
Graph n. 走势图,曲线图 teletext 图文电视广播 P/E - price/earning ratio 市盈率 EPS - earnings per share 每股收益 Benefits package 一揽子福利,福利套餐,综合福利 Share option or stock option 优先认股权,股票期权 Perks 好处,特权,额外收入,外快 (亦作: perquisite) Hostile takeover 恶意收购 Hype n. 天花乱坠的广告宣传
3. 4.
6. 7.
Consortium n. 联营企业,财团 Operator n. 运营商,运营公司 Consolidation n. 创立合并 Deregulation n. (价格、费用等)撤销管制 Over-capacity n. 生产能力过剩 WebTV 网络视频 Equity stake 股权
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
page hit 网页点击 yardstick <美> 码尺, 准绳 broker n. (股票债券等的)经纪人, 掮客; (买卖的) 中间人, 代理人 Outstanding 公开上市的 Outstanding (bond or share) 已发行的股票和债券 Listings n. 股票行情表,股票牌价表 listed company 上市公司 jump/climb/hop/get on to the bandwagon 赶浪头,随大流 enjoy incredibly high brand awareness Rollercoaster ride 坐过山车

• SAP是目前全世界排名第一的ERP软件。它代表(dàibiǎo)着最先进 的管理思想、最优秀的软件设计。世界五百强中有超过80%的公司 使用SAP。中国的大型国营、民营企业90%使用SAP。2003年9月 份,SAP公司特意推出SAP Business One中文版ERP软件,专门为 中国中小型企业服务。具有强大功能的解决方案平台,提供全面的 功能,帮助企业实现成功管理。共由十个模块组成,涵盖企业管理、 财务会计、销售、采购、业务伙伴、银行业务、物料和库存管理、 生产管理、成本会计、报表等。具有独一无二的特点,如智能数据 导航,强大的分析工具,在线预警,开放的标准。目前在中国已经 有500家企业实施了这套系统。并随着SAP Business One的推广, 使用的用户正在不断的增加。
• Ecosystem of supportive technologies • Business in the future is not business in an
enterprise. It’s business in an ecosystem.
Technology Ecosystems
• Have a direct dig (para4): to make a joke or remark to annoy or criticize someone 挖苦(wā ku)
• Acquire an industry solution that is at the heart: buy the key part of an industry solution

