食品添加劑參考規格目錄(CAC/MISC 6)LIST OF CODEX ADVISORY SPECIFICATIONS FOR FOOD ADDITIVES①( CACIMISC 6 )前言以下2張規格目錄列出了所有經國際食品法典委員會核准的食品添加劑和調味劑的規格及其實施年份,以及後來增訂內容的實施年份。
這些規格由FAO/WHO食品添加劑聯合專家委員會[JECFA編制,有FAOJECFA專著1 (2005)食品添加規格聯合綱要(目前所有規格專著都出自JECFA第1屆至第65屆會議)]以及其後同系列的出版物②。
以上所有規格專著也可以在JECFA網站(/ag/a gn/jecfa-additi ves/search..html?lang=en)上查詢到。
除了少數不具有風味功能的添加劑外,其他風味物質的規格未收錄進食品添加規格聯合綱要1 (2005)中。
專用作風味物質的食品添加劑的規格是在JECFA第65屆會議之後編制的,發表於FAO JECFA專著系列中,並可以在FAO JECFA網站的另一個資料庫中( http://apps3.fao org/jecfa/flav_agents/flavag-q.jsp?language=en)中查詢到。
食品添加劑規格清單①CACIMISC 6持續更新中,此為2007年最新版。
②FAOJECFA專著1 (2005)、食品添加品規格聯合綱要僅有英文版發行。
續表注: 1)一級:普通焦糖,INS編號150a;二級:苛性亞硫酸鹽焦糖,INS編號150b;三級:氨法焦糖,INS編號150c;四級:亞硫酸錢焦糖,INS編號150d。
BASIC IDENTITY MANUAL CEPSACepsa | Basic Identity Manual WelcomeThis manual contains the main elements that make up the Cepsa identity.If you need more information about any of the contentsof this document or wish to see other sections that donot appear here, please see the full version of the identity manual.If you have any questions, please contact:***************About this manualHOW SHOULD IT BE USED?This document is in PDF format, which will make it easy for you to search for the content you need at any moment.Here you will find the basic guidelines that define Cepsa’s visual style.If you need additional information not found in this manual, please contact ***************WHAT IS THIS MANUAL FOR?This manual is a toolkit boiled down to a few pages containing the basic elements of our identity, helping ensure that they are applied correctly and consistently in all our messages and points of contact. This manual is an essential tool that will help maintain a strong identity always.WHO IS THIS MANUAL FOR?This manual is for anyone who is part of Cepsa.It is also for all those who, directly or indirectly, depend on the management and correct application of our brand: partners, suppliers, designers, distributors, etc.We all share the responsibility forprotecting and caring for our brand. If we work together, we will ensure Cepsa has a coherent, unified, strong, recognized and admired brand every day.Cepsa | Basic Identity Manual1.Introduction Basic elements1. LogoThe basic elements help us build the Cepsa image.If we use these items correctly, we will be able to convey and project a coherent brand image.Summary of the elements:1. Logo 2. Typeface3. Colors2. TypefaceCorporate SystemDisplay Hero Flama LightFlama SemiboldTahoma Regular Tahoma BoldDisplay LightDisplay BoldHero Light Hero Bold3. ColorsThe logo is one of the basic components of the Cepsa identity.This page shows the primary andsecondary versions, which can appear in various colors. The primary color version is the one shown on the left—red on a white background.Our brand now appears on bright, clean, and high-tech backgrounds and red is the bright color that is transmitted through our logo.Brand fontSymbol Logo1. Primary version PaddingPadding2. Vertical secondary version3.5 xx/2xThe detached version of the primary logotype allows more flexibility when using it as a sign-off because it is less rigid. For vertical pieces, it is acceptable to use the logotype in a larger format without having to resort to the secondary version.Detachment also allows you to give more prominence to the symbol and better identify the Cepsa brand.The detached version of the logo must always follow the proportions specified on this page. The symbol and the name must always be visible on the sameplane and are never separate.Minimum distance between the em-blem and the typographic mark4 xxExample of a horizontal formatThe attached version should be used in all institutional applications, like stands, ephemeral architecture, merchandising, office materials, product identification and sponsorships, as well as on stationery and for digital media.The detached version should be used in communication materials, advertising and leaflets or posters amongst others.The table on this page shows how to use both versions of the logo, noting in red the scenarios covered in this manual.LogoApplying the different versions of the logotypeApplications Stationery Literature Advertising Digital media Audiovisual resources Attached version Detached versionEmail signaturePowerPoint© Presentation Principal applications Optional applicationsInternal documents Office© documents Uniforms Stand, events Signage VehiclesProduct, Packaging Service Stations Merchandising Sponsorships Cepsa | Basic Identity Manual | 1. Basic elementsLogoExample of how to use bothversions of the logotype Attached logotypeDetached logotypeOn this page you can see examples ofhow to use the attached and detachedversions of the logotype.StationeryAdvertisingMerchandising Digital mediaPosterFair standScientific publicationAdvertisingNote: The images in the examples are forreference only in order to demonstrateCepsa’s photographic style. If you want to usethese photographs, you will have to acquiretheir licenses, either from the individualphotographer or from the image bank.Cepsa has its own image bank containing awide range of images of its various businessareas.And if you need new images, contact theBrand Office: *************** Cepsa | Basic Identity Manual |3. Negative version on a red background 2. Red version on a gray or silver background4. Silver version on a black background 7. Red version on a dark image6. Red version on a light image with graphic device8. Red version on a dark image with graphic device5. Red version on a light image16 mm 30 mm4 mm4 mmAlthough no maximum size is set for ourlogo, it is important to define how muchit can be reduced.The minimum size for the connectedversion is 30 mm.For the disconnected version, theminimum size is defined by the heightof the “A,” which is 4 mm, like in theconnected version. This is also the casefor the vertical secondary version.The word "Cepsa" should never be lessthan 4 mm in height.The same guidelines apply to theversions in Chinese and Arabic.Attached primary logotype Detached primary logotypeVertical secondary logotype4 mm10.9.8.14.Incorrect use of the logo damages the impact of our communication, because it sends an inconsistent message to our audiences. Only what is explicitly described in this manual is correct. Any variation of color, orientation, proportion or combination is incorrect and is therefore prohibited.This page shows some examples of things that must not be done:1. Do not distort the logo.2. Do not rotate the logo in any way.3. Do not change its color.4. Do not add color gradients.5. D o not recreate the logo using anothertypeface.6. Do not use the logo in a line.7. Do not add any kind of effect whatsoever.8. Do not use the logo in low resolution.9. Do not use the logo with shadow.10. T he logo should not appear crossed out.11. D o not apply the logo in white on anybackground colors other than those specified in the manual.12. D o not apply the logo in red on anybackground colors other than those specified in the manual. 13. Never put the logo in a box.14. D o not use the logo in negative in blackand white.11.12.13.Cepsa’s corporate typeface is Flama in the versions presented here.Use it consistently, respecting the typography rules. This way, you'll help bolster the company’s visual identity and contribute to the public’s awareness of it. The colors that we use are mainly white and gray, and red is always used as an accent and never a principal color. Red or gray can also be used, but only in office environments.If you have design responsibilities and therefore need the Flama typeface, please contact the Brand Department: ***************In cases where an application has to be seen and shared by others who do not have our corporate typeface installed on their computers, you must use Tahoma instead.Flama lightFlama SemiboldFlama Semibold ItalicFlama Light ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*FLAMAABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*AbcA new exclusive typography line to identify Cepsa products and services.Cepsa Hero has a very recognizable design reflective of the Cepsa logo’s DNA. This allows for a direct association between the parent brand and the product and service sub-brands.Its clean design allows for graphic manipulation, so each sub-brand can have own distinct feel, while being based on the same origin.Depending on business andcommunication needs, current sub-brands can be updated without losing their distinctive features.If you have design responsibilities and therefore need the Hero typeface, please contact the Brand Department: ***************Cepsa Hero Thin Cepsa Hero Thin Slanted Cepsa Hero Light Cepsa Hero Light Slanted Cepsa Hero Regular Cepsa Hero SlantedCepsa Hero Semibold Cepsa Hero Semibold Slanted Cepsa Hero BoldCepsa Hero Bold SlantedCEPSA HEROABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*AbcFor internal electronic media, like Microsoft® Office applications (e.g.PowerPoint) and web pages, the Tahoma replacement typeface is allowed. The Tahoma typeface should only be used when its application needs to be seen by and shared with third parties who do not have our corporate typeface installed on their computers. In these cases it will be necessary to use the Tahoma typeface.Tahoma Regular (Default font)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890.,;:!?%&@€$£¥Tahoma Regular (Default font)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890.,;:!?%&@€$£¥AbcImportantThe replacement typeface should never be used for professional applications or support media for printed communications.PowerPoint presentationA new exclusive typography line to identify Cepsa products.The Display typography should be used in the following cases:- S ervice station products and services.- O ther products (especially B2C) requiring significant prominence. This prevents logo overuse.- P roducts or services that are often the subject of communications at points of contact very visible to the general public.If you have design responsibilities and therefore need the Display typeface, please contact the Brand Department: ***************ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%&*Display boldDisplay lightExamples of applicationOriginaColorColor referencesCepsa | Basic Identity Manual | 1. Basic elementsC63 M37 Y21 K57C10 M90 Y55 K45R41 G59 B76R114 G19 B41HTML #263746HTML #8B2332RAL K7-5008RAL K7-3003NCS 7502-B 3M 100-27Textile 19-4021 TPX 3M 3630-77NCS 4050-R 3M 100-2400Textile 19-1555 TPX C0 M100 Y100 K0Primary PaletteSecondary PaletteR213 G43 B30HTML #D52B1E RAL K7-3020NCS 1080-Y80R 3M 100-368Textile 18-1763 TPX 3M 3630-43PANTONE® 485 C C0 M0 Y0 K100R0 G0 B0HTML #000000RAL K7-9005NCS 8502-R 3M 100-12Textile 19-1111 TPX PANTONE® BLACK C ———————RAL K7-9006NCS Metallic 3M 100-2438Textile 16-0000 TPX PANTONE® SILVER PANTONE® 7546 C PANTONE® 202 CThis may be the case of paint forindustrial use (lacquered, plastic paint, etc.).TextileTo apply color in textiles we will use the references TPX and TCX.3MReference in adhesive vinyls.3M Transparent vinylThis is the type of adhesive vinylintended for use on glass or transparent surfaces.This acid vinyl will be used on glass.printers.HTMLUsed to define colors for web pages. These usually correspond to RGB color specifications.RALThese references are used for industrial paints, industrial design and architecture.NCSThese are used when the Pantone® references cannot be interpreted.Pantone®It is the main reference for all printed applications. Whenever possible, use the Pantone® spot color.RGBRed, Green, Blue - colors used in monitors and scanners.CMYKCyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (black) – subtractive color model used in the four-color printing process and in colorC06 M04 Y06 K13C0 M0 Y0 K0R210 G208 B205R255 G255 B255HTML #D2D0CD HTML #FFFFFF RAL K7-7047RAL 9016NCS 1502-Y NCS S1002-G50Y 3M 100-11Textile 14-4002 TPX 3M 3630-513M 100-10Textile 11-0601 TCX PANTONE® COOL GRAY 2 CWHITEC60 M48 Y48 K15R108 G111 B112HTML #6C6F70RAL K7-7037NCS 5500-N 3M 100-1833Textile 18-4006 TPX 3M 3630-61PANTONE® 424 C *Acid Matte APA Frost ST 771Contact Cepsa | Basic Identity Manual | Additional informationIf you are unsure about the contentsof this manual or want to ask anyquestions, please write to:***************July 2020。
ZEISS Axiolab 5智能研究室微视机说明书
