Frequently asked questions
DOE Frequently_Asked_Questions Mar 16 2010
![DOE Frequently_Asked_Questions Mar 16 2010](
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS –C ERTIFICATIONC ONSUMER P RODUCTSU PDATED M ARCH 16,2010Manufacturers and/or private labelers who have not submitted a certification report and1compliance statement for the products identified in Question are in violation of Federal regulations and are subject to enforcement, including civil penalties and injunctive action to prohibit distribution of covered products in commerce in the United States. You should submit the required documents immediately in order to limit potential civil penalties.The information provided below is intended to help companies understand their responsibilities under the energy efficiency/water conservation regulations, with respect to the requirement to certify compliance with the regulations. It is not intended to create or remove any rights or duties, nor is it intended to affect any other aspect of EPCA or DOE regulations. You should consult 10 CFR 430.62 and other sections cited below for complete information.1) Which consumer products are subject to the certification requirements?•Does “medium base compact fluorescent lamp” include…?•Are fluorescent lamp ballasts subject to these requirements?2) Who is required to submit a certification report and compliance statement?•What is a manufacturer?•What is a private labeler?•If a product is privately labeled, which party is responsible for certification?3) What is the purpose of these reporting requirements?4) What information is required to be included in the certification report?5) What information is required to be included in the compliance statement?6) May I have a third party submit my certification report and compliance statement?•I am a third party representative. What do I need to submit?7) How do I submit the required information?8) What if I have never filed a certification report or compliance statement?9) Do international companies need to report?•Who is an “importer”?10) I participate in the ENERGY STAR program. Do I still need to submit certification reports and compliance statements?11) I manufacture/import/label general service fluorescent lamps and/ or incandescent reflector lamps. What information should I provide?•Where can I get a list of NVLAP test laboratories?•How do I certify new models since I do not have 12-month test data?12) I heard manufacturers will be required to submit certification reports and compliance statements for products that had not been subject to the certification requirements before. Is that true?•What additional consumer products will be subject to the certification requirements?•When is my certification report and compliance statement due?•What information must I submit?13) May I apply for a small manufacturer exemption?1) Which consumer products are subject to the certification requirements?(1) Central air conditioners(2) Central air conditioning heat pumps(3) Clothes washers(4) Clothes dryers(5) Direct heating equipment(6) Dishwashers(7) Faucets(8) Furnaces(9) General service fluorescent lamps(10) Incandescent reflector lamps(11) Pool heaters(12) Refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, and freezers(13) Room air conditioners(14) Showerheads(15) Urinals(16) Water closets(17) Water heatersAs of July 6, 2010:(18) Ceiling fans(19) Ceiling fan light kits with sockets for medium screw base lamps or pin-basedfluorescent lamps(20) Ceiling fan light kits with sockets other than medium screw base lamps orpin-based fluorescent lamps(21) Compact fluorescent lamps (Medium base)(22) Dehumidifiers(23) External power supplies (Class A only), including switch-selectable single-voltage voltage external power supplies(24) Torchieres•Does “medium base compact fluorescent lamp” include…?A medium base compact fluorescent lamp is an integrally ballasted fluorescentlamp with a medium screw base (E-26), a rated input voltage range of 115 to 130 volts and which is designed as a direct replacement for a general serviceincandescent lamp. This does not include any lamp that meets BOTH of thefollowing criteria:1)The lamp is specifically designed to be used for special purposeapplications; and2)The lamp is unlikely to be used in general purpose applications.Lamps that are used for street lighting; aviation, marine, transportation, orunderwater service; medical service; decorative or showcase service; or thatproduce colored light generally do not fall within the definition of a medium base CFL; however, you must determine that your lamp meets both of the abovecriteria.•Are fluorescent lamp ballasts subject to these requirements?Fluorescent lamp ballasts are not currently subject to the reporting requirements.2) Who is required to submit a certification report and compliance statement?A manufacturer or a private labeler of some covered consumer products is required to submit certification reports and compliance statements.•What is a manufacturer?For purposes of the certification requirements, any person who manufactures,produces, assembles, or imports a consumer product is a “manufacturer.”•What is a private labeler?A “private labeler” is the owner of a brand or trademark on the label of aconsumer product which bears a private label. A product is considered to “bear a private label” if the product or its container is labeled with the brand or trademark of a person other than the manufacturer and the manufacturer’s brand ortrademark is not on the product or container.In other words, a private labeler is a company that sells consumer products under its name, but does not produce them.