



LESSON 31 THE GREAT JUMP第三十一课出色的一跳Ben and May were twins; that means that they were of the same age. May wa s not so tall asBen was, and she was not so strong; but May thought more, learned more, a nd did more than Ben.Ben和May是对双胞胎,因此他们同龄。


Ben could jump down one step of the stair at a time. When he held by the top of the rail, hecould jump two steps at a time. Ben was proud that he could jump more than May could.Ben 一次可以跳下一个台阶。



When Ben and May were just four years old, Ben thought that he would soon be a big boy, fitfor school. He loved to talk, and he loved to boast, and so Ben said things whi ch no wise boy would have said.在Ben和May四岁那年,Ben觉得自己很快就是个大男孩了,适合上学了。


''I can jump—I can jump a great way!〃cried Ben.''Now that I am four years old I can jumpdown four steps at a time, and not hold at all by the top of the rail!"''我能跳…我能出色的完成一跳!〃Ben大声喊道。

英国语文第一册 中英文对照 (11-20 )

英国语文第一册 中英文对照 (11-20 )

ESSON 11 GOING FOR A DRIVE11课驾车去兜风1. John says he is going for a drive. How happy he looks with the whip in his hand!1. 约翰说他打算驾车去兜风,看他手拿着鞭儿多么开心!2. He has a chair for a coach, and a piece of tape fora rein.2. 他的车上有把座椅,还有一条带子做缰绳。

3. The horse is his own rocking-horse.3. 这只马是他的摇摇马。

4. The lady inside the coach is his sister's big doll. 4. 马车上的女孩是他妹妹的玩具娃娃。

5.John made a coach out of a chair,5. 约翰用一把椅子做车厢,And then as driver sat;当他坐下来时;Look how he sits with merry face,看他开心的笑容In his brown paper hat.戴着棕色的纸帽子6.He took his little sister's doll,6. 带上她妹妹的玩具娃娃And with a smile did say,面带笑容地说Please get into my coach, and we快上车吧Will drive to town to-day.”今天我们要去镇上。

LESSON12 LUCY AND HER KITTEN第十二课露西和她的小猫1. The name of this little girl is Lucy.这个小姑娘名叫露西。

2. One day she had a present given to her of a kitten.一天,她得到一只小猫咪当作礼物。

《Lesson 1》 说课稿

《Lesson 1》 说课稿

《Lesson 1》说课稿尊敬的各位评委、老师:大家好!今天我说课的内容是《Lesson 1》。


一、教材分析《Lesson 1》是教材名称中的重要一课,它在整个教材体系中具有承上启下的作用。



















英国语文第一册LESSON 1 MY CATOne I have a cat,Its name is Tit;And by the fireIt loves to sit.TwoFrom off the rugIt scarce will stir,But there will sitAll day and purr.ThreeEach day I bringIts dish of milk,And smooth its coatTo shine like silk.FourAnd on my kneeIt oft will sit; And I love it.第一课我的猫1.我有一只猫,它的名字叫提特;壁炉火堆旁它喜欢趴着。





LESSON 2 THE HOOP1.Dick has been a good boy. All his work is done.2.Now he is at play with his hoop.3.As he runs he strikes it with the stick in his hand.4.Look how fast he makes it go along the road!5.After a long run he will go home to his tea. 第二课滚环迪克一向是个好男孩。





LESSON 3 KNIFE AND FORK1.Henry has had a nice gift from his aunt.2.What do you think it is? It is a pretty knife and a fork.3.The fork has three prongs. The knife has a sharp edge.4. Henry will soon be a big boy. He must learn how to hold his knife and fork when he eats his food. 第三课刀和叉亨利从姑姑那得到一份漂亮的礼物。


开始上课二ຫໍສະໝຸດ 探索新知:(20分钟)1、指导学生阅读课文的第一自然段,看图412,并阅读“阅读材料”-世界语言知多少?组织学生自由发言,说出他们所知道的其他语言。
作业本P51一、1、2、3、4、7、P52 12题



第一册Unit1PartA教案说课稿反思第一篇:第一册Unit 1 Part A教案说课稿反思闽教版小学英语第一册Unit 1 Hello Part A教案教学目标词汇: Aa , Bb, apple, banana.句型:Hello, I’m …Hi, I’m …Nice to meet you.----Nice to meet you, too.功能:能运用Hello/Hi/I’m…/Glad to meet you.问候;能在他人用Hello/Hi /I’m…/Nice to meet you.问候时用相应形式回答.情感:与入学教育相结合,见到老师、长辈或同学之间应互相问候;对用英语参加互相认识活动产生兴趣。


教学重难点1.能听懂、能说出Hello, Hi ,I’m…,Nice to meet you.语句;能听懂并说出Wang T ao, Julia, Lucy, Li Ming, Miss Gao, Sally几个名字。

能听懂并说出apple, banana这两个单词。

2.“Hello, I’m…”的正确发音(学生容易将hello中的/e/读成/a:/,忽略I’m中/m/的发音,初步区别an apple 和a banana。

教学准备准备好Wang Tao, Julia, Lucy, Li Ming, Miss Gao, Sally的头饰、录音机与录音带、大的单词教学卡片、课文挂图、课前制作的呈现语句的大纸片等、电脑课件。

教学步骤和方法:StepⅠ.Warming up 1.Greetin gs: 师生相互认识,教师用Hello,I’m …(同时伴以手势,让学生明白).I’m your English teacher.向学生打招呼,同时教学生用Hello,Miss ….与老师打招呼,为后面的学习做准备。




