Cooper Raymond Deakin Jeffrey John Botanical miracles chemistry of plants that changed the world CRC




EKISTICS 艾克斯蒂主创团队前排左至右:保尔•芬斯克 | Paul Fenske合伙人–城市规划 | Principal - Urban PlanningB.L. Arch, M.A. Urban Planning & Design保罗∙芬斯克先生拥有景观设计和规划学位。












马克•蒙特罗 | Mark Monteiro合伙人 - 规划设计师 | Principal - Urban DesignB.A., B.E.S., M.Arch马克∙蒙特罗先生是艾克斯蒂的合伙人,拥有在国内外超过20年、包括城市设计、规划、景观设计及建筑设计在内的各种项目经验。





VOLUME ABEGINNINGS TO 1700IntroductionTimelineStories of the Beginning of the WorldThe Iroquois Creation Story*T he Navajo Creation StoryIrvin Morris: Hajííneí(The Emergence) CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (1451–1506) From Letter to Luis de SantangelRegarding the First Voyage(February 15, 1493)From Letter to Ferdinand and IsabellaRegarding the Fourth Voyage(July 7, 1503)BARTOLOMÉ DE LAS CASAS (1474–1566) The Very Brief Relation of the Devastationof the IndiesFrom HispaniolaFrom The Coast of Pearls, Paria, andthe Island of TrinidadÁLVAR NÚÑEZ CABEZA DE VACA(c. 1490–1558)The Relation of Álvar Núñez Cabezade Vaca[Dedication][The Malhado Way of Life][Our Life among the Avavares andArbadaos][Pushing On][Customs of That Region][The First Confrontation][The Falling-Out with OurCountrymen]*First Encounters: Early European Accounts of Native America*Hernán Cortés: Description of Tenochtitlan *Samuel De Champlain: The Iroquois*Robert Juet:From The Third Voyage of Master Henry Hudson*John Heckewelder: Delaware Legend of Hudson’s Arrival*William Bradford and Edward Winslow: Cape Cod Forays*John Underhill: The Attack on Pequot Fort JOHN SMITH (1580–1631)The General History of Virginia,New England, and the Summer IslesThe Third Book. From Chapter 2. WhatHappened till the First SupplyThe Fourth Book [Smith’s Farewell toVirginia]A Description of New EnglandFrom New England’s TrialsNative American Trickster TalesWinnebagoFelix White Sr.’s Introduction toWakjankaga (transcribed and translatedby Kathleen Danker and Felix White)From The Winnebago Trickster Cycle(edited by Paul Radin)SiouxIkto Conquers Iya, the Eater (transcribedand edited by Ella C. Deloria)NavajoCoyote, Skunk, and the Prairie Dogs(performed by Hugh Yellowman;recorded and translated by BarreToelken)WILLIAM BRADFORD (1590–1657)Of Plymouth PlantationBook IFrom Chapter I [The EnglishReformation]Chapter IV. Showing the Reasonsand the Causes of Their RemovalFrom Chapter VII. Of TheirDeparture from LeydenChapter IX. Of Their Voyage, andHow They Passed the Sea; and ofTheir Safe Arrival at Cape CodChapter X. Showing How TheySought Out a Place of Habitation;and What Befell Them ThereaboutBook IIChapter XI. The Remainder of theAnno 1620[Difficult Beginnings][Dealings with the Natives]Chapter XII. Anno 1621[The First Thanksgiving]Chapter XIX. Anno 1628[Mr. Morton of Merrymount]Chapter XXIII. Anno 1632[Prosperity Weakens Community]Chapter XXV. Anno 1634[Troubles to the West]Chapter XXVII. Anno 1636[War Threats]Chapter XXVIII. Anno 1637[War with the Pequots]Chapter XXXII. Anno 1642[A Horrible Truth]Chapter XXXIV. Anno 1644[Proposed Removal to Nauset]THOMAS MORTON (c. 1579–1647)New English CanaanThe Third Book[The Incident at Merry Mount]Chapter XIV. Of the Revels ofNew CanaanChapter XV. Of a Great MonsterSupposed to Be at Ma-re MountChapter XVI. How the Nine WorthiesPut Mine Host of Ma-reMount into the Enchanted CastleJOHN WINTHROP (1588–1649)A Model of Christian CharityFrom The Journal of John WinthropTHE BAY PSALM BOOKPsalm 2 [“Why rage the Heathenfuriously?”]Psalm 19 [“The heavens do declare”]Psalm 23 [“The Lord to me a shepherd is”]Psalm 24 [“The earth Jehovah’s is”]Psalm 100 [“Make ye a joyful soundingnoise”]Psalm 120 [“Unto the Lord, in mydistress”]ROGER WILLIAMS (c. 1603–1683)A Key into the Language of AmericaTo My Dear and Well-Beloved Friendsand Countrymen, in Old and NewEnglandDirections for the Use of LanguageAn Help to the Native LanguageFrom Chapter I. Of SalvationFrom Chapter II. Of Eating andEntertainmentFrom Chapter VI. Of the Family andBusiness of the HouseFrom Chapter XI. Of TravelFrom Chapter XVIII. Of the SeaFrom XXI. Of Religion, the Soul, etc.Poem [“Two sorts of men shallnaked stand”]From Chapter XXX. Of TheirPaintingsFrom The Bloody Tenet of PersecutionA Letter to the Town of ProvidenceANNE BRADSTREET (c. 1612–1672)The PrologueIn Honor of that High and MightyPrincess Queen Elizabeth of HappyMemoryTo the Memory of My Dear and EverHonored Father Thomas Dudley Esq.To Her Father with Some VersesContemplationsThe Flesh and the SpiritThe Author to Her BookBefore the Birth of One of Her ChildrenTo My Dear and Loving HusbandA Letter to Her Husband, Absent uponPublic EmploymentAnother [Letter to Her Husband, Absentupon Public Employment]In Reference to Her Children,23 June 1659In Memory of My Dear GrandchildElizabeth BradstreetIn Memory of My Dear GrandchildAnne BradstreetOn My Dear Grandchild Simon BradstreetFor Deliverance from a FeverHere Follows Some Verses upon theBurning of Our HouseAs Weary PilgrimTo My Dear ChildrenMICHAEL WIGGLESWORTH (1636–1711) From The Day of DoomMARY ROWLANDSON (c. 1636–1711)♦ A Narrative of the Captivity andRestoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson EDWARD TAYLOR (c. 1642–1729)Psalm Two (First Version)Preparatory MeditationsPrologueMeditation 8 (First Series)Meditation 16 (First Series)Meditation 22 (First Series)Meditation 38 (First Series)Meditation 26 (Second Series)God’s DeterminationsThe PrefaceThe Soul’s Groan to Christ for SuccorChrist’s ReplyUpon Wedlock, and Death of ChildrenUpon a Wasp Chilled with ColdHuswiferyA Fig for Thee, Oh! DeathSAMUEL SEWALL (1652–1730)From The Diary of Samuel SewallThe Selling of Joseph: A Memorial COTTON MATHER (1663–1728)The Wonders of the Invisible World[A People of God in the Devil’sTerritories][The Trial of Martha Carrier]Magnalia Christi AmericanaGaleacius Secundus: The Life ofWilliam Bradford Esq., Governor ofPlymouth ColonyNehemias Americanus: The Life of JohnWinthrop, Esq., Governor ofthe Massachusetts Colony* A Notable Exploit: Dux Faemina FactiBonifaciusFrom Essays to Do GoodTHE NEW-ENGLAND PRIMER (1690) Alphabet AMERICAN LITERATURE 1700–1820IntroductionTimelineSARAH KEMBLE KNIGHT (1666–1727)The Private Journal of a Journey fromBoston to New YorkTuesday, October the ThirdFriday, October the SixthSaturday, October the SeventhDecember the SixthJanuary the SixthWILLIAM BYRD (1674–1744)From The Secret Diary of William Byrdof Westover, 1710-1712JONATHAN EDWARDS (1703–1758)Personal NarrativeOn Sarah PierpontSarah Edwards’s NarrativeA Divine and Supernatural LightSinners in the Hands of an Angry GodNative Americans: Contact and ConflictPontiac: Speech at DetroitSamson Occom:From A Short Narrativeof My LifeThomas Jefferson: Chief Logan’s Speech,From Notes on the State of VirginiaRed Jacket: Reply to the MissionaryJoseph CramTecumseh: Speech to the OsagesBENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)The Way to Wealth*Polly BakerRules by Which a Great Empire May BeReduced to a Small OneInformation to Those Who WouldRemove to AmericaRemarks Concerning the Savages ofNorth America♦ The AutobiographyJOHN WOOLMAN (1720–1772)The Journal of John Woolman[Early Life and Vocation]J. HECTOR ST. JOHN DE CREVECOEUR(1735–1813)Letters from an American FarmerFrom Letter III. What Is an AmericanFrom Letter IX. Description ofCharles-TownFrom Letter X. On Snakes; and on theHumming BirdFrom Letter XII. Distresses of aFrontier ManJOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) and ABIGAILADAMS (1744–1818)LettersAbigail Adams to John Adams (August 19,1774) [Classical Parallels]John Adams to Abigail Adams (September16, 1774) [Prayers at the Congress]John Adams to Abigail Adams (July 23,1775) [Dr. Franklin]John Adams to Abigail Adams (October29, 1775) [Prejudice in Favor ofNew England]Abigail Adams to John Adams (November27, 1775) [The Building Up aGreat Empire]John Adams to Abigail Adams (July 3,1776) [These colonies are free andindependent states]John Adams to Abigail Adams (July 3,1776) [Reflections on the Declarationof Independence]Abigail Adams to John Adams (July 14,1776) [The Declaration. Smallpox.The Grey Horse]John Adams to Abigail Adams (July 20,1776) [Do My Friends Think IHave Forgotten My Wife andChildren]Abigail Adams to John Adams (July 21,1776) [Smallpox. The Proclamation forIndependence Read Aloud]THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)Common SenseIntroductionFrom III. Thoughts on the Present Stateof American AffairsThe Crisis, No. 1The Age of ReasonChapter I. The Author’s Professionof FaithChapter II. Of Missions andRevelationsChapter XI. Of the Theology of theChristians, and the True TheologyTHOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)The Autobiography of Thomas JeffersonFrom The Declaration of IndependenceNotes on the State of VirginiaQuery V. Cascades[Natural Bridge]*From Query XIV. LawsQuery XVII. ReligionQuery XIX. ManufacturesTHE FEDERALISTNo. 1 [Alexander Hamilton]No. 10 [James Madison]OLAUDAH EQUIANO (1745?–1797)From The Interesting Narrative of the Lifeof Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavas Vassa,the African, Written by HimselfFrom Chapter IChapter IIFrom Chapter IIIFrom Chapter IVFrom Chapter VFrom Chapter VIFrom Chapter VIIWomen’s Poetry: From Manuscript to Print Jane Colman TurellTo My Muse, December 29, 1725[Lines on Childbirth]Annis Boudinot StocktonTo my Burrissa—An ode on the birth day . . . of GeorgeWashingtonSarah Wentworth MortonThe African ChiefStanzas to a Husband Recently United Mercy Otis WarrenA Thought on the Inestimable Blessingof Reason[Prologue for Lines] To a PatrioticGentlemanAnn Eliza BleeckerOn the Immensity of CreationTo Miss M. V. W.Margaretta FaugeresTo Aribert. October, 1790JUDITH SARGENT MURRAY (1751–1820) On the Equality of the SexesThe GleanerChapter XI[History of Miss Wellwood] PHILIP FRENEAU (1752–1832)The Wild Honey SuckleThe Indian Burial GroundTo Sir TobyOn Mr. Paine’s Rights of ManOn the Religion of NaturePHILLIS WHEATLEY (c. 1753–1784)On Being Brought from Africa to AmericaTo the Right Honorable William, Earl ofDartmouthTo the University of Cambridge, in NewEnglandOn the Death of the Rev. Mr. GeorgeWhitefield, 1770Thoughts on the Works ofProvidenceTo S.M., a Young African Painter, onSeeing His WorksTo His Excellency General WashingtonLettersTo John Thornton (April 21, 1772)To Rev. Samson Occom (February 11,1774)ROYALL TYLER (1757–1826)♦The ContrastHANNAH WEBSTER FOSTER (1758–1840)♦ The Coquette; or, The History ofEliza Wharton*CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN (1771–1810)*Edgar HuntleyChapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8VOLUME B: AMERICANLITERATURE 1820–1865IntroductionTimelineWASHINGTON IRVING (1783–1859)*The Author’s Account of HimselfRip Van WinkleThe Legend of Sleepy HollowJAMES FENIMORE COOPER (1789–1851)The PioneersVolume IIChapter II [The Judge’s History ofthe Settlement; A Sudden Storm]Chapter III [The Slaughter of thePigeons]The Last of the MohicansVolume IChapter III [Natty Bumppo andChingachgook; Stories of theFathers]CATHARINE MARIA SEDGWICK(1789–1867)Hope LeslieVolume IChapter IV [Magawisca’s History of“The Pequod War”]Volume IIChapter XIV [Magawisca’s Farewell]LYDIA HOWARD HUNTLEY SIGOURNEY(1791–1865)Death of an InfantThe SutteeTo the First Slave ShipColumbus Before the University ofSalamancaIndian NamesSlaveryTo a Shred of LinenOur AboriginesTwo DraughtsFallen ForestsErin’s DaughterTwo Old WomenWILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT (1794–1878)ThanatopsisTo a WaterfowlSonnet — To an American PainterDeparting for EuropeThe Prairies*The Death of LincolnWILLIAM APESS (1798–1839)*A Son of the Forest*Chapter 1*Chapter 2*Chapter 3An Indian’s Looking-Glass for theWhite ManJANE JOHNSTON SCHOOLCRAFT(1800–1842)Sweet WillyTo the Pine TreeLines Written at Castle Island,Lake SuperiorMoowis, the Indian CoquetteThe Little Spirit, or Boy-ManCAROLINE STANSBURY KIRKLAND(1801–1864)A New Home — Who’ll Follow? or,Glimpses of Western LifePrefaceChapter IChapter XVI*Chapter XVIILYDIA MARIA CHILD (1802–1880)*The QuadroonsLetters from New-YorkLetter XIV [Burying Ground ofthe Poor]Letter XX [Birds]Letter XXXIV [Women’s Rights]Letter XXXVI [Barnum’s AmericanMuseum]RALPH WALDO EMERSON (1803–1882)♦ NatureThe American ScholarThe Divinity School AddressSelf-Reliance*CirclesThe PoetExperienceJohn BrownThoreauEach and AllThe Snow-StormBacchusMerlinBrahmaLetter to Walt Whitman (July 21, 1855)Native Americans: Removal and Resistance Black Hawk:From Life of Black Hawk Petalesharo: Speech of the Pawnee Chief Speech of the Pawnee Loup ChiefElias Boudinot:From the Cherokee PhoenixMemorial of the Cherokee Citizens, November 