广东省汕头市-学年高一下学期3月月考语文试卷 Word版含答案
(共24 分)1.下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是 ( ) (3分)A.溯.流(shuî) 挥斥方遒.(qiú)寂寥.(liáo)百舸.争流(ɡě)B.悲怆.(chuàng)浪遏.飞舟(â)下载.(zài) 矫.健有力(jiǎo) C.似.的(sì) 冰屑.悉索(xiâ)颓圮.(pǐ) 凝重隽.永(juàn)D.彳亍..(chì chù) 哀怨彷.徨(pánɡ)亲戚.(qì) 忸怩.不安(ní)2.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是 ( ) (3分)A.朔.望/溯.源超载./记载.雨巷./巷.道B.粗犷./广.博储.存/贮.藏反省./节省.C.檐.头/筵.席好似/似乎传.记/传.奇D.协.作/提携.畜.牧/牲畜.大堰.河/梦魇.3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是 ( ) (3分)A.在这次演讲比赛中,来自基层单位的选手个个表现出色,他们口若悬河,巧舌如簧....,给大家留下了深刻印象。
4.下面句子加点的词语,使用正确..的一项是 ( ) (3分)4月20日,天.崩地裂....之际,...,四川省雅安市芦山县发生了7.0级特大地震。
湖北十堰市六县市区一中教联体学校2024-2025学年高二上学期11月月考地理试题 Word版无答案
1. 材料中所描述的植被类型是()A. 温带落叶阔叶林B. 亚热带常绿阔叶林C. 热带雨林D. 针叶林2. 与材料中的现象关系最密切的节气是()A. 惊蛰B. 谷雨C. 小满D. 立冬3. 造成“树叶纷纷扬扬脱离枝干”的降水类型主要是下图中的()A. B.C. D.汉江生态城位于十堰市中心城区北部,是丹江口水库坝上第一生态城,规划格局为“一江两岸七镇”,总面积527平方公里,东起郧阳区安阳镇辖区边界,西至郧阳区城关镇金岗村,南接张湾区和茅箭区,北临规划待建的江北高速。
4. 汉江生态城位于十堰市中心城区北部,主要是因为该地具有()A. 丰富的劳动力资源B. 便利的交通条件C. 广阔的土地资源D. 悠久的历史文化5. “一江两岸七镇”规划格局,主要考虑的是()A. 促进区域经济发展B. 提高城市生态环境C. 优化城市功能分区D. 加强城市文化传承6. 汉江生态城致力建设“创新名城、生态智城、汉韵秀城、共富新城”,其中生态智城的建设主要依靠()A 科技创新 B. 政策支持 C. 文化传承 D. 生态保护中国科学院南京土壤研究所团队长期于野外坚守,全力攻关关键技术难题,在提出水土联治技术后,让黄淮海地区耕地质量得以大幅提升,其已成为中国最大粮食生产基地,承担着中国30%的粮食生产任务。
江西省宜春市高安重点中学八年级(下)月考语文试卷(3月份)(word版答案解析)2022-2023学年江西省宜春市高安重点中学八年级(下)月考语文试卷(3月份)1. 阅读下面的文字,完成问小题。
(1) 文中加点字“僻”的读音正确的是____________A.bǐB.bìC.pīD.pì(2) 在文中横线①处填入汉字正确的是____________A.憾B.撼C.捍D.瀚(3) 在文中横线②处填入词语,恰当的是____________A.忍俊不禁B.张目结舌C.叹为观止D.拍案叫绝(4) 文中画波浪线的句子有语病,下列修改正确的一项是____________A.具有抗旱、防风沙和耐盐碱、耐贫瘠的性格。
2. 下列句子组成语段顺序排列正确的一项是()①大风是雾凇形成过程中的天敌,它总能把形成过程中结构松散的冰晶吹散,即使簇拥在一起的雾凇也会被吹得无形无踪。
2020-2021学年甘肃省白银市高一(下)第一次月考生物试卷 Word版含解析
2022-2021学年甘肃省白银市高一(下)第一次月考生物试卷一.选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分)1.下列细胞体积最大的是()A.蓝藻B.玉米的叶肉细胞C.人的神经细胞D.鸵鸟的卵细胞2.成年人大约由1014个细胞组成,这些细胞的共同特点是()A.结构相像B.外形相像C.大小相像D.功能相像3.若用同一台显微镜观看同一标本4次,结果如图所示.其中视野最暗的是()A.B.C.D.4.下列各项中能表明该病毒属于生物的是()A.由有机物组成B.具有细胞结构C.能使人体患病D.能在动物体内繁殖5.19世纪,两位德国科学家施莱登和施旺建立的细胞学说主要阐述了()A.细胞的多样性B.细胞结构的简洁性C.生物体结构的统一性D.生物界的多样性6.詹森在生物科学领域的争辩中带来了新突破,这是由于他()A.制造了第一台显微镜B.第一个发觉了细胞C.第一个提出了细胞的概念D.创立了细胞学说7.在生物体内含量极少,但对维持生物体正常生命活动必不行少的元素有()A.Fe、Mn、Zn、Mg B.Zn、Cu、Mg、Ca C.Mg、Mn、Cu、Mo D.Zn、Cu、Fe、Mn8.牛通过吃草获得化合物和元素.那么,牛和草体内的各种化学元素()A.种类和含量差异都很大B.种类大体相同,含量差异很大C.种类和含量都是大体相同的D.种类差异很大,含量大体相同9.下列物质中,能被苏丹Ⅳ染液染成红色的是()A.苹果B.马铃薯块茎C.蛋清液D.浸软的蓖麻种子10.下列各种材料中,不能用来作为观看叶绿体的试验材料的是()A.葫芦藓叶片B.胡萝卜根的横切片C.青菜叶的下表皮撕片D.黄杨叶的横切片11.水稻细胞和人的口腔上皮细胞中共有的细胞器是()A.叶绿体、线粒体和中心体B.叶绿体、线粒体和高尔基体C.线粒体、内质网和中心体D.线粒体、内质网和高尔基体12.依据细胞器的功能推想,下列叙述错误的是()A.汗腺细胞比肠腺细胞具有更多的核糖体B.心肌细胞比骨骼肌具有更多的线粒体C.胰腺细胞比心肌细胞具有更多的高尔基体D.生命活动旺盛的细胞比年轻细胞具有更多的线粒体13.观看大肠杆菌和酵母菌时需要对细胞染色,所用的染色剂分别是()A.草酸铵结晶紫和碘液B.甲基绿﹣派洛宁染液和碘液C.碘液和草酸铵结晶紫D.伊红﹣美蓝试剂和醋酸洋红14.如图为生物种类的概念图,对a、b、c所代表的生物分析正确的一项是()A.a﹣原核生物、b﹣细菌、c﹣流感病毒B.a﹣真核生物、b﹣真菌、c﹣大肠杆菌C.a﹣真核生物、b﹣植物、c﹣蓝藻D.a﹣原核生物、b﹣细菌、c﹣乳酸菌15.细胞的统一体现在()①细胞都有相像的基本结构,如细胞膜、细胞质、遗传物质集中区域②真核细胞细胞核内有染色体,原核细胞无染色体,但有拟核,其中都含有DNA③真核细胞多种多样,原核细胞多种多样,而真核细胞和原核细胞又不一样.A.① B.② C.①② D.①②③二.非选择题(本大题共5小题,共55分)16.(10分)(2021春•白银月考)把下列生物归类(请填写字母):(1)原核生物界:;(2)原生生物界:;(3)真菌界:;(4)植物界:;(5)动物界:.17.(10分)(2021春•白银月考)如图是显微镜的结构示意图,请据图回答:(1)假如[8]上安置的两个物镜标有40×和10×,目镜[6]标有10×,那么依据图中物镜的安放状态,所观看到物像的(填“长度”“面积”或“体积”)是物体的倍.(2)该同学观看时,[6]上标有15×字样,[9]的两个镜头上分别标有40×和10×字样,他用40×观看后转换10×,此时视野内的细胞数量比原来多还是少?.(3)这时,他发觉了一个抱负的物像,位于视野右下方.为了便于高倍(40×)观看,他应向移动载玻片,再转换高倍镜.(4)某同学依次进行了下列操作:①制作装片;②用左眼凝视目镜视野;③转动[4]调至看到物像;④转动[5]调至物像清楚.你认为该操作程序是否正确?如有不完整请作补充说明..18.(10分)(2021秋•遵化市期中)如图分别是蓝藻和衣藻的结构模式图.请据图回答:(1)两者虽然在结构上都具有、、等,但是衣藻属于真核生物,由于:.(2)藻类有好多种,蓝球藻、团藻、颤藻、念珠藻中,不属于蓝藻的是.(3)蓝藻细胞中含有和两种色素,也能够进行光合作用,属于(自养或异养)生物.19.(11分)(2021春•白银月考)分析下面的试验,回答问题:调整电子显微镜观看A、B、C三种生物的细胞亚显微结构,观看到结构a~d具有下列特征:结构a、b、c都是由两层膜构成,其中a的膜具有小孔,而b、c没有小孔,c呈绿色、扁平的椭球形或球形,d结构与细胞有丝分裂有关.现将试样A、B、C有无结构a~d的状况整理列表如下(表中“+”表示存在,“一”表示不存在):试样\结构 a b c d eA ﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣B + + + ﹣+C + + ﹣+ +(1)试样A、B、C分别是小麦叶片、颤藻和美西螈中的一种细胞,结构a~d分别是线粒体、细胞核、叶绿体、中心体中的一种.①试样A、B、C代表的生物依次是、、.②结构a~d依次是、、、.(2)将试样B在低温下进行离心,分别出结构a、b、c的外形完全保持不变.a、b、c中,能吸取光能的结构是;DNA分布于中.20.(14分)(2011秋•锦州校级期中)某校生物爱好小组想设计两个试验:(1)探究尿液中含不含葡萄糖;(2)证明血液中存在葡萄糖.现供应:葡萄糖、新取尿液样品、加有柠檬酸钠(防止血液凝固)的鸡血、清水、试管、离心机、三脚架、大烧杯、火柴、酒精灯、石棉网等.回答下列问题:①在试验过程中还需要的一种试剂是,试验原理是.②试验(2)比试验(1)简洁,其缘由是.③写出试验(2)的试验步骤、观看到的现象.步骤:a.取加有柠檬酸钠的鸡血5mL,用离心机离心(红细胞沉淀在底部),获得上清液.b.取两支洁净的试管,分别标号1、2c.在1号试管中加入2ml葡萄糖溶液,2号试管中加入等量的.d.然后向两支试管中分别加入刚配制好的2ml.振荡试管,使溶液混合均匀.e.将试管.试验过程中随时观看试验现象.f.结果:1号试管内,2号试管内.④写出试验(1)可能毁灭的现象和结论.a.假如则;b.假如则.2022-2021学年甘肃省白银市高一(下)第一次月考生物试卷参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分)1.下列细胞体积最大的是()A.蓝藻B.玉米的叶肉细胞C.人的神经细胞D.鸵鸟的卵细胞考点:细胞的发觉、细胞学说的建立、内容和进展.分析:卵细胞是由卵巢产生的一种生殖细胞,卵细胞体积较大,呈球形,其直径约200微米,即0.2毫米(1微米=1/1000毫米).可以从储存确定的养分,以供受精卵初期发育的需要.因此生物体内最大的细胞是卵细胞.。
