中国独生子女政策Chinese one-child policy

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Chian’s one child policy


In 1980,the Xinhua news agency announced a prediction of Songjian about china’s population development process, it said that if china’s population continue to develop so quickly, there will be over 1.4 billion people until 2000 and 4 billion people until 2050 in china. After the announcement, many people felt shocked and panic. Some experts thought the large number of population would block the development of economy. Also, it would cause the shortage of some natural resources. In September,1980, the fifth Chinese national people’s congress set up the goal that we should make Chinese population less than 1.2 billion at the end of 20 century. So, without rigorous argument,(严密的论证) one-child policy was carried out in1980s.

Positive effect:

1,promote the financial accumulation of the society. Because there are less new-born people, the consumption also reduce, so we can save more money.(加速资金积累)

2,It became easier for people to find a job because there are less people and less employment pressure. At the same time ,it can also promote the development of economy.(利于劳动就业)3,It can make children receive more and good education, because our country can use the money which we save from the policy to improve the quality of education. And parents who only have one child can have more money to pay for our educational fare.(促进教育,提高人口质量)

4,A family don’t need to raise many chidren, so they have more money to pay for their entertainment, their life can be more colorful.(享乐消费)

Negative effect:

1, The aging process has been speed up because of one-child policy. It was believed that our country will become a aging society in 2020. however, our country’s statistic office find that we have become a aging society in October,1999.

2, The sex ratio become bigger. The newest ratio of male and female is 117:100. it means that there will be more and more men can not find a wife. This problem will lead to more serious social contradiction and social crisis.

3, Another crisis is about the growing of children. If the only child of a family can not grow up healthily or died because of illness or accident, it will be a great hit to the family. Also, the family become incomplete and there will be nobody who can take care of the old parents, and the social pressure will become heavier. Statistics from the fifth demographic census(第五次人口普查)show that there are over 570,000 families who used to have a child but now haven’t.

4, the children will bear much more pressure in raising old family members. If there is only one child in a family, it means that he should in charge of supporting 4 old family members himself. There will be more problems about whether the child has enough money to support the family, whether there are enough room for them to live and so on.

5, the society also bear much pressure, because more old people mean that we must development social security system. However, a research show that our country have owed retired old people 2trilion yuan. 5,the crisis of social development. As there are more and more old people and less and less young people who can work, economy may be influenced. Meanwhile, it may also lead to crisis of national defense because there are not enough young and strong people who can join the army and protect our country.
