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I ∙ MatChing
MatCh each Of the following terms in COlUmn A With One Of th©appropria te defi nit ions in COlUnIn B.
COlUmn A
1. displacement 10. motivation 19.blending
2. IangUe 11.arbitrariness 20. CUItUre
3. SUPraSegmentaI PetenCe 21. lea:Tning
feature 13. broad Strategies
4. deep Strueture transcription 22.SeIeCtiOnaI
5. PrediCatiOn 14.morphology restrictions
analysis 15. CategOry 23.PhraSe Structure 6. idiolect 16. errors rules
7・ Pidgin POnential 24.CUItUre
8. IniStakeS analysis CIiffUSiOn
9. interlanguage 18. COntext
COlUmn B
A.LearnerS t independent SyStem Of the SeCOnd language, WhiCh
is Of neither the native IangUage nor the SeCOnd language, but a COntinUUnI Or approximation from his native IangUage to the target IangUage・9
B.Learner, S attitudes and affective State Or Iearning drive,
having a Strong impact On his efforts n Iearning a SeCOnel
C.The rules that SPeCify the COnStituents Of SyntaCtic
Categories・ 23
D.ThrOUgh COnlmUniCatiOnJ SOme el emen ts Of CUltUre A enter CUltUre
B and become Part Of CUltUre B. 24
E. A PerSOnaI dialect Of an individual SPeaker that COmbineS
elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age VariatiOnS・
F. A SPeCiaI IangUage Variety that mixes Or blends IangUageS and
it is USed by PeOPIe WhO SPeak different IangUageS for restricted PUrPOSeS SUCh as trading・7
G.The kind Of analysis WhiCh involves the breaking down Of
PrediCatiOnS into their COnStitUents ------- arguments and
PrediCateS・ 5
H.They refer to COnStraintS Orl What IeXiCaI items Can go With
What Others・22
I.The StrUCture formed by the XP rule in accordance With the head' S
SUbCategOriZatiOn PrOPertieS・ 4
J. K. L. M. N. O.
P. Q. R. S.
T . U .
V .
W .
X.The PhOnemiC features that OCCUr above the IeVeI Of the Segments. 3
The StUdy Of the internal StrUCtUre Of WOrdSJ and the rules that govern the rule Of WOrd formation.
The abstract IingUiStiC
SPeeCh COnImUnity. 2 LangUage Can be USed immediate SitUatiOnS distinctive features Learner? S conscious,
SyStenl Shared by all the members Of a
refer to COnteXtS removed from the the
SPeaker・ It is One Of the
human IangUage・ 1
goal-oriented and PrObIenI-SOIVing based
efforts to achieve Iearning efficiency・10
The total Way Of Iife Of a people, including the PatternS Of belief, CUStOmSJ ObjeCts, InStitUtions, IangUage that CharaCteriZeS the Iife Of 20
The COnImOn knowledge Shared by both the 18
techniques, and the
human COnlmUnity.
SPeaker and hearer.
The Way Of WOrd formation by WhiCh new WOrdS may be formed by COmbining PartS Of Other WOrdS・ 19
A group Of IingUiStic items WhiCh fulfill the Same Or SinliIar functions in a PartiCUIar language, SUCh as a sentence, a noun PhraSe Or a Verb・ 15
A Way PrOPOSeCl by the StrUCtUraI SemantiCiStS to analyze WOrd meaning・ ThiS approach believes that the meaning Of a WOrd Can be dissected into meaning COmPOnents. 17
The ideal USer, S knowledge Of the rules Of his IangUage・12 One Of the PrOPertieS Of human IangUage・ It means that there is no IOgiCal COnneCtiOn between meanings and SOUndS・ 11 A Way to transcribe SPeeCh SOUndS With letter-symbols only.
They reflect gaps In a Iearner, S knowledge Of the target IangUageJ not Self-COrrigibIe・16
They reflect OCCaSiOnaI IaPSeS in PerfOrmanCe・ 8
II ・ BIank-filling.
