



高考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理 ,能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。临 近高考的冲刺阶段应当如何合理安排?最后关头要注意哪些小环节可以为考生 再赢得宝贵的几分?本人特别为考生精心准备了一份“考前30天备考指南”。
为专题复习奠定坚实基础。各学科组教师要认真学习新课程、新课标、《中国 考试评价体系及说明》和近三年高考原题,把高考考点和试题变化点做成“作战 地图”,平时考试、练习要对照“作战地图”进行选题,并在“作战地图”上一一标 注,确保考点训练无死角、考点覆盖无遗漏。 二是组织集体攻坚
发挥学科组集体备考的优势,学科组内任务分解、责任到人,每次考试变 式训练的预测由组长把关。学科组坚持“一课一研”、“一考一研”,新老教师步 调一致,节奏有序,充分发挥分工协作的集体教研智慧。
Part 2. 语法填空答题规范
• 请大家仔细查看以下答题卡,找出在答案填写方面存 在的问题
1. 反复涂改,浪费有 效答题空间
2. 字母书写面目全 非
3. 将所给单词抄错,造成 直接丢分
4. 因为涂改导致答案 超出有效作答区域
5. 字母书写不规范,r/i连在一起。
二是上好试卷讲评课。试卷讲评课是高三的主打课型,必须切实收到实效。首 先,要精确掌握考情。考试不过夜,打铁要趁热,每次考试以后,要对班级考 试情况了如指掌,充分了解易错点、易考点,这样讲评时,才能有所侧重,才 能有针对性地攻克重难点。其次,要规范讲评流程。针对错误率高或重点考察 的试题,教师引导出方法思路;再由学生个人进行自评自纠,小组讨论展示, 找出得分原因和失分原因,真正弄清楚解题思路。师生合作再对解题思路进行 再归纳总结,写到纸上记录下来,强化验证结果。三是克服“漏斗思维”。所谓“ 漏斗思维”,就是:今天正在学,突然有事不继续了,明天已经忘记一大部分, 后天想起来,继续学,但是忘记的一大部分似乎又需要重新开始,周而复始, 积累数月,结果是仅仅只有一点点的内容,而且是在同一个地方循环往复。对 于常错、常考的知识点,要经常复习,要不就如同漏斗一样慢慢溜掉。尤其是 对于已经进行过的专题训练、变式训练,不能认为进行过一次、两次就万事大 吉,要每隔2周进行“回头看”,把学生的易错题重新编辑,归类整理后附上分析 讲解印发给学生,克服漏斗思维,反复夯实专题训练的知识点。


A.e c p sa e C.at n a c t dn e e B a sn e . b e c D. a p a a c p e rn e
每 道 单 项 选 择 题 都 是 在 一 定 的语 境 中对 概 念 进 行
描述 的, 特别是对话题更是如此 。 完整地阅读题 干后 , 能
有一 总体 规 划 。
问题 的同时 , 步给 出提 出问题 的方法 , 逐 以培养学 生 良
在总体规划 的基础 上 , 于每一课 的教 学过程设计 好 的学 生态度 。 对 三是 如何 抓落实 。 题海 战术中作业 布置 还应 注意 以下三方 面 : 一是 以思维训 练 、 能力培训 为中 带有很 大的盲 目性 , 因此 课前就应 设计好学生 的作业。 心, 概括解 题规 律。 如解 分式方 程时突 出去分母法和换 针对学生的弱点选编或从纠正学生暴露的问题人手 , 按
c, ,口 口 口 c 口 c ( ‘ ‘
总复习时 , 教师首先 以《 教学大纲 》 及学 生的实际设 几何标准图形的缺补 、 添加 等。 对题 目一题多变 , 或一题
既要 引导学生对题 目作进一 步讨论和深 入探求 , 计教学 起点 , 选择恰 当的教 学角度和基 准 , 安排好 复习 多解 , 层 次和难度 阶梯作 为总体思想 , 对包 括量在 内的诸 因素 提高学 生举一反三 , 触类 旁通 的能力 , 要注意在 解答 还
文 中 、 及面 广 、 断节 奏快 , 涉 判 学 性 强 , 初步阅读往 往会使 学生误入 “ 歧途 ” 即使完 整地 , 明
放 生 喜 欢 做 , 师 也 喜 欢 讲 。 教 那 阅读 了题干也很难一 下子做 出正 确的选择。 这就 需要我
么 , 何 进 行 英 语 单 项 选 择 试 们从 分析句子结 构人手 , 如 层层 推断 , 进而做 出正确 的选 比如 : 题的复习, 是我 们应 该值 得讨 择 。 论 的一 个 问题 。



单项选择解题指导一、试题特征1.考查基础知识及使用,语境化强,覆盖面广2. 考查词义的理解及使用,时代感强3. 考查日常交际用语,生活气息浓厚二、解题思路1. 分析句子结构,克服思维定势我们经常听到有的学生说某道选择题不难,可结果却做错了。


实例讲解:1) Isn’t it time you get down to ______ the papers? (2006重庆)A. markB. be markedC. being markedD. marking解析:如果形成思维定势把to看作是不定式符号,会误选A。

但get down to是固定短语,意为“开始认真(做某事)”,to是介词,气候接名词或动名词作宾语,主语you与mark是主动关系,所以空格处应天marking作宾语。

