Reading Analysis语篇教学的范例——有感于《21世纪大学英语读写教程》的Reading Analysis环节
一、语篇分析理论的和阅读教学语篇分析(discourse analysis)这一术语是由结构主义者哈里斯(Ha rris)于1952年在《语言》上发表的一篇文章中首次提出。
关键字: 语篇, 语篇 分析 , 语 篇模 式 , 大 学英语教 学 中 图分 类 号 : G 6 4 2 . 4 文献 标 志码 : A
文章 编号 : 1 6 7 4 — 9 3 2 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 2 — 0 0 7 6 — 0 3
语 篇研 究概 述
习语篇 时 , 不 仅要 分析语 言 的形 式特 点 , 还要 对句 子 以上层
语类 分析 、 话语 结构 、 话语 的衔接 和连贯 、 话 语 的推进 方式 、 信息流程等。英美学派是最早研究语篇分析的。语篇分析 ( d i s c o u s r e a na l y s i s ) 是 指 对 比句 子 更 长 、 以 交 际 为 目的 的 语 言 片段所作 的语 言及交 际功 能的分 析 , 旨在 找 出带 有相 似语境 的话语 系列 , 并 确定其 分布 规律 。 这就要 求学 生在学
要 的作 用 , 有助 于学 生理解整 个语篇 的框 架 。 3 . 五 种语 篇 模 式 。① 概 括 一具 体 模 式 ( G e n e r a l — S p e — c i i f c P a t t e r n ) 。宏 观结 构 大 致有 两 种 : A概 括 陈 述一 具 体 陈述 l 一 具体 陈述 2 一具体陈述 3 一 概括陈述 ; B概 括 陈 述一 具体 陈述一更具 体陈述一 概括陈述 。②叙 事模式 ( N a r r a t i v e P a t t e n) r 。 拉 波夫 ( L a b o v , 1 9 7 2 ) 根据 随意会 话 的 自 然 叙述 顺 序 , 提 出这 种预 测 的模 式包 括 六个 环 节 的叙 事 结构 : 点题 ( A h s t m c t ) —— 叙 述 者 在 叙 述 之 前 对 故 事 所 做 的简要 概括 。 指向( O r i e n t a t i o n ) — — 介绍 故事 发 生 的时 间 、
21世纪大学英语读写教程2 reading aloud 课文及翻译
"Very hesitantly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field. At that moment I heard the sound of a motorcar in the drive and threw down my brush in a panic. I was even more alarmed when I saw who stepped from the car: the wife of Sir John Lavery, the celebrated painter who lived nearby.“我迟疑不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后小心翼翼地在雪白的底子上的画上蚕豆般大小的一笔。
"'Painting!' she declared. 'What fun. But what are you waiting for Let me have the brush —the big one.' She plunged into the paints and before I knew it, she had swept several fierce strokes and slashes of blue on the absolutely terrified canvas. Anyone could see it could not hit back. I hesitated no more.I seized the largest brush and fell upon my wretched victim with wild fury. I have never felt any fear of a canvas since."‘在画画呢!’她大声说道。
是 l h- er d , 调 对 思想 内涵 有 很 大 的 影 响 , 般 说 来 写 文章 i t ae 基 g h t 一
有 三 种 常 见 的 目的 ,即 i om t n a i e p ru s e at l n n r ai rc , esa i r ce — f o t l v i ,e
最低 层次 。这 包 括 : 111 语 言点 : 语 的 基 础 ., 英
基本 的语 言点 仍 是 大 学 英 语 学 习 的 重 点 之一 。 着 材料 的难 随
度 加 大 . 汇 量 也 随 之 增 多 , 多 新 鲜 词 涌 人 了 学 生 的 脑 海 , 要 词 许 需
第 一 , 想 内涵 的把 握 。 是 英 语 学 习 的第 二 阶段 , 于 提高 思 这 属
阶段 。 整 体 基调 : 篇 文章 都 有 一个 整 体 基 调 , 能 是 sr u , 可 能 每 可 eos i 也
记 忆 的东 西 也 就 多 了 。 以 2 1世 纪 大 学 英 语 第 三 册 U i etA nt T x l ,
为例 , 中出现 了新 的短语如 pp y l e 成熟 的恋情) a ea 其 u p o { v、 , k m
p s a s ( 非 礼 举 动)g u d u nu h pn i 削 足够 的铅 as t b 做 ;r n p eo g e c s( o l 笔 )还 有 新 的单 词 如 b lic ( 腹 灰 雀 )p pi ( T 辣 椒 ) , ulnh 红 f ,a r ae 笼 k d  ̄ ̄ ,
国 与西 欧 国家 的不 同文 化 现象 , 读 者 以愉 快 的心 情 获得 了知识 。 使 总体 上 把 握 : 思想 内涵 , 往往 体 现 在 文 章 的标 题 和 主 题 句 上 ,
英语教学中的语篇分析读后感悟Reflections on Text Analysis in English Language Teaching.Teaching English, especially at the higher levels, is not just about vocabulary and grammar. It's aboutinstilling in students a deep understanding of the language, its nuances, and how it is used in real-world contexts.This is where the importance of text or discourse analysis comes into play. Recently, I had the opportunity to delve deeper into this aspect of English teaching, and the experience was both eye-opening and thought-provoking.Understanding the Big Picture.Discourse analysis goes beyond the sentence level to look at how language is used to convey meaning in a larger context. It involves examining the relationships between sentences, paragraphs, and even entire texts to understand how they work together to create meaning. This approach iscrucial in English teaching because it helps students appreciate the role of context in communication. By analyzing texts, students learn to identify themes, arguments, and the author's intended message, rather than just focusing on individual words or sentences.Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice.One of the most challenging aspects of introducing discourse analysis in the classroom is bridging the gap between theory and practical application. Theory can often be abstract and difficult to grasp, especially for younger students. However, by using real-world examples and hands-on activities, I found that students were more engaged and able to make connections between what they were learning and how it could be applied in real life.Encouraging Critical Thinking.Discourse analysis also encourages critical thinking. By analyzing texts, students are forced to question assumptions, challenge existing ideas, and form their ownopinions. This process not only improves their language skills but also their ability to think critically about the world around them. It helps them develop a more nuanced understanding of issues and perspectives, which is invaluable in today's interconnected world.Challenges and Solutions.However, there are also challenges in implementing discourse analysis in the classroom. One major hurdle is the time it takes to analyze texts in depth. With limited class time, it can be difficult to balance between covering the basics and delving into more advanced concepts. To overcome this, I found that it was essential to carefully select texts that were both engaging and代表性 of the concepts we were trying to teach. This way, students could gain a comprehensive understanding without feeling overwhelmed.Another challenge is ensuring that all students are engaged and participating in the analysis. Sometimes, students can feel left out or intimidated by the complexityof the texts being analyzed. To address this, I tried to create a safe and inclusive learning environment where students felt comfortable sharing their ideas and asking questions. I also encouraged them to work in groups, which not only made the task more manageable but also fostered collaboration and peer learning.The Way Forward.In conclusion, discourse analysis is a crucial component of English language teaching that helps students develop a deeper understanding of the language and its uses. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, encouraging critical thinking, and addressing thechallenges that arise, we can ensure that our students not only excel in their language skills but also becomeinformed and responsible global citizens. As teachers, itis our responsibility to continue exploring and innovatingin order to provide our students with the best possible education that equips them for the future.。
21世纪大学英语读写教程2reading aloud
Unit 1“Very hesitantly I selected a tube of blue paint,and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white that moment I heard the sound of a motorcar in the drive and threw down my brush in a panic. I was even more alarmed when I saw who stepped from the car,the wife of Sir John Lavery,the celebrated painter who lived nearby.”“Painting!’she declared.’what fun.But what are you waiting for?’Let me have the brush-the big one.’She plunged into the paints and before I knew it,she had swept several fierce strokes and slashes of blue on the absolutely terrified canvas.Anyone could see it could not hit back.I hesitated no more.I seized the largest brush and fell upon my wretched victim with wild fury.I have never felt any fear of a canvas since.”Unit 2This belief in hard work is the first of three main factors contributing to Asian students’outstanding performance.It springs from Asians’common heritage of Confucianism, the philosophy of the 5th-century-BC Chinese sage whose teachings have had a profound influence on Chinese society.One of Confucius’s primary teachings is that through effort,people can perfect themselves.Confucianism provides another important ingredient in the Asians’success as well.In Confucian philosophy,the family plays a central role-an orientation that leads people to work for the honor of the family,not just for themselves.One can never repay one’s parents,and