Cuba 古巴简介 英文版 附中文

Introduction To Cuba

Cuba is unlike any other place on earth. What draws people to this fascinating Caribbean island is much more than beaches, sun, and cheap drinks, though there are plenty of all three for those who want them. One of the last Communist-bloc nations left, it doesn't suffer from the drab and desultory demeanor of its disappeared peers. Cuba's rich culture, unique political history, and continued survival through ongoing economic hardship make it one of the most eye-opening countries that experienced travelers can still discover. Seeing the best of Cuba means grooving to its intoxicating music, marveling at how Cubans improvise on a daily basis to make ends meet, and visiting a land in which the past 50 years seem to have passed by in some odd sort of state of frozen animation.

Cuba is the largest of all the Caribbean Islands and one of the most fascinating. It has a unique and colorful history, presently seen in the form of its unspoilt colonial towns, lovingly nurtured vintage cars and pristine beaches.

Castro’s revolution disposed of many of the inequalities of the previous era, when Cuba was a playground for rich Americans, propped up by the proceeds of gambling and prostitution.

The facades of this earlier period remain, alongside increasingly efficient new hotels and resorts.

Cuba is anything but bland. Music plays a huge part in daily life, with the rhythms of salsa or jazz liable to erupt in the cobbled streets at any time.

Material privations have not muted the friendly Cubans’ joie d e vivre - singing and dancing are high on their list of priorities, and they appreciate the quality of their excellent rum and cigars.

Cuba represents a treasure trove for the modern holiday-maker, with the beautifully-restored centre of evocative Havana, colonial Trinidad, the stunning scenery of Pinar del Rio, the forests of the Sierra Maestra and the gleaming Caribbean beaches. Tourism is the country's main industry, while sugar is the second. It's estimated that some 3% of the economy is constituted by remittances sent to family members here by Cuban-Americans.

Cuban cities are full of worldwide famous architectural and cultural treasures that led UNESCO to designate Havana and Trinidad as World Heritage Sites. The different times of this country are still reflected on the buildings of the best preserved cities, and the numerous cultural manifestations show the spiritual wealth of Cuba. Cubans speak Spanish with very particular accent and vocabulary. In all tourist spots, their staff members speak at least English.











1492: Christopher Columbus disembarks on the Cuban territory, while thinking he had reached the Indies.

End of the 18th century: French having escaped from Haiti come to take refuge in Cuba and begin to plant coffee. Numerous French traces subsist nowadays.

1865: End of slaves’ deportation.

1868: Beginning of the independence wars.

1898: End of the Spanish domination. It happens after the end of the war on the Cuban territory between Spaniards and Americans. Cubans didn’t h ave time to enjoy their independence because the United States came to power immediately. For more than 50 years, the United States are going to control the island, appropriate the best lands, and make from Havana the capital of game, corruption and prostitution. Two dictatorships will follow each other under the rule of General Machado and Batista respectively.

1953 (26 Juillet): The revolutionary movement, essentially composed of young men and conducted by Fidel Castro, fails in its attempt to attack the Moncada army barracks, the most important of the eastern region of the country, and another one in Bayamo. A terrible bloodbath and a countrywide repression followed the attack. July 26 has been declared the Day of the National Rebellion.

1959 (1er. Janvier): The rebel army, commanded by Fidel Castro, takes the power and sets up the revolutionary government. The 1st. January has been declared the Day of the National Liberation. Since it came to power, the Revolutionary Government has disturbed the American government and its reforms earned the country a strong embargo imposed by the United States for more than 40 years.

Travel to Cuba



Long known for its isolation from the Western world and its precarious relationship with the United States in particular, the last decade has seen Cuba emerge as one of the top tourist destinations in the Caribbean, as well as the leading political light in leftist Latin America. Communist credentials notwithstanding, this is a nation that well understands the commercial power of rebranding and has reinvented itself as the home of sun, salsa and rum with a unique blend of chutzpah and casual manner that's intrinsic to the Cuban character.

Shaped by one of the twentieth century's longest-surviving revolutions, Cuba's image was inextricably bound up with its politics until relatively recently. Even five decades after Fidel Castro and the rebels seized power, Cuba's long satiny beaches, offshore cays and jungle-covered peaks – the defining attractions of neighbouring islands – played almost no part in the popular international perception of this communist state in the Caribbean. Now, having opened the floodgates to global tourism, the country is characterized as much as anything by a frenetic sense of transition as it shifts from socialist stronghold to one of the Caribbean's major tourist destinations, running on capitalist money.

