






四字词语 11、一碧千里、万紫千红、花红柳绿、翠色欲流、姹紫嫣红、五光十色、青红皂白、绿水青山、春华秋实2、春兰秋菊、春光灿烂、春风和气、三言两语、四分五裂、四面八方、四通八达、四平八稳、五光十色3、五湖四海、五花八门、五颜六色、六神无主、七颠八倒、七零八落、七拼八凑、七上八下、七手八脚4、七嘴八舌、百依百顺、千变万化、千差万别、千军万马、千山万水、千丝万缕、千辛万苦、千言万语5、千真万确、千锤百炼、千方百计、千奇百怪、千姿百态、千钧一发、千虑一得、千虑一失、千篇一律6、万水千山、万无一失、万众一心、万紫千红、万死一生、大地回春、春花怒放、春色撩人、春色满园7、淅淅沥沥、雨声沙沙、细雨淅沥、春雨连绵、雨过天晴、细雨如丝、春雨阵阵、含苞欲放、八面玲珑8、九死一生、九牛一毛、十马九稳、十全十美、百发百中、百孔千疮、百战百胜、春光漏泄、春晖寸草9、春回大地、孤标傲世、风和日丽、和风细雨、柳绿花红、气象万千、欣欣向荣、莺歌燕舞、春光明媚10、春花秋月、春山如笑、春深似海、春生秋杀、春笋怒发、春蛙秋蝉、绽红泻绿、春意阑珊、红情绿意11、青山绿水、湖光山色、重峦叠嶂、古木参天、冰雪融化、春风送暖、春江如练、春意盎然、雪化冰消12、东风送暖、万物复苏、百花盛开、万象更新、万紫千红、阳春三月、乍暖还寒、纷红骇绿、风吹雨打13、风花雪月、浮花浪蕊、春意昂然、花枝招展、春风拂面、万木争春、春山如黛、泉水丁冬、满园春色14、春暖花开、春光满面、春和景明、鸟语花香、草长莺飞、百鸟争鸣、绿树成荫、百花齐放、姹紫嫣红15、春光融融、春雨绵绵、春草萋萋、山清水秀、时当三月、春寒时节、春寒季节、春天渐近、春天来临16、春天降临、春令已到、春回大地、春归大地、春到人间、春满人间、大地加春、天地加春、春回地暖17、天加地转、冰雪消融、冰融雪消、冰消雪化、冰消雪融、天地回转、冰雪融化、雪化冰消、万物解冰18、风和日丽、风和日暖、风暖日丽、日暖风清、风清日暖、料峭春寒、乍暖乍寒、春寒料峭、乍暖还寒19、暮春气暖、和暖如春、春光融融、春日融融、春意融融、春光溶溶、春水盈盈、春水淙淙、春水湍湍20、春水潺潺、雨后春笋、有脚阳春、暗香疏影、桂馥兰香、百花争艳、春寒料峭、倡条冶叶、尺树寸泓21、春风宜人、倡条冶叶、尺树寸泓、出水芙蓉、摧兰折玉、繁花似锦、凡桃俗李、纷纷扬扬、花红柳绿22、花香鸟语、枯木逢春、漏泄春光、双柑斗酒、寻花问柳、雨丝风片、草长莺飞、百花齐发、百鸟争鸣23、万物照苏、万物复苏、万物苏醒、万物萌生、万物蓬发、万木竞秀、万紫千红、草木知春、草木复苏24、草木新绿、草春桃艳、草长莺飞、花红柳绿、红桃绿柳、柳绿花红、李白桃红、柳绿花香、红情绿意25、绿肥红瘦、流水桃花、桃花流水、飞花喷绿、枝叶纷披、寸草春晖、绿意盎然、绿茵遍地、鸟语花香26、莺舞蝶飞、枯木逢春、山色返青、冬令春行、万物生春、大雁北归、大地苏醒、春雨绵绵、春草如丝27、春草繁茂、春草发芽、春芽破土、春花怒放、春花盛开、春花万朵、春木发枝、春大蔚然、春树萌芽28、春树葱茏、春树繁茂、春阳和煦、春光初露、春光荡漾、春光明媚、春光无限、春光万里、春光勃发29、春光艳丽、春风送暖、春风得意、春风和煦、春风轻拂、春风瑞雪、春山如笑、春山如黛、春意正浓30、春意甚浓、春色怡人、春色迷人、春色正浓、春江如练、春山如妆、春和景明、春景优美、春燕回巢31、春满人间、春露秋霜、春种秋收、春暖花开、满园春色、百草萌动、百草权舆、百花争春、百花争艳32、百花盛开、蛰虫昭苏、欣欣向荣、生机勃勃、朝气逢勃、人勤春早、梅雪争春、莺啼燕语、明媚春天33、遍地皆春、满目春光、暮春风光、悲喜交集、悲愤填膺、百感交集、感人肺腑、动人心弦、情不自禁34、心潮澎湃、激昂慷慨、慷慨激昂、感激涕零、感恩戴德、谢天谢地、没齿不忘、感同身受、垂头丧气35、灰心丧气、心灰意冷、心灰意懒、万念俱灰、自暴自弃、黯然销魂、大失所望、心如刀割、切肤之痛36、哀毁骨立、悲天悯人、怒不可遏、怒形于色、怒火中烧、忍无可忍、欢天喜地、欢欣鼓舞、喜从天降37、大喜过望、兴高采烈、兴致勃勃、乐不可支、心花怒放、手舞足蹈、拍手称快、皆大欢喜、愁眉不展38、愁眉苦脸、愁眉紧缩、忧心忡忡、忧心如焚、心急如火、郁郁寡欢、坐立不安、局促不安、忐忑不安39、方寸大乱、心烦意乱、六神无主、七上八下、神魂颠倒、心神不定、心乱如麻、若有所失、惘然若失40、长吁短叹、度日如年、春水盈盈、春水淙淙、春水湍湍、春水潺潺、春雨绵绵、春草如丝、春草繁茂41、春草发芽、春芽破土、春花怒放、春花盛开、春花万朵、春木发枝、春大蔚然、春树萌芽、春树葱茏42、春树繁茂、春阳和煦、春光初露、春光荡漾、春光明媚、春光无限、春光万里、春光勃发、春光艳丽43、春风送暖、春风得意、春风和煦、春风轻拂、春风瑞雪、春山如笑、春山如黛、春意正浓、春意甚浓44、春色怡人、如坐针毡、火烧火燎、抓耳挠腮、心旷神怡、怡然自得、兴高采烈、乐不思蜀、心花怒放45、欣喜若狂、悲喜交集、悲愤填膺、百感交集、感人肺腑、动人心弦、情不自禁、心潮澎湃、激昂慷慨46、慷慨激昂、感激涕零、感恩戴德、谢天谢地、没齿不忘、感同身受、垂头丧气、灰心丧气、心灰意冷47、心灰意懒、万念俱灰、自暴自弃、黯然销魂、大失所望、心如刀割、切肤之痛、哀毁骨立、悲天悯人48、大惊小怪、大惊失色、大惑不解、从容不迫、毛骨悚然、春暖花开、春回大地、万物复苏、早春时节49、早春季节、初春时节、仲春时节、仲春季节、阳春时节、正当春初、冰消雪化、冰消雪融、天地回转50、冰雪融化、雪化冰消、万物解冰、料峭春寒、春寒料峭、暮春气暖、和暖如春、春光融融、春日融融51、春意融融、春光溶溶、冬令春行、万物生春、大雁北归、大地苏醒、蛰虫昭苏、欣欣向荣、生机勃勃52、花团锦簇、花好月圆、花花公子、花天酒地、花言巧语、花枝招展、花飞蝶舞、花容月貌、花花世界53、春色迷人、春色正浓、春江如练、春山如妆、春和景明、春景优美、春燕回巢、春满人间、春露秋霜54、春种秋收、春暖花开、满园春色、百草萌动、百草权舆、百花争春、百花争艳、百花盛开、百花齐发55、百鸟争鸣、万物照苏、万物复苏、万物苏醒、万物萌生、万物蓬发、万木竞秀、万紫千红、草木知春56、草木复苏、草木新绿、草春桃艳、草长莺飞、花红柳绿、红桃绿柳、柳绿花红、李白桃红、柳绿花香57、红情绿意、绿肥红瘦、流水桃花、桃花流水、飞花喷绿、枝叶纷披、寸草春晖、绿意盎然、绿茵遍地58、鸟语花香、莺舞蝶飞、枯木逢春、山色返青、无冬无夏、秋收冬藏、冬裘夏葛、十冬腊月、冬寒抱冰59、雪中送炭、霜露之感、冷暖自知、冷若冰霜、冰寒于水、岁暮天寒、天寒地冻、冰天雪窑、冰山难靠60、冰雪聪明、冰魂雪魄、春冰虎尾、冬烘先生、冬裘夏葛、冬日可爱、冬日夏云、冬扇夏炉、冬温夏凊61、已届春残、残冬已过、冬残春近、冬去春来、冬尽春来、腊尽春回、时当暮春、早春三月、暮春三月62、阳春三月、烟花三春、时当三月、春寒时节、春寒季节、春天渐近、春天来临、春天降临、春令已到63、春回大地、春归大地、春到人间、春满人间、大地加春、天地加春、春回地暖、天加地转、冰雪消融64、冰融雪消、月夕花朝、月下花前、月圆花好、春暖花开、柳暗花明、十冬腊月、欣欣向荣、莺歌燕舞65、田地龟裂、寸草不生、颗粒无收、禾苗干枯、禾苗枯槁、花枝招展、朝气逢勃、人勤春早、梅雪争春66、莺啼燕语、明媚春天、奇花异草、花花公子、如花似锦、生花妙笔、绣花枕头、春花秋月、风花雪月67、犁花带雨、奇花异卉、花花世界、如花似玉、借花献佛、移花接木、落花流水、眼花缭乱、天花乱坠68、心花怒放、昙花一现、闭月羞花、妙笔生花、火树银花、击鼓传花、锦上添花、口舌生花、明日黄花69、披红戴花、水性杨花、水月镜花、铁树开花、头昏眼花、走马观花、枯树开花、雾里看花、万紫千红70、春暖花开、鸟语花香、姹紫嫣红、花红柳绿、百花争艳、汗流浃背、蝉不知雪、簟纹如水、冬日夏云71、冬温夏清、浮瓜沉李、寒来暑往、火伞高张、肉山脯林、夏雨雨人、暑气熏蒸、赤日炎炎、烈日炎炎72、烈日杲杲、烈日中天、炎阳似火、骄阳似火、火日炙人、火轮高吐、火云如烧、锦上添花、火树银花73、昨日黄花、春花秋月、过时黄花、花团锦簇、骄阳似火、酷暑难耐、烈日当空、赤日炎炎、暴风骤雨74、四时八节、桃红柳绿、有脚阳春、燕语莺啼、夏日可畏、赤日炎炎、绿树成荫、挥汗如雨、蝉声阵阵75、烈日当空、电闪雷鸣、暑气逼人、酷暑难耐、烈日炎炎、骄阳似火、海天云蒸、夏日可畏、夏阳酷暑76、夏山如碧、夏树苍翠、夏水汤汤、沉李浮瓜、赫赫炎炎、热气腾腾、铄石流金、烁石流金、流金铁石77、燋金铁石、焦金流石、燋金流石、吴牛喘月、长天当日、赤时当空、炎天暑月、暑气蒸人、汗流浃背78、浑身出汗、汗流浃背、汗流洽背、遍体生津、流汗浃背、挥汗如雨、挥汗成雨、汗如雨下、汗出如浆79、汗流如注、满头大汗、大汗淋漓、旱威为虐、赤地千里、春暖花开、春风送暖、春风拂面、春意盎然80、百花盛开、大地回春、万物复苏、万木争春、万象更新、万紫千红、阳春三月、乍暖还寒、风和日丽81、和风细雨、鸟语花香、气象万千、华屋秋墟、秋月春风、百岁千秋、冰壶秋月、冰壸秋月、春花秋实82、春花秋月、春华秋实、春兰秋菊、春露秋霜、春秋笔法、春秋鼎盛、春去秋来、春蛇秋蚓、春生秋杀83、春蚓秋蛇、洞察秋毫、独有千秋、多故之秋、多事之秋、富于春秋、各有千秋、华星秋月、兼葭秋水84、琨玉秋霜、老气横秋、利析秋毫、临去秋波、凛若秋霜、落叶知秋、明察秋毫、明察秋毫、不见舆薪85、皮里春秋、皮里阳秋、秋风扫叶、秋风团扇、秋风纨扇、秋高马肥、秋高气和、秋高气爽、秋高气肃86、秋毫不犯、秋毫见捐、秋毫无犯、秋毫勿犯、秋毫之末、秋豪之末、秋后算账、秋色平分、秋扇见捐87、秋实春华、秋收东藏、秋收冬藏、秋水伊人、秋水盈盈、秋荼密网、秋行夏令、秋月春风、秋月春花88、秋月寒江、社燕秋鸿、霜气横秋、万代千秋、万古千秋、万岁千秋、万载千秋、望穿秋水、望秋先零89、微察秋毫、叶落知秋、一日三秋、一叶报秋、一叶知秋、一字千秋、遗臭千秋、盈盈秋水、多事之秋90、月旦春秋、白雪茫茫、银装素裹、万里雪飘、千里冰封、白雪皑皑、冰天雪地、寒气袭人、寒冬腊月91、冰清玉洁、滴水成冰、瑞雪纷飞、冰封雪盖、漫天飞雪、雪虐风饕、朔风凛冽、寒气逼人、雪上加霜92、平分秋色、千秋人物、千秋万代、千秋万古、千秋万世、千秋万岁、秋波盈盈、秋风过耳、秋风落叶93、无冬无夏、秋收冬藏、冬裘夏葛、十冬腊月、冬寒抱冰、雪中送炭、霜露之感、冷暖自知、冷若冰霜94、冰寒于水、岁暮天寒、天寒地冻、冰天雪窑、冰山难靠、冰雪聪明、冰魂雪魄、春冰虎尾、凛若冰霜95、雪窖冰天、漫天风雪、残冬腊月、春生夏长、秋收冬藏、冬寒抱冰、夏热握火、白雪茫茫、银装素裹96、万里雪飘、千里冰封、白雪皑皑、冰天雪地、寒气袭人、寒冬腊月、冰清玉洁、滴水成冰、瑞雪纷飞97、冰封雪盖、漫天飞雪、雪虐风饕、朔风凛冽、寒气逼人、雪上加霜、阳春白雪、冬日夏云、冬温夏清98、一唱一和、一呼百应、一干二净、一举两得、一落千丈、一模一样、一暴十寒、一日千里、一五一十99、一心一意、两面三刀、三长两短、三番五次、三三两两、三头六臂、三心二意、五彩缤纷、五颜六色100、文质彬彬、严于律已、宽以待人、足智多谋、多谋善断、大公无私、表里如一、宽宏大量、好学上进四字词语 2庸中佼佼、庸中皦皦、忧心忡忡、忧心悄悄、余音袅袅余子碌碌、中心摇摇、忠心耿耿、众口嗷嗷、衣冠楚楚得意洋洋、大名鼎鼎、大腹便便、风尘仆仆、众目睽睽风度翩翩、风雨凄凄、果实累累、顾虑重重、含情脉脉虎视眈眈、剑戟森森、饥肠辘辘、流水潺潺、流水涓涓来去匆匆、磨刀霍霍、目光炯炯、牛山濯濯、怒气冲冲气喘吁吁、气势汹汹、千里迢迢、群雌粥粥、气息奄奄秋风瑟瑟、人才济济、人海茫茫、人心惶惶、神采奕奕生机勃勃、杀气腾腾、铁中铮铮、逃之夭夭、天道恢恢天理昭昭、天网恢恢、威风凛凛、文质彬彬、无所事事温情脉脉、万目睽睽、喜气洋洋、小心翼翼、兴致勃勃血迹斑斑、想入非非、信誓旦旦、余音袅袅、忠心耿耿羞人答答、雄心勃勃、忧心忡忡、庸中佼佼、野心勃勃傲骨嶙嶙、白发苍苍、不过尔尔、波光粼粼、波光鳞鳞薄暮冥冥、板上钉钉、不甚了了、白雪皑皑、此恨绵绵长夜漫漫、大才盘盘、大腹便便、谠论侃侃、中心摇摇。



一、日常交流篇1. a bit:有一点2. a bunch of:一群,一堆3. a couple of:几个,一双4. a drop in the bucket:沧海一粟5. a far cry from:与…相差甚远6. a piece of cake:小菜一碟7. according to:根据8. across the board:全面地9. act of God:天灾10. add up:合计……1998. zoom in:放大1999. zoom out:缩小2000. on the dot:准时二、工作职场篇2001. above and beyond:超出预期2002. back to the drawing board:重新开始2003. ballpark figure:大致估计2004. beat around the bush:拐弯抹角2005. bend over backwards:竭尽全力2006. bite the bullet:忍痛接受2007. break the ice:打破僵局2008. the book:按规矩办事2009. call it a day:收工,结束……2998. work your fingers to the bone:辛勤工作2999. wrong end of the stick:误会3000. year in, year out:年复一年在职场中,熟练运用这些词组能让你在与同事、上级和客户的沟通中更加游刃有余。


三、情感表达篇3001. a weight off my shoulders:如释重负3002. at the end of my rope:山穷水尽3003. break my heart:让我心碎3004. can't stand the sight of:无法忍受看到3006. dance to a different tune:改变态度3007. feel a lump in my throat:喉咙哽咽3008. give me the creeps:让我毛骨悚然3009. have a good laugh:开怀大笑3010. it's a small world:世界真小……3998. wear my heart on my sleeve:坦率表达情感3999. with flying colors:出色地4000. you can say that again:说得太对了情感表达是人际交往中的重要部分,掌握这些词组能帮助你更准确地传达内心的感受,增进与他人的情感联系。



英语词组大全一、日常用语2. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?3. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

4. Thank you. 谢谢。

6. Excuse me. 打扰一下。

8. Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。

9. Goode. 再见。

10. See you later. 待会见。

二、时间与日期1. What time is it? 现在几点?2. It's one o'clock. 现在一点。

3. What day is today? 今天星期几?4. It's Monday. 今天星期一。

5. What date is it? 今天几号?6. It's the 15th of May. 今天是5月15日。

7. What month is it? 现在是几月?8. It's January. 现在是一月。

9. What year is it? 现在是哪一年?10. It's 2022. 现在是2022年。

三、天气与季节1. What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?2. It's sunny. 今天晴朗。

