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Unit7At the farm(在农场)

1.Listen and point.

SUZY: Look at all those animals. This is a nice zoo.

MR STAR: It isn't a zoo. It's a farm.

Look - there's a cow under the tree.

SIMON: Uh oh! Mum! The goat's eating your bag!

MRS STAR: Aaahh! Shoo! Shoo! Stop that!

STELLA: Look, Suzy.

The baby sheep are drinking milk.

SUZY: Ahhh.

MR STAR: Let's give the ducks some bread.

SUZY: There's a frog!

SIMON: Look, Stella. There's a lizard on your T-shirt!

STELLA: Ha, ha, Simon. Very funny. I know, and I love lizards. Do you like spiders, Simon? SIMON: No, I don't.

STELLA: Oh. Well, there's a big, black, ugly spider in your hair.


2.Listen,point and repeat.

cow duck goat lizard sheep spider frog

3.Listen and point. Sing.

Cows in the kitchen, moo moo moo,

Cows in the kitchen,

There are cows in the kitchen, moo moo moo.

What can we do, John farmer?

Sheep in the bedroom, baa baa baa,

Sheep in the bedroom,

There are sheep in the bedroom, baa baa baa.

What can we do, John farmer?

Ducks on the armchair,

Ducks on the armchair,

There are ducks on the armchair,

Quack quack quack.

Frogs in the bathroom, croak croak croak,

Frogs in the bathroom,

There are frogs in the bathroom, croak croak croak.

What can we do, John farmer?

Chickens in the cupboard, cluck cluck cluck,

Chickens in the cupboard,

There are chickens in the cupboard, cluck cluck cluck.

What can we do, John farmer?

5.Listen and answer.

Toys in the toy box,

Come alive.

Walk and talk,

On the count of five.

One, two, three, four, five.

MARIE: Trevor, can I have the sheep, please?

Let's put it here, next to the cows.

TREVOR: Here you are.

MONTY: Oh, I love sheep. Baa baa.

MASKMAN: I don't. I love horses.

MARIE: So do I.

TREVOR: I don't. Horses are very big and they can kick. MASKMAN: What now?

MONTY: Let's put the goat under the tree.

MARIE: No, Monty. It can eat the flowers and I love flowers. MASKMAN: So do I.

TREVOR: Flowers, Maskman? Do you love flowers? MASKMAN: Yes, I do. I can give them to Marie.


6.Listen,point and repeat.

MONTY: Oh, I love sheep. Baa baa.

TREVOR: So do I.

MASKMAN: I love horses.

TREVOR: I don't.

7.Listen and point. Chant

I love watermelon. So do I.

I love pineapple. So do I.

I love bananas. So do I.

I love oranges. So do I.

I love coconuts. So do I.

I love lemon and lime. Hmm. So do I.

I love onions. I don't. Goodbye.

8.Say and answer.

9.Say it with Monty

MONTY: Shirley sheep

MONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Shirley sheep

MONTY: She shows shoes in the shoe shop.

MONTY, BOY AND GIRL: She shows shoes in the shoe shop.

10.Say and answer.

11.Listen to the story.

Toys in the toy box,

Come alive.

Walk and talk,

On the count of five.

One, two, three, four, five.

MASKMAN: Trevor! Trevor! Pssst!

Are you sleeping?

TREVOR: Yes, I am.

MARIE: Trevor! Maskman!

Can you be quiet, please?

I'm trying to sleep!

MASKMAN: I can't sleep.

TREVOR: Well, count sheep, Maskman.

MASKMAN: 11, 12, 13 ... Oh, no!

My sheep aren't sleeping. They're jumping! I can't sleep.