ZEISS Axiolab 5Il vostro microscopio "smart" per attività di routine più efficienti in laboratorioInformazioni sul prodotto Versione 1.0Axiolab 5 è stato concepito per le applicazioni di routine al microscopio che si svol -gono quotidianamente nel vostro laboratorio. I l suo design compatto ed ergonomico vi consente di risparmiare spazio e garantisce la massima semplicità di utilizzo.Axiolab 5 è un vero team player. Utilizzandolo in combinazione con Axiocam 208 color sfrutterete al meglio il concetto di microscopia smart grazie a una forma di documentazione digitale completamente nuova. Vi basterà mettere a fuoco il vostro campione e premere un solo pulsante per avere immagini nitide e di elevata fedeltà cromatica. Sarà come osservare l'immagine digitale attraverso gli oculari: tutti i dettagli e le più lievi differenze cromatiche saranno ben visibili.Axiolab 5 provvede inoltre automaticamente all'aggiunta delle corrette informazioni relative al ridimensionamento in scala delle vostre immagini. Tutto questo grazie a un unico sistema, senza la necessità di ricorrere a un PC o a un ulteriore software. Con Axiolab 5 risparmierete tempo, denaro e spazio prezioso in laboratorio. La documentazione digitale non è mai stata così facile.Il vostro microscopio "smart" per attività di routine più efficienti in laboratorio› In breve › I vantaggi › Le applicazioni › Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli ›Assistenza tecnicaAnimazionePiù semplice. Più intelligente. Più integrato.Più efficenza nelle attività di routine in laboratorioUna volta individuata un'area di interesse, vi basterà premere il pulsante di acquisizione posto sullo stativo per acquisire l'immagine. Axiolab 5 è intuitivo e offre un sistema ergonomico per l'utente, adattato alle attività di routine delvostro laboratorio. Potrete controllare il micro -scopio e la telecamera connessa senza dover cambiare l'impugnatura : sarà difatti il vostro sistema smart a regolare automaticamente i parametri per voi, documentando il campione esattamente come se lo osservaste attraverso gli oculari, ricco di dettagli e con un'elevata fedeltà cromatica. Il corretto ridimensionamento in scala è sempre regolato automaticamente e non sarà più necessario investire in un ulteriore computer o software. Grazie alla microscopia smart lavorete in maniera più efficiente e potrete concentrarVi meglio sul vostro campione.Più conveniente e affidabileAxiolab 5 vi garantisce una riduzione dei costi e risparmio energetico. Attivando la modalità Eco, Axiolab 5 passa automaticamente in modalità stand-by dopo 15 minuti di inattività. Ciò consente di risparmiare energia prolungando la durata di illumi-nazione dei LED, che già di per sé assicurano una durata maggiore rispetto ai tradizionali sistemi di illu -minazione. Nella modalità a luce trasmessa, il nuovo e potente LED bianco vi consentirà la visualizzazione del vostro campione nei colori naturali. Anche le più lievi differenze cromatiche risulteranno visibili. Per la fluorescenza, i LED integrati in diverse lunghezze d'onda sono più facili e sicuri da utilizzare rispetto, ad esempio, alle classiche lampade al mercurio. Grazie ai LED , i tempi di riscaldamento e raffreddamento saranno eliminati così come la sostituzione e regola -zione delle lampade diverranno un lontano ricordo. Più spazio in laboratorio e contenimento dei costi: Axiolab 5 non richiede computer o software aggiuntivi.Ergonomia intelligente per lavorare con tranquillità in laboratorioI punti forti di Axiolab 5 sono l'ergonomia e l'effi -cienza. Tutti i controlli principali, tra cui il pulsante di acquisizione, la regolazione del tavolino, la rego -lazione della messa fuoco e il controllo della lumi -nosità, sono facilmente raggiungibili con una sola mano. Gli ergotubi e l'impugnatura del tavolino con regolazione dell'altezza e della frizione consentono una postura comoda e corretta nel corso dell'osser -vazione, anche in caso di uso prolungato. Il porta -campioni doppio riduce l'affaticamento: poichè richiede poche sostituzioni dei vetrini (ad esempio quando si esaminano i vetrini IHC). Il nuovo disposi -tivo di gestione della luce garantisce una luminosità uniforme a tutti i livelli di ingrandimento, elimi-nando le regolazioni manuali dell'intensità della lampada durante la sostituzione degli obiettivi. Nel complesso, Axiolab 5 minimizza e facilita i passaggi manuali e vi consente di lavorare in maniera più efficiente e con un comfort superiore.› In breve › I vantaggi › Le applicazioni › Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli ›Assistenza tecnicaAmpliate le vostre possibilitàL'uso combinato con le fotocamere da micro-scopio Axiocam 202 mono o Axiocam 208 colorvi offrirà tutti i vantaggi di un microscopio "smart" assolutamente autonomo.Le impostazioni della fotocamera, come il bilan-ciamento del bianco, il tempo di esposizione e lefunzioni di miglioramento dell'immagine, sonoregolate automaticamente ed evitano di doverricorrere a un ulteriore software per imaging ocomputer, consentendovi le seguenti attività:Autonomia nell'imaging di routine di base ZEISS Axiolab 5 funziona indipendentemente dalsistema informatico.ZEISS Labscope per imaging di routine avanzatoL'utilizzo di ZEISS Axiolab 5 insieme all'app per imagingZEISS Labscope è ideale per la m icroscopia connessa el'imaging standard in fluorescenza multicanale.ZEISS ZEN per applicazioni di ricercaUtilizzo di ZEN Imaging software per eseguireattività di imaging avanzate con ZEISS Axiolab 5.• acquisire immagini e registrare video direttamentedal vostro stativo;• utilizzare il mouse (e in via opzionale la tastiera)per controllare la fotocamera tramite l'OSD(on screen display);• salvare le impostazioni;• salvare le immagini insieme ai metadati del micro-scopio e della fotocamera nonché le informazionirelative al ridimensionamento in scala;• predefinire il nome oppure rinominare la vostraimmagine.Microscopia smart: per una documentazione digitale più semplice › In breve› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnicaAmpliate le vostre possibilitàMaggior efficienzacon la microscopia smartEfficienza e qualità sono fattori chiave per il vostro laboratorio, ma l'acquisizione di immagini ad alta fedeltà cromatica e ricche di dettagli potrebbe richiedere molto tempo. La procedura vi è nota: posizionare il campione, mettere a fuoco la regione di interesse, passare al computer, regolare le impo-stazioni come il bilanciamento del bianco, il tempo di esposizione e di acquisizione, e infine acquisirel'immagine, inserire una barra da scala, passare di nuovo al microscopio e così via. Questo è un tipico esempio di workflow di docu-mentazione. Ora, con il sistema Axiolab 5 e grazie alla microscopia smart potete concentrarvi unica-mente sul vostro campione. La documentazione digitale è integrata nel design del sistema: vi basterà premere il pulsante ergonomico di acquisizione sul microscopio ed il gioco è fatto. La procedura si integrerà perfettamente nel vostro workflow di microscopia già consolidato aumentando notevol-mente la vostra efficienza.› In breve› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli › Assistenza tecnicaSu misura per le vostre applicazioni› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnicaZEISS Axiolab 5 al lavoroVasi sanguigni, luce trasmessa a campo chiaro,obiettivo: Plan-Apochromat 40× / 1.4Retina di ratto, sezione, fast red nucleare, luce trasmessaa campo chiaro, obiettivo: Plan-Apochromat 20× / 0.8Midollo osseo rosso, luce trasmessa a campo chiaro,obiettivo: Plan-Apochromat 40× / 1.4Lingua di ratto, verde acido, luce trasmessa a campo chiaro,obiettivo: Plan-Apochromat 20× / 0.8Striscio di sangue, colorazione di Giemsa, luce trasmessaa campo chiaro, obiettivo: Plan-Apochromat 63× / 1.4Acaro Varroa, luce trasmessa a campo chiaro,obiettivo: Plan-Apochromat 5× / 0.16› In breve› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnicaAmpliate le vostre possibilitàLa microscopia a fluorescenza richiede una sorgente di luce intensa che stimoli le colorazioni fluorescenti e le proteine. Axiolab 5 FL è dotato di un'illuminazione LED a risparmio energetico e di lunga durata che non richiede manutenzione e regolazione. Tale illuminazione consente di ottenere una documentazione in fluorescenza fino a un massimo di 3 canali. È possibile regolare l'intensità di ciascun LED. Grazie alla sua codifica, Axiolab 5 riconosce qual è il LED attualmente in uso e ne regola l'intensità luminosa in base all'ultima impostazione utilizzata.› In breve › I vantaggi › Le applicazioni › Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli › Assistenza tecnicacirca 1,2 m2 personecirca 1,8 m5 persone11 personecirca 1,8 mc i r c a 2 mcirca 2,5 m8 personeIn base allo spazio a disposizione, è possibile configurare le singole combinazioni per garantireche lo spazio venga sfruttato al meglio.Ampliate le vostre possibilitàSistema multidiscussionePanoramica perfetta da qualsiasi posizione Potrete utilizzare il sistema multidiscussione nel corso di sessioni formative e consulti e in campo medico, ad esempio durante le lezioni impartite a studenti e dottorandi, i consulti oppure le analisi congiunte di campioni difficili. Con il sistema multidiscussione di ZEISS l'orientamento delle immagini sarà identico per ogni co-osservatore; ognuno osserverà nello stesso orientamento dell'osservatore principale, indi -pendentemente dalla configurazione e dal numero di osservatori presenti. Potrete impostare qualsiasi tipo di configurazione, realizzata su misura in base al numero di co-osservatori richiesto e allo spazo dispo -nibile. Qualora poi necessitaste di stazioni di lavoro aggiuntive, il sistema può essere facilmente ampliato in qualsiasi momento.Ciascun tubo dispone di un proprio supporto, posizio -nato in modo ottimale in corrispondenza del proprio baricentro. Ciò rende il sistema estremamente stabile. L'altezza di ciascun supporto è regolabile separata -mente e, grazie al giunto sferico, qualsiasi piccola irregolarità del tavolo o del pavimento facilmente compensata.L'indicatore luminoso mobile consente di selezionare strutture interessanti oppure importanti alterazioni istologiche nel campione preparato. Sarete in grado di fornire un'ottima guida di orientamento per i campioni marcati con diverse colorazioni, regolando l'intensità dell'indicatore luminoso e scegliendo tra le diverse impostazioni di colore (bianco, verde, rosso).› In breve › I vantaggi › Le applicazioni › Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli › Assistenza tecnica125341 Microscopio ZEISS Axiolab 5:• stativo codificato con luce trasmessa • stativo codificato con luce trasmessa e luce r iflessa con fluorescenza 2 ObiettiviClassi di obiettivi raccomandate: • A-Plan • N-Achroplan • EC Plan-NEOFLUAR5 Software• Modalità stand-alone (On Screen Display)• App di imaging Labscope • ZEN Imaging SoftwareUna vasta scelta di componenti3 Illuminazione Luce trasmessa:• illuminazione LED 10 W• illuminazione alogena 35 W (opzionale)Luce riflessa:• fino a 3 LED in fluorescenza 4 FotocamereFotocamere raccomandate:• ZEISS Axiocam 208 color(con s tativo codificato a luce trasmessa Axiolab 5)• ZEISS Axiocam 202 color(con s tativo codificato a fluorescenza Axiolab 5)› In breve › I vantaggi › Le applicazioni › Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli › Assistenza tecnicaPanoramica del sistema› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnicaPanoramica del sistema› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnicaSpecifiche tecniche› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnicaSpecifiche tecniche› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnica>> /microserviceConsapevoli dell'importanza che riveste il vostro sistema di miscroscopia ZEISS, ci adoperiamo per assicurarvi la sua massima affidabilità d'uso, mettendovi in grado di utilizzare ogni sua opzione disponibile, sfruttandone appieno le prestazioni. Potete scegliere tra una serie di prodotti di assistenza, ciascuno fornito da specialisti altamente qualificati ZEISS che vi supporteranno nell'intera fase di post-acquisto. Il nostro obiettivo principale resta infatti quello di mettervi in condizione di ottenere il massimo dei risultati durante l’intero corso della vostra attività quotidiana.Riparazione. Manutenzione. Ottimizzazione.Prolungate il ciclo di vita del vostro microscopio. Un contratto di assistenza ZEISS Protect vi da modo di prevedere i costi operativi, riducendo i dispendiosi tempi di attesa in caso di fermo macchina e assicurandovi un uso completo del vostro sistema. Scegliete il contratto di assistenza più adatto a voi in base alla gamma di opzioni e ai livelli di supporto offerti. Lavoreremo con voi per selezionare il programma di assistenza che meglio risponde alle esigenze del vostro microscopio ai suoi requisiti d’uso, attenendoci alle disposizioni standard della vostra società.Anche il nostro Service "on demand" vi offre notevoli vantaggi. Il nostro Servizio di Assistenza analizzerà le problematiche specifiche, risolvendole per mezzo di un software di manutenzione in remoto od operando in loco.Ampliate il vostro sistema di microscopia.Il vostro microscopio ZEISS è ideato per poter ricevere una regolare serie di aggiornamenti: le interfacce aperte vi consentiranno di mantenere il sistema costantemente aggiornato. Grazie alle nuove possibilità di update, opererete in modo più efficiente, prolungando il ciclo di vita del vostro microscopio e migliorandone le performance.Approfittate delle prestazioni ottimizzate del vostro sistema microscopio supportato dal Servizi di Assistenza ZEISS, ora e in futuro.Affidatevi al supporto del nostro Servizio di Assistenza Tecnica› In breve › I vantaggi › Le applicazioni › Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli › Assistenza tecnicaCarl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH 07745 Jena, Germania ********************/axiolabL e d i s p o n i b i l i t à d i p r o d o t t o p o s s o n o v a r i a r e i n b a s e a l P a e s e i n c u i è c o m m e r c i a l i z z a t o . L 'u s o d e i p r o d o t t i a fi n i m e d i c o -d i a g n o s t i c i , t e r a p e u t i c i o d i t r a t t a m e n t o p u ò e s s e r e l i m i t a t o d a r e g o l a m e n t a z i o n i l o c a l i.C o n t a t t a t e i l v o s t r o r a p p r e s e n t a n t e l o c a l e Z E I S S p e r u l t e r i o r i i n f o r m a z i o n i I T _41_011_204 | C Z 05-2019 | S o g g e t t o a m o d i fi c h e s e n z a p r e a v v i s o n e l d e s i g n e n e l l a d i s p o n i b i l i t à d i p r o d o t t o d o v u t o a l l ’u l t e r i o r e s v i l u p p o t e c n i c o . | © C a r l Z e i s s M i c r o s c o p y G m b H。
FortiAuthenticator 6.1 安全身份验证和身份管理教程说明书
Course Description FortiAuthenticatorIn this course,you will learn how to use FortiAuthenticator for secureauthentication and identity management.You will learn how to configure anddeploy FortiAutheticator,use FortiAuthenticator for certificate management andtwo-factor authentication,authenticate users using LDAP and RADIUS servers,andexplore SAML SSO options on FortiAuthenticator.Product Versionl FortiAuthenticator6.1Course Durationl Lecture time(estimated):7hoursl Lab time(estimated):4hoursl Total course duration(estimated):11hours/2daysWho Should AttendAnyone who is responsible for the day-to-day management of FortiAuthenticator.CertificationThis course is part of the preparation for the NSE6certification exam.12/13/2021https://FortiAuthenticator6.1Course DescriptionPrerequisitesYou must have an understanding of topics covered inthe following courses,or have equivalent experience:l NSE4FortiGate Securityl NSE4FortiGate InfrastructureIt is also recommended that you have an understandingof the following topics:l Authenticationl Authorizationl AccountingAgenda1.Introduction and Initial Configuration2.Administering and Authenticating Users3.Two-Factor Authentication4.Fortinet Single Sign-On5.Portal Services6.802.1X Authentication7.Certificate Management8.SAML ConfigurationObjectivesAfter completing this course,you will be able to:l Deploy and configure FortiAuthenticatorl Configure the LDAP and RADIUS servicel Configure the self-service portall Configure FortiAuthenticator and FortiGate for two-factor authenticationl Provision FortiToken hardware and FortiToken mobile software tokensl Configure FortiAuthenticator as a logon event collector using the FSSO communication frameworkl Configure portal services for guest and local user managementl Configure FortiAuthenticator for wired and wireless 802.1x authentication,MAC-based authentication,and machine-based authentication using supported EAPmethodsl Troubleshoot authentication failuresl Manage digital certificates(root CA,sub-CA,user,and local services digital certificates)l Configure FortiAuthenticator as a SCEP server for CRLs and CSRs l Configure FortiAuthenticator as a SAML identity provider and service providerl Monitor and troubleshoot SAMLTraining Delivery Options and SKUs Instructor-Led TrainingIncludes standard NSE training content delivered in person onsite,or live online using a virtual classroom application.Training is delivered within public classesor as a private class.Private requests are scoped, quoted,developed,and delivered by Fortinet Training (minimum quantities apply).Use the following ILT Training SKU to purchase scheduled public classes of this course throughFortinet Resellers or Authorized Training Partners:FT-FACSelf-Paced TrainingIncludes online training videos and resources throughthe NSE Training Institute library,free of charge.You can purchase on-demand lab access with interactive,hands-on activities using a purchase order (PO)through Fortinet Resellers or Authorized Training Partners.After you complete the purchase,you receive labaccess and the accompanying lab guide within the self-paced course.Use the following on-demand lab training SKU to purchase lab access using a PO:FT-FAC-LABSee Purchasing Process for more information about purchasing Fortinet training products.(ISC)2l CPE training hours:7l CPE lab hours:4l CISSP domains:Identity and Access Management(IAM) Program Policies and FAQsFor questions about courses,certification,or training products,refer to Program Policy Guidelines or Frequently Asked Questions.。