3. It's raining. 今天下雨。

4. It's windy. 今天刮风。

5. It's cold. 今天很冷。

6. It's hot. 今天很热。

7. It's spring. 现在是春天。

8. It's summer. 现在是夏天。

9. It's autumn. 现在是秋天。

10. It's winter. 现在是冬天。

四、地点与方向1. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?2. I'm from China. 我来自中国。



Get词组get up 起床,筹备;打扮get out 离开,出去;泄露;出版get in 进入;到达;陷入;收获get into 进入;陷入;穿上;习惯于get back 回来;恢复;取回;重新上台get on 上车,上马;进展,使前进get out of 逃避;避免get married 结婚get off v.动身;免于受罚;从…下来;脱下(衣服等)get better 变得更好;康复get to know 了解;认识get through 通过;到达;做完;接通电话get hold of 把握;抓住;得到get away 离开;逃脱;出发get from 从…处得到…get used to 习惯于…get rid 摆脱;排除;处理掉get back回来| 返回| 取回| 回家get…back 退还…,送回去;取回/找回;要回get back to 再和……联系give词组give-and-taken 互让, 妥协, 交换give away v.送掉, 分发, 放弃, 泄露, 出卖, 让步, 陷下give back v.归还, 恢复, 后退, 反射(声、光等)give air to v.发表give anxiety to 使...担心give battle v.挑战give care 留意, 用心give for .牺牲.交换give ground v.退却, 让步, 失利give in v.投降, 屈服, 让步, 交上, 宣布give into v.(过道等)通向give off v.发出(蒸汽、光等),长出(枝、杈等)give on v.(门、窗等)向着give out v.分发, 发出(气味、热等), 发表, 用尽, 精疲力竭give over v.停止, 放弃give up to v.让给give upon (门、窗等)向[朝]着give vent to 吐露,发泄give way v.撤退, 让路, 退让, 垮掉, 倒塌, 屈服, 跌价give way to 让路,让步given to 惯于...give oneself airs摆架子give rise to引起,导致give sb sth / give sth to sb 把某物给某人。



1. a big headache令人头痛的事情2. a fraction of 一部分3. a matter of concern 焦点4. a series of 一系列,一连串above all 首先,尤其是5. absent from不在,缺席6. abundant in富于7. account for 解释8. accuse sb. of sth.控告9. add to增加(add up to)10. after all 毕竟,究竟11. agree with同意12. ahead of time / schedule提前13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前)14. alien to与...相反15. all at once 突然,同时16. all but 几乎;除了...都17. all of a sudden 突然18. all over again 再一次,重新19. all over 遍及20. all right 令人满意的;可以21. all the same 仍然,照样的22. all the time 一直,始终23. angry with sb. at/about sth.生气,愤怒24. anxious about/for忧虑,担心25. anything but 根本不26. apart from 除...外(有/无)27. appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求28. applicable to适用于29. apply to适用30. appropriate for/to适当,合适31. approximate to近似,接近32. apt at聪明,善于33. apt to易于34. around the clock夜以继日35. as a matter of fact 实际上36. as a result(of) 因此,由于37. as a rule 通常,照例38. as far as ...be concerned 就...而言39. as far as 远至,到...程度40. as follows 如下41. as for 至于,关于42. as good as 和...几乎一样43. as if 好像,防腐44. as regards 关于,至于45. as to 至于,关于46. as usual 像平常一样,照例47. as well as 除...外(也),即...又48. as well 同样,也,还49. ashamed of羞愧,害臊50. aside from 除...外(还有)51. ask for the moon异想天开52. at a loss 茫然,不知所措53. at a time 一次,每次54. at all costs 不惜一切代价55. at all events 不管怎样,无论如何56. at all times 随时,总是57. at all 丝毫(不),一点也不58. at any rate 无论如何,至少59. at best 充其量,至多60. at first sight 乍一看,初看起来61. at first 最初,起先62. at hand 在手边,在附近63. at heart 内心里,本质上64. at home 在家,在国内65. at intervals 不时,每隔...66. at large 大多数,未被捕获的67. at last 终于68. at least 至少69. at length 最终,终于70. at most 至多,不超过71. at no time 从不,决不72. at one time 曾经,一度;同时73. at present 目前,现在74. at someone's disposal 任...处理75. at the cost of 以...为代价76. at the mercy of 任凭...摆布77. at the moment 此刻,目前78. at this rate 照此速度79. at times 有时,间或80. aware of意识到81. back and forth 来回地,反复地82. back of 在...后面83. back up后备,支援84. bare of几乎没有,缺乏85. be able to do能够86. be around差不多87. be available to sb.可用,可供88. be bound to一定89. be capable of doing能够90. be concerned with 关心…,涉足…91. be dying to渴望92. be fed up with受够了be tired of93. be in hospital 住院94. be in season 上市的/in peak season旺季95. be in the mood to do sth. 想做96. be pressed for time时间不够97. be tied up with忙于98. be under the weather 身体不好99. beat around the bush 拐弯没角100. beat the crowd 避开人群101. before long 不久以后102. behind schedule 误点103. bent on sth. 下定决心做…104. beside point 离题的,不相干的105. beyond one's ability超越某人的能力106. beyond question 毫无疑问107. book on reserve 须留的图书108. booked up 订完了109. bound for开往110. break down抛锚111. break though突破112. break up with和某人分手be through with / be finished with 113. bring about 使…发生114. bring someone up to date帮某人赶上help someone catch up 115. by accident 偶然116. by air 通过航空途径117. by all means 尽一切办法,务必118. by and by 不久,迟早119. by chance 偶然,碰巧120. by far 最,...得多121. by hand 用手,用体力122. by itself 自动地,独自地123. by means of 用,依靠124. by mistake 错误地,无意地125. by no means 决不,并没有126. by oneself 单独地,独自地127. by reason of 由于128. by the way 顺便说说129. by virtue of 借助,由于130. by way of 经由,通过...方法131. call off取消132. call on号召,邀请,点某人的名,拜访133. capable of能够134. careful of/about/with小心,注意135. certain of /about确信,肯定136. chair a meeting 主持会议137. charge sb. with sth.控告138. clear of没有,不接触139. clever at善于140. close to接近,亲近141. come in contact with 与…取得联系142. come out of sth. alive大难不死143. come up (with)提出,拿出144. comparable to/with比作/比较145. conscious of察觉到,意识到146. consequent on随之而来147. considerate towards体谅,体贴148. contemporary with与...同时代149. content with满足于150. contrary to违反151. cost someone an arm and a leg代价很大152. count down倒计时153. count one's chickens before they are hatched过于乐观154. count on依靠155. count on依靠156. count the day期待157. count the day期待158. counter to与...相反159. crazy about热衷,着迷160. critical of挑剔,批评161. cry in one's beer借酒消愁162. cry on one's shoulder依靠163. curious about好奇,想知道164. cut down on 减少165. cut down削减166. cut in插入167. cut off切断168. cut out切除169. cut someone short打断170. cut through抄近路171. cut up切碎172. die out 灭绝173. distinct from种类(风格)不同174. do the laundry洗衣服175. doubtful of /about怀疑176. drop by / in 顺路拜访177. due to 由于,因为178. each other 互相179. easier said than done说起来容易做起来难180. east of在...东面181. equal to相等,胜任182. equivalent to等于,相当于183. essential to/for必不可少184. even if/though 即使,虽然185. ever so 非常,极其186. every now and then 时而,偶尔187. every other 每隔一个的188. except for 除了...外189. expert at/in/on善于190. face to face 面对面地191. faculty members 教职员工192. faithful to忠实于193. fall flat 平躺在地上194. familiar to sb为...所熟悉195. familiar with sth熟悉,通晓196. far from 远非,远离197. fatal to致命的198. favorable to支持,赞成199. fearful of惧怕200. feel at home熟悉201. feel blue心情不好202. feel free to随便203. figure out sth. 解决204. fit for适于205. flat tire轮胎没气206. flat tire轮胎没气207. fond of喜欢208. for ever 永远209. for good 永久地210. for the better 好转211. for the moment 暂时,目前212. for the present 暂时,目前213. for the sake of 为了,为了...的利益214. for the time being 暂时,眼下215. foreign to非...所原有216. free of /from未受...;免费217. free with康慨,大方218. from time to time 有时,不时219. full up客满220. get a bargain 买到便宜货221. get nowhere with 毫无进展222. get over恢复223. get used to习惯于224. give off发出225. give someone a big hand为某人鼓掌226. give someone a hand帮忙227. go about sth. 开始做…228. go after追求229. go ahead同意做某事230. go by遵守231. go down下降,往下传232. go for竭尽全力做233. go into进入,开始从事234. go off出发235. go out熄灭,外出236. go over复习237. go over复习,从头到尾检查一遍238. go round/around足够分配239. go sightseeing 去观光240. go steady with和某人确定关系241. go through从头到尾242. go without单独243. guilty of有...罪的244. had better最好245. hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切关联246. hang up 挂断247. have one's hands full248. have the final say 有决定权249. head on 迎面地,正面的250. heart and soul 全心全意地251. hold out for sth. 坚持要求252. hold up坚持253. hold water站得住脚254. how about ...怎么样255. how come怎么会256. hungry for渴望257. ignorant of不知道258. impatient at sth.不耐烦259. impatient for急切,渴望260. impatient of无法容忍261. in (the)light of 鉴于,由于262. in a hurry 匆忙,急于263. in a moment 立刻,一会儿264. in a sense 从某种意义上说265. in a way 在某种程度上266. in a word 简言之,总之267. in accordance with 与...一致,按照268. in addition to 除...之外(还) 269. in addition 另外,加之270. in advance 预先,事先271. in all 总共,合计272. in any case 无论如何273. in any event 无论如何274. in brief 简单地说275. in case of 假如,防备276. in charge of 负责,总管277. in common 共用的,共有的278. in consequence(of) 因此;由于279. in debt 欠债,欠情280. in detail 详细地281. in difficulty 处境困难282. in effect 实际上,事实上283. in favor of 支持,赞成284. in front of 面对,在...前285. in general 一般来说,大体上286. in half 成两半287. in hand 在进行中,待办理288. in honor of 为庆祝,为纪念289. in itself 本质上,就其本身而言290. in line with 与...一致291. in memory of 纪念292. in no case 决不293. in no time 立即,马上294. in no way 决不295. in order 按顺序,按次序296. in other words 换句话说297. in part 部分地298. in particular 特别,尤其299. in person 亲自,本人300. in place of 代替,取代,交换301. in place 在合适的位置302. in practice 在实践中,实际上303. in proportion to 与...成比例304. in public 公开地,当众305. in quantity 大量306. in question 正在谈论的307. in regard to 关于,至于308. in relation to 关于,涉及309. in return for 作为对...报答310. in return 作为报答/回报/交换311. in short 简言之,总之312. in sight 被见到;在望313. in spite of 尽管314. in step with 与...一致/协调315. in tears 流着泪,在哭着316. in terms of317. in the company / wake of随着318. in the course of 在...期间/过程中319. in the distance 在远处320. in the end 最后,终于321. in the event of 如果...发生,万一322. in the face of 即使;在...面前323. in the first place 首先324. in the future 在未来325. in the heat of the day 一天中最热的时候326. in the least 丝毫,一点327. in the long run 长期328. in the way 挡道329. in the world 究竟,到底330. in time 及时331. in touch 联系,接触332. in turn 依次,轮流;转而333. in vain 徒劳,白费力334. indifferent to无兴趣,不关心335. indignant with sb.愤慨336. inferior to级别低于,不如337. innocent of无...罪,无辜338. instead of 代替,而不是339. intent on专心于340. invisible to不可见的341. jealous of嫉妒342. just now 眼下;刚才343. keep one's eyes on关注344. keep on爱好,很喜欢345. keep track of 留心346. kind of / sort of有点somewhat 347. lay off 下岗348. leave alone别说349. let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密350. liable for对...有责任351. liable to易于352. little by little 逐渐地353. look for / hunt for 找工作354. lost the point弄错355. lots of 许多356. loyal to忠于357. mad about/on狂热迷恋358. mad at/with sb.生气,愤怒359. mad with因...发狂360. make (both) ends meet收支平衡361. make a living谋生362. make it成功363. make the best / most of充分利用364. many a 许多365. mark the papers 批改考卷366. mayor / minor in367. meet one's needs满足要求368. might as well不妨369. mistake a for b 认错370. more or less 或多或少,有点371. my treat我请客372. narrow escape九死一生373. necessary to /for必要的374. next door 隔壁的,在隔壁375. next to下一个,其次376. no doubt 无疑地377. no less than 不少于...;不亚于378. no longer 不再379. no more than 至多,同...一样不380. no more 不再381. none other than 不是别的,正是382. nothing but 只有,只不过383. now and then 时而,偶尔384. off and on 断断续续,间歇地385. off duty 下班386. on (the) one hand 一方面387. on a large/small scale 大/小规模地388. on account of 由于389. on behalf of 代表390. on board 在船(车/飞机)上391. on business 因公392. on condition that 如果393. on duty 上班,值班394. on earth 究竟,到底395. on fire 起火着火396. on foot 步行397. on guard 站岗,值班398. on hand 在场,在手边399. on loan to借给400. on occasion(s) 有时,间或401. on one's guard 警惕,提防402. on one's own 独立,独自403. on purpose 故意地404. on sale 出售,廉价出售405. on schedule 按时间表,准时406. on second thoughts 经重新考虑407. on the contrary 正相反408. on the grounds of 根据,以...为由409. on the other hand 另一方面410. on the point of 即将...的时刻411. on the road 在旅途中412. on the side 作为兼职/副业413. on the spot 在场;马上414. on the whole 总的来说,大体上415. on time 准时416. on(an/the) average 平均,通常417. once (and) for all 一劳永逸地418. once again 再一次419. once in a while 偶尔420. once more 再一次421. once upon a time 从前422. one another 相互423. one's cup of tea喜欢的人/物424. open to不限制,开放的425. opposite to在对面426. or else 否则,要不然427. or so 大约,左右428. other than 非;除了429. out of breath 喘不过气来430. out of control 失去控制431. out of date 过时的432. out of doors 在户外433. out of order 出故障的434. out of place 不适当的435. out of practice 久不练习,荒疏436. out of sight 看不见,在视野外437. out of the question 毫无可能的438. out of touch 不联系,不接触439. out of 从...中;由于;缺乏440. over and over (again) 一再地,再三地441. parallel to与...平等,类似442. particular about挑剔,讲究443. patient with有耐心444. peculiar to独特的,独有的445. pick up捡446. play by ear见机行事447. popular with受...喜爱,爱戴448. prior to 在...之前449. pull one's leg拿某人开玩笑put someone on 450. put someone up给某人提供住宿451. put up with忍受452. quite a few 相当多,不少453. rain cats and dogs瓢泼大雨454. rather than 不是...(而是)455. reach agreement 达成协议456. reach an agreement达成一致457. regardless of 不顾,不惜458. relative to与...有关459. remove from 从…除去460. representative of代表...的461. resign one's post 辞职462. responsible for负责,是...原因463. result from 由于464. rich in富于465. right away 立即,马上466. ring sb. up 打电话给…467. rule out 排除…的可能性468. run out of用完469. rush hours上下班高峰470. see: see to it that - make sure that确保471. sensible of觉查到472. sensitive to对...敏感473. set another date改期 make on saturday / lock it474. set one's mind on doing 决定be determined to / have one's mind set on / bent on475. short of缺少476. show off卖弄477. sick of厌恶,厌倦478. side by side 肩并肩,一起479. similar to相似480. skilled at /in善于481. slip one's mind 忘记482. so far 迄今为止483. somewhere around 大约484. sooner or later 迟早,早晚485. sore throat / foot 嗓子哑/腿酸486. stay up late 熬夜487. step by step 逐步地488. subject to受制于,易于489. such as 例如,诸如490. sufficient for足够的491. suitable for/to适合于492. superior to优于,级别高于493. sure of /about对...有信心,确信494. suspicious of怀疑495. take a leave请假496. take a seat / be seated497. take one's place 取代498. take one's time慢慢来499. take sth. seriously 认真对待500. take up占据501. thanks to 由于,多亏502. that is (to say) 就是说,即503. the reverse is also true 反之亦然504. tired of对...不在感兴趣505. to the point 切中要害,切题506. turn over 倾覆507. typical of是典型的,特有的508. uncertain of /about不确知509. under control 处于控制之下510. under the circumstances 这种情况下511. up in the air没有确定512. up to date 在进行中513. up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于514. vital to对...关系重大515. void of没有,缺乏516. what about 怎么样517. what if 切合目前情况的518. what's up / new?发生了什么事?519. with regard to 关于,至于520. with respect to 如果...将怎么样521. with the exception of 除...之外522. without any trace没有踪迹523. without fail 一向如此524. without question 毫无疑问525. wolf down狼吞虎咽526. word for word 逐字的。



英语常用词组4249个 (详细版)薛建菠A1.a fraction of 一部分2.a matter of concern 焦点3.a series of 一系列, 一连串4.abandon sb to sth (不顾责任、义务等)抛弃,离弃5.abandon sth to sb 不得已而放弃辨析abandon:迫于不得已而停止(支持,帮助);放弃义务,信念,责任stop:停止某行为give up doing:放弃做某种行为6.ability to do sth(注:不加of doing)有能力做某事7.to the best of one’s ability 尽其所能辨析ability:具备做某事的能力(用法:ability to do sth(注:不加of doing))capability:具备做某事所需的能力或素质(用法:capability to do sth/也可加of doing))8.be able to do sth 能够辨析able:强调通过努力而获得的能力(用法:be able to do sth)can:表示本身具有的一般能力capable:(用法:capable of doing)9.be about to do …when…打算10.abound with/in 富于、充满…11.above all 近义词:especially 尤其是, 最重要的12.be absent from 缺席13.absence of mind 近义词:being absent-minded 心不在焉14.absent oneself from sth 不在15.absolve sb from 赦免某人…16.be absorbed in 近义词:be engrossed in;be lost in;be rapt in;be concentrated onbe focused on;be centered on 全神贯注于…17.abstain from 避开(免)…18.be abundant in 近义词:be rich in;be well supplied with 富于,富有19.abundant in 富于20.accept sth 同意某事21.accept sb into sth/ accept sb as sth 接纳某人22.accept that…相信/认为…23.access to (不可数名词) 能接近,进入辨析accept:表示主观意愿receive:表示客观事实(用法:receive sth from sb/sth)24.by accident 偶然辨析accident 通常指“不幸的”意外事故,如车祸,摔伤,砸伤等,多指无意或偶然造成的。



