





它的长宽高分别为177m×177m×30m 。

它的右面是 形,长 米,宽 米,面积是 平方米。

2. 150 cm 2= dm 23.08 m 3= m 3 dm 33.9() =34 = = ()40= (填小数)4.悦悦家买了一桶5 L 的食用油,一个月后,还剩下全部的35,还剩下 L 。


甜甜家一周用了42个医用口罩,爸爸用去了这些口罩的13,甜甜用去的数量是爸爸的57,甜甜用去了 个口罩。

6.随着我国5G 网络 的发展,5G 用户数快速增长,下图是5G 移动电话用户数。

截至2023年4月末,5G 移动电话用户数达到 亿户,比2022年4月末增加了 亿户。

7.在 ▲ 里填上“>”“<”或“=”34×34 34÷34 29×97 29 45 45×128.随着互联网技术的快速发展,AI 智能终端正在成为新技术的重要载体。

据预测数据,到2025年全球AI 智能终端市场规模有望超过130亿美元。

比2020年AI 智能终端市场规模的2倍少43亿美元。

2020年AI 智能终端市场规模约多少亿美元?等量关系: -43亿美元=130亿美元 解:设2020年AI 智能终端市场规模约x 亿美元。




春节期间国内旅游收入多少亿元?列式为( ) 。

A .156×67B .67÷156C .5556×67D .67÷555610.下面算式中,得数最大的是( )。



深圳小学语文知识与能力训练五下答案1、下列选项中加着重号字读音不相同的一项是()[单选题] *A、消灭逍遥销路烟硝火药B、水淀纱锭靛蓝皮开肉绽(正确答案)C、菱角丘陵凌晨绫罗绸缎D、飘飞漂泊剽悍虚无缥缈2、下列各句中,加括号词语使用不恰当的一项是()[单选题] *A.中国人历来把家人团圆,共享(天伦之乐)看得极其珍贵。






下列对《动物游戏之谜》关于动物游戏的四种假说,表述正确的一项是()[单选题] *“演习说”认为,动物的游戏行为是排演或演习以后可能出现的生活,使动物从小就能熟悉将来要掌握的“技能”和未来动物社会中将要结成的各种关系。



4、下列选项中加着重号字注音有错误的一项是()[单选题] *A、钦佩jīn战战兢兢kè(正确答案)B、萧瑟xiāo溘然长逝kèC、精湛zhàn 侃侃而谈kǎnD、妊娠rèn 目瞪口呆dèng5、1《雨霖铃》是豪放词的代表作。

[判断题] *对错(正确答案)6、54. 下列句子中加双引号成语使用恰当的一项是()[单选题] *A.在抗击疫情时期,众多“莘莘学子”通过空中课堂网络直播等方式在家学习。





广东省深圳市小学五年级数学上册2024-2025学年测试试题班级:________________ 学号:________________ 姓名:______________一、单选题(每题3分)1.题目:一个圆的半径扩大为原来的2倍,它的面积会扩大为原来的多少倍?A. 2倍B. 3倍C. 4倍D. 6倍答案:C2.题目:一个数除以3余1,除以4余2,除以5余3,这个数最小是多少?A. 27B. 28C. 29D. 30答案:C3.题目:下列说法正确的是()A. 圆的直径是半径的2倍B. 所有的直径都相等C. 圆的周长是半径的π倍D. 圆的面积与半径成正比例答案:C4.题目:一个平行四边形的底是12厘米,高是底的2倍,它的面积是多少平方厘米?A. 24B. 48C. 144D. 288答案:C5.题目:一个数除以5,商是101,余数是3,这个数是多少?A. 503B. 505C. 507D. 508答案:D二、多选题(每题4分)1.下列哪些数是奇数?(多选)A. 2B. 5C. 8D. 11答案:B, D解析:奇数是不能被2整除的整数,所以5和11是奇数,而2和8是偶数。