there’s a sense of obligation or even guilt that is as strong a force among Asians as Protestant philosophy is among those in the West.Unit 3The first cultural translator I ever met was an installation engineer,George by name,who worked for an American company where I was the director of international operations.The company had just started a joint venture with a Japanese firm,and the American management needed someone to train the Japanese employees in its unique technology.George’s solid understanding of the equipment,its installation and use made him the best-qualified employee for the job,so everyone was happy when George accepted a two-year contract for temporary transfer to Japan.From the start,George was well accepted by all the Japanese employees.Japanese managers often distrust anyone sent to represent US owners,but George was so naturally nonassertive that no one could see him as a threat to their careers.So they felt comfortable asking his advise on a wide range of matters,including the odd behavior of their partners across the ocean.Engineers throughout the company appreciated George’s expertise and his friendly and capable help,and they got into the habit of turning to him whenever they had a problem-any problem.And the secretaries in the office were eager to help this nice bachelor learn Japanese.Unit 4Failure is never pleasant.It hurts adults and children alike.But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it.Step one is to ask“Why did I fail?”Resist the natural impulse to blame someone else.Ask yourself what you did wrong,how you can improve.If someone else can help,don’t be shy about inquiring.Success,which encourages repetition of old behavior,is not nearly as good a teacher as failure.You can learn from a disastrous party how to give a good one,from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second.Even a failure that seems total can prompt fresh thinking,a change of direction.Unit 8When you’re eating among other people,you don’t raise your voice;it’s just one example of the unwritten rules we live by.When you consider it,you recognize that those rules probably govern our lives on a more absolute basis than the ones you could find if you looked in the law books.The customs that govern us are what make a civilization.There would be chaos without them,and yet it’s not at all clear why-even in our disintegrating society-we obey them.How many times have you stopped at a red light late at night?You can see in all directions;there’s no one else around-no headlights,no police cruise idling behind you.You’re tired and in a hurry.But you wait for the light to change.Is it for safety’s sake?No;you can see that there would be no accident if you drove on.Is it to avoid getting arrested?No;you are alone;there’s no one to catch you.Still,you sit and wait.。
21世纪大学英语读写教程2作文答案I'm sorry, but I cannot provide a specific essay on the "21st Century College English Reading and Writing Course 2" as it is copyrighted material. However, I can provide you with a general outline and tips on how to write an essay based on this textbook.1. Introduction: Begin by introducing the topic of the essay and providing some background information on the "21st Century College English Reading and Writing Course2." You can also include a thesis statement that outlines the main points you will be discussing in the essay.2. Body paragraphs: In the body of the essay, you can discuss specific topics, themes, or concepts covered in the textbook. You can analyze readings, writing exercises, and other materials provided in the course. Make sure to provide examples and evidence to support your points.3. Conclusion: Finally, wrap up your essay by summarizing the main points you have discussed and reiterating your thesis statement. You can also make recommendations for further study or discuss the implications of the course material.In conclusion, writing an essay based on the "21st Century College English Reading and Writing Course 2" can be achallenging but rewarding task. By following the tips outlined above, you can create a well-structured and insightful piece of writing that showcases your understanding of the course material. Good luck!。
