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patients with ND (109 with cerebral apoplexy,15 with brain tumors and 7 with other neurological disease)
and 131 healthy controls were enrolled.The positivity rate of anti-BP180NC16a in the patients and controls were 11.45% and 3.05% respectively.with a signif icant dif ierence of P = 0.009.he positivity rate of anti— BP230 antibodies in the patients and controls were 5.34% and 2.29% .with no significant difference (P = 0.20 1. The anti— basement membrane antibodies were negative in the patients and healthy controls. C onclusion :The positivity rate of anti-BP180 antibodies was higher in the patients with neurological disea— ses,which may be associated with the pathogenesis of ND complicated with BP.
中国麻风 皮肤病杂 志 2018年 5月第 34卷 第 5期
论 著 ·
1 3 1例 神 经 系 统 疾 病 患 者 血 清 中 抗 BP 1 80和抗 BP230抗 体 的检 测
王亚 如 ' 李 洪军 许德 志 王建 文 周桂 芝 杨 宝琦
[摘要 ] 目的 : 了解 神经系统疾病患者血清 中抗 BP180、抗 BP230和抗基底 膜带抗体 的阳性率 。方 法 : 收集神经系统疾 病患 者 和正 常对 照血 清 ,采用 酶联 免疫 吸 附试 验 (ELISA)检 测两 组 血清 中抗 BP180NC16a抗体 和抗 BP230抗体水平 ,间接免疫荧光 (IIF)检测抗基 底膜 带抗体 水平 。结 果 : 共收 集 131例神 经系统疾病患者血清 (脑卒 中 109例 ,脑肿瘤 15例 ,其他神经系统疾病 7例 )和 131例正常 对 照血清 。病例组 中抗 BP180NC16a抗体 阳性率为 11.45%,高于对 照组 的 3.05%,差异具 有统计 学意 义 (P=0.009),病例组 中抗 BP230抗体 阳性率 5.34%,与对 照组 2.29%比较 ,差 异无 统计 学意 义 (P= 0.20)。IIF检测抗基 底膜带抗体结果均 为阴性 。结论 : 抗 BP180NC16a抗体在神 经系统疾 病患 者 中 有较 高的阳性率 ,可能与神经系统疾病患者合并大疱性类天疱疮 相关 。 [关键词 ] 大疱性 类天疱疮 ; 神经 系统疾病 ; BP180; BP230; 基底膜带
heahhy controls were collected.The levels of anti—BP 1 80,230 antibodies and anti—basem ent m em brane anti— bodies were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the level of anti-basement men— brane antibodies was detected by indirect immunofiuorescence (IIF).Results :0Be hundred and thirty—one
Corresponding author:YANG Baoqi,E—mail:baoqiyang@ 126.con
[Abstract] 0bjective:To detect the level of anti—BP 1 80 and 230 antibodies in the patients with neurologi— cal diseases(ND),but without BP.M ethods:The serum and clinical data of the patients with ND and
Anti-BP180 and 230 antibodies in 131 patients with neurological diseases
ⅣG Yam ,LIHongjun ,XU Dezhi , ⅣG ̄anwen , 0 Gu&hi , ⅣGBaoqi 1.School of Medicine and Life Sciences,Jinan University —Shandong Academy of Medical Scien ces,Jinan 250062,China;2.Shandong Provincial Institute of Dermatology and Ven ereology,Shandong Academy o f Med- ical Sciences, 船 n 250022,China;3.Department of Neurology,Taian City Central Hospital,Taian 271000, China;4.Department of Neurosurgery,the 5th People's Hospital of nnn,Jinan 250022,China