径 赛
田 赛
庞传浩 符 鸿 陈 航 李万国 姓名 马 靖 马 靖 吴家玲 吴家玲 许妹本
径 赛
蒋莲香 洪青凤 包雪花 凌荣琪 姓名 张文康 刘明强 刘明强 庞淮升
径 赛
田 赛
李小成 刘兰安 庄耀真 姓名 王洪宁 王洪宁 谢诗婷 徐 娟径赛 田 赛来自陈冬梅 刘家燕 王衍妹
地点 时间 一中 2012.11.30 一中 2012.11.30 一中 2012.11.30 廉中 2008.11.16 一中 2012.10.30 一中 2012.11.30 一中 2012.11.30 廉中 2008.11.16 一中 2012.11.30 56
初中男子 项目 100M 200M 400M 800M 1500M 4×100 4×400 跳高 跳远 三级跳远 铅球 初中女子 项目 100M 200M 400M 800M 1500M 4×100 4×400 跳高 跳远 三级跳远 铅球 小学男子 项目 100M 200M 400M 800M 4×100 4×400 跳高 跳远 垒球 小学女子 项目 100M 200M 400M 800M 4×100 4×400 跳高 跳远 垒球 姓名 冯思波 陈 航 吴纶林 杨怀亮 林圣富 单位 合二中 公一中 常乐中 合附中 公 中 合附中 公 中 合附中 合四中 公一中 合二中 单位 外国语 外国语 合二中 合二中 沙岗中 合二中 合二中 江南中 合二中 合二中 合二中 单位 廉州 公馆 公馆 廉州 廉州 廉州 石康 廉州 石康 单位 廉州 廉州 廉州 石湾 西场 公馆 白沙 石湾 党江 成绩 12"1 24"8 55"1 2'14"9 4'50"9 49"5 3'54"1 1.62M 5.63M 12.66M 11.62M 成绩 13"6 29"1 1'04"8 2'34"0 5'48"2 57"7 4'45"0 1.28M 4.59M 10.56M 8.93M 成绩 13"3 26"6 1'01"1 2'26"9 53"5 4'25"0 1.44M 5.02M 62.12M 成绩 13"8 28"5 1'10"6 2'52"6 1'00"1 4'59"1 1.26M 4.26M 49.36M 地点 合师 廉中 一中 合师 廉中 一中 廉中 廉中 合师 廉中 合师 地点 一中 合师 合师 合师 合师 合师 合师 合师 合师 廉中 合师 地点 一中 一中 一中 一中 一中 一中 一中 一中 合师 时间 2010.10.31 2008.11.16 2012.11.30 2010.10.31 2008.11.16 2012.11.30 2008.11.16 2008.11.16 2010.10.31 2008.11.16 2010.10.31 时间 2012.11.30 2010.10.31 2010.10.31 2010.10.31 2010.10.31 2010.10.31 2010.10.31 2010.10.31 2010.10.31 2008.11.16 2010.10.31 时间 2012.11.30 2012.11.30 2012.11.30 2012.11.30 2012.11.30 2012.11.30 2012.11.30 2012.11.30 2010.10.31 运动会名称 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 首届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 首届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 首届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 首届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 首届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 运动会名称 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 首届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 运动会名称 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第二届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 运动会名称 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 首届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 首届合浦县中小学生田径运动会 第三届合浦县中小学生田径运动会
第3章对外贸易政策及理论依据第一节对外贸易政策概述一、单项选择题1.(2014.04)3.为实现既定的政策目标、实施政策内容所采用的对外贸易措施是( C ) P70A.政策主体 B.政策客体 C.政策手段 D.政策对象二、多项选择题1.(2010.01)31.对外贸易政策的基本因素包括( ABCDE )A.政策主体B.政策客体C.政策目标D.政策内容E.政策手段第二节重商主义一、单项选择题1. (2009.10)5.早期重商主义者认为财富就是( A )A.货币B.生产力C.消费的商品D.对外贸易2.(2008.01)5.主张"尽可能地多输出少输入,禁止货币出口"的理论是( B )A.贸易差额论B.货币差额论C.幼稚产业保护论D.对外贸易乘数论3.(2014.10) 3. 下列关于晚期重商主义理论的说法,正确的是 ( D )A.禁止货币出口B.一国对每一个贸易伙伴的贸易都应顺差C.任何商品输入都会使货币流出D.发展加工业和转口贸易4.(2008.10)5.认为对外贸易应该遵循“卖给外国人的商品总值应大于购买他们的商品总值”的理论是( B )A.货币差额论B.贸易差额论C.幼稚产业保护论D.对外贸易乘数论5. (2008.01)5.主张"尽可能地多输出少输入,禁止货币出口"的理论是( B )A.贸易差额论B.货币差额论C.幼稚产业保护论D.对外贸易乘数论四、简答题1.(2007.10)36.简述重商主义理论的基本内容。
1、2010.4.29渝怀线庙坝-太洪间7*4电缆中断一般D (D21)类事故。
原因:(1)因电缆地沟中的回流地线放电拉弧烧坏7x4 通信电缆造成混线,是本次故障的主要原因。
(2)江北通信工区工长杨波得知信号人员出动后,由于未联系上社会车辆,所以就乘公交车前往,途中又堵车,从出发到现场用时3 小时17 分是造成本次故障延时的主要原因。
(2)、缺乏应急处理能力;段、车间、长寿工区在已知江北赶往庙坝困难的情况后,未要求长寿通信人员乘坐9574 次客车到达庙坝,客观造成延时。
经通信、信号故障处理人员处理后于10日20时55分恢复设备正常使用,设备故障延时3小时11分,影响列车7列其中客车2列,构成设备故障耽误列车一般D (D21)类事故。
第3章 对外贸易政策及理论依据(答案)(DOC)
第3章对外贸易政策及理论依据第一节对外贸易政策概述一、单项选择题1.(2014.04)3.为实现既定的政策目标、实施政策内容所采用的对外贸易措施是( C ) P70A.政策主体 B.政策客体 C.政策手段 D.政策对象二、多项选择题1.(2010.01)31.对外贸易政策的基本因素包括( ABCDE )A.政策主体B.政策客体C.政策目标D.政策内容E.政策手段第二节重商主义一、单项选择题1. (2009.10)5.早期重商主义者认为财富就是( A )A.货币B.生产力C.消费的商品D.对外贸易2.(2008.01)5.主张"尽可能地多输出少输入,禁止货币出口"的理论是( B )A.贸易差额论B.货币差额论C.幼稚产业保护论D.对外贸易乘数论3.(2014.10) 3. 下列关于晚期重商主义理论的说法,正确的是 ( D )A.禁止货币出口B.一国对每一个贸易伙伴的贸易都应顺差C.任何商品输入都会使货币流出D.发展加工业和转口贸易4.(2008.10)5.认为对外贸易应该遵循“卖给外国人的商品总值应大于购买他们的商品总值”的理论是( B )A.货币差额论B.贸易差额论C.幼稚产业保护论D.对外贸易乘数论5. (2008.01)5.主张"尽可能地多输出少输入,禁止货币出口"的理论是( B )A.贸易差额论B.货币差额论C.幼稚产业保护论D.对外贸易乘数论四、简答题1.(2007.10)36.简述重商主义理论的基本内容。
PDF 文件中的内容(如文字、图形、图像)都保存在页面对象的 Contents 关键字对应的流 对象(Stream)中。内容流(Content Stream)中用到了很多基本对象如数字、字符串,这些都是 用直接对象(Direct Object)表示的。但还有其他一些对象如字体(Font),本身就是用字典对象 (Dictionary)或流对象(Stream)来表示的,无法用直接对象表示,而内容流中又不能出现任何 间接对象,于是就将这些对象命名,并在内容流中用相应的名字来表示它们。这些用名字来 表示的对象就称作命名资源(Named Resources)。
PDF 的结构可以从文件结构和逻辑结构两个方面来理解。 PDF 的文件结构指的是其文 件物理组织方式,逻辑结构则指的是其内容的逻辑组织方式[1]。 1、数据对象类型:
PDF 文件的基本元素是 PDF 对象(PDF Object),PDF 对象包括直接对象(Direct Object) 和间接对象(Indirect Object);其中直接对象如下几种基本类型:布尔型(Boolean)、数值型 (Number)、字符串型(String)、名字型(Name)、数组型(Array)、字典型(Dictionary)、流对象 (Stream)以及空对象(Null);间接对象是一种标识了的 PDF 对象,这个标识叫作间接对象的 ID。标识的目的是为了让别的 PDF 对象引用。任何 PDF 对象标识后都变成了间接对象。 2、PDF 文件结构:
[/ICCBased 3 0 R]
#Object 结束关键字
7 0 obj
摸 底
1市1康1会仓222211幼办车1510 1212122医院红青西北2620户5场6复中心14户1010户9电话局14户2720户20议中心05库55户4居委会3餐馆10户08宾馆310户8儿园6公楼4棚9户7商铺72户4户3户2户22超市2超市02医院2旗大街友谊路年中路小街平胡同街北绘图人:王永生审核人:村(居)委会普查区负责人:王学初日期:2010年3月1日需要整理的资料之一•公安部门提供的本普查区经户口整顿的:•户籍人口资料•流动人口资料•港澳台和外籍人员等资料;需要整理的资料之二•计生、民政和卫生等部门掌握并提供的:•出生人口资料•死亡人口资料需要整理的资料之三•房管、物业等部门掌握并提供的:•住房建成年代资料•住房单元数•入住率情况•出租房屋资料需要整理的资料之四•村(居)委会掌握并提供的:•各种台账•住户资料•出租房屋户情况的资料需要整理的资料之五•卫生、社(劳)保等部门掌握并提供的:•“新型农村合作医疗”(新农合)资料•就业登记台账准备工作(二)•按照普查区地图和《第六次全国人口普查区域划分、地址编码和绘图工作细则》的要求,对普查区内所有建筑物,特别是有人居住的建筑物进行摸查。
26、2010年5月1日至10月31 日在(上海)举行的世界博览会是第(一)次在(发展中)国家举办的综合类(世博会)。
记忆力训练软件3.0 系统简介超级记忆馆旨在提升记忆爱好者的记忆力,全方位解决数字记忆、文章记忆、英语记忆等记忆难题以及熟练掌握和运用时间管理、思维导图、快速阅读(速读)、珠心算、NLP(神经语言程序学)等技能,为大家提供实用、高效的训练方法、教程和软件。
多年来, 一批一批学生成为合格人才,进入高校,走向社会,令我激动,让我欣慰。
” 家访的目的是关心、爱护、转化、教育学生,而不是因教师管教不了才去向家长"告状",因为这无异于给家长送去一根“棍子”,学生回家不免要受皮肉之苦。
这样做不但解决不了任何问题,而且学生还会迁怒于教师,不忘这一“棍” 之仇,给下一步的工作制造了障碍。
我多次和家长反映这一情况,但"棍棒教育” 不但无效,还产生了抗拒心理。
针对这种情况,我改变了方法,利用时间去寻找这个“双差生” 的闪光点。
指被登记人的常住户口性质。 设有两个标准答案,按其户口簿上常住户口的农
业、非农业性质据实圈填。 注意:取消了农业户口和非农业户口的地区,按
照取消前的性质圈填。农民进城已办理了小城镇 户口的,也圈填“2.非农业”。
R11. 是否识字
6周岁及以上的人填报,即2004 年10月31日以前出生的人填报。
之四:当被普查登记对象不在家时,留下便条, 告知下次上门时间,或者留下电话号码,以便被普查 户给普查员打电话,约定访问登记时间。
也还可以采取别的方式:可向周边邻居打听了解 情况,以确定再次入户时间,总之要想尽办法找到人, 或者通过向邻居了解知道其做生意或工作的地方,普 查员可亲临其工作地点进行普查登记。
长表的R4.出生年月,与短表不同, 需计算周岁。
周岁,指从出生年月日算起,到标 准时间为止,满几周岁就填几周岁。 不满一周岁的填“0”岁。
周岁年龄换算公式: 1.当出生月份≤10,周岁年龄=2010-出生年 2.当出生月份=11或12,周岁年龄=2010-出生年-1
1、登记死亡人口时,一般以死亡人口死亡前的经常 居住地为其登记地,而不以死亡发生时的地点 (如医院等)为登记地。
2、本户常住人口中有死亡的,不论其与该户有无亲 属关系,都应该作为该户的死亡人口予以登记。
3、对于无法确定死亡人口经常居住地,或普查 登记时与死亡人口的经常居住地联系不上的, 如孤寡老人、流动人口死亡的,一律在死亡 发生地登记。
1981 1982
1 1982
河北省人民政府办公厅关于统筹推进新一轮“菜篮子”工程建设的实施意见正文:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 河北省人民政府办公厅关于统筹推进新一轮“菜篮子”工程建设的实施意见(冀政办〔2010〕32号2010年10月31日)各设区市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门:为贯彻落实《国务院办公厅关于统筹推进新一轮“菜篮子”工程建设的意见》(国办发〔2010〕18号)精神,更好地满足城乡居民对“菜篮子”产品日益提高的消费需求,现结合我省实际,就推进新一轮“菜篮子”工程建设提出如下实施意见:一、总体要求推进新一轮“菜篮子”工程建设,要深入贯彻落实科学发展观,统筹市场调节与政府调控,统筹产区与销区利益,统筹能力建设和机制创新,统筹生产发展和环境保护,加强生产能力建设、完善市场流通设施,加快发展方式转变,创新调控保障机制,推动菜篮子产业长期稳定发展。
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八年级期中复习2010.10.31首字母填空1 . Harry Potter has made f ________________ with some wizards and witchessince he went to the magic school.2 . To find a good job, he decided to have a good c _______ of English and computer science.3 . The sound is far better on a digital TV than an ordinary one. In a ________ ,we can enjoy better pictures on digital TV.4 . we are busy p ________ for the English Speech Contest for junior students these days.5 . You’d better go on a diet. In other w ____________ , you should eat less sweet food. .6 . During my study trip in Britain , I k ____________ an English diary to write downwhat I had experienced .7 . In order to learn English well , we must take every o ___________ to practise our English .8 . - Li Hui had studied in Canada for almost eight years before he came to China .- No wonder he can speak p_____________ English .9 . The teacher has got the students into the h _________ of reading aloud .10 . Hard t __________ has led Liu Xiang to be one of the best hurdlers in the world .11 . Mobile phones have many advantages . To b _________ with , it’s small and easy to carry .Besides , you can make and take phone calls anywhere .12 . My cousin e __________ in a famous university last year .His parents were so excited that they had a party for him .13 . Can you t _________ the differences between Chinese classes and American classes ?14 . The a _________ of this book is to enable students to speak English fluently .15 . A library in the West is more than just a place to store books .It p _________ us with a lot of information .16 . Can you tell me the d _________________ between robots and ordinary machines ?17 . The Internet has helped us a lot w _________________ our schoolwork .18 . My