新编剑桥商务英语module 4 PPT

Map of Holland
North Sea
Germany Belgium
Rotterdam a city and municipality in the Dutch province of South Holland, situated in the west of the Netherlands. It is the second largest city in the country, with a population of 603,425 as of March 2010. It is one of the Europe’s largest ports.
Useful Words and Expressions 1. import [im'pɔ:t, 'impɔ:t] 2. export [ik'spɔ:t, 'eks-, 'ekspɔ:t] 3. competitor [kəm'petitə] 4. wholesaler 5. warehouse 6. audio product 7. ban 8. fashion industry crisis
2. What is Christmas season? 圣诞季节通常指从12月初到第二年的元 月6号这段时间,商家会利用这段时间进 行商品促销活动,相当于我国的传统节 日春节。
妥协, 折衷 证券交易所,证券交易 对… …有吸引力 有空的,能得到的 鹿特丹
READING International buss
projector laptop screen loudspeaker microphone DVD player electronic board recorder platform whiteboard record player
剑桥商务英语中级课件Module 4

you can target a market they disappear quickly by choice of website
very cheap to produce and deliver
people delete them before reading
• Promoting a product involves developing a’(‘USP’): the FEATURES and BENEFITS which make it unlike any of the competing products. • There are four stages in promoting a product(‘AIDA’): • 1 attract the ATTENTION of potential customers • 2 arouse INTEREST in the product • 3 create a DESIRE for its benefits • 4 encourage customers to take prompt ACTION
TV commercials . _______________ reach millions of people but they are so xpensive.
. I tend to listen to my friends‟ recommendations more than word of mouth nything else so ________________ is probably the most effective.
Work in pairs. Think of one more advantage or disadvantage for each type of advertising in exercise 1. Think about issues such as:

Letter of Credit
❖ Revocable/ Irrevocable ❖ Documentary/ Clean ❖ Confirmed/ Unconfirmed ❖ Sight/ Usance, or Time ❖ Transferable/ Non-transferable ❖ Revolving ❖ Reciprocal ❖ Back to Back ❖ Anticipatory (→Red Clause L/ C) ❖ Standby
Unit 4 Terms of Payment
Learning Objective
❖ To make clear terms of payment; ❖ To know the difference between the
three basic terms of payment.
Background Information
❖ 3) RMB¥898 in total. ❖ 4) The results of the investigation of the
financial standing of the Malaysian Trading Company.
感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!
D/ P
D/ A
D/P at Sight
D/P after Sight (D/P. T/R)
L arrangement with a bank by which the bank will accept and pay bills of exchange for the customer.
Letter of Credit
❖ Revocable/ Irrevocable ❖ Documentary/ Clean ❖ Confirmed/ Unconfirmed ❖ Sight/ Usance, or Time ❖ Transferable/ Non-transferable ❖ Revolving ❖ Reciprocal ❖ Back to Back ❖ Anticipatory (→Red Clause L/ C) ❖ Standby
Unit 4 Terms of Payment
Learning Objective
❖ To make clear terms of payment; ❖ To know the difference between the
three basic terms of payment.
Background Information
❖ 3) RMB¥898 in total. ❖ 4) The results of the investigation of the
financial standing of the Malaysian Trading Company.
感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!
D/ P
D/ A
D/P at Sight
D/P after Sight (D/P. T/R)
L arrangement with a bank by which the bank will accept and pay bills of exchange for the customer.

