
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
《跨境电子商务英语》PPT U7

2.4 撇脂定价 撇脂定价是在市场竞争对手很少的情况下,通过推出新产品来制定高价一种 策略。这种方法使企业能够在竞争对手进入市场之前实现利润最大化,而竞 争对手进入市场之后,价格就会下降。 撇脂定价是一种适用于新产品的策略,这种新产品也是一种新类型的产品, 还没有产品模仿的竞争者或替代品。创造革新产品的公司可以设定较高的初 始价格,从而“攫取”市场收入。然而,撇脂定价只在某些情况下有效: 条件1):产品的质量和形象必须足以支撑其高昂的价格,并且有足够多的买 家想要并愿意以较高的价格购买该产品。 条件2):生产小批量产品的成本不能高到“吃掉”高价带来的优势。 条件3):竞争对手进入市场并迅速降低价格是易做到的。 采用撇脂定价的目的是在替代品或仿制品进入市场之前,从市场上尽可能多 地攫取收入。一旦市场被“撇脂”,该公司就可以大幅降价,以吸引低端买家, 同时让竞争对手无法在价格上展开竞争。
New Words
frill patronage guarantee copycat swiftly undercut siphon low-end odd institute explanation illusion complimentary dessert entree sweeten straightforward
2.1溢价定价 当企业推出一种新产品时,他们使用一种溢价定价策略,这种新产 品与同类产品相比具有明显的竞争优势。高售价产品的定价高于竞 争对手的产品。 溢价定价在产品生命周期的初期最为有效。出售具有独特属性的商 品的小企业能够更好地使用溢价定价。 为了让高价位更容易让消费者接受,公司试图创造一种形象,让消 费者认为产品有价值,值得更高的价格。除了给人一种高质量产品 的印象,公司还需要同步其营销力度,产品包装,甚至店内的装饰 都必须支持产品物有所值的形象。
《电子商务英语》教学课件—Unit 2

代表, 表示, 象征 宣传的,推销的 一致的, 兼容的 假定, 设想
软件 双重的, 成双的 市场营销
竞争者, 对手 动机, 动力 事实上, 有效地
Sample Dialogue 1 Purchasing a Computer
• Alex: Can I help you? • Customer: Yes, I would like to buy a computer. • Alex: Would you like to purchase _a__d_e_s_k_t_o_p_o_r__a_n_o_t_e_b_o_o_k____? • Customer: A notebook. _W__h_i_c_h_b_r_a_n_d__d_o__y_o_u_s_e_l_l ____? • Alex: We have a lot of brands here, so you can pick what you like.
Learning Objectives
In this unit, you’ll ➢ learn to understand and talk about product promotion. ➢ learn to convince people in workplace communication. ➢ learn how to build an online store. ➢ learn how to write a product description.
with 120G hard disk and 2 GB RAM. It's 6,500 Yuan. Would you like to purchase it now? • Customer: Is there _a_n_y__d_i_s_c_o_u_n_t_o_n__th_i_s_l_a_p_t_o_p_____? • Alex: Sorry, it's already very cheap. Hmm, __le_t_'s__m_a_k_e__it__6_0_0_0_Y_u_a_n____ if you buy it now. We'll also include a laptop bag and a mouse for you. • Customer: Thanks. _H_o_w__l_o_n_g_i_s_t_h_i_s_u_n_d_e_r__w_a_r_ra_n__ty__? • Alex: One year. The maintenance store location and _t_e_le_p_h_o_n_e__n_u_m__b_e_rs are on the warranty card. • Customer: Alright, I'll take this one.

①Intangible resources ②Integration of human resources
① Integration of Operation resource ② Integration of Physical resources
III、Strategic Comparison of Chinese McDonald's and KFC III、
II、Development Situations of McDonald's and KFC in China II、
II、Development Situations of McDonald's and KFC in China II、
The number of shops of McDonald's and KFC in China
Company name:McDonald ' s Headquarters location:Oakbrook, Illinois,
Products :Chain of fast food,
The nature of the company:
Listed company
Established Time:1954
2、Competition strategy of McDonald's and KFC
Strategies of Products: KFC-localization; McDonald's-standardization KFC spares no effort to meet the different needs of Chinese consumers; McDonald's considers hamburgers and beef as their flagship products, adhere to the consistent standardized scales of foreign fast food and global products.
电子教案(PPT版本)]电子商务英语 (16)[20页]
![电子教案(PPT版本)]电子商务英语 (16)[20页]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4d9c4da76137ee06eff918f1.png)
Security Maintenance and Coordination
Because the Internet is an open network, electronic messages flowing over it are not as secure from interception and tampering as messages transmitted within a proprietary EDI network. Members of Internet-based supply chains will need to evaluate their security needs and employ encryption technologies and other electronic security tools to protect confidential data. Such security devices would most likely be provided by the technology companies that ultimately offer Internet-based EDI services. Efforts to protect proprietary information as it moves across competing technologies, therefore, would need to be coordinated by a reliable third party. For example, banks could extend their services to their account holders by offering identity certifications for Business-to-Business electronic transactions.

