



最大峰值声压强度: 124dB
90 度圆锥形的
BMS 8 英寸钕磁铁低音扬声器,2 英寸(52 毫米)音 圈,250W(美国工程师协会标准)
BMS 1 英寸钕磁铁低音扬声器,1.75 英寸(44.4 毫米)音 圈,80W(美国工程师协会标准)
7 公斤
CODA Rx32M 全频扬声器
• 3 分频 紧凑型的全频扬声器系统 • 质量轻盈 800W 的超高功率 • 独特的 BMS 2 英寸同轴钕磁铁驱动器 • BMS 12 英寸钕磁铁超低失真的低音扬声器 • 无源运行或者双功率放大器的运行模式 • 专利技术 大头高音系统
BMS 2 英寸高功率的同轴钕磁铁驱动器 美国专利号#5878148 欧洲专利号#0793216
超高质量的近场传播与舞台监听 60 赫兹-21 千赫(-3dB)
可旋转角度为 80°×60°的椭圆型波导管的 BMS1 英寸钕磁铁压缩驱动器。K12V²使用了多功能的机箱外壳设计,M6 悬挂点可 用来安装选配的 U 型支架和完整的顶板。精确的覆盖角能容易地达到极佳的空间声场覆盖,且可以为听众提供高清晰度的声音,
K289 音响系统提供卓越的音频品质,高新的技术支持,将是您理想的扩声系统。
技术参数 类型: 应用: 频率响应: 额定功率(美国工程师协会标 准): 节目源功率: 峰值功率: 灵敏度: 最大峰值声压强度: 散射范围: 部件: 低频: 高频: 分频点: 额定阻抗: 输入连接器: 机箱外壳材料: 机身颜色: 悬挂安装配件: 机身尺寸: 净重:
BMS 15 英寸钕磁铁低音扬声器 3 英寸(77 毫米)音圈,500W(美国工程师协会标准)

Stanford EAZ0144G33A_A 产品说明书

Stanford EAZ0144G33A_A 产品说明书

19 EAS2246G63A
N. Note Nota
B = on request - sur demande - a petición
C = suggested - suggeré - sugerido
Pos Code
N. Note Nota
1 1-16609A
A = available - disponible - disponible
B = on request - sur demande - a petición



步步高电子工业有限公司手机、电话、家庭影院、DVD、音响消费性行业0769-********-3569厚街金业电子科技有限公司收音机、随身听、CD、VCD、MP3、组合音箱消费性行业0769-********-180盈星电子有限公司(东星)收音机、收录机、CD、VCD、、组合音箱消费性行业0769-********康创科技有限公司收音机、DVD、电脑周边、影音器材、数码相机等消费性行业0769-******** 85871099声王电子厂视听产品、MP3、收录机、蓝牙耳机消费性行业0769-********FAX:87703959雷豹电子有限公司车载DVD、VCD、CD、MP3、MP4、WDS播放机、HD播视及液晶显示屏汽车组件0769-********专顺电机变压器系列、电脑逆变器、移动硬盘|USD集线器电脑周边系列0752-******* 6928301迪声专业音响(东莞)制造有限公司音箱0769-******** 22781217厚街悠豹五金塑胶厂电脑机箱、电脑电源、键盘、鼠标台湾大陆合资1万平方米200人出口韩国较多0769-********金翔电器设备有限公司机箱、电源、鼠标民营1千人33000平方米0769-******** 销售:22708988杰士尼电子科技有限公司鼠标、充电器、IMD、IMI外销0769-********石碣兴业电子厂电脑开关电源、机箱、8000平方米500人0769-********威德电子科技有限公司ED显示产品、单、双色显示屏、三基色图文显示屏、LED灯管等0769-********亿达音响制造有限公司音箱系列、卡拉OK系统、功放周边OEM/ODM0769-********聚腾电子有限公司耳机、电子通讯、手机配件、开关电源OEM/ODM0769-********金河田实业有限公司机箱系列、音箱系列、移动硬盘、DIY 套装、电源系列、数码产品民营0769-********-8256四通兴国科技有限公司机箱系列、专用电源0769-********爱恒电子科技有限公司鼠标、键盘、耳机、音箱韩资0769-********科比电子厂收录机、DVD、VCD、U盘、OEM/ODM0769-********韩国科比集团MP4贴牌、组装0755-********比尔电子有限公司收录机、VCD、车载DVD、CD、MP3、组合间箱民营24000平方米1500人0769-******** 22765601帝听电子科技有限公司充电器、耳机300人0769-********方正科技电脑有限公司PC、笔记本电脑、服务器、移动硬盘、闪存盘、MP3、MP4、GPS卫星导航仪外设产品(方正打印机、投影仪、扫描仪、数码复读机、税控产品上市公司,C全球销量第七,亚太第四0769-********-6909卓兴电子实业有限公司听筒耳机、冻戴式耳机、航空耳机、无线耳机6000平方米OEM/ODM0769-********翔晖电子有限公司高频无线耳机、FM无线耳机、航降噪耳机、蓝牙无线耳机MP3/MP4红外线耳机0769-******** 总经86512913亨信电子厂汽车功放机、扬声器、家庭影院等0769-********众惠电子厂生产LCD等外销欧洲 300人0769-********恒星光电科技有限公司液晶一体机、液晶电视、液晶显示器美资上市公司(STARVF)产品外销总厂:0769-********二厂:86637588隆盛达电子有限公司生产DVD、VCD0769-********业务(魏琦)22706735琅琅数码科技有限公司DVB、DVD出口欧洲0769-********-8304太格尔电源科技有限公司多功能充电式手电筒、LED充电式手电筒、LED充电式头灯/台灯0769-********前台转0754-7713999汕头厂福华电子设备有限公司电脑周边设备台资0769-******** 83193766元山电子科技有限公司散热风扇、逆变器、分配器、变频器、路由器台资上市公司0769-837321178897525883382953合美电器厂生产电源排插台资1000人12000平方米85719100世荣电器厂生产电源排插韩资83635358广州大凌实业有限公司生产手机零组件、数码消费产品、数码相机、望远镜、便携式媒体播放器、珠宝检测仪、D313PMP手机020-********东莞吉嘉电子股份有限公司台资 生产多媒体音箱 OEM 外销0769--87790197-230刘S/采购祝春涛问及我司是进外料还是内料,让找卢S,卢S说没用到。












(本次编码没有用到)2.编码方法:2.1 第一层:机组编号。

2.1.1 #1机编码为10;#2机编码为20;公用系统编码为00。


1.2 对于一台机组对应的多于一套的成套设备,可在第二位表示出来,其排列顺序可按方位的编码原则加以编号。



2.2第二层:系统编号.2.2.1 第3-5位字母编码是系统的分类名称,已经有现成的系统编码名称清册,编码时直接套用即可。








DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTOR Transistors70 • Bipolar Transistors (continued)PartPin to PinCompatibilityPolarity РC max, W V CB max, V V CE max,V V EBmax,VI Cmax, m Аh FEV CE sat,VI CBO, μАF T, МHzNf, dB Package (Pads)KT6136A 2N3906 PNP 0.625 40 40 5 200 100…3000.40.05 250 TO-92KT6137A 2N3904 NPN 0.625 60 40 6 200 100…3000.30.05 300 TO-92 BC182BC182ABC182BNPN 0.5 60 50 6 100 120…450120…220200…4500.60.015 150 10 TO-92 BC183BC183ABC183BBC183CNPN 0.5 45 30 6 100 110…800110…220200…450420…8000.60.015 150 10 TO-92 КТ607А-4КТ607Б-42N4073 NPN 1.5 40 30 40 35 30 35 4 150 0.1 1000 700 TO-92 BC639 NPN 0.625 100 80 5 1500 ≥25 0.50.1 100 TO-92 BC640 PNP 0.625 100 80 5 1500 ≥250.50.1 100 TO-92 КТ646А КТ646БКТ646В2SC495 2CS496 NPN 1.0 60 40 40 60 40 40 4 1000 40…200 >150 150…3400.850.250.2510 10 0.05 250 TO-126 KT660A KT660Б BC337 BC338 NPN 0.5 50 30 45 30 5 800 110...220200 (450)0.5 1.0 200 TO-92КТ805АМ КТ805БМ КТ805ВМ КТ805ИМ KSD362 KSD773 NPN 30 300 45 30 5 5000 V KER >15>15>15 >252.53.0 1.0 TO-92 KT814AKT814БKT814BKT814ГBD136 BD138 BD140 PNP 10 40 50 70 100 5 1500 40…27540…27540…27530…2750.650 40 TO-126 KT815AKT815БKT815BKT815ГBD135 BD137 BD139 NPN 10 40 50 70 100 5 1500 40…27540…27540…27530…2750.650 40 TO-126 KT816AKT816БKT816BKT816ГBD234 BD236 BD238 PNP 25 40 45 60 100 5 3000 25…2750.6100 3.0 TO-126 KT817AKT817БKT817BKT817ГBD233 BD235 BD237 NPN 25 40 45 60 100 5 3000 25...2750.6100 3.0 TO-126 КТ8126А1 КТ8126Б1 MJE13007 MJE13006 NPN 80 700 600 400 300 9 8000 8...60 1.01000 4.0 TO-220 КТ8164А КТ8164Б MJE13005 MJE13004 NPN 75 700 600 400 300 9 4000 8...40 1.01000 TO-220 КТ8170А1 КТ8170Б1 MJE13003 MJE13002 NPN 40 700 600 400 300 9 9 1500 8 (40)1.01000 4.0 TO-126 КТ8176АКТ8176БКТ8176ВTIP31A TIP31B TIP31C NPN 40 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 3000 >25 1.2 3.0 TO-220DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORTransistors71• Bipolar Transistors (continued)Part Pin to PinCompatibility Polarity РC max, W V CB max,V V CE max,V V EB max,V I Cmax,m А h FE V CE sat, VI CBO, μАF T, МHz Nf, dB Package (Pads) КТ8177АКТ8177БКТ8177ВTIP32A TIP32B TIP32C PNP 40 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 3000 >25 1.2 3.0 TO-220 КТ8212А КТ8212БКТ8212ВTIP41С TIP41B TIP41A NPN 65 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 6000 15…75 1.5 I CES =400 3.0 TO-220КТ8213А КТ8213БКТ8213ВTIP42C TIP42B TIP42A PNP 65 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 6000 15…75 1.5 I CES =400 3.0 TO-220MJE2955 PNP 75 70 60 5 1000020…100 1.1 1000 TO-220 MJE3055 NPN 75 70 60 5 1000020…100 1.1 1000 TO-220 КТ738А КТ739А TIP3055 TIP2955 NPN PNP 90 70 60 5 1500020…100 1.1 1000 TO-218 КТ732А КТ733А MJE4343 MJE4353 NPN PNP 125 160 160 7 160008…15 2.0 750 1.0 TO-218 КТ8224А КТ8224Б* BU2508A BU2508DNPN 100 1500700 7.5 8000 4…7 1.0 I ebo=1.0 100..187 TO-218КТ8225ABU941ZP NPN 155 350 5 15000>300 1.8 Veb=5.0V Iebo=20 TO-218 КТ8228А КТ8228Б* BU2525A BU2525DNPN 125 1500800 7.5 12000 5.0…9.5 5.0 I ebo=1.0 80…150 TO-218КТ8229А TIP35F NPN 125 180 180 5 2500015…75 1.8 I ceo = 1.0 3.0 TO-218 КТ8230А TIP36F PNP 125 180 180 5 2500015…75 1.8 1.0 3.0 TO-218 КТ8261А BUD44D2 NPN 25 700 400 9 2000 >10 0.65 0.1 TO-126 BUL44D2 NPN 40 700 400 9 5000 >10 0.65 0.1 TO-220 КТ8247А BUL45D2 NPN 75 700 400 12 5000 >22 0.5 100 TO-220КТ8248А BU2506F NPN 90 Vcek 1500700 7.5 5000 3.8…9.0 3.0 Icek, mA1.0TO-218 KT538A MJE13001 NPN 0.7 600 400 9 0.5 5…90 0.5 1000 4 TO-92 КТ8248А1 BU2506F NPN 90 Ucek 1500 700 7.5 5000 3.8…9.0 3.0 Icek,мА1.0 TO-218KT8290A BUH100 NPN 100 700 400 9 10000 >10 1.0 0.1 ТО-220 КТ8255А BU407 NPN 60 330 160 6 7000 >15 1.0 1.0 ТО-220 KT8270A MJE13001 NPN 0.7 600 400 9 0.5 5…90 0.5 1000 4 TO-126KT8296AKT8296БKT8296ВKT8296ГKSD882R KSD882O KSD882Y KSD882G NPN 10 40 30 5 3000 60…120100…200160…320200…4000.5 100 TO-126 KT8297AKT8297БKT8297ВKT8297ГKSB772R KSB772O KSB772Y KSB772G PNP 10 40 30 5 3000 60…120100…200160…320200…4000.5 100 TO-126KT872A KT872Б KT872B KT872Г* with clampingdiodeBU508А BU508 BU508DNPN1001500150012001500700 700 600 70061000>61.0 5.0 1.0 1.04.0TO-218KT928A 2N2218 NPN 0.5 60 60 5 0.8 20…100 1.0 5.0 250 TO-126KT928Б 2N2219 NPN 0.5 60 60 5 0.8 50…200 1.0 5.0 250 TO-126 KT928B 2N2219ANPN 0.5 75 75 5 0.8 100…300 1.0 1.0 250TO-126 KT940AKT940БKT940BBF459 BF458 NPN 10 300 250 160 3002501605 100 >25 1.0 0.05 TO-126 КТ969А BF469 NPN 6 300 250 5 100 50…250 1.0 0.05 60TO-126DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTOR Transistors72 • Power Bipolar Darlington TransistorsPart Pin to PinCompatibilityPolarityРC max, W V CB max, V V CE max, V V EB max, V I Cmax, m А h FE V CE sat, VICBO,μА F T, МHzPacka-ge KT8115AKT8115БKT8115BTIP127 TIP126 TIP125 PNP 65 100 80 60 100 80 60 5 5000 >1000 2.0 200 4 TO-220KT8116AKT8116БKT8116BTIP122 TIP121 TIP120 NPN 65 100 80 60 100 80 60 5 5000 >1000 2.0 200 4 TO-220КТ8214АКТ8214БКТ8214ВTIP110 TIP111 TIP112 NPN 50 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 2000 >500 2.5 1000 TO-220КТ8215АКТ8215БКТ8215ВTIP115 TIP116 TIP117 PNP 50 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 2000 >500 2.5 1000 TO-220KT8156A КТ8156Б BU807 NPN 60 330 150 2006 8000 >100 1.5 1000 TO-220KT8158AKT8158БKT8158BBDV65A BDV65B BDV65C NPN 125 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 12000>1000 2.0 400 TO-218KT8159AKT8159БKT8159ВBDV64A BDV64B BDV64C PNP 125 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 12000>1000 2.0 400 TO-218КТ8225А BU941ZP NPN 155 350 350 5 15000>300 2.7 100 TO-218КТ8251А BDV65F NPN 125 180 180 5 10000>100 2.0 0.4 TO-218KT972AKT972БKT972BKT972ГBD875 NPN 8.0 60 45 60 60 60 45 60 60 5 2000 >750 >750 750…5000 750…5000 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.95 200 TO-126KT973AKT973БKT973BBD876 PNP 8.0 60 45 60 60 45 60 5 2000 >750 >750 750…5000 1.5 1.5 1.5 200 TO-126• Unijunction TransistorsPart Pin to Pin Compatibility P max,W Vb, b2 max, V Ie pulse, A Ie rev, μA Veb sat,V ηPackage KT132A KT132Б 2N2646 2N2647 0.3 35 2.0 12.0 0.2 3.5 0.56…0.75 0.68…0.82 Case 22A-01KT133A KT133Б 2N4870 2N4871 0.3 35 1.5 1.0 2.5 0.56…0.75 0.70…0.85TO-92• Logic Level N-Channel MOSFETsPart Pin to Pin Compatibility Vds max, V Rds (on) Ohm Id max, A Vgs max, VP max, W Vgs (th),VPackageКП723Г IRLZ44 60 0.028 50 ±10 150 1.0…2.0 TO-220 КП727В IRLZ34 60 0.05 30 ±10 88 1.0…2.0 TO-220 КП744Г IRL520 100 0.27 9.2 ±10 60 1.0…2.0 TO-220 КП745Г IRL530 100 0.22 15 ±10 88 1.0…2.0 TO-220 КП746Г IRL540 100 0.077 28 ±10 150 1.0…2.0 TO-220 КП737Г IRL630 200 0.4 18 ±10 50 1.0…2.0 TO-220 КП750Г IRL640 200 0.18 18 ±1050 1.0…2.0 TO-220КП775А КП775БКП775В2SK2498А-В 60 55 60 0.009 0.009 0.011 50 ±20150 1.0…2.01.0…2.0 1.0…2.0TO-220DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORTransistors73• Low Power MOSFETsPartPin to Pin Compatibility P max, W Vgs max, V Vds max,V Vgs(off), V Rds(on), Ohm Id max, A g fs,A/VPackageКП501А КП501Б КП501ВZVN2120 0.5 ±202402002001.0…3.0 1.0…3.0 10 10 15 10 >0.1 TO-92 КП502А BSS124 1.0 ±10 400 1.5…2.5 28 0.12 0.1 TO-92 КП503А BSS129 1.0 ±10400 1.5…2.5 28 0.12 0.1 TO-92КП504А КП504БКП504ВКП504ГКП504ДКП504ЕBSS88 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 ±102502502001802002000.6…1.2 8 8 8 10 8 8 0.32 0.14 TO-92 КП505А КП505БКП505ВКП505ГBSS295 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 ±1050506080.8…2.0 0.8…2.0 0.8…2.0 0.4…0.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.2 1.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 TO-92 КП507A BSS315 1.0 ±20 -50 -0.8…-2.00.8 -1.1 TO-92 КП508A BSS92 1.0 ±20-240 -0.8…-2.020 -0.15 TO-92КП509А9 КП509Б9КП509В9BSS131 0.36 0.50 0.36 ±142402402000.8…-2.0 0.6…-1.2 0.8…-2.0 16 8 16 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.06 0.14 0.06 SOT-23 КП510A9 IRML2402 0.54 ±12 20 0.7…-1.6 0.25 1.2 1.3 SOT-23 КП511A КП511Б TN0535 TN0540 0.75 ±20 350 400 0.8…-2.0 22 0.14 0.125 TO-92 КП523А КП523Б BSS297 1.0 1.0 ±20 ±14 200 200 0.8…2.0 0.8…2.0 2.0 4.0 0.48 0.34 0.5 0.5TO-92 КП214А9 2N7002LT1 0.2 ±40 60 1.0…2.5 7.5 0.115 0.08 SOT-23• Power N-Channel MOSFETsPartPin to Pin Compatibility Vds max, V Rds (on), Ohm Id max, AVgs max,V P max, W Vgs (th),VPackageКП723АКП723БКП723ВIRFZ44 IRFZ45 IRFZ40 60 60 50 0.028 0.035 0.028 50 50 50 ±20 150 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП726А КП726Б BUZ90A BUZ90 600 2.0 1.6 4.0 4.5 ±20 75 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП727А КП727Б BUZ71 IRFZ34 50 60 0.1 0.05 14 30±20 75 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП728Г1,Г2 КП728С1,С2КП728Е1,Е2BUZ80A 700650 600 5.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 ±20 75 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП739АКП739БКП739ВIRFZ14 IRFZ10 IRFZ15 60 50 60 0.2 0.2 0.3 10 10 8.3 ±20 43 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП740АКП740БКП740ВIRFZ24 IRFZ20 IRFZ25 60 50 60 0.1 0.1 0.12 17 17 14 ±20 60 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП741А КП741Б IRFZ48 IRFZ46 60 50 0.018 0.024 50 ±20 190 1502.0…4.0 TO-220 КП742А КП742Б STH75N06 STH80N05 60 50 0.014 0.012 75 80±20200 2.0…4.0 TO-218DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTOR Transistors74 • Power N-Channel MOSFETs (continued)PartPin to Pin Compatibility Vds max, V Rds (on), Ohm Id max, A Vgs max, VP max, W Vgs (th),VPackageКП743А КП743БКП743ВIRF510 IRF511 IRF512 100 80 100 0.54 0.54 0.74 5.6 5.6 4.9 ± 20 43 2.0…4.0 TO-220TO-126 КП743А1 100 0.54 5.5 ±2040 2.0…4.0 TO-126 КП744А КП744БКП744ВIRF520 IRF521 IRF522 100 80 100 0.27 0.27 0.36 9.2 9.2 8.0 ±20 60 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП745А КП745БКП745ВIRF530 IRF531 IRF532 100 80 100 0.16 0.16 0.23 14.0 14.0 12.0 ±20 88 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП746А КП746БКП746ВIRF540 IRF541 IRF542 100 80 100 0.077 0.077 0.1 28.0 28.0 25.0 ±20 150 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП747А IRFP150 100 0.055 41.0 ±20230 2.0…4.0 TO-218 КП748А КП748БКП748ВIRF610 IRF611 IRF612 200 150 200 1.5 1.5 2.4 3.3 3.3 2.6 ±20 36 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП749А КП749БКП749ВIRF620 IRF621 IRF622 200 150 200 0.8 0.8 1.2 5.2 5.2 4.0 ±20 50 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП737А КП737БКП737ВIRF630 IRF634 IRF635 200 250 200 0.4 0.45 0.68 9.0 8.1 6.5 ±20 74 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП750А КП750БКП750ВIRF640 IRF641 IRF642 200 150 200 0.18 0.18 0.22 18.0 18.0 16.0 ±20 125 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП731А КП731БКП731ВIRF710 IRF711 IRF712 400 350 400 3.6 3.6 5.0 2.0 2.0 1.7 ±20 36 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП751А КП751БКП751ВIRF720 IRF721 IRF722 400 350 400 1.8 1.8 2.5 3.3 3.3 2.8 ±20 50 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП752А КП752Б КП752В Pilot ProductionIRF730 IRF731IRF732400 350 400 1.0 1.0 1.5 5.5 5.5 4.5 ±20 74 2.0…4.0 TO-220КП753АКП753Б КП753ВPilot ProductionIRF830 IRF831 IRF832 500 450 500 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 ±20 74 2.0…4.0 TO-220КП771А STP40N10100 0.04 40 ±20150 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП776А КП776Б КП776В КП776Г Pilot ProductionIRF740 IRF741 IRF742 IRF744400 350 400 4500.55 0.55 0.8 0.6310.0 10.0 8.3 8.8±20 125 2.0…4.0 TO-220DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORTransistors75• Power N-Channel MOSFETs (continued)Part Pin to Pin Compatibility Vds max, VRds (on),Ohm Id max, A Vgs max,V P max, W Vgs (th),VPackageКП777А КП777Б КП777ВPilot ProductionIRF840IRF841IRF842 500 450 500 0.85 0.85 1.1 8.0 8.0 7.0±20 125 2.0…4.0 TO-220КП778А IRFP250 200 0.085 30.0 ±20190 2.0…4.0 TO-220КП779А Pilot ProductionIRFP450 500 0.4 14.0 ±20190 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП780АКП780Б КП780В IRF820 IRF821IRF822500 450 500 3.0 3.0 4.0 2.5 2.5 2.2 ±20 50 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП781АPilot ProductionIRFP350 400 0.3 16.0 ±20 190 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП783АPilot Production IRF3205 55 0.008 70.0 ±20200 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП786А Pilot ProductionBUZ80A 800 3.0 4.0 ±20100 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП787А Pilot Production BUZ91A 600 0.9 8.0 ±20150 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП789А Pilot ProductionBUZ111S 320 0.008 80.0 ±20250 2.1…4.0 TO-220• Power P-Channel MOSFETsPart Pin to Pin Compatibility Vds max, V Rds (on), Ohm Id max, A Vgs max, V P max, W Vgs (th),VPackageКП784A IRF9Z34 -60 0.14 -18.0 ±20 88 -2.0…-4.0 TO-220 КП785A IRF9540 -100 0.20 -19.0 ±20 150 -2.0…-4.0 TO-220 КП796АUnderDevelopmentIRF9634 -250 1.0 -4.3 ±20 74 -2.0…-4.0 TO-220。