•If a product is privately labeled, which party is responsible for certification?A basic model must be certified; under the current regulations, either party maysubmit the required certification report and compliance statement. Regardless of which party submits the required documentation, the basic model must becertified before it is distributed in commerce in the U.S.If the manufacturer distributes the basic model in commerce in the U.S., both the manufacturer and the private labeler may be held responsible for the failure tocertify. Once either party has certified the basic model, the other party is covered by that certification.If the manufacturer is overseas and does not distribute the product in commerce in the U.S. and the private labeler does distribute the product in commerce in theU.S., then the private labeler is responsible for certifying the product. (DOE will accept a certification from a manufacturer in this scenario, and that certificationwill fulfill the private labeler’s responsibility to certify.)3) What is the purpose of these reporting requirements?A certification report provides information to DOE to help us verify a manufacturer’s (or private labeler’s) compliance with the applicable energy efficiency or water conservation standard and helps us develop information regarding the products in the marketplace. A manufacturer must provide a certification report for each basic model. A certification report should be filed every time a new basic model is introduced. In addition, a manufacturer is required to report when production of a basic model has ceased and is no longer being distributed.A compliance statement is the actual certification by the manufacturer or private labeler that its basic models comply with the applicable standards; that it performed the required testing in conformance with the specified testing procedures; that the information it reported in its certification report(s) is true, accurate and complete; and that it is aware of the penalties it faces for noncompliance and/or making false statements.4) What information is required to be included in the certification report?In general, the certification report must include, for each basic model:•the product type•the product class (please see 10 CFR 430.32 for more information on the product classes) – be sure product classes are identified exactly as specified in 430.32•the manufacturer’s name•the private labeler’s name(s) (if applicable)•the manufacturer’s model number(s).In addition, each covered product requires specific additional information. Refer to10 CFR 430.62(a)(4)(i)-(xxii) for greater detail, including the form in which measurements should be presented. An abbreviated summary follows:•Central air conditioners—seasonal energy efficiency ratio; model number of ducted air mover (if applicable)•Central air conditioning heat pumps—seasonal energy efficiency ratio; heating seasonal performance factor; model number of ducted air mover (if applicable) •Clothes washers—energy factor; capacity•Clothes dryers—energy factor; voltage•Direct heating equipment—annual fuel utilization efficiency; capacity•Dishwashers—energy factor•Faucets—maximum water use for each faucet; or maximum water use for each flow control mechanism with a listing of accompanied faucets by model number •Furnaces—annual fuel utilization efficiency•General service fluorescent lamps—testing lab’s NVLAP identification number or other NVLAP-approved accreditation identification; production date codes; 12-month average lamp efficacy; lamp wattage; 12-month average Color RenderingIndex•Incandescent reflector lamps—testing lab’s NVLAP identification number or other NVLAP-approved accreditation identification; production date codes; 12-month average lamp efficacy; lamp wattage•Pool heaters—thermal efficiency•Refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, and freezers—annual energy use; total adjusted volume•Room air conditioners—energy efficiency ratio; capacity•Showerheads—maximum water use; list of accompanied showerheads by model numbers•Urinals—maximum water use•Water closets—maximum water use•Water heaters—energy factor; rated storage volumeAs of July 6, 2010:•Ceiling fans—model number•Ceiling fan light kits with sockets for medium screw base lamps or pin-based fluorescent lamps—efficacy•Ceiling fan light kits with sockets other than medium screw base lamps or pin-based fluorescent lamps—model number•Medium base compact fluorescent lamps—minimum initial efficacy; lumen maintenance at 1,000 hours; lumen maintenance at 40 percent of rated life; rapid cycle stress test; lamp life•Dehumidifiers—energy factor; capacity•Class A external power supplies—active mode efficiency percentage; no-load mode power consumption; nameplate output power; if missing from nameplate,output current of highest- and lowest-voltage models within design family •Class A switch-selectable single-voltage voltage external power supplies—average active mode efficiency percentage; no-load mode power consumption at lowest and highest selectable output voltage; nameplate output power; if missing from nameplate, output current•Torchieres—model number5) What information is required to be included in the compliance statement?For consumer products, the compliance statement must contain all the information and be filed in the format set forth in Appendix A to Subpart F of Part 430. Please refer to that appendix to see the format for the statement. The compliance statement must certify:•The basic model complies with the applicable energy conservation or water conservation standard.