21世纪大学英语读写教程2《21世纪大学英语读写教程2》: 提升学习者的英语读写能力引言21世纪大学英语读写教程2是为提高学习者的英语读写能力而编写的一本教材。
第一部分: 阅读理解阅读理解是提高英语能力的关键,而这本教程的第一部分就专注于培养学习者的阅读理解能力。
第二部分: 写作练习该教程的第二部分旨在提高学习者的写作能力。
第三部分: 提高读写技巧除了阅读和写作能力,该教程还注重提高学习者的读写技巧。
第四部分: 拓展知识领域为了帮助学习者拓展知识领域,教材的最后一部分提供了一些额外的阅读材料。
英语教学中的语篇分析读后感英语作文1After reading about discourse analysis in English teaching, I was deeply enlightened and gained numerous valuable insights. The knowledge presented in the materials has truly transformed my perspective on teaching English.One particular case that stood out to me was the analysis of a complex narrative text. By carefully dissecting the structure, the use of transition words, and the overall organization of the story, I grasped a clear understanding of how to guide students to navigate through such intricate pieces. It became evident that pointing out the connections between paragraphs and highlighting the key themes helped students build a coherent mental map of the text.Another aspect that struck me was the newfound appreciation for certain analytical methods. The emphasis on identifying the author's purpose and the intended audience allowed for a more profound interpretation of the text. For instance, when analyzing a persuasive essay, understanding these elements enabled me to explain to students how the writer crafts arguments to sway the readers' opinions.In conclusion, this reading has not only enhanced my understanding of the subject matter but also equipped me with practical tools andstrategies to better assist students in their comprehension of English texts.I am now more confident in guiding them to unlock the hidden meanings and logical flow within various types of discourse.2After reading about discourse analysis in English teaching, I was deeply enlightened. It has become apparent to me that discourse analysis is not merely an academic concept but a powerful tool that can significantly enhance the quality of English teaching and students' language acquisition.I realized that discourse analysis plays a crucial role in improving students' comprehensive language application abilities. By analyzing the structure, context, and language features of a text, students can better understand the logic and coherence of the language, thereby improving their reading comprehension skills. For instance, when studying a narrative text, through discourse analysis, students can grasp the development of the plot and the characters' emotions more accurately, which enriches their understanding of the story.In my own teaching practice, I have made initial attempts to apply discourse analysis. I found that it helps students to have a more systematic understanding of grammar and vocabulary. Instead of memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary in isolation, they can understand how these elements function in a specific context. This has greatly enhanced their ability to use language accurately and appropriately.In conclusion, discourse analysis is an indispensable part of English teaching. It opens up new horizons for both teachers and students, enabling us to explore the beauty and complexity of the English language in a more profound way.3After reading about discourse analysis in English teaching, I have gained profound insights and numerous thoughts. The book has truly opened my eyes to the importance and complexity of this aspect in the field of language education.I realized that the current methods of discourse analysis in English teaching have certain limitations. For instance, in some cases, teachers overly focus on the grammatical