小学下册英语第4单元测验试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we call a doctor who takes care of teeth?A. PhysicianB. DentistC. ChiropractorD. SurgeonB2. A magnet attracts objects made of ______.3. A grasshopper can jump very ______.4.The chemical formula for acetic acid is ________.5.We will go ________ (海滩) this summer.6.The snail carries its ______ (壳) on its back.7.We should _______ (尊重) our elders.8.What do we call a baby cat?A. PuppyB. KittenC. CubD. FawnB9.I like to build ________ with blocks.10.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November?A. ChristmasB. HalloweenC. ThanksgivingD. New YearC11.I enjoy painting landscapes and capturing the beauty of ______ (自然).12.What do you call the sweet food made from sugar and flour?A. CakeB. MuffinC. BrownieD. CookieA13.What is the capital of Mexico?A. CancunB. GuadalajaraC. Mexico CityD. TijuanaC14.The leaves change _______ in the fall, creating a lovely sight.15.What do we call the book we read in class?A. DictionaryB. NovelC. TextbookD. MagazineC16.The __________ (历史的符号) represent cultural significance.17.Which animal is known for its ability to hop?A. FrogB. DogC. CatD. FishA18.The __________ (历史的衔接) can reveal causation.19.During summer, I like to go to the ________.20.The chemical formula for strontium chloride is __________.21.My _______ (狗) loves to bark at the mailman.22. A _______ is a reaction that produces an explosion.23.My cat chases after ______ (小虫子).24.How many sides does a pentagon have?A. FourB. FiveC. SixD. Seven25.What is the term for the amount of space an object occupies?A. VolumeB. MassC. WeightD. DensityA26.Napoleon Bonaparte was a famous military _______. (指挥官)27.What is the name of the famous British artist known for his paintings of flowers?A. Claude MonetB. Vincent van GoghC. Georgia O'KeeffeD. Pablo Picasso28. A plant’s _____ (生命周期) includes germination, growth, and reproduction.29.Which of these can be found in space?A. OceanB. StarC. MountainD. Forest30.Mercury is the ______ planet from the sun.31.What do you call the process of making electricity from water?A. HydropowerB. Wind EnergyC. Solar EnergyD. BiomassA32.I like to play with my ________ (玩具车). It can go very ________ (快).33.The grass is green and ______.34.The wildebeest migrates across the ______ (草原).35. A reaction that occurs when an acid and a base combine produces ______.36.What do you call the process of a plant growing?A. GerminationB. PhotosynthesisC. DigestionD. Respiration37.I enjoy cooking ________ (简单的菜) with my mom.38.The ____ has a soft, fluffy coat and loves to cuddle.39.What is the capital of Cyprus?A. NicosiaB. LimassolC. LarnacaD. PaphosA Nicosia40.The chemical symbol for chromium is _____.41.What is the capital of Spain?A. BarcelonaB. MadridC. ValenciaD. SevilleB42.What do we call the main ingredient in a salad?A. DressingB. LettuceC. CroutonsD. CheeseB43.What do you call a large body of freshwater?A. OceanB. RiverC. LakeD. PondC44.He is eating a ___. (sandwich)45.What is the capital of Thailand?A. BangkokB. PhuketC. Chiang MaiD. PattayaA46.How many sides does a triangle have?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. FiveB47.can Civil War was fought over issues of ________ (奴隶制). The Amer48.What is the name of the famous ancient structure located in Greece?A. ColosseumB. ParthenonC. PyramidsD. StonehengeB49.The __________ (文化大革命) was a significant era in Chinese history.50. A __________ is a small island. (小岛)51.My favorite dessert to bake is ______.52.The elephant is very ________________ (大).53.What type of animal is a snake?A. MammalB. ReptileC. BirdD. FishB54.The __________ (历史的传达) communicates experiences.55.The monkey is _____ in the tree. (hanging)56.The man is very ________.57.The ________ is very gentle and caring.58.Which vegetable is orange and long?A. PotatoB. CarrotC. CucumberD. LettuceB59.The cookies are ________ (新鲜出炉的).60.I love visiting the aquarium to learn about ________ (海洋生物) and their habitats.61.All living things need ______ to survive.62.My sister is _______ (在画画).63. A __________ is a small creature that often hides under rocks.64.What do we call the tool used to write on chalkboards?A. MarkerB. CrayonC. ChalkD. Pencil65.Which vegetable is orange?A. BroccoliB. CarrotC. PotatoD. Lettuce66.The _____ (海洋) is vast.67.We visit the ______ (科学实验室) for hands-on activities.68.The _______ has a sweet smell in the spring.69.The ________ has a sweet taste.70.My uncle is my funny _______ who tells hilarious stories.71.What is the name of the famous explorer who sailed around the world?A. Christopher ColumbusB. Ferdinand MagellanC. Marco PoloD. Vasco da Gama72.The dog is ___ (barking/howling).73.I like to ride my ______ (rollerblades).74.The chemical formula for copper(II) sulfate is ______.75.The main function of chlorophyll in plants is to absorb _______ light.76.The chemical formula for iron(III) oxide is __________.77. A reaction that produces energy is called an ______ reaction.78.What do you call the place where you can borrow books?A. SchoolB. LibraryC. ParkD. Museum79.What color is an orange?A. BlueB. OrangeC. GreenD. Red80.My favorite hobby is ______. I started this hobby when I was ______ years old. It is something that makes me feel very ______ and relaxed.81. A ______ has a long tail and is very agile.82.What is the capital city of Spain?A. BarcelonaB. MadridC. ValenciaD. Seville83.How many days are in a leap year?A. 365B. 366C. 364D. 36084.The ________ is a small, friendly creature.85.sustainable land use) promotes responsible development. The ____86.What is the capital city of Peru?A. LimaB. CuscoC. ArequipaD. Trujillo87.What do we call the person who takes care of a garden?A. GardenerB. PainterC. BuilderD. Cook88.The _____ (袋鼠) jumps high.89.What is the capital of Tunisia?A. TunisB. SfaxC. KairouanD. BizerteA Tunis90.The __________ (古埃及的象形文字) was used for writing on temple walls.91.What is the opposite of good?A. BadB. NiceC. KindD. Sweet92.What do we call the distance around a circle?A. DiameterB. RadiusC. CircumferenceD. AreaC93.The _____ (大象) uses its trunk to spray water.94.The teacher is ___ the class. (in)95.What do we call a scientist who studies genetics?A. GeneticistB. BiologistC. Genetic EngineerD. Microbiologist96.What is the capital of Thailand?A. BangkokB. HanoiC. JakartaD. ManilaA97.The sun is shining _____ (brightly/darkly).98.What is the largest planet in our solar system?A. EarthB. MarsC. JupiterD. Venus99.What is the name of the famous painting of a girl holding a pearl earring?A. The Girl with a Pearl EarringB. The Mona LisaC. The Birth of VenusD. The Starry Night100.My sister enjoys __________ (摄影).。
C C 程序设计教程(第4版)
பைடு நூலகம்
01 成书过程
03 教材目录 05 教材特色
02 内容简介 04 教学资源 06 作者简介
