hytrel 概述资料
DuPonts registered trade name
各类加工方式 注塑 挤出 吹塑 熔融浇注 热成型 ...
易于成型 大小制件都适宜 薄壁厚壁都适宜
Y. Albertone / May 98
DuPonts registered trade name
- 60 < - 105 < - 100 < - 105 - 70 - 70 - 70 - 70
DuPonts registered trade name
1800 1600
弯曲模量 (MPa)
1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 - 40 C 23 C
DuPonts registered trade name
Y. Albertone / May 98
DuPonts registered trade name
Y. Albertone / May 98
DuPonts registered trade name
Thermoplastic Polyester Elastomer 热塑性聚酯弹性体
Y. Albertone / May 98
DuPonts registered trade name
• • • • • •
介绍 应用 命名规则 产品系列 注塑加工方法 文献
杜邦TPEE全型号TPEE Hytrel 3078 抗氧化剂,可发泡;食品接触的可接受的;流延膜,涂料应用细丝;电影; TPEE Hytrel 3078FG 非特定食品应用TPEE Hytrel 4053FG 非特定食品应用TPEE Hytrel 4056 抗氧化,阻隔性树脂,食品接触级. 胶粘剂;电缆护套;流延膜,涂料应用...TPEE Hytrel 4068TPEE Hytrel 4068FG 非特定食品应用TPEE Hytrel 4069 抗氧化剂;与食品接触的可接受的,良好的抗蠕变流延膜,涂装,复利;菲拉...TPEE Hytrel 4556 抗氧化剂;与食品接触的可接受的,良好的抗蠕变,汽车上的应用;流延膜,涂料APPLIC ...TPEE Hytrel 5526 抗氧化剂;与食品接触的可接受的,良好的抗蠕变,汽车上的应用;复合TPEE Hytrel 5555HS 抗氧化,抗蠕变性能好,良好的热稳定性,汽车上的应用;流延膜,涂料APPLIC ...TPEE Hytrel 5556 抗氧化剂;与食品接触的可接受,良好的抗蠕变,汽车上的应用;流延膜,涂料APPLIC ...TPEE Hytrel 6356 抗氧化剂;与食品接触的可接受的,汽车上的应用;流延膜,涂料APPLIC ...TPEE Hytrel 7246 抗氧化剂;与食品接触的可接受的,汽车上的应用;流延膜,涂料APPLIC ...TPEE Hytrel 8238 抗氧化剂;与食品接触的可接受的,汽车上的应用;流延膜,涂料APPLIC ...TPEE Hytrel G4074 抗氧化剂;嵌段共聚物;通用,电缆护套;流延膜,涂料应用程序;TPEE Hytrel G4774 抗氧化剂;嵌段共聚物;通用; 电缆护套;流延膜,涂料应用程序;TPEE Hytrel G5544 抗氧化剂;嵌段共聚物;良好的化学抗性... 电缆护套;流延膜,涂料应用程序;TPEE Hytrel HTR4275 BK316 抗氧化,抗疲劳,良好的耐磨性,居民... 汽车上的应用;流延膜,涂料APPLIC ...TPEE Hytrel HTR8068 抗氧化剂,阻燃剂,热稳定电缆护套;流延膜,涂料应用程序;TPEE Hytrel HTR8139BK 抗氧化,抗疲劳,良好的耐磨性,居民... 汽车上的应用,应用的吹塑...TPEE Hytrel HTR8223 BK320 热稳定流延膜,涂料应用细丝;电影;TPEE Hytrel HTR8341C BK320 抗氧化,抗疲劳,良好的耐磨性,居民... 汽车上的应用;流延膜,涂料APPLIC ...TPEE Hytrel HTR8441 BK316TPEE Hytrel HTR8685 BK022ATPEE Hytrel HTR8730 BK320Hytrel--TPEE材料是高性能聚合物,主要特征表现为:在室温和低温下的优良的柔韧性。
hytrel 概述
DuPonts registered trade name
Y. Albertone / May 98
DuPonts registered trade name
软段代码: G or 空
Hytrel G4044 GYB221
硬度邵氏 D 颜色码 稳定性 代码 4: 黑色中颜色最稳定的代码 8: 最佳颜色稳定, 中度热老化 6: 老化性能和颜色稳定的折中
Front Part
Energy Spring
Y. Albertone / May 98
DuPonts registered trade name
铁轨缓冲垫 - 1 -
Y. Albertone / May 98
DuPonts registered trade name
铁轨缓冲垫 - 2 -
- 60 < - 105 < - 100 < - 105 - 70 - 70 - 70 - 70
DuPonts registered trade name
1800 1600
弯曲模量 (MPa)
1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 - 40 C 23 C
10 100 C
温度 (oC)
Y. Albertone / May 98
DuPonts registered trade name
TPEE 6356
TPEE 6356生产厂家:美国杜邦亚_朔_塑_胶TPEE美国杜邦Hytrel®6356物性表:T E L:150_1787_335_5Hytrel®6356:肖氏硬度63D,色泽颜色稳定,含增塑剂,高性能海翠树脂。
熔体流动指数8.5g/10分ASTMD1238温度230 °C-成型收缩率(MD)0.015毫米/毫米ASTMD955密度(73°F)1220公斤/立方米ASTMD792吸水率(24小时)0.3 %ASTMD570拉伸断裂强度41兆帕ASTMD638断裂伸长率420%ASTMD638弯曲模量330兆帕ASTMD790邵氏D硬度63- ASTMD2240悬臂梁冲击强度缺口(1/8)Ň千焦耳/米ASTMD256悬臂梁缺口冲击强度(低温)0.048千焦耳/米ASTMD256温度-40°C ASTMD256 UL94阻燃等级HB-UL94测试用试样的厚度1.5毫米-DTUL@66PSI115°CASTMD648DTUL@264磅51°CASTMD648熔化温度211 °CASTMD3418介质损耗因子(1MHz)0.04-ASTMD150介电常数(1MHz时)3.7 -ASTMD150 注塑成型参数:干燥温度为100°C干燥时间,除湿机=2-3小时处理水分含量<0.08%熔体温度处理最佳=240°C模具的最佳温度为45°C 模具温度范围45-55°C 挤塑成型参数:干燥温度为100°C干燥时间,除湿机=2-3小时处理水分含量<0.08%处理熔体最适温度=230°C熔融温度范围=225-240°C。
2015FP2955 2010FP6596 2016FP0113 2015FP1017 2010FP6597 2016FP7171 2017FP1513 2010FP6469 2010FP6468 2017FP1473 2017CP6175 2017FP5599
TM-481A TK-208 TK-308 TK-378 TK-3207 TK-3307 TM-271A TK-80 TK-868 NXR-710-1 TK-8360 TK-808 TK-8108 TRC-80 TK-380 NX-240 TM-733
LT 灵通
LT-6100Plus LT-9600
PUXING 普星 PX-777 PX-628 PX-2R
QYT KT-8900 KT-7900D KT-8900R
DR-620 DR-435 DX-701
FDC FD-450
Hytera(HYT) 海能达
TC-368S TC-500 TC-585 TC-600 TC-700 TC-780 TM-600 TM-610 PD780G PD980 MD-780 PD500u(1)
MD-780 MD-390 MD-280 TET 6800 DP-290
TG-UV2 TG-K10AT TG-K4AT TG-45AT TG-45UV TG-42AT TG-K2AT(UV) KT-8900R9FJ2078 2004FJ1486 2012FJ6067 2016FJ3275 2016FJ9048 2016FJ6981 2012FJ6027 2013FJ7318 2007FJ3384 2012FJ5854 2012FJ5853 2013FJ9185 2012FJ3483 2013FJ0985 2014FJ2788 2015FJ2550 2012FJ3229 2003FJ1326 99FJ0111 2004FJ1758 2004FJ1486 2004FJ1389 2005FJ0526 2012FJ1337 2016FJ2313 2014FJ4994 99FJ0112 2017FP2540 2014FJ6511 2004FJ2168 2010FP1355
R54 R58 R56 R59
C20 = 4.7uF, L101 & C201 = NC.