5, 1829Ralph Waldo Emerson: Letter to President Martin Van BurenNATHANIEL HAWTHORNE (1804–1864) My Kinsman, Major MolineuxYoung Goodman BrownWakefieldThe May-Pole of Merry MountThe Minister’s Black VeilThe Birth-MarkRappaccini’s Daughter♦ The Scarlet LetterPreface to The House of the Seven Gables HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW (1807–1882)A Psalm of LifeThe Slave Singing at MidnightThe Day Is DoneEvangeline, A Tale of Acadie[Prologue]The Jewish Cemetery at NewportMy Lost Youth*HawthorneThe Cross of SnowJOHN GREENLEAF WHITTIER (1807–1892) The Hunters of MenIchabod!Snow-Bound: A Winter IdylEDGAR ALLAN POE (1809–1849)Sonnet — To ScienceTo HelenIsrafelThe City in the SeaAloneThe RavenTo ———. Ulalume: A BalladAnnabel LeeLigeiaThe Fall of the House of UsherWilliam Wilson. A TaleThe Man of the CrowdThe Masque of the Red DeathThe Tell-Tale HeartThe Black CatThe Purloined LetterThe Cask of AmontilladoThe Philosophy of CompositionFrom The Poetic Principle ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1809–1865)A House Divided: Speech Delivered atSpringfield, Illinois, at the Close ofthe Republican State Convention,June 16, 1858Address Delivered at the Dedication ofthe Cemetery at Gettysburg, Nov. 19,1863Second Inaugural Address, March 4,1865MARGARET FULLER (1810–1850)*The Great LawsuitReview of Narrative of the Life ofFrederick Douglass, An AmericanSlaveFourth of JulyThings and Thoughts on EuropeLetter XVIIISlavery, Race, and the Makingof American LiteratureThomas Jefferson:From Notes on theState of VirginiaDavid Walker: From David Walker’s Appealin Four ArticlesWilliam Lloyd Garrison: To the PublicAngelina E. Grimke: From Appeal to theChristian Women of the SouthSojourner Truth: Speech to the Women’sRights Convention in Akron, Ohio, 1851Martin R. Delany:From Political Destiny ofthe Colored Race on the American ContinentHARRIET BEECHER STOWE (1811–1896)Uncle Tom’s Cabin: or, Life among theLowlyVolume IChapter I. In Which the Reader IsIntroduced to a Man of HumanityChapter III. The Husband andFatherChapter VII. The Mother’s StruggleChapter IX. In Which It AppearsThat a Senator Is but a ManChapter XII. Select Incident ofLawful TradeChapter XIII. The QuakerSettlementChapter XIV. EvangelineVolume IIChapter XX. Topsy*From Chapter XXVI. DeathChapter XXX. The Slave WarehouseChapter XXXI. The Middle PassageChapter XXXIV. The Quadroon’sStoryChapter XL. The MartyrFANNY FERN (SARAH WILLIS PARTON)(1811–1872)Aunt Hetty on MatrimonyHungry Husbands*Leaves of GrassMale Criticism on Ladies’ Books“Fresh Leaves, by Fanny Fern”A Law More Nice Than JustRuth HallChapter LIVChapter LVIHARRIET JACOBS (c. 1813–1897)Incidents in the Life of a Slave GirlI. ChildhoodVII. The LoverX. A Perilous Passage in the SlaveGirl’s LifeXIV. Another Link to LifeXXI. The Loophole of RetreatXLI. Free at LastWILLIAM WELLS BROWN (1814–1884)The Narrative of the Life and Escape ofWilliam Wells Brown[Escape: Self-Education]Clotel; or, The President’s DaughterChapter I. The Negro SaleChapter XXIV. The ArrestChapter XXV. Death Is FreedomHENRY DAVID THOREAU (1817–1862)Resistance to Civil Government♦ Walden, or Life in the WoodsSlavery in MassachusettsFrom A Plea for Captain John BrownFREDERICK DOUGLASS (1818–1895)♦ Narrative of the Life of FrederickDouglass, an American Slave, Writtenby HimselfMy Bondage and My FreedomChapter I. The Author’s ChildhoodChapter II. The Author Removedfrom His First HomeChapter III. The Author’s ParentageWhat to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?♦ The Heroic SlaveSection, Region, Nation, HemisphereDaniel Webster:From First Settlement ofNew EnglandWilliam Gilmore Simms:From Americanismin Literature*Moral Map of the United States*Lorenzo De Zavala:From Journey to theUnited States of North AmericaRichard Henry Dana Jr.: From Two Yearsbefore the MastJohn Louis O’Sullivan: From AnnexationFrancis Parkman Jr.: From The California and Oregon Trail*James M. Whitfield: Stanzas for theFirst of August*Julia Ward Howe:From A Trip to Cuba Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut:From Mary Chesnut’s Civil WarWALT WHITMAN (1819–1892)Preface to Leaves of Grass (1855)InscriptionsOne’s-Self I SingShut Not Your Doors♦ Song of Myself (1881)Children of AdamFrom Pent-up Aching RiversA Woman Waits for MeSpontaneous MeOnce I Pass’d through a Populous CityFacing West from California’s ShoresCalamusScented Herbage of My BreastWhoever You Are Holding Me Nowin HandTrickle DropsHere the Frailest Leaves of MeCrossing Brooklyn FerrySea-DriftOut of the Cradle Endlessly RockingAs I Ebb’d with the Ocean of LifeBy the RoadsideWhen I Heard the Learn’d AstronomerThe Dalliance of the EaglesDrum-TapsBeat! Beat! Drums!Cavalry Crossing a FordVigil Strange I Kept on the FieldOne NightA March in the Ranks Hard-Prest, andthe Road UnknownA Sight in Camp in the Daybreak Grayand DimAs Toilsome I Wander’d Virginia’sWoodsThe Wound-DresserReconciliationAs I Lay with My Head in Your LapCameradoSpirit Whose Work Is DoneMemories of President LincolnWhen Lilacs Last in the DooryardBloom’dWhispers of Heavenly DeathA Noiseless Patient SpiderLetter to Ralph Waldo EmersonLive Oak, with MossFrom Democratic VistasHERMAN MELVILLE (1819–1891)Hawthorne and His MossesMoby-DickChapter 1. LoomingsChapter 3. The Spouter-InnChapter 28. AhabChapter 36. The Quarter-DeckChapter 41. Moby DickChapter 42. The Whiteness ofthe WhaleChapter 135. The Chase — Third DayEpilogue♦ Bartleby, the ScrivenerThe Paradise of Bachelors and theTartarus of Maids♦ Benito CerenoBattle-PiecesThe PortentThe March into VirginiaShilohThe House-topJohn Marr and Other SailorsThe Maldive SharkTimoleon, Etc.Monody♦ Billy Budd, SailorFRANCES ELLEN WATKINS HARPER(1825–1911)Eliza HarrisThe Slave MotherEthiopiaThe Tennessee HeroBury Me in a Free Land*Learning to ReadThe Two OffersEMILY DICKINSON (1830–1886)39 [49] [I never lost as much but twice-]112 [67] [Success is counted sweetest]122 [130] [These are the days when Birdscome back - ]123 [131] [Besides the Autumn poetssing]124 [216] [Safe in their AlabasterChambers - ]146 [148] [All overgrown by cunningmoss]194 [1072] [Title divine, is mine!]202 [185] [“Faith” is a fine invention]207 [214] [I taste a liquor never brewed - ]225 [199] [I’m “wife” - I’ve finished that - ]236 [324] [Some keep the Sabbath goingto Church - ]256 [285] [The Robin’s my Criterion forTune - ]259 [287] [A Clock stopped - ]260 [288] [I’m Nobody! Who are you?]269 [249] [Wild Nights - Wild Nights!]279 [664] [Of all the Souls that standcreate - ]320 [258] [There’s a certain Slant of light]339 [241] [I like a look of Agony]340 [280] [I felt a Funeral, in my Brain]347 [348] [I dreaded that first Robin, so]348 [505] [I would not paint - a picture - ]*353 [508] [I’m ceded - I’ve stoppedbeing Their’s]355 [510] [It was not Death, for I stood up]359 [328] [A Bird came down the Walk - ]365 [338] [I know that He exists]372 [341] [After great pain, a formalfeeling comes - ]373 [501] [This World is not conclusion]381 [326] [I cannot dance upon myToes - ]395 [336] [The face I carry withme - last - ]407 [670] [One need not be a Chamber -to be Haunted - ]409 [303] [The Soul selects her ownSociety - ]411 [528] [Mine - by the Right of theWhite Election!]446 [448] [This was a Poet - ]448 [449] [I died for Beauty - but wasscarce]466 [657] [I dwell in Possibility - ]475 [488] [Myself was formed - aCarpenter - ]477 [315] [He fumbles at your Soul]479 [712] [Because I could not stop forDeath - ]519 [441] [This is my letter to the World]576 [305] [The difference betweenDespair]588 [536] [The Heart asks Pleasure –first - ]591 [465] [I heard a Fly buzz - when Idied - ]598 [632] [The Brain - is wider than theSky - ]600 [312] [Her - last Poems - ]620 [435] [Much Madness is divinestSense - ]627 [593] [I think I was enchanted]648 [547] [I’ve seen a Dying Eye]656 [520] [I started Early - Took myDog - ]675 [401] [What Soft - CherubicCreatures - ]*706 [640] [I cannot live withoutYou]760 [650] [Pain - has an Element ofBlank - ]764 [754] [My Life had stood - a LoadedGun - ]788 [709] [Publication - is the Auction]817 [822] [This Consciousness that isaware]857 [732] [She rose to His Requirement -dropt]935 [1540] [As imperceptibly as Grief]1096 [986] [A narrow Fellow in theGrass]1108 [1078] [The Bustle in a House]1163 [1138] [A Spider sewed at Night]1243 [1126] [Shall I take thee, the Poetsaid]1263 [1129] [Tell all the Truth but tell itslant - ]1353 [1247] [To pile like Thunder to it’sclose]1454 [1397] [It sounded as if the Streetswere running]1489 [1463] [A Route of Evanescence]1577 [1545] [The Bible is an antiqueVolume - ]1593 [1587] [He ate and drank theprecious Words - ]1665 [1581] [The farthest Thunder thatI heard]1668 [1624] [Apparently with no surprise]1675 [1601] [Of God we ask one favor,that we may be forgiven - ]1715 [1651] [A word made Flesh isseldom]1773 [1732] [My life closed twice beforeit’s close]Letter Exchange with Susan GilbertDickinson on Poem 124 [216]*L etters to T. W. HigginsonApril 15, 1862April 25, 1862*REBECCA HARDING DAVIS (1831–1910) ♦ Life in the Iron-Mills*LOUISA MAY ALCOTT (1832–1888)*M y Contraband*F rom Little WomenLiterary LessonsVOLUME C: AMERICAN LITERATURE 1865–1914 IntroductionTimelineWALT WHITMAN (1819–1892)♦ Song of Myself (1881)Crossing Brooklyn FerryOut of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking*Vigil Strange I Kept in the Field One Night*The Wound-Dresser*When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d *From Democratic VistasEMILY DICKINSON (1830–1886)39 [49] [I never lost as much but twice-]112 [67] [Success is counted sweetest]124 [216] [Safe in their AlabasterChambers - ]202 [185] [“Faith” is a fine invention]207 [214] [I taste a liquor never brewed - ]225 [199] [I’m “wife” - I’ve finished that - ]236 [324] [Some keep the Sabbath goingto Church - ]269 [249] [Wild Nights - Wild Nights!]320 [258] [There’s a certain Slant of light]339 [241] [I like a look of Agony]340 [280] [I felt a Funeral, in my Brain]*353 [508] [I’m ceded - I’ve stopped beingTheir’s -]359 [328] [A Bird came down the Walk - ]372 [341] [After great pain, a formalfeeling comes - ]409 [303] [The Soul selects her ownSociety - ]448 [449] [I died for Beauty - but wasscarce]479 [712] [Because I could not stop forDeath - ]519 [441] [This is my letter to the World]591 [465] [I heard a Fly buzz - when I died - ]598 [632] [The Brain - is wider than theSky - ]620 [435] [Much Madness is divinestSense - ]656 [520] [I started Early - Took my Dog - ]*706 [640] [I cannot live with You - ]764 [754] [My Life had stood - a LoadedGun - ]1096 [986] [A narrow Fellow in theGrass]1263 [1129] [Tell all the Truth but tell itslant - ]1668 [1624] [Apparently with no surprise]1773 [1732] [My life closed twice beforeit’s close]MARÍA AMPARO RUIZ DE BURTON(1832–1895)The Squatter and the DonChapter V. The Don in His Broad AcresMARK TWAIN (Samuel L. Clemens)(1835–1910)The Notorious Jumping Frog of CalaverasCountyRoughing ItChapter 23♦ Adventures of Huckleberry FinnFenimore Cooper’s Literary OffencesThe War PrayerLetters from the EarthSatan’s LetterLetter IILetter IVLetter VILetter to the Earth*Critical Controversy: Race and the Endingof Adventures of Huckleberry Finn*Leo Marx:From Mr. Eliot, Mr. Trilling, andHuckleberry Finn*Julius Lester: From Morality and Adventuresof Huckleberry Finn*Justin Kaplan: From Born to Trouble: OneHundred Years of Huckleberry Finn*David L. Smith: From Huck, Jim, andAmerican Racial Discourse*Jane Smiley: From Say It Ain’t So Huck:Second Thoughts on Mark Twain’s LiteraryMasterpiece*Toni Morrison: From Introduction toAdventures of Huckleberry Finn*Shelley Fisher Fishkin: From Lighting Outfor the Territory: Reflections on Mark Twainand American CultureBRET HARTE (1836–1902)The Luck of Roaring CampMigglesTennessee’s Partner*WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS (1837–1920)*EdithaHENRY ADAMS (1838–1918)The Education of Henry AdamsEditor’s PrefacePrefaceChapter XXV. The Dynamo andthe VirginAMBROSE BIERCE (1842–1914?)An Occurrence at Owl Creek BridgeChickamaugaNative American Oratory*Smohalla: Comments to Major MacMurrayCharlot: [He has filled graves with our bones]HENRY JAMES (1843–1916)♦ Daisy Miller: A StudyThe Real ThingThe Beast in the JungleSARAH WINNEMUCCA (c. 1844–1891)Life Among the PiutesFrom Chapter I. First Meeting ofPiutes and WhitesFrom Chapter II. Domestic and SocialMoralitiesFrom Chapter VIII. The Yakima AffairJOEL CHANDLER HARRIS (1848–1908)The Wonderful Tar-Baby StoryHow Mr. Rabbit Was Too Sharp forMr. FoxEMMA LAZARUS (1849–1887)In the Jewish Synagogue at Newport1492The New ColossusSARAH ORNE JEWETT (1849–1909)A White Heron*The Foreigner。