father always c _________________ to me of my poor study .19 . I always s ________________ my secrets with my good friends .20 . My cousin is working hard in order to have a good c ______________ of spoken English .21 . With the help of the Internet , you can search some websites fo r information ,you can also a _____________ many of the world’s top libraries .22 . S ___________ everybody is here , let’s begin our routine meeting .23 . It’s a great h _________ for me to be the first prize winner in the speech contest .Thanks to my English teacher for helping me so much .24 . Tom , monitor of our class improved his writing skills by k _________ a diary .25 . It is good for our h ____________ to take part in sports and recreation .26 . Joan has her own m ______________ of learning English .27 . New r ____________ shows that dog and cat owners have less heart trouble than others .28 . Do you know the English saying , ―P ______________ makes perfect . ‖29 . I often go to the English corner to i ______________ my speaking skills .30 . The idiom ― You should stand on your own feet ‖ means you should be i ____________ .31 . With a good command of English , we can c _____________ with people from abroad .32 . Could you t _______________ the sentence into French , mary ?33 . Do me a f ________________ , Lily . Don’t say anything about it .34 . He is a farmer and r ________________ chicken and corn on the farm .35 . Have you ever read the great n ________________ ―War and Peace‖ by Leo Tolstoy ?用所给词的适当形式填空1 . Three _____________ will come to visit our school this comingSaturday. (German)2 . Do you know that English is one of the ________________ languages ofthe United Nations? (work)3 . Football is one of the most ________________ played sports in the world.(wide)4 . We all know that English is the key to learning and _______________ . (communicate)5 . My plan for ______________ Day is to visit my relatives and friends. (nation)6 . Who is the first prize ____________ in the English story - telling contest ? ( win )7 . Keeping a diary helps me a lot in ____________ . ( write )8 . ____________ on your new job . ( congratulate )9 . A good English – English dictionary is ___________ to your study . ( help )10 . Self – talk is a good way to develop your ___________ grammar and vocabulary . ( act )11 . Since the beginning in the mid-nineteenth century , the World Expo has helped people to______ ideas and develop the world economy , culture , science and technology . (change)12 . On digital TV , we can enjoy better picture and sound . This new technology has made our lives both easier and more ___________ . (enjoy)13 . Almost all the schools nowadays have modern teaching __________ ,such as computers and multimedia language labs . (equip)14 . The nurses looked after their patients with ____________ care . (love)15 . Mr. Brown has had much _______________ in teaching English . (experienced)16 . You can speak quite ______________ in front of me . I promise you to keep secretwhat you say to me . ( free )17 . At the _________ of the term , the students held a theme class meeting to discusshow to spend pocket money . ( begin )18 . The weather in London is ________________ ( change ) .19 . Where did you get the _______________ puppy ? ( love )20 . I found this study trip was really ______________ and worthwhile . ( reward )21 . To tell you the __________ , I knew very little about the exchange programmebefore the lecture . ( true )22 . The rain is coming into my house and I am ____________ . ( help )23 . If you can think in English , you can respond fast and ______ in communication . ( correct )24 . Our classroom buildings are ___________ with modern facilities , such as computer roomsand multimedia language labs . ( equipment )25 . The BBC presents English lessons with ____________ in either Englishor the language of the listeners . ( explain )26 . Doing morning exercises every day keeps you ________________ . ( health )27 . The young girl learns English very quickly . She is a good language ________ . ( learn )28 . Please feel free to _________ your ideas with the class . ( change )29 . Mr . Green always encourages his students to sharetheir ideas ________ with the class . ( freedom )30 . We’d better not use any kind of _________ when we grow these vegetables . ( chemical ) Nowadays people like green food .31 . We had a _________ trip to Hainan last week .