2.下列哪些图形是平行四边形?(多选)A. 正方形B. 圆形C. 长方形D. 三角形答案:A, C解析:平行四边形是两组对边分别平行的四边形。


3.下列哪些运算属于四则运算?(多选)A. 加法B. 乘法C. 减法D. 除法答案:A, B, C, D解析:四则运算指的是加、减、乘、除四种基本运算。

4.三角形的内角和为多少度?以下哪些选项是正确的?(多选)A. 90°B. 180°C. 270°D. 360°答案:B解析:三角形的内角和总是等于180°。

5.下列哪些数能被3整除?(多选)A. 9B. 12C. 15D. 17答案:A, B, C解析:一个数如果其各位数字之和能被3整除,则这个数也能被3整除。



小学五年级上册英语第6单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which of these is a type of weather?A. RainB. BookC. ChairD. Plate2.I __________ (see) a rainbow after the rain yesterday. It __________ (look) beautiful, and the colors __________ (be) so bright. I __________ (take) a photo of it to show my family.3.I __________ (not like) to eat vegetables, but I __________ (know) they__________ (be) good for my health. My mother always __________ (tell) me to eat more vegetables.4.Which of the following is a type of animal?A. TableB. LionC. AppleD. Chair5.What do you use to write on paper?A. ForkB. PencilC. SpoonD. Plate6.Which of these is a season?A. SummerB. PlateC. KnifeD. Chair7.What is the correct way to say "你好" in English?A. ByeB. HelloC. SorryD. Thanks8.She _______ her homework now.A. is doingB. doesC. doD. is do9.Which animal says "woof"?A. catB. birdC. dogD. cow10.What is the capital of England?A. LondonB. ParisC. RomeD. Berlin11.How old is Lucy? She is ___ years old.A. tenB. fifteenC. twentyD. five12.We ______ (have) a family party last Saturday. My parents ______ (invite) some of their friends, and we ______ (eat) delicious food. After dinner, we ______ (sing) songs and ______ (dance) together. It ______ (be) a fun and joyful evening.13.What do we use to cut paper?A. SpoonB. ScissorsC. KnifeD. Fork14.Which of these is a transportation vehicle?A. BananaB. CarC. DogD. Ball15.Which of these is a tool?A. ChairB. HammerC. SpoonD. Plate16.Which of these is an insect?A. FrogB. SpiderC. BeeD. Fish17.This summer, I ______ (learn) how to swim. I ______ (take) swimming lessons twice a week. Last Saturday, I ______ (swim) for the first time without help. It ______ (feel) great to swim by myself. I ______ (be) proud of myself.st summer, we __________ (go) to the beach. We __________ (swim) in the sea and __________ (build) sandcastles. I __________ (find) a beautiful shell on the beach, and my brother __________ (catch) a fish. It __________ (be) a fantastic holiday.19.Which of these is a number?A. ChairB. ThreeC. TableD. Spoon20.Right now, I __________ (study) for my English test. I __________ (look) at my notes and __________ (practice) some vocabulary. I __________ (feel) confident because I __________ (study) hard.21.I __________ (study) English every day. I __________ (like) to learn new words. My teacher __________ (give) us homework every Monday and __________ (check) iton Friday. Yesterday, I __________ (finish) my homework early, so I __________ (watch) TV in the evening. I __________ (enjoy) my free time.22.We ______ (celebrate) my birthday last Saturday. All my friends ______ (come) to the party, and we ______ (play) games together. After that, we ______ (eat) birthday cake and ______ (sing) happy birthday songs. I ______ (receive) many wonderful presents, and I ______ (feel) very happy. It ______ (be) a great day.23.What do we use to brush our hair?A. ToothbrushB. CombC. ForkD. Knife24.I like to read books about ______. One of my favorite stories is about a young______ who goes on an exciting ______. The book is full of ______ and surprises. I feel very ______ when I read it because the story is so interesting.25.What is the opposite of near?A. CloseB. FarC. SmallD. Tall26.Which one is a vegetable?A. BananaB. SpinachC. OrangeD. Grapes27.Which of these is a vegetable?A. BananaB. CarrotC. OrangeD. Apple28.My dad __________ (1) a big garden in the backyard. He __________ (2) many flowers and vegetables. I __________ (3) to help him water the plants every weekend. Last Saturday, I __________ (4) some tomatoes and __________ (5) them for lunch.29.Which of these is used to eat food?A. KnifeB. SpoonC. ForkD. All of the above30.What do you use to write on a blackboard?A. EraserB. MarkerC. ChalkD. Pencil31.Which of these is an adjective?A. BigB. DogC. TableD. Car32.Tom and his family are on vacation at the beach. They woke up early to__________ (1) shells and play in the __________ (2). Tom’s little brother loves to build __________ (3) in the sand, while Tom enjoys swimming in the __________ (4). Afterward, they will go to a __________ (5) to eat some delicious seafood.33.Which of these is a piece of furniture?A. ChairB. PlateC. KnifeD. Spoon34.I ______ (wake) up early today because I ______ (have) a test. I ______ (eat) breakfast quickly and then ______ (go) to school. At school, we ______ (study) math and English. The test ______ (be) difficult, but I ______ (do) my best.35.What do you do with a pencil?A. Eat itB. Write with itC. Read with itD. Sleep with it36.Which of these animals has four legs?A. FishB. DogC. BirdD. Butterfly37.What is the color of the sky?A. BlueB. GreenC. YellowD. Red38.She ______ a teacher.A. isB. areC. amD. be39.I have a new __ for my room. It is very __ and has a __ to store my books. My bed is very __, and I like to sleep on it at night. I also have a __ to sit at when I want to study. My room is very __, and I like it a lot.40.Which one is an animal?A. CatB. PenC. CupD. Fork41.I always ______ (do) my homework after school. When I ______ (finish), I ______ (watch) TV for an hour. My sister, however, ______ (prefer) reading books.42.Which of these is a famous landmark in the United Kingdom?A. Statue of LibertyB. Big BenC. ColosseumD. Eiffel Tower43.Which of these is a part of your body?A. HandB. ChairC. TableD. Book44.Which of these is used to write on paper?A. EraserB. PenC. ForkD. Plate45.I have a pet __________ named Max. He is a __________ dog, and he loves to play with me. Every morning, I take him to the __________ near my house for a walk. Helikes to run __________ the park, and sometimes he stops to __________ at the trees. After our walk, I give him some __________ and a bowl of __________. Max is very__________ and loves to be around me all the time.46.What do we use to write on paper?A. PenB. BookC. SpoonD. Plate47.My father is a doctor. He works at a hospital in the city. Every morning, he leaves home at 7:30 a.m. and takes the bus to work. He helps sick people feel better. Sometimes, he works late at night, but he always comes home to have dinner with our family. I’m very proud of my father because he helps others.48.Every morning, I __________ (wake) up at 7:00 and __________ (eat) breakfast with my family. My mom __________ (make) scrambled eggs, and my dad __________ (drink) coffee. After breakfast, I __________ (leave) for school. I __________ (usually take) the bus, but today I __________ (walk) because the weather __________ (be) nice.49.Molly is learning how to ride a bike. She wears a __________ to protect her head, and she also puts on her __________ to keep her kne es safe. Molly’s dad holds the bike while she practices, and he reminds her to keep her hands on the __________. After a while, Molly rides the bike all by herself without falling.50.Which of these is a color?A. TableB. BlueC. CarD. Shoe(答案及解释)。