WIF ANT0 & 1:RF TRACE WIDTH >=8mil up and calculator impendance = 50ohm
X'tal Circuit
C11 27pF/22pF
Title: AP6XXX_13x15mm_SDIO I/F_Ref Design
Size: C File:
Sheet: 2 of 4
Directory: <design name>
Rev: 2.7
Now date: Present date:
46 PIN46 45 PIN45 44 PIN44
10pF 0R C87
IN/OUT need exchange
以下的状况会导致接收器进入安全模式: • 信号干扰 • 发射器处于操作范围之外 • 急停按扭被启动 • 急停回路故障 • 电池电量不足
当接收器接收不到发射器信号时,接收器就 会自动进入安全模式。在安全模式下,接收 器将关闭所有被控组件的电源,并启动急停 功能。 BMS-2 接收器会显示“001”表示接收器进 入安全模式状况。
关闭发射器电源,如果操作人员要离 开现场,则必须带走电源钥匙。 2、 在进行装配、维护和修理工作之前, 一定要切断系统的电源。
部分进行焊接之前一定要切断接收器电 源。 3、 不要更换或改造该系统的任何安全功
能设备。 4、 在对机器进行操作之前,确认其无线
在使用发射器时,应面对发射器操作面板, 确定你可以清晰的看到发射器上各个功能 的图标。不恰当的握法会导致机器的不正 确的操作。发射器配有的腰带或吊带,则 务必使用,从而减少操作压力并提高安全 性。
部分进行焊接之前一定要切断接受器电 源。
警告:如不按照该手册的要求去 安装,有可能会造成系统损坏、 人员伤害或机器损坏。请详细阅 读该手册上的安装要求。
寻找一个理想的安装接收器位置,以便于观 察接收器上的 LED 状态显示,以方便安装 调试以及避免接收器遭到外来的破坏。 接受器的外壳达到 IP65 防护等级(可防尘, 防水),所以恶劣天气等外界环境因素不是 选择安装位置时的主要考虑因素。
当您需要维护或者购买零配件等服务时,请 与代理商联系,您必须提供发射器和接受器 的详细系统资料。该资料粘贴于系统外壳 上,请勿私自损坏或移除。
The MSDS format adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet regulatory requirementsin other countries.DuPont Page 1 Material Safety Data Sheet---------------------------------------------------------------------- "HYTREL" THERMOPLASTIC POLYESTER ELASTOMER ON SYNONYM LIST HYT007HYT007 Revised 6-MAR-2000---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICAL PRODUCT/COMPANY IDENTIFICATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Material Identification"HYTREL" is a registered trademark of DuPont.Corporate MSDS Number : DU007295# Tradenames and Synonyms"HYTREL" 3046 NC010, 3046-120 NC010, 3046X1, 3048X1, 3078,"HYTREL" 4056, 4059FG, 4068, 4069, 4069B, 4533,"HYTREL" 4556, 4556B, 4733X1 NC010, 4733SPP NC010"HYTREL" 4733SPPA NC010"HYTREL" 4766X1, 4767,"HYTREL" 5526, 5553FG NC010, 5556, 6356, 6359FG,"HYTREL" 7246, 7246HV, 8238,"HYTREL" BM4783X-1,"HYTREL" G3548L, G3548W,"HYTREL" G4044, G4074, G4074-103, G4078W, G4774, G4778,"HYTREL" G5544,"HYTREL" HTC2300X06,"HYTREL" HTR6108, HTR8171, HTR8171 NC010, HTR8186, HTR8206,"HYTREL" HTR8241, HTR8242,"HYTREL" HTR8382, HTR8347 NC010, HTR8347SPP NC010,"HYTREL" HTR8407 NC010, HTR8408 NC010, HTR8409 NC010,"HYTREL" HTR8543 NC010, HTR8618 NC010, HTR8636 NC010, #"HYTREL" HTX8347, HTX8382,"HYTREL" HTX8457 NC010,"HYTREL" HTX8531 NC010, HTX8532 NC010, HTX8542 NC010Company IdentificationMANUFACTURER/DISTRIBUTORDuPont Engineering Polymers1007 Market StreetWilmington,DE 19898PHONE NUMBERSProduct Information : 1-(800)-441-7515Transport Emergency : 1-(800)-424-9300Medical Emergency : 1-(800)-441-3637---------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS---------------------------------------------------------------------- ComponentsMaterial CAS Number %BUTYLENE/POLY(ALKYLENE ETHER) PHTHALATE >90Components (Remarks)Material is not known to contain Toxic Chemicals under Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Actof 1986 and 40 CFR part 372.---------------------------------------------------------------------- HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Potential Health EffectsADDITIONAL HEALTH EFFECTSBefore using this resin, please read Bulletin H-38066, "Handlingand Processing Precautions for ’HYTREL’."ACUTE OR IMMEDIATE EFFECTS: ROUTES OF ENTRY AND SYMPTOMSINGESTION Low toxicity. Not a probable route of exposure.SKIN Molten polymer will produce thermal burns.EYE Mechanical irritant.INHALATION Polymer granules not respirable. In case ofoverheating fumes may be irritating to the eyes and upperrespiratory tract and lungs.CHRONIC EFFECTS None known.MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE None known.Carcinogenicity InformationNone of the components present in this material at concentrationsequal to or greater than 0.1% are listed by IARC, NTP, OSHA or ACGIHas a carcinogen.---------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST AID MEASURES---------------------------------------------------------------------- First AidINHALATIONNo specific intervention is indicated as the compound is notlikely to be hazardous by inhalation. Consult a physician ifnecessary. If exposed to fumes from overheating or combustion,move to fresh air. Consult a physician if symptoms persist.(FIRST AID MEASURES - Continued)SKIN CONTACTThe compound is not likely to be hazardous by skin contact, butcleansing the skin after use is advisable. If molten polymer gets on skin, cool rapidly with cold water. Do not attempt to peelpolymer from skin. Obtain medical treatment for thermal burn.EYE CONTACTIn case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of waterfor at least 15 minutes. Call a physician.INGESTIONNo specific intervention is indicated as compound is not likely to be hazardous by ingestion.---------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES---------------------------------------------------------------------- Flammable PropertiesFlash Point : Not ApplicableNot a fire or explosion hazard.Combustible. Hazardous gases/vapors produced in fire are carbonmonoxide.Extinguishing MediaWater, Foam, Dry Chemical, CO2.Fire Fighting InstructionsKeep personnel removed and upwind of fire. Wear self-containedbreathing apparatus.---------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES---------------------------------------------------------------------- Safeguards (Personnel)NOTE: Review FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES and HANDLING (PERSONNEL)sections before proceeding with clean-up. Use appropriatePERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT during clean-up.Spill Clean UpSweep up to avoid slipping hazard.---------------------------------------------------------------------- HANDLING AND STORAGE---------------------------------------------------------------------- Handling (Personnel)See FIRST AID and PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SECTIONS.StorageStore in a cool, dry place. Keep containers tightly closed toprevent moisture absorption and contamination.