N DQ12 DQ11
P DQ13 DQ10
T DQ14 DQ9
DQ0-31 BWE0-3
Input Output
Vcc, Vss VCCQ
Supply Supply
Signal Pulse Pulse Pulse Pulse Pulse Pulse
Level Pulse
The EDI9LC644VxxBC provides a total memory solution for the Texas Instruments TMS320C6201 and the TMS320C6701 DSPs
The Synchronous Pipeline SRAM is available with clock speeds of 200, 166,150, and 133 MHz, allowing the user to develop a fast external memory for the SSRAM interface port .





每个功能组都有一个对应的功能码,功能码则是具体功能的编号,例如电梯最高层对应的功能码是 a01,电梯最低层对应的功能码是 a02,泊梯基站对应的功能码是 a03,消防基站对应的功能码是 a04。


例如,电梯最高层的设定范围是 1 到 40,电梯最低层的设定范围是 1 到 a01,泊梯基站的设定范围是 a02 到 a01,消防基站的设定范围是 a02 到 a01。








特性单3 V供应操作(2.7 V至3.6 V)信噪比= 70 dBc Nyquist在65MSPSSFDR = 85 dBc Nyquist在65MSPS低功率:300 mW 65MSPS微分输入500 MHz带宽芯片上的参考和SHADNL= 0.4 LSB灵活的模拟输入:1 Vpp- 2 Vpp范围抵消二进制或2补充数据格式时钟占空比稳定器应用超声设备如果通信接收机的采样:IS-95,cdma-ONE,imt - 2000电池供电的仪器手持Scopemeters低成本数字示波器产品描述AD9235是一个巨大的系列、供应3 V信号,12位,20/40/65MSPS模拟-数字转换器。










捏造一个先进的CMOS工艺,AD9235可用在28-lead薄收缩(TSSOP)和一个小提纲包32-lead芯片规模包(LFCSP)和指定工业温度范围(-40°C + 85°C)。

REV. B提供的信息被认为是精确和模拟设备可靠的。





W12NK90Z中⽂资料October 2006 Rev 51/14STW12NK90ZN-channel 900V - 0.72? - 11A - TO-247Zener-protected SuperMESH? Power MOSFETGeneral features■Extremely high dv/dt capability ■100% avalanche tested ■Gate charge minimized ■Very low intrinsic capacitances ■Very good manufacturing repeatibilityDescriptionThe SuperMESH? series is obtained through an extreme optimization of ST’s well established strip-based PowerMESH? layout. In addition to pushing on-resistance significantly down, special care is taken to ensure a very good dv/dtcapability for the most demanding applications. Such series complements ST full range of high voltage MOSFETs including revolutionary MDmesh? products.Applications■Switching applicationType V DSS R DS(on)I D p W STW12NK90Z900V<0.88?11A230W/doc/a62e0e2c58fb770bf78a556d.htmlOrder codesPart number Marking Package Packaging STW12NK90ZW12NK90ZTO-247T ubeContents STW12NK90ZContents1Electrical ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.1Protection features of gate-to-source zener diodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.1Electrical characteristics (curves) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3Test circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4Package mechanical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132/14STW12NK90Z Electrical ratings3/141 Electrical ratingsTable 1.Absolute maximum ratingsSymbol ParameterValue Unit V DS Drain-source voltage (V GS = 0)900V V GS Gate- source voltage± 30V I D Drain current (continuous) at T C = 25°C 11A I D Drain current (continuous) at T C = 100°C 7A I DM (1)1.Pulse width limited by safe operating area.Drain current (pulsed)44A P totT otal dissipation at T C = 25°C 230W Derating Factor1.85W/°C V ESD(G-S)Gate source ESD(HBM-C=100pF , R=1.5K ?)6000V E AS (2)2. I SD ≤11A, di/dt ≤200A/µs, V DD ≤ V (BR)DSS , T j ≤ T JMAX.Single pulse avalanche energy 4.5mJ T stg Storage temperature-55 to 150°CT jMax. operating junction temperatureTable 2.Thermal dataRthj-case Thermal resistance junction-case max 0.54°C/W Rthj-ambThermal resistance junction-ambient max 50°C/W T JMaximum lead temperature for soldering purpose300°CTable 3.Avalanche characteristicsSymbol ParameterMax valueUnit I AR Avalanche current, repetitive or not-repetitive(pulse width limited by T j max)11A E ASSingle pulse avalanche energy(starting T j = 25 °C, I D = I AR , V DD = 50 V)500mJTable 4.Gate-source zener diodeSymbol ParameterTest conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit BV GSOGate-source breakdown voltageIgs=± 1mA (open drain)30VElectrical ratings STW12NK90Z1.1 Protection features of gate-to-source zener diodesThe built-in back-to-back Zener diodes have specifically been designed to enhance not onlythe device’s ESD capability, but also to make them safely absorb possible voltage transientsthat may occasionally be applied from gate to source. In this respect the Zener voltage isappropriate to achieve an efficient and cost-effective intervention to protect the device’sintegrity. These integrated Zener diodes thus avoid the usage of external components.4/14STW12NK90Z Electrical characteristics5/142 Electrical characteristics(T CASE =25°C unless otherwise specified)Table 5.On/off statesSymbol ParameterTest conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V (BR)DSSDrain-sourcebreakdown voltage I D = 1mA, V GS =0900V I DSSZero gate voltage drain current (V GS = 0)V DS = max rating V DS = max rating, T C = 125°C 150µA µA I GSS Gate-body leakage current (V DS = 0)V GS = ± 20V±10µA V GS(th)Gate threshold voltage V DS = V GS , I D = 100µA 33.754.5V R DS(on)Static drain-source on resistanceV GS = 10V , I D = 5.5A0.720.88Table 6.DynamicSymbol ParameterTest conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit g fs (1)1.Pulsed: Pulse duration = 300 µs, duty cycle 1.5 %.Forwardtransconductance V DS = 15V , I D =5.5A11S C iss C oss C rss Input capacitance Output capacitance Reverse transfer capacitance V DS = 25V , f = 1MHz, V GS = 0 350028058pF pF pF C oss eq (2)2.Coss eq. is defined as a constant equivalent capacitance giving the same charging time as C oss when V DSincreases from 0 to 80% V DSS .Equivalent output capacitance V GS = 0V , V DS = 0V to 800V117pF t d(on)t r t d(off)t f Turn-on delay time Rise timeTurn-off delay time Fall timeV DD = 450V , I D = 5A R G =4.7? V GS = 10V (see Figure 13)31208855ns ns ns ns Q g Q gs Q gdTotal gate charge Gate-source charge Gate-drain chargeV DD = 720V , I D = 10A,V GS = 10V , R G =4.7?(see Figure 14)1131960152nC nC nCElectrical characteristics STW12NK90Z6/14Table 7.Source drain diodeSymbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitI SDI SDM(1)1.Pulse width limited by safe operating area.Source-drain currentSource-drain current(pulsed)1144AA V SD(2)2.Pulsed: Pulse duration = 300 µs, duty cycle 1.5 % Forward on voltage I SD = 11A, V GS = 0 1.6V t rr Q rrI RRMReverse recovery timeReverse recovery chargeReverse recovery currentI SD = 10A, di/dt = 100A/µs,V DD = 50V, T j = 25°C(see Figure15)7287.821.6nsµCA t rrQ rrI RRMReverse recovery timeReverse recovery chargeReverse recovery currentI SD = 10A, di/dt = 100A/µs,V DD = 50V, T j = 150°C(see Figure15)9641123nsµCASTW12NK90Z Electrical characteristics7/142.1 Electrical characteristics (curves) Figure 1.Safe operating area Figure 2.Thermal impedanceFigure 3.Output characterisics Figure 4.Transfer characteristicsFigure 5.Transconductance Figure 6.Static drain-source on resistance Electrical characteristics STW12NK90Z8/14Figure 7.Gate charge vs gate-source voltage Figure 8. Capacitance variationsFigure 9.Normalized gate threshold voltageFigure 10.Normalized on resistance vs Figure 11.Source-drain diode forward Figure 12.Normalized breakdown voltage vs STW12NK90Z Test circuit9/143 Test circuitFigure 13.Switching times test circuit for Figure 14.Gate charge test circuitFigure 15.Test circuit for inductive load Figure 16.Unclamped Inductive load test Test circuitSTW12NK90Z10/14Figure 17.Unclamped inductive waveformFigure 18.Switching time waveformSTW12NK90Z Package mechanical data 4 Package mechanical dataIn order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in ECOPACK?packages. These packages have a Lead-free second level interconnect . The category ofsecond level interconnect is marked on the package and on the inner box label, incompliance with JEDEC Standard JESD97. The maximum ratings related to solderingconditions are also marked on the inner box label. ECOPACK is an ST trademark.ECOPACK specifications are available at: /doc/a62e0e2c58fb770bf78a556d.html11/14Package mechanical data STW12NK90Z12/14STW12NK90Z Revision history13/145 Revision historyTable 8.Revision historyDate RevisionChanges21-Jun-20044Complete version17-Oct-20065New template, no content changeSTW12NK90Z14/14Please Read Carefully:Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice.All ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale.Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection and use of the ST products and services described herein, and ST assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the ST products and services described herein. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. Ifany part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by ST for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein. UNL ESS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN ST’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SAL E ST DISCL AIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPL IED WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE USE AND/OR SAL E OF ST PRODUCTS INCL UDING WITHOUT L IMITATION IMPL IED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION), OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. UNL ESS EXPRESSL Y APPROVED IN WRITING BY AN AUTHORIZED ST REPRESENTATIVE, ST PRODUCTS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED FOR USE IN MILITARY, AIR CRAFT, SPACE, LIFE SAVING, OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS, NOR IN PRODUCTS OR SYSTEMS WHERE FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. ST PRODUCTS WHICH ARE NOT SPECIFIED AS "AUTOMOTIVE GRADE" MAY ONLY BE USED IN AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS AT USER’S OWN RISK.Resale of ST products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST.ST and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries.Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners.2006 STMicroelectronics - All rights reservedSTMicroelectronics group of companiesAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel -Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America/doc/a62e0e2c58fb770bf78a556d.html。



