
英语国家概况模拟卷1—4英语国家概况(1)模拟题一ⅠThere are 20 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the correct answer to each of the questions and write your answer at the corresponding place on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points)1. Where do the majority of people in Scotland live?A in the HighlandsB in the LowlandsC in the UplandsD in the west of Scotland2.Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four nations, but is quite well-known in the world for:A its most famous landmark, the “Giant?s Causeway”B its rich cultural lifeC its low living standardsD its endless political problems3. Where is the best agricultural land in Britain?A in the southeast of EnglandB in the northeast of EnglandC in the southeast of ScotlandD in the northeast of Scotland4.Which of the following was the most famous Scottish novelist?A D.H LawrenceB Robert L. StevensonC Charles DickensD Walter Scott5. Which of the following did NOT belong to Romanticism?A KeatsB ShelleyC WordsworthD E.M. Foster6 Which of the following has nothing to do with Easter?A rabbitsB eggsC chicksD haggis7 Which of the following is NOT true about the “flats”?A They are not considered as the most desirable home.B They are usually two-storey buildings.C They are often publicly owned.D All of them are of low status and are very cheap.8 Which countries are the permanent members of the UN Security Council?A France, China, Germany, Russia and BritainB the United States, France, Britain, Germany and RussiaC China, Russia, France, Britain and the United StatesD China, Britain, France, United States and Japan9 In Britain most advertising is carried _____.A in newspapersB in magazinesC on televisionD on radio10 Which of the following is the world?s oldest national newspaper?A The TimesB The ObserverC The GuardianD The Financial Times11 The Commonwealth of Australia, a federation of the six former colonies as states, came into being on:A Jan.18, 1788B Jan.26, 1788C Jan. 1,1901D April 25,191412 Schooling in Australia between the ages of 6 and 15 is:A freeB expensiveC compulsoryD optional13.____ is the oldest newspaper in Australia.A The Sydney Morning HeraldB The AustralianC The MercuryD The Australian Financial Review14.The first settlers of New Zealand were ____.A voyagers from East PolynesiaB European navigatorsC sealers and whalersD Christian missionaries15. The largest state in terms of area in Australia is:A QueenslandB New South WalesC Western AustraliaD Victoria16. The largest manufacturing sector in Australia is ____.A The ship-building industryB The aerospace industryC The heavy engineering industryD The food-processing industry17. The aim of the National Campaign Against Drug Abuse is:A to ban the use of legal and illegal drugsB to ban the use of illegal drugsC to ban the use of illegal drugs among young peopleD to reduce the harm caused by the misuse of legal and illegal drugs18. Which of the following organizations Australia is NOT a member of?A The European CommunityB The United NationsC The General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeD The Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations trade agreement19. Which of the following is a privately funded university in Britain?A the University of CambridgeB the University of OxfordC the University of EdinburghD the University of Buckingham20. Which of the following is NOT one of the major exports of New Zealand?A Dairy productsB FishC WoolD OilⅡThere are altogether 10 blanks in the following sentences. Fill in the blanks and write your answer at the correspondingplace on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)* Australia is widely recognized as the (21) ______ in introducing (22)_____ .*23 ____ is generally regarded as Geoffrey Chaucer's masterpiece.*A low rate of (24)_____ coupled with a very high rate of (25)____ is a characteristic of the UK economy.The general direction of Britain?s foreign policy is decided by 26_______ and 27_______. Australia, as the world?s 28________ continent and 29________ island, has a pop ulation which is 30_________ in relation to its size.Ⅲ Answer the following questions and write your answer at the corresponding place on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)31.Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?32.Who is the author of the Heart of Darkness?33 What are the official languages in Australia?34 When did the first European settlement begin in Australia?35. Which is the largest city in Scotland?36. How long a government in the UK can be in power normally?37. How long have the Aboriginal people been living in Australia?38. How many countries do you know there are in Northern Ireland?39. What does the British parliament consist of?40. What are the official languages in New Zealand?ⅣExplain each of the following 6 out of 8 in no more than five sentences. Write your answer at the appropriate place on the ANSWER SHEET.(30 points)41. London42. The UK?s manufacturing industry43. Oxbridge44. The Constitution45. King Arthur46. William Shakespeare47. NATO48. New South Wales英语国家概况(1)模拟题二I. Directions:There are 20 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A,B,C, and D. Choose the correct to each of the question and write your answer at the appropriate place on the ANSWER SHEET. (40%, 2 points for each)1.The T ower of London was constructed by _______________.A. King HaroldB. Robin HoodC. Oliver CromwellD. William the Conqueror2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Sinn Fein is the legal political party in Northern Ireland.B. Those who show their loyalty to the British Crown are called Loyalists.C. Those who want to unite Northern Ireland with Britain are called Unionists.D. Social Democratic and Labor Party is a very important political party in Britain.3. Which of the following about the Queen is NOT true?A. The Queen selects the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.B. The Queen acts as a confidante to the Prime Minister.C. The Queen is the temporal head of the Church of England.D.The Queen symbolizes the tradition and unity of the British state.4.Which of the following descriptions about the Conservative Party is NOT true?A. It?s known as a party of high taxation levels.B. It prefers policies t hat protect individual?s rights.C. It receives a lot of the funding from big companies.D. It has been in power for an unusually long period of time.5. Which of the following king was executed in the civil war?A.James IB. James IIC. Charles ID.Charles II6. Which of the following about the housing system in the UK is NOT true?A.There is no public housing system in the UK.B.Most British people would like to buy their own home.C.About 65% of the homes are owned by the people who live in them.D.Banks finance people to buy the houses through loans and mortgage.7. Which of the following is NOT a true description of the situation of the ethnic minorities in the UK?A.They are threatened by some racist groups.B.They are treated unfairly by the justice system.C.They are well-represented in the British parliament.D.They are economically poorer than the white population.8. Which of the following livestock has the biggest number in UK?A. beef battleB. dairy cattleC. chickenD. sheep9. Which of the following universities is privately funded in Britain?A. the university of OxfordB. the university of CambridgeC. the university of BuckinghamD. the university of Edinburgh10.Which of the following is not true about class system in UK?A. Class-division is only decided by people?s income.B. The way people speak identifies themselves to particular class.C. Though social advancement in possible, class affects person?s life-changes.D. People of different classes tend to read different kind of newspaper.11. Which of the following did NOT belong to Romanticism?A. KeatsB. ShelleyC. E.M. FosterD. Wordsworth12. Which company in Britain became an important aero-engine manufacturer after W.W.II?A. BoeingB. Rolls RoyceC. Hawker-SiddeleyD. McDonnel-Douglas13. Which period of time in British history was described as “private affluence and public squalor”?A.The 1940sB. The 1970sC. The 1980sD. The 1990s14. Who is the leader of the Labor party at present?A. John MajorB. Tony BlairC. Harold WilsonD. Margaret Thatcher15. The Maori word “Marae” means _______.A.Maori cultureB.non-Maori or EuropeanC.protocolD.meeting house16. Which of the following phrases cannot be used to describe the continent of Australia?A.the smallest continentB. the largest islandC the highest continent D. the driest continent17. The Head of State of New Zealand is ________________.A.the Prime MinisterB.the Governor-GeneralC.the British monarchD.the Ombudsman18. Public servants are officials working in government departments _______________.A.Who are members of the party in power.B.whose appointments are independent of political processC.Who will lose their positions when the government changesD.whose appointments are determined by government ministers.19. The Australia national day is set on January 26 to commemorate ___________________.A.the founding of the Commonwealth of AustraliaB.the discov ery of the great southern …unknown land?.C.the first European settlement of the continent.D.Captain James Cook?s first voyage around Australia.20. The largest state in terms of areas in Australia is _______.A QueenslandB New South WalesC Western AustraliaD VictoriaII. Directions:There are altogether 10 blanks in the following sentences. Fill in the blanks and write your answers on the answer sheet.