选D2) The more I think about him, the more reason I find for loving him _______ I did.(2005湖南)A. as much asB. as long asC. as soon asD. as far as解析:如果形成思维定势,多数考生会把这四个选项本身作为短语来辨析,则很难选对答案。

实际上,as much as I did 是习惯用法,意为“尽最大努力”。

as long as只要;as soon as一……就:as/so far as 一直到某种水准。

故选A攻关练习:1)While watching television, . (2005全国II)A. the doorbell rangB. the doorbell ringsC. we heard the doorbell ringD. we heard the doorbell rings2)Most of what has been said about the Smiths also true of the Johnsons.A. areB. isC. beingD. to be (2006安徽)8) A modern city has been set up in _____ was a wasteland ten years ago.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. where9) He transplanted the little tree to the garden _____ it was the best time for it.A. whereB. whenC. thatD. until10) In an hour, we can travel to places _____ would have taken our ancestors days to reach.A. whereB. whenC. whichD. what2. 巧用还原法,简化复杂题有的单项选择试题题干经常以被动语态、疑问句、感叹句、倒装句或强调句等复杂的形式出现,考生常感到不知所措,无从下手,这给考生答题增加了难度。




















1、无单词的情况下,你考虑:介词(+doing sth),引导词(+句子),并列词(句子前后可能是转折或者并列),冠词(+adj+n),情态动词+do,固定搭配。

2、有单词的情况下:基本是这样的搭配,形容词变副词(大多数情况下是?ly),非谓语动词(主要是doing,done,to do),比较级,单数变复数……了解整个文章或者对话,这个拿分,并不是很难。














基于此,本节课教学目标如下:1. 使学生掌握五种单项选择题的解题方法和技巧;2. 使学生能够运用所学方法和技巧进行分析解题;3. 使学生能够通过独立思考或合作的方式解决问题。

教学重点:五种解题方法的归纳与运用教学难点:如何熟练运用学到的方法解题(演绎法和归纳法总结方法及技巧)教法与学法:任务型教学法,合作学习法,自主学习法教学过程:教学流程图:导入示标热身练习反馈设疑任务一任务二课堂小结导入示标2分钟自主学习合作探究学生做题反馈答案2分钟方法技巧学习及运用28分钟达标练习13分钟任务三任务四、五任务六检验提高基础检验巩固提高Step 1. Lead-in (4分钟开门见山导入,大屏幕展示学习目标。



单项选择题解题指导常熟市尚湖高级中学邵惠科Teaching aim:Help students to do well in multiple choices through the application of strategies.Teaching Importance and Difficulties:How can students learn the proper application of strategies to do better in multiple choices. Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Lead in:Get some students to tell how they manage to get high scores in multiple choices.Step 2: Instruction:I. 高考英语单项选择题命题趋势:1.Easy-approaching近几年高考单项填空题基本体现了“知识化,语境化和交际化”的特点,没有出现以前所谓的偏﹑怪﹑难题。



【例】We forgot to bring our tickets, but please let us enter, _____?A. do youB. can weC. will youD. shall we2.Wide coverage with highlights考查点的覆盖面越来越广泛,但又做到了重点突出。


【例】_____ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog.A. Being bittenB. BittenC. Having bittenD. To be bitten3.Being situational试题的立意由简单直接的“结构立意”转向复杂间接的“情景立意”。



高考英语应考指导与易错点课时教案第一章:高考英语听力理解技巧与易错点1.1 听力题型概述1.2 听力答题技巧与策略1.3 常见听力易错点分析1.4 针对性训练与提高第二章:高考英语阅读理解技巧与易错点2.1 阅读题型概述2.2 阅读答题技巧与策略2.3 常见阅读易错点分析2.4 针对性训练与提高第三章:高考英语完形填空技巧与易错点3.1 完形填空题型概述3.2 完形填空答题技巧与策略3.3 常见完形填空易错点分析3.4 针对性训练与提高第四章:高考英语短文改错技巧与易错点4.1 短文改错题型概述4.2 短文改错答题技巧与策略4.3 常见短文改错易错点分析4.4 针对性训练与提高第五章:高考英语作文写作技巧与易错点5.1 作文题型概述5.2 作文答题技巧与策略5.3 常见作文易错点分析5.4 针对性训练与提高第六章:高考英语单项选择技巧与易错点6.1 单项选择题型概述6.2 单项选择答题技巧与策略6.3 常见单项选择易错点分析6.4 针对性训练与提高第七章:高考英语名词及代词的用法与易错点7.1 名词及代词的用法概述7.2 名词及代词的用法答题技巧与策略7.3 常见名词及代词易错点分析7.4 针对性训练与提高第八章:高考英语动词及动词短语的用法与易错点8.1 动词及动词短语的用法概述8.2 动词及动词短语的用法答题技巧与策略8.3 常见动词及动词短语易错点分析8.4 针对性训练与提高第九章:高考英语形容词及副词的用法与易错点9.1 形容词及副词的用法概述9.2 形容词及副词的用法答题技巧与策略9.3 常见形容词及副词易错点分析9.4 针对性训练与提高第十章:高考英语介词及连词的用法与易错点10.1 介词及连词的用法概述10.2 介词及连词的用法答题技巧与策略10.3 常见介词及连词易错点分析10.4 针对性训练与提高第十一章:高考英语情态动词及易错点11.1 情态动词题型概述11.2 情态动词答题技巧与策略11.3 常见情态动词易错点分析11.4 针对性训练与提高第十二章:高考英语虚拟语气及易错点12.1 虚拟语气题型概述12.2 虚拟语气答题技巧与策略12.3 常见虚拟语气易错点分析12.4 针对性训练与提高第十三章:高考英语时态与语态及易错点13.1 时态与语态题型概述13.2 时态与语态答题技巧与策略13.3 常见时态与语态易错点分析13.4 针对性训练与提高第十四章:高考英语非谓语动词及易错点14.1 非谓语动词题型概述14.2 非谓语动词答题技巧与策略14.3 常见非谓语动词易错点分析14.4 针对性训练与提高第十五章:高考英语句子结构与易错点15.1 句子结构题型概述15.2 句子结构答题技巧与策略15.3 常见句子结构易错点分析15.4 针对性训练与提高重点和难点解析本文档共计十五个章节,全面覆盖了高考英语的主要题型和易错点。