高中英语词组大全目录1.感叹词2.动词短语3.名词短语4.形容词短语5.副词短语6.冠词短语7.介词短语8.连词短语9.数词短语10.疑问词短语11.关系代词短语12.情态动词短语13.及物动词短语14.不及物动词短语1. 感叹词•Wow!•Great!•Amazing!•Fantastic!•Incredible!•Wonderful!•Awesome!•Excellent!•Terrific!•Marvelous!2. 动词短语•Give up•Look forward to•Carry out•Put off•Take up•Bring about•Settle down•Make up•Turn down•Figure out3. 名词短语• A piece of cake• A waste of time•The bottom line• A hot potato•The key to• A piece of advice•The reason why• A stroke of luck•The result of• A sense of4. 形容词短语•All of a sudden•Above and beyond•From time to time•At first glance•In a nutshell•At the end of the day•In addition to•By all means•In spite of•In the long run 5. 副词短语•All the time•By chance•In particular•At once•In the meantime•At the same time•On purpose•In general•On the whole•For instance 6. 冠词短语• A couple of•At the expense of•In case of•According to•In exchange for•At the risk of•In the face of•As a result of•On behalf of•In terms of7. 介词短语•At the age of•In the course of•At the expense of•On the way to•In addition to•With regard to•In front of•By means of•On account of•In the presence of 8. 连词短语•As long as•In order to•As well as•So as to•Both…and•Whether…or•Neither…nor•Not only…but also•Either…or•Rather than9. 数词短语•One by one•Twice as many as•Ten times as much as•Three out of four•The first one•The second one•The third one•Four out of five•Half of• A quarter of10. 疑问词短语•What time•How often•How much•How many•What kind of•How long•How far•How old•Why not•Where to11. 关系代词短语•By means of which•By virtue of which•In accordance with which•In addition to which•In combination with which•In comparison with which•In consequence of which•In view of which•On account of which•With reference to which12. 情态动词短语•Can’t help•May as well•Could have•Might as well•Must have•Should have•Ought to have•Would rather•Had better•Can’t stand13. 及物动词短语•Take into account•Give rise to•Have an effect on•Make progress in•Cause damage to•Pay attention to•Keep track of•Play a role in•Provide evidence for•Bring benefits to 14. 不及物动词短语•Look out•Set off•Take off•Stand up•Show up•Turn up•Wake up•Break down•Call off•Warm up以上是一份高中英语词组大全,包括了各个语法类别的常用词组。



词组大全10000个词组大全10000个 1

















































英语常用词组一,动词词组(包括短语动词、介词词组和其他词组)(一)由be构成的词组1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出2)be at home/work 在家/上班3)be good at 善于,擅长于4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细5)be covered with 被……复盖6)be ready for 为……作好准备7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶8)be interested in 对……感到举9)be born 出生10)be on 在进行,在上演, (灯)亮着11)be able to do sth. 能够做……12)be afraid of (to do sth. that…) 害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……)13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的气14)be pleased (with) 对……感到高兴(满意)15)be famous for 以……而著名16)be strict in (with) (对工作,对人)严格要求17)be from 来自……,什么地方人18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了19)be worried 担忧20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做……21)be covered with 被……所覆盖……22)be in (great) need of (很)需要23)be in trouble 处于困境中24)be glad to do sth. 很高兴做……25)be late for ……迟到26)be made of (from) 由……制成27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意28)be free 空闲的,有空29)be (ill) in bed 卧病在床30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙于……)(二)由come,do,get,give,go,have,help,keep,make,look,put,set,send,take,turn,play等动词构成的词组1)come back 回来2)come down 下来3)come in 进入,进来4)come on 快,走吧,跟我来5)come out出来6)come out of 从……出来7)come up 上来8)come from 来自……9)do one's lessons/homework 做功课/回家作业10)do more speaking/reading 多做口头练习/朗读11)do one's best 尽力12)do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除)13)do a good deed (good deeds)做一件好事(做好事)14)do morning exercises 做早操15)do eye exercises 做眼保健操16)do well in 在……某方面干得好17)get up 起身18)get everything ready 把一切都准备好19)get ready for (=be ready for) 为……作好准备20)get on (well) with 与……相处(融洽)21)get back 返回22)get rid of 除掉,去除23)get in 进入,收集24)get on/off 上/下车25)get to 到达26)get there 到达那里27)give sb. a call 给……打电话28)give a talk 作报告29)give a lecture (a piano concert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会)30)give back 归还,送回31)give……some advice on 给……一些忠告32)give lessons to 给……上课33)give in 屈服34)give up 放弃35)give sb. a chance 给……一次机会36)give a message to…… 给……一个口信37)go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧38)go to the cinema 看电影39)go to bed 睡觉(make the bed 整理床铺)40)go to school (college) 上学(上大学)41)go to (the) hospital 去医院看病42)go over 过一遍,复习/ go over to 朝……走去43)go fishing/skating/swimming/shopping 去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东西44)go home (there) 回家去(去那儿)45)go round 顺便去,绕道走46)go up 上去47)go out for a walk 外出散步48)go on (doing) 继续(做……)49)go on with one's work 继续某人的工作50)go upstairs/downstairs 上/下楼51)(the lights) go out (灯)熄了52)have a lesson (lessons)/a meeting 上课/开会53)have a football match (basketball match) 举行一场足球(蓝球)赛54)have dictation 听见55)have a try 试一试56)have a good/wonderful time 玩得很高兴57)have a lecture (a piano concert) 听讲座(听钢琴音乐会)58)have a report (talk) on 听一个关于……的报告59)have a glass of water (a cup of tea) 喝一杯水,(一杯茶)60)have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭61)have a meal (three meals) 吃一顿饭(三餐饭)62)have a dinner 吃正餐63)have bread and milk for breakfast 早饭吃面包和牛奶64)have (have got) a headache 头痛65)have a fever 发烧66)have a cough (a cold) 咳嗽(感冒)67)have a look (at) 看一看……68)have a rest (a break) 休息一会儿(工间或课间休息)69)have a talk 谈话70)have a swim/walk 游泳/散步71)have sports 进行体育锻炼72)have a sports meet (meeting) 开运动会73)have something done 让人(请人)做……74)have a test/an exam 测验/考试75)have an idea 有了个主意76)had better do sth. (not do sth.) 最好做……(最好不要做……)77)have a word with 与……谈几句话78)help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth. 在……方面帮助…… 帮助……做79)help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat 请随便吃点鸡/鱼/肉80)help each other 互相帮助81)keep up with 跟上……,不落后于……82)keep silent/quiet 保持沉默/安静83)keep sb. doing sth. 使……一直做……84)keep one's diary 记日记85)make a noise (a lot of noise, much noise, noises)吵闹(十分嘈杂,响声)86)make a living 谋生87)make sb. do sth. 迫使某人做……88)make faces (a face)做鬼89)make friends (with)与……交朋友90)make a mistake (mistakes)犯错误91)make room/space for 给……腾出地方92)make a sentence (sentences)with 用……造句93)make a fire 生火94)be made from/of 由……制成95)be made in 在……地方制造96)look out of (outside) 往外看(看外面)97)look up a word (in the dictionary) 查字典98)look up 往上看,仰望99)look after 照管,照看,照顾100)look for 寻找101)look like 看上去像102)look fine/well/tired/worried 看起来气色好/健康/疲劳/忧虑103)look out 当心,小心104)look on …as… 把……当作……看待105)look around 朝四周看106)look at 看着……107)put on 穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子),上演(戏剧)108)put up 建造,搭起,挂起,举起,109)put into 使进入,输入110)put one's heart into 全神贯注于111)put…down… 把……放下112)put…into… 把……译成113)set up 竖起,建起114)set off 出发,动身115)set out 出发116)set an example for 为……树立榜样117)send for 派人去请(叫)118)send out 放出,发出119)end up 把……往上送,发射120)take one's advice 听从某人劝告121)take out 拿出,取出122)take down 拿下123)take place 发生124)take one's place 坐……的座位,代替某人职务125)take the place of 代替……126)take a walk/rest 散步/休息127)take it easy 别紧张128)take sth. with sb. 随身带着129)take sb. to a park/London for one's holidays 带某人去公园/伦敦度假130)take care of 关心,照顾,保管131)take a look (a last look) at 看一看(最后看一眼)132)take an exam 参加考试133)take away 拿走134)take back 收回,带回135)take hold of 抓住……136)take off 脱下(衣,帽,鞋等)拿掉137)take (an active) part in (积极)参加(活动)138)take photos 拍照139)take some medicine 服药140)take a bus/train, boat/ 乘公共汽车,火车/船141)turn on 开,旋开(电灯,收音机等)142)turn off 关上(电灯,收音机等)143)turn in 交出,上交144)turn…into… 变成145)turn to 翻到,转向146)turn down (把音量)调低147)turn…over 把……翻过来148)play basketball 打篮球,football 踢足球,volleyball 打排球149)play games 做游戏150)play the piano (the violin) 弹钢琴(拉小提琴)151)play with snow 玩雪152)play a joke (on) 对……开玩笑(三)由其他动词构成的词组153)think over 仔细考虑154)arrive at/in a place 到达某处155)eat up 吃完,吃光156)do well in 在……干得好157)enjoy doing sth. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事喜欢干某事158)find out 发现,查出(真相等)159)finish off 吃完,喝完160)stop doing sth. 停止做某事161)stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事162)hold a meting 举行会议163)hold up 举起164)hurry up 赶快,快点165)enter for 报名参加166)laugh at 嘲笑167)be used to 习惯于168)used to 过去常常169)wake…up 唤醒170)work out 算出171)sth happen to sb 某人发生某事172)sb happen to do sth 某人碰巧做某事二,动词短语,介词短语和其他词组1)ask for 向……要……,请求2)ask for leave 请假3)send for 派人去请(叫)4)pay for 付……的款5)wait for 等候6)thank for 为……感谢7)apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉8)look for 寻找9)leave…for 离开……去……10)fall off 跌落11)catch cold 着凉,伤风12)catch up with 赶上13)agree with sb. 赞成,同意某人的意见14)filled……with 把……装满15)tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事16)talk about 谈论……17)think about 考虑……18)worry about 担忧……19)look after 照料20)run after 追赶,跟在后面跑21)read after 跟……读22)smile at 对……微笑23)knock at 敲(门,窗)24)shout at 对……大喊(嚷)25)throw away 扔掉26)work hard at 努力做……27)wait in line 排队等候28)change…into… 变成29)hurry into… 匆忙进入30)run into… 跑进31)hear of 听说32)think of 认为,考虑33)catch hold of 抓住34)instead of 代替……35)hand in 交上来36)stay in bed 卧病在床37)hear from 收到……来信38)at once 立刻39)at last 最后40)at first 起先,首先41)at the age of… 在……岁时42)at the end of… 在……之末43)at the beginning of… 在……之初44)at the foot of… 在……脚下45)at the same time 同46)at night/noon 在夜里/中午47)with one's help 在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助48)with the help of … 在……的帮助下49)with a smile 面带笑容50)with one's own eyes 亲眼看见51)after a while 过了一会儿52)from now on 从现在起53)from then on 从那时起54)far example 例如55)far away from 远离56)from morning till night 从早到晚57)by and by 不久58)by air mail 寄航空邮件59)by ordinary mail 寄平信60)by the way 顺便说61)by the window 在窗边62)by the end of… 到……底为止63)little by little 逐渐地64)in all 总共65)in fact 事实上66)in one's twenties 在某人二十几岁时67)in a hurry 匆忙68)in the middle of 在……中间69)in no time (in a minute) 立刻,很快70)in time (on time) 及时71)in public 公众,公开地72)in order to 为了……73)in front of 在……前面74)in the sun 在阳光下75)in the end 最后,终于76)in surprise 惊奇地77)in turn 依次78)of course 当然79)a bit (of) 有一点儿80)a lot of 许多81)on one's way to 某人在去……的路上82)on foot 步行,走路83)a talk on space 一个关于太空的报告84)on the other hand 另一方面85)at/on the weekend 在周末86)on the left (right) 在左(右)边87)on the other side of 在……另一边88)on the radio 通过收音机(无线电广播)89)to one's joy 使……高兴的是90)to one's surprise 使……惊讶的是三,量词词组和其他词组(一)量词词组1)a bit 一点儿2)a few (of) 一些(可数),几个……3)a little 一些(不可数)4)a lot of (lots of) 许多5)a piece / slice of 一张(一片,块)6)a cup of 一茶怀7)a glass of 一玻璃杯8)a pile of (piles and piles of) 一堆(一堆堆的)……9)a box of 一盒10)a copy of 一份,一本11)a bowl of 一碗12)a basket of 一篮13)a plate of 一盘14)a bottle of 一瓶15)a basin of 一脸盆16)a set of 一套17)a kind of 一种18)a type of 一种类型的19)a great deal of 非常多,大量的(不可数名词)20)a large (great) number of 非常多,大量的(可数名词)21)a great many 大量,许多(可数名词)22)a different type of 一种不同型号的23)a group of 一队,一组,一群(二)其他词组1)all kinds of 各种各样的2)all over the world/the country 全世界/全国3)all over 遍及每一部分,浑身4)all one's life 一生5)one after another 顺次6)the Children's Palace 少年宫7)day after day 日复一日8)up and down 上上下下9)the day after tomorrow 后天10)the day before yesterday 前天11)the last/past two years (or so) 最近两年(左右)12)the whole country/the whole world 全国/全世界13)a moment ago 刚才14)just now/then 刚才/那15)half an hour's walk 步行半小时的路程16)late on 过后,后来常用短语动词分类归纳一,动词+介词1.agree with同意……意见;符合;一致2.ask for请求;询问3.arrive at/in到达4.begin with以……开始e from来自6.feel like想要7.fall behind落在……后面8.fall off掉下9.get to到达10.get on上(车)11.get off下来;从……下来12.hear of听说13.knock at/on敲(门,窗等)ugh at嘲笑15.look at看16.look after照看17.listen to听18.look for寻找19.quarrel with吵架20.stop...from阻止……做……21.wait for等候二,动词+副词e out出来;花开e over顺便来访;过来e along来;随同e in进来5.eat up吃光6.fall down倒下;跌倒7.find out找出;查明8.go back回去9.go on继续10.go out外出11.get back回来;取回12.grow up长大;成长13.get up起床14.go home回家15.hurry up赶快16.hold on不挂断;等一等17.look out留神;注意18.look over检查19.look up向上看;查阅20.move away搬走21.put on穿上;上演22.pass on传递23.run away逃跑24.ring up打电话25.set off出发;动身26.throw out乱丢;抛散27.turn on打开28.turn off关29.take out取出30.trip over绊倒31.turn...over把……翻过来32.write down写下;记下33.wake up醒来34.work out算出;解出三,动词+副词+介词1.be fed up with厌倦2.catch up with赶上3.go on with继续4.get on with与……相处5.pull...up from把……从……中拉出来四,动词+名词+介词1.take care of照料;照顾2.make room for给……腾出地方3.make friends with与……交朋友4.play a joke on戏弄某人5.have a look at看一看6.have a drink of喝一点7.say goodbye to告别;告辞五,动词+形容词+介词1.be late for迟到2.be angry with生气3.be busy with忙于4.be short for是……的简称5.be interested in对……感兴趣6.be famous for因……而著名7.be good at擅长8.be different from与……不同9.be good/bad for对……有益/害10.be friendly to对……友----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------。



英语常用词组4249个 (详细版)薛建菠Afraction of 一部分matter of concern 焦点series of 一系列, 一连串sb to sth (不顾责任、义务等)抛弃,离弃sth to sb 不得已而放弃辨析abandon:迫于不得已而停止(支持,帮助);放弃义务,信念,责任stop:停止某行为give up doing:放弃做某种行为to do sth(注:不加of doing)有能力做某事the best of one’s ability 尽其所能辨析ability:具备做某事的能力(用法:ability to do sth(注:不加of doing))capability:具备做某事所需的能力或素质(用法:capability to do sth/也可加of doing))able to do sth 能够辨析able:强调通过努力而获得的能力(用法:be able to do sth)can:表示本身具有的一般能力capable:(用法:capable of doing)about to do …when…打算with/in 富于、充满…all 近义词:especially 尤其是, 最重要的absent from 缺席of mind 近义词:being absent-minded 心不在焉oneself from sth 不在sb from 赦免某人…absorbed in 近义词:be engrossed in;be lost in;be rapt in;be concentrated on be focused on;be centered on 全神贯注于…from 避开(免)…abundant in 近义词:be rich in;be well supplied with 富于,富有in 富于sth 同意某事sb into sth/ accept sb as sth 接纳某人that…相信/认为…to (不可数名词) 能接近,进入辨析accept:表示主观意愿receive:表示客观事实(用法:receive sth from sb/sth)accident 偶然辨析accident 通常指“不幸的”意外事故,如车祸,摔伤,砸伤等,多指无意或偶然造成的。



英语常用词组4249个 (详细版)薛建菠A1.a fraction of 一部分2.a matter of concern 焦点3.a series of 一系列, 一连串4.abandon sb to sth (不顾责任、义务等)抛弃,离弃5.abandon sth to sb 不得已而放弃辨析abandon:迫于不得已而停止(支持,帮助);放弃义务,信念,责任stop:停止某行为give up doing:放弃做某种行为6.ability to do sth(注:不加of doing)有能力做某事7.to the best of one’s ability 尽其所能辨析ability:具备做某事的能力(用法:ability to do sth(注:不加of doing))capability:具备做某事所需的能力或素质(用法:capability to do sth/也可加of doing))8.be able to do sth 能够辨析able:强调通过努力而获得的能力(用法:be able to do sth)can:表示本身具有的一般能力capable:(用法:capable of doing)9.be about to do …when…打算10.abound with/in 富于、充满…11.above all 近义词:especially 尤其是, 最重要的12.be absent from 缺席13.absence of mind 近义词:being absent-minded 心不在焉14.absent oneself from sth 不在15.absolve sb from 赦免某人…16.be absorbed in 近义词:be engrossed in;be lost in;be rapt in;be concentrated onbe focused on;be centered on 全神贯注于…17.abstain from 避开(免)…18.be abundant in 近义词:be rich in;be well supplied with 富于,富有19.abundant in 富于20.accept sth 同意某事21.accept sb into sth/ accept sb as sth 接纳某人22.accept that…相信/认为…23.access to (不可数名词) 能接近,进入辨析accept:表示主观意愿receive:表示客观事实(用法:receive sth from sb/sth)24.by accident 偶然辨析accident 通常指“不幸的”意外事故,如车祸,摔伤,砸伤等,多指无意或偶然造成的。