浙浙浙2020-2021浙浙浙浙浙浙浙浙3浙浙浙浙浙浙浙-浙浙浙浙浙浙浙浙江省湖州市德清县第三中学2020-2021学年高二3月月考英语试题七、应用文写作(共1小题,满分15 分)76. 假如你是李华,正在英国留学。
请你用英文向主办方提出申请,内容包括:1. 提出申请;2. 介绍自己的优势;3. 期待加入。
注意:1.词数80 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
参考词汇:中医traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)【答案】Dear Sir/Madam,I’m Li Hua, an international student from China. Hearing that you are recruiting volunteers for the activity about TCM, I cannot wait to apply to be one.I am competent for the job in that my parents happen to be TCM doctors. Brought up in the dense atmosphere of medicine, I’m equipped with abundant knowledge of how todistinguish various Chinese herbal medicines. Besides, I have the experience of being a volunteer guide for Americans. As a consequence, I’m convinced that I’ll live up to your expectations.I’d appreciate it if you could take my application into account. Looking forward to working with you.Y ours,Li Hua浙江省乐清市知临中学2020-2021学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题第一节:应用文写作(满分15分)假如你是红星中学高三学生李华,你的英国笔友Jim获悉近年来中国的快递业发展迅速,想了解你身边的快递服务情况(delivery service)。
1. What day is it todayA. SaturdayB. Sunday.C. Monday.2. What is MichaelA. A teacher.B. A lawyer.C. An accountant.3. What does the man meanA. Ask Sally for the address.B. Send the mail to Sally.C. Call Linda directly.4. What are the speakers probably talking aboutA. A photograph.B. A textbook.C. A TV set.5. Where will the speakers meetA. At the station.B. At the cinema.C. At the church.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1. What does the man give to the woman?A. A rare stone.B. A ring.C. A knife.2. What is the woman worried about?A. The light is too bright.B. She might become blind.C. The man is getting unhealthy.3. How many classes is the woman taking this week?A. Two.B. Six.C. Nine.4. What is the man doing?A. Teaching the woman to read.B. Checking the woman’s eyesight.C. Buying the woman a pair of sunglasses.5. What can we say about the woman?A. She is clever.B. She is unfriendly.C. She is helpful.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
北京市第八中学2022-2023学年高一下学期3月月考化学试卷 (word版,含答案)
北京市第八中学2022-2023学年高一下学期3月月考化 学一、选择题(每题只有一个正确答案,每题6分)1.能实现下列物质间直接转化的元素是单质2O +−−−→氧化物2H O+−−−→酸(或碱)()NaOH HCl +−−−−−→或盐 A .Si B .S C .N D .Fe2.下列图示装置所表示的实验中,没有发生氧化还原反应的是A .蘸有浓盐酸和浓氨水B .铝丝伸入硫酸铜溶液C .氯气通入溶液变成黄A .AB .BC .CD .D3.下列实验能达到对应目的的是A .收集2NOB .实验室制取氨气C .氨气的尾气吸收D .除去2CO 中的少量HCl4.某小组用如图装置探究2SO 的性质。
下列离子方程式书写不正确的是A .甲中紫色褪去:2224245SO 2MnO 2H O 2Mn 5SO 4H -+-+++++ B .乙中蓝色逐渐变浅:22224I SO 2H O 2I SO 4H --+++++C .丙中产生少量白色沉淀:2223BaSO H OBaSO 2H ++++↓+D .丁中可能的反应:2232SO 2OHSO H O --++5.“封管实验”具有简易、方便、节约、绿色等优点,关于如图所示三个“封管实验”(夹持装置未画出)的说法正确的是A .加热时,①中上部汇集了固体B .加热时,②中溶液变红,冷却后又变为无色C .加热时,③中溶液红色褪去,冷却后溶液变红D .三个“封管实验”中所发生的化学反应都是可逆反应6.反应条件会影响化学反应产物或现象。
下列有关影响因素的分析不正确的是A .AB .BC .CD .D7.硅酸(23H SiO )是一种难溶于水的弱酸,从溶液中析出时常形成凝胶状沉淀。
实验室常用23Na SiO 溶液制备硅酸。
某小组同学进行了如下实验;a 中产生凝胶状沉淀b 中凝胶状沉淀溶解,c 中无明显变化下列结论不正确的是A .盐酸与石灰石反应离子反应方程式;2322CaCO 2H Ca H O CO +++++↑B .由Ⅰ不能说明酸性2323H CO H SiO >C .由Ⅱ可知,同浓度时23Na CO 溶液的碱性强于3NaHCO 溶液D .向23Na SiO 溶液中通入过量2CO ,发生反应:22322323SiO CO H OCO H SiO --+++↓二、填空题8.书写下列化学方程式(1)下图是1mol 2NO 和1mol CO 反应生成2CO 和NO 过程中能量变化示意图,请写出2NO 和CO 反应的热化学方程式 。
浙江省四校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读理解The Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration (ETA) supports a wide variety of programs to ensure that all youth have the skills and training they need to successfully make the switch to adulthood and careers. These programs include: ApprenticeshipApprenticeship is a combination of on-the-job training and related classroom instruction in which workers learn the practical and theoretical aspects of a highly skilled occupation. Applicants for apprenticeship programs must be at least 16 years old and meet the program sponsor's qualifications.YouthBuildYouthBuild programs give at-risk youth ages 16-24 the opportunity to transform their lives by earning their high school certificate of graduation or an equally state-recognized degree, learning to be community leaders, and preparing for college and other post-secondary training opportunities.Job CorpsJob Corps is the nation's largest and most comprehensive residential, education, and job training program for at-risk youth, ages 16 through 24. Private companies, state agencies, federal