ADI Home > Market Solutions > IOS Subsystems > 3B SeriesCurrent Conversion ResistorThe Model AC1342 100 ohms, 0.1%, 1/4 watt, 20 ppm/°C resistor is supplied with each 3B32 current input module to convert input current to a voltage; an additional AC1342 can be optionally ordered as a spare.AC1342Order Now ModelAC1342back to topInterface Board for Analog I/OThe Model AC1324 optional universal interface board includes a 26-pin I/O connector and 26 I/O screw terminals. The 26-pin connector accepts the AC1315 or CAB-01 cables from a 3B Series Model 3B01, 3B02 or 3B03 backplane and provides 26 screw terminals for interconnecting to any analog I/O subsystem, such as a programmable controller. It can be mounted either at the back of the AC1330 rack-mount kit (standoffs are included and should be used) or in a snap track.AC1324Order Now ModelAC1324back to topPower Supply JumpersThe optional Model AC1344 spare set of 10 jumpers can be used on the 3B01, 3B02 and 3B03 backplanes to configure the W1, W2, W3 and W4 power supply and grounding options. W1 and W3 force Pin 25 to power supply common; W2 provides external voltage sensing to enable the 3B Series Subsystem, with Analog Devices' RTI boards, to increase noise rejection by measuring in pseudo-differential mode.W4 ties the ±15 V DC power supply common to the +24 V DC power supply common, required when a +24 V DC power supply is used.AC1344Order Now ModelAC1344back to topKits for User-Designed ModulesThe optional Model AC1350 kit contains an individual blank case, connectors and PC vector board to enable the construction of a user-designed 3B-type module. The Model AC1351 kit includes only a case and connectors.AC1350Order Now Model AC1350AC1351Order Now Model AC1351back to topMounting Kits - Rack-MountThe optional Model AC1330 is a two-piece metal optional mounting to enable Models 3B01, 3B02 or 3B03 backplanes to be fitted into a 19-inch rack, requiring a 19-inch x 4.7-inch area. The bottom plate has threaded inserts for mounting any of the three backplanes using four screws that are shipped with each backplane. The AC1330 top piece provides a rigid module hold-down and is secured to the bottom piece with two quarter-turn fasteners.AC1330Order Now ModelAC1330back to topMounting Kits - Surface-MountThe Models AC1331, AC1332 and AC1333 optional surface-mount kits enable any of the backplanes, Models 3B01, 3B02 or 3B03, respectively, to be easily mounted in a panel or NEMA enclosure.AC1331 Order Now ModelAC1331AC1332Order Now Model AC1332AC1333Order Now ModelAC1333back to topPower Supplies and Power CordsThe 3B Series Subsystem requires either an optional AC/DC power supply or an optional DC/DC converter mounted on the backplane. External ±15 V DC and +24 V DC power supplies can also be used.The Models AC1300 and AC1301 plug-in, modular, encapsulated AC/DC, regulated, ±15 V DC power supplies can be directly mounted on the 3B Series backplanes, with the supplied retainer clip and hardware. This mounting features the ability for each power supply to be asily removed from the backplane.The Model AC1302 plug-in modular DC/DC converter, accepts a+24 V DC input and provides a regulated ±15 V DC output to enable an external +24 V current loop source to supply all power to the backplane, such as in a factory data collection environment. The external +24 V DC supply must be capable of handling the desired number of current loop outputs as well as powering the AC1302.AC1300Order Now Model AC1300AC1301Order Now Model AC1301AC1302Order Now Model AC1302。

富士通RT9193 300mA 超低噪声 超快 CMOS LDO 稳压器用户手册说明书

富士通RT9193 300mA 超低噪声 超快 CMOS LDO 稳压器用户手册说明书

RT9193DS9193-09 March 2007300mA, Ultra-Low Noise, Ultra-Fast CMOS LDO RegulatorMarking Information For marking information, contact our sales representative directly or through a RichTek distributor located in your area, otherwise visit our website for detail.Ordering InformationGeneral DescriptionThe RT9193 is designed for portable RF and wireless applications with demanding performance and space requirements. The RT9193 performance is optimized for battery-powered systems to deliver ultra low noise and low quiescent current. A noise bypass pin is available for further reduction of output noise. Regulator ground current increases only slightly in dropout, further prolonging the battery life. The RT9193 also works with low-ESR ceramic capacitors, reducing the amount of board space necessary for power applications, critical in hand-he ld wireless devices. The RT9193 consumes less than 0.01μA in shutdown mode and has fast turn-on time less than 50μs.The other features include ultra low dropout voltage, high output accuracy, current limiting protection, and high ripple rejection ratio. Available in the 5-lead of SC-70, SOT-23and WDFN-6L 2x2 packages.Featuresz Ultra-Low-Noise for RF Applicationz Ultra-Fast Response in Line/Load Transient z Quick Start-Up (Typically 50μs)z < 0.01μA Standby Current When Shutdown z Low Dropout : 220mV @ 300mAz Wide Operating Voltage Ranges : 2.5V to 5.5V z TTL-Logic-Controlled Shutdown Input z Low Temperature Coefficient z Current Limiting Protection z Thermal Shutdown Protectionz Only 1μF Output Capacitor Required for Stability z High Power Supply Rejection Ratio z Custom Voltage AvailablezRoHS Compliant and 100% Lead (Pb)-FreeApplicationsz CDMA/GSM Cellular Handsets z Battery-Powered EquipmentzLaptop, Palmtops, Notebook Computers z Hand-Held Instruments z PCMCIA CardszPortable Information AppliancesNote :RichTek Pb-free and Green products are :`RoHS compliant and compatible with the current require- ments of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020.`Suitable for use in SnPb or Pb-free soldering processes.`100% matte tin (Sn) plating.Pin Configurations (TOP VIEW)SC-70-5/SOT-23-5WDFN-6L 2x2VIN GNDBPVOUT EN23541ENGND BP NC VOUTVIN541236RT9193-Package Type U5 : SC-70-5B : SOT-23-5QW : WDFN-6L 2x2 (W-Type)Output Voltage 15 : 1.5V 16 : 1.6V : 49 : 4.9V50 : 5.0V1H : 1.85V 2H : 2.85V4G : 4.75VOperating Temperature Range P : Pb Free with Commercial StandardG : Green (Halogen Free with Commer- cial Standard)查询RT9193-49GQW供应商捷多邦,专业PCB打样工厂,24小时加急出货RT9193Function Block DiagramFunctional Pin DescriptionTypical Application CircuitBPENV V OUTRT9193DS9193-09 March 2007Electrical CharacteristicsAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)z Supply Input Voltage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6V zPower Dissipation, P D @ T A = 25°CSC-70-5----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------300mW SOT-23-5--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------400mW WDFN-6L 2x2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------606mW zPackage Thermal Resistance (Note 4)SOT-70-5, θJA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------333°C/W SOT-23-5, θJA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------250°C/W WDFN-6L 2x2, θJA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------165°C/W z Junction T emperature -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------150°C z Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------260°Cz Storage T emperature Range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−65°C to 150°C zESD Susceptibility (Note 2)HBM (Human Body Mode)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2kV MM (Machine Mode)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------200VRecommended Operating Conditions (Note 3)z Supply Input Voltage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.5V to 5.5V z EN Input Voltage -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0V to 5.5Vz Junction T emperature Range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−40°C to 125°C zAmbient T emperature Range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−40°C to 85°C To be continuedRT9193Note 2. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precaution recommended.Note 3. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions.Note 4.θJA is measured in the natural convection at T A = 25°C on a low effective thermal conductivity test board (Single Layer, 1S) of JEDEC 51-3 thermal measurement standard.Note 5. The dropout voltage is defined as V IN -V OUT, which is measured when V OUT is V OUT(NORMAL)− 100mV.RT9193DS9193-09 March 2007Dropout Voltage vs. Load Current05010015020025030000. Current (A)D r o p o u t V o l t a g e (m V )Typical Operating CharacteristicsPSRR-80-60-40-20200.010.11101001000Frequency (kHz)PS R R (d B )10 100 1K 10K 100K 1M (Hz)EN Pin Shoutdown Threshold vs. Temperature0.50.7511.251.51.75-50-25255075100125Temperature E N P i n S h o u t d o w n T h r e s h o l d (V )(°C)Quiescent Current vs. Temperature6065707580859095-50-25255075100125Temperature Q u i e s c e n t C u r r e n t (u A )(°C)Output Voltage vs. Temperature1. O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )(°C)Time (500μs/Div)V IN = 5VC IN = C OUT = 1uFEN Pin Shutdown ResponseE N P i n V o l t a g e (V )O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )RT9193-28CU5No Load10 5 02 1 0RT9193Time (10ms/Div)V IN = 4.5VC IN = C OUT = 1uF, X7RNoiseN o i s e (μV )200100 0 -100-200RT9193-15CU5I Load = 50mAf = 10Hz to 100kHzTime (10ms/Div)V IN = 4.5VC IN = C OUT = 1uF, X7R NoiseN o i s e (μV )200100 0 -100-200RT9193-30CB I Load = 50mAf = 10Hz to 100kHzTime (100μs/Div)O u t p u t V o l t a g e D e v i a t i o n (m V )10 0 -10Time (50μs/Div)V IN = 4V to 5V C OUT = 1uF Line Transient ResponseO u t p u t V o l t a g e D e v i a t i o n (m V )I n p u t V o l t a g e D e v i a t i o n (V )RT9193-25CB I Load = 1mA65410 0-10Time (500μs/Div)V IN = 5V, V OUT = 2.8V C IN = C OUT = 1uF Load Transient ResponseO u t p u t V o l t a g eD e v i a t i o n (m V )L o a d C u r r e n t (m A )I Load = 1mA to 60mA100 50 020 0 -20Time (500μs/Div)Load Transient ResponseO u t p u t V o l t a g e D e v i a t i o n (m V )L o a d C u r r e n t (m A )I Load = 1mA to 250mA400200 050 0 -50V IN = 5V, V OUT = 2.8V C IN = C OUT = 1uFRT9193DS9193-09 March 2007Time (10μs/Div)V IN = 5VC IN = C OUT = 1uFStart UpE N P i n V o l t a g e (V )O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )10 5 02 1 0RT9193-28CU5No LoadRT9193Applications InformationLike any low-dropout regulator, the external capacitors used with the RT9193 must be carefully selected for regulator stability and performance. Using a capacitor whose value is > 1μF on the RT9193 input and the amount of capacitance can be increased without limit. The input capacitor must be located a distance of not more than 0.5 inch from the input pin of the IC and returned to a clean analog ground. Any good quality ceramic or tantalum can be used for this capacitor. The capacitor with larger value and lower ESR (equivalent series resistance) provides better PSRR and line-transient response. The output capacitor must meet both requirements for minimum amount of capacitance and ESR in all LDOs application. The RT9193 is designed specifically to work with low ESR ceramic output capacitor in space-saving and performance consideration. Using a ceramic capacitor whose value is at least 1μF with ESR is > 25m Ω on the RT9193 output ensures stability. The RT9193 still works well with output capacitor of other types due to the wide stable ESR range. Figure 1 shows the curves of allowable ESR range as a function of load current for various output capacitor values. Output capacitor of larger capacitance can reduce noise and improve load transient response, stability, and PSRR. The output capacitor should be located not more than 0.5inch from the V OUT pin of the RT9193 and returned to a clean analog ground.Figure 1Bypass Capacitor and Low NoiseConnecting a 22nF between the BP pin and GND pin significantly reduces noise on the regulator output, it is critical that the capacitor connection between the BP pin and GND pin be direct and PCB traces should be as short as possible. There is a relationship between the bypass capacitor value and the LDO regulator turn on time. DC leakage on this pin can affect the LDO regulator output noise and voltage regulation performance.Enable FunctionThe RT9193 features an LDO regulator enable/disable function. To assure the LDO regulator will switch on, the EN turn on control level must be greater than 1.2 volts.The LDO regulator will go into the shutdown mode when the voltage on the EN pin falls below 0.4 volts. For to protecting the system, the RT9193 have a quick-discharge function. If the enable function is not needed in a specific application, it may be tied to V IN to keep the LDO regulator in a continuously on state.Thermal ConsiderationsThermal protection limits power dissipation in RT9193.When the operation junction temperature exceeds 165°C,the OTP circuit starts the thermal shutdown function turn the pass element off. The pass element turn on again after the junction temperature cools by 30°C.For continue operation, do not exceed absolute maximum operation junction temperature 125°C. The power dissipation definition in device is :P D = (V IN −V OUT ) x I OUT + V IN x I QThe maximum power dissipation depends on the thermal resistance of IC package, PCB layout, the rate of surroundings airflow and temperature difference between junction to ambient. The maximum power dissipation can be calculated by following formula :P D(MAX) = ( T J(MAX) − T A ) /θJAWhere T J(MAX) is the maximum operation junctiontemperature 125°C, T A is the ambient temperature and the θJA is the junction to ambient thermal resistance.Region of Stable C OUT ESR vs. Load Current0. Current (mA)C O U T E S R (Ω)100101RT9193DS9193-09 March 2007For recommended operating conditions specification of RT9193, where T J(MAX) is the maximum junction temperature of the die (125°C) and T A is the maximum ambient temperature. The junction to ambient thermal resistance (θJA is layout dependent) for SOT-23-5 package is 250°C/W, SC-70-5 package is 333°C/W and WDFN-6L 2x2 package is 165°C/W on standard JEDEC 51-3 thermal test board. The maximum power dissipation at T A = 25°C can be calculated by following formula :P D(MAX) = (125°C −25°C) / 333 = 300mW (SC-70-5)P D(MAX) = (125°C −25°C) / 250 = 400mW (SOT-23-5)P D(MAX) = (125°C −25°C) / 165 = 606mW (WDFN-6L 2x2)The maximum power dissipation depends on operating ambient temperature for fixed T J(MAX) and thermal resistance θJA . For RT9193 packages, the Figure 2 of derating curves allows the designer to see the effect of rising ambient temperature on the maximum power allowed.Figure 2. Derating Curve for Packages0100200300400500600700255075100125150Ambient Temperature (°C)P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (m W )RT9193A1HLSC -70-5 Surface Mount PackageOutline DimensionRT919311DS9193-09 March 2007A1HLSOT-23-5 Surface Mount Package12DS9193-09 March 2007Richtek Technology CorporationHeadquarter5F, No. 20, Taiyuen Street, Chupei City Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: (8863)5526789 Fax: (8863)5526611Richtek Technology CorporationTaipei Office (Marketing)8F, No. 137, Lane 235, Paochiao Road, Hsintien City Taipei County, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: (8862)89191466 Fax: (8862)89191465Email:*********************W-Type 6L DFN 2x2 Package。


No technical content pages of this document may be reproduced in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission of ROHM CO.,LTD. The contents described herein are subject to change without notice. The specifications for the product described in this document are for reference only. Upon actual use, therefore, please request that specifications to be separately delivered. Application circuit diagrams and circuit constants contained herein are shown as examples of standard use and operation. Please pay careful attention to the peripheral conditions when designing circuits and deciding upon circuit constants in the set. Any data, including, but not limited to application circuit diagrams information, described herein are intended only as illustrations of such devices and not as the specifications for such devices. ROHM CO.,LTD. disclaims any warranty that any use of such devices shall be free from infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, and further, assumes no liability of whatsoever nature in the event of any such infringement, or arising from or connected with or related to the use of such devices. Upon the sale of any such devices, other than for buyer's right to use such devices itself, resell or otherwise dispose of the same, no express or implied right or license to practice or commercially exploit any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights owned or controlled by ROHM CO., LTD. is granted to any such buyer. Products listed in this document are no antiradiation design.