RECOMENDACIONES DE SEGURIDADPARA EL EMPLEO DE PRODUCTOS ABRASIVOSPRINCIPIOS GENERALES DE SEGURIDADLos productos abrasivos mal empleados pueden ser peligrosos.• Seguir las instrucciones del proveedor del producto y del fabricante de la máquina.• Asegurarse de que el producto abrasivo se adapta al uso previsto. Examinar todos los productos antes de montarlos para descubrir posibles daños o defectos.• Respetar las recomendaciones para la conservación y el almacenaje de los productos abrasivos.Conocer los riesgos que pueden derivarse de la utilización de los productos abrasivos y tomar las precauciones que correspondan:• Contacto físico con el producto abrasivo en funcionamiento• Heridas causadas por la rotura de un producto abrasivo en funcionamiento • Virutas, chispas, humos y polvo que se generan al trabajar • Ruido• VibracionesUtilizar solamente productos abrasivos conformes con los más altos estándares de seguridad. Las siguientes normas EN proporcionan los requisitos esenciales de seguridad para los productos abrasivos pertinentes:• EN 12413: para los abrasivos aglomerados (muelas) • EN 13236 para los superabrasivos (diamante o CBN)• EN 13743 para ciertos abrasivos flexibles (discos de fibra vulcanizada, cepillos de núcleo o con eje, discos de láminas)No utilizar jamás una máquina en mal estado o con partes defectuosas.Los empresarios tienen que valorar los riesgos de cada una de las operaciones de corte o rectificado e implementar las medidas de protección apropiadas. Tienen que asegurarse de que sus operarios están convenientemente formados y entrenados para el trabajo que realizan.Este folleto sólo indica las recomendaciones básicas de seguridad. Encontrará información más completa y detallada sobre el uso seguro de los productos abrasivos en los Códigos de seguridad disponibles en FEPA o su Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes de Abrasivos. • Código de Seguridad FEPA para los Abrasivos Aglomerados y Superabrasivos • Código de Seguridad FEPA para los Abrasivos Flexibles• Código de Seguridad FEPA para los Superabrasivos para la Piedra y la ConstrucciónPRECAUCIONES CONTRA LOS POSIBLES RIESGOSRuido• Se recomienda una protección auditiva según norma EN352 en todos los casos en que el trabajo se realice de forma manual, independientemente del nivel de ruido.• Asegurarse de que el producto abrasivo es el adecuado para la operación a realizar. Un abrasivo escogido erróneamente puede producir un ruido excesivo.Vibraciones• Las operaciones en las que la pieza a trabajar o la máquina se sujeta manualmente pueden producir daños a causa de las vibraciones.• Hay que tomar medidas si después de 10 minutos de trabajo continuado se detecta picazón, hormigueo o entumecimiento.• Estos efectos se agravan en tiempo frío, en cuyo caso hay que mantener las manos calientes y desentumecerlas regularmente. Emplear máquinas modernas y en buen esta-do, con bajo nivel de vibraciones.• Conservar las máquinas en buen estado. Si aparecen vibraciones excesivas, parar y comprobar la máquina.• Utilizar abrasivos de buena calidad y conservarlos en buen estado durante su vida.• Conservar en buen estado los platos de montaje y los platos de apoyo, y sustituirlos cuando estén gastados o se hayan deformado.• No sujetar con excesiva fuerza la pieza o la máquina, y no ejercer una presión exagera-da sobre el abrasivo.• Evitar el contacto prolongado entre la pieza y el abrasivo.• Emplear un producto abrasivo que se adapte bien al trabajo a realizar, en caso contrario pueden producirse vibraciones innecesarias.• No descuidar las consecuencias físicas de las vibraciones, consultar al médico.ELIMINACIÓN DE LOS ABRASIVOS• Los abrasivos desgastados o defectuosos deben eliminarse respetando la normativa local o nacional.• En las Informaciones de Producto Voluntarias facilitadas por el proveedor encontrará información complementaria.• No olvidar que el abrasivo utilizado puede estar contaminado por el material trabajado o por otros componentes de la operación.• Los productos abrasivos rechazados tienen que destruirse para evitar su reutilización en el caso de que fueran recogidos de la basura.www.fepa Folleto suministrado y avalado por:www.abrasivessafety.esHeridas causadas por un producto abrasivo (continuación)• Asegurarse de que el abrasivo escogido se adapta bien a la operación a realizar.• Seguir las instrucciones del proveedor del abrasivo y de la máquina cuando se proceda al montaje del abrasivo. Respetar todas las indicaciones que figuren sobre el producto abrasivo tales como la posición de giro o posición de montaje.• Jamás forzar el producto abrasivo para su montaje ni retocarlo para su ajuste. • No sobrepasar jamás la velocidad máxima de trabajo, cuando esté indicada.• Utilizar únicamente las herramientas de montaje correctas, y asegurarse de que están limpias, sin deformaciones ni rebabas.• Utilizar las arandelas de papel poroso, si se suministran. • No apretar excesivamente los elementos de montaje.• Después de montar un producto abrasivo y antes de empezar a trabajar, mantener en marcha la máquina en vacío, con los protectores en su sitio, por lo menos durante 30 segundos, manteniéndose apartado de la máquina.• No quitar nunca los dispositivos de protección, asegurándose de que están en buen estado y en posición correcta.• Asegurarse de que la pieza a trabajar está correctamente situada y fijada, y comprobar que los soportes de la pieza están correctamente colocados y en buen estado.• No poner nunca la máquina en marcha si la pieza a trabajar está en contacto con el producto abrasivo.• Al trabajar, no ejercer presión excesiva ni golpear el producto abrasivo ni recalentarlo. • Trabajar únicamente por la parte activa del abrasivo. En las bandas abrasivas, lijar, si es posible, por el centro, evitando utilizar los bordes.• Evitar el embozamiento y el desgaste irregular de los productos abrasivos para obtener buenos resultados. Reavivarlos frecuentemente cuando sea posible.• Dejar que el producto abrasivo se pare por si mismo, sin apoyar sobre ninguna superfi-cie.• Cerrar la entrada de refrigerante y dejar la máquina en marcha hasta que el abrasivo esté bien escurrido.• No dejar las bandas abrasivas bajo tensión cuando no se trabaje.Residuos de lijado, chispas, humos y polvo• La exposición a los restos del rectificado puede causar daños respiratorios, entre otros. • Toda operación de rectificado en seco tiene que llevarse a cabo con un dispositivo apro-piado de aspiración de polvo.• No utilizar abrasivos cerca de materiales inflamables.• En el rectificado en seco se recomienda el uso de protecciones respiratorias conformes a la EN149, aunque haya dispositivos de aspiración.• Si hay protectores, deben estar colocados de manera que desvíen las virutas y las chis-pas lejos del operario.• Tomar las medidas necesarias para proteger al personal que trabaje en la zona.• Se recomienda usar gafas de protección en cualquier operación con abrasivos arrastra-dos mecánicamente. Cuando el trabajo se realiza a mano, se recomiendan gafas de seguridad o pantalla. La protección ocular mínima recomendable es la especificada en la norma EN166 nivel B.• Asegurarse de que el producto abrasivo utilizado se adapta bien al trabajo. Un producto mal escogido puede producir un exceso de restos y chispasPRECAUCIONES CONTRA LOS POSIBLES RIESGOSContacto físico con un producto abrasivo en funcionamiento• Tomar siempre las debidas precauciones antes de utilizar un abrasivo. Recogerse el cabello largo, no llevar ropa amplia, corbata o joyas.• Evitar una puesta en marcha accidental de la máquina durante el montaje o cambio del abrasivo. En caso necesario, desconectar la máquina de la fuente de alimentación.• No quitar nunca los protectores de las máquinas y asegurarse de que están en buen estado y en posición correcta.• Ponerse siempre guantes y ropa apropiada cuando se sujete manualmente la pieza a trabajar o la máquina. Es conveniente que los guantes tengan un nivel mínimo de pro-tección EN388 categoría 2.• Una vez parada la máquina, asegurarse de que el producto abrasivo está totalmente parado antes de retirarlo de la máquina.Heridas causadas por la rotura de un producto abrasivo• Tratar los abrasivos siempre con mucho cuidado pues son productos frágiles. Exami-narlos siempre antes de usarlos para descubrir posibles daños o defectos.• Almacenar los abrasivos en lugar fresco y seco, evitando grandes variaciones de tempe-ratura. Asegurarse de que están bien protegidos y colocados para evitar que sufran da-ños y deformaciones.• Los abrasivos flexibles deben almacenarse a una temperatura de 18-20ºC y una hume-dad relativa de 45-65 %.• Las bandas abrasivas deben estar suspendidas de una barra de al menos 50 mm de diámetro.• No utilizar nunca un producto abrasivo después de la fecha límite de empleo, si está indicada. No sobrepasar los tiempos de almacenaje siguientes para los productos sin fecha: 3 años para los productos de aglomerante de resina o shellac, 5 años para el caucho y 10 años para los vitrificados o cerámicos.• Seguir las advertencias y otras recomendaciones que aparezcan en los productos o en los embalajes:-。
尤利西斯(Ulysses)第三章更多英语小说-请点击这里获得INELUCTABLE MODALITY OF THE VISIBLE: A T LEAST THA T IF NO MORE, thought through my eyes. Signatures of all things I am here to read, seaspawn and seawrack, the nearing tide, that rusty boot. Snotgreen, bluesilver, rust: coloured signs. Limits of the diaphane. But he adds: in bodies. Then he was aware of them bodies before of them coloured. How? By knocking his sconce against them, sure. Go easy. Bald he was and a millionaire, maestro di color che sanno. Limit of the diaphane in. Why in? Diaphane, adiaphane. If you can put your five fingers through it, it is a gate, if not a door. Shut your eyes and see. Stephen closed his eyes to hear his boots crush crackling wrack and shells. Y ou are walking through it howsomever. I am, a stride at a time. A very short space of time through very short times of space. Five, six: the nacheinander. Exactly: and that is the ineluctable modality of the audible. Open your eyes. No. Jesus! If I fell over a cliff that beetles o'er his base, fell through the nebeneinander ineluctably. I am getting on nicely in the dark. My ash sword hangs at my side. Tap with it: they do. My two feet in his boots are at the end of his legs, nebeneinander. Sounds solid: made by the mallet of Los Demiurgos. Am I walking into eternity along Sandymount strand? Crush, crack, crick, crick. Wild sea money. Dominie Deasy kens them a'.Won't you come to Sandymount,Madeline the mare?Rhythm begins, you see. I hear. A catalectic tetrameter of iambs marching. No, agallop: deline the mare.Open your eyes now. I will. One moment. Has all vanished since? If I open and am for ever in the black adiaphane. Basta! I will see if I can see.See now. There all the time without you: and ever shall be, world without end.They came down the steps from Leahy's terrace prudently, Frauenzimmer: and down the shelving shore flabbily their splayed feet sinking in the silted sand. Like me, like Algy, coming down to our mighty mother. Number one swung lourdily her midwife's bag, the other's gamp poked in the beach. From the liberties, out for the day. Mrs Florence MacCabe, relict of the late Patk MacCabe, deeply lamented, of Bride Street. One of her sisterhood lugged me squealing into life. Creation from nothing. What has she in the bag? A misbirth with a trailing navelcord, hushed in ruddy wool. The cords of all link back, strandentwining cable of all flesh. That is why mystic monks. Will you be as gods? Gaze in your omphalos. Hello. Kinch here. Put me on to Edenville. Aleph, alpha: nought, nought, one.Spouse and helpmate of Adam Kadmon: Heva, naked Eve. She had no navel. Gaze. Belly without blemish, bulging big, a buckler of taut vellum, no, whiteheaped corn, orient and immortal, standing from everlasting to everlasting. Womb of sin.Wombed in sin darkness I was too, made not begotten. By them, the man with my voice and my eyes and a ghostwoman with ashes on her breath. They clasped and sundered, did the coupler's will. From before the ages He willed me and now may not will me away or ever A lex eterna stays about him. Is that then the divine substance wherein Father and Son are consubstantial? Where is poor dear Arius to try conclusions? Warring his life long on the contransmagnificandjewbangtantiality. Illstarred heresiarch. In a Greek watercloset he breathed his last: euthanasia. With beaded mitre and with crozier, stalled upon his throne, widower of a widowed see, with upstiffed omophorion, with clotted hinderparts.Airs romped around him, nipping and eager airs. They are coming, waves. The whitemaned seahorses, champing, brightwindbridled, the steeds of Mananaan.I mustn't forget his letter for the press. And after? The Ship, half twelve. By the way go easy with that money like a good young imbecile. Y es, I must.His pace slackened. Here. Am I going to Aunt Sara's or not? My consubstantial father's voice. Did you see anything of your artist brother Stephen lately? No? Sure he's not down in Strasburg terrace with his aunt Sally? Couldn't he fly a bit higher than that, eh? And and and and tell us Stephen, how is uncle Si? O weeping God, the things I married into. De boys up in de hayloft. The drunken little costdrawer and his brother, the cornet player. Highly respectable gondoliers. And skeweyed Walter sirring his father, no less. Sir. Y es, sir. No, sir. Jesus wept: and no wonder, by Christ.I pull the wheezy bell of their shuttered cottage: and wait. They take me for a dun, peer out from a coign of vantage.