j5 j1 l 卷 l 期 ‘ ‘
V0. . 】 5 No 1
读 与 写 毒 志
Re d a dⅥ,i ro i a a n rt Pe i d c l e
20 0 8年 1月
J u an aw 20 8 0
.- -

1 还 原法 还原法 就是指 在解题过 程 中将 一个 结构不 明显或 者复杂
多用 于 带 有从 句 , 分词 或介 词短 语 做 定 语 的句 子 中 , 以及有
插入 语的句子 中。 2 1在有 定语 的句 子 中 .
T e o d r u t m t e h v b e l o i g f r h w n e f l i e h y a e e n o k n o -
a a t c e f r n r i l o
t e a 1 e s a e j s n w 很 明 显 就 构 成 了 h v h w l n w p p r u t o . ae s .d t b o s h的句型 , 以不 难看 出此题 的正确 答案 为 C 所 。 1 2在被动 语态 中 .

司 筱
( 肃省武威 铁路 中学 甘 甘 肃 武威 730) 3 09
文献标 识码 :C 文 章 编 号 : 6 2 1 7 (0 8 卜0 9- 2 1 7— 5 8 2 0 ) 0 0 0
中 图 分 类 号 : G 3 . 7 6249
近 几年来 高考命 题 的指 导思想 是“ 立足 大纲 , 着眼 应用 , 重 视能 力 ” 。单选 题设 题 灵活 , 中有 巧 , 中有 怪 , 阱 四 活 难 陷 伏。 干扰项 的干扰性 极强 。 生在平 时做 了大量 的语法训练 , 学 但在考 试 中选 择题却得 分甚微 。因此 掌握一 定的单选 题解题 方法是 十分 必要的 。笔者 就近几 年来 对部 分单选题 的解题 方 法研究 总结如 下, 希望 能起 到抛砖 引玉 之功效 。

廖赐仰 《高考单项选择考点归纳》

廖赐仰 《高考单项选择考点归纳》




热点四考查非谓语动词的用法,特别是doing 和done形式做定语,状语和补足语以及不定式做状语,宾补和不等式省略等.





















一,高考英语单选题的特点和规律(1)高考英语选择题的命题特点纵观近年来的NMET英语试题(包括省级试卷和国家级试卷),不难看出NMET 英语单项选择题具有以下特点:基础重,点多,覆盖面广,考点分布相对稳定集中。
















A. finished
B. finishing
C. having finished D. was finished 点拨:本题考查with复合结构中的宾补。分词作宾 补时,其逻辑主语是前面的宾语。此题中work与 finish在逻辑上是动宾关系,即被动关系,为此应 使用表示被动意义的过去分词作宾补。
热点四:考查形容词、副词及其比较等级。主要考 查形容词比较级、同级比较时倍数及名词的位置, 副词(词组)的意思、用法及位置等。 1. I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times ____. (浙江 2008--3)
A. didn’t speak C. haven’t spoken
B. hadn’t spoken D. haven’t been speaking
点拨:根据语境可知,第一句使用的过去时,时间状语 until then说明他们重归于好之前,他们已经两年彼此不说 话了,应用过去完成时。
备考建议:应熟知《新课标》中所要求的十种常用的时态 和被动语态构成及用法。解答时态语态时要结合语境,弄 清时间的先后关系,可根据不同情况采取“找标法”(寻 找时间标志词)、“呼应法”(主从句时态呼应)、“搭配 法”(固定搭配)、“语境法”等解题技巧,语态提出结合 时态一起考查。
A. counts B. applies C. stresses D. functions 点拨:本题考查动词词义辨析。根据语境可知,学 生社团的钱是从哪儿得来的不要紧,重要的是他们 怎么花这些钱。Count有“重要性”的意思,相当 于“matter‖。