FilI in the following blanks With a word, WhOSe initial Ietter has been given.
1."A rose by any Other name WOUld SmelI as SWeet・” ThiS
QUOtatiOn is a good illustration Of the a _______ nature Of
IangUage・ Arbitrary
2.The description Of a IangUage at SOme POint Of time in
history is a SynChrOniC study; the description Of a IangUage as it ChangeS through time IS a d _________ StUdy. DiaChrOniC
3.ChOmSky defines C _____ as the ideal user" S knowledge Of the
rules Of his language, and PerfOrmanCe the actual realization Of this knowledge in IingUiStic COmmUniCatiOrι. COmPetenCe
4.In the PrOdUCtiOn Of VOWeIS the air Streain COlning from the
IUngS meets With no o _____ ・ ThiS marks the essential
CIifferenCe between VOWeIS and COnSOnantS・ ObStrUCtiOn
5.The different PhOneS that Can represent a PhOneme in
CIifferent PhOnetiC environments are Called the a ______ Of the PhOneme・ AlIOPhOne
6.AlIOPhOneS Of the Same PhOneme Cannot OCCUr in the Same
PhOnetiC environment・ They are Said to be in C ______
CIiStribUtiO n. COmPIeme nt ary
7・ When pitch, Stress and SOUncl Iength are tied to the SentenCe rather than the WOrCl in ISOIation, they are COlIeCtiVeIy known as i ___________ ・IntOnation
8.The m ____ Unit Of meaning is traditionally CalIed morpheme・
9.I ___ morphemes are bound morphemes that are for the most
Part PUreIy grammatical markers, Signifying SUCh COnCePtS as
tense, number, CaSe and SO OrL InfIeCtiOnal
10.PhraSeS that are formed Of more than One WOrd USUalIy
COntain three elements: head, SPeCifierJ and C ______ ・
11.COnCerning the StUdy Of meaning, COnCePtUaIiSt VieW holds
that there IS no direct Iink between a IingUiStiC form and What it refers to; rather, in the interpretation Of meaning they are Iinked through the mediation Of C ________________ in the mind・COnCePt
12.The SenSe relation between U animaI n and U dog v is CalIecl
h ___ ・ hyponymy
13.P ___ refers to the PhenOmenOn that the Same WOrd may have a
Set Of CIifferent meanings・ POIySemy
14.What essentially distinguishes Semantics and PragmatiCS is
Whether in the StUdy Of meaning the C _______ Of USe is taken
into COnSideratiOn. COntext
15.S ___ refers to the IingUiStic Variety CharaCteriStiC Of a
PartiCUIar SOCiaI ClaSS・ SOCiOIeCt
16.WHO is an a ____ derived from the initials Of "World HeaIth
Organization v・ ACronynI
17.ACCOrding to HalIiday, IangUage VarieS as its function VarieS: it
CIifferS in different SitUatiOnS・ The type Of
IangUage WhiCh IS SeIeCted as appropriate to the type Of
SitUatiOn is a r _____ ・ RegiSter
18. In CrOSS-CUItUral CommUniCation, SOme elements Of CUltUre A
enter CUltUre B and become Part Of CUItUre B, thus bringing aboUt the PhenOmenOn Of CUltUraI d ____________ ・ DiffUSiOn
19. WhiIe the first IangUage is acquired S ______ J the SeCOnd Or
foreign IangUage is more COnImOnIy Iearned COnSCiOUSIy ・
20. LangUage a ______ refers to a natural ability for
SeCOnd IangUage ・ ACqUiSition
21. VibratiOn Of VOCaI COrdS results in a QUaIity Of
SOUndS CalIed U V ________ " , WhiCh is a feature Of and SOme COnSOnantS in EngIiSh ・ VOiCe