-- It's Stephen, sir.-- Let him in. Let Stephen in.A bolt drawn back and Walter welcomes me.-- We thought you were someone else.In his broad bed nuncle Richie, pillowed and blanketed, extends overthe hillock of his knees a sturdy forearm. Cleanchested. He has washed the upper moiety.-- Morrow, nephew.He lays aside the lapboard whereon he drafts his bills of costs for the eyes of Master Goff and Master Shapland Tandy, filing consents and common searches and a writ of Duces Tecum. A bogoak frame over his bald head: Wilde's Requiescat. The drone of his misleading whistle brings Walter back.-- Y es, sir?-- Malt for Richie and Stephen, tell mother. Where is she?-- Bathing Crissie, sir.Papa's little bedpal. Lump of love.-- No, uncle Richie...-- Call me Richie. Damn your lithia water. It lowers. Whusky!-- Uncle Richie, really...-- Sit down or by the law Harry I'll knock you down.Walter squints vainly for a chair.-- He has nothing to sit down on, sir.-- He has nowhere to put it, you mug. Bring in our Chippendale chair. Would you like a bite of something? None of your damned lawdeedaw air here; the rich of a rasher fried with a herring? Sure? So much the better. We have nothing in the house but backache pills.All'erta!He drones bars of Ferrando's aria de sortita. The grandest number, Stephen, in the whole opera. Listen.His tuneful whistle sounds again, finely shaded, with rushes of the air, his fists bigdrumming on his padded knees.This wind is sweeter.Houses of decay, mine, his and all. Y ou told the Clongowes gentry you had an uncle a judge and an uncle a general in the army. Come out of them, Stephen. Beauty is not there. Nor in the stagnant bay of Marsh's library where you read the fading prophecies of Joachim Abbas. For whom? The hundredheaded rabble of the cathedral close. A hater of his kind ran from them to the wood of madness, his mane foaming in the moon, his eyeballs stars. Houyhnhnm, horsenostrilled. The oval equine faces. Temple, Buck Mulligan, Foxy Campbell. Lantern jaws. Abbas father, furious dean, what offence laid fire to their brains? Paff! Descende, calve, ut ne nimium decalveris. A garland of grey hair on his comminated head see him me clambering down to the footpace (descende), clutching a monstrance, basiliskeyed. Get down, bald poll! A choir gives back menace and echo, assisting about the altar's horns, the snorted Latin of jackpriests moving burly in their albs, tonsured and oiled and gelded, fat with the fat of kidneys of wheat.And at the same instant perhaps a priest round the corner is elevating it. Dringdring! And two streets off another locking it into a pyx. Dringadring! And in a ladychapel another taking housel all to his own cheek. Dringdringl Down, up, forward, back. Dan Occam thought of that, invincible doctor. A misty English morning the imp hypostasis tickled his brain. Bringing his host down and kneeling he heard twine with his second bell the first bell in the transept (he is lifting his) and, rising, heard(now I am lifting) their two bells (he is kneeling) twang in diphthong.Cousin Stephen, you will never be a saint. Isle of saints. Y ou were awfully holy, weren't you? Y ou prayed to the Blessed Virgin that you might not have a red nose. Y ou prayed to the devil in Serpentine avenue that the fubsy widow in front might lift her clothes still more from the wet street. O si, certo! Sell your soul for that, do, dyed rags pinned round a squaw. More tell me, more still! On the top of the Howth tram alone crying to the rain: naked women! What about that, eh?What about what? What else were they invented for?Reading two pages apiece of seven books every night, eh? I was young. Y ou bowed to yourself in the mirror, stepping forward to applause earnestly, striking face. Hurray for the Goddamned idiot! Hray! No-one saw: tell no-one. Books you were going to write with letters for titles. Have you read his F? O yes, but I prefer Q. Y es, but W is wonderful. O yes, W. Remember your epiphanies on green oval leaves, deeply deep, copies to be sent if you died to all the great libraries of the world, including Alexandria? Someone was to read them there after a few thousand year, a mahamanvantara. Pico della Mirandola like. A y, very like a whale. When one reads these strange pages of one long gone one feels that one is at one with one who once...The grainy sand had gone from under his feet. His boots trod again a damp crackling mast, razorshells, squeaking pebbles, that on the unnumbered pebbles beats, wood sieved by the shipworm, lost Armada. Unwholesome sandflats waited to suck his treading soles, breathing upward sewage breath. He coasted them, walking warily. A porter-bottle stood up, stogged to its waist, in the cakey sand dough. A sentinel: is le of dreadful thirst. Broken hoops on the shore; at the land a maze of dark cunning nets; farther away chalkscrawled backdoors and on the higher beach a dryingline with two crucified shirts. Ringsend: wigwams of brown steersmen and master mariners. Human shells.He halted. I have passed the way to aunt Sara's. Am I not going there? Seems not. No-one about. He turned northeast and crossed the firmer sand towards the Pigeonhouse.-- Qui vous a mis dans cette fichue position?-- C'est le pigeon, Joseph.Patrice, home on furlough, lapped warm milk with me in the bar MacMahon. Son of the wild goose, Kevin Egan of Paris. My father's a bird, he lapped the sweet lait chaud with pink young tongue, plumpbunny's face. Lap, lapin. He hopes to win in the gros lots. About the nature of women he read in Michelet. But he must send me La Vie de Jésus by M. Leo Taxil. Lent it to his friend.-- C'est tordant, vows savez. Moi je suis socialiste. Je ne crois pas en l'existence de Dieu. Faut pas le dire à mon père.-- Il croit?-- Mon père, oui.Schluss. He laps.My Latin quarter hat. God, we simply must dress the character. I want puce gloves. Y ou were a student, weren't you? Of what in the other devil's name? Paysayenn. P. C. N., you know: physiques, chimiques et naturelles. Aha. Eating your groatsworth of mou en civet, fleshpots of Egypt, elbowed by belching cabmen. Just say in the most natural tone: when I was in Paris, boul' Mich', I used to. Y es, used to carry punched tickets to prove an alibi if they arrested you for murder somewhere. Justice. On the night of the seventeenth of February 1904 the prisoner was seen by two witnesses. Other fellow did it: other me. Hat, tie, overcoat, nose. Lui, c'est moi. Y ou seem to have enjoyed yourself.Proudly walking. Whom were you trying to walk like? Forget: a dispossessed. With mother's money order, eight shillings, the banging door of the post office slammed in your face by the usher. Hunger toothache. Encore deux minutes. Look clock. Must get. Fermé. Hired dog! Shoot him to bloody bits with a bang shotgun, bits man spattered walls all brass buttons. Bits all khrrrrklak in place clack back. Not hurt? O, that's all right. Shake hands. See what I meant, see? O, that's all right. Shake a shake. O, that's all only all right.Y ou were going to do wonders, what? Missionary to Europe after fiery Columbanus. Fiacre and Scotus on their creepystools in heaven spilt from their pintpots, loudlatinlaughing: Euge! Euge! Pretending to speak broken English as you dragged your valise, porter threepence, across the slimy pier at Newhaven. Comment? Rich booty you brought back; Le Tutu, five tattered numbers of Pantalon Blanc et Culotte Rouge, a blue French telegram, curiosity to show:-- Mother dying come home father.The aunt thinks you killed your mother. That's why she won't.Then here's a health to Mulligan's auntAnd I'll tell you the reason why.She always kept things decent inThe Hannigan famileye.His feet marched in sudden proud rhythm over the sand furrows, along by the boulders of the south wall. He stared at them proudly, piled stone mammoth skulls. Gold light on sea, on sand, on boulders. The sun is there, the slender trees, the lemon houses.Paris rawly waking, crude sunlight on her lemon streets. Moist pith of farls of bread, the froggreen wormwood, her matin incense, court the air. Belluomo rises from the bed of his wife's lover's wife, the kerchiefed housewife is astir, a saucer of acetic acid in her hands. In Rodot's Y vonne and Madeleine newmake their tumbled beauties, shattering with gold teeth chaussons of pastry, their mouths yellowed with the pus of flan breton. Faces of Paris men go by, their wellpleased pleasers, curled conquistadores.Noon slumbers. Kevin Egan rolls gunpowder cigarettes through fingers smeared with printer's ink, sipping his green fairy as Patrice his white. About us gobblers fork spiced beans down their gullets. Un demi setier! A jet of coffee steam from the burnished caldron. She serves me at his beck. Il est irlandais. Hollandais? Non fromage. Deux irlandais, nous, Irlande, vous savez? Ah oui! She thought you wanted a cheese hollandais. Y our postprandial, do you know that word? Postprandial. There was a fellow Iknew once in Barcelona, queer fellow, used to call it his postprandial. Well: slainte! Around the slabbed tables the tangle of wined breaths and grumbling gorges. His breath hangs over our saucestained plates, the green fairy's fang thrusting between his lips. Of Ireland, the Dalcassians, of hopes, conspiracies, of Arthur Griffith now. To yoke me as his yokefellow, our crimes our common cause. Y ou're your father's son. I know the voice. His fustian shirt, sanguineflowered, trembles its Spanish tassels at his secrets. M. Drumont, famous journalist, Drumont, know what he called queen Victoria? Old hag with the yellow teeth. Vieille ogresse with the dents jaunes. Maud Gonne, beautiful woman, La Patrie, M. Millevoye, Félix Faure, know how he died? Licentious men. The froeken, bonne àtout faire, who rubs male nakedness in the bath at Upsala. Moi faire, she said. Tous les messieurs. Not this Monsieur, I said. Most licentious custom. Bath a most private thing. I wouldn't let my brother, not even my own brother, most lascivious thing. Green eyes, I see you. Fang, I feel. Lascivious people.The blue fuse burns deadly between hands and burns clear. Loose tobacco shreds catch fire: a flame and acrid smoke light our corner. Raw facebones under his peep of day boy's hat. How the head centre got away, authentic version. Got up as a young bride, man, veil orangeblossoms, drove out the road to Malahide. Did, faith. Of lost leaders, the betrayed, wild escapes. Disguises, clutched at, gone, not here.Spurned lover. I was a strapping young gossoon at that time, I tell you, I'll show you my likeness one day. I was, faith. Lover, for her love he prowled with colonel Richard Burke, tanist of his sept, under the walls of Clerkenwell and, crouching, saw a flame of vengeance hurl them upward in the fog. Shattered glass and toppling masonry. In gay Paree he hides, Egan of Paris, unsought by any save by me. Making his day's stations, the dingy printingcase, his three taverns, the Montmartre lair he sleeps short night in, rue de la Goutte-d'Or, damascened with flyblown faces of the gone. Loveless, landless, wifeless. She is quite nicey comfy without her outcastman, madame, in rue G?t-le-Coeur, canary and two buck lodgers. Peachy cheeks, a zebra skirt, frisky as a young thing's. Spurned and undespairing. Tell Pat you saw me, won't you? I wanted to get poor Pat a job one time. Mon fils, soldier of France. I taught him to sing. The boys of Kilkenny are stout roaring blades. Know that old lay? I taught Patrice that. Old Kilkenny: saint Canice, Strongbow's castle on the Nore. Goes like this. O, O. He takes me, Napper Tandy, by the hand.O, O the boys ofKilkenny...Weak wasting hand on mine. They have forgotten Kevin Egan, not he them. Remembering thee, O Sion.He had come nearer the edge of the sea and wet sand slapped his boots.The new air greeted him, harping in wild nerves, wind of wild air of seeds of brightness. Here, I am not walking out to the Kish lightship, am I? He stood suddenly, his feet beginning to sink slowly in the quaking soil. Turn back.Turning, he scanned the shore south, his feet sinking again slowly in new sockets. The cold domed room of the tower waits. Through the barbicans the shafts of light are moving ever, slowly ever as my feet are sinking, creeping duskward over the dial floor. Blue dusk, nightfall, deep blue night. In the darkness of the dome they wait, their pushedback chairs, my obelisk valise, around a board of abandoned platters. Who to clear it? He has the key. I will not sleep there when this night comes. A shut door of a silent tower entombing their blind bodies, the panthersahib and his pointer. Call: no answer. He lifted his feet up from the suck and turned back by the mole of boulders. Take all, keep all. My soul walks with me, form of forms. So in the moon's midwatches I pace the path above the rocks, in sable silvered, hearing Elsinore's tempting flood.The flood is following me. I can watch it flow past from here. Get back then by the Poolbeg road to the strand there. He climbed over the sedge and eely oarweeds and sat on a stool of rock, resting his ashplant in a grike.A bloated carcass of a dog lay lolled on bladderwrack. Before him the gunwale of a boat, sunk in sand. Un coche ensablé, Louis V euillot called Gautier's prose. These heavy sands are language tide and wind have silted here. And there, the stoneheaps of dead builders, a warren of weasel rats. Hide gold there. Try it. Y ou have some. Sands and stones. Heavy of the past. Sir Lout's toys. Mind you don't get one bang on the ear. I'm the bloody well gigant rolls all them bloody well boulders, bones for my steppingstones. Feefawfum. I zmellz de bloods odz an Iridzman.A