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比重:Density 设计图稿:Design
流速:Viscosity or lord up 网版印刷:Silkscreen
残渣:Residue 釉:Glaze
砖:Tile 熔块:Frit
内墙砖: wall tile 化妆土:Engobe
地砖: floor tile 球土:Ball clay
云彩:Cloud 氧化铝:alumina
氧化锌:Zinc oxide
温度:Temperature 硅酸锆:zirconium silicate
窑速:firing cycle 添加剂:Additive STPP
滚棒:Roller 解胶剂:deflocculant
一次烧:single firing 增强剂:Thickener
二次烧:double firing 印刷釉:Printing glaze
粘度:Viscosity 印油:Medium oil
透明:Transparent 台车:Trolley box
锆白:Opaque 入坯机:Loading machine
无光:matt 窑炉:Kiln
半白:semi opaque 预热带:Preheating zone
坯体:body 烧成带:Firing zone
仿古:Rustic 冷却带:Cooling zone
直:Straight 分级:Sorting line/classification
弯:Curve bending 磨光机:Polishing machine
变形:Distortion 凹洞:Dimple
球磨:Mill or to grind 翘曲度:Planarity/bending
球石:Ball mill 高压蒸煮实验:High pressure/autoclave test
油膏:Medium oil 釉裂:Cracking
针孔:Pinhole 亮度:Glossiness
气泡:Air bladder 平整度:Smoothness
波纹:Ripple 波浪纹:Waving
不平:Uneven 熔点:Melting point
施釉重量:Weight (pick up) 红坯:Red body
石英砖(玻化砖):Porcelain homogeneous body
除铁:Magnet 筛网目: Sieve mesh 白坯:White body 印刷:Printing or screen
渗透釉:Soluble salt 生坯:Body/pired body
素坯:Biscuit 喷雾塔:Spray drier 喷粉:Spray powder 压机:Press/punch
干燥:Drier 烧成曲线:firing Cycle 喷水:Water application/nozzle 含水量:Water containing
喷枪:Spray gun 可塑性:Plasticity
淋釉钟:Bell 甩釉;Disco
皮带:Belt 过筛:Sieve
振动:Vibrate 高领土:Kaolin
添加剂:additive 滚筒印刷:rotoprint
三聚磷酸钠:stpp,sodium tripoliphosphate
矽胶滚筒:Cylinder or roller
粘剂:Fixative 印刷粉:Printing powder
吸附水:Hygroscopic water 格间水:Zolitic water
化合水:Combined water 窑前区:Pre-kiln(200℃-400℃)
快速冷却区:Rapid cooling zone
自然冷却区:Natural cooling zone
末期冷却区:Final cooling zone 液化气:Liquid gas
助溶剂:Fluxes 乳浊剂:Opacifiers
安定剂:Stabilizers 失透剂:Devitrificants
玻璃形成剂:Vitrifying agents 一次成型:Single pressing
冒泡:boilings(air bladder) 裂纹:Torn
釉裂:Crazing 脱釉:Peeling
云彩效果:Casual shading 阴阳效果:Lateral shading
饿卵石:Pebbles 层状缺陷:Lamination
凹洞:Dimples 粗糙面:Rough or rugged
边线翘曲:Side bending 凸边:Convexity
斑点:central spot 缩釉:Crack
预热细裂:preheating dunts 剥釉:Chipping-off
喷嘴或喷雾塔:Spray-nozzles 单层辊道窑:Single-layer kiln
一层以上的辊道窑:Roller kiln with on or more lagers
多层辊道窑:Multi-layer kiln 颗粒形状:Granulometry
卧式隧道干燥机:Continuous lunnel dryers
开裂:Cracks 厚度不均:Irregular thickness 瓷化砖:Vitrified tile 冷裂:Cooling crack