At the same time, visitors may think that nothing has changed for decades, even centuries. Cut off from the capitalist world until the end of the Cold War, and hit hard by the economic crisis that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union (which provided hefty subsidies to this communist outpost that thumbed its nose at nearby America), the face of modern-day Cuba is in many respects frozen in the past –the

classic American cars, mustachioed cigar-smoking farmers, horse-drawn carriages and colonial Spanish architecture, all apparently unaffected by the breakneck pace of modernization. At the same time, you will see many newly opened department stores and shopping malls, state-of-the-art hotels and entire resorts created from scratch, an improbable combination of transformation and stasis that's symbolic of this contradiction-riddled country. Besides being sharply split between modern and traditional, Cuba is a country which, in a sense, has become divided by tourism. Foreign visitors are the surest way of bringing in hard currency, which has led to the development of a two-tier economic system whereby anybody with the means to make money out of tourists is automatically better off than just about everyone else. In a place where taxi drivers earn more than doctors, and where capitalist reforms are seen as the answer to preserving socialist ideals, understanding Cuba is a compelling but never-ending task.

Despite the hard-to-swallow favorable treatment of tourists and the crippling US trade embargo, there is surprisingly little resentment directed at foreign visitors, and your overwhelming impression is likely to be that Cubans are outgoing, sociable and hospitable, notwithstanding the queues, food rationing, free-speech restrictions and the government's reliance on foreign investment and tourism. What's more, in most of Cuba it's difficult not to come into contact with local people: the common practices of renting out rooms and opening restaurants in homes allow visitors stronger impressions of the country than they might have thought possible in a short visit. The much-vaunted Cuban capacity for a good time is best expressed through music and dance, both vital facets of the island's culture. As originators of the most influential Latin music styles, such as bolero, rumba and son, thereby spawning the most famous of them all – salsa – people in Cuba seem always ready to party.

Understanding Cuba is a compelling but never-ending task.




Surging forward into its second decade, there is much more to Cuba's tourism industry than the central tenets of music, revolution and rum. For those seeking a more cultural visit, there is plenty of pre-Revolution opulence illustrated by Art Deco architecture and decadent interiors, as well as a vibrant arts scene and Cuba's legendary musicians.

You are bound to come across occasional reminders that Cuba is a centralized, highly bureaucratic one-party state, which can give a holiday here an unfamiliar twist, especially if and when things go wrong. Going to the police, finding your hotel room double-booked or simply needing to make an urgent phone call can prove to be unnecessarily and frustratingly complicated. These are the times when you discover Cuba has its own special logic and that common sense doesn't count for much here. This is not to say you're more likely to experience mishaps in Cuba than anywhere else –not only are all the major resorts well equipped, but violent crime is remarkably absent from Cuban cities. On the other hand, a certain determination and a laid-back attitude are essential requirements for exploring less-visited parts of the country, where a paucity of facilities and reliable public transport can make travelling hard work. Although the tourist infrastructure has been slowly and steadily improving over the years, a recent slight downturn in travel here, coupled with hurricane damage, could potentially slow these improvements.

The perception that Cuba sees tourists as little more than deep pockets is pervasive, but there are still ways to make the most of a trip without breaking the bank. Compared to some areas of Latin America, Cuba can seem expensive, but simply choosing to stay in a casa particular instead of a hotel, buying produce in the markets and visiting less commercial resorts are all ways to spend less while simultaneously enriching your trip with authentic experience. For the foreign visitor, things are becoming easier all the time, though, with the introduction of more efficient bus services, simplified currency systems and a wider variety of consumer goods. Ironically, these improvements also mark an irreversible move away from what makes Cuba unique. Inevitably you'll need to scratch harder at the surface these days to uncover something most visitors haven't. Virgin beaches, untouched diving and fishing areas, quaint, unaffected villages and hidden paladares are fewer and further between. Though the nation's unique culture and resourceful character will always ensure that Cuba is more than just another island paradise, the determination to sell the country to a worldwide market means the time to go is now rather than later.

As with much of Cuban culture, some of the most captivating artwork can be found not within the walls of institutions, but on the streets. Calligraphic eulogies to José Martí and the bons mots of Che and Fidel unfurl along city walls, while drab apartment blocks are enlivened with bold murals in bright colours. In recent years urban graffiti has become more prevalent, with foreign and homegrown artists leaving their mark. Keen-eyed visitors will spot iconic images by British graffitist Banksy, particularly in Habana Vieja, while French graffiti collaborative Mosko et Associes have sown a menagerie of animals throughout Cuba. Perhaps the most arresting mural is in Regla (a suburb of Havana), where a collaboration between Cuban artists and the Brazilian graffitists Os Gemeos has created a dreamy fairyland near the main square. Catch it while you can –street art is a beautiful but transitory pleasure in Cuba, as the sea air is very corrosive.