point, live dog, grew into sight running across the sweep of sand. Lord, is he going to attack me? Respect his liberty. Y ou will not be master of others or their slave. I have my stick. Sit tight. From farther away, walking shoreward across from the crested tide, figures, two. The two maries. They have tucked it safe among the bulrushes. Peekaboo. I see you. No, the dog. He is running back to them. Who?Galleys of the Lochlanns ran here to beach, in quest of prey, their bloodbeaked prows riding low on a molten pewter sun. Danevikings, torcs of tomahawks aglitter on their breasts when Malachi wore the collar of gold. A school of turlehide whales stranded in hot noon, spouting, hobbling in the shallows. Then from the starving cagework city a horde of jerkined dwarfs, my people, with flayers' knives, running, scaling, hacking in green blubbery whalemeat. Famine, plague and slaughters.Their blood is in me, their lusts my waves. I moved among them on the frozen Liffey, that I, a changeling, among the spluttering resin fires. I spoke to no-one: none to me.The dog's bark ran towards him, stopped, ran back. Dog of my enemy. I just simply stood pale, silent, bayed about. Terribilia meditans. A primrose doublet, fortune's knave, smiled on my fear. For that are you pining, the bark of their applause? Pretenders: live their lives. The Bruce's brother, Thomas Fitzgerald, silken knight, Perkin Warbeck, Y ork's false scion, in breeches of silk of whiterose ivory, wonder of a day, and Lambert Simnel, with a tail of nans and sutlers, a scullion crowned. All kings' sons. Paradise of pretenders then and now. He saved men from drowning and you shake at a cur's yelping. But the courtiers who mocked Guido in Or san Michele were in their own house. House of... We don't want any of your medieval abstrusiosities. Would you do what he did? A boat would be near, a lifebuoy. Natürlich, put there for you. Would you or would you not? The man that was drowned nine days ago off Maiden's rock. They are waiting for him now. The truth, spit it out. I would want to.I would try. I am not a strong swimmer. Water cold soft. When I put my face into it in the basin at Clongowes. Can't see! Who's behind me? Out quickly, quickly! Do you see the tide flowing quickly in on all sides, sheeting the lows of sands quickly, shell cocoacoloured? If I had land under my feet I want his life still to be his, mine to be mine. A drowningman. His human eyes scream to me out of horror of his death. I... With him together down... I could not save her. Waters: bitter death: lost.A woman and a man. I see her skirties. Pinned up, I bet.Their dog ambled about a bank of dwindling sand, trotting, sniffing on all sides. Looking for something lost in a past life. Suddenly he made off like a bounding hare, ears flung back, chasing the shadow of a lowskimming gull. The man's shrieked whistle struck his limp ears. He turned, bounded back, came nearer, trotted on twinkling shanks. On a field tenney a buck, trippant, proper, unattired. At the lacefringe of the tide he halted with stiff forehoofs, seawardpointed ears. His snout lifted barked at the wavenoise, herds of seamorse. They serpented towards his feet, curling, unfurling many crests, every ninth, breaking, plashing, from far, from farther out, waves and waves.Cocklepickers. They waded a little way in the water and, stooping, soused their bags, and, lifting them again, waded out. The dog yelped running to them, reared up and pawed them, dropping on all fours, again reared up at them with mute bearish fawning. Unheeded he kept by them as they came towards the drier sand, a rag of wolf's tongue redpanting from his jaws. His speckled body ambled ahead of them and then loped off at a calf's gallop. The carcass lay on his path. He stopped, sniffed,stalked round it, brother, nosing closer, went round it, sniffing rapidly like a dog all over the dead dog's bedraggled fell. Dogskull, dogsniff, eyes on the ground, moves to one great goal. Ah, poor dogsbody. Here lies poor dogsbody's body.-- Tatters! Out of that, you mongrel.The cry brought him skulking back to his master and a blunt bootless kick sent him unscathed across a spit of sand, crouched in flight. He slunk back in a curve. Doesn't see me. Along by the edge of the mole he lolloped, dawdled, smelt a rock and from under a cocked hindleg pissed against it. He trotted forward and, lifting his hindleg, pissed quick short at an unsmelt rock. The simple pleasures of the poor. His hindpaws then scattered sand: then his forepaws dabbled and delved. Something he buried there, his grandmother. He rooted in the sand, dabbling delving and stopped to listen to the air, scraped up the sand again with a fury of his claws, soon ceasing, a pard, a panther, got in spouse-breach, vulturing the dead.After he woke me up last night same dream or was it? Wait. Open hallway. Street of harlots. Remember. Haroun al Raschid. I am almosting it. That man led me, spoke. I was not afraid. The melon he had he held against my face. Smiled: creamfruit smell. That was the rule, said. In.Come. Red carpet spread. Y ou will see who.Shouldering their bags they trudged, the red Egyptians. His blued feet out of turnedup trousers slapped the clammy sand, a dull brick muffler strangling his unshaven neck. With woman steps she followed: the ruffian and his strolling mort. Spoils slung at her back. Loose sand and shellgrit crusted her bare feet. About her windraw face her hair trailed. Behind her lord his helpmate, bing awast, to Romeville. When night hides her body's flaws calling under her brown shawl from an archway where dogs have mired. Her fancyman is treating two Royal Dublins in O'Loughlin's of Blackpitts. Buss her, wap in rogue's rum lingo, for, O, my dimber wapping dell. A shefiend's whiteness under her rancid rags. Fumbally's lane that night: the tanyard smells.White thy fambles, red thy ganAnd thy quarrons dainty is.Couch a hogshead with me then.In the darkmans clip and kiss.Morose delectation Aquinas tunbelly calls this, frate porcospino. Unfallen Adam rode and not rutted. Call away let him: thy quarrons dainty is. Language no whit worse than his. Monkwords, marybeads jabber on their girdles: roguewords, tough nuggets patter in their pockets. Passing now.A side-eye at my Hamlet hat. If I were suddenly naked here as I sit I am not. Across the sands of all the world, followed by the sun's flaming sword, to the west, trekking to evening lands. She trudges, schlepps, trains, drags, trascines her load. A tide westering, moondrawn, in her wake. Tides, myriadislanded, within her, blood not mine, oinopa ponton, a winedark sea. Behold the handmaid of the moon. In sleep the wet sign calls her hour, bids her rise. Bridebed, childbed, bed of death, ghostcandled. Omnis caro ad te veniet. He comes, pale vampire, through storm his eyes, his bat sails bloodying the sea, mouth to her mouth's kiss.Here. Put a pin in that chap, will you? My tablets. Mouth to her kiss. No. Must be two of em. Glue 'em well. Mouth to her mouth's kiss.His lips lipped and mouthed fleshless lips of air: mouth to her womb. Oomb, allwombing tomb. His mouth moulded issuing breath, unspeeched: ooeeehah: roar of cataractic planets, globed, blazing, roaring wayawayawayawayawayaway. Paper. The banknotes, blast them. Old Deasy's letter. Here. Thanking you for hospitality tear the blank end off. Turning his back to the sun he bent over far to a table of rock and scribbled words. That's twice I forgot to take slips from the library counter.His shadow lay over the rocks as he bent, ending. Why not endless till the farthest star? Darkly they are there behind this light, darkness shining in the brightness, delta of Cassiopeia, worlds. Me sits there with his augur's rod of ash, in borrowed sandals, by day beside a livid sea, unbeheld, in violet night walking beneath a reign of uncouth stars. I throw this ended shadow from me, manshape ineluctable, call it back. Endless, would it be mine, form of my form? Who watches me here? Who ever anywhere will read these written words? Signs on a white field. Somewhere to someone in your flutiest voice. The good bishop of Cloyne took the veil of the temple out of his shovel hat: veil of space with coloured emblems hatched on its field. Hold hard. Coloured on a flat: yes, that's right. Flat I see, then think distance, near, far, flat I see, east, back. Ah, see now. Falls back suddenly, frozen in stereoscope. Click does the trick. Y ou find my words dark. Darkness is in our souls, do you not think? Flutier. Our souls, shame-wounded by our sins, cling to us yet more, a woman to her lover clinging, the more the more.She trusts me, her hand gentle, the longlashed eyes. Now where the blue hell am I bringing her beyond the veil? Into the ineluctable modality of the ineluctable visuality. She, she, she. What she? The virgin at Hodges Figgis' window on Monday looking in for one of the alphabet books you were going to write. Keen glance you gave her. Wrist through the braided jess of her sunshade. She lives in Leeson park, with a grief and kickshaws,。
伊顿 防爆手动报警按钮说明书
OverviewThese manual alarm call points have been designed for use in hazardous locations and harsh environmental conditions.The glass reinforced polyesterenclosures are suitable for use both onshore and offshore, where light weight combined with a high level of corrosion resistance is required.The break glass is covered by a membrane which protects the operator from glass fragmentsmeaning that no hammer is required to activate the unit.A plastic ‘break glass’ or deformable operating element is available to replace the break glass. Once the flexible element is pressed it will bend but will not break. The unit is reset by repositioning the element.Features• ATEX certified • IECEx certified• UL certified for Haz locs • UL certified for Ord locs • TR CU certified • CCC certified• Brazilian (INMETRO) certified • CCOE certified• Chinese Compulsory Certification for Fire Systems (CCCF) certified • IP66 and IP67• Corrosion free GRP construction •SIL 2 certified• A variety of colours available • Up to 9 terminals available •Optional LED indicates that the unit has been operated• Earth continuity option for metal glands• 1 or 2 changeover switches • Captive cover screws• Key operated test facility – simple and secure•Breakglass hammer availableBG manual call point rangeEx de, Ex ia, weatherproofAll specifications, dimensions, weights and tolerances are nominal (typical) and Eaton reserve the right to vary all data without prior notice.No liability is accepted for any consequence of use.EatonUnit B, Sutton Parkway Oddicroft Lane Sutton in Ashfield United Kingdom NG17 5FBT : +44 (0) 1623 444 /hac *******************© 2020 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in UK PublicationNo.DSMC0029/G October 2020Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.ModelBGW BGUL BGEBGI -40ºC to +70ºC -25ºC to +55ºC†-40ºC to +70ºC*-40ºC to +70ºC*Prefix entry size (see diagram above) with entry position code e.g. 4B6B UL versions onlyavailable with 1/2”NPT entriesT emperature:*-35ºC to +70ºC with LED† -25°C to +50°C with resistors or LED fitted Ingress protection IP66 & IP67Entries Up to 4 entries, M16 or M20 top and bottom (1/2” NPT available on UL version)Terminals7 x 2.5mm 2 - non UL standard9 x 2.5mm 2 - optional (up to 50V only)6 x 12AWG - BGUL onlyResistors Various configurations available on versions up to 24V and all ‘IS’ versions (minimum resistor value 100ΩBGE, 470ΩBGI)Earth continuity Internal and external earth continuity is provided with an optional earth plateLED indicationA high intensity red LED can be fitted as an optional extra to indicateoperation on versions up to 24V and all ‘IS’ versions As standard the LED is not pro-vided with over current protection. The forward current (If) should be limited to 20mA LabellingBG glass label – reads either (1) Fire Break glass – press here (2) Break glass – press here(3) Worded to customer requirements (7) Dot and arrows - no textDuty label - either worded to customer requirements (riveted on) or (8) Burning house logoTag label - worded to customer requirements (screwed on)Switch ratings (1 or 2changeover switches fitted)Switch only 30Vdc 5A (resistive) or 3A (inductive) 30-50Vdc 1A (resistive or inductive) 250Vac 5A (resistive or inductive)LED24Vdc 0.05A Resistor(s)24Vdc 0.05A*For Russian Fire approval red housing and burning house duty label must be selected BG standard wiring configurationDSMC0029/G 10/20Ordering requirementsThe following code is designed to help in selection of the correct unit. Build up the reference number by inserting the code for each component into the appropriate boxNote: For CCCF units, use the following code: BGEQF4B6B74DSA_9R. Add a code in the blank space only if resistors are required. The possible codes are C, D, or S as per the options below.。