•All required testing has been conducted in accordance with the test requirements in Subpart B of Part 430.•All information in the certification report is true, accurate, and complete.•The manufacturer/private labeler submitting the certification report is aware of the penalties associated with violation of the Act, including the penalties forknowingly filing a false statement to the government.Please note that the compliance statement MUST be signed.6) May I have a third party submit my certification report and compliance statement?You may elect to use a third party to submit the certification report, in accordance with 430.62(e). However, you may not use a third party to submit your compliance statement. If a third party submits a certification report on your behalf, you should submit a compliance statement in accordance with 430.62(a) that states that the information reported in the certification report submitted on [date] (or covering [x] models) by [name of your third party representative] is true, accurate and complete.•I am a third party representative. What do I need to submit?You must submit all the information required on a certification report (see Question4 above). You must also include the name(s) of the manufacturers or private labelers who authorized you to submit their certification report(s) on their behalf.7) How do I submit the required information?Please use certified mail and submit to:Appliance Standards Program (EE-2J)U.S. Department of Energy1000 Independence Ave., SWWashington, DC 20585-01218) What if I have never filed a certification report or compliance statement?You should file a certification report for each basic model that is currently in production and/or in distribution.9) Do international companies need to report?Yes, if your company imports covered products in the United States or if you are manufacturer who sells products in the United States, you must comply with 10 CFR Part 430. Any person who imports a covered product is considered a “manufacturer” under Part 430. Covered products that are not in compliance may be refused admission into thecustoms territory of the United States. DOE will pursue enforcement actions against foreign manufacturers who distribute covered products in the United States and who fail to comply with the applicable regulations.•Who is an “importer”?An importer is a person (company, etc.) who is legally responsible for the entry ofa product into the customs territory of the United States. An importer may bedomestic or foreign and may be a manufacturer, a private labeler, a freightforwarder or any other responsible party.10) I participate in the ENERGY STAR program. Do I still need to submit certification reports and compliance statements?Yes, you still need to submit certification reports and compliance statements to DOE under part 430. ENERGY STAR is a voluntary program managed by the EPA. A product listed in the ENERGY STAR program obviously should meet the minimum federal standards. The requirements to submit certification reports and compliance statements are separate, however, and you must file these documents with DOE to fulfill your obligations under part 430.11) I manufacture/import/label general service fluorescent lamps and/ or incandescent reflector lamps. What information should I provide?The certification report for general service fluorescent lamps and incandescent reflector lamps should include•The testing laboratory’s National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) identification number or other NVLAP-approved accreditationidentification;•Production date codes (and accompanying decoding scheme);•12-month average lamp efficacy in lumens per watt;•Lamp wattage; and•For general service fluorescent lamps only, 12-month average Color Rendering Index.•Where can I get a list of NVLAP test laboratories?A list of laboratories accredited to perform energy efficiency testing for lighting products is available online at /Standards/scopes/eelit.htm.•How do I certify new models since I do not have 12-month test data?The regulations provide different certification procedures for new models of general service fluorescent lamps and incandescent reflector lamps. See 430.62(b)(2) for detailed instructions.12) I heard manufacturers will be required to submit certification reports and compliance statements for products that had not been subject to the certification requirements before. Is that true?Yes. On January 5, 2010, DOE published a final rule that adopted certification requirements for 6 additional consumer product types.•What additional consumer products will be subject to the certification requirements?(1) Ceiling fans(2) Ceiling fan light kits(3) Medium base compact fluorescent lamps(4) Dehumidifiers(5) External power supplies, Class A(6) Torchieres•When is my certification report and compliance statement due?You must submit your certification report and compliance statement no later than July 6, 2010.