新概念Lesson1 Excuse me说课与反思初一英语刘立贤外校教师与本组听课教材分析:本节课是依据任务型教学设计的一堂课。

所选材料为新概念英语第一册Lesson1 Excuse me。


内容简单, 量小, 以学生熟悉的日常交际语言为话题。

通过句型Is this your handbag ? 来学习归还物品的交际语言。

二. 学情分析:初一1 班共36人。



特点是学生大多, 有一定英语基础但语言不规范尤其是英语口语表达较差。


三. 教学目标:1.是要通过有趣的活动与任务为学生创设轻松愉悦的课堂气氛, 让学生尤其是后进生体验英语学习的乐趣。


即通过课堂教学让学生做各种事情, 从而培养学生运用英语做事的能力。


四. 教学难点:一般疑问句的回答, 与新词汇的运用。

五. 教学策略:任务型教学法合作学习七. 课后反思:1.课堂中由浅入深的层层任务链有助于学生运用语言。

学生在完成任务的过程中运用语言, 并达到掌握语言的目的。

2.设计的任务尽量贴近现实生活, 而不是“假交际”。


3.任务环(Task-cycle) 是实施任务型课堂教学的核心部分。

任务型课堂教学活动根据其交互特点可大致分为五类: 故事链任务(小组中每人讲一段故事, 全小组讲完整个故事);信息差任务(两组或多组信息互补, 协商完成任务);解决问题任务(围绕一个问题或根据一系列信息, 找出解决问题的办法);做决定任务(围绕一个和多个结果, 通过协商或讨论作出选择);观点交换任务(通过讨论, 相互交换意见, 不必达成共识)。

本节课我采用的是信息差任务具有合作性的特征;同时信息差任务过程简单, 也易于课堂操作。


《Lesson 1》 说课稿

《Lesson 1》 说课稿

《Lesson 1》说课稿尊敬的各位评委老师:大家好!今天我说课的内容是《Lesson 1》。


一、教材分析《Lesson 1》是教材名称中的重要一课,这一课程在整个教材体系中具有承上启下的作用。








三、教学目标基于对教材和学情的分析,我制定了以下教学目标:1、知识与技能目标学生能够准确理解和掌握重点知识点 1的概念和用法。

学生能够熟练运用重点知识点 2解决相关问题。





四、教学重难点1、教学重点重点知识点 1的理解和应用。

重点知识点 2的实际操作。

2、教学难点对难点知识点 1的深入理解和灵活运用。

如何引导学生突破难点知识点 2的思维障碍。


























---课程名称: None语音教学第一册课程目标:1. 学生能够正确发音None中的音素。

2. 学生能够理解并运用None的基本含义。

3. 学生能够进行简单的日常对话。

课程时间: 45分钟课程准备:1. 语音教学材料(如音标卡片、图片等)。

2. 课件或黑板。

3. 互动练习道具(如小卡片、玩具等)。

教学步骤:一、导入(5分钟)1. 利用图片或情景导入课程主题“None”。

2. 简单介绍None的基本含义和用法。

二、语音教学(15分钟)1. 音素讲解:- 讲解None中每个音素的发音方法。

- 利用音标卡片帮助学生理解和记忆。

2. 跟读练习:- 教师示范发音,学生跟读。

- 分组练习,互相纠正发音。

三、情景对话(10分钟)1. 设计简单的情景对话,让学生运用None进行交流。

2. 教师提供情景提示,学生分组进行对话练习。

3. 邀请部分学生展示对话,给予反馈和指导。

四、互动练习(10分钟)1. 单词接龙:- 以None为起点,学生依次说出含有None的单词。

2. 猜谜游戏:- 教师说出一个与None相关的谜语,学生猜测答案。

五、总结与作业(5分钟)1. 总结本节课的学习内容,强调重点。

2. 布置课后作业,如:- 复习None的发音和用法。

- 准备下一节课的情景对话。

教学反思:1. 观察学生在课堂上的学习情况,了解他们对None的掌握程度。

2. 收集学生的反馈意见,为下一节课的教学做好准备。




- 了解汉字的结构和字形特点
- 掌握常见汉字的写法和读音
- 能正确运用所学汉字写字和阅读
1. 汉字的结构组成
2. 常见汉字的字形特点介绍
3. 汉字的基本笔画和书写规范
1. 导入新课,引发学生兴趣
- 通过展示一些有趣的汉字,让学生猜测其字义和结构
- 与学生互动,让他们主动参与讨论
2. 介绍汉字的结构组成
- 分别讲解汉字的偏旁部首、上下结构和左右结构
- 通过举例子让学生理解汉字结构的重要性
3. 展示常见汉字的字形特点
- 逐个介绍几个常见汉字的字形特点(如:心、木、水等)
- 引导学生观察并记忆这些字的结构和笔画顺序
4. 汉字的基本笔画和书写规范
- 指导学生掌握汉字的基本笔画,如横、竖、撇、捺等
- 强调书写规范,让学生注意字的形状和相邻字与字之间的间距
5. 练和巩固
- 让学生进行汉字书写练,检查他们掌握情况
- 提供一些简单的阅读材料,让学生通过阅读来巩固所学汉字
1. 观察学生的研究兴趣和参与度
2. 检查学生的书写能力和准确度
3. 通过阅读材料的理解情况来评价学生对汉字的掌握程度。



