译林牛津版高中英语M1U3 Reading II教学课件共26张PPT


新译林牛津高中英语必修一U3L2 Reading II课件

新译林牛津高中英语必修一U3L2 Reading II课件
Practice 2
Translate the following sentences
➢ 一方面,孩子们需要有组织的活动。另一方面,他们也需 要时间和自由来放松自己。 On the one hand, children need organized activities. On the other hand, they also need time and freedom to relax.
➢ Today, however, I received a horrible surprise.
More examples of showing contrast
➢ Our original plan was to see a film at the cinema that afternoon. But in the morning, my friend posted a message on social media saying she had a cold. ➢ I’m so sorry! But this friendship is worth saving: eight years is a long time! ➢ I know you value your friendship and want your friend to value it equally. However, if your friend ignores your feelings or makes your suffer, it’s time to rethink your relationship. ➢ It’s sad to move on, but you have to accept that friends come and go in life.

高中英语 Unit3 Reading2课件 牛津译林版必修1

高中英语 Unit3 Reading2课件 牛津译林版必修1

• We shouldn’t be _t_o_u_ch__in_g__ about
our weight.
embarrass shame
Non-restrictive attributive clauses:
• Since I’m preparing to act in a new TV play, I’m taking weight-loss pills called Fat-less, _____ are quite popularwahmicohng young women here.
5 Since I’m preparing to act in a new TV play, I’m taking weight-loss pills called Fat-less, which are quite popular among young women here.(L6-8)
• It’s the same in China---many people, some of __w_h_o_mare not overweight at all, are always going on diets or taking weight-loss pills,
_____ are owftehnicdhangerous.
losing weight? He’s put on a lot of weight over
the years.
lose weight– become thinner put on weight—become fatter

译林牛津版高中英语M2 U1 reading I Boy missing, police puzzled教学课件 (共26张PPT)

译林牛津版高中英语M2 U1 reading I Boy missing, police puzzled教学课件 (共26张PPT)
C. They are looking at other possibilities, such as murder.
D. All of the above.
4. We can infer that the boy might go missing ______.
A. in his own room B. on the playground C. in Kelly’s room D. in his brother’s room
B. the police advised them to do so.
C. the disappearance might have sth.
to do with the UFO and the alien.
D. all of the above.
2. In the seventh paragraph, “show up” means _________. A. arrive or appear B. reach C. disappear D. reach for
3. What is the attitude of the police to the disappearance of the boy?
A. They can’t make sure that Justin was taken by aliens.
B. They think it possible for some people to make up an amazing story.
Supporting details
Mrs Foster thought he was spending the night with a friend Mr Foster was surprised that …not tell Justin Foster…not show up at lunch

译林版 牛津高一英语 unit3 readingPPT课件

译林版 牛津高一英语 unit3 readingPPT课件
again carefully and answer t. What happened to Pompeii in August AD 79?
Mount Vesuvius erupted and lava, ash and rocks poured out of it onto the surrounding countryside. All the people in Pompeii were buried alive, and so was the city.
Map of Pompeii
• It was first occupied in the 8th century BC. • The Etruscans soon dominated the region. The Etruscan occupation lasted
throughout the 5th and 6th centuries BC. • After the Etruscans came the Saminites. The Saminites turned Pompeii
into a pure Greek town. • The Romans took control of Pompeii around 200 BC. • The Romans retained control over Pompeii until the end.
AD 200 to AD 500.
6. According to the last sentence, how did the author feel
about the loss of Loulan?