•What information must I submit?4Question above.5See Question and13) May I apply for a small manufacturer exemption?Any manufacturer of a covered product with annual gross revenues that do not exceed $8,000,000 from all its operations (including the manufacture and sale of covered products) for the 12-month period preceding the date of application may apply for an exemption. However:1)Only the conservation standards (10 CFR 430.32) are subject to exemption.DOE cannot grant an exemption from any other regulation.2)Exemptions are granted for a limited duration. You cannot get a permanentexemption from a conservation standard.3)DOE will grant an exemption only when the Secretary finds, after obtainingthe written views of the Attorney General, that a failure to allow an exemptionwould likely result in a lessening of competition.4)Exemptions can only be granted for up to two years from the date compliancewith the standard is required. For example, if a standard took effect on March1, 2008, DOE could not grant an exemption from that standard because thestandard has been in effect for 2 years. As another example, if a standard tookeffect on September 1, 2008, DOE could grant an exemption, but only throughSeptember 1, 2010. Before applying for an exemption you should considerthat applications must be published in the Federal Register for a commentperiod of 60 days, unless otherwise specified, before an exemption can be granted. An exemption is not retro-active and does not excuse past non-compliance.。
一、常用的名词缩写1.CEO - Chief Executive Officer:首席执行官2.CFO - Chief Financial Officer:首席财务官3.CTO - Chief Technology Officer:首席技术官4.DIY - Do It Yourself:自己动手做5.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions:常见问题解答6.VIP - Very Important Person:重要人物A - United States of America:美利坚合众国8.UFO - Unidentified Flying Object:不明飞行物9.CEO - Chief Executive Officer:首席执行官10.CFO - Chief Financial Officer:首席财务官11.CTO - Chief Technology Officer:首席技术官12.DIY - Do It Yourself:自己动手做这些名词缩写词在商务、科技、文化等领域被广泛应用,可以帮助人们更快地理解和传达信息。
二、常用的动词缩写1.FYI - For Your Information:供参考2.ASAP - As Soon As Possible:尽快3.B2B - Business to Business:企业间的4.BTW - By The Way:顺便说一下5.LOL - Laugh Out Loud:大笑6.OMG - Oh My God:天哪7.TGIF - Thank God It’s Friday:感谢上帝,终于到周五了8.DIY - Do It Yourself:自己动手做9.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions:常见问题解答10.VIP - Very Important Person:重要人物这些动词缩写词常常出现在网络聊天、邮件交流等场合,简洁明了地表达人们的想法和情绪。
安氏领信防火墙CyberWallOS 3.0 Frequently Asked Questions
![安氏领信防火墙CyberWallOS 3.0 Frequently Asked Questions](
LinTrust CyberWallOS 3.0 AnnouncementFrequently Asked QuestionsQ: 什么是CyberWallOS?A: CyberWallOS 是领信系列防火墙产品的内核名称。
CyberWallOS 3.0是安氏目前发布的最新版本。
Q: CyberWallOS 3.0可支持领信防火墙的哪些型号?A: 目前,领信防火墙的以下型号可以支持CyberWallOS 3.0l LinkTrust CyberWall-100SEl LinkTrust CyberWall-100HPl LinkTrust CyberWall-100Prol LinkTrust CyberWall-100Pro-Tl LinkTrust CyberWall-204l LinkTrust CyberWall-206Fl LinkTrust CyberWall-206SPl LinkTrust CyberWall-1000Fl LinkTrust CyberWall-1000AQ: CyberWallOS 3.0新增的特性都有哪些?A: CyberWallOS 3.0包含了CyerWallOS 2.8提供的所有特性,并新增了以下内容:1. 多端口防火墙 (Multiple Interface Support)l 设计能力支持多达64个物理以太网接口l 每个物理接口可配置多个VLAN逻辑子接口,VLAN逻辑子接口与常规接口具有等同的配置能力l 对称安全性设计,所有物理接口与VLAN逻辑子接口具有等同的特性与攻击防护功能,扫除来自网络各个区域的安全威胁。
l 提供带外管理功能,可自定义MGT管理接口,定义为MGT属性的接口专用于管理防火墙使用,管理流量与其他网络通讯流量分开。
用户可自己选择是否定义MGT接口l 可自定义IDS流量镜像接口,定义为IDS属性的接口专用于流量镜像使用。
一些常用英语缩写1. ASAP: As Soon As Possible (尽快)2. FYI: For Your Information (供参考)3. RSVP: Répondez s'il vous plaît (请回复)4. DIY: Do It Yourself (自己动手)5. VIP: Very Important Person (非常重要的人)6. CEO: Chief Executive Officer (首席执行官)7. GMT: Greenwich Mean Time (格林威治时间)8. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (常见问题)9. HR: Human Resources (人力资源)10. IQ: Intelligence Quotient (智商)11. ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival (预计到达时间)12. UFO: Unidentified Flying Object (不明飞行物)13. RSVP: Répondez s'il vous plaît (请回复)14. ATM: Automated Teller Machine (自动提款机)15. CEO: Chief Executive Officer (首席执行官)16. CV: Curriculum Vitae (个人简历)17. DIY: Do It Yourself (自己动手)18. RSVP: Répondez s'il vous plaît (请回复)19. MBA: Master of Business Administration (工商管理硕士)20. VIP: Very Important Person (非常重要的人)21. GPS: Global Positioning System (全球定位系统)22. DVD: Digital Versatile Disc (数字多功能光盘)23. PC: Personal Computer (个人电脑)24. TV: Television (电视)25. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (常见问题)26. USB: Universal Serial Bus (通用串行总线)27. WIFI: Wireless Fidelity (无线保真度)28. CEO: Chief Executive Officer (首席执行官)29. ASAP: As Soon As Possible (尽快)30. ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival (预计到达时间)31. FYI: For Your Information (供参考)32. RSVP: Répondez s'il vous plaît (请回复)33. NBA: National Basketball Association (全美篮球协会)34. ATM: Automated Teller Machine (自动提款机)35. HR: Human Resources (人力资源)36. IQ: Intelligence Quotient (智商)37. ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival (预计到达时间)38. UFO: Unidentified Flying Object (不明飞行物)39. RSVP: Répondez s'il vous plaît (请回复)40. ATM: Automated Teller Machine (自动提款机)41. CEO: Chief Executive Officer (首席执行官)42. DIY: Do It Yourself (自己动手)43. RSVP: Répondez s'il vous plaît (请回复)44. MBA: Master of Business Administration (工商管理硕士)45. VIP: Very Important Person (非常重要的人)46. GPS: Global Positioning System (全球定位系统)47. DVD: Digital Versatile Disc (数字多功能光盘)48. PC: Personal Computer (个人电脑)49. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (常见问题)50. USB: Universal Serial Bus (通用串行总线)。
Basic Anesthesia Training 2002, Monitoring FQA - 18
21Influence Tetanus on consecutive measurement (ST or TOF)?
