样 品用甲醇超声提 取 1 i, 5mn 离心、 滤, A in O B X E l s D 过 以 ge t R A ci eX B—C l Z p N分析柱分 离分析 , 二级 管
阵列检测 器检 测 , 外标 法定量 。氢醌、 苯酚分别在 7 9 0— 9 90mg L 9 6 6—9 .6 q/ . 2 7 .2 / 、 .9 6 9 0n L浓度 范围 内线 性关 系 I g
1 实验 部分
1 1 主 要 仪 器 与 试 剂 .
高效 液 相色 谱仪 : get 2 0型 , A in 10 l 附带 D D二 A 极 管 阵列检 测器 , 国安捷 伦公 司 ; 美
超 声波 清洗 器 : 7 2 4型 , 国 Em D一 8 2 德 l a公 司 ; 高速离 心机 : 3 K型 , 国 Sg a 司 ; 3— 0 德 im 公 分 析天 平 : L 0 A 2 4型 , 特 勒 一托 利 多仪 器 ( 梅 上 海 ) 限公 司 ; 有
测 检 验祛 斑美 白类 化 妆 品 的质 量 , 证 消 费 者用 到 保
分别精密称取氢醌 、 苯酚标准品 0 09 0 1 1 .9 、.22 g用 甲醇溶解后定容至 10m , 0 L棕色容量瓶中, 分别
得 到 0 90、. 1 g m .9 12 2m / L的 氢 醌 、 酚 标 准 储 备 苯 液 , 4C暗处 保 存 。临 用 时 将 标 准 储 备 液 用 甲 醇 于  ̄ 稀 释成所 需 浓度 的混合 标准 工作 溶液 。
2 2 提 取 溶 剂 .
利 用 氢醌 和苯 酚标准 储备 液配 制成 氢醌 浓度依
次 为 7 9 0 1 . 4 、 1 6 0 3 . 0 、9 2 0 mg L . 2 、5 8 0 3 . 8 、9 6 0 7 . 0 / , 苯 酚 浓 度 依 次 为 9 6 6 1 .9 、8 74 4 . 8 、 . 9 、 9 3 2 3 . 8 、 8 4 0
DMEM/F12培养基说明书产品代号:MD207-050【组成成分】成分 mg/L 成分 mg/L 成分 mg/L无水氯化钙 116.6 L-亮氨酸 59.05 亚油酸 0.042五水硫酸铜 0.0013 L-赖氨酸盐酸盐 91.25 硫辛酸 0.105九水硝酸铁 0.05 L-蛋氨酸 17.24 酚红 8.1七水硫酸亚铁 0.417 L-苯丙氨酸 35.48 1,4-丁二胺二盐酸盐0.081氯化钾 311.8 L-丝氨酸 26.25 丙酮酸钠 55氯化镁 28.64 L-苏氨酸 53.45 维生素H 0.0035无水硫酸镁 48.84 L-丙氨酸 4.45 D-泛酸钙 2.24氯化钠 6999.5 L-天门冬酰胺 7.5 氯化胆碱 8.98无水磷酸二氢钠 54.35 L-天门冬氨酸 6.65 叶酸 2.65磷酸氢二钠 71.02 L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐 17.56 i-肌醇 12.6七水硫酸锌 0.432 L-谷氨酸 7.35 烟酰胺 2.02L-精氨酸盐酸盐 147.5 L-脯氨酸 17.25 盐酸吡哆醛 2L-胱氨酸盐酸盐 31.29 L-色氨酸 9.02 盐酸吡哆醇 0.031L-谷氨酰胺 365 L-酪氨酸 38.4 核黄素 0.219甘氨酸 18.75 L-缬氨酸 52.85 盐酸硫胺 2.17L-组氨酸盐酸盐 31.48 D-葡萄糖 3151 胸苷 0.365 L-异亮氨酸 54.47 次黄嘌呤 2 维生素B12 0.68 【产品指标】外观粉红色固体粉末溶解性完全溶解,溶液澄明。
pH值①加NaHCO3 6.60~7.20②不加NaHCO3 5.50~6.10水分(%)≤5.0渗透压(mOsm/kgH2O)①加NaHCO3 274~302②不加NaHCO3 238~263细菌内毒素(EU/ml)≤10微生物检查(CFU/g)≤1000细胞生长试验细胞形态与标准细胞形态相似细胞数量加10%小牛血清培养4天,细胞密度从104细胞/ml 增加到105细胞/ml。
医疗器械加速老化实验方案及报告Title: Experimental Plan and Report for Accelerating Agingof Medical DevicesIntroduction:Experimental Plan:1. Selection of Medical Device:2. Identification of Aging Parameters:Identify the primary aging parameters that can simulatereal-world conditions and affect the device's functionality,such as temperature, humidity, vibration, and mechanical stress. Consult relevant standards and guidelines to determineapplicable parameters for the selected medical device.3. Aging Chamber Setup:Create an aging chamber that replicates the desired aging parameters. Ensure precise control and monitoring of temperature, humidity, and other relevant factors. Calibrate all instruments used for measurements.4. Accelerated Aging Protocol:Develop a protocol that specifies the duration and magnitude of exposure to aging parameters. Consider the expected lifespanof the device, usage conditions, and regulatory requirements.For example, if the device is expected to last for five years,aim to replicate this duration within a shorter period by increasing the intensity of aging parameters.5. Test Execution:Place the medical device inside the aging chamber and expose it to the predetermined aging parameters according to the accelerated aging protocol. Continuously monitor and record any changes in the device's performance, functionality, and safety features. Regularly inspect the device for visible signs of aging, such as discoloration, cracks, or wear.6. Data Collection and Analysis:7. Interpretation of Results:Report:I. Introduction:- Background information on the importance of accelerated aging testing for medical devices.- Brief description of the selected medical device and its relevance.II. Methodology:- Detailed description of the aging parameters used.- Outline of the aging chamber setup, including instruments and calibration procedures.- Explanation of the accelerated aging protocol.III. Results:- Presentation of data collected during the aging process, including measurements, observations, and abnormal behavior.IV. Analysis and Interpretation:- Discussion and interpretation of the results obtained.- Assessment of the impact of aging on the device's functionality and safety.- Identification of any potential design or material improvements.- Suggestions for improvements in the device's design, materials, or manufacturing process.- Highlighting any potential risks or limitations observed during the accelerated aging process.VI. Conclusion:- Summary of the findings obtained from the accelerated aging experiment.- Importance of conducting similar tests for ensuring the safety and efficacy of medical devices.VII. References:- List of all references and sources consulted during the experimental plan and report preparation.。
表1 对这两类主要的加速试验进行了比较。
表2 列出了在两个主要的级别(设备级和零部件级)上进行试验的信息。
颁发部门:质量保证部分发部门:分析研究部拷贝号:NO. /目录1目的 (4)2范围 (4)3定义 (4)4环境、健康和安全 (4)5培训 (4)6职责 (4)7程序(内容) (4)7.1原理 (4)7.2实验材料 (4)7.3操作步骤 (5)7.4结果分析 (9)7.5判定标准 (9)7.6注意事项 (9)8相关文件 (10)9参考文献 (10)10流程图 (10)11附录 (10)十二烷基硫酸钠毛细管凝胶电泳法(CE-SDS法)测定记录 (1)十二烷基硫酸钠毛细管凝胶电泳法(CE-SDS法)测定记录(适用于多个样品) (1)1目的规范十二烷基硫酸钠毛细管凝胶电泳法(CE-SDS法)检验的操作过程。
MEDDEV 2.12-1 REV2_12_1-rev_6-12-2009_en
EUROPEAN COMMISSIONDG ENTERPRISE AND INDUSTRYDirectorate F-Consumer GoodUnit F3- Cosmetic and Medical DevicesMEDICAL DEVICES: Guidance documentMEDDEV 2.12-1 rev 6December 2009GUIDELINESON A MEDICAL DEVICES VIGILANCE SYSTEMThe present guidelines are part of a set of guidelines relating to questions of application of EC-Directives on MEDICAL DEVICEs. They are legally not binding. The guidelines have been carefully drafted through a process of intensive consultation of the various interested parties (competent authorities, Commission services, industries, other interested parties) during which intermediate drafts were circulated and comments were taken up in the document. Therefore, this document reflects positions taken by representatives of interested parties in the MEDICAL DEVICEs sector.Revision 6 of MEDDEV 2.12-1 incorporates technical modifications to Annex 3 (Report Form - Manufacturer's Incident Report). The April 2007 version of MEDDEV 2.12-1 remains otherwise unchanged. The revised Annex 3 will be applicable as of 20 March 2010.T ABLE OF C ONTENTST ABLE OF C ONTENTS (2)1FOREWORD (4)2INTRODUCTION (4)3SCOPE (5)3.1GENERAL PRINCIPLES (6)3.1.1FOR MANUFACTURERS (6)3.1.2FOR MANUFACTURERS OF IVDS (7)3.1.3FOR NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITIES (7)3.1.4FOR USERS (8)4DEFINITIONS (8)4.1ABNORMAL USE (8)4.2AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE (8)4.3CORRECTIVE ACTION (8)4.4DRUG / DEVICE COMBINATION PRODUCT (9)4.5EUDAMED (9)4.6FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION (FSCA) (9)4.7FIELD SAFETY NOTICE (FSN) (10)4.8HARM (10)4.9IMMEDIATELY (10)4.10INCIDENT (10)4.11INDIRECT HARM (10)4.12INTENDED PURPOSE (11)4.13MANUFACTURER (11)4.14MEDICAL DEVICE (11)4.15OPERATOR (11)4.16PERIODIC SUMMARY REPORTING (11)4.17SERIOUS PUBLIC HEALTH THREAT (12)4.18TREND REPORTING (12)4.19UNANTICIPATED (12)4.20USE ERROR (12)4.21USER (12)5MANUFACTURERS´ ROLE (12)5.1INCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM (13)5.1.1CRITERIA FOR INCIDENTs TO BE REPORTED BY MANUFACTURERS TOCOMPETENT AUTHORITIES (13)5.1.2 CONDITIONS FOR PERIODIC SUMMARY REPORTING UNDER THE MEDICALDEVICE VIGILANCE SYSTEM (15) DESCRIBED IN A FIELD SAFETY NOTICE (15) AND WELL-DOCUMENTED INCIDENTS (15)5.1.3CONDITIONS WHERE REPORTING UNDER THE MEDICAL DEVICE VIGILANCESYSTEM IS NOT USUALLY REQUIRED (16) OF A DEVICE FOUND BY THE USER PRIOR TO ITS USE (16) CAUSED BY PATIENT CONDITIONS (16) LIFE OR SHELF-LIFE OF THE MEDICAL DEVICE EXCEEDED (17) AGAINST A FAULT FUNCTIONED CORRECTLY (17) EXPECTED AND FORESEEABLE SIDE EFFECTS (18) NEGLIGIBLE LIKELIHOOD OF OCCURRENCE OF DEATH OR SERIOUSDETERIORATION IN STATE OF HEALTH (19)5.1.4TREND REPORTS (19)5.1.5REPORTING OF USE ERROR AND ABNORMAL USE (20) USE ERRORS (20) ERROR WHERE REPORTING UNDER THE MEDICAL DEVICE VIGILANCESYSTEM IS NOT USUALLY REQUIRED (20) FOR HANDLING ABNORMAL USE (20)5.1.6DETAILS TO BE INCLUDED IN MANUFACTURER REPORTS (21)5.1.7TIMESCALE FOR THE INITIAL REPORTING OF AN INCIDENT (21)5.1.8TO WHOM TO REPORT (21)5.2HANDLING OF USER REPORTS SUBMITTED TO THE MANUFACTURER BY ANATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY (22)5.3INVESTIGATIONS (22)5.3.1 PRINCIPLES (22)5.3.2ACCESS TO THE DEVICE SUSPECTED TO BE INVOLVED IN THE INCIDENT (22)5.4 OUTCOME OF AN INVESTIGATION AND FOLLOW-UP (23)5.4.1 PRINCIPLES (23)5.4.2FOLLOW-UP REPORT (23)5.4.3FINAL REPORT (23)5.4.4 FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION (23) TO NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITIES (24) OF THE FIELD SAFETY NOTICE (25)6.RESPONSIBILITIES OF NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY (26)6.1ACTIONS ON A REPORT FROM USERS OR OTHER SYSTEMS (26)6.2RISK EVALUATION AND SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS (27)6.2.1RISK EVALUATION BY THE NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY (27)6.2.2MONITORING OF MANUFACTURERS SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS (27)6.2.3NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY ACTIONS (28)6.3CO-ORDINATION BETWEEN COMPETENT AUTHORITIES (28)6.3.1CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE A COORDINATING NATIONAL COMPETENTAUTHORITY IS NEEDED (28)6.3.2DETERMINATION OF THE COORDINATING NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY296.3.3THE TASKS OF THE CO-ORDINATING NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY (29)6.3.4SAFEGUARD CLAUSE (30)6.3.5DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION BETWEEN National COMPETENTAUTHORITIES (30)6.3.6DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION OUTSIDE NATIONAL COMPETENTAUTHORITIES BY A NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY (31)6.4COMPLETION OF THE INVESTIGATION (31)7THE ROLE OF THE NOTIFIED BODIES (32)8THE ROLE OF THE COMMISSION (32)9USERS ROLE WITHIN THE VIGILANCE SYSTEM (32)10.1ANNEX 1 EXAMPLES OF INCIDENTs WHICH THE MANUFACTURER SHOULDREPORT (34)10.2ANNEX 2 EXTRACTS FROM DIRECTIVES RELATING TO "MEDICAL DEVICESVIGILANCE" (36)10.3ANNEX 3 REPORT FORM FOR MANUFACTURER’S TO THE NATIONAL COMPETENTAUTHORITY (39)10.4ANNEX 4 EUROPEAN FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT FORM (44)10.5ANNEX 5 TEMPLATE FOR A FIELD SAFETY NOTICE (48)10.6ANNEX 6 SUGGESTED NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY REPORT FORMAT (50)10.7ANNEX 7 TITLES OF GLOBAL HARMONISATION TASK FORCE STUDY GROUP 2DOCUMENTS USED IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS MEDDEV AND/OR CITED (53)10.8ANNEX 8 LIST OF THE USED ABBREVIATIONS (54)10.9ANNEX 9 GUIDANCE TO MANUFACTURERS WHEN INVOLVING USERS IN THEVIGILANCE SYSTEM (55)1 FOREWORDThese guidelines on the Medical Device Vigilance System are part of a set of Medical Device Guidelines that promote a common approach by MANUFACTURERs and Notified Bodies involved in the conformity assessment procedures according to the relevant annexes of the directives, and by the National Competent Authorities charged with safeguarding public health.They have been carefully drafted through a process of consultation with various interested parties during which intermediate drafts were circulated and comments were taken up in the documents. Therefore, it reflects positions taken in particular by representatives of National Competent Authorities and Commission Services, Notified Bodies, industry and other interested parties in the MEDICAL DEVICEs sector.The guidelines are regularly updated accordingly with regulatory developments. The latest version of the guidelines should always be used. This revision of these guidelines has: •carefully considered and transposed into the European context the Global Harmonisation Task Force (GHTF)1 international regulatory guidance documents on vigilance and post market surveillance;•addressed the introduction of European medical device database EUDAMED; •amended the document in light of experience with previous clauses.These guidelines are not legally binding. It is recognised that under given circumstances, for example, as a result of scientific developments, an alternative approach may be possible or appropriate to comply with the legal requirements.Nevertheless, due to the participation of the aforementioned interested parties and of experts from National Competent Authorities, it is anticipated that the guidelines will be followed within the Member States and, therefore, work towards uniform application of relevant directive provisions and common practices within Member States.However, only the text of the Directives