agencies, and unions recruit(招募) young people to participate in Job Corps, where they can train for and be placed in jobs.Youth ConnectionsThe Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 is carrying out a comprehensive youth employment program for serving qualified youth, ages 14-24, who face barriers to education , training, and employment.For more information about youth programs, visit ETA's Division of Youth Services page. 1.What can participants do in the YouthBuild?A. Lead the state communities.B. Study theories of skilled work.C. Obtain a graduation certificate.D. Prepare for secondary training.2.Which program is suitable for teenagers aged 15?A. Apprenticeship.B. YouthBuild.C. Job Corps.D. Youth Connections.3.What is the author's purpose of writing the text?A. To improve youth training.B.To advertise for youth services.C. To transform youth development.D. To introduce ETA youth programs.In 2016, when I was on the graduate scheme (计划) at Deutsche Bank, Marie Inafidon, chief executive of Stemettes, who encourages girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) , was also working there. I didn't meet her at the time, but I did read an article about her and her career.Learning at 21 years old about the career of a young black woman' succeeding in a traditionally white male-dominated industry was one of the most influential things that ever happened to me. It gave me confidence that it was possible to do well in the office and work on personal external project at the same time.Role models can play a central role in shaping a young professional's career. They are especially important if you belong to an under-represented group for whom a lack of representation in the workplace can lead to feeling isolated and lacking in confidence. They can help those just starting out, whether or not they are a graduate as I was, to believe in their own abilities.There's a growing need to have accessible role models. Given the tendency to exaggerate (夸大) success stories, hearing from women who talk honestly about the challenges they have faced, either when starting a business or forming a new career path, is much more effective. A study revealed that 70 per cent of girls say they think differently about their futures after hearing from women role models.I'm frequently asked about what businesses could be doing to increase racial diversity in the workplace. A good starting point is to actively promote and support the voices of the people in the organisation that are leading positive change and inspiring others. This makes a real difference. Unlike the tokenism (装样子) I still come across, which results in individuals being made the lone representative for a group without real support from the organisation.Things came full circle for me when I interviewed Ms. Inafidon for my book in 2019. I was able to tell her of the incredible impact her passion and confidence had had on me as a graduate trainee and how grateful I would always be for that.4.What do we learn about Marie Inafidon?A. She became successful at 21.B. She was a trainee at Deutsche Bank.C. She encouraged girls to take up STEM-related work.D. She helped the author with her external project personally.5.Who can benefit most from role models in the work place according to the third paragraph?A. Experienced professionals.B. A graduate eager to succeed.C. People without special abilities.D. The young from an under-represented group. 6.What is effective in changing girls' mindset?A. Taking on challenging projects.B. Reading more made-up success stories.C. Starting their own business as early as possible.D. Listening to women role models share their experiences.7.What should businesses do to increase racial diversity in the workplace according to the author?A. Encourage positive opinions.B. Make more colored people authorities.C. Include more people of different races.D. Understand the true meaning of tokenism.New York University (NYU) surgeons have performed the world's first transplant of an entire human eye, an extraordinary addition to a face transplant, although it's far too soon to know if the man will ever see through his new left eye.An accident had destroyed most of Aaron James' face and one eye. His right eye still works. But the surgeons hoped replacing the missing one would produce better cosmetic (整容的) results for his new face. The NYU team is doing just