22 Is measurement reliable at low body temp? 24 How to calibrate and perform TOF measurement on hypothermy patient?
Calibration “CALon at supramaximal current
Gain setting in maximal 7 steps
Stability testing, 3 times
Amplified gain 178
Amplified gain 185
Basic Anesthesia Training 2002, Monitoring FQA - 4
Current distribution
Basic Anesthesia Training 2002, Monitoring FQA - 5
Current density
Basic Anesthesia Training 2002, Monitoring FQA - 6
Direct stimulation adductor pollicis
Symptoms: • TOF responses have the same height especially at <10% transmission • Movement of thumb when pat. Is relaxed Causes: • Too high stimulation charge (I x t) > Cal • Stimulation too close to the (AP) muscle • Polarity of electrodes
Frequently Asked Questions
![Frequently Asked Questions](
Frequently Asked Questions常见问题predicate rules为法案(Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act),PHS法案(Public Health Service Act)或任意FDA规范(GxP:GLP, GMP, GCP, etc.)中阐述的要求。
The predicate rules要求哪些记录应该被保存;记录的内容;是否要求签名;记录必须保存的时间等。
本处翻译为“相关法规”,指一些需要遵守的行业监管规范1.Can a vendor guarantee compliant software for Part 11?供应商能够提供一个完全符合Part 11法规的系统软件吗?It is not possible for any vendor to offer a turnkey 'Part 11 compliant system'. Any vendor who makes such a claim is incorrect. Part 11 requires both procedural controls (i.e. notification, training, SOPs, administration) and administrative controls to be put in place by the user in addition to the technical controls that the vendor can offer. At best, the vendor can offer an application containing the required technical elements of a compliant system.对任何一个供应商来说,提供一个完全符合Part 11法规的系统是不太可能的。
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BASEBALL(1961年)和LUNAR(1973年)。BASEBALL可用来 回答美国一个季度棒球比赛的时间、地点、成绩等自然语言 问题。 LUNAR可帮助地质学家方便的了解、比较和评估阿波罗登月 计划积累的月球土壤和岩石的各种化学分析数据
它们的后台有一个数据库,保存系统可提供的各种数 据。而在用户提问时,系统把用户的问题转换成SQL查 询语句,从数据库中查询到数据提供给用户
问答式信息检索是一种允许用户以自然语言方 式询问,系统从单语或多语文档集中查找并返 回确切答案或者蕴含答案文本片断的新型信息 检索的方式。 问答系统允许用户以自然语言的形式查询信息
例如:世界上最大的宫殿是什么宫殿? 例如:紫禁城/故宫
要求有一个和文章内容相关的场景脚本 在用户提出问题时,系统根据文章内容、场 景脚本来回答问题 脚本不存在时,系统无法正常工作
科一英文缩写题大全1. ASAP - As Soon As Possible (尽快)2. RSVP - Répondez s'il vous plaît (请回复)3. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions (常见问题)4. FYI - For Your Information (供您参考)5. VIP - Very Important Person (重要人物)6. CEO - Chief Executive Officer (首席执行官)7. CFO - Chief Financial Officer (首席财务官)8. HR - Human Resources (人力资源)9. IT - Information Technology (信息技术)10. USA - United States of America (美利坚合众国)11. EU - European Union (欧盟)12. NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (北大西洋公约组织)13. AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (获得性免疫缺陷综合症)14. NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国国家航空航天局)15. FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation (美国联邦调查局)16. CIA - Central Intelligence Agency (美国中央情报局)17. NBA - National Basketball Association (美国职业篮球联赛)18. FIFA - Fédération Internationale de Football Association (国际足联)19. GPS - Global Positioning System (全球定位系统)20. DIY - Do It Yourself (自己动手)21. RSVP - Répondez s'il vous plaît (请回复)22. ATM - Automated Teller Machine (自动取款机)23. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions (常见问题)24. NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国国家航空航天局)25. CEO - Chief Executive Officer (首席执行官)26. FYI - For Your Information (供您参考)27. ASAP - As Soon As Possible (尽快)28. VIP - Very Important Person (重要人物)29. HR - Human Resources (人力资源)30. IT - Information Technology (信息技术)31. USA - United States of America (美利坚合众国)32. EU - European Union (欧盟)33. NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (北大西洋公约组织)34. AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (获得性免疫缺陷综合症)35. FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation (美国联邦调查局)36. CIA - Central Intelligence Agency (美国中央情报局)37. NBA - National Basketball Association (美国职业篮球联赛)38. FIFA - Fédération Internationale de Football Association (国际足联)39. GPS - Global Positioning System (全球定位系统)40. DIY - Do It Yourself (自己动手)。