is authentic in law. On certain issues not addressed in the Directives, national legislation may be different from these guidelines.2 INTRODUCTIONThese guidelines describe the European system for the notification and evaluation of INCIDENTs and FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTIONS (FSCA) involving MEDICAL DEVICEs, known as the Medical Device Vigilance System.The principal purpose of the Medical Device Vigilance System is to improve the protection of health and safety of patients, USERs and others by reducing the likelihood of reoccurrence of the INCIDENT elsewhere. This is to be achieved by the evaluation of reported INCIDENTs and, where appropriate, dissemination of information, which could be used to prevent such repetitions, or to alleviate the consequences of such INCIDENTs.These guidelines are intended to facilitate the uniform application and implementation of the Medical Device Vigilance System requirements contained within:1 A list of the used abbreviations is listed in annex 8•the Directive for Active Implantable Medical Devices (AIMD), 90/385/EEC•the Directive for Medical Devices (MDD), 93/42/EEC•the In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive (IVDD), 98/79/EC.FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION (FSCA), FIELD SAFETY NOTICE (FSN), USE ERROR and ABNORMAL USE are new concepts introduced in this revision of the guideline to enhance and clarify the European Medical Device Vigilance System while promoting harmonisation with GHTF provisions.The Medical Device Vigilance System is intended to facilitate a direct, early and harmonised implementation of FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION across the Member States where the device is in use, in contrast to action taken on a country by country basis.Corrective action includes, but may not be confined to: a device recall; the issue of a FIELD SAFETY NOTICE; additional surveillance/modification of devices in use; modification to future device design, components or manufacturing process; modification to labelling or instructions for use.3 SCOPEThese guidelines describe the requirements of the Medical Device Vigilance System as it applies to or involves:• MANUFACTURERs2•National Competent Authorities (NCA)•the European Commission•Notified Bodies•USERs and others concerned with the continuing safety of MEDICAL DEVICEsThese guidelines cover the actions to be taken once the MANUFACTURER or National Competent Authority receives information concerning an INCIDENT involving a MEDICAL DEVICE. Information on INCIDENTs which should be reported under the Medical Device Vigilance System may come to the attention of MANUFACTURERs via the systematic procedure to review experience gained from devices in the post-production phase, or by other means (see annexes II, IV, V, VI, VII of MDD and annexes III, IV, VI and VII of IVDD). The term "post-marketing surveillance" as referred to in Annexes 2, 4, 5 in AIMD has the same meaning as the aforementioned "systematic procedure".These guidelines cover Article 8 (AIMD), Article 10 (MDD) and Article 11 (IVDD) outlining the obligations of Member States upon the receipt of INCIDENT reports, from MANUFACTURERs or other sources, concerning any MEDICAL DEVICE. They also include guidance to National Competent Authorities about the issue and receipt of information from National Competent Authorities outside Europe who are involved in the GHTF National Competent Authority Report (NCAR) exchange programme.These guidelines are relevant to INCIDENTs occurring within the Member States of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland with regard to:•a) devices which carry the CE-mark2 including their Authorised Representatives and persons responsible for placing on the market, see section 4 on definitions.•b) devices that do not carry the CE-mark but fall under the directives scope (e.g. custom made devices)•c) devices that do not carry the CE mark because they were placed on the market before the entry into force of the medical devices directives.•d) devices that do not carry the CE-mark but where such INCIDENTs lead to CORRECTIVE ACTION(s) relevant to the devices mentioned in a), b) and c).These guidelines cover FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION relevant to CE-marked devices which are offered for sale or are in use within the EEA and Switzerland.These guidelines make no recommendations on the structure of the systems by which MANUFACTURERs gather information concerning the use of devices in the post-production phase, of which the Medical Device Vigilance System is an integral part. Such recommendations are outside the scope of this document.3.1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES3.1.1 FOR MANUFACTURERS•The MANUFACTURER or his AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE shall notify the relevant National Competent Authority about INCIDENTs and FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTIONs when the reporting criteria are met (see section 5.1 and 5.4). •The MANUFACTURER has the responsibility for investigating INCIDENTs and for taking any CORRECTIVE ACTION necessary (see section 5.2 and 5.3).•The MANUFACTURER should ensure that these guidelines are made known to their AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVEs within the EEA and Switzerland, persons responsible for placing devices on the market and any other agents authorised to act on their behalf for purposes related to medical devices vigilance, so that the MANUFACTURERs' responsibilities may be fulfilled.•The MANUFACTURER should ensure that their AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE within the EEA and Switzerland, persons responsible for placing devices on the market and any other agents authorised to act on their behalf for purposes relating to medical devices vigilance, are kept informed of INCIDENT reports as appropriate.