英语常用词组 4249 个 (详细版)薛建菠A1.a fraction of 一部分2.a matter of concern 焦点3.a series of 一系列, 一连串4.abandon sb to sth (不顾责任、义务等)抛弃,离弃5.abandon sth to sb 不得已而放弃辨析a b a n do n:迫于不得已而停止(支持,帮助);放弃义务,信念,责任stop:停止某行为g i v e u p do i n g:放弃做某种行为6.ability to do sth(注:不加of doing)有能力做某事7.to the best of one’s ability尽其所能辨析a b ili t y:具备做某事的能力(用法:a b ili t y t o do s t h(注:不加o f do i n g)c a p a b ili t y:具备做某事所需的能力或素质(用法:c a p a b ili t y t o do s t h/也可加o f do i n g)8.be able to do sth 能够辨析a b l e:强调通过努力而获得的能力(用法:b e a b l e t o do s t h)can:表示本身具有的一般能力c a p a b l e:(用法:c a p a b l e o f do i n g)9.be about to do …when…打算10.abound with/in 富于、充满…11.above all 近义词:especially 尤其是, 最重要的12.be absent from 缺席13.absence of mind 近义词:being absent-minded 心不在焉14.absent oneself from sth 不在15.absolve sb from 赦免某人…16.be absorbed in 近义词:be engrossed in;be lost in;be rapt in;be concentrated onbe focused on;be centered on 全神贯注于…17.abstain from 避开(免)…18.be abundant in 近义词:be rich in;be well supplied with 富于,富有19.abundant in 富于20.accept sth 同意某事21.accept sb into sth/ accept sb as sth 接纳某人22.accep t that…相信/认为…23.access to (不可数名词) 能接近,进入辨析accept:表示主观意愿r e c e i v e:表示客观事实(用法:r e c e i v e s t h f r o m s b/s t h)24.by accident 偶然辨析a cc i d e n t通常指“不幸的”意外事故,如车祸,摔伤,砸伤等,多指无意或偶然造成的。



词组大全常用词组全解析一、动词短语1. take a break - 休息片刻例句:Let's take a break and have some coffee.2. make a decision - 做出决定例句:It's time for you to make a decision about your future.3. give up - 放弃例句:Don't give up on your dreams, keep working hard.4. come up with - 提出,想出例句:He always comes up with creative ideas for our projects.5. go for - 选择,追求例句:She decided to go for a career in music.6. put off - 推迟例句:The meeting has been put off until next week.7. get along with - 与...相处融洽例句:He is easy to get along with, we became good friends quickly.8. look forward to - 期待例句:I am really looking forward to going on vacation next month.9. take care of - 照顾,处理例句:She takes care of her younger siblings while their parents are working.10. make a difference - 改变,有影响例句:Donating your old clothes can make a difference to someone in need.二、名词短语1. a piece of cake - 小菜一碟,轻而易举例句:The exam was a piece of cake, I finished it within an hour.2. a friend in need - 患难中的朋友例句:He has always been a friend in need, helping me through difficult times.3. the bottom line - 底线,最重要的事实例句:The bottom line is that we need to increase our sales.4. a fresh start - 新的开始例句:Moving to a new city gave her a fresh start in life.5. a clear conscience - 问心无愧例句:She can sleep well at night because she has a clear conscience.6. a big deal - 大事,重要的事情例句:Don't worry, it's not a big deal, we can handle it.7. a silver lining - 好的一面,积极的方面例句:Even in difficult times, there is always a silver lining.8. a waste of time - 浪费时间例句:Playing video games all day is a waste of time.9. a breath of fresh air - 一股新鲜空气,对比老套或无趣的事物而言例句:Her unique perspective is like a breath of fresh air in our discussions.10. a hot topic - 热门话题例句:The royal wedding became a hot topic of conversation.三、形容词短语1. on top of the world - 世界之巅,非常快乐例句:After winning the championship, she felt on top of the world.2. in the long run - 从长远来看例句:Investing in education is beneficial in the long run.3. out of control - 失去控制例句:The situation is getting out of control, we need to find a solution.4. under the weather - 身体不舒服例句:I won't be able to come to work today, I'm feeling under the weather.5. in the dark - 不知情例句:They kept me in the dark about their plans for the party.6. at ease - 放松,自在例句:He felt at ease in the presence of his close friends.7. in the spotlight - 受关注,备受瞩目例句:As a famous actor, he is always in the spotlight.8. in high spirits - 情绪高涨例句:After winning the game, the team was in high spirits.9. out of reach - 无法达到,得不到例句:The cost of the luxury car is out of reach for most people.10. in the middle of nowhere - 偏僻的地方例句:Their cabin is located in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nature.以上是一些常用的动词、名词和形容词短语,希望对你的写作和表达有所帮助。



欢迎共阅一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词二、afford to do sth.?负担得起做某事三、agree to do sth.?同意做某事四、arrange to do sth.安排做某事五、ask to do sth.?要求做某事六、beg to do sth.?请求做某事七、care to do sth.?想要做某事八、choose to do sth.?决定做某事九、decide to do sth.?决定做某事十、demand to do sth.?要求做某事十一、determine to do sth.?决心做某事十二、expect to do sth.?期待做某事十三、fear to do sth.?害怕做某事十四、help to do sth.?帮助做某事十五、hope to do sth.?希望做某事十六、learn to do sth.?学习做某事十七、manage to do sth.?设法做某事十八、offer to do sth.?主动提出做某事十九、plan to do sth.?计划做某事二十、prepare to do sth.?准备做某事二十一、pretend to do sth.?假装做某事二十二、promise to do sth.?答应做某事二十三、refuse to do sth.?拒绝做某事二十四、want to do sth.?想要做某事二十五、wish to do sth.?希望做某事二十六、注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定式,不接动名词:二十七、aim to do sth.?打算做某事二十八、fail to do sth.?未能做某事二十九、long to do sth.?渴望做某事三十、happen to do sth.?碰巧做某事三十一、hesitate to do sth.?犹豫做某事三十二、struggle to do sth.?努力做某事三十三、三十四、二、接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词三十五、advise sb. to do sth.?建议某人做某事三十六、allow sb. to do sth.?允许某人做某事三十七、ask sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事三十八、bear sb. to do sth.忍受某人做某事三十九、beg sb. to do sth.?请求某人做某事四十、cause sb. to do sth.?导致某人做某事四十一、command sb. to do sth.?命令某人做某事四十二、drive sb. to do sth .驱使某人做某事四十三、elect sb. to do sth.?选举某人做某事四十四、encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事四十五、四十六、forbid sb. to do sth.?禁止某人做某事四十七、force sb. to do sth.?强迫某人做某事四十八、get sb. to do sth.?使(要)某人做某事四十九、hate sb. to do sth.?讨厌某人做某事五十、help sb. to do sth.?帮助某人做某事五十一、intend sb. to do sth.打算要某人做某事五十二、invite sb. to do sth.?邀请某人做某事五十三、leave sb. to do sth.?留下某人做某事五十四、like sb. to do sth.?喜欢某人做某事五十五、mean sb. to do sth.?打算要某人做某事五十六、need sb. to do sth.?需要某人做某事五十七、oblige sb. to do sth.?迫使某人做某事五十八、order sb. to do sth.?命令某人做某事五十九、permit sb. to do sth.?允许某人做某事六十、persuade sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事六十一、prefer sb. to do sth.?宁愿某人做某事六十二、request sb. to do sth.?要求某人做某事六十三、remind sb. to do sth.?提醒某人做某事六十四、teach sb. to do sth .教某人做某事六十五、tell sb. to do sth.?告诉某人做某事六十六、train sb. to do sth.?训练某人做某事六十七、trouble sb. to do sth.?麻烦某人做某事六十八、want sb. to do sth.?想要某人做某事六十九、warn sb. to do sth.?警告某人做某事七十、wish sb. to do sth.?希望某人做某事七十一、注:不要受汉语意思的影响而误用以下动词句型:七十二、汉语说:“害怕某人做某事”,但英语不说fear sb. to do sth.。



英语常用词组4249 个( 详细版)薛建菠A1.a fraction of 一部分2.a matter of concern 焦点3.a series of 一系列, 一连串4.abandon sb to sth (不顾责任、义务等)抛弃, 离弃5.abandon sth to sb 不得已而放弃辨析abandon:迫于不得已而停止(支持,帮助);放弃义务,信念,责任stop :停止某行为give up doing :放弃做某种行为6.ability to do sth (注:不加of doing )有能力做某事7.to the best of one ’s ability 尽其所能辨析ability :具备做某事的能力(用法:ability to do sth (注:不加of doing ))capability :具备做某事所需的能力或素质(用法:capability to do sth/ 也可加of doing ))8.be able to do sth 能够辨析able :强调通过努力而获得的能力(用法:be able to do sth )can:表示本身具有的一般能力capable :(用法:capable of doing )9.be about to do ⋯when⋯打算10.abound with/in 富于、充满⋯11.above all 近义词:especially 尤其是, 最重要的12.be absent from 缺席13.absence of mind 近义词:being absent-minded 心不在焉14.absent oneself from sth 不在15.absolve sb from 赦免某人⋯16.be absorbed in 近义词:be engrossed in;be lost in;be rapt in;be concentrated onbe focused on;be centered on 全神贯注于⋯17.abstain from 避开( 免)⋯18.be abundant in 近义词:be rich in;be well supplied with 富于, 富有19.abundant in 富于20.accept sth 同意某事21.accept sb into sth/ accept sb as sth 接纳某人22.accept that ⋯相信/ 认为⋯23.access to ( 不可数名词)能接近, 进入辨析accept :表示主观意愿receive :表示客观事实(用法:receive sth from sb/sth )24.by accident 偶然辨析accident 通常指“不幸的”意外事故,如车祸,摔伤,砸伤等,多指无意或偶然造成的。