《C/C++程序设计教程(第4版)》是由孙淑霞、肖阳春、李思明编著,2014年1月电子工业出版社出版的普 通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材、国家精品课程教材、大学计算机规划教材。该教材可作为大专院校非计 算机专业本科生、研究生的相关课程的教学用书,也可作为计算机专业学生学习C/C++程序设计的教材,同时还 可供自学者参考。
全书由12章组成,主要内容包括:C/C++语言程序设计概述,C语言程序设计基础,控制结构,数组,指针, 函数,编译预处理与变量的存储类型,文件,结构体与共用体,图形程序设计基础,C++语言程序设计基础,查 找与排序。
该教材具体编写分工如下:第1、4、5~8章由孙淑霞编写,第2、3章由肖阳春编写,第9、10章由魏琴编写。 全书由孙淑霞统稿。李思明、鲁红英、安红岩、刘祖明、雷珍、刘焕君参加了该精品课程的建设和飞机场编写过 程中的部分工作。
孙淑霞,1956年生,女,汉族,成都成华区人,成都理工大学络教育学院教授、研究生导师,主要研究方向 为人工智能、模式识别、数字图像。
肖阳春,1963年生,男,四川内江人,硕士,成都理工大学信息与科学技术学院副教授,研究方向为计算机 图像、模式识别。
魏琴,1975年生,女,四川成都人,硕士,成都理工大学信息与科学技术学院讲师,研究方向为计算机图像、 模式识别、信息安全。
c小调第四弦乐四重奏,op.18 no.4赏析
C小调第四弦乐四重奏,op.18 no.4是贝多芬早期的作品之一,也是他继1799年创作的第一部弦乐四重奏作品后的又一力作。
正是在这样的背景下,贝多芬创作了C小调第四弦乐四重奏,op.18 no.4。
他在C小调第四弦乐四重奏,op.18 no.4中不仅将音乐形式和技巧运用得淋漓尽致,更是将内心的情感融入其中,使每一个音符都充满了生命力。
C小调第四弦乐四重奏,op.18 no.4是一部深邃而充满内涵的作品,它不仅展现了贝多芬在早期作品中的创作特点和风格,更是展示了他对音乐形式和结构的探索和突破。
2.M B攻击段数减少
4.但丁A I加强,且我之前的那份但丁不落地套路也因为某些问题⽆效了
8.没有怪物及时间减速装置的场景内2步即可进⼊加速跑,但在平台边缘处⽆法冲出去,但丁的D A S H也⽆法在平台边缘处进⾏冲刺
B U G,原理不明,增加的攻击段数不带⽕,是否有攻击⼒不明
14.R G节奏有所变化,星落R G已废
16.空玫瑰16段攻击触发已废,但0秒触发依旧保留,即还可以通过空玫瑰弹球或弹飞⼑,但估计以后的连击中S E的但丁段⼦对空玫瑰的利⽤要有所减少
17.M16中⽕狗群A I变化,不会跳到台⼦上
Cortex-M4实验指导书陈朋 编写浙江工业大学信息工程学院2014.9前言本系列实验适用于单片机初学者。
通过系列实验的训练,学习者可以对单片机程序开发的过程有初步了解,能使用集成开发环境Code Composer Studio进行简单的单片机系统应用开发。
开发软件环境为Code Composer Studio IDE 6.0以上。
目录前 言 (i)实验注意事项 (ii)目 录 (iii)实验一 GPIO接口实验 (4)实验二 矩阵按键操作实验 (14)实验三 PWM呼吸灯实验 (18)实验四 中断实验 (23)实验五 I2C编程及应用 (26)实验六 ADC操作实验 (32)实验七 并行ADC与DAC (36)实验八 三轴加速度传感器实验 (42)实验九 MicroSD卡操作实验 (49)实验十 TFT液晶显示实验 (55)实验十一 TFT LCD触摸控制实验 (62)实验十二 红外遥控接收编程实验 (67)实验十三 综合操作实验 (70)附录A TM4C1294管脚定义 (71)附录B EK‐TM4C1294XL核心板原理图 (75)附录C AY‐SCMP Kit开发板原理图 (81)附录D AY‐SCMP Kit开发板模块接口资源 (91)实验一GPIO接口实验一、实验目的1.掌握Code Composer Studio 6.0(以下简称CCS)的安装和配置步骤过程。
2.用 C++语言编写的源程序要成为目标程序必须要经过( D )。
4.假设有说明 int a=0; double x=5.16;,则在以下语句中,( C )属于编译错误。
《C++程序设计基础》(第 4 版)(上)
第 1 章 基本数据与表达式
1.1 选择题
1.一个最简单的 C++程序,可以只有一个( C )。
(C)main 函数 (D)空函数
类型 标识符
类型 * 标识符
using namespace std;
int main()
{ int a,b,c;
cout<<"a,b,c= ";
} 4.数据对象在 C++中有几种不同的访问方式?请编写一个程序验证之。
数据对象在 C++中的访问方式有:名访问,引用(别名)访问,间址访问。 验证程序:
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a;
梅赛德斯-奔驰 AMG C 43 4MATIC 原厂保养手册说明书
数据卡识别号:55S2050641U216051 9车辆识别号(VIN):55SWF6EB8HU216051底盘销售型号:AMG C 43 4MATIC任务单号:0 7 701 58251交货日期:02 03 2017油漆代码1:149U 极地白,单色清漆装备:267A 红色皮革发动机编号:276823 30 568619变速箱:725048 20 287727发动机发动机编号:276823 30 568619机组款式: A 276 010 29 14SA代码057改款年份 16/212B操作手册和保养小册 - 美国/加拿大英语149U极地白,单色清漆184车辆产地南非1A2 6 缸汽油发动机变矩器1U3车辆罩21A新一代 EHS232频率为 284~390 MHZ 的车库门开启装置233加强版智能巡航控制(DISTRONIC PLUS)235主动式驻车辅助系统237主动型盲点辅助装置238主动式路线偏离警告系统(驾驶室)23P行驶辅助组件242带记忆功能的右侧可电动调节的驾驶员座椅246模拟时钟249自动防眩内部和外部后视镜250A皮革251B数字保养小册253后端碰撞警告及保护系统264美国用牌照固定件266增强型限距控制系统横向支撑(DTR+Q)267A红色皮革268增强型制动辅助系统(BAS+)269十字路口交通增强型制动辅助系统(BAS+Q)270全球定位系统(GPS)的天线271行人保护自主制动干预/警告274电话天线275记忆组件(驾驶员座椅、转向柱和后视镜)281AMG-性能方向盘287连续充电的可能性294膝盖安全气囊299安全预警系统(PRESAFE)2A9变矩器变型 102U3带防水功能的空气滤清器300碰撞减少制动干预/警告(CMS)301烟灰缸组件309杯座30P储物容器组件342B仪表盘/主机语言 - 美式英语345雨水传感器3A0促动器总成(3 个车轮)3U2美国版音响主机413全景式滑动天窗/玻璃天窗4219 档自动变速箱448带旋转按钮的触控板460加拿大版475胎压控制(RDK)488带钢质弹簧/气压弹簧的底盘500电动可折叠外部后视镜501360°摄像头51A扭矩分配 31/6951U车顶内饰板,布质,黑色531驾驶室管理和数据系统以及自动导航系统(COMAND APS) NTG5/NTG5.5 536天狼星(SIRIUS)卫星广播全套系统551基础版防盗警报系统(EDW)56V SPEED- + LOADINDEX 93Y XL+96Y XL580空调5A1电液控制单元 - 变矩器5P8STEUERCODE VERTRIEB5U4散热器格栅,钻石外观606AMG 多辐车轮 19",带混合轮胎608自动远光灯调节开关(IHC)611环境照明636取消 - 警告三角标志640动态 SAE LED 大灯,右侧交通668带运输吊环的运输车辆的产品保护670发动机余热利用装置(MRA)6A2连接凸缘,带传动轴 110 / 3,3 臂 X 110701L加拿大736饰件 - 灰木黑色 (2A70)763带紧急开关的无线电遥控器(315 MHZ)772AMG-风格型前导流板,侧裙板7XXL北美和南美807改款年份 16/1810高级音响系统815DVD 单碟驱动器824寒冷国家空调范围871行李箱盖打开/关闭传感装置873用于左前、右前座椅的座椅加热装置875风挡玻璃清洗系统,加热式876车内空间 - 轻结构组件877环境照明装置881行李箱盖遥控关闭887分开的行李舱盖的锁紧装置889无钥匙启动装置893无钥匙启动 (KEYLESS START)8U2重量优化型风挡玻璃916大容积燃油箱-容积 1986带年款的不规则车辆识别号 (VIN)989风挡玻璃下的车辆识别牌99B主动式可调节减震装置“正常开启”A035机油补偿量 +350GR 机油A104噪音优化的齿轮B03直接起动/ECO 起动/停止功能B09带电磁离合器的制冷剂压缩机B59变速箱模式换档杆(敏捷操控选择(AGILITY SELECT))F205车型系列 205FW轿车G041变速箱代码版 41GA自动变速箱GA7自动变速箱HA后轴K1420,000 公里保养间隔控制代码K27在“D”档不受力的软件控制L左侧转向系M002带增压空气冷却装置的带排气涡轮增压器的发动机M005装配全时四轮驱动(4-MATIC)/全轮驱动装置的车辆M016大功率提升发动机M276V6-汽油发动机 M276M30排量 3.0 升P17无钥匙启动-组件P29AMG 运动组件内饰/AMG 运动组件内饰P31AMG 运动组件外饰/AMG 运动组件外饰P44包装-组件P49后视镜组件P55夜间组件R01夏用轮胎R66带自润滑性能的轮胎U09皮饰仪表板和腰线(压印人造皮革)U10带重量识别的前排乘客座椅U22背部调节装置U25带照明的车门入口轨道U26底板垫 - AMGU47扰流板U71美国版的带地区代码 1 的 DVD 播放器U78可变排气系统VL前轴半轴,左侧VR前轴半轴,右侧。
该书以单片机应用为主线,把相关的C语言知识融合在工作任务中,以够用为度,让学生在技能训练中逐渐 掌握编程方法,易教易学,避免了把C语言单独完整讲解,致使学生无法学以致用,影响学习效果。
该书针对每个单元具体能力要素的培养目标,选择训练任务,避免过大过繁,体现精训精练。同时,注重能 力训练的延展性,每个任务既相对独立,又与前后任务之间保持密切的联系,具有扩展性,即后一个任务是在前 一个任务基础之上进行功能扩展而实现的,使训练内容由点到线,由线到面,体现技能训练的综合性和系统性。
单片机应用技术(C语言版) (第4版)
01 成书过程
03 教学资源 05 获得荣誉
02 内容简介 04 教材特色 06 作者简介
《单片机应用技术(C语言版)(第4版)》是由王静霞主编,电子工业出版社于2019年1月出版的全国高等 院校“+互联网”系列精品教材、国家精品课配套教材。该书为应用型本科和高职高专院校电子信息类、通信类、 自动化类、机电类、机械制造类等专业的单片机技术课程的教材,也可作为开放大学、成人教育、自学考试、中 职学校和培训班的教材,还可作为电子工程技术人员的参考工具书。
2021年9月26日,《单片机应用技术(C语言版)(第4版)》被国家教材委员会授予首届全国教材建设奖全 国优秀教材 (职业教育与继续教育类 )特等奖。
王静霞,深圳职业技术学院教授,主要讲授单片机应用技术、专业概论等课程。 杨宏丽,深圳职业技术学院副教授,主要讲授单片机应用技术、嵌入式编程技术等课程。 刘俐,深圳职业技术学院讲师。
第5章循环结构程序设计【第140页】5-2#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h> // 程序中用到数学函数fabs,应包含头文件math.n int main(){int sign=1,count=0; // sign用来表示数值的符号,count用来统计循环次数double pi=0.0,n=1.0,term=1.0; // pi开始代表多项式的值,最后代表π的值, n代表分母,term代表当前项的值while(fabs(term)>=1e-8) // 检查当前项term的绝对值是否大于或等于10的(-6)次方{pi=pi+term; // 把当前项term累加到pi中n=n+2; // n+2是下一项的分母sign=-sign; // sign代表符号,下一项的符号与上一项符号相反term=sign/n; // 求出下一项的值termcount++; // count累加1}pi=pi*4; // 多项式的和pi乘以4,才是π的近似值printf("pi=%10.8f\n",pi); // 输出π的近似值printf("count=%d\n",count); // 输出循环次数return 0;}5-3#include <stdio.h>int main(){int p,r,n,m,temp;printf("请输入两个正整数n,m:");scanf("%d,%d,",&n,&m);if (n<m){temp=n;n=m;m=temp;}p=n*m;while(m!=0){r=n%m;n=m;m=r;printf("它们的最大公约数为:%d\n",n);printf("它们的最小公约数为:%d\n",p/n);return 0;}5-4#include <stdio.h>int main(){char c;int letters=0,space=0,digit=0,other=0;printf("请输入一行字符:\n");while((c=getchar())!='\n'){if (c>='a' && c<='z' || c>='A' && c<='Z')letters++;else if (c==' ')space++;else if (c>='0' && c<='9')digit++;elseother++;}printf("字母数:%d\n空格数:%d\n数字数:%d\n其它字符数:%d\n",letters,space,digit,other);return 0;}5-5#include <stdio.h>int main(){int a,n,i=1,sn=0,tn=0;printf("a,n=:");scanf("%d,%d",&a,&n);while (i<=n){tn=tn+a; /*赋值后的tn为i个a组成数的值*/sn=sn+tn; /*赋值后的sn为多项式前i项之和*/a=a*10;++i;}printf("a+aa+aaa+...=%d\n",sn);return 0;5-6#include <stdio.h>int main(){double s=0,t=1;int n;for (n=1;n<=20;n++){t=t*n;s=s+t;}printf("1!+2!+...+20!