(please)32 . Peter uses the Net a lot . He sufes it every day .In _________ , he often chats with his Net-pals .(add)33 . English is the __________ language of more than 70 countries .(office)34 . It’s truly an __________ change that has taken plac e .(amazed)35 . My uncle is a very famous writer . his books sell __________ .(wide)选择题1 . —What’s your nationality?—I’m ____________ .A . GermanyB . AmericaC . BritainD . French2 . Hans enjoys _______________ with his net-pals from all over the world.A . chatB . to chatC . chatsD . chatting3 . Nearly 90 per cent of information on the web is _______________ English.A . withB . byC . inD .use4 . The Internet has helped me a lot ______________ my schoolwork..A . ofB . onC . withD . to5 . I hope to go on a study trip _____________ some day.A . to abroadB . abroadC . to GermanD . New York6 . No doubt he will win the prize in the English Speech Contest.The underlined part means ―______________‖.A . No wonderB . I don’t believeC . I’m sureD . No problem7 . We must do ____________ best ______________ English well.A . we…learnB . our…learnC . we…to learnD . our…to learn8 . He works much harder ______________ the final exam.A . in order to failB . in order not failC . in order not to passD . in order to pass9 . Household appliances enable us _______________ rid of much of our housework.A . getB . to getC . gettingD . to getting10 . What do Hans usually do in ________________ spare time.A . heB . hisC . himD . himself11 . How do you ______________ your listening skills?A . raiseB . riseC . improveD .advance12 . We ought to ______________ in English when we have an English lesson.A . listenB . sayC . tellD . talk13 . About 70 per cent of the world’s radio stations useEnglish ______________ their programmes.A . broadcastB . for broadcastC . to broadcastingD . for broadcasting14 . — What are the _______________ languages in Canada?English and French.A . nativeB . SecondC . officialD . foreign15 . He ___________ me ___________ my success .A . congratulated … forB . congratulated … onC . congratulations … forD . congratulations …on16 . I enjoy _____________ English broadcasts in my spare time .A . listeningB . listenC . listening toD . listen to17 . My way to improve my English is _________ English newspapers and stories .A . readB . seeC . to readD . to see18 . What __________ Li Fang __________ to be when she __________ up ?A . will … want … growsB . does … want … will growC . will … want … will growD . does … want … grows19 . Winning first prize in the City English Speech Contest is a great honour____________ our school .A . toB . ofC . forD . by20 . I’ve n ever seen ____________ film before .A . so a wonderfulB . such a wonderfulC . so wonderfulD . such wonderful21 . Is your dream ____________ a musician or a painter ?A . /B . beC . isD . to be22 . –I’m going on a study trip to Britain next month . - _____________ .A . It’s good for youB . Have a good timeC . You are happyD . I want to go23 . A group of ___________ went to ___________ for a holiday .A . Germans … EnglandB . English … German yC . Germen … FranceD . French … Germany24 . Italian is George’s _____________ language .A . nativeB . tongueC . motherD . officer25 . Daniel speaks ___________ Russian .A . a littleB . wellC . fluentlyD . perfectly26 . Self – talk is a good way ___________ training _________ to think in English .A . to begin … youB . beginning … youC . to begin … yourselfD . begin … yourself27 . Always ask yourself in English ______________ .A . what do I need to do todayB . where am I goingC . what I will have for dinnerD . what to speak28 . If you can think in English , you can respond ___________ in communication .A . more fast and clearlierB . faster and clearlierC . more fastly and more clearlyD . faster and more clearly29 . Did you live _________ campus or ________ a host family ?A . in…withB . on…atC . in…atD . on…with30 . Life for children is much different _________ before .A . withB . fromC . forD . between31 . Our English teacher has just returned from her study trip to Britain .The underlind part means ―_________‖ .A . given backB . gone backC . come backD . turned again32 . __________ advanced the teaching equipment is !A . HowB . How anC . What aD . What an33 . –The English Speech Contest was wonderful . We enjoyed every minute of it .