态还原为主动语态。 [ ]stssho — 例 I h col i ■
【 指点迷津 】 此题很 容易误选 B 学生误 认为 是 ,
— 不 定式 作 表 语 。 其 实 冒号 已 经 表 明 后 面 是 D . oe rR gr 讲的原话 , 当是个 句子 , 应 只有选 D项 dnt o o’g 才构 成 一 个 否定 的祈 使 句 。 第 六 招 : 服思 维定 势 克 有些试题的题干 , 看上去好像就是固定搭配 , 学 生 高兴地完成 以后 , 结果却 做错 了。这类试题 要从 句子结构或者句意上 分析 , 以免掉人命 题者设 计 的 陷 阱。 例 ] C ae R bae i ee l cni r hrs abg s nrl os e d l g ay de
【 指点迷津 】 Ac 的 回答 Bt f y tdy 从 le i uIe i ee a. dt sr
可知 , le 上 句 祈 使 句 的反 意 疑 问 句 f dt i Ai 对 c e eb d e h r tda o y, ?作 了否 定 回答 , 故此 题 的正确 答
o n e 0
C.oh v n e td t a e iv n e
D . a ig iv ne h vn n e td
【 指点迷津 】 如果学生本题 只考虑 到 c s ed. oiro nd s . 考虑做 某事” l 为“ h 之意 , 会很 容易掉进 陷 阱 D
项 hv gi et 。而此题 中 cni r “ ai vne n n d os e为 认为”后接 d , 动词不定式 。因不定式的动作 发生在谓语动词 的动 作 之前 , 应选 C项 动 词 不 定 式 的 完 成 式 t hv . 故 o aei n



语气 比较强烈 。 对照表格 , 很快就可 以定位到 mu s t 上。 所 以, 本 题 选 C。
2. The t e a c he r wo r t h i t o r ha v e t ho ug ht Jo hns o n was
s he wo ul d n t ha v e was t e d t i me o n hi m, I
A.s ho ul d B. c a n C. wo ul d D. m us t
解析 :第 一步 ,因为情态动词 后有 h a v e ,所以是对过去 的推测。第 二步,句尾是句号 ,且句中无表示否 定的词 ,所 以 判定 句 子 是 肯 定 旬 。 第 三步 ,从 “ o r s h e wo u l d n t h a v e wa s t e d t i me o n h i m( 否则她不会浪费 时间在他身上) ”可 以判
A.s e t t l e d B.s e t t l i ng C. t o s e t t l e D . be i ng s e t t l e d
词 汇及 固定句型的考察 对 于这 类只是 我们应该 鼓励 学生 自己归纳在 学 习中常见

的一 些固定句 式、动词与副词 的搭配、名词与形容词 的搭配等
等 ,这对于 提高 单选题 的准确率 及书 面表达 的规 范性 都有好
断 ,推测语气 比较强烈 。同样 ,对 照表格 ,我们很快就能找到
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
际性和 实用性。 由于这一部分知识覆盖 面广, 加之每年 高考都有 若干个陷阱题 和难题, 使得 考生 对有些题 目望而生畏。本 文分析 了高考单项填空题的测试特点, 介绍 了一些 简单 的解题技巧 。 关键 词: 高考英语 ;单 选题 ;解题技 巧








例如:1).It’s very kind of you to help us.2).Fighting broke out between the South and the North.3).The driver failed to see other cars at the moment .4).Please show us how to do that.2.作状语时,不定式表示目的以及so/as to do和(only)to do中的结果状语,其它状语都用分词来表示。

例如:1).To sleep late the next morning,he turned off the alarm clock.(“非谓语主句”模式中,非谓语在句首而且由逗号与主句隔开,此句中的不定式只作目的状语;此时的分词表示时间、原因或条件状语,有时分词前可加when,while,if,before, after,as和though等连词,如:①Given more attention,thetrees could have grown better. ②When asked,never be silent.)2).He came here only to say good-bye to us.(不定式在句中作目的状语时它前面不能用逗号)3).He spoke a lot at the conference,only to show his ignorance on the topic.(不定式在主句之后,又有逗号与主句隔开时常用(only)to do形式表示出乎主语意料的结果)第二步:在第一步的基础上从非谓语的主被动形式这个角度进行筛选。










详细步骤是:先跳读修饰成分或附带成分,找出句子的骨干并理解其意义 ; 而后再分段理解修饰成分或附带成分。





可是,关于有些长难句,要在较短时间内( 如在参加考试时)将其译成中文比较困难,此时只需能正确理解其意思就行了,假如硬要勉为其难地译成中文,不单会浪费时间,并且在很多状况也没有必需。


因此应当每日抽出一点时间来稳固单词,比方在老师的帮助下集中学习《考试纲领》所列词汇,扩大词汇量; 或是每日清晨按词汇表次序回首复习单词,并联系其同义词、近义词、反义词及其常用短语、常用句型和常用套语。



高考英语应考指导与易错点课时教案一、教学目标1. 了解高考英语的考试形式和题型,掌握各个题型的解题技巧。

2. 分析常见的英语易错点,提高学生的语言运用能力和应试能力。

3. 通过实例讲解,让学生熟悉高考英语真题的出题特点,提高答题准确率。

二、教学内容1. 高考英语考试形式和题型介绍2. 常见易错点分析3. 解题技巧讲解4. 高考英语真题分析5. 练习与反馈三、教学过程1. 引入:简要介绍高考英语的考试形式和题型,引发学生兴趣。

2. 讲解:分析常见的英语易错点,让学生认识到自己在学习中存在的问题。

3. 实例分析:通过具体的高考英语真题,讲解解题技巧,让学生掌握答题方法。

4. 练习:布置相关的练习题,让学生巩固所学内容。

5. 反馈:对学生的练习进行点评,指出错误,帮助学生提高。

四、教学评价1. 课后作业:布置相关的练习题,检验学生对知识的掌握程度。

2. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的参与度和积极性,了解学生的学习状态。

3. 练习反馈:对学生的练习进行评价,给出具体的改进建议。

五、教学资源1. 高考英语真题库2. 英语易错点汇总资料3. 教学PPT4. 练习题库教学反思:本节课通过讲解高考英语的考试形式和题型,分析了常见的英语易错点,并讲解了解题技巧。




