its dependencies.$ sudo yum install rh-dotnet21 -y2. Enable the rh-dotnet21 Software Collection environment so you can run dotnet commands in the bash shellThis procedure installs the .NET Core 2.1 runtime with the latest 2.1 SDK. When a newer SDK becomes available, it automatically installs as a package update.$ scl enable rh-dotnet21 bashThis command does not persist; it creates a new shell, and the dotnet command is onlyavailable within that shell. If you log out, use another shell, or open up a new terminal, thedotnet command is no longer enabled.WARNINGRed Hat does not recommend permanently enabling rh-dotnet21because it may affect other programs. For example, rh-dotnet21includes a version of libcurl that differs from the base RHEL version. Thismay lead to issues in programs that do not expect a different version oflibcurl . If you want to enable rh-dotnet permanently, add the followingline to your ~/.bashrc file.source scl_source enable rh-dotnet213. Run the following command to verify the installation succeeded.$ dotnet --info.NET Core SDK (reflecting any global.json):Version: 2.1.300Commit: ded465c666Runtime Environment:OS Name: rhelOS Version: 7OS Platform: LinuxRID: rhel.7-x64Base Path: /opt/rh/rh-dotnet21/root/usr/lib64/dotnet/sdk/2.1.300/Host (useful for support):Version: 2.1.0.NET Core 2.1 Getting Started Guide4CHAPTER 1. USING .NET CORE 2.1 ON RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX Commit: N/A.NET Core SDKs installed:2.1.300 [/opt/rh/rh-dotnet21/root/usr/lib64/dotnet/sdk].... omitted1.3. CREATE AN APPLICATION1. Create a new Console application in a directory called hello-world.$ dotnet new console -o hello-worldThe template "Console Application" was created successfully.Processing post-creation actions...Running 'dotnet restore' on hello-world/hello-world.csproj...Restoring packages for /home/<USER>/hello-world/hello-world.csproj...Generating MSBuild file /home/<USER>/hello-world/obj/hello-world.csproj.nuget.g.props.Generating MSBuild file /home/<USER>/hello-world/obj/hello-world.csproj.nuget.g.targets.Restore completed in 224.85 ms for /home/<USER>/hello-world/hello-world.csproj.Restore succeeded.2. Run the project.$ cd hello-world$ dotnet runHello World!1.4. PUBLISH APPLICATIONSThe .NET Core 2.1 applications can be published to use a shared system-wide version of .NET Core orto include .NET Core. These two deployment types are called framework-dependent deployment (FDD) and self-contained deployment (SCD), respectively.For RHEL, we recommend publishing by FDD. This method ensures the application is using an up-to-date version of .NET Core, built by Red Hat, that includes a specific set of native dependencies. These native libraries are part of the rh-dotnet21 Software Collection. On the other hand, SCD uses a runtime built by Microsoft. Running applications outside the rh-dotnet21 Software Collection may cause issues due to the unavailability of native libraries.1.4.1. Publish .NET Core Applications1. Use the following command to publish a framework-dependent application.$ dotnet publish -f netcoreapp2.1 -c Release2. Optional: If the application is only for RHEL, trim out the dependencies needed for otherplatforms with these commands.5.NET Core 2.1 Getting Started Guide$ dotnet restore -r rhel.7-x64$ dotnet publish -f netcoreapp2.1 -c Release -r rhel.7-x64 --self-contained false3. Enable the Software Collection and pass the application assembly name to the dotnetcommand to run the application on a RHEL system.