新编剑桥商务英语( BEC 中级第三版) Modul e 2Module 2第二单元2.1 Busi ness Topic Compa ny Be nefits 商务话题篇公司福利三、Vocabulary: Ben efits and incen tivesben efits n. 福利incen tive n. 奖励job title 职衔,职位,头衔trai ning and staff developme nt 培训和员工发展good salary 可观的收入pension n. 养老金flexible worki ng hours 弹性工作时间,灵活的工作时间opport un ities to travel 旅游机会opport un ities for promotio n 升职提拔机会days off 几天短假company car 公司配(给的汽)车too good to be true 好得令人难以置信clie nt service executive 客户服务主管take…with a pi nch/grain of salt 对…将信将疑,对…不完全相信old and established 历史悠久resources directo r (huma n resources direct o的简称)人力资源部经理qualificati on n. 资格temp n. (temporary/temporary worker的缩略语)临时员工in cumbe nt programme 在职员工培训课程,岗位培训课程huma n resources 人力资源promote from within 提拔内部员工take on接受,招聘in take n.从外部吸纳招收的员工project man age项目经理grow and mai nta in customer relati on ship发展和维持客户关系can tee n n.食堂,餐厅head office n.总部,总公司brai nstormi ng n.自由讨论,头脑风暴,集思广益breakout n.突破en compass vt .包括,包含sales and marketing销售和市场营销research and developme nt and manu facturin研发和生产perk n.好处,额外津贴,外快final salary pen sion scheme按最终薪水给付的养老金计划budget n. 预算non-cash reward非现金形式的奖赏on ce-i n-a-lifetime adj.千载难逢的,令人难忘的career goal职业目标senior management 高层管理人员Ion gevity n.长寿,长命;寿命for the long haul 长远地Xerox施乐公司(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地美国,主要经营办公设备),施乐(商标名,美国办公设备制造公司);影印,静电印刷品Global Services环球服务公司Uxbridge 欧克斯桥镇(位于伦敦西郊的一个小镇)Ben efits and incen tives 福利和奖励Employee Ben efits 员工福利1. Legally Required Ben efits 法律保障的权利Social Security 社会保障Un employme nt Compe nsatio n 失业补偿Workers' Compe nsation 工伤赔偿2. Retireme nt-related Ben efits与退休相关福利Pen sion Pla ns退休金计划3. I nsura nee Related Ben efits与保险有关的福利Health In sura nee健康保险Life In sura nee 人寿保险Accide nt and Disability In sura nee 意外事故和伤残保险4. Paid Holidays and Paid Vacatio ns带薪公假和带薪休假5. Others其他福利Local Con veya nce Allowa nce 交通补贴Housi ng Allowa nce 住房补贴Meal Allowance 伙食补贴Holiday Bo nus旅游津贴Incen tives 奖励措施2.11.an impressive job title 显要的职衔trai ning and staff developme nt 培训和员工发展a good salary可观的收入a pension养老金flexible working hours灵活的工作时间opport un ities to travel 旅游机会opport un ities for promoti on 升值提拔机会pare ntal leave育儿假days off and long holidays 短假和长假a compa ny car公司配车2.参考词语和表达:new-hire training 新员工培训orie ntation新员工培训,迎新会vocational training/ professional training 职业培训man ageme nt trai ning 管理培训develop a good training programme to keep the staff motivate通过开发良好的培训计划来提高员工的工作热情Many en trepre neurs seem to view employee training and developme nt as more optional than essentia-P-a viewpoint that can be costly to both short-term profits andIon g-term progress许多企业家认为员工的培训和发展可有可无,而非至关重要,认为这对公司的短期利益和长远发展来说代价太高。

Teaching steps
• • • • • • • Step1: Lead-in Step2: Vocabulary and grammar Step3: Text A:The history of Volkswagen Step4: Text B:Company profile Step5: Classroom practice Step6: Extended business knowledge Step7:Assignment
Lead in
• Do you want to have a car of your own? • Have you ever seen a car with the brand name: Volkswagen (VW)? • What do you know about VW?
Quiz about Volkswagen
Company profile
Speaking practice
Ss order cards to make company organigram then describe the company structure
Speaking Tip
• Past simple: Complete the website extract with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. • The Founding of Nokia • Nokia’s history (1begin) began in 1865,when engineer Fredrik Idestam (2establish) a woodpulp mill by a riverbank in southern Finland and (3start) manufacturing paper. • The company, which he (4name) _____Nokia, (5become)_____successful as the consumption of paper and cardboard (6increase) during European industrialization. A large workforce (7come) to the Nokia factory, and a town of the same name (8grow) up around it.

Sales manager executive supervisor
secretary typist receptionist
2.2 Telephoning
A Listen and find:
▪ How many people does she talk to? ▪ Who does she want to talk to?
field, who shall do his job with the specialized knowledge or skills. ▪ Administrative ▪ management of business operations; the act of directing people ▪ Clerical & office ▪ relating to clerks and office work
Make a phone call
Answer a phone call in business situation
▪ Hello or Good morning/afternoon ▪ Company name, office ▪ how can I help you?
A Listen
Does the caller want to speak to Robert Brown or George Braun?
B. General jobs in business
▪ Accountant 会计