ZQ 900-13N商品说明书

ZQ 900-13N商品说明书

DataOrdering dataProduct type description ZQ 900-13N Article number (ordernumber)101184476 EAN (European ArticleNumber)4030661332819 eCl@ss number, Version9.027-37-12-01 CertificationsCertificates TÜV EACGeneral dataProduct name ZQ 900Standards IEC/EN 60947-5-1 EN ISO 13850 IEC/EN 60947-5-5Enclosure material Zinc die-castEnclosure coatingmaterialpaintedMaterial of the contacts,electricalSilverMaterial of the cover Glass-fibre, thermoplasticLength of the wire, maximum 75 mZQ900-13-NRobust designMetal enclosurePosition indicatorRelease push buttonLarge wiring compartmentExternal watertight collar3 cable entries M 20 x 1.5wire pull and breakage detectionTwisting of towing eye not possibleone-side operation / wire up to 75m longGross weight1,276 gGeneral data - FeaturesEmergency-Stop button YesIndicator lamp YesNumber of auxiliary1contactsNumber of safety3contactsSafety appraisalStandards ISO 13849-1Mission Time20 Year(s)Safety appraisal - Safety outputsB10d Normally-closed100,000 Operationscontact (NC)Mechanical dataMechanical life, minimum1,000,000 OperationsMechanical data - Connection techniqueTerminal Connector Screw connectionCable section, minimum0.75 mm²Cable section, maximum 2.5 mm²Note (Cable section)All indications about the cable section are including the conductor ferrules. Mechanical data - DimensionsHeight of the Sensor,220.3 mmminimumHeight of the Sensor,236.3 mmmaximumLength of sensor97.2 mmWidth of sensor71.5 mmAmbient conditionsProtection class IP 65 to IEC/EN 60529Ambient temperature,-25 °CminimumAmbient temperature,+70 °CmaximumRelative humidity,95 %maximumAmbient conditions - Insulation valueRated impulse withstandvoltage6 kVElectrical dataThermal test current 6 AUtilisation category AC-15230 VACUtilisation category AC-154 AUtilisation category DC-1324 VDCUtilisation category DC-131 ASwitching element NO contact, NC contact Switching principle Snap switch element NotesNote (General)For lengths of over 10 m, intermediate wire supports must be installed every 3 to 5 m.Recommended cable lengths for pull-wire Emergency-Stop switches in relation to the range of ambient temperature.As the thimbles are subject to deformation in case of wire pull, the wire should be pulled several times after fitting. After that, the wire must be re-tensioned using the eyebolt or the tensioner.The screwed G24-M20 indicator lamp must be ordered separately, see accessories.Ordering codeProduct type description:ZQ 900-(1)(2)(1)11 1 NO contacts/1 NC contact13 1 NO contacts/3 NC contact22 2 NO contacts/2 NC contact02 2 NC contact04 4 NC contact(2)without without emergency-stop button N with emergency-stop buttonPicturesProduct picture (catalogue individual photo)ID: kzq90f08| 137,1 kB | .jpg | 27.093 x 58.928 mm - 320 x 696Pixel - 300 dpi| 81,0 kB | .png | 74.083 x 161.219 mm - 210 x 457Pixel - 72 dpi| 14,6 kB | .jpg | 86.783 x 188.736 mm - 246 x 535Pixel - 72 dpi| 1,0 MB | .jpg | 352.778 x 767.997 mm - 1000 x 2177Pixel - 72 dpi| 132,6 kB | .png | 22.945 x 50.038 mm - 271 x 591Pixel - 300 dpiDimensional drawing basic componentID: 1zq-9g03| 12,7 kB | .png | 74.083 x 51.506 mm - 210 x 146Pixel - 72 dpi| 145,7 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 245.181 mm - 1000 x 695Pixel - 72 dpi| 64,6 kB | .cdr || 32,0 kB | .jpg | 112.889 x 78.317 mm - 320 x 222Pixel - 72 dpiDiagramID: ktf--k17| 18,2 kB | .cdr || 32,7 kB | .jpg | 112.889 x 78.669 mm - 320 x 223Pixel - 72 dpiCharacteristic curveID: kzq90d02| 49,0 kB | .jpg | 112.889 x 82.55 mm - 320 x 234 Pixel- 72 dpi| 8,9 kB | .png | 74.083 x 53.975 mm - 210 x 153 Pixel- 72 dpi| 37,5 kB | .cdr |Operating principleID: kzq90a11| 191,8 kB | .cdr |Operating principleID: kzq90a13| 72,1 kB | .cdr |Operating principleID: kzq90a03| 28,7 kB | .cdr |K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG, Möddinghofe 3, D-42279 WuppertalThe details and data referred to have been carefully checked. Images may diverge from original. Further technical data can be found in the manual. Technical amendments and errors possible.Generated on 08.07.2020 17:38:59。