一、常见缩写1.ASAP: As Soon As Possible - 尽快2.FYI: For Your Information - 供参考3.DIY: Do It Yourself - 自己动手做4.FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions - 常见问题5.VIP: Very Important Person - 贵宾6.CEO: Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官7.HR: Human Resources - 人力资源8.IT: Information Technology - 信息技术A: United States of America - 美利坚合众国10.EU: European Union - 欧洲联盟二、专业领域缩写1.NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration - 美国国家航空航天局2.WHO: World Health Organization - 世界卫生组织3.UNICEF: United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund - 联合国儿童基金会4.STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics - 科学、技术、工程和数学5.AI: Artificial Intelligence - 人工智能三、互联网和社交媒体缩写1.LOL: Laugh Out Loud - 大笑2.OMG: Oh My God - 天啊3.BTW: By The Way - 顺便说一下4.ICYMI: In Case You Missed It - 以防你错过了5.TBH: To Be Honest - 老实说四、日常生活缩写1.BFF: Best Friends Forever - 永远的好朋友2.FWIW: For What It’s Worth - 不管怎么说3.TGIF: Thank God It’s Friday - 感谢上帝今天是星期五4.DIY: Do It Yourself - 自己动手做5.ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival - 预计到达时间以上只是一小部分常用英文缩写,实际中还有更多丰富的缩写用法。
QbR Frequently Asked Questions“基于问题审核”(QbR)中经常问的问题Disclaimer: These are general answers and may not be applicable to every product. Each ANDA is reviewed individually. This document represents the Office of Generic Drugs’s(OGD’s) current thinking on the se topics.声明:由于每一种简化新药申请(ANDA)都是单独审核的,以下这些通常性的回答可能并不适用于每一种产品,但以下文件代表了目前仿制药办公室对一些热点问题的看法。
Format and Submission 提交的格式How should QbR ANDAs be submitted? 如何提交QbR ANDAs?OGD’s QbR was designed with the expectation that ANDA applications would be organized according to the Common Technical Document (CTD) format, a submission format adopted by multiple regulatory bodies including FDA. Generic firms are strongly recommended to submit their ANDAs in the CTD format (either eCTD or paper) to facilitate implementation of the QbR. The ANDA Checklist for completeness and acceptability of an application for filing can be found on the OGD web page: /cder/ogd/anda_checklist.pdf .OGD的QbR认为简化的新药申请应该采用已得到多家监管机构(包括FDA)认可的通用技术文件(CTD)格式。
常见英文缩写列表1.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官2.CFO - Chief Financial Officer - 首席财务官3.CTO - Chief Technology Officer - 首席技术官4.HR - Human Resources - 人力资源5.IT - Information Technology - 信息技术6.CRM - Customer Relationship Management - 客户关系管理7.KPI - Key Performance Indicator - 关键绩效指标8.ROI - Return on Investment - 投资回报率9.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - 常见问题10.VIP - Very Important Person - 贵宾职场中的缩写运用在职场中,英文缩写经常出现在邮件、会议和报告中。
英文常用缩写简写大全下面是英文中常用的缩写和简写的大全:1. ASAP - As Soon As Possible(尽快)2. FYI - For Your Information (供您参考)3. DIY - Do It Yourself(自己动手)4. VIP - Very Important Person(非常重要的人)5. RSVP - Répondez s'il vous plaît(请回复)6. ATM - Automated Teller Machine(自动取款机)7. CEO - Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官)8. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题)9. FYR - For Your Reference(供您参考)10. ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival(预计到达时间)11. RSVP - Répondez s'il vous plaît(请回复)12. ASAP - As Soon As Possible(尽快)13. ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival(预计到达时间)14. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题)15. FYR - For Your Reference(供您参考)16. CEO - Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官)17. ATM - Automated Teller Machine(自动取款机)18. ASAP - As Soon As Possible(尽快)19. FYI - For Your Information (供您参考)20. DIY - Do It Yourself(自己动手)21. VIP - Very Important Person(非常重要的人)22. RSVP - Répondez s'il vous plaît(请回复)23. ATM - Automated Teller Machine(自动取款机)24. CEO - Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官)25. FYI - For Your Information (供您参考)26. DIY - Do It Yourself(自己动手)27. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题)28. ASAP - As Soon As Possible(尽快)29. RSVP - Répondez s'il vous plaît(请回复)30. VIP - Very Important Person(非常重要的人)这只是一部分英文常用的缩写和简写,还有很多其他的缩写和简写,不同行业和领域可能会有更多特定的缩写和简写。
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)常见的问题Q: How much does it cost to open a Subway franchise?问题: 开一家赛百味需要多少资金?A: Typically, the total investment to open a Subway franchise ranges from RMB 600,000 to RMB 700,000. This can vary due to store size (build-out cost, equipment), rent (rentaldeposit = 3 x monthly rate). We also have select stores available for purchase in the sameinvestment range.回答: 通常投资一家subway需要60万到70万人民币。