(10%, 1 point for each)Britain includes 21________ nations; They are 22 ____, Scotland, 23______ and 24_______. Normally, a government in Britain can be in power for 25_______ years, and then it has to resign and hold a general election.The most important function of the Parliament is to 26_______.Australia, as the world?s 27_____ of wool, exports most of its wool production. The high quality wool mainly comes from the 28______breed of sheepThere are two main types of school in each state and territory system. They are 29________ 30_________.III. Directions:There are 10 questions in this part. Answer each of the questions in one full sentence and write you answer on the answer sheet. (20%, 2 points for each)31. What kind of livestock has the biggest number in the UK?32.How many seats in the House of Commons should a party hold at least on order to win the election?33.Under whose reign was the Bill of Rights was passed?34. What kind of secondary schools do the great majority of children in Britain go to?35.When did Britain decide to colonize Australia?36. What is the largest state in terms of area in Australia?37. Which city is the capital of Australia?38. When is Halloween celebrated in Scotland?39. Who were the first settlers in New Zealand over 1000 years ago?40. What does the ABC in Australia stand for?IV. Directions:Explain each of the following 6 out 8 in no more than 5 sentences. Write your answer on the answer sheet. (30%, 5 points for each)41. The Vikings42. The House of Commons43. Boxing Day44. Virginia Woolf45. Horse racing46. The Open Polytechnic47. the House of Commons48. Henry Lawson英语国家概况(1)模拟题三I. Directions:There are 20 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A,B,C, and D. Choose the correct to each of the question and write your answer at the appropriate place on the ANSWER SHEET. (40%, 2 points for each)1.Which of the following is NOT true of Elizabeth IA.Her religious reform was a compromise of views.B.Her religious reform was welcomed by both the Puritans and ardent Catholics.C.She desire d “that there should be outward conformity to the Established religion”.D.She broke Mary?s ties with Rome and restored her father?s independent Church of England. 2.The Restoration in English history took place in _______.A.1042 B.1066C.1606 D.16603.Historically, _______ were ferocious people, but they laid the foundations of the English state. A.the Celts B.the Vikings C.the Anglo-Saxons D.the Normans4.William, Duke of Normandy, is now known as _________.A.William Rufus B.William the ConfessorC.William the Great D.William the Conqueror5.In Britain, the T ories were the forerunners of _______ which still bears the nickname today. A.the Social and Democratic Liberal PartyB.the Liberal PartyC.the Labor PartyD.the Conservative Party6.The person who was responsible for the religious Reformation of England in the 16th century was _________.A.Edward VIII B.Henry VIIIC.Elizabeth I D.Edward VI7.Queen Mary Tudor has been known as “Bloody Mary ”because under her reign ________.A.a series of bloody wars were foughtB.many Protestants were persecuted and burnt as heretics C.many rebel peasants were put to deathD.many protesters against her rule were killed8.The _______ developed later into the Lords and the Commons known as Parliament.A.Witan B.Privy CouncilC.Public Records Office D.Great Council9.In Britain,________ is the symbol of the whole nation.A.the Queen B.the Prime MinisterC.the Prince D.the Parliament10.Easter is the chief Christian festival, which celebrates________.A.the birth of Jesus Christ B.the Resurrection of Jesus ChristC.the coming of spring D.the revival of Christianity11.The English king, who gave up his crown for the sake of a marriage with Wallis Simpson, was _______.A. Henry ⅧB.Edward ⅧC.George ⅥD.James Ⅵ12.Those who tried to destroy the hated machines during the English Industrial Revolution were called ______.A.Destroyers B.Breakers C.Unionists D.Luddites13.The great King of Wessex who fought against the invasion of the Danes in the 9th century was known as _______.A.Hengist B.Alfred the Great C.the Pilgrim D.King of Picts14.The Seven Year?s War (1756—1763) was foughtbetween Britain and _______ for the colonization in North America.A.Spain B.RussiaC.Holland D.France15.In Britain, the national newspapers can be divided into two groups: _______.A.daily papers and weekly papersB.daily papers and Sunday papersC.weekly papers and monthly papersD.weekly papers and quarterly papers16.The People?s Char ter was drawn up by _______ as their demands.A.the London Working Men?s AssociationB.the British Steel CorporationC.the activists in the Chartist MovementD.the Trade Union17.Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, a Conservative Party leader in the 1980s, believed in the following EXCEPT _______.A.self-reliance B.privatizationC.the strengthening of the trade unions D.the keeping of law and order18.The two main tiers of local authority throughout England and Wales are ______.A.counties and districts B.cities and townsC.cities and villages D.cities and shires19.In Britain, official public holidays are also called ______.A.religious holidays B.saints? holidaysC.memorial holidays D.bank holidays20.The English Channel separates the island of Great Britain from ______.A.Denmark B.BelgiumC.the Netherlands D.FranceII. There are altogether 10 blanks in the following sentences. Fill in the blanks and write your answers on the answer sheet.(10%, 1 point for each)The capital of Britain is 21________ which has great influence on the UK in all fields including 22________, 23_________ and 24___________.Normally, aλ government in Britain can be in power for 25_______ years, and then it has to resign and hold a general election.One distinctive features about theλclass system in Britain is that it still remains a 26___________________.λ Since 1945, the UK economy has experienced 27_____ decline rather than 28________ decline. The general direction of Britain?s foreign policy isλ decided by 29_______ and 30_______.ⅢGive a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (20 points, 2 points for each)31. What is the official name of Great Britain32. What does “Oxbridge” refe r to in Great Britain33. What are the responsibilities of British government education departments34. What does SAT stand for35. What are the two most important acts passed in the 1960s that helped to improve the political equality of the black people36. What is known as the “winner-take-all” system37. What does ACT stand for in Australian political division38. Why does New Zealand remain green all the year round ?39. What are the three main groups of settlers living north of55 degree north latitude in Canada40. What is the most significant feature of Irish landscape, which covers all the mountains and large areas of lowlands ⅣExplain each of the following 6 out 8 in no more than 5 sentences. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet (30 points)41. the Industrial Revolution42. the Commonwealth43. checks and balances44. Electoral College45.the divine right of kings46.Margaret Thatcher47 William Shakespeare48 cricket英语国家概况(1)模拟题四I. Directions:There are 20 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A,B,C, and D. Choose the correct to each of the question and write your answer at the appropriate place on the ANSWER SHEET. (40%, 2 points for each)1. Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?A. the Anglo-SaxonsB. the NormansC. the VikingsD. the Romans2. Which is the largest city in Scotland?A. CardiffB. EdinburghC. GlasgowD. Manchester3. When did Scotland join the Union by agreement of the English and Scottish parliaments?A. in 1688B. in 1707C. in 1715D. in 17454. In the early 1970s, the IRA _______________________.A. killed many Protestants and Catholics.B. burned down the houses of Catholics.C. murdered individuals at random.D. carried out a series of bombing and shooting and attacked the security forces as their main target.5. Why did the British government decide to replace the Power-Sharing policy with "direct-rule" from London?A. The Power-Sharing policy was not accepted by the majority of Protestants.B. The Northern Irish Parliament could not govern the province effectively.C. The Power-Sharing policy couldn't be carried out.D. All the above.6. How many seats in the House of Commons should a party hold at least in order to win the election?A. 651B. 326C. 626D. 3517. Which company in Britain became an important aero-engine manufacturer after W.W.II?A. BoeingB. Rolls RoyceC. Hawker-SiddeleyD. McDonnel-Douglas8. Which of the following livestock has the biggest number in UK?A. beef battleB. dairy cattleC. chickenD. sheep9. Which of the following was the most famous Scottish novelist?A. D.H. LawrenceB. Robert L. StevensonC. Charles DickensD. Walter Scott10. Several gifted women played a part in 19th-century literature. Which of the following is an exception?A. Virginia WoolfB. Jane AustenC. Emily BronteD. Charlotte Bronte11. Which of the following is NOT a true description of the situation of the ethnic minorities in the UK?A. They are threatened by some racist groups.B. They are treated unfairly by the justice system.C. They are well-represented in the British parliament.D. They are economically poorer than the white population.12. Which of the following is true about the Gunpowder Plot?A. It was planned to kill the Protestant king and replace him with a Catholic king.B. It was planned to kill the Catholic king and replace him with a Protestant king.C. It was planned to kill King Billy and replace him with King James II.D. It was planned to kill King James II and replace him with King Billy.13. In the examination called "the 11 plus", students with academic potential go to__________________.A. comprehensive schoolsB. grammar schools.C. public schools.D. technical schools.14. Who is the leader of the Labor party at present?A. John MajorB. Tony BlairC. Harold WilsonD. Margaret Thatcher15. The present British foreign policy is mainly influenced by the following factors except________________.A. its imperial historyB. its geopolitical traitsC. Its schizophrenic attitude to EuropeD. Its special relationship with the United States16. Which of the following phrases cannot be used to describe the continent of Australia?A. the smallest continentB. the largest islandC. the highest continentD. the driest continent17. The Head of State of New Zealand is ________________.A. the Prime MinisterB. the Governor-GeneralC. the British monarchD. the Ombudsman18. Public servants are officials working in government departments _______________.A. Who are members of the party in power.B. whose appointments are independent of political processC. Who will lose their positions when the government changesD. whose appointments are determined by government ministers.19. The Australia national day is set on January 26 to commemorate ___________________.A. the founding of the Commonwealth of AustraliaB. the discovery of the great southern …unknown land?.C. the first European settlement of the continent.D. Captain James C ook?s first voyage around Australia.20. The largest state in terms of areas in Australia is _______.A. QueenslandB. New South WalesC. Western AustraliaD. VictoriaII. There are altogether 10 blanks in the following sentences. Fill in the blanks and write your answers on the answer sheet. (10%, 1 point for each)In 21_________, Britain finally became a full member of the European Economic Community. English colonial expansion began with the colonization of 22 _______in 1583.After the Seven Years? War between Britain and France, 23______ was ceded to Britain by the 1763 Treaty of 24 ____.The origin of Guy Fawkes Day lies in the 25_________.The School of Eton belongs to 26 _________.In Ireland the basic ethnic stock is 27_________.28 _______ has the lightest rainfall in Ireland.29 _____ is Australia?s largest trading partner.30 _____ is the oldest newspaper in Australia.