22. The PhOnenIiC features that OCCUr above the IeVeI Segment are CalIed S ____ features ・ SUPraSegmentaI
23. MOrPhOIOgy refers to the StUdy Of the internal StrUCtUre Of WOrdS
and rules for WOrel f ・ FOrnlatiOn
24. The minimal Unit Of meaning is traditionally CalIed m ________ ・
25. The SenSe relation between "autumn" and U fall n is CalIecl
S ___ ・ SynOnym
26. H ___ refers to the PhenOmenOn that WOrdS having different
meanings have the Same form, i ・ e. J different WOrdS are
identiCaI in SOUnd Or SPelIingJ Or in both. HOmOnymy
27. In daily COnlmUniCation, PeOPIe do not always ObSerVe the four
maxims Of the CO-OPeratiVe PrinCiPIe ・ COnVerSatiOnaI
i ___ WOUld arise When the maxims are flouted ・ Implicature
28. SARS is an a ____ derived from the initials Of U SeVere ACUte
ReSPiratOry SynClrOme M ・ Ac:TOnym
29. I ___ is a PerSOnaI CIiaIeCt Of an individual SPeaker that
COmbineS elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age VariatiOnS ・ IdiOIeCt
30. RP, the ShOrt form Of "R ______ PrOnUnCiatiOn n refers to the
PartiCUIar Way Of PrOnOUnCing Standard EngIiSh ・ ReCeiVed
IlL MUItiPle ChOiCe ・
ChOOSe the best answer to the following items ・
1. ___ is COnSidered to be the father Of modern IingUiStiCS ・
A. N ・ ChOmSky
B. F. de SaUSSUre
C. LeOnarCi BIOOInfield
D. M. A. K. Halliday
2・ In the SCOPe Of IingUiStics, _____ form the Part Of IangUage
WhiCh IinkS together the SOUnd Pattern and meaning ・ SPeeCh all VOWeIS
Of the
A. morphology and SyntaX
B. PhOnetiCS and semantics
C. SemantiCS and SyntaX D ・ mo:TPhOlOgy and SemantiCS
StUdieS the SOUndS from the hearer , S POint Of view, i ・ e. , how the SOUndS are PerCeiVed by the hearer ・
A ・ auditory PhOnetiCS B. acoustic PhOnetics C. articulatory PhOnetics
WhiCh Of the following WOrdS begins With a velar voiced StOP A.
B. boss
D. dog WhiCh Of the following WOrdS ends With a dentaL voiceless friestive _
A. rose
B. WaVe
C. ClOth
D. massage WhiCh Of the following WOrdS COrItains a back, open and
unrounded VOWel _
inflectional morphemes except ___ ・
A. PaintS
B. PaiIIter
Painted D. Painting WhiCh Of the following WOrdS has more than three morphemes
PSyChOPhySiCS B. boyfriends C. forefather D.
The Pair Of WOrdS "dead and alive ,t is CalIed ______ ・
A. gradable antonyms
B. relational OPPOSiteS C ∙
comp 1 ©mentary BntonyinS
WhiCh Pair Of the following WOrdS Can be Categorized as
StyliStiC SynOnymS __
A. torch & flashlight
B. die & decease
C. amaze & astound
D. IUggage & baggage
X : JOhn has given UP SmOking ・
Y: JOhrl USed to SmOke ・
The SenSe relation between the above SentenCeS is _____ 3.
5. 6. 7. & 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
A. god WhiCh Of A. [h] WhiCh Of
B. boot the following B. Ek] the following B. kill, D. task
SOUnd _____
D . T?F
C. WaIk is NOt a Velar C. [g] is NOt a IninimaI Pair ____ PilI C. peak, pig,
D. meat, Seat is an OPerl CIaSS WOrdS ____ C. the D. they
A. bat, bite WhiCh Of the following A ・ email
B. but The Underlined morphemes in the following belong to the
A・X βntails Y B. X PreSUPPOSeS Y
C. X is SynOnymOUS With Y
D. X is InCOnSiStent With Y X: My father has been to LOndOn.
Y: My father has been to UK.