•Where an INCIDENT occurs as a consequence of the combined use of two or more separate devices (and/or accessories) made by different MANUFACTURERs, each MANUFACTURER should submit a report to the relevant National Competent Authority (see section 5.1)•MANUFACTURERs must keep the Notified Body advised of issues occurring in the post production phase affecting the certification (see the relevant annexes of the relevant directives and section 7 of this document). This would include relevant changes derived from the vigilance system.The act of reporting an INCIDENT to a National Competent Authority is not to be construed as an admission of liability for the INCIDENT and its consequences. Written reports may carry a disclaimer to this effect.When placing on the market of a particular model of MEDICAL DEVICE ceases, the MANUFACTURER’s vigilance reporting obligations under the Medical Device Directives remain. However, a MANUFACTURERs legal trading arrangements change with mergers and acquisitions etc. Where the vigilance and other post market surveillance obligations are being transferred to another legal entity it is important that post market surveillance activitiescontinue and that Competent Authorities are appraised of the implications and provided with new contact details as soon as possible, so that any detrimental effects on the functioning of the vigilance system are minimised.For a complete description of the MANUFACTURER’s role in the Medical Device Vigilance System, see section 5 of these guidelines.3.1.2 FOR MANUFACTURERS OF IVDSVigilance reporting for IVDs may be more difficult since IVDs do not generally come into contact with patients. Therefore, it can be difficult to demonstrate direct HARM to patients, unless the device itself causes deterioration in state of health. HARM to patients is more likely to be indirect - a result of action taken or not taken on the basis of an incorrect result obtained with an IVD. Whether as a result of direct or INDIRECT HARM, INCIDENTs should be reported.It may be difficult to determine if a serious deterioration in the state of a patient’s health was or could be the consequence of an erroneous result obtained with an IVD, or if the HARM was the consequence of an error by the USER or third party. There should be a predisposition to report under such circumstances (see section 5.1).In the case of potential errors by USERs or third parties, labelling and instructions for use should be carefully reviewed for any possible inadequacy. This is particularly true for devices used for self-testing where a medical decision may be made by the patient. Inadequacies in the information supplied by the MANUFACTURER that led or could have led to HARM to USERs, patients or third parties should be reported.In particular, it can be extremely difficult to judge events in which no HARM was caused, but where HARM could result if the event was to occur again elsewhere.3.1.3 FOR NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITIESFor the purposes of Medical Devices Vigilance System, Member States are represented by appointed National Competent Authorities, their vigilance contact points being listed on the European Commission web site:•The National Competent Authority monitors the investigation of the INCIDENT carried out by the MANUFACTURER.•The National Competent Authority should take any further action that may be necessary to supplement the actions of the MANUFACTURER.•Depending on the outcome to the investigation, any information necessary for the prevention of further INCIDENTs (or the limitation of their consequences) should be disseminated by the National Competent Authority.•Member States should ensure that organisations and individuals involved in purchasing MEDICAL DEVICEs and in the provision of health-care are aware that their co-operation is vital in providing the first link in the vigilance chain. In order to enhance the efficiency of the Medical Device Vigilance System, National Competent Authorities should encourage the reporting of INCIDENTs by the USER and other professionals involved in the distribution, the delivery or putting in to service of the device. This includes organisations and individuals responsible for providing calibration and maintenance for MEDICAL DEVICEs. Such reports may be made directly to the MANUFACTURER or to the National Competent Authority as well depending on national practice.Information held by National Competent Authorities in connection with the Medical Device Vigilance System is to be held in confidence, as defined by the relevant articles of the directives3. However, any INCIDENT report should be available on request, and in confidence, to the other European Competent Authorities and to other National Competent Authorities participating in the GHTF exchange programme.For a complete description of the National Competent Authority’s role in the Medical Device Vigilance System, see section 6 of this guideline.USERS3.1.4 FOR•USERs should report INCIDENTs with MEDICAL DEVICEs to the MANUFACTURER or to the National Competent Authority depending on national practice.•Once corrective (or other) action is identified, hospital administrators, medical practitioners and other health-care professionals, and USER representatives responsible for the maintenance and the safety of MEDICAL DEVICEs, can take the necessary steps.Such steps should, where practicable, be taken in co-operation with the MANUFACTURER.For a complete description of the USER’s role in the Medical Device Vigilance System, see section 9 of this guideline.4 DEFINITIONS4.1 ABNORMAL USEAct or omission of an act by the OPERATOR or USER of a MEDICAL DEVICE as a result of conduct which is beyond any means of risk control by the MANUFACTURER.Reference: EN IEC 60601-1-64.2 AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVEAny natural or legal person established in the Community who, explicitly designated by the MANUFACTURER, acts and may be addressed by authorities and bodies in the Community instead of the MANUFACTURER with regard to the latter’s obligations under the directive.4.3 CORRECTIVE ACTIONAction to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other undesirable situation. NOTE1: There can be more than one cause for non-conformity.NOTE 2: Corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence whereas preventive action is taken to prevent occurrence.Reference: EN ISO 