译林牛津版高中英语M1U3 Reading ---revision教学课件共25张PPT

译林牛津版高中英语M1U3 Reading ---revision教学课件共25张PPT

These pills really worked. Two months later,
however, Amy was in hospital
4.______re_c_o_v_e_r_i_n_g____(recover) from liver
failure. She regretted taking those pills.
【 巩 固 】 The famous actors keep fit by ___w__o_rk_i_n_g_o_u__t _ in the gym every day.
3. I ‘m trying to lose weight because I’m so ashamed of my body. (P42)
1.The slim girl who ___a_tt_r_ac_t_s________ many people wants to go to a well –known tourist ____a_t_tr_a_c_ti_o_n_______ in Beijing (attractive).
Make Presentation much more fun
be/feel embarrassed about sth _对_某__事__感__到_难__为__情 【拓展】embarrass vt.__使__尴__尬_,__使__窘__迫_____
embarrassed adj.__感__到__困_窘__的_____ embarrassing adj. __令__人_困__窘__的_____ embarrassment n. ___困__窘_________
be ashamed of sth __为__某_事__感__到__羞_愧__________

译林牛津版高中英语Module 1 Unit 3 project 教学课件共29张PPT

译林牛津版高中英语Module 1 Unit 3 project 教学课件共29张PPT
the body. 3. A good laugh and a long sleep are the best
cures in the doctor’s book. 4. Eat right, exercise regularly, die anyway.
Learning goals for today:
3. Writing 4. Presenting
Tell the class what you have found.
How many…? What…? Have you…? Do you…? How much..? How often….?
Questionnaire for health
1. Do you think you feel good and
3. Enough sleep every night is also important for your health. (Para. 5) _A____g_o_o_d__a_m_o_u_n_t___o_f _ sleep every night is also important for your health.
having a good eating habit, such as having meals on time.
Find out the original sentence(原句) in the text.
1. Walking and riding your bike are effective(有效的); doing school sports is effective too. (Para. 4) Walking and riding your bike _c_o_u_n_t___,and



Do you want to be handsome and strong like them?
Suggestions about looking good and feeling good
Does: Don’ts:
Have good eating habits.
Don’t eat junk food.
Don’t stay up late using computers or watching TV.
Be confident and happy
Ways to look good and feel good
1.work out 2.have healthy eating habits.<dos and
Thank you!
知识回顾 Knowledge Review
hairstyle wearing figure face ...
feeling: healthy confidence knowledge good habit ...
Do you want to be attractive and healthy like these ladies?
Step 1 lead-in What the video mainly talks about?
3 years later
Unit 3
Looking good, feeling good
---welcome to the unit
What is the meaning of looking good? What is the meaning of feeling good?



primary school student, she was the popular girl who was willing to make friends
with me. Since then, a close friendship has grown between us and she's been
(很)值得被做 (不用very) 有错,应承担责任 无论如何,不管怎样
坦诚地说 与某人交谈
发现,找出 放弃;松手
珍视某人的友谊 继续前进
Importent words
2.original adj.起初的;独创的;原作的 [观察] Our original plan was to see a film at the cinema that afternoon.(教材 P30) 那天下午,我们的原计划是在电影院看电影。
(1)judge from/by ...
(2)judgement n.
in one's judgement
[指津] judging from/by ...意为“根据……来判断”,常放在
7.apologize vi.道歉,谢罪 [观察] Perhaps she knows she's in the wrong and wants to apologize, or maybe she has a simple explanation for her behaviour.(教材 P31) 也许她知道自己错了,想要道歉,或者她也许会对自己的行为有 一个简单的解释。 She should apologize to her deskmate for her bad behaviour. =She should make an apology to her deskmate for her bad behaviour. 她应为自己不得体的行为向同桌道歉。

牛津译林版 模块三Unit3 reading(共22张PPT)

牛津译林版 模块三Unit3 reading(共22张PPT)
Read the article in Part B on Page 111 of the Workbook and finish the exercises.
With these stones, people did not have to step in the mud in the streets on rainy days.
4. Why was Loulan an important city about 2,000 years ago?
Loulan in China
2,000 years ago
in AD 500
Cause of disappearance
Sven Hedin, a Swedish explorer
The scene the author saw
5. How do many people think Loulan disappeared?
1. What happened to Pompeii in August AD 79?
The volcano erupted and lava, ash and rocks poured out of it onto the surrounding countryside. All the people in Pompeii were buried alive, and so was the city.
2. How was the buried city discovered?