ⅢGive a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (20 points, 2 points for each)31.In 1940, who replaced Chamberlain as the British Prime Minister and finally led Britain to victory?32.Which holiday is part of Scottish “Hogmanay” festival?33.What is the most typical British sports.34. What is the s ignificance of the Hundred Years? War?35. What is the relationship between Elizabeth I and the Parliament like?36. What does British Parliament consist of?37. Which government department is particularly in charge of education in the U.K.?38. What does BBC stand for?39. Which city is the capital of Australia?40. Who are the first inhabitants of the Australian continent?ⅣExplain each of the following 6 out 8 in no more than 5 sentences. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet (30 points)41. the housing system in the UK42. The British empire43. the BBC44. the Aboriginal People45.New South Wales46.BHP47 the kiwi48 TAFE。

Unit 1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom 11、Britain is no longer an imperial country. T2、When people outside the UK talk about England,they mistake it as Britain sometimes. T3、The Socts and Welsh have a strong sense of being British. F4、Three of the following are characteristics of London.Which of the four is the Exception? CA London is a political,economic and cultural centre of the country.B London has a larger population than all other cities in England.C London is not only the largest city in Britain,but also the largest in the world.D London has played a significant role in the economic construction of the country.5、When did Scotland join the Union by agreement of the English and Scottish parliaments? DA In 1715B In 1688C In 1745D In 17076、The full name of the United kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.7、The island of Great Britain is made up of England,Scotland and Wales.8、The capital of Britain is London,which has great influence on the UK in all fields including government,finance,and culture.Unit 2 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom 21、Ireland is part of Great Britain. F2、Northern Ireland is significant because of its manufacturing industry. F3、Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four nations,but is quite well-known in the world for DA its most famous landmark,the “Giant’s Causeway”.B its rich cultural lifeC its low living standardsD its endless political problems4、Faced with conflicting demands the British government chose a compromise and organized a partition of Ireland in 1921,because BA the British government wouldn’t be able to control Ireland and longer by forceB the British government intended to satisfy both sides ——Catholics and ProtestantsC Catholics in Ireland demanded a partition of IrelandD Protestants welcomed the idea of partition5、The Home Rule Bill was finally passed in 1914,but the process was overtaken by the First World War and was suspended for the duration of the war.6、To pursue Irish independence,the most spectacular event in the Irish history was the Easter Rising of 1916,in which the rebels occupied Dublin’s Post Office and forced the British to take it back by military means.7、The Good Friday Agreement,known also as the Belfast Agreement ,emerged on 10 April 1998.8、The Good Friday Agreement assures the loyalist community that Northern Ireland “remains part of the United Kindom and shall not cease to be so without the consent of the majority of the people of Northern Ireland. 9、The Easter RisingIn order to gain independence,different Irish groups had been fighting against the British institutions and the British military forces.One such activity was the Easter Rising which took place in 1916.The rebels occupied Dublin’s Post Office and forced the British to bake it back by military force. The leaders of the rebellion were executed by the British authorities.10、Home RuleIreland had long been dominated by Britain,but Irish desire for an independent Irish state was never lost.”Home Rule” refers to a campaign for Irish control of Irish affairs.The Home Rule Bill was finally passed in 1914,but the process was overtaken by the Fist World War and was suspended for the duration of the was.11、The Good Friday AgreementAs a result of multi-party negotiations,the Good Friday Agreement was approved on 10 April 1998.This agreement assures the loyalist community that Northern Ireland remains part of the United Kingdom and it won’t change its political status unless the majority of the people of Northern Ireland agree.Under the terms of the agreement,Northern Ireland should be governed by three separate jurisdictions:that of the Republic of Ireland,that of Great Britain and that of its own elected executive government of ten ministers.Unit 3 The Government of the United Kingdom1、It is no doubt that British is the oldest representative democracy in the World. F2、The oldest institution of government in Britain is the Monarchy. T3、The divine right of the King means the sovereign derived his authority from his subjects. F4、Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of British government. AA It offers the Queen high political status and supreme power.B It is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.C It is the oldest representative democracy in the world.D It has no written from of constitution.5、Which of the following is NOT related to the Constitution? AA It is a written document which lists out the basic principles for government.B It is the foundation of British governance tody.C Conventions and Laws passed by Parliament are part of the Constitution.D The common laws are part of the Constitution.6、Which of the following statements is NOT correct? DA There are no legal restraints upon Parliament.B Strictly speaking,the Queen is part of the Parliament.C Parliament has the supreme power of passing laws.D Parliament has no power to change the terms of the Constitution.7、Which of the following is NOT a true description of the Queen’s role? AA The Queen selects the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.B The Queen symbolizes the tradition and unity of the British state.C The Queen acts as a confidante to the Prime Minister.D The Queen is the temporal head of the Church of England.8、The British Constitution consists of statute law,common law and conventions.9、Strictly speaking,the Parliament today consists of the Queen,the House of Lords and the House of Commons.10、The House of Commons.It is the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives (Members of Parliament) make and debate policy.These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them.Unit 4 Politics,Class and RACE1、In the UK,a government cannot stand for longer than five years except in exceptional circumstances. T2、Children from the upper-middle-class usually have a better education than those from the working or middle-class. T (老师讲题时为T ,书后答案为 F)3、Which of the following description about the Conservative party is NOT true? DA It has been in power for an unusually long period of time.B It prefers policies that protect individual’s rights.C It receives a lot of the funding form big companies.D It is known as a party of high taxation levels.4、Which of the following statements is NOT true about class system in the UK? BA People of different classes tend to read different kinds of newspapers.B Class division is only decided by people’s income.C Though social advancement is possible,class affects a person’s life chances.D The way people speak may identify them as belonging to a particular class.5、Normally,a government can be in power for 5 years,and then it has to resign and hold a general election.6、There are three major parties in the UK : the Conservative party,the Labour party and t he Liberal Democratic party.7、From 1979 to 1997,the Conservative party won 4 consecutive elections and was in power for quite a long time.Unit 5 The UK Economy1、By the 1880’s the British economy was dominant in the world. T2、Both the US and Canada overtook British in economy by 1990. F3、Another reason for British decline is the loss of its colonies,especially India,which gained its independence in 1947. T4、Which of the following statements is NOT true about the UK economy? CA Britain remains one of the Group of Seven large industrial economies.B Britain has experienced a relative economic decline since 1945.C There has been a period of steady decreasing of living standards.D Some smaller economies have overtaken the UK in terms of output per capita.5、”The Jewel in the Crown” of the British Empire India, which provided raw materials and a big market for British goods,gained independence in 1947.6、Since 1945,the UK economy has experienced relative decline rather than absolute decline.7、In 1979,the Conservative party under Margaret Thatcher came into power and carried out a programme of reform.8、Relative decline of the UK economy.The UK has experienced an economic decline since 1945.But this is a relative decline rather than an absolute