The SenSe relation between the above SentenCeS is _______
A. X entails Y
C. X is SynOnymOUS With Y
D. X is inconsistent With Y
16. When We ViOlate any Of the maxims Of CO-OPeratiVe PrinCipie,
OUr IangUage Inight become _____ ・
A. impolite
B. incorrect
C. indirect D ・ UnClea:T
17. ACCOrding to SearI t S CIaSSifiCatiOn Of SPeeCh acts, WhiCh
Of the following is an instance Of CIireCtiVeS ______
A. I fire you!
B. YOUr money Or your life!
C. I'm SOrry for the mess I have made ・
D ・ I have never Seen the man before ・
imitation and habit formation ______ ・
A. Th © behaviorist view
B. The InnatiSt VieW
C. The interactionist VieW
D. The COgrlitive theory
23. WhiCh Of the following SentenCeS is an example Of
OVergeneraliZatiOn _____ ・
A. Jane told me to give UP SmOking ・
B. Jane asked me to give UP SmOking ・
C. Jane advised me to give UP SmOking ・
D ∙ Jane suggested me to give UP smoking.
24. WhiCh Of the following hypotheses is PUt forth by Dr.
KraShen ____ ・
A. CritiCaI PeriOd HyPOtheSiS
B. InPUt HyPOtheSiS
C. LangUage ACqUiSitiOn DeViCe HyPOthesis
D. Sapir- WhOrf HyPOthesis
25. WhO among the following IingUiSts PUt forward CO-OPeratiVe
the following WOrdS is B. CraSh 18. WhiCh Of A ∙ t ΓΘΘ bang 19. The WOrd A. blend 20. WhiCh Of
CIiPPing A. memo B. motel C. quake 21. ACCOrding to HalIiday, mode Of discourse
Of COnImUniCatiOn. A. SUbjeCt B. role 22. WhiCh Of the following U KOdak n is a(n) _ B. COined WOrd entirely arbitrary
C. tyPewriter
C. CIiPPeel WOrd D ・ acronym the following WOrdS is NOt formed by means Of
D. gym refers
to the
C. SitUation theories Of IangUage acquisition Iearning is SimPIy a
matter Of D ∙ means
A. PaUI GriCe B ・ JOhn SearIe C. KraShen
A. X entails Y
D. LeeCh
26. WhiCh Of the following IingUiStS is the initiator Of
transformational generative grammar
A. F. de SaUSSUre
B. N. ChOmSky
C. G ・ LeeCh D ・ M ・
A. K. HaIIiday
27. When a ______ COmeS to be adopted by a POPUIatiOn as its
Primary IangUage and Children Iearn it as their first language, it becomes __________________ ・
B. A. CreOIe ・・・ Pidgin B.
pidgin... CreOle
C. C. regional dialect ・・・ SOCiOIeCt
SOCiOIeCt ・・・ regional dialect
28. ___ StUdieS the SOUndS from the SPeaker , S POint Of view,
i. e ・, how a SPeaker USeS his SPeeCh OrganS to articulate SPeeCh SOUndS ・
A. AUCIitOry PhOnetiCS
B. ACOUStiC PhOnetiCS C ∙ Articulatory phon ©tics
29. We know the Verb "put" requires an NP followed by a PP Or
AdV ・ Thus, the PrOCeSS Of PUtting WOrdS Of the Same IeXiCaI CategOry into SmalIer CIaSSeS according to their SyntaCtiC CharaCteriStiC IS CalIeel ______ ・
A. CategOriZatiOn B ∙ SUbCategorization
C. SyntaCtiC CategOrieS D ・ COOrdinatiOn
30. WhiCh Of the following WOrdS COntainS a front, ClOSe and
UnrOUnded VOWeI ___
A. bad
B. bed C ∙ beat D ・ but
31. The UnderIined morphemes in the following belong to the
33. The Pair Of WOrdS U borrow and Iend M is CalIed __________
A. gradable antonyms B ∙ rβlational opposites C.
COmPIementary antonyms
34. WhiCh Pair Of the following WOrdS Can be CategOriZed as
COlIOCatiOnaI SynOnymS _____
A. torch & flashlight B ∙ Pretty & handsome
C. amaze & astound
D. IUggage & baggage
35. X: My SiSter WilI SOOn be divorced ・
derivational morphemes A ∙ faster B. Writer
32. WhiCh Of the following A. email B. but except ____ ・ C. IOVeIy D. ConVerSiOn is an OPerl CIaSS WOrdS
____ C. the D. they
A. PaUI GriCe B ・ JOhn SearIe C. KraShen
A. X entails Y
Y: My SiSter IS a married WOlnan.