$ scl enable rh-dotnet21 -- dotnet <app>.dll4. This command can be added to a script that is published with the application. Add the followingscript to your project and update the ASSEMBLY variable.#!/bin/bashASSEMBLY=<app>.dllSCL=rh-dotnet21DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"scl enable $SCL -- dotnet "$DIR/$ASSEMBLY" "$@"5. To include the script when publishing, add this ItemGroup to the csproj file.<ItemGroup><None Update="<scriptname>" Condition="'$(RuntimeIdentifier)' =='rhel.7-x64' and '$(SelfContained)' == 'false'"CopyToPublishDirectory="PreserveNewest" /></ItemGroup>1.4.2. Publish Core ApplicationsWhen using the Microsoft SDK, Core 2.1 web applications are published with a dependency on the Core shared framework. This is a set of packages that are expected to be available on the runtime system.When publishing on RHEL, these packages are included with the application. To include the packages using the Microsoft SDK, the MicrosoftNETPlatformLibrary property must be set toCore.App in the project file as shown below.<Project Sdk=".Sdk.Web"><PropertyGroup><TargetFramework>netcoreapp2.1</TargetFramework><MicrosoftNETPlatformLibrary>Core.App</MicrosoftNETPlatformLi brary></PropertyGroup><ItemGroup><PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" Version="2.1" /> </ItemGroup></Project>As an alternative, this property can be set when publishing the application.6CHAPTER 1. USING .NET CORE 2.1 ON RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX $ dotnet publish -f netcoreapp2.1 -c Release -r rhel.7-x64 --self-contained false /p:MicrosoftNETPlatformLibrary=Core.App1.5. RUN APPLICATIONS ON DOCKERThis section shows how to use the dotnet/dotnet-21-runtime-rhel7 image to run a precompiled application inside a Docker container.1. Create a new mvc project in a directory named mvc_runtime_example.$ dotnet new mvc -o mvc_runtime_example --no-restore$ cd mvc_runtime_example2. Restore and publish the project.$ dotnet restore -r rhel.7-x64$ dotnet publish -f netcoreapp2.1 -c Release -r rhel.7-x64 --self-contained false /p:MicrosoftNETPlatformLibrary=Core.App3. Create the Dockerfile.$ cat > Dockerfile <<EOFFROM /dotnet/dotnet-21-runtime-rhel7ADD bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/rhel.7-x64/publish/ .CMD ["dotnet", "mvc_runtime_example.dll"]EOF4. Build your image.$ docker build -t dotnet-21-runtime-example .5. Run your image.$ docker run -d -p8080:8080 dotnet-21-runtime-example6. View the result in a browser: a bug.NET Core 2.1 Getting Started GuideCHAPTER 2. USING .NET CORE 2.1 ON RED HAT OPENSHIFT CONTAINER PLATFORM eyJyZWdpc3RyeS5yZWRoYXQuaW8iOnsidXNlcm5hbWUiOiIqKioqKioqKiIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiKioqKioqKioiLCJlbWFpbCI6InVudXNlZCIsImF1dGgiOiJLaW9xS2lvcUtpbzZLaW9xS2lvcUtpbz0ifX0= | base64 -d{"registry.redhat.io":{"username":"********","password":"********","email":"unused","auth":"KioqKioqKio6KioqKioqKio="}}You need to add a secret if there is no secret listed with credentials for theregistry.redhat.io server.4. Red Hat account credentials are used for registry.redhat.io access. If you are a customerwith entitlements to Red Hat products, you already have account credentials to use. These aretypically the same credentials used to log in to the Red Hat Customer Portal. To verify your RedHat credentials, enter the following command and attempt to log in.