9000:2000, 3.6.53 AIMD 15, MDD 20 and IVDD 204.4 DRUG / DEVICE COMBINATION PRODUCTA MEDICAL DEVICE incorporating a medicinal product or substance where the action of the medicinal product or substance is ancillary to that of the device. In this case, the lead directive are the Medical Devices Directives (AIMD, MDD).4.5 EUDAMEDThe European database for MEDICAL DEVICEs EUDAMED is to centralise:•data relating to registration of MANUFACTURERS and MEDICAL DEVICES placed on the Community market,•data relating to certificates issued, modified, supplemented, suspended,,withdrawn or refused,•data obtained in accordance with the vigilance procedure.Reference: Article 14a of MDD and article 10 of IVDD.4.6 FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION (FSCA)A FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION is an action taken by a MANUFACTURER to reduce a risk of death or serious deterioration in the state of health associated with the use of a MEDICAL DEVICE that is already placed on the market. Such actions should be notified via a FIELD SAFETY NOTICE.NOTE 1:The FSCA may include- the return of a MEDICAL DEVICE to the supplier;- device modification;- device exchange;- device destruction;- retrofit by purchaser of MANUFACTURER's modification or design change;- advice given by MANUFACTURER regarding the use of the device (e.g. where the device is no longer on the market or has been withdrawn but could still possibly be in usee.g. implants or change in analytical sensitivity or specificity for diagnostic devices)A device modification can include:- permanent or temporary changes to the labelling or instructions for use;- software upgrades including those carried out by remote access;- modification to the clinical management of patients to address a risk of death or serious deterioration in state of health related specifically to the characteristics of the device. For example:- For implantable devices it is often clinically unjustifiable to explant the device.Corrective action taking the form of special patient follow-up, irrespective ofwhether any affected un-implanted devices remain available for return, constitutesFSCA.- For any diagnostic device (e.g. IVD, imaging equipment or devices) the recall of patients for retesting or the retest or review of previous results constitutes FSCA.- advice relating to a change in the way the device is used e.g. IVD MANUFACTURER advises revised quality control procedure -use of third party controls or more frequent calibration or modification of control values for IVDs.NOTE 2: This guideline uses the definition of FSCA as synonym for recall mentioned in article 10(1), paragraph 1b) of the MDD and Article 11 IVD Directive since there is no harmonised definition of recall.4.7 FIELD SAFETY NOTICE (FSN)A communication to customers and/or USERs sent out by a MANUFACTURER or its representative in relation to a Field Safety Corrective Action.4.8 HARMPhysical injury or damage to the health of people, or damage to property or the environment. Reference: ISO/IEC Guide 51:19994.9 IMMEDIATELYFor purposes of this guideline, IMMEDIATELY means without any delay that could not be justified.4.10 INCIDENT“Any malfunction or deterioration in the characteristics and/or performance of a device, as well as any inadequacy in the labeling or the instructions for use which, directly or indirectly, might lead to or might have led to the death of a patient, or USER or of other persons or to a serious deterioration in their state of health.”Reference: Article 10 of the MDDNote 1: There is a similar definition in Article 8 of the AIMD and Article 11 IVD Directive with minor wording differences.Note 2: A description of “serious deterioration in the state of health” is given in section 5.1.1.(C) of this document.4.11 INDIRECT HARMSome diagnostic devices and all IVDs do not act directly on the individual. HARM may occur as a consequence of the medical decision, action taken/not taken on the basis of information or result(s) provided by the device.Examples include• misdiagnosis,•delayed diagnosis,• delayed treatment,• inappropriate treatment,•transfusion of inappropriate materials.For self-testing devices, a medical decision may be made by the USER of the device who is also the patient.4.12 INTENDED PURPOSEThe use for which the device is intended according to the data supplied by the MANUFACTURER on the labelling, in the instructions and/or in promotional materials. Reference: Article 1.2 (h) of the IVDD and Article 1.2 (g) of the MDD4.13 MANUFACTURERThe natural or legal person with responsibility for the design, manufacture, packaging and labelling of a device before it is placed on the market under his own name, regardless of whether these operations are carried out by that person himself or on his behalf by a third party.Reference: Article 1.2 (f) of the IVDD and Article 1.2 (f) of the MDD4.14 MEDICAL DEVICEFor the purpose of the Medical Devices Directives 90/385/EEC, 93/42/EEC and 98/79/EEC, any instrument, apparatus, appliance, material or other Article, whether used alone or in combination, including the software necessary for its proper application intended by the MANUFACTURER to be used for human beings for the purpose of:- diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease,- diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury or handicap,- investigation, replacement or modification of the anatomy or of aprocess,physiological-control of conception,and which does not achieve its principal intended action in or on the human body by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, but which may be assisted in its function by such means.4.15 OPERATORPerson handling equipment.4.16 PERIODIC SUMMARY REPORTINGPERIODIC SUMMARY REPORTING is an alternative reporting regime that is agreed between the MANUFACTURER and the National Competent Authority for reporting similarINCIDENTs with the same device or device type in a consolidated way where the root cause is known or an FSCA has been implemented.4.17 SERIOUS PUBLIC HEALTH THREATAny event type which results in imminent risk of death, serious deterioration in state of health, or serious illness that requires prompt remedial action.This would include:•events that are of significant and unexpected nature such that they become alarming as a potential public health hazard, e.g. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD). These concerns may be identified by either the National Competent Authority or the MANUFACTURER.•the possibility of multiple deaths occurring at short intervals.Reference: GHTF SG2 N33R114.18 TREND REPORTINGA reporting type used by the MANUFACTURER when a significant increase in events not normally considered to be INCIDENTs according to section 5.1.3. occurred and for which pre-defined trigger levels are used to determine the threshold for reporting.NOTE: GHTF SG2 document N36 'MANUFACTURER's TREND REPORTING of Adverse INCIDENTs' provides useful guidance (see annex 7).'4.19 UNANTICIPATEDA deterioration in state of health is considered UNANTICIPATED if the condition leading tothe event was not considered in a risk analysis.NOTE: Documented evidence in the design file is needed that such analysis was used to reduce the risk to an acceptable level, or that this risk is well known by the intended USER. 4.20 USE ERRORAct or omission of an act, that has a different result to that intended by the MANUFACTURER or expected by the OPERATOR of the MEDICAL DEVICE.4.21 USERThe health care institution, professional, carer or patient using or maintaining MEDICAL DEVICES.5 MANUFACTURERS´ ROLE5.1 INCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEMThe MANUFACTURER or their AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE must submit an initial INCIDENT report to the National Competent Authority for recording and evaluation. Each initial report must lead to a final report unless the initial and the final report are combined into one report. But not every INCIDENT report will lead to a corrective action.As a general principle, there should be a pre-disposition to report rather than not to report in case of doubt on the reportability of an INCIDENT.Reference to the following considerations may be made in the report, or should be kept on file by the MANUFACTURER in the case of a decision not to report.INCIDENTs which occurred outside the EEA and Switzerland and do not lead to a FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION relevant to these geographic areas do not need to be reported. Incidents which occurred outside the EEA and Switzerland and led to a FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION relevant to the above-mentioned geographical areas must be reported as a FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION.Where appropriate, MANUFACTURERs should notify their AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE, persons responsible for placing devices on the market and any other agents (e.g. distributors) authorised to act on their behalf of INCIDENTs and FSCA reported under the Medical Device Vigilance System.If the MANUFACTURER is located outside the EEA and Switzerland, a suitable contact point within should be provided. This may be the MANUFACTURER's AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE, persons responsible for placing devices on the market or any other agent authorised to act on their behalf for purposes relating to Medical Devices Vigilance.Any report should not be unduly delayed because of incomplete information.5.1.1 CRITERIA FOR INCIDENTs TO BE REPORTED BY MANUFACTURERS TOCOMPETENT AUTHORITIESAny event which meets all three basic reporting criteria A – C listed below is considered as an INCIDENT and must be reported to the relevant National Competent Authority. The criteria are that:A: An event has occurredThis also includes situations where testing performed on the device, examination of the information supplied with the device or any scientific information indicates some factor that could lead or has led to an event.Typical events include, but are not limited to:a) A malfunction or deterioration in the characteristics or performance.A malfunction or deterioration should be understood as a failure of a device to perform in accordance with its INTENDED PURPOSE when used in accordance with the MANUFACTURER’s instructions.。
虽然我国《药物临床试验质量管理规范》(Good Clinical Pr actice,GCP)中对药物临床试验数据管理与统计分析进行了原则要求,且国家食品药品监督管理总局已发布的有关药物临床试验及其统计学的相应技术指南也涉及数据管理和统计分析工作的主要环节,但针对数据管理计划和报告、统计分析计划和报告却没有详细的技术规范和指导性建议。
二、数据管理的计划和报告(一)一般考虑数据管理计划(Data Management Plan, DMP)是由数据管理人员依据临床试验方案书写的一份动态文件,它详细、全面地规定并记录某一特定临床试验的数据管理任务,包括人员角色、工作内容、操作规范等。
地址:430000 湖北省武汉市东湖开发区高新大道818号高科医疗器械园B11号1楼、2楼、3楼国籍:CN
弗元生物ITS ITS-E细胞培养添加物说明书
1/ 1弗元(上海)生物科技有限公司网址:邮箱:***********************弗元生物ITS/ITS-E细胞培养添加物(100×)说明书产品编号:FY600201-10MLFY600202-10ML存储条件:2-8 ℃避光保存,有效期18个月。
ITS-E适用于F12,DMEM/F12,DMEM, Earle's等基础培养基的添加物。
高效液相色谱法同时测定粳米中D(-)-抗坏血酸和L(+)-抗坏血酸的方法优化曾雪仪(肇庆市食品检验所,广东肇庆 526000)摘 要:建立了一种利用高效液相色谱高回收率、快速灵敏地检测粳米中D(-)-抗坏血酸和L(+)-抗坏血酸和抗坏血酸总量的方法。
结果表明,L (+)-抗坏血酸和D(-)-抗坏血酸在0.5~50.0 μg·mL-1线性良好(r=0.999 96),检出限均为0.13 mg/100 g。
关键词:L(+)-抗坏血酸;粳米;D(-)-抗坏血酸;高效液相色谱法Optimization of Simultaneous Determination of D(-)-Ascorbic Acid, L(+)-Ascorbic Acid and Ascorbic Acid in Japonica Rice by High Performance Liquid ChromatographyZENG Xueyi(Zhaoqing Institute of Food Inspection, Zhaoqing 526000, China) Abstract: A rapid and sensitive method for the determination of D(-)-ascorbic acid, L(+)-ascorbic acid and ascorbic acid in japonica rice with high recovery and high performance liquid chromatography was established. The ascorbic acid in the sample was extracted by ice bath and secondary ultrasound, and the total amount of L(+)-ascorbic acid was determined by using L-cysteine to reduce dehydroascorbic acid as reduced ascorbic acid. Using 0.1% phosphoric acid∶methanol=98∶2 as the mobile phase, it was determined by a diode array detector. The results showed that L(+) -ascorbic acid and D(-)-ascorbic acid had good linearity between 0.5~50.0 μg·mL-1 (r=0.999 96), the limits of detection were 0.13 mg/100 g. The recovery of L(+)-ascorbic acid was 96.0%~99.8%, and the relative standard deviation was 0.65%~1.00%. The recoveries of D(-)-ascorbic acid were 98.8%~101.6% with relative standard deviations of 0.68%~1.21%. The method not only meets the requirements of national standards, but also has the characteristics of green, stable, high sensitivity and high recovery rate.Keywords: L(+)-ascorbic acid; japonica rice; D(-)-ascorbic acid; high-performance liquid chromatography抗坏血酸是人体必不可缺的微量营养元素之一,它不仅广泛参加机体的多项生命活动,还有助于增强免疫力、抗衰老、抵御心血管疾病和动脉硬化[1-2]。