• Albert Einstein(1979-1955) • He is a well-known theoretical physicist, founder of the theory of • relativity. • Einstein is the greatest physicist. He loves physics, devoted his life to theoretical physics research. People called him the 20th century, Copernicus, Newton 20th century.
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班级:会计1124班 学号:A08111334 姓名:关笑然
• The most important contribution in his life is the theory of relativity. • In 1938, his movement in general relativity made significant progress • in this issue reveals the deeper space, matter, motion, and the unity • between gravity. Research on General Relativity and Gravitation, • 60 since, due to experimental techniques and the development of • astronomy‘s great attention. In addition, the Einstein cosmology (宇宙 • 论 ), with a unified gravity and electromagnetic field theory(引力 和电磁 • 统一理论), quantum theory(量子论) of all the contributions to the • development of physics. • 1938年,他在广义相对论的运动问题上取得重大进展由此更深一步地 • 揭示了空时、物质、运动和引力之间的统一性。广义相对论和引力论的 • 研究,60年代以来,由于实验技术和天文学的巨大发展受到重视。 另 • 外,爱因斯坦对宇宙学、用引力和电磁的统一场论、量子论的研究都为 • 物理学的发展作出了贡献。



中文名称:罗杰·道森-世界第一谈判大师-优势谈判的奥秘12VCD英文名称:SECRETS OF POWER NEGOTIATING别名:绝对成交资源类型:RMVB版本:12VCD压制5RM档,英语中字发行时间:2005年12月26日地区:大陆,美国,香港,台湾语言:英语简介:想像一下下面的情形:次次谈判你都赢了,同时对方觉得他也赢了。