---------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Engineering ControlsVENTILATION When hot processing this material, use local and/orgeneral exhaust ventilation to control the concentration of vapors and fumes below exposure limits.In cutting or grinding operations with this material, use localexhaust to control the concentration of dust below exposure limits. Personal Protective EquipmentEYE/FACE PROTECTIONWear safety glasses. Wear coverall chemical splash goggles andface shield when possibility exists for eye and face contact dueto splashing or spraying of molten material. A full face maskrespirator provides protection from eye irritation.RESPIRATORSA NIOSH/MSHA approved air purifying respirator with an organicvapor cartridge with a dust/mist filter may be permissible undercertain circumstances where airborne concentrations are expectedto exceed exposure limits. Protection provided by air purifyingrespirators is limited. Use a positive pressure air suppliedrespirator if there is any potential for an uncontrolled release,exposure levels are not known, or any other circumstances whereair purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection.PROTECTIVE CLOTHINGIf there is potential contact with hot/molten material, wear heatresistant clothing and footwear.Exposure GuidelinesExposure Limits"HYTREL" THERMOPLASTIC POLYESTER ELASTOMER ON SYNONYM LIST HYT007PEL (OSHA) : Particulates (Not Otherwise Regulated)15 mg/m3, 8 Hr. TWA, total dust5 mg/m3, 8 Hr. TWA, respirable dust---------------------------------------------------------------------- PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES---------------------------------------------------------------------- Physical DataMelting Point : 150-225 C (302-437 F)Solubility in Water : InsolubleOdor : NoneForm : PelletsColor : Off-white to light yellowSpecific Gravity : >1---------------------------------------------------------------------- STABILITY AND REACTIVITY---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chemical StabilityStable at normal temperatures and storage conditions.Conditions to AvoidOxidizing (heating in air). Abnormally long processing time orhigh temperatures can produce irritating and toxic fumes.Incompatibility with Other MaterialsIncompatible or can react with oxidizing agents.DecompositionHazardous gases or vapors can be released, including acrolein,tetrahydrofuran, crotonaldehyde, acetaldehyde.PolymerizationPolymerization will not occur.---------------------------------------------------------------------- ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ecotoxicological InformationAQUATIC TOXICITY:No information is available. Toxicity is expected to be low based on insolubility in water. Do not discharge to streams, ponds,lakes or sewers.---------------------------------------------------------------------- DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS---------------------------------------------------------------------- Waste DisposalPreferred options for disposal are (1) recycling, (2) incineration with energy recovery, and (3) landfill. The high fuel value ofthis product makes option 2 very desirable for material thatcannot be recycled, but incinerator must be capable of scrubbingout acidic combustion products. Treatment, storage,transportation, and disposal must be in accordance with applicable federal, state/provincial, and local regulations.---------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Shipping InformationNot regulated in transportation by DOT/IMO/IATA.---------------------------------------------------------------------- REGULATORY INFORMATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Federal RegulationsTSCA Inventory Status : In compliance with TSCA Inventoryrequirements for commercial purposes.State Regulations (U.S.)STATE RIGHT-TO-KNOW LAWSNo substances on the state hazardous substances list, for thestates indicated below, are used in the manufacture of products on this Material Safety Data Sheet.SUBSTANCES ON THE PENNSYLVANIA HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES LIST PRESENTAT A CONCENTRATION OF 1% OR MORE (0.01% FOR SPECIAL HAZARDOUSSUBSTANCES): None known.WARNING: SUBSTANCES KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CAUSECANCER, BIRTH DEFECTS OR OTHER REPRODUCTIVE HARM: None known.SUBSTANCES ON THE NEW JERSEY WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE LISTPRESENT AT A CONCENTRATION OF 1 % OR MORE (0.1% FOR SUBSTANCESIDENTIFIED AS CARCINOGENS, MUTAGENS OR TERATOGENS): None known.---------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER INFORMATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional InformationMEDICAL USE: CAUTION: Do not use in medical applicationsinvolving permanent implantation in the human body. For othermedical applications see DuPont CAUTION Bulletin No. H-50102.---------------------------------------------------------------------- The data in this Material Safety Data Sheet relates only to thespecific material designated herein and does not relate to use incombination with any other material or in any process.Responsibility for MSDS : I. V. BEBENSEEDUPONT ENGINEERING POLYMERSAddress : CHESTNUT RUN PLAZA 713WILMINGTON, DE 19880-0713Telephone : 302-999-4257# Indicates updated section.This information is based upon technical information believed to bereliable. It is subject to revision as additional knowledge andexperience is gained.End of MSDS。
TPU(聚氨酯)基本特性及介绍基本介绍英文:Thermoplastic elastomers,热塑性聚酯弹性体,又名“海翠”,是一种高性能工程级弹性体,,含有PBT(聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯)聚酯硬段(结晶相)和脂肪族聚酯或聚醚(非晶相)软段的嵌段共聚物;其硬段比例增大可增强物理刚性和化学稳定性,软段比例增大可提高柔韧性和低温性能。
项目纯树脂颜色本色密度(kg/cm3) 1.05-1.28洛氏硬度(D)32D-80D平衡吸水率(%)0.20成型收缩率(%) 1.4-1.6断裂应力(MPa)22-45弯曲模量(MPa)55-200拉伸应变(断裂%)》300脆化温度(℃)-80~-98℃熔融温度(℃)145-205热变形温度(1.8MPa)生产厂家1972年由美国杜邦以商标Hytrel推向市场,目前全球主要的品牌有美国杜邦的Hytrel、美国泰科纳的Riteflex、韩国可隆的KOPEL、韩国LG的Keyflex以及中国台湾长春的LONGLIFE,由于技术及市场方面的原因,我国内地TPEE生产装置开工率较低,国内TPEE消费在很大程度上依赖于进口。
常用牌号台湾长春1163LL台湾长春1172LL美国杜邦3078美国杜邦4056美国杜邦4069美国杜邦5526美国杜邦5556美国杜邦6356美国杜邦7246美国杜邦G3548韩国LG BT-1063D韩国可隆KP3355韩国可隆KP3363产品系列主要特性1.物理性能:淡黄色或棕色颗粒2.力学性能:高模量;耐磨和TPU相当;优异的耐疲劳性能;高回弹性;高低温下也有良好的力学性能3.耐热性能:具有优异的耐热性能,脆化温度为-75℃,长期使用温度在-50-130℃,短期可耐150-160℃,工作温度范围非常宽,可在-70-200℃使用4.燃烧性能:可燃,有阻燃级5.化学稳定性:室温下能耐大多数极性液体化学介质(如酸、碱、胺及二醇类化合物);对大多数有机溶剂、燃料及气体的抗溶胀性能和抗渗透性能较好;耐热水性较差6.电性能:7.耐候性能:在水雾、臭氧、室外大气等各种外界条件下化学稳定性优良;添加紫外线稳定剂可抗UV8.加工性:良好的加工性、熔融稳定性和充分的热塑性;熔体对温度十分敏感,在低剪切速率下,TPEE 熔体粘度对剪切速率不敏感,而在高剪切速率下,熔体粘度随剪切速率升高而下降;应用分类主要用于要求减震、耐冲击、耐曲挠、密封性和弹性,耐低温高温、耐油、耐化学品并要求足够强度的领域。
7 485 答:此滤波器能起到减少干扰的作用。使用方法如下:
答: 可通过用编码器配置模块灵敏度的方式进行解决,具体方式如下:
令HY6253 3W
HY6251 3W
Z1 Z2 GST- LD- 8 3 0 5 扬声器监视模块
4 答: MP3广播盘处于手动模式时,广播控制盘对联动火警信号不做处 理,需打到自动模式。 MP3广播盘解锁后,按【手动】键可进行手自动状 态切换。
5 MP3 答: 广播支线是指从扬声器监视模块到所连接扬声器之间的音频广播线。 报“支线短路”或者“支线断路”检查此段线路是否有短路和断路的情况。
6 MP3 答: 广播干线是指从功放定压输出120V端子到各扬声器监视模块之间的音 频广播线。报“干线短路”或者“干线断路”检查此段线路是否有短路和断路 的情况。
2 MP3
答 : 检 查 MP3 广 播 盘 功 放 设 置 的 在 线 数 量 是 否 与 实 际 的 功 放 数 量 一致 ,如一致请检查上述功放是否上电, MP3广播盘与功放之间的级联排线是 否连接正常。
拜耳 拜耳 拜耳 拜耳 GLS
Desmopan Desmopan Desmopan Desmopan Versollan
KU2-8785 385 192 359 Ru2205
硬度ShoreA87,吹塑级 硬度ShoreA85 硬度ShoreA94 硬度ShoreD59 TPU合金,硬度ShoreA65