A: A project manager. 4. Q: what / responsible?W_h_a_t__ar_e__y_o_u_r_e_s_p_o_n_s_ib_l_e_f_o_r_?________
A: Growing and maintaining customer relationships. 5. Q: where / based? _W__h_e_r_e__ar_e__y_o_u_b_a_s_e_d_?_________________
Speaking: Asking questions about jobs
0. Q: why / like/ the company? Why do you like the company?
A: It’s like a family.
How long have you been
1. Q: long / working / the company?w_o_r_k_in_g__f_o_r_t_h_e__co_m__p_a_n_y_?___
4. 带薪休假的福利,包括带薪公假和带薪休假(Paid Holidays and Paid Vacations)。、
其他的福利,例如交通补贴(Local Conveyance Allowance)、住房补贴 (Housing Allowance)、伙食补贴(Meal Allowance)、旅游津贴(Holiday Bonus)。
A: Two years. 2. Q: when / join? _W__h_e_n_d_i_d__yo_u__j_o_in__(t_h_e__c_o_m_p_a_n_y_)?__________
A: In 1978. 3. Q: was / first job? _W__h_a_t_w_a_s_y_o_u_r__f_ir_s_t_j_o_b_?_______________
新编剑桥商务英语中级Unit 2bppt课件

Oral Practice2-2
A round of golf 一场高尔夫球 A sightseeing tour of the city 城市观光游 A visit to a sports event 观看体育赛事 A shopping trip 购物游 fact-finding mission 情况考察 offer your company a substantial contract 为您的公司提供
Arranging a company visit: Reading of an invitation letter, Language focus and writing a letter of aceptance
Mixing business with pleasure Arranging a company visit
can concentrate on the work without distraction
Reading Comprehension
Read the article and think about which ways of entertaining business clients are mentioned.
Teaching Objective
To enable Ss to talk about corporate hospitality To practice reading for gist and specific information To raise awareness of formal versus informal
be fit his social status 适合他的社会身份 facilitate one-to-one conversation 有利于一对一交

what clauses
observe and conclude the rule
What you need to realize is that there are lots of positive things about yourself.
Are you a people person?
Finish the questionnaire on page 18 and find out what kind of person you are on page 126.
Do you agree with the description of you?
I remember reading about the earthquake in the papers.
Don’t forget to turn down the gas after an hour or so.
I shall never forget seeing the Great Wall for the first time.
Unit 2 People are people people
Are you a people person?
Andy Dufresne ,a young and successful banker, is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover.
新编剑桥商务英语中级Unit 2b课件

Text 7-7
• According the Peter Belsey from Huthwaite, the recipe for success and the key to establishing or building a good business relationship seems to be the ability to mix ‘social’ conversation with ‘purposeful’ conversation and to move smoothly and effortlessly between the two. So, if you’re having lunch with a client today,…… Chinese
Oral Practice2-2
• A round of golf 一场高尔夫球
• A sightseeing tour of the city 城市观光游
• A visit to a sports event 观看体育赛事
• A shopping trip 购物游
• fact-finding mission 情况考察
Unit overview
• Mixing business with pleasure: Speaking of suitable ways of entertaining corporate guests and discussing advantage and disadvantage of mixing business with pleasure; Reading an article about business socializing.

• reasonable prices 合理的价格
Vocabulary 2-2
• interior design
• group dining
• group menu
• catering requirement 用餐要求
• tour groups
• birthday party
the event? • How much do we want to spend – budget?
• what are the advantages and disadvantages of mixing business with pleasure?
• customer satisfaction form 顾客满意调查问卷
• 阅读下列顾客满意调查问卷表,其中 那三个标准对你来说最为重要?
Text discussion
• 在阅读问卷的时候,我们要思考这样一个问题 Which three of the criteria are most important for you? 那三个标准对你来说最为重要。这个 句子中有一个单词要引起我们的特别注意: criteria 标准。这个单词的复数形式是不用加s 的。 在这个题目中“酒店”一词是复数形式, Restaurants.而在第一段的第一个句子中“a Signet House Restaurant”,这里的复数指 各家连锁店,单数是指连锁店中的一家。所以 文章中的这个酒店的复数形式在翻译的时候, 我们增加了“连锁”这个词,以便区别出来
• Facilitate one-to-one conversation 有利于一对一 交流
剑桥商务英语 教案 课件Unit 2b Company activities