新版PEP语文五年级上册Unit1全英教案教学目标- 能正确读出课文中的生字和词组。

- 能理解并正确运用课文中的句子。

- 能准确理解课文中的生词和词组。

- 能通过角色扮演和小组讨论展示对课文的理解。

教学准备- 课文教材:新版PEP语文五年级上册Unit1。

- 多媒体教具:投影仪、幻灯片。

教学步骤步骤一:导入- 利用多媒体教具展示课文照片,引起学生的兴趣,激发学生对话的欲望。

步骤二:师生互动- 让学生跟读课文,注意引导学生正确发音。

步骤三:课文解读- 用幻灯片呈现课文内容,并逐句解读。

- 引导学生理解生词和词组,并展示对课文的理解。

步骤四:角色扮演- 将学生分成小组,每组选出一个学生扮演课文中的角色,其他学生与其进行对话互动。

- 引导学生运用课文中的句子进行对话,并展示对课文的理解。

步骤五:小组讨论- 让小组内的学生共同讨论课文中的问题,并报告讨论结果。

- 鼓励学生积极发表观点,并提供正确的引导和补充。

步骤六:课堂总结- 对本节课的内容进行总结,强调重点和难点,并回答学生提出的问题。

教学延伸- 鼓励学生在课后复课文,并尝试运用课文中的句子进行口头表达或书面表达。

注意事项- 教师要密切关注学生的参与情况,及时给予帮助和引导。

- 在角色扮演和小组讨论环节,鼓励学生积极参与,发挥想象力和创造力。

- 对于研究困难的学生,要给予额外的帮助和指导,确保他们理解课文的内容。





而AOE (Age of Empires)作为一款古代战争策略类游戏,在教育领域中也逐渐得到了广泛的应用。



















Lesson 1Narrator:Meet Sandy and Sue!Narrator:This is Sue's class.Narrator:Her teacher's Mr Crisp.Mr Crisp:Which is your pen, Sue?Sue:The red pen, sir.Mr Crisp:Here you are, Sue.Sue:Thank you, sir.Lesson 3Narrator:This is Sandy's class.Narrator:His teacher's Miss Williams.Miss Williams:Whose is this cap?Tom:It's Sandy's, Miss Williams.Miss Williams:Sandy!Sandy:Yes, Miss Williams.Miss Williams:Come here, please.Sandy:Yes, Miss Williams.Miss Williams:Is this your cap?Sandy:Yes, it is.Miss Williams:Here you are Sandy. Sit down, please. Sandy:Thank you, Miss Williams.Lesson 5Tom:Kick the ball, Sandy!Sandy:All right, Tom.Tom:Look, Sandy!Mr Crisp:Oh!Mr Crisp:It's all right, Sandy. Whose is this ball? Mr Crisp:Is this your ball, Tom?Tom:No, it isn't, sir.Mr Crisp:Is this your ball, Sandy?Sandy:Yes, it is, sir.Lesson 7Mr May:Who's that girl, Mr Crisp?Mr Crisp:Which girl, Mr May?Mr May:The girl on the red bicycleMr Crisp:That's Sue Clark. She's in my class. Mr May:Who's that boy, Mr Crisp.Mr Crisp:Which boy, Mr May?Mr May:The boy with the football.Mr Crisp:That's Sandy Clark He's Sue's brother. Tom:Kick the ball, Sandy!Mr Crisp:Look out, Mr May!Lesson 9Mother:Hullo, Sandy! Hullo, Sue! Children:Hullo, Mum!Mother:Tea's ready.Mother:Are you hungry, Sue? Sue:Yes, I am.Mother:Are you hungry, Sandy? Sandy:No, I'm not.Sandy:What's for tea?Mother:Look!Mother:Are you hungry now, Sandy? Sandy:Oh yes, I'm very hungry.Lesson 11Sandy:Look at my picture, Sue. Sue:That's nice, Sandy.Sue:What's that?Sandy:It's a bicycle.Sue:Who's that?Sandy:It's Tom. He's on his bicycle Sue:What's this?Sandy:It's a car.Sue:Who's this?Sandy:It's Mr Crisp.Sandy:He's in his car.Lesson 13Mother:This egg is for you, Sandy!Sandy:Thanks, Mum.Sue:Listen, Sandy! That's Dad's car. Eat your egg quickly. Sue:Now put the egg in the egg-cup like thisFather:Good evening, Betty.Mother:Good evening, Jim.Father:Good evening, Children.Children:Good evening, Dad.Sandy:Tea's ready, Dad. This egg is for youFather:An egg! That's nice. I'm hungryFather:Oh! It's empty!Lesson 15Sue:Put on Dad's hat, Sandy!Sandy:Put on Mum's shoes, Sue!Sandy:You are funny, Sue!Sue:You're funny, too, Sandy!Sue:Come with me.Sandy:Knock at the door, Sue.Mother:Come in!Sandy:Look at me! I'm an actorSue:Look at me! I'm an actress.Lesson 17Sandy:Who's that boy, Tom?Tom:Which boy, Sandy?Sandy:That fat boy.Tom:He's a new boy. His name's Billy BriggsSandy:Look at him!Miss Williams:Billy!Billy:Yes, Miss WilliamsMiss Williams:Open your desk and give me that apple Billy:I'm sorry, Miss Williams. I'm hungryLesson 19Sandy:My bag's heavy!Tom:What's in it, SandySandy:Open it and see.Tom:Six books and six exercise-booksBilly:My bag's heavy, too.Tom:What's in it, BillyBilly:Open it and see!Tom:One book, two apples, three oranges and a banana!Lesson 21Tom and Bill:What nationality are you? French or German Sandy(whispering):I'm FrenchTom:Come on my side!Tom and Billy:What nationality are you?Sue(whispering):I'm German.Billy:Come on my side.Tom and Billy:Pull! Pull!Lesson 23Sandy:Give me that box please, Sue.Sue:Which box, Sandy? This one?Sandy:No, not that one. The big blue one.Sue:What's in it, Sandy?Sandy:Open it and see.Sue:Oh!Sandy:It's a Jack-in-the-box!Lesson 25Sue:There's a man at the door, Dad.Father:Who is it, Sue? Open the door!Sue:It's the postman, Dad.Postman:Good morning, Sue.Sue:Good morning, postman.Postman:There's a letter for your mother. And there's a letter for your father.Sue:Thank you.Sue:Dad! There's a letter for mum and there's a letter for you.Father:This isn't a letter! It's a bill!Lesson 27Gym Master:Look at these shoes!Gym Master:Which are your shoes, Sandy?Sandy:The brown shoes, sir.Gym Master:What colour are your shoes, Tom? Tom:My shoes are black sir.Gym Master:Here you are, Tom.Tom:Thank you, sir.Gym Master:There's a shoe on this locker. Whose is it? Tom:It's