Kibiton PB-575/PB-584/PB-585 Kibiton PB-511 Kibiton PB-5300/PB-5301 Kibiton PB-5302/PB-5303 Kraton D 32A15/32A30 Kraton 32A45/32A70/32A85 Kraton D D2104 Kraton 32C45/32C69/32C70 Kraton G G7705/G7720/G7820 Dynaflex G7630/G7650/G7660/G7670/G7690 Kraton 73A30/73A45/73A60 Kraton G G2705 Dynaflex G6713C/G2730/G2755C/G6770 Dynaflex G2745 Kraton 38C05/38C30/38C45/38C60 Versollan OM1262NX-1 Versollan OM1255NX-9 Versaflex OM6160-1/OM6175-1 Versaflex OM9-801N Versaflex LEX/COY01-60SF Versollan XYL01-65SF Versalloy XL9045-1 Versalloy XL9055-1 Versalloy XL9070-1 Hytrel G3548L Hytrel 4056/4069 Hytrel 4556/5526 Hytrel 5556/6356 Hytrel 7246/8238 Hytrel 5555HS Ezact 201 Exact 230 Exact 8201 Exact 8210 Exact 4049 Engage 8407 Dynaflex G2701C Dynaflex G6 台湾 美国 台湾 美国 苏州 通用级,硬度ShoreA5/A45/A60 台湾 食物级,半透明,耐高温,ShoreA55 美国 苏州 苏州 高透明,硬度ShoreA5/A30/A45/A60 台湾 ABS及PCovermold,A58,黑色 美国 ABS及PCovermold,A57,黑色 美国 尼龙overmold,A60/A75,原色 美国 通用级overmold,A47,原色 美国 A60,透明,Overmold:LexanPC,CycoloyPC/ABS 美国 A65,Overmold:XylexPC/PET 美国 TPV合金,ShoreA45,density=0.89 美国 TPV合金,ShoreA53,density=0.89 美国 TPV合金,ShoreA69,density=0.89 美国 通用级,硬度ShoreD35 欧洲 高性能级,硬度ShoreD40 美国/欧洲 高性能级,硬度ShoreD45/D55 欧洲 高性能级,硬度ShoreD55/D63 欧洲 高性能级,硬度ShoreD72/D82 欧洲 热稳定级,硬度ShoreD55 欧洲 透明,密度=0.882,低流量,ShoreA92 欧洲 透明,密度=0.882,高流量,ShoreA92 欧洲 透明,密度=0.902,低流量,ShoreA85 欧洲 透明,密度=0.902,高流量,ShoreA85 欧洲 透明,密度=0.873,中流量,ShoreA72 欧洲 透明,低密度,高流量,ShoreA72 美国 苏州 苏州
NI 6356-6358 Specifications
NI 6356/6358 SpecificationsSpecifications listed below are typical at 25°C unless otherwise noted. Refer to the X Series User Manual for more information about NI PXIe-6356/6358 and NI USB-6356 (32 MS and 64 MS) devices. Analog InputNumber of channelsNI 6356.....................................................8 differentialNI 6358.....................................................16 differentialADC resolution.................................................16 bits DNL..................................................................No missing codes guaranteed INL....................................................................Refer to the AI Absolute Accuracy TableSample rateMaximum..................................................1.25 MS/s per channelMinimum..................................................No minimumTiming accuracy.......................................50 ppm of sample rateTiming resolution......................................10 nsInput coupling...................................................DCInput range........................................................±10V, ±5V, ±2V, ±1VMaximum working voltage for all analog inputsPositive input (AI+)..................................±11 V for all ranges, Measurement Category I Negative input (AI-).................................±11 V for all ranges, Measurement Category ICaution Do not use for measurements within Categories II, III, and IV.CMRR (at 60 Hz).............................................75 dB Bandwidth.........................................................1 MHz THD..................................................................-80 dBFSInput impedanceDevice powered onAI- to AI GND..................................>100 GΩ in parallel with10 pFAI+ to AI GND.................................>100 GΩ in parallel with10 pFDevice powered offAI+ to AI GND.................................2 kΩAI- to AI GND..................................2 kΩInput bias current..............................................±10 pACrosstalk (at 100 kHz)Adjacent channels.....................................-80 dBNonadjacent channels...............................-100 dBInput FIFO sizeNI PXIe-6356/6358...................................8,182 samples shared among channels usedNI USB-6356 (32 MS)..............................32 MS shared among channels usedNI USB-6356 (64 MS)..............................64 MS shared among channels usedData transfersNI PXIe-6356/6358...................................DMA (scatter-gather), programmed I/ONI B Signal Stream, programmed I/OOvervoltage protection (AI+, AI-)Device on..................................................±36 VDevice off..................................................±15 VInput current duringovervoltage conditions......................................±20 mA max/AI pinAnalog T riggersNumber of triggers (1)SourceNI 6356.....................................................AI <0..7>, APFI0NI 6358.....................................................AI <0..15>, APFI<0, 1> Functions...........................................................Start Trigger, Reference Trigger, Pause Trigger,Sample Clock, Sample Clock TimebaseSource levelAI <0..15>.................................................±full scaleAPFI <0, 1>..............................................±10 V Resolution.........................................................16 bits Modes................................................................Analog edge triggering, analog edge triggeringwith hysteresis, and analog window triggeringBandwidth (-3dB)AI <0..15>.................................................3.4 MHzAPFI<0, 1>..............................................3.9 MHz Accuracy...........................................................±1% of range2||NI 6356/6358 SpecificationsAPFI <0, 1> characteristicsInput impedance.......................................10 kΩCoupling...................................................DCProtectionDevice powered on...........................±30 VDevice powered off...........................±15 VAnalog OutputNumber of channelsNI 6356 (2)NI 6358 (4)DAC resolution.................................................16 bits DNL..................................................................±1 LSB max Monotonicity....................................................16 bit guaranteed Accuracy...........................................................Refer to the AO Absolute Accuracy Table Maximum update rate (simultaneous)One channel......................................3.3 MS/sTwo channels....................................3.3 MS/sThree channels..................................3.3 MS/sFour channels....................................3.3 MS/sMinimum..................................................No minimumTiming accuracy...............................................50 ppm of sample rateTiming resolution..............................................10 nsOutput range.....................................................±10 V, ±5 V, ±external reference on APFI <0, 1> Output coupling................................................DCOutput impedance.............................................0.4 ΩOutput current drive..........................................±5 mAOverdrive protection.........................................±25 VOverdrive current..............................................10 mAPower-on state..................................................