本书共分为四大部分,每个部分都将详尽说明以下各点:1. 如何轻松胜任说服工作:包含控制买主的八个神奇关键、十五个让买主相信你的方法、如何让人们迅速做决定的「时间压力」,以及掌控买主的八个语言说服方法。

2. 分析买主:如何区分谁是「适合的买主」,谁又是「不适合的买主」?买主的动机是什么?他们如何决定要什么及不要什么(透过心理的情绪、视觉的呈现及陈述的主张等线索)?3. 如何成为一个强而有力的成功说服者:如何发展独有的领袖魅力、散布领袖魅力的十二个方法、记住别人的名字和脸的秘诀,以及发挥幽默感来说服买主的简易方法。



Arik Hesseldahl of BusinessWeek magazine stated that "Jobs isn't widely known for his association with philanthropic causes", compared to Bill Gates's efforts.[109] Jobs said (in 1985) that he does charitable acts privately.[110] After resuming control of Apple in 1997, Jobs eliminated all corporate philanthropy programs initially.[111] Later, under Jobs, Apple signed to participate in Product Red program, producing red versions of devices to give profits from sales to charity. Apple has gone on to become the single largest contributor to the charity since its initial involvement with it. The chief of the Product Red project, singer Bono cited Jobs saying there was "nothing better than the chance to save lives," when he initially approached Apple with the invitation to participate in the program.[


6% 的 CEO称 ,人 才 和 人 力 资 本 是 首 当 其 5
冲 的 要 务 ,但 也 是 最 困难 的事 情 之一 。 你 必 须 尽 快 组 建 自 己的 团 队 。通 常 你 会 很 容 易 花上 许 多 时
间寻 找相 关信息 ,试 图慢慢说服最 好的人才加入
团 队 。但 是 ,他 们 实 际 上 下 了不 少 工 夫有 意 识 地 加快 了这 一 过 程 。几 乎 没 人 后 悔 在 人 事 抉 择这 个 高难 度 问 题 上 速 战 速 决 ,还 有 不 少人 懊 恼 当 初 拖 泥带 水。
当我们把这些 困境摆在他 们面前时 ,他们根据 自
己多 年 的 实 践 经 验 ,就 如 何 在 众 多 要 求 问 寻 取 平
衡 ,如何把时 问花在 刀刃上 ,纷纷献计献策 。这
些 宝 贵 经 验 让 他 们 树 立 了威 信 ,使 企 业 充 分 发 挥 潜 能 , 向前 发 展 ,创 造 纪 录 ,并 同 时 留下 了值 得
‘ ‘ " 激流 中的平衡
在快速增长的需求与可持续发展的节奏之间 ,C O E 要凭借管理的艺术寻找到平衡点。
对不少任期短暂的 CE0而言,他们可能很

82 l1 世纪商业 2 评论 l0 月号 1年6 2 1
快就会觉得这 项工作令人应接 不暇,毫无疑 问,
其 中一 个 重 要 原 因 在于 工 作 中存 在众 多挑 战 。在
受访者 所述 ,虽 然各种 危机和 “ 日突发事件 ” 当
会 不 可 避 免 地 随 时来 袭 , 但 是 如 果 能 给 这 些 事 件 的 紧 急 程 度 设 个 标 准 ,不 直 接 插 手 处 理 那 些 低 于 标 准 的 事 务 ,那 么 诸 多令 人 分 心 的 琐 事 还 是 很 好



markets couldadequately supply industry's needs. Historically then,thepicture is one of a bankingsystem Britainwhichhasdeveloped long traditionof in a non-involvement industrial, technological with and investment hence not and has generated kind of investment the "culture" and practice which is requiredto investin thesesectors. This is compounded the reluctance banks invest by of to in smallersizedcompanies, oftenthe generators innovations alwaysin of and needof start-up development or capital. This paperwill consider development an alternative the of institution to the abovestereotype, which,although linkedto the major banks,developed a differentinvestment strategy based long-term on industrial investment, high a proportion whichwas in the smallandmediumsizedfirm sector. of Industrial and Commercial FinanceCorporation (ICFC), was foundedin 1945 and later became basis 3i, currently the of Britain'slargest development capital institution. Of particular interest, fromthe 1960sonwards, a specific is subsidiary function of ICFC, designed investin technology to projects.TechnicalDevelopment Capital (TDC) was set up in the 1960s, later to become3i Ventures.The experience thisenterprise investing hightechnology of in in reveals relative the success an alternative of investment model, but also the ways in which institutionalforms and culturecan constrain them. In additionto contrasting ICFC andTDC andtheir derivatives thetraditional to bankingsector Britain, in this paperwill also consider their relationship another to development the in financeof industry Britain--the in growthof venture capital.



科 林 与 女 儿 ( 2 张 ) 科 林 . 汉 克 斯 1 9 7 7 年 生 于 加 州 萨 克 拉 门 托 , 他 的 父 亲 是 两 届 奥 斯 卡 影 帝 得 主 汤 姆 ·汉 克 斯 , 他有一个妹妹和两个同父异母的弟弟,他的生母死于癌症。同他父亲一样,他也走上了演艺这条路。不过有着父 亲的事业背景,科林.汉克斯的起步还是较为顺利的。2000年他出演了影片《爱你不论任何代价》,开始在大银 幕露面。2002年他主演了电影《橘子郡男孩》,这部关于青春成长的喜剧电影面市后颇受欢迎,而科林.汉克斯 也开始进入大众的眼球,受到**。2001年他又在由他父亲出任制片人的电视剧集《兄弟连》的第八集出演了角色。 2005年他又在彼得杰克逊执导的巨作《金刚》中觅得一个角色,同年他还出演了影片《天真的谎言》。这位年轻 的演员正一步步走出他父亲的光环下,成为一名独立的演员。
特工的特别任务剧照花絮(16张)33岁的科林和Samathan于2009年6月订婚,并于2010年5月8日于 London West Hollywood Hotel举行了婚礼。很可惜的是,科林主演的剧集《好家伙》被FOX砍掉,不过也许这样他就能 安心地照顾妻子和女儿了。
2022年,参演电视剧《参与其中》。 2022年,参演的电视剧《家庭之友》播出。
01 个人经历
03 演艺经历
02 个人生活 04 主要作品
科林.汉克斯,1977年11月24日出生于加州萨克拉门托,出生名Colin Lewes Dillingham,后改名Colin Hanks,毕业于洛约拉马利蒙特大学,美国男演员。