词组大全1.(see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump2 (比较级and 比较级)表示越来越怎么样3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易)4 agree with sb 赞成某人5 all kinds of 各种各样a kind of 一样6 all over the world = the whole world 整个世界7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : I will go along with you我将和你一起去the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样9 as you can see 你是知道的10 ask for ……求助向…要…(直接接想要的东西)eg : ask you for my book11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事13 at the age of 在……岁时eg:I am sixteen I am at the age of sixteen14 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的开始15 at the end of +地点/+时间最后;尽头;末尾eg : At the end of the day16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信eg : I am / feel confident of my spoken English I feel that I can pass the test18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时2 将来时19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原)能够…… eg : She is able to sing She can sing20 be able to do sth 能够干什么eg :she is able to sing21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕…… eg : I'm afraed to go out at night I'm afraid of dog22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么eg: I'm allowed to watch TV 我被允许看电视I should be allowed to watch TV 我应该被允许看电视23 be angry with sb 生某人的气eg : Don't be angry with me24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高26 be ashamed to 27 be away from 远离28 be away from 从……离开29 be bad for 对什么有害eg : Reading books in the sun is bad for your eyes 在太阳下看书对你的眼睛不好30 be born 出生于31 be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事be busy with sth 忙于……32 be careful 当心;小心33 be different from…… 和什么不一样34 be famous for 以……著名35 be friendly to sb 对某人友好36 be from = come from 来自eg :He is from Bejing He comes from Bejing Is he from Bejing ? Does he come from Bejing ?37 be full of 装满……的be filled with 充满eg: the glass is full of water the glass is filled with water38 be glad+to+do/从句39 be going to + v(原)将来时40 be good at(+doing) = do well in 在某方面善长, 善于……41 be good for 对什么有好处eg : Reading aloud is good for your English42 be happy to do 很高兴做某事43 be helpful to sb 对某人有好处eg : Reading aloud is helpful to you 大声朗读对你有好处Exercising is helpful to your bady 锻炼对你的身体有好处44 be in good health 身体健康45 be in trouble 处于困难中eg : She is in trouble They are in tronble46 be interested in 对某方面感兴趣47 be late for = come late to 迟到eg: Be late for class 上课迟到48 be like 像…… eg : I'm like my mother49 be mad at 生某人的气50 be made from 由……制成(制成以后看不见原材料)51 be made of 由……制成(制成以后还看得见原材料) 52 be not sure 表不确定53 be on a visit to 参观54 be popular with sb 受某人欢迎55 be quiet 安静56 be short for 表**的缩写eg: 陶is short for 陶俊杰57 be sick in bed 生病在床58 be sorry to do sth be sorry for sb eg : I am sorry for you59 be sorry to hear that 60 be sorry to trouble sb eg : I am sorry to trouble you61 be strict in doing sth 严于做某事eg : He's strict in obeying noles62 be strict with sb 对某人要求严格eg: Some students are not strict with them selves 这些学生对自己不严格63 be strict with sb in sth 某方面对某人严格64 be supposed to do 被要求干什么65 be sure 表确定66 be sure of doing sth 对做某事有信心eg: He is sure of winning I am sure of learning English well67 be sure of sth 对做某事有信心eg: I'm sure of my head (my teacher 我相信我的大脑(老师)68 be sure that sth 对做某事有信心eg: I'm suer that he can pass the test 我相信他能通过考试69 be sure to do sth一定会做某事eg: We are sure to pass the test 我们一定会通过这次考试We are sure to learn English well 我们一定能学好英语70 be terrified of + 名/动doing 害怕…… 71 be terrified to do sth 害怕做某事72 be the same as … 和什么一样73 be used to doing sth 习惯做某事eg: My father is used to getting up early 我爸爸习惯早He is used to sleeping in class 他习惯上课睡觉74 be worth doing 值得做什么75 be(feel) afraid to do sth 害怕做某事be afraid of sth 害怕某物be afraid that 丛句76 because+句子because of +短语eg : He was late because he had a headache He was late because of his headache77 begin to do = start to do 开始做某事start…with…=begin…with… 以什么开始什么eg : Let's begin the game with the song I begin to go home78 between…and… 两者之间79 borrow sth from sb 向……借…… le nd sth to sb ( lend sb sth 借给……什么东西eg : I borrowed a pen from him he lent a pen to me ( he lent me a pen80 both = the same(as) = not different(from) 表相同81 bother 打扰bother sb to do stheg : I'm sorry to bother you ,but can you tell me to way to the station我十分道歉打扰你,但是你能告诉我怎么去车站the problem has been bothering me for weeks 这个问题困扰了我几个周了He's bothering me to lend him money82 by the end of 到……为止83 call sb sth eg : We call him old wang84 care 关心eg : Don't you care about this country's future ?你为什么不关心国家的未来85 catch up with sb 赶上某人86 chat with sb 和某人闲谈take sb to + 地点带某人去某地87 come in 进88 come over to 过来89 come up with 提出eg: Can you come up with a good idea 你能想出一个好办法吗?90 communicate with sb 和某人交流91 consider + doing 考虑做什么eg : Why not consider going to lu zhou 为什么不考虑去泸州?92 dance to 随着……跳舞eg : She likes dancing to the music 她喜欢随着音乐跳舞93 decide to do sth 决定做某事94 do a survey of 做某方面的调查95 do better in 在……方面做得更好96 do wrong 做错97 Don't forget to do sth 不要忘了做某事98 Don't mind +doing /从句/名词不要介意……99 each +名(单)每一个…eg : Each student has many books 每一个学生都有一些书100 end up +doing 101 enjoy +doing喜欢102 escape from 从……逃跑eg: The prisoners have escaped from the prison犯人从监狱里逃跑出来103 expect to do sth 期待做某事104 fall down 摔下来fall off 从哪摔下来105 fall in love with sb /sth 爱上什么106 far from 离某地远eg : The school is far from my home 107 find +it +adj +to do 发现做某事怎么样108 find sb/sth +adj 发现什么怎么样eg : I find the book interesting 109 finish 完成+doing(名词)110 fit to sb = be fit for sb 适合某人111 forget to do 没有做而忘了forget doing 做了而又忘了eg: Don't forget to go home I forget closing door 112 from…to… 从某某到某某eg: From me for her113 get /have sth down 做完,被(别人)做…eg: I have my hair cut 我理了发(头发被剪了)Tom got his bad tooth pulled out 汤母把他的坏牙拔掉了(被牙医拔掉了)114 get a part-time job= find a part-time job 115 get along well with sb = get on well with sb 与某人相处得好116 get along with sb = get on with sb 与某人相处117 get ready for = be ready for为什么而准备eg : I get ready for math I am ready for math 118 get sb in to trouble 给某人麻119 get sb to do sth120 get…from… 从某处得到某物121 give a talk 做报告eg: He is give a tall 122 give sth to sb give sb sth 给某人某物123 go fish 钓鱼go swimming 游泳124 go on to do 去做下一件事go on doing 继续做这件事125 go out away from go out of126 go to school 上学(用于专业的)go to the school 去学校(不一定是上学)127 good way to 好方法128 hate to do 讨厌没做过的事hate doing 讨厌做过的事129 have a party for sb 举办谁的晚会130 have a talk 听报告谈一谈131 have been doing 现在完成进行时eg : You have been talking You have been sleeping since132 have been to …( 地方)……去过某过地方have g one to …(地方)去了某地还没回来133 have fun +doing 玩得高兴134 have sth to do 有什么事要做eg: I have a lot of homework to do 我有很多家庭作业要做I have nothing to do 我没什么事情做135 have to do sth 必须做某事136 have trouble (problem) (in) doing sth 做什么事情有麻烦137 have…time +doing138 h ave…(时间)…off 放……假eg: I have month off 我请一个月得假139 hear sb +do/doing 听见某人做某事/正在做某事140 help a lot 很大用处141 help sb with sth \one's sth 帮助某人某事(某方面)help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事142 hope to do sth 希望做某事143 How about(+doing) = What about(+doing)144 how do you like = what do you think of 你对什么的看法145 if : 是否=wethereg: I don't know if (wether) I should go to the party 我不知道我是否应该去参加晚会He don't know if (wether) we will arrive on time tomorrow morning 他不知道我们明天早上是否能准时到达146 if :如果,假如(全部接一般时态)+条件语态从句eg: I'll go to LuZhou if it does't rain 假如明天不下雨,我就去泸州If they change the plan they will let me know 假如他们要改变计划,他们会让我知道的I'll go to England ,if I have enough money next year 如果我明年由足够的钱,我就要去英国147 in one's opinion = sb think 某人认为148 in some ways 在某些方面149 in the end = finally(adv) 最后150 in the north of… 什么在什么的北方(north 北sowth 南west 西east 东)一、动词词组(包括短语动词)、介词词组和其他词组(一)由be构成的词组1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出2)be at home/work 在家/上班3)be good at 善于,擅长于4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细5)be covered with 被……复盖6)be ready for 为……作好准备7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶8)be interested in 对……感到举9)be born 出生10)be on 在进行,在上演,(灯)亮着11)be able to do sth. 能够做……</P< p>12)be afraid of (to do sth. that…) 害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……)13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的气14)be pleased (with) 对……感到高兴(满意)15)be famous for 以……而著名16)be strict in (with) (对工作、对人)严格要求17)be from 来自……,什么地方人18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了19)be worried 担忧20)be (well) worth doing (笑容50)with one's own eyes 亲眼看见51)after a while 过了一会儿52)from now on 从现在起53)from then on 从那时起54)far example 例如55)far away from 远离56)from morning till night 从早到晚57)by and by 不久58)by air mail 寄航空邮件59)by ordinary mail 寄平信60)by the way 顺便说61)by the window 在窗边62)by the end of… 到……底为止63)little by little 逐渐地64)in all 总共65)in fact 事实上66)in one's twenties 在某人二十几岁时67)in a hurry 匆忙68)in the middle of 在……中间69)in no time (in a minute) 立刻,很快70)in time (on time) 及时71)in public 公众,公开地72)in order to 为了……73)in front of 在……前面</P< p>74)in the sun 在阳光下75)in the end 最后,终于76)in surprise 惊奇地77)in turn 依次78)of course 当然79)a bit (of) 有一点儿80)a lot of 许多81)on one's way to 某人在去……的路上82)on foot 步行,走路83)a talk on space 一个关于太空的报告84)on the other hand 另一方面85)at/on the weekend 在周末86)on the left (right) 在左(右)边87)on the other side of 在……另一边88)on the radio 通过收音机(无线电广播)89)to one's joy 使……高兴的是90)to one's surprise 使……惊讶的是三、量词词组和其他词组(一)量词词组1)a bit 一点儿2)a few (of) 一些(可数),几个……3)a little 一些(不可数)4)a lot of (lots of) 许多5)a piece of 一张(一片,块)6)a cup of 一茶怀7)a glass of 一玻璃杯8)a pile of (piles and piles of) 一堆(一堆堆的)……</P< p>9)a box of 一盒10)a copy of 一份,一本11)a bowl of 一碗12)a basket of 一篮13)a plate of 一盘14)a bottle of 一瓶15)a basin of 一脸盆16)a set of 一套17)a kind of 一种18)a type of 一种类型的19)a great deal of 非常多,大量的(不可数名词)20)a large (great) number of 非常多,大量的(可数名词)21)a great many 大量,许多(可数名词)22)a different type of 一种不同型号的23)a group of 一队,一组,一群(二)其他词组1)all kinds of 各种各样的2)all over the world/the country 全世界/全国3)all over 遍及每一部分,浑身4)all one's life 一生5)one after another 顺次6)the Children's Palace 少年宫7)day after day 日复一日8)up and down 上上下下9)the day after tomorrow 后天10)the day before yesterday 前天</P< p>11)the last/past two years (or so) 最近两年(左右)12)the whole country/the whole world 全国/全世界13)a moment ago 刚才14)just now/then 刚才/那时15)half an hour's walk 步行半小时的路程16)late on 过后,后来非常)值得做……21)be covered with 被……所覆盖……22)be in (great) need of (很)需要23)be in trouble 处于困境中24)be glad to do sth. 很高兴做……25)be late for ……迟到26)be made of (from) 由……制成27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意28)be free 空闲的,有空29)be (ill) in bed 卧病在床30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙于……)(二)由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组</P< p>1)come back 回来2)come down 下来3)come in 进入,进来4)come on 快,走吧,跟我来5)come out出来6)come out of 从……出来7)come up 上来8)come from 来自……9)do one's lessons/homework 做功课/回家作业10)do more speaking/reading 多做口头练习/朗读11)do one's best 尽力12)do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除)13)do a good deed (good deeds)做一件好事(做好事)14)do morning exercises 做早操15)do eye exercises 做眼保健操16)do well in 在……某方面干得好17)get up 起身18)get everything ready 把一切都准备好19)get ready for (=be ready for) 为……作好准备20)get on (well) with 与……相处(融洽)21)get back 返回22)get rid of 除掉,去除23)get in 进入,收集24)get on/off 上/下车25)get to 到达26)get there 到达那里27)give sb. a call 给……打电话28)give a talk 作报告29)give a lecture (a piano concert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会)30)give back 归还,送回31)give……some advice on 给……一些忠告32)give lessons to 给……上课33)give in 屈服34)give up 放弃35)give sb. a chance 给……一次机会36)give a message to…… 给……一个口信37)go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧38)go to the cinema 看电影39)go go bed 睡觉(make the bed 整理床铺)40)go to school (college) 上学(上大学)41)go to (the) hospital 去医院看病42)go over 过一遍,复习/ go over to 朝……走去43)go fishing/skating/swimming/shopping 去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东44)go home (there) 回家去(去那儿)45)go round 顺便去,绕道走46)go up 上去47)go out for a walk 外出散步48)go on (doing) 继续(做……)49)go on with one's work 继续某人的工作50)go upstairs/downstairs 上/下楼51)(the lights) go out (灯)熄了52)have a lesson (lessons)/a meeting 上课/开会53)have a football match (basketball match) 举行一场足球(蓝球)赛54)have dictation 听见55)have a try 试一试56)have a good/wonderful time 玩得很高兴57)have a lecture (a piano concert) 听讲座(听钢琴音乐会)58)have a report (talk) on 听一个关于……的报告59)have a glass of water (a cup of tea) 喝一杯水,(一杯茶)60)have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭61)have a meal (three meals) 吃一顿饭(三餐饭)62)have a dinner 吃正餐63)have bread and milk for breakfast 早饭吃面包和牛奶64)have (have got) a headache 头痛65)have a fever 发烧66)have a cough (a cold) 咳嗽(感冒)</P< p>67)have a look (at) 看一看……68)have a rest (a break) 休息一会儿(工间或课间休息)69)have a talk 谈话70)have a swim/walk 游泳/散步71)have sports 进行体育锻炼72)have a sports meet (meeting) 开运动会73)have something done 让人(请人)做……74)have a test/an exam 测验/考试75)have an idea 有了个主意76)had better do sth. (not do sth.) 最好做……(最好不要做……)77)have a word with 与……谈几句话78)help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth. 在……方面帮助…… 帮助……做79)help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat 请随便吃点鸡/鱼/肉80)help each other 互相帮助81)keep up with 跟上……,不落后于……82)keep silent/quiet 保持沉默/安静83)keep sb. doing sth. 使……一直做……84)keep one's diary 记日记85)make a noise (a lot of noise, much noise, noises)吵闹(十分嘈杂,响声)86)make a living 谋生</P< p>87)make sb. do sth. 迫使某人做……88)make faces (a face)做鬼脸89)make friends (with)与……交朋友90)make a mistake (mistakes)犯错误91)make room/space for 给……腾出地方92)make a sentence (sentences)with 用……造句93)make a fire 生火94)be made from/of 由……制成95)be made in 在……地方制造96)look out of (outside) 往外看(看外面)97)look up a word (in the dictionary) 查字典98)look up 往上看,仰望99)look after 照管,照看,照顾100)look for 寻找101)look like 看上去像102)look fine/well/tired/worried 看起来气色好/健康/疲劳/忧虑103)look out 当心,小心104)look on …as… 把……当作……看待105)look around 朝四周看106)look at 看着……107)put on 穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子),上演(戏剧)108)put up 建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖109)put into 使进入,输入110)put one's heart into 全神贯注于111)put…down… 把……放下</P< p>112)put…into… 把……译成113)set up 竖起,建起114)set off 出发,动身115)set out 出发116)set an example for 为……树立榜样117)send for 派人去请(叫)118)send out 放出,发出119)end up 把……往上送,发射120)take one's advice 听从某人劝告121)take out 拿出,取出122)take down 拿下123)take place 发生124)take one's place 坐……的座位,代替某人职务125)take the place of 代替……126)take a walk/rest 散步/休息127)take it easy 别紧张128)take sth.with sb. 随身带着129)take sb. to a park/London for one's holidays 带某人去公园/伦敦度假130)take care of 关心,照顾,保管131)take a look (a last look) at 看一看(最后看一眼)132)take an exam 参加考试133)take away 拿走134)take back 收回,带回135)take hold of 抓住……136)take off 脱下(衣,帽,鞋等)拿掉137)take (an active) part in (积极)参加(活动138)take photos 拍照139)take some medicine 服药140)take a bus/train, boat/ 乘公共汽车,火车/船141)turn on 开,旋开(电灯,收音机等)142)turn off 关上(电灯,收音机等)143)turn in 交出,上交144)turn…into… 变成145)turn to 翻到,转向146)turn down (把音量)调低147)turn…over 把……翻过来148)play basketball 打篮球,football 踢足球,volleyball 打排球149)play games 做游戏150)play the piano (the violin) 弹钢琴(拉小提琴)151)play with snow 玩雪152)play a joke (on) 对……开玩笑(三)由其他动词构成的词组153)think over 仔细考虑154)arrive at/in a place 到达某处155)eat up 吃完,吃光156)do well in 在……干得好157)enjoy doing sth. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事喜欢干某事158)find out 发现,查出(真相等)159)finish off 吃完,喝完160)stop doing sth. 停止做某事161)stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事162)hold a meting 举行会议163)hold up 举起164)hurry up 赶快,快点165)enter for 报名参加166)langht at 嘲笑167)be used to 习惯于168)used to 过去常常169)wake…up 唤醒170)work out 算出二、动词短语、介词短语和其他词组1)ask for 向……要……,请求2)ask for leave 请假3)send for 派人去请(叫)4)pay for 付……的款5)wait for 等候6)thank for 为……感谢7)apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉8)look for 寻找9)leave…for 离开……去……10)fall off 跌落11)catch cold 着凉,伤风12)catch up with 赶上13)agree with sb. 赞成,同意某人的意见14)filled……with 把……装满</P< p>15)tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事16)talk about 谈论……17)think about 考虑……18)worry about 担忧……19)look after 照料20)run after 追赶,跟在后面跑21)read after 跟……读22)smile at 对……微笑23)knock at 敲(门、窗)24)shout at 对……大喊(嚷)25)throw away 扔掉26)work hard at 努力做……27)wait in line 排队等候28)change…into… 变成29)hurry into… 匆忙进入30)run into… 跑进31)hear of 听说32)think of 认为,考虑33)catch hold of 抓住34)instead of 代替……35)hand in 交上来36)stay in bed 卧病在床37)hear from 收到……来信38)at once 立刻39)at last 最后40)at first 起先,首先41)at the age of… 在……岁时</P< p>42)at the end of… 在……之末43)at the beginning of… 在……之初44)at the foot of… 在……脚下</P< p>45)at the same time 同时46)at night/noon 在夜里/中午47)with one's help 在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助48)with the help of … 在……的帮助下49)with a smile 面带。



英语词组和造句摘抄大全1.agree with 同意……的意见(想法);符合I can’t agree with you about that.就那件事,我无法同意你的看法。

2.listen to倾听……When she arrived,I was listening to English.她来的时候,我正在听英语。

3.get to 到达I get to school at about 7:30 every day,and I get home at 5:00 in the afternoon.我每天7:30到校,下午5:00到家。

4.fall off (从……) 掉下The girl fell off the bike.女孩从自行车上摔了下来。

5.knock at/on 敲(门、窗)There was a heavy knock at the door.有人在猛烈地敲门。

6.laugh at 嘲笑It’s not good to laugh at a person who is in trouble.讥笑一个陷于困境的人是不对的。

7.learn…from… 向……学习Bob,you should learn from your brother.He does well in his homework.鲍勃,你应该向你哥哥学一学。


8.live on 继续存在;靠……生活People in my hometown live on rice.我家乡的人们靠大米为生。

9.look after 照顾,照看I must look after my old grandma when my parents are not at home.父母不在家时,我必须照顾我的老奶奶.10.help…with 帮助……做……My friend helps me with my English study.我的朋友帮助我学习英语。