=%22.15e\n",s);return 0;}5-7#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n1=100,n2=50,n3=10;double k,s1=0,s2=0,s3=0;for (k=1;k<=n1;k++) /*计算1到100的和*/{s1=s1+k;}for (k=1;k<=n2;k++) /*计算1到50各数的平方和*/ {s2=s2+k*k;}for (k=1;k<=n3;k++) /*计算1到10的各倒数和*/{s3=s3+1/k;}printf("sum=%15.6f\n",s1+s2+s3);return 0;}5-8#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i,j,k,n;printf("parcissus numbers are ");for (n=100;n<1000;n++){i=n/100;j=n/10-i*10;k=n%10;if (n==i*i*i + j*j*j + k*k*k)printf("%d ",n);}printf("\n");return 0;}5-9-1#define M 1000 /*定义寻找范围*/#include <stdio.h>int main(){int k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,k8,k9,k10;int i,a,n,s;for (a=2;a<=M;a++) /* a是2-1000之间的整数,检查它是否完数*/{n=0; /* n用来累计a的因子的个数*/s=a; /* s用来存放尚未求出的因子之和,开始时等于a */for (i=1;i<a;i++) /* 检查i是否a的因子*/if (a%i==0) /* 如果i是a的因子*/{n++; /* n加1,表示新找到一个因子*/s=s-i; /* s减去已找到的因子,s的新值是尚未求出的因子之和*/ switch(n) /* 将找到的因子赋给k1...k9,或k10 */{case 1:k1=i; break; /* 找出的笫1个因子赋给k1 */case 2:k2=i; break; /* 找出的笫2个因子赋给k2 */case 3:k3=i; break; /* 找出的笫3个因子赋给k3 */case 4:k4=i; break; /* 找出的笫4个因子赋给k4 */case 5:k5=i; break; /* 找出的笫5个因子赋给k5 */case 6:k6=i; break; /* 找出的笫6个因子赋给k6 */case 7:k7=i; break; /* 找出的笫7个因子赋给k7 */case 8:k8=i; break; /* 找出的笫8个因子赋给k8 */case 9:k9=i; break; /*找出的笫9个因子赋给k9 */case 10:k10=i; break; /* 找出的笫10个因子赋给k10 */}}if (s==0){printf("%d ,Its factors are ",a);if (n>1) printf("%d,%d",k1,k2); /* n>1表示a至少有2个因子*/if (n>2) printf(",%d",k3); /* n>2表示至少有3个因子,故应再输出一个因子*/if (n>3) printf(",%d",k4); /* n>3表示至少有4个因子,故应再输出一个因子*/if (n>4) printf(",%d",k5); /* 以下类似*/if (n>5) printf(",%d",k6);if (n>6) printf(",%d",k7);if (n>7) printf(",%d",k8);if (n>8) printf(",%d",k9);if (n>9) printf(",%d",k10);printf("\n");}}return 0;}5-9-2#include <stdio.h>int main(){int m,s,i;for (m=2;m<1000;m++){s=0;for (i=1;i<m;i++)if ((m%i)==0) s=s+i;if(s==m){printf("%d,its factors are ",m);for (i=1;i<m;i++)if (m%i==0) printf("%d ",i);printf("\n");}}return 0;}5-10#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i,n=20;double a=2,b=1,s=0,t;for (i=1;i<=n;i++){s=s+a/b;t=a,a=a+b,b=t;}printf("sum=%16.10f\n",s);return 0;}5-11#include <stdio.h>int main(){double sn=100,hn=sn/2;int n;for (n=2;n<=10;n++){sn=sn+2*hn; /*第n次落地时共经过的米数*/hn=hn/2; /*第n次反跳高度*/}printf("第10次落地时共经过%f米\n",sn);printf("第10次反弹%f米\n",hn);return 0;}5-12#include <stdio.h>int main(){int day,x1,x2;day=9;x2=1;while(day>0){x1=(x2+1)*2; /*第1天的桃子数是第2天桃子数加1后的2倍.*/ x2=x1;day--;}printf("total=%d\n",x1);return 0;}5-13#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>int main(){float a,x0,x1;printf("enter a positive number:");scanf("%f",&a);x0=a/2;x1=(x0+a/x0)/2;do{x0=x1;x1=(x0+a/x0)/2;}while(fabs(x0-x1)>=1e-5);printf("The square root of %5.2f is %8.5f\n",a,x1); return 0;}5-14#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>int main(){double x1,x0,f,f1;x1=1.5;do{x0=x1;f=((2*x0-4)*x0+3)*x0-6;f1=(6*x0-8)*x0+3;x1=x0-f/f1;}while(fabs(x1-x0)>=1e-5);printf("The root of equation is %5.2f\n",x1);return 0;}5-15#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>int main(){float x0,x1,x2,fx0,fx1,fx2;do{printf("enter x1 & x2:");scanf("%f,%f",&x1,&x2);fx1=x1*((2*x1-4)*x1+3)-6;fx2=x2*((2*x2-4)*x2+3)-6;}while(fx1*fx2>0);do{x0=(x1+x2)/2;fx0=x0*((2*x0-4)*x0+3)-6;if ((fx0*fx1)<0){x2=x0;fx2=fx0;}else{x1=x0;fx1=fx0;}}while(fabs (fx0)>=1e-5); printf("x=%6.2f\n",x0); return 0;}5-16#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i,j,k;for (i=0;i<=3;i++){for (j=0;j<=2-i;j++)printf(" ");for (k=0;k<=2*i;k++)printf("*");printf("\n");}for (i=0;i<=2;i++){for (j=0;j<=i;j++)printf(" ");for (k=0;k<=4-2*i;k++)printf("*");printf("\n");}return 0;}5-17#include <stdio.h>int main(){char i,j,k; /*是a的对手;j是b的对手;k是c的对手*/ for (i='x';i<='z';i++)for (j='x';j<='z';j++)if (i!=j)for (k='x';k<='z';k++)if (i!=k && j!=k)if (i!='x' && k!='x' && k!='z')printf("A--%c\nB--%c\nC--%c\n",i,j,k);return 0;}第6章利用数组处理批量数据【第168页】6-1#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>int main(){int i,j,n,a[101];for (i=1;i<=100;i++)a[i]=i;a[1]=0;for (i=2;i<sqrt(100);i++)for (j=i+1;j<=100;j++){if(a[i]!=0 && a[j]!=0)if (a[j]%a[i]==0)a[j]=0;}printf("\n");for (i=2,n=0;i<=100;i++){ if(a[i]!=0){printf("%5d",a[i]);n++;}if(n==10){printf("\n");n=0;}}printf("\n");return 0;}6-2#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i,j,min,temp,a[11];printf("enter data:\n");for (i=1;i<=10;i++){printf("a[%d]=",i);scanf("%d",&a[i]);}printf("\n");printf("The orginal numbers:\n"); for (i=1;i<=10;i++)printf("%5d",a[i]);printf("\n");for (i=1;i<=9;i++){min=i;for (j=i+1;j<=10;j++)if (a[min]>a[j]) min=j;temp=a[i];a[i]=a[min];a[min]=temp;}printf("\nThe sorted numbers:\n"); for (i=1;i<=10;i++)printf("%5d",a[i]);printf("\n");return 0;}6-3#include <stdio.h>int main(){int a[3][3],sum=0;int i,j;printf("enter data:\n");for (i=0;i<3;i++)for (j=0;j<3;j++)scanf("%3d",&a[i][j]);for (i=0;i<3;i++)sum=sum+a[i][i];printf("sum=%6d\n",sum);return 0;}6-4#include <stdio.h>int main(){ int a[11]={1,4,6,9,13,16,19,28,40,100}; int temp1,temp2,number,end,i,j;printf("array a:\n");for (i=0;i<10;i++)printf("%5d",a[i]);printf("\n");printf("insert data:");scanf("%d",&number);end=a[9];if (number>end)a[10]=number;else{for (i=0;i<10;i++){if (a[i]>number){temp1=a[i];a[i]=number;for (j=i+1;j<11;j++){temp2=a[j];a[j]=temp1;temp1=temp2;}break;}}}printf("Now array a:\n");for (i=0;i<11;i++)printf("%5d",a[i]);printf("\n");return 0;}6-5#include <stdio.h>#define N 5int main(){ int a[N],i,temp;printf("enter array a:\n");for (i=0;i<N;i++)scanf("%d",&a[i]);printf("array a:\n");for (i=0;i<N;i++)printf("%4d",a[i]);for (i=0;i<N/2;i++) //循环的作用是将对称的元素的值互换{ temp=a[i];a[i]=a[N-i-1];a[N-i-1]=temp;}printf("\nNow,array a:\n");for (i=0;i<N;i++)printf("%4d",a[i]);printf("\n");return 0;}6-6#include <stdio.h>#define N 10int main(){ int i,j,a[N][N];for (i=0;i<N;i++){a[i][i]=1;a[i][0]=1;}for (i=2;i<N;i++)for (j=1;j<=i-1;j++)a[i][j]=a[i-1][j-1]+a[i-1][j];for (i=0;i<N;i++){for (j=0;j<=i;j++)printf("%6d",a[i][j]);printf("\n");}printf("\n");return 0;}6-7#include <stdio.h>int main(){ int a[15][15],i,j,k,p,n;p=1;while(p==1){printf("enter n(n=1--15):");scanf("%d",&n);if ((n!=0) && (n<=15) && (n%2!=0))p=0;}for (i=1;i<=n;i++)for (j=1;j<=n;j++)a[i][j]=0;j=n/2+1;a[1][j]=1;for (k=2;k<=n*n;k++){i=i-1;j=j+1;if ((i<1) && (j>n)){i=i+2;j=j-1;}else{if (i<1) i=n;if (j>n) j=1;}if (a[i][j]==0)a[i][j]=k;else{i=i+2;j=j-1;a[i][j]=k;}}for (i=1;i<=n;i++){for (j=1;j<=n;j++)printf("%5d",a[i][j]);printf("\n");}return 0;}#include <stdio.h>#define N 4#define M 5 /* 数组为4行5列*/int main(){int i,j,k,a[N][M],max,maxj,flag;printf("please input matrix:\n");for (i=0;i<N;i++) /* 输入数组*/for (j=0;j<M;j++)scanf("%d",&a[i][j]);for (i=0;i<N;i++){max=a[i][0]; /* 开始时假设a[i][0]最大*/maxj=0; /* 将列号0赋给maxj保存*/for (j=0;j<M;j++) /* 找出第i行中的最大数*/if (a[i][j]>max){max=a[i][j]; /* 将本行的最大数存放在max中*/maxj=j; /* 将最大数所在的列号存放在maxj中*/}flag=1; /* 先假设是鞍点,以flag为1代表*/for (k=0;k<N;k++)if (max>a[k][maxj]) /* 将最大数和其同列元素相比*/{flag=0; /* 如果max不是同列最小,表示不是鞍点令flag1为0 */continue;}if(flag) /* 如果flag1为1表示是鞍点*/{printf("a[%d][%d]=%d\n",i,maxj,max); /* 输出鞍点的值和所在行列号*/break;}}if(!flag) /* 如果flag为0表示鞍点不存在*/printf("It is not exist!