.Arrive at the airport at least one hour before departure -some airlines require two hour pre-check in. It is best to check with your carrier or booking agent.
the other key ) . Just in case your luggage is misplaced or lost, I advise you to include
basic toiletries ( make- up, tooth paste & brush etc . ) , bathing suit,
Predetermine which seminars you would like to attend. Check their schedules and be there on time.
Business cards, brochures and samples of your products and services are all very important. Make sure you have enough of your marketing tools with you or ship materials well in advance of event. Just to make sure all has safely arrived, I suggest that you confirm the delivery of your products before you leave home.
Before a business travel, necessary precautions should be taken to minimize potential problems. Usually a travel agency is needed for booking /reserving flights and accommodations according to the itinerary. The traveler is supposed not only to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations during the travel, but also to meet business associates, to organize some conferences, and to do business in other cultures, so as to make the visit successful.
the other key ) . Just in case your luggage is misplaced or lost, I advise you to include
basic toiletries ( make- up, tooth paste & brush etc . ) , bathing suit,
Predetermine which seminars you would like to attend. Check their schedules and be there on time.
Business cards, brochures and samples of your products and services are all very important. Make sure you have enough of your marketing tools with you or ship materials well in advance of event. Just to make sure all has safely arrived, I suggest that you confirm the delivery of your products before you leave home.
Before a business travel, necessary precautions should be taken to minimize potential problems. Usually a travel agency is needed for booking /reserving flights and accommodations according to the itinerary. The traveler is supposed not only to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations during the travel, but also to meet business associates, to organize some conferences, and to do business in other cultures, so as to make the visit successful.
商务英语Unit 4PPT课件

Summaries, notes, reports 4
1. Learn how to take notes in business contexts
2. Learn how to summarize a conversation
3. Learn how to plan and write reports 4. Practise note-writing, summary-
3. Referring to discussion in 2.1 for the differences between communicating in speech and in the writing medium.
❖ important
- taking notes on business conversations instead of relying on your memory
writing and report-writing 5. Learn the use of punctuations
4.1 Summarizing a conversation
1. Be aware that Business English is used for different business occasions
4.1 Summarizing a conversation
Part A Group Discussion (Warm-up).
1. What seems to be going on in each photo?
1. Learn how to take notes in business contexts
2. Learn how to summarize a conversation
3. Learn how to plan and write reports 4. Practise note-writing, summary-
3. Referring to discussion in 2.1 for the differences between communicating in speech and in the writing medium.
❖ important
- taking notes on business conversations instead of relying on your memory
writing and report-writing 5. Learn the use of punctuations
4.1 Summarizing a conversation
1. Be aware that Business English is used for different business occasions
4.1 Summarizing a conversation
Part A Group Discussion (Warm-up).
1. What seems to be going on in each photo?

• Handshakes
• Use a firm handshake with good eye contact when meeting and leaving. Both French and English areas use and expect a firm handshake.
Etiquette in Business Negotiation
• Greeting and Seeing off Etiquette • Business Meeting Etiquette • Dinner Party Etiquette and Dress Etiquette • Etiquette of Signing Agreement
• Men will wait for a woman to extend her hand for a handshake.
• French Canadians will shake hands more frequently, even with a subsequent encounter the same day. Others may just nod or smile at a subsequent encounter on the same day.
• Once you are notified of the date of their arrival, begin to prepare for accommodations.
• Contact them before they set out.
• Upon their arrival, take them to the hotel. Schedule for the next day can be arranged on the way to the hotel or when arriving at the hotel.

❖ I would like to apologize for … ❖ Unfortunately …
❖ The problem was due to … ❖ We had a problem with …
❖ I would like to offer …
❖ I can offer…
❖ Please accept …
❖ 6.Dagmar says that the Trade Commissioner should resign.
Discuss with your classmates
❖ Do you know what happened next? Think of two possible endings.
Reading Comprehension
❖ 1.Why could some clothing retailers have empty shops at Christmas?
❖ 2.Why are small companies suffering? ❖ 3.Which countries are in favor of the import
2. If you were the person who is asked to arrange a teleconference, what will you prepare before the teleconference?
4.2 Business communications 商务 (shāngwù)沟通
Key rules: accurate, brief, clear
❖ The problem was due to … ❖ We had a problem with …
❖ I would like to offer …
❖ I can offer…
❖ Please accept …
❖ 6.Dagmar says that the Trade Commissioner should resign.
Discuss with your classmates
❖ Do you know what happened next? Think of two possible endings.
Reading Comprehension
❖ 1.Why could some clothing retailers have empty shops at Christmas?
❖ 2.Why are small companies suffering? ❖ 3.Which countries are in favor of the import
2. If you were the person who is asked to arrange a teleconference, what will you prepare before the teleconference?
4.2 Business communications 商务 (shāngwù)沟通
Key rules: accurate, brief, clear
新编剑桥商务英语初级第4单元TPI 课件