词组大全a bill of fare 菜单;节目单a case in point 一个恰当的例子a couple of 一对,一双;几个a far cry 遥远的距离a few 少许,一些a good deal 许多,大量;…得多a good few 相当多,不少a good many 大量的,许多,相当多a hard nut to crack 棘手的问题a little 一些,少许;一点儿a lot of 大量,许多;非常a number of 一些,许多a point of view 观点,着眼点a series of 一系列,一连串a variety of 种种,各种abide by 遵守(法律等);信守abound in 盛产,富于,充满above all 首先,首要,尤其是above-mentioned 上述的abstain from 戒除,弃权,避开access to 接近;通向…的入口according as 根据…而…according to 根据…所说;按照account for 说明(原因等);解释account for 占;打死,打落(敌机)accuse sb. of sth. 控告(某人某事) act for 代理act on 按照…而行动act out 演出adapt to 适应add up to 合计达,总计是add up 加算,合计adhere to 粘附在…上;坚持adjacent to 与…毗连的admire to do sth. (美口)很想做某事admit of 容许有,有…余地admit to 承认admit to 让…享有advertise for 登广告征求(寻找)某物affect to 假装afford to (买)得起(某物)after a little 过了一会儿after a while 过了一会,不久after all 毕竟,终究;虽然这样agree about 对…有相同的看法agree on 就…达成协议决定agree on 同意,赞成agree to 同意,商定agree with 同意,与…取得一致agree with 与…相一致;适合ahead of schedule 提前ahead of time 提前,在原定时间以前ahead of 在…前面,先于;胜过aim for 力争…,针对all along 始终,一直,一贯all at once 突然;同时;一起all but 几乎,差一点all in all 总的说来;头等重要的all of a sudden 突然,冷不防all one's life 一生,一辈子all out 竭尽全力all over again 再一次,重新all over 到处,遍及;全部结束all right 令人满意的;好,行all right 行,可以;顺利;确实all round (在…)周围,处处all the same 仍然,照样地all the time 一直,始终all the years round 一年到头all too 太allow for 考虑到,估计到;体谅allow of 容许(有…),容得along with 同…一道(一起) amount to 总共达到;实际上是and all that 诸如此类and all that 诸如此类and so forth 等等and so forth 等等,如此等等and so on 等等and so 所以,因此;同样and that 而且and the like 等等,以及诸如此类and then 于是,然后and what not 诸如此类,等等and yet 而,然而answer for 对…负责;符合… answer sb. back (与某人)顶嘴,回嘴answer up 应对迅速any longer 再any more 再;较多些any number of 许多anything but 除…以外任何事(物) apart from 除…之外(别无)appeal to 上诉apply for 提出申请(或要求等)apply one's mind to 专心于…apply oneself to 致力于apply to 向…申请或要求apply...to 把…应用于approach to 接近;约等于approve of 赞成,满意arm in arm 手挽手地around the clock 昼夜不断地,全天地arrive at 到达(某地)as a matter of fact 事实上,其实as a matter of fact 事实上;其实as a result of 由于;作为…的结果as a result 作为结果as a rule 通常,一般(说来)as a rule 通常;一般说来as a whole 总体上as best one can 尽最大努力as concerns 关于as far as …那么远,直到;至于as follows 如下as for as 就…而论,据…as for 至于,就…方面说as good as 和…几乎一样as good as 几乎(实际)已经as if 好像,仿佛as it is 事实上,既然如此as it were 似乎,可以说是as long as 达…之外,长达as long as 只要as much as 尽…那样多;差不多as regards 关于,至于as soon as possible 尽快as soon as 一…就…as sure as fate 千真万确as to 至于,关于as usual 像往常一样,照例as well as (除…之外)也,既…又as well as 既…又;除…之外as well 也,同样,不妨as well 也,又as yet 到目前为止as...as... 象,如同,与…一样aside from (美)除…以外ask after 询问,问候ask for 请求,要求,寻求assist in 帮助(做某事)assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事assure sb. of sth. 使(某人)确信(某事) at a good pace 相当快地at a loss 困惑;亏本地at a speed of 以…的速度at a time 每次;在某个时刻at all costs 不惜任何代价at all events 无论如何at all risks 无论冒什么危险at all times 无论何时,一直at all 完全,根本;到底at any cost 不惜任何代价at any rate 不管怎样,反正at any rate 无论如何;至少at any time 在任何时候at best 充其量,至多at ease 自由自在;舒适,舒坦at first sight 乍一看(之下)at first 最初,首先,开始时候at full speed 以全速at hand 在手边;在附近at heart 在内心里;实质上at home 在家,在国内;自在at intervals 不时;相隔一定的距离at large 完全地;详尽地at last 最终,终于at least 至少,最低限度at length 最后,终于at longest (把日期)至多,最晚at lowest 至少,最低at most 最多,至多,不超过at night 天黑时;在夜里at no time 决不,在任何时候都不at once[2t 'w3ns]立刻,马上;同时at one time 同时;曾经,一度at one's best 处在最好状态at other times 平时at peace 处于和平(或和睦)状态at present 目前,现在at regular intervals 每隔一定时间(距离) at one's heels 紧跟在某人的后面at one's disposal 任某人处理at sight of 一看见at stake 在危险中;危如累卵at table 在餐桌边,在进餐时at that rate 那样的话;照那种情形at that 就那样,就这样;而且at the cost of 以…为代价at the expense of 归…付费at the instance of 应…之请,经…的提议at the latest 最迟,至迟at the mercy of 在…支配下at the moment 此刻,目前;那时at the same time 同时,然而,不过at the thought of 一想起…(就)at this rate 这样的话,照此速度at times 有时,不时at work (人)在工作;忙于at worst 在最坏的情况下attach importance to 认为重要attach importance to 重视attach oneself to 依附;参加党派attach to 使属于,使参加attain to 达到(理想的状态)attend on 照顾,侍候attend to 专心;照顾,护理back and forth (前后)来回地,往返back away 逐渐后退back down off 放弃,让步,退却back of 在…的后面;在…背后back out of 收回(诺言等)back up 支持,援助;倒退based on 以…为基础be able to 能,会be about to 即将(做)be absorbed in 专心致力于…be abundant in …富于,…丰富be accustomed to 习惯于be acquainted with 开始认识;开始了解be addicted to 沉溺于;使吸毒成瘾be adequate for 适合be alike to 与…相同,与…相似be alive to 对…敏感,觉察,关心be all ears 全神贯注地倾听着be at the end 到尽头,达限度be at war 处于交战状态be attached to 附属于;喜爱;爱慕be attentive to 对…关怀be available for 有效be aware of 知道,意识到,认识到be beneficial to 有利于,有益于be better off 境况富裕;更富有be blind to 不了解,对…是盲目的be bound for 准备到…去;开往be bound to 一定会…,必然…be bound up in 热心于;忙于be bound up with 与…有密切关系be burned to a crisp 烧脆be busy with 忙于…be capable of 有做出(某事)倾向的be careful of 当心…对…仔细be careful with 照顾;对…过细地be caught up in 对…特别感兴趣be cautious of 留心…,谨防…be certain of 确信,肯定be certain to do sth 一定做…be charitable to 对…慈善be civil to 对…有礼貌,对…谦恭be clear about 对…明白,对…明确be comparable to 比得上…be comparable with 与…可比较的be composed of 由…组成be concerned with 关心,挂念;从事于be considerate of 体谅…,替…着想be detached from 把…从…上卸下be disagreeable to 不合…意;对…发脾气be disgusted with 讨厌…,厌恶…be eager for sth. 渴求某事物be envious of 羡慕(或忌妒)be equal to 等于,相当于be essential to 对…不可缺少be familiar to 为…所熟悉be familiar with 对…熟悉be favourable to 赞成…be fed up with 对…感到厌烦,腻了be fed up 吃得过饱;对…极厌倦be fond of 爱好be friends with与…交友(友好) be full of充满be generous in be generous with 乐于…用…很大方be good at 善于,擅长于be good to 对…好;对…很慈善be hard on sb. 过于严厉对待某人be hard up for money 缺钱,手头紧be hard up 短缺,在急需中be ignorant of 对…不知道(了解)be in drink 喝醉了be in fashion (人、物)合于时尚be in for 参加(竞赛、考试等)be in love with 跟…恋爱be in sympathy with 赞同,同情be in the habit of 有…习惯(或脾气) be in the wrong 错,理亏be inferior to (质量等)比…差be jealous of 嫉妒…be keen about 喜爱,对…着迷be keen on 喜爱,爱好;渴望be keen on 喜爱;渴望be known as 以…知名;被认为是be known for 因…而众所周知be known to 为…所知be located in 位于…,坐落在…be lost on 对…不起作用be loyal to 忠于be married to sb. 和…结婚be noted as 以…而闻名be occupied in 忙于…,正从事…be off one's head 神经错乱,神志不清be on a diet 节食be on the advance (物价)在上涨中be on the drink 常常喝酒,酗酒be out for 为图要;一心为be out of employment 失业be out of style 不合时式,不时髦be qualified to 能胜任…be remarkable for 以…而著称be representative of 代表…be responsible to sb 向…负责be rid of 摆脱,去掉be satisfied with 对…感到满意be seated 坐下,坐着;位于…be short of 缺乏,不足;达不到be skilled in 擅长be subject to 易受…的;惯患…的be superior to 比…更优越be supposed to 被期望;应该be sure and... 一定要…be sure of oneself 有自信心be thick with 充满;与(某人)很亲密be to blame for 对…应负责任be to blame 该受责备;应该负责be typical of 是…的特点be up against 面临(困难等)be up to 该由…负责;胜任be used to['ju:stu]习惯于be useful to 对…有益be very useful at 精通be worth doing 值得(做)bear away 夺得;赢得(奖品等)bear down on 冲向;对…施加压力bear down 压倒,击败,克服bear in mind 记住bear off 赢得;使离开;驶离bear on 对…施加影响;有关bear out 证实,证明bear sth. in mind 记住(某事)bear up 支持,拥护;打起精神bear with 宽容;耐心等待beat down 打倒,推翻;杀(价)beat off 击退,打退(进攻)beat up and down 来回奔走before long 不久以后begin with 以…开始;开始于behind schedule 落后于预定计划believe in 相信,信仰,主张belong to[bi'l08]属于;附属bend one's knee to 向…跪下,屈服于beside the point 离题,不中肯beside the question 离题,和本题无关best of all 最(好),首先beyond control 无法控制beyond dispute 没有争论余地的beyond number 多得数不清beyond question 毫无疑问,无可争辩bit by bit 一点一点地,渐渐black and blue (被打得)遍体鳞伤black out 用墨涂掉;封锁(新闻)blow off 吹掉,将(热水等)放出blow one's top (美)气急败坏;发脾气blow out 吹熄(灯火等)blow over 被淡忘blow over 经过;(云等)吹散blow up 发脾气;放大(照片等)blow up 给(轮胎等)打气;爆炸boast of 吹牛,自夸,夸耀bomb out 把(地方等)炸毁border on 接界;接近,非常像born of 源于;出生于both...and... 既…又…,不但…而且break away 突然离开;逃跑,脱身break down 打破;发生故障;中止break faith 背信,背弃信仰break in on 打扰;打断break in 训练;强行进入;打断break into pieces (使)成为碎片break into 闯进;突然…起来break off (使)折断;中断;断绝break one's word 失信,食言break out into 长出(嫩芽等);迸发出break out (战争等)爆发;逃出break the ice 打破沉默break through 突破,冲垮;突围break up 打碎;(关系)破裂break up 分裂,分解;解散breeze through 轻松地做bring about 带来;使(船)掉过头来bring back 带回来,使恢复bring down 降低(温度等);使倒下bring forth 使产生;生(孩子)bring forward 使涌现出bring forward 提出(建议等);显示bring in 收获(庄稼等);生产bring into action 使行动起来bring into effect 实行,实现,实施bring into operation 实施,使生效bring off 救出;成功地做某事bring on 引导,导致;使发展bring out 使…显示出来;公布bring over 把…带来;使某人转变bring through 救活(病人)bring to life 使苏醒bring to ruin 使毁灭,使落空bring together 使…团结起来bring under 镇压;压制;使就范bring up the rear 走在最后面bring up 教育;提出(供讨论) bring...into contact 使…和…接触brush aside 扫除(障碍等),无视brush off 刷去;掸去;拂去brush up 擦亮;重新学习;复习build up 树立;逐步建立;增大burn down 把…夷为平地burn oneself out (因过劳而)筋疲力尽burn out 烧坏;烧尽,筋疲力尽burn up (炉火等)烧旺起来burst into laughter 突然笑起来burst into 闯入;突然发作burst out laughing 突然笑起来burst up 爆炸;失败;突然发怒burst upon 突然来到but for 倘没有,要不是button up 扣,扣紧钮扣buy off 收买buy out 出钱使(某人)放弃地位buy up 全买;尽可能买进buzz off (俚)急忙离去by accident 偶然by air 通过航空途径by all means 尽一切办法;一定by all nerves 高度不安,神经紧张by and by 不久以后,将来by and large 总的来说,大体上by any means 无论如何by chance 偶然,碰巧,意外地by comparison 比较起来by error 错误地by far …得多;最最by force 凭借暴力;强迫地by hand 用手;用手工的by heart 熟记,牢记,凭记忆by instinct 凭(靠)本能by itself 自动地;单独地by leaps and bounds 飞速地,突飞猛进地by little and little 一点一点地,逐渐地by means of 用,凭借,依靠by mistake 错误地by name 名叫;用名字by nature 生性,本性上by night 在夜间;趁黑夜by no means 决不,并没有by oneself 单独;独自,自行by oneself 独自地,单独地by pressed for 缺少,缺乏by reason of 由于,因为by reason that 因为…,由于…by request 应邀,应(听众)的请求by the moment 到那时候by the name of 名叫by the way 顺便提一下,另外by turns 轮流,交替地by virtue of 依靠…;由于,因为by way of 通过…方法;经由by worthy of 值得by yourself 你独自地,你独立地call after 追在…的后面叫喊call at 作短暂访问;停(泊)call back 叫回来,收回(错话等)call down 祈求到;招来call for 要求,需要,提倡call forth 唤起,引起call in question 对…表示怀疑call in 收回(某物)call off 叫走,叫开;取消call on 访问;号召;呼吁call the roll 点名call up 征召(服役),动员call...to account 责问,要求…说明理由calm down 平静下来;镇定下来can do with 满足于;希望得到can not help 情不自禁,忍不住cannot but 不得不,不会不cannot help but 不得不(接动词原形)cannot help 不得不;忍不住cannot...too... 越…越好cannot...too... 怎么…也不会过分cap in hand 恭敬地,谦恭地care for 关怀,照管;愿意carry away 运走,使失去自制力carry back 运回;使回想起carry forward 推进,发扬carry into effect 实行,实现,实施carry off 拿走,夺去…的生命carry on 继续开展,坚持下去carry out 进行(到底),开展carry through 进行(到底);贯彻cash in on 靠…赚钱,乘机利用cash in 兑现;收到…的货款cast about for 搜索,寻觅cast aside 消除,抛弃;废除cast back 回想,追溯cast oneself on 委身于,指望catch at 想抓住;渴望取得catch at 想抓住;立即接受catch fire 着火,烧着catch on 理解,明白,变得流行catch one's breath 喘息;屏息catch sb.'s eye 引起(某人)注目catch sight of 发现,看到,突然看见catch up with 赶上;指出…出了差错catch up 赶上;打断…的话cave in (使)下陷,坍塌change one's mind 改变主意check in 办理登记手续,报到check out 结账后离开;检验合格check over 检查;调查check up 核对,检验check with 与…相符合cheer on 向…欢呼;鼓励;声援cheer up 使高兴,使高兴起来chew over 深思,细想;仔细商量clap eyes on 看见;注视clear away 把…清除掉;(云)消失clear off (云雾等)消散clear off 消除,摆脱(负担等) clear out 把…清出(或出空)clear up 消除(误会等);整理close about 围住,包围close down (工厂等)关闭,倒闭close down 停止播送;控制close in 包围;(昼,夜)逐渐变短close in 包围;迫近;渐短close one's ears to 掩耳不听close over 淹没;封盖;遮蔽close up (伤口)愈合;停业close up 关闭;堵塞;靠近close with 靠近,逼近;接受combine with 使结合;使联合起来come about 发生;(风等)改变方向come across (越过…而)来到come after 跟在…后面;跟踪come alive 活跃起来;觉悟起来come at 袭击;达到;得到come before 在…之前来come between 在…中间;离间come by 从旁走过;得到come down on 申斥;惩罚come down on 申斥;惩罚;袭击come down 败落come for 来接人;来取物come forth 出来;涌现come home 回家;打中come in for 接受(份儿、遗产等)come into effect 开始生效,开始实行come into one's own 进入繁盛期come into operation 施行;生效;开始工作come into use 开始被使用come into 进入;得到come of 出身于;由…引起come off (计划等)实现;举行come on (劝说等)来吧;开始come out with 发表,提出;公布come out 出版;传出;显现come over 过来;从远方来come round (非正式的)来访;绕道come through 经历(困难);获得成功come to a close 结束,终止come to an end 告终,结束;完结come to life 苏醒过来come to one's mind 忽然想起come to one's senses 恢复理性;醒悟过来come to terms with 达成协议;妥协,让步come to the point 说到要点;扼要地说come to 苏醒;共计;达到come true (希望等)实现,达到come true 实现,达到come under 编入,归入(某一项目)come up against 碰到(困难、反对等) come up smiling 重振精神come up to 达到;符合come up with 追上,赶上;提出come up 走近;(从土中)长出come what may 不管发生什么事compare with 与…相比较compare...to 把…比作;与…相比较complain of 抱怨;诉苦;抗议connect with 连接;相通,衔接considering that 鉴于…,就…而论consist in 在于;存在于consist of 由…构成,包含有consult with 与…商量(协商)contribute to 有助于…,促成cope with 对付…,妥善处理correspond to 相当于;和…相符合count in 把…计算在内count on 依靠;期待,指望count out 点…的数count up 把…加起来,共计cover over 遮没cover up 掩盖,掩饰credit with 把…记入贷方cross off 从…划掉,删去cross out 删去,取消cry down 贬低cry for 哭着要;恳求cry off 取消(买卖、契约等)cry out 大声呼喊;大声抱怨cure sb. of 治愈某人的疾病cut across 抄近路穿过,对直通过cut back 修剪(树枝等);削减cut down 砍倒;消减;缩短cut in (汽车)超车,抢挡cut into 侵犯(利益等);削减cut off 切掉;切断;阻隔cut out for 适合于,准备;面对cut out 切掉;删掉;停止cut short 使突然停止;打断cut short 中断,打断cut through (抄近路)穿过;穿透cut up (牲口等)宰后得肉cut up 切碎;齐根割掉date back to 追溯到;从…开始有day after day 日复一日地day in day out 日复一日地,天天deal in 经营deal out 分配,分给deal with 做买卖;处理;安排decide for 作对…有利的决定decide on 选定,决定dedicate to 献(身);把…用在…depart from 离开,起程;开出derive from 取得;起源;由来devote oneself to 献身于;致力于die away 变弱;渐渐消失;平息die away 变弱;逐渐平息die for 渴望,切望die from 由于…而死,因…致死die game 至死不屈die of illness 病死die off 一个个死掉die out 消失,灭绝,不复存在die out 消失,灭绝;熄灭die to the world 隐居,不问人间事dig down 挖下去;掘倒dig in 掘土以参进(肥料等)dig out 掘出;挖掉dig up 掘起;挖出dip into 浸一浸;掏;翻阅一下disagree with 与…意见不一致disguise...as 把…假扮成;使…假装dispose of 除掉;干掉;卖掉do a good job 好好干;干得好do away with 废除,去掉;弄死do by sb. 对待(某人)do down 胜过;欺骗do duty for 当…用,起作用do for 对…有效;照应do justice 公平对待;和…酷似do one's best 尽力,尽最大努力do one's best 尽力,努力do one's bit 尽一份力do one's bit 尽自己的一份力量do one's duty 尽职,尽本分do one's hair (女子)做头发do one's level best 全力以赴do one's utmost 竭力,尽全力do oneself proud 养尊处优do over 重做;重新装饰房子do sb. a favour 给某人以恩惠do sb. good 帮助某人do sb. wrong 冤枉(委屈)某人do up one's hair (女子)梳理头发do up 维修;使整洁;包扎do well (病人等)康复情况良好do with 与…相处;忍受;对付do without 没有…也行;将就do wrong 做错;作恶,犯罪double back 把…对折;往回跑double up 弯曲(手脚等) double up 弯着身子;把…对折down with 打倒;把…拿下drag in 把…拉进去drag on 拖延;使拖延drain off 流掉;渐渐枯竭drain...of 耗尽;用完draw a conclusion 得出结论draw aside 拉到一边draw away 拉开;引开;离开draw back 收回(已付关税等) draw in (火车、汽车)进站draw into 使卷入draw lots 抽签,抽签决定draw on 吸收;利用;凭;戴上draw out 拉长;掏出(手帕等) draw to a close 渐近结束draw to a close 结束;终结draw up 起草,制订dream of 梦到;梦想;向往dream up (凭想象)虚构dress up 穿上盛装drink down 以酒消(愁)drink to 为…干杯,为…祝福drink up 喝干净,喝完drive at 意指drive away at 努力做(工作等) drive home 打(钉子等)敲进去drive home 用车把…送到家drive out 赶出去drive up 抬高drop by 顺便走访,非正式访问drop off 睡着;(让…)下车drop on 训斥,惩罚drop out 退出,退学;掉落drop over 顺便来访drop to one's knees 跪下dry up (使)干涸due to 由于;应归于dwell on 细想;详细讲述each other 互相(多用作宾语) early and late 从早到晚early or late 迟早earn one's living 谋生eat of 吃…中的一部分eat off 吃掉,腐烂掉eat up 吃完,吃光;耗尽eat up 使沉迷于;使纠缠于either...or 或…或,不是…就是employ oneself in 使忙于,使从事于empty of 缺乏,无end in 以…为结果end off 结束end up with 以…而结束end up 结束,告终;竖着engage in 从事于,参加engaged in 使从事于,使忙于engaged with 与…有事商谈enjoy oneself[in'd-0i w3n'self]过得快活;玩得高兴ensure sb. against 保护某人免受… enter for 报名参加(比赛)enter into 进入;参加;开始从事enter upon 开始,着手equip with 装备,配备even if 即使,纵然even now 即使在现在ever since 从那时起一直到现在ever so 非常,极其every bit 每一点,完全(一样)every other day 每隔一天every other 每隔一个…的except for 除…之外excuse oneself from 借口推托;婉言拒绝excuse sb. for sth. 原谅某人做了某事exert oneself to 努力,尽力expect of 对…期望(要求)face to face 面对面(的)地;对立地face up to 勇敢地对付;大胆面向fail in 在…不足,疏忽fail to 不能,记忆fair play 公平的竞赛;公平对待fall back on 求助于,转而依靠fall back 后退,退却fall behind 落在…后面,跟不上fall for 爱上,迷恋;受骗fall in love with 相爱,爱上…fall in love 爱上某人fall in with 偶尔遇到;同意,赞许fall into 落入;陷于;河流注入fall off 下降,跌落,减少fall on one's knees 跪下(请求等) fall out of 放弃(习惯等)fall out 争吵;闹翻;结果fall through 失败,成为泡影fall to doing 着手(做)…;开始… fall to 着手;开始攻击fall under 受到(影响等);被列为far and away 大大…;无疑地far and near 远近,到处,四面八方far and wide 四面八方far from 远离,决不,完全不fear for 为…担心feed in 输入,进(料)feed on 以…为食物(能源)feed up 供给…营养feed with 加上(油、煤等)feel about 摸索,暗中摸索feel amused at 以…自娱,逗…笑feel envy at 对…感到妒忌(或羡慕) feel like 感到想要做feel one's way 摸索着走(干),试探feel out 试探出,摸清feel up to 觉得能担当figure for 谋取,企图获取figure on 把…估计在内;指望figure out 计算出;估计;理解figure up 计算…,把…总加起来fill in 填充,填写,临时代替fill out 填好,填写;使长大fill up 填补;装满find expression in 在…中表现出来find oneself 发觉自己的处境find out 查明;找到;发现finish up with 以…结束;最后有… finish up 结束;完成finish with 完成,结束fire up (突然)生气,勃然大怒first and foremost 首要地,首先first of all 首先,第一first or last (古)迟早,早晚fish out 捞出;把…中的鱼捕尽fix in with 适合,符合;适应fix one's eyes on 注意,注视fix up 修补,修理好;解决fix up 治愈(病人);安顿flame out 突然冒火焰flare up 突然烧起来;突然发怒flash out 突然说,突然表现出来fly into a temper 大发脾气,勃然大怒focus...on 使眼睛注视,集中follow out 贯彻;把…探究到底follow through 坚持到底follow up 穷追(猎物等)fool around 闲荡,浪费时间fool with 玩弄;乱摆弄for ages 长期for all that 尽管,虽然for certain 肯定地;确凿地for ever 永远for example 例如for fear of 由于害怕;生怕,以免for fear that 以免;生怕,唯恐for good 永久地;一劳永逸地for instance 例如,比如,举例说for lack of 因缺乏;因没有for life 终身for sale[seil]待售,出售的for short 简称,缩写for sure 确实,毫无疑问地for the best (完全)出于好意for the better 好转,向好的方向发展for the future 从今以后,在今后for the moment 暂时;目前for the present 目前,暂时,暂且for the rest 至于其余,至于其它for the sake of 为了,为了…的利益for the time being 暂时,眼下for what it is worth 不论真假forget about 忘记forgive sb. for sth. 原谅某人(做了)某事free and easy 不拘形式的;随便的free from 不受…影响的free of 无…的;摆脱了…的freeze over (使)全面结冰freeze up (使)冻结from memory 凭记忆from now on 今后,从现在起from time to time 时常,有时,不时gain on 跑得比…快;逼近gang together 结合在一起;符合generation gap 代沟get about 走动;旅行get above oneself 变得自高自大get across 使通过,使被理解get after 督促,训诫;责备get ahead of 超过,胜过get ahead 进步,获得成功get ahead 进步;胜过,超过get along with 与…友好相处;有进展get along with 走开get along 过活;相处融洽;进展get around to 找时间做,开始考虑get around 规避(法律等);走动get at 到达;了解;查明get away with 侥幸做成;侥幸得手get away 逃脱;离开;出发get back at 报复get by 通过;走过,侥幸躲过get down to work 认真开始工作get down to 开始认真考虑或对待get down 从…下来;下车;写下get hold of 一把抓住;掌握;得到get in with 参加,加入;与…交往get in 收获;收(税等);抵达get into debt 借债,负债get into the act 插手…以便得到好处get into 对…发生兴趣;卷入get off 下车;离开;开始get on to 知道;意识到get on with 与…友好相处;继续干get on 骑上(马等);过活get one's hands on 得到,找到;占有get out of 逃避;摆脱;改掉get out 离去;(消息等)泄漏get over 克服(困难等)get ready (使)准备好get rid of 摆脱,除去get the best of 胜过,打赢get the better of 打败,智胜get the better of 占上风;克服;抑制get through 到达;完成;接通电话get to 到达;接触;开始get together 聚集;会面;装配get up to 赶上;胜过;读到get up[get 3p]起床;爬上;达到give an opinion on 对…发表意见give away 泄露(秘密等);增送give back 归还;恢复;后退give birth 使诞生;生(孩子)give ear to 听,倾听give expression to 表达出,反映give in 投降;交上去;听任give notice 通知give occasion to 引起give off 发出或放出(蒸气等)give one's ears 不惜任何代价(要) give oneself away 泄露,露马脚give oneself up 自首,投降,投案give out 发表;精疲力竭give out 分发;发出(气味等)give over (使)停止;放弃;交托give rise to 产生;引起give rise to 引起;使发生;造成give satisfaction 使满意,使满足give up 放弃;投降;抛弃give way to 让位于;给…让路give way 让路,让步;撤退glance at 浏览,(粗略地)看一下glance over 浏览,粗略地阅读go about 从事,着手做;闲逛go after 追逐,追求;设法得到go against 违反;反对;不利于go ahead 前进,领先;取得进展go ahead 前进;干吧go all out 全力以赶;鼓足干劲go along with 赞同;附合,支持go around (消息)流传;足够分配go back on 丢弃(朋友等);食言go back on 违背,毁(约)go back to 追溯到…go bad 变坏;变酸;腐败go beyond the limit 超过限度go by 走过,放过;依照go down 为…所接受,得到赞同go down 下去;(船等)下沉go for 为…去;努力获取go hard with sb. 使某人为难(或痛苦) go in for 从事于;酷爱;追求go into action 开始行动go into 进入;投入;调查go off with 拿去;抢走;拐走go off 离去;去世;被发射go on for 接近(时刻、年龄等)go on the stage 上舞台,当演员go on 继续下去,进行;接近go out of one's way 特别费心(做事) go out 走出(房间等);罢工go over 检查;从头至尾温习go through 经历;完成;检查go to excess 走极端go to great lengths 竭尽全力go to pieces 崩溃,瓦解;身体垮台go to sleep 入睡,睡着go to the expense of 为…的目的花钱go to war 开始作战go together 相配;恋爱go under 沉没;失败,破产go up 上升;(物价等)上涨go with 与…持同一看法;伴随go without 不享受go wrong 出错;发生故障good for 有效的;值…;胜任good for 有支付…能力的grasp at 向…抓去,想抓住grow on (习惯)加深对…的影响grow on (习惯)加深对…的影响grow out of 产生自…停止grow up 成熟;成年;逐渐形成guarantee against 保证…不…had best 最好,顶好had better do sth. 还是…好,最好还是… had rather... 宁愿…hand down 把…传下来;传给hand in hand 手拉手;联合hand in 交上;递上,交进hand on 传下来,依次传递hand out 分派;把…拿出来hand over 交出,移交;让与hang about 闲荡;聚在…临近hang back 犹豫,踌躇,畏缩不前hang on to 紧紧握住hang on 抓紧不放;坚持下去hang up 把…挂起来;挂断happen on 巧遇;偶然发现happen to 碰巧hardly any 几乎没有hardly ever 很少,几乎从不hardly...when... 刚…就…。