±5 mVPower-on/off glitchNI PXIe-6356/6358..................................1.5 V peak for 200 msNI USB-6356............................................1.5 V peak for 200 ms11 Typical behavior. Time period may be longer due to host system USB performance. Time period will be longer during firmware updates.NI 6356/6358 Specifications|© National Instruments|3Output FIFO size..............................................8,191 samples shared among channels usedData transfersNI PXIe-6356/6358...................................DMA (scatter-gather), programmed I/O NI B Signal Stream, programmed I/OAO waveform modes:•Non-periodic waveform•Periodic waveform regeneration mode from onboard FIFO•Periodic waveform regeneration from host buffer including dynamic updateSettling time, full-scale step15 ppm (1 LSB)................................................2 μsSlew rate...........................................................20 V/μsGlitch energy at midscale transition±10 V range.......................................................6 nV · sExternal ReferenceAPFI <0, 1> characteristicsInput impedance........................................10 kΩCoupling....................................................DCProtectionPower on...........................................±30 VPower off...........................................±15 VRange................................................................±11 VSlew rate...........................................................20 V/μsCalibration (AI and AO)Recommended warm-up time...........................15 minutesCalibration interval...........................................2 years4||NI 6356/6358 SpecificationsNI 6356/6358 Specifications|© National Instruments | 5AI Absolute Accuracy TableNominal Range ResidualGain Error(ppm ofReading)GainTempco(ppm/°C)ReferenceTempco(ppm/°C)ResidualOffset Error(ppm ofRange)OffsetTempco(ppm ofRange/°C)INL Error(ppm ofRange)RandomNoise, σ(μVrms)AbsoluteAc c urac y atFull Scale1(μV) PositiveFull ScaleNegativeFull Scale10-1095851535462522498 5-5102851536461341289 2-21028515424671528 1-11208515504661291 AbsoluteAccuracy = Reading · (GainError) + Range · (OffsetError) + NoiseUncertaintyGainError = ResidualAIGainError + GainTempco · (TempChangeFromLastInternalCal) + ReferenceTempco · (TempChangeFromLastExternalCal) OffsetError = ResidualAIOffsetError + OffsetTempco · (TempChangeFromLastInternalCal) + INL_ErrorFor a coverage factor of 3 σ and averaging 10,000 points1 Absolute accuracy at full scale on the analog input channels is determined using the following assumptions:TempChangeFromLastExternalCal = 10°CTempChangeFromLastInternalCal = 1°Cnumber_of_readings = 10,000CoverageFactor = 3 σFor example, on the 10 V range, the absolute accuracy at full scale is as follows:GainError = 95 ppm + 8 ppm · 1 + 5 ppm · 10GainError = 153 ppmOffsetError = 15 ppm + 35 ppm · 1 + 46ppm OffsetError = 96 ppmNoiseUncertainty = 7.6 μVAbsoluteAccuracy = 10 V · (GainError) + 10 V · (OffsetError) + NoiseUncertainty AbsoluteAccuracy = 2,498 μVAccuracies listed are valid for up to two years from the device external calibration.NoiseUncertaintyRandomNoise3⋅10,000-----------------------------------------=NoiseUncertainty252μV3⋅10,000---------------------------=6 | | NI 6356/6358 Specifications AO Absolute Accuracy TableNominal Range ResidualGain Error(ppm ofReading)GainTempco(ppm/°C)ReferenceTempco(ppm/°C)ResidualOffset Error(ppm ofRange)OffsetTempco(ppm ofRange/°C)INL Error(ppm ofRange)AbsoluteAccuracy atFull Scale1(μV) PositiveFull ScaleNegativeFull Scale10-10110175651643,066 5-511785651641,5261 Absolute Accuracy at full scale numbers is valid immediately following internal calibration and assumes the device is operating within 10°C of the last external calibration. Accuracies listed are valid for up to two years from the device external calibration.AbsoluteAccuracy = OutputValue · (GainError) + Range · (OffsetError)GainError = ResidualGainError + GainTempco · (TempChangeFromLastInternalCal) + ReferenceTempco · (TempChangeFromLastExternalCal)OffsetError = ResidualOffsetError + AOOffsetTempco · (TempChangeFromLastInternalCal) + INL_ErrorDigital I/O/PFIStatic CharacteristicsNumber of channelsNI 6356.....................................................24 total, 8(P0.<0..7>),16(PFI<0..7>/P1, PFI<8..15>/P2) NI 6358.....................................................48 total, 32(P0.<0..31>),16(PFI<0..7>/P1, PFI<8..15>/P2)Ground reference..............................................D GNDDirection control...............................................Each terminal individually programmable asinput or outputPull-down resistor.............................................50 kΩ typ,20 kΩ minInput voltage protection1..................................±20 V on up to two pinsWaveform Characteristics (Port0Only)Terminals usedNI 6356.....................................................Port 0 (P0.<0..7>)NI 6358.....................................................Port 0 (P0.<0..31>)Port/sample sizeNI 6356.....................................................Up to 8 bitsNI 6358.....................................................Up to 32 bitsWaveform generation (DO) FIFO....................2,047 samplesWaveform acquisition (DI) FIFO.....................255 samplesDI Sample Clock frequencyNI PXIe-6356/6358..................................0 to 10 MHz, system and bus activity dependent NI USB-6356............................................0 to 1 MHz system and bus activity dependentDO Sample Clock frequencyNI PXIe-6356/6358Regenerate from FIFO......................0 to 10 MHzStreaming from memory...................0 to 10 MHz, system and bus activity dependent NI USB-6356Regenerate from FIFO......................0 to 10 MHzStreaming from memory...................0 to 1 MHz system and bus activity dependent1 Stresses beyond those listed under Input voltage protection may cause permanent damage to the device.NI 6356/6358 Specifications|© National Instruments|78| |NI 6356/6358 SpecificationsData transfersNI PXIe-6356/6358...................................DMA (scatter-gather), programmed I/O NI B Signal Stream, programmed I/O Digital line filter settings..................................160 ns, 10.24 μs, 5.12 ms, disablePFI/Port 1/Port 2 FunctionalityFunctionality.....................................................Static digital input,static digital output,timing input,timing outputTiming output sources.......................................Many AI, AO, counter, DI, DO timing signals Debounce filter settings....................................90ns, 5.12μs, 2.56ms, custom interval, disable;programmable high and low transitions; selectable per inputRecommended Operation ConditionsElectrical CharacteristicsLevelMinMaxInput high voltage (V IH ) 2.2 V 5.25 V Input low voltage (V IL )0 V 0.8 V Output high current (I OH )P0.