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果的前提.因此,选取2006年1月至2016年10月北京市居民消费价格指数(CPI)、新建商品住宅销售价格指数(RE)和广义流通货币(M2))的月度时间序列数据,建立向量自回归模型来分析三者的关系,通过格兰杰因果检验和脉冲响应函数考察冲击影响.实证结果表明,新建商品房价格和物价水平之间存在单向因果关系,物价水平和货币流通水平互为格兰杰因果关系.方差分解的结果说明,在长期,房价的变动很大程度是由物价水平变动引起的,而物价水平变动很大程度上影响着广义货币的流通变化.%In 2016,Chinese government introduced a series of housing policies to protect people's livelihood and had a far-reaching im-pact.It is a prerequisite to understand and test policies via studying the relationship among housing price fluctuation,consumer price index fluctuation and monetary policies.Therefore,this paper chooses the monthly CPI of Beijing residents from January 2006 to October 2016, the monthly data of the new commodity residential sales price index and the generalized currency M2 and then establishes the vector au-toregressive model to analyze the relationship.The impact effect is investigated by Granger causality test and impulse response function.The empirical results show that there is a one-
way causal relationship between the price of new commercial housing and CPI.CPI and money circulation level are mutually Granger
causality.Variance decomposition shows that the change of housing price is largely influenced by price Changes which affects the flow of generalized currency changes to a large extent in the long term.
1.基于VAR模型的北京市房价与股价的互动关系研究 [J], 姜玲;钮钦;
2.货币政策对我国西南地区房价影响实证研究r——基于VAR模型 [J], 辛榛
3.基于VAR模型的中国房价收入比、房价租金比与房价关系的研究 [J], 赵美平;刘永红
4.稳健货币政策下国内房价上涨的原因及地区差异性研究——基于Bayesian VAR 模型的分析 [J], 赵红雨;李沂;田爽
——基于MS-VAR模型的实证分析 [J], 尹相颐;闫强