II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate propositions
1.Our quotation __fo_r____ 30 tons of Shandong groundnuts is
valid __f_o_r_/i_n_ 10 days. 2.You can rest assured that the sample will prove _t_o____
But we can provide the similar slipper for you, you can evaluate the quality. If you accept it, please tell us your Express account and the detailed address so that we can send the sample as soon as possible.
请确认具体内容。 商祺
Chinese version of the letter: (B)
阿恩 真斯先生:
此附寄报价,如果汇率、原材料成本、出口退税或其他不可抗力事件不发生 巨大变化,本报价30天有效。至于付款条件,我们接受电汇(30%订金,余 额见提单副本后支付)或即期信用证的付款方式。
Can we have 2 pairs for testing? If so, we would like to receive two pairs in S ize 45 by SF Express on freight prepaid basis.

The generation of E -mail
• 据电子邮件的发明人雷.汤姆林森(Ray Tomlinson)回忆道,电子邮件的诞生是在1971年秋季 (确切的时间已经无法考证),当时已经有一种可传输 文件的电脑程序以及一种原始的信息程序。但两个程 序存在极大的使用局限——例如:使用信息程序的人 只能给接收方发送公报,接收方的电脑还必须与发送 方一致。发明电子邮件时,汤姆林森是马萨诸塞州剑 桥的博尔特.贝拉尼克.纽曼研究公司(BBN)公司的重 要工程师,当时,这家企业受聘于美国军方,参与 Arpanet网络(互联网的前身)的建设和维护工作。汤 姆林森对已有的传输文件程序以及信息程序进行研究, 研制出一套新程序,它可通过电脑网络发送和接收信 息,再也没有了以前的种种限制。为了让人们都拥有 易识别的电子邮箱地址,汤姆林森决定采用@符号, 符号前面加用户名,后面加用户邮箱所在的原则, 指在不影响完整性和礼貌性的前提下,尽 量使用简单句子和简短词语。一封拖沓冗 长、措词复杂的电子邮件既浪费写的时间, 也会给阅读者带来不必要的麻烦,故商务 英语电子邮件应以简明扼要为第一要务。 在具体写作中,商务英语电子邮件呈现 出的句法特征是句子结构简单明了,有大 量省略句和不完整句。其词汇特征是用语 简洁,语言简明扼要。
3、写信日期 4、时间 5、主题 6、称呼 7、正文 8、结束语 9、签名 10、联系方式
由于商务英语电子邮件涉及的是商务活 动双方的权利、义务关系,其准确性对商 务治理与沟通至关重要。具体而言,不仅 电子邮件的英语语法、标点符号和拼写要 做到准确无误,电子邮件内容还要叙述准 确,以免引起误会纠纷

商务英语邮件范文Subject: Inquiry about Business Partnership。
Dear [Recipient's Name],。
I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am writing to inquire about the possibility of establishing a business partnership with your company.I have recently come across your company's profile and was impressed by your products and services. I believe that there is a great opportunity for us to collaborate and create mutual benefits for both of our companies. Our company specializes in [Your Company's Expertise] and we have a strong track record of success in the industry. We are confident that our expertise and resources can complement your company's offerings and help to expand your market reach.We are particularly interested in exploring the possibility of [Specific Business Opportunity or Collaboration]. We have conducted thorough research on your company and believe that our proposal can bring significant value to your business. We have a proven track record of delivering results for our partners and are committed to building a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship.In addition to our expertise, we also have a strong network of contacts and resources that can be leveraged to support our partnership. We are confident that our combined efforts can lead to a successful collaboration that will benefit both of our companies.I would like to propose a meeting to further discuss the details of our potential partnership. I believe that a face-to-face discussion will allow us to explore the opportunities in more detail and come up with a concrete plan for collaboration. Please let me know a convenient time for you to meet, and I will make the necessary arrangements.Thank you for considering our proposal. We are excited about the potential of working together and are looking forward to the opportunity to discuss this further.I look forward to your positive response. Best regards,。

