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M 共 127 条

1.Maidens should (or must) be mild and meek, swift to hear and slow

to speak. 少女应温良谦恭,敏于听而慎于言。

2.Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can. 尽力而为,


3.Make haste slowly. 从容赶急。

4.Make hay while the sun shines. 趁热打铁。

5.Make the best of a bad business (or job or bargain) 身处山穷水尽,


6.Make the night night, and the day day, and you will have a pleasant

time of it. 白天当白天,夜晚当夜晚,生活过得好,愉快而多欢。

7.Make your enemy your friend. 要化敌为友。

8.Make yourself necessary to someone. 使你有益于人。

9.Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed.


10.Man has not a greater enemy than himself. 人之大敌,自己而已。

11.Man is a tool-using animal. 人是用器之兽。

12.Man is mortal. 人生谁无死。

13.Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the

creature of man. 并非时势造人,而是人造时势。

14.Man is the artificer of his own happiness. 人之幸福,自己创造。

15.Manners make the man. 礼貌造就人。

16.Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在天,成事在人。

17.Man's best plans often miscrarry. 神机妙算,常常失算。

18.Man's best possession is a loving wife. 男人最可贵的是有一个贤淑


19.Man will conquer nature. 人定胜天。

20.Many a fine dish has nothing on it. 虚有其表。

21.Many a flower is born to blush unseen. 有许多花儿生来就开著没有


22.Many a good cow hath a bad calf. 虎父生犬子。

23.Many a good father hath but a bad son. 好父亲偏生不肖子。

24.Many a little (or pickle) makes a mickle. 积少成多。

25.Many ants kill the horse. 蚁多可杀马。

26.Many a true word is spoken in jest. 戏言寓真理。

27.Many dishes, many diseases. 多吃多病。

28.Many drops makes a shower. 积少成多。

29.Many great men have arisen from humble beginnings. 有许多伟人出


30.Many hands are better than one. 众擎易举。

31.Many hands make a burden lighter. 众擎易举。

32.Many hands make light (or quick) work. 人多活儿轻。

33.Many have suffered for talking, none ever suffered for keeping

silence. 多言吃苦,缄默少祸。

34.Many heads are better than one. 集思广益。

35.Many kiss the baby for the nurse's sake. 醉翁之意不在酒。

36.Many men, many minds. 人多意见多。

37.Many one says well that thinks ill. 口蜜腹剑者不乏其人。

38.Many receive advice only the wise profit by it. 聆忠言者众,智者


39.Many sands will sink a ship. 积沙沈船。

40.Many straws may bind an elephant. 草多可缚象。

41.Many wells, many buckets. 井多吊桶也多。

42.Many words cut (or hurt) more than swords. 恶语伤人胜刀见。

43.March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. 三月来如雄


44.Marriage comes by destiny. 姻缘命中定。

45.Marriage goes by contrasts. 夫妻之间难免有差异。

46.Marriage is a lottery. 婚姻是一件难于预料的事。

47.Marriage is a lottery with more blanks than prizes. 结婚如同摸彩


48.Marriaage is the bloom or blight of all men's happiness. 结婚是


49.Marriage makes or mars a man. 婚姻能成全人也能损害人。

50.Marriage! Nothing else demands so much from a man! 结婚!没有什


51.Marry in haste, and repent at leisure. 草率结婚后悔多。

52.Marry in lent, and you'll live to repent. 借债结婚,后悔一生。

53.Marry your son when you will, your daughter when you . 给儿子娶


54.Master should be soetimes blind and sometimes deaf. 不痴不聋,不


55.Measure another's corn by one's own bushel. 以己度人。

56.Measure for measure. 以牙还牙。