Q: How much profit can I make and what is my return on investment ?问题: 我能够得到多少利润,投资回报率会是多少?A: Wecannot promise that you will make a profit. That depends on many factors such as store location, customer service, cost controls and your management. Subway gives you the toolsto be successful but profit potential will be up to you. Return on investment (ROI) variesgreatly by location and operator.回答: 我们无法确保您的利润会是多少。
1.ASAP - As Soon As Possible - 尽快2.DIY - Do It Yourself - 自己动手做3.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - 常见问题4.RSVP - Répondez s’il vous plaît - 请回复5.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官6.HR - Human Resources - 人力资源7.DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid - 脱氧核糖核酸8.VIP - Very Important Person - 贵宾9.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官10.RSVP - Répondez s’il vous plaît - 请回复11.DIY - Do It Yourself - 自己动手做12.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - 常见问题13.ASAP - As Soon As Possible - 尽快14.HR - Human Resources - 人力资源15.DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid - 脱氧核糖核酸16.VIP - Very Important Person - 贵宾17.GDP - Gross Domestic Product - 国内生产总值18.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - 常见问题19.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官20.RSVP - Répondez s’il vous plaît - 请回复21.DIY - Do It Yourself - 自己动手做22.DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid - 脱氧核糖核酸23.VIP - Very Important Person - 贵宾24.ASAP - As Soon As Possible - 尽快25.HR - Human Resources - 人力资源26.GDP - Gross Domestic Product - 国内生产总值27.DIY - Do It Yourself - 自己动手做28.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官29.RSVP - Répondez s’il vous plaît - 请回复30.DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid - 脱氧核糖核酸31.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - 常见问题32.VIP - Very Important Person - 贵宾33.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官34.RSVP - Répondez s’il vous plaît - 请回复35.DIY - Do It Yourself - 自己动手做36.ASAP - As Soon As Possible - 尽快37.HR - Human Resources - 人力资源38.DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid - 脱氧核糖核酸39.VIP - Very Important Person - 贵宾40.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官41.RSVP - Répondez s’il vou s plaît - 请回复42.DIY - Do It Yourself - 自己动手做43.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - 常见问题44.ASAP - As Soon As Possible - 尽快45.HR - Human Resources - 人力资源46.DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid - 脱氧核糖核酸47.VIP - Very Important Person - 贵宾48.GDP - Gross Domestic Product - 国内生产总值49.RSVP - Répondez s’il vous plaît - 请回复50.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官51.DIY - Do It Yourself - 自己动手做52.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - 常见问题53.ASAP - As Soon As Possible - 尽快54.HR - Human Resources - 人力资源55.DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid - 脱氧核糖核酸56.VIP - Very Important Person - 贵宾57.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官58.RSVP - Répondez s’il vous plaît - 请回复59.DIY - Do It Yourself - 自己动手做60.ASAP - As Soon As Possible - 尽快61.HR - Human Resources - 人力资源62.GDP - Gross Domestic Product - 国内生产总值63.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - 常见问题64.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官65.RSVP - Répondez s’il vous plaît - 请回复66.DIY - Do It Yourself - 自己动手做67.DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid - 脱氧核糖核酸68.VIP - Very Important Person - 贵宾69.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官70.RSVP - Répondez s’il vo us plaît - 请回复71.DIY - Do It Yourself - 自己动手做72.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - 常见问题73.ASAP - As Soon As Possible - 尽快74.HR - Human Resources - 人力资源75.DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid - 脱氧核糖核酸76.VIP - Very Important Person - 贵宾77.GDP - Gross Domestic Product - 国内生产总值78.RSVP - Répondez s’il vous plaît - 请回复79.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官80.DIY - Do It Yourself - 自己动手做81.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - 常见问题82.ASAP - As Soon As Possible - 尽快83.HR - Human Resources - 人力资源84.DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid - 脱氧核糖核酸85.VIP - Very Important Person - 贵宾86.