DMtest 1.0.0 产品说明说明书
Package‘DMtest’October12,2022Type PackageTitle Differential Methylation Tests(DMtest)Version1.0.0Date2021-07-22Author James Dai[aut,cre],Xiaoyu Wang[aut]Maintainer James Dai<******************>Description Several tests for differential methylation in methylation array data,including one-sided differential mean and variance test.Methods used in the package re-fer to Dai,J,Wang,X,Chen,H and others(2021)``Incorporating increased variability in discov-ering cancer methylation markers'',Biostatistics,submitted.Depends R(>=3.5.0)Imports matrixStats,stats,foreach,parallel,doParallelLicense GPL(>=2)NeedsCompilation noLazyData trueRoxygenNote7.1.1Suggests knitr,markdownVignetteBuilder knitrRepository CRANDate/Publication2021-07-2606:50:06UTCR topics documented:beta (2)covariate (2)dmvc (3)Index512covariate beta Example DNA methylation data for dmvc functionDescriptionDNA methylation data from TCGA-COADUsagedata(beta)FormatAn object of class"matrix"with with500rows and334columns.Each row is a CpG,each column is a sampleExamplesdata(beta)covariate Example covariate data for dmvc functionDescriptionCovariate data for334TCGA-COAD samplesUsagedata(covariate)FormatAn object of class"matrix"with with334rows Whether the sample is normal or tumor,normal:0,tumor:1gender Female or Maleage age(31–90)Examplesdata(covariate)dmvc3 dmvc Perform DMC,DVC,DMVC,and DMVC+tests for genome-wideCpGs in methylation arrays.DescriptionThis function implements an algorithm for computing various tests of mean and variance differ-ences,including the DMVC+test that specifically addresses the hypermethylation and hypervari-ability for cancer-specific CpGsUsagedmvc(beta=beta,covariate=covariate,npermut=100,permut.seed=100,corenumber=1)Argumentsbeta Methylation beta value matrix,row for CpGs,column for samples.The matrix has sample name as the column names,and CpG names as the row names.covariate covariate matrix,a data frame including all covariates in the regression model, whose row represents for samples,column represents different covariates.Thematrix has sample names as the row names.The matrix must include a"group"column,which is a binary indicator(0for normal and1for tumor)to define twogroups of samples to be compared.npermut The number of permutations for computing the correlation that is needed for the joint testspermut.seed The random seed used by permutation for joint testscorenumber The number of cores to be used for joint tests;if corenumber>1,a parallel com-puting version will be used to speed up the computationValueA data frame with the following columns.Mean_normal Mean of beta values for normal samples.Mean_tumor Mean of beta values for tumor samples.Mean_all Mean of beta values for all samples.SD_normal Standard deviation of beta values for normal samples.SD_tumor Standard deviation of beta values for tumor samples.SD_all Standard deviation of beta values for all samples.DMCP p-value from DMC test.DVCP p-value from DVC test.Joint1P Joint test for DMVC+(test for hypermethylation and increased variance in can-cer samples).4dmvc Joint2P Joint test for DMVC(test for differential methylation in both direction and in-creased variance in cancer samples).LRT1Likelihood ratio test statistics for joint test1.LRT2Likelihood ratio test statistics for joint test2.pho Correlation value computed by permutations.ReferencesDai,J,Wang,X,Chen,H and others.(2021).Incorporating increased variability in discovering cancer methylation markers,Biostatistics,submitted.Examplesdata(beta)data(covariate)out=dmvc(beta=beta,covariate=covariate)Index∗datasetsbeta,2covariate,2beta,2covariate,2dmvc,35。
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预测牛乳货架期的时间--温度指示器的研制谷雪莲;杜巍;华泽钊;刘彦臣【期刊名称】《农业工程学报》【年(卷),期】2005(21)10【摘要】利用生物化学方法实验研究了牛乳品质与存放温度、时间的关系,并根据菌落总数和酸度作为依据得出时间-温度-货架期曲线.应用单片机技术,研制出能实测和记录冷藏链时间-温度变化和剩余货架期的指示器.以期实现冷藏链中牛乳的品质监测.研究结果表明,存放过程中,菌落总数随着温度的升高和时间的延长而增加,新鲜度随温度的升高和时间的延长而降低.对于经历了不同温度-时间存放的牛乳,应用指示器实测的剩余货架期和生物化学实验得到的结果相比,偏差在0.5 d以内.当牛乳剩余货架期少于1 d时,指示器发出声音报警.【总页数】5页(P142-146)【作者】谷雪莲;杜巍;华泽钊;刘彦臣【作者单位】上海理工大学食品与生物技术研究所,上海,200093;上海理工大学食品与生物技术研究所,上海,200093;上海理工大学食品与生物技术研究所,上海,200093;东北电力大学自动化工程学院,吉林,132012【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S879.1;TS252.26【相关文献】1.电子式时间-温度指示器监测牛乳货架期的实验研究 [J], 谷雪莲;刘宝林;华泽钊;王欣;刘彦臣2.酶型时间温度指示器监测冷鲜猪肉贮藏货架期 [J], 乔磊;卢立新※;唐亚丽;刘志刚3.葡萄冷链品质的时间-温度指示器模糊推理预测 [J], 张小栓;孙格格;杨林;郭永洪;马常阳4.扩散型时间-温度指示器在预测奇异果品质中的应用 [J], 杨加敏;胥义5.时间-温度指示器在食品保质期预测中的应用 [J], 刘冬青;陈朴;臧鹏;杜秉健;徐楠;向红因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
方法:以2μg·mL-110-羟基喜树碱作为内标,先用100μL 10%高氯酸沉淀蛋白,再用50μL 10%高氯酸酸化血浆。
采用Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse C8色谱柱(4.6 mm×150 mm,5μm)对CPT-11和SN-38进行分离;以0.05 mol·L-1的磷酸二氢钠-乙腈-三乙胺(75∶25∶0.1,v∶v,磷酸调pH 3.0)为流动相;荧光检测波长:激发波长380 nm,发射波长550 nm。
结果:人血浆中CPT-11和SN-38线性范围均为3~1000 ng·mL-1,定量下限为3 ng·mL-1;准确度分别是98.5%和100.0%;回收率分别是83.8%和84.3%。
%Objective: To determine irinotecan (CPT-11) and its active metabolite 7-ethyl-10-hydroxy-camptothecin (SN-38) in plasma of patients with colorectal cancer by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection and to evaluate the dosage regimen by genotype information. Methods:Irinotecan and metabolites were detected in plasma. The internal standard was 2μg·mL-1 10-hydroxycamp-tothecin. Protein in plasma was precipitated with 10% perchloric acid before acidification with 10% perchloric acid. Separation of the compounds was achieved using anAgilent ZORBAX Eclipse C8 (4.6 mm×150 mm, 5μm) analytical column. The elution was performed with a mobile phase of 0.05 mol·L-1 sodium dihydrogen phosphate solution -acetonitrile (75∶25, v∶v) con taining 0.1% triethylamine. The fluorescence detector excitation and emis-sion wavelengths were set at 380 and 550 nm, respectively. Results: The linear ranges for CPT-11 and SN-38 were 3-1000 ng·mL-1. The limits of quantification of CPT-11 and SN-38 were 3 ng·mL-1. The average accuracy of CPT-11 and SN-38 were 98.5% and 100.0%; the average recoveries were 83.8% and 84.3%. Conclusion: This method is reliable, convenient and efficient, which can provide reference for individualized drug administration.【总页数】4页(P267-270)【作者】鞠晓宇;罗雪梅;葛卫红;王友群【作者单位】中国药科大学,南京 210009;南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院,南京210008;南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院,南京 210008;中国药科大学,南京210009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R969.1【相关文献】1.HPLC法测定血浆中伊立替康及其代谢产物SN-38、SN-38G浓度及方法学研究[J], 汪皖青;黄晨蓉2.反相高效液相色谱法测定血浆中阿米替林及rn其代谢物去甲替林的总浓度和游离浓度 [J], 李金恒;许劲秋;曹晓梅;陈东阳3.高效液相色谱法测定癫痫患者血浆中奥卡西平活性代谢物的浓度及其血药浓度与疗效关系评价 [J], 张全英;徐文俊;俞蕴莉4.高效液相色谱法测定大鼠血浆中5,7,3’-三乙酰橙皮素活性代谢物橙皮素的浓度 [J], 秦娣;李俊;李荣;黄艳;任丹阳;陈昭琳5.反相高效液相色谱法测定利培酮及其活性代谢物的血药浓度 [J], 孟珺;何光明;刘丽娟因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