六、教学策略1. 案例分析:通过分析往年的高考英语真题,让学生了解考试题型和出题规律。

2. 互动讨论:鼓励学生积极参与课堂讨论,分享自己的学习经验和心得。

3. 小组合作:组织学生进行小组合作,共同分析英语易错点,提高团队协作能力。

4. 个性化辅导:针对学生的不同需求,给予个性化的辅导和指导。

七、教学方法1. 讲授法:讲解高考英语的考试形式和题型,传授解题技巧。



制 的听 力材 料来 加强 训 练 ,争 取 天 天 听,教 构 ,理解 主 题思 想 与各 层 次之 间 的逻 辑 关系
师进行适 当点评 。具体要做 到以下 几点 :
的能力 ; 用 已知信息和英语语感 ,合理推导 、 利
1 强化 学 生 的心 理 疏导 ,增 强 他们 的心 准确判 断的能力 ; . 英语 词汇意 义的辨析能 力 ;
单词 及其 典 型用 法 整理 出来 。对 复 习 中的 重 从 句为重点复 习内容 ,关 联词的使用是关键 。
点词 汇 和短 语 的用法 ,特 别是 活用性 很 强 的
4充分利用 “ . 一题 多变 ”“ 、一题 多解 ”“ 、 多
词汇 要进 一 步讲 解 ,并 没计适 当的巩 固性练 题 一 解 ”等 形式 ,进 行 组题 强 化训 练 ,提高
高考英 语各题 型 复习优化指导策略
◆ 戴 作鹏 ・ 字教 育 集 团宝 应 中学 翔
文章编 号 :IS 0 9 6 2 / S N1O — 4 6 CN1 — 2 8 G4 YF 3 1 9 一 / DH1 -17 Z2 —2 1 —1 一 ( 6 8 1/ 4 00 2 w t 3 1

习题 。
学 生 的应 变 能 力 。
二 、听力不 放松
四、完形 需强化
在高考前 ,继续精选与 高考 听力考题题型

完形 填 空 题 ,侧 重培 养 学生 快 速 阅读 理
致 、难 度 适 当 、语 速 适 中 的 由英 美人 士 录 解 ,全 面整 体 接 收信 息 的能 力 ;分析 文 章结
以确定 的表达一定要进行推 敲。
最 后 ,工 整誊 写 。 网上 阅卷 对 此有 更严