<0..7>PFI <0..15>/P1/P2——-24 mA -16 mA Output low current (I OL )P0.<0..7>PFI <0..15>/P1/P2——24 mA 16 mALevelMinMaxPositive-going threshold (VT+)— 2.2 V Negative-going threshold (VT-)0.8 V —Delta VT hysteresis (VT+-VT-)0.2 V —I IL input low current (V in =0V)I IH input high current (V in =5V)——-10 μA 250 μADigital I/O CharacteristicsNI 6356/6358 Specifications|© National Instruments|9General-Purpose Counter/TimersNumber of counter/timers (4)Resolution.........................................................32 bitsCounter measurements......................................Edge counting, pulse, pulse width, semi-period,period, two-edge separationPosition measurements.....................................X1, X2, X4 quadrature encoding withChannel Z reloading; two-pulse encoding Output applications...........................................Pulse, pulse train with dynamic updates,frequency division, equivalent time sampling Internal base clocks...........................................100 MHz, 20 MHz, 100kHzExternal base clock frequencyNI PXIe-6356/6358...................................0 MHz to 25 MHz; 0MHz to 100 MHz onPXIe-DSTAR<A,B>NI USB-6356............................................0 MHz to 25 MHzBase clock accuracy..........................................50 ppm Inputs................................................................Gate, Source, HW_Arm, Aux, A,B, Z,Up_Down, Sample ClockRouting options for inputsNI PXIe-6356/6358...................................Any PFI, PXIe-DSTAR<A,B>, PXI_TRIG,PXI_STAR, analog trigger, many internalsignalsNI USB-6356............................................Any PFI, analog trigger, many internal signals FIFO..................................................................127 samples per counter10||NI 6356/6358 SpecificationsData transfersNI PXIe-6356/6358..................................Dedicated scatter-gather DMA controller foreach counter/timer, programmed I/ONI B Signal Stream, programmed I/OFre q uency GeneratorNumber of channels (1)Base clocks.......................................................20 MHz, 10 MHz, 100kHz Divisors.............................................................1 to 16Base clock accuracy..........................................50 ppm Output can be available on any PFI terminal.Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)Number of PLLs...............................................1Reference clock locking frequenciesOutput of PLL...................................................100 MHz Timebase; other signals derived from100MHz Timebase including 20 MHz and 100kHz TimebasesExternal Digital TriggersSourceNI PXIe-6356/6358..................................Any PFI, PXIe-DSTAR<A,B>, PXI_TRIG,PXI_STARNI USB-6356............................................Any PFI Polarity..............................................................Software-selectable for most signalsAnalog input function.......................................Start Trigger, Reference Trigger, Pause Trigger,Sample Clock, Sample Clock TimebaseReference SignalLocking Input Frequency (MHz)PXIeUSBPXIe-DSTAR<A,B>10, 20, 100—PXI_STAR 10, 20—PXIe_CLK100100—PXI_TRIG <0..7>10, 20—PFI <0..15>10, 2010Analog output function.....................................Start Trigger, Pause Trigger, Sample Clock,Sample Clock TimebaseCounter/timer functions....................................Gate, Source, HW_Arm, Aux, A,B, Z,Up_Down, Sample ClockDigital waveform generation(DO) function....................................................Start Trigger, Pause Trigger, Sample Clock,Sample Clock TimebaseDigital waveform acquisition(DI) function.....................................................Start Trigger, Reference Trigger, Pause Trigger,Sample Clock, Sample Clock TimebaseDevice-To-Device T rigger BusInput sourceNI PXIe-6356/6358...................................PXI_TRIG <0..7>, PXI_STAR,PXIe-DSTAR<A,B>NI USB-6356............................................NoneOutput destinationNI PXIe-6356/6358...................................PXI_TRIG <0..7>, PXIe-DSTARCNI USB-6356............................................NoneOutput selections...............................................10 MHz Clock; frequency generator output;many internal signalsDebounce filter settings....................................90ns, 5.12μs, 2.56ms, custom interval, disable;programmable high and low transitions;selectable per inputBus InterfaceNI PXIe-6356/6358Form factor...............................................x1 PXI Express peripheral module, specificationrev 1.0 compliantSlot compatibility......................................x1 and x4 PXI Express or PXI Express hybridslotsDMA channels..........................................8, analog input, analog output, digital input,digital output, counter/timer0, counter/timer1,counter/timer2, counter/timer3All NI PXIe-6356/6358 devices may be installed in PXI Express slots or PXI Express hybrid slots.USB B 2.0 Hi-Speed or full-speed1USB Signal Stream...................................8, can be used for analog input, analog output,digital input, digital output, counter/timer0,counter/timer1, counter/timer2,counter/timer3Power Re q uirementsCaution The protection provided by the NI6356/6358 can be impaired if it is usedin a manner not described in the X Series User Manual.NI PXIe-6356+3.3 V.......................................................4.7 W+12 V........................................................15.4 WNI PXIe-6358+3.3 V.......................................................7.8 W+12 V........................................................22.2 WCaution NI USB-6356 devices must be powered with NI offered AC adapter or aNational Electric Code (NEC) Class 2 DC source that meets the power requirementsfor the device and has appropriate safety certification marks for country of use.NI USB-6356Power supply requirements......................11 to 30 VDC, 30 W, 2positions 3.5mm pitchpluggable screw terminal with screw lockssimilar to Phoenix ContactMC1,5/2-STF-3,5BKPower input mating connector..................Phoenix Contact MC1,5/2-GF-3,5BKor equivalentCurrent LimitsCaution Exceeding the current limits may cause unpredictable behavior by thedevice and/or chassis.NI PXIe-6356+5 V terminal (connector 0).....................1 A max21 Operating on a full-speed bus will result in lower performance and you might not be able to achieve maximum sampling/update rates.2 Has a self-resetting fuse that opens when current exceeds this specification.