Key Points
be(get) stuck:
stuck 是 stick的过去分词。 如: I was stuck in the traffic in London.
The little girl has been stuck in the elevator for 3 hours.
Key Points
flood the market 像洪水般充斥市场
flood 用作动词,含有比喻意义,表示“充 斥:以丰富或过多的东西充满”。
如: Cheap foreign goods are flooding the market.
Text Structure Analysis
Topic sentence The Fashion industry in Europe is facing its biggest crisis in recent history.
Useful Words and Expressions 1. import [im'pɔ:t, 'impɔ:t] 2. export [ik'spɔ:t, 'eks-, 'ekspɔ:t] 3. competitor [kəm'petitə] 4. wholesaler 5. warehouse 6. audio product 7. ban 8. fashion industry crisis
复数名词(无单数形式),谓语动词用复数。意义与 clothing相近,但意义比较具体。其前不可加不定 冠词,也不可加数词,但可用 some,these, those, many,few 等词修饰。
新编剑桥商务英语中级课件 BEC Module 4

Module 4 Business Topic
4.1 Advertising 4.2 Delegating 4.3 Reading test
• 4考虑到在缺乏经验的情况下,他们的工作 已算是做得相当不错了。 Given that they’re inexperienced,they’ve done a good job.
Given the government’s record on unemployment,their chances of winning the election look poor.
• • • •
Conglomerate 综合商社 Pilot project 试点项目 Cofco 中粮公司 Minutes 会议记录
• Planning the seminar of Cofco Conglomerate Present:Manages of all branches and subsidiaries overseas Agenda: 1.Briefing on pilot project 2.Problems to be settled 3.Future development 4.Chinese characteristics
• • • • • • • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 could needn’t should must should couldn’t mustn’t
• Do the exercise.
8 Reading
Module 4 Business Topic
4.1 Advertising 4.2 Delegating 4.3 Reading test
• 4考虑到在缺乏经验的情况下,他们的工作 已算是做得相当不错了。 Given that they’re inexperienced,they’ve done a good job.
Given the government’s record on unemployment,their chances of winning the election look poor.
• • • •
Conglomerate 综合商社 Pilot project 试点项目 Cofco 中粮公司 Minutes 会议记录
• Planning the seminar of Cofco Conglomerate Present:Manages of all branches and subsidiaries overseas Agenda: 1.Briefing on pilot project 2.Problems to be settled 3.Future development 4.Chinese characteristics
• • • • • • • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 could needn’t should must should couldn’t mustn’t
• Do the exercise.
8 Reading

a. to provide information b. to supply conclusions &
recommendations if requested
4.2 Using notes to write a report
❖ Tips for Creating Good Business Reports 1. Try to make your report attractive, clear,
Business letter writing
4.2 Using notes to write a report
Objectives: 1. Practise transforming notes into a
connected text. 2. Learn to link up ideas and add
4.1 Summarizing a conversation
Part C ❖ Practise drafting a summary of your
own that you find the most appropriate ❖ Follow the five golden rules for
4.1 Summarizing a conversation
❖ Vocabulary record for the files trade exhibition company stand consultation procurement embossed laser-driven
recommendations if requested
4.2 Using notes to write a report
❖ Tips for Creating Good Business Reports 1. Try to make your report attractive, clear,
Business letter writing
4.2 Using notes to write a report
Objectives: 1. Practise transforming notes into a
connected text. 2. Learn to link up ideas and add
4.1 Summarizing a conversation
Part C ❖ Practise drafting a summary of your
own that you find the most appropriate ❖ Follow the five golden rules for
4.1 Summarizing a conversation
❖ Vocabulary record for the files trade exhibition company stand consultation procurement embossed laser-driven