小学五年级上册英语第二单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which one is correct?A. She are my frienD.B. She is my frienD.C. She am my frienD. D. She be my frienD.2.Which one is a tree?A. PineB. FlowerC. GrassD. Bush3.What do we use to clean our teeth?A. ToothbrushB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Fork4.Which month comes after March?A. JanuaryB. AprilC. MayD. June5.What do you wear on your head?A. ShoesB. HatC. GlovesD. Scarf6.Which one is a place to work?A. OfficeB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Plate7.Which of these is a vegetable?A. AppleB. PotatoC. OrangeD. Banana8.Which one is used to eat pasta?A. SpoonB. KnifeC. ForkD. Plate9.Where do fish live?A. In the skyB. In the waterC. On the landD. In the trees10.Yesterday, I _______ (go) to the park with my friends. We _______ (play) soccer for two hours. After that, we _______ (eat) ice cream and _______ (sit) on the grass. We _______ (talk) about our favorite sports and _______ (make) plans to play again next weekend.11.What do you wear on your feet?A. HatB. ShoesC. GlovesD. Shirt12.Which of these is a drink?A. WaterB. BreadC. CarrotD. Spoon13.Which animal can swim?A. ElephantB. DogC. FishD. Giraffe14.Which of these is a body part?A. NoseB. SpoonC. ForkD. Chair15.Which of these is a shape?A. SquareB. SpoonC. PlateD. Chair16.Which one is the biggest?A. MouseB. CatC. DogD. Elephant17.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. TallC. HeavyD. Bright18.Which of these can we wear?A. ShirtB. PlateC. BookD. Car19.Which of these animals can swim?A. BirdB. FishC. CatD. Elephant20.Which of these is used to cook food?A. PlateB. KnifeC. PotD. Chair21.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. WarmC. BigD. Light22.Which of these is a day of the week?A. JanuaryB. SundayC. DecemberD. Winter23.Which one is correct?A. I am a teacher.B. I is a teacher.C. I are a teacher.D. I be a teacher.24.My mother _______ a teacher.A. amB. isC. areD. be25.What color is a typical school bus?A. GreenB. RedC. YellowD. Blue26.What is the color of an apple?A. GreenB. BlueC. YellowD. Red27.Which of these animals can fly?A. ElephantB. BirdC. DogD. Fish28.Which of these is a body part?A. HeadB. SpoonC. BookD. Cup29.I always ______ (get) up early in the morning. This morning, I ______ (wake) up at 6:00. After that, I ______ (brush) my teeth, ______ (eat) breakfast, and ______ (go) to school. I ______ (be) always on time.30.What do we use to tell time?A. ClockB. KnifeC. SpoonD. Plate31.Which one is a fruit?A. BananaB. DogC. CarrotD. Chair32.What do you use to write on a piece of paper?A. ForkB. PenC. ShoeD. Cup33.I ______ (wake) up at 7:00 AM today because I ______ (have) an important test at school. I ______ (study) very hard the night before, so I ______ (feel) confident. Duringthe test, I ______ (remember) everything I ______ (learn), and I ______ (finish) the test on time.34.My dad ______ (work) in an office. Every day, he ______ (leave) for work at 8:00 in the morning. After work, he ______ (come) home at 6:00 in the evening. Last Friday, he ______ (bring) home some pizza, and we ______ (eat) it together.35.Which of these is a natural source of energy?A. CarB. SolarC. TelevisionD. Airplane36.Which of these animals is a bird?A. DogB. PenguinC. FishD. Elephant37.What do you use to eat spaghetti?A. SpoonB. KnifeC. ForkD. Plate38.Which one is a color?A. TableB. ChairC. RedD. Pen39.Which of these is a time of day?A. MorningB. ChairC. WinterD. August40.I have a little brother named Tim. He is very __ and likes to play with his toys. He has many __, like cars, robots, and dinosaurs. Tim also loves to watch __ on TV. Sometimes, we go to the park together. He likes to swing on the __ and play with the __. After playing, we go home and have __ for dinner.41.Which animal can fly?A. CatB. FishC. BirdD. Elephant42.In the morning, I usually ______ (wake) up at 7:00 AM. After I ______ (get) out of bed, I ______ (brush) my teeth and ______ (have) breakfast. I always ______ (eat) toast and drink orange juice. Then, I ______ (put) on my school uniform and ______ (leave) for school. At school, I ______ (study) math, English, and science.43.Which of these is a mode of transportation?A. CarB. SpoonC. PlateD. Knife44.Which is the plural form of "child"?A. childsB. childrenC. childesD. childrens45.This morning, I ______ (study) for my math test. After studying, I ______ (take) a break and ______ (read) a book.46.Which one is the verb?A. catB. runC. houseD. apple47.Which of these is a vegetable?A. BananaB. CarrotC. AppleD. Grape48.What is the opposite of "happy"?A. SadB. TallC. BigD. Slow49.My father ______ (teach) me how to ride a bike last weekend. At first, I ______ (be)a little scared. But after practicing for an hour, I ______ (feel) more confident. Now, I______ (ride) my bike every day after school.50.What is the opposite of "short"?A. LongB. SmallC. TallD. Big(答案及解释)。



五和小学小学数学毕业班综合练习(完卷时间:80分钟)姓名计算部分44%一、直接写得数3%1.52-(-0.48)= -1.25×6= 3.062÷3.2≈(保留两位小数)二、解方程9%6X+0.4×6=9.6 42.8+X=2.6+1.2 2.5X-9.4=0.5(X-4.8)三、递等式计算,能简便的用简便方法计算24%4.4+5.6×2.5÷5.6×2.5 (3.8-7.7÷2.5)×2.8(7.5+7.5+7.5+7.5)×2.5 3.65×62+0.28×365+36.5(49.5÷7.5+49.5÷2.5)÷0.01 [3.25-3.25÷(10.3+2.2)]×0.1四、文字题8%9.1减去2.5与0.4的积所得的差除以0.9,商是多少?甲、乙两数的和是3.8,甲数比乙数的3倍多0.2,求乙数?应用题部分36%1、小红和小明做同样多的口算题,小红每分钟做60道口算题,小明每分钟做75道口算题,当小明做完时,小红还有45道没有做,小明做了几分钟?2、红光足球俱乐部有一线队员45人,二线队员65人,二线队员要抽调多少人到一线,才能使一线队员人数是二线队员人数的1.2倍?3、两辆汽车都从A地开往B地,甲车每小时行40千米,先行2小时后,乙车才出发,经过5小时乙车追上甲车。

乙车每小时行多少千米?4、要挖一个长方体形状的水池,长20米,宽8米,深1.5米,现要在四壁和底面抹一辰水泥,抹水泥的面积是多少?这个水池最多能蓄水多少立方米?(5) 一列客车和一列货车同时从相距300千米的两地出发,相向而行,货车每小时比客车快12千米,3.5小时后,两车交叉而过又相距29千米。

货车、客车每小时各行多少千米?(6) 一个有盖长方体不锈钢水箱,高是8分米,原来水箱里有水深5分米,后来放入一个体积6000立方厘米的铁块后(水淹没铁块)水深5.4分米,这个水箱一共能存水多少立方分米?亿库教育网 百万教学资源免费下载概念及图形计算20%一、选择题4%1、a和b都是自然数,且0.3a=b,那么a和b的最小公倍数是()A、aB、bC、abD、无数判断2、甲数=2×3×5×A,乙数=2×3×7×A,当A=()时,甲、乙两数的最小公倍数是630。