The SenSe relation between the above SentenCeS is ________
C. X is SynOnymOUS With Y D・ X is inconsistent With Y
36.X: JOhn married a blond heiress・
Y: JOhn married a blond・
The SentenCe relation between X and Y is _______
A. X entails Y
C. X is SynOnymOUS With Y D・ X is COntradiCtOry With Y
37.ACCOrding to SearI t S CIaSSifiCation Of SPeeCh acts, WhiCh
Of the following is NOt an instance Of directiVeS _______
A.OPen the window!
B.YOUr money Or your Iife!
C.WOUId you Iike to go to the PiCniC With US
D.I have never seen the man before.
38.The WOrd "brunch” is a(n) _______ ・
A∙ blend B. COined WOrd C. CIiPPed WOrel D・ acronym
39.ACCOrding to HalIiday, field Of discourse refers to the Of
A. SUbjeCt B・ role C. SitUatiOn D・ means
40.There are different tyPeS Of affixes Or morphemes・ The affix "ed"
in the WOrcl "learned" is known as a( n)
A. derivational morpheme
B. free morpheme
C. inflectional morpheme D・ free form
41.WhiCh Of the following theories Of IangUage acquisition
holds that human beings are biologically PrOgranlmed for IangUage and that the IangUage develops in the Child just as Other
biological functions SUCh as WaIking ____________ ・
A. The behaviorist VieW
B∙ The innatist VieW
C.The interactionist VieW
D.The COgnitiVe theory
42.The OPening between the VOCaI COrdS is SOmetimes referred to
as ___ ■
A. glottis
B. VOCaI CaVity
C. PharynX
43.WhiCh Of the following hypotheses is PUt forward by EriC
Lenneberg ___ ・
A.ClritiCaI PeriOd HyPOthesis
B.InPUt HyPOthesis
ngUage ACqUiSitiOn DeViCe HyPOtheSiS
D.SaPir-WhOrf HyPOtheSiS
44.MOrPhemeS that represent tense, number, gender and CaSe are
CalIed ___ morpheme・
A. infleCtiOnal B . free C. bound D. derivational
45.There are ____ morphemes in the WOrd denationalization
A. three
B. four C∙ five D. SiX
C. StatiC
D. genetiCalIy transmitted
47・ PitCh Variation is known as ____ When its Patterns are
imposed On SentenCeS ・ A. intonation B. ton © C. PrOnUnCiatiOn D. VOiCe
48. WhiCh One is different from the OtherS according to manners
Of articulation A. [z] 49. 21. WhiCh PIaCeS Of A. [n] B. [w] C. [e] D. [v]
One is different from the OtherS according to
B. [m]
C. [b]
D. [p]
30. WhiCh VOWeI is CIifferent from the OtherS according to the
CharaCteriStiCS Of VOWeIS
A. [i:] B ・[u] C. [e] D. [i]
51. What kind Of SOUndS Can We make When the VOCaI COrdS are
A. VOiCeleSS
B. Voiced
C. GlOttai StOP
32. When a ChiId USeS U mummy n to refer to any WOmanJ most
PrObabIy his "mummy” means ___________ ・
A. + HUman
B. + HUman + AdUIt
C. + HUman + AdUlt - MaIe D ・ + HUman + AClUIt 一 MaIe + Parent
33. The UtteranCe "We're already WOrking 25 hours a day, eight
days a Week ・"ObViOUSIy ViOIateS the maxim Of _________ ・
A. QUaIity B ∙ quantity C. relation D ・ manner
34. The Pair Of WOrdS U nOrth n and U SOUth n is _____________ ・
A. gradable OPPOSiteS
B. relational OPPOSites
C. co-hyponyms
D. SynOnymS
35. W hiCh Of the following SentenCeS is NoT an example Of cross-
A. Other / another
B. InUCh / many
C. StaIagmite / StaIagtite D ∙ bow / bow
36. _____ describes Whether a PrOPOSitiOn is true Or false ・
A. TrUth
B. TrUth ValUe
C. Truth COndition D ・ FaISehOOel