-___________ .A .Sounds like interestingB . Sounds a lot of funC . Sounds interestingD . Hears interesting34 . Her first success encouraged her __________ even harder .A . workB . to workC . workingD . will work35 . –I think speaking is more important than reading in our English learning .-I’m afraid I can’t agree with you . I think reading is ________ speaking .A . as impotant asB . so important asC . the most importantD . tha same important as36 . Can you tell me ___________ ?A . how your life was like in AmericaB . how was your life in AmericaC . what your life was like in AmericaD . what was your life like in America37 . When people travel in Britain , they have to be used __________ on the left .A . to driveB . drivingC . to drivingD . drove38 . ______ the teaching methods _______ the teaching equipment are advanced in America .A . Both…andB . Neither…norC . not only…but alsoD . Either…nor39 . It _________ six years since our school _________ set up .A . is…wasB . has been…has beenC . was…has beenD . was…was40 . Many of us will __________ the English Debate Contest next week .A . joinB . take part inC . attendD . enroll41 . –Can you speak French ?-Yes , but only _________ . I’ve studied it for only __________ months .A . few…a fewB . little…a littleC . a few…fewD . a little…a few42 . _________ help you understand them , the foreigners will usesimple words and body language .A . So as toB . In order toC . ForD So that43 . Is Chinese ______ international language ?A . aB . anC . theD . /44 . All the letters and emails written ______ Hans are ______ English .A . in … withB . by … inC . by … byD . with … in45 . We planted many trees on ______ side of the street on Tree Planting Day .A . bothB . eitherC . everyD . all46 . In order to improve his own speaking skills , he trained ______ in public speaking .A . himB . heC . hisD . himself47 . Check your answers with the key ______ the back of the book .A . toB . ofC . forD . at48 . We will do our best ______ a good product , at a fair price , and value your businessand the opportunity to be of service .A . provideB . to provideC . provide withD . to provide with49 . She hopes ______ an exchange student .A . beB . beingC . to beD . is50 . ______ your success !A . CongratulationB . CongratulateC . Congratulations onD . Congratulate for51 . I enjoy ______ English novels and newspapers in my spare time .A . to readB . to seeC . readingD . to read52 . ______ is necessary to read the English newspaper 21st century .A . ItB . ThatC . HeD . This53 . – Could you tell me ______ you found the study trip to New York ?-- I think it was enjoyable and worthwhile .A . whatB . howC . whenD . where54 . You’d better eat less sweet food . ______ , you should go on a diet .A . No doubtB . In one wordC . In other wordsD . In this way55 . Smoking is harmful to others as well as to you . You’d better ______ .A . to give it upB . to give up itC . give it upD . give up it56 . My plan for the weekend is ______ a musical .A . seeB . to seeC . seeingD . going to see57 . –What’s this in English ? - Sorry I don’t know how to __________ it .A . sayB . tellC . talkD . speak58 . It is __________ useful book that we all want to buy it .A . suchB . a suchC . such anD . such a59 . If we don’t ___________ hope , we will surely succeed .A . give inB . give outC . give offD . give up60 . Everybody should do ________ best to learn English well .A . heB . theirC . hisD . they61 . I have no doubt __________ he will win the English story – telling contest .A . thatB . whetherC . whenD . why62 .The blind boy spends two hours practising __________ piano everyday .A . playB . playingC . play theD . playing the63 . The exchange students usually live with a host family ___________ for a summer____________ for one year .A . both … andB . either … orC . neither … norD . not only … but also64 . There are many difference between American English and British English . To begin with ,they are quite different ____________ pronuciation .A . fromB . betweenC . withD . in65 . With a good command of English , we can communicate with people from abroad .