剧本由V信公众号v i c t o r r i i d2018施工整理 ~排版多样~希望对您有所帮助[美、英剧、电影、纪录片] [中英纯英]台词剧本定制也可以发邮箱*****************(自动回复)———————————该信息下载后删除页眉即可,谢谢理解与支持——————————Previously on "Billions"...《亿万》前情提要An investigation has begun into your office,最近有一起关于你办公室的调查and the man leading the investigation -- Oliver Dake.这起调查的主要负责人是奥利弗·戴克The payment that your wife received from Axelrod,你妻子收到的来自阿克斯罗德的款项期初额 222046.87美元期末额 5221885.25美元it may not be a bribe,它可能还不是贿赂but, dang, if it doesn't look like one.不过该死即使它看起来不像Well, Lawrence Boyd pissed right in my face.劳伦斯·博伊德直接耍了我He didn't show. What the hell do we do now?他没出现我们现在该怎么办Bobby Axelrod could run through the Serengeti波比·阿克斯罗德能跑过塞伦盖蒂平原and not break a sweat.滴汗不流You do what you do just as well as him.你干本行和他一样出色Maybe better.可能更胜一筹You can't allow yourself to get drawn in to an unwinnable fight.你不能让自己陷入一场无法取胜的战斗Victory will be swift.胜利很快就会到来That will save us ten million on this trade.这样能在这场交易中省下一千万This is why I need to keep you.所以我得把你留下I'd believe the same thing were I you.如果我是你我也会做同样的选择You've been served.你被传唤了- With a lawsuit? - One hundred and twenty seven of them.-一起诉讼吗 -其实是127起Wendy was at Krakow Capital earlier today.温蒂今天早些时候在克拉科夫资本公司You have an amazing level of insight你对我们对冲基金投资人的想法- into how we hedgies think. - Yes.-有着相当深入的了解 -没错I don't mean Axe Capital. I mean Bobby himself.我说的不是阿克斯资本而是波比本人- He was looking to hire you? - Yeah.-他想聘请你 -是的That motherfucker is just trying to poach my most valued --那个狗娘养的想要挖走我最重要的...I'm not your anything.我不是你的什么东西We handle ourselves我们妥善处理and Chuck gives someone Head of Crim.查克就会把刑事主管的位置给我们中的一个Or we cooperate with Dake and try our luck或者我们和戴克合作碰碰运气starting over with Chuck's replacement.趁查克走人重新开始You know what Rhoades is.你知道罗兹是个什么样的人You know he should be out of the job.你知道他早该失业了That was the Attorney General.是检察长亲自打过来的She's summoned me to Washington,她传唤我去华盛顿where she will greet me warmly,她到时会热情接待我and then she'll fire me.然后炒我的鱿鱼亿万第二季第二集There was a moment in time when the only two people曾经只有两个人知道who knew what it was to fly were the Wright Brothers.什么是飞翔莱特兄弟And we are like them in a way.我们在某种程度上与他们相似Although we have to stay airborne a lot longer than nine 虽然我们需要在空中停留远不止九秒seconds,and we have to go into much thinner air when we do.我们还得进入更加稀薄的大气中But how do you do it, Todd?但你如何做到托德How do you stay aloft?你如何保持在高空One of the nine poets, Pindar, said it best.古希腊九大诗人之一平德尔说得好Become who you are by learning who you are.学习自我从而追寻真正的自我You wouldn't know Pindar from Pantera,你都分不清平德尔和潘特拉潘特拉美国重金属乐队yet you act like you read the Harvard shelf而你却表现得像是会在早餐时with your morning oatmeal.读哈佛的藏书Who wrote this shit for you?这番鬼话是谁帮你写的Lawrence Boyd,劳伦斯·博伊德I respect you more than anyone in this game.我比这场游戏中的其他人都要尊重你But the idea that Todd Krakow or anyone else但让托德·克拉科夫或其他人but you here is a thought leader而不是你来成为思想领袖就因为他们有几个臭钱这主意太可笑了just because they've got a few dollars in their pocket islaughable!Let me respond.让我来回应一下It's a sad fact of the business today.如今的商业现实十分可悲Hedge funds like Axelrod's, they're out of ideas,像阿克斯罗德这样的对冲基金江郎才尽了so they cut corners and go looking for that black edge.于是他们开始走捷径开始触及法律边缘But I'm good enough但我的情况还好that I didn't have to get close to the line.没有必要接近那条边缘Really? What about the $45 million in fines you paid to the是吗那你交给英国的4500万罚款呢U.K.?That --那...No one understands those laws.没人弄得懂那些法律Larry, you ever found yourself afoul of British law?拉里你违反过英国的法律吗No, some of us have never run afoul of any international laws.没有我们一些人从未违反过任何国际法律Larry, you have teams of lawyers at Spartan-Ives拉里你在斯巴坦-艾弗斯和那些国家当地and locals in those countries who ensure有多个律师队伍来确保- you don't get screwed the way I did. - Oh, okay, okay, okay,-你不会像我一样被罚 -好吧好吧I'm only the referee here, not taking sides,我只是这里的裁判不站在任何一方but you overstepped.但你犯规了Apologies.抱歉And let that be the first apology,不止要为此道歉not the last, to this audience,还要向观众道歉who have paid three grand for the privilege他们可是花了三千块of hearing your barbaric yawp.来听你野蛮的蠢话- Axe, Axe, Axe. - Here's a thought.-阿克斯阿克斯 -我有个想法If any of you want to continue the conversation,如果你们有人想要继续对话I'll be over by the bar with my team.我会与我的团队在酒吧等候Sure-- hit, run, and hide, huh?当然了出手后赶紧跑是吧You been showing the SEC the same moves for years.你这些年来一直对证交会使用着同一招But, eventually, they catch you.但他们最终还是抓到了你Krakow, whatever cocktail party tutor克拉科夫无论你找了个什么样的you used to prep you for this panel鸡尾酒会导师来帮你准备这次论坛owes you a goddamn refund.你都该找他退款Well, that was stimulating.这可真够刺激的Okay, okay, let's move on.好了好了我们继续Tag, Global warming...泰格全球变暖...I called the car around so you can go.我叫来了车你可以离开了Why would I leave now?我为什么要现在离开That's what you get for trying to steal my fucking employees.这就是你想挖走我的人的下场Don't blame me for your fuck-up.你搞砸了别怪我啊Word of advice, Axe--给你个忠告阿克斯you don't want to lose a valuable asset,你要是不想失去一个宝贵的人才don't let her walk out the door, huh?就别让她夺门而去Here comes Boyd.博伊德来了Sorry about your panel.对于你的论坛很抱歉道什么歉让瑞克·福莱尔[摔跤手]Sorry. The only reasonyou put Ric Flair in the ring上场的唯一原因is to get that heat from the crowd.就是让观众沸腾I didn't pick that panel by accident.我不是无意挑选了这个讨论小组I knew you'd incinerate it.我知道你会毁灭它You just made sure Spartan-Ives你刚刚确保了斯巴坦-艾弗斯is all the Street's talking about for the rest of the month.成为华尔街接下来几个月的焦点They'll be killing themselves they weren't in the room.没到场的人们会遗憾得想自杀And the only way they get in there next year明年他们能够赶上的唯一办法is by making you their prime.就是让你成为领袖I'm the bull, you're the red sash every time.我要是公牛你就一直都是红布Hey, Chuck. Come in.查克过来吧I drove by Katz's on the way here.我来这的路上去了卡兹餐厅You're killing me, man.你是要我的命啊伙计No? Well, I'm going in.不吃那我先吃了Talk to me.说说吧Well, it's thorny. So many old cases aggregated.很棘手那么多旧案子堆在一起Taken all together,总之it looks like a pattern of overreach, misconduct.看起来像是贪功致败行为不端That's why the papers think it's such a good story.所以报社都认为这个故事不错And there's the Axelrod case.然后就是阿克斯罗德案了- We never even brought charges. - That's good.-我们甚至还未提起诉讼 -很好You're protected by qualified immunity.你受有限豁免保护Chances are, we get it thrown out of court.我们很有可能要让它被驳回That will depend on the judge. We gotta find a very--那取决于法官我们得找个很... Chuck, I'm gonna make this go away.查克我要让这桩案子被驳回That's why you came to me instead of going所以你要来找我with whatever lawyer Justice gave you.而不是去找法官委派给你的什么律师Justice isn't defending me.法官不会保护我的They only do that when, uh...他们只会在...Well, they never really do that.他们还真的从来不会那么做No.对Well, I'm not billing you.我不会收你的钱的Oh, come on. You gotta bill me, Ira.拜托我得给你钱艾拉It's $1,400 an hour.一小时一千四Half price. Friends and family.打个对折吧看在朋友和家人的份上Why aren't they defending you?他们为什么不保护你The Attorney General's called me down to Washington.检察长已经通知我去华盛顿了She's gonna fire me.她要解雇我Shit. Dake.该死戴克Oh, it's a lot of things over years.因为这些年来的很多事But the stain of this investigation但这次调查的影响has hobbled me politically.让我在政治上受阻了I got no back channel out of this.没有什么秘密渠道能让我摆脱此事You gotta prove your loyalty, then, show her you're a soldier.你要向她证明你的忠诚证明你是个战士Yeah. I thought about that.是我也想过A new case the administration smiles on.一件能让政府欣慰的新案子Let the General take the credit, sure,当然要让检察长获取功劳but there's just no fucking time.但没有时间了The A.G.'s got a lot of enemies, Chuck.检察长有很多敌人查克Take out an enemy-- a big, hard-to-kill one.干掉一个敌人强大的不易倒台的敌人It's tough to fire you then.那时就很难解雇你了Finding the right target might be enough.找一个合适的目标或许就够了One so... gaudy,一个华而不实的so outlandishly difficult to bring down非常不易被扳倒的that my replacement would certainly fail.能让接替我的人失败的目标How much time do you have?你还有多少时间Three days.三天Do you know what this is about?你知道是因为什么事吗Starting immediately, you have a new mandate.马上你们会有新的任务Find me a case that's screaming for justice.给我找一个急需公正的案子One that no one else would have the courage to take on--没有人有勇气接手的案子even if-- no,即使...不especially if it seems impossible to win.尤其是那种似乎不可能赢的案子Where do we begin?我们从哪开始I want to kick into the C-suites--我想要从企业高管开始those Teflon corporations that defraud the American people那些扳不倒的大张旗鼓骗取美国人民钱财的on a grand scale.企业No one was ever prosecuted for the financial crisis, no.没有人因金融危机被起诉过When we went after Wall Street, we got what we could get--我们冲着华尔街去时总可以达到目标rogue traders, chip shots.私自交易的交易员近距离内幕That ends today.今天就得完蛋Anything else you can say that would narrow the target?你有什么建议让我们缩小一下目标范围You want us to get back up on Axe Capital?你想让我们重新针对阿克斯资本吗- Um, we know that they're-- - No, no.-我们知道他们... -不Steer wide around Axe Capital for now.目前先离阿克斯资本远点That's not gonna help.对付它可没什么帮助Help what?帮什么Be creative.有创意一点I look forward to your ideas, and I want them in 24 hours.我等着你们的好主意 24小时之内告诉我Why's he want an impossible case?为什么他想要不可能赢的案子It's hinky.有点怪异I'm gonna steer wide around all of it.我这就四处去挖点素材Hey, Axe, you know what today is?阿克斯你知道今天是什么日子吗It's fuck Todd Krakow in the ear day.是戳爆托德·克拉科夫脑袋的日子Why do you think I'd want to do that?你为什么会觉得我想要那样做呢That panel was Godzilla versus Mothra.那场讨论就是《哥斯拉大战魔斯拉》啊Do you have a plan?你有什么计划吗Or are we just gonna jump him and break his kneecaps还是他从他那迈凯伦里出来的时候when he gets out of his McLaren?我们直接扑过去敲碎他的膝盖骨Okay, so Krakow's been running his mouth about China, right?克拉科夫一直在嚷嚷着中国对吧I... You can tell the way he talks.我你可以从他说话的方式中得知- The way he talks? - Yeah.-他说话的方式 -是的Last year, he said, "Watching factories grow."去年他说注意工厂的发展It made me wonder, "How's he seeing this?"让我不禁想好奇他是怎么预见到的Really, Mafee?闹什么玛菲You expect me to believe you suddenly swapped Ali G reruns你想让我相信你突然间从阿里G轮转向了for videos of Todd Krakow's speeches on China?托德·克拉科夫关于中国的演讲Okay.好吧My analyst caught it.我的分析师发现的Yeah. Then get him in here.好让他进来Hello. I'm Taylor.你好我叫泰勒My pronouns are they, theirs, and them.我是性少数群体Okay. You have two minutes.好吧给你两分钟时间After your dispute with Krakow, I presumed roiling antipathy,你跟克拉科夫辩论之后我猜你俩水火不容so I catalogued all of his public statements于是我把过去两年里他所有的公开言论going back two years.分门别类地进行了整理托德·克拉科夫所持股份In January 2016, Krakow's tone on China changed2016年1月克拉科夫提到中国变得托德·克拉科夫more bullish, omniscient,更加强大更加全能which led me to think satellite images.让我想到了卫星图像So what?然后呢All the big funds are using satellite images.所有大型基金都在使用卫星图像How many cars are in the parking lot at Walmart沃尔玛的停车场里有多少车indicates how big a quarter they're gonna have.表明了他们一个季度能赚到多少But this, let me see.但是这次让我想想You found out which satellite company Krakow uses.你查到了克拉科夫用的是哪家卫星公司AR Metrics.AR度量Assuming Krakow would be the biggest user...假设克拉科夫是最大的用户Their most-viewed images,根据他们看得最多的图像and you deduced that's what he's been looking at.推断出那就是他一直在观察的东西A microchip factory in the Pearl River Delta.珠江三角洲的一家芯片工厂And now you know what he knows.现在他知道的你全都知道了Since you're in my office,既然你到我的办公室来了you think you know what he doesn't.那你一定认为自己还知道了他不知道的China's not just cooking the books,中国并不仅仅是在做假账they're going full Iron Chef with that shit.他们还能给你做出套满汉全席Everyone knows that, Mafee.这谁都知道玛菲Then why is Krakow long?那为什么克拉科夫要做多呢Come on, time's almost up.快时间快到了What happened in January 2016?2016年1月发生了什么The Chinese factory went from totally dormant中国的工厂突然间从完全停工状态to bustling with trucking activity.变成物流车来来往往Which meant foreign investment followed.也就是说有境外投资跟进了But tell me what really happened.但是告诉我事情的真相是什么An article came out on satellite-detected有一篇文章指出discrepancies between Chinese sites中国工厂的卫星监测图像金融日报and what had been reported by government statistics.与政府统计数据互相矛盾And after that, they knew they were being watched,在那之后他们就知道有人在监视自己so the trucks started moving -- a show for the satellites.所以卡车开始运行演给卫星看的大戏Factory's a fake.工厂是假的It's a shell to milk investors.是为了榨取投资人资金的空壳工厂And what is the next move?那下一步呢- Short the-- - I asked Taylor.-做空 -我问泰勒呢Short the Chinese parent company Krakow's invested in.做空克拉科夫投资的中国母公司It's not good enough.还不够狠吉姆·查诺斯对冲基金经理华尔街大空头As Chanos says, China's a pig on LSD --就像查诺斯说的中国就像一只嗑了药的猪you never know which way it's gonna run.你永远都猜不透它的走向So who is this fake factory supposed to be supplying?那么这家假工厂本应是谁的供应商What does this ripple out into?这件事会波及到什么You find that, you find Krakow's real investment.你查到这个就知道克拉科夫真正投资什么How long you been here?你来这多久了Three months.三个月I'm leaving in two weeks for grad school.我两周之后就离职去读研究生了I'm an intern.我是实习生How did everything go?一切顺利吗Salutations, my dear.你好亲爱的I think Chuck's working tonight.我想查克今晚要加班I wanted to talk to you.我是来找你聊聊的Pas devant.不当着我儿子的面We'll see you tomorrow.明天见I know what pas devant means.我懂你的意思I was looking for some cufflinks I lent my son,我在找借给我儿子的一些袖扣来着but I couldn't find them in the bedroom.但是我在卧室里没找到You were in my bedroom?你去我的卧室了And most of Chuck's suits seem to be gone from the closet.貌似查克的大部分正装都不在衣柜里了You didn't come out to Brooklyn for cufflinks.你大老远从布鲁克林过来不是找袖扣的吧Is Chuck living at the Yale Club?查克现在是住到耶鲁校友会去了吗Some gal in accounting messed up,不知道哪个做账的小姑娘弄混了sent me a charge for a breakfast on a day that I was not there.给我寄了一张早餐的账单而我那天并不在So I asked for the chits,我要了原始单据and it was Chuck's signature on the line at 6:30 A.M.上面是查克的签名时间是早晨六点半Yes, we've separated... for now.是的我们分居了暂时的And you've kept it from me.你们都不告诉我I asked Chuck directly, but he denied it.我直接问了查克但是他否认了He lies better than I do.他比我擅长撒谎This is idiocy.这太不明智了And to think we didn't come running to you with the news.这就是为什么我们没告诉你这个消息Because I would tell you the truth.因为我会跟你们说实话This is selfish,这么做太自私了destructive to your children.会毁了孩子们的We're not uprooting the kids.我们并没有离开孩子They're staying in the house.他们都待在家里Chuck spends three nights a week with them.查克每周跟他们一起住三晚No, I'm not talking about that.不我说的不是这个I'm talking about their legacy.我是说给他们留下的阴影Do you think that this makes it easier or harder...你觉得这么做对凯文的生活来说for Kevin to meet his station in life?是更容易还是更艰难了You must mean for him to be happier.你是想说让他更幸福吧They are the future of my name.他们是我家族的未来And yours.也是你的You think you and Chuck are the only ones你以为只有你和查克的婚姻who've grappled with some upheavals in a marriage?才需要克服各种动荡吗Unless it is broken plates and steak knives,只要不是碎盘子或者牛排餐刀you gut through it.你就得往下咽If one of you has an itch, you'll work it out.你俩谁有小矛盾了你们自己解决掉You don't move out.而不是搬出去It wasn't an itch.并不是小矛盾And what about you?你是怎么回事You'd really rather have your three nights a week你宁可要你的一周三晚than be First Lady of the State of New York?也不想当纽约州的第一夫人Maybe I would.没准我就这么想呢And if you want to continue this,如果你想要继续谈的话do it with your son.跟你儿子谈去Oh...I will.我会找他的Bobby. Your order's there.波比你点的在那边White clam is on top.上面加白蛤了Thanks, Bruno.谢谢布鲁诺Say hello to my nephew, Marco.来认识一下我侄子马尔科Kid just got elected to county executive up in Sandicot.这孩子刚当选桑迪科特的县长I'm Marc. An honor to meet you, Mr. Axelrod.我叫马尔科很荣幸见到你阿克斯罗德先生Sit down, have some wine.坐喝点酒Is this yours?你做的Made it with my own two feet.我亲自酿制的Hey, look, I'll stay next time.下次再聊- Kids are hungry. - Okay.-孩子们饿了 -行Ciao, Bobby. Enjoy.再见波比用餐愉快Good to meet you.很高兴认识你- That's a busy man. - Yeah.-真是个大忙人 -是啊There'll be time. There'll be time.来日方长会有机会的- You told my father. - I didn't tell him.-你告诉我父亲了 -我没说He's like you. He figured it out.他跟你一样自己琢磨出来的No, he had a theory, which you confirmed.不你证实了他的推测- He's hounding me now. - What about these lawsuits?-他到处找我 -那些诉讼是怎么回事Were you gonna tell me about them?你打算告诉我吗Why did I have to read about it in the Times?为什么我还得从《纽约时报》上了解这事Nuisance suits. Minor distraction.滋扰罪诉讼小事而已Didn't rate a discussion.不值一提This investigator -- Oliver Dake.那个调查员奥利弗·戴克Yeah, well, I told you about him.对我跟你说过他He's questioning me later.他一会儿要来询问我Please, come in.请进So, Chuck...查克 you still feel as if you're under attack...你仍旧觉得自己受到无形力量的 unseen forces?攻击吗Carolyn, can we have the room for five minutes?卡洛琳能给我们五分钟聊聊吗Look, I don't know what to say to him.我不知道该怎么跟他说He knows you dropped the case.他知道你撤销了调查He thinks it's connected to me.觉得这一切与我有关If he puts together the session notes...要是再加上谈话笔记的事...That will be a career-ender for me.那我的职业生涯就结束了I'm aware.我明白You're the expert on this sort of thing.你是这方面的专家How should I spin it, what kind of...我要怎么解释该用...language should I use?何种措辞Should I have an attorney present?需要请律师在场陪同吗No. That will make it look worse.不用那只会让事情变得更糟No, don't spin it at all.不要去解释Answer his questions truthfully,如实回答他的问题don't put any lies on the record no matter what.无论他问什么都不要撒谎I don't...我不...I don't want you to lie for me.我不想你帮我撒谎Probably gonna go down anyway.可能不管怎样我都得坐牢I don't want you going down with me.我不希望你跟我一起坐牢Kids are gonna need one parent not in custody, right?孩子们总得有人照顾对吗We should probably let her back in.我们该叫她回来了Your relationship with your husband,你和你丈夫之间的关系would you say it's been healthy?你觉得健康吗We have our ups and downs.我们之间也有起有落When did you stop living together?你们什么时候分居的Is that relevant?这与调查有关吗Was it before or after you were given five million dollars这事是发生在他的调查对象by the target of his investigation?给你五百万美元之前还是之后We separated right before that.就在拿到钱之前我们开始分居的I find the timing convenient.这时机真是巧妙Are you married, Mr. Dake?你结婚了吗戴克先生My status is none of your concern.我的婚姻状况与你无关So you are.所以你是已婚But it's new -- two years?但时间不长两年吗I hope you don't find this out personally,希望你不用亲身经历but separating is never convenient.但分居绝非是能一时兴起而为之的If you are legitimately separated --如果你们真的分居了...- That's been established. - Has it?-事实如此 -是吗Or did the two of you work in a separation还是你们俩假借分居之名to make Axelrod's payment more palatable?好让阿克斯罗德给你的钱更为安全They're not connected.这两件事并无联系How long after the payment你在收到钱之后多久did you end your employment at Axe Capital?从阿克斯资本辞职的The same day.当天What an eventful day.真是个多事之日How would Axelrod characterize the payment?阿克斯罗德是如何描述这笔钱的It was compensation.报酬A bonus for services rendered,我给阿克斯本人做了一次复杂的心理咨询a very complex session for Axe himself.这是按劳所得的奖金What did you talk about?你们谈了些什么I'm a medical doctor,我是一名医生and that's privileged information, as you well know.你应该清楚谈话内容是保密的So if you're trying to trip me up,要是你试图让我违反职业操守try harder.想想别的办法吧You can come back with a court order,你下次可以带着法院命令来lock me up,把我关进大牢and I'd still never tell you a goddamn thing about my patients.我依然不会透露一星半点与我病人有关的事情I just wonder what could have been said in such a session我只想知道在这样一次特别的咨询中说了什么to justify such an enormous sum.足以证明这么一大笔钱是合理的It was commensurate with other bonuses at Axe Capital.这在阿克斯资本与其他奖金是相称的So five million dollars is not a large bonus?所以五百万美元算不上是大额奖金What a rarified world you live in,你真是生活在一个阳春白雪的世界里啊Ms. Rhoades.罗兹女士Did something else happen有没有发生别的事to increase your value to Axelrod?从而提升了你对于阿克斯罗德的价值Such as?例如Did you provide him information?你向他提供信息了吗I'm not sure what you mean.我不明白你的意思Details about the investigation or its status,调查的细节或者调查的状况past, present, or future?过去现在及将来的调查方向No, nothing.没有我什么都没说过I see.我明白了Do you think that your husband你觉得你的丈夫was really recused from the Axelrod case,真的回避了阿克斯罗德的案子吗as he claimed?如他所说的那样He told me he was. I took it at face value.他跟我说他回避了表面上看确实如此Did you ever hear him discuss the case你有没有听到过他与同事with colleagues or on the phone?或是在电话里讨论此案I can't say for sure that I did.我不确定有听到过But you can't say you didn't.但你也不确定没有No, I can't.是的We're going to need to talk formally again.我们需要再正式面谈一次Okay, I really don't have anything more to say.好吧我真的没什么好说的了You can confirm that Chuck Rhoades你能证实查克·罗兹was secretly directing the Axelrod investigation.在暗中指挥对阿克斯罗德的调查He wasn't really recused, was he?他没有真正回避此案对吗Are we gonna do this over the phone?我们非得在电话里说吗No. In your office.不我去你办公室谈And you will give me what I need.你会告诉我我想知道的一切Or maybe we'll have a pepperoni slice in Yonkers.不然我们去扬克斯品尝一下意大利辣肠披萨You can invite your boss.你可以邀请你的上司一同前来I can influence the vector of your future, Mr. Connerty.我能左右你未来的仕途康纳蒂先生And you'd do well not to forget that.你最好不要忘了这一点呼叫奥林·巴赫I got more on Krakow.我查到了更多克拉科夫的消息No. Get your better half in here.不让你的"贤内助"进来说Anata-Tek --阿娜塔-特克rising market share in wearable computers.正不断提高其在可佩戴式计算机业的市场占有率I know it.我知道It's a hedge fund group grope,那是一场对冲基金淫乱派对Krakow leading the party.克拉科夫主导的Yes.没错Anata-Tek's IPO two years ago was lukewarm,阿娜塔-特克两年前的首次公开募股表现平平but the stock is soaring但在他们的旗舰产品ahead of the release of their flagship.推入市场前股价飙升- It's called the Ring. - I know about the Ring, Mafee.-这叫做环操市场 -我知道玛菲It's a great prototype.那是一个非常棒的原型But can they scale up, can they ship product?但他们能做大能出货吗Not if the microchips are supplied除非有家虚假的中国工厂为其提供芯片by a fake Chinese factory.不然不可能Short two million.做空两百万Wake me up when the stock's当股价从现有水平down ten percent from the current levels.下降百分之十的时候叫醒我That's where we want to cover.我们在这个点位补仓This is gonna be fun.这将会很有趣Okay.好了After they've completed the order,等他们下完单后send a tweet from my account.用我的账号发条推特Say, "Who's supplying Anata-Tek?就写"阿娜塔-特克的供应商是谁美国最大硬木地板商进口中国制非法木地板被罚款Next Lumber Liquidators," Question mark.下一个林木宝吗" 问号From your account?你的账号吗That may be a little... blatant.会不会...太直白了Good. I don't want to be subtle.很好我不想太隐晦I want him to know it's me.我要让他知道是我Dr. Gus is on the premises.格斯博士已经到了Okay. Start pushing everyone through, mandatory sessions.好让每个人都过去谈话必须得去Are you a hard-ass, badass, jackass,你是个狠角色坏人蠢货or no ass?还是胆小鬼呢Sorry?抱歉And that is one of the three things那是坐在那里的人们that people say in that spot.通常会说的三句话之一It's kind of like the "Dick-for" thing.就是逗人的那种话If you apologize after I've said something confusing,在我说了让你困惑的话之后如果你道歉that is on you, my friend.那就是你的问题了朋友If you say so.你要这么说的话What I say is,我的意思是we used to live in a world that rewarded those我们以前生活的世界里工作做得好who were very good at their jobs.就会得到奖励Do you know what you get now for being very good?你知道你现在工作做得非常好得到的是什么吗You get keistered.你会被人搞Do you want to get keistered, Ben?你想被搞吗本No.不想I almost said "Sorry" again我差点又说了"抱歉"because I barely understand what you're--因为我几乎不能理解你的...And we will work on that.我们慢慢改Replace "Sorry" with, "What the fuck are you trying to say?"将"抱歉"换成 "你他妈想说什么"Yeah, I don't feel comfortable with that.我不太喜欢那样子。