1. Listen to someone who runs a web-business giving a presentation to a group of marketing managers on how to successfully advertise on the Internet. Which techniques does he mention? - use search engines to put your name at the top of the listings •- get links on other sites •- through a site review •- get free advertising
4.1 Advertising
Types of advertising
Advertising on the web
A short
presentation Speaking
Advertising standards
Types of Advertising
• What’s the product or company? • Who will most likely be interested
in the ad? • In what way is it advertised? • What’s the purpose of each ad?
Types of Advertising
6. I suppose it’s good if you’re looking for a job locally and _n_e_w_s_p_a_p_e_r_a_d_v_e_r_t_s_ are relatively cheap.
4.1 Advertising
Types of advertising
Advertising on the web
A short
presentation Speaking
Advertising standards
Types of Advertising
• What’s the product or company? • Who will most likely be interested
in the ad? • In what way is it advertised? • What’s the purpose of each ad?
Types of Advertising
6. I suppose it’s good if you’re looking for a job locally and _n_e_w_s_p_a_p_e_r_a_d_v_e_r_t_s_ are relatively cheap.
商务英语Unit 4PPT课件

a. to provide information b. to supply conclusions &
recommendations if requested
4.2 Using notes to write a report
❖ Tips for Creating Good Business Reports 1. Try to make your report attractive, clear,
Business letter writing
.பைடு நூலகம்
4.2 Using notes to write a report
Objectives: 1. Practise transforming notes into a
connected text. 2. Learn to link up ideas and add
Summaries, notes, reports 4
1. Learn how to take notes in business contexts
2. Learn how to summarize a conversation
3. Learn how to plan and write reports 4. Practise note-writing, summary-
4.1 Summarizing a conversation
Part C ❖ Practise drafting a summary of your
recommendations if requested
4.2 Using notes to write a report
❖ Tips for Creating Good Business Reports 1. Try to make your report attractive, clear,
Business letter writing
.பைடு நூலகம்
4.2 Using notes to write a report
Objectives: 1. Practise transforming notes into a
connected text. 2. Learn to link up ideas and add
Summaries, notes, reports 4
1. Learn how to take notes in business contexts
2. Learn how to summarize a conversation
3. Learn how to plan and write reports 4. Practise note-writing, summary-
4.1 Summarizing a conversation
Part C ❖ Practise drafting a summary of your
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
mailshots TV commercials
word of mouth brocspaper adverts banners
1. Pizza delivery firms often do _m__a_il_s_h_o_ts_ in the local area. It’s cheap but lots of people probably throw the leaflet away.
8. It used to irritate me but my new anti-virus software seems to block any _s_p_a_m__ from my inbox.
Work in pairs. Think of one more advantage or disadvantage for each type of advertising in exercise 1. Think about issues such as:
4.1 Advertising
Types of advertising
Advertising on the web
A short
presentation Speaking
Advertising standards
Vocabulary: Types of advertising
6. I suppose it’s good if you’re looking for a job locally and _n_e_w_s_p_a_p_e_r_a_d_v_e_r_t_s_ are relatively cheap.
7. I’m not sure about _b_a_n_n_e_r_s__. When I visit a website, I don’t think I even notice them.
2. _T_V__c_o_m_m__e_rc_i_a_ls__ reach millions of people but they are so expensive.
3. I tend to listen to my friends’ recommendations more than anything else so __w__o_rd__o_f_m__o_u_t_h__ is probably the most effective.
•- have a memorable domain name
•- email campaigns (spam)
•- send out a monthly newsletter
•- have competitions or give something for free
2. Listen again and choose the best ending A, B or C for each sentence 1 – 5.
3. Spend plenty of time on _______. A. promoting others on your site. B. creating links to increase traffic. C. recommending your product on other sites.
4. People use b_r_o_c_h_u_r_e_s_ less and less because they can just go online if they want to find out what’s available.
5. It’s great when you get a frees_a_m_p_l_e because you can really see what it’s like.
4. The speaker __________. A. thinks email can be effective. B. is doubtful about using email. C. never sends marketing emails.
1) cost
2) location
3) number of people who see it
4) how long they see it for
Types of advertising
Listening: Advertising on the web
1. Listen to someone who runs a web-business giving a presentation to a group of marketing managers on how to successfully advertise on the Internet. Which techniques does he mention? - use search engines to put your name at the top of the listings •- get links on other sites •- through a site review •- get free advertising
2. His first piece of advice is to ________. A. make sure people find you on the search engine. B. make sure people visit the search engine. C. set up a search engine.
1. The speaker compares throwing adverts into the air to _______. A. Internet advertising. B. wasting money on advertising. C. advertising with leaflets.