structures and vocabulary within the text, neglecting the overall context and the cultural background it represents. This leads to students having a fragmented understanding of the language and failing to grasp the true meaning and purpose of the discourse.However, the reading also sparked my thinking on how to improve these shortcomings. We could combine various teaching methods to enhance the effect of discourse analysis. For example, using multimedia resources such as videos and audio clips to provide a more vivid context for students, or organizing group discussions to encourage them to explore and analyze the discourse from different perspectives.In conclusion, I am filled with anticipation for the optimization ofdiscourse analysis methods in English teaching. I believe that with continuous exploration and innovation, we can help students better master the English language and improve their comprehensive language skills.4After reading about discourse analysis in English teaching, I have gained profound insights. I have come to realize that the way of discourse analysis can significantly influence students' interest in learning English.For instance, when the analysis is presented in an engaging and interactive manner, such as through stories, videos, or real-life examples, it can capture students' attention and ignite their enthusiasm. I have witnessed how a teacher used a popular English movie scene to analyze the discourse, and the students were completely immersed in the class, actively participating and eager to learn more.However, on the contrary, I have also observed cases where improper discourse analysis led to students' loss of interest. When the teaching approach was too theoretical and dry, filled with complex grammar explanations and mechanical analysis, students appeared bored and disinterested. They struggled to connect with the content and found the learning process monotonous.In conclusion, effective discourse analysis in English teaching is crucial for stimulating students' interest. It should be creative, relevant, and tailored to the students' needs and interests. Only by doing so can we trulyenhance the quality and effectiveness of English teaching and help students develop a genuine love for the language.5After reading about discourse analysis in English teaching, I was deeply impressed by its significant value in cultivating students' critical thinking.The analysis of discourse allows students to go beyond the surface meaning of the text. For instance, when reading a news article, they can explore not only the stated facts but also the underlying intentions and possible biases. This helps them develop the ability to question and evaluate the information presented.Take a class discussion on a literary work as an example. Through discourse analysis, students were guided to notice the author's choice of words, sentence structures, and the overall organization of the text. They started to think about why certain themes were emphasized and how different elements contributed to the overall message. This process encouraged them to form their own opinions and defend them based on the textual evidence.In another case, when analyzing a scientific report, students were asked to identify the assumptions made and the possible limitations of the research. This kind of exercise pushed them to think critically and not accept everything at face value.In conclusion, discourse analysis in English teaching is not just about understanding the text but also about nurturing students' ability to think independently and critically. It equips them with essential skills to navigate the complex world of information and make informed judgments.。
isse h tW iso ’ p cu e o eo i rto at l n itd t a n tns itr - n fh sf s fCh rwel i - wa h r fap oe so a, o na tu , n h ud b stewoko rfs in l n ta mae r a d s o l e
订 版 ) 一单 元 U iO e nt hrh lHs t r i 第 n n s n uci— i Oh f t Wi o C l e Le 中 , l 段 (ae ) 第 1 pg 4 :
E te w r a o y u ,a d o o h jde nr s ee n n mo s n sme f te u g s i
关键 词 : 语 ; 英 阅读 ; 堂 ; 课 策略
建 国 以来 , 育部 历 次 颁 布 的大 学 英 语 教学 大纲 始 教 终 把 阅 读 理 解 能 力 的 培 养 摆 在 重 要 位 置 。 著 名 学 者
kah n 外 语 学 习 的主要 成 功 因素 之 一 归纳 为 大 剂量 、 rse 把
语篇分析在大学英语阅读教学中的运用【摘要】: 在大学英语阅读教学中,语篇分析发挥着越来越重要的作用,文章从语篇、语篇分析与语篇教学法的概念入手,谈谈自己在大学英语阅读教学中语篇分析的运用。
黄国文教授认为:”语篇通常指一系列连续的话段或句子构成的语言整体...... 语篇无论以何种形式出现,都必须合乎语法,并且语义连贯,包括与外界在语义上和语用上(semantically and pragmatically)的连贯,也包括语篇内部在语言上的连贯。
【关键词】阅读教学语篇分析可行性【Abstract】Discourse Analysis in reading class in university English teaching is a very important practical plate.This paper attempts to start from the university English reading course present situation,the concept of discourse analysis and the specific application to help students sort out the reading of the text structure,straighten out the importance of the text,but,more important is to read the text content and message reaches deeper,more fully understand.On discourse analysis in university English reading and its significance in the teaching of the feasibility to do some research.【Keywords】the teaching of reading; discourse analysis; The feasibility一、语篇分析理论近些年来,语言学领域从社会学的角度出发,将语言分为三大功能:概念功能、交际功能和语篇功能。
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而设置的,目的是改变传统英语课程过分重视语法和词汇的 倾向, 提高学生实经验和认知水平出发, 倡导体验、 实践、 参与、 合作 与交流的学习方式, 使语言学习的过程成为学生主动思维、 大 胆实践和自主学习的过程。 教师要善于利用数字、 颜色、 食品、
四、 结束语 兴趣是最好的老师。学生的英语学习兴趣关系到学生将
个良 好的情绪状态, 讲话要幽默风趣, 要通过自己的言行、 表 情传递给学生亲切、 鼓励、 信任、 尊重的情感信息, 建立一种合 作、 和谐、 融洽的师生关系。教师在向学生传授英语知识与技 能的同时, 一定要重视感情的投人, 多给他们信心、 鼓励和帮 助, 让学生敢于大胆开口, 畅所欲言, 各抒己见, 在和谐轻松的 学习环境中愉快地学习,在融洽的师生关系和活跃的课堂气 氛中“ 亲其师而信其道”对英语产生持久的学习兴趣。 , 3. 教学内容要贴近学生生活, 符合小学生兴趣的需求
14 8
服 玩 动 装、 具、 植物、 体、 人、 庭、 校、 友、 体等, 身 个 家 学 朋 文 以
来的发展, 关系到我国未来人才的素质。在小学英语教学中, 注重激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,充分调动他们学习的主动 性和积极性, 使之保持强烈的求知欲, 产生强大的学习动力, 是学生后继学习的前提和保证, 激发和培养学生的英语学习 兴趣是小学英语教师的一项重要任务。 因此, 作为小学英语教 师, 一方面要向学生传授语言知识, 使他们掌握一定的语言知 识和技能; 另一方面更要重视培养和保持学生对英语这门学 科的兴趣, 全方位提高学生的思想、 文化、 心理素质, 为终生学
及周围环境和社会生活中鲜活的话题,采用儿童喜爱的表现 形式, 如韵律诗歌、 寓言故事、 会话表演、 游戏等, 以激发学生 的兴趣。 小学阶段英语教学不能仅仅向学生传授英语知识, 随 意拔高教学要求, 过分强调一些复杂的语言知识, 而忽视学生 的认知水平和主观能动性, 挫伤学生学习英语的主动积极性。 4、 根据儿童生理和心理发展的特征, 采用多种教学方法 儿童的注意力容易分散, 对一些事情的兴趣不能持久, 教 学方法单调呆板, 会使小学生兴趣索然, 教师应采取丰富多彩 的教学方法, 如情景法、 视听法、 结构法、 功能法、 全身反应法、 沉浸法等, 创设情景, 促进相互交流, 如创设打电话、 购物、 生 日聚会、 野餐、 旅游、 问路、 看病等栩栩如生的情景, 开展互动 式、 合作式学习。 当孩子们扮演角色, 成功地做成一件事时, 他 们会喜形于色, 兴趣倍增、 信心加强, 受到很大激励。 小学英语 课程要求学生学会运用、 学会表达、 在做中学、 在玩中学, 掌握 初步运用语言进行交际的能力。根据小学生的年龄特点和心 理特征, 创设生动、 活泼的生活情境 , 让他们扮演角色投人到 活动中去学习相关知识, 在玩中学, 学中玩, 达到忘我的境界。 小学生天生好奇,一切新鲜的刺激物的出现都会引起他们的 注意。 因此, 教师可以设计一些有趣的活动, 让学生手、 口、 脑、 耳、 肢、 眼、 体并用, 动静结合, 可以画画、 剪剪、 贴贴、 , 说说 使 学生能够体验到实际生活中使用语言的乐趣。 圣诞节、 新年快 到了, 可以让学生自己制作圣诞、 新年贺卡并写上祝福语, 互 相赠送, 这样既可以增进彼此之间的友谊, 又可以在生活中运 用所学到的书本知识, 能大大激发学生的学习兴趣。 5. 利用多种媒体、 直观教具等形式优化教学资源 在教学过程中, 教师要尽可能利用多媒体、 录音机、 幻灯 机、 投影仪等现代化教学设备, 优化教学资源, 为学生提供良 好的语言环境, 使学生置身于英语的氛围中, 体验到运用英语
角 以读带写
个系列, 包括《 读写教程》 四册、听说教程》 《 四册、练习册》 《 及 《 教师参考书》 四册, 供大学英语教学两年使用。 教材一经推出 便获得了广大高校师生和英语爱好者的好评,成为普通高等 教育国家级重点教材, 并获得2002年全国优秀教材二等奖。 荣
的乐趣。 根据教学目 教师可以运用多媒体技术, 标, 将文字、 图 像、 声音、 动画等信息有机结合, 以此增强教学效果, 提高教学 效率。 多媒体等各种现代化设备的应用能使教学变得生动、 形 象、 活泼, 感染力强, 能有效地激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 情境 的设置会使学生感到好奇, 轻松愉快的情境能使学生兴致盎 然, 这既能使学生在教学活动中学到知识, 又能使他们的思维 水平得到提高。 6. 组织学生参加丰富多彩的课外活动 课外活动是实现教育目的的重要途径,是课堂教学的有 益补充。 语言的学习离不开各种实践活动, 语言是学生学会的, 而不是教师教会的。小学生活泼好动, 参加各种活动的积极性 高。 教师可以因材施教, 组织他们参加形式多样的课外活动, 如 举行英语知识竞赛, 猜英语谜语, 讲英语故事, 收听英语广播, 办英语墙报, 编排英语剧, 举办英语晚会等, 让学生把课堂上学 到的知识应用到课外活动中去, 为学生提供更多运用英语的机 会。 这些活动能够丰富学生的知识, 开阔他们的眼界, 激发他们 学习英语持久的兴趣, 产生强大的学习动力。 小学生年龄小, 教 师应因势利导, 不断给予他们以鼓励和帮助, 逐渐培养他们应 用英语的习惯, 使他们在实践活动中体验到成功的乐趣。
( 21世纪大学英语读写教程》 21世纪大学英语》 是《 的系列 丛书之一, ( (21世纪大学英语》 是根据教育部颁发的( 大学英语 教学大纲(修订本)》 编写的一套大学英语教材, 教材编写人员
是来 自复旦大学和上海交通大学的资深教师。该教材共分四
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( 阅读分析) 部分充分体现了编者以语篇分析为出 发点的整 体性教学原则, 本文拟从语篇的视角及以读带写等方面加以
Reading Analysis : 语篇教 学 的范例