+5 V terminal (connector 0)......................1 A max1+5 V terminal (connector 1)......................1 A max1P0/PFI/P1/P2 and +5Vterminals combined...................................1.8 A maxNI USB-6356+5 V terminal............................................1 A max1Physical Re q uirementsPrinted circuit board dimensionsNI PXIe-6356/6358...........................................Standard 3U PXIEnclosure dimensions (includes connectors)NI USB-6356Screw Terminal.................................26.4 × 17.3 × 3.6 cm (10.4×6.8×1.4in.)BNC..................................................20.3×18.5×6.8×cm(8.0×7.3×2.7in.)WeightNI PXIe-6356............................................168 g (5.9 oz)NI PXIe-6358............................................241 g (8.5 oz)NI USB-6356Screw Terminal.................................1.428 kg (3 lb 3.4 oz)BNC..................................................1.536 kg (3 lb 6.2 oz)I/O connectorNI PXIe-6356............................................1 68-pin VHDCINI PXIe-6358............................................2 68-pin VHDCINI USB-6356Screw Terminal.................................64 screw terminalsBNC..................................................20 BNCs and30 screw terminalsNI PXIe-6356/6358 mating connectors:•68-Pos Right Angle Single Stack PCB-Mount VHDCI (Receptacle), MOLEX 71430-0011•68-Pos Right Angle Dual Stack PCB-Mount VHDCI (Receptacle), MOLEX 74337-0016•68-Pos Offset IDC Cable Connector (Plug) (SHC68-*), MOLEX 71425-3001NI USB-6356/ USB-6356 BNCscrew terminal wiring.......................................16-24 AWGIf you need to clean the chassis, wipe it with a dry towel.Maximum Working Voltage1Channel-to-earth...............................................11 V, Measurement Category ICaution Do not use for measurements within Categories II, III, or IV. EnvironmentalOperating temperatureNI PXIe-6356/6358..................................0 to 55 °CNI USB-6356............................................0 to 45 °CStorage temperature..........................................-40 to 70 °COperating humidity...........................................10 to 90% RH, noncondensingStorage humidity...............................................5 to 90% RH, noncondensingPollution Degree (2)Maximum altitude.............................................2,000 mIndoor use onlyShock and Vibration (NI PXIe-6356/6358 Only) Operational shock.............................................30 g peak, half-sine, 11ms pulse(Tested in accordance with IEC-60068-2-27.Test profile developed in accordance withMIL-PRF-28800F.)Random vibrationOperating..................................................5 to 500 Hz, 0.3 g rmsNonoperating............................................5 to 500 Hz, 2.4 g rms(Tested in accordance with IEC-60068-2-64.Nonoperating test profile exceeds therequirements of MIL-PRF-28800F, Class 3.)1 Maximum working voltage refers to the signal voltage plus the common-mode voltage.SafetyThis product meets the requirements of the following standards of safety for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:•IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1•UL 61010-1, CSA 61010-1Note For UL and other safety certifications, refer to the product label or the OnlineProduct Certification section.Electromagnetic CompatibilityThis product meets the requirements of the following EMC standards for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:•EN 61326-1 (IEC 61326-1): Class A emissions; Basic immunity•EN 55011 (CISPR 11): Group 1, Class A emissions•AS/NZS CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A emissions•FCC 47 CFR Part 15B: Class A emissions•ICES-001: Class A emissionsNote In the United States (per FCC 47 CFR), Class A equipment is intended for usein commercial, light-industrial, and heavy-industrial locations. In Europe, Canada,Australia, and New Zealand (per CISPR 11) Class A equipment is intended for useonly in heavy-industrial locations.Note Group 1 equipment (per CISPR 11) is any industrial, scientific, or medicalequipment that does not intentionally generate radio frequency energy for thetreatment of material or inspection/analysis purposes.Note For EMC declarations and certifications and additional information, refer tothe Online Product Certification section.CE ComplianceThis product meets the essential requirements of applicable European Directives as follows:•2006/95/EC; Low-V oltage Directive (safety)•2004/108/EC; Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC)Online Product CertificationTo obtain product certifications and the Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for this product, visit /certification , search by model number or product line, and click the appropriate link in the Certification column.Environmental ManagementNI is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible manner. NI recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is beneficial to the environment and to NI customers.For additional environmental information, refer to the Minimize Our Environmental Impact Web page at /environment . This page contains the environmental regulations anddirectives with which NI complies, as well as other environmental information not included in this document.Waste Electrical and Electronic E q uipment (WEEE)EU CustomersAt the end of the product life cycle, all products must be sent to aWEEE recycling center. For more information about WEEE recycling centers, National Instruments WEEE initiatives, and compliance with WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste and Electronic Equipment, visit /environment/weee .Contact InformationNational Instruments corporate headquarters11500 North Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas, 78759-3504512 795 8248/niglobal⬉ ѻ ∵ ㅵ⧚ ⊩˄Ё RoHS ˅Ё National Instruments ヺ Ё ⬉ ѻ Ё䰤 Փ⫼ ѯ ⠽䋼 Ҹ (RoHS)DŽ ѢNational Instruments Ё RoHS 㾘 ˈ䇋ⱏ /environment/rohs_china DŽ(For information about China RoHS compliance,go to /environment/rohs_china .)Figure 1. NI PXIe-6356 PinoutFigure 2. NI USB-6356 Screw T erminal PinoutFigure 3. NI USB-6356 BNC Front Panel and PinoutFigure 4. NI PXIe-6358 PinoutRefer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at /trademarks for more information on National Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patents Notice at /patents. You can find information about end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the readme file for your NI product. Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the National Instruments global trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data.© 2009–2013 National Instruments. All rights reserved.370082C-01Jan13。