one .British is wealthier and more productive than it was in 1945,but since other countries developed more rapidly,it has slid from being the second largest economy to being the sixth.Unit 6 British Literature1、Thomas Hardy,the author of Tess of the D’Urbervilles,was also a first-class poet. T2、Which of the following books is written by Geoffrey Chaucer? AA The Canterbury TalesB BeowulfC King LearD Morte D’Arthur3、Which of the following did NOT belong to Romanticism? DA Keats .B ShelleyC WordsworthD Defoe4、Which of the following writers was the most famous Scottish novelist? DA wrenceB Charles DickensC Jonathan SwiftD Sir Walter Scott5、The Canterbury TalesThe Canterbury Tales written by Geoffrey Chaucer is the most important work in Middle English literature.It is made up of a series of stories told by 31 pilgrims to entertain each other on their way to the Christian Church at Canterbury in southeast England.It’s quite noticeable for its diversity,not only in range of social status among the pilgrims,but also in style or the stories they tell.Unit 7 British Education System1、The purpose of British education is not only to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills but also to socialize children. T2、Public schools are part of the national education system and funded by the government. F3、In Britain,the great majority of parents send their children to CA private schoolsB independent schoolsC state schoolsD public schools4、In Britain,children from the age of 5 to 16 BA can legally receive partly free aducationB can legally receive completely free educationC can not receive free education at allD can not receive free education if their parents are rich5、Which of the following is NOT true about the British education system? DA It’s run by the stateB It’s funded by the stateC It’s supervised by the stateD It’s dominated by the state6、Childern in Britain must receive a full-time education legally from the age of 5 to 16.7、Pupils from the age of 5 to 11 mainly attend state-run primary schools.Unit 8 British Foreign Relations1、Which countries are the permanent members of the UN Security Council? CC China,Russia,France,Britain and the United States.2、Nowadays the British foreign policy is largely shaped by its participation in CC the United Nations,the EU,NATO,etc3、When the Second World War was over,Britain was active in setting up the United Nations and became one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.4、The present foreign policy of Britain is greatly influenced by its imperial history and also by its geopolitical traits.5、Britain’s special relationship which the United States is another major factor which influences the British foreign policy.6、The general direction of Britain’s foreign policy is decided by the Prime Minister and Cabinet .。
2010年自考英语《英语国家概况》冲刺练习-Canada,Australia,New Zealand范文

目录2010年自考英语《英语国家概况》冲刺练习19 ............................... 错误!未定义书签。
2010年自考英语《英语国家概况》冲刺练习20 ............................... 错误!未定义书签。
2010年自考英语《英语国家概况》冲刺练习21Part of Australia1. Canada is located in ________.A. the Southern HemisphereB. The Northern HemisphereC. the Western HemisphereD. The Eastern Hemisphere2. Canada is bounded on the east by ________.A. the Pacific OceanB. the Atlantic OceanC. the Indian OceanD. the Arctic Ocean3. Nearly ________of the land in Canada has no permanent population.A. halfB. two-thirdsC. 89%D. 95%4. Canada's largest city is _________.A. MontrealB. TorontoC. OttawaD. Vancouver5. The longest river in Canada is _________.A. the MackenzieB. the St. LawrenceC. the SevernD. the Yukon6. The St. Lawrence and ________together form an important transportation network for eastern Canada.A. cards decorated with heartsB. Cupid armed with bow and arrowC. flowers tied with red ribbonsD. roast turkey7. The Interior Plains lie between________ and _______ .A. the Canadian Shield/the Appalachian RegionB. the Canadian Shield/the Rocky MountainsC. the Great Lakes/the Arctic IslandsD. the Appalachian Region/the Great Lakes8. The name "Canada" is thought to be derived from kanata, an Indian word meaning _______.A. a guitarB. a meeting placeC. a settlementD. a piece of land9. Who was the first European to discover Canada?A. John Cabot.B. Jacques Cartier.C. Samuel de ChamplainD. Henry Hudson.10. Who founded the first permanent settlements at Quebec and Montreal on the St. Lawrence River?A. John Cabot.B. Jacques Cartier.C. Samuel de ChamplainD. Henry Hudson.11. Why were the French troops in Canada defeated by the British during the Seven Years' War?A. Because they were not used to the weather in Canada.B. Because they did not get support from the local people.C. Because they did not receive the supplies they needed so badly.D. Because the British had larger and better settlements in Canada.12. Under______ , the French Canadian farming economy of the St. Lawrence valley and its language, religion, and customs continued unchanged.A. the Quebec Act of 1774B. the Treaty of Paris in 1763C. the Constitutional Act of 1791D. the Act of Union in 184013. When was Canada divided into Upper Canada (English-speaking)and Lower Canada (French-speaking)?A. In 1763B. In 1774C. In 1791D. In 184014. When was Canada given internal self-government?A. In 1791B. In 1840C. In 1848D. In 186715. Under ________ , the provinces of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia were united to form the Do-minion of Canada.A. the Act of Union in 1840B. the British North America Act of 1867C. the Quebec Act of 1774D. the Constitutional Act of 179116. Who was the first prime minister of the new Canada?A. Sir John Macdonald.B. Sir Wilfrid Laurier.C. Robert Borden.D. Mackenzie King.17. In 1896 _______ took over and the country was ruled under Sir Wilfrid Laurier.A. the Conservative PartyB. the Liberal PartyC. the Labor PartyD. the New Democratic Party18. In 1905 two more provinces were created. They were_______ .A. Ontario and QuebecB. Manitoba and British ColumbiaC. Alberta and SaskatchewanD. Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island19. In 1931 by_______ Canada was formally declared to be a sovereign nation and became a member of the Common-wealth of Nations.A. the Peace Treaty of 1919B. the Statute of WestminsterC. the Meek Lake AccordD. the constitution Act of 198220. In 1949 _______ became Canada's tenth province.A. NewfoundlandB. Prince Edward IslandC. LabradorD. British Columbia1.C2.B3.C4.B5.A6.B7.B8.C9.A 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.C14.C15.B 16.A17.B 18.C 19.B 20.A2010年自考英语《英语国家概况》冲刺练习22 Part of Australia1. Like the island continent of Antarctica, Australia is located entirely in______.A. the Northern HemisphereB. the Southern HemisphereC. the North PoleD. the South Pole2. With regard to its size, Australia is ______ country in the world.A. the third largestB. the fourth largestC. the fifth largestD. the sixth largest3. The geographical structure of Australia is generally divided into three topographical regions: ______.A. the Eastern Plateau, the Central highlands and the Western LowlandsB. the Central Plateau, the Western Highlands and the Eastern LowlandsC. the Western Plateau, the Eastern highlands and the Central Eastern LowlandsD. the Central Plateau, the Western highlands and the Eastern Lowlands4. Although Australia has a large area, ______ of the continent is desert or semi-desert.A. one thirdB. two thirdsC. halfD. more than half5. Most Australians live on the cool, wet, forested ______.A. southeast coastlandB. southwest coastlandC. northeast coastlandD. northwest coastland6. The only places in Australia that experience regular winter snowfall and icy conditions are ______.A. the eastern coastal areas of QueenslandB. the Blue MountainsC. the New England TablelandD. the highest peaks of the Snowy Mountains and Victorian Highlands7. Australia's most common plans are ______.A. oaks and elmsB. palms and pinesC. willows and poplarsD. eucalypts and wattles8. What animals are regarded as Australia's national fauna?A. Koalas and possums.B. Emus and kangaroos.C. Echidnas and platypuses.D. Budgerigars and cockatoos.9. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people constitute ______of Australia's population.A. 1%B. 1.5%C. 2%D. 2.5%10. Why has Australia always been a continent with few people?A. Because Australia is too far away from Europe.B. Because Australia is the least mountainous and most level of theworld's continents.C. Because Australia is separated from the rest of the world by seas.D. Because most of the continent is hot and dry.11. Australia is politically divided into _____ states and _____ territories.A. four/threeB. five/twoC. six/threeD. six/two12. Australia is a nation of immigrants because the overwhelming majority of the Australian population are ______.A. whiteB. middle class peopleC. tourists from other countriesD. immigrants or their descendants13. Why is Australia's New South Wales called the premier state?A. Because it was the first colony established by Britain in 1788.B. Because it is the biggest state in Australia.C. Because it is the most important state in Australia.D. Because it has the largest population in Australia.14. The only city on the western coast which has a population of more than one million is ______.A. DarwinB. PerthC. the Gold CoastD. Brisbane15. The Great Barrier Reef is included on the World Heritage list because___.A. it has the most beautiful seascape in the worldB. it has the greatest number of islands in the worldC. it has the most diverse and complex marine life in the worldD. it has the longest coast in the world16. Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, is internationally known forits ______.A. wineB. beautiful sceneryC. valuable mineralsD. arts festival17. Western Australia is the biggest Australian state, but its population is only ______ of the country's population.A. 9%B. 10%C. 11%D. 12%18. Tasmania is an island which lies ______ of the Australian mainland.A. north of the northeastern cornerB. south of the southeastern cornerC. east of the northeastern comerD. west of the southeastern corner19. Why is the southern area of the Northern Territory called the Red Centre of Australia?A. Because Uluru is located there.B. Because it is extremely hot and dry.C. Because it consists of miles and miles of red-sand desert andmountain ranges.D. Because it lies in the tropics.20. Canberra, the capital of Australia, got its name from the word"Canburry",which is an Aboriginal word meaning ______.A. "meeting place"B. "beautiful garden"C. "sacred site"D. "capital city"1.B2.D3.C4.B5.A6.D7.D8.B9.B 10.D11.D 12.D 13.A14.B 15.C 16.D17.A18.B 19.C 20.A2010年自考英语《英语国家概况》冲刺练习23 Part of New Zealand1. New Zealand is situated about 1, 500 km _______.A. north-west of AustraliaB. south-east of AustraliaC. north-east of AustraliaD. south-west of Australia2. Because the country is very narrow, no place in New Zealand is more than ______ from the sea.A. 100 kmB. 110 kmC. 120 kmD. 150 km3. New Zealand is the first country in the world to get the new day because_______ .A. it is just east of the International Date LineB. it is just west of the International Date LineC. it is located halfway between the equator and the South PoleD. it is located in the Southern Pacific Ocean4. A fault line runs the length of New Zealand, which means that _______.A. it often has stormsB. it often has volcanoesC. it often has earthquakesD. it often has droughts5. The Southern Alps, with Mt Cook in the center, runs almost the whole length of ______ .A. New ZealandB. North IslandC. South IslandD. Stewart Island6. The longest river in New Zealand is ________ .A. the Clutha RiverB. the WanganuiC. the RangitataD. the Waikato7. The following are the volcanic mountains in North Island except ________ .A. RuapehuB. Mt CookC. NgaurohoeD. Tongariro8. The most serious potential natural disasters in New Zealand are _______ .A. storms and earthquakesB. volcanoes and floodsC. earthquakes and volcanoesD. floods and storms9. Except in the west of the Southern Alps, the climate in New Zealand is generally _______ .A. coldB. hotC. neither very hot nor very coldD. dry10. _______ is the flightless bird which has become a symbol of New Zealand.A. EmuB. KiwiC. WekaD. Pukeko11. The first European to visit New Zealand was _______ .A. KupeB. Abel TasmanC. William HobsonD.James Cook12. Why was the British government interested in New Zealand?A. Trade with New Zealand was economically important.B. There were no laws to protect Maori rights in dealings with white settlers.C. The French government was taking an interest in New Zealand, too.D. All of the above.13. Modern New Zealand was founded on the basis of _____ signed between Maoris and British settlers in 1840.A. MaoritangaB. AotearoaC. the Treaty of WaitangiD. the Treaty of ANZUS14. ________ is the Maori name for New Zealand, meaning land of the long, white cloud'.A. WaitangiB. KiwiC. AotearoaD. Maoritanga15. The Maori believe that their ancestors, and all living things in theworld, were descended from _______ .A. the skyB. the landC. the GodD. the gods16. According to Maori oral history, New Zealand was discovered by _______.A. Abel TasmanB. James CookC. KupeD. Maui17. In 1893 New Zealand became the first country in the world _______ .A. to recognize Maori rights of self-determinationB. go give women the voteC. to introduce procedures for handling industrial disputesD. to adopt the 40-hour working week18. In 1891-1911 (under the Liberal-Labor Party) and 1935-1947 (under Labor) New Zealand won a world reputation of _______.A. its social experimentationB. its high standard of livingC. its economic achievementsD. its independent foreign policy19. Which of the following is not true about the Maori protest movement?A. It is popular with younger urban Maoris.B. It aims to gain recognition for their language, values and culturein national life.C. It demands compensation for their language, values and culture innational life.D. The New Zealand government has never paid any attention to the movement.20. Maoris have adopted many aspects of ______ and more and more New Zealanders now share in the rich heritage of _______.A. American culture/Asian cultureB. Western culture/Asian cultureC. American culture/Maori cultureD. Western culture/Maori culture1. B2. B3.B4.C5.C6.A7.B8.C9.C 10.B 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.C 15.D 16.C17.B 18.A 19.D20.D。

2010年自考英语《英语国家概况》冲刺练习附答案(十三)1. Conflicts arose between the United States and the Soviet Union because___.A. their common enemies Nazi Germany and Japan were defeatedB. They had very different concepts of postwar world orderC. the United States wanted cooperation with the Soviet Union but theSoviet Union refused.D. the soviet Union wanted cooperation with the United States but theUntied States refused2. The idea of containment was first brought up by ______.A. Harry TrumanB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. MarshallD. George Kennan3. The essence of the Truman Doctrine was ______.A. to provide economic and military support for any country which wasfighting internal Communist rebels or external Communist pressureB. to provide aid for Greece and Turkey which were fighting againstCommunismC. to provide economic aid to needy countriesD. to give moral support to the struggle of free people4. As a result of American economic aid under the Marshall Plan, WesternEurope _____.A. managed to tie over the difficult years in the late 1940sB. succeeded in solving the food problemC. recovered from war destruction and its economy began to developD. became prosperous5. It was _____ which started the Berlin blockade.A. the Soviet UnionB. the United StatesC. BritainD. France6. Why did the United States decide to go ahead and set up a separate Germanstate?A. Because the United States wanted to rearm the Germans.B. Because only in this way could German economy be reinvigorated.C. Because the United States realized it was impossible to have aunified Germany under American influence.D. Because the Soviet Union first set up a separate German state in itsoccupied zone.7. The purpose of Marshall's mediation in China in 1945 and 1946 was ______.A. to support the Kuomintang in starting a civil warB. to pressure the Kuomintang into forming a coalition government withthe Communist Party as an equal partner.C. to bring the two sides together for negotiationsD. to bring the Communist Party into a coalition government dominatedby Kuomintang and put Communist led troops under the command of the coalition government8. The Chinese government changed its timetable of liberation of Taiwan in 1950 because ______.A. the Korean War broke outB. the United States sent the 7th Fleet into the Taiwan Straits.C. the Soviet Union did not support China's liberation of Taiwan thenD. the United States army was approaching the Yalu River9. The Chinese Volunteers crossed the Yalu River and fought side by sidewith the North Koreans until an armistice was signed in ______.A. July 1952.B. July 1953.C. July 1954.D. June 1953.10. President Truman on March 21, 1947 issued an executive order, initiatinga comprehensive investigation of the loyalty of all federal employees.This was the beginning of ______.A. McCarthyismB. Clearing out Soviet spiesC. widespread persecution of Communists and progressive peopleD. persecution of federal employees11. The trial of Alger Hiss proved ______.A. that he was a Soviet spyB. that he did not tell the truth in courtC. that he provided Soviet agent with secret information on atomicweaponD. None of the above12. The Supreme Court played a role in whipping up the anticommunist hysteria by ______.A. upholding the constitutionality of the Smith ActB. convicting 11 high-ranking Communist leadersC. supporting the trial of Alger HissD. supporting President Truman's executive order13. What did the Little Rock Incident refer to?A. It referred to a violent outburst of a thousand white in Clinton,Tennessee against school desegregation.B. It referred to an incident in Alabama in opposition to Supreme Courtdecision on school desegregation.C. It referred to Arkansas governor's use of state National Guard toprevent African-American students from going to an all white schoolin Little Rock and Federal government intervention to carry outcourt decision.D. It referred to Arkansas governor's use of state National Guard toprevent African-American students from going to an all white schoolin Little Rock.14. The pillar industries for the postwar economic boom were ______.A. information, space and biotechnologyB. textile, automobile and constructionC. defense, information and housingD. automobile, housing and defense15. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, there was ______ a nuclear war.A. little danger ofB. grave danger ofC. real intention forD. earnest preparation for16. When ______,this was the beginning of American involvement in Vietnam.A. the United States decided to provide France with military aid intheir fight in VietnamB. the United States started to provide aid for the South Vietnamese government after the Geneva Conference in 1854C. the United States sent more and more military advisers to SouthVietnamD. the United States began to Americanize the war in Vietnam17. The Paris Agreement was signed by the U.S. and North Vietnam in Jan. 1973 and the fall of Saigon was in ______.A. April, 1973B. April, 1975C. Jan, 1975D. None of the above18. The conditions the People's Republic of China set for the establishmentof diplomatic relations with the United States were ______.A. the withdrawal of the 7th Fleet from the straits and the end ofdiplomatic relations with TaiwanB. the cancellation of the mutual defense treaty and the end ofdiplomatic relations with Taiwan.C. the stop of 7th Fleet patrol in Taiwan straits, the cancellation ofthe mutual defense treaty and the end of diplomatic relations withTaiwanD. the withdrawal of all military forces from Taiwan, the cancellationof the mutual defense treaty and the end of diplomatic relationswith Taiwan19. New Frontier and War on Poverty were programs initiated by ______.A. President KennedyB. President JohnsonC. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson respectivelyD. Presidents Johnson and Kennedy respectively20. The Watergate Scandal refers to ______.A. the break-in at the Watergate apartment-office complex inWashington,D. C.B. the break-in and Nixon's secret tapingC. the break-in, the cover up and Nixon's involvement in the cover upD. Nixon's resignationI. B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.B 10.C11.D 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.C。