LM99±1˚C Accurate,High Temperature,Remote Diode Temperature Sensor with Two-Wire InterfaceGeneral DescriptionThe LM99is an 11-bit remote diode temperature sensor with a 2-wire System Management Bus (SMBus)serial interface.The LM99accurately measures:(1)its own temperature and (2)the temperature of a remote diode-connected transistor such as the 2N3904or a thermal diode commonly found on Graphics Processor Units (GPU),Computer Processor Units (CPU or other ASICs.The LM99remote diode temperature sensor shifts the temperature from the remote sensor down 16˚C and operates on that shifted temperature:T ACTUAL DIODE JUNCTION =T LM99+16˚C The local temperature reading requires no offset.The LM99has an Offset Register which provides a means for precise matching to various thermal diodes.Contact hardware.monitor @ for the latest details.The LM99and LM99-1have the same functions but different SMBus slave addresses.This allows for one of each to be on the same bus at the same time.Activation of the ALERT output occurs when any tempera-ture goes outside a preprogrammed window set by the HIGH and LOW temperature limit registers or exceeds the T_CRIT temperature limit.Activation of the T_CRIT_A occurs when any temperature exceeds the T_CRIT programmed limit.Featuresn Accurately senses the temperature of remote diodes n Offset register allows use of a variety of thermal diodesn On-board local temperature sensingn 10bit plus sign remote diode temperature data format,0.125˚C resolutionn T_CRIT_A output useful for system shutdown n ALERT output supports SMBus 2.0protocoln SMBus 2.0compatible interface,supports TIMEOUT n 8-pin MSOP packageKey Specificationsj Supply Voltage 3.0V to 3.6V j Supply Current0.8mA (typ)j Local Temp Accuracy (includes quantization error)T A =25˚C to 125˚C±3.0˚C (max)j Remote Diode Temp Accuracy (includes quantizationerror)T A =30˚C to 50˚C,T D =120˚C to 140˚C ±1.0˚C (max)T A =0˚C to 85˚C,T D =25˚C to 140˚C±3.0˚C (max)Applicationsn Graphics Processor Thermal Management n Computer Processor Thermal Management n Electronic Test Equipment nOffice ElectronicsSimplified Block Diagram20053801NVIDIA ®is a registered trademark of NVIDIA Corporation.GeForce ™is a trademark of NVIDIA Corporation.Intel ®and Pentium ®are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.July 2003LM99±1˚C Accurate,High Temperature,Remote Diode Temperature Sensor with Two-Wire Interface©2003National Semiconductor Corporation Connection DiagramMSOP-820053802TOP VIEWOrdering InformationPart Number Package Marking NS Package Number Transport Media LM99CIMM T17C MUA08A (MSOP-8)1000Units on Tape and Reel LM99-1CIMM T20C MUA08A (MSOP-8)1000Units on Tape and Reel LM99CIMMX T17C MUA08A (MSOP-8)3500Units on Tape and Reel LM99-1CIMMXT20CMUA08A (MSOP-8)3500Units on Tape and ReelPin DescriptionsLabelPin #FunctionTypical ConnectionV DD1Positive Supply Voltage InputDC Voltage from 3.0V to 3.6V.V DD should be bypassed with a 0.1µF capacitor in parallel with 100pF to ground.The 100pF capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the power supply pin.A bulk capacitance of approximately 10µF needs to be in the vicinity of the LM99V DD .D+2Diode Current SourceTo Diode Anode.Connected to the collector and base of the remote discrete diode-connected transistor.Connect a 2.2nF capacitor between pins 2and 3.D−3Diode Return Current Sink To Diode Cathode.Connects to the emitter of the remote diode-connected transistor.Connect a 2.2nF capacitor between pins 2and 3.T_CRIT_A 4T_CRIT Alarm Output,Open-Drain,Active-Low Pull-Up Resistor,Controller Interrupt or Power Supply Shutdown Control GND 5Power Supply Ground GroundALERT 6Interrupt Output,Open-Drain,Active-LowPull-Up Resistor,Controller Interrupt or Alert Line SMBData 7SMBus Bi-Directional Data Line,Open-Drain Output From and to Controller,Pull-Up Resistor SMBCLK8SMBus InputFrom Controller,Pull-Up ResistorL M 99 2LM99 Typical Application3Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 1)Supply Voltage−0.3V to 6.0V Voltage at SMBData,SMBCLK,ALERT,T_CRIT_A −0.5V to 6.0V Voltage at Other Pins −0.3V to (V DD +0.3V)D−Input Current±1mA Input Current at All Other Pins (Note 2)±5mAPackage Input Current (Note 2)30mASMBData,ALERT,T_CRIT_A Output Sink Current 10mA Storage Temperature−65˚C to +150˚CSoldering Information,Lead TemperatureMSOP-8Packages (Note 3)Vapor Phase (60seconds)215˚C Infrared (15seconds)220˚CESD Susceptibility (Note 4)Human Body Model 2000V Machine Model200V Operating Ratings(Notes 1,5)Operating Temperature Range 0˚C to +125˚C Electrical Characteristics Temperature Range T MIN ≤T A ≤T MAX LM990˚C ≤T A ≤+85˚C Supply Voltage Range (V DD )+3.0V to +3.6VTemperature-to-Digital Converter CharacteristicsUnless otherwise noted,these specifications apply for V DD =+3.0Vdc to +3.6Vdc.Boldface limits apply for T A =T J =T MIN ≤T A ≤T MAX ;all other limits T A =T J =+25˚C,unless otherwise noted.ParameterConditionsTypical Limits Units (Note 6)(Note 7)(Limit)Temperature Error Using Local Diode T A =+25˚C to +125˚C,(Note 8)±1±3˚C (max)Temperature Error Using Remote Diode Connected Transistor (T D is the Remote Diode Junction Temperature)T D =T LM99+16˚C T A =+30˚C to +50˚C and T D =+120˚C to +140˚C±1˚C (max)T A =+0˚C to +85˚C and T D =+25˚C to +140˚C±3˚C (max)Remote Diode Measurement Resolution 11Bits 0.125˚C Local Diode Measurement Resolution 8Bits 1˚C Conversion Time of All Temperatures at the Fastest Setting(Note 10)31.2534.4ms (max)Quiescent Current (Note 9)SMBus Inactive,16Hz conversion rate 0.8 1.7mA (max)Shutdown315µA D−Source Voltage 0.7V Diode Source Current(V D+−V D−)=+0.65V;high level 160315µA (max)110µA (min)Low level1320µA (max)7µA (min)ALERT and T_CRIT_A Output Saturation VoltageI OUT =6.0mA0.4V (max)Power-On-Reset (POR)ThresholdMeasure on V DD input,falling edge2.41.8V (max)V (min)Local and Remote HIGH Default Temperature settings(Note 11)Add 16˚C for true Remote Temperature.+70˚C Local and Remote LOW Default Temperature settings(Note 11)Add 16˚C for true Remote Temperature.0˚C Local T_CRIT Default Temperature Setting (Note 11)+85˚C Remote T_CRIT Default Temperature Setting(Note 11)Add 16˚C for 126˚C true Remote T_CRIT Setting+110˚CL M 99 4Logic Electrical CharacteristicsDIGITAL DC CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise noted,these specifications apply for V DD=+3.0to3.6Vdc.Boldface limits apply for T A=T J=T MIN to T MAX;all other limits T A=T J=+25˚C,unless otherwise noted.Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical Limits Units(Note6)(Note7)(Limit) SMBData,SMBCLK INPUTSV IN(1)Logical“1”Input Voltage 2.1V(min) V IN(0)Logical“0”Input Voltage0.8V(max) V IN(HYST)SMBData and SMBCLK DigitalInput Hysteresis400mVI IN(1)Logical“1”Input Current V IN=V DD0.005±10µA(max) I IN(0)Logical“0”Input Current V IN=0V−0.005±10µA(max) C IN Input Capacitance5pF ALL DIGITAL OUTPUTSI OH High Level Output Current V OH=V DD10µA(max)V OL SMBus Low Level Output Voltage I OL=4mAI OL=6mA 0.40.6V(max)SMBus Digital Switching CharacteristicsUnless otherwise noted,these specifications apply for V DD=+3.0Vdc to+3.6Vdc,C L(load capacitance)on output lines=80 pF.Boldface limits apply for T A=T J=T MIN to T MAX;all other limits T A=T J=+25˚C,unless otherwise noted.The switch-ing characteristics of the LM99fully meet or exceed the published specifications of the SMBus version2.0.The following pa-rameters are the timing relationships between SMBCLK and SMBData signals related to the LM99.They adhere to but are not necessarily the SMBus bus specifications.Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical Limits Units(Note6)(Note7)(Limit)f SMB SMBus Clock Frequency10010kHz(max) kHz(min)t LOW SMBus Clock Low Time from V IN(0)max toV IN(0)max 4.725µs(min)ms(max)t HIGH SMBus Clock High Time from V IN(1)min to V IN(1)min 4.0µs(min) t R,SMB SMBus Rise Time(Note12)1µs(max) t F,SMB SMBus Fall Time(Note13)0.3µs(max) t OF Output Fall Time C L=400pF,I O=3mA,(Note13)250ns(max)t TIMEOUT SMBData and SMBCLK Time Low for Reset of Serial Interface(Note14)2535ms(min)ms(max)t SU;DAT Data In Setup Time to SMBCLK High250ns(min)t HD;DAT Data Out Stable after SMBCLK Low300900ns(min) ns(max)t HD;STA Start Condition SMBData Low to SMBCLKLow(Start condition hold before the firstclock falling edge)100ns(min)t SU;STO Stop Condition SMBCLK High to SMBDataLow(Stop Condition Setup)100ns(min)t SU;STA SMBus Repeated Start-Condition SetupTime,SMBCLK High to SMBData Low0.6µs(min)t BUF SMBus Free Time Between Stop and Start Conditions1.3µs(min)LM995SMBus Communication20053840Note 1:Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.DC and AC electrical specifications do not apply when operating the device beyond its rated operating conditions.Note 2:When the input voltage (V I )at any pin exceeds the power supplies (V I <GND or V I >V DD ),the current at that pin should be limited to 5mA.Parasitic components and or ESD protection circuitry are shown in the figure below for the LM99’s pins.The nominal breakdown voltage of D3is 6.5V.Care should be taken not to forward bias the parasitic diode,D1,present on pins:D+,D−.Doing so by more than 50mV may corrupt a temperature measurement.Pin Name PIN #D1D2D3D4D5D6D7R1SNP ESD CLAMPV DD 1x D+2x x xx x x D−3xxx xx xT_CRIT_A 4x x x ALERT 6x x x SMBData 7xxx SMBCLK8xNote:An “x”indicates that the diode exists.Note 3:See the URL ”/packaging/“for other recommendations and methods of soldering surface mount devices.Note 4:Human body model,100pF discharged through a 1.5k Ωresistor.Machine model,200pF discharged directly into each pin.Note 5:Thermal resistance junction-to-ambient when attached to a printed circuit board with 2oz.foil:–MSOP-8=210˚C/WNote 6:Typicals are at T A =25˚C and represent most likely parametric norm.Note 7:Limits are guaranteed to National’s AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level).Note 8:Local temperature accuracy does not include the effects of self-heating.The rise in temperature due to self-heating is the product of the internal power dissipation of the LM99and the thermal resistance.See (Note 5)for the thermal resistance to be used in the self-heating calculation.Note 9:Quiescent current will not increase substantially with an SMBus.Note 10:This specification is provided only to indicate how often temperature data is updated.The LM99can be read at any time without regard to conversion state (and will yield last conversion result).Note 11:Default values set at power up.Note 12:The output rise time is measured from (V IN(0)max +0.15V)to (V IN(1)min −0.15V).Note 13:The output fall time is measured from (V IN(1)min -0.15V)to (V IN(1)min +0.15V).Note 14:Holding the SMBData and/or SMBCLK lines Low for a time interval greater than t TIMEOUT will reset the LM99’s SMBus state machine,therefore setting SMBData and SMBCLK pins to a high impedance state.20053813FIGURE 1.ESD Protection Input StructureL M 99 61.0Functional DescriptionThe LM99temperature sensor incorporates a delta V BE based temperature sensor using a Local or Remote diode and a10-bit plus sign∆ΣADC(Delta-Sigma Analog-to-Digital Converter).The LM99is compatible with the serial SMBus version2.0two-wire interface.Digital comparators compare the measured Local Temperature(LT)to the Local High(LHS),Local Low(LLS)and Local T_CRIT(LCS)user-programmable temperature limit registers.The measured Remote Temperature(RT)is digitally compared to the Re-mote High(RHS),Remote Low(RLS)and Remote T_CRIT (RCS)user-programmable temperature limit registers.Acti-vation of the ALERT output indicates that a comparison is greater than the limit preset in a T_CRIT or HIGH limit register or less than the limit preset in a LOW limit register. The T_CRIT_A output responds as a true comparator with built in hysteresis.The hysteresis is set by the value placed in the Hysteresis register(TH).Activation of T_CRIT_A oc-curs when the temperature is above the T_CRIT setpoint. T_CRIT_A remains activated until the temperature goes be-low the setpoint calculated by T_CRIT−TH.The hysteresis register impacts both the remote temperature and local tem-perature readings.The LM99may be placed in a low power consumption (Shutdown)mode by setting the RUN/STOP bit found in the Configuration register.In the Shutdown mode,the LM99’s SMBus interface remains while all circuitry not required is turned off.The Local temperature reading and setpoint data registers are8-bits wide.The format of the11-bit remote temperature data is a16-bit left justified word.Two8-bit registers,high and low bytes,are provided for each setpoint as well as the temperature reading.Two offset registers(RTOLB and RTOHB)can be used to compensate for non–ideality error, discussed further in Section 4.1DIODE NON-IDEALITY. The remote temperature reading reported is adjusted by subtracting from,or adding to,the actual temperature read-ing the value placed in the offset register.1.1CONVERSION SEQUENCEThe LM99takes approximately31.25ms to convert the Local Temperature(LT),Remote Temperature(RT),and to update all of its registers.Only during the conversion pro-cess the busy bit(D7)in the Status register(02h)is high. These conversions are addressed in a round–robin se-quence.The conversion rate may be modified by the Con-version Rate Register(04h).When the conversion rate is modified a delay is inserted between conversions;however, the actual conversion time remains at31.25ms.Different conversion rates will cause the LM99to draw different amounts of supply current as shown in Figure2.1.2THE ALERT OUTPUTThe LM99’s ALERT pin is an active-low open-drain outputthat is triggered by a temperature conversion that is outsidethe limits defined by the temperature setpoint registers.Re-set of the ALERT output is dependent upon the selectedmethod of use.The LM99’s ALERT pin is versatile and willaccommodate three different methods of use to best servethe system designer:as a temperature comparator,as atemperature–based interrupt flag,and as part of an SMBusALERT system.The three methods of use are further de-scribed below.The ALERT and interrupt methods are differ-ent only in how the user interacts with the LM99.Each temperature reading(LT and RT)is associated with aT_CRIT setpoint register(LCS,RCS),a HIGH setpoint reg-ister(LHS and RHS)and a LOW setpoint register(LLS andRLS).At the end of every temperature reading,a digitalcomparison determines whether that reading is above itsHIGH or T_CRIT setpoint or below its LOW setpoint.If so,the corresponding bit in the STATUS REGISTER is set.If theALERT mask bit is not high,any bit set in the STATUSREGISTER,with the exception of Busy(D7)and OPEN(D2),will cause the ALERT output to be pulled low.Anytemperature conversion that is out of the limits defined by thetemperature setpoint registers will trigger an ALERT.Addi-tionally,the ALERT mask bit in the Configuration registermust be cleared to trigger an ALERT in all modes.1.2.1ALERT Output as a Temperature ComparatorWhen the LM99is implemented in a system in which it is notserviced by an interrupt routine,the ALERT output could beused as a temperature comparator.Under this method ofuse,once the condition that triggered the ALERT to go low isno longer present,the ALERT is de-asserted(Figure3).Forexample,if the ALERT output was activated by the compari-son of LT>LHS,when this condition is no longer true theALERT will return HIGH.This mode allows operation withoutsoftware intervention,once all registers are configured dur-ing set-up.In order for the ALERT to be used as a tempera-ture comparator,bit D0(the ALERT configure bit)in theFILTER and ALERT CONFIGURE REGISTER(xBF)mustbe set high.This is not the power on default default state.20053839FIGURE2.Conversion Rate Effect on Power SupplyCurrentLM9971.0Functional Description(Continued)1.2.2ALERT Output as an InterruptThe LM99’s ALERT output can be implemented as a simple interrupt signal when it is used to trigger an interrupt service routine.In such systems it is undesirable for the interrupt flag to repeatedly trigger during or before the interrupt service routine has been completed.Under this method of operation,during a read of the STATUS REGISTER the LM99will set the ALERT mask bit (D7of the Configuration register)if any bit in the STATUS REGISTER is set,with the exception of Busy (D7)and OPEN (D2).This prevents further ALERT triggering until the master has reset the ALERT mask bit,at the end of the interrupt service routine.The STATUS REG-ISTER bits are cleared only upon a read command from the master (see Figure 4)and will be re-asserted at the end of the next conversion if the triggering condition(s)persist(s).In order for the ALERT to be used as a dedicated interrupt signal,bit D0(the ALERT configure bit)in the FILTER and ALERT CONFIGURE REGISTER (xBF)must be set low.This is the power–on default state.The following sequence describes the response of a system that uses the ALERT output pin as a interrupt flag:1.Master Senses ALERT low2.Master reads the LM99STATUS REGISTER to deter-mine what caused the ALERT3.LM99clears STATUS REGISTER,resets the ALERTHIGH and sets the ALERT mask bit (D7in the Configu-ration register).4.Master attends to conditions that caused the ALERT tobe triggered.The fan is started,setpoint limits are ad-justed,etc.5.Master resets the ALERT mask (D7in the Configurationregister).1.2.3ALERT Output as an SMBus ALERTWhen the ALERT output is connected to one or more ALERT outputs of other SMBus compatible devices and to a master,an SMBus alert line is created.Under this implementation,the LM99’s ALERT should be operated using the ARA (Alert Response Address)protocol.The SMBus 2.0ARA protocol,defined in the SMBus specification 2.0,is a procedure de-signed to assist the master in resolving which part generated an interrupt and service that interrupt while impeding system operation as little as possible.The SMBus alert line is connected to the open-drain ports of all devices on the bus thereby AND’ing them together.The ARA is a method by which with one command the SMBus master may identify which part is pulling the SMBus alert line LOW and prevent it from pulling it LOW again for the same triggering condition.When an ARA command is received by all devices on the bus,the devices pulling the SMBus alert line LOW,first,send their address to the master and second,release the SMBus alert line after recognizing a successful transmission of their address.The SMBus 1.1and 2.0specification state that in response to an ARA (Alert Response Address)“after acknowledging the slave address the device must disengage its SMBALERT pulldown”.Furthermore,“if the host still sees SMBALERT low when the message transfer is complete,it knows to read the ARA again”.This SMBus “disengaging of SMBALERT”requirement prevents locking up the SMBus alert -petitive parts may address this “disengaging of SMBALERT”requirement differently than the LM99or not at all.SMBus systems that implement the ARA protocol as suggested for the LM99will be fully compatible with all competitive parts.The LM99fulfills “disengaging of SMBALERT”by setting the ALERT mask bit (bit D7in the Configuration register,at address 09h)after successfully sending out its address in response to an ARA and releasing the ALERT output pin.Once the ALERT mask bit is activated,the ALERT output pin will be disabled until enabled by software.In order to enable the ALERT the master must read the STATUS REGISTER,at address 02h,during the interrupt service routine and then reset the ALERT mask bit in the Configuration register to 0at the end of the interrupt service routine.The following sequence describes the ARA response proto-col.20053831FIGURE 3.ALERT Comparator Temperature ResponseDiagram 20053828FIGURE 4.ALERT Output as an Interrupt TemperatureResponse Diagram L M 99 81.0Functional Description(Continued)1.Master Senses SMBus alert line low2.Master sends a START followed by the Alert ResponseAddress(ARA)with a Read Command.3.Alerting Device(s)send ACK.4.Alerting Device(s)send their Address.While transmittingtheir address,alerting devices sense whether their ad-dress has been transmitted correctly.(The LM99will reset its ALERT output and set the ALERT mask bit once its complete address has been transmitted successfully.)5.Master/slave NoACK6.Master sends STOP7.Master attends to conditions that caused the ALERT tobe triggered.The STATUS REGISTER is read and fan started,setpoint limits adjusted,etc.8.Master resets the ALERT mask(D7in the Configurationregister).The ARA,0001100,is a general call address.No device should ever be assigned this address.Bit D0(the ALERT configure bit)in the FILTER and ALERT CONFIGURE REGISTER(xBF)must be set low in order for the LM99to respond to the ARA command.The ALERT output can be disabled by setting the ALERT mask bit,D7,of the Configuration register.The power on default is to have the ALERT mask bit and the ALERT configure bit low.1.3T_CRIT_A OUTPUT and T_CRIT LIMITT_CRIT_A is activated when any temperature reading is greater than the limit preset in the critical temperature set-point register(T_CRIT),as shown in Figure6.The Status Register can be read to determine which event caused the alarm.A bit in the Status Register is set high to indicate which temperature reading exceeded the T_CRIT setpoint temperature and caused the alarm,see Section2.3.Local and remote temperature diodes are sampled in se-quence by the A/D converter.The T_CRIT_A output and the Status Register flags are updated after every Local and Remote temperature conversion.T_CRIT_A follows the state of the comparison,it is reset when the temperature falls below the setpoint RCS-TH.The Status Register flags are reset only after the Status Register is read and if a tempera-ture conversion(s)is/are below the T_CRIT setpoint,as shown in Figure6.1.4POWER ON RESET DEFAULT STATESLM99always powers up to these known default states.The LM99remains in these states until after the first conversion.mand Register set to00h2.Local Temperature set to0˚C3.Remote Diode Temperature set to0˚C until the end ofthe first conversion.4.Status Register set to00h.5.Configuration register set to00h;ALERT enabled,Re-mote T_CRIT alarm enabled and Local T_CRIT alarm enabled6.85˚C Local T_CRIT temperature setpoint7.110˚C Remote T_CRIT temperature setpoint(126˚C Re-mote diode junction temperature)8.70˚C Local and Remote HIGH temperature setpoints9.0˚C Local and Remote LOW temperature setpoints10.Filter and Alert Configure Register set to00h;filter dis-abled,ALERT output set as an SMBus ALERT11.Conversion Rate Register set to8h;conversion rate setto16conv./sec.1.5SMBus INTERFACEThe LM99operates as a slave on the SMBus,so the SMBCLK line is an input and the SMBData line is bi-directional.The LM99never drives the SMBCLK line and it does not support clock stretching.According to SMBus specifications,the LM99has a7-bit slave address.All bits A6 through A0are internally programmed and can not be changed by software or hardware.The LM99and LM99-1 have the following slave addresses:Version A6A5A4A3A2A1A0LM991001100LM99-110011011.6TEMPERATURE DATA FORMATTemperature data can only be read from the Local and Remote Temperature registers;the setpoint registers (T_CRIT,LOW,HIGH)are read/write.20053829 FIGURE5.ALERT Output as an SMBus ALERT Temperature Response Diagram20053806 FIGURE6.T_CRIT_A Temperature Response DiagramLM9991.0Functional Description(Continued)Remote temperature data is represented by an 11-bit,two’s complement word with an LSB (Least Significant Bit)equalto 0.125˚C.The data format is a left justified 16-bit word available in two 8-bit registers:Actual vs.LM99Remote Temperature ConversionActual Remote Diode Temperature,˚CLM99Remote Diode Temperature Register,˚CBinary Results in LM99Remote Temperature RegisterHex Remote Temperature Register120+10401101000000000006800h 125+10901101101000000006D00h 126+11001101110000000007100h 130+11401110010001000007200h 135+11901110111000000007700h 140+12401111100000000007200hOutput is 11-bit two’s complement word.LSB =0.125˚C.Actual vs.Remote T_Crit SetpointActual Remote Diode T_Crit Setpoint,˚CFactory-Programmed Remote T_CRIT HighSetpoint,˚CBinary Remote T_CRIT HighSetpoint ValueHex Remote T_CRIT High Setpoint Value126+1100110111071hLocal Temperature data is represented by an 8-bit,two’s complement byte with an LSB (Least Significant Bit)equal to 1˚C:Local Temperature Digital Output Binary Hex +125˚C 011111017Dh +25˚C 0001100119h +1˚C 0000000101h 0˚C 0000000000h −1˚C 11111111FFh −25˚C 11100111E7h −55˚C11001001C9h1.7OPEN-DRAIN OUTPUTSThe SMBData,ALERT and T_CRIT_A outputs are open-drain outputs and do not have internal pull-ups.A “high”level will not be observed on these pins until pull-up current is provided by some external source,typically a pull-up resis-tor.Choice of resistor value depends on many system fac-tors but,in general,the pull-up resistor should be as large as possible.This will minimize any internal temperature reading errors due to internal heating of the LM99.The maximum resistance of the pull-up to provide a 2.1V high level,based on LM99specification for High Level Output Current with the supply voltage at 3.0V,is 82k Ω(5%)or 88.7k Ω(1%).1.8DIODE FAULT DETECTIONThe LM99is equipped with operational circuitry designed to detect fault conditions concerning the remote diode.In the event that the D+pin is detected as shorted to V DD or floating,the Remote Temperature High Byte (RTHB)register is loaded with +127˚C,the Remote Temperature Low Byte (RTLB)register is loaded with 0,and the OPEN bit (D2)in the status register is set.As a result,if the Remote T_CRIT setpoint register (RCS)is set to a value less than +127˚C the ALERT and T_Crit output pins will be pulled low,if the Alert Mask and T_Crit Mask are disabled.If the Remote HIGH Setpoint High Byte Register (RHSHB)is set to a value less than +127˚C then ALERT will be pulled low,if the Alert Mask is disabled.The OPEN bit itself will not trigger and ALERT.In the event that the D+pin is shorted to ground or D−,the Remote Temperature High Byte (RTHB)register is loaded with −128˚C (10000000)and the OPEN bit (D2)in the status register will not be set.Since operating the LM99at −128˚C is beyond it’s operational limits,this temperature reading represents this shorted fault condition.If the value in the Remote Low Setpoint High Byte Register (RLSHB)is more than −128˚C and the Alert Mask is disabled,ALERT will be pulled low.Remote diode temperature sensors that have been previ-ously released and are competitive with the LM99output a code of 0˚C if the external diode is short-circuited.This change is an improvement that allows a reading of 0˚C to be truly interpreted as a genuine 0˚C reading and not a fault condition.L M 99 10。