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官87.RSVP - Répondez s’il vous plaît - 请回复88.DIY - Do It Yourself - 自己动手做89.ASAP - As Soon As Possible - 尽快90.HR - Human Resources - 人力资源91.GDP - Gross Domestic Product - 国内生产总值92.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - 常见问题93.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官94.RSVP - Répondez s’il vous plaît - 请回复95.DIY - Do It Yourself - 自己动手做96.DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid - 脱氧核糖核酸97.VIP - Very Important Person - 贵宾98.CEO - Chief Executive Officer - 首席执行官99.RSVP - Répondez s’il vous plaît - 请回复100.ASAP - As Soon As Possible - 尽快。
厨房安全英语作文Kitchen SafetyKitchen safety is of utmost importance to prevent accidents and injuries. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding kitchen safety:Q: What are some common kitchen hazards?A: Common kitchen hazards include sharp knives, hot surfaces and liquids, electrical appliances, and slippery floors.问: 厨房中有哪些常见的危险?答: 常见的厨房危险包括锋利的刀具、热表面和液体、电器和滑溜的地面。
Q: How can I prevent burns in the kitchen?A: To prevent burns, always use oven mitts or pot holders when handling hot dishes or utensils. Keep children and pets away from the stove and never leave food cooking unattended.问: 如何预防厨房中的烫伤?答: 为了预防烫伤,在处理热菜肴或器具时,一定要使用烤箱手套或锅垫。
Q: How can I prevent cuts in the kitchen?A: To prevent cuts, always use sharp knives and cutting boards, and cut away from your body. Store knives in a designated knife block or drawer, and never leave them inthe sink or on the counter.问: 如何预防厨房中的切伤?答: 为了预防切伤,在使用锋利的刀具和切菜板时,一定要远离身体。
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Frequently asked questions
Q 1. Why has Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) posted these statistics?
These tables have been prepared so that people who visit the website will be able to easily access information on application processing at visa offices around the world.
The tables show the number of days or months that were required to approve or refuse applications at each visa office last year.
Q 2. What does “finalize” mean on these tables?
Finalize means applications that have been approved or refused.
Q 3. What is included in the processing time information?
Processing times are calculated from the date that an application is received until the date that the application is finalized.
Q 4. Why are there differences in processing times in different regions or sometimes between offices within the same region?
Visa offices face different challenges operating in different countries, regions and even in different offices within the same region. For example, mail service in some countries and regions may be slower than in others. As a result, the time it takes to process applications varies from office to office.
Q 5. Why are there differences in processing times for different types of applications?
Certain categories of applications, such as those for:
∙sponsored spouses;
∙partners; and
∙dependent children
are processed more quickly than others in order to meet public policy goals such as that of family reunification.
Q 6. If I submit an application today, will these statistics show me the length of time it will take to finalize my application?
Future processing times may not be the same as past processing times. The length of time it takes to finalize applications may vary from time to time.
These tables show the number of days or months that were required to approve or refuse applications at visa offices around the world during a 12-month period in the past.
Q 7. What is CIC doing to reduce the length of time it takes to process applications at Canadian visa offices?
CIC is committed to processing applications as quickly as possible.
We carefully monitor processing times and look for ways to reduce processing times, such as through regularly reassigning resources to the areas of greatest need.
We will continue to strive to decrease processing times.
Q 8. How often will these statistics be updated?
These tables will be updated every three months to reflect processing during the previous 12 months.。