Billy's, sir.Lesson 29Mother:Are your hands clean, Sandy?Sandy:Yes, my hands are clean, Mum.Mother:Show me your hands, Sandy.Mother:Your hands aren't clean. They're very dirty! Mother:Go and wash your hands at once!Sandy:All right, Mum.Mother:Are your hands clean now, Sandy?Sandy:Yes, they are, MumMother:Sandy! Look at my nice clean Towel!Lesson 31Tom:Heads or tails, Sue?Sue(calling):Heads!Sue:It's heads!Tom:Come on our side.Tom:Heads or tails, Sandy?Sandy(calling):Tails!Sandy:It's tails!Tom:Go on their side.Tom and Billy:Pull! Pull!Lesson 33Mother:These shoes are nice. Try on these shoes, Sue. Salesman:Sit down here, please.Mother:How are they, Sue?Sue:They're very tight, MumSue:Oh, Mum! Look at those shoes. Those are pretty shoes Salesman:Here you are, young lady.Mother:How are they, Sue?Sue:They're just right!Lesson 35Sandy:What are these, Billy?Billy:They're stamps.Billy:These are French stamps.Billy:And those are Italian stamps.Sandy:Show me those Italian stamps, Billy. They're very prettySandy:Give me this one please, Billy.Billy:Give me two apples then.Sandy:Two apples for one stamp! No, thank you!Lesson 37Mr Crisp:Good morning, childrenClass:Good morning, sirMr Crisp:Sit down, please.Mr Crisp:These two girls are new pupils. Their names are Liz and Lillie.Mr Crisp:Liz and Lillie are twins. They are in our class. Mr Crisp:This is... er ... Liz. And this is... er ...Lillie. Lillie:I'm not Liz. I'm Lillie. She's Liz.Liz:I'm not Lillie. I'm Liz. She's Lillie.Mr Grisp:Twins!Lesson 39Sandy:Whose are these sandwiches, Tom?Tom:They're Billy's.Tom:Open the packet, Sandy.Tom:Take out the sandwiches.Tom:Put in this duster and this bookTom:Hurry up! There's Billy!Billy:Hey! Leave my sandwiches alone!Sandy:Here you are, Billy.Billy:That's funny. These sandwiches are very hard Billy:Oh! Give me my sandwiches quickly!Lesson 41Sandy:Listen, Sue! That's the school bell.Sue:Hurry up, Sandy! We're late for schoolSandy:What's the time, Sue?Sue:It's nine o'clock.Sandy:Look! There's the headmaster. He's in the playground.Sue:Oh, dear!Headmaster:You're both very late this morning.Sandy and Sue:We're sorry, sir.Headmaster:Go to your classrooms quickly!Sandy and Sue:Yes, sir.Lesson 43Father:The children are very quiet this morning, Betty. Mother:Sandy! Sue! Breakfast's ready.Father:Go upstairs and see, Betty. Perhaps they're still asleep.Mother:Wake up, Sandy! It's eight o'clock.Sandy(sleepily):Eh?Mother:Wake up! You're late.Sandy:No, I'm not, Mum. The school's shut today. It's aholiday!Mother:Lazybones!Lesson 45Sue:Give us two packets of sweets please, Mr HillMr Hill:Which packets, Sue? These blue ones?Sue:No, not those. The big red ones.Sandy:How much are they, Mr Hill?Mr Hill:A shilling each.Sandy:A shilling each! That's all our pocket-money!Sue:Give us two small lollipops instead.Lesson 47Miss Williams:This prize is for Billy, Sandy and Tom. Hereyou are, Billy.Billy:Thank you, Miss Williams.Tom:What is it, Billy?Billy:It's a box of chocolatesSandy:How many chocolates are there? Count them, BillyBilly:One, two, three, four, five, six... There are twenty-four.Tom:Eight chocolates each. Share them, Billy.Billy:One for Tom and one for me. One for Sandy and onefor meOne for Tom and one for me. One for Sandy and one for me…Sandy and Tom:Hey! That's not right!Lesson 49Mother:Post these letters for me please, Sue.Sue:O.K. Mum.Sue:Good morning, postman.Postman:Good morning, Sue. How are you today?Sue:Fine, thanks.Sue:Are there any letters in the letter box this morning? Postman:No, there aren't any letters here.Sue:Just a minute.Sue:There are some letters in the letter box now. Postman:Thank you, Sue.Lesson 51 Father's glassesFather:Where are my glasses Sue? Are they over there? Sue:Where, dad?Father:There. Near that box.Sue:No, they aren't here, dad.Father:And they aren't under this newspaper.Sue:Perhaps they're in your pocket, dad.Father:So they are! How silly of me!Lesson 53 Hide-and-seekSue:Let's play hide-and-seek.Billy:Count up to ten, Sue.Sue:One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. I'm ready!Sue:I can see you, Billy. You're behind that fence.Sue:Where's Sandy?Billy:He's beside that tree.Sue:That's funny! He's not here.Sue:Look! There he is! He's up there!Lesson 55 Sandy's kiteSandy:Hold this kite for me please, SueSandy:Now stand between those two trees.Sue:All right, Sandy.Sandy:Ready, Sue?Sue:I'm ready, Sandy. Pull the kite.Sandy:Look at it, Sue! It's like a bird!Sue:I can't see it. Where is it?Sandy:It's over that building.Sue:I can see it now. It's very high.Lesson 57 Silly BillyTeacher:Get