有关于乔治 索罗斯

有关于乔治 索罗斯

乔治·索罗斯 乔治·索罗斯(英语:George Soros ),本名是捷尔吉·施瓦茨(Gyoumlrgy Schwartz ),匈牙利出生的美国籍犹太裔商人;著名的货币投机家,股票投资者,慈善家和政治行动主义分子。




中文名: 乔治·索罗斯 外文名: George Soros国籍: 美国民族: 犹太 出生地: 匈牙利 出生日期: 1930年8月12日 职业: 经济 投资人 毕业院校: 伦敦经济学院 主要成就: 牛津大学,耶鲁大学等名誉博士投资策略及理论:以“反射性”和“大起大落理论”为理论基础,在市场转折处进出,利用“羊群效应”逆市主动操控市场进行市场投机。













妈妈和爸爸决定把你生下来Mommy and Daddy decided to have you.其实也由不得我们大势所趋Well, we didn't really decide. It just happened.你出生的时候我们被幸福所包围When you were born, we were very happy.现在依然如此And we still are.但幸福不再被共享But separately.爸爸和妈妈有了各自的公♥寓♥Daddy has his apartment and Mommy has her apartment.爸爸随时都能来看露露And Daddy can see Lulu whenever he wants.一切都很好Everything is great.外公要来看你了Now your grandpa is coming to visit你可得逗他开心and you have to be very cuddly with him因为不久之前because not long ago外婆刚刚去了天堂Granny flew away into the sky.所以外公十分孤单失落And now Papi is sad and lonely.不过罗斯姑姑也会来But Auntie Rose is coming, too.我们会开派对派对派对It's going to be a party! Party! Party! Party! Party!六天以来Today marks the sixth consecutive一个自称橡树精灵的男子day the man that calls himself the Oak Fairy一直盘踞在中♥央♥公园最古老的橡树上remains perched and tied to the oldest oak tree in Central Park, 他声称如果政♥府♥不能向他保证这棵树refusing to come down until officials bring him written proof 不会被砍掉那么他就拒绝下来the tree will not be cut down.布隆伯格市长办公室还未对此事表态No news yet from Mayor Bloomberg's office.我们会继续跟进...We'll keep you posted as...至死保护橡树Save the trees or die!拯救橡树拯救橡树我不会下来的Save the trees! Save the trees! I will not come down.我是橡树精灵我有话对整个纽约说I'm the Oak Fairy and I have a message for New York.如果我在这能做到在哪都没问题If I can do it here, I can do it anywhere.现在就看你们的了纽约It's up to you, New York.该去自己床上睡觉了Time you got in your own bed.我带了五个月的口粮I have provisions for five months还带了能把雪变成饮用水的设备and I have a device here that can turn snow into drinking water. -我们爱你 -我不会下去的- We love you! - I will not come down!我们飞吧Let's fly!-真搞笑 -什么- It's funny. - Oh, what?我总感觉孩子不在床上的时候I always feel way more comfortable做起爱来更爽having sex without the kids in bed.-我也是感觉很不着调 -是很扯- Me, too. It's crazy. - It's crazy.-我也不知道为什么很诡异 -着实诡异- It's so weird. I don't know why. - It's so weird.-可以玩各种花样 -他们有点碍事- We can do all sorts of shit. - They're kind of in the way.我得接一下I need to take this.估计是我爸还真是他It's probably my dad. It is my dad.真是个老小孩He's a big boy.爸爸我没喘不过气我们有6个小时时差赶快再去睡一会儿吧然后去吃早餐...好吧飞机上会有早饭的别再打给我了我要睡觉了爱你他已经起了OK. He's already up.这个星期事情也太多了吧Maybe this is a little too much this week.你的家人要来You've got your family coming to visit,你要办展览还要卖♥♥你的灵魂啊your exhibit, you're selling your soul...宝贝多谢你的关心但我很想让老爸来You're so sweet to worry about me but I want my dad to be here 这对我很重要because it's very important for me.这是我许多年来最大的展览It's my biggest exhibit in years.我只想让你开心I just want what's best for you.-你知道什么能让我开心吗 -什么- Know what's best for me? - What?我想让他们见见我超可爱的小考拉I really want them to meet my sweet, sweet, little koala bear.谁才是我最可爱的小考拉呢Who's my sweet, little koala bear?-必须得说才能尝到甜头吗 -恩快说- Is that what I have to say to get laid? - Yes. Say it. Say it.我就是你的小考拉对吗I have to say I'm your koala bear?没错你知道考拉都干什么吗Yes. You know what koala bears do?他们在树上爬上爬下They go up and down the trees.地上有团毛宝贝No, no. It's a fur ball, sweetie.我得去清理一下No, I gotta take care of that.上次露露把那脏东西吃了It's... last time, Lulu ate it. I can't.还有你总戴着眼镜就下去了Plus you're always going down on me搞得我很不舒服with the glasses. It's weird.我正要摘了它I know. I was gonna take 'em off.我来补充一下Let me fill you in.我和明戈斯是通过他姐姐伊丽莎白认识的I met Mingus through his sister Elizabeth,他姐姐从我来纽约以来一直是我的好朋友who's been my friend ever since I moved to New York. 几年前明戈斯和我A few years ago, Mingus and I一起在乡村声音工作ended up working together at the Village Voice.那时露露差不多8个月大Lulu was about eight months old而我和杰克的关系也越来越糟and things had started to get sort of... messy with Jack. 就在那时明戈斯成了我的知己Around that time, Mingus became my confidant of sorts. 如果我离开他会怎样What's gonna happen to me if I leave him?听着如果事情到了无法挽回的地步就放手Hey, when things go bad, it's best to just walk.我放过两次手从没后悔过I walked twice and didn't regret it.不过你是男人对你来说很容易But you're a man. It's much easier for you.现在谁还会要我我都快38了Who's gonna want me? OK? I'm gonna be 38.-又肥又不招人喜欢 -但你是法国人- I'm fat and a pain in the ass. - But you're French.我有个孩子现在还尿失禁I have a kid. I'm struggling with incontinence.别告诉别人OK? Don't tell anyone.我都不敢打喷嚏不过我正在慢慢锻炼I can't even sneeze. But I'm doing my exercise. OK?我憋着尿呢憋尿走天涯I'm squeezing right now. I'm squeezing everywhere I go.照照片的时候也要憋When I'm taking pictures.每时每刻都在憋现在就在憋I'm squeezing all the time. Right now I am.憋呀憋呀憋呀憋呀憋呀...Squeezing, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing. 现在放松一下OK. I'm letting go.又开始憋了I'm squeezing again.憋这憋那憋老娘一生啊Squeezing, squeezing. I'm squeezing all the time.实话实话我们的感情结束了Let's face it, my love life is over.37岁了我们已经有一年没有性生活了37. We haven't had sex in one year.-不是吧 -给他吹他都不要- Get outta here! - He doesn't even want a blow job.那可是我的绝活儿It was my specialty.他到底是谁啊你太惨了振作点儿Who is this guy? You're fucked, man. Just go pump.我知道得走了太难受了I know. I gotta go. Oh, it hurts.-振作点 -是啊我得振作起来- Pump. - Yeah, I gotta pump.好吧摄影的时候见真伤感OK. I'll see you at the photo shoot. I'm so sad.-别这样法国美女会没事儿的 -没戏了- Come on, Frenchie. You're gonna be good. - It's over.我了解你你会强势反弹的I've known you a while. You'll bounce back.-像大肉球一样吗 -大大的沙滩球那样- You mean like a big ball? - Like a big beach ball.他恨我他恨我He hates me. He hates me. He hates me.擤吧Come on, blow.而我这个带着孩子的大肉球And the post-baby big最终弹进了他的怀中ball that I was bounced right into his arms.是因为怜悯吗还是真爱Was it pity? Was it love?或是我无意流出的有关口♥活♥犀利的话语Was it my innocent comment about blow jobs?我将永远不得而知I'll never be sure.我只知道六个月后All I know is that six months later,我带着孩子和明戈斯一起住了baby in hand, I was moving in with Mingus.目前一切都很好一切从未如此完美And so far, so good. Actually, things have never been better. 在古老的德兰西街On old Delancey Street, you know纽约两日情地铁令我们沉醉The subway charms us so微风带着芬芳徐徐吹来When balmy breezes blow来来回♥回♥To and fro是巴黎来的航♥班♥吗-还有人吗 -你怎么知道我是从法国来的玛丽恩-怎么最后才出来 -爸爸被海关扣了就这些吗Is that it?还有我没看的地方吗先生Do I need to look anywhere else, sir?这是什么鬼东西What the hell is this thing?你觉得带着十跟香肠八块奶酪不会被发现吗你♥爸♥爸是个英雄-他怎么来了 -他自己要来的-你们在一起了吗 -只是瞎混-那还是在一起瞎混 -是啊多么美丽的城市啊再次激发了我的诗意啊纽约我们终于到了Oh, New York, we made it, baby! We made it!如果我们能到纽约就能走遍世界If we can make it here, we can make it anywhere! 电梯总是出毛病看看谁来了Hey! Look who's here!-国际香肠走私贩 -明戈斯- International sausage smugglers! - Oh, Mingus! 简诺特简诺特Jeannot! Jeannot.-很高兴见到你 -亲一个- Pleased to meet you. - Kiss!亲一个两个三个Kiss! One, two, three.过生日才能亲三下之前从没亲过三个I never got three before.-你好吗 -我给你带了礼物但是都被海关扣了他给我们带了很多礼物He had so many presents for us,都是香肠不过都被海关扣了sausages, but they took it at Customs.扣得了香肠扣不了味儿They took the sausage but not the smell.这味儿扑面而来啊So you're giving us something right now.你肯定就是那位著名的妹妹罗斯And you must be the famous sister, Rose.是啊请问...为什么著名Er... yes. Famous for what, please?很高兴见到你Uh... pleased to meet you.著名的罗斯Famous Rose.-您是... -我是马努- And you are? - Oh, I'm Manu.见到你超高兴我是罗斯的男友Super nice meeting you. I'm Rose's boyfriend.我以前是玛丽恩的男朋友I used to be Marion's boyfriend不过现在跟罗斯了but now I'm with Rose.你要告诉全世界你是玛丽恩的前男友吗亲爱的我得去打个电♥话♥Sweet. Sweet. I gotta make a call.这是我上一次的画展这样说他才觉得我不是个陌生人什么事-我的外孙呢 -和保姆出去了-我们去找他 -你不先休息吗-我睡哪儿 -沙发上先凑合两天等薇洛走了你就去露露的房♥间睡都没点私人空间吗我上哪儿打飞机爸你太恶心了我挡个屏风您就能慢爽了-我们怎么办 -爸拜托别打飞机了-都这么多年的老炮兵了...-他肯定会打你就该一个人来睡孩子的房♥间现在你和马努一起来了让我怎么安排就睡爸爸旁边啊你都看不见我们对吧马努没关系我带了睡袋睡哪儿都行别担心我睡哪儿都行我随便Don't sweat it. I can sleep anywhere. I'm easy.那挺好Good for you.-去公园找我外孙吧 -我要洗个澡你不用先洗个澡么我在巴黎洗过了明天我要泡个澡成立于1986年史上最成功的女子Rap组合明你喜欢椒盐组合吗Ming. You like Salt-N-Pepa?你是说调味品吗You mean, like seasoning on food?不我是说说唱...说唱乐团No, I mean the rap... the rap band."宝贝为性高呼"Let's talk about sex, baby."宝贝为我们起舞"Let's talk about you and me.算了...这首歌♥在纽约很出名啊Anyway... It was a big song in New York.-你肯定听过 -那都是20年前了- You must know that. - 20 years ago.我去和罗斯一起洗澡了我爸他...不愿意去冲澡My dad... he doesn't want to take a shower.他觉得那会破坏他的免疫系统He thinks it depletes the immune system.-破坏免疫 -我知道闻着有点...- Depletes it? My God. - I know. And it's gonna smell... 他味道好冲He smells now.这些人来家里惹你生气了吗Are you mad at me for this guy coming?我很抱歉我不知道我妹妹会带他来Sorry. I had no idea my sister would bring him.我应该生气吗不过是你的前任Should I be mad? It's just your ex来我这的客厅打地铺camped out in our living room.我的前任他这么跟你说的My ex? Did he say that?是啊他说他是你前任Yes, he said he's your ex.他疯了脑子有问题那是他的幻觉He's crazy. He's out of his mind. He's totally delusional. 我们只不过很久前一起瞎混过We fooled around 100 years ago.-仅仅是瞎混 -我也是和你瞎混- Barely fooled around. - I've fooled around with you. 你瞎混起来还真挺认真的You get serious when you fool around.他有轻度精神分♥裂♥ 完全疯了He's mildly schizophrenic. He's totally crazy.根本没有轻度精神分♥裂♥这么一说You can't be mildly schizophrenic.难到冥冥之中有人对他甜言蜜语He hears the nice voices talking to him?害他杀了约翰而没杀林戈He would have killed Ringo and not John?好吧你喜欢我爸吗这问题更重要OK. Listen. Do you like my dad? That's way more important. -看他有多可爱 -是很可爱- Look how cute he is. - He's very cute.我们长得太像了像双胞胎一样We're so alike. We're like twins.是啊我真想冲上去操了他I know. I just want to fuck him right now.好吧我错了我不该让那个人来OK. I'm sorry about the guy. I'm sorry she brought him.慢慢就好了我得去干活儿了It'll work out but I gotta go to work.-能走了吗 -马努给我出去-我们得等罗斯 -给我出去她得打扮好几个小时呢我们先走我马上就好-罗斯我们先走了 -好的就在空场那边你刚才看见过-我得接个电♥话♥ -走吧- I gotta get this call. - We go.如果你能找到人做关于If you can find somebody海地的搞笑节目那么就去请他们that'll do a funny show about Haiti, then go and hire them. -反正我是不会做 -明戈斯- Cuz I'm not the guy. - Mingus.-明戈斯毛巾在哪儿 -稍等一下- Mingus, may I have a towel? - Hold on a second.毛巾在浴室的衣橱里Towels, cabinet, bathroom.-毛巾在衣橱里 -是下面的那个- The towels are in the cabinet? - Yeah. The lower cabinet. 那谁会去做...Well, who's gonna do it? Well...我待会儿打给你I gotta call you back.一会儿打给你我有事要处理Yeah. I gotta call you back. Something just came up.明戈斯等一下你要走吗Mingus, are you leaving? Wait!那是...我的浴袍That's... my robe.抱歉我找不到毛巾I'm so sorry. I couldn't find the towels.你这儿有茶吗我好冷Do you have a cup of tea? I'm so cold.那边有壶Well, the kettle's over there.我听说你很照顾杰克的孩子I hear you take really good care of Jack's kid. 谢谢代表我和我爸爸谢谢你Thank you. From my father and I, thank you. 露露也是我儿子Lulu's my man.我对你很钦佩I have so much admiration for you.抚养另一个男人的孩子My God, raising the child of another man.你简直太...You're so um...怎么说What is the word?心胸开阔对吗Open-minded? Yes?是啊不过我也有底线我得...Yeah, but... I have my limits. I gotta...但对你来说肯定很难接受吧But the situation must be difficult for you. -我得走了你保重 -拜拜明戈斯- I gotta go. OK? Take care. - Bye, Mingus.这是朱莉娅露露这是我父亲My dad.来外公这儿看我给你带什么了他可真漂亮他会和你年轻时一样帅马努说对了一件事For once, Manu's right.我爸爸一直都是个大帅哥My father has always been a very handsome man.他出生在当初的法属越南胡志明市He was born in Saigon, Vietnam, a French colony at the time. 18岁那年简诺特被派往阿尔及利亚参战At 18, Jeannot was sent to fight in Algeria,但他拒绝滥杀无辜被船送回了法国...but refused to kill and was shipped back to France...花了三年时间为752个士兵打扫厕所spending three years cleaning the toilets of 752 dirty soldiers. 或许用他的话说Or, as he likes to put it,见过的屎比别人吃过的饭都多seeing more shit than any human being has ever seen.五月风暴 1968年5月在法国巴黎所爆发的社会运动之后简诺特去了巴黎五月风暴时Then Jeannot went to Paris where he met my mother, Anna, 在巴黎的一个路障遇见了我妈妈安娜during May 1968 on a Parisian barricade.他们很快坠入爱河They immediately fell in love40年来他们相恩相爱...and for 40 years, they stayed happy together...直到如今命运将他们分开until fate separated them.为什么我25岁没遇到一个我爸一样的人Why didn't I find someone like my dad when I was 25?一个可以让我依托终生的人Someone I would have loved all my life.也许时代不同了Maybe times have changed.十九世纪人们的预期寿命大概是45岁In the 1900s, life expectancy used to be 45.现在你要是在25岁遇到你的爱人Now if you meet the love of your life at 25,你要与他共同生活60年you get to live with him for the next 60 years.这意味着60年都要和这个人做♥爱♥That's a lot of sex with the same person.或者...60年都没有性生活Or... no sex at all for 60 years.不不不我没那个意思No, no, no, no. What are you talking about?我想她需要件浴袍I guess she needed a robe.霍莫斯你看上去很焦虑Yo, homes, you're looking parched.-你还在等... -我在忙别的- Have you been waiting... - I'm in the middle of something....和比基尼女孩儿去沙滩吗...girls to come out of the ocean in DayGlo bikinis?我待会儿打给你爱你I'll talk to you later. Love you.等着她慢慢靠近你在你耳边细语She sidles up to you and whispers in your ear,可乐...老爸Ay... Papi... Cola.我们回来了And we are... back.我女朋友的家人刚刚带着巴黎的芬芳而来My girlfriend's family just got in fresh from Paris.其实也不算是芬芳Well, not exactly fresh.我岳父或者说我女朋友的爸爸My father-in-law or girlfriend's father在海关待了4个小时was detained at Customs for four原因是他身上藏了30磅香肠hours for trying to smuggle in 30lb of sausage.曾经有人把炸♥弹♥或者可♥卡♥因♥带入美国We've got people trying to get bombs in and cocaine.我岳父也许觉得美国在闹香肠荒He seems to think that there's a sausage shortage in America.这些香肠必须交给国土安♥全♥部♥处理You gotta hand it to Homeland Security.你要是带香肠入境他们就会逮你You come in here with a sausage, they will get you.喜欢吗光躺着不做♥爱♥ 太奇怪了这是两人关系慢慢疏远的体现不是性♥爱♥这幅表现了人性的脆弱The vulnerability of man.但这幅画的灵魂让我惊叹But I'm very excited about the soul.这个灵魂我要卖♥♥1万美元So I sell the soul for 10,000 dollars.忘了说了Oh, and I forgot to mention,明天画展开幕时tomorrow at my gallery opening,为了突出我艺术家的身份as an attempt to stand out as an artist,我要出♥卖♥♥♥我的灵魂I am selling my soul.-什么 -对你没听错- What? - Yes, you've heard right.灵魂出♥卖♥♥♥协议这可不是什么比喻修辞法It is not a figure of speech.明天我会签署这份合同Tomorrow I will sign this并将它作为一件概念艺术品进行出♥售♥ contract and it will be sold as a conceptual piece.玛丽恩的灵魂值1万美元You're selling Marion's soul for $10,000?就像卖♥♥煎饼一样It's gonna go like hotcakes.我得和我妹妹谈谈OK. I will talk to my sister for one second.我也是个艺术家I am an artist, too.我想给你看看...I'd love to show you a little...-你是指明戈斯吗 -现在还不知道大赞美国我能卖♥♥我的灵魂吗帮我问问你的经纪人我觉得镜头中的这个女人The woman in freeze frame kind of represents to me 展现出了外在的女性之美like the eternal femininity, you know?很有法国格调It's pretty French.的确很法国Very French.老头的灵魂能卖♥♥吗-这是概念艺术品 -现金也是概念上的吗我很想在这画展上展出I'd love to do a show in your gallery.虽然地方不大但我可以展出我的作品It's a teeny space but I could use it and put my stuff in it. 我不会用这种方式I wouldn't do it like that.我会做一些装置艺术加一些照片I would do installation plus photos.-在这里搞一场派对 -以后可以谈谈- It would be a party here. - We can talk about it.-你喜欢这幅对吗 -是我很喜欢- You love this one, right? - Yeah. Oh, I love it. I love it. -大家都喜欢这幅 -垃圾桶那幅- People like that. - The garbage one.不是有乳♥头♥的那幅No, the one with the titty.是我养你长大的钱应该归我你的臭内♥裤♥又是谁洗的你们想去观光还是继续斗嘴展览上我会展示我的一切I bring everything at the show.照片雕塑我也做流苏边的设计My photos, my sculptures. I do stuff also in macramé.你这是侮辱我爸爸-我爱这个国家 -再见- I love this country. See you. - Bye.-明天见 -拜拜玛丽恩- See you tomorrow. - Bye, Marion.我们不可能逛遍纽约薇洛亲爱的你到家了Oh, Willow. Oh, sweetie, you're home?今天下班早我去接了薇洛I got off early and picked up Willow.-太好了 -明戈斯这是薇洛- Oh, great. - Hi, Mingus. Willow.-你好明戈斯 -薇洛这是我家人- Hello, Mingus. - Willow, this is my family.我爸爸我妹妹...和一个朋友My dad, my sister and... a friend.-画的真漂亮 -谢谢- Oh, it's beautiful. - Thank you.你和我一样也是艺术家You're an artist just like me.你好啊小姐你真漂亮-真是个漂亮的姑娘 -谢谢- You beautiful girl. - Thank you.我爸爸说你不会说英语And Dad says you don't speak English.你们可以用手语You can do sign language.我要给露露洗澡他头发上沾了巧克力我吗Me?纽约纽约New York, New York!我后背有点疼去按♥摩♥吧我知道一家很棒的泰式按♥摩♥馆-泰国 -亲爱的你能为我爸预约一下- Thai? - Sweetie, do you think you can book泰式按♥摩♥馆的按♥摩♥吗an appointment at Thai Hands for my dad?没问题我们一起去我也要按♥摩♥Yeah, yeah. We can go together. I could use one myself.洗干净了You all clean?美国历史上和现在的一个奉行白人至上主义的民间组织瞧啊 3K党小子Hey, look at my KKK bunny!别这样亲爱的Sweetie.白人♥权♥力他有幸见证了我俩的结合White power! He should be proud of his whiteness.-有大♥麻♥吗 -这儿没有大♥麻♥你知道哪儿能搞到大♥麻♥吗Do you know where I can score some good New York weed?-我不抽 -你不抽吗- I don't smoke, man. - You don't smoke?不我不抽No, I don't smoke.别忘了给你姐姐打电♥话♥通知晚上一起吃饭Don't forget to call your sister about dinner tonight.好的Yeah, yeah. Sure.你妹妹找到了纽约唯一不抽烟的人当老公-你好吗 -很好- Hey. How are you? - I'm pretty good.-很高兴见到你 -这是我岳父简诺特- Nice to see you. - My father-in-law, Jeannot.很高兴见到你Nice to meet you.要男的还是女的Man or a woman?-女的 -女的吗好吧- Woman. - Woman. OK.女的也不错我一般都选男的...Woman. That's good. I usually take a man but...-男的 -对找男的按- Man? - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.我的后背很疼得好好按按My back is really bad and, I mean, I need a massage.你想要按得狠点还是轻点Uh... Would you like it hard or soft?什么What?给他找个女的按就行You know what, just get him a woman.-手劲小的轻轻按就行 -好的- And a soft... You know, something soft. - Sure.好好好Ok. Ok. Ok.然后我们蒸一蒸And then we steam.蒸桑拿We go steam.-蒸 -没错- Steam. - Steam.-蒸呗 -会让人放松- Steams? - Yeah. It's relaxing.-不过你得把帽子摘掉 -帽子不摘- You gotta take off your hat, though. - Hat? No.得摘得摘好让蒸汽蒸遍全身Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just get the steam all over you. 对对进来就行Yeah, yeah, just come on in.享受蒸汽吧Enjoy the steam.只要吸气再...Just breathe it in and...再......and um...吸气进去就能放松了You breathe it in and it'll relax you.放松你的身心It'll relax you.很放松的Very relaxing.这里好热我要熟了我又不是龙虾干嘛要被蒸奥马尔奥马尔吗Omar? Omar?螃蟹[亦有阴虱之意]不不不这里没有阴虱这里很干净No, no. No crabs here. This place is spotless.这是美国We're in America.蒸完之后You know, after the steam,穿上内♥裤♥和浴袍we put our underwear back on, and the robe,就可以去按♥摩♥了and we go get our massage.按♥摩♥Massage.你跟玛丽恩好吗You and Marion good?嗯我们很好很好Oh... Yeah. We're good. We're good.那种好吗Good good?杰克在床上Jack sex...那个Oh, that's...你想知道细节吗You want details?不我不会告诉你细节的Uh... no, you're not getting details.我的床上功夫...很猛的Mingus sex... good.-好 -床上好手- OK. - Good sex.-那就好 -好- Good. - Yes.-简诺特好了吗 -好了好热- Jeannot, ready? - Ah, yes. Hot.好Yes. Ooh.简诺特Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Jeannot!简诺特不不不你得穿浴袍浴袍Jeannot, no, no, no, no. You need your robe! Le robe. 简诺特简诺特简诺特Jeannot! Jeannot, Jeannot, Jeannot, Jeannot.全身按♥摩♥Full massage.爸爸好像好点了妈妈走了之后他就变了但是纽约离巴黎有点远别那么说我不能走露露需要父亲我不是指责你我明白-罗斯你哭了 -洋葱害的可你切的是土豆-我爱你 -杜米那玩意太吵了那玩意疯了我得找人修好它是伊丽莎白明戈斯的姐姐-喂 -是我- Hello? - It's me.我现在打电♥话♥给他们不不是No, not...不是广♥告♥服务Not ad services.不是维修No, repair.维修Repair.维修Repair!对是这个地址Yes. That's the right address.我在搞这个破铃I'm dealing with this broken buzzer.-喂 -我是罗斯- Yes. - I'm Rose.-我是明戈斯的姐姐 -很高兴见到你- I'm Mingus's sister. - Nice to meet you.首先我想说First, I'd like to tell you that你的自动程序没在正常工作知道吗your automated system is not working properly. OK?别别跟我这个态度说话Well, don't... Don't have an attitude.好好吧好吧好对我的名字OK, fine. Fine. OK, yeah, my name.好叫杜普雷杜普雷杜普雷OK, it's Dupré. Dupré. Dupré.Dick[鸡鸡]的DD... like Dick.Uterus[阴♥道♥]的U Penis[鸡♥巴♥]的P U like Uterus. P like Penis.不我没爆粗口只是在拼我的名字而已No, I'm not being rude. I'm just spelling my name.好好吧 Daisies[雏菊]的DOK, fine. D like Daisies.Unicorn[独角兽]的U Paradise[天堂]的PU like Unicorn. P like Paradise.Roses[玫瑰]的RR like Roses.E的话...E like...Estrogen[雌激素]的E 抱歉...Estrogen. I'm sorry.对不好意思你也有口音Well, yeah, you have an accent too. I'm sorry. 不好别生气好吗No. OK, don't get angry. OK?他们明天来吗我得知道Are they coming tomorrow? I need to know. 谢谢我没想...对谢谢Thank you. I didn't mean to... Yeah, thank you. 谢谢对Thank you. Yes.大家好Hi, everyone.等等看着Wait. Look at that.好点了吧Better, huh?你懂越南语吗快点快点我死了猴子大蛋蛋明戈斯坐下Oh, Mingus! Sit down.来喝点茶Come. Have tea with us.你岳父跟我出生在You know, your father-in-law同一条街上was born in the same street as I was.简诺特我都不知道你会讲泰语Jeannot, I had no idea you spoke Thai.-不是越南语 -越南语- No. It's Vietnamese. - Vietnamese.是越南语抱歉Oh, Vietnamese. I'm sorry.招牌上不写着泰式按♥摩♥嘛I thought, cos the sign said Thai massage.我们来自西贡[越南胡志明市]We're all from Saigon.西贡靠还在西贡Saigon. Shit. Still in Saigon.现在木有了Apocalypse Now!你们能相互理解真是太酷了It's cool you guys understand each other.一整瓶特意给你准备的你应该多用用它You should use it more often.-明戈斯能帮我打开这个吗 -好的- Mingus, can you help me open this? - Sure.不让我给她瞧瞧No. Let me show her something.看拿把刀一点空气就能让它弹开智取胜于豪夺谢谢-你吃得真慢 -细嚼慢咽嘛-再说我也不饿 -不饿吗都是时差害的她不饿She's not hungry.牛排没有味道有机牛肉所有东西都是有机物你也是跟鞋皮似的没味道鞋皮都能有点味道就看你踩着什么了我来收拾有人说过你长得像碧昂斯吗Did anybody told you that you look like Beyoncé? 碧昂斯吗Beyoncé?-其实很像 -真的吗你是第一个- A lot, actually. - Really? That's a first.可能比她更性感一点Maybe just a little sexier.吃奶酪蛋糕吗Cheesecake?简诺特喜欢按♥摩♥吗So, Jeannot, did you like your massage?。