• Choose one of the above two tasks to give a presentation • Try using the expressions you learned from this unit. • Each group shall submit one copy of the presentation to the teacher with the names of the group members.
Possible Reasons for investment
• • • • • 1.Cheap workforce Cheap labor cost / low wages 2.Generous government inward investment grants. (state investment grants) 3.Slow economic growth at home and strong growth in central and eastern European car market. • 4.possible to take over existing facilities /companies cheaply. • 5.good locations for exporting to the former Soviet Union.
How to write well
• • • • • • 1.Decide what you are going to write. 2.Decide a good title 3.collect the necessary information 4.first draft 5.check it (A:accurate B:brief C:Clear) 6.final draft and edit it

(Company Terms) (Presentations)
Speaking (Giving a presentation)
Writing (A memo)
2.1 Business Topic
Company Benefits
Vocabulary: Benefits and Incentives
Speaker 4 I’ve just been promoted form Assistant IT Technician to Chief Operational Network Administrator. It means I get a bit of a pay rise and new business cards with my name on. I’m not sure if I get my own office though. Speaker 5 The problem for me is that I won’t have enough to live on when I’m 60 and I can’t afford a private plan. So I’ll probably try and keep working for a few more years, and anyway, I heard the government is planning to rise the age of retirement.
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员工福利 (Employee Benefits)的形式:
1. 法律保障的权利(Legally Required Benefits),包括社会保障(Social Security)、失业补偿(Unemployment Compensation)、工伤赔偿(Workers’ Compensation)等。
Expressions with take Multiple choice (part three)
Task 1
Scan the reading
What benefits and incentives does the article mention?
Opportunities for promotion Training and staff development A pension A reward and recognition scheme
parental leave days off and long holidays
a company carer benefits
Additional holiday/cash Child vouchers Unemployment insurance Medical care insurance Life assurance ESOP(employee stock ownership plan) Housing fund Traffic/meal/communication allowance
about Xerox)
about jobs) of application)
2.2 Business Skills (Presenting your company)
(Company Terms) (Presentations)
Speaking (Giving a presentation)
an impressive job title
training and staff development
a good salary可观的收入 a pension
flexible working hours弹性工作时间 .
opportunities to travel旅游机会 opportunities for promotion
4. 带薪休假的福利,包括带薪公假和带薪休假(Paid Holidays and Paid Vacations)。、
其他的福利,例如交通补贴(Local Conveyance Allowance)、住房补贴 (Housing Allowance)、伙食补贴(Meal Allowance)、旅游津贴(Holiday Bonus)。
You hope for holidays to do your own things, such as traveling ,going home to visit your family. It can help you relax.
When I am getting older, I need pension to pay for my consumption
2. 与退休有关的福利(Retirement-related Benefits),例如退休金计划 (Pension Plans)等。
3. 与保险有关的福利(Insurance Related Benefits),包括健康保险(Health Insurance)、人寿保险(Life Insurance)、意外事故和伤残保险(Accident and Disability Insurance)等。
maternity leave
Reference expressions
A reasonable salary High salary leads to high motivation Promotion brings higher salary, sense of
fulfillment, more opportunity and more responsibility A parental leave is a policy to encourage women to the work place If a sales representative is provided with a company car, he will surely improve his work efficiency.
Writing (A memo)
2.1 Business Topic
Company Benefits
Vocabulary: Benefits and Incentives
Discuss: What is most important to you when choosing a job? why ?
Unit Two
Company Benefits
An Overview of Unit Two
2.1 Business Topic (Company Benefits)
Vocabulary (Benefits & Incentives)
(An article (Asking questions (A letter
Task 1
Scan the reading
Task 2
Speaking :asking questions about jobs? Explain the language points Practice :questions and answers
Multiple choice