牛津译林版高中英语模块三 Unit 2 Reading教学课件

牛津译林版高中英语模块三 Unit 2 Reading教学课件
2. Why can similar pairs of words be found in the English language?
Because each word or phrase came from a different language.
3. What was the German plural form replaced by?
2. What are the three kinds of English discussed in the article? Old English, Middle English and Modern English.
3. In what way is English still changing? English is still changing in many ways, such as in vocabulary and pronunciation.
Find proper words from the text according the definitions: (P)
1. _v_o_c_a_b_u_l_a_r_y n. all the words that someone knows, learns or uses
2. _n_o_w__a_d_a_y_s adv. now, compared with what happened in the past
3. _s_e_r_v_a_n_t_ n. someone who is paid to do services such as cleaning, cooking, etc.
6. By the later half of the 14th century, English was a_d_o_p_t_e_d by all classes.

译林牛津版高中英语Module 1 Unit 3 Reading教学课件 (共29张PPT)

译林牛津版高中英语Module 1 Unit 3  Reading教学课件 (共29张PPT)

3 At the hospital, the doctors told Amy she would ______. A. live for seven days B. have to donate her liver C. die without a new liver D. need her mother’s liver
5 Zhou Ling, Amy’s friend _____. A. did not want to read Amy’s e-mails B. was sorry to hear about Amy’s problems C. thinks Amy should lose weight D. thinks diets and weight-loss pills are necessary
Weight-loss pills called Fat-Less.
3.What caused Amy’s liver to fail?
The weight-loss pills.
Guess what “Dying to be thin…”means.
What does the title “Dying to be thin……” mean?
After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile.
饭后百步走, 活到九十九。
Write a short report about :
Amy’s experience of losing weight(120 words)
What is your opinion towards beauty and health?

译林牛津版高中英语M1U3 Reading---Dying to be thin教学课件 T (共27张PPT)

译林牛津版高中英语M1U3 Reading---Dying to be thin教学课件 T (共27张PPT)
email, Amy is an actress, _______. A. who often exercises B. who wanted to lose weight C. who become ill D. who ate little
2. Why did Amy decide to take weight-loss pills?
A. She was overweight. B. She was having health problems. C. Her clothes did not fit. D. She wanted to become slimmer.
3. The pills did great harm to Amy’s ______. A. heart B. lungs C. liver D. eyes
4. Now Amy eats lots of fruit and vegetables. ( T )
5. For a slim and attractive figure, we ccaann’t damage our health. ( F )
Read the first two emails again carefully and then choose the best answer. 1. According to Paragraph 2 in the first
Canada. 2. What kind of pills did Amy take?
Weight-loss pills.
3. Can you guess the two possible meanings of the title?
The title has two meanings:



Ⅲ Part Three (para6-8) Different explanations about the deaths
Coincidence The mummy’s curse A scientific explanation (viruses) Conclusion :
‘The curse of the mummy’ remains a riddle to this day
After they looked into the tomb, they closed it and hid its entrance. They wanted to study the tomb later when they had more time.
ⅡPart Two (para4-5) The death of Carter’s teammates
from the title
from the 1st paragraph
too general (笼统的)
more specific [spə'sifik](具体的)
Title: the curse of the mummy
From your point of view, what might be talked about in the article according to the title?
Why was it the most important discovery?
The tomb contained more treasure than any of them had ever seen before, as well as the mummy of the king.
What did they do after they looked into the tomb?