37. "John Sent Mary a POSt Card ・"is a CaSe Of
A. One 一PlaCe PreeIiCatiOn
B. two-place PrediCatiOn
C. thτθθ-place predication D ・ no 一PIaCe PrediCatiOn
58. ,,John killed BilI but BilI didn' t die" is a( n)
A. entailment
B. PreSUPPOSition
C. anomaly D ・ COntradiCtiOn
59. ____ refers to the PrOCeSS Whereby a WOrd is ShOrtened
WithOUt a Change in the meaning and in the Part Of SPeeCh ・
46. LangUage is
A. instinctive
B. non —instinctive
60.A. BIenCIing B. Back-formation C. CIiPPing D. COnVerSiOn
61.W hiCh Of the following aspects is NOT the COre Of the StUdy Of
general IingUiStiCS
A. SOUnd
B. Structure
C. meaning
D. application
ΓV. TrUe Of false judgment∙
JUdge Whether the following Stat©ments are true Or false. Write T in the corresponding brack©t for a true Statement and F for a false one∙
1.LingUiStiCS StUdieS IangUageS in general, but not any
PartiCUIar language, e. g・ English, Chinese, Arabic, and Latin, etc. T
2.MOdern IingUiStics regards the Written IangUage as the natural Or
Primary medium Of human IangUage・ F
3.In narrow transcription, We transcribe the SPeeCh SOUndS With
Ietter-SymbOIS OnIy WhiIe in broad transcription We transcribe the SPeeCh SOUndS With Ietter-SymbOIS together With the CIiaCritiCS・
4.By diachronic StUdy We mean to StUdy the ChangeS and development Of
IangUage・ T
PIete homonyms are Often brought into being by coincidence. T
6.Of the three PhOnetics branches, the IOngeSt established one, and
UntiI recently the most highly developed, is acoustic PhOnetiCS・ F 7・ The meaning Of the WOrd U SeaI M in the SentenCe "the SeaI COUld not be found v CannOt be determined UnIeSS the COnteXt in WhICh the
SentenCe OCCUrS is restored・ T
8.An InnatiSt VieW Of IangUage acquisition holds that human beings
are biologically PrOgranImecl for IangUage・ T
9.ACCOrCIing to CO-OPeratiVe PrinCipie, the COnVerSatiOnaI
PartiCiPantS have to StriCtly ObSerVe the four maxims, SO that the COnVerSatiOn Can go On SUCCeSSfUlly. F
10.T he Same WOrd may Stir UP different association In PeOPIe Under
different CUItUraI background・ T
11.A ChiId WhO enters a foreign IangUage SPeeCh COmmUnity by the age
Of three Or four Can Iearn the new IangUage WithOUt the trace Of an accent・ T
12.In COmmUniCatiOn it WilI never be the CaSe that What is grammatical
is not acceptable, and What is UngranlmatiCaI may not be
inappropriate. F
13.MOdern IingUiStics is mostly descriptive・ T
14.SinCe there is no IOgiCaI COnneCtion between meanings and SOUnds,
IangUage is absolUtely arbitrary. F
13.VOWeIS may be distinguished as front, Central and back according to
the manner Of articulation. F
16.APPIied IingUiStiCS is the application Of IingUiStIC PrinCiPIeS and
theories to IangUage teaching and Iearning・ F
17.A PhOnOIOgiCaI feature Of the EngIiSh COmPOUndS IS that the StreSS
Of the WOrCl always falls On the first element, and the SeCOnCl element receives SeCOndary StreSS・ F
18.AlI the affixes belong to bound morphemes・ T
19.A POIySenIiC WOrd is the result Of the evolution Of the Primary
meaning Of the WOrd・ T
20.ACCOrCIing to the innatist VieW Of IangUage acquisition, OnIy When