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高中英语课文短语集萃Unit1必修11.add up …把…加起来2.add up to …总计达3.add to…增加4.add…to…把…加到…上5.get/have sth done 请人做某事6.ignore the bell 忽视/不理睬铃声7.calm …down 让…平静下来8.have got to =have to…不得不…9.be concerned about/for…担心/关心…10.be concerned with…与…有关/涉及11.walk the dog 遛狗12.take the end-of-term exam 参加期末考试13.cheat in the exam 在考试中作弊14.by doing sth 通过做某事达到…目的15.should have done 本该做某事但过去没做过(表示责备)16.make a list of…列出17.go through the hardships 经历苦难(痛苦)18.suffer from the war 遭受战争之苦19.suffer from the headache/stomachache 患头痛/肚子痛20.go through the newspaper 浏览报纸21.hide away 藏起来22.set down 记下来23.hiding places 藏身处24.a series of facts 一系列的事实25.grow/become crazy about…对…变得痴迷的/疯狂的26.have something to do with…与…有关27.what…do with…如何处置…28.well remember 很清楚地记得29.stay + adj./n 保持…30.on purpose 故意地31.in order to do sth 为了32.in order that…为了33.happen to do sth 碰巧34.It happened that…碰巧35.at dusk 在黄昏时分36.not…until…直到…才…37.until/till 到…为止38.hold me entirely in their power把我完全容纳在他们的威力中39.It is the third time that…has/have done…这是第三次…40.It was the second time that…had done 这是第二次…41.face to face 面对面42.keep a diary 记日记43.no longer +v. =not…any longer 不再44.take no notice of…不注意…45.settle down 定居下来46.settle the problem 解决问题47.recover from …从…恢复过来48.get /be tired of…对…厌倦了49.get/be tired from…因…而疲倦了50.pack up sth 把…打包起来51.have some trouble with sb 跟某人有矛盾52.at the moment 在此刻53.get along/on well with sb 与某人相处融洽54.get along /on well with sth 在某事进展顺利55.fall in love with…爱上… (不与一段时间连用)56.be in love with…爱上…57.gossip about…对…流言蜚语58.reveive a letter from sb =hear from sb 收到某人来信municate with…与…交际60.show/have /feel/take interest in…对…感兴趣61.join in …=take part in…参加62.get to know sb 结识某人63.have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难64.take one’s advice 听从建议65.swap sth with sb 跟某人交换某物66.sum up 概括起来讲,67.different peoples 不同的民族68.one after another 接连69.work out sth 把某物算出来Unit2必修11.be different from one another 相互不同2.by underground =by subway 乘地铁3.official language 官方语言4.work as an official 充当一个公务员5.make a voyage 航海6.conquer /rule /govern the world 征服世界7.because of +短语/单词由于8.even if/though…即使e up 走近,上来,被提出10.change over time 随着时间流逝而改变11.talk over tea 边喝茶边聊天12.over the last/past ten years 在过去的10里13.be based on/upon……建立在…基础上14.base …on/upon…把…建立在…基础上15.at present 目前16.the present situation 当前形势17.people present at the meeting 出席会议的人18.enrich the vocabulary 丰富词汇量19.by the 19th century 到十九世纪为止20.make use of 利用take advantage of…利用21.make full use of…充分利用22.make the best/most of…最大限度地利用23.a wider vocabulary 更多的词汇量24.the latter 后者25.the former 前者26.identity card 身份证27.a number of 许多28.the number of …的数量29.speak English fluently 流利地说英语30.such as…譬如…31.increase rapidly 快速地增加32.English-speaking countries 说英语的国家33.make a request 请求34.request sb to do sth 请求某人去做某事request to do sth 请求去做某事request sth 请求某事35.give a command 发出命令mand sb to do sth 命令某人做某事37.a good command of English 熟练掌握英语38.believe it or not 信不信由你39.be expected to do sth 被指望去做某事40.words and expressions 词汇和短语41.play a role/part in doing sth 在做…当中起一个作用42.play/act a role/part 扮演一个角色43.the eastern USA 美国东部44.such …as…象…一样45.the same…as…与…同样46.recognize the dialect=make out the dialect 辩认方言47.go straight on 笔直走下去48.keep doing sth 继续做某事49.two blocks 两个街区50.follow sb 听东某人51.take a taxi 乘出租车52.keep fit/healthy 保持健康53.build up our body 增强我们的体质54.build up the library 逐步建立图书馆55.do exercise 进行体育锻炼56.have fun with …跟…一起玩得痛快57.fight illness and disease 跟疾病作斗争Unit3必修1.form of transport =means of transport交通方式2.transport …from …to…把…从…运输到…3.prefer A to B 不喜欢B更喜欢A4.prefer doing A to doing B 不喜欢做B,更喜欢做A5.perfer to do …rather than do… (同上)6.take advantage of…利用7.the advantages and disadvantages of doing sth做某事的优点与缺点8.imagine one’s doing sth 想象某人做某事9.the taxi fare 出租车费10.the round trip 往返旅途11.daily life 日常生活12.flow through the countries 流经这些国家13.ever since…自从…以来14.dream of doing sth 梦想做某事dream about doing sth 梦想做某事16.a bike trip 自行车旅行17.persuade sb to do sth 说服某人做某事persuade sb into doing sth18.persuade sb not to do sth 说服某人不做某事=persuade sb out of doing sth19.advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事=try to persuade sb to do sth20.suggest me doing sth= suggest I do sth 建议我去做某事21.grow up 长大22.grown-ups 成年人23.get sb interested in doing sth 让某人对做某事感兴趣24.get sb to do sth 让某人去做某事25.graduate from…从…毕业26.work out the schedule 制定计划表/行程表27.He is scheduled to visit the USA the next year.他被安排去访问美国!28.be fond of sth 喜爱…29.be fond of doing sth 喜爱做某事30. insist on/upon doing sth 坚持要求做某事31.insist on one’s doing sth 坚持要求某人去做某事32.suggested/demanded/requested/commanded/ordered/required/insisted/recommended/urged/desired that …(should )do建议/强烈要求/请求/命令/要求/建议/推荐/催促/渴望某人做某事anized the trip properly 适当地组织这个旅行34.care about 在乎35.care for…照料/喜欢/关心36.the source of the information 信息来源the source of the river 河源37.a determined look /expression 坚定的表情/神色38.determine to do sth 决心做某事(动作)be determined to do sth 决心做某事(状态)39.change one’s mind 改变主意40.at an altitude of…以…的海拔高度at a speed of…以…的速度at a price of…以…的价格at a height of…以…的高度at a length of…以…的长度at a depth of…以…的深度41.be excited about…对…感到兴奋的42.in interesting experience 一个有趣的经历43.make up one’s mind to do sth 决心去做某事44.make up one’s mind that 从句=decide that…认定45.give in 屈服/让步/妥协46.give in to sb 向某人让步47.give out papers 分发报纸48.sth give out 某物耗尽/用光49.give up doing sth 放弃做某事50.give away money /clothes 赠送钱/衣物51.give sb away 背叛某人give away 泄露秘密52.give off smoke /light /smell 发出/放出…53.details of world geography 世界地理的详情54.slow the pace 放慢步伐/速度55.meander through the valley 徘徊/蜿蜒流经山谷56.one’s attitude towards/to…某人对待…的态度57.go like clockwork 有规律地/自动地转动58.boiled water 开水59.boiling water 沸水60.at midnight 在午夜61.weather forecast 天气预报62.clear sky 晴朗的天空63.a large parcel of…一大包…64.keep sb company 陪伴某人65.warm clothes 冬衣66.medical training 医疗培训67.lie beneath the stars 躺在星空下68.a block of…一大块69.join sb in sth 和某人一起做某事join sb in doing sth 和某人一起做某事70.be dressed in 穿着=wear71.travel journal 游记72.dress sb/oneself in…让某人穿上…的衣服73.be (just) about to do sth when…正要…就在此时…pare…with…把…与…比较(同类事物相比)apare…to…把…比作(不同类事物相比)76.in the setting sun 在夕阳下77.The sun sets in the west. 太阳爱西边落下78.as usual 象平常一样79.stick to promise/plan/opinion 信守诺言/坚持计划/观点80.at one point 在某人时刻81.can not /hardly wait to do sth 迫不及待去做某事82.find oneself doing /done /介词短语不知不觉中发现某人自己…83.great fun 一件极有趣的事84.change A for B 把A 换下换上B85.change into shorts 换成短裤86.make camp 宿营87.put up a tent 搭起帐篷88.go camping 去宿营89.put up a building 建造建筑楼Unit1必修21.a cultural relic 文化遗迹2.rare animals 稀有动物3.of value=valuable 有价值的4.value sth/sb 珍视/看重某物/某人5.objects like vases 象花瓶这样的实物6.survive the accident/earthquake 在地震之后仍活着7.Ming Dynasty vase 明朝8.dragon boat 龙舟9.could not/never have imagine 过去不可能想象到10.such an amazing history 这样一个让人惊异的历史11.amaze sb 使某人吃惊12.be used to do sth 某物被用来做某事be used to sth 习惯于做某事be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事used to do sth 过去常常做某事be used for…被用作13.select a gift 精选一个礼物14.the design of the clothes 衣服的设计/图案15.fancy style 奇特的风格16.fancy clothes 奇装异服17.life style 生活方式18.hair style 发型19.fancy doing sth 设想/喜爱做某事20.be decorated with……被装饰着…21.decorate …with…用…来装饰…22.treasure sb/sth=value sb/sth=think highly of sb/sth 珍视/看重某人/某物23.de designed for……是为…而设计的24.belong to …属于…25.in return 作为报答in return of…作为对…的报答in return for…作为对…的报答26.a troop of soldiers 一群士兵27.part of……的一部分28.serve as 充当act as 担当work as…充当29.reception hall 招待大厅30.receive sb for the night/meeting 接待我过夜/开会31.have/get sth done 请人/让人做某事32.add…to…把…加到…上面去33.add up to 总计达34.add to…增加plete the room the way she wanted 以她想要的方式来完成房子36.be considered as…被看作…/被当作…consider A as B 认为A 是BA be considered (to be )B A被看作是B37.consider doing sth 考虑做某事consider sth 考虑某事38.wonders of the world 世界奇迹39.light the room 照亮房间40.a lighted lamp 一盏被点亮了灯41.This was a time when…这是一个…的时候42.be at war 处于战争状态43.the Summer Palace 颐和园44.remove …from…从…把…搬走/移开45.remove the clothes 脱掉衣服remove one’s hat 摘掉帽子46….be removed from……从…上面被除掉47.some furniture 一些家具a piece of furniture 一件家具48. small art objects 一些艺术品49.secretly steal sth 秘密地偷走某物50.less than 不到51.wooden boxes 木头箱子52.go through a wood/woods 穿越一片树林53.There is no doubt that…毫无疑问( It is) no wonder that…难怪…54.a train for Berlin 一辆去往柏林的火车55.a city on the Baltic Sea 波罗的海海岸上的一个城市a city on Changjiang 长江边上的一个城市56.remain a mystery/mysterious 保持一个秘密/神秘的57.by doing sth,…通过做某事,达到…目的58.study the old photo/map 仔细察看/研究旧相片/旧地图59.the formerAmber Room 以前的琥珀屋60.the former 前者the latter 后者61.celebrate the birthday 庆祝生日62.be worth doing 值得被做be well worth doing 很值得被做be worth $10 值10美元the worth the trouble 麻烦一点也值得63.manage to do sth 设法成功做到某事64.local museum 当地的博物馆65.a second-hand furniture shop 一家旧家具店66.peace-keeping force 维和武装力量67.the potato family 土豆科68.take sth apart 把某物拆散69.It can be proved that…人们能够证明70.give one’s opinion 发表观点71.in one’s opinion 在某人看来72.good evidence 好的证据73.in a trial 在一个审判中74.which eyewitnesses to believe 相信哪个证人75.rather than…而不是other than…除了…之外,与…不同76.an old miner 一个老矿工77.by the light of the moon 借助于月光78.take …from…从…取下…79.for oneself 亲自by oneself 独自80.the entrance to the hall 大厅的入口the key to the door 门的钥匙the answer to the question 问题的答案81.My heart sinks/sank. 我的心凉了半截The ship sank. 轮船沉没下去82.some melted pieces 一些被融化了的东西83.think highly of…看重/对…印象好84.in search of/for…为了寻找…search for…寻找…search A for B 在A 上面找Bsearch sth 在某物上面寻找search the mountain 搜山search sb 搜身85.return…to…把…归还给…86.what …do with…如何处置…anize an informal class debate组织一次非正式的班级讨论88.take notes of …记下89.take turns to do sth 轮流做某事90.be provided for sb 某物被提供给某人91.provide for children 抚养孩子92.develop an interest in…培养对…的兴趣Unit2 必修21.the ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会2.the Olympic Games=the Olympics 奥运会pete against/with sb for sth 跟某人竞争某物pete for sth 竞争某物5.take part in sth 参加(活动)6.take an active part in…积极参加7.join in =take part 参加8.modern Olympic Games 现代奥运会9.gold medal winner 金牌得主10.the spirit of the Olympics 奥运精神11.stand for…=represent…=mean…代表12.five rings 五环e/go on a magical journey 进行一次魔幻旅行14.find out about…=learn about…了解…的情况15.the present day 当前16.interview sb=have an interview with sb 采访某人,会晤,面试17.volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事18.hold the Olympics 举行奥运会host the Olympics 主办奥运会19.a set of …一套…20.every four years 每四年21.every other line/day每隔一行/年22.on a regular basis 定期地23.base A on B 把A 建立B的基础上24.be based on ……建立在…的基础上25.two years before/after…在…前/后两年26.soon after…=hardly after…在…后不久27.reach the agreed standard 达到统一的标准28.be admitted as…作为…被接纳29.be admitted to university/college 被录取进大学30.be admitted to the park 被允许进入公园31.admit sb into the Party 吸收某人入党32.admit (to) doing sth 承认做过某事admit that…承认33.running races 赛跑34.horse-riding event 骑马比赛项目35.together with…=along with…与…一道36.as well as…=besides…除了…之外37.as well 也38.play a very important role in…在…当中起重要作用39.house sb 给某人房子居住40.housing problem 住房问题41.reception building 招待大楼42.a great honour 一项巨大的荣誉43.a great responsibility 一个巨大的职责44.be responsible for…为…而负责45.There is as much competition…as……跟…一样有着激烈的竞争46.win medals 赢得奖牌47.replace…with…用…来替换…48.be replaced with……已经用…被替换49.the motto of……的座右铭50.take the place of sb=take one’s place 代替某人51.be in charge 负责/掌管in charge of…负责/掌管…(状态)take charge of…负责/掌管…(动作)take charge 负责/掌管(动作)52.sth is in the charge of sb= 某物由某人掌管/负责sth is in one’s charge =sb is in charge of sth 某人掌管/负责…53.charge sb some money for doing sth因为某物而收取某人一些钱charge some money for sth 因为某物而收取多少钱54.charge sb with sth 指控某人某事55.free of charge 免费56.physical exercise 身体锻炼57.work part-time 兼职工作58.be eager to do sth 渴望做某事59.take responsibility for …为…而负责60.fine sb 罚款某人61.a fine of $ 10 一笔10美元的罚金62.a Greek princess 一个希腊公主63.win glory 赢得光荣64.A marry B A嫁给Bbe married to sb for +一段时间(状态)跟某人结婚一段时间了get married 结婚(动作)get married to sb 跟某人结婚(动作)65.have a bargain with sb 跟某人讨价还价66.run against…跟某人赛跑67.pardon sb 原谅某人68.hear of …听说69.run the race 赛跑70.be amazed 感到惊异71.the Greek Goddess of Love 希腊爱神72.golden apples 金色的苹果73.stop to do sth 停下来做某事74.one after another 接连75.share pain 分担痛苦76.deserve the reward 应该得到奖赏值得…deserve the punishment 应受处分77.deserve to do sth 应该得到…78.be worth doing 值得做某事79.apart from …=except for…除了…之外apart from…=besides…除了…之外80.such as doing sth 譬如做某事81.be active in sth 在…活跃Unit3必修21.have something in common 有共同之处2.the development of computers 电脑的发展pare ..with…把…跟…比较4.calculating machine 计算机器5.supporting details 支持论点用的详情6.universal machine 通用机器7.universal language 通用语言8.over time 在岁月流逝过程中9.over the last/past ten years 在过去10期间(跟现在完成时态连用)10.talk over dinner 边吃边谈11.quite a lot 许多12.simplify the difficult sums 简化困难的算术题目13.beautify the school美化学校14.It took …before…花去…时间才…(就…)15.It +系动词+一段时间before +从句16.It won’t/wasn’t long before…不久17.programme the computer 给电脑编排程序18.think logically 逻辑思考19.produce an answer 算出答案20.technological revolution 技术革命21.artificial intelligence 人工智能22.solve mathematical problem 解答数学问题23.solve a problem 解决问题24.from then on, 从那时起(同一般过去时态连用)25.since then, 自从那时以来(同完成时态连用)26.after that 在那以后(同一般过去时态连用)27.grow rapidly in size and in brainpower 在体积和脑容量方面快速增加28.by the 1940s 到二十世纪四十年代为止29.By +一个过去时间,过去完成时(had done)到..