译林牛津版高中英语Module 1 Unit 3 word power 教学课件 (共27张PPT)

译林牛津版高中英语Module 1 Unit 3 word power 教学课件 (共27张PPT)

Tomorrow is the open day for the sports clubs at school. There are many new clubs. Now that I am in Senior High, I can join clubs like the shooting club or the gymnastics club. I was never very good at these two sports so maybe I will choose the Kung fu club. Hmm, maybe I don’t want to get hurt. I think I would like to join the dancing club as I quite like dancing. There is also ping pong club. What about baseball or golf? Some people are playing these new sports now. It may be fun. Oh! I really don’t know which sport to choose. I will decide tomorrow.
Zhou ling’s friend Amy has just been out of hospital, please help Zhou Ling complete the letter to Amy so that Amy can recover soon.
Hi Amy,
I’m very happy to hear that you are getting out of hospital soon. You must be very excited! I know that you are not strong after your operation, so please do some of these exercises.

译林牛津版高中英语M 2 U1 extended reading II 教学课件 (共20张PPT)

译林牛津版高中英语M 2 U1 extended reading II 教学课件 (共20张PPT)

Step 2
• See who has the biggest vocabulary?
1.disappear vi.消失;失踪→appear vi.出现,露面 →__a_p_p_e_a_r_a_n_c_e___ n.出现,露面
2. unexplained adj.无法解释的,神秘的→explain vi.解释 →__e_x_p_la_n__a_ti_o_n_ n.解释
4. A boy is missing but the police is puzzled. and
5. People have shown great interest in Justin’s disappear. disappearance
Police in America have stepped __u_p__ 1.their search 2. _fo_r____ a fifteen-year-old boy called Justin Foster 3. _ w_h_o_ went missing three days ago in Dover. Witnesses said they saw Justin 4.walk(iwngalk) home. Kelly, his sister, said that 5. _a______bright light woke her up and she once mistook it for the light of the full moon. She saw a large spaceship flying outside the window. Justin shouted and then she hasn’t 6.__se_e_n__ (see) him since. When 7. __as_k_e_d__ (ask) about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Peterson who was 8._i_n__ charge of the case said they 9__ar_e_l_o_o_k_in_g____ (look) into it and wouldn’t give up 10. __u_n_ti_l__ they found out the truth.

译林牛津版高中英语M1 U2 Growing pain reading2 Home alone 教学课件 (共14张PPT)

译林牛津版高中英语M1 U2 Growing pain reading2 Home alone 教学课件  (共14张PPT)

F 3. Daniel's parents stthilolutghhintk of him as an adult.
FD4a.nEierlic does not want to explain to their parents.
T 5. The boys did not clean the house because they
Eric: Mom! Dad! You are back early! surprised
But, but… you weren't supposed to come back until
I can tell them we had an emergency.
4.explain (sth) to sb
5.be strict with sb/in sth: be hard on
T 1. The boys do not expect their parents to come
back so early.
F 2. Spot, the dog, looks ftuirleldofalnifde.hungry
C. instructions: many tips for emotions; helpful for acting
D. voice of reading: read aloud
Remember: 1. Read the dialogue aloud
2. pay attention to the
Reading strategy on P23:
Characteristics/features (特点) of a play:


Unit 2 Growing painis
Grammar and usage
Attributive clause
prep. + which / whom
Attributive clause
1. 先行词 2. 关系代词/关系副词: 关系代词 which, that, who, whom, whose等
The relative pronouns serve as
the objects of thep_r_e_p__o_s_i_t_io__n_s_.
Join the sentences with attributive clauses
We could expect good decisions from you. We thought you were the person.
Do you see the house whose roof is red?
Do you see the house the roof of which is red? Do you see the house of which the roof is red?
4. 我没有参加那次会议,当时我没有 认识到那个会议的重要性.
Keys to the sentences
1. Is this the play about which you were talking just now? 2. Daniel is the person with whom I want to make friends.
3. Art is the subject about which I know little. 4. The Maths teacher is the person from whom I got an A plus.
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E-mail 3 Multiple Choices:
1. Zhou Ling couldn’t read Amy’s two e-mails until today because of _____.
A. her computer problems B. her limited spare time C. her holiday D. her illness
E-mail 1 True or False
1. Amy used to gwooroknouat dinieatgtyomktoeekpeep
2. Amy is trying to lose weight because
she is ashamed of her body.
2. Zhou Ling knows that the pressure to lose weight is greater to __________.
A. students B. actresses C. teachers D. hostesses 3. Zhou Ling hopes that _____can learn from Amy’s story. A. Chinese people who are overweight B. Chinese people who go on a diet C. Chinese people who are not overweight D. Canadian actresses
Further Discussion
Step5 Summary:
What is true beauty?
What have you learned from Amy’s experiences?
What do you think of them?
Are they good –looking? Why or why not?
_In_n_e_r_b__e_a_u_ty___ is more important.
Offer seats to the old or the weak
Pick up the rubbish
Return the things to the owners
Donate money Donate blood
than 4 words)
She comes from Canada.
2.What kind of pills did Amy take?(no more than 6 words)
She took weight-loss pills called Fat-Less.
3.The title has two meanings:
3. Most young women want a slim figure(.T)
4. The weight-loss pills Amy took diddind’t
5. Sometimes Amy fdeofeeelsesnl ’t so energetic.
E-mail 2 Complete the form
Task 2:Work in groups of 3 or 4 to make a dialogue:
Actress used to …
take …
Advice liver failure Lost…
be ashamed of…
Step 2 Reading: Selfdirected study (自主学习)
Task 1: Fast-reading
Skim the text and then answer the following questions:
1.Where does Amy come from?(no more
Where What 4._W_h_y Who
She is in1.__h_o_s_p_it_a_l _
She is2. _r_e_c_o_v_er_in_g_ from liver3.__fa_i_lu_r_e_
The pills contains a harmful 5._c_h_em__ic_al that caused her liver to fail
Step3: Cooperate and discussion (合 作探究)
Choose one of the tasks and work with your group memebers:
Task 1:Read the text aloud and try to retell Amy's story according to the pictures on the screen.
• 2. What probably will the girl do after the misunderstanding?
• She will probably try to lose some weight.
Can you give her some advice on how to lose weight
Her mother 6._in_s_i_s_te_d__on sending her to hospital.
She 7._fo_l_lo_w__s__the doctor’s advice andex8e._rc_i_se_s______ for at least half an hour a day and eats a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good
Step 1:Lead-in: Watch and Answer • A funny video
• 1. Why does the man think the girl
is pregnant(怀孕)?
• Because the girl is a little fat.
Dying to be thin
Amy wanted to Amy nearly_d_i_ed_because __b_e _th_i_n_very what she did to become
much.(no more thin caused great harm to her health.(no more
The 10.__pr_e_ss_u_re__ to stay slim is a problem, and some people who are not overweight at all are going on 11.__d_i_et_s___. Health is the most important thing in our lives. Don’t 12.__da_m_a_g_e __ our health just for looking good. We shouldn’t be 13._e_m_b_ar_ra_s_se_d___ about our weight.
A person’s ability is not only judged by his appearance.
Both body health and mental health are important to make you attractive.
Nothing is more important than health.
Step 4 Consolidation
Amy is an actress and wants to have a slim 1._fi_g_ur_e_. She feels 2._a_s_h_a_m_edof her body. She used to go to the 3._g_y_m___, but later she didn’t 4._w_o_rk___ _o_u_t____ any more. Instead, she took some weight-loss pills. At first, these pills 5._w_o_r_k_ed___ quite well. She became 6._s_lim__m_e_r_a_n_d_s_l_im__m_e_r. A month later, however, Amy had to stay in hospital because of liver 7.___fa_i_lu_r_e__. She 8._re_g_r_e_tt_e_d___ taking those pills. Later she received good medical 9._t_re_a_t_m_e_n,t and now is feeling better.
than 2 words) than 1 word )
Task 2: Careful reading:
Read the text again to get some detailed information,meanwhile,
try to summerize the main point of each E-mail.
How to lose some weight?
go on a diet/ go on diets
get an operation /receive surgical treatment
take weight-loss pills/tea
do exercises
Amy, our main character, is a pretty girl, but she wants to lose weight too. Let’s look at her story. And then answer some questions.