商品编码商品型号AA00R000L KF-120QW/L室内机总成AA00S000L KF-120QW/L室外机总成AA00T000L KF-120QW/L套机AA011000K KF-125EW/D(H)室内机总成AA0120006KFR-32GW/01JNC13T套机(普投)AA012000K KF-125EW/D(H)室外机总成AA012000W KFR-26GW/01LAC13套机AA012000X KFRd-35GW/02NRA-S2(家电下乡)套机AA0120U0J KFR-35G/LAF13室内机非演示壳体总成AA0120U0L KFRd-35G/RA(F)-S1(SQD)内机壳体总成(非演示) AA0120U10NRA-S2分体装饰面板AA0121000KFRd-26GW/02SC-S2套机(家电下乡SC)AA0121006KFR-35GW/01JNC13T套机(普投)AA012100L KFR-23GW/01CAF12套机AA012100W KFR-35GW/01LAC13套机AA012100X KFRd-35G/NRA-S2(家电下乡)室内机总成AA0122000KFRd-26G/SC-S2室内机总成(家电下乡SC)AA012200W KFR-33GW/01LAC13套机AA012200X KFRd-26GW/02NRA-S2(家电下乡)套机AA0122U0J KFR-35G/JNF12T室内机演示壳体总成AA0123000KFRd-33GW/02SC-S2套机(家电下乡SC)AA012300L KFR-33GW/01CAF12套机AA0123010KFR-35G/LAC13室内机总成AA0124000KFRd-33G/SC-S2室内机总成(家电下乡SC)AA0124U0J KFR-35G/JEC13室内机非演示壳体总成AA0125000KFRd-35GW/02SC-S2套机(家电下乡SC)AA0126000KFRd-35G/SC-S2室内机总成(家电下乡SC)AA012600X KFRd-33GW/02NRA-S2(家电下乡)套机AA0126U0J KFR-35G/JNF12T室内机演示壳体总成-1AA0127000KFRd-23GW/02JC(F)-S1(YH)套机AA0127U0J KFR-35G/JEC13室内机非演示壳体总成-1AA0128000KFRd-23G/JC(F)-S1(YH)室内机总成AA012800X KFRd-35G/ZRA-S2(家电下乡)室内机总成AA0128U0J JEC13分体装饰面板AA0129000KFRd-26GW/02JC(F)-S1(YH)套机AA012900X KFRd-35G/ZRA-S2(白色)(家电下乡)室内机总成AA012A000KFRd-26G/JC(F)-S1(YH)室内机总成AA012B000KFRd-33GW/02JC(F)-S1(YH)套机AA012B00X KFR-26GW/01LAC13套机AA012C000KFRd-33G/JC(F)-S1(YH)室内机总成AA012C00X KFR-33GW/01LAC13套机AA012D000KFRd-35GW/02JC(F)-S1(YH)套机AA012D00X KFR-35GW/01LAC13套机AA012E000KFRd-35G/JC(F)-S1(YH)室内机总成AA012F00X KFR-26G/LAC13室内机总成AA012FU00KFRd-35G/JC(F)-S1(YH)室内机非演示壳体总成AA012G000KFR-23GW/01JCF12套机AA012G00X KFR-33G/LAC13室内机总成AA012G011KFR-26GW/01JCF12(YH)套机AA012H000KFR-23G/JCF12室内机总成AA012H00X KFR-35G/LAC13室内机总成AA012J000KFR-26GW/01JCF12套机AA012J011KFR-33GW/01JCF12(YH)套机AA012K000KFR-26G/JCF12室内机总成AA012L000KFR-33GW/01JCF12套机AA012L011KFR-35GW/01JCF12(YH)套机AA012M000KFR-33G/JCF12室内机总成AA012N000KFR-35GW/01JCF12套机AA012N011KFR-23GW/01JCF12(YH)套机AA012P000KFR-35G/JCF12室内机总成AA012Q000KFR-35G/JCF12(YH)室内机非演示壳体总成AA012Q011KFR-23GW/01JNF12T套机AA012S00X KFR-23GW/01JEC13套机AA012S011KFR-26GW/01JNF12T套机AA012U00X KFR-26GW/01JEC13套机AA012U011KFR-33GW/01JNF12T套机AA012W00X KFR-33GW/01JEC13套机AA012W011KFR-35GW/01JNF12T套机AA012X00X KFR-33G/JEC13室内机总成AA012Y00X KFR-35GW/01JEC13套机AA012Y011KFR-26G/01JNC13T套机(普投)AA012Z00X KFR-35G/JEC13室内机总成AA013000K KF-125EW/D(H)套机AA02B0000KF-21GW(G)AA02C0000KF-21GW(W)(铁壳调整安装支架)AA02M0000KF-22GW(W)(迷你星调整安装支架)AA02N0000KF-22GW/(F)(G)AA0300000KF-22GW/E(F)室内机总成AA0310000KF-22GW/E(F)室外机总成AA0320000KF-22GW/E(F)套机AA0370000KF-23GW/(F)(G)AA0380000KF-23GW/(F)(W)AA03K0000KF-23GW/B(G)AA03L0000KF-23GW/B(W)AA04F2000KF-23GW/E2-S5室内机总成AA04F6000KF-23GW/E(G)室内机总成AA04G2000KF-23GW/E2-S5室外机总成AA04G5000KF-23W/03-S5室外机总成AA04H2000KF-23GW/E2-S5套机AA04H3000KF-23GW/E3-S5(ZMD)套机AA04H6000KF-23GW/03GCE-S5套机AA04HB000KF-23GW/03E-S3套机AA04HC000KF-23GW/03E-S3套机(家电下乡E)AA04M0000KF-23GW/HB(F)(G)AA04N0000KF-23GW/HB(F)(W)AA04T0000KF-23GW/Z(G)AA04T1000KF-23GW/Z(氧吧换新风)(G)AA04T2000KF-23GW/Z2(GC)室内机总成AA04T3000KF-23GW/Z8(ZMD)室内机总成AA04U0000KF-23GW/Z(W)AA04U1000KF-23GW/Z(氧吧换新风)(W)AA04U2000KF-23GW/Z2(GC)室外机总成AA04U3000KF-23GW/Z8(ZMD)室外机总成AA04V2000KF-23GW/Z2(GC)套机AA04V3000KF-23GW/Z8(ZMD)套机AA05H0000KF-25GW/A(F)(G)AA05J0000KF-25GW/A(F)(W)AA0640000KF-25GW/H(F)室内机总成AA0650000KF-25GW/H(F)(W)AA0670000KF-25GW/HB(F)(G)AA0680000KF-25GW/HB(F)室外机总成(LG164HAA压机) AA0732000KF-25GW/Z2(GC)室内机总成AA0733000KF-25GW/Z8(ZMD)室内机总成AA0742000KF-25GW/Z2(GC)室外机总成AA0743000KF-25GW/Z8(ZMD)室外机总成AA0752000KF-25GW/Z2(GC)套机AA0753000KF-25GW/Z8(ZMD)套机AA08A0000KF-26GW/F(G)AA08B0000KF-26GW/F(W)AA08W0000KF-26GW/N(F)(G)AA08X0000KF-26GW/N(F)(W)AA0931000KF-27GW/E2-S5套机AA0932000KF-27GW/E3-S5(ZMD)套机AA0941000KF-27GW/E2-S5室内机总成AA0942000KF-27GW/E3-S5(ZMD)室内机总成AA0951000KF-27GW/E2-S5室外机总成AA0952000KF-27GW/E3-S5(ZMD)室外机总成AA0A60000KF-33GW/(F)(G)AA0A70000KF-33GW/(F)(W)AA0B22000KF-33GW/E2-S5室内机总成AA0B24000KF-33G/E-S5室内机总成AA0B32000KF-33GW/E2-S5室外机总成AA0B34000KF-33W/03-S5室外机总成AA0B42000KF-33GW/E2-S5套机AA0B44000KF-33GW/03GCE-S5套机AA0CL0000KF-35GW/A(F)(W)AA0CX0000KF-35GW/D(G)AA0D01000KF-35GW/E2-S5套机AA0D02000KF-35GW/E3-S5(ZMD)套机AA0D05000KF-35GW/03GCE-S5套机AA0D08000KF-35GW/03CE-S5套机AA0D0A000KF-35GW/03E-S3套机AA0D0B000KF-35GW/03E-S3套机(家电下乡E)AA0D71000KF-35GW/E2-S5室内机总成AA0D72000KF-35GW/E3-S5(ZMD)室内机总成AA0D75000KF-35G/GCE-S5AA0D78000KF-35G/CE-S5室内机总成AA0D81000KF-35GW/E2-S5室外机总成AA0D82000KF-35GW/E3-S5(ZMD)室外机总成AA0D84000KF-35W/03-S5室外机总成AA0D86000KF-35W/03-S3室外机总成(家电下乡E)AA0EJ2000KF-35GW/Z2(GC)室内机总成AA0EJ3000KF-35GW/Z8(ZMD)室内机总成AA0EK2000KF-35GW/Z2(GC)室外机总成AA0EK3000KF-35GW/Z8(ZMD)室外机总成AA0EL2000KF-35GW/Z2(GC)套机AA0EL3000KF-35GW/Z8(ZMD)套机AA0FW0000KF-36GW/JFAA0FZ0000KF-36GW/M(F)室内机总成AA0GD0000KF-36GW/MK(YF)室内机总成AA0GE0000KF-36GW/MK(YF)(W)AA0GG0000KF-36GW/N(F)室内机总成AA0GH0000KF-36GW/N(F)室外机总成AA0HW2000KF-48GW/Z7室内机总成AA0HX2000KF-48GW/Z7室外机总成AA0HY2000KF-48GW/Z7套机AA0L50000KF-68GW/Z套机AA0LB0000KF-70GW/A(F)室内机总成AA0LC0000KF-70GW/A(F)室外机总成(EMC)AA0NF0000KFR-125EW/D(H)室内机(三洋)AA0NF000L KFR-125EW/L(H)室内机总成AA0NG0000KFR-125EW/D(H)室外机(三洋)AA0NG000L KFR-125EW/L(H)室外机总成AA0NH0000KFR-125EW/D(H)套机AA0NH000L KFR-125EW/L(H)套机AA0PX0000KFR-20GW/L(G)AA0PY0000KFR-20GW/L(W)AA0QG0000KFR-22GW/A(G)AA0QH0000KFR-22GW/A(W)(迷你星调整安装支架)AA0RD0000KFR-23GW/B(G)返修机BOMAA0RE0000KFR-23GW/B(W)返修机BOMAA0RN0000KFR-23GW/C室外机总成AA0RP0000KFR-23GW/C室内机总成AA0RV0000KFR-23GW/D室外机总成(瑞智压机)AA0RZ2000KFR-23GW/D1套机AA0S30000KFR-23GW/E(G)AA0S40000KFR-23GW/E(W)AA0SA0000KFR-23GW/HB(F)室内机总成AA0SB0000KFR-23GW/HB(F)室外机总成AA0SK0000KFR-23GW/Z(G)AA0SK2000KFR-23GW/Z6室内机总成(ZMD)AA0SL0000KFR-23GW/Z(W)AA0SL2000KFR-23GW/Z6室外机总成(ZMD)AA0SR2000KFR-23GW/Z6套机(ZMD)AA0SX0000KFR-24GW/S(F)(新小外机)(G)AA0SY0000KFR-24GW/S(F)(新小外机)(W)AA0TA0000KFR-250EW/(H)室内机AA0TB0B02KFR-250EW/(H)新外观室外机(肯德基工程)AA0TC000Q KFR-250EW/(H)套机新外观AA0U10000KFR-25GW/C(F)(G)AA0U20000KFR-25GW/C(F)(W)(铁壳调整安装支架)AA0US0000KFR-25GW/HK(F)室外机总成AA0UW0000KFR-25GW/HK(XF)室内机总成(氧吧聪明风)AA0UX0000KFR-25GW/HK(XF)(氧吧聪明风)(W)(松下2P18S225ANC) AA0VR0000KFR-26GW(G)AA0VT0000KFR-26GW(W)AA0W90000KFR-26GW/BPF(G)AA0WA0000KFR-26GW/(BPF)室外机总成AA0WC0000KFR-26GW/C(BPF)(G)AA0WD0000KFR-26GW/C(BPF)(W)(全塑调整安装支架)AA0WJ0000KFR-26GW/C(F)室内机总成AA0WK0000KFR-26GW/C(F)室外机总成AA0WT0000KFR-26GW/E(BPF)室内机总成AA0WU0000KFR-26GW/E(BPF)室外机总成AA0X00000KFR-26GW/MK(YF)室外机总成AA0X30000KFR-26GW/N(F)(W)AA0XH0000KFR-27GW(W)AA0Y30000KFR-28GW/(DBPJF)(G)AA0YT0000KFR-28GW/BPF(G)AA0YY0000KFR-28GW/C(BPF)(G)AA0Z00000KFR-28GW/C(BPF)(W)(全塑调整安装支架) AA0Z90000KFR-28GW/DBPF(G)AA0ZA0000KFR-28GW/(DBPF)室外机总成AA0ZE0001KFR-28GW/HB(BPF)室内机总成(铁壳外机) AA0ZF0000KFR-28GW/HB(BPF)(W)AA0ZF0001KFR-28GW/HB(BPF)室外机总成(铁壳外机) AA0ZF0V01KFR-28GW/HB(BPF)室外机壳体总成AA0ZG0000KFR-28GW/HB(BPF)套机AA0ZG0001KFR-28GW/HB(BPF)套机(铁壳外机)AA0ZP0000KFR-28GW/M(BPF)(G)AA0ZQ0000KFR-28GW/M(BPF)(W)(全塑调整安装支架) AA10F0000KFR-32GW(G)AA10G0000KFR-32GW(W)AA10Z0000KFR-32GW/A(F)(G)AA1110000KFR-32GW/A(F)(W)AA1160000KFR-32GW/B(F)(G)AA1170000KFR-32GW/B(F)(W)AA11H0000KFR-32GW/C(BPF)(G)AA11J0000KFR-32GW/C(BPF)(W)AA1242000KFR-50GW/03RDC13套机AA1245000KFR-50GW/03RCC13套机AA1246000KFR-50G/RCC13室内机总成AA1247000KFR-50G/RDC13室内机总成AA1270000KFR-32GW/L(G)AA1271000KFR-32GW/L1室内机总成AA1280000KFR-32GW/L(W)(瑞智48R313)AA1281000KFR-32GW/L1室外机总成(LG压机)AA12K0000KFR-32GW/Z内机返修BOMAA12K1000KFR-32GW/Z(氧吧换新风)(G)AA12L0000KFR-32GW/Z(瑞智压机)(W)AA12P0000KFR-33GW(W)(QX-23BO30)AA12Q0000KFR-33GW/(F)(G)(三菱RH231压机)AA12R0000KFR-33GW/(F)(W)AA12W0000KFR-33GW/A(G)AA12X0000KFR-33GW/A(W)AA1320000KFR-33GW/B室内机总成AA1330000KFR-33GW/B室外机总成AA13C0000KFR-33GW/C室外机总成AA13D0000KFR-33GW/C室内机总成AA13K0000KFR-33GW/D(G)AA13K3000KFR-33GW/D2室内机总成AA13L0000KFR-33GW/D(W)AA13L3000KFR-33GW/D2室外机总成AA1470000KFR-33GW/K(F)(W)AA1480000KFR-33GW/K(F)(小外机)(G)AA14W0000KFR-33GW(G)AA1560000KFR-34GW/S(F)(G)AA1570000KFR-34GW/S(F)室外机总成AA1580000KFR-34GW/S(F)(新小外机)(G)AA1590000KFR-34GW/S(F)(新小外机)室外机总成(LG) AA15R2000KFR-35GW/(BP)(遥控)(G)AA15S2000KFR-35GW/(BP)(遥控)(W)AA1690000KFR-35GW/A(BPF)室内机总成AA16P0000KFR-35GW/BPF(G)AA16Q0000KFR-35GW/(BPF)室外机总成AA1750000KFR-35GW/E(BPF)(G)AA1750003KFR-35GW/E(BPF)(G)(三菱SHV130FFDC,EMC) AA1760000KFR-35GW/E(BPF)室外机总成AA1780000KFR-35GW/E(F)(G)AA1790000KFR-35GW/E(F)(W)AA17B0000KFR-35GW/E(F)(小外机)(G)AA17C0000KFR-35GW/E(F)(小外机)(W)AA17E0000KFR-35GW/E(G)AA17F0000KFR-35GW/E(W)AA17K0000KFR-35GW/G(F)(G)AA17Q2000KFR-35GW/H2套机AA1801000KFR-35GW/H室内机总成(单导板聪明风)AA1802000KFR-35GW/H2室内机总成AA1804000KFR-35GW/H3室内机总成AA1811000KFR-35GW/H室外机总成(星光银)AA1812000KFR-35GW/H2室外机总成AA1820000KFR-35GW/HB(BPF)室内机总成AA1820001KFR-35GW/HB(BPF)室内机总成(铁壳外机)AA1830001KFR-35GW/HB(BPF)室外机总成(铁壳外机)AA1840000KFR-35GW/HB(BPF)套机AA1840001KFR-35GW/HB(BPF)套机(铁壳外机)AA1850000KFR-35GW/HB(F)(G)AA1860000KFR-35GW/HB(F)室外机总成(瑞智48R343NM压机) AA18A0000KFR-35GW/HK(BPXF)(变频氧吧聪明风)(G)AA18B0000KFR-35GW/HK(BPXF)(变频氧吧聪明风)(W)AA18E0000KFR-35GW/HK(DBPXF)(G)AA18F0000KFR-35GW/HK(DBPXF)室外机总成AA18G0000KFR-35GW/HK(DBPXF)(数码氧吧聪明风)(G)AA18H0000KFR-35GW/HK(DBPXF)室外机总成(日本东芝压) AA18R0000KFR-35GW/HK(XF)(氧吧聪明风)(G)AA18S0000KFR-35GW/HK(XF)(氧吧聪明风)(W)AA18V0000KFR-35GW/K(BPF)(G)(换电脑板)AA18W0000KFR-35GW/K(BPF)(W)(换电脑板)AA19U0000KFR-35NW/(F)(G)AA1AA0000KFR-36GW/BP(G)AA1AB0000KFR-36GW/F(G)AA1AD0000KFR-36GW(G)AA1AE0000KFR-36GW(W)AA1AF0000KFR-36GW/(BPJF)室内机总成AA1AG0000KFR-36GW/(BPJF)(W)返修BOMAA1BZ0000KFR-36GW/D(BPJF)(W)AA1C50000KFR-36GW/(DBPF)室内机总成AA1CG0000KFR-36GW/F(W)AA1CM0000KFR-36GW/JF(G)AA1CN0000KFR-36GW/JF(W)AA1CP0000KFR-36GW/M(BPF)(G)AA1CQ0000KFR-36GW/M(BPF)(W)(全塑调整安装支架)AA1CY0000KFR-36GW/M(F)室内机总成AA1D00000KFR-36GW/M(F)(W)(铁壳调整安装支架)AA1DT0000KFR-36GW/MK(YF)(G)AA1DU0000KFR-36GW/MK(YF)(W)AA1DZ0000KFR-36GW/N(F)室内机总成AA1E00000KFR-36GW/N(F)(W)AA1E80000KFR-36GW/BP室外机总成AA1E90000KFR-36GW/DBPF(W)AA1ED0000KFR-40GW/A(DBPJF)(G)AA1EE0000KFR-40GW/A(DBPJF)(W)AA1F80000KFR-40GW/F(W)AA1G00000KFR-48GW/@(F)(G)AA1G90000KFR-48GW/Z室内机总成AA1GA0000KFR-48GW/Z室外机总成AA1H10000KFR-50GW/C室内机总成AA1JD0000KFR-50GW/C(W)AA1JK0000KFR-58GW/(F)(G)AA1JL0000KFR-58GW/(F)室外机总成AA1JN0000KFR-600EW/H内机AA1JN0V01KFR-600EW/H(L)不送风演示壳体AA1JP0000KFR-600EW/H外机AA1JQ0M01KFR-600EW/L(H)(定制)AA1JQ0M02KFR-500EW(定制)AA1JQ0M03KFR-600EW(定制)AA1JQ0M04KFR-500NW/H(定制)AA1JU0000KFR-60GW/(F)室内机总成AA1JV0000KFR-60GW/(F)室外机总成(支架调整)AA1LQ0000KFR-71NW/D室内机AA1LR0000KFR-71NW/D室外机AA1LS0000KFR-71NW/D套机AA1LS000Q KFR-71NW/D套机(新外观)AA1M20000KFR-71QW/D室内机AA1M2000L KFR-71QW/G室内机总成AA1M2000Q KFR-71QW/G(G)(新外观)AA1M20V01KFR-71QW/G(L)内机演示送风壳体AA1M30000KFR-71QW/D室外机AA1M3000L KFR-71QW/G室外机总成AA1M3000Q KFR-71QW/G(W)(新外观)AA1M30V01KFR-71QW/G(W)外机演示不送风壳体AA1M40000KFR-71QW/D套机AA1M4000L KFR-71QW/G套机AA1M4000Q KFR-71QW/G套机(新外观)AA1MS000N KFRD-125EW/D(H)室内机总成AA1MT000N KFRD-125EW/D(H)室外机总成AA1MU000N KFRD-125EW/DH套机AA1N1000Q KFRD-250EW/H室内机总成(新外观)AA1N20000KFRD-250EW/H室外机AA1N2000Q KFRD-250EW/H室外机总成(新外观)AA1N3000Q KFRD-250EW/H套机(新外观)AA1NL0000KFRd-33GW/(F)(G)AA1NY1000KFRd-35G/ZC(F)-S2(香槟金)室内机总成AA1NY1V01KFRd-35G/ZC(F)-S2内机壳体总成(香槟金演示) AA1NY2V01KFRd-35G/ZC(F)-S2内机壳体总成(翡翠绿非演示) AA1NY3000KFRd-35G/C(F)-S2室内机总成AA1NY3V02KFRd-35G/C(F)-S2室内机非演示壳体总成AA1NY5000KFRd-35G/JC(F)-S2室内机总成AA1NY7000KFRd-35G/SC(F)-S2室内机总成AA1NY8000KFRd-35G/ZC(F)-S2(珠光白)室内机总成AA1NY8V01KFRd-35G/ZC(F)-S2内机壳体总成(珠光白非演示) AA1P01000KFRd-35GW/02ZC(F)-S2(香槟金)套机AA1P03000KFRd-35GW/02C(F)-S2套机AA1P05000KFRd-35GW/02JC(F)-S2套机AA1P07000KFRd-35GW/02SC(F)-S2套机AA1P08000KFRd-35GW/02ZC(F)-S2(珠光白)套机AA1P5000B KFR-35W/02(R2DBPX)-S1室外机总成AA1P5000V KF-26W/0312室外机总成AA1P5000X KFR-26W/01(R2DBP)-S3室外机总成(家电下乡) AA1P50010KFR-26W/6211室外机总成AA1P50011KFR-35W/01(R2DBP)-S3(下乡)室外机总成AA1P51007KFRd-26W/01-S1室外机总成AA1P5100B KFR-50W/02(R2DBPX)-S2室外机总成AA1P5100V KF-23W/0312室外机总成AA1P5100X KFR-35W/01(R2DBP)-S3室外机总成(家电下乡) AA1P51011KFR-26W/01(R2DBP)-S3(下乡)室外机总成AA1P52007KFRd-35W/01-S1室外机总成AA1P5200B KFR-26W/02(R2DBPX)-S1室外机总成AA1P5200X KFRd-35W/02-S2(家电下乡)室外机总成AA1P52011KFR-35W/0123室外机总成AA1P5300X KFRd-26W/02-S2(家电下乡)室外机总成AA1P53011KFR-26W/0123室外机总成AA1P54011KFR-26W/0123室外机总成(家电下乡)AA1P5500X KFRd-33W/02-S2(家电下乡)室外机总成AA1P55011KFR-35W/0123室外机总成(家电下乡)AA1P56011KFR-26W/0123T室外机总成(家电下乡)AA1P57011KFR-35W/0123T室外机总成(家电下乡)AA1P5800X KFR-23W/0113T室外机总成(家电下乡)AA1P5B00X KFR-35W/0113T室外机总成AA1P5F000KFR-26W/01(R2DBP)-S4室外机总成AA1P5G000KFR-35W/01(R2DBP)-S4室外机总成AA1P5H000KFRd-23W/02-S1室外机总成AA1P5J000KFRd-26W/02-S1室外机总成AA1P5J001HSU-18C13外机(拉美国内订单)AA1P5K00K KFR-26W/0113室外机总成AA1P5L00K KFR-33W/0113室外机总成AA1P5M00K KFR-35W/0113室外机总成AA1P5N001KFR-33W/02(R2DBP)-S4室外机总成AA1P5Q000KFRd-23W/03-S1室外机总成AA1P5R000KFRd-26W/03-S1室外机总成AA1P5S007KFR-26W/0312室外机总成AA1P5S00L KFR-23W/0112室外机总成AA1P5T000KF-23W/03-S1室外机总成AA1P5T007KFR-23W/0312室外机总成AA1P5T00L KFR-26W/0112室外机总成AA1P5U000KF-26W/03-S1室外机总成AA1P5U012KFR-32W/0113室外机总成AA1P5W000KFR-28GW/E1(DBP)室外机总成AA1P5W00K KFR-35W/0113室外机总成(工程)AA1P5W012KFR-26W/0113室外机总成AA1P5X000KFR-35GW/E1(DBP)室外机总成AA1P5Y001KFR-26W/01(R2DBP)-S3室外机总成AA1P5Y00L KFR-35W/02(R2DBP)-S4室外机总成AA1P5Z001KFR-35W/01(R2DBP)-S3室外机总成AA1PC0M01KFRd-50GW(商用定制)AA1PE6000KFRd-33W/02-S1室外机总成AA1PE8000KFRd-35W/02-S1室外机总成AA1PE9000KFR-28W/R(DBPF)(拉丝银)室外机总成AA1PEA000KFR-35W/R(DBPF)(拉丝银)室外机总成AA1PEA001KF-33W/0312室外机总成AA1PEA00L KFR-33W/0112室外机总成AA1PEB001KF-35W/0312室外机总成AA1PEB00L 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AA2JH4000KFR-60W/02(R2DBP)-S3室外机总成AA2JH5000KFR-60W/0223室外机总成AA3A10000LFT/LFTC73WDTAA3A40000LFT/LFTC75WDAA3AL0000LFT10WDRAA3AM0000HXFAA3AN0000LFT10WDR/LFTC10WDAA3AU0000LFT13WDAA3AV0000LFT13WD*2AA3AW0000LFT13WD*2/LFTC25WDAA3AY0000LFT13WDRAA3AZ0000LFT13WDR/LFTC13WDAA3B50000LFT67WDAA3B60000LFT67WD*2AA3B70000LFT67WD*2/LFTC13WD-PAA3B80000LFT67WD*4AA3B90000LFT67WD*4/LFTC25WD-WAA3BA0000LFT67WD/LFTC67WDAA3BD0000LFT67WDRAA3BE0000LFT67WDR/LFTC67WDAA3BM0000LFT73WDRTAA3BN0000LFT73WDRT/LFTC73WDTAA3BU0000LFT73WDTAA3BV0000LFT75WDAA3BW0000LFT75WDRAA3BX0000LFT75WDR/LFTC75WDAA3D30000LFTC10WDAA3D40000LFTC13WDAA3D50000LFTC13WD-PAA3D60000LFTC25WDAA3D70000LFTC25WD-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KFR-35NW/D(新外观)室外机(美芝压机)AA59A0B01KFR-35NW/D室外机上海明园工程定制AA59N0000KFR-45GW/NK(G)AA59P0000KFR-45GW/NK室外机总成AA5A90000KFR-50QW/G室内机总成AA5A90V01KFR-50QW/G室内机送风演示壳体AA5AA0000KFR-50QW/G室外机总成AA5AA0V01KFR-50QW/G室外机演示不送风壳体AA5AB0B01KF-50QW/G套机石家庄东铁大厦工程AA5AC0B01KF-50QW/G室内机石家庄东铁大厦工程AA5AD0B01KF-50QW/G室外机石家庄东铁大厦工程AA5AH0000KF-45GW/NK套机AA5AJ0000KF-45GW/NK室内机总成AA5AK0000KF-45GW/NK室外机总成AA5AP000Q KFRD-35NW/D套机(新外观)AA5AQ000Q KFRD-35NW/D室内机总成(新外观)AA5AR000Q KFRD-35NW/D(新外观)室外机(美芝PH240压机) AA5BA0000KFR-120QW/I套机AA5BA1000KFR-120QW/IA套机AA5BA1B01KFR-120QW/Z套机AA5BB0000KFR-120QW/I室内机总成AA5BB0B01KFR-120QW/Z室内机总成AA5BB0V01KFR-120QW/I室内机壳体总成AA5BC0000KFR-120QW/I室外机总成AA5BC0B01KFR-120QW/Z室外机总成AA5C40000KF-120QW/I套机AA5C50000KF-120QW/I室内机总成AA5C60000KF-120QW/I室外机总成AA5CF0000KF-50NW/D套机AA5CG0000KF-50NW/D室内机总成AA5CH0000KF-50NW/D室外机总成AA5CQ0M01HC36A1VAC(套机)AA5D3000Q KF-35NW/D套机(新外观)AA5D4000Q KF-35NW/D室内机总成(新外观)AA5D5000Q KF-35NW/D室外机总成(新外观)AA5D60000KFRD-35GW/Z套机AA5D62000KFRD-35GW/Z3套机AA5D63000KFRD-35GW/Z5套机AA5D64000KFRD-35GW/Z7套机AA5D66000KFRD-35GW/Z6套机(TX)AA5D68000KFRD-35GW/Z6套机AA5D6A000KFRD-35GW/Z8(ZMD)套机AA5D6B000KFRD-35GW/Z2(GC)套机AA5D70000KFRD-35GW/Z(G)AA5D70V01KFRD-35GW/Z室内机壳体总成(演示)AA5D72000KFRD-35GW/Z3室内机总成AA5D73000KFRD-35GW/Z5室内机总成AA5D74000KFRD-35GW/Z7室内机总成AA5D76000KFRD-35GW/Z6室内机总成(TX)AA5D78000KFRD-35GW/Z6室内机总成AA5D7A000KFRD-35GW/Z8(ZMD)室内机总成AA5D7AV01KFRD-35GW/Z8(ZMD)内机非演示壳体总成AA5D7B000KFRD-35GW/Z2(GC)室内机总成AA5D7BV01KFRD-35GW/Z2(GC)内机非演示壳体总成AA5D80000KFRD-35GW/Z室外机(庆安YZG-39RCT1) AA5D81000KFRD-35GW/Z2室外机总成AA5D82000KFRD-35GW/Z3室外机总成AA5D83000KFRD-35GW/Z5室外机总成AA5D84000KFRD-35GW/Z7室外机总成AA5D86000KFRD-35GW/Z6室外机总成(TX)AA5D88000KFRD-35GW/Z6室外机总成AA5D8A000KFRD-35GW/Z8(ZMD)室外机总成AA5D8B000KFRD-35GW/Z2(GC)室外机总成AA5D92000KFRD-25GW/Z3套机AA5DJ1000KFR-25GW/H2套机AA5DK0000KFR-25GW/H(G)(单导板聪明风)AA5DK1000KFR-25GW/H2室内机总成AA5DK2000KFR-25GW/H3室内机总成AA5DL0000KFR-25GW/H室外机总成(日立SG633压机) AA5DL1000KFR-25GW/H2室外机总成AA5DL2000KFR-25GW/H3室外机总成AA5DM4000KF-25GW/H5套机AA5DM5000KF-25GW/H2(ZMD)套机AA5DN0000KF-25GW/H(G)(单导板聪明风)AA5DN2000KF-25GW/H2室内机总成AA5DN4000KF-25GW/H5室内机总成AA5DN5000KF-25GW/H2(ZMD)室内机总成AA5DP0000KF-25GW/H(W)(单导板聪明风)AA5DP2000KF-25GW/H2室外机总成AA5DP4000KF-25GW/H5室外机总成AA5DP5000KF-25GW/H2(ZMD)室外机总成AA5DQ1000KFR-23GW/H2套机AA5DQ3000KFR-23GW/H3套机AA5DR0000KFR-23GW/H室内机总成(单导板聪明风) AA5DR1000KFR-23GW/H2室内机总成AA5DR3000KFR-23GW/H3室内机总成AA5DS0000KFR-23GW/H(W)(日立SG533)AA5DS1000KFR-23GW/H2室外机总成AA5DS3000KFR-23GW/H3室外机总成AA5DT1000KF-23GW/H2套机AA5DT4000KF-23GW/H5套机AA5DT5000KF-23GW/H2(ZMD)套机AA5DU0000KF-23GW/H(G)(单导板聪明风)AA5DU1000KF-23GW/H2室内机总成AA5DU4000KF-23GW/H5室内机总成AA5DU5000KF-23GW/H2(ZMD)室内机总成AA5DV1000KF-23GW/H2室外机总成AA5DV4000KF-23GW/H5室外机总成AA5DV5000KF-23GW/H2(ZMD)室外机总成AA5DW0000KFR-71QW/D(S)套机AA5DW1000KFR-71QW/D(S)线控套机AA5DX0000KFR-71QW/D(S)室内机总成AA5DX1000KFR-71QW/D(S)(线控)室内机总成AA5DY0000KFR-71QW/D(S)室外机总成AA5DY1000KFR-71QW/D(S)(线控)室外机总成AA5E95000KF-23GW/Z7套机AA5EA0000KF-23GW/Z1(G)AA5EA1000KF-23GW/Z2室内机总成AA5EA3000KF-23GW/Z5室内机总成AA5EA5000KF-23GW/Z7室内机总成AA5EB0000KF-23GW/Z1室外机总成(OEM)AA5EB1000KF-23GW/Z2室外机总成AA5EB3000KF-23GW/Z5室外机总成AA5EB5000KF-23GW/Z7室外机总成AA5EC0000KFR-23GW/Z1套机AA5EC1000KFR-23GW/Z2套机AA5EC3000KFR-23GW/Z5套机AA5ED0000KFR-23GW/Z1室内机总成(OEM)AA5ED1000KFR-23GW/Z2室内机总成AA5ED3000KFR-23GW/Z5室内机总成AA5EE0000KFR-23GW/Z1室外机总成(日立SG533QA1压机) AA5EE1000KFR-23GW/Z2室外机总成AA5EE3000KFR-23GW/Z5室外机总成AA5EF1000KF-25GW/Z2套机AA5EF3000KF-25GW/Z5套机AA5EF4000KF-25GW/Z7套机AA5EG0000KF-25GW/Z1(G)AA5EG1000KF-25GW/Z2室内机总成AA5EG3000KF-25GW/Z5室内机总成AA5EG4000KF-25GW/Z7室内机总成AA5EH0000KF-25GW/Z1室外机总成(LGQK164JAB压机) AA5EH1000KF-25GW/Z2室外机总成AA5EH3000KF-25GW/Z5室外机总成AA5EH4000KF-25GW/Z7室外机总成AA5EJ1000KFR-25GW/Z2套机AA5EK0000KFR-25GW/Z1(G)AA5EK1000KFR-25GW/Z2室内机总成AA5EK1V01KFR-25GW/Z2室内机壳体总成(非演示)AA5EK3000KFR-25GW/Z5室内机总成AA5EL0000KFR-25GW/Z1室外机总成(松下2P18压机)AA5EL1000KFR-25GW/Z2室外机总成AA5EM1000KF-32GW/Z2套机AA5EM3000KF-32GW/Z5套机AA5EN0000KF-32GW/Z1室内机总成(OEM)AA5EN1000KF-32GW/Z2室内机总成AA5EP0000KF-32GW/Z1室外机总成(RH207VHKC) AA5EP1000KF-32GW/Z2室外机总成AA5EQ0000KFR-32GW/Z1套机AA5EQ1000KFR-32GW/Z2套机AA5EQ3000KFR-32GW/Z5套机AA5ER0000KFR-32GW/Z1室内机总成AA5ER1000KFR-32GW/Z2室内机总成AA5ER3000KFR-32GW/Z5室内机总成AA5ES0000KFR-32GW/Z1室外机总成(端智48R313N) AA5ES1000KFR-32GW/Z2室外机总成AA5ES3000KFR-32GW/Z5室外机总成AA5ET1000KF-35GW/Z2套机AA5ET3000KF-35GW/Z5套机AA5ET4000KF-35GW/Z7套机AA5EU1000KF-35GW/Z2室内机总成AA5EU3000KF-35GW/Z5室内机总成AA5EU4000KF-35GW/Z7室内机总成AA5EV1000KF-35GW/Z2室外机总成AA5EV3000KF-35GW/Z5室外机总成AA5EV4000KF-35GW/Z7室外机总成AA5EW3000KFR-35GW/Z5套机AA5EX1000KFR-35GW/Z2室内机总成AA5EX3000KFR-35GW/Z5室内机总成AA5EY1000KFR-35GW/Z2室外机总成AA5EY3000KFR-35GW/Z5室外机总成AA5F51000KFR-33GW/H2套机AA5F54000KFR-33GW/H5套机AA5F60000KFR-33GW/H室内机总成(星光银)AA5F60V01KFR-33GW/H室内机壳体总成(演示)AA5F61000KFR-33GW/H2室内机总成AA5F62000KFR-33GW/H3室内机总成AA5F70000KFR-33GW/H室外机总成(星光银)AA5F71000KFR-33GW/H2室外机总成AA5F72000KFR-33GW/H3室外机总成AA5FB2000KF-35GW/H2套机AA5FB4000KF-35GW/H5套机AA5FB5000KF-35GW/H2(ZMD)套机AA5FC0000KF-35GW/H(G)(单导板聪明风)AA5FC2000KF-35GW/H2室内机总成AA5FC4000KF-35GW/H5室内机总成AA5FD0000KF-35GW/H(W)(单导板聪明风)AA5FD2000KF-35GW/H2室外机总成AA5FD4000KF-35GW/H5室外机总成AA5FD5000KF-35GW/H2(ZMD)室外机总成AA5FJ1000KFR-50GW/Z套机(GC)AA5FK0V01KFR-50GW/Z内机非演示壳体总成AA5FK1000KFR-50GW/Z室内机总成(GC)AA5FL1000KFR-50GW/Z室外机总成(GC)AA5GT1000KFR-26GW/(BP)2套机AA5GT3000KFR-26GW/(BP)5套机AA5GU0V01KFR-26GW/(BP)1室内机壳体总成(演示) AA5GU1000KFR-26GW/(BP)2室内机总成AA5GU3000KFR-26GW/(BP)5室内机总成AA5GV0000KFR-26GW/(BP)1室外机总成AA5GV1000KFR-26GW/(BP)2室外机总成AA5GV3000KFR-26GW/(BP)5室外机总成AA5GW0000KFR-35GW/(BP)1套机AA5GW3000KFR-35GW/(BP)5套机AA5GX0000KFR-35GW/(BP)1室内机总成AA5GX3000KFR-35GW/(BP)5室内机总成AA5GY0000KFR-35GW/(BP)1室外机总成AA5GY3000KFR-35GW/(BP)5室外机总成AA5H00M01HC48A1VAC(套机)AA5H10M01HC60A1VAC(套机)AA5JC0000KF-125EW/L(H)套机AA5JD0000KF-125EW/L(H)室内机总成AA5JE0000KF-125EW/L(H)室外机总成AA5JN0000KFR-120QW/L室内机总成AA5JN0V01KFR-120QW/L(新外观)室内机送风演示壳体AA5JP0000KFR-120QW/L室外机总成AA5JP0V01KFR-120QW/L(新外观)室外演示不送风壳体AA5JP0V02KFR-120QW/L室外机演示不送风壳体AA5JT1000KFRD-23GW/H3套机AA5JT2000KFRD-23GW/H2套机AA5JT3000KFRD-23GW/H5套机AA5JT4000KFRD-23GW/H2(ZMD)套机AA5JU1000KFRD-23GW/H3室内机总成AA5JU2000KFRD-23GW/H2室内机总成AA5JU3000KFRD-23GW/H5室内机总成AA5JU3V01KFRD-23GW/H5内机非演示壳体总成AA5JU4000KFRD-23GW/H2(ZMD)室内机总成AA5JU4V01KFRD-23GW/H2(ZMD)内机非演示壳体总成AA5JV1000KFRD-23GW/H3室外机总成AA5JV2000KFRD-23GW/H2室外机总成AA5JV3000KFRD-23GW/H5室外机总成(日立SG533) AA5JV4000KFRD-23GW/H2(ZMD)室外机总成AA5JW1000KFRD-25GW/H3套机AA5JW4000KFRD-25GW/H2(ZMD)套机AA5JX1000KFRD-25GW/H3室内机总成AA5JX2000KFRD-25GW/H2室内机总成AA5JX4000KFRD-25GW/H2(ZMD)室内机总成AA5JY1000KFRD-25GW/H3室外机总成AA5JY2000KFRD-25GW/H2室外机总成AA5JY4000KFRD-25GW/H2(ZMD)室外机总成AA5JZ1000KFRD-33GW/H3套机AA5JZ2000KFRD-33GW/H2套机AA5JZ3000KFRD-33GW/H5套机AA5JZ4000KFRD-33GW/H2(ZMD)套机AA5K01000KFRD-33GW/H3室内机总成AA5K02000KFRD-33GW/H2室内机总成AA5K03000KFRD-33GW/H5室内机总成AA5K04000KFRD-33GW/H2(ZMD)室内机总成AA5K11000KFRD-33GW/H3室外机总成AA5K12000KFRD-33GW/H2室外机总成(RH220VHLC)。