两边不平行:Taper 黑心:Black core 伸裂:Crazing 片裂:Chipping 液压压机:Hydraulic presses 凹点:Dimples
凸点:Grains in relief 析晶:Devitrification 刮刀:Squeegee 皮状釉:Scorza 浮雕印刷:Press relief 油墨: Inks 色膏:Pastes 增粘剂:c.m..c→carboxylmethy lcellulos 固定剂:Fixing agent 粉尘:Dust 解胶剂:deflocculant 条纹:Stripe
压机:Press 胶片:Film(positive)
快速球磨机:Fast ball mill 窑炉喷枪:Kiln nozzle
球磨罐:Mill jar 搅拌器: Stirrer
天平: Balance 量杯:Beaker
补偿器:Compensator 筛:Sieve
烧成温度:Firing temperature 热膨胀系数:COE
烧成周期:Firing cycle 釉面龟裂实验:Autoclave test
烧成曲线:Firing curve 抗冻实验:Frost resistance test
上温:Temperature over the tile 配方:Formula
下温:Temperature under the tile 针孔:Pinhole
弯曲强度:Bending strength 裂纹:Crack
釉面缺陷:Glaze defect 朔性:Plasticity
湿度:Humidity 变形:Deformation
水分:Moisture 翘曲:Warp
吸水率:Water absorption 素烧:Biscuit firing
气孔率:Porosity 釉烧:Glost firing
釉浆细度:Particle size of the slip化学成分:chemical composition
流动性:Fluidity 色调:Tone,Tonality
颗粒级配:Particle distribution 光泽度:Glossiness
残余量:Residue 目数:Mesh
预热:Preheating 干燥收缩率:Drying shrinkage
一次烧成:Single firing 烧成收缩率:Firing shrinkage
二次烧成:Double firing 硬度:Hardness
坯体强度:Body strength 氧化气氛:Oxidizing atmosphere
软化点:Soften point(Ts) 还原气氛:Reducing atmosphere
熔融温度:Melting temperature 日产量:Daily output
耐磨性:Abrasion resistance 色料:Pigment, Stain, Color
球土:Ball clay 坯体色料:Body powder
瓷土:China clay 可溶性盐:Soluble salt
氧化铝:Alumina, AI203 釉浆:Glaze slip
钾长石:Potassium feldspar 透明溶块:Transparent frit
钠长石:Soda feldspar 乳浊溶块:Opaque frit
硅酸锆:Zirconium silicate, ZrSiO4 无光溶块:Matted frit
石英:Silica, SiO2 长石:Feldspar
滑石:Talc 白云石:Dolomite
硅灰石:Wollastonite 生坯:Green body
坯体:Tile body 研球磨:Grinding ball
解凝剂:Deflocculant 柴油:Diesel oil
烧失量:I.L., Ignition loss 煤气:Coal gas
杂质:Impurity 液化气:LPG
天然气:Natural gas 釉面砖:Glaze tile
红坯砖:Red body tile 玻化砖:Porcelain tile
陶瓦:Roof tile 抛光砖:Polished tile
卫生陶瓷:Sanitary ceramics, sanitaryre
地砖:Floor tile 墙砖:Wall tile
日用陶瓷:Tableware 内墙砖:Interior wall tile
艺术陶瓷:Artistic ware, Giftware 外墙砖:Exterior wall tile
精细陶瓷:Fine ceramics 仿古砖:Rustic tile
陶器:Pottery 腰线:Listel , Listello
(火石)器:Stoneware 白坯砖:White body tile
矿泉水:Mineral water 啤酒:Beer 可乐:Kola
橙汁:Orange juice 虾:Shrimp 羊肉:Mutton
洋葱:Onion 贝壳类:Shellfish 白菜:Cabbage
黄瓜:Cucumber 菜花:Cauliflower 蘑菇:Mushroom
蔬菜:Vegetable 水果:Fruit 炒饭: Fried rice 叉、勺:Fork & Spoon 汤:Soup 土豆:Potato
西红柿:Tomato 海鲜:Seafood 点菜:Order food 结帐:Pay bill。