关塔那摩 (Guantanamo) 是古巴的一个省,位于古巴东南部,省会关塔那摩市,是重要港口城市。关塔那摩基地位于古巴东南部的关塔那摩湾,是美国在海外建立最早的军事基地,也是美国惟一没有规定归还期限的海外军事基地。1898年,美军乘美西战争获胜之机,进驻了原属西班牙殖民地的古巴。1903年,美国强行向古巴租借关塔那摩湾及其邻近的部分陆地修建海军基地,租金为每年2000枚金币,约合4000美元,这一数额至今未变。1934年,美国总统罗斯福与古巴总统帕尔玛签订永久租用条约,规定只有该基地被废弃,或双方协商同意,古巴才能收回该基地。1959年古巴革命胜利之后,古巴革命政府要求美国归还关塔那摩基地,但美国一直不肯放弃该基地。



Party blow to Obama over Gitmo

President Barack Obama's promise to close the Guantanamo Bay prison suffered a blow when his allies in the Senate said they would refuse to finance the move until the administration delivers a satisfactory plan for what to do with the detainees there.

As the Senate took up Obama's request for money for military and diplomatic operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, Democrats reversed course on Tuesday and said they would deny the request for $80 million for the Justice and Defense departments to relocate the 240 detainees at the US base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. They would also indefinitely bar the government from transferring any of the facility's prisoners into the United States, though the ban could be relaxed in subsequent legislation.

A vote was expected yesterday on an amendment by Senators Daniel Inouye, a Hawaii Democrat, and James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, that would put the restrictions in the war-funding measure.

While allies such as No 2 Senate Democrat Dick Durbin of Illinois cast the development as a delay of only a few months, other Democrats made it plain they do not want any of Guantanamo's detainees sent to the US to stand trial or serve prison sentences.

"We don't want them around," said Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat.

The Senate move matches steps taken by the House and threatens to paralyze the Obama administration's entire plan to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility by January. In recent weeks, Attorney General Eric Holder had sought to reassure skeptical lawmakers, but Congress appears unconvinced and may force the detention facility to remain in operation.

It's also evidence that a weeks-long Republican effort against Obama's order to close the Guantanamo facility is paying off. "Guantanamo is the perfect place for these terrorists," said Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican.

Democrats and other Republicans - including last year's Republican presidential candidate, Senator John McCain of Arizona - say it is time to close the facility, where detainees can be held for years without being charged.

But McCain said in a floor speech on Tuesday that Obama has bungled the Guantanamo issue. "The lack of a comprehensive, well-thought-out plan led to a predictable political backlash on Guantanamo," McCain said.

Even Durbin acknowledged that Obama had put Democrats in an awkward spot.

"The feeling was at this point we were defending the unknown. We were being asked to defend a plan that hasn't been announced," Durbin said.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters that lawmakers were correct to insist on details on closing the detention facility. He said the president would today outline "a hefty part" of his agenda for the often-criticized facility. 著名人物









Ernesto "Che" Guevara was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, politician, author, physician, military theorist, and guerrilla leader. After death, his stylized image became a ubiquitous countercultural symbol worldwide.

As a young medical student, Guevara traveled throughout Latin America and was transformed by the endemic poverty he witnessed. His experiences and observations during these trips led him to conclude that the region's ingrained economic inequalities were an intrinsic result of monopoly capitalism, neocolonialism, and imperialism, with the only remedy being world revolution. This belief prompted his involvement in Guatemala's social reforms under President Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán, whose eventual CIA-assisted overthrow solidified Guevara's radical ideology.

Later, in Mexico, he met Fidel Castro and joined his 26th of July Movement. In December 1956, he was among the revolutionaries who invaded Cuba under Castro's leadership with the intention of overthrowing U.S.-backed Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. Guevara soon rose to prominence among the insurgents, was promoted to Comandante, and played a pivotal role in the successful two year guerrilla campaign that deposed Batista. Following the Cuban revolution, Guevara reviewed the appeals of those convicted as war criminals during the revolutionary tribunals, ratifying sentences which in some cases involved execution by firing squads. Later he served as minister of industry and president of the national bank, before traversing the globe as a diplomat to meet an array of world leaders on behalf of Cuban socialism. He then played a key role in bringing to Cuba the Soviet nuclear-armed ballistic missiles which precipitated the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. He was a prolific writer and diarist, composing a seminal manual on the theory and practice of guerrilla warfare, along with what later became a best-selling memoir about his motorcycle journey across South America. Guevara left Cuba in 1965 to incite revolutions first in an unsuccessful attempt in Congo-Kinshasa and later in Bolivia, where he was captured by Bolivian forces assisted by the CIA and executed.