TPEE物性详细说明TPEE物性详细说明资料由友人塑胶提供塑胶热线:TEL 136 **** ****美国Dupont杜邦Hytrel® TPEEHytel®热塑性聚酯弹性体为多项零件和组件提供致胜的性能组合,它具有橡胶的弹性、塑料的强度和热塑性塑料的易加工性。
Air Bag Door Resins气囊树脂Hytrel® DYM100BK以中等模量树脂适合于注塑成型的气囊门。
Hytrel® DYM1300 BK320高性能热塑性弹性体具有高模量,适合气囊门应用。
Hytrel® DYM160 BK373以中等模量树脂适合于注塑成型的气囊门。
硬度53D,并载有细颗粒大小炭黑Hytrel® DYM250S BK472以中等模量树脂适合于注塑成型的气囊门。
硬度49D载有细颗粒大小炭黑Hytrel® DYM350BK以中等模量聚酯合金适合注塑成型的气囊门。
硬度55D和载有细颗粒大小炭黑Hytrel® DYM500BK以中等模量聚酯合金适合注塑成型的气囊门。
Hytrel® DYM600 BK320高模量聚酯合金适合注塑成型的气囊门。
塑料型号及对应说明介绍1 、美国杜邦PA66塑胶原料通用级PA66PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 101L 一般级--有润滑66尼龙,有润滑过,以改进其机器进料和脱模特性。
PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 101F 一般级--快速周期无核化的66尼龙,其成形性特佳。
PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 103HSL 热稳定及润滑新的、改良的、具热稳定性的66尼龙。
PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 105 BK 耐候级有良好的抗候性,适合在户外用。
耐冲击改良之66尼龙PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 408L 一般级改良之树脂--具优越之轫性及成型性,有润滑过。
PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL MT409A 一般用、经济型耐冲击性66尼龙。
PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL ST 801 一般用超韧级66尼龙。
防火级尼龙PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL FR-7025 一般级--防火 UL94耐燃规格评等为94V-0。
PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL FR-50 25%玻璃纤维强化 UL94耐燃规格评等为94V-0。
PA66 美国杜邦GRZ尼龙PA 66 加玻璃纤维高强度70G系列PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 70G13HSIL 13% 玻璃纤维补强耐热级材料。
PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 70G33L 33% 玻璃纤维补强高刚性, 高机械强度。
PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 70G33HSIL 33% 玻璃纤维补强耐热级材料。
PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 70G30HSLR 30% 玻璃纤补强表面改良表面改良级,耐热及耐水解材料。
PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 15005 BK 33% 玻璃纤维补强耐热及耐水解材料。
PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 70G43L 43% 玻璃纤维补强高刚性, 高机械强度。
耐冲击71G系列PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL71G13L 13% 玻璃纤补强高耐冲性, 高刚性, 高机械强度。
PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL71G33L 33% 玻璃纤补强高耐冲性, 高刚性, 高机械强度。
聚酯型热塑性弹性体聚酯型热塑性弹性体(thermoplastic polyether ester elastomers)是一种线型嵌段共聚物,它是热塑性弹性体中引起普遍重视的新品种。
目前世界上有美国Du Pont公司,荷兰AKIO Chemic公司、日本Toyobo公司等生产聚酯型热塑性弹性体。
Dn Pont公司生产的商品牌号为Hytrel,按照硬度的不同,有一系列的品种,以硬度(邵尔)分别为40D、55D、63D、72D。
表20-24 工业化生产的Hytrel聚合物①①几种硬度从邵尔A92到邵尔D72的Hytrel热塑性弹性体也可生产。
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DuPont ™ Hytrel®thermoplastic polyester elastomerHytrel ®6356MechanicalTensile Stress ISO 527-1/-2MPa@ 5% Strain 12 @ 10% Strain 15Stress at Break ISO 527-1/-2MPa 46 Strain at Break ISO 527-1/-2%490 Tensile Modulus ISO 527-1/-2MPa 280 Flexural Modulus ISO 178MPa 296 Shear Modulus ASTM D 4065MPa128 Hardness, Durometer D ISO 86815s 58 Maximum 63Notched Izod Impact ISO 180/1AkJ/m 2-40°C 19 23°C81Notched Charpy Impact ISO 179/1eA kJ/m 2120 Brittleness Temperature ISO 974°C <-100 Initial Tear Resist., Die C ISO 34kN/mNormal 145 Parallel 158ThermalDeflection Temperature ISO 75-1/-2°C0.45MPa 85 1.80MPa45Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2m Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated Specimum used for method ISO 527-1/-2 is ISO 1BAThe DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™ ,The miracles of science™ and Hytrel® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2001.020110/020521The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise. The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-use conditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.Hytrel ® 6356 is a 63 nom. Shore D, non discolouring stabiliser, plasticiser free high performance resin for injection moulding and extrusion; outstanding mechanical properties up to 120°C and excellent oil, hydraulic fluids and grease resistancePropertyTest Method Units ValueHytrel ®6356ThermalMelting TemperatureISO 3146C °C 211 Glass Transition Temperature ISO 11357-1/-2°C10°C/minVicat Softening Temperature ISO 306°C10N, 50°C/h 195Rheological Melt Flow Rate ISO 1133g/10 min230°C, 2.16kg 9ElectricalRelative Permittivity IEC 602501E2 Hz 4.4 1E6 Hz3.7Volume Resistivity IEC 60093ohm m 1E10Dissipation Factor IEC 60250E-41E2 Hz 180 1E6 Hz 400FlammabilityFlammability Classification UL941.5mm HB 3.0mm HBOther DensityISO 1183kg/m 31220 Humidity Absorption ISO 62%Equilibrium 50%RH 0.2Water Absorption ISO 62%Immersion 24h 0.5 Saturation, immersed 0.6Moulding Shrinkage ISO 294-4%Normal 1.5 Parallel1.5Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at3.2m Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated Specimum used for method ISO 527-1/-2 is ISO 1BAThe DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™ ,The miracles of science™ and Hytrel® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2001.020110/020521The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise. The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-use conditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.PropertyTest Method Units ValueHytrel® 6356Property Test Method Units ValueOtherFogging SAE J1756%Ford 3h,100°C/21°C99.5 Processing - Injection MoldingMelt Temperature Optimum°C240Mould Temperature Range°C45-55Mould Temperature Optimum°C45Drying Time, Dehumidified Dryer h2-3Drying Temperature°C100Processing Moisture Content%<0.08 Processing - ExtrusionMelt Temperature Optimum°C230Drying Time, Dehumidified Dryer h2-3Drying Temperature°C100Processing Moisture Content%<0.08Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, dryingISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mTest temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise statedSpecimum used for method ISO 527-1/-2 is ISO 1BAThe DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™ ,The miracles of science™ and Hytrel® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2001.020110/020521 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated;these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-useconditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body.For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.Hytrel® 6356Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, dryingISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mTest temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise statedSpecimum used for method ISO 527-1/-2 is ISO 1BAThe DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™ ,The miracles of science™ and Hytrel® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2001.020110/020521 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated;these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-useconditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body.For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.。