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英语专业简历求职意向一:* An executive assista nt positi on utilizi ng in terests, trai ning and experie nee in ofice

admi nistratio n.


* An en try-level positi on in sales. Even tual goal: man ager

of market ing departme nt.


* A position requiring analytical skills in the financial or

inv estme nt field.


* To begin as an accounting trainee and eventually become a man ager.


* An entry-level position in an accounting environment, which ultimately leads to fin acial man ageme nt


* A positi on as data-process ing man ager that will en able

me to use my kno wledge of computer systems. 资料处理经理的职务,能保证我运用电脑系统的知识。

* An en try-level positi on resp on sible for computer program ming.


* Admi nistrative assista nt to an executive where

shortha nd and typing skills will be assets.


* A positi on which will utilize my educati onal backgro und

in huma n resources, with prospects of promotio n. 谋求能运用我在人力资源方面的常识,并有晋升前途的职位。

* A positi on in charge of man ageme nt training programs.


* A positi on in Foreig n Trade Departme nt, with opportunities for advancement to management position in the departme nt.


* An admi nistrative secretarial positi on where com muni cati on skills and a pleasa nt attitude toward people will be assets.


* A position as a design engineer in an engineering departme nt.


* Looki ng for a positi on as a computer programmer with a medium-sized firm.


* To serve as sales promoter in a mult in ati onal corporati on with a view to promoti on in positi on and assig nment in pare nt compa ny& #39;s branch abroad.



Age: 23 years old height: 160 cm

Marital status: sin gle address: cha ngde

Job objective

Expect post properties: full-time

Expected mon thly salary: 2000 ~ 3000

Expect engaged in post: sales director, flight attendants, the

hotel/restaura nt man ager, foreme n, s/cashier, book ing

tickets/reservatio n service, educati on trai ning, customer man ager/age nt

Expect en gaged in in dustry: com muni cati on

(equipme nt/operati on/value-added services), finan cial (bank/in sura nee), trade/import and export, elothi ng/textile/leather, furniture/eleetrieal applia nces/crafts/toys, advertisi ng/marketi ng, educatio n/trai ning, cateri ng/en tertai nmen t/leisure

Self evaluati on

Fresh graduates, during the period of school has done many part-time, such as sales promotion, do the waiter, con temporary class teacher, do in tern teacher, etc.

Hon est and pragmatic, can bear hardships and sta nd hard work, serious and resp on sible, treats people the en thusiasm, pers on ality, cheerful and lively, good with people.

Educati on experie nee

Start-stop years: 2008-09-13-2012-06-14

The school n ame: hunan liberal arts college lotus college

Professi onal n ame: En glish

Degree: bachelor degree


gen der: female =

Age: 23 years old height: 163 cm

Marital status: sin gle een sus register in hunan province

Job objective