Both notorious as a ruthless disciplinarian who unhesitatingly shot defectors and revered by supporters for his rigid dedication to professed doctrines, Guevara remains a controversial and significant historical figure. As a result of his perceived martyrdom, poetic invocations for class struggle, and desire to create the consciousness of a "new man" driven by "moral" rather than "material" incentives, Guevara evolved into a quintessential icon of leftist-inspired movements. Ironically and in contradiction with his ideology, Che's visage was also reconstituted as a global marketing emblem and insignia within popular culture. He has been mostly venerated and occasionally reviled in a multitude of biographies, memoirs, books, essays, documentaries, songs, and films. Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century, while an Alberto Korda photograph of him entitled Guerrillero Heroico (shown), was declared "the most famous photograph in the world."

戴伦·罗伯斯(Dayron Robles)

戴伦·罗伯斯(Dayron Robles),古巴田径运动员,是近一两年在男子110米栏项目上进步最明显的年轻选手,由于年纪轻,上升空间大,罗伯斯已经成为刘翔的头号竞争对手。北京时间2008年6月13日凌晨消息,21岁的古巴小将罗伯斯在捷克俄斯特拉发田径大奖赛男子110米栏的比赛中跑出了12秒87的成绩,打破了刘翔2年前创造的12秒88原世界纪录,刘翔原世界纪录是2006年在瑞士洛桑大奖赛创造的。




Dayron Robles is a Cuban hurdler who holds the current 110 metre hurdles world record of 12.87 seconds, which he set on June 12, 2008 at the Golden Spike Ostrava meet, and is the current Olympic champion.

At the 2006 World Indoor Championships in Moscow he finished second with a new personal best time (indoor) of 7.46 seconds, a time which he has since improved to 7.33 s, making him the second-fastest ever indoors, behind Colin Jackson. At the 2008 World Indoor Championships in Valencia he didn't advance from the heats due to fact that he stopped running, thinking that fellow hurdler Liu Xiang had made

a false start. This was great disappointment for Robles, who had posted nine of the

11 fastest times of the winter season and was a favorite for winning the gold medal.

At the Beijing Olympics in 2008, many anticipated a Robles/Liu showdown in the final, but Liu was forced to pull out injured in the opening heat due to tendinitis. Robles went on to comfortably win the gold medal, posting a time of 12.93 s in the final.

"I was ready to run under 13 seconds thanks to our excellent training so far.

I felt comfortable and just focused on the gun and running as fast as possible. I saw the time and was shocked. I have been working hard to achieve things like this," an ecstatic Robles said.

At just 21 years of age, the 2006 World Indoor Championships silver medallist felt some magic in Ostrava as some of the current track and field stars assembled in the Czech city, including Jamaica's 100m World record holder Usain Bolt.

"The crowd was expecting something big. In the 110m Hurdles, the second, third and fourth place finishers from Osaka were here: Terence Trammel, David Payne and I. There was a good atmosphere, the wind, a nice temperature as I like it. I wanted to run well here as I had a poor race in Ostrava last year," he described.

“However, I am not so surprised because I have trained very well, in Ecuador and Cuba. I know I could run a fast race any time."

Ostrava was only his third race of the season. He made his outdoor debut in at the Golden League meeting in Berlin on 1 June, where he was second to then World leader David Oliver (13.19 to 13.20).

Five days later, he won easily on a wet track in Torino with 13.28.

"It rained a lot in Torino and the track was slow. Things are starting to come out step by step. We still have two months left before the Olympics, our main goal. Everything we do is focused on Beijing,” the 2006 CAC and 2007 Pa n American Games champion added.

Looking ahead to the Beijing Games, Robles can’t but refer to the man he out-classed as World record holder.

“He (Liu) doesn’t need to be motivated by me and my performance,” Robles said after knocking 0.01 seconds from his Chinese rival’s two-year old mark. “That the Olympics are in China and that he’s the Olympic champion should be his motivation.”The massive victory margin didn’t faze him nor did the uncharacteristic lack of rivals pushing him. He was simply out to prove a point to himself, and to others. “Good results this season by other runners really motivated me,” he said, adding that if he could have his way, he would have preferred a more competitive race. “I focus only on me, but I like it better when everybody is there.”

He also said that he felt he owed something to the Ostrava meet organizers, after finishing a distant third last year in 13.45.

“I wanted to come back here because I ran poorly here last year. I wanted to prove to the organisers that I’m better than I showed last year.”











苏联决定在古巴部署中程导弹,提供伊尔-28喷气轰炸机,于7月开始实施。苏联把运往古巴的货物改由苏联船只运送,将几十枚导弹和几十架飞机拆开装到集装箱里运往古巴。同时,3500名军事技术人员也陆续乘船前往。每一枚导弹都携带一个威力比在广岛的原子弹大 20或30倍的核弹头。经过伪装的第一批武器是在7月下旬用商船运抵古巴的。直到9月2日,苏联才公开宣布,根据苏古两国达成的协议,苏联将向古巴供应武器和提供技术专家。此时,苏联的武器和专家的运输计划已基本完成,部署工作已近尾声。