\n");return 0;}6-9#include <stdio.h>#define N 15int main(){ int i,number,top,bott,mid,loca,a[N],flag=1,sign;char c;printf("enter data:\n");scanf("%d",&a[0]);while(i<N){scanf("%d",&a[i]);if (a[i]>=a[i-1])i++;elseprintf("enter this data again:\n");}printf("\n");for (i=0;i<N;i++)printf("%5d",a[i]);printf("\n");while(flag){printf("input number to look for:");scanf("%d",&number);sign=0;top=0; //top是查找区间的起始位置bott=N-1; //bott是查找区间的最末位置if ((number<a[0])||(number>a[N-1])) //要查的数不在查找区间内loca=-1; // 表示找不到while ((!sign) && (top<=bott)){mid=(bott+top)/2;if (number==a[mid]){loca=mid;printf("Has found %d, its position is %d\n",number,loca+1);sign=1;}else if (number<a[mid])bott=mid-1;elsetop=mid+1;}if(!sign||loca==-1)printf("cannot find %d.\n",number);;printf("continu or not(Y/N)?");scanf(" %c",&c);if (c=='N'||c=='n')flag=0;}return 0;}6-10#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i,j,upp,low,dig,spa,oth;char text[3][80];upp=low=dig=spa=oth=0;for (i=0;i<3;i++){ printf("please input line %d:\n",i+1);gets(text[i]);for (j=0;j<80 && text[i][j]!='\0';j++){if (text[i][j]>='A'&& text[i][j]<='Z')upp++;else if (text[i][j]>='a' && text[i][j]<='z')low++;else if (text[i][j]>='0' && text[i][j]<='9')dig++;else if (text[i][j]==' ')spa++;elseoth++;}}printf("\nupper case: %d\n",upp);printf("lower case: %d\n",low);printf("digit : %d\n",dig);printf("space : %d\n",spa);printf("other : %d\n",oth);return 0;}6-11#include <stdio.h>int main(){ char a[5]={'*','*','*','*','*'};int i,j,k;char space=' ';for (i=0;i<5;i++){ printf("\n");printf(" ");for (j=1;j<=i;j++)printf("%c",space);for (k=0;k<5;k++)printf("%c",a[k]);}printf("\n");return 0;}6-12a-c#include <stdio.h>int main(){ int j,n;char ch[80],tran[80];printf("input cipher code:");gets(ch);printf("\ncipher code :%s",ch);j=0;while (ch[j]!='\0'){ if ((ch[j]>='A') && (ch[j]<='Z'))tran[j]=155-ch[j];else if ((ch[j]>='a') && (ch[j]<='z'))tran[j]=219-ch[j];elsetran[j]=ch[j];j++;}n=j;printf("\noriginal text:");for (j=0;j<n;j++)putchar(tran[j]);printf("\n");return 0;}6-12b#include <stdio.h>int main(){int j,n;char ch[80];printf("input cipher code:\n");gets(ch);printf("\ncipher code:%s\n",ch);j=0;while (ch[j]!='\0'){ if ((ch[j]>='A') && (ch[j]<='Z'))ch[j]=155-ch[j];else if ((ch[j]>='a') && (ch[j]<='z'))ch[j]=219-ch[j];elsech[j]=ch[j];j++;}n=j;printf("original text:");for (j=0;j<n;j++)putchar(ch[j]);printf("\n");return 0;}6-13#include <stdio.h>int main(){ char s1[80],s2[40];int i=0,j=0;printf("input string1:");scanf("%s",s1);printf("input string2:");scanf("%s",s2);while (s1[i]!='\0')i++;while(s2[j]!='\0')s1[i++]=s2[j++];s1[i]='\0';printf("\nThe new string is:%s\n",s1); return 0;}6-14#include <stdio.h>int main(){ int i,resu;char s1[100],s2[100];printf("input string1:");gets(s1);printf("\ninput string2:");gets(s2);i=0;while ((s1[i]==s2[i]) && (s1[i]!='\0'))i++;if (s1[i]=='\0' && s2[i]=='\0')resu=0;elseresu=s1[i]-s2[i];printf("\nresult:%d.\n",resu);return 0;}6-15#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>int main(){ char s1[80],s2[80];int i;printf("input s2:");scanf("%s",s2);for (i=0;i<=strlen(s2);i++)s1[i]=s2[i];printf("s1:%s\n",s1);return 0;}第7章用函数实现模块化程序设计【第218页】7-1-1#include <stdio.h>int main(){int hcf(int,int);int lcd(int,int,int);int u,v,h,l;scanf("%d,%d",&u,&v);h=hcf(u,v);printf("H.C.F=%d\n",h);l=lcd(u,v,h);printf("L.C.D=%d\n",l);return 0;}int hcf(int u,int v){int t,r;if (v>u){t=u;u=v;v=t;}while ((r=u%v)!=0){u=v;v=r;}return(v);}int lcd(int u,int v,int h){return(u*v/h);}7-1-2#include <stdio.h>int Hcf,Lcd;int main(){void hcf(int,int);void lcd(int,int);int u,v;scanf("%d,%d",&u,&v); hcf(u,v);lcd(u,v);printf("H.C.F=%d\n",Hcf); printf("L.C.D=%d\n",Lcd); return 0;}void hcf(int u,int v){int t,r;if (v>u){t=u;u=v;v=t;}while ((r=u%v)!=0){u=v;v=r;}Hcf=v;}void lcd(int u,int v){Lcd=u*v/Hcf;}7-2#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>float x1,x2,disc,p,q;int main(){void greater_than_zero(float,float);void equal_to_zero(float,float);void smaller_than_zero(float,float);float a,b,c;printf("input a,b,c:");scanf("%f,%f,%f",&a,&b,&c);printf("equation: %5.2f*x*x+%5.2f*x+%5.2f=0\n",a,b,c); disc=b*b-4*a*c;printf("root:\n");if (disc>0){greater_than_zero(a,b);printf("x1=%f\t\tx2=%f\n",x1,x2);}else if (disc==0){equal_to_zero(a,b);printf("x1=%f\t\tx2=%f\n",x1,x2);}else{smaller_than_zero(a,b);printf("x1=%f+%fi\tx2=%f-%fi\n",p,q,p,q);}return 0;}void greater_than_zero(float a,float b){x1=(-b+sqrt(disc))/(2*a);x2=(-b-sqrt(disc))/(2*a);}void equal_to_zero(float a,float b){x1=x2=(-b)/(2*a);}void smaller_than_zero(float a,float b){p=-b/(2*a);q=sqrt(-disc)/(2*a);}7-3#include <stdio.h>int main(){int prime(int);int n;printf("input an integer:");scanf("%d",&n);if (prime(n))printf("%d is a prime.\n",n); elseprintf("%d is not a prime.\n",n); return 0;}int prime(int n){int flag=1,i;for (i=2;i<n/2 && flag==1;i++)if (n%i==0)flag=0;return(flag);}7-4#include <stdio.h>#define N 3int array[N][N];int main(){ void convert(int array[][3]);int i,j;printf("input array:\n");for (i=0;i<N;i++)for (j=0;j<N;j++)scanf("%d",&array[i][j]); printf("\noriginal array :\n");for (i=0;i<N;i++){for (j=0;j<N;j++)printf("%5d",array[i][j]);printf("\n");}convert(array);printf("convert array:\n");for (i=0;i<N;i++){for (j=0;j<N;j++)printf("%5d",array[i][j]);printf("\n");}return 0;}void convert(int array[][3]){int i,j,t;for (i=0;i<N;i++)for (j=i+1;j<N;j++){t=array[i][j];array[i][j]=array[j][i];array[j][i]=t;}}#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>int main(){void inverse(char str[]);char str[100];printf("input string:");scanf("%s",str);inverse(str);printf("inverse string:%s\n",str);return 0;}void inverse(char str[]){char t;int i,j;for (i=0,j=strlen(str);i<(strlen(str)/2);i++,j--) {t=str[i];str[i]=str[j-1];str[j-1]=t;}}7-6#include <stdio.h>int main(){void concatenate(char string1[],char string2[],char string[]); char s1[100],s2[100],s[100];printf("input string1:");scanf("%s",s1);printf("input string2:");scanf("%s",s2);concatenate(s1,s2,s);printf("\nThe new string is %s\n",s);return 0;}void concatenate(char string1[],char string2[],char string[]) {int i,j;for (i=0;string1[i]!='\0';i++)string[i]=string1[i];for(j=0;string2[j]!='\0';j++)string[i+j]=string2[j];string[i+j]='\0';}7-7#include <stdio.h>int main(){void cpy(char [],char []);char str[80],c[80];printf("input string:");gets(str);cpy(str,c);printf("The vowel letters are:%s\n",c);return 0;}void cpy(char s[],char c[]){ int i,j;for (i=0,j=0;s[i]!='\0';i++)if (s[i]=='a'||s[i]=='A'||s[i]=='e'||s[i]=='E'||s[i]=='i'||s[i]=='I'||s[i]=='o'||s[i]=='O'||s[i]=='u'||s[i]=='U'){c[j]=s[i];j++;}c[j]='\0';}7-8#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>int main(){char str[80];void insert(char []);printf("input four digits:");scanf("%s",str);insert(str);return 0;}void insert(char str[]){int i;for (i=strlen(str);i>0;i--){str[2*i]=str[i];str[2*i-1]=' ';}printf("output:\n%s\n",str);}7-9#include <stdio.h>int letter,digit,space,others;int main(){void count(char []);char text[80];printf("input string:\n");gets(text);printf("string:");puts(text);letter=0;digit=0;space=0;others=0;count(text);printf("\nletter:%d\ndigit:%d\nspace:%d\nothers:%d\n",letter,digit,space,others); return 0;}void count(char str[]){int i;for (i=0;str[i]!