可编辑修改精选全文完整版科力达RTK 产品系列风云K9系列RTK测量系统产品手册科力达仪器二○一五年四月目录第一章风云K9系列RTK概述 (3)§1.1关于风云K9 (3)§1.2二大独创 (3)§1.3四大特色 (4)§1.4技术特色 (4)第二章风云K9系列RTK主机 (6)§2.1主机外型 (6)§2.2接口 (7)§2.3电池的安装方法 (7)§2.4指示灯和仪器设置 (8)§2.5手簿与蓝牙连接 (13)§2.5.1 手簿设置 (13)§2.5.2 连接设置 (17)§2.6网络设置连接 (18)第三章风云K9系列RTK电台 (23)§3.1电台概述 (23)§3.1.1 产品简介 (23)§3.1.2 产品特点 (23)§3.1.3 技术指标 (24)§3.2GDL25电台外型说明 (25)§3.2.1 GDL25电台的面板 (25)§3.2.2 GDL25电台的外型 (26)§3.3GDL25电台使用注意事项 (26)§3.3.1 供电电源 (26)§3.3.2 天线口负载 (27)§3.3.3 电磁环境 (27)§3.3.4 天线选择 (28)§3.3.5 接口电缆 (28)第四章风云K9系列RTK附件介绍 (29)§4.1风云K9系列GPS的仪器箱(包) (29)§4.2电池及充电器 (29)§4.3数据收天线及发射天线 (31)§4.4各种传输线及电缆 (32)§4.5其他 (33)第五章操作说明 (34)§5.1基准站和移动站安装 (34)§5.2仪器设置 (35)§5.3仪器操作表现 (35)§5.4天线高的量测方法 (35)第六章与软件的连接 (37)§6.1数据传输 (37)§6.1.1 磁盘拷贝 (37)§6.1.2 仪器之星的使用 (37)§6.2在线升级方法 (39)§6.3K9系列GPS的注册 (41)附录1 技术参数 (43)附录2 联系方式 (44)第一章风云K9系列RTK概述§1.1 关于风云K9科力达仪器一直致力于把国际先进的GPS测绘勘测技术与产品普及到国测量用户手中。