Certus MultifunctionSafety modulesDescriptionCertus offers a range of safety modules, compliantwith international standards, designed to providethe most comprehensive protection for equipmentand personnel. They enable safety functionsaccepting different types of input. This means costsaving and fewer product codes.Benefits• Flexible solution. Certus modules can be connectedwith different types of input: E-stop, E-gate, limit switch,non-contact switch, safety light curtains (ESPE Type 4,Type2), safety light beam (single beam), safety mat, liftlevelling.• Cost saving.Same module, different applications.Safety solutions for basic machines, equipment andproduction lines.• 4 different devices. The main model CM22D0A includes2 instantaneous digital outputs and 2 delayed digitaloutputs (both OSSDs). The delay can be easily selectedvia a hex-switch on the front panel.• Compact dimensions. 1 DIN, smaller than a standardsafety housing! W x H x D: 18 x 90 x 63 mm.• Standards compliance. Cat. 4 PL e in accordance withISO 13849-1, SIL 3 in accordance with IEC 62061, SILcl3 in accordance with IEC 61508.• Lift Directive pliant with standardsEN81-20 EN81-50 for CL20D2A model only• Approval by TÜV.ApplicationsThis safety module is able to monitor multiple safety functions of industrial machinery, protecting operators from dangerous moving parts of the machine.The CERTUS module provides a safety-related interruption of a safety circuit.The safety modules, compliant with the requirements of safety standards, can be used in applications with: E-stop, E-gate, limit switch, non-contact switch, safety light curtains (ESPE Type 4, Type2), safety light beam (single beam), safety mat, lift levelling.Main functions• 4 OSSD safety outputs. Certus provides up to 4 Output Signal Switching Devices. The correct opening and closing of the safety function OSSDs is tested automatically.• Selectable delay time. Can be easily set-up through the hex-switch, selected from a choice of 15 pre-set configurations, from 0 to 30 sec. The main model CM22D0A can include 2 delayed digital outputs.• 2 auxiliary outputs. All the modules provide at least 1 auxiliary output. 2 auxiliary outputs for CL20D2A.• Manual or automatic start selectable.CM22D0ASafety Module with configurable outputs using hex-switchThis module provides a safety-related interruption of a safety circuit. It is used in applications with: E-stop, E-gate, limit switch, non contact switch, safety light curtains (ESPE Type 4, Type 2), safety light beam (single beam), safety mat.The Certus CM22D0A safety module, compliant with international standards, is designed to provide the most comprehensive protection for equipment and personnel. It enables safety functions, accepting different types of input. This means cost saving and fewer product codes.This safety module is able to monitor multiple safety functions of industrial machinery, protecting operators from dangerous moving parts of the machine.Main features• Flexible Solution. Certus modules can be connected with different types of input: E-Stop, E-gate, limit Switch, non contact switch, safety light curtains (ESPE Type 4, Type2), safey light beam (single beam), safety mat.• Cost saving. Same module different applications. Safety solutions for basic machines, equipment and production lines.• Selectable delay time.• Compact dimensions. 1 DIN, smaller than a standard safety housing! W x H x D: 18 x 90 x 63 mm.• Standards compliance. Cat. 4, PL e in accordance with ISO 13849-1, SIL 3 in accordance with IEC 62061 and SILcl 3 in accordance with IEC 61508.• Status indicator. 4 LEDs on the front panel indicate the status and any errors during operation.• Approval by TÜV.Main functions• 4 OSSD safety outputs. Certus CM22D0A provides up to 4 Output Signal Switching Devices. The correct opening and closing of the safety function OSSDs is tested automatically.• Configurable Outputs. Configurable pre-set delayed safety outputs, set via the hex-switch.• Manual or automatic start selectable.StructureAB CD FEFeaturesGeneral90m m [3,543”]45m m [1,771”]18mm[0,708”]44mm [1,732”]49mm [1,929”]63mm[2,48”]Power SupplyThe external power supply fulfills the voltage supply requirements of EN 61496-1.Inputs* Depends on the delay of one light curtain (type 2). The maximum response time of the test trigger must not exceed 10ms.OutputsSafety parametersCompatibility and conformityEnvironmentalHex-switchInformation:• The Hex-switch must only be rotated clockwise.• Any counter clockwise movement leads to the module switching to safe condition.• Factory setting "0" (3NO + 1NC).• While power is OFF you can rotate in either direction with no adverse effect.• Full rotations can also be made several times if you have not immediately arrived at the correct position.ReferencesOrder codeCARLO GAVAZZI compatible componentsFurther readingQRCM40D0A, CM30D1ASafety modulesThese modules are the easiest and cheapest solution for safety related components.They include up to 4 OSSD outputs with no settable delays.These modules provide safety-related interruption of a safety circuit. They are used in applications with: E-stop, E-gate, limit switch, non contact switch, safety light curtains (ESPE Type 4, Type 2), safety light beam (single beam), safety pliant with international standards, they are designed to provide the most comprehensive protection for equipment and personnel. They enable safety functions, accepting different types of input. This means cost saving and fewer product codes.These modules are able to monitor multiple safety functions of industrial machinery, protecting operators from dangerous moving parts of the machine.Main features• Flexible Solution. Certus modules can be connected with different types of input: E-Stop, E-gate, limit Switch, non contact switch, safety light curtains (ESPE Type 4, Type2), safey light beam (single beam), safety mat.• Cost saving. 2 modules, different applications. Safety solutions for basic machines, equipment and production lines.• Compact dimensions. 1 DIN, smaller than a standard safety housing! W x H x D: 18 x 90 x 63 mm.• Status indicator. 4 LEDs on the front panel indicate the status and any errors during operation.• Standards compliance. Cat. 4 PL e in accordance with ISO 13849-1, SIL 3 in accordance with IEC 62061, SILcl 3 in accordance with IEC 61508.• Approval by TÜV.Main functions• Up to 4 OSSD safety outputs. The correct opening and closing of the safety function OSSD is tested automatically.• Certus CM40D0A has 4 Output Signal Switching Devices, not delayed.• Certus CM30D1A has 3 Output Signal Switching Devices, not delayed.• 1 auxiliary output. The CM30D1A includes 1 auxiliary output.• Manual or automatic start selectable.• Redundant circuit.StructureABCDEFeaturesGeneral90m m [3,543”]45m m [1,771”]18mm[0,708”]44mm [1,732”]49mm [1,929”]63mm[2,48”]Power SupplyThe external power supply fulfills the voltage supply requirements of the EN 61496-1.Inputs* Depends on the delay of one light curtain (type 2). The maximum response time of the test trigger must not exceed 10ms.CM40D0A, CM30D1A OutputsSafety parametersCompatibility and conformityEnvironmentalConnection Diagramsstartstart (start button not monitored)Fig. 3 E-Gate 4 wires, 2 channels with automatic start (external contactor monitored)Fig. 4 E-Stop / E-Gate 4 wires, 2 channels with manual start (start button monitored)Fig. 5 E-Stop / E-Gate 3 wires, 2 channels with manual start (start button monitored)Fig. 6 E-Stop / E-Gate 2 wires, 1 channel with manual start (start button monitored)Fig. 7 ESPE devices type 4 / type 2, 2 channels NO,with manual start (start button monitored)Fig. 8ESPE devices type 4 / type 2, 2 channels NO, with manual start and feedback from externalcontactorFig. 9 Testable ESPE devices type 2, 1 channel NO,2 wires, with manual startFig. 10 Safety mat, 4 wiresCM40D0A, CM30D1A ReferencesOrder codeFurther readingCL20D2ALift levelling safety moduleThe CM20D2A is for lift applications. There are 2 semiconductor safety outputs (OSSDs) and 2 auxiliary outputs (1 NC and 1 NO). These outputs are not delayed.In 2014 the European Committee for Standardization released two safety standards for the construction of lifts and for the testing of lift components.These standards apply to both passenger and goods lifts.EN 81-20 specifies the technical requirements for the construction of lifts.EN 81-50 specifies design rules, calculations and the testing of lift components.The Certus CL20D2A module is compliant with these Standards.Main features• Cost saving. Lift application solutions for escalators, public or private lifts.• Status indicator. 4 LEDs on the front panel indicate the status and any errors during operation.• Compact dimensions. 1 DIN, smaller than a standard safety housing! W x H x D: 18 x 90 x 63 mm.• Lift Directive Compliance. Compliant with standards EN81-20 EN81-50.• Standards compliance. Cat. 4 PL e in accordance with ISO 13849-1, SIL 3 in accordance with IEC 62061, SILcl 3 in accordance with IEC 61508.• Approval by TÜV.Main functions• The CL20D2A safety module is designed to be used in lift installations for floor levelling and re-levelling of the cabin. It is connected to the lift plant and to the lift controller board.• When the cabin arrives at the floor level, the landing circuit slows it down while the cabin doors circuit allows the cabin to be re-levelled to the floor, also the detection of any faults.StructureABCDEFeaturesGeneral90m m [3,543”]45m m [1,771”]18mm[0,708”]44mm [1,732”]49mm [1,929”]63mm[2,48”]Power SupplyThe external power supply fulfills the voltage supply requirements of the EN 61496-1.InputsOutputsSafety parametersLift directive complianceCompatibility and conformityEnvironmentalConnection Diagrams24Vbypass enablelift controller21Carlo Gavazzi Automation S.p.A.CL20D2ACertus Multifunction DS ENG 13/04/2018References Order codeFurther readingCOPYRIGHT ©2018Content subject to change. Download the PDF: 。
cefotaxime 词根 -回复
cefotaxime 词根-回复标题:cefotaxime:一种重要的抗生素药物探究【cefotaxime 词根】Cefotaxime,作为一种广谱的β-内酰胺类抗生素,其名称源自其化学结构和药理特性。
"Tax-"这个词根来源于希腊语中的"taxis", 意为"排列"或"顺序",在药物命名中常用来表示化合物的特定结构或顺序。
【cefotaxime 的发现与发展】Cefotaxime 的研发始于20世纪70年代,由德国制药公司Hoechst AG (现为Sanofi-Aventis)的科学家们发现并开发。
它是第三代头孢菌素的一种,由于其对多种革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌的强大抗菌活性,以及对一些β-内酰胺酶的稳定性,使得cefotaxime 在临床上得到了广泛应用。
【cefotaxime 的化学结构与药理作用】Cefotaxime 的化学结构包含一个核心的β-内酰胺环和一个侧链。
Cefotaxime 能够通过与细菌细胞壁合成过程中的青霉素结合蛋白(PBPs)结合,干扰细菌细胞壁的合成,从而导致细菌死亡。
此外,cefotaxime 对许多产生β-内酰胺酶的耐药菌株仍然保持活性,这是因为其侧链结构可以防止这些酶对β-内酰胺环的破坏。
这一特性使得cefotaxime 成为治疗多种耐药菌感染的有效药物。
【cefotaxime 的临床应用】Cefotaxime 主要用于治疗各种严重的感染疾病,包括呼吸道感染、泌尿道感染、腹腔感染、皮肤和软组织感染、骨和关节感染、脑膜炎以及淋病等。
6V PSU Hub 2 Hub 2 Plus 用户手册说明书
Manual de usuario de 6V PSU Hub 2/Hub 2PlusPublicado el February 7, 20226V PSU Hub 2/Hub 2 Plus es una unidad de alimentación, que conecta los paneles de control Hub 2 y Hub 2 Plus a fuentes de CC de 6 y 12 voltios.Instalación6V PSU Hub 2/Hub 2 Plus debe ser instalado solamente por un electricista cali cado.Antes de instalar la unidad de alimentación, asegúrese de, que el dispositivo está desconectado de la red eléctrica.Al instalar el 6V PSU Hub 2/Hub 2 Plus, siga las normas generales de seguridad eléctrica, así como los requisitos de las leyes reglamentarias de la seguridad eléctrica. ¡Nunca desmonte el dispositivo mientras esté bajo tensión!Proceso de instalación:Cómo calcular el tiempo de funcionamiento de Hub 2 o Hub 2 Plus con la batería portátil al conectarlos con el módulo de alimentación 6V PSU Comprar 6V PSUCuál es la diferencia entre el módulo de alimentación 6V PSU y 12V PSU1. Retire los tornillos y quite el dispositivo del panel de montaje SmartBracket desplazándolo hacia abajo con fuerza.2. Apague el dispositivo pulsando el botón de encendido durante 2 segundos.3. Desconecte los cables de alimentación y de Ethernet.Espere 5 minutos hasta que los capacitores se descarguen.4. Retire cuatro tornillos de la tapa posterior y quítela.5. Retire los tornillos que sujetan las placas a la carcasa del dispositivo.sin desconectarlas. Hay un conector entre las placas, no lo rompa.7. Desconecte la unidad de alimentación (placa más pequeña) de la placa base.8. Conecte 6V PSU Hub 2/Hub 2 Plus a la placa base utilizando el conector de ocho pines entre ellas. No deforme ni doble las antenas mientras reemplaza la placa: esto puede causar un mal funcionamiento del dispositivo.Tenga en cuenta: los contactos de la placa deben estar enchufados en la lainferior del conector (más cerca de la placa). Cuando se conectan correctamente,las placas están en el mismo nivel.9. Vuelva a montar las placas y la carcasa del dispositivo que ajustan lostornillos.Compruebe que la batería y sus cables no estén agarrados. Cuando se instalancorrectamente, las placas se sostienen de manera rme sin tambalearse. Sostengalas placas junto con la tapa trasera y gire el dispositivo. La ranura de la tarjeta SIM,la entrada de alimentación y la de Ethernet deben coincidir correctamente y encajaren los enchufes correspondientes, y el botón de encendido no debe estar atascado.Cambie la información sobre el voltaje de entrada en la carcasa del dispositivo paraevitar conexiones de corriente incorrectas en el futuro. Utilice la etiqueta adjuntacon las instrucciones.10. Conecte la alimentación (y el cable de Ethernet) a los enchufes adecuados.11. Encienda la alimentación de 6 V.No conecte el cable de alimentación con una tensión que supere el voltaje deentrada permitido.12. Encienda el dispositivo pulsando el botón de encendido durante 2segundos.13. Cierre y je el panel de montaje SmartBracket.Encienda el dispositivo, espere hasta que se cargue y compruebe el estado de alimentación externa en la app Ajax. Si no hay corriente y está utilizando un adaptador de terminal, compruebe la polaridad de los cables conectados. Si no hay corriente incluso después de volver a conectarse, póngase en contacto con el Servicio de soporte.Recomendamos utilizar baterías alcalinas de zinc-aire para un funcionamientoautónomo a largo plazo. Antes de conectar una batería de este tipo, asegúrese de quese han quitado todas las etiquetas adhesivas y de que las válvulas que tapan el accesoal aire estén abiertas. Si es posible, permita que la batería tenga acceso al aire duranteun máximo de 2 horas. Esto iniciará una reacción química en el interior y asegurará elcorrecto funcionamiento.MantenimientoEl dispositivo no necesita mantenimiento técnico.Especi caciones técnicasCompatibilidad Hub 2 y Hub 2 PlusVoltaje de entrada4,2-16 V CCVoltaje de salida4,8 V CC ± 5%Voltaje de encendido4,2 V CC ± 2,5%Voltaje de apagado3-3,4 V (dependiendo de la carga)Corriente de entrada máx.2,2 A a 4,2 V, 0,5 A a 16 VCorriente de salida máx.1,5 ARango de temperaturas de operación De -10ºC a +40ºCHumedad de funcionamiento Hasta 75%Conexión a la red eléctrica Tomacorriente: 6.5 × 2 mm Enchufe: 5.5 × 2,1 mmDimensiones98 × 70 × 17 mm Peso26 gVida útil10 añosContenidoGarantíaLos productos de AJAX SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING Limited Liability Company tienen una garantía de 2 años tras la compra.Si el dispositivo no funciona correctamente, comuníquese primero con elServicio de soporte. ¡En el 50% de los casos, los problemas técnicos se pueden resolver de forma remota!Soporte técnico: Cumplimiento de estándares1. 6V PSU Hub 2/Hub 2 Plus2. Adaptador terminal3. Guía rápida Obligaciones de la garantía Contrato de usuario ********************。
排名品牌国家代表型号1沧州欧谱OUPU中国LX-A双针2TECLOCK日本GS-709N3OUPU中国OU27004艾德堡中国LX-A5华银中国LX-A单针6TIMES中国TH2007DEISK德国SHORE A8Bareiss德国HP9SUDOO 中国LX-D10上申中国LX-A感谢以下网站对本资料的大力支持:测厚仪 测厚仪http://www.cehouyi.top超声波测厚仪 超声波测厚仪钢板测厚仪 金属测厚仪管道测厚仪 钢管测厚仪厚度测量仪 超声测厚仪高温测厚仪 壁厚测量仪覆层测厚仪 膜厚仪涂层测厚仪 涂层测厚仪镀层测厚仪 涂层测厚仪油漆测厚仪 油漆测厚仪漆膜测厚仪 磷化膜测厚仪锌层测厚仪 防腐层测厚仪麦考特测厚仪 尼克斯测厚仪尼克斯测厚仪 镀铬测厚仪磁感应测厚仪 涡流测厚仪膜厚测试仪 覆层测厚仪电镀层测厚仪 涂镀层测厚仪镀锌层测厚仪 电解测厚仪氧化膜测厚仪 磁性测厚仪干膜测厚仪 湿膜测厚仪标线测厚仪 探伤仪http://www.tanshangyi.top超声波探伤仪 钢结构探伤仪超声波探伤仪 超声探伤仪钢轨探伤仪 磁粉探伤仪数字超声波探伤仪 电火花检测仪焊缝探伤仪 超声波探伤仪金属探伤仪 便携式探伤仪邵氏硬度计 lx-a邵氏硬度计橡胶硬度计 邵氏橡胶硬度计 橡胶硬度计 硬度计硬度计 硬度计http://www.yingduji.top布氏硬度计 洛氏硬度计便携硬度计 钢管硬度计便携式硬度计 便携式硬度计里氏硬度计 轧辊硬度计巴氏硬度计 934-1巴氏硬度计韦氏硬度计 w-20韦氏硬度计模具硬度计 超声波硬度计洛氏硬度计 金属硬度计硬度测试仪 布氏硬度计肖氏硬度计 铸件硬度计轧辊硬度计 硬度仪钢板硬度计 铝合金硬度计电火花检测仪 电火花检漏仪电火花检测仪 防腐层检测仪表面粗糙度仪 粗糙度测量仪粗糙度测试仪 喷砂粗糙度仪光洁度仪 便携式粗糙度仪粗糙度仪 粗糙度检测仪附着力测试仪 漆膜划格器百格刀测试 百格刀 LED观片灯 工业观片灯黑白密度计 光泽度仪无损检测资源网 无损检测仪器无损123 无损检测http://www.wusunjiance.top网站目录 特价机票。