='\0';i++)if ((str[i]>='a'&& str[i]<='z')||(str[i]>='A' && str[i]<='Z'))letter++;else if (str[i]>='0' && str [i]<='9')digit++;else if (str[i]==32)space++;elseothers++;}7-10#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>int main(){int alphabetic(char);int longest(char []);int i;char line[100];printf("input one line:\n");gets(line);printf("The longest word is :");for (i=longest(line);alphabetic(line[i]);i++)printf("%c",line[i]);printf("\n");return 0;}int alphabetic(char c){if ((c>='a' && c<='z')||(c>='A'&&c<='z'))return(1);elsereturn(0);}int longest(char string[]){int len=0,i,length=0,flag=1,place=0,point;for (i=0;i<=strlen(string);i++)if (alphabetic(string[i]))if (flag){point=i;flag=0;}elselen++;else{flag=1;if (len>=length){length=len;place=point;len=0;}}return(place);}7-11#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#define N 10char str[N];int main(){void sort(char []);int i,flag;for (flag=1;flag==1;){printf("input string:\n");scanf("%s",&str);if (strlen(str)>N)printf("string too long,input again!");elseflag=0;}sort(str);printf("string sorted:\n");for (i=0;i<N;i++)printf("%c",str[i]);printf("\n");return 0;}void sort(char str[]){int i,j;char t;for(j=1;j<N;j++)for (i=0;(i<N-j)&&(str[i]!='\0');i++)if(str[i]>str[i+1]){t=str[i];str[i]=str[i+1];str[i+1]=t;}}7-12#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>int main(){float solut(float a,float b,float c,float d); float a,b,c,d;printf("input a,b,c,d:");scanf("%f,%f,%f,%f",&a,&b,&c,&d); printf("x=%10.7f\n",solut(a,b,c,d)); return 0;}float solut(float a,float b,float c,float d) {float x=1,x0,f,f1;do{x0=x;f=((a*x0+b)*x0+c)*x0+d;f1=(3*a*x0+2*b)*x0+c;x=x0-f/f1;}while(fabs(x-x0)>=1e-3);return(x);}7-13#include <stdio.h>#define N 10#define M 5float score[N][M];float a_stu[N],a_cour[M];int r,c;int main(){ int i,j;float h;float s_var(void);float highest();void input_stu(void);void aver_stu(void);void aver_cour(void);input_stu();aver_stu();aver_cour();printf("\n NO. cour1 cour2 cour3 cour4 cour5 aver\n"); for(i=0;i<N;i++){printf("\n NO %2d ",i+1);for(j=0;j<M;j++)printf("%8.2f",score[i][j]);printf("%8.2f\n",a_stu[i]);}printf("\naverage:");for (j=0;j<M;j++)printf("%8.2f",a_cour[j]);printf("\n");h=highest();printf("highest:%7.2f NO. %2d course %2d\n",h,r,c);printf("variance %8.2f\n",s_var());return 0;}void input_stu(void){int i,j;for (i=0;i<N;i++){printf("\ninput score of student%2d:\n",i+1);for (j=0;j<M;j++)scanf("%f",&score[i][j]);}}void aver_stu(void){int i,j;float s;for (i=0;i<N;i++){for (j=0,s=0;j<M;j++)s+=score[i][j];a_stu[i]=s/5.0;}}void aver_cour(void){int i,j;float s;for (j=0;j<M;j++){s=0;for (i=0;i<N;i++)s+=score[i][j];a_cour[j]=s/(float)N;}}float highest(){float high;int i,j;high=score[0][0];for (i=0;i<N;i++)for (j=0;j<M;j++)if (score[i][j]>high){high=score[i][j];r=i+1;c=j+1;}return(high);}float s_var(void){int i;float sumx,sumxn;sumx=0.0;sumxn=0.0;for (i=0;i<N;i++){sumx+=a_stu[i]*a_stu[i];sumxn+=a_stu[i];}return(sumx/N-(sumxn/N)*(sumxn/N)); }7-14#include <stdio.h>#define N 10#define M 5float score[N][M];float a_stu[N],a_cour[M];int r,c;int main(){ int i,j;float h;float s_var(void);float highest();void input_stu(void);void aver_stu(void);void aver_cour(void);input_stu();aver_stu();aver_cour();printf("\n NO. cour1 cour2 cour3 cour4 cour5 aver\n"); for(i=0;i<N;i++){printf("\n NO %2d ",i+1);for(j=0;j<M;j++)printf("%8.2f",score[i][j]);printf("%8.2f\n",a_stu[i]);}printf("\naverage:");for (j=0;j<M;j++)printf("%8.2f",a_cour[j]);printf("\n");h=highest();printf("highest:%7.2f NO. %2d course %2d\n",h,r,c);printf("variance %8.2f\n",s_var());return 0;}void input_stu(void){int i,j;for (i=0;i<N;i++){printf("\ninput score of student%2d:\n",i+1);for (j=0;j<M;j++)scanf("%f",&score[i][j]);}}void aver_stu(void){int i,j;float s;for (i=0;i<N;i++){for (j=0,s=0;j<M;j++)s+=score[i][j];a_stu[i]=s/5.0;}}void aver_cour(void){int i,j;float s;for (j=0;j<M;j++){s=0;for (i=0;i<N;i++)s+=score[i][j];a_cour[j]=s/(float)N;}}float highest(){float high;int i,j;high=score[0][0];for (i=0;i<N;i++)for (j=0;j<M;j++)if (score[i][j]>high){high=score[i][j];r=i+1;c=j+1;}return(high);}float s_var(void){int i;float sumx,sumxn;sumx=0.0;sumxn=0.0;for (i=0;i<N;i++){sumx+=a_stu[i]*a_stu[i];。
《C语言程序设计(第4版)》提供有配套教学课件和源代码、与纸质教材内容配套的数字课程资源、《C语 言程序设计精髓》和《程序设计基》Mooc课程。
该教材在内容的指导思想上,以C语言为工具,介绍计算思维方法和程序设计的基本方法,不拘泥于C语言 的基本语法知识,面向实际应用,把计算思维方法和程序设计中的思想和方法渗透到C语言的介绍中。
全书由14章组成,第1章介绍为什么要学习编程;第2章介绍基本数据类型,包括常量与变量、简单的屏幕输 出、数据类型等内容;第3章介绍基本算术运算符,包括C运算符和表达式、宏常量与宏替换、常用的标准数学函 数等内容;第4章介绍键盘输入和屏幕输出,包括单个字符的输入/输出、数据的格式化屏幕输出、数据的格式化 键盘输入等内容;第5章介绍选择控制结构,包括关系运算符与关系表达式、用于分支控制的条件语句、逻辑运算 符和逻辑表达式等内容;第6章介绍循环控制结构,包括循环控制结构与循环语句、条件控制的循环、流程的转移 控制等内容;第7章介绍函数与模块化程序设计,包括向函数传递值和从函数返回值、函数的递归调用和递归函数、 模块化程序设计等内容;第8章介绍数组和算法基础,包括数组的定义和初始化、向函数传递数组、排序和查找等 内容;第9章介绍指针,包括变量的内存、指针变量的定义和初始化、函数指针及其应用等内容;第10章介绍字 符串,包括字符串字面量、字符指针、向函数传递字符串等内容;第11章介绍指针和数组,包括指针和数组间的 关系、指针数组及其应用、动态数组等内容;第12章介绍结构体和数据结构基础,包括结构体数组的定义和初始 化、结构体指针的定义和初始化、向函数传递结构体等内容;第13章介绍文件操作,包括按字符读写文件、按格 式读写文件、按数据块读写文件等内容;第14章介绍简单的游戏设计,包括动画的基本原理、迷宫游戏、Flappy bird游戏等内容。
第1章程序设计和C语言11.1什么是计算机程序11.2什么是计算机语言11.3C语言的发展及其特点31.4最简单的C语言程序51.4.1最简单的C语言程序举例61.4.2C语言程序的结构101.5运行C程序的步骤与方法121.6程序设计的任务141-5 #include <stdio.h>int main ( ){ printf ("**************************\n\n");printf(" Very Good!\n\n");printf ("**************************\n");return 0;}1-6#include <stdio.h>int main(){int a,b,c,max;printf("please input a,b,c:\n");scanf("%d,%d,%d",&a,&b,&c);max=a;if (max<b)max=b;if (max<c)max=c;printf("The largest number is %d\n",max); return 0;}第2章算法——程序的灵魂162.1什么是算法162.2简单的算法举例172.3算法的特性212.4怎样表示一个算法222.4.1用自然语言表示算法222.4.2用流程图表示算法222.4.3三种基本结构和改进的流程图262.4.4用N S流程图表示算法282.4.5用伪代码表示算法312.4.6用计算机语言表示算法322.5结构化程序设计方法34习题36第章最简单的C程序设计——顺序程序设计37 3.1顺序程序设计举例373.2数据的表现形式及其运算393.2.1常量和变量393.2.2数据类型423.2.3整型数据443.2.4字符型数据473.2.5浮点型数据493.2.6怎样确定常量的类型513.2.7运算符和表达式523.3C语句573.3.1C语句的作用和分类573.3.2最基本的语句——赋值语句593.4数据的输入输出653.4.1输入输出举例653.4.2有关数据输入输出的概念673.4.3用printf函数输出数据683.4.4用scanf函数输入数据753.4.5字符数据的输入输出78习题823-1 #include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>int main(){float p,r,n;r=0.1;n=10;p=pow(1+r,n);printf("p=%f\n",p);return 0;}3-2-1#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>int main(){float r5,r3,r2,r1,r0,p,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5;p=1000;r5=0.0585;r3=0.054;r2=0.0468;r1=0.0414;r0=0.0072;p1=p*((1+r5)*5); // 一次存5年期p2=p*(1+2*r2)*(1+3*r3); // 先存2年期,到期后将本息再存3年期p3=p*(1+3*r3)*(1+2*r2); // 先存3年期,到期后将本息再存2年期p4=p*pow(1+r1,5); // 存1年期,到期后将本息存再存1年期,连续存5次p5=p*pow(1+r0/4,4*5); // 存活期存款。
Domain of Low level language
– “高级”在哪里?
– 可以在一个更高的级别上进行编程 – 不像低级语言那样依赖于硬件 – 更远离机器语言 – 更易学易用,具有可移植性
问题14:如何将高级语言翻译成机器语 言?