2012年高考英语单项选择题分类汇编名词1. 【2012全国卷II】⒚ The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are in great ________ in this city.A. qualityB. progressC. productionD. demand2. 【2012湖北】25. The furniture, with its modem style and bright colors, suits modem houses and their gardens, but looks _________ in the garden of a traditional home.A. out of questionB. out of orderC. out of sightD. out of place3. 【2012湖北】29. It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye disease that may not have any ___________.A. symptomB. similarityC. sampleD. shadow4. 【2012湖北】30. The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct ______ in applying for a visa.A. patternB. procedureC. programD. perspective5. 【2012福建】25. -Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency?- Well, you know, English is my _______. So it is my best choice.A. strengthB. talentC. abilityD. skill6. 【2012福建】26. China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals ______ all its citizens.A. in charge ofB. for the purpose ofC. in honor ofD. for the benefit of7. 【2012山东】24. My first ________ of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.A. expressionB. attentionC. satisfactionD. impression8. 【2012天津】3. You are working too hard. You’d better keep a _________ between work and relaxation.A. promiseB. leadC. balanceD. diary9. 【2012江西】29. You’d better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future _____.A. purposeB. referenceC. progressD. memory10.【2012四川】15. He will come to understand your efforts sooner o r later. It’s just a matter of _____.A. luckB. valueC. timeD. fact11.【2012浙江】7. Your ________ as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit ofreflecting on how you learn.A. operationB. growthC. performanceD. character12.【2012江苏】- Can I help you with it?- I appreciate your ________, but I can manage it myself.A. adviceB. questionC. offerD. idea13.【2012江苏】29. -Thank God you’re safe!- I stepped back, just ______ to avoid the racing car.A. in timeB. in caseC. in needD. in vain2012年高考英语单项选择题分类汇编形容词1.【2012全国卷II】13. Next to biology, I like physics _________ .A. betterB. bestC. the betterD. very well2. 【2012安徽】23. Interest is as to learning as the ability to understand , even more so.A. vitalB. availableC. specificD. similar3.【2012湖北】27. Can you tell the difference between the words "require" and "request"? I sometimes get puzzled by their meanings.A. dramaticB. regionalC. apparentD. subtle答案】4.【2012湖北】28. Whether the buildings in this area should be pulled down has remained people are still looking for other possible solutions.A. unchallenged B relevant C. controversial D. contradictory【答案】5.【2012全国】26. The result is not very important to us, but if we do win, then so much______.A. the bestB. bestC. betterD. the better【答案】6.【2012全国】29. This restaurant wasn't_ that other restaurant we went to.A. half as good asB. as half good asC. as good as halfD. good as half as7.【2012北京】28. Many people have donated that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs ___________.A. someB. lessC. muchD. more8.【2012福建】32. -Can you lend me the book Gone with the Wind?-- Sorry. I returned it to the library just now. Maybe it is still _________.A. availableB. affordableC. acceptableD. valuable9.【2012山东】33. Be _____ , you can’t expect me to finish all this work in so little time.A. reasonableB. confidentC. creativeD. grateful10.【2012天津】10. The secretary arranged a(n) ______ time and place for the applicants to have an interview.A. importantB. spareC. publicD. convenient11.【2012浙江】10. The research lacks ______ evidence, and therefore, its conclusion are doubtful.A. solidB. fierceC. severeD. potential2012年高考英语单选题分类汇编副词1.【2012安徽】34. Queen Elizabeth Ⅱis often to be richest woman in the world. ______ , her personal wealth seems rather small.A. BesidesB. OtherwiseC. HoweverD. Altogether2.【2012湖北】26. "Perhaps we need to send for Dr. Smith to sec what we can do about it," Father suggested ___________ to his neighbor who had come to discuss the problem.A. tentativelyB. thoughtlesslyC. definitelyD. rudely3.【2012福建】27. Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be ______ respected.A. especiallyB. equallyC. naturallyD. normally4.【2012湖南】24. Bicycling is good exercise; ____ it does not pollute the air.A. neverthelessB. besidesC. otherwiseD. therefore5.【2012天津】4. The dog may be a good companion for the old. ____, the need to take it for walks may be a disadvantage.A. BesidesB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. Instead6.【2012江西】34. He seems to be giving the impression that he didn’t enjoy himself in Paris. _________, he had a wonderful time.A. Above allB. What’s moreC. As a resultD. On the contrary7.【2012辽宁】22. We used to see each other ______, but haven’t heard from him since last year.A. especiallyB. regularl yC. particularlyD. approximately8.【2012四川】7. The hotel is almost finished, but it _____ needs one or two weeks to get ready for guests.A. onlyB. alsoC. evenD. still9.【2012四川】16. I make $2,000 a week, 60 surely won’t make ______ difference to me.A. that a bigB. a that bigC. big a thatD. that big a10.【2012浙江】14. Brown said he was by no means annoyed; ______he was glad to be able to make himself clearly understood.A. all in allB. for one thingC. on the contraryD. by the law11.【2012浙江】18. Mike was usually so careful, ______this time he made a small mistake.A. yetB. stillC. evenD. thus2012年高考英语单选题分类汇编代词1.【2012全国卷II】9. Sarah made _____ to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning.A. herselfB. thisC. thatD. it2.【2012重庆】21.-John, when shall we meet again, Thursday or Friday?-___________. I’ll be off to London then.A. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. None3.【2012全国】31. Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but _________ of them wants to, because they have work to do.A. eitherB. anyC. neitherD. none4.【2012福建】22. --Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?--$4,000, or _______ like that.A. anythingB. everythingC. somethingD. nothing5.【2012陕西】13. No matter where he is, he makes ____________ a rule to go for a walk before breakfast.A. himB. thisC. thatD. it6.【2012山东】21. When you are done with the book, just give it to Lucy or Helen or _______.A. whoeverB. whereverC. whateverD. however7.【2012江西】23. My brother would like to buy a good watch but _______ was available from that shop.A. nothingB. noneC. no oneD. neither8.【2012辽宁】28. If you’re buying today’s paper from the stand, could you get ____ for me?A. oneB. suchC. thisD. that9.【2012四川】2. New technologies have made _______ possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.A. thatB. thisC. oneD. it10.【2012浙江】5. Studying Wendy’s menu, I found that many of the items are similar to ____ of McDonald’s.A. thoseB. oneC. anyD. all11.【2012江苏】23. Sophia waited for a reply, but _____ came.A. eitherB. anotherC. neitherD. none08年高考英语单项选择试题分类汇编:动词词组01、(08全国卷I’ 34) After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane ___ her job as a doctor in the countryside.A. set outB. took overC. took upD. set up02、(08全国卷II’ 09) – What are you reading, Tom?