表 2-1 第 1 级过程安全事件(T-1 PSE)严重性权值类别 .......................................................................... 20
- 先导和滞后指标
版权 © 2021 AIChE CCPS
版权 © 2021 AIChE CCPS
然而,美国化学工程师协会 (AIChE)及其顾问、化学过程安全中心 (CCPS) 技术指导委员会和小组委员
性或准确性。在(1) AIChE 及其顾问、CCPS 技术指导委员会和小组委员会成员、他们的雇主、雇主的职
5. 第 3 级未遂事件绩效指标 ................................................................................................................ 23
第 3 级指标的目的 ................................................................................................................... 23
Endress + Hauser Promass 300流量计传感器说明书
E v a l u a t i o nC e r t i f i c a t e Issuing Aut horit y NM i Certin B.V.22 December 2016C. Oost ermanHead C ert ificat ion BoardNM i Certin B.V. Hugo de Groot plein 1 3314 EG Dordrecht The Net herlandsT +31 78 6332332 cert in@nmi.nlwww.nmi.nl This document is iss ued under t he provis ion t hatno liability is accept ed and that the applicants hall indemnify third-part y liabilit y.R eproduction of t he completedocument only is permitt ed.Number TC10822 revision 0Project number: 16200475Page 1 of 1Issued by NM i C ert in B.V.In accordance w it h Aspect s of t he Volunt aryOIM L R117-Producer Endress + Hauser Flow t ec AGKägenst rasse 7C H-4153 ReinachS w it zerlandM easuring inst rument A flow transm itt er (calculat ing/indicat ing device for Endress + HauserC oriolis meters), int ended t o be used as a part of a measuring inst rument.Brand : Endress + Hauser Flow t ec AGDesignat ion : Promass 300S oft w are versions : see paragraph 1.2 of t he descript ionAccuracy class : 0,3Environment classes : M3 / E2Temperat ure range ambient: -40 °C +55 °CFurt her propert ies and t est result s are described in t he annexes:Descript ion TC10822 revision 0;Document at ion folder TC10822-1.R emarks An overview of t he performed t est s is given in Annex 2 appert aining t ot his Evaluat ion Cert ificat e.Number TC10822 revision 0Project number 16200475Page 1 of 51General inform ation on the flow transm itterAll propert ies of t his flow t ransmit t er, w het her ment ioned or not, shall not be in conflictw it h t he Legislat ion.This Evaluat ion Cert ificat e is t he posit ive result of t he applied volunt ary, modular approach, for a component of a measuring inst rument, as described in WELM EC guide 8.8.The complet e measuring inst rument must be covered by an EC-t ype examinat ion C ert ificat e or an EU-t ype examinat ion C ert ificat e.This Evaluat ion Cert ificat e is valid for t he Endress + Hauser flow t ransmit t er, as described in paragraph 1.1 of t he descript ion and may only be used in combinat ion w it h Coriolismeasurement sensors manufact ured by Endress + Hauser Flow t ec AG:- That are covered by an Evaluat ion Cert ificate;- Direct ly ment ioned in t he EU-t ype examinat ion cert ificat e of t he measuring syst em.1.1Essential PartsDescript ion Docum ent at ionRem arksnum berPow er Supply100 240 V AC / 50/60 Hz 10822/0-02; 10822/0-0324 V DC 10822/0-04; 10822/0-05100 240 V AC / 50/60 Hz;10822/0-06; 10822/0-0724 V DCA m plif ierFor Exi Hart10822/0-08; 10822/0-09 Zone 1 st andardFor Exi Hart10822/0-10; 10822/0-11 Zone 1 IIC 200 °CFor M odbus and Hart10822/0-12; 10822/0-13 Zone 2For Exd M odbus and Hart10822/0-14; 10822/0-15 Zone 1 st andardFor Exd M odbus and Hart10822/0-16; 10822/0-17 Zone 1 IIC 200 °CCPU M odemFor Exi hart devices 10822/0-18; 10822/0-19 I/O 1 = Exi current out put + HartFor Non-Ex Hart devices 10822/0-20; 10822/0-21 I/O 1 = C urrent out put + HartFor M odbus devices 10822/0-22; 10822/0-23 I/O 1 = M odbusI/O M odulesM ult i I/O module Non-Ex 10822/0-24; 10822/0-25 Frequency, pulse, st at us in/out,current in/outM ult i I/O module Ex 10822/0-26; 10822/0-27Double pulse 10822/0-28; 10822/0-29 Double pulse channel, phaseshift edDisplayDisplay module 10822/0-30; 10822/0-31 Int egrat ed in flow t ransmit t er orremot e (ext ernal) moduleNumber TC10822 revision 0Project number 16200475Page 2 of 5Descript ion Docum ent at ionRem arksnum berTerm inal boardsTerminal board 10822/0-32; 10822/0-33 For Ex devicesTerminal board 10822/0-34; 10822/0-35 For Non-Ex devicesTerminal board 10822/0-36 Used at remot e display moduleBack planeFor Ex devices 10822/0-37; 10822/0-38For non Ex devices 10822/0-39; 10822/0-40- Input s (sensor side)From t he connect ed C oriolis sensor t he Promass 300 receives:Tw o pick-of f signals; analogue mV signals from w hich t he mass flow and densit y aredeterminedOne t w o-w ire Pt-1000 t emperat ure t ransmit t er for t he measurement of t he t ubet emperat ureOne t w o-w ire Pt-1000 t emperat ure t ransmit t er for t he measurement of t he carriert ube t emperat ure.Please not e t hat t hese t emperat ures shall not be used for Cust ody Transfer relat edpurposes, but only for t he correct ion given above.- Out put s (sensor side)The Promass 300vibrat ing mot ion. The frequency of t he vibrat ion is aut omat ically adjust ed t o t heresonant f requency of t he measurement t ubes. This out put is referred t o as: drive current out put- Input/Out put (elect ronic calculat or/indicat ing device)The Promass 300 is equipped w it h t he follow ing C ust ody Transfer out put s: Double, 90° or 180° phase shif t ed pulse-out put for t he t ransmission of volume- ormass-informat ion. Phase shif t is select able4 20 mA out put for t he t ransmission of densit y. This out put can also be used forinput/out put via Hart prot ocol.Ot her informat ion can also be t ransmit t ed via t his out put (for example flow rat e), but t his informat ion is not W&M approved.4 20 mA input for t he t ransmission of product t emperat ure. The (ext ernal)t emperat ure is used for aut omat ic correct ion of t he t emperat ure influence on t heconnect ed measurement sensor and overrides bot h int ernal t w o-w ire Pt-1000t emperat ure sensors.4 20 mA input for t he t ransmission of product pressure. The pressure is used foraut omat ic correct ion of t he pressure influence on t he connect ed measurement sensor.S t at us input or st at us out put (depending on version)M odbus R S485 serial prot ocol. Dat a t ransmission is saf e guarded w it h C R C checksumover t he dat a package.Number TC10822 revision 0Project number 16200475Page 3 of 51.2Essential Characteristics-S oft w are t ype P;R isk C lass C;Ext ensions T and I-5 apply.- S oft w are-versionsVersion num bers Checksum01.00.02 0xE87F (M odbus)0x321F (Hart)The soft w are version and checksum can be verified on screen:S oft w are version, menus Diagnost ics Device Info Firmw are VersionC hecksum, menus Operat ion C ust ody Transfer ChecksumNot e t he s oft w are version includes t he soft w are of all modules ment ioned inparagraph 1.1.- C ust ody Transf er paramet ersThe C ust ody Transfer paramet ers and t he mandat ory set t ings are ment ioned in Annex 1.For securing t he Weight s and M easures paramet ers:Go t o menu S et up Advanced set up C ust.t rans. act.Login w it h aut horized user login and passw ord and complet e all ot her set t ings (dat eand t ime)S et dipsw it ch number 2 t o ON. Only t he Weight s and M easures paramet ers aresecured against changing.Aft er exit ing t he menu syst em, t he lock symbol () is show n on t he display and t hebot t om row show s t he Weight s and M easures count er.Alt ernat ive met hod is t o set dipsw itch number 1 to ON; t his secures all paramet ersagainst changing. The lock symbol () is show n on t he display.S ecurit y disabled S ecurit y enabled (paramet ers prot ect ed) - The flow t ransmit t er may only be used in combinat ion w it h an approved flow comput er[1] as t he display may not be used as a primary indicat ion.[1]The flow comput er must have an Evaluat ion or Part s Cert ificat e issued by a recognised Not ifiedBody under Annex M I-005 (M ID 2004/22/EC) or Annex VII (M ID 2014/32/EU).Number TC10822 revision 0 Project number 16200475 Page 4 of 51.3 Essential Shapes- Inscript ions of the Promass 300AtTC10822 is placed on t he housing(s) of the Promass 300; Ident ificat ion of t he measurementsensor; Serial number;In case of a remot e version: t he serial number of t he measurement sensor is inscribed on t he Promass 300 and/or t he serial number of t he Promass 300 is inscribed on t he measurement sensor. - S t at us of t he deviceIn case an elect ronic calculat or/indicat ing device is connect ed t o t he Promass 300, theis sent t o t he connect ed device in one of t he follow ing ways:-channels, t hus enabling t he flow comput er t o det ect a pulse failure and consequent ly generat e an alarm. Ifnecessary, an ext ra elect rical board is added t o prevent t his act ion short -circuit ing t hePromass 300.The current out put is set t o failure current (minimum or maximum value is possible), t hus enabling t he flow comput er t o det ect the failure.The Promass' pulse out put is set t o maximum pulse rat e for one channel and t o no pulses for t he ot her pulse channel. This w ill t rigger t he pulse securit y checking of t he connect ed elect ronic calculat or/ indicating device.The M odbus.In all cases t he st at us of t he device must be configured so, t hat t he alarm conditions- S ealing.S ee chapt er 2.- C ablingAll cables shall be shielded and t he shielding shall be connect ed on bot h sides.1.4 Conditional Part s- Key-boardThe keyboard consist s of a t hree keys of w hich t heir funct ion depends on t he menu and select ed it em. The keyboard is part of the LC D display. If t he display is not present , t he keyboard is also not present. - HousingInside t he met al housing t he Promass, t he essent ial and t he condit ional part s are mount ed. Access can be obt ained t hrough t w o sealable lids.S ee document at ion number 10822/0-01 for t he assembly of t he part s inside the housing. compact , explosion proof , direct ly mount ed on t he measurement sensor.Opt ionally t he display is mount ed in a separat e housing. The communicat ion w it h t he display is via M odbus.1.5 Conditional Shapes- Blinding of Promass displayIf an elect ronic calculat or/indicat ing device (flow comput er) is connect ed t o t he Promass 300, t he display (w hen present ) of t he Promass 300 may be blinded. The display is st ill pres ent and funct ioning, it is not possible t o read t he display.Number TC10822 revision 0Project number 16200475Page 5 of 52SealsAft er set t ing t he securit y sw it ch in t he secured posit ion, all lids are sealed against opening.3Conditions for Approval- Verify t he paramet ers set t ings ment ioned in Annex 1 for correct set t ing and w here applicable if t he set t ing is in accordance w it h t he calibrat ion dat a.- Ot her part ies may use t his Evaluat ion Cert ificat e only w it h t he w rit t en permission of Endress + Hauser Flow t ec AG, Kägenst rasse 7, CH-4153 R einach, S w it zerland.4Test ReportsAn overview of t he performed t est s is given in Annex 2 appert aining t o t his Evaluat ionC ert ificat e.Number TC10822 revision 0Project number 16200475Page 1 of 2M andat ory paramet er set t ings:General set t ings for all paramet ers (w here applicable):M ass unit: t, kg or gM ass flow unit: M et rical (for example kg/min)Volume unit: m3; dm3; cm3; L or mlVolume flow unit: M et rical (for example m3/h)Densit y unit: M et rical (for example kg/m3)Temperat ure unit: °C or KPressure unit: M et rical unitS imulat ion modes: S hall be disabledM enu Sub M enu Sub subm enuParam eter Value- DisplayLanguage Local language (preferred); EnglishOperat ionLocking S t at us C T act.; CT act.-def.par. S et up M ediumselect ionLiquidC urr.out put0/4 mA value S ee not e (1)20 mA valuePFS out put Assign pulse M ass flow or Volume flowValue perpulseS ee not e (2)Pulse w idt h S ee not e (3)Low flow cut off AssignvariableM ass flow or volume flow On value S ee not e (4)Off value S ee not e (5)Part ial pipe det AssignvariableDensit y Low value S ee not e (6) High valueAdvanced set up Tot aliser n Operat ionmodeS ee not e (7)Failure mode Act ual valueExpert S yst em Diagn.handlingAlarm delay 0Process param. Flow damping In accordance w it h t hecalibrat ion dat aDensit ydampingTemp.DampingNumber TC10822 revision 0Project number 16200475Page 2 of 2M enu Sub M enu Sub subm enuParam eter ValueExpert S ensor S ensor adjust. Inst all direct. C orrect inst allat ion direct ionshall be select ed.Variable adjust M ass flowoffsetS ee not e (8)M ass flowfact orS ee not e (9)Volume flowoffsetS ee not e (8)Volume flowfact orS ee not e (9) Densit y offset S ee not e (10) Densit y fact or S ee not e (10)C alibrat ion C al.Fact or According calibrat ion dat aNominaldiamet erC orrect sizeAccording calibrat ion dat aNot es t o t he mandat ory paramet er sett ings:(1)The sett ings in t he flow comput er shall mat ch t he set t ings in t he flow t ransmit t er.(2)The sett ings shall be such t hat t he maximum pulse frequency of 5000 Hz is not exceeded.(3)The value shall be such t hat t he pulses can st ill be processed by t he conn ect ed flow comput er.(4)Value at w hich t he low flow cut of f is enabled (pulse out put st opped)(5)Value at w hich t he low flow cut of f is disabled (pulsed st art ed). Is given as a percent age inrespect of t he On value.act ual value = On value x (1 + Off value/100).If t he act ual flow rat e is higher t han 20% of t he minimum flow rat e of t he (complet e)measuring syst em, pulses must be generat ed by t he flow t ransmit t er.(6)Values shall be explained during conformit y assessment(7)At leas t one of t he t ot alisers must be in accordance w it h t he calibrat ion dat a.(8)If t he mass or volume flow offset is not zero t he value shall be explained during t he conformit yasses sment for t he impact on t he meas urement performance. These paramet ers are notint ended for a correct ion of t he zero flow rate.(9)If t he mass/volume flow f act or is not 1 t he act ual value shall be explained during t heconformit y assessment for t he impact on t he measurement perf ormance.(10)If t he densit y off set and densit y fact or are not 0 resp. 1, t he act ual value s hall be explainedduring t he conformit y assessment.Number TC10822 revision 0Project number 16200475Page 1 of 1Performed t est s on t he flow transmit t er:TEST Part TYPE TEST REPORT TEST HOUSE REM A RKSC limat e , vibrat ion and EM C t est s according OIM L R117-2 Flowt ransmit t erPromass 300 NM i-16200475-01 NM i C ert in B.V.S oft w are Evaluat ion Flowt ransmit t erPromass 300 NM i-16200475-02 NM i C ert in B.V.。