$ docker login registry.redhat.ioIf you cannot log in, you first need to get an account with Red Hat. See Red Hat ContainerRegistry Authentication for additional information. If you can log in, enter the followingcommands to create the secret.$ oc create secret docker-registry redhat-registry \--docker-server=registry.redhat.io \--docker-username=<user-name> \--docker-password=<password> \--docker-email=unused$ oc secrets link default redhat-registry --for=pull$ oc secrets link builder redhat-registry5. After creating the secret, enter the following command to import new image streams.$ oc create -f https:///redhat-developer/s2i-dotnetcore/master/dotnet_imagestreams.jsonIf image streams were already installed, use the replace command to update the image stream definitions.$ oc replace -f https:///redhat-developer/s2i-dotnetcore/master/dotnet_imagestreams.json2.2. DEPLOY APPLICATIONS FROM SOURCE1. Run the following commands to deploy the Core application, which is in the app folderon the dotnetcore-2.1 branch of the redhat-developer/s2i-dotnetcore-ex GitHubrepository.$ oc new-app --name=exampleapp'dotnet:2.1~https:///redhat-developer/s2i-dotnetcore-ex#dotnetcore-2.1' --build-env DOTNET_STARTUP_PROJECT=app2. Use the oc logs command to track progress of the build.$ oc logs -f bc/exampleapp3. View the deployed application once the build is finished.$ oc logs -f dc/exampleapp4. At this point, the application is accessible within the project. To make it accessible externally,use the oc expose command. You can then use oc get routes to find the URL.$ oc expose svc/exampleapp$ oc get routes2.3. DEPLOY APPLICATIONS FROM BINARY ARTIFACTSThe .NET Core S2I builder image can be used to build an application using binary artifacts that you provide.1. Publish your application as described in Publish Applications. For example, the followingcommands create a new web application and publish it.$ dotnet new web -o webapp$ cd webapp$ dotnet publish -c Release/p:MicrosoftNETPlatformLibrary=Core.App2. Create a new binary build using the oc new-build command.$ oc new-build --name=mywebapp dotnet:2.1 --binary=true3. Start a build using the oc start-build command, specifying the path to the binary artifacts onyour local machine.$ oc start-build mywebapp --from-dir=bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/publish4. Create a new application using the oc new-app command.$ oc new-app mywebapp2.4. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLESThe .NET Core images support a number of environment variables to control the build behavior of your .NET Core application. These variables can be set as part of the build configuration, or they can be added to an .s2i/environment file in the application source code repository.DOTNET_STARTUP_PROJECT Selects project to run. This must bea project file (for example, csprojor fsproj) or a folder containing asingle project file...NET Core 2.1 Getting Started GuideDOTNET_SDK_VERSION Selects the default sdk versionwhen building. If there is aglobal.json file in the sourcerepository, that takes precedence.When set to latest the latest sdk inthe image is used.Lowest sdk version available in the image.DOTNET_ASSEMBLY_NAME Selects the assembly to run. Thismust not include the .dll extension.Set this to the output assemblyname specified in csproj(PropertyGroup/AssemblyName).The name of the csproj fileDOTNET_RESTORE_SOURCES Specifies the space-separated list ofNuGet package sources usedduring the restore operation. Thisoverrides all of the sourcesspecified in the NuGet.configfile.DOTNET_TOOLS Specifies a list of .NET tools toinstall before building the app. It ispossible to install a specific versionby post pending the package namewith @<version>.DOTNET_NPM_TOOLS Specifies a list of NPM packages toinstall before building theapplication.DOTNET_TEST_PROJECTS Specifies the list of test projects totest. This must be project files orfolders containing a single projectfile. dotnet test is invoked foreach item.DOTNET_CONFIGURATION Runs the application in Debug orRelease mode. This value shouldbe either Release or Debug.ReleaseCHAPTER 2. USING .NET CORE 2.1 ON RED HAT OPENSHIFT CONTAINER PLATFORM.NET Core 2.1 Getting Started GuideCHAPTER 2. USING .NET CORE 2.1 ON RED HAT OPENSHIFT CONTAINER PLATFORM.NET Core 2.1 Getting Started GuideCHAPTER 3. MIGRATING TO .NET CORE 2.1.NET Core 2.1 Getting Started GuideAPPENDIX A. REVISION HISTORY08/21/2017 2.0Les Williams Generally available 08/30/2017 2.0Les Williams RevisedDOTNET_STARTUP_PROJECT andDOTNET_TEST_PROJECTS entries in Section2.309/13/2017 2.0Les Williams Revised Section 1.2 toinclude a note abouthow to permanentlyenable rh-dotnet20 02/14/2018 2.0Les Williams Revised Section 2.2 toresolve BZ 1500230;added quoting for zshand other shells 02/28/2018 2.0.3Les Williams Revised to include SDK2.0 and 2.106/14/2018 2.1Les Williams Generally available 08/01/2018 2.1Toby Drake Added Chapter 3 toprovide migrationinstructions 08/24/2018 2.1Toby Drake Added steps to enable auser to get new imagestreams 09/18/2018 2.1Toby Drake Revised Section 2.1 toinclude -nopenshift in acommand for listing.NET Core imageversions. Modified thegrep command toenable better searchresults.APPENDIX A. REVISION HISTORY 10/12/2018 2.1Toby Drake AddedDOTNET_SSL_DIRSand DOTNET_RM_SRCto EnvironmentVariables. AddedDeploy Applicationsfrom Binary Artifacts. Report a bug17。
下图是我推荐的学习内容和学习顺序(除了这里列出的内容,要走向高手之路肯定还有更多技术需要学习,我这里只是对于初学者列出的主干学习内容,并不是全部):开发者口中的.Net全称是.Net Framework,在中国大陆,一般将.Net读作“道特耐特”(中文音标比英文音标更好读,呵呵)或者“点耐特”。
基于.Net平台上有很多语言,比如C#、、IronPython、F#、Powershell等,F#、Powershell 是满足特定用途的语言,IronPython、IronRuby等并没有广泛应用,是仅次于C#的第二大基于.Net 的语言,不过按照微软的战略是把主要精力放到C#上,只是微软为了将VB开发人员平滑的转移到.Net平台下的语言。
C#在中国大陆的叫法一般是“C sharp(C煞普)”,也有少数人读成“C井”,我不推荐这种叫法。
问题陈述 11.D.2
已经创建了一个应用程序,用于显示成本超过3000美元的产品 的ID 。 已经设计了一个窗体,它含有一个名为 lbprodid 的 ListBox 控件。 已经创建了名为 OleDbDAProduct 的数据适配器并且已经检 索了 Product 表的 Base_Cost 和ProdID 列。 已经编写了窗体 Load 事件的代码,用于将成本超过3000美元 的产品的 ID 显示在列表框中。 然而,这个应用程序并不产生预期的输出。列表框只是将一个 产品的 ID显示了多次。
第十一课 异常处理和调试 共30张 幻灯片 5
任务 1:确定处理错误的机制。(续)
第十一课 异常处理和调试 共30张 幻灯片 28
在应用程序处于运行模式或是中断模式时,可使用下 列窗口来进行跟踪和调试:
Call Stack 窗口 Watch 窗口 Locals 窗口 Immediate 窗口
任务 1:确定捕获错误的机制。
为了有助于调试逻辑错误和运行时错误,Visual Basic .NET 提供了大量的调试工具。 可以通过下列方法来访问这些工具:
Debug 工具栏 Debug 菜单
.NET 系列教程2310B_03
刘昱宏, 2004-6-18
Multiple Language Support
The .NET Framework is designed to support many languages LYH7 More than 20 languages currently supported LYH8 Microsoft provides Visual Basic .NET, C#, Visual J# .NET, and JScript .NET LYH9 Benefits of multiple-language supportLYH10 Code modules are reusable LYH11 API access is the same for all languages LYH12 The right language is used for the right task LYH13 Performance is roughly equal between all languages LYH14
Visual Basic Scripting Edition (and JScript) are still used for client-side script LYH50
幻灯片 11 LYH48 LYH49 LYH50 真正的OO语言
刘昱宏, 2004-6-18
刘昱宏, 2004-6-18
幻灯片 5 LYH15 LYH16 LYH17 LYH18 LYH19 LYH20 LYH21 LYH22 公共语言运行环境
刘昱宏, 2004-6-18
一个运行环境应用于所有.NET-Based Language
基础教程基础教程 (1)vb. net介绍 (7)的优点 (10)新建一个项目 (11)编写第一个应用程序 (11)新建一个项目 (14)的优点 (16)vb. net介绍 (17)第二部分的语法部的Numeric数据类型 (20)的Byte数据类型 (21)的String数据类型 (22)的Boolean数据类型 (23)的Date数据类型 (23)的Object数据类型 (23)的用户自定义类型 (24)的数组定义 (24)的数组列表 (25)的多维数组 (26)类型转换函数 (27)的算术运算 (28)的赋值运算符 (30)的二进制运算符 (30)的比较运算符 (31)的连接运算符和逻辑运算符 (32)运算符的优先级 (33)的常量 (34)的变量 (35)条件分支语句 (39)的循环语句 (41)的Sub过程 (44)的Funtion过程 (45)在中调用过程 (46)如何向过程传递参数 (47)的类和对象基础 (49)的Label控件 (51)的Button控件 (53)的Textbox控件 (54)的MainMenu控件 (55)的Checkbox控件 (56)的Radiobutton控件 (58)的GroupBox控件 (59)的PictureBox控件 (59)的ListBox控件 (60)的CheckedListBox控件 (63)的Combobox控件 (64)的ListView控件 (67)的TreeView控件 (67)的ImageList控件 (69)的Timer控件 (69)的HScrollBar和VScrollBar控件 (70)的ProgressBar控件 (71)的ToolBar控件 (72)的StatusBar控件 (73)Vs 2005的ToolStrip控件 (74)Vs 2005的StatusStrip控件 (76)Vs 2005的MenuStrip控件 (77)第六部分的OOP结构什么是oop (79)的面向对象性 (80)的共享成员(Share Members) (84)类模块和标准代码模块的区别和比较 (85)对象浏览器 (86)对象的建立和销毁:对象的生命周期 (86)设置和重设的属性 (88)用方法来表现动作 (88)对象变量的声明 (89)对一个对象进行多种操作 (90)使用New关键字 (92)如何释放对对象的引用 (93)如何把对象传递到一个过程 (94)用一个字符名称调用一个属性或者方法 (95)中给一个类添加方法 (96)命名属性、方法和事件 (97)的事件和事件处理 (97)类的继承(Inheritance) (99)继承的规则 (100)用继承建立一个继承类 (101)重载Windows控件 (102)什么时候使用继承 (103)什么是命名空间(Namespace) (107)继承的例子 (108)中用继承实现多态性 (110)中用接口实现多态性 (111)数据库基础知识 (113)数据集(Datasets)的概念 (114)什么是dao (116)Dao与Jet数据库引擎 (117)Dao对象模型 (118)远程数据对象RDO (123)Rdo对象模型 (123)odbc api是什么 (128)ODBC的结构 (128)使用ODBC API访问数据库 (130)ado数据对象 (132)ado对象模型 (133)简介 (138)使用的基本方法 (139)第八部分的多线程自由线程(Free Threading) (141)关于线程的参数和返回值的问题 (142)的并发性问题 (142)第九部分的文件和出错处理的出错处理 (144)中的出错处理是使用excetions而不是ON Error GOTO语法来实现的,ON Error GOTO现在已经不支持了,Visual Basic现在提供一个结构化的出错处理过程,使用Try...Catch...Finally表述。
:介绍的基本概念和架构,学习Web Forms、Web Pages和MVC等开发模式。
Autodesk官方.NET教程 VB
第1章Hello World: 工程的创建在这一章中,我们将不使用ObjectARX向导来创建一个新的工程。
我们将使用Visual Studio .NET来创建一个新的类库工程。
通过这个工程,你可以创建一个能被AutoCAD装载的.NET dll文件。
当用户运行这个命令后,在AutoCAD 命令行上将显示“Hello World”文本。
1)启动Visual ,选择”文件>新建>工程”(File> New> Project)。
在新建工程对话框中选择工程类型为”Visual Basic 工程”,然后选择”类库”模板,在工程名字框中输入”Lab1”,然后选择工程存放的位置。
要加入命令,你必须使用AutoCAD .NET托管封装类。
在”选择组件”对话框中,选择AutoCAD 2006的安装目录(这里假定为C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2006\),在这个目录下找到“acdbmgd.dll”然后选择并打开它。
再一次选择”浏览”,在AutoCAD 2006的安装目录下找到“acmgd.dll”并打开它。
3)使用对象浏览器(Visual 的”查看>其它窗口>对象浏览器”菜单项)来浏览加入的两个托管模块所提供的类。
net的介绍与使用方法.NET是微软下一代的操作平台,它允许人们在其上构建各种应用方式,使人们尽可能通过简单的方式,多样化地、最大限度地从网站获取信息,以下是由店铺整理关于什么是net的内容,希望大家喜欢! net的发展历程NET的正式诞生:2002年2月13日微软正式推出.NET的开发工具--Visual 2002。
.NET Compact Frameweork是.NET战略向移动领域扩展的体现。
过去的以Windows为中心的应用程序将革新为以Web为中心的应用程序,革新为Smart Client的应用程序。
微软把.NET称为是一个XML Web Services的平台,其实.NET和Web Services两者之间没有非常本质的联系。
XML已经深入人心,但Web Services的应用却迟迟没有推广起来,但是只要微软相信它会火……,所以……运行在.NET上的WinForm(或智能客户端)将带来B/S的回归,C/S仍然有自己的应用领域,比如简单的浏览和信息发布,但企业应用将更适合C/S结构……总结:ESRI公司的ArcIMS只是过渡产品,与.NET结合更好的ArcGIS Server将全面取代它,而ArcGIS Engine则是更有前途的技术!net中DOS命令NET的基本用法NET [ ACCOUNTS | COMPUTER | CONFIG | CONTINUE | FILE | GROUP | HELP |HELPMSG | LOCALGROUP | NAME | PAUSE | PRINT | SEND | SESSION |SHARE | START | STATISTICS | STOP | TIME | USE | USER | VIEW ] Net Accounts更新用户帐号数据库、更改密码及所有帐号的登录要求。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
What Is a Stored Procedure?
A common data procedures that can be called by many Web applications Programmatic access to a database Return records Return value Perform action
Web Form Client Web Server Stored Procedure
Database SQL Server
Why Use Stored Procedures?
Modular programming Distribution of work Database security Faster execution Reduces network traffic Provides flexibility
Practice: Select the Correct Stored Procedure
Students will: Given scenarios, decide what type of stored procedure needs to be used Time: 5 Minutes
Lesson: Calling Stored Procedures
Web. config
Life Insurance
Lab Web Application
Calling Stored Procedures Demonstration: Calling a Stored Procedure Practice: Displaying Data from a Stored Procedure Using Parameters Passing Input Parameters Using Output Parameters Demonstration: Passing Parameters
Run the stored procedure and store returned records
daCategory.Fill(ds, "Categories") daCategory.Fill(ds, "Categories");
Demonstration: Calling a Stored Procedure
Module 11: Calling Stored Procedures with Microsoft
Overview of Stored Procedures Calling Stored Procedures
Lesson: Overview of Stored Procedures
Run stored procedure and store returned records
ds = new DataSet() da.Fill(ds) ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds);
Read output parameters
iTotal = da.Parameters("@ItemCount").Value iTotal = da.Parameters("@ItemCount").Value;
Run stored procedure and store returned records
DataSet() ds = New DataSet(); "Products") da.Fill(ds, "Products");
Code Examples
Using Output Parameters
Create parameter, set direction, add to the Parameters collection
param = New SqlParameter("@ItemCount", SQLDbType.Int) param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(param) param = new SqlParameter("@ItemCount", SqlDbType.Int); param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(param);
Using Parameters
Identify the available parameters Input Output InputOutput ReturnValue Include parameters in the parameters collection or Include parameter values in the command string
User Control
XML Web Service
XML Files
Passing Input Parameters
Create parameter, set direction and value, add to the Parameters collection
SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter param = New SqlParameter _ ("@Beginning_Date", SqlDbType.DateTime); ("@Beginning_Date", SQLDbType.DateTime) param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param.Direction = meterDirection.Input param.Value = Convert.ToDateTime param.Value = CDate(txtStartDate.Text) (txtStartDate.Text); da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(param) da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(param);
Logon Page
Login.aspx Coho Winery
Benefits Home Page
Page Header Menu Component
Class1.vb or Class1.cs Header.ascx
Demonstration: Passing Parameters
Overview of Stored Procedures Calling Stored Procedures
Lab 11: Calling Stored Procedures with Microsoft
Practice: Displaying Data from a Stored Procedure
Students will: Drag a stored procedure from Server Explorer onto an Web form Create a DataReader to read data From the stored procedure Bind a DataGrid to the DataReader Time: 15 Minutes
Calling Stored Procedures
Identify the stored procedure Set up the SelectCommand property of the DataAdapter
Dim daCategory As New SqlDataAdapter() daCategory.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand() daCategory.SelectCommand.Connection = conn mandText = "ProductCategoryList" mandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure SqlDataAdapter daCategory = new SqlDataAdapter(); daCategory.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(); daCategory.SelectCommand.Connection = conn; mandText = "ProductCategoryList"; mandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;