into lines boys. Good. Now we can do some exercises.Teacher:Jump together! One, two, three, four, stop!Teacher:Touch your knees!Teacher:Touch your toes!Teacher:Pay attention, Tom. Don't laugh!Sandy:What's the matter, Tom?Tom:Silly Billy can't touch his toes.Lesson 59 Good old Billy!Teacher:Bring me that ball please, Tom.Tom:Yes, sir.Teacher:Now let's play football. Are you all ready?Boys:Yes, sir.Tom:Quick, Sandy! Pass me the ball!Tom:Oh, Sandy! Don't pass it to Billy. Pass it to me.Sandy:Kick it, Billy!Tom:It's a goal!Sandy:Good old Billy!Teacher:Billy can't touch his toes, but he can play football!Lesson 61 The bird's nestMother:What's the matter, Jim?Father:I can't light this fire.Father:Please hold this ladder, dear.Father:Well! Well!Mother:What can you see, Jim?Father:There's a bird's nest in our chimney.Mother:Show it to Sandy and Sue.Father:Sandy! Sue! Come here a moment.Sandy and Sue:Yes, dad.Father:Look at this bird's nest. There are three pretty eggs in it.Sue:Give them to Sandy and meLesson 63 A paper boatSandy:Look at this paper boat, Sue.Sue:That's a nice boat, Sandy.Sue:Let's fill the wash-basin with water.Sandy:Turn on the tap.Sue:Can I make a boat like that? Show me, Sandy Sandy:Take a piece of paper and fold it like this. Mother:Sandy! Sue! Look at this wash-basin! Turn the tap off at once.Lesson 65 Upside-downSandy:Can you stand on your head, Tom?Sandy:Look! Like this.Tom:Let me try.Tom:That's easy. I can do it.Tom:Billy can't stand on his head.Billy:Of course, I can!Billy:Watch me! Now I'm upside-down.Sandy:Look, Tom! Billy's pockets are full of sweets!Lesson 67 A punctureTom:Pump up this tyre, Sandy. It's very flat.Sue:What are you doing, Sandy?Sandy:I'm pumping up this tyre.Sandy:Whew! I'm tired.Tom:It's still flat.Tom:Let's take the tyre off the wheel.Sue:Put the tube in this basin, Sandy.Tom:Look at those bubbles. There's a puncture in this tube.Lesson 69 A game of hopscotchBilly:Hullo Liz, hullo Lillie, hullo Sue.Girls:Hullo Billy.Billy:What are you doing?Liz:We're playing hopscotch.Billy:Can I play, too?Girls:All right.Billy:It's my turn.Sue:Throw your stone, Billy.Tom:Look at Billy! He's playing hopscotch with the girls! Sandy:Hopscotch is a girls game, Billy.Tom:Come and play football with us.Lesson 71 Father's telescopeFather:Look through this telescope, Sandy What can you see?Sandy:I can see a man and a dog.Father:What are they doing?Sandy:They're standing beside a lake.Father:What's the man doing now?Sandy:He's picking up a stick.Father:What's happening now?Sandy:Now the man's throwing the stick into the water. Father:What's happening now?Sandy:Now the dog's swimming across the lake. Sandy:Now the dog's holding the stick between its teeth. It's swimming back to the man.Lesson 73 Happy birthday, Billy!Sandy and Sue are going to Billy's house.It's Billy's birthday. Billy's nine years old today."Happy birthday, Billy," Sandy says"Happy birthday, Billy," Sue says."Here is a present for you," Sandy says."Thank you, Sandy. Thank you, Sue," Billy says.Billy is opening his present."Is it a Jack-in-the-box?" he asks."No, it isn't," Sue answers."It's a car!" Billy says." And it's made of chocolate!" Lesson 75 Three cheers for BillyThe children are enjoying Billy's birthday party.They're wearing funny hats. They're laughing and playing gamesNow they're eating sandwiches, cakes and biscuits. They're drinking lemonade, too.Billy's birthday cake is very big. There are nine candles onit."Can you blow out the candles?" Sandy asks."Of course I can," Billy answers. "Watch me!""Three cheers for Billy," Sandy shouts.Sandy:Hip! Hip! Children:Hurray!Sandy:Hip! Hip! Children:Hurray!Sandy:Hip! Hip! Children:Hurray!Lesson 77 Sh! Be quiet!Sue:Let's go into the store-room, SandySandy:All right, Sue.Sue:Where's your torch, Sandy?Sandy:Here it is.Sue:Look, Sandy! I can see a man standing beside that box! Sue:Turn on your torch, Sandy.Sandy:You're right, Sue There's a man standing besidethat box!Sue:Sh! Be quiet! Come with me!Sandy:Look! It's only an old hat and an old coat.Lesson 79 Ugh!Sandy:Is there any sugar in my tea, Sue?Sue:Taste it, Sandy.Sandy:Ugh! It's not very nice. This isn't tea! It's coffee!Mother:Sandy! What are you drinking?Sue:He's drinking dad's coffee, mum.Mother:Give me that cup please, Sandy.Sandy:It's not very nice, mum. There isn't any milk or sugar in it.Lesson 81 Sue helps motherSue:What are you doing, mum?Mother:I'm making some sandwiches for tea.Sue:Let me help you, mum. I can cut the bread.Mother:All right, Sue.Mother:Sue! Those slices are very thick. Give