___________ , we can access more knowledge of the world .A . In one wordB . In other wordsC . In additionD . No doubt66 . If you want to speak perfect English , you need to have a ___________ vocabulary .A . manyB . muchC . largeD . active67 . My daughter’s dream is _____________ a diplomat in the future .A . makingB . beingC . to beD . to make68 . My uncle is __________ busy to attend any lessons in his spare time .A . soB . toC . suchD . too69 . Our classroom is ___________ theirs .A . more big thanB . so big asC . as big asD . more big as70 . The goal of the programme is ____________ the students a chance ____________and study in a foreign country .A . give … liveB . to give … liveC . give … to liveD . to give … to live71 . Joe was born _______ September , 1985 , so he is ________ ox .A . in . . . anB . on . . . aC . in . . . aD . on . . . an72 . They’ve told us there are many ________ in the vegetable field .A . carrotB . tomatosC . fruitD . potatoes73 . There are five students in the language lab .________ of them is listening to the English tape .A . EveryB . BothC . EachD . All74 . What does your maths teacher ______ ?A . looking likeB . lookC . likesD . look like75 . Sue ______ 100 yuan on the coat .A . costB . spentC . tookD . paid76 . David didn’t go to bed _______ he finished his homework last night .A . untilB . whenC . afterD . since77 . Could you ______ the difference between broccoli and cauliflower ?A . sayB . tellC . speakD . talk78 . I’m learning English _______ surf the lnternet for information .A . in orderB . forC . becauseD . in order to79 . He got fatter and fatter . _______ , he failed in his PE exam .A . In other wordsB . Worse stillC . InsteadD . In one word80 . I haven’t decided _______ .A . what item to enter forB . to enter for what itemC . which event to joinD . to join which event81 . Listen , the student are practicing _______ a new song in the music room .A . singB . to singC . singingD . sang82 . Dick asked Linda _______ the performance .A . what she likedB . how she likedC . what did she likeD . how did she like83 . We set out early for the Modern Agricultural Park yesterday morning .A . got upB . arrivedC . wentD . started84 . Sam doesn’t really enjoy paining . What’s more ,he’s not i nterested in traditional Chinese paintings .A . HoweverB . BesidesC . ButD . Because85 . ______ makes one strong . To keep yourself fit , you need to take more .A . A exerciseB . ExerciseC . An exerciseD . exercises86 . I had to wait outside the flat till my mum came last night because I lost keys _____ the doorA . forB . ofC . withD . to87. If you want to develop your spoken English , the best way is _____ .A . practiseB . to exerciseC . to exercisingD . exercised88 . We will have ______ study trip to New Zealand this term .A . an one -monthB . one - month ' sC . a one - monthD . none - month89 . To improve your writing skills , you had better _______ an English diary .A . not makeB . keepC . to makeD . not to keep90 . You can find many new trees on ______ side of the street in my hometown now .A . bothB . eitherC . everyD . all91 . Please ______ late next time .A . don ' t try to beB . try not to beC . to be notD . try to not be92 . There are so many kinds of computers in this store . I really don ' t know ________ .A . what to chooseB . to choose whichC . choose whatD . which to choose93 . They wonder ______ Jane is so fond of pets .A . thatB . whichC . whyD . what94 . It ' s not expensive ________ because it ' s only a