Business English has the characteristics of professionalism, practicality, and standardization, requiring language accuracy, conciseness, formality, and compliance with business practices and norms.
Translation • Practical Application Cases of
Business English • Summary and Outlook
01 Introduction to Business English
Definition of Business English
Definition of Business English
Business English Writing Skills
Improving Business English Writing Skills
Detailed description
Students need to master the basic skills of business English writing, including writing business letters, emails, reports, etc., while paying attention to language accuracy and professionalism.
By simulating business negotiations, students can master negotiation skills and improve their negotiation abilities through practical operations.


reliability [ rilaiə'biliti ] n. 可靠性 The product has passed its reliability test. 该产品已通过可靠性试验。
Word study
critically [ 'kritikəli ]
What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student's work? 你用什么标准来衡量学生的作业质量?
Word study
relevance [ 'relivəns ] n.
What you are saying has no relevance to the matter in hand.
As everybody knows, it’s better to plan in advance before we start to do something. It is the same situation when we develop a Web site. Try to figure out the factors that need to be considered developing a Web site.
Self-hosting is one of the options in deciding how and where to host the Web site.

Gao xin: Our company as their glasses silk
cloth, which is a huge market, they should not do not know. We can talk about it with them next time.
Ying:Yes, next time we can done by 2.2 billion.
Wang: OK. Tang, our lowest price?
Tang:Minimum of 1.8 billion, which is the lowest price!
Second negotiation begans
design director
Yang Haixia:Hello! I am the CEO Yang Haixia. First to introduce, this is our company's CFO Chen Jianjun, CSO jinsi, design director Xu Chunxia, management director Zhang hong, lawyer Zhanghua. Wang Wenqing:Hello!I am the CEO Wang Wenqing. This is our CFO Tang Yunting, sales manager Ying Chaohui, project manager Gao Xin, and our after-sales service manager Xiao Yun and the company's lawyers Chen Mengna.
Lawyer Chen Mengna:Because the Chinese characteristics of goods sold well in the international. The company of CST has a good performance in the international market. This year the goods of CST grew 12% in global sales, and established a continuing good relationship(建立了持续良好的合作关系) with many other foreign countries.

段落之间用 空格
Date: 22nd July, 20--
1 J&J Plaza New Brunswick, NJ 089333 U.S.A. Tel: 732-524-0400 Fax: 732-525-0622
Date: 30th March, 20--
105 Roller Road Sydney, Australia
Attention: Mr. Donnason, Marketing Dept.
Dear Sir,
Re: Shipping Advice of Freezers
With reference to your order No. F256 of February 5 for 1,000 sets of Freezers, we’re
hope that we can close more business with you in the future.
结尾敬语和 落款偏右
Yours faithfully, The Electrolux Corp.
Horis De Wolley
Horis De Wolley (Manager)
一封正式的英文书信通常包括下面几个组 成部分:信头(Heading)、信内地 址(Inside Address)、称呼 (Salutation)、正文(Body)、结束 语(Complimentary Close)、签 名(Signature)、附件(Enclosure)、 副本转送(Carbon Copies)、再启 (Postscript)等。
Yours Faithfully Faithfully Yours
unit 5Mobile Commerce《电子商务英语》PPT课件

telecommunication network.
Mobile Commerce
II.Characteristics of M-commerce
1.Convenience and
Mobile Commerce
IV.Opportunities for M-commerce
One of the driving forces for increased use of mobile devices is the
desire to change business processes inside the enterprises,rather
• affluent
• [′æfluənt]
• adj.富裕的
• handheld
• [′hændˌheld]
• adj.手提式的,便携式的
New Words
• schematic
• [ski:′mætik]
• n.示意图、原理图
• hassle-free
• [′hæsəl′fri:]
• adj.方便的,一站式服务的
LAN:Local Area Network的缩写,即局域网。
WAN:Wide Area Network的缩写,即广域网。
4.Banks in China notify customers about
their current balance or the latest
interception or attacks from unauthorized

索取资讯Would it be possible for you to let me know …? What is your opinion on…?对…有何意见 I wonder if you could explain ….
Seeking for reply期待回复
• Sorry for confusion. • I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure …
结语“Best regards," "Sincerely,"
• Be polite and tactful:
We are in receipt of your email of … Thank you for your patience and cooperation/consideration. I would like- I am interested in (in stead of ”I want”)
Structure 结构
• Dear Mr./Ms. Li, (salutation) • Thank you for your letter of September 26.We shall be very pleased to see you and discuss your new monitor, but October 6 is not suitable. We will be happy to meet with you at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 7, if the time is convenient for you. • We look forward to meeting you.(complimentary close) • Yours sincerely, Zhao Yu(signature)