me the bread-knife please.Mother:Bring me some jam.Sue:Yes, mum.Sue:Mum! Sandy's eating the jam!Sue:The jar's nearly empty.Lesson 83 Billy draws Miss Williams.Billy:Pass me some white chalk, Sandy. I can draw Miss Williams.Billy:Now pass me some blue chalk and some red chalk.Miss Williams:Billy! What are you doing?Billy:I'm drawing, Miss Williams.Miss Williams:Is that me, Billy?Billy:Yes,Miss Williams. I'm sorry.Miss Williams:It's all right, Billy.Miss Williams:It's a nice picture.Miss Williams:My eyes are blue, Billy. But my nose isn't red!Sit down, please.Lesson 85 A picture of Billy.Miss Williams:Take out a piece of paper, children.Miss Williams:Now you can all draw a picture.Miss Williams:What are you drawing, Tom.Tom:A football match, Miss Williams.Miss Williams:What are you drawing, Sandy?Sandy:Billy's birthday party.Miss Williams:Who's this?Sandy:It's Billy.Sandy:He's holding a bar of chocolate in his right hand anda bottle of lemonade in his left hand.Lesson 87 Mother's shopping-listSue:What are you doing, mum?Mother:I'm making a shopping-list, Sue.Sue:Let me help you.Mother:All right, Sue. Open that cupboard.Mother:Is there any jam or honey in the cupboard?Sue:There isn't much jam, but there's a lot of honey.Mother:Are there any apples and oranges in that bowl?Sue:There aren't many oranges, but there are a lot of apples.Mother:Sugar, tea, jam, oranges...Sue:And bananas for Sandy and me.Lesson 89 Flour on the floorNarrator:Mother is still making her shopping-list. Sue isstill helping her.Mother:Is there any butter in the refrigerator?Sue:There's very little, mum.Mother:Are there any tomatoes in the refrigerator?Sue:There are very few, mum.Mother:Is there any flour in that tin?Sue:Yes, there's a lot.Mother:Be careful, Sue!Sue:I'm sorry, mum.Mother:Never mind, Sue.Sue:There isn't much flour in the tin now!Mother:No, but there's a lot on the floor!Lesson 91 Beans or ice-cream?Mother:Some meat, potatoes and beans for Sue.Sue:Thanks, mum.Mother:Some meat, potatoes and beans for Sandy.Sandy:I don't like beans, mum. I don't want any.Father:There's some ice-cream in the refrigerator, Sandy.Do you want any?Sandy:Yes please.Father:Then eat some beans or I can't give you anyice-creamMother:Do you want any beans now, Sandy?Sandy:Yes please.Sandy:I want a lot of beans. And I want a lot of ice-cream, too.Lesson 93 Don't forget your change!Mother:Go and buy a large tube of toothpaste, and a small bar of soap please, Sue.Mother:Here's some money.Sue:Thanks, mum.Sue:Good morning, Mr Green.Mr Green:Good morning, Sue.Sue:My mother wants a tube of toothpaste and a small bar of soap, please.Mr Green:A large tube or a small one, Sue?Sue:She wants a large one, please.Mr Green:Here you are, Sue.Sue:Thank you, Mr Green Goodbye.Mr Green:Sue!Sue:Yes, Mr Green?Mr Green:Don't forget your change!Lesson 95 The snowmanSue:Come to the window quickly, Sandy! It's snowing.Sue:Mum, we want some buttons please.Sandy:And a carrot.Mother:Do you want a lot of buttons, Sue?Sue:No, I don't want very many.Sandy:We want dad's old hat, too.Sue:And an old pipe.Mother:What are you doing, children?Children:We're making a snowman, mum.Sue:His eyes are black buttons.Sandy:And his nose is a carrot.Lesson 97 It's time for bedMother:Hurry up, children. It's time for bed.Sue:Oh! We're not sleepy, mum.Sandy:I don't want to go to bed. I want to watch televisionSue:I want to watch television, too.Mother:All right then. You can watch television for ten minutesFather:Are the children in bed, Betty?Mother:No, they're watching television.Father:Sandy! Sue! It's time for bed.Father:Look at them! They're both fast asleep!Lesson 99 Wake up, Billy!Miss Williams:Look at this boy. His name's Paul. He's a French boy.Miss Williams:Now look at this map of the world.Miss Williams:This country is France. Paul comes from France.Miss Williams:The capital city of France is Paris. Paul livesin Paris.Miss Williams:What language does Paul speak, Billy.Billy:Er... er... He speaks German, Miss Williams.Miss Williams:Wake up, Billy! You're not paying attention!Paul speaks French.Lesson 101 Simon's never careless but Billy...!Miss Williams:Here's your exercise-book, BillyMiss Williams:You're often careless. Look at these mistakesMiss Williams:Don't laugh at Billy, Sandy!Miss Williams:Whose is this exercise-book?Billy:It's Sandy's, Miss Williams.Miss Williams:Sandy, put your name on the cover. You are sometimes careless, too!Miss Williams:Look at Simon's exercise book. Simon'snever careless. His work is always neat andtidy. Billy! You naughty boy!Lesson 103 Which season do you like best?Miss Williams:Look at the blackboard, children.Miss Williams:What's the weather like in Spring, Sandy. Sandy:It's often warm, Miss Williams.Miss Williams:What's the weather like in Summer?Sandy:It's often hot.Miss Williams:What's it like in Autumn, Tom?Tom:It's often cool.Miss Williams:What's it like in Winter, Billy?Billy:It's often cold.Miss Williams:Which season do you like best, Billy? Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter?Billy:I like Winter. That's the football season!Lesson 105 The school yearThere are four terms in the school year:the Autumn Term, the Winter Term, the Spring Term andthe Summer TermThe first term is the Autumn Term. The Autumn Term begins in September and ends in DecemberThe second term is the Winter Term. The Winter Term begins in January and ends in AprilThe third term is the Spring Term. The Spring Term beginsin May and ends in JulyThe fourth term is the Summer Term. The Summer Termbegins in July and ends in SeptemberSandy and Sue like the Summer Term best. They are alwayson holiday then. They always go to the seaside.Lesson 107 North, South, East and West.Miss Williams:Look at this map of Britain. This is the North.It often snows in the North.Miss Williams:This is the South. The sun often shines inthe South.Miss Williams:This is the East. The wind often blows in the East.Miss Williams:This is the West. It often rains in the West.Miss Williams:In winter, the sun always rises late and always sets early.The days are short and the nights are long.Miss Williams:In summer, the sun always rises early and always sets late.The days are long and the nights are short.Lesson 109 They don't always go to sleep!The Clarks always get up early every day.In the morning, father always goes to work.Sandy and Sue always go to school.Mother usually stays at home.At midday, Sandy and Sue always eat their lunch at school.In the afternoon, Sandy and Sue always come home from school.They usually arrive home early.In the evening, Sandy and Sue always do their homework.At night they go to bed early, but they don't always go tosleep!Lesson 111 A holidayIt is seven o'clock.Sandy and Sue usually get up early every day. but today it isa holiday.It is a quarter to nine.Sandy and Sue usually go to school in the morning, but this morning they are walking to the parkIt is a quarter past four.Sandy and Sue usually come home from school in the afternoon, but this afternoon they are playing in the park.It is half past six.Sandy and Sue usually do their homework in the evening, butthis evening they are watching televisionIt is a quarter past eight.Sandy and Sue usually go to bed early at night, but tonightthey are playing a game.They are playing Snakes and Ladders!Lesson 113 A flat tyreMiss Williams is driving her car to school.Suddenly, she stops. "That's funny," she says.She gets out of her car. "Oh dear!" she says."It's twenty to nine. I can't get to school on time thismorning!"Then a car stops behind her. It's Mr Crisp!"What's the matter?" Mr Crisp asks."Look!" Miss Williams says. "A flat tyre.""It doesn't matter. " Mr Crisp says. "Come in my car."Lesson 115 The weekMonday mornings are usually terrible. Father always gets up late and he's always in a hurry.On Tuesday mother usually goes to the shops.On Wednesday Sandy and Sue always play games at school. On Thursday Miss Jones always gives Sue her piano lesson. Sue likes this lesson very much.On Friday Miss Jones always gives Sandy his piano lesson. Sandy doesn't like it at all!Saturday and Sunday are the best days of the week. The family usually spend a quiet week-end at home!Lesson 117 .The weather forecast.Sandy:It's Saturday tomorrow. What are we going to do tomorrow?Sue:Let's ask mum.Mother:We're going to spend the day at the seasideSandy:The seaside!Sue:Hurray!Father:Let's listen to the weather forecast first. Turn the television on, Sue.Television:Here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. Television:It's going to snow in the North and it's going torain in the South.Sandy and Sue:Oh!Mother:Never mind, children.Father:We can go to the cinema instead.Lesson 119 Fixing the clockFather:That clock doesn't work.Mother:I'm going to take it to the watchmaker's next week.Father:Don't take it to the watchmaker's. Give it to me. Ican fix it.Sandy:What are you doing, dad?Father:I'm fixing this clock.Mother:Is it nearly ready now, Jim?Father:No, Betty. I can't put all these pieces together!Mother:Oh, Jim! Give me all the pieces. I'm going to take them to the watchmaker's at once!。