few pence .A . at allB . in allC . after allD . any more95 . Anna didn ' t ______ school because she was ill last Monday morning .A . goB . take patr inC . attendD . join96 . I believe _______ just now is true .A . wthat did he sayB . that he saidC . what he saidD . whether didi he say97 . To pass all the examinations successfully is my goal .A . dreamB . aimC . taskD . hope98 . Both my parents and my teacher were amazed at my progress this term .A . pleased withB . angry withC . surprised atD . upset about用所给动词的适当形式填空1 . Do you want _____________ (improve) your schoolwork?2 . Can you tell me how ______________ (e-mail) my friend?3 . With the help of teachers, Joan ____________ (write) a lot of letters in English so far.4 . She ____________ (speak) about the importance of English at the contest last night.5 . We must do our best _____________(learn) English well.6 . My plan for the weekend is ____________ ( see ) a musical at the Grand Theatre .7 . Our goal is ___________ ( get ) us into the habit of thinking in English .8 . Let’s discuss how ____________ ( explain ) them in English .9 . We ______________ ( not see ) for a long time since he ___________ ( begin ) training .10 . It isn’t easy for us _________ our ideas freely in English .(share)11 . He _______(not finish)_______(watch)english programmers until 11 o’ clock last night .12 . - Long time no see . Where ____________ you ___________(be)?-I have just come back from Australia .-How long _________ you ________(stay)here ?-For a month .13 . I hope your dream _________ ( come ) true .14 . It _________ ( be ) a week since the National Treasures Exhibition_____________ ( open ) to the public .15 . I don’t know if it _________ ( help ) you become more sociable in the near future .16 . I’m used to ______________ ( think ) in English now .17 . The doctor has done everything he can ___________ ( save ) the patient .18 . Have you made up your mind __________ ( go ) on a study trip to London ?19 . I’ve no idea if he ___________ ( enroll ) in the exchange programme next term .20 . Our teachers always __________ ( encourage ) ue to share our ideas freely with the class .21 . The students ____________ ( discuss ) the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroadthis time yesterday .22 . I ____________ ( see ) many wonderful musicals in the recent two years .23 . The children _____________ ( learn ) to count from 1 to 100 this time yesterday .24 . Please ______________ ( e-mail ) me as soon as you arrive there .25 . Who _____________ ( keep ) me company when you are away from home tonight ?26 . I’d like to know what you ____________ ( do ) last Christmas .27 . Hans hasn’t decided whether he _____________(take)the course or not .28 . When I passed the room just now , I saw him ______________(watch)videos .29 . I’m not sure if we _________(go)out for an outing next week . Please ask the othersas soon as possible if you __________(want)to go .30 . ______________(develop)students’ ability to solve problems is our teachers’ main task .按要求改写句子,每空限填一词1 . Han uses the Internet a lot in his spare time. (改成一般疑问句)____________ Hans _____________ the Internet a lot in his spare time?2 . I’d like to watch an English programmein order to improve my listening skills . (对划线部分提问)_____________ _____________ you like to watch an English programme?3 . His hope is to go abroad for further study some day. (保持原句意思)He _______________ _____________ go abroad for further study some day.4 . With the help of the Internet we are able to communicate withour friends from abroad easily. (保持原句意思)The Internet __________ us ________ communicate with our friends from abroad easily.5 . Why can you speak English so well? I doubt. (合并成一句)I doubt ______________ you ____________speak English so well.6 . You keep an English diary . ( 改为反意疑问句)You keep an English diary , ____________ ___________ ?7 . The best way to develop a good command of English is to practise . (对划线部分提问)__________ ____________ the best way to develop a good command ofEnglish ?8 . You can’t get both 21st Century and Shanghai Students’ Post