为止30.By+一个将来时间,将来完成时(will/shall have done)或一般将来时(will do,) 到…为止31.grow any larger 变得大一些/一点32.turn an idea /dream into a reality 把一个想法变成现实33.As time went by, 随着岁月的流逝34.first…,then…and later…先…,然后…再到后来…35.totally changed my shape 完全改变我的形状36.as a result,句子(因果关系) 结果…37.as a result of sth,句子(因果关系) 由于…的结果38.so +形容词/副词that…如此..以致…39.such +名词短语that…如此…以致…40.in the early/late 1960s 在二十世纪六十年代早期/晚期41.in one’s early twenties 在某人二十开头42.in one’s late twenties 在某人二十好几43.connect A to B 把A 跟B 连接起来44.connect A with B 把A 跟B 连接起来45.be connected with……跟…是相联系的46.share sth with sb 跟某人分享/分担某物47.through sth 通过某物,实现…by doing sth 通过做某事,达到…目的48. 动词短语as well as 动词短语除了…之外49.help with sth 帮助做某事50.help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事51.a medical operation 一个医疗手术52.operate the machine 操作机器53.operate on the patient 给病人动手术54.space rockets 太空火箭55.explore the Moon 探索月球56.anyhow/anyway,句子(总结性)无任如何,不管怎样,…57.achieve my goal 实现目标58.score a goal 进球得一分59.provide sb with sth 向某人(免费)供应某物60.provide sth for sb 向某人(免费)供应某物61.provide for children 供养孩子62.a life of high quality 高质量的生活63.be truly filled with happiness 真快乐正充满幸福/64.be full of……充满…65.A be filled with B A 里面充满Bfill A with B 用B 来装满A66.A be full of B A 里面充满B67.a devoted friend 一个忠实的朋友68.a helper of human race 人类的一个帮手69.be devoted to doing sth 献身于做某事70.download information 下载信息71.make good use of…好好利用puter programmers 电脑程序员73.IT(information technology) 信息技术74.be crazy about…对…痴迷的75.an unknown virus 一个未知病毒76.give sth away 赠送某物77.develop an intelligent robot 开发一种智能机器人78.consist of=include 包括79.a lot of functions 许多功能/作用80.part of……的一部分81.an android football team. 一个机器人的足球队82.get together=gather 聚集83.signal to sb to do sth 发信号示意某人做某事84.in computer language 用电脑语言85.have a good shot for a goal 好好射进一个球86.win second place 获得第二名87.personally(=in one’s opinion), +句子就我个人而言88.a new type of programme 一类新程序89.type the story 把故事打字出来90.develop a programme 开发一个程序91.create an even better system 创造一个更好的新系统92.in a way 在某种程度上93.in one’s way 挡路by the way 顺便说一句get in the way 挡道in this way 用这种方式on the way to …在去了…的路上94.while doing sth 做某事的时候95.a new situation arose/arises 出现新情况96.make up a story 编造一个故事make up two thirds of the population构成人口三分之二make up for the lost time 弥补失去的时间do the make-up 做些化装97.play against sb 跟某人比赛98.after all,句子毕竟…(别忘了…..)99.with the help of sb=with one’s help 在某人的帮助下100.electronic brain 电子脑1.judge sb by one’s appearance 根据某人的外表判断某人2.build up a good character 锻炼/增进某人的性格3.be determined to do sth 决心做某事4.write a description of your android=describe your android描述你的机器人5.mop the floors 拖地板6.deal with sth 处理某事/对付7.how…deal with…=what …do with…如何对付/处置8.watch over my naughty niece 看管我的顽皮的侄女9.whenever she comes 无论她什么时候来10.what’s more, 况且Unit4 必修21.wildlife protection 野生动植物保护2.in the wild=in nature 在大自然中3.decrease /increase to…下降/上升到…4.decrease/increase by…下降/上升到…5.endangered animals 濒危动物6.die out 灭绝/绝迹7.loss of…丧失了…8.a nature reserve 自然保护区9.National Ntural Protection Zone 国家自然保护区10.a protection zone 保护区11.live in peace with…与…和平共处12.in danger of doing 处于…的危险之中13.be in danger 处于危险之中14.long to do sth 渴望做某事15.long for sth 渴望得到某物16.endangered species of wildlife 濒危野生动植物物种17.a flying carpet 一条飞毯18.respond to sth 对…作出反应19.respond immediately 立刻作出反应20.a distant land 一片遥远土地21.make fur into a sweater 把毛皮作成毛衣22.the wool beneath our stomachs 肚子底下的毛beneath the sky 在天空下23.cry at sth 因为某事而哭叫24.turn around 转过身25.in relief 宽慰地/如释重负地26.in surprise 惊讶地27.relieve the pain 减轻/解除痛苦28.burst into laughter 突然笑起来burst into tears 突然哭起来burst into cheers 突然欢呼起来29.burst out doing sth=burst into sth 突然做某事30.hunt elephants without mercy 毫不怜悯地捕猎大象31.hunt animals 捕猎动物32,hunt for sth=look for sth 寻找33.a certain number of …某一确定数量的…34.a certain teacher 某一老师certain teachers 某些老师35.It is certain that…. …是必然的/肯定的It is sure that…. ×36.save local wildlife 挽救当地野生动物37.the importance of wildlife protection 野生动物保护的重要性38.a thick rainforest 一片茂密的雨林39.rub the drug over its body 把这药涂/擦遍全身40.all over my body 我全身41.protect…from/against…保护…免受…的伤害42.prevent/stop…(from) doing sth 阻止…=keep…from doing sth43.a powerful drug 一种强有力的药物44.affect the health 影响健康45.have an effect on …=affect…影响45.pay more attention to…更注意pay no at tention to…不注意46.pay attention to…注意47.appreciate the danger 意识到危险48.appreciate your help 感激你的帮忙49.appreciate the poem 理解并欣赏(懂得)这首诗50.What an experience! 多么奇妙的经历51.succeed in doing sth=manage to do sth 成功做到某事succeed in sth=be successful in sth 成功做到某事52.fail to do sth 未能做到某事53.a secure income 一个稳固的收入54.do harm to …对…有害55.be harmful to…对…有害56.sound the horn 鸣响喇叭57.a smile of relief 宽慰的微笑58.game reserve 猎物保护区59.be bitten by a mosquito 被蚊子叮咬60.animal extinction 动物灭绝61.in/during/over the last/past few years 在过去几年里(与现在完成时连用)e into being 形成(没有宾语,没有被动语态)63.well-being 健康/幸福64,human beings 人类(复数)65.inspect the bones 检查骨头66.the way the bones were joined together骨头被连接的方式67.an unexpected incident 一个意外的事件68.a huge rock from space 来自太空的巨石69.too adj. for …. 太…以致不能…70.no longer 不再no more 不再71.according to a UN report 根据一个联合国报告72.some 844 animals 大约844种动物73.the Island of Mauritius 毛里求斯岛74.a fierce tiger 一只凶猛的老虎75.trap Man 诱捕人类76.become extinct 变的灭绝的77.so that…以致(结果状语从句)…e the word properly 恰当地使用这个词Unit 5 必修21.classical music 古典音乐2.music styles 音乐类型3.match A with B 把A 跟B 相配4.famous bands 著名的乐队5.country music 乡村音乐6.folk music 民族音乐7.rock and roll 摇滚乐8.dream of doing sth 梦想着做某事9.appreciate music 欣赏音乐10.sing karaoke 唱卡拉OK11.pretend to do sth 假装做某事12.pretend that 从句假装…13.to be honest (with you),+句子老实说,/坦白说,…14.be honest about sth 对某事持老实态度15.attach importance to doing sth 看重/重视做某事attach value to doing sth 看重/重视attach importance to education 重视教育16.attach A to B 把A 附在B 上17.attach oneself to …=be attached to…参加18.be attached to…依恋/喜欢19.form /set up a band 组成/形成一支乐队20.a group of high-school students 一群中学生21.practise music 排练音乐22.first step to fame 同向成名的第一步23.play music to passers-by 对着过路人演奏24.earn extra money 赚额外的钱25.earn support/fame 赢得支持/名声26.earn one’s living 谋生27.pay for instruments 花钱买乐器28.give performances=put on performances 举行表演29.pay sb in cash 用现金付给某人30.make/produce records 录制唱片31.keep a record of…=record…记录下32.break a record 打破记录33.a TV show 一个电视节目34.play jokes on…对…开玩笑35.play tricks on…对…耍诡计36.be based on …建立在…基础之上37.be to do sth1)按计划或安排将要做某事必须/将2)注定或不可避免要发生某事3)表示命令必须38.had planned/hoped/wished/meant/wanted to do sth 过去本来计划好/希望/打算/想要做的事情,没有实现39.rock musicians 摇滚音乐家e …for…把…用做…41.rely on…=depend on…依赖/依靠42.rely on sb to do sth 依赖/依靠某人做某事43.during the broadcasts 在播送期间44.get /be familiar with…对…熟悉45.be similar to…与…相似46.a year or so 一年左右47.become serious about…对…变得严肃认真的48.started touring 开始旅行49.break up…分解/分裂/解散50.break down (机器)中途坏掉(身心)跨掉51.break in 插话,插入52.Happily/Luckily/Unluckily/Fortunately/Hopefully,句子使人高兴的是/运气的是/不运气的是/幸运的是/有希望的是,…53.a big hit 红极一时的文艺作品,畅销货54.in addition=besides,+句子另外55.the regulars 常客56.sort out the following messages 把下列信息进行分类57.make up the band 组成/构成乐队58.become famous overnight 一夜间出名59.feel down 感觉情绪低落60.grown-up 成年人成年的61.on a brief tour 进行简短的旅行62.show their devotion to …对..表现出热爱63.wear a expensive suit 穿西装64.wear beards 留胡须65.a TV camera 电视摄像机66.go into the toilet 进入厕所67.personal life 私生活68.regularly discuss sth 经常讨论某事69.feel sensitive and upset 感到敏感和不安70.be honoured that…=be greatly honoured to do sth对…感到荣幸71.agree on sth 在某事上达成协议/取得一致意见e up with an idea 想出一个注意73.make a special time for sth 为某事制定一个特殊时间74.stick to the plan 坚持这个计划stick to the promise 信守诺言stick to the rule 坚持规则75.insist on doing sth 坚持要求做某事stick to sth 坚持某事76.musical ability 音乐能力77.above all,+句子最重要的是,… 78.have fun 玩得痛快79.have fun with sth 跟某人玩得痛快80.perform on a TV programme 在电视;节目上表演Unit 1 必修31.take place发生break out 爆发happen发生2.mean sb to do sth打算让某人去做某事3.mean to do sth打算去做某事4.mean doing sth意味着做某事5.the beauty of the fool moon满月的美6.festivals of all kinds各种各样的节日7.starve to death饿死8.honour the dead纪念死者9.in honour of sb=in one’s honour为了纪念出于对...的敬意10.in memory of sb=in one’s memory为了纪念11.satisfy sb让某人满意12.be satisfied with…对...满意13.please sb让某人满意14.be pleased with…对...满意15.do harm to sb=do sb harm对...有害16.clean graves扫墓17.light lamps点燃灯盏18.on the feast day在盛宴的节日19.in the shape of …呈...形状20.food in the shape of skulls=skull-shaped food呈颅骨样的食物21.have its origin in…起源于22.have its roots in…起因于23.have belief in…=believe in…相信,信仰24.the spirits of the dead死者的灵魂25.dress up盛装打扮,乔装打扮26.dress sb up 给某人盛装打扮起来27.dress sb up in +衣服用...衣服把某人打扮起来be dressed in + 衣服穿着...28.play a trick on sb对某人耍诡计/恶搞29.play a joke on sb对某人开玩笑30.ancient poet古诗人31.on one’s arrival in +某地一达到某地,…on arriving in +某地,一达到某地,…32.a national festival 全国性的节日33.gain independence 获得独立34.gather food 收集食物35.get together=gather 聚集36.agricultural work 农业工作37.European countries 欧洲国家38.decorate…with…用…来装饰…39.win an award 赢得一个荣誉奖40.farm produce 农产品41.produce noises 制造噪音42.admire the moon/picture 赏月/赏画43.admire sb for sth 因某事而赞美/钦佩某人44.look forward to sth 盼望某人45.look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事46.the Lunar New Year 农历新年47.dragon dances 龙灯舞48.day and night 日日夜夜49.colourful clothing 色彩缤纷的服饰50.be covered with…被覆盖上…51.as though/if 好象…52.have fun with sb 跟某人玩得痛快53.be proud of the customs 对这些风俗引以为自豪54.fool sb 欺骗某人55.make a fool of oneself 出洋相56.would rather…than…宁愿…而不愿57.parking lot 停车场58.heart-broken 心碎59.coffee /tea shop 咖啡店/茶舍60.after work 下班后61.turn up 出现,把力量搞大62.keep one’s word 信守诺言63.have a word with sb 跟某人说一下64.have words with sb 跟某人吵架65.hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸66.apologize to sb for doing sth 因某事而向某人道歉67.drown one’s sadness in coffee/wine 把悲伤淹没在酒中/咖啡中69.It is obvious that…很明显…;70.wipe tables 擦桌子71.make A of B 用B来做A72. set off for…出发前往某地73.remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事74.remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事75.remind sb that…提醒某人…76.wave at sb 向着某人挥手。