the IangUage is modified and adjusted to the IeVeI Of Children t S COmPrehenSion, do they PrOCeSS and internalize the IangUage ItemS・F
21.When a Child acquires his mother tongue, he also acquires a
1anguage-specific CUItUre and becomes SOCiaIiZed In Certain WayS・T
22.ACCOrCIing to Austin, the PerfOrmatiVe UtteranCe IS USed to
PerfOriII an action, it also has truth VaIUe・ F
23.Children Can Iearn their native IangUage WelI WheneVer they Start
and WhateVer kinds Of IangUage SamPIeS they receive・ F
24.DUaIity is One Of the CharaCteriStiCS Of human IangUage・ It refers
to the fact that IangUage has two IeVelS Of StrUCtUreS: the SyStem Of SOUndS and the SyStenI Of meanings・ T
25.LingUiStiC forms having the Same SenSe may have CIifferent
references in different SitUatiOnS WhiIe IingUiStic forms With the Same reference always have the Same SenSe・ F
V. Give a ShOrt answer to each Of the following quβstiOns∙
1.SenSe and reference are two terms Often encountered in the StUdy Of
WOrd meaning・ What are they and how are they related to each Other P66
2.ACCOrcIing to HalIiday, What is register What are the SOCiaI
VariabIeS that determine the register P117-118
3.What are the main features Of human IangUage that essentially make
it different from Other animal COnImUniCation SyStems P8- 9
4.GiVe a brief illustration to the U SemantiC triangle n SUggeSted by
Ogden and RiChardS・ P63~64
VL ESSay question.
1.ACCOrding to AUStin, What are the three acts a PerSOn is POSSibIy
PerfOrnling WhiIe making an UtteranCe GiVe an example to
illustrate this P80-82
2.What are the four maxims Of the CP IlIUSt:Tate With examples how
flouting these maxims gives rise to COnVerSational Implicature
3.PIeaSe ObSerVe the following SentenCeS: all Of them are IIOt WelI
formed・ What rules does each Of the following SentenCeS ViOIate And What are the two aspects in terms Of Sentence meaning PIeaSe IlIUStrate briefly.
1)He ated the Cake yesterday.
2)We WilI gone to Beijing tomorrow.
3)The table intended to marry the Chair・
4)My favorite fruit is red PearS・
Pleas© take a IOOk at the seetion 5.5. 2 (page 73) to the
first ParagraPh On page 74∙
1.The meaning Of SentenCe is not the SUm total Of the meanings Of
all ItS COmPOnentS・ And it includes both grammatical meaning and Semantic meaning・
2.The grammatical meaning Of a SentenCe refers to its
grammaticality, WhiCh is governed by the grammatical rules Of the IangUage・ Any ViOlatiOn Can result in mistakes, making a SentenCe UnaCCePtable・SUCh as SentenCe 1) has a WrOng WOrd "ated” and 2) has U WilI gone,,;
3.BUt grammatically WelI-formed SentenCeS Can StilI be
UnaCCePtabIe because Whether a Sentence is SemantiCalIy meaningful is decided by rules CalIeel SeIeCtiOnaI restrictions, in Other
words, COnStraints On What IeXiCaI items Can go With What others・SOme SerItences may be grammatically WelI-formed, yet they may not be SemantiCalIy meaningful because they COntain WOrdS WhiCh are not SUPPOSed to go together・ For example, as We Can find in
Sentence 3) and 4), no table WOUId intend to marry the Chair
UnIeSS in a children1 S StOry and there is no red PearS USUalIy in the WOrIcl・ Therefore, SOme SeIeCtiOnaI restrictions have been ViOIa ted.。