• 编译型语言
– 通过编译器(Compiler)把源程序全部翻译成逻辑上与之等价的机 器语言表示的目标代码(Object Code),才能被计算机识别和执 行
• 人驾驭计算机的手段之一是编写软件(OS, 软O件ffic(Seo, fItEw,a…re))
操作系统—用户与计算机硬件系统之间的接口, 管理计算机系统的各种软、硬件资源,使得它们 可以协调工作,最内层
• 硬件——计算机的躯壳和肉体 • 软件——计算机的灵魂和思想 • 软件促进了计算机从裸机到计算机系统的
• 程序(Program)
– 为了实现特定目标或解决具体问题而用计算机语 言编写的指令的有序集合
1978年,Dennis M.Richie和Brian W.Kernighan合著影响 深远的名著《The C Programming Language》
1982年,美国国家标准化协会( American National Standards Institute,ANSI)成立C标准委员会
小学下册英语第四单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.My sister enjoys __________ (学习) about different cultures.2.What is the main ingredient in ice cream?A. WaterB. MilkC. SugarD. All of the above3.What is the capital city of Jamaica?A. KingstonB. Montego BayC. NegrilD. Ocho Rios4.What is the main ingredient in a burrito?A. RiceB. BeansC. TortillaD. All of the above5.What is 50 20?A. 30B. 25C. 20D. 15A6.What do we call a person who is trained to help sick people?A. NurseB. DoctorC. ParamedicD. All of the above7. A non-metal usually gains ______ in a reaction.8.What do we call the act of telling someone a story?A. NarrationB. StorytellingC. RecitingD. Reading9.The __________ (历史的价值传递) shapes future outlooks.10. A __________ day is great for going to the park. (晴朗的)11.The __________ (非洲历史) includes many powerful kingdoms.12.The _____ (小鸟) is chirping.13. A ______ (植物的生产) can support community needs.14. A chemical reaction can lead to a change in ______ state.15.When it snows, I love going ________ (滑雪) with my family. It’s thrilling and ________ (刺激的).16.The ________ is my favorite animal to watch.17.The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be _______ or destroyed.18.What do you call the time when the sun goes down?A. SunriseB. DaytimeC. SunsetD. MidnightC19.My grandma enjoys sharing her __________ (经验) with us.20.What do we call the distance around a circle?A. AreaB. DiameterC. CircumferenceD. RadiusC21.The _____ (图书馆) is quiet.22.What is the capital of Hungary?A. BudapestB. DebrecenC. SzegedD. Miskolc23.The _______ (山羊) bleats softly.24.My aunt is a great __________ (组织者) for family gatherings.25.This fruit is very _______ (甜).26.The __________ (历史的遗产) shapes our collective memory.27.What do you call a collection of poems?A. AnthologyB. CompilationC. CollectionD. All of the above28.The _____ (小猫) is a playful little creature.29.We plan to ________ (implement) changes.30. A _______ is a reaction that involves the absorption of heat.31.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. MarsC. JupiterD. Venus32. A fern is a type of _____ (蕨类植物) that grows in shady areas.33.I enjoy ________ books after dinner.34.How many months have 28 days?A. 1B. 2C. 12D. 0C35.I saw a __________ form in the sky before the storm. (乌云)36.What is the capital of Italy?A. VeniceB. RomeC. NaplesD. FlorenceB37.We will _______ (explore) the city tomorrow.38.My dad is a ________.39.The chemical formula for magnesium chloride is _______.40.The _____ (annual) plants only live for one season.41.The __________ (历史的文化认同) shapes identities.42.The process of changing from a liquid to a gas is called __________.43.The ________ grows in clusters.44. A _______ can help to visualize the motion of particles in a fluid.45.I enjoy ______ (参加) sports tournaments.46.The capital of Suriname is __________.47.What do you call the part of the plant that makes seeds?A. LeafB. StemC. FlowerD. RootC48.In a chemical reaction, the products may have different _____ from the reactants.49.Listen, number and colour.(听录音、标号并涂色.)50.I saw a _______ (小老虎) playing with its mother.51.The girl loves to ________.52.Which of these is a mode of transportation?A. BicycleB. BookC. ChairD. TableA53.The anemone is home to the _____.54.My mom loves __________ (进行文化交流).55.The kitten is _____ with a ball of yarn. (playing)56. A cat loves to chase _______ and play.57.What do you call the process of making something new?A. CreatingB. InnovatingC. DesigningD. InventingA58.The __________ (历史的交织) creates unity.59.Which of these is a type of pasta?A. RiceB. NoodlesC. BreadD. Cake60.I have a toy _______ that can change its shape.61.What do you call the area of land that is surrounded by water on three sides?A. PeninsulaB. IslandC. BayD. Cape62.What do we call a place where we can see animals?A. LibraryB. AquariumC. ZooD. Park63.The ancient Greeks studied ________ to understand the world around them.64.What do we call the place where we keep our clothes?A. FarmB. ZooC. HomeD. Closet65.The atomic number tells you the number of ______ in an atom.66. A _______ can measure the amount of light absorbed by a surface.67.My goal is to create a ________ (玩具名) that everyone in the world will want to play with.68.The main function of chlorophyll is to capture _____ energy.69.The _______ (The Cold War) was characterized by ideological conflict.70.The garden is ___. (growing)71.The owl hoots at ________________ (夜晚).72.I want to _____ (grow) my own vegetables.73. A mixture that is not uniform throughout is called a ______ mixture.74.The ________ was a key treaty that stabilized a region.75.The capital of Nicaragua is ________ (尼加拉瓜的首都是________).76.The __________ (挥发性) of a substance refers to how easily it evaporates.77.He is a great ________.78.The ________ is a small, friendly creature.79. A chemical reaction can occur when reactants collide with sufficient ______.80.My uncle is a __________ (化学家).81.The ________ (research) is ongoing.82.I enjoy _______ (参加) community events.83.The cake is ________ (松软).84.What do you call the tool used to write on paper?A. BrushB. PencilC. KnifeD. Ruler85.In spring, the flowers __________ (开放) beautifully.86.The owl hoots _______ (在晚上).87.My favorite food is ________ (比萨). I like it with ________ (蘑菇) and ________ (奶酪).88.The _____ (teacher/student) is helpful.89.My sister plays ________ (吉他).90.My favorite color is ________ (蓝色). I have a ________ (蓝色的) backpack for school.91.Certain plants can tolerate ______ and require less care. (某些植物可以耐旱,并且需要较少的护理。
小学下册英语第四单元自测题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The _______ changes color in the fall.2.The _____ (老师) is kind.3.What is the main language spoken in the USA?A. SpanishB. FrenchC. EnglishD. Chinese4.What is the capital of Afghanistan?A. KabulB. KandaharC. BamiyanD. Mazar-i-SharifA5.What is the opposite of shy?A. OutgoingB. TimidC. ReservedD. IntrovertedA6.He has a ___ (ball/book) in his hand.7.She is a good ________.8.What is the common name for the end of a pencil?A. LeadB. TipC. EraserD. BarrelA9.We visit the ______ (科学实验室) for hands-on activities.10.Certain plants can provide food for both humans and ______. (某些植物可以为人类和动物提供食物。
)11. A rabbit is known for its strong ______ (后腿).12.My friend is a ______. He enjoys watching movies.13.What is the term for a baby chicken?A. PigletB. CalfC. ChickD. FoalC14.The dog is ______ with its ball. (playing)15.The ferret is a playful ______ (动物).16.I enjoy _______ (参加)运动。