tbd储存条件 -回复
tbd储存条件-回复TBD储存条件指的是To Be Determined(待定)储存条件,即暂时未确定的储存要求。
【摘要】目的建立格列齐特中残留乙醇和N,N-二甲基甲酰胺的测定方法.方法应用气相色谱法,氢火焰离子化检测器,检测器温度为250℃.结果乙醇的线性范围为0.128~1.02mg·ml-1,r=0.9997,回收率为98.9%,RSD=0.63%(n=6).N,N-二甲基甲酰胺的线性范围为43.8~175.2 μg·ml-1,r=0.9998,回收率为
1.气相色谱法测定氨磷汀原料药中N,N-二甲基甲酰胺残留量 [J], 姜彩端
2.顶空气相色谱法测定硫酸奈替米星中N,N-二甲基甲酰胺溶剂残留量 [J], 毛威
3.气相色谱法测定依诺肝素钠中N,N-二甲基甲酰胺的残留量 [J], 马志华;赵焕荣;
4.气相色谱法测定依诺肝素钠中N,N-二甲基甲酰胺的残留量 [J], 马志华;赵焕荣;姬胜利
5.气相色谱法测定头孢妥仑匹酯中N,N-二甲基甲酰胺残留量 [J], 王晨; 李东伟; 崔晨辉; 王晶; 王彦广
D-二聚体标准操作流程目录1 目的2 检测原理3 产品信息4 试剂配制5 试剂保存和稳定性6 预防和警告7 样本收集和准备8 检测需要但试剂盒中未提供的耗材9 质量控制10定标11定标方法 (如需要)12操作流程13结果14 结果解释15程序局限性16 预期结果17 性能特征18 参考文献1 目的此程序提供在ACL™ 8000,ACL9000上使用HemosIL D-Dimer试剂用于D-二聚体检测的指导。
2 测试原理D-二聚体存在于因子XIIIa交联纤维蛋白(XDP)纤溶酶降解过程中形成的可溶性衍生物中。
凝集的程度与样本中D-二聚体浓度成正比,仪器通过检测405 nm 波长处,由凝集引起的透射光的减少进行测定(透射免疫比浊法)。
3 产品信息D-二聚体试剂盒(P/N 20008500)内含:胶乳试剂:4 瓶x 3 mL包被有鼠单克隆抗体 (MA-8D3)聚苯乙烯乳胶颗粒冻干悬浊液,内含牛血清白蛋白,缓冲液,稳定剂和防腐剂。
D-二聚体定标液:2 瓶x 1 mL冻干溶液,为从人纤溶酶降解的纤维蛋白中部分纯化的D-二聚体。
D-二聚体质控(P/N 20008610)试剂盒内含:低值质控: 5 瓶x 1 mL冻干溶液,为从人纤溶酶降解的纤维蛋白中部分纯化的D-二聚体。
高值质控:5 瓶x 1 mL冻干溶液,为从人纤溶酶降解的纤维蛋白中部分纯化的D-二聚体。
MEDDEV 2 12-2 Chinese
EUROPEAN COMMISSION 欧盟委员会DG ENTERPRISE DG企业Directorate G 董事会GUnit 4 - Pressure Equipment, Medical Devices, Metrology第4单元-压力设备、医疗器械、计量学医疗器械指南该指南是指实施医疗器械EC指令中所遇到问题的系统指南中的一个。
CEC 临床评估小组5月18日, 2004年医疗器械指令之上市后临床跟踪前言:PMCF的基本原因和目标本文件的目的是指为制造商和通告机构就如何执行PMCF, 和履行上市后监督义务提供指导性意见。
参照医疗器械指令附录II 3. 1, 附录IV 3. 附录V 3, 附录VI 3.1 附录VII 4 (增加参阅AIMDD)。
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Outline: Data Preparation
Data Understanding Data Cleaning
Metadata Missing Values Unified Date Format Nominal to Numeric Discretization
if very unbalanced, use stratified sampling
Data Cleaning Steps
Data acquisition and metadata Missing values Unified date format Converting nominal to numeric Discretization of numeric data Data validation and statistics
Clean data
0000000001,199706,1979.833,8014,5722 , ,#000310 …. ,111,03,000101,0,04,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0300, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0300,0300.00
Frequently, just the year (YYYY) is sufficient For more details, we may need the month, the day, the hour, etc Representing date as YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD can be OK, but has problems
Preserves intervals (almost) The year and quarter are obvious
Sep 24, 2003 is 2003 + (267-0.5)/365= 2003.7301 (round to 4 digits)
Consistent with date starting at noon Can be extended to include time
Y2K issues: 2 digit Year
2-digit year in old data – legacy of Y2K E.g. Q: Year 02 – is it 1902 or 2002 ?
A: Depends on context (e.g. child birthday or year of house construction) Typical approach: CUTOFF year, e.g. 30 if YY < CUTOFF , then 20YY, else 19YY
Data Cleaning: Acquisition
Data can be in DBMS
ODBC, JDBC protocols
Data in a flat file
Fixed-column format Delimited format: tab, comma “,” , other E.g. C4.5 and Weka “arff” use comma-delimited data Attention: Convert field delimiters inside strings
Data Cleaning: Missing Values
Missing data can appear in several forms:
<empty field> “0” “.” “999” “NA” …
Standardize missing value code(s) How can we dealing with missing values?
Knowledge Discovery Process, in practice
Data Preparation
Data Preparation estimated to take 70-80% of the time and effort
Data Understanding: Relevance
Field Selection and “False Predictors” Unbalanced Target Distribution
Knowledge Discovery Process flow, according to CRISP-DM
see for more information
Unified Date Format Options
To preserve intervals, we can use
Unix system date: Number of seconds since 1970 Number of days since Jan 1, 1960 (SAS)
Data Cleaning: Reformatting
Convert data to a standard format (e.g. arff or csv) Missing values Unified date format Binning of numeric data Fix errors and outliers Convert nominal fields whose values have order to numeric.
What data is available for the task? Is this data relevant? Is additional relevant data available? How much historical data is available? Who is the data expert ?
Data Understanding: Quantity
Number of instances (records)
Rule of thumb: 5,000 or more desired
if less, results are less reliable; use special methods (boosting, …)
Q: What are the problems with YYYYMMDD dates?
Data Cleaning: Unified Date Format, 2
Problems with YYYYMMDD dates:
YYYYMMDD does not preserve intervals: 20040201 - 20040131 /= 20040131 – 20040130 This can introduce bias into models
Verify the number of fields before and after
Data Cleaning: Example
Original data (fixed column format)
000000000130.06.19971979-10-3080145722 #000310 111000301.01.000100000000004 0000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.0000 00000000000. 000000000000000.000000000000000.0000000...… 000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.00 0000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.0000 00000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000 000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.000000000000000.00 0000000000300.00 0000000000300.00
Data Cleaning: Metadata
Field types:
binary, nominal (categorical), ordinal, numeric, … For nominal fields: tables translating codes to full descriptions
13, 2
Dealing with missing values:
ignore records with missing values treat missing value as a separate value Imputation: fill in with mean or median values
values are non-obvious don’t help intuition and knowledge discovery harder to verify, easier to make an error