Dr. Ken《肯医生(2015)》第一季第十六集完整中英文对照剧本

Dr. Ken《肯医生(2015)》第一季第十六集完整中英文对照剧本

你记得要左撇子专用筷子了吗Did you remember to ask for left-handed chopsticks? 要了在这里Oh, yeah. Here they are.多谢Thanks.那左撇子专用厕纸够用吗Oh, and where are we on the left-handed toilet paper? 我买♥♥了所有的厕所都放了Oh, I bought it. It's in all the bathrooms now.可算有了Finally.亲爱的家人戴夫Beloved family. Dave.好大家淡定点Okay, don't freak out,我有事要说but I have something to tell you.是车吗还是成绩Is it the car? Is it grades?塔米染头发了吗早告诉她别染了Did Tammy dye her hair? I told her she shouldn't.不是坏事It's nothing bad --不过塔米确实染成金发了但真不咋地although Tammy did go blond, and it is no bueno.看吧就知道会显得脸色惨白See? I knew it'd wash her out.早告诉她染成栗色红棕色也行I told her to go chestnut -- maybe auburn.这样吧You know what?我给她发几张发色样板过去I'll go snapchat her some color samples.别闹了No, you won't.到底怎么了亲爱的What's going on, honey?班上有个叫肖恩的男生Well, there's this guy, Sean, in my class.他很可爱是摔跤队的He's sweet, he's on the wrestling team,我们很喜欢对方we really like each other...上周五我们的关系有了进一步发展and last Friday, we took it to the next level.够了我不想听那部分Eww, gross! I don't want to hear about that.不是他要我做他的女友No, he asked me to be his girlfriend.下次先说这个好吗亲爱的Next time, lead with that, all right, sweetie?真是够了Gross.总之我真的很希望Anyway, it's really important to me你们能见见他that you guys to meet him.认真的吗Seriously?你之前都不谈这些事的You're usually so private about that stuff.可你们对我很重要Well, you're the people that matter most to me,我也想你们能同意我和他交往and I wanted to make sure you approved of him.或者...Or...下周末在瑟夫赛德有个篝火晚会There's a bonfire at Surfside next weekend,我知道你们没见过他是不会让我去的and I knew you wouldn't let me go if you didn't meet him first. 莫莉我对你真是一猜一个准Molly -- predictable as the sunrise.好他马上就来了别让我尴尬Okay, he'll be here soon. Just please don't embarrass me.别担心小莫Don't worry, Mol.我知道你妈有点社交障碍I know your mom's a bit of a social sandbag,但我可是社交高手but I'll be the conversational rising tide什么场子都撑得住that lifts all boats.说真的老妈管好你男人Seriously, mom. Handle your man.好他来了妈你很棒Okay, that's him. Mom, you look great.戴夫别嚼了爸你的门开了Dave, stop chewing. Dad, your fly.没错开了就差上天了Hells yeah, I'm fly. I'm supah fly!不是你的拉链「开上天了」No, your fly is "Supah" open!各位这是肖恩Guys, this is Sean.你们好Hi, everyone.见到你很高兴It's a pleasure to meet you.见到你很高兴咱们这是在白金汉宫吗A pleasure to meet you? Where are we, Buckingham Palace? 快投进我温暖的怀抱肖恩Get inside these love sticks, Sean.在我们家见面要拥抱We hug in this house!-要这样... - 好的- Just... - Ok, ok.这么说你是摔跤手咯So, you're a wrestler, huh?要说我最喜欢谁If I had to pick my faves,那我会选「送葬者」或「大狼狗」I'd go with the Undertaker or Junkyard Dog.两人均为美国著名职业摔跤手你呢How about you?事实上Well, actually,我是高中摔跤队的先生I'm on the high school wrestling team, sir.我觉得那些人更像是混娱乐圈的I think those guys are more like entertainers.真的吗Oh, really?混娱乐圈的Entertainment, huh?那看看你接不接得住这个...Well, let's see if you can handle the...铁爪手iron claw!不错嘛Impressive.现在可以把我手放开了You can let go of my hand now.再吃一爪And the claw!好了小伙子已准备好上场了Okay. Well, this kid's ring-ready.你会喜欢这玩意儿的Oh, you're gonna love this.莫莉去拿我的墨西哥摔跤面具Molly, go get my Mexican wrestling mask.我不去I will not.那你们家是刚从西雅图搬过来吗So, your family just moved down from Seattle?还适应这边的生活吗How's the adjustment been?都挺好的谢谢It's been pretty good, thanks.提问在高中摔跤队Question -- in high school wrestling,用折叠椅互殴有什么规则吗what are the rules about hitting each other with folding chairs? 再说一次那不是一♥码♥事Again, that's a whole different thing.是啊那打人超狠的Yeah, it's awesome.肖恩我看你的手表戴在右手上Sean, I noticed that your watch is on your right hand.你是左撇子吗Are you a lefty?-我是 -我也是- I am. - So am I!太好了你知不知道Cool. Did you know最近的七位总统中有四位都是左撇子that four out of the last seven presidents were lefties? 我当然知道Of course I knew.只是不知道别人也知道I just didn't think anyone else did.你肯定得爱死我家的厕纸You're gonna love our toilet paper.「我喜欢他」Love him.时候差不多了And that's our cue.我们该走了We should probably get going.认识你们真的很开心It was really nice to meet you guys.肖恩等等Sean, wait.我只想说你是个挺好的孩子I just want to say you seem like a really nice kid,我很高兴莫莉找到...and so I'm glad Molly found --杏子杏子Apricot! Apricot!就是让你放过他That means let him go.干得好肖恩Well done, Sean.你们竟然有安全词真恶心You guys have a safe word? Gross.小伙儿挺帅啊Sweet kid, huh?我们可能有点麻烦了We may have a bit of a problem.我觉得他的妈妈是我的病人I think his mother is a patient of mine.等等真的吗Wait. Really?真的他的姓刚搬过来都符合Yep. The last name, the recent move, it all adds up.所以他妈在找你做治疗So his mom's in therapy with you?对这可能是个麻烦Yeah. This could be an issue.是麻烦也是机会An issue-tunity.要是能弄清他妈在想什么If we can get in the mom's head,也就知道他在想什么了we can get in his head.我们就能掌握那孩子了We can own that kid.我以为你喜欢他I thought you liked him.喜欢和掌握是可以并存的艾莉森I can like and own at the same time, Allison.我能同时做好多事I can do a lot of things at the same time.你也见过我边跳舞边看书You've seen me dance-reading.听着又不是什么大不了的事Look, it's not the end of the world.我只用告诉肖恩的妈妈I'll just tell Sean's mom或者再把她推荐给另一位心理医生and maybe refer her to another therapist.有道理Yeah, makes sense.她提到过他吗他有没有什么毛病So, does she talk about him? Something wrong with him? 强迫症自恋恋亚裔癖Compulsive? Narcissistic? Asian fetish?都没有那是你No, that's you.要我怎么说呢大爷我就喜欢你这样的What can I say? I likes what I likes.真♥他♥妈♥帅Damn!肯恩我觉得咱们是朋友Ken, I feel that you and I are friends.真的我们又要为这事吵一架吗Really? We're gonna have that argument again?我刚发现每年所有I just found out that once a year,健托邦的管理人员都会有一次all managers at Welltopia get an evaluation基于下级对上级反馈意见的评价based on the collective feedback of their subordinates. 天呐他们肯定会喷死你oh, man, they're gonna crush you.他们根本不喜欢你They do not like you at all.我知道这次员工评价I know, and this evaluation能决定我能否拿到奖金或者得到升职could determine my bonus or whether I get a promotion. 提前告诉你那就别想了Spoiler alert -- you're not getting those.好吧All right.我知道自从我来到这里我可能对一些人I know I may have been a little hard on some people要求比较苛刻since I got here.但是我想说But in my defense,我从来不知道我需要为自己行为负责I did not know I'd be held accountable.这次评价还有两天就要上交了Now, these evaluations are due in two days.我想你应该知道自己该做些什么Well, I think you know what you have to do.是的Yeah.我非常清楚我该做什么I know exactly what I have to do.我知道你们住哪I know where you live,我还有你们的社会保险号♥and I have all your Social Security Numbers.我能伤害你们I can hurt you.是挺唬人的但我觉得你应该友好一点Solid threats, but I meant you have to be nice to them. 好吧我会试试的All right, fine. I'll try it.各位好Hey, everyone.你们看起来好像都瘦了一些You look like you've lost some weight.大概有两磅I don't know, about two pounds...诸位都瘦了each.你们都做新发型了吧And have you done something with your hair?派特不一定非要集体赞美Okay, they don't all have to be group compliments, Pat. 那得浪费我多少时间Well, this is gonna take forever.在今天的治疗开始之前So, listen, before we start today's session,我需要告诉你一些事情there's something I need to tell you.可能你儿子肖恩在和我的女儿约会It seems that your son, Sean, is dating my daughter.天呐世界真小Oh, my God, small world.我不知道你居然是克洛伊的母亲I had no idea you were Chloe's mom.肖恩劈腿了Sean's cheating on Molly?他正在和一个叫克洛伊的女孩约会Apparently, he's dating some girl named Chloe.人♥渣♥ 亏我还相信他That bastard. I trusted him.我还买♥♥了这些东西I even ordered these!真难以置信I can't believe it.莫莉那么喜欢他他居然骗莫莉Molly's so into that kid, and he's cheating on her.我向天发誓我一定把他弄进摔跤场I swear to god, I'd like to get him in a wrestling ring把他碎尸万段and just crush him!省省吧Please.你觉得我办不到吗Oh, you don't think I could?你给我他的地址和一把折叠椅You give me his address and a folding chair.我现在就去I'll go over there right now.没有规则就在笼里打No D.Q.! In a cage!可怜的莫莉我多希望我们能告诉她God, poor Molly. I wish we could tell her.等等为什么不能说Wait. What? Why can't we?肯恩他妈妈在治疗的时候告诉我的Ken, the mom told me during therapy.这是医患保密协定你知道我不能违反规定It's a confidentiality issue. You know I can't violate that. 为什么所有人都会违反Why? Everybody violates that.我的病人雷蒙德·博伊德患有痛风My patient Raymond Boyd has gout.我就直说了There, I said it.其实这例子举得不好Well, actually, that's a bad example.他写了一本自传叫《博伊德遇上痛风》He wrote that memoir, "Boyd Meets Gout,"但问题在于but the point is,这可是咱们女儿this is our daughter we're talking about.我知道I know!相信我我也想进摔跤场And believe me, I'd also like to get into a ring然后用平底锅揍他and smash him with a frying pan.平底锅A frying pan?艾莉森这是比赛又不是动画片Allison, it's a sport, not a cartoon.关键是Bottom line --如果我们告诉了莫莉我工作就丢了if we tell Molly about this, I could lose my job.好吧Okay, fine.再说了他们才16岁Besides, they're 16.明天可能就分手了This thing could be over tomorrow.如果我们告诉了她And if we told her,可能害得她白伤心一场we could be breaking her heart for no reason.你说得对莫莉走马观草You're right. Molly does go through boys跟她买♥♥连裤装一样应接不暇like she goes through spring rompers.你需要多交点男性朋友You need more male friends.因为艾莉森迂腐的「职业道德」I mean, because of Allison's stupid "Professional ethics," 我们都不能告诉女儿we can't even tell our own daughter她在和劈腿·潘约会[恶搞彼得·潘]she's dating Cheater Pan.看啊我会撒谎Look! I can lie!彼得·潘的经典台词「看啊我会飞」你不能在说「劈腿·潘」的时候Okay, you can't say "Cheater pan"还不让我说这个and expect me not to do that.你叫朱莉对吧So...Julie, is it?我看见你喜欢把多肉植物I see you enjoy putting miniature succulents养在旧易拉罐里into old cans.对啊I do!我喜欢它们述说各自往事的样子I like how each of them has a story.就拿这个来说This one, for instance --很棒的故事让我禁不住还想听Great story! Left me wanting more.还有啊There is more.再见Goodbye.克拉克So, Clark...同性结婚那一套似乎还挺流行的That whole gay marriage thing seems to be taking off. 这对于你这种喜欢别的汉子爱抚的That must be good news for a fella like you男人来说肯定是好事了who... enjoys the... comforts of other fellas.不知道为啥你毁了我搞基的兴致Okay, somehow you have just ruined being gay for me. 你真是个开心果再见You're a delight! Goodbye.戴茉娜让我来你已经做得够多了Damona, let me take those. You do enough around here. 别碰我老大爷Get the hell off of me, grandpa.这么亲切我喜欢再见I love our rapport. Goodbye.这可比我想的简单多了This is easier than I thought.再见Goodbye.亲爱的今天过的怎么样'sup, bae? How's it hangin'?莫莉戴夫与「出轨伍德·马克」在客厅里Molly and Dave are in the living room with Cheatwood Mac.小艾你不是说这事明天可能就黄了吗Hey, al, you know how you said this might end tomorrow?明天到了这事还没黄Well, it's tomorrow, and it didn't.我要先发制人I'm going proactive.肯恩我们什么都不能说Ken, we can't say anything.好行Okay, fine. Fine.我只做些暗示直到他摊牌I'll just hint at it until he folds...他要是不「摊」我就用折叠椅把他打成同款Like the chair I'll hit him with if he doesn't.不不不不行No, no, no. We can't -- mm.大家在做什么呢Hey, guys, what's the haps?你好啊肖恩Oh, hello, Sean.你好朴医生我们在玩冒险游戏Hi, Dr. Park. We're playing Risk.的确如此肖恩的确如此Indeed you are, Sean. Indeed you are.戴夫你刚刚是用右手掷的骰子Dave, you just rolled with your right hand.竞技时我是右撇子Yeah, I'm a righty in athletics.肖恩你真的掷出六点了吗Ooh, Sean, did you really roll a six?如果你没有的话你就是不诚实Because if you didn't, that would be dishonest.-肯恩 -老爸你这是做什么- Ken. - Dad, what are you doing?别听他的Oh, don't listen to him.要不你去厨房♥再拿些柠檬曲奇来Why don't you go into the kitchen and get more lemon cookies? 我倒是想但如果有人在节食Oh, I would, but if anyone is dieting,那吃饼干就是对他们的节食不忠then eating those would be unfaithful to their diet.每块才40卡热量Eh, they're only 40 calories each.我知道美好到不真实I know. It seems too good to be true.因为如果有人不忠Because if someone was being unfaithful,我希望他们能大方坦白I would hope they would have the decency to come clean. 你在干什么What are you doing?因为内疚是非常强大的Because guilt is a very powerful thing.如果你心怀内疚过久And if you hold onto it for too long,它会烧心灼肺it'll burn and burn,越来越热越来越热越来越热hotter and hotter and hotter --爸Dad!我正营造氛围呢I'm building to something.越来越热And hotter.营造完毕I'm done.是不是有什么误会Is there something wrong here?肖恩咱们离开这儿Sean, let's get out of here.劈腿你劈腿Cheater! You're a cheater!你倒是直奔主题Wow, went right at it.我不是故意的I didn't mean to --好吧我承认Okay, fine. I admit it!我劈腿了I cheated on you.什么What?什么What?什么What?!我不知道我父母是怎么知道的I don't know how my parents knew,但我背着你和布雷登在一起but I cheated on you with Brayden因为我以为你还没和克洛伊分手because I thought you were still going out with Chloe. 我真的很抱歉肖恩I'm so sorry, Sean.真不敢相信你会做出这种事No, I can't believe you would do that!肖恩等等Sean, wait!等等肖恩让我们好好谈谈Wait, Sean! We can talk about this!我跟你没完We're in a fight.亲爱的对不起我们以为Honey, I'm sorry. We thought that --不我才不管你们是怎么想的No, I don't care what you thought!我还没想好要怎么回敬你们I don't know how I'm gonna retaliate for this,但我八成会约会一个老男人but it's probably gonna be older,他八成还是摩托飞车党and it's probably gonna drive a motorcycle.真是神转折Well, that took a turn.其实也没我们想象得那么糟Okay, it's actually not as bad as we thought.我和莫莉谈过了原来她没有劈腿I talked to Molly. It turns out she didn't cheat.只是有点重叠It was just a slight overlap.重叠Overlap?她当时在和布雷登约会She was dating Brayden,然后遇到了肖恩then she met Sean.她拿定主意的时候两边有点不清不楚的There was a little overlap while she made up her mind. 这还是劈腿啊Okay, that's still cheating.你怎么都不在意呢I mean, how does this not bother you?这是不对的It's wrong.我们就绝对不会对彼此做出这种事I mean, we never would've done that to each other.是啊Right.艾莉森你不会也重叠过我吧Allison, did you overlap me?什么别说疯话了What?! That's crazy.我遇见你时还在和比利·田中约会I mean, when I met you, I was dating Billy Tanaka,但我甩了他因为你人这么好but I dumped him because you were so great.有没有重叠Was... there... over... lap?我说不好也许重叠过一周吧I don't know. Maybe a week.都过去那么久了谁还记得It was so long ago. Who remembers?谢谢你终于承认了Thank you for finally admitting that.别这样你不会真的Oh, come on. You're not really --别碰人家Don't touch me.杏子Apricot.记得这个吗Remember this?什么What?我们在圣莫尼卡码头的第三次约会Our third date at the Santa Monica Pier.我在投篮游戏里给你赢了张安芬尼·哈达威的I won you a framed poster of Penny Hardaway带框海报at the pop-a-shot.我在摩天轮上吻了你I kissed you on the ferris wheel,我们听到了烟花的声音and we heard fireworks.后来发现是停车场有黑帮火拼Well, it turned out to be gang violence in the parking lot, 但仍然是美好的一晚but still, what a night.是啊肯恩那晚很美好Yes, Ken. It was a great night.但那时的我怎会料到But little did I know,我居然是你的小三艾莉森I was your side piece, Allison.我不敢相信你为了这么久I can't believe you're this upset这么小的一件事耿耿于怀about something so small that happened so long ago.得了我要去上班了All right, I have to go to work now.等我下班回家时And when I get home,你别再朴七岁就好了it'd be really convenient if you were no longer 7.说我不成熟Oh, I'm being immature?你玷污了我们最初相爱的故事You tarnished our origin story.我第一次见到你时像走火入魔一样Look, when I first met you, it was magical.我一直以为你也这样想And I always thought you felt the same way.但现在我知道了But now I know...你并没有You didn't.肖恩来电♥话♥了吗来信息了吗Did Sean call? Did he text?没有亲爱的No, honey.人人都说分手难过Everyone says breakups are hard,但我不知道会这么难过but I had no idea.我回床上躺着了I'll be in bed.-不用勺子吗伙计 -不用- Need a spoon, buddy? - Nope.为什么有个小矮子在这里做♥鸡♥蛋Why is there a little man making eggs up in here?那是煎蛋卷They're omelets,意思是「让你们鸡道我煎的很感谢你们」as in "Om-letting you know how much I appreciate you." 尽情享用因为我感激到没边儿Enjoy, because my gratitude is without limits.派特先生说每份煎蛋卷只能加两份配料Mr. Pat says only two ingredients per omelet...芝士还要少放And go light on the cheese.胡安-胡里奥Juan-Julio,芝士的事应该只有我们知道the cheese thing - that was between us.我的错My mistake.各位芝士的事应该只有我们知道Guys, the cheese thing was between us.见你这么慷慨真诡异It's weird you're being so generous.上周你在休息室里拿出一盒牙线Last week, you stuck a box of floss in the break room说「这是你新的护牙计划」and said, "Here's your new dental plan."我去要马桶座套的时候And when I asked for toilet-seat covers,你说「不用坐在边儿上就行了」you said, "No! Live on the edge."的确如此但都是过去的事了Yes, well, that was the past.可是今天早上Oh, but this morning,当我问煎蛋卷有没有钱拿的时候when I asked if you would pay me to make omelets, 你说你是个泊车员You said, "You're a valet."你煎蛋我为什么要给你钱胡安·胡里奥Why would I pay you to make omelets, Juan-Julio?" 我想你们还不知道I think what we're missing here我已经成为了一个体贴大方的老板is that I have become a thoughtful and generous boss 并且十分关心员工的福利who cares deeply about the welfare of his employees. 我知道这是怎么回事了I see what's going on here.你想贿赂我们给你好评You're trying to bribe us to get better evaluations.谢天谢地既然已经挑明了Oh, thank god. Now that it's all out in the open,事情应该就更好办了it should go a lot more smoothly.所以伙计们你们想要什么So what's it gonna take, people?钱假期布丁Money? Time off? Pudding?等一下But wait.我们两周前已经把表格交上去了We all handed those forms in two weeks ago.健托邦的每个人都Everyone at Welltopia al--请假的事还能再商量商量吗Is time off still on the table?因为我想赶紧离开这儿Because I would like to get out of here.所以你的意思是我白疼你们So, you mean to say I've been treating you all kindly这么长时间了吗for no good reason?不派特善有善Oh, no, pat. Kindness has its own --见鬼去吧蛇蝎美女Cram it, gorgeous.收摊了胡安·胡里安Pack it up, Juan-Julio.你好朴医生Hi, Dr. Park.肖恩我的「重叠」难友Sean, my overlap brother.快投进我安慰的怀抱Get inside these comfort sticks.我能感受到你的痛苦I feel your pain.我知道你是来责备莫莉的这理所应当Look, I know you're here to tell Molly off and that's fair, 但要记住她也无能为力but just remember, she can't help it --因为劈腿是遗传的turns out cheating is genetic.不不不我是来接她的Oh, no, no, no. I'm here to pick her up.我们和好了We got back together.即使她玷污了你们最初的故事也无所谓吗Even though she tarnished your origin story?我是说或许很多年以前我会这样觉得I mean, maybe a few years ago, I would have felt like that, 但是我现在17岁了but I'm 17 now.我不是小孩子了I'm not a child.对非常对Yeah, totally.不管怎么说我突然就顿悟了Anyways, I had, like, this a-ha moment.我是说我们认识的时候I mean, was it a bummer她还和别人在一起我难受吗that she was with someone else when we met? 难受死了Absolutely.但是她跟他分手了But she gave him up,这就证明了她有多喜欢我which proves how much she likes me.所以不管怎么说我突然就顿悟了So anyway, I had, like, this a-ha moment.我是说我们认识的时候I mean, was it a bummer她还和别人在一起我难受吗that you were with someone else when we met? 难受死了Absolutely.但是你跟他分手了But you gave him up,这就证明了她有多喜欢我which proves how much she likes me.-她是谁 -你- Who's she? - You!你知道吗Wow. You know what?这是你说过最好听的话That's the sweetest thing you've ever said.发自内心的话很容易就说出来了Hey, when it's from the heart, it's easy.我想知道当肖恩跟莫莉I wonder if it was easy说这些话时是不是也这么容易when Sean said those exact words to Molly.被你看穿了You got me.这孩子摔跤手的身体里藏着一颗诗人的心The kid's a poet trapped in a wrestler's body.就像「铁锤」格雷格·瓦伦丁[情人]Just like Greg "The hammer" Valentine.我想给你看点东西I want to show you something.我的天呐安芬尼·哈达威Oh, my God! Penny Hardaway!你还留着You still have this.当然那晚的所有东西我都保存着Yeah, I saved everything from that night.骑车戴的腕套The wristband to go on the rides,你送我的玫瑰the rose you bought me,我们给警♥察♥录的帮派火拼的口供the statement we gave to police about the gang shooting.还是双尸案呢Double homicide.肯恩我们最初相爱的故事是一样的We have the same origin story, Ken,这是一个美好的故事and it's a great story.没错Yeah.唯一不能幸福生活下去的人是谁呢And the only one who didn't live happily ever after?比利·田中Billy Tanaka.事实上他刚把他公♥司♥卖♥♥了一千万美元Actually, he just sold his company for a hundred million dollars...他仍然单身And he's still single...而且还是个健身狂人And he's, like, this crossfit maniac.好了不准你再玩脸书Okay. You're off Facebook.肖恩和我准备出去看电影Hey. Sean and I are headed out to the movies.我不知道你们听说了没有我们和好了I don't know if you heard, but we're back together.我知道我真的很为你高兴Yes, I did, and I'm really happy for you.谢谢爸爸Thanks, dad.我也很开心但我得说实话I'm happy, too, but I've got to be honest.我想我要抽出时间对自己好一点I think I'm gonna focus on me for a while.肯恩我拿到我的评价了而且Ken, I got my evaluation, and...我自己看的话有点紧张I'm a little too nervous to read it alone.你不介意吧Do you mind?紧张你应该恐慌才对Nervous? You should be terrified.肯定是一场大屠♥杀♥This is gonna be a bloodbath.肯恩你真是一个好朋友You're a good friend, Ken.好吧开始了Well, here goes.员工们都觉得他难以容忍♥"Employees find him barely tolerable.沟通能力需要大力改善Communication skills need significant improvement. 总体行为亟待改进Overall behavior leaves much to be desired."没事或许下一年你会更加努力Well, maybe next year, you'll try harder --这比我想象的要好多了This is so much better than I expected!真的吗Really?当然看看这个Hell yeah. Look at this.作为一个领导"As a leader,他压根儿不去接触他的员工he is wildly out of touch with his employees."他们爱我They love me!派特那是很糟糕的评Pat, that is a terrible eval--再见Goodbye.朴医生我们真的没必要这样Dr. Park, we really don't need to do this. 怎么着What's up?这儿可是...老子的地盘This is literally... my house!我有个问题想问你I got one question for you.你能猜出医生要出什么招吗Can you smell what the doc is cooking?! 取自著名摔跤手巨石强森的口头禅杏子杏子Apricot! Apricot!肯恩医生第一季第十六集。