小学下册英语第四单元测验卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do you call the imaginary line that runs around the Earth at zero degrees longitude?A. EquatorB. Prime MeridianC. International Date LineD. Tropic of CancerB2.Plants can reproduce by _______.3. A cyclone is a rotating storm system characterized by low ______ pressure.4.The chemical formula for glucose is __________.5.The chemical symbol for yttrium is _______.6.The __________ is a famous national park in Utah. (拱门国家公园)7.How many strings does a violin have?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7答案:A8.The __________ (葡萄牙) was a major player in the Age of Exploration.9.The chemical formula for lithium sulfide is ______.10.In a reaction, the products are found on the ______ side of the equation.11.The _______ (小鳄鱼) swims in the river with its family.12.Kale is a type of ______ (绿叶菜).13.My friend is very ________.14.My _____ (外甥) loves to play video games.15.What is the name of the famous ship that sank in 1912?A. Queen MaryB. TitanicC. BritannicD. LusitaniaB16. A non-metal usually gains ______ in a reaction.17. A solution that can still dissolve more solute is called _______.18.Density is mass per ______.19.What is the main language spoken in the United States?A. FrenchB. SpanishC. EnglishD. Chinese20. A skink is a type of ______ (蜥蜴).21.What do you call a place where people keep their cars?A. GarageB. DrivewayC. Parking LotD. StreetA22.What is the capital city of France?A. LondonB. BerlinC. ParisD. MadridC23.The __________ is the layer of the earth that is partially molten.24.I have _____ (some/many) questions.25. A _____ (花卉市场) offers a variety of blooms.26.What is the name of the famous American author who wrote "To Kill a Mockingbird"?A. Harper LeeB. F. Scott FitzgeraldC. Ernest HemingwayD. Mark TwainA27.The tortoise carries its home on its ______ (背上).28.What do you call the scientific study of the atmosphere and weather?A. MeteorologyB. AstronomyC. GeographyD. EcologyA29.Horses eat _______ (草).30.My friend is a ______. He loves to travel.31.My brother is a great __________ (运动员) in baseball.32.I call my grandma __________. (奶奶)33.Insects have six _______ (腿).34.My cousin is very __________ (聪明的) in math.35.What do you call a story that is not true?A. FactB. FictionC. HistoryD. BiographyB36.I enjoy reading ______ at the library.37. A ______ (猫) can be very independent.38.What do you call a group of wolves?A. PackB. SchoolC. FlockD. HerdA39.My _______ (狗) loves to dig in the yard.40.What do we call the main character in a story who opposes the protagonist?A. HeroB. VillainC. MentorD. SidekickB Villain41.The _______ (鲸鱼) is one of the largest animals.42.What is the name of the author who wrote "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"?A. J.K. RowlingB. Roald DahlC. Mark TwainD. Dr. SeussB43.The capital of Bolivia is __________.44.My ________ (玩具名称) is a superhero!45.What is the capital of Nigeria?A. AbujaB. LagosC. AccraD. NairobiA Abuja46.What color do you get when you mix red and white?A. PinkB. PurpleC. BrownD. Gray47. A well-maintained garden can increase property ______ (价值).48.What do you call the part of a plant that grows underground?A. StemB. LeafC. RootD. Flower49.What do you call the person who teaches students?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. ChefD. Engineer50.The element with the symbol K is __________.51.The process of fermentation can produce __________ and alcohol.52.I like to help my dad ________ (清洗) the garage.53.I write poems for my ____.54. A mixture can be separated by __________ methods.55.What is the name of the famous American civil rights leader?A. Malcolm XB. Martin Luther King Jr.C. Rosa ParksD. Nelson MandelaB56.I like to play with my ________ at the beach.57.Music brings joy to my life. I enjoy playing __________ and attending concerts. It’s amazing how music can connect people from different backgrounds.58.Earth’s plates are consta ntly ______, though we cannot see it happening.59.The ________ is a friendly creature.60.I like to volunteer at local ______ (慈善机构) to help those in need.61.What do you call a room used for cooking?A. KitchenB. Dining roomC. Living roomD. BedroomA62.The owl has excellent _______ (视力) at night.63.在历史上,________ (battles) 常常改变了国家的命运。
小学上册英语第4单元全练全测(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the name of the famous musician known for his "Thriller" album?A. Elvis PresleyB. Michael JacksonC. PrinceD. Madonna答案: B2.The ice cream cone is ______ (tasty) and sweet.3.The _____ (tree) has many leaves.4.What is the smallest unit of life?A. OrganB. TissueC. CellD. Organism答案: C5.My ________ (玩具名称) is a constant source of joy.6.The ability to conduct heat varies among different _____.7. A ____(collaborative project team) works towards a common goal.8.We have a ______ (快乐的) time during family vacations.9.I like to bake ______ during the holidays.10.Road connected ________ (中国与欧洲). The Silk11.My mom is a great __________ (活动组织者).12.What do we call the first month of the year?A. FebruaryB. MarchC. JanuaryD. December答案: C13. A raccoon is known for its black ________________ (面具).14.The particles in a solid are ______ packed together.15.The sun is shining ___. (brightly)16.My uncle is a talented ____ (actor).17.In art class, we made ________ (手工艺品) using old toys. It was ________ (有趣的) to create something new!18.Mount Kilimanjaro is in ________ (乞力马扎罗山位于________).19.In the zoo, we saw a _______ (大象) spraying water with its trunk.20.My toy ____ helps me remember special moments. (玩具名称)21.What do bees make?A. SilkB. HoneyC. WaxD. Sugar答案:B22.The __________ (植物的分类) system is complex.23.The flowers in the garden are _______ and fragrant.24.The _____ (hillside) is dotted with wildflowers.25.听录音,标序号。
小学下册英语第四单元综合卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.We need to _______ (尊重) wildlife.2.What do we call the time when the sun rises?A. NoonB. MorningC. EveningD. MidnightB3.What do we call the part of the plant that absorbs water and nutrients?A. StemB. LeafC. RootD. FlowerC Root4.I want to learn to ______.5.The cat is ___ (playing) with a ball of yarn.6. A __________ is a common insect found in gardens.7.What type of animal is a frog?A. MammalB. ReptileC. AmphibianD. Fish答案:C8.What is the name of the first spacecraft to land on Mars?A. Viking 1B. PathfinderC. CuriosityD. Spirit9. A catalyst is not consumed in a chemical ______.10.What do we call a person who studies the history of literature?A. Literary ScholarB. HistorianC. CriticD. AuthorA11.I can ________ (skate) on rollerblades.12.We will go ______ to watch the parade. (out)13.I like to _____ (collect) stickers.14.What do you call a long, narrow piece of land surrounded by water?A. PeninsulaB. IslandC. LagoonD. Bay15.Which gas do humans breathe in?A. OxygenB. NitrogenC. Carbon DioxideD. HeliumA16.Which fruit is red and often mistaken for a vegetable?A. BananaB. TomatoC. CarrotD. LettuceB17. A _______ can help to visualize the concept of kinetic energy.18.My mom loves to make ____ (soups) in winter.19.The main source of energy for plants is ______ from the sun.20.What do you call a person who studies space?A. BiologistB. AstronomerC. GeologistD. ChemistB21.Cleopatra was the last active ruler of the ______ (埃及) Ptolemaic Kingdom.22.My _____ (魔方) is colorful and tricky.23.What do you call a person who teaches students?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. ScientistD. Engineer24.What is the term for a young human?A. AdultB. TeenagerC. ChildD. Elder25.I enjoy painting landscapes and capturing the beauty of ______ (自然).26.What do you call a story that has been passed down through generations?A. FolkloreB. LegendC. MythD. All of the aboveD27.The anemonefish lives in a ____.28.I have a pet ______.29.The woodpecker pecks on ______ (树木).30.The main component of a solution is called the _______.31.What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?A. CinderellaB. Tinker BellC. Snow WhiteD. ArielB32.The chemical symbol for rhenium is _______.33.I saw a _______ (butterfly) in the garden.34.The grass is ___ (green/brown).35.He wants to be a ______. (teacher)36.What is the capital of Canada?A. TorontoB. OttawaC. VancouverD. MontrealB37.The _____ (种子) needs soil, water, and light to sprout.38.I like to _______ (explore) new places.39.The Marshall Plan helped rebuild Europe after _______ War II.40.The __________ (三角贸易) involved the exchange of goods and slaves.41.The __________ (历史学家) study past events and societies.42.The goldfish can live for several _________ (年).43.The antelope leaps gracefully across the _____.44.I like to ________ (散步) after dinner.45. A ____(grassroots movement) advocates for change from the ground up.46. A __________ is a natural resource that needs conservation.47.I learned about _____ (history/science) in class.48.I have a _______ (challenge) for you.49.Matter is anything that has ______.50.My dad is a skilled __________ (厨师).51.________ (植物观察) is a fun hobby.52.Which animal is known for its ability to change color?A. GoldfishB. ChameleonC. FrogD. ParrotB53.I like to _______ (画画) in the park.54.What do we call the process of making something from raw materials?A. RecyclingB. ManufacturingC. DistributingD. ShippingB55.I enjoy _______ (绘画) landscapes.56.My ________ (玩具名称) is a monster that makes silly sounds.57.My sister is my best _______ who is always there for me.58.I have a toy _____ that can roar.59.What do you call the plant that grows in water?A. TreeB. FlowerC. Aquatic plantD. BushC60. A chemical species can be positively or negatively charged as an ______.61.Certain flowers require ______ (特别的护理).62.What do we call the study of fungi?A. MycologyB. BotanyC. ZoologyD. EntomologyA63.Where do we go to learn?A. HomeB. SchoolC. ParkD. Restaurant64. A ________ is a raised area of land that is lower than a mountain.65.I find math _______.66.We have ______ (许多) activities planned for the weekend.67.The ant carries food to its ______.68.I can ______ (相信) in myself.69.Plants can be studied for ______ (科学研究).70. A penguin waddles on the _______ and swims.71.我的朋友喜欢 _______ (活动). 她觉得这很 _______ (形容词)72.In my home, we like to call each other by our ______ names. (在我家,我们喜欢用我们的____名字称呼彼此。