with one yuan .You can get only one of them . ( 保持原句意思)You can get __________ 21st Century _________ Shanghai Students’ Post with one yuan .9 . TheThird English Speech Contest was held last Friday . ( 保持原句意思)The Third English SpeechContest _________ _________ last Friday .10 . Li Ming wants to improve his speaking skills .He goes to the English Corner as often as possible . (合并成一句)Li Ming goes to the English Corner as often as possible _______ ______ his speaking skills .11 . The exchange students have to attend classes when they are on the programme . (改为否定句)The exchange students _______ _______ to attend classes when they are on the programme .12 . How do you find the summer English course ? ( 保持原句意思)______________ do you ______________ of the summer English course ?13 . The American class sizes are not as big as ours here . ( 保持原句意思)Our class sizes here are ______________ ____________ the ones in America .14 . To go on a study trip abroad is worthwhile . ( 保持原句意思)_____________ ____________ to go on a study trip abroad .15 . You went to America during the summer holidays , didn’t you ? Zhao Yin asked Wang Hai .( 改为宾语从句)Zhao yin asked Wang Hai _______ ________ went to America during the summer holidaysor not .16 . Hans studies English very hard . ( 改为否定句)Hans _____________ ____________ English very hard .17 . I don’t know when we will leave for Britain . ( 保持原句意思)I don’t know when ____________ ___________ for Britain .18 . The Internet has helped us so much that we can find the informationwe need more quickly . ( 保持原句意思)___________ the ____________ of the Internet , we can find the information we need more quickly .19 . Li Ming goes to the English Corner as often as possible in order to improve his speaking skills . ( 保持原句意思)Li Ming goes to the English Corner as often as possible _______ _______ he can improve his speaking skills .20 . Sue keeps an English diary to develop her writing skills . ( 对划线部分提问)____________ ____________ Sue do to develop her writing skills ?21 . I found the science fiction books very interesting . ( 改为一般疑问句)_____________ you ___________ the science fiction books very interesting ?22 . I got up very early this morning in order to catch the 6:00 o’clock train . ( 对划线部分提问)___________ ____________ you get up so early this morning ?23 . It’s a waste of time to spend so much time on computer games . ( 保持原句意思)It isn’t ____________ ___________ so much time on computer games .24 . Dick hoped to visit his Net-pals some day . (改为宾语从句)Dick hoped that he __________ ___________ his Net-pals some day .25 . The students can learn about different culture and customs . ( 改为反意疑问句)The students can learn about different culture and customs , __________ __________ ?26 . We had a debate on the advantage of studying abroad in class this morning . ( 改为否定句)We _______ _______ a debate on the advantage of studying abroad in class this morning .27 . He found the local people were very friendly to him . ( 对划线部分提问)____________ did he _____________ ?28 . I’ve never heard of them . He says . ( 合并成一句)He says ____________ _____________ never heard of them .29 . I really don’t know how I can raise the dog . ( 保持原句意思)I really don’t know ___________ ___________ raise the dog .30 . To decide the winner was hard for the judge . ( 保持原句意思)___________ was hard for the judge ____________ decide the winner .31 . Jenny went on a study trip abroad in order to learn more about westtern culture . ( 对划线部分提问)_________ __________ Jenny go on a study trip abroad ?32 . I think he has a good command of English . ( 改为反意疑问句)I think he has a good command of English , _________ _________ ?33 . Are you in favour of giving tips or against giving tips ? She wonders . ( 合并为一句)She wonders ________ we are _________ or against giving tips .34 . The teaching methods in western countries are not the same as ours in China .( 保持原句意思)The teaching methods in western countries are _________ _________ ours in China .35 . We haven ' t decided when to visit the agricultural park . ( 保持原句意思)We haven ' t decided when ________ __________ visit the agricultural park .。