科尔本施密特—皮尔堡本次活动旨在同济大学百年校庆之际,拓展德国Kolbenschmidt-Pierburg 公司与同济大学的交流与合作关系,加强双方科研合作的力度,同时提高Kolbenschmidt-Pierburg 公司在国内行业和各大高校间的知名度,宣传其独特的企业文化和先进的产品技术,为同济大学更多的优秀学子提供卓越的实习机会和就业前景。

届时,公司总裁Dr. Kleinert 及其他高层领导将莅临同济大学,与同济师生一起参加主题日的活动。

详情请见中德学生社区网站:/stubbs/read.php?tid=2187活动内容z 中德学院汽车集成技术基金教席成立庆典(0.5h )邀请嘉宾: 同济大学:校领导中德学院院长中德学院机械部主任 中德学院各基金教席教授 汽车学院院长 汽车学院各教授Kolbenschmidt-Pierburg 公司相关人士上海皮尔博格有色零部件有限公司相关人士z Kolbenschmidt-Pierburg企业宣讲会(1.5h)宣讲人:Dr. Kleinert (Kolbenschmidt-Pierburg公司总裁)宣讲内容:企业简介、公司在中国区域的发展战略、与同济大学的合作前景以及对广大学生的期望等等。






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每天都是美好的一天,新的一天开启 。20.11. 920.11. 916:07 16:07:2 316:07: 23Nov-20
EasyFinance Weekend Sha1r9ing
实际上,只要当中有一个人认真负责一点,能够及 时汇报,商谈,那么这场悲剧就不会发生。演绎一场悲 剧,短短十分钟就已足够!!!
EasyFinance Weekend Sha2r0ing
一个日籍企业中的日籍雇员,在制造部门担任经理,来到 中国分厂后发现现场的数据很难及时反馈上来,于是借鉴日本 公司的生产报表,制作一份下发到车间,数据做到了及时反馈, 可是突然有一天现场发生了重大品质事故,事故征兆并未在上 报的报表中体现。经过调查后发现数据都是胡乱写上去的。
国际业务部副经理伊梅尔曼:忙于其他事情,没有时间去关心雷曼兄 弟公司的消息。
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Cooper Raymond Deakin Jeffrey John Botanical miracles chemistry of plants that changed the world CRC Press 2016
Botanical MiraclesChemistry of Plants That Changed the WorldRaymond Cooper | Jeffrey John DeakinChemistry of Plants That Changed the WorldBotanical Miracles: Chemistry of Plants That Changed the Worldbeautifully makes the case for how natural products have impacted on our lives, culture and development. Drs. Cooper and Deakin have put together a fi ne and highly readable text, and it is with great conf i dence that this lovely book can be recommended to those who wish to further appreciate the magnif i cent contributions of plants and natural products to our world, health, security and comfort.Prof. Simon Gibbons, from the ForewordAs the shortcomings of purely synthetic approaches to biochemical discovery and development are becoming more apparent, a renaissance of interest in the chemistry of natural products as sources for new compounds is occurring. A unique approach to natural products chemistry, Botanical Miracles: Chemistry of Plants That Changed the World relates applications of plant extracts to the historical progress of civilization. It focuses
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on selected plants from around the world, connecting their stories and properties to the development of modern marvels such as medicinal compounds, nutrition products, beverages, perfumes and organic pigments. Each chapter describes a particular group of plant extracts from various perspectives, including their chemistry, interest and value to man and historical background. The ends of the chapters pose challenging questions.Introducing plants that are emerging into more prominent roles in human life and addressing current challenges, Botanical Miracles presents a fascinating point of entry to the chemistry of important natural products. It examines plants and their extracts through the key functional groups, building blocks and concepts of organic chemistry. This book provides, in a single source, information and learning opportunities of value to a wide range of individuals involved in the fi elds of chemistry, medicine, nutrition or cosmetics whether ...。