that. James is recovering well from the dual (双重的) transplant last May and the donated eye looks remarkably healthy.Today, transplants of the cornea(眼角膜) are common to treat certain types of vision loss. But transplanting the whole eye—the eyeball, its blood supply, and the critical optic nerve(视神经) that must connect it to the brain-is considered a moonshot in the search to cure blindness.Whatever will happen next, James' surgery offers scientists a window into how the human eye tries to heal. "We're not claiming that we are going to restore sight," said Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez, who led the transplant. "But there's no doubt that we are one step closer."Some specialists had feared the eye would quickly become dry and wrinkled. However, when Rodriguez opened James' left eyelid, the donated eye was fat and full of liquid. Doctors see good blood flow and no sign of rejection.Now researchers have begun analyzing scans (扫描结果) of James' brain that detected some puzzling signals from that all-important but injured optic nerve. Dr. Jeffrey Goldberg, who has long studied how to make eye transplants a reality, called the surgery exciting. "It's an amazing confirmation of animal experiments that have kept transplanted eyes alive," he said. "The difficulty now is how to regrow the optic nerve, although animal studies are making progress." He praised the NYU team's "boldness" in even aiming for optic nerve repair and hopes the transplant will promote more research.8.What can be learnt from the first two paragraphs?A. James is fully content with the surgery result.B. The surgeons have transplanted the face and an eye to James.C. James can see through his transplanted eye pretty soon.D. The surgery to replace James' missing eye is underway.9.What does the underlined word “moonshot” in paragraph 3 probably mean?A. A task impossible to complete.B. A fantasy existing in the virtual world.C. A project extremely tough to accomplish.D. A mission probable to be complete without effort.10.What challenge are the researchers facing now?A. How to obtain better cosmetic results.B. How to stop the transplanted eye from shriveling(萎缩).C. How to make further progress in animal studies.D. How to grow the optic nerve of the transplanted eye again.11.What can be a suitable title for the text?A. James Received Transplanted Eye PerfectlyB. NYC Doctors Perform World's First Eye TransplantC. Various Methods to Treat Different Types of Vision LossD. Advances Made in Eye Transplant and Optic Nerve RepairCould you manage without the internet for four and a half years? That's exactly what the actress Selena Gomez has done in a bid to improve her mental health.She has spoken extensively about the relationship between her social media usage and mental well-being, recalling feeling like "an addict" as to becoming Instagram's most followed user in 2016. "Indeed, I regret quitting from social media that late", says she. "The unnecessary hate and comparisons went away once I put my phone down.”However, the increasing digitization (数字化) means that everything from paying a bill to even making a phone call is at the mercy of the internet. Actively opting (选择) out of the internet becomes a matter of privilege. Ms Gomez's multi-millionaire status has allowed her to take the "social” out of social media. The fact that she's still the second most-followed woman on Instagram suggests it's entirely possible to maintain a significant web profile to promote various projects by way of a dedicated team—without being exposed to the cruel comments.It goes without saying that this is fundamentally different from how the rest of us without beauty deals and films to publicize use the likes of Instagram and Twitter, but even the concept of a digital detox (戒瘾) requires having a device and connectivity to choose to disconnect from.The UK's digital divide has worsened over the past two years, leaving poorer families without broadband connections in their homes. Digital exclusion (数字隔绝) is a major threat to wider societal equality in the UK.Consequently, it's worth bearing in mind that while deleting all social media accounts will undoubtedly make some feel infinitely better, many other people benefit from the strong sense of community that sharing platforms can develop. Greater resources and initiatives are needed to provide the underprivileged with the connectivity they desperately need to learn, work and live. It's crucial that people feeling social media is harmful to their mental health are allowed to switch off and for those living in digital exclusion to be able to switch on primarily.12.What do we learn about the actress Selena Gomez in the past four and a half years?A. She has withdrawn from social media.B. She has won Instagram's most followers.C. She has had worsening mental problems.D. She has succeeded in a bid on the internet.13.Why does actively opting out of using the internet become a matter of privilege?A. Most people think that digital exclusion promotes societal equality in the UK.B. Most people can hardly abandon the web while avoiding hate and comparisons.C. Most people can hardly get by without the internet due to growing digitization.D. Most people have been seriously addicted to the web without being aware of it. 14.What is stressed concerning social media platforms in the last paragraph?A. They are beneficial to people's mental health.B. They create a virtual community on the internet.C. They help many people feel connected with others.D. They provide a necessary device for a digital detox.15.What is the author's attitude towards social media platforms?A. Subjective.B. Objective.C. Disapproving.D. Favorable.二、七选五16.In our fast-paced world, where speed and instant results often steal the spotlight, there's a quiet but great virtue that often goes unnoticed—the courage to go slow. It may sound abnormal, but instead of rushing to implement (实施), we need to slow down. This is particularly relevant when we start the journey of developing instructional strategies. ①_____●Start, add and abandon habits. Understand that habit formation takes time and requires testing, reflecting, and adapting. Set systems that focus you and your team and organization on the implementation and impact on a few key practices. ②_____●Push consistency over intensity. Focus on maintaining consistent effort rather than pushing for rapid, unsustainable changes. ③_____ This occurs because the lasting habits that are selected are implemented every day and reflected upon routinely.●④_____ Celebrate each little victory along the way. These moments of success, no matter how minor, are the building blocks of lasting change.●Seek support. Surround yourself with individuals who support your journey and value the importance of patience. Lean on their encouragement during challenging times.Admittedly, it takes courage to welcome the wisdom of going slow in this competitive world. ⑤_____ Taking it slow with patience enables individuals to travel along this journey with determination, as can be illustrated by the well-known story of the tortoise and the hare.A. Ask for suggestions.B. Applaud small wins.C. It's the slow and steady progress that leads to lasting habits.D. As we slow down, patience becomes our greatest companion.E. Protect these few practices by giving up other unsuitable ones.F. However, is it right for us common people to do so in such a way?G. The question then is, how do we go slow and develop and sustain a new habit?三、完形填空(15空)Adrienne Tully, an amateur photographer, went to the coast of a beach in Belmar, Newwhat he did.17.A. wildlife B. city C. fight D. sunrise18.A. launch B. anticipate C. shoot D. report19.A. cooperating B. forming C. arguing D. encountering20.A. hope B. charge C. absence D. face21.A. confused B. desperate C. anxious D. depressed22.A. fortunately B. however C. otherwise D. therefore23.A. defeated B. deserted C. stuck D. seated24.A. routines B. attempts C. excuses D. routes25.A. ruined B. interrupted C. canceled D. postponed26.A. purposely B. randomly C. elegantly D. heroically27.A. onlooker B. tourist C. surfer D. guide28.A. going B. washing C. thundering D. struggling29.A. ashamed B. mad C. amazed D. expert30.A. went off B. turned up C. settled down D. set out31.A. appreciated B. understood C. awarded D. supported四、短文填空32. The Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve in northwest China's Qinghai Province has updated ①_____(it) list of protected wildlife, adding 10 species ②_____ the previoustotal of 72, according to a report by the Xinhua News Agency. The updated list, which was revised by experts, ③_____(include) 82 species of protected wildlife. The number of national first-level protected animals has increased from 19 to 22. Meanwhile, the number of second-level nationally protected animals has increased from 53 to 60. ④_____(additional), the number of wild plants under national protection has reached 12 species. According to the report, the ⑤_____(revise) of the wildlife list focused on optimizing (优化) ⑥_____ adjusting the bird list. Species with uncertain records were removed from the original list and new species that have been monitored in recent years were added, increasing the total number of bird species from 232 to 281.First ⑦_____(found) in 1975, the Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve is located in the northeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, ⑧_____(cover) the entire water area of the Qinghai Lake and the islands, beaches and wetlands, ⑨_____ birds breed and nest. The reserve is the ⑩_____(early) of its kind in China to be listed in the List of Wetlands of International Importance in 1992, according to UNESCO.五、书面表达33.假定你是李华, 你的英国笔友Peter上周因为使用AI完成翻译作业而被中文老师批评, 心情非常低落。
AIf you find yourself lonely on Feb.14,it's technically possible to be happy when you have Netflix.Clueless(1995)When it came out in 1995,“Clueless”was a modern movie on the classic Jane Austen novel “Emma.”Today,it's a sad,somewhat retro(怀旧的)story about a high school girl(Alicia Silver stone)who finds joy in bringing together couples around her,while remaining single and particular about who she chooses to date. She soon finds love in an unexpected place.How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)As a journalist,Andie (Hudson)in the film is assigned a special task where she has to write about her experience trying to make a man fall in love with her,followed by making him want to break up with her. The assignment goes to unexpected places when Ben(McConaughey)enters the picture.The Imitation Game(2014)Strange things happen when people fall in love with machines;it's actually happening with today’s technology. In“The Imitation Game”,which is set in the 1940s,tells the true story of Alan Turing and his team to break the German secret codes to win World War II. Although the film is largely about code breaking efforts,it also delivers on some love,both machine,and human.Frances Ha (2013)Filmed in black and white,“Frances Ha”begins with a bad breakup and is followed by the journey of Frances Halladay(Greta Gerwig)to become a professional dancer. It's a touching adventure with plenty of love along the way.1. What do we do with NetflixA. To find friends.B. To see films.C. To surf the Internet.D. To shop online.2. If you are interested in wars,which film do you think is your favouriteA. Clueless.B. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.C. The Imitation Game.D. Frances Ha.3. Whose story do you think is the most inspiring in the passageA. Alicia Silver stone's story.B. Alan Turing's story.C. Andie's story.D. Frances Halladay's story.BAn afternoon nap(午睡)is one of the joys of life,although too much napping could signal all is not well. In some cultures,people will have a daily nap—this is fine. The warning comes when people start sleeping during the daytime,when they did not sleep before. There is certainly a good reason to believe that daytime sleepiness—as in the Alzheimer's disease study—can be a marker of an underlying condition.For most people,napping during the day is mainly a sign that you are not getting enough sleep at night,says Dr. Neill Stanley,a sleep expert.“If yo u feel sleepy during the day,you should think about taking a nap. That is what the body needs —it doesn't need to be kept awake with caffeine. It needs sleep.”The feeling we should notice is“sleepiness”,he says.“It's not tiredness,which could be more psych ological and linked to stress.”So how do you nap well The key thing,says Stanley,is how long your nap lasts. Choose either a 20-or 90-minute nap.“When you fall asleep,you'll quickly go through the lighter stages of sleep into your first period of deep sleep. You don't want to wake up because that's when you wake and feel worse than you didbefore.”Napping for 20 minutes means you will wake up before you go into deep sleep;napping for 90 minutes means you'll complete a sleep cycle.Once you factor in the time it takes to fall asleep—“Some people are better at napping than others but,”says Stanley,“a healthy adult will fall asleep in between 5 and 12 minutes.”—you can set an alarm,allowing a 30-to 40-minute period for a short nap,and up to two hours for a longer one.A good time to nap is during the body's natural dip in the afternoon,between 2 p. m. and 4p. m.“You don't really want to be napping much past that because then you are going to be eating into your night-time sleep,”Stanley says. The point,he stres ses,is to get good night-time sleep,which would ensure you probably don't need to nap at all.4. What does an afternoon nap indicate for most peopleA. Caffeine addiction.B. Psychological stress.C. Insufficient night sleep.D. Potential physical illness.5. What is the key to a good napA. Duration. B . Surroundings.C. Health.D. Stages.6. What does the underlined word“that”in the last paragraph refer toA. A 30-to 40-minute period.B. Between 2 p. m and 4 p. mC. Between 5 and 12 minutes.D. A 20-90-minute period.7. Which of the following can be the best title for the textA. Why to Phase A NapB. When to Take A Good NapC. What to Learn From A NapD. How to Have A Successful Nap2CIn the 17th century,the Netherlands experienced a period of artistic prosperity known as the Dutch Golden Age. During this period,artists found inspiration in Northern Renaissance painting techniques,contributing to masterpieces like Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer.Known as the“Mona Lisa of the North”,this painting represents the best of Dutch art and it has become one of the most beloved paintings in art history.Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer is famous for his paintings of contemporary Delft,a city in Holland where the artist was born,lived and died. Girl with a Pearl Earring is Vermeer's most well-known work of art. However,it did not attain international fameat its time of completion. That came about at the end of the 20th century,when it was featured in a special exhibition in Washington,D. C.Girl with a Pearl Earring does not show a specific person. Instead,it shows an unknown girl dressed in grand clothing,who is“like a vision coming from the darkness”and“belongs to no specific time or place”,art historian Arthur K. Wheelock explained.Vermeer is known for his ability to create shapes and forms using light rather than lines. This characteristic approach is particularly evident in Girl with a Pearl Earring. First,he would“invent”,or create an initial drawing on the canvas. Then,he made a single colored underpainting(底层色).Next,he added color. And,finally,in order to make the piece extraordinarily bright,he would apply a thin layer of glaze(釉)to certain parts of the painting.In addition to its fascinating context and appealing beauty,the piece is celebrated for the mystery that surrounds it.“When you think about Mona Lisa,she is also looking at us,but she isn't engaging—she’s sitting back in the painting,self-contained,”Tracy Chevalier,the author of The New York Times’best-selling historical novel,Girl with a Pearl Earring,points out.“While the girl with a pearl earring in the painting is right there—there is nothing between her and us. She has this magical quality of being incredibly open and yet mysterious at the same time—and that is what makes her so appeal ing.”8. What inspired the creation of the painting Girl with a Pearl EarringA. The appearance of the girl.B. Vermeer's international fame.C. Previous artists'painting skills.D. Encouragement from other artists.9. What do we know about the painting Girl with a Pearl EarringA. It is set in the artist's birthplace.B. It makes the artist famous overnight.C. It describes a particular and famous girl.D. It is regarded as a match for Mona Lisa.10. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk aboutA. The subject of the painting.B. Techniques used in the painting.C. The historic value of the painting.D. The mystery behind the painting.11. How does Tracy comment on the painting Girl with a Pearl EarringA. By citing a theory.B. By giving a definition.C. By offering an example.D. By making a comparison.3DHave you ever suddenly developed an appetite from a passing glance at a freeway billboard featuring a brightly colored cheeseburger,or decided to step into a candy or ice cream store displaying a window full of lively shades and hues(色调)of sweet treats If so,you are in good company. Unless we are medically restricted or strictly dieting,we are not likely to resist inviting fare simply because we recognize the lack of nutritional value.Devina Wadhera and Elizabech D. Capaldi-Phillips in A Review of Visual Cues Associated with Food recognize the impact of sensory cues(信号)on food consumption and enjoyment,and the potential they have to promote healthy eating behavior. They cite previous research in providing some interesting examples of thevisual impact of different color schemes(方案)on taste and food enjoyment. They note that pink food on a white plate was considered sweeter and more flavorful than the same food on a black plate. Apparently,we consume with more of our senses than we realize. So given the rainbow of colors around us when faced with so many appealing food choices,is there any way to control our appetite Thankfully,some research says yes.Oliver Genschow demonstrated that when it comes to eating less colors impact consumption!They specifically researched the effect of the color red. They found that people ate fewer pretzels when using a red plate,as opposed to white or blue,and drank less from a red cup than a blue cup.They suggest that the color red reduces food and drink intake by functioning as a stop signal.But when it comes to healthy eating,instead of putting on a pair of sunglasses to block the inviting hues of food cues,consider the value of discipline. Healthy eating involves intentional choices,not mindless responses to sensory cues. And before you invest in many red tableware to slim down,remember that what goes onto those plates is much more important.12. What may be a major reason for us to refuse eye-catching foodA. The shortage of nutrition.B. The rich color of fine foods.C. The doctor's instructions.D. Advertisements everywhere.13. What might be dealt with in A Review of Visual Cues Associated with FoodA. Benefits of different color schemes.B. Interesting examples of food service.C. Potentials to promote food consumption.D. Effects of sensory cues on eating behavior.14. What does the author suggest people do in the last paragraphA. Follow the sensory response.B. Make food choices sensibly.C. Wear sunglasses to block colors.D. Avoid colorful food intentionally.15. What is the best title for the textA. How People can Control Their Appetite.B. How People are Tricked by Color Schemes.C. How Colors Impact Food Appeal and Appetite.D. How Bright Colors Make Food More Appealing.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
2022-2023学年河南省南阳市第一中学高一下学期3月月考化学试题 Word版
X和Y的基态原子的2p能级上各有两个未成对电子,Z与Y同族,W原子核内有29个质子,下列说法正确的是()A.W与Y形成的化合物晶胞如图所示,该化合物的化学式为WYB.元素第一电离能:I1(Z)>I1(Y)C.气态氢化物的热稳定性:Y>ZD.原子半径:r(Z)>r(Y)>r(X)2.根据元素在元素周期表中的位置,下列判断错误的是()A.酸性:H3PO4>HNO3B.碱性:KOH>Mg(OH)2C.非金属性:Br>I D.稳定性:H2O<HF3.W、X、Y、Z是原子序数依次增大的短周期主族元素,且原子序数总和为25,Y是地壳中含量最多的元素,由这四种元素形成的某化合物结构如图所示。
下列叙述正确的是()A.简单离子半径:Y<ZB.该化合物具有强氧化性,可杀菌消毒C.该化合物中W、X、Y、Z最外层均达到8电子稳定结构D.W分别与X、Y、Z形成的化合物所含化学键类型相同4.几种短周期元素的原子半径及主要化合价如表所示:元素代号X Y Z W原子半径/pm1601437574主要化合价+2+3+5、﹣3﹣2下列叙述正确的是()A.X、Y的最高价氧化物对应水化物的碱性:X<YB.简单离子的半径:Z<W<X<YC.Y与W形成的化合物既能与强酸反应又能与强碱反应D.X与Z形成的化合物为共价化合物5.2016年IUPAC将第117号元素命名为Ts(中文名“石田”,tián),Ts的最外层电子数是7。
高一上学期第三次月考试题 物理 Word版含答案
每小题4分,其中1~8题为单选;9~12题为多选) 1.关于速度和加速度,下列说法不正确的是( )A .加速度增大,速度可能减少B .速度变化很大,加速度可能很小C .速度变化越快,加速度一定越大D .物体速度为零时,加速度也一定为零2.一物体做匀加速直线运动,某过程用时为3t ,已知经过第一个t 时间内位移为1x ,后2t 时间内位移为2x ,该过程中物体的初速度和加速度分别为( ) A .1286x x t -,21223x xt -B .1266x x t -,21223x xt- C .12286x x t-,21223x x t - D .1286x x t-,2123x x t - 3.在日常生活中,经常遇到与摩擦力有关的问题你认为下列说法中正确的是( ) A .人走路时,会受到动摩擦力作用B .消防队员双手握住竖立的竹竿匀速上攀时,所受的摩擦力的方向是向下的;匀速滑下时,所受的摩擦力的方向是向上的C .将酒瓶用手竖直握住停留在空中,当再增大手的用力,酒瓶所受的摩擦力不变D .在结冰的水平路面上撒些盐,只是为了人走上去不易滑倒4.如图所示,质量为m 的A 物体放在水平桌面上,通过光滑的定滑轮悬挂一个质量也为m 的B 物体,且已知物体A 与桌面间的动摩擦因数为0.5,要使A 静止,需加一水平向左的力1F kmg =,重力加速度为g ,A 与桌面间的最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,则k 的取值可能为( ) A .0.4B .1.4C .2.4D .3.45.如图所示,在竖直平面内一根不可伸长的柔软轻绳通过光滑的轻质滑轮悬挂一重物.轻绳一端固定在墙壁上的A 点,另一端从墙壁上的B 点先沿着墙壁缓慢移到C 点,后由C 点缓慢移到D 点,不计一切摩擦,且墙壁BC 段竖直,CD 段水平,在此过程中关于轻绳的拉力F 的变化情况,下列说法正确的是( ) A .F 一直减小B .F 一直增大C .F 先增大后减小D .F 先不变后增大6.如右图所示,一质量为m 的物体恰能在质量为M 的斜劈上匀速下滑,斜劈保持静止.现用一沿斜面向下的外力F 推此物体,使物体加速下滑,设此过程中斜劈受到地面的摩擦力为F f ,支持力为F N .则下列说法正确的是( )A .f F 为零,N ()F M m g =+B .f F 不为零,N ()F M m g =+C .f F 不为零,N ()F M m g >+D .f F 不为零,N ()F m M g +<7.如图,在粗糙水平桌面上放着笔记本电脑P 和两个形状大小相同长方体垫片M 、N ,假设所有接触处均粗糙,但动摩擦因数不同,当垫片N 受到一个水平外力F 作用时,使电脑P 和垫片M 随垫片N 保持相对静止一起向右做匀速运动,此时垫片M 受到力的个数有( ) A .3 B .4C .5D .68.如图甲所示,木块A 和B 用一个轻质弹簧连接,竖直放置在水平地面上,最初系统静止。
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固然,中国人心灵里并不缺乏雍穆和平的大海似的幽深,然而,由心灵的冒险,不怕悲剧,以窥探宇宙人生的危岩雪岭,发而为莎士比亚的悲剧、贝多芬的乐曲,这却是西洋人生波澜壮阔的造诣!(摘编自宗白华《艺术与中国社会》)[注] ①三代:指夏、商、周三个朝代的合称。