-- I’m not really reading, just ___ the pages.A. turning offB. turning aroundC. turning overD. turning up03、(08天津卷’ 07)The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to ______ their discussion.A. put awayB. take downC. look overD. carry on04、(08山东卷’ 29)Einstein liked Bose’s paper so much that he ___ his own work and translated it into German.A. gave offB. turned downC. took overD. set aside05、(08江苏卷’ 23)—Is Peter there?—______, ple ase. I’ll see if I can find him for you.A. Hold upB. Hold onC. Hold outD. Hold off06、(08江苏卷’ 31) —I’m still working on my project.—Oh, you’ll miss the deadline. Time is ______.A. running outB. going outC. giving outD. losing out07、(08江西卷’29)If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him ___ during the day.A. awayB. upC. inD. back08、(08安徽卷’35)Don’t be so discouraged. If you ________such feelings, you will do better next time.A. carry onB. get backC. break downD. put away09、(08浙江卷’14)American Indian ____ about five percent of the U.S. population.A. fill upB. bring upC. make upD. set up10、(08湖北卷’25)The teacher stressed again that the students should not ____ any important details while retelling the story.A. bring outB. let outC. leave outD. make out11、(08湖北卷’26)In modern times, people have to learn to ___ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.A. keep withB. stay withC. meet withD. live with12、(08湖北卷’27)The present sit uation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to ______ its reality.A. make upB. figure outC. look throughD. put off13、(08陕西卷’20) It’s going to rain. Xiao Feng, Will you please help me the clothes on the line?A. get offB. get backC. get inD. get on14、(08四川卷’09)I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we________ fine..A. look outB. stay upC. carry onD. get along15、(08福建卷’29) _____ a moment and I will go to your rescue.A. Go onB. Hold onC. Move toD. Carry on08年高考英语试题分类汇编:动词辨析01、(08全国卷I’ 23) The performance ______ nearly three hours, but few people left the theatre early.A. coveredB. reachedC. playedD. lasted02、(08全国卷II’ 18) Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it __________.A. collectedB. containedC. loadedD. saved03、(08上海春卷’41) The story of the homeless orphan has _____ sympathy from the public.A. arousedB. attractedC. defendedD. adopted04、(08天津卷’ 13)Her shoes ______ her dress; they look very well together.A. suitB. fitC. compareD. match05、(08辽宁卷’ 25)You have to be a fairly good speaker to ______ listeners’ interest for over an hour.A. holdB. makeC. improveD. receive06、(08山东卷’ 28)The fact that she never apologized ______ a lot about what kind of person she is.A. saysB. talksC. appearsD. declares07、(08江西卷’25)I _____ it as a basic principle of the company that suppliers of raw materials should be given a fair price for their products.A. makeB. lookC. takeD. think08、(08安徽卷’28) -----Are you happy with your new computer? ----- No, it is _____ me a lot of trouble.A. showingB. leavingC. givingD. sparing09、(08湖北卷’23)Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still ______ the traditional customs.A. performB. possessC. observeD. support10、(08湖北卷’24)As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer to ______ the problem.A. handleB. raiseC. faceD. present11、(08四川卷’02)You have to ____ a choice. Are you going t o leave the job or stay?A. decideB. getC. doD. make08年高考英语试题分类汇编:形容词、副词01、(08全国卷I’ 28) You’re driving too fast. Can you drive ______?A. more slowly a bitB. slowly a bit moreC. a bit more slowlyD. slowly more bit02、(08北京卷’ 26) After the lo ng journey, the three of them went back home, ______.A. hungry and tiredlyB. hungry and tiredC.hungrily and tiredlyD. hungrily and tired03、(08上海春卷’ 28) Those who have _______ money than sense may sometimes act foolishly.A. muchB. moreC. mostD. many04、(08上海春卷’42) Food safety is ______ important, so the government spares no efforts to prevent food pollution.A. highlyB. reasonablyC. stronglyD. naturally05、(08上海春卷’44) Some people maintain that watching violence on TV is one of the major causes of ______behaviour and crime in society.A. childishB. artificialC. aggressiveD. heroic06、(08上海卷’27) In my view, London’s not as expensive in price as Tokyo but Tokyo _____ in traffic.A. the most organizedB. more organizedC. so organized asD. as organized as07、(08天津卷’ 02)My brother is really ______. He often works in his office far into the night.A. open-mindedB. hard-workingC. self-confidentD. warm-hearted08、(08辽宁卷’ 30)It looks like the weather is changing for ______. Shall we stick to our plan?A. the worseB. worseC. the worstD. worst09、(08山东卷’ 33)Would it be ______ for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport?A. freeB. vacantC. handyD. convenient10、(08江苏卷’ 30) It is ______ to spend money on preventing ill nesses by promoting healthy living rather than spending it trying to make people ______ after they are ill.A. good; goodB. well; betterC. better; betterD. better; good11、(08江西卷’33)Jack is late again. It is ________ of him to keep others waiting.A. normalB. ordinaryC. commonD. typical12、(08安徽卷’27) --- Hi, Mark. How was the musical evening?--- Excellent! Ales and Andy performed ______ and they won the firs prize.A. skillfullyB. commonlyC. willinglyD. nervously13、(08浙江卷’03) I like this jack et better than that one, but it costs almost three times______.A. as muchB. as manyC. so muchD. so many14、(08浙江卷’12)There are plenty of jobs ______ in the western part of the country.A. presentB. availableC. preciousD. convenient15、(08浙江卷’18)Ru nning a company is not ______ a matter of hiring people - they also need to be trained.A. simplyB. partlyC. seriouslyD. equally16、(08湖南卷’25)Last night Mr. Crook didn’t come back at the usual time. _____, he met some friends and Stayed out until midnight.A.MeanwhileB. HoweverC. InsteadD. Yet17、(08湖北卷’28)In those days, our ______ concern was to provide people who were stopped by the snow storm with food and health care.A. normalB. constantC. permanentD. primary18、(08湖北卷’29)As he works in a r emote area, he visits his parents only ______.A. occasionallyB. anxiouslyC. practicallyD. urgently19、(08陕西卷’12) He doesn’t have furniture in his room --just an old desk.A. anyB. manyC. someD. much20、(08陕西卷’16) Ten years ago the population of ou r village was that of theirs.A. as twice large asB. twice as large asC. twice as much asD. as twice much as21、(08四川卷’03)Although badly hurt in the accident, the driver was _____ able to make a phone call.A. stillB. evenC. alsoD. ever22、(08福建卷’26) In spite of repeated wrongs done to him, he looks _____ to people greeting him.A. friendlyB. livelyC. worriedD. cold【名词答案】DDABA DDCBC CCA【形容词答案】B A D C D A D A A A D A【副词答案】C A B B B D B D D C A【代词答案】D B C C D A B A D A D【08动词词组答案】CCDDB AADCC DBCDB【08动词辨析答案】DBADA ACCCAD【08动词辨析答案】CBBAC BBABC DAABA CDADB AA。