小学六年级上册英语第五单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which one is used to cook food?A. PanB. PlateC. SpoonD. Chair2.Which of the following is a color?A. AppleB. DogC. GreenD. Chair3.Which of these animals is known for saying "Woof"?A. DogB. CatC. DuckD. Sheep4.Which of these is used to play music?A. GuitarB. PlateC. SpoonD. Fork5.How do you say "你好" in English?A. GoodbyeB. HelloC. Good morningD. Thank you6.What do you use to see?A. EyesB. EarsC. NoseD. Mouth7.Which one is a type of animal?A. CarB. DogC. TableD. Book8.What is the opposite of "old"?A. YoungB. TallC. SlowD. Heavy9.On a rainy day, it’s nice to stay inside and read a __________ (1). Tim likes reading books about __________ (2) and magic. He also enjoys drawing pictures of __________(3). Sometimes, he plays games on his __________ (4) when he can’t go outside. His favorite game is __________ (5), and he plays it every weekend.10.I ______ (wake) up early yesterday because I ______ (have) an important test. After breakfast, I ______ (go) to school. During the test, I ______ (feel) nervous, but I______ (try) my best. When the test ______ (end), I ______ (feel) relieved.11.I ______ (study) English every day after school. I ______ (practice) writing sentences and ______ (read) books. Sometimes, my friend Sarah ______ (help) me with my homework. We ______ (talk) about our lessons, and I ______ (ask) her questions when I ______ (not understand) something.12.I ______ (take) a lot of pictures when I ______ (travel) to Paris last summer. The Eiffel Tower ______ (be) very tall, and I ______ (be) amazed by how beautiful the city______ (look).13.David and his friends are at the beach. They are playing with a __________ (1) and building a __________ (2) out of sand. Afterward, they go for a __________ (3) in the sea. David loves the __________ (4) because it is very hot and sunny today.14.My mother __________ (make) dinner every evening. She __________ (be) a very good cook. Last night, she __________ (prepare) spaghetti with tomato sauce. I__________ (love) it because it __________ (taste) so delicious. My father __________ (help) her in the kitchen, and we __________ (eat) together as a family.15.Tom and his friends are playing soccer at the park. Tom kicks the __________ towards the goal. His teammate tries to __________ the ball, but the goalkeeper catches it. After a few minutes, they all take a break and drink some __________ to stay hydrated. Tom enjoys playing soccer with his friends every weekend.16.Which one is a vegetable?A. AppleB. CarrotC. BananaD. Pineapple17.Every morning, I __________ (1) up at 7:00 AM. I __________ (2) my breakfast and __________ (3) to school by bus. I __________ (4) to meet my friends at school. We __________ (5) to play basketball before class.18.Ben is visiting his grandparents’ house. He loves playing with his __________ (1) in the garden. They pick some __________ (2) from the trees and eat them. Ben’s grandmother makes __________ (3) for them, and they all sit around the __________ (4) to enjoy the meal. After dinner, Ben and his __________ (5) watch a __________ (6) on TV together.19.Jack is going to the supermarket with his mom. He helps by putting the __________ in the cart while his mom picks out some __________ and __________. They also need to buy some __________ for dinner.20.Today, I _______ (study) for my math test when my friend Lily _______ (call) me. She _______ (ask) if I _______ (want) to go to the library with her. I _______ (say) yes, so we _______ (meet) at the library at 3 PM. We _______ (spend) two hours there, studying together. After we _______ (finish), we _______ (go) to a café to have some snacks.21.We _______ (go) to the movie theater last Friday to watch a new film. The movie _______ (be) very exciting, and we _______ (have) a great time. After the movie, we_______ (eat) dinner at a nearby restaurant. I _______ (order) pizza, and my friend_______ (choose) pasta.22.Which of these is a piece of clothing?A. ShirtB. PlateC. SpoonD. Chair23.This is my ________ book.A. yoursB. youC. theirD. my24.Yesterday, I _______ (go) to the zoo with my family. We _______ (see) many animals, including lions, elephants, and giraffes. It _______ (be) a beautiful day, and we _______ (take) lots of pictures. My favorite animal _______ (be) the panda.25.What do you use to write on paper?A. ScissorsB. PenC. EraserD. Rulerst weekend, my family ______ (go) to the zoo. We ______ (see) many animals. My brother ______ (like) the lions, but I ______ (prefer) the monkeys. After we ______ (leave) the zoo, we ______ (eat) lunch at a restaurant.27.Which one is a holiday?A. HalloweenB. SummerC. BlueD. Dog28.Which of these is a number?A. TenB. ChairC. SpoonD. Plate29.Which of the following is a fruit?A. CarrotB. BananaC. PotatoD. Lettuce30.Which one is a season?A. JanuaryB. MondayC. SummerD. Tuesday31.Next weekend, I ______ (participate) in a sports competition. I ______ (be) very excited because I ______ (train) for months. I hope I ______ (win) a medal!32.______ you like ice cream?A. DoB. AreC. DoesD. Have33.I __________ (1) a walk in the park yesterday. The weather __________ (2) very nice. I __________ (3) some beautiful flowers and __________ (4) many birds. I__________ (5) very relaxed.34.Which of the following is a fruit?A. CarrotB. TomatoC. LettuceD. Cucumber35.Sarah is getting ready for school. She puts on her __________ (1) and __________ (2). Then, she grabs her __________ (3) and runs out the door. At school, she goes to her __________ (4) and starts to do her __________ (5).36.I __________ (1) a new video game yesterday. It __________ (2) a lot of fun. I__________ (3) it with my friends, and we __________ (4) a great time.37.Yesterday, my sister __________ (buy) a new dress. It __________ (be) very beautiful, and she __________ (look) great in it. After we __________ (go) shopping, we __________ (meet) our friends and __________ (go) to the park. We __________ (have) lots of fun.38.Jack is going to the beach with his family. He brings a __________ (1) and a__________ (2) to play in the sand. His sister is building a __________ (3) near the water. Jack is wearing his __________ (4) and sun __________ (5).39.My best friend ______ (play) the piano very well. Last Sunday, she ______ (perform) at a concert. She ______ (practice) for hours every day to improve her skills.40.Tom and his family went to the zoo last weekend. It was a __________ (1) day, and the sun was shining brightly. They first saw the __________ (2), which were very tall and had long necks. Then, they visited the __________ (3) and watched the lions sleep in the sun. Tom’s little sister, Lily, was very excited w hen they saw the __________ (4) playing in the water. After that, they went to the zoo’s __________ (5) to have lunch. Tom’s favorite part of the trip was seeing the __________ (6), which were very colorful and loud.41.What do you use to write on a whiteboard?A. MarkerB. PencilC. ChalkD. Pen42.I want to be a __ when I grow up. It is a job where you help people, and I think it’s very __. I have to study hard in __ and learn many things about __. I hope to help many people when I become a __.43.Which of these is a type of weather?A. SummerB. RainC. FoodD. Dance44.I ______ (play) basketball with my friends every Sunday. Last Sunday, we ______ (have) a match. My team ______ (win) the game. I ______ (score) two points, and my friend Alex ______ (score) three. We ______ (celebrate) our victory with ice cream.45.Jack is at his friend Ben’s house. They are playing a game of __________ together. Jack tries to be very __________, but Ben is even better and wins the game. Afterward, they sit on the __________ and talk about their favorite sports.46.They ___ playing soccer.A. isB. amC. areD. be47.What is the opposite of "happy"?A. SadB. ExcitedC. AngryD. Hungry48.In the evening, I usually ______ (study) for school. After I ______ (finish) my homework, I ______ (relax) by watching TV. Sometimes, I ______ (read) a book before going to bed. I ______ (enjoy) reading because it ______ (help) me learn new things. 49.Lucy is walking to school. She sees a __________ in the tree. It is a __________, and it is chirping loudly. Lucy likes listening to birds sing, and she feels __________ because the weather is nice.50.They ______ to the zoo last Sunday.A. GoB. GoesC. WentD. Going(答案及解释)。











2.5+12.5÷5 78÷0.25÷0.4 96÷(15.4﹣12.2)8.填一填。












2024-2025学年广东省深圳市语文小学五年级上学期自测试题及解答参考一、基础知识与积累(本大题有9小题,每小题4分,共36分)1、下列词语中加点字的正确读音是?•花蕾(A. lěi B. léi)•答案:A. lěi•解析:在汉字中,“蕾”指的是花还未开放的状态,它的正确读音是“lěi”。




3、下列词语中,加点字注音完全正确的一项是:A. 漫步(màn bù)潮湿(cháo shī)震撼(zhèn hàn)B. 领略(lǐng lüè)稀释(xī shì)深奥(shēn ào)C. 剥削(bō xiāo)蜿蜒(wān yán)混沌(hùn dùn)D. 前途(qián tú)纤细(xiān xì)倾斜(qīng xié)答案:C解析:选项A中“漫步”应为“màn bù”,而不是“màn bù”;选项B中“稀释”应为“xī shì”,而不是“xī shì”;选项C中“剥削”、“蜿蜒”、“混沌”的注音均正确;选项D中“前途”应为“qián tú”,而不是“qián tú”。


4、下列句子中,没有语病的一项是:A. 我们的校园里,绿树成荫,鸟语花香,是一个美丽的地方。

B. 通过这次实践活动,我对环保有了更深刻的认识,也明白了保护环境的重要性。

C. 他不仅学习好,而且歌唱得好,是班里的优秀学生。

D. 小明虽然学习成绩不好,但是他积极参加各种活动,很受同学们的喜爱。



2023-2024学年广东省深圳市坪山区华明星学校五年级(上)第三次月考数学试卷一、选择题1.一堆钢管,最上层4根,最下层10根,相邻两层均相差1根,这堆钢管共( )A.35根B.42根C.49根2.与相等的分数有( )个。

A.5B.50C.无数3.分子相同的分数( )A.分数单位相同B.分数的大小相同C.所含的分数单位的个数相同4.分母是6的最简真分数有( )个。


那么,它的面积是( )平方厘米。



每块奶糖占奶糖总数的 ,每人分得的奶糖占奶糖总数的 。

7.分子比分母小的分数叫作 分数;分子大于或等于分母的分数叫作 分数。

8.把一个整体平均分成若干份,其中的一份或 ,可以用 表示。


, , , 。

10.分数与除法的关系:被除数相当于分数的 ,除数相当于分数的 ,除号相当于 ,商相当于 ;分数与除法的区别:分数是一个 ,而除法是一种 。

11.一堆煤的质量是5吨,平均分7次运完,每次运 吨,每次运这堆煤的 。

12.一个最简分数,它的分子和分母的积是24,这个分数是 。

13.分母是9的最简真分数一共有 个;分母是8的所有最简真分数的和是 。


14.分子、分母都是偶数的分数(0除外),一定不是最简分数. .15.两个质数的最大公因数是1,两个合数的最大公因数也是1。


.17.分数的分子和分母同时乘或除以相同的数,分数的大小不变. .18.一个分数通过约分,它的分子、分母都变小了,分数值也变小了。






25×(40+4)25×0.32×4 2.34×99+2.34 0.11×1.8+8.2×0.11五、操作题。



小学五年级下册英语第三单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which one is a shape?A. SquareB. DogC. PlateD. Chair2.We ______ (visit) the zoo last weekend. I ______ (see) many animals, including lions, elephants, and monkeys. My sister ______ (take) some pictures, and I ______ (buy) a toy elephant from the gift shop. We ______ (have) a lot of fun and ______ (talk) about our trip all the way home.3.Which one is a vehicle?A. CarB. PlateC. SpoonD. Chair4.Which of these is a fruit?A. LettuceB. CarrotC. BananaD. Potato5.Which of these is used to measure temperature?A. ThermometerB. RulerC. ScaleD. Clock6.What animal is King of the Jungle?A. ElephantB. LionC. TigerD. Bear7.My sister Sarah __________ (1) to school by bus every day. She __________ (2) in the bus with her friends. They __________ (3) to school together and __________ (4) fun. Sometimes, they __________ (5) songs and __________ (6) jokes on the way to school.8.Which of these is a season?A. SummerB. MondayC. JanuaryD. Noon9.Which of these animals can fly?A. DogB. ParrotC. ElephantD. Fish10.My grandparents ______ (live) in the countryside. They ______ (have) a big house with a garden. Every summer, we ______ (visit) them and ______ (pick) fruit from their trees. I ______ (love) spending time there.11.Which of these is a place to watch movies?A. CinemaB. SchoolC. ParkD. Library12.Which of these is an animal that lives in the ocean?A. DogB. ElephantC. FishD. Lion13.I __________ (never/see) a horse before I __________ (go) to the farm last weekend. I __________ (be) excited to see the horses up close. The farmer __________ (tell) me that horses __________ (need) a lot of care.14.Today, I __________ (wake) up early because I __________ (have) a big test. I__________ (feel) a little nervous, but I __________ (study) hard for it. My teacher__________ (teach) us many useful things, and I __________ (understand) most of the questions. After the test, I __________ (feel) much better and __________ (look) forward to relaxing at home.15.What is the weather like in winter?A. HotB. ColdC. WarmD. Sunny16.My teacher is very nice. She always helps me when I have problems with my homework. Every day, we have different subjects to study, such as math, English, and __.I like learning English because I can talk to people from other countries. My teacher also teaches us songs in __.17.My teacher is very __________. She helps me when I don’t understand something.I like her class because it is __________ and interesting. We always do fun __________ and games. I also like to do __________ in class. After school, my teacher gives us__________ so we can practice at home.18.Emily and Sarah are at the zoo. They are looking at a __________. The__________ is very tall and has a long neck. Next, they see some __________ playing in the water. After visiting the animals, they go to the __________ to get some ice cream.19.Lily and her friends are playing a game of __________ in the backyard. They use a __________ and a bat to hit the ball. Lily is up first and swings the bat, hitting the ball high into the air. Her friend Mark runs to __________ the ball. They are having a great time playing this __________ game!20.Which one is used to cut food?A. KnifeB. ForkC. PlateD. Spoon21.Yesterday, we __________ (1) a field trip to the museum. It __________ (2) a bit rainy in the morning, but by the time we __________ (3) the museum, the weather__________ (4) sunny again. We __________ (5) many interesting exhibits and__________ (6) about ancient civilizations. After the museum visit, we __________ (7) lunch at a nearby restaurant and __________ (8) back to school. It __________ (9) a fun day.22.Which color is a mix of red and yellow?A. BlueB. GreenC. OrangeD. Purple23.Which one is a season?A. WinterB. ChairC. SpoonD. Plate24.Which of these is a color?A. DogB. BlueC. SpoonD. Shirt25.My family lives in a small house near a park. Every morning, I wake up early, make my bed, and get ready for school. My parents help me with my homework in the evening. On weekends, we go for a walk in the park and sometimes have a picnic.26.Which of the following is a part of the body?A. LegB. ChairC. BookD. Table27.This is a picture of a zoo. In the zoo, there are many animals. There is a lion in the cage. The lion __________ (1) very big and __________ (2). It __________ (3) a loud roar. Next to the lion, there is a zebra. The zebra __________ (4) black and white stripes. It __________ (5) grass. In the pond, there is a duck. The duck __________ (6) in the water. The zookeeper __________ (7) the animals every day.28.I have a garden in my house. Every day, I water the flowers and __. My mom planted some vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, and __. We take care of the plants by giving them enough water and sunlight. Sometimes, I help my mom pick the vegetables when they are ready. It’s fun to grow our own food.29.Every day, we __________ (have) a lunch break at school. I usually __________ (eat) sandwiches and fruit. My friend, Sarah, __________ (bring) soup for lunch. We__________ (talk) while we __________ (eat).30.I __________ (play) soccer with my friends yesterday afternoon. We __________ (have) a great time. After we __________ (play), we __________ (go) to the store and__________ (buy) ice cream. It __________ (be) a fun day.31.Which of these is a holiday?A. SundayB. ChristmasC. OctoberD. Summer32.I _______ (read) a great book last night. The story _______ (be) about a young girl who _______ (dream) of becoming an astronaut. She _______ (face) many challenges, but she never _______ (give) up on her dream. At the end of the book, she _______ (finally) _______ (reach) her goal and _______ (go) into space. It _______ (be) an inspiring story, and I _______ (feel) really motivated after reading it.33.Which of these is used for writing?A. PlateB. PencilC. SpoonD. Knife34.Which one is an animal?A. CatB. PlateC. TableD. Pen35.I ______ (like) to read books in the evening. Last night, I ______ (read) a mystery novel.36.Which of the following animals lives in water?A. ElephantB. DogC. FishD. Lion37.Which of these is a vegetable?A. TomatoB. CarrotC. BananaD. Pear38.Which one is a type of weather?A. ThunderB. IceC. SunD. Rain39.I __________ (1) to the supermarket with my mother yesterday. We __________ (2) some fruit and vegetables. I __________ (3) to buy some strawberries because they__________ (4) very sweet. After shopping, we __________ (5) to the cafe and__________ (6) some juice.40.My friend, Emily, is a very __________ person. She is always __________ and likes to help others. Yesterday, she helped me __________ my homework because I was having trouble. She is also very __________ at school and gets good grades in__________. I think she is a great __________, and I enjoy spending time with her.41.Every morning, I __________ (1) to the bus stop to catch the bus. It __________ (2) at 8:00 AM. I __________ (3) the bus for 15 minutes, and then I __________ (4) atschool. After school, I __________ (5) to the bus stop again and __________ (6) the bus home.42.What do you use to write on the board?A. MarkerB. PenC. PencilD. Eraser43.Which one is a fruit?A. StrawberryB. PotatoC. CucumberD. Onion44.What is the shape of a soccer ball?A. SquareB. TriangleC. RoundD. Rectangle45.Which one is a season?A. WinterB. ChairC. DogD. Car46.Which sentence is correct?A. There is two cats in the garden.B. There are two cats in the garden.C. There is a two cats in the garden.D. There are a two cats in the garden.47.Which of these is used for writing?A. EraserB. PenC. PlateD. Spoon48.Which one is a shape?A. TriangleB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Plate49.Tom is my best friend. He ______ (like) playing soccer. Every day after school, he ______ (go) to the soccer field with his friends. Yesterday, they ______ (play) a match against another team. Tom ______ (be) very excited because his team ______ (win). After the match, they ______ (celebrate) by eating ice cream.50.I __________ (1) to visit my cousins next summer. They __________ (2) in the city, and I __________ (3) to see the tall buildings and go shopping. I __________ (4) to play with my cousin, Lily. We __________ (5) to the park and __________ (6) a picnic. I__________ (7) it very much.(答案及解释)。



小学五年级下册英语第四单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I am very excited because tomorrow we are going to the ______. There are many fun rides like the ______ and the ______. I love the roller coaster because it is very ______. After the rides, we plan to eat some ______ and drink cold ______.2.Where do we live?A. In the seaB. In the skyC. On the EarthD. On the Moon3.Which number comes after 7?A. 6B. 8C. 9D. 104.Which of these is a primary color?A. PurpleB. GreenC. RedD. Orange5.Which of these is a country?A. New YorkB. AustraliaC. ParisD. London6.Which one is the correct spelling?A. CatB. CattC. CahtD. Caat7.Which of these is a season?A. MayB. SummerC. AfternoonD. Week8.Which one is a bird?A. DogB. CatC. FishD. Parrot9.Which of these is a form of transportation?A. AirplaneB. ChairC. PencilD. Table10.Which of these can help you see at night?A. FlashlightB. SunglassesC. UmbrellaD. Hat11.What is the opposite of big?A. SmallB. TallC. FatD. Long12.What is the opposite of "fast"?A. QuickB. SlowC. BigD. Short13.Which one is a color?A. AppleB. GreenC. TableD. Chair14.Which of these is a food?A. BookB. AppleC. ChairD. Table15.Which one is a type of tree?A. TulipB. PineC. RoseD. Lily16.Which of these is a shape?A. CircleB. TableC. DogD. Book17.Which one is a famous landmark in Egypt?A. Eiffel TowerB. Statue of LibertyC. PyramidsD. Colosseum18.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. WarmB. ColdC. BrightD. Wet19.Which one is used for writing?A. PlateB. PencilC. SpoonD. Knife20.Which of these is used to drink?A. PlateB. CupC. KnifeD. Fork21.Which of these is a vehicle?A. CarB. DogC. ChairD. Plate22.I ______ (love) animals. I ______ (have) a cat and a dog. Last month, I ______ (adopt) a puppy from the animal shelter. It ______ (be) so cute!23.Which month comes after June?A. MayB. JulyC. AugustD. September24.Which one is used to clean?A. BroomB. KnifeC. SpoonD. Plate25.Which of these is a color?A. GreenB. SpoonC. ChairD. Plate26.Which of these is a time of day?A. MorningB. FebruaryC. TuesdayD. Winter27.Which of these is a shape?A. CircleB. TableC. DogD. Shoe28.Which of these is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. FastC. TallD. Heavy29.Which of these animals can swim?A. TigerB. FishC. ElephantD. Monkey30.Which one is a number?A. DogB. OneC. TableD. Chair31.________ you like English?A. DoB. DoesC. AreD. Is32.What do we use to eat?A. KnifeB. SpoonC. PlateD. Fork33.What do we use to write on a blackboard?A. PenB. PencilC. MarkerD. Chalk34.Which color is the sky on a clear day?A. RedB. GreenC. BlueD. Yellow35.Today, I am going to the ______ to buy some food. I need to buy some ______, ______, and ______. My mom also asked me to get some ______ for dinner. After shopping, I will help her make a ______ with ______.36.Which one is a kind of tree?A. OakB. CarrotC. SpoonD. Book37.Which of these is a type of flower?A. RoseB. DogC. CarD. Phone38.What time do you ______ school?A. go toB. goes toC. goD. going to39.What is the capital of England?A. ParisB. RomeC. LondonD. Tokyo40.What do we use to eat?A. KnifeB. SpoonC. PlateD. Fork41.Which of these is a vehicle?A. CarB. BookC. TableD. Chair42.Which of these can you eat?A. PlateB. PizzaC. TableD. Chair43.Which of these is a day of the week?A. DecemberB. MondayC. SummerD. Winter44.My brother ______ (study) very hard for his exams. He ______ (study) every evening for two hours. Last week, he ______ (finish) his homework early, so he ______ (watch) his favorite TV show.45.What do we use to drink water?A. SpoonB. CupC. KnifeD. Fork46.Which of these is a type of flower?A. DaisyB. AppleC. CarrotD. Elephant47.There _______ a cat in the room.A. isB. areC. beD. am48.Which of these is a color?A. ChairB. BlueC. TableD. Shoes49.My parents ______ (travel) to Europe last year. They ______ (visit) many countries, and they ______ (take) lots of pictures. They ______ (tell) me all about their trip when they ______ (come) back.50.I ______ (wake) up early this morning because I ______ (have) an important exam.I ______ (study) all night, so I ______ (feel) ready. When I ______ (arrive) at school, my friend Lily ______ (tell) me that she ______ (forget) to bring her exam paper. I ______ (help) her find it, and we both ______ (do) well in the exam.(答案及解释)。



深圳小学5年级试卷答案【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪个城市是广东省的省会?A. 深圳B. 广州C. 珠海D. 汕头2. 5乘以5等于多少?A. 20B. 25C. 30D. 353. 下列哪个季节是一年中的第三个季节?A. 春季B. 夏季C. 秋季D. 冬季4. 下列哪个是中国最大的岛屿?A. 台湾岛B. 海南岛C. 崇明岛D. 舟山群岛5. 下列哪个是中国的国旗?A. 五星红旗B. 太阳旗C. 龙旗D. 麦穗旗二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 中国的首都是北京。

()2. 1加1等于3。

()3. 地球是太阳系中的第三颗行星。

()4. 人类需要呼吸空气才能生存。

()5. 鸟类可以在水下生活。

()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 中国的国旗是______。

2. 地球上最大的洲是______。

3. 人体最重要的器官是______。

4. 一年有______个月。

5. 人类最早使用的工具是______。

四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述中国的四大发明。

2. 请简述光合作用的基本原理。

3. 请简述牛顿的三大运动定律。

4. 请简述水的三态变化。

5. 请简述人类的五种感官。

五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,求这个长方形的面积。

2. 一个篮子里有苹果、香蕉和橘子三种水果,苹果有5个,香蕉有10个,橘子有15个,请计算篮子里水果的总数。

3. 一个班级有男生20人,女生30人,请计算男生和女生的总人数。

4. 一辆汽车以60公里/小时的速度行驶了2小时,请计算汽车行驶的总距离。

5. 一个水池的容积是1000立方米,水池里有500立方米的水,请计算水池里还剩多少立方米的空间。

六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请分析一下我国经济发展的现状和趋势。

2. 请分析一下全球气候变化的可能原因和影响。

七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请用纸和剪刀制作一个简单的纸飞机。



深圳小学英语五升六测试卷一、选择题1. I ____don’t know his telephone number.A realB really c realer D realy2. Nobody ____typhoon. Because it is dangerous.A likeB don’t likeC likesD doesn’t like3. There was ______exciting film last month.A. aB. anC. /4. I don’t like sing. I like _____A danceB dancingC to danced5. Whose bag is this? It is not ____.A Sue and Pat’sB Sue’s and Pat’sC Sue’s and Pat6. Here are some books, please_________A pick them upB pick it upC pick up them7. That wallet isn’t ______A. myB. myselfC. ID. mine8. It rained ____ last nightA. heavyB. heavilyC. heavylyD. heavier9. It is ten o’clock . Everyone ____ here. Please _____ready for the class.A. is; getB. are; getsC. is; getsD. are; get10. They saw a lot of animals in Africa. It was__A excitedB excitely C. exciting D interested .二、根据情景选答案(1). 谁捡到Tom的钱包,应该说A Who pick up Tom wallet?B Who lost Tom’s wallet?C Who found Tom’s wallet?(2). 台风来了,你告诉别人, 不要出去,很危险,应该说:A Don’t go outside. It’s dangerousB Don’t go inside. It’s dangerousC Don’t go outside. It’s safe(3). 如果你问别人暑假打算去哪里?应该说A Where do you want to go for your winter holiday?B Where do you want to go for your summer holiday?C Where do you want to go for you summer holiday?(4). 如果说这是我妈妈的包,应该说A This is my mother bagB This is my mother’s bagC That’s my mother bag(5). 如果你要告诉老师,昨天是Lily自己打扫的教室,应该说A. Lily cleaned the classroom by herself yesterday.B. Lily clean the classroom by she yesterday.C. Lily cleaned the classroom by her yesterday.三、根据中文内容填写句子1.昨天我看了电影,很刺激I saw a _____ and it was very__________2.机器人会洗衣服和洗碗The Robot can ___clothes and __________3.深圳有很多人和很多工厂There are ___ of ____and __________4.现在我们的城市完全不同了。



2021-2022学年广东省深圳市龙华区五年级(上)期末素养数学试卷试题数:25,满分:01.(单选题,0分)循环小数0.6 4•5• 保留三位小数是( )A.0.645B.0.646C.6.454D.6.4562.(单选题,0分)根据18÷9=2,我们可以说( )A.9是因数B.18是倍数C.18是2的因数D.18是2的倍数3.(单选题,0分)小明抛一枚硬币,前4次连续都是正面朝上,那么他抛第5次,正面朝上与反面朝上的可能性相比,谁大?( )A.正面B.反面C.一样D.无法确定4.(单选题,0分)一个三角形的底和高分别扩大为原来的2倍,它的面积就( )A.扩大为原来的2倍B.扩大为原来的4倍C.扩大为原来的8倍D.不变5.(单选题,0分)把两根长分别为45厘米和30厘米的彩带,剪成长度一样的短彩带且没有剩余,每根短彩带最长是( )厘米。


A.16B.24C.36D.967.(单选题,0分)一次知识竞赛中共有50道题,小红做对了38道,小红做错的题数占总题数的()A. 1925B. 625C. 619D. 19248.(单选题,0分)如图,阴影部分是底为1cm,面积为2cm2的三角形,那么平行四边形的面积是()cm2。

A.4B.8C.12D.169.(单选题,0分)甲、乙、丙三位同学同时打印一篇文章,甲用了1时30分,乙用了1.2时,打得最快的是()时,丙用了1 34A.甲B.乙C.丙D.无法确定10.(单选题,0分)按如图的规律画笑脸图案,第⑥ 幅图有()个笑脸。

A.15B.21C.28D.1211.(问答题,0分)13 = ()15=3+99+()=___ ÷9012.(填空题,0分)在横线填上“>”“<”或“=”。


















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cupboard fridge sink film dinosaur zebra friend hobby
postcard gift park beach bin wall lake teeth
shopping mall mountain palace
Canada the US the UK Australia
full empty dirty clean untidy tidy fun boring
dry wet new old happy unhappy fast slow
messy healthy horrible sharp heavy thick great
Is—was are—were do—did swim—swam buy—bought
take—took run—ran drink—drank go—went see—saw
eat—ate have—had ride—rode stand—stood drive—drove
come—came write--wrote
ski—skied become—became climb—climbed
skate—skated watch—watched enjoy—enjoyed visit—visited
having a picnic playing chess playing the piano
listening to music listening to CDs
surfing the internet
drawing fishing painting
Listening (50%)
I. 听录音,找出你听到的单词,将编号填在括号内。


III. 听录音,在下列相应的表格内用“√”表示“喜欢”,用“×”表示“不喜欢”。

IV. 听录音,找出相应的情景图画,用1,2,3…编号。

V. 听录音,在括号里填入相应的字母。

VI. 听录音,根据录音的内容将相应的编号填在表格中。

VII. 听录音中的问句,选择正确的答句。

VIII. 听录音,判断句子的正误,用“T”或“F”表示。

X. 听录音,根据录音内容填空。

Writing (50%)
I 选择填空

III. 改错。

IV. 请你给下列问句找出相应的答句,将编号写在前面的括号内。

V. 用所给词语的正确形式填空。

VI. 阅读下面的短文,用1,2,3…给后面的情景图画排序。

VII 阅读短文,判断句子的正误,用“T”或“F”表示。

VIII. 看图回答问题。