精品文档 (65)必修1第7课《英国君主立宪制的建立》教学设计(说课稿)

精品文档 (65)必修1第7课《英国君主立宪制的建立》教学设计(说课稿)





3.教学目标根据课标要求、教材内容和学生的具体情况,确立以下教学目标:知识目标:1.掌握光荣革命的基本史实; 《权利法案》制定的基本史实;责任制内阁的形成;内阁的构成及作用。













But thy eternaBlutsyuomur myouetrh sshhalal nllont foadtef,ade, Nor lose possNeosr swiollnyoou flotshe athte fbaeairutyththoaut yoouwp’ossts;ess; Nor shall DeaNBtheocrbawursialelgidnetamhthyoceultaeiwrmnaaylnovuderfesoerry’hsoitsuoiwnwilnhl,liisvesfhoraevdeer.,
Old words:
Dost/doest=do (2nd sing), doth/doeth=does Hast=have (2nd sing), hath= has , hadst=had (past) layst, mak’st, canst, whilst
我们知道凡是有两个以上音节的英文单词,都有重读音节 与轻读音节之分,在一句话中,根据语法、语调、语意的 要求,有些词也要重读,有些要轻读。如He went to town
to buy a book. I’m glad to hear the news. 英文中有重读和 轻读之分,重读的音节和轻读的音节,按一定模式配合 起来,反复再现,组成诗句,听起来起伏跌宕,抑扬顿 挫,就形成了诗歌的节奏。多音节单词有重音和次重音, 次重音根据节奏既可视为重读,也可视为轻读。读下面 这两句诗:
打开。pate,脑袋。 fancy,动词:以为,想象。)



















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LESSON 1 MY CATOne I have a cat,Its name is Tit;And by the fireIt loves to sit.TwoFrom off the rugIt scarce will stir,But there will sitAll day and purr.ThreeEach day I bringIts dish of milk,And smooth its coatTo shine like silk.FourAnd on my kneeIt oft will sit; And I love it.第一课我的猫1.我有一只猫,它的名字叫提特;壁炉火堆旁它喜欢趴着。





LESSON 2 THE HOOP1.Dick has been a good boy. All his work is done.2.Now he is at play with his hoop.3.As he runs he strikes it with the stick in his hand.4.Look how fast he makes it go along the road!5.After a long run he will go home to his tea. 第二课滚环迪克一向是个好男孩。





LESSON 3 KNIFE AND FORK1.Henry has had a nice gift from his aunt.2.What do you think it is? It is a pretty knife and a fork.3.The fork has three prongs. The knife has a sharp edge.4. Henry will soon be a big boy. He must learn how to hold his knife and fork when he eats his food. 第三课刀和叉亨利从姑姑那得到一份漂亮的礼物。






LESSON 4 THE BIRD'S NEST1. Here is a bird's nest on the branch of a tree. It is almost hid by the leaves.2. The nest is made of straw and little sticks. Look in and tell me what you see.3. I see three eggs. The bird is away for food; but it will soon come back.4. See! There it comes! It flies back to the nest. Now it sits on the eggs.5. There will soon be young birds in the nest. Some day we may come to see them.6. Lucy and James went every day to see them, till the little birds were able to fly.第四课鸟巢1.树枝上有只鸟巢。











精品文档LESSON 5 LITTLE ROBIN REDBREASTOneLittle Robin RedbreastSat upon a tree;Up went Pussy Cat,And down went he.TwoDown came Pussy Cat,And away Robin ran;Said little Robin Redbreast: Catch me if you can.”ThreeLittle Robin Redbreast Hopped upon a wall;Pussy Cat jumped after him, And almost got a fall. FourLittle Robin chirped aloud; And what did Pussy say? Pussy Cat said “Mew;”; And Robin flew away.第五课小知更鸟1.小小知更鸟栖息在树上猫咪爬上树他就飞下来。




LESSON 6 NURSERY RHYMESOneHush-a-bye, baby, on the tree-top! When the wind blows the cradle will rock!When the bough breaks the cradle will fall—Down will come baby, cradle and all! TwoOne, two, buckle my shoe. Three, four, shut the door.Five, six, pick up sticks.Seven, eight, lay them straight. Nine, ten, a good fat hen.Three1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I caught a hare alive. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, I let her go again. 第六课童谣1.树梢上的宝贝,安静吧!当风轻轻吹过,摇篮就会轻轻晃动!当大树枝断了,摇篮就会落下——宝贝,摇篮等等所有都会掉下!2.一,二,扣住我的鞋。





3.1, 2, 3, 4, 5,我抓了一只活野兔。

6, 7, 8, 9, 10,我又把她给放掉了。

LESSON 7 SAILING THE BOAT1. Hereare a boy and a girl wading in the sea.2. The boy has his little boat with him. The boat has a mast and a sail.3. He holds the boat with a string. The little girl says,“Blow, wind, blow;Make the ship go!”4. The sea is very calm. Far off there is a sea-bird, high up in the air.5. The little boy is called Fred. The little girl is his sister. Her name is Mary.6. She has come to see Fred sail his boat. She likes to help him when she can.7. Mary has always a smile on her face. At home she is called Little Sun-shine.第七课航行的小船1.一个小男孩和一个小女孩在海里艰难前行。












精品文档LESSON 8 LONG TIME AGO1. Once there was a little kitty Whiter than snow;In a barn she used to frolic,Long time ago.2. In the barn a little mousieRan to and fro;For she heard the kitty coming, Long time ago.3. Two eyes had little kitty,Black as a sloe;And they spied the little mousie, Long time ago.4. Four paws had little kitty,Paws soft as dough;And they caught the little mousie; Long time ago.5. Nine teeth had little kitty,All in a row;And they bit the little mousie, Long time ago;6. When the teeth bit little mousie, Little mouse cried “Oh!”But she got away from kitty,Long time ago.第八课很久以前1.很久以前,曾经有一只小猫皮毛白得胜过白雪它常常在谷仓里嬉戏2.很久以前在谷仓里有只小老鼠,来来回回,窜来窜去因为她听到了小猫来了。