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Donated to 1Donated to 2Donated to 3Key :1 = Camera ‐opening button.2 = Focusing lever for rangefinder.3 = Hinge for back plate.4 = Shutter release.5 = Film counter.6 = Index dot.7 = Accessory shoe.8 = Distance scale.9 = Film advance lever.10 = Film type indicator.11 = Catch for back plate. 12 = Index mark for film start.13 = Spool peg disc. 14 = Red indicator mark for film start. 15 = Rangefinder viewer. 16 = Threaded socket for shutter release cable. 17 = Release button for double ‐exposure lock. 18 = Film ‐holding spring. 19 = Film ‐loaded indicator lever.Donated to 4Dear CERTO friend:We know you want to try out your new CERTO ‐SIX and take pictures as soon as possible! However, it is very important to read the first few pages of these instructions on how to use this camera, even if your photo dealer has given detailed instructions to you a few minutes ago.Please do not be alarmed by the number of printed pages. We are sure you will enjoy using your CERTO ‐SIX, which, correctly handled, will be your friend for many decades. Take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with your new camera. A camera should be handled with care and without force – treat it the same as you would your watch.If you are in a hurry to use this camera, please read, at least, how to open and close the CERTO ‐SIX, how the film is wound on and how a picture taken.We advise you to read, in particular, the paragraphs starting with ‘Attention’.Donated to 51. Opening the cameraSlide the button (1) towards the viewfinder window to unlock the lens platen, which will open a little. Then, gently push the lens platen downwards as far as it will go.[Note : see ‘Addendum 2008 – Film flatness’: do not let the lens platen spring open – support it with your hand.]2. Closing the cameraPress, using both thumbs, the upper linkages to the right and left of the lens until the lens platen is free to move, and then push the lens platen towards the camera front. A little resistance will be felt, but will not harm the camera.ATTENTIONThe shutter cocking lever must be released to avoid damaging the camera. The camera can be closed irrespective of the distance the lens is focused to.3. Releasing the shutterThe cocked shutter can only be released when the index dot (6) is green and aligned exactly with a number on the frame counter (5). If this is not the case and the index dot (6) is red, or the green index dot is in between two frame numbers, the shutter release (4) is locked.Donated to 6 Move the film advance lever (9) once or twice from stop to stop until the green index dot (6) is exactly aligned with a frame number. The shutter release (4) is now unlocked, and only has to be pushed very slightly to the left. You will see for yourself how easy it is to release the shutter without moving the camera. After releasing the shutter, the double exposure lock is enabled: the index dot (6) is red, and the shutter release is now locked, making double exposures impossible. When the index dot is red, you will know that exposed film has not been wound on.If you pressed the shutter release (4) but forgot to advance the shutter, and have thus now locked the shutter, you can unlock it by moving the release button (17). The same procedure should be used if you deliberately wish to take double exposures.[Note : see ‘Addendum 2008 – Shutter instructions’ for setting the exposure (selecting the shutter speed and aperture), cocking the shutter, using the self ‐timer and flash synchronisation.]4. Inserting the filmNow that you have tested your new CERTO ‐SIX thoroughly without film, we will now describe how to insert a roll of film. In order not to damage the lens, the front of the camera should be kept closed. Pull up the catch for the back plate catch (11), and open the hinged back.ATTENTIONThe camera must not be held by its back plate, and under no circumstances should the back plate be forced open further than the hinge will allow.Pull the film advance lever (9) upwards, moving it slightly back and forth, until it stops. Place an empty film spool onto the lower spool peg (13), and push the spool fully into the chamber. Twist the film transport lever back and Donated to 7forth while pressing it in until the top spool peg engages with the spool. Push the film transport lever downwards so that it seats fully. (This can only be done when the film transport lever is in its normal resting position – see the illustration on page 1.)Remove a roll of film from its packaging and place it on the film ‐holding spring (18) in the empty spool chamber, and unroll enough backing paper to allow you to put the tapered end into the long slit of the empty take ‐up spool. Make sure that it is put in straight. The loaded ‐film indicator lever (19) should be under the backing paper.The film is then advanced using the lever (9) until the ‘start’ arrow printed on the film backing is in line with the red index mark (12). Close the back and push in the back plate catch (11). Turn the frame indicator (5) anticlockwise until the triangle is aligned with the index dot (6). Then, advance the film by moving lever (9) from stop to stop until ‘1’ on the frame indicator (5) is aligned with the index dot (6), which is now green. The unexposed film is now ready for use.[Note : see ‘Addendum 2008 – Film thickness’ for a solution to the problem of close frame spacing with modern films.]5. Focusing with the rangefinderHold the open camera firmly, and, using the thumb of your left hand, move the focusing lever (2) slowly back and forth until the two circles in the viewfinder combine to form a single image without any double lines. The camera cannot be focused when the camera is closed. A good habit to develop is to set the camera to infinity after opening, as the focusing lever can move when closing the camera.Donated to 86. Advancing the film to the next frameAfter releasing the shutter, advance the film by moving the lever (9) twice from stop to stop: ‘2‘ on the frame indicator (5) will be aligned with the green index dot.7. Finishing and removing the roll of filmAfter the 12th photograph is taken, advance the film using lever (9) until the red indicator mark (14) disappears (about 14 movements). Open the camera, pull the film advance lever (9) upwards, and remove the film, taking care to not to let it unroll.Donated to 9Notes∙In order to be able to use plate adapters, enlargers or projectors, you have to remove the back completely: the back plate securing strip (3) has to be unscrewed, pulled up and rotated out of the way. When replacing the back plate, make sure that both parts of the hinge fit into each other correctly. ∙ The accessory shoe (7) is used for light meters, flash guns, tele ‐photo accessories, etc.∙ On the back of the camera are two small legs, which can be pulled out to enable you to take photographs from a table etc. without tripod.∙ When focusing the camera, the viewfinder parallax error is automatically compensated for. ∙ You can check the focusing distance using the distance scale (8).∙The film type indicator (10) reminds you which film you are using. Rotate the outer ring to set the ASA speed against the index mark. (On the opposite side of the ring, you will find the conversion into DIN.) By holding the outer ring tight, you can move, using a coin, the inner ring to colour or black and white, to match the film type in the camera.Donated to 10∙The small window (14) displays a red indicator when film is in the camera, to warn you not to open the back. ∙Screwed onto the viewfinder (15) is a lens mount, into which your optician can install a small dioptre lens, so that you can use the camera without wearing glasses.Your CERTO‐SIX camera is a very fine precision instrument and will serve you faithfully. There should be no need to force any of the moving parts. If you feel that anything is wrong with the operation of the camera, contact your dealer or write to the factor representative in your country.Donated to CAMERA WORK VON DER GÖNNA & SONS DRESDEN A 46 ‐ P.O. BOX 12 ‐ GERMANYDonated to iAddendum 2008A shutter instruction booklet was supplied with the CERTO ‐SIX, matching the shutter type fitted to the particular camera model. As I’m missing this booklet, I’ve written a section on using the shutter. I also found some helpful tips on the web on using the CERTO ‐SIX, and these have been included in this addendum (thanks to everyone who originally put them on the web).Shutter instructions Shutters fitted to the CERTO-SIXTypeMax. shutter speed Flash sync Self ‐timer * Specification Synchro ‐Compur MX 1/500 s M, X Yes High Prontor SVS 1/300 s M, X YesMedium Tempor1/250 sXYes (on late versions only)Basic* The self ‐timing mechanisms differ: see the text.Donated to iiSynchro-Compur MX shutter(The Prontor and Tempor shutters are similar to the Synchro ‐Compur.)Key :a = Shutter speed dial.b = Shutter speed index mark.c = Shutter speed scale. d = Aperture lever. e = aperture pointer.f = aperture scale.g = Shutter cocking lever.h = Self ‐timer button.i = PC socket. j = Flash sync lever.Donated to iiiSelecting the exposure and cocking the shutterBefore taking a photograph, it is necessary to set the exposure by adjusting the shutter speed and aperture, and to cock the shutter.ATTENTIONAlways select the shutter speed then cock the shutter – this is essential for 1/500 s. Cocking the shutter first stresses the shutter mechanism.The exposure is obtained by measuring the light falling on the subject with a light meter, to obtain a shutter speed and aperture combination. These values are then transferred to the camera by rotating the knurled shutter speed dial (a) so that the red index mark (b) is adjacent the desired shutter speed on the scale (c), and moving the aperture lever (d) until its pointer (e) is opposite the required aperture on the scale (f). It does not matter whether the shutter speed is set before or after selecting the aperture.The numbers on the shutter speed scale denote fractions of a second, e.g. 100 = 1/100 s, and the ‘B’ position allows the shutter to be held open for as long as the shutter button is depressed, so that long exposures can be made. Depending on the model of shutter fitted to the camera, the maximum shutter speed is 1/250, 1/300 or 1/500 s. The maximum aperture also varies, depending on the lens fitted, and is either f/2.8 (Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 2.8/80) or f/3.5 (Meyer ‐Optik 3.5/80).The shutter is cocked by pushing the lever (g) to its stop.Donated to ivUsing the self-timerNot all models of shutter fitted to the CERTO ‐SIX have a self ‐timer.The self ‐timer delays the shutter release by 10–15 s after pressing the shutter release. Operating the self ‐timer differs according to the type of shutter fitted: ∙Shutters with a self ‐timer button (h) (and no V setting next to the X and M sync positions). Cock the shutter, slide the self ‐timer button backwards, then push the cocking lever a little further to its extended stop. The self ‐timer can be used at all shutter speeds except B and 1/500 s.∙Shutters without a self ‐timer button but with, instead, a V setting next to the X and M sync positions (the three positions are differentiated by being coloured green, red and yellow, respectively). Cock the shutter, then move the sync/self ‐timer lever to the V setting. The self ‐timer can be used at all shutter speeds except B. (Attention : always cock the shutter before using the self ‐timer – forcing the sync/self ‐timer lever to the self ‐timer position V without cocking the shutter will jam the mechanism, requiring professional repair.)Using flashAll shutters have a PC socket (i) for flash units, with X synchronisation (for electronic flash) only, or both M synchronisation (for flash bulbs) and X synchronisation, depending on the type of shutter fitted, the latter selected with the green sync lever (j). Synchronisation is necessary so that the shutter is fully open when the flash illumination is at is maximum: M sync ignites the flash bulb immediately but delays the shutter release slightly (by 20 ms), as flash bulbs do not generate their maximum intensity straightaway; X sync releases the shutter immediately the shutter button is pressed, as usual, since electronic flash guns reach maximum intensity extremely quickly.Flash can be used at any shutter speed from 1 s to the maximum (e.g. 1/500 s).Donated to vShutter careIf the shutter has a 1/500 s top speed and you wish to use it, always select it before cocking the shutter: an additional spring is compressed when 1/500 s is selected, so cocking the shutter after setting this speed requires extra force, which stresses the mechanism and can damage the spring and gear trains over time.Setting all shutter speeds before cocking the shutter is a good habit to develop since the mechanism is now 50 years old.Film Film flatnessDo not let the lens platen spring open; instead, support it with your hand, allowing the bellows to extend smoothly and slowly. If the cover is opened unsupported, the resulting suction can pull the film partially into the film chamber.Also, develop the habit of only advancing the film just before taking a photograph, so that the film is as taught as possible – this extra tension keeps the film flat, which ensures maximum sharpness and aids correct frame spacing, and also avoids dust collecting on the film.Tightly spaced framesModern 120 films are generally thinner than their forbears, which can result in closer frame spacing than CERTO intended, since the advance mechanism uses the diameter of the take ‐up spool plus the accumulated film to determine how much to advance each frame. The solution is to compensate for the thinner film by increasing the spool thickness slightly. This can be done in a number of ways: for example, adding strips of insulating or maskingDonated to vitape to the take ‐up spool, lengthening the film leader, or winding on the film past the start marker on the backing – the details for each method will need to be found by experiment (run a test roll through the camera with the back removed, and mark the frame edges with a pen.).Donated to 。