《英语国家概况》复习题及参考答案一Multiple choice ( 30’)( ) 1 As a result of the Black Death, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of ___ in England.A grainB farm toolsC housesD labor( ) 2 In the late 17th century, two of most famous literary works were Pilgrim’s Progress and _________ .A the Jew of MaltaB the School of ArcheryC Novum OrganumD Paradise Lost( ) 3. In 1836, a group of skilled workers and _____ formed the London Working Men’s Association.A householdersB tenantsC small shopkeepersD office workers( ) 4. In the Industrial Revolution, changes occurred earliest and quickest in the industry of ______.A. pottery B hardware C textiles D chemicals( ) 5. In Britain police officers are not allowed to join ________ or to go on strike.A a choirB a political partyC a trade unionD a club( ) 6 The Great Carter of 1215 is also known as _________.A People’s CharterB Magna CartaC King’s CharterD the Declaration of human rights( ) 7 Henry Ⅱwas the first king of the ________ dynasty.A MalcolmB PlantagenetC WindsorD Tudor( ) 8. __________ is the most typically English of sportsA CricketB GolfC TennisD Horse-racing( ) 9. By the Treaty of ______ of 1842, China ceded _______ to Britain.A Nanjing, Hong KongB Tianjing, Hong KongC Nanjing, MacauD Tianjing, Macau( ) 10. In _______, the name Great Britain came into being.A 1689B 1702C 1701D 1707( ) 11. The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and the beginning of 1930s was first brought about by ___.A the farm failureB the bank failuresC the stock market crashD the high unemployment( ) 12.What are the problems that the U.S. economy has faced from time to time?A InflationB DepressionsC RecessionsD all of the above( ) 13.The real American literature began________.A after the war of IndependenceB after the Westward MovementC after the Civil WarD after the Civil Rights Movement( ) 14. In 1900, the United States ranked first in the production of ____ .A coalB electricityC oilD wheat( ) 15. In the United States, if the parents don’t send their children to school at certain age, ________ .A the state government will be responsible for itB they will educate the children themselvesC they can save a lot of moneyD they are breaking the law( ) 16. The U.S. and China established their diplomatic relations in _____.A 1974B 1972C 1978D 1979( ) 17 In his inaugural speech, ______ said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”A Woodrow WilsonB Theodore RooseveltC Franklin D. RooseveltD George Washington( ) 18. One of the characteristics of the American people is _______ and it is said they are always ______.A liberty, debatingB aggressiveness, starting warsC mobility, on the moveD greediness, making money( ) 19. Hemingway’s most famous masterpiece was ______.A The Sun Also RisesB A Farewell to ArmsC For Whom the Bell TollsD Old Man and the Sea( ) 20. The system of higher education in the U. S. has three principle functions except ____-.A teachingB researchC public serviceD individual servicefollowing statements are T (true) or F (false) according to what you have learned. (10’)( ) 1 There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: Scotland, Wales and England.( ) 2 Under William’s rule, the freeman were at the bottom of the feudal system.( ) 3 The English Civil War is also called the Glorious Revolution.( ) 4 In U.K, a Parliament has a maximum duration of 4 years.( ) 5 Christmas Day, December 25th, celebrates the birth of Christ, and is the greatest of Christian festivals. ( ) 6 Chicago is known as the automobile capital of the world.( ) 7 Between 1850 and1880, many early Chinese immigrants to the United States worked in the mining industry, especially in the gold mines.( ) 8 The Pilgrims built a colony named Plymouth after they arrived in America.( ) 9. The longest war that the United States has fought is the Civil War.( ) 10. Higher education in the U.S consists of six types of institutions.三Fill in the following blanks: (10’)1 In 1066, England was conquered by the _____________ who were led by William the Conqueror.2 The greatest writer in the English language is ____________________ .3 In criminal trials in Britain, the issue of guilt or innocence is to be decided by the ________ while sentence is to be passed by the _______________ .4 The dominant broadcasting corporation in Britain is ____________, which is controlled by the state.5 The most famous leader of the American Civil Rights movement in the 1960s was ______________________.6 The U.S. system of government has two layers of rule. They are the ___________ government and the ______ government.7. The National Day of the United States is ______.8 Between 1946 and 1961, more than 63 million babies were born in the United States, who were known as the ______________ generation.四Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. (30’)1 What is the official name of Britain?2 What were the main causes of the Hundred Years’War?3 What are the primary sources of British law?4 How was the 1920s in the United States described by many historians?5 What is the meaning of the “Lost Generation”?6. What were the two guiding principles underlying America diplomatic activities in World War Two?7. What are the three periods as far as the evolution the British economy since the Second World War is concerned?8. What kind of economic system does the United States have?9. Why is education very important to Americans?10. What does the British Parliament consist of?五Explain each of the following terms in English. ( 10’)1 Thanksgiving Day2 the Civil Rights Act of 1964六Write between 100-120 words on EITHER of the following topics. ( 10’)1. What is Thatcherism and what are the major components of Thatcherism?2.In what sense was the War of 1812 important to the development of the United States?参考答案一 1 DDCCC 6 BBAAD 11 CDAAD 16 DCCDD二 1 TFFFT 6 FTTFT三 1 Norman 2 Shakespeare 3 jury judge 4 BBC 5 Martin Luther King6 Federal State7 4, July8 baby boom四1 The official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nortain Ireland.2 Tthe main causes of the Hundred Years’ War were partly territorial and partly economic.3 The primary sources of British law are: (1) Statutes of Parliament; (2) common law; (3) equity law; (4) European Community law.4 The 1920s in the United States has been described by many historians as a period of material success and spiritual frustration or confusion and purposelessness.5 The “Lost Generation refers to those who are both physically and spiritu ally impotent.6 The first was to win the war; the second was to establish a postwar political structure in accord with American interests and to prevent the Soviet Union from over-expansion.7 (1) Steady development in the 50s and 60s;(2) Economic recession in the 70s;(3) Economic recovery in the 80s.8 The United state has a free-market economy with a dominant private sector.9. Because it contributes to developing the national strength and personal success.10 The British Parliament consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.五1 Thanksgiving Day is a typical American holiday. It is an annual day of thanks for the blessings people have enjoyed during the year. The theme of thanksgiving has been peace and plenty, health and happiness.2 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 It was signed into law by President Jonson in 1964. It outlawed discrimination not only in public housing, but also in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. 六1:The election of 1979 returned the Conservative Party to power and Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain. Her policies are popularly referred to as Thatcherism. It included:(1) the return to private ownership of state-owned industries;(2) the use of monetarist polices to control inflation;(3) the weakening of trade union;(4) the strengthening of the role market forces in the economy;(5) an emphasis on law and order.2 The war, however, had great impact on the development of the United States.(1)The war made people realize the importance of a strong national government.(2)The war strengthened the feeling of national unity and patriotism.(3)For almost 10 years after the war, the Americans turned their attention to the development of the western part of the continent.(4)It made both Britain and Unites States realize that their disputes should be solve through negotiation..Please write any three of the 13 colonies the British established along the east coast of North America between 1607 and 1733.。

英语国家概况练习题《英语国家概况》英国部分练习题(1-2章)第一章 Land and People 考题I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts:1. The British Isles are made up of________ A. two large islands and hundreds of small ones B. two large islands and Northern Ireland C. three large islands and hundreds of small ones D. three large islands and Northern Ireland2. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain. They are_______A. Britain, Scotland and WalesB. England, Scotland and WalesC. Britain, Scotland and IrelandD. England, Scotland and Ireland3. The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries______A. that have a large number of British immigrantsB. that fought on the side of Britain in the two world warsC. that speak English as their native languageD. that were once colonies of Britain4. About a hundred years ago, as a result of imperialist expansion,Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world's people and ______of the world's land area.A. one thirdB. one fifthC. one fourthD. two fifths答案:选择: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.2. 1949,Dublin 简答1.What are the differences between Britain and the British Isles,Great Britain, England, the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth?The British Isles, Great Britain and England are geographical names,no the official names of the country, while the official name is the United Kingdom, but the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. 2. Describe the geographical position of Britain?Britain is an island country. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east.3.Whereabouts in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland? The north and west of Britain are mainly highland, while the south and south-east are mostly lowlands.4. Does Britain have a favorable climate? Why?Yes, it has a favorable climate, because it has a maritime type of climate——winters are mild, not too cold and summers are cool, not too hot. It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. It has a small range of temperature, too.5. What are the factors which influence the climate in Britain? Which part of Britain has the most rainfall and which part is the driest? The factors which influence the climate in Britain are the following three: 1) The surrounding waters balance the seasonal differences; 2) The prevailing south-west winds bring warm and wet air in winter and keep the temperatures moderate;3) The North Atlantic Drift, a warm current, passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.The northwestern part has the most rainfall, while the south-eastern corner is the driest.6. Describe the distribution of Britain's population.Britain has a population of 57 million. It is densely populated, with an average of 237people per square kilometer. It is also very unevenly distributed, with 90%of the population in urban areas, 10% in rural areas. Geographically, most British people live in England. Of the total of 57 million people, 47 million live in England; 14 million live in London and Southeastern England.7. What are the three natural zones in Scotland?The three natural zones in Scotland are: the Highlands in the north,the central Lowlands, and the southern Uplands.8. What is the difference between the ancestors of the English and Scots, Welsh and Irish?The ancestors of the English are Anglo-Saxons, while the Scots, Welsh and rash are Celts.9. What are the differences in character and speech between southern England and northern England? How do the Welsh keep their language and culture alive?The Welsh are emotional and cheerful people. The Scots are hospitable,generous and friendly. Irish are known for their charm and vivacity as well as for the beauty of their Irish girls. Throughout the year they have festivals of song and dance and poetry called Eisteddfodau. On these occasions competitions are held in Welsh poetry, music, singing and art and in this way they keep the Welsh language and Welsh culture alive. 10. What is the main problem in Northern Ireland?Hundreds of years ago Scots and English Protestants were sent to live in Northern Ireland. Since then there has been bitter fighting between the Protestants and the Roman Catholics. The former are the dominantgroup, while the latter are seeking more social, political and economic opportunities. The British Government and the government of Ireland are now working together to bring peace to Northern Ireland.Arrival and settlement of the CeltsBasis of modern English race: the Anglo-Saxons The Viking and Danish invasions King Alfred and his contributions The Norman Conquest and its consequences1 The earliest invasion of England is that by _____.A. the IberianB. the DanesC. the CeltsD. the Anglo-Saxons2 the Celts religion was _____.A. ChristianityB. DruidismC. Norman beliefD. Roman Catholic3 the Anglo-Saxons brought _____ religion to Britain. A. Christian B. Druid C. Roman Catholic D. Teutonic4 The Anglo-Saxons established _____ system, whereby the lord of the manor collected taxes and organized the local army.A. salveB. feudalC. manorial(采邑制度)D. Capitalistic5. The Anglo-Saxons created the _____ to advise the king, the basis of the Privy Council.A. SynodB. Witan(议会)C. Whit byD. Shirt court6. ______ was known as “the father of the British navy”。

I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answer to the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (50 points, I point for each)1.The average rainfall in Britain is over _B__ mm.A. 7000B. 1000C. 500D.8002.The British Isles are made up of _A_A. two large islands and hundreds of small onesB. two large islands and Northern IrelandC. three large islands and hundreds of small onesD. three large islands and Northern Ireland3.The word Heptarchy is used to describe the situation in England in the 6th century when _B_A. the country was divided into severn kingdomsB. the country was was fighting against invadersC.troops of invaders arrived in large numbersD.many warlords were fighting each other4.The feudal system was completely estabished under _A__ after the ____ in 1066.A.William, Norman ConquestB.Alfred the Great , Anglo-Saxon ConquestC.the Dane, arrival of the DaneD.the Celts, arrival of Pane5.Alfred the Great was the King of_B/C__A. SussexB.EssexC.EssexD.Mercia6.The _D_ established kingdom in Essex, Sussex and Wessex.A. NormansB.JutesC.VikingsD.Saxons7.Magna Carta has long been regarded as the foundation of English B___A.legal systemB.libertiesC.political systemD.culture and value8.In Britain, the First Civil War was fought between the Roundheads who were the parliamentary soldiers led by __B_, and the Cavaliers who were King Charles's supporters.A.John LilburneB.Oliver CromwellC.Prince RupertD.William Joyee9.The religious reform in England in the 16th century was to _A__ and to make ___Church of England.A.cut connections with the Pope, an independentB. establish connection with the Pope, a CatholicC.establish new relations with the Pope, a RoyalD.alter theology in every way, revolutionary10.Simon de Montfort asked each country to send __B_ and each town to send __ to the Great Council.A. two representatives, two knightsB.two knights, two representativesC.two lords, two bishopsD.two barons, two merchants11.Britain joined the European Economic Community in _D_A. 1957B.1960C.1985D.197312.The English Renaissance was largly _D__A.religiousB.ideologicalC.philosophicalD.Literary13.The Hundred Year's War with France was fought _BA.from 1327 to 1453B. from 1337 to 1453C.from 1347 to 1453D.from 1357 to 145314.The Treaty of Nanjing gave _C__ to Britain in 1842.A. NanjingB.ZhejiangC.HongKongD.Guangzhou15.Queen Elizabeth's religious reform was based on B___ views.A.radicalB. a compromise ofC.popularD.traditional16.In the Untied Kingdom, the party which wins the _B__ number of seats in the House of Commons becomes the official Opposition.rgestB.second largestC.third largestD.fourth largest17.The British media have many important functions. Which of the following is an exception?BA.They supply people with news,keeping them informed about what is happending in the world.B.They make huge profit by publishing advertisementsC.They promote culture and educationD.They provide entertainment.18.In Britain, the First Civil War was fought between the Roundheads who were the parliamentary soldiers led by _B__ , and the Cavaliers who were King Charles's supporters.A. John LilburneB.Oliver CromwellC.Prince RupertD.William Joyce19.In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 can _A__ by law.A. receive completely free educationB. receive parly free educationC . receive no free education if their families are richD. receive no free education at all20.One of the characteristics of the American people is__B_A. silenceB.mobilityC.discriminationD.selfishness21.The "first Americans" were the _C_A. white immigrantsnsC.IndiansD.English colonists22.In September 1774, __B__was held in Philadelphia, which encouraged Americans to refuse to buy British goods.A. the First US CongressB.the First Contiental CongressC.the Second Continental CongressD.the Constitution Convention23.By the year of 2050, American population is expected to climb to _D__A.256 millionB. 275 millionC. 300 millionD.383 million24.The United States is by far the __A_ indutrial country in the world.A. biggestB.second biggestC.third biggestD.fourth biggest25.The United States joined in the Second World War after the _D__ incident in __.A. Lugouchiao, 1937B.German invasion, 1939C.Nazi, 1942D.Pearl Harbour,194126.The __B_ refers to the higher birth rate in American between 1946 and 1961.A.population growthB.baby boomC.Beat GenerationD.population explosion27.In America, the New Right did not opposed D___A.abortionB.affirmative actionC.tax risingcation28.In 1972, President B___visited China and the two countries issued the ___A. Nixon, Shanghai StatementB.Nixon, Shanghai CommuniqueC.Carter, Shanghai CommuniqueD.Reagan, Shanghai Declaration29.After World War II, the official policy of the United States towards the Soviet Union was _D_A. peaceful coexistenceB.peaceful competitionC. fight and struggleD.the containment policy30.In the early 1930s, the Ameican foreign policy was _D_A. expansionistB.involvementC.appeasementD.isolationist31.The Puritans believed that high position and achievements were signs of __A_ From God.A. eternal graceB. original sinC.people's final goalD.a happy soul32.The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution are known as the _D__A.First TenB.Great AmendmentsC.Ten ChangesD.Bill of Rights33.Before the American Civil War, public feeling agaisnt slavery was increased by Harriet Stowe's novel__BA.RootsB.Uncle Tom's CabinC.American TragedyD.Shame of America34.The largest producer of steel in the United States in the early years of the 20th century was _C__A. Ford CorporationB.the Steel MillC.the United States Steel CorporationD.the West Union Corporation35.Only __D_ has the power to interpret the U. S. Constitution.A.CongressB.The SenateC.The House of RepresentativesD.The Supreme Court36.The lowest level of the U.S.federal judiciary is made up of _B_now.A. 50 state courtsB.91 district courtsC.89 district courtsD.11 circuit courts37.There have been _A_ periods in the development of American political parties in the United States.A.fourB.threeC.fiveD.two38.The biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States is __DA. New Year's DayB.Independence DayC.Thanksgiving DayD.Christmas Day39.___D is considered as Earnest Hemingway's masterpiece.A. The Sun Also RisesB. A Farewell to ArmaC.For Whom the Bell TollsD.Old Man and the Sea40.Public education in the United States covers _D__ years.A. sixB.sixteenC.tenD.twelve41.The population of Ireland in 1990 was estimated at _A__ million, and was expected to reach ___ million by 2000.A. 3,4B.5,6C. 7,8D.9,1042.In _B_ the Parliament Act was passed, severely limiting the powers of the lords and establishing the Commons as the supreme legislative body.A. 1910B. 1911C. 1912D.191343.Nearly _C_ of the land in Canada has no permanent population.A. 68%B.79%C.89%D.98%44.The law which granted the people of Quebec rights as French Canadians was known as _B_A. the Canada Act of 1791B. the Quebec Act of 1774C. the 1763 Treaty of ParisD.the Hudson Bay Treaty45.The bare, thinly -populated region of Northern Canada takes up C___ of the country.A. halfB.one thirdC.four fifthsD.25%46.In Australia _B_ has the country's richest farmland and best graing land.A.the Great Western PlateauB.the Central Eastern LowlandsC.the Eastern HighlandsD.the Outback47.New South Wales is __A of Australia.A. the oldest stateB.the second largest cityC.the capitalD.the biggest territory48.New Zealand is __A_ and its capital is ___A. in the Southern Pacific Ocean, WellingtonB.in the Indian Ocean, WellingtonC.in the Atlantic Ocean, AucklandD.in the southern Pacific Ocean, Auckland49.A fault line runs the length of New Zealand, which means that it often has_C__A. floodsB.volcanic eruptionsC.earthquakesD.droughts50.New Zealand was the world's first country to _B__in 1893.A. establish trade unionsB.give women the voteC. start compulsory educationD.provide free medical serviceII. Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following question. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet (30 points, 3 points for each)51.What did Henry VIII do in his religious reform?He got rid of the English Church's connection with the Pope. He made an independent Church of England. He dissolved all of England's monasteries and numeries. He made himself Supreme Head of the church of England.52.What is the big event that happened in England in 1066?In 1066, England was conquered by the Norman who were led by William.53.What is the difference between an academic high school and a technical high school? An academic high school only aims at preparing students for college while a technical school provides students for a varity of occupations and vocation.54.What agreement did Amercia and Britain sign in 1783 by which Britain recognized the Independence of the United States?Treaty of Paris55.What is the most typical American holiday that was started by the Pilgrims? Thanksgiving Day56.What are America's three cornerstones of the postwar economic boom from 1945 to 1960?Automobile, housing , and defence industries57.What are the two layers of rule in the U.S.system of government?Federal , state58.What are the official languages in Ireland?There are two official languages in Ireland, They are English and Irish.59.How many provinces and territories in Canada made up of?It is made up of ten provinces and two territories.60.Why in New Zealand considered to be the first country to get the new day?Because it lies just west of the International Date Line and it has one time zone.Ш Explain each of the following terms in English. Write yore- answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet in around 40 words. (20 points, 5 points for each)61.Bloody MaryDuring Queen Mary's reign, at least 300 Protestants were burnt as heretics. People call her "Bloody Mary".62.Checks and BalancesIt is a system used by the U.S. Constitution . According to the checks and balances system powers are diveded among government branches and these branches check each other.63.The three waves fo immigration to AmericaThe first big wave of immigration to Amerian was between 1810-1854, the second between 1860-1890, and the third between 1890-1914.64.Black Thursday of 1929Black Thursday refered to October 24, 1929, the day when the stock market in the United States collapsed. Tens of millions of shares were dumped on the market and billions of dollars of paper profit were wipe out within a few hours.。

英语国家概况课程习题英语国家概况(1)模拟试题1I. Fill in the blanks:1.Britain consists of _4___ nations, including England,_Scotland____,_Wales______ and Northern Ireland______.2.The Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Britain in __5th______ century.3.The capital of Britain is ___London___ which has great influence on the UK inall fields including______government_, _finance______and __culture_____ 4.The capital of Scotland is _Edinburgh_____, which is well-known for itsnatural5._Egbert______, the ancestor of the present Queen, Elizabeth 11, united Englandunder his rule in 829.6.In Britain, the official head of state is the Queen_______ while the real centre ofpolitical life is in the House of Commoms______7.The British Constitution consists of _statute law______, __common law_____,and ___conventions____.8.The most important function of the Parliament is to ___pass laws____._______,9.Strictly speaking, the Parliament today consists of the Queen _______, theHouse of Lords_______and the House of Commons_______.10.Life peers should be nominated by _the Prime Minister______ and appointedby _the sovereign______.11.The UK is divided into __651_____ constituencies with each of themrepresented by a member in _the parliment________12.The party which wins the majority seats in parliament forms _thegoverment______and its party leader becomes _prime minister________13.Normally, a government can be in power for __5_____ years, and then it has toresign and hold a general election.14.There are three major parties in the UK: _the Conservative__Party____ theLiberal ANDDemocratic party_______ and the LabourParty_______.15.From 1979 to 1997, ___the _Conservatuve Party___ won 4 consecutiveelections and was in power for quite a long time.16.The two oldest universities in Britain are__Cambridge_____ and _Oxford______.17.Australia, as the World's _SMALLEST______ continent and .largest_______island, has a population which is__small_____ in relation to its size.18.Geologically, Australia can be divided into three parts: _the Easternhighlands______ , which is also know as the_Great DividingRange______ , and which runs almost parallel to the eastern coast from northern Queens land to southern Tasmania; the Central Eaetern lowlands_______, which extends from the Gulf of Carpentries in the north to _Eastern SouthArstralia______ and the western Victorian coast; and the Great Western Plateau, which covers most of Western Australia_______, much of the Northern Territory_______ and South Australia, and part of __Western Queenlands_____.19.New Zealand is in the ____south-west Pacific___ Ocean. ___Australia____ is itsnearest neighbour. The __North Island_____ and the __South Island_____ are its two main land masses. They are separated by __Cook Strait_____20.The Head of State of New Zealand is _Queen Elizabeth 2______. She isrepresented in New Zealand by a __Covernor-General_____ whose most important task is to call upon the leader of the _majority_party_____ to form a government after an election.21.Columbus discovered the New World in the year of _1492_______22.The first permanent settlement in North America was established in today'sVirginia_______ in the year of ___1607____23. A federal system is one in which _power______ is shared between __a centralauthority_____and its constituent parts _______with some rights reserved to each.24.The U.S. federal government consists of the following three branches: theexecutive_______, __the legislative_____ and __the judiciary_____25.The Congress is divided into the House of representatives_______ with_435______ members who serve two-year terms, _the senate_______ with_100_ lawmakers who serve six-year terms.26.Groups who try to persuade Congressmen to vote for or against a bill are knownas __lobbies_____27.The Supreme Court is composed of _one______ chief justice and 8~ associatejustices.28."WASP, stands for _White Anglo Saxon__Protesant____.29.In area, Canada is the _second_______ country on earth.30.Canada consists of ___10_______ provinces and ____3____territories.第一卷选择题答案BDACA BBCDD ACBCB ADACA BAABA DCCBC BBDAD BCDCC BDABB D。

2010年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语国家概况试题课程代码:00522请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question,four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.(50 points,1 point for each)1.____C_______of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history, in which William,the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his followers.A. The Roman Conquest 罗马B. The Anglo-Saxon ConquestC. The Norman Conquest诺曼征服D. The Celt Conquest2.As a result of the Black Death,___C________.A. all land was left untendedB. no labor was required any longerC. 1and owners tended to change from arable to sheep-farmingD. surviving peasants were not able to bargain about their wages3.Which of the following statements about Elizabeth I(1 55 8-1 603)is true? BA. Elizabeth was 35 when she came to the throne.B. Elizabeth remained single.C. Elizabeth was not able to work with Parliament.D. Her reign was a time of diminishing English nationalism.4. _____D______ was not in the“Allies” in the First World War.A. BritainB. FranceC. RussiaD. Turkey5.The English Civil War is also called _____B______ .A. the Revolutionary WarB. the Puritan RevolutionC. the ReformationD. the Renaissance6.The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The head of State is a king or a queen .In practice,_____B______.A. Parliament rules the countryB. the Sovereign reigns but does not ruleC. the Sovereign rules but does not reignD. the Prime Minister rules and reigns7.In January,1973,Britain finally became a full member of the_____C______,which was established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957.A. Organization of Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentB. Organization of European DevelopmentC. European Economic CommunityD. European Union8.The____D_______refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.A. UrbanizationB. Economic BoomC. Glorious RevