



BRISTOL BABCOCK输入模块BRISTOL BABCOC模拟量输入模块396352-01-4(询价:李工~158 **** ****)BRISTOL BABCOC模拟量输入模块396353-01-0BRISTOL BABCOC数字量输入模块396357-01-6BRISTOL BABCOC数字量输入模块396358-01-2BRISTOL PCS系统CPU CWREDCPU-3-12-1BRISTOL PCS系统通讯模块396458-18-1BRISTOL PCS系统电源模块396509-03-7JOHN MILLS球阀,BALL V ALVE\NPS1\CL150\JM-BALL-01/BA01-FF 数量:3件球阀,BALL V ALVE\NPS4\CL150\JM-BALL-01/BA01-FF 数量:4件球阀,BALL V ALVE\NPS3\CL150\JM-BALL-01/BA01-FF 数量:2件球阀,BALL V ALVE\NPS2\CL150\JM-BALL-01/BA01-FF 数量:3件频闪厂家:JOTRON MORILD,MF-11121 IT400-DC-TRL-AX 流量计Manufacturer: Sponsler; flow meter totalizer Model: IT400-DC-TRL-AX ; Need anti explosion certificate SPONSLER 1 个2 IT400-DC-TRL-X 流量计Manufacturer: Sponsler; flow metertotalizer Model: IT400-DC-TRL-X SPONSLER 2 个092-300-01 OIL FLOW INDICATOR CAS-724-5+FLA-644-1+GAS046-6油位计QUALITROL成套开关设备配件,CATHODE PLATEm\SEVERN TRENT DENORA051RM\SWITCHGEAR井口控制盘配件,PRESS RELIEF V ALVE\NPS2× 1 1/2\CL150/RF/1862kPaG/A216\TYCO FLOW CONTROL-1/2F2 JOS-E-15-OR-J\WELLHEAD CONTROL PANEL9000-X-8" FLG-14-R "FLOW SWITCH 0-900M3/HrSPST" NESTEC SERVICES LTDIFC井口控制盘1/2"Y300TSST1BOCK空调压缩机马达保护器part number 06950SPLIT PIN\REFLEX MARINE3-050-SP-4 MAN TRANSFER BASKET 60 件NET LUGGAGE ASSEMBLY\REFLEX MARINE0-01-05 MAN TRANSFER BASKET 5 件STRUTS PILLAR ASSEMBLY\REFLEX MARINE\H-6X-028 MAN TRANSFER BASKET 6 件HEAT DETECTOR 规格:12-X27121-000-140 ZT000037 生产厂家:FENWAL 称描述:Elevator Interlock电梯门锁限位型号:N-230VDC.2A数量:3要求:头外内径选用“5.5*2.5”Type N-230Vdc.2An-230Vdc.2A NycMea236-90-E Retiring Cam RequiredForce 2 1/2 Lbs. Min. Travel1"MEDC 报警按钮PBEB5B0DSA7RBrand:CEAGType:GHG5432306V0000型号:CRV-DLDFMPDVI品牌:KVM SWitches online数量:1DWYER风压开关1950-5-2F 数量1 要求:厂家提供防爆证书DWYER风压开关1950-02-2S 数量1 要求:厂家提供防爆证书Extend keyboard,monitor, and mouseType:CRV-SRDFMPDVIBrand:KVM SWitches onlineQTY:1Extend keyboard,monitor, and mouseType:CRV-DLDFMPDVIBrand:KVM SWitches onlineQTY:1SWACO振动筛的空气调节器BM6N80184PCB FOR SM87 LU1 PLATEFORM STATUS GREEN LAMP,P/N:ESA047008,MEDC1、名称描述:手持式VHF对讲机规格型号:马兰士HX370S VHF航海对讲机, 防水防爆, 配充电器和充电座, 防水耳麦, 配机套2、名称描述:电池规格型号:HX370S专用1400mAhL镍合金氢电池ELMEK气体继电器,型号:BRR50-F100,订货号:261RR27威创传感器5093BPS,1502的扣型NUFLO涡轮流量计9A-100003526美国sixnet工业以太网交换机单模的型号:EL109-FSControlli电动执行器SH522SWARCO MICROSFERE DI VETRO型号:55/100 micron加热元件厂家备件号:414497-2\设备名称/型号:电灶/E48L 品牌VULCAN-HART 1、ASSEM,BRG RATAINER,P/N 4792225,CODE:577,FOR 1-14LD-4 STGS.@1770 rpm PUMP,PEERLESS PUMP COMPANY 柴油消防泵传动轴扶正器2、O RING,P/N 2697598,CODE:116,FOR 1-14LD-4 STGS.@1770 rpm PUMP,PEERLESS PUMP COMPANY继电器09C060 MAIN=2C 240V/洗衣机/XQB25-11厂家:PELLERIN MILNOR CORPORATIONFLUORESCENT UNITINVERTER,TYPE:PS3000,POWE:18W,SUPPLY:120/277V,LITHONIALIGHTING. FLUORESCENT UNITINVERTER,TYPE:PS1400,WATTAGE:40-59W,POWER SUPPL Y:120/277V, LITHONIA LIGHTING。



JaRa® MODEL4110E1机 箱 使 用 说 明1概述在组建现代数据通信网络和Internert时,很多情况下用到V.35与E1接口之间的转换以及10BaseT接口与E1接口之间的转换。


该标准机箱具有以下特点,兼容性强:目前可以支持E1/V.35、E1/10BaseT、FE1/V.35、FE1/10BaseT四种接口适配卡混插,最大容量为15块,220V AC和-48V DC电源可选,双电源热备份,使用19英寸标准机箱,高3U.维护方便:每块适配卡的指示灯都显示在前面板上。


2 结构说明前面板上的15个竖槽,分别对应一个子板。


E1/V.35(FE1/V.35)、E1/10BaseT(FE1/10BaseT)子板的指示灯说明如下: E1/V.35卡:PWR 绿电源指示, 亮正常TD 绿发数据指示亮有发数据RD 绿收数据指示亮有收数据LOS 红G.703接口信号指示亮无信号ERR 红G.703接口信号指示亮有误码E1/10BaseT 卡:PWR 绿 电源指示LOS 红 E1信号指示 亮 无信号LKINT 绿 与HUB连接指示 亮 正常WANTX 黄 广域网发数据指示 闪烁 正在发数据WANRX 黄 广域网收数据指示 闪烁 正在收数据LANTX 黄 局域网发数据指示 闪烁 正在发数据LANRX 黄 局域网收数据指示 闪烁 正在收数据COL 红 局域网信号碰撞指示 闪烁 碰撞发生ERR 红 网桥出错指示 闪烁 出错3 E1/V.35接口卡说明E1/V.35转换卡可以完成同步高速串口V.35与E1/G.703 之间的转换,广泛应用于数据通信设备中,如路由器的广域网V.35接口信号与E1信道接口之间的适配转换.3.1接口参数:E1接口接口码型: HDB3 时钟: 2048Kbps±50ppm接口阻抗: 平衡口 (RJ45)120Ω,不平衡口(BNC)75Ω2048Kb/S数字接口物理电气特性符合ITU-T G.703建议120Ω RJ-45 插针定义管脚号 功能定义 信号方向管脚号功能定义 信号方向1 TX+(发送数据正) 输出 5 NC(空)2 TX-(发送数据负) 输出 6 RX-(接收数据负)输入3 RX+(接收数据正) 输入 7 GN(地)4 NC(空) 8 NC(空)V.35 接口:工作方式: DCE 标称速率: 2048Kbps接口连接: DB25孔座(配M34至DB25转换线)DB25管脚定义:管脚号 功能描述 I/O 管脚号 功能描述I/O1 GND 11 XTCB I2 TDA I 12 TCB O3 RDA O 14 TDB I5 CTS O 15 TCA O6 DSR O 16 RDB O7 GND 17 RCA O8 DCD O 24 XTCA I9 RCB O 其余 NC3.2 DIP开关设置第1,2位设置时钟:恢复时钟: 1—OFF 2—OFF外 时 钟: 1—ON 2—OFF主 时 钟: 1—OFF 2—ON第3位: 用于V.35接口时钟输出时序的设定第4位: 用于V.35接口时钟输入时序选择第5位: 用于设置接口卡的工作方式ON: DTE工作方式 OFF: DCE工作方式第6位: 用于远端环路测试时设为ON, 正常工作时设为OFF第7位: 用于本地环路测试时设为ON, 正常工作时设为OFF第8位:备用注:用户根据不同的终端设备对数据和时钟的相位要求可进行设置。



MAC4DLMPreferred DeviceSensitive Gate TriacsSilicon Bidirectional ThyristorsDesigned for high volume, low cost, industrial and consumer applications such as motor control; process control; temperature, light and speed control.Features•Small Size Surface Mount DPAK Package •Passivated Die for Reliability and Uniformity •Four−Quadrant Triggering •Blocking V oltage to 600 V•On−State Current Rating of 4.0 Amperes RMS at 93°C •Low Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics •Epoxy Meets UL 94 V−0 @ 0.125 in•ESD Ratings:Human Body Model, 3B u 8000 VMachine Model, C u 400 V•Pb−Free Packages are AvailableMAXIMUM RATINGS (T J = 25°C unless otherwise noted)RatingSymbol Value Unit Peak Repetitive Off−State Voltage (Note 1)(T J = −40 to 110°C, Sine Wave, 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open)V DRM,V RRM 600VOn−State RMS Current(Full Cycle Sine Wave, 60 Hz, T C = 93°C)IT(RMS) 4.0A Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, T J = 110°C)I TSM 40A Circuit Fusing Consideration (t = 8.3 msec)I 2t 6.6A 2sec Peak Gate Power(Pulse Width ≤ 10 m sec, T C= 93°C)P GM 0.5W Average Gate Power(t = 8.3 msec, T C = 93°C)P G(AV)0.1W Peak Gate Current(Pulse Width ≤ 10m sec, T C = 93°C)I GM 0.2APeak Gate Voltage(Pulse Width ≤ 10m sec, T C = 93°C)V GM 5.0V Operating Junction Temperature Range T J −40 to 110°C Storage Temperature RangeT stg−40 to 150°CMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.Maximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (not normal operating conditions) and are not valid simultaneously. If these limits are exceeded, device functional operation is not implied, damage may occur and reliability may be affected.1.V DRM and V RRM for all types can be applied on a continuous basis. Blocking voltages shall not be tested with a constant current source such that the voltage ratings of the device are exceeded.Preferred devices are recommended choices for future use and best overall value.PIN ASSIGNMENT123Gate Main Terminal 1Main Terminal 24Main Terminal 2See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 2 of this data sheet.ORDERING INFORMATIONTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristic Symbol Max UnitThermal Resistance− Junction−to−Case− Junction−to−Ambient− Junction−to−Ambient (Note 2)R q JCR q JAR q JA3.58880°C/WMaximum Lead Temperature for Soldering Purposes (Note 3)T L260°C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T J = 25°C unless otherwise noted; Electricals apply in both directions)Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit OFF CHARACTERISTICSPeak Repetitive Blocking Current(V D = Rated V DRM, V RRM; Gate Open)T J = 25°CT J = 110°C I DRM,I RRM−−−−0.012.0mAON CHARACTERISTICSPeak On−State Voltage (Note 4) − (I TM = ±6.0 A)V TM− 1.3 1.6VGate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (V D = 12 V, R L = 100 W) MT2(+), G(+)MT2(+), G(−)MT2(−), G(−)MT2(−), G(+)I GT−−−− Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (V D = 12 V, R L = 100 W) MT2(+), G(+)MT2(+), G(−)MT2(−), G(−)MT2(−), G(+)V GT0. Non−Trigger Voltage(V D = 12 V, R L = 100 W, T J = 110°C)MT2(+), G(+); MT2(+), G(−); MT2(−), G(−); MT2(−), G(+)V GD0.10.4−VHolding Current(V D = 12 V, Gate Open, Initiating Current = ±200 mA)I H− 1.515mALatching CurrentMT2(+), G(+)(V D = 12 V, I G = 5.0 mA) MT2(+), G(−)(V D = 12 V, I G = 5.0 mA) MT2(−), G(−)(V D = 12 V, I G = 5.0 mA) MT2(−), G(+)(V D = 12 V, I G = 10 mA)I L−−−−1.755.22.12.210101010mADYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSRate of Change of Commutating Current(V D = 200 V, I TM = 1.8 A, Commutating dv/dt = 1.0 V/m sec,T J = 110°C, f = 250 Hz, CL = 5.0 m fd, LL = 80 mH, RS = 56 W, CS = 0.03 m fd) With snubber see Figure 11di/dt(c)− 3.0−A/msCritical Rate of Rise of Off−State Voltage(V D = 0.67 X Rated V DRM, Exponential Waveform, Gate Open, T J = 110°C)dv/dt10−−V/m s2.These ratings are applicable when surface mounted on the minimum pad sizes recommended.3.1/8″ from case for 10 seconds.4.Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 2.0 msec, Duty Cycle ≤ 2%.ORDERING INFORMATIONDevice Package Type Package Shipping†MAC4DLM−001DPAK−3369D75 Units / RailMAC4DLM−001G DPAK−3(Pb−Free)369D75 Units / RailMAC4DLMT4DPAK369C2500 / Tape & ReelMAC4DLMT4G DPAK(Pb−Free)369C2500 / Tape & Reel†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.+ CurrentSymbolParameterV DRM Peak Repetitive Forward Off−State Voltage I DRM Peak Forward Blocking CurrentV RRM Peak Repetitive Reverse Off−State Voltage I RRM Peak Reverse Blocking Current Voltage Current Characteristic of Triacs(Bidirectional Device)V TM Maximum On−State Voltage I HHolding CurrentQuadrant Definitions for a TriacAll polarities are referenced to MT1.With in−phase signals (using standard AC lines) quadrants I and III are used.Figure 5. Typical Gate Trigger Current versusJunction Temperature Figure 6. Typical Gate Trigger Voltage versusJunction Temperature110105100100101.00.1−2520−40T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)−2565−40205.0T C , M A X I M U M A L L O W A B L E C A S E T E M P E R A T U R E (C )I 9590, G A T E T R I G G E R C U R R E N T (m A )I G T 50110654.05.01103550°, I N S T A N T A N E O U S O N −S T A T E C U R R E N T (A M P S )T 805.01.0−1035956.07.0−109580Figure 9. Minimum Exponential Static dv/dtversus Gate−MT1 Resistance 2.0100010 K100R GK , GATE−MT1 RESISTANCE (OHMS)4015105.0I H , H O L D I N G C U R R E N T (m A )S T A T I C d v /d t (V / s ) Figure 10. Critical Rate of Rise ofCommutating Voltage1.0di/dt(c), RATE OF CHANGE OF COMMUTATING CURRENT (A/ms) 11. Simplified Test Circuit to Measure the Critical Rate of Rise of Commutating Current (di/dt)c200 VI TM Note: Component values are for verification of rated (di/dt)c . See AN1048 for additional information.PACKAGE DIMENSIONSDPAKCASE 369CISSUE OV SDIM MIN MAX MIN MAXMILLIMETERSINCHESA0.2350.245 5.97 6.22B0.2500.265 6.35 6.73C0.0860.094 2.19 2.38D0.0270.0350.690.88E0.0180.0230.460.58F0.0370.0450.94 1.14G0.180 BSC 4.58 BSCH0.0340.0400.87 1.01J0.0180.0230.460.58K0.1020.114 2.60 2.89L0.090 BSC 2.29 BSCR0.1800.215 4.57 5.45S0.0250.0400.63 1.01U0.020−−−0.51−−−V0.0350.0500.89 1.27Z0.155−−− 3.93−−−NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCINGPER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.ǒmmǓSCALE 3:1STYLE 6:PIN 1.MT12.MT23.GATE4.MT2*For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and solderingdetails, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering andMounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.SOLDERING FOOTPRINT*PACKAGE DIMENSIONSDPAK−3CASE 369D−01ISSUE BNOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.STYLE 6:PIN 1.MT12.MT23.GATE 4.MT2ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.“Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates,and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION。




MAC 电磁阀以速度快、重复度高、环境耐受性强而著称。


E211 MAC225B-761JJ MAC454-AC1-DDNA-THA MAC45A-AC1-DDNA-THA MAC35A-ACA-DDAA-1BADC24V MAC117B-871JB MAC1661B-611JADC24 MAC DMB-DDAA-1BADC24 MAC 166B-611JMDC24V MAC 57D-51-RA MAC 57D-52-RA MAC 57D-81-RA MAC 57D-82-RA MAC DME-611JB MAC 1N13SBK1 MAC 35A-ACA-DDAA-1BA MAC PID-611JMDC24V MAC 36A-AZA-EAAA-EJT MAC 225B-111CAAADC246W MAC 250B-611CAAADA248.5W MAC 45A-AA1-DDAJ-0KADA24V MAC 52A-11-DOBDC24V MAC 7438CR-015/1.65MPA MAC 225B-761JJ MAC IN200K-C MAC 1N200K MAC 45A-BC1-DABA-1BA220V MAC IN350K MAC 411A-D0A-DM-DDAJ-1JB MAC IN13SBK MAC IN308K MAC 166B-611JMDC24V MAC 225B-121CAAA220V/AC MAC PME-121JM MAC 117B501BAAADC24V MAC 811C-PM-121BA-155 MAC 116B-501BAAADC24 MAC 111B-511JBDC24V MAC 57D-53-RA MAC 225B-781NAAA MAC 45A-AA1-DDAJ-0KA MAC 55B-22-P1-501CA57D-32-611CA MAC NVFS3000-20A MAC NVFS3100-5FZ MAC NVFS6100-5FZ-10T MAC PID-501CAAA35A-ACA-DABA-1BA220VAC MAC 411A-D0A-DM-DDAA-1BA MAC 34B-AAA-GDFA-1KV MAC 24VACPLUG-INW/24VLED MAC 811C-PM-611JC-1524 MAC225B-121CA MAC 225B-111CAAA24VDC6W MAC 250B-611CAAA8.5W24VDC MAC 45A-AA1-DDAJ-0KA24VDC5.4W120P MAC 52A-11-D0B24VDC MAC 45A-AC1-DDNA-1BA MAC 225B-761JJ MAC RFU-483 MAC PME-591DABE MAC 225B-510JCDC24V MAC 712C-12-PL-501JCDC24V MAC BOX-3 MAC 117B-121DAAA MAC 612B-11-611JA MAC 250B-501JA MAC 35A-ACA-DDAA-1AB MAC 45A-BC1-DDAA-1BA MAC 55B-14-P1-501BADC24V MAC 116B-591B-AAA MAC 55B-11-P1-111AA MAC 6311D-112-DM-111DA MAC 6321D-113-PM-111DA MAC 6321D-513-PM-111D MAC 6521B-010-PM-111DA MAC 6521B-213-PM-111DA MAC 6521B-313-PM-111DA MAC 6521D-010-PM-111DA MAC PR63A-21BA-9 MAC PR63A-23BA-9 MAC 166B-611JM MAC 2181DC24V8.5W MAC 166B-611JM MAC 52A-11-A0B-GM-GEMO-1KJMOD3638 MAC 52A-11-D0A-DM-DDAJ-1KE MAC IN200K-C MAC IN400K-C MAC 111B-121CAAA MAC 117B-871JB MAC 11B-111AAAAAC110/50HZ MAC KEY-25 MAC 111B-511JBDC24V MAC 161B-501JB MAC 117B-121JD MAC AC220V/6.5W MAC161B-501JB MAC DC24V/6W MAC 6211C MAC 251-PM-11DA MAC MAC-3 MAC 117B-291VAA MAC 35A-AAA-DDAJ-1KD MAC 35A-ACA-DDAA-1BA MAC 111B-611JB/24VDC MAC771108 MAC 55B-11-PO-111CA MAC 55B-12-PI-121CA MAC 250-111CAAA24VDC MAC 2570150PSI MAC 58C-43-11CAVAC70150PSI MAC IN411SB-C MAC 35A-ACA-DDBA-1BADC12V5.4W MAC 45A-SC2-DDFJ-4KD MAC 411A-D0A-DM-24VDCDN6 MAC 5281-G1DC24V MAC 52A-11-D0A24VDCDN20 MAC 55B-14-PZ-501BA24VDCDN12 MAC 6311D351-PM-501DA-24VDCDN12 MAC 6321D351-PM-501DAN2024V MAC 8212008001G1/2DC24V MAC MVA3B-A-211-PM-XX1JB MAC 35A-ACA-DDFA-1BADC24V MAC 41A-D0A-DM-DDAA-1BA20TO120PS1 MAC DMB-DDAA-1BA24VDC5.4 MAC 45A-LAA-DFFJ-3KD MAC 45A-AC1-DDN-1BA6VDC6.0W MAC 45A-FA2-DABA-2CM MAC 111B-501-BAAA MAC 45A-FA2-DABA-2CM MAC PPC5C-ABA-AGAB-BBD-IB MAC 2252B-1210AAA MAC 225B-121CAAA MAC 225B-121BAA(1/4)MAC 111B-511JB MAC 116B-121JB阀MAC 58D-64-501JA MAC 250B-501JA-24V MAC 161B-501JB/2232DC24V MAC 1668-6115ADC24 MACDMB-DDAA-1BA24V MAC IN13SBK MAC 166B-611JBDC24V MAC 100TYPXX=COIL=50 MAC 811-PM-591BA-155 MAC IN500K MAC 100TYPXX=COIL=50 MAC 811C-PM-591BA-155 MAC 421A-D0A-DM-DXXA-EBA MAC DMB-DJBA-1BA MAC 461A-D0A-DM-DJBJ MAC 55B-12-PI-121JA MAC 56C-13-291JA MAC D-NCEI600V20A MAC 161B-611JD MAC 35A-ACA-DABA-1BA MAC 111B-871JB MAC 111B-611JBAC220V MAC 111B-611JBDC24V MAC 35A-SLL-0GAA-EDA MAC 117B-121JDAC220V/6.5W MAC 161B-501JBDC24V/6W MAC TC1022A MAC 3SA-AAA-DABA-1BA MAC 45A-AC1-DDNA-1BA6VCD6.0W MAC 111B-501-BAAA MAC 34B-ABA-GDFA-1KV MAC 55B-14-PI-501JB MAC 912B-PM-871JM MAC 45A-AA1-DDAJ-1KE MAC 117B-121BAAA MAC M-93001-01-01 MAC 93A-000-BJA MAC92B-EAF-BAA-DM-DDAP-IDMMAC93A-EAB-000-DM-DDAP-1DMMAC 45A-AA1-DDAJ-1KE MAC。

4-IN-1 土壤检测仪用户手册 DSMM600说明书

4-IN-1 土壤检测仪用户手册 DSMM600说明书

4-IN-1 SOIL CONDITION METERUSER’S MANUALDSMM600Please read this manual carefully and thoroughly before using this product.TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Key Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3What’s in the Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 –4Setup Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Install Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Operating Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 –5Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Operating & Maintenance Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 –7Warranty Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Return for Repair Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8INTRODUCTIONThank you four purchasing General Tools & Instruments' (General's) DSMM600 4-in-1 Digital Soil Condition Meter. Please read this manual carefully and thoroughly before using the instrument.The DSMM600 is ideal for measuring the temperature, pH and moisture content of soil and the intensity of sunlight shining on it. The meter cannot accurately gauge the intensity of grow lights because most light bulbs lack the full spectral range of sunlight.KEY FEATURES• Measures soil pH and temperature• Also gauges soil moisture content within 5 levels and sunlight intensitywithin 9 levels• Large backlit triple readout LCD• °F/°C switch• Auto Power Off• Low battery indication• CE approved2WHAT’S IN THE PACKAGEThe DSMM600 comes in a blister pack with this user’s manual inside the fold-over card.PRODUCT OVERVIEWFigure 1 shows the names and locations of the meter’s controls, indicators and physical structures. Figure 2 shows all possible indications on the LCD.Familiarize yourself with the labels, positions, and functions of all buttons and switches and the meaning of all display indications before moving on to the Setup Instructions and Operating Instructions.A. pH/Temp switch (on back)B. ON buttonC. Moisture/pH/temperature sensorD. Sunlight sensorE. Backlit triple readout LCDF. C/F OFF buttonG. Battery compartment (on back)H. Sensor-tipped probeI. Sensor cap3A D E F H IB GC Fig. 1. The DSMM600’s controls,display and physical structuresA. Sunlight intensity readoutB. Indicates main readoutis showing pHC. Main readoutD. Moisture level readoutE. Indicates main readout isshowing temperature F. Low battery iconSETUP INSTRUCTIONSINSTALL BATTERYTo open the battery compartment, turn the meter over and lift the tab at the bottom of the battery compartment cover (Fig. 1, Callout G). Remove the cover and set it aside. Then plug a “9V” Alkaline battery into the wired socket inside the compartment. The terminals of the battery and the socket mate in only one way, with the smaller male terminal plugging into the larger female terminal.Close the battery compartment by replacing its cover and snapping it shut.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSTo power on the meter , press the ON button (Fig. 1, Callout B). The meter will immediately display the sunlight intensity, moisture level and temperature of the ambient environment on the three readouts (Fig. 2, Callouts A, D and C).Note that the green LCD backlight comes on automatically when the meter powers on. It will remain on for 90 seconds. To reactivate the backlight after it goes out, briefly press (but do not hold) the C/F OFF button twice. The first press will change the temperature unit from °F to °C and turn the backlight back on. The second press will switch back to °F.Also note that the meter will automatically power off after any 5-1/2 minute period during which no front-panel buttons are pressed. This Automatic Power Off (APO) function extends battery life.4Fig. 2. All possibledisplay indicationsTo power off the meter, press and hold the C/F OFF button for at least3 seconds.To measure the conditions of soil in a pot or garden plot, first remove the protective sensor cap (Fig. 1, Callout I). Then insert the probe slowly and vertically into the soil:• For plants in pots less than 1 ft. in diameter, insert the probe halfwaybetween the plant stem and the edge of the pot. Be careful not todamage delicate roots by inserting the probe close to a plant’s stem.• For plants in larger pots, insert the probe one-third of the distancebetween the stem and the edge of the pot.• If the pot is deep, push the probe deeper—where plant roots are denser. The upper and lower readouts of the DSMM600 are dedicated to sunlight and moisture levels. The meter does not indicate the precise value of either level; instead, it displays the “ballpark” range containing the current reading. The Specifications section of this manual correlates the names of displayed ranges (HGH-, NOR, WET+, for example) with the sunlight or moisture level value measured. (NOR is shorthand for normal, HGH-and NOR-mean slightly less than high and normal, NOR+is slightly higher than normal, and WET+and DRY+should be interpreted as extremely wet and dry.)To maximize the accuracy of sunlight readings, point the light sensor at the top front of the meter (Fig. 1, Callout D) toward the sun.The middle (main) readout shows soil pH or soil temperature, depending on the position of the switch at the top of the back of the meter body (Fig. 1, Callout A). To display soil pH instead of soil temperature on the main readout, slide the switch to the left (the pH position). Note that doing so causes the lower, moisture level readout to disappear.To resume showing soil temperature on the main readout, slide the pH/Temp switch to the right. If the soil temperature is lower than 16°F (-9°C), Lo will appear on the main readout. If the soil temperature is higher than 122°F (50°C), HH will appear on the main readout.5SPECIFICATIONSpH Measurement Range: 3.5 to 9.0pH Accuracy and Resolution:±0.5 pH unitsTemperature Measurement Range:16° to 122°F (-9° to 50°C) Temperature Accuracy/Resolution:±1.8°F (1°C)/1° (F or C)Moisture Level Ranges:<5% (DRY+), 5 to 10% (DRY), 10 to 20%(NOR), 20 to 30% (WET), >30% (WET+) Light Level Ranges:<500 Lux (LOW-),500 to 5000 Lux(LOW), 5000 to 10,000 Lux (LOW+),10,000 to 25,000 Lux (NOR-), 25,000 to60,000 Lux (NOR), 60,000 to 80,000 Lux(NOR+), 80,000 to 100,000 Lux (HGH-),100,000 to 120,000 Lux (HGH),>120,000 Lux (HGH+)LCD Size: 1.8 in. (46mm) diagonal; main readouthas 0.48 in. (12mm) high digitsAuto Power Off Trigger:5-1/2 minutes of front-panel inactivity Backlight Duration:90 secondsOperating Temperature:41° to 104°F (5° to 40°C)@ 5 to 95%RH, non-condensing Storage Temperature:-4° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C)@ <85%RH (without battery) Dimensions of Meter Body: 4.8 x 2.5 x 1.4 in. (122 x 63 x 36mm) Dimensions of Probe(Length x Diameter):7.9 x 0.24 in. (200 x 6mm)Weight (without battery): 2.9 oz. (81g)Power Source:(1) “9V” Alkaline battery (not included)OPERATING & MAINTENANCE TIPSWhen the Low Battery icon appears in the center of the display (Fig. 2, Callout F), it’s time to change the “9V” battery that powers the meter (although measurements will remain valid for several hours after the icon first appears). To change the battery, follow the instructions on p. 4.Take the average of multiple measurements to improve accuracy.6Do not leave the probe inserted in soil longer than necessary to make a measurement.Do not drop the meter, bend the probe, or use the probe to break up clumps of soil.Wipe the probe clean with a soft, damp cloth and dry it before and after each measurement.Slide the sensor cap (Fig. 1, Callout I) over the end of the probe after each measurement session.Do not disassemble the meter body or the probe; doing so voids the product’s limited warranty.Remove the battery if you do not expect to use the meter for an extended period of time (months or years).WARRANTY INFORMATIONGeneral Tools & Instruments’ (General’s) DSMM600 4-in-1 Soil Condition Meter is warranted to the original purchaser to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year. Subject to certain restrictions, General will repair or replace this instrument if, after examination, the company determines it to be defective in material or workmanship. The warranty period begins on the date of purchase. You are encouraged to register your product online. General will extend your warranty an additional 60 days if you register at /ProductRegistry.This limited warranty does not apply to damages that General determines to be from an attempted repair by non-authorized personnel or misuse, alterations, normal wear and tear, or accidental damage. The defective unit must be returned to General Tools & Instruments or to a General-authorized service center, freight prepaid and insured.Acceptance of the exclusive repair and replacement remedies described herein is a condition of the contract for purchase of this product. In no event shall General be liable for any incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, or for any cost, attorneys’ fees, expenses, or losses alleged to be a consequence of any damage due to failure of, or defect in any product including, but not limited to, any claims for loss of profits.Register now at /ProductRegistry to receive a 60-day extension to your warranty.7RETURN FOR REPAIR POLICYEvery effort has been made to provide you with a reliable product of superior quality. However, in the event your instrument requires repair, please contact our Customer Service to obtain an RGA (Return Goods Authorization) number before forwarding the unit via prepaid freight to the attention of our Service Center at this address:General Tools & Instruments80 White Street New York, NY 10013 212-431-6100 Remember to include a copy of your proof of purchase, your return address, and your phone number and/or e-mail address.8GENERAL TOOLS & INSTRUMENTS80 White StreetNew York, NY 10013-3567PHONE (212) 431-6100FAX (212) 431-6499TOLL FREE (800) 697-8665e-mail:**********************DSMM600 User’s ManualSpecifications subject to change without notice©2013 GENERAL TOOLS & INSTRUMENTSNOTICE - WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS.MAN# DSMM600 12/03/13。

一光四电 中文 说明书 A5

一光四电 中文 说明书 A5

一光四电10/100M光纤收发器用户手册1.简介10/100M 一光四电光纤收发器可将4个独立的10/100Base-TX 双绞线电信号和1个独立100Base-FX光信号进行相互转化。



●自适应连接 10M 和100M网络●所以网口支持全双工半双工自适应以及流量控制●自动检测和纠正在双绞线的每个端口不正确的极点●数据传输速率(线速)为14,880 帧/秒(10M)●数据传输速率(线速)为14,8800 帧/秒(100M)●额度功率≤ 5W●支持12K 有效的MAC 地址表。

MAC 支持MAC地址自动学习和老化●8 MB 分组缓冲●具备广播风暴保护●支持物理隔离和逻辑隔离3.LED指示灯10/100M 一光四电光纤收发器前面板共有5组指示灯前面板示意图名称定义说明PWR 电源指示灯灯亮,电源接通,供电正常FLINK 光口指示灯指示灯灭,光纤未连接正确常亮,光纤链路连通,无数据传输闪烁,光纤链路接通,正在传输数据LINK 网口指示灯指示灯灭,双绞线未正确连接常亮,双绞线链路连通,无数据传输闪烁,双绞线连通,正在传输数据SPD10/100M 速率指示灯常亮,网络接口1X-4X工作在100M闪烁,网络接口1X-4X工作在10M●红色开关按钮可以设置VLAN‘SWITCH MODE-交换模式(默认模式)‘’ VLAN MODE- Vlan 模式RESET 按钮用来4.技术参数参数规格端口4 个100M 自适应以太网口一个100Base-Fx 光口一个console配置口端口特点接口类型: 4×RJ-45(UTP), SC(光口)符合 IEEE802.3 和 802.3u 标准电口为10/100Mbps自适应, 全/半双工通信模式自适应支持直通连接/交叉自适应能力配置口接口类型: RJ-45线缆类型10/100Base-TX:双绞线3,4,5类线(可达100m)100Base-Fx:光纤类型50/125 ,62.5/125,9/125um转换方式快速储存和转发重量 1.20kg电源AC100-240V,50/60Hz功耗10W工作温度0℃~ 60 ℃储存温度-40℃~ 70 ℃工作湿度20%-85% 无凝结储存湿度10%-90% 无凝结5.安装请按照下面的步骤安装收发器a)选择五类线和本设备连接,(直通式或者交叉式)RJ45 端口的引脚定义:Pin1:TX+ 数据发送正极Pin2:TX+ 数据发送正极Pin3:TX+ 数据发送正极Pin4:TX+ 数据发送正极Pin5, Pin6 ,Pin7 ,Pin8 闲置未用b)关掉设备电源,按照正确的连接结构进行光纤,收发器,以太网设备的连接c)光纤收发器之间连接是,本分的发(RX)连接对方的(TX), 本方的发(TX)连接对方的(RX)d)首先确定设备的额定电压是220V还是直流-48V,然后连接相应的电源线后,如PWR 量,设备供电正常e)打开以太网的电源开关,打开收发器电源开关,相应的指示灯亮和闪烁,安装完成6.装箱清单开箱之后根据收发器的型号,核对包装清单,如有遗失或损坏,请立即联系当地的经销商1)一光四电光纤收发器一台2)电源线一条3)说明书一本4)产品质量保修卡一光四电10/100M光纤收发器用户手册V1.1。



MT2(+), G(+); MT2(+), G(−); MT2(−), G(−)
TJ = 125°C
Holding Current (VD = 12 V, Gate Open, Initiating Current = ± 200 mA)
Latching Current (VD = 12 V, IG = 10 mA) MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(−) MT2(−), G(−)
Voltage Current Characteristic of Triacs (Bidirectional Device)
Parameter Peak Repetitive Forward Off−State Voltage Peak Forward Blocking Current Peak Repetitive Reverse Off−State Voltage Peak Reverse Blocking Current Maximum On−State Voltage Holding Current
Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle Sine Wave, 60 Hz, TJ = 125°C)
Circuit Fusing Consideration (t = 8.3 msec)
Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability. 1. VDRM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous basis. Blocking

MAC Valves Series 400 产品说明书

MAC Valves Series 400 产品说明书

400Circuit bar mounting• Patented MACSOLENOID ®for fastest possible response times and virtually burn-out proof AC solenoid operation.• Optional low watt DC solenoids.• Various manual operators.• Optional memory spring.• 2 position or 3 position valve configurations.• Internal or external pilot.Air return400FunctionPort size (NPTF)Flow (Max)Circuit bar mounting*O P T I O N S5/3Closed center451A-AOA-DM-D XXX-XXX 5/3Open center461A-AOA-DM-D XXX-XXX 5/3Pressure center471A-AOA-DM-D XXX-XXX 2414315241214315241214315400400Function Port size (NPTF)Flow (Max)Circuit bar mounting1. The 4-way pilot develops maximum shifting forcesboth ways.2. Memory spring available.3. Balanced spool, immune to variations of pressure,also provides high flow.4. Short stroke with high flow.5. Bonded spool with minimum friction, shifting in aglass-like finished bore.6. Pilot with balanced poppet, high flow, short andconsistent response times.7. Wiping effect eliminates sticking.8. Long service life.D i r e c t s o l e n o i d a n d s o l e n o i d p i l o t o p e r a t e d v a l v e s H O W T O O R DE RO P T I O N Sxxxx-xxx-DM-Dxxx-xxx400400Function Port size (NPTF)Flow (Max)Circuit bar mounting1. The 4-way pilot develops maximum shifting forcesboth ways.2. Memory spring available.3. Balanced spool, immune to variations of pressure,also provides high flow.4. Short stroke with high flow.5. Bonded spool with minimum friction, shifting in aglass-like finished bore.6. Pilot with balanced poppet, high flow, short andconsistent response times.7. Wiping effect eliminates sticking.8. Long service life.D i r e c t s o l e n o i d a n d s o l e n o i d p i l o t o p e r a t e d v a l v e s H O W T O O R DE R*O P T I O N Sxxxx-xxx-DM-Dxxx-xxx400400FunctionPort size (NPTF)Flow (Max)Circuit bar mountingD i r e c t s o l e n o i d a n d s o l e n o i d p i l o t o p e r a t e d v a l v e s*O P T I O N SNote: add-a-unit stations may be added to above bars.400400FunctionPort size (NPTF)Flow (Max)Circuit bar mountingD i r e c t s o l e n o i d a n d s o l e n o i d p i l o t o p e r a t e d v a l v e s*O P T I O N S400400Function Port size (NPTF)Flow (Max)Circuit bar mounting1. The 4-way pilot develops maximum shifting forcesboth ways.2. Memory spring available.3. Balanced spool, immune to variations of pressure,also provides high flow.4. Short stroke with high flow.5. Bonded spool with minimum friction, shifting in aglass-like finished bore.6. Pilot with balanced poppet, high flow, short andconsistent response times.7. Wiping effect eliminates sticking.8. Long service life.H O W T O O R D E RO P T I O N Sxxxx-xxx-DM-Dxxx-xxx400400FunctionPort size (NPTF)Flow (Max)Circuit bar mountingO P T I O N SNote: add-a-unit stations may be added to above bars.400400FunctionPort size (NPTF)Flow (Max)Circuit bar mountingO P T I O N S400400Function Port size (NPTF)Flow (Max)Circuit bar mounting1. The 4-way pilot develops maximum shifting forcesboth ways.2. Memory spring available.3. Balanced spool, immune to variations of pressure,also provides high flow.4. Short stroke with high flow.5. Bonded spool with minimum friction, shifting in aglass-like finished bore.6. Pilot with balanced poppet, high flow, short andconsistent response times.7. Wiping effect eliminates sticking.8. Long service life.H O W T O O R D E RO P T I O N SNumber of stations (03=3 stations)** Other options available. Consult factory.xxxx-xxx-DM-Dxxx-xxx400400FunctionPort size (NPTF)Flow (Max)Circuit bar mountingO P T I O N SNumber of stations (03=3 stations)** Other options available. Consult factory.Note: add-a-unit stations may be added to above bars.400400FunctionPort size (NPTF)Flow (Max)Circuit bar mountingD i r e c t s o l e n o i d a n d s o l e n o i d p i l o t o p e r a t e d v a l v e sO P T I O N SNumber of stations (01, 02, 03, or 04)** Other options available. Consult factory.CBM405A-xxxxx-xx400S e c t i o n2OptionsO p t i o n s Codification table for voltages / Wire length / Manual operator / Electrical connection- pilot operated valves 400, 52 & 92 Series D M - D XX X - X XX1234VALVE CODE➤OPTIONS AVAILABLE FOR1. VOLTAGE2. WIRE LENGTH3. MANUAL OPERATOR4. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION。



存货编码存货名称存货大类编码计量单位组编码 主计量单位编码计量单位组类别启用日期存货代码规格型号F11038500001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0385-00001固化剂聚脂彩色漆固化剂 F11038500002辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0385-00002固化剂DA-1F11038600001辅料-液状类F11010040F11-0386-00001石膏粉F11038700001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0387-00001香蕉水F11038800001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0388-00001502胶水F11038900001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0389-00001淡金水F11039000001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0390-00001无水乙醇(酒精)F11039100001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0391-00001黄色漆DA-1F11039200001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0392-00001灰色漆UL800-7038F11039300001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0393-00001树脂漆F11039400001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0394-00001古像黑漆F11039500001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0395-00001内墙乳胶漆F11039600001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0396-00001彩色喷漆F11039700001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0397-00001密封胶F11039800001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0398-00001环氧树脂地坪漆F11039900001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0399-00001外墙乳胶漆F11040000001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0400-00001金属黑漆F11040100001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0401-00001稀释剂DA-1F11040100002辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0401-00002稀释剂7400F11040100003辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0401-00003稀释剂环氧沥青稀释剂F11040200001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0402-00001防锈剂WD-40F11040300001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0403-00001锁固剂F11040400001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0404-00001探伤剂F11040500001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0405-00001酸性玻璃胶F11040600001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0406-00001瞬干胶 LT406 20gF11040700001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0407-00001AB胶F11040800001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0408-00001固持胶LT641 F11040900001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0409-00001龙胆紫F11041000001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0410-00001热胶粉F11041100001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0411-00001黄色地漆销售默认计量单位编码采购默认计量单位编码库存默认计量单位编码成本默认计量单位编码是否委外是否销售是否外购是否自制是否生产耗用是否在制是否应税劳务是否成套件是否折扣是否质检是否切除尾数是否受托代销税率单位重量单位体积计价方式计划价或售价最高进价参考成本最新成本最低售价参考售价主要供货单位编码默认仓库编码费用率销售加成率同步BOM仓库零售价格最高库存最低库存安全库存积压标准替换件货位编码入库超额上限出库超额上限合理损耗率上次盘点日期存货ABC分类盘点周期盘点周期单位盘点日是否保质期管理保质期天数保质期预警天数是否条形码管理对应条形码编码是否批次管理是否出库跟踪入库是否呆滞积压是否单独存放净重停用日期质量要求说明建档人变更人计划策略变更日期再订货点方法批量规则保证供应天数订货点平均耗用量固定供应量固定提前期累计提前期生产国别生产地点生产企业产地通用名称国际非专利名剂型包装规格注册商标批件批准文号或注册证号注册商标合格证号生产许可证号入关证号进口药品注册证号处方药或非处方药是否特殊药品存货是否有自由项1存货是否有自由项2存货是否有自由项3存货是否有自由项4存货是否有自由项5存货是否有自由项6存货是否有自由项7存货是否有自由项8存货是否有自由项9存货是否有自由项10存货自定义项1存货自定义项2存货自定义项3存货自定义项4存货自定义项5存货自定义项6存货自定义项7存货自定义项8存货自定义项9存货自定义项10存货自定义项11存货自定义项12存货自定义项13存货自定义项14存货自定义项15存货自定义项16录入日期录入员。



MMSZ4686T1G MMSZ4686T1G.MMSZ4xxxT1G Series, SZMMSZ4xxxT1G Series Zener Voltage Regulators 500 mW, Low I ZT SOD−123 Surface MountThree complete series of Zener diodes are offered in the convenient, surface mount plastic SOD−123 package. These devices provide a convenient alternative to the leadless 34−package style.Features•500 mW Rating on FR−4 or FR−5 Board•Wide Zener Reverse V oltage Range − 1.8 V to 43 V•Low Reverse Current (I ZT) − 50 m A•Package Designed for Optimal Automated Board Assembly •Small Package Size for High Density Applications•ESD Rating of Class 3 (>16 kV) per Human Body Model•SZ Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC−Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable•These Devices are Pb−Free and are RoHS Compliant*Mechanical Characteristics:CASE:V oid-free, transfer-molded, thermosetting plastic case FINISH:Corrosion resistant finish, easily solderableMAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE FOR SOLDERING PURPOSES: 260°C for 10 SecondsPOLARITY:Cathode indicated by polarity band FLAMMABILITY RATING:UL 94 V−0MAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Max Units Total Power Dissipation on FR−5 Board,(Note 1) @ T L = 75°CDerated above 75°C P D5006.7mWmW/°CThermal Resistance, (Note 2) Junction−to−Ambient R q JA340°C/WThermal Resistance, (Note 2) Junction−to−Lead R q JL150°C/WJunction and Storage Temperature Range T J, T stg−55 to+150°CStresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected.1.FR−5 = 3.5 X 1.5 inches, using the minimum recommended footprint.2.Thermal Resistance measurement obtained via infrared Scan Method.*For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.Cathode AnodeSee specific marking information in the device marking column of the Electrical Characteristics table on page 3 of this data sheet.DEVICE MARKING INFORMATIONSOD−123CASE 425STYLE 1Device Package Shipping†ORDERING INFORMATIONMARKING DIAGRAM†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our T ape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.MMSZ4xxxT1G SOD−123(Pb−Free)3,000 /Tape & ReelMMSZ4xxxT3G SOD−123(Pb−Free)10,000 /Tape & Reel xx= Device Code (Refer to page 3)M= Date CodeG= Pb−Free Package(Note: Microdot may be in either location)1SZMMSZ4xxxT1G SOD−123(Pb−Free)3,000 /Tape & ReelSZMMSZ4xxxT3G SOD−123(Pb−Free)10,000 /Tape & ReelELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted, V F = 0.9 V Max. @ I F = 10 mA)Symbol ParameterV Z Reverse Zener Voltage @ I ZTI ZT Reverse CurrentI R Reverse Leakage Current @ V RVR Reverse VoltageI F Forward CurrentV F Forward Voltage @ I FProduct parametric performance is indicated in the Electrical Characteristics for the listed test conditions, unless otherwise noted. Product performance may not be indicated by the Electrical Characteristics if operated under different conditions.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted, V F = 0.9 V Max. @ I F = 10 mA)Device*DeviceMarkingZener Voltage (Note 3)Leakage CurrentV Z (Volts)@ I ZT I R @ V RMin Nom Max m A m A VoltsMMSZ4678T1G CC 1.71 1.8 1.89507.51 MMSZ4679T1G CD 1.90 2.0 2.105051 MMSZ4680T1G CE 2.09 2.2 2.315041 MMSZ4681T1G CF 2.28 2.4 2.525021 MMSZ4682T1G CH 2.565 2.7 2.8355011 MMSZ4683T1G CJ 2.85 3.0 3.15500.81 MMSZ4684T1G CK 3.13 3.3 3.47507.5 1.5 MMSZ4685T1G CM 3.42 3.6 3.78507.52 MMSZ4686T1G CN 3.70 3.9 4.105052 MMSZ4687T1G CP 4.09 4.3 4.525042 SZMMSZ4687T1G CG6 4.09 4.3 4.525042 MMSZ4688T1G CT 4.47 4.7 4.9450103 MMSZ4689T1G CU 4.85 5.1 5.3650103 MMSZ4690T1G/T3G CV 5.32 5.6 5.8850104 MMSZ4691T1G CA 5.89 6.2 6.5150105 MMSZ4692T1G CX 6.46 6.87.145010 5.1 MMSZ4693T1G CY7.137.57.885010 5.7 MMSZ4694T1G CZ7.798.28.61501 6.2 MMSZ4695T1G DC8.278.79.14501 6.6 MMSZ4696T1G DD8.659.19.56501 6.9 MMSZ4697T1G DE9.501010.505017.6 MMSZ4698T1G DF10.451111.55500.058.4 MMSZ4699T1G DH11.401212.60500.059.1 MMSZ4700T1G DJ12.351313.65500.059.8 MMSZ4701T1G DK13.301414.70500.0510.6 MMSZ4702T1G DM14.251515.75500.0511.4 MMSZ4703T1G†DN15.201616.80500.0512.1 MMSZ4704T1G DP16.151717.85500.0512.9 MMSZ4705T1G DT17.101818.90500.0513.6 MMSZ4706T1G DU18.051919.95500.0514.4 MMSZ4707T1G DV19.002021.00500.0115.2 MMSZ4708T1G DA20.902223.10500.0116.7 MMSZ4709T1G DX22.802425.20500.0118.2 MMSZ4710T1G DY23.752526.25500.0119.0 MMSZ4711T1G†EA25.652728.35500.0120.4 MMSZ4712T1G EC26.602829.40500.0121.2 MMSZ4713T1G ED28.503031.50500.0122.8 MMSZ4714T1G EE31.353334.65500.0125.0 MMSZ4715T1G EF34.203637.80500.0127.3 MMSZ4716T1G EH37.053940.95500.0129.6 MMSZ4717T1G EJ40.854345.15500.0132.6 3.Nominal Zener voltage is measured with the device junction in thermal equilibrium at T L = 30°C ±1°C.*Include SZ-prefix devices where applicable.†MMSZ4703 and MMSZ4711 Not Available in 10,000/Tape & ReelTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSV Z , T E M P E R A T U R E C O E F F I C I E N T (m V /C )°θV Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGE (V)Figure 1. Temperature Coefficients (Temperature Range −55°C to +150°C)V Z , T E M P E R A T U R E C O E F F I C I E N T (m V /C )°θ100101V Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGE (V)Figure 2. Temperature Coefficients (Temperature Range −55°C to +150°C), TEMPERATURE (5C)Figure 3. Steady State Power Derating P p k, P E A K S U R G E P O W E R (W A T T S )PW, PULSE WIDTH (ms)Figure 4. Maximum Nonrepetitive Surge PowerP D , P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W A T T S )V Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGEFigure 5. Effect of Zener Voltage onZener ImpedanceZ Z T , D Y N A M I C I M P E D A N C E ()ΩTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSC , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )V Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGE (V)Figure 6. Typical Capacitance 1000100101V Z , ZENER VOLTAGE (V)1001010.10.01I Z , Z EN E R C U R R E N T (m A )V Z , ZENER VOLTAGE (V)1001010.10.01I R , L E A K A G E C U R R E N T (A )μV Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGE (V)Figure 7. Typical Leakage Current10001001010.10.010.0010.00010.00001I Z , Z E N E R C U R R E N T (m A )Figure 8. Zener Voltage versus Zener Current(V Z Up to 12 V)Figure 9. Zener Voltage versus Zener Current(12 V to 91 V)SOD−123CASE 425−04ISSUE GDATE 07 OCT 2009SCALE 5:1NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSIY14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.DIM MIN NOM MAXMILLIMETERSINCHESA0.94 1.17 1.350.037A10. 1.40 1.80E 2.54 2.69 2.840.100---3.680.140L0.253.860.0100.0460.0020.0240.0630.1060.1450.0530.0040.0280.0710.1120.152MIN NOM MAX3.56H E---------0.006------------GENERICMARKING DIAGRAM**For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and solderingdetails, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering andMounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.SOLDERING FOOTPRINT**This information is generic. Please refer to device datasheet for actual part marking. Pb−Free indicator, “G” ormicrodot “ G”, may or may not be present.XXX= Specific Device CodeM= Date CodeG= Pb−Free Package1STYLE 1:PIN 1. CATHODE2. ANODE0.910.036ǒmminchesǓSCALE 10:1------q001010°°°°(Note: Microdot may be in either location) MECHANICAL CASE OUTLINEPACKAGE DIMENSIONSON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba ON Semiconductor or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.ON Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. ON Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does ON Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. ON Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor theON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba ON Semiconductor or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.ON Semiconductor owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of ON Semiconductor’s product/patent coverage may be accessed at ON Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does ON Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATIONTECHNICAL SUPPORTNorth American Technical Support:Voice Mail: 1 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Phone: 011 421 33 790 2910LITERATURE FULFILLMENT :Email Requests to:*******************ON Semiconductor Website: Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support:Phone: 00421 33 790 2910For additional information, please contact your local Sales RepresentativeMMSZ4686T1G MMSZ4686T1G.。





杰宝莱科技供应定做充电器专用可控硅!产品类别:单向可控硅-SCRs器件型号MCR100-6封装形式:TO-92Package→脚位排列:C-G-A主要参数:电流-IT(RMS):0.8A电压-VDRM:≥400V触发电流:IGT:10~30µAIGT:30~60µA元件品牌, 型号MCR100-6 电流0.8(A)电压400(V)触发电流10-30/30-60m(A)结温110(℃).产品型号:MCR100-8产品名称:KCD-MCR100-8产品型号:MCR100-8*元件品牌--韩国KCD*主要用途各种万能开关器,继电器与灯控制,小型马达控制器,漏电保护器,电子镇流器,传感与检测电路,摩托车点火器等线路功率控制。

*封装外形--TO-92*管脚排列--K-G-A*极限值--(Ta=25℃)Tstg—贮存温--------------------------------------40~150℃Tj—结温------------------------------------------65-125℃IT(max)—通态电流--------------------------------- 0.8AITSM—峰值正向浪涌电流(60HZ,正弦波, 1/2周期,)------------------------------- 10AVRRM反向重复峰值电压----------------------------------600VIGT触发电流-------------------------------10-30UA,30-60UA(IGT可根据客户要求订做:10-20,30-40,60-90,70-80,90-120)mac97A6是双向可控硅吗?他的参数是什么?浏览次数:52296次悬赏分:0 |解决时间:2007-3-24 04:39 |提问者:hankking最佳答案97A6 双向触发三极闸流晶体管用途:主要用于变频电路及调光、调速电路等。



mac的地址是什么?由多少位组成?工作原理是什么?(2009-10-16 09:23:42)转载▼标签:杂谈MAC(Media Access Control, 介质访问控制)地址是识别LAN(局域网)节点的标识。










工作过程,PHY在发送数据的时候,收到MAC过来的数据(对PHY来说,没有帧的概念,对它来说,都是数据而不管什么地址,数据还是CRC),每4bit就增加 1bit的检错码,然后把并行数据转化为串行流数据,再按照物理层的编码规则(10Based-T的NRZ编码或100based-T的曼彻斯特编码)把数据编码,再变为模拟信号把数据送出去。



一颗CMOS制程的芯片工作的时候产生的信号电平总是大于 0V的(这取决于芯片的制程和设计需求),但是这样的信号送到100米甚至更长的地方会有很大的直流分量的损失。

TL-WR886N V2.0详细配置指南1.0.0

TL-WR886N V2.0详细配置指南1.0.0

第 2 章 产品概述 ........................................................................................................... 3
2.1 2.2 产品简介 ........................................................................................................................... 3 主要特性 ........................................................................................................................... 3
目 录
第 1 章 详细配置指南简介 ............................................................................................ 1
1.1 1.2 本书约定 ........................................................................................................................... 1 本书章节安排 .................................................................................................................... 1



IMAC21.5寸(MF883CH/A)1.4GHz、500GB硬盘售价7988元处理器CPU系列英特尔酷睿i5 4代系列CPU型号Intel 酷睿i5 4260UCPU频率1400MHz(1.4GHz)最高睿频2700MHz(1.4GHz)总线规格DMI 5 GT/s三级缓存3MB核心代号Haswell核心/线程数双核心/四线程制程工艺22nm存储设备内存容量8GB内存类型DDR3 1600MHz内存插槽1个DiMM插槽最大内存容量8GB硬盘容量500GB硬盘描述5400转显卡显卡类型核芯显卡显卡芯片Intel GMA HD 5000显存容量共享内存容量DirectX11显示器屏幕尺寸21.5英寸屏幕分辨率1920×1080屏幕比例16:9背光类型LED背光多媒体设备摄像头内置摄像头麦克风内置双麦克风声卡描述集成音箱描述立体声音箱网络通讯无线网卡802.11 a/b/g/n无线网卡有线网卡1000Mbps以太网卡蓝牙支持,蓝牙4.0模块I/O接口数据接口4×USB3.0音频接口耳机/光纤数字音频输出(迷你插孔)视频接口Mini DisplayPort网络接口RJ45(网络接口)其它接口电源接口,2×Thunderbolt端口读卡器多合1读卡器机身规格产品尺寸450×528×175mm产品重量5.68kg产品颜色银色其他参数其他特点高度可回收铝合金与玻璃材质外壳随机附件苹果超薄键盘,苹果鼠标IMAC21.5寸(ME086CH)2.7GHz、1TB 售价9688元处理器CPU系列英特尔酷睿i5 4代系列CPU型号Intel 酷睿i5 4570RCPU频率2700MHz最高睿频3200MHz总线规格DMI 5 GT/s三级缓存4MB核心代号Haswell核心/线程数四核心/四线程制程工艺22nm存储设备内存容量8GB内存类型DDR3 1600MHz内存插槽2个DiMM插槽最大内存容量16GB硬盘容量1TB硬盘描述5400转显卡显卡类型核芯显卡显存容量共享内存容量DirectX11显示器屏幕尺寸21.5英寸屏幕分辨率1920×1080屏幕比例16:9背光类型LED背光多媒体设备摄像头内置摄像头麦克风内置双麦克风声卡描述集成音箱描述立体声音箱IMAC21.5寸(ME087CH)2.9GHz、1TB 售价10988元处理器CPU系列英特尔酷睿i5 4代系列CPU型号Intel 酷睿i5 4570SCPU频率2900MHz最高睿频3600MHz总线规格DMI 5 GT/s三级缓存6MB核心代号Haswell核心/线程数四核心/四线程制程工艺22nm存储设备内存容量8GB内存类型DDR3 1600MHz内存插槽2个DiMM插槽最大内存容量16GB硬盘容量1TB硬盘描述5400转显卡显卡类型独立显卡显卡芯片nVIDIA GeForce GT 750显存容量1GBDirectX11显示器屏幕尺寸21.5英寸屏幕分辨率1920×1080屏幕比例16:9背光类型LED背光多媒体设备摄像头内置摄像头麦克风内置双麦克风声卡描述集成音箱描述立体声音箱网络通讯无线网卡802.11 a/b/g/n无线网卡有线网卡1000Mbps以太网卡蓝牙支持,蓝牙4.0模块IMAC(ME088CH)27寸3.2GHz 1TB 售价13498元处理器CPU系列英特尔酷睿i5 4代系列CPU型号Intel 酷睿i5 4570CPU频率3200MHz最高睿频3600MHz总线规格DMI 5 GT/s三级缓存6MB核心代号Haswell核心/线程数四核心/四线程制程工艺22nm存储设备内存容量8GB内存类型DDR3 1600MHz内存插槽4个DiMM插槽最大内存容量32GB硬盘容量1TB硬盘描述7200转显卡显卡类型独立显卡显卡芯片nVIDIA GeForce GT 755显存容量1GBDirectX11显示器屏幕尺寸27英寸屏幕分辨率2560x1440屏幕比例16:9背光类型LED背光多媒体设备摄像头内置摄像头麦克风内置双麦克风声卡描述集成音箱描述立体声音箱机身规格产品尺寸516×650×203mm产品重量9.54kg产品颜色银色Apple iMac ME089CH/A 27英寸一体电脑售价14988元处理器CPU系列英特尔酷睿i5 4代系列CPU型号Intel 酷睿i5 4670CPU频率3400MHz最高睿频3800MHz总线规格DMI 5 GT/s三级缓存6MB核心代号Haswell核心/线程数四核心/四线程制程工艺22nm存储设备内存容量8GB内存类型DDR3 1600MHz内存插槽4个DiMM插槽最大内存容量32GB硬盘容量1TB硬盘描述7200转显卡显卡类型独立显卡显卡芯片nVIDIA GeForce GTX 775显存容量2GBDirectX11显示器屏幕尺寸27英寸屏幕分辨率2560x1440屏幕比例16:9背光类型LED背光多媒体设备摄像头内置摄像头麦克风内置双麦克风声卡描述集成纠错音箱描述立体声音箱IMAC(MF886CH/A)3.5GHz、5K售价17988元处理器CPU系列英特尔酷睿i5 4代系列CPU频率3500MHz最高睿频3900MHz总线规格DMI 5 GT/s核心代号Haswell核心/线程数四核心制程工艺22nm存储设备内存容量8GB内存类型DDR3 1600MHz内存插槽4个DiMM插槽硬盘容量1TB显卡显卡类型独立显卡显卡芯片AMD Radeon R9 M290X显存容量2GBDirectX11.2显示器屏幕尺寸27英寸屏幕分辨率5120x2880屏幕比例16:9背光类型LED背光屏幕描述IPS技术,Retina 5K屏,支持数百万色彩其他参数其他特点Kensington 锁孔。

蜜糖门禁系统NStar - Honeywell Access Systems说明书

蜜糖门禁系统NStar - Honeywell Access Systems说明书

F E AT U R E SThe Honeywell Access Systems’ NStar ™is an access control system designed to provide a cost effective solution for entry level applications plus the ability to seamlessly expand and adapt to future growth needs. The NStar system is composed of the new NS2 control panel and NStar access control software. With NStar you can start small and easily expand and upgrade your access control system as your needs change.The NS2 controller is ideal for the needs of a small system application. It offers simplicity to satisfy basic application needs combined with state-of-the-art technology, processing power and speed not usually found in an entry-level product.The NS2’s architecture includes unprecedented scalability allowing for easy system expansions or future technology updates via a unique XPort expansion port. Whether you need to add doors or system functions, the NS2 gives you a clear path to future growth.NStar software is a comprehensive access control application designed for use with the NS2 controller. NStar provides fast installation and setup with Quick Start Configuration Wizards and simple operation via user-defined control and viewing of system status and an event viewer for real-time observation of system activities. If you want to go beyond the basics, an option package that includes video badging, real-time alarm pop ups, digital video integration and networking is available to meet future needs.No matter how small you start or how large you grow, NStar offers seamless integration of existing systems and future technology to provide you with a superbly compatible access control solution.NStar ™Access Control System• Complete two-door access control system • Easy-to-order starter & expansion kits • Competitively priced • Quick Start Wizards• Two access points, expandable to 128 (max. via TCP/IP)• Real-time clock• 2,000 users, expandable to 10,000• 10,000 events, expandable to 100,000• Eight supervised input points • Four relays, SPDT 12A @ 28VDC • 32-bit processor• Communications: RS-232 standard or RS-485 optional• Optional TCP/IP interface • XPort expansion port • Removable terminal blocks • Microsoft ® Windows ®2000Professional, XP Professional and Windows ®2003 Server compatible • Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE)• UL294 ListedAccess Control System NStar™Database:• Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) Access Control:• Maximum 10,000 cardholder capacity• Host Grant• 32 holidays with multiple holiday types • Supports up to 128 readers via TCP/IP, 124 via RS-232 Operational Functionality:• System tree for monitoring & control • Event viewer• Scheduling for dial-up locations • Batch card add and card delete • Card activation/deactivation byday/month/year• Assign multiple cards to a cardholder• 40 definable cardholder note fields & note field templates• Monitoring of database file size and hard disk space• Database backup scheduler• Play .wav audio files based on events Reporting:History Reports:• Time and date and from archivedhistory• Reader(s)• Cardholder• Descriptive cardholder field• Transaction type• Alarm point stateOperator Actions:• Time and date• Operator• Actions performed by operator• Device(s) operatedDatabase Reports:• Cardholders• Access levels• Time zones• SchedulesOther:• Up to 64 IP connections (usingoptional networking hardware)• Two serial ports• Context sensitive help via F1 keyprovides help on any selectedfunction• Software TutorialS P E C I F I C AT I O NSQuick Start Wizards guide you throughinstallation and provide fast and simple setupof NStar™software.Control MapEasy to understand control maps with colorcoded status icons give you a complete pictureof your system and condition of each device.Event ViewerThe Event View window displays currentsystem activity in real time.• Quick Start Configuration Wizardsaves time in setup andprogramming• Supports TCP/IP connection withoptional NSLAN1 to make use ofexisting network infrastructure• 40 user-defined cardholder notefields provide more information forsystem operators• Database & hard drive limit andcapacity prompts notify user whenmaintenance is required• Scheduler backup utilityautomatically maintains a recentNStar database• Easy viewing of device status bycolor, shape and pop-up text thatare arranged on a tree structure• Powerful 32-bit processor providesuninterrupted card activity and fastdownloads of users and events• XPort expansion port providesflexibility for future growth• Flash memory allows convenientupgrades & technology updates• Real-time clock ensures accuracy ofsystem times and schedules• Flexible mounting-fits in existingwall-mount enclosure or in a optional19" rack• Cost-effective access control solution• Color-coded real-time events in thestandard viewer helps organize themonitoring taskB E N E F I T SR E C O M M E N D E D C O N F I G U R AT I O NMinimum Computer Configuration:• Pentium III - 1 GHz CPU• 256 megabytes of RAM• 2.1 gigabyte hard disk• Two serial communication ports • Tape backup drive• One parallel port (badging to be done on workstation)• 15" SVGA color monitor(1024 x 768, 256 color)• Supported operating systems:- Microsoft®Windows XPProfessional- Windows®2000 Professional- Windows®2003 ServerEasy to Install:• Removable terminal blocks allow fast connections and simplified wiring • RJ45 serial connection from the panel to the PC allows for quick installation• No jumpers or reset switches make installation error-freeExpandable & Upgradable:• XPort expansion port allows for future expansion with devices including memory expansion• FLASH memory means never having to replace a firmware chip to take advantage of system upgrades or new featuresScalable:• Two access points, expandableto 128 allows you to growwith NStar and NS2• 2,000 users, expandable to 10,000• 10,000 events, expandable to 100,000Powerful 32-bit Processor:• 32-bit processor provides power forfast downloads of events and usersand uninterrupted card activity• Ample processing power to supportfuture system growthOptional Ethernet Connection:• Onboard connector providesEthernet to serial interface usingexisting Ethernet devicesSuperCap Battery:• Maintenance-free backup of panelprogramming and data storage -never have to replace battery• SuperCap battery will providememory backup for one weekwithout any system powerReal-time Clock:• The real-time clock gives youcomplete system time accuracy• Automatic day-light savings timeand leap yearFlexible Mounting:• Tile or rack mountable in standard19" high-density enclosure. Up toeight NS2 panels in a single 19" rack.Card Format Compatibility:• 26- (Standard), 32- and 34-(Honeywell) bit Wiegand formatsupportDimensions:Board: 9" W x 5.5" H x 1" DEnclosure: 12.5" W x 14.5" H x 3.5" DEnvironmental:Temperature: 35-110° F operationalHumidity: 0 - 85% RHNC3S P E C I F I C AT I O N SAccess Control SystemNStar ™TD5172 rev02May 2005© 2005 Honeywell International, Inc.Software OptionsThe NStar Software Option Package offers an upgrade for users with greater needs. This package offers the ability to add Photo-ID Badging, Alarm/Event Monitoring, Digital Video Integration and the ability to network multiple PC’s together. The option package can be activated immediately upon registration of software.Photo-ID BadgingNStar’s badging option enables you to create your own custom Photo-ID’s.With the easy to use interface you can add pictures, company logos, colorful text and background. Once the badging option is enabled you will have the ability of using the Auto Card pop-up feature.This will allow you to verify a card holder by their picture stored in the database.Alarm View / System EventsThe Alarm View allows you to monitor your entire system in real-time. With the Alarm View, alarms and events will “pop-up” on the screen so you can see events and alarms as they happen. Alarm View allows you to respond quickly toemergencies or threats to your employees or building.Digital Video IntegrationSave time reviewing video tapes by using NStar’s integrated digital video system that allows you to retrieve stored video from a Rapid Eye Digital Video Recorder (DVR).Control live cameras while monitoring others from the digital video pop-up window. Complete PTZ control including eight presets and up to 16 cameras can be viewed in one pop-up window.Optional UpgradesThe following optional features are available with the NSOPT1 software upgrade:• Networking - up to five concurrent users• Prioritized alarms - 1 to 99 priorities • Alarm messages and operator notes • Integrated digital video (Rapid Eye) with PTZ control• Alarm and video pop-up • System events viewer • Photo-ID badging• Magnetic stripe encoding• Duplex printing - two-sided badge printingEuropean OfficeBöblinger Straße 17D-71101 Schönaich Germany49-7031-637-78249-7031-637-769 Fax Honeywell Access Systems135 W. Forest Hill AvenueOak Creek, WI 53154414-766-1700414-766-1798 FaxFor more information: NStar ™is a trademark of Honeywell International, Inc.Microsoft ®, Microsoft Windows ®, Windows ®Server 2003®, Windows ®XP and Windows ®2000 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.。


操 作 说 明 | mac4
32 33
8014265/YIQ6/2015-02-11 | SICK 如有更改,恕不另行通知
6.3 发射器和接收器的连接.......................................................................... 33
6 6 6 7
2.1 2.2 2.3 一般安全须知.......................................................................................... 符合规定的使用...................................................................................... 人员资格的要求......................................................................................
操作........................................................................................ 38



DSN-100流量显示仪说明书在使用DSN-100 气体质量流量显示仪前请仔细阅读本说明书一.使用须知尊敬的用户,感谢您使用我公司生产的DSN-100 气体质量流量显示仪。

1.1 本仪表已经过严格测试,如无严重损坏,一般不须做任何调整。


1.2 本仪表安装地点周围不应有较强的电磁辐射干扰。



1.3 本仪表供电如果存在较强污染,建议在仪表电源前端加一个功率为10 瓦以上的电源低通滤波设备。

1.4 本仪表使用的液晶屏不能压迫,碰撞。



DNS-100气体质量流量显示仪采用塑料机壳,体积适中,流量输入输出信号都采用0~+5 VDC 信号。

三.主要技术指标3.1: 输出电源:+15V±5% 500mA -15V±5% 500mA3.2:基准源:+5.00V±0.1%5mA3.3:供电电源:220VAC,50Hz±10%3.4:输入输出信:0-5 VDC3.5:外形尺寸:280×238×88(mm)3.6:显示器:79×43(mm)3.7:最大功耗:8w3.8:控制通道:单路控制显示3.9:基本误差:±0.2%FS3.10:环境温度:0-50℃3.11:环境湿度:0-85%RH3.12:防护等级:IP40四.工作原理4.1流量设定输出一个0-5VDC 的电压来控制MFC 的流量。

4.2 阀控设定可以通过面板设置阀控状态,正常工作时置于“阀控”位,需要通气吹洗管路时,置于“清洗”位,不用时应置于“关闭”位。


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Publication Order Number: MAC4DSM/D
Thermal Resistance, − Junction−to−Case − Junction−to−Ambient − Junction−to−Ambient (Note 2)
Maximum Lead Temperature for Soldering Purposes (Note 3)
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted; Electricals apply in both directions)
Peak Gate Power
(Pulse Width ≤ 10 msec, TC = 108°C)
Average Gate Power (t = 8.3 msec, TC = 108°C)
Peak Gate Current
(Pulse Width ≤ 10 msec, TC = 108°C)
DPAK (Pb−Free)
369C 369C
2500 / Tape & Reel 2500 / Tape & Reel
DPAK−3 (Pb−Free)
369D 369D
75 Units / Rail 75 Units / Rail
MT2(+), G(−)
MT2(−), G(−)

1.3 1.6
2.9 4.0 10
2.9 5.0 10
2.9 7.0 10
0.5 0.7 1.3
0.5 0.65 1.3
0.5 0.7 1.3
0.2 0.4

2.0 5.5 15

6.0 30

2500 / Tape & Reel
DPAK (Pb−Free)
2500 / Tape & Reel
†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.

6.0 30
Min Typ Max Unit
Rate of Change of Commutating Current (VD = 400 V, ITM = 3.5 A, Commutating dv/dt = 10 V/msec, Gate Open, TJ = 125°C, f = 500 Hz, CL = 5.0 mF, LL = 20 mH, No Snubber) See Figure 16
November, 2005 − Rev. 5

600 − 800 VOLTS
12 3
1 2 3
(Note 1) (TJ = −40 to 125°C, Sine
Wave, 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open)
On−State RMS Current (Full Cycle Sine Wave, 60 Hz, TC = 108°C)
Peak Gate Voltage
(Pulse Width ≤ 10 msec, TC = 108°C)
Operating Junction Temperature Range
TJ −40 to 125 °C
Storage Temperature Range
Tstg −40 to 150 °C
Min Typ Max Unit
Peak Repetitive Blocking Current (VD = Rated VDRM, VRRM; Gate Open)
TJ = 25°C TJ = 125°C
MT2(−), G(−)
Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VD = 12 V, RL = 100 W) MT2(+), G(+)
MT2(+), G(−)
MT2(−), G(−)
Gate Non−Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VD = 12 V, RL = 100 W)
50 175

Package Type
DPAK−3 (Pb−Free)
Package 369D 369D
Shipping† 75 Units / Rail 75 Units / Rail
• Small Size Surface Mount DPAK Package • Passivated Die for Reliability and Uniformity • Blocking Voltage to 800 V • On−State Current Rating of 4.0 Amperes RMS at 108°C • Low IGT − 10 mA Maximum in 3 Quadrants • High Immunity to dv/dt − 50 V/ms at 125°C • Epoxy Meets UL 94 V−0 @ 0.125 in • ESD Ratings: Human Body Model, 3B u 8000 V
See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 2 of this data sheet.
Preferred devices are recommended choices for future use and best overall value.
3.0 4.0

Critical Rate of Rise of Off−State Voltage (VD = 0.67 X Rated VDRM, Exponential Waveform, Gate Open, TJ = 125°C)
2. These ratings are applicable when surface mounted on the minimum pad sizes recommended. 3. 1/8″ from case for 10 seconds. 4. Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 2.0 msec, Duty Cycle ≤ 2%.
Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle Sine Wave, 60 Hz, TJ = 125°C)
Circuit Fusing Consideration (t = 8.3 msec)
Machine Model, C u 400 V
• Pb−Free Packages are Available
MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted)
Symbol Value
Peak Repetitive Off−State Voltage
Parameter Peak Repetitive Forward Off−State Voltage Peak Forward Blocking Current Peak Repetitive Reverse Off−State Voltage Peak Reverse Blocking Current Maximum On−State Voltage Holding Current