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单项选择解题指导一、试题特征1.考查基础知识及运用,语境化强,覆盖面广2. 考查词义的理解及运用,时代感强3. 考查日常交际用语,生活气息浓厚二、解题思路1. 分析句子结构,克服思维定势我们经常听到有的学生说某道选择题不难,可结果却做错了。


实例讲解:1) Isn‘t it time you get down to ______ the papers? (2006重庆)A. markB. be markedC. being markedD. marking解析:如果形成思维定势把to看作是不定式符号,会误选A。

但get down to是固定短语,意为“开始认真(做某事)”,to是介词,气候接名词或动名词作宾语,主语you与mark是主动关系,因此空格处应天marking作宾语。

选D2) The more I think about him, the more reason I find for loving him _______ I did.(2005湖南)A. as much asB. as long asC. as soon asD. as far as解析:如果形成思维定势,多数考生会把这四个选项本身作为短语来辨析,则很难选对答案。

实际上,as much as I did 是习惯用法,意为“尽最大努力”。

as long as只要;as soon as一……就:as/so far as 一直到某种程度。

故选A攻关练习:1)While watching television, . (2005全国II)A. the doorbell rangB. the doorbell ringsC. we heard the doorbell ringD. we heard the doorbell rings2)Most of what has been said about the Smiths also true of the Johnsons.A. areB. isC. beingD. to be (2006安徽)3) As soon as he comes back, I‘ll tell him when and see him. (2005北京)A. you will comeB. will you comeC. you comeD. do you come4)The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, it more different.A. not makingB. not makeC. not to makeD. nor to make(2005上海春)5)is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.A. ItB. AsC. ThatD. What (2004北京)6)According to _____ the steep mountains, he had no difficulty reaching the top.A. climbingB. climbC. having climbedD. have climbed7) Y our story is perfect; I‘ve never heard _____ before.A. the better oneB. the best oneC. a better oneD. a good one8) A modern city has been set up in _____ was a wasteland ten years ago.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. where9) He transplanted the little tree to the garden _____ it was the best time for it.A. whereB. whenC. thatD. until10) In an hour, we can travel to places _____ would have taken our ancestors days to reach.A. whereB. whenC. whichD. what2. 巧用还原法,简化复杂题有的单项选择试题题干经常以被动语态、疑问句、感叹句、倒装句或强调句等复杂的形式出现,考生常感到不知所措,无从下手,这给考生答题增加了难度。


还原法:1)将疑问句还原成陈述句实例讲解:1.Is this factory _________ you visited the other day ?A. the oneB. thatC. whereD. when先把试题变成陈述句:This factory is _________ you visited the other day2. Who did the teacher had ________ the article?A. writtenB. writeC. writtenD. writing将题干还原成:The teacher had who_____ the article. have sb. do sth2)将感叹句还原成陈述句实例讲解:_________ what they said sounded!A. How foolishlyB. How foolishC. What foolishlyD. What foolish将题干还原成:What they said sounded ______. sound是系动词用法要与形容词连用3)将倒装句还原成正常语序实例讲解:To all of you _______ the honor for the success.A. belongs toB. belong toC. belongsD. belong将题干还原成:The honor for the success ________ to all of you. belong to4)将省略句还原成完整的句子实例讲解:1. ---Do you have any idea what Paul does all day?--As I know, he spends at least as much time playing as he___. (2007,重庆,32)A. writesB. does writingC. is writingD. does write将题干还原成:he spends at least as much time (in) playing as he spends (in) writing.2. Would you please point out the mistakes in my composition, if _________.A. anyB. noneC. someD. anything将题干还原成:W ould you please point out the mistakes in my composition, if there are mistakes.5)将强调句还原成一般句式实例讲解:It was _____ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home.A. repairedB. repairingC. to repairD. in repair将题干还原成:The old man spent the whole morning________ at home.spend time (in) doing sth.6.)将被动语态还原成主动语态实例讲解:Charles Babbage is generally considered _________ the first computer.A. to inventB. to have inventedC. inventingD. having invented将题干还原成:W e generally considered Charles Babbage ________ the first computer.consider sb to do sth.攻关练习:1)___ that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere.(2007陕西) A. So successful her business was B. So successful was her businessC. So her business was successfulD. So was her successful business2)Whom would you rather have _________ with you this time?A. to goB. goC. goneD. going3)How pleased the teacher was _______ what the student said!A. hearingB. heardC. hearD. to hear4)John plays football ________, if not better than, David.A. as wellB. as well asC. so wellD. so well as5)Never _________ she praised __________ what she did.A. did, forB. did, ofC. was, forD. was, of6) A cook will be immediately fired if he is found ______ in the kitchen.A. smokeB. smokingC. to smokeD. smoked (2003全国)7) -- The window is dirty.-- I know. It _____ for weeks.A. hasn‘t cleanedB. didn‘t cleanC. wasn‘t cleanedD. hasn‘t been cleaned8) John had to have his car repaired in a garage because it _____ seriously.A. damagedB. was being damagedC. had damagedD. had been damaged9) _____ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.A. FacedB. FaceC. FacingD. To face10) These shoes look very good. I wonder _____.A. how much cost they areB. how much do they costC. how much they costD. how much are they cost3. 运用增删法,破解语境题增删法是指增补和删减的方法。