小学上册英语第4单元暑期作业(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the capital of Grenada?A. St. George'sB. SauteursC. GrenvilleD. Carriacou答案:a2. A chemical change may involve a change in _____ (color, temperature, or odor).3.Metals are usually _____ at room temperature.4.My favorite dessert is ______ (布丁).5.I want to _______ my dreams and goals.6.The symbol for silicon is _____.7.The __________ is a historical site in Greece. (帕台农神庙)8.I love my _____ (毛绒玩具) for cuddles.9.The invention of the calculator changed how people _____.10.I think it's fun to ________ (参加) school events.11.I want to ______ how to ride a horse. (learn)12.Which of these is a primary color?A. PurpleB. GreenC. BlueD. Orange答案:C13.__________ are important for food security.14.I have a _____ (相机) to take pictures of my adventures. 我有一台相机,用来拍摄我的冒险经历。
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C++ Primer是久负盛名、无可替代的C++经典著作,已经帮助全球无数程序员学会了C++。
第4版完美结合了C++大师Stan B. Lippman丰富的实践经验和C++标准委员会原负责人Josée Lajoie对C++标准的深入理解,更加入了C++先驱Barbara E. Moo在C++教学方面的真知灼见,充分体现了C++语言的最新进展和当前的业界最佳实践。
作者简介《C++ Primer(第4版)》的三位作者都是C++领域的权威人物。
Stanley B. Lippman 微软公司 Vis ual C++ 团队的架构师。
他还著有Inside the C++ Object Model。
Josée Lajoie 曾经是IBM加拿大研究中心C/C++编译器开发团队的成员,在ISO C++标准委员会工作了7年,担任过ISO核心语言工作组的主席和C ++ Report杂志的专栏作家。
Barbara E. Moo 拥有25年软件经验的独立咨询顾问。
在AT&T,她与St roustrup、Lippman一起管理过复杂的C++开发项目。
她和Andrew Koenig合著了Accelerated C++和Rum inations on C++。
目录第1章快速入门1.1 编写简单的C++程序1.2 初窥输入/输出1.2.1 标准输入与输出对象1.2.2 一个使用IO库的程序1.3 关于注释1.4 控制结构1.4.1 while语句1.4.2 for语句1.4.3 if语句1.4.4 读入未知数目的输入1.5 类的简介1.5.1 Sales_item类1.5.2 初窥成员函数1.6 C++程序小结术语第一部分基本语言第2章变量和基本类型2.1 基本内置类型2.1.1 整型2.1.2 浮点型2.2 字面值常量2.3 变量2.3.1 什么是变量2.3.2 变量名2.3.3 定义对象2.3.4 变量初始化规则2.3.5 声明和定义2.3.6 名字的作用域2.3.7 在变量使用处定义变量2.4 const限定符2.5 引用2.6 typedef名字2.7 枚举2.8 类类型2.9 编写自己的头文件2.9.1 设计自己的头文件2.9.2 预处理器的简单介绍小结术语第3章标准库类型3.1 命名空间的using声明3.2 标准库string类型3.2.1 string对象的定义和初始化3.2.2 String对象的读写3.2.3 string对象的操作3.2.4 string对象中字符的处理3.3 标准库vector类型3.3.1 vector对象的定义和初始化3.3.2 vector对象的操作3.4 迭代器简介3.5 标准库bitset类型3.5.1 bitset对象的定义和初始化3.5.2 bitset对象上的操作小结术语第4章数组和指针4.1 数组4.1.1 数组的定义和初始化4.1.2 数组操作4.2 指针的引入4.2.1 什么是指针4.2.2 指针的定义和初始化4.2.3 指针操作4.2.4 使用指针访问数组元素4.2.5 指针和const限定符4.3 C风格字符串4.3.1 创建动态数组4.3.2 新旧代码的兼容4.4 多维数组小结术语第5章表达式5.1 算术操作符5.2 关系操作符和逻辑操作符5.3 位操作符5.3.1 bitset对象或整型值的使用5.3.2 将移位操作符用于IO5.4 赋值操作符5.4.1 赋值操作的右结合性5.4.2 赋值操作具有低优先级5.4.3 复合赋值操作符5.5 自增和自减操作符5.6 箭头操作符5.7 条件操作符5.8 sizeof操作符5.9 逗号操作符5.10 复合表达式的求值5.10.1 优先级5.10.2 结合性5.10.3 求值顺序5.11 new和delete表达式5.12 类型转换5.12.1 何时发生隐式类型转换5.12.2 算术转换5.12.3 其他隐式转换5.12.4 显式转换5.12.5 何时需要强制类型转换5.12.6 命名的强制类型转换5.12.7 旧式强制类型转换小结术语第6章语句6.1 简单语句6.2 声明语句6.3 复合语句(块)6.4 语句作用域6.5 if语句6.6 switch语句6.6.1 使用switch6.6.2 switch中的控制流6.6.3 default标号6.6.4 switch表达式与case标号6.6.5 switch内部的变量定义6.7 while语句6.8 for循环语句6.8.1 省略for语句头的某些部分6.8.2 for语句头中的多个定义6.9 do while语句6.10 break语句6.11 continue语句6.12 goto语句6.13 try块和异常处理6.13.1 throw表达式6.13.2 try块6.13.3 标准异常6.14 使用预处理器进行调试小结术语第7章函数7.1 函数的定义7.1.1 函数返回类型7.1.2 函数形参表7.2 参数传递7.2.1 非引用形参7.2.2 引用形参7.2.3 vector和其他容器类型的形参7.2.4 数组形参7.2.5 传递给函数的数组的处理7.2.6 main:处理命令行选项7.2.7 含有可变形参的函数7.3 return语句7.3.1 没有返回值的函数7.3.2 具有返回值的函数7.3.3 递归7.4 函数声明7.5 局部对象7.5.1 自动对象7.5.2 静态局部对象7.6 内联函数7.7 类的成员函数7.7.1 定义成员函数的函数体7.7.2 在类外定义成员函数7.7.3 编写Sales_item类的构造函数7.7.4 类代码文件的组织7.8 重载函数7.8.2 函数匹配与实参转换7.8.3 重载确定的三个步骤7.8.4 实参类型转换7.9 指向函数的指针小结术语第8章标准IO库8.1 面向对象的标准库8.2 条件状态8.3 输出缓冲区的管理8.4 文件的输入和输出8.4.1 文件流对象的使用8.4.2 文件模式8.4.3 一个打开并检查输入文件的程序8.5 字符串流小结术语第二部分容器和算法第9章顺序容器9.1 顺序容器的定义9.1.1 容器元素的初始化9.1.2 容器内元素的类型约束9.2 迭代器和迭代器范围9.2.1 迭代器范围9.2.2 使迭代器失效的容器操作9.3 顺序容器的操作9.3.1 容器定义的类型别名9.3.2 begin和end成员9.3.3 在顺序容器中添加元素9.3.5 容器大小的操作9.3.6 访问元素9.3.7 删除元素9.3.8 赋值与swap9.4 vector容器的自增长9.5 容器的选用9.6 再谈string类型9.6.1 构造string对象的其他方法9.6.2 修改string对象的其他方法9.6.3 只适用于string类型的操作9.6.4 string类型的查找操作9.6.5 string对象的比较9.7 容器适配器9.7.1 栈适配器9.7.2 队列和优先级队列小结术语第10章关联容器10.1 引言:pair类型10.2 关联容器10.3 map类型10.3.1 map对象的定义10.3.2 map定义的类型10.3.3 给map添加元素10.3.4 使用下标访问map对象10.3.5 map::insert的使用10.3.6 查找并读取map中的元素10.3.7 从map对象中删除元素10.3.8 map对象的迭代遍历10.3.9 “单词转换”map对象10.4 set类型10.4.1 set容器的定义和使用10.4.2 创建“单词排除”集10.5 multimap和multiset类型10.5.1 元素的添加和删除10.5.2 在multimap和multiset中查找元素10.6 容器的综合应用:文本查询程序10.6.1 查询程序的设计10.6.2 TextQuery类10.6.3 TextQuery类的使用10.6.4 编写成员函数小结术语第11章泛型算法11.1 概述11.2 初窥算法11.2.1 只读算法11.2.2 写容器元素的算法11.2.3 对容器元素重新排序的算法11.3 再谈迭代器11.3.1 插入迭代器11.3.2 iostream迭代器11.3.3 反向迭代器11.3.4 const迭代器11.3.5 五种迭代器11.4 泛型算法的结构11.4.1 算法的形参模式11.4.2 算法的命名规范11.5 容器特有的算法小结术语第三部分类和数据抽象第12章类12.1 类的定义和声明12.1.1 类定义:扼要重述12.1.2 数据抽象和封装12.1.3 关于类定义的更多内容12.1.4 类声明与类定义12.1.5 类对象12.2 隐含的this指针12.3 类作用域12.4 构造函数12.4.1 构造函数初始化式12.4.2 默认实参与构造函数12.4.3 默认构造函数12.4.4 隐式类类型转换12.4.5 类成员的显式初始化12.5 友元12.6 static类成员12.6.1 static成员函数12.6.2 static数据成员小结术语第13章复制控制13.1 复制构造函数13.1.1 合成的复制构造函数13.1.2 定义自己的复制构造函数13.1.3 禁止复制13.2 赋值操作符13.3 析构函数13.4 消息处理示例13.5 管理指针成员13.5.1 定义智能指针类13.5.2 定义值型类小结术语第14章重载操作符与转换14.1 重载操作符的定义14.2 输入和输出操作符14.2.1 输出操作符<<的重载14.2.2 输入操作符>>的重载14.3 算术操作符和关系操作符14.3.1 相等操作符14.3.2 关系操作符14.4 赋值操作符14.5 下标操作符14.6 成员访问操作符14.7 自增操作符和自减操作符14.8 调用操作符和函数对象14.8.1 将函数对象用于标准库算法14.8.2 标准库定义的函数对象14.8.3 函数对象的函数适配器14.9 转换与类类型14.9.1 转换为什么有用14.9.2 转换操作符14.9.3 实参匹配和转换14.9.4 重载确定和类的实参14.9.5 重载、转换和操作符小结术语第四部分面向对象编程与泛型编程第15章面向对象编程15.1 面向对象编程:概述15.2 定义基类和派生类15.2.1 定义基类15.2.2 protected成员15.2.3 派生类15.2.4 virtual与其他成员函数15.2.5 公用、私有和受保护的继承15.2.6 友元关系与继承15.2.7 继承与静态成员15.3 转换与继承15.3.1 派生类到基类的转换15.3.2 基类到派生类的转换15.4 构造函数和复制控制15.4.1 基类构造函数和复制控制15.4.2 派生类构造函数15.4.3 复制控制和继承15.4.4 虚析构函数15.4.5 构造函数和析构函数中的虚函数15.5 继承情况下的类作用域15.5.1 名字查找在编译时发生15.5.2 名字冲突与继承15.5.3 作用域与成员函数15.5.4 虚函数与作用域15.6 纯虚函数15.7 容器与继承15.8 句柄类与继承15.8.1 指针型句柄15.8.2 复制未知类型15.8.3 句柄的使用15.9 再谈文本查询示例15.9.1 面向对象的解决方案15.9.2 值型句柄15.9.3 Query_base类15.9.4 Query句柄类15.9.5 派生类15.9.6 eval函数小结术语第16章模板与泛型编程16.1 模板定义16.1.1 定义函数模板16.1.2 定义类模板16.1.3 模板形参16.1.4 模板类型形参16.1.5 非类型模板形参16.1.6 编写泛型程序16.2 实例化16.2.1 模板实参推断16.2.2 函数模板的显式实参16.3 模板编译模型16.4 类模板成员16.4.1 类模板成员函数16.4.2 非类型形参的模板实参16.4.3 类模板中的友元声明16.4.4 Queue和QueueItem的友元声明16.4.5 成员模板16.4.6 完整的Queue类16.4.7 类模板的static成员16.5 一个泛型句柄类16.5.1 定义句柄类16.5.2 使用句柄16.6 模板特化16.6.1 函数模板的特化16.6.2 类模板的特化16.6.3 特化成员而不特化类16.6.4 类模板的部分特化16.7 重载与函数模板小结术语第五部分高级主题第17章用于大型程序的工具17.1 异常处理17.1.1 抛出类类型的异常17.1.2 栈展开17.1.3 捕获异常17.1.4 重新抛出17.1.5 捕获所有异常的处理代码17.1.6 函数测试块与构造函数17.1.7 异常类层次17.1.8 自动资源释放17.1.9 auto_ptr类17.1.10 异常说明17.1.11 函数指针的异常说明17.2 命名空间17.2.1 命名空间的定义17.2.2 嵌套命名空间17.2.3 未命名的命名空间17.2.5 类、命名空间和作用域17.2.6 重载与命名空间17.2.7 命名空间与模板17.3 多重继承与虚继承17.3.1 多重继承17.3.2 转换与多个基类17.3.3 多重继承派生类的复制控制17.3.4 多重继承下的类作用域17.3.5 虚继承17.3.6 虚基类的声明17.3.7 特殊的初始化语义小结术语第18章特殊工具与技术18.1 优化内存分配18.1.1 C++中的内存分配18.1.2 allocator类18.1.3 operator new函数和operator delete函数18.1.4 定位new表达式18.1.5 显式析构函数的调用18.1.6 类特定的new和delete18.1.7 一个内存分配器基类18.2 运行时类型识别18.2.1 dynamic_cast操作符18.2.2 typeid操作符18.2.3 RTTI的使用18.2.4 type_info类18.3 类成员的指针18.3.1 声明成员指针18.4 嵌套类18.4.1 嵌套类的实现18.4.2 嵌套类作用域中的名字查找18.5 联合:节省空间的类18.6 局部类18.7 固有的不可移植的特征18.7.1 位域18.7.2 volatile限定符18.7.3 链接指示:extern "C"小结术语附录标准库索引C++编程规范前言本书全面介绍了C++语言。