COILPowerAt Pickup Voltage DC: 1.12 mW (typical)AC: 6.9 VAMax. Continuous DC: 3.3 W at 20°C Dissipation AC: 12.5 VA at 20°CTemperature Rise 70°C at nominal coil voltage (AC)35°C at nominal coil voltage (DC)Max. Temperature155°C (311°F)GENERAL DATALife ExpectancyMinimum operations Mechanical 1 x 107Electrical1 x 105at 30 A 240 VAC Res.Operate Time (typical) 30 msec at nominal coil voltage Release Time (typical) 30 msec at nominal coil voltage(without suppression)Dielectric Strength2200 Vrms contact to contact (at sea level for 1 min.)2200 Vrms contact to coilInsulation Resistance 100 megohms min. at 20°C, 500 VDC 50% RHDropoutDC:> 10%of nominal coil voltage AC:> 20%of nominal coil voltageAmbient TemperatureOperating -45°C (-49°F) to 80°C (176°F) AC coil, 30A -45°C (-49°F) to 115°C (239°F) DC coil, 30A Weight227 gramsCONTACTSArrangementSPDT (1 Form C) DPDT (2 Form C)RatingsResistive load:Max. switched power: 840 W or 12000 VA Max. switched current: 30 AMax. switched voltage: 600 VAC, 28 VDC UL, CUR30 A at 240 VAC 1.5 HP at 120 VAC 2.0 HP at 240 VAC3600 VA at 120 VAC / 240 VAC ballast 30 A at 240 VAC Res., 100k cycles 20 A at 600 VAC 30 A at 28 VDC Material Silver cadmium oxideResistance< 50 milliohms initially(24 V, 1 A voltage drop method)30 AMP HEAVY DUTY POWER RELAYFEATURES •1 Form C contacts, 2 Form C contacts •AC and DC coils available•UL Class F (155°C) molded construction •UL, CUL file E44211NOTES1.All values at 25°C (77°F).2.Relay may pull in with less than “Must Operate” value.3.Specifications subject to change without notice.RELAY ORDERING DATACOIL SPECIFICATIONS – DC CoilNominal CoilMust OperateMax. ContinuousNominal CurrentCoil ResistanceORDER NUMBER*VDC VDC VDC mA ± 10%± 10%64.507.833318AZ900–1C–6D 129.115.416672AZ900–1C–12D 2418.032.083290AZ900–1C–24D 4836.062.6421150AZ900–1C–48D 11082.5143.018.26050AZ900–1C–110DCOIL SPECIFICATIONS – AC Coil 50/60 HzNominal CoilMust OperateMax. ContinuousNominal Coil Coil ResistanceORDER NUMBER*VAC VAC VAC Power VA ± 10%–1C–6A 1210.213.89.5 2.85AZ900–1C–12A 2420.427.69.511.5AZ900–1C–24A 120102.0138.09.5295.0AZ900–1C–120A 240204.0276.09.51170.0AZ900–1C–240A 480408.0552.09.54860.0AZ900–1C–480AMECHANICAL DATADimensions in inches with metric equivalents in parentheses. Tolerance: ± .010"*For double pole version replace ‘-1C’ with ‘-2C.’1 Form C。


Total 2
ÓÉ Foxit PDF Editor ±à¼°æȨËùÓÐ (c) by Foxit Software Company, 2004 ½öÓÃÓÚÆÀ¹À¡£
TD0TD1+ TD1TD2+ P5 TD2- P6 TD3+
1000PF 2KV
13 14
old No.
original No. date sign
Standard LED
Wavelength Forward* V(MAX)
2012.01.09 2012.01.09
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CAPACITOR: 1000pF ± 20% "2KV
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TECHNICAL DATAKK 91350A13 Memory Tone/Pulse Dialer with Handfree and Hold FunctionThe KK either Pulse or Tone dialing. It features Handfree dialing, Hold, and 13 by 16 digits automatic dialing memory. • DTMF/PULSE switchable dialer • 32 digits for Redial memory• Three by 16 digits for one touch direct repertory • Ten by 16 digits for two touch indirect repertory• Mix dialing is allowable, and the dialing length is unlimited • Pulse to Tone (*/T) keypad for Long Distance Call operation • Easy operation with Redial, Flash, Pause and */T keypads• Pause, P- - >T (Pulse to Tone) can be stored as a digit in memory • Flash time 600 mS• 4 x 5 keyboard can be used • Power on reset on chip• Use 3.579545 MHz crystal or ceramic resonator • Dial Pulse Rate: 10 ppsPIN ASSIGNMENTLOGIC DIAGRAMPIN 6= GNDPIN 16 = V CCR1R2R3R4Notes:1.M1 ∼ M3 - One touch memory. The dialing number can be stored in M1 ∼ M3 location by STORE key.2.ST - Store function key.3.H - Hold function key.4. F - Flash key.Flash key can not be stored in memory.5.*/T - In the Pulse mode this key works as Pulse - - >Tone key, and it works as * key in the tone mode.*/T key can be stored as a digit in Pulse or Tone mode.6.R/P - Redial and Pause function key.The Redial function can be executed only in first key-in after OFF HOOK, otherwise will be operated as Pause function.7. A - Indirect repertory dialing function key.Pin DescriptionOperation Procedures:a.T he dialing of D1, D2, ... , Dn must have finished, then ST key may be pressed.b.D1, D2, ... , Dn will be stored in Mn or Ln memory location and they will be dialed out.(Tone), * , Dn+1, Dn+2, ... , Dn+m(Tone) (Tone)3.It can be reset to Pulse mode only in operation of On Hook, because it’s still in Tone mode when the digits have been dialed out.2.Repertory dialing + Normal dialing+ Normal dialing+Repertory dialing3.Redialing + Normal dialing+Repertory dialing a. R edialing and Save dialing are valid just for first key in.b.The second sequence should not be operated until the first sequence is dialed out completely.MAXIMUM RATINGS *Symbol Parameter Value Unit V CC DC Supply Voltage (Referenced to GND) -0.3 to +7.0 V V IN DC Input Voltage (Referenced to GND) -0.3 to V CC +0.3 V V OUT DC Output Voltage (Referenced to GND) -0.3 to V CC +0.3V P D Power Dissipation in Still Air, Plastic DIP ** Plastic SOIC **500 250 mWTstgStorage Temperature-55 to +150°C *Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.Functional operation should be restricted to the Recommended Operating Conditions. **Durating: -10 mW /°C from 65°C to 70°C.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSSymbol Parameter Min Max UnitV CC DC Supply Voltage (Referenced to GND) 2.0 5.5 V V IN DC Input Voltage (Referenced to GND) 0 V CC V V OUT DC Output Voltage (Referenced to GND) 0 V CC V T AOperating Temperature-20+70°CThis device contains protection circuitry to guard against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, precautions must be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. For proper operation, V IN and V OUT should be constrained to the range GND ≤(V IN or V OUT )≤V CC .Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either GND or V CC ). Unusedoutputs must be left open.DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to GND, V CC =2.5 V, T A =25°C*, F OSC. = 3.58 MHz)* - from -20°C to +70°C values of parameters are specifying.AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (All Voltages referenced to GND. V CC= 2.0 V to 5.5 V,T A = 25°C*)* - from -20°C to +70°C values of parameters are specifyingComparisons of Specified vs. Actual Tone FrequenciesR/C Spec. ActualUnit ConditionsError(%)R1 697 699 +0.28 HzR2 770 766 -0.52 HzR3 852 848 -0.47 HzR4 941 948 +0.74 Hz F OSC = 3.579 MHzC1 1209 1216 +0.57 HzC2 1336 1332 -0.30 HzC3 1477 1472 -0.34 HzFigure 1. Pulse ModeFigure 2(a). Tone Mode Normal DialingFigure 2(b). Tone Mode Auto DialingFigure 3. Control Function and Hold Function RelationshipFigure 4. Pause FunctionFigure 5. P - - >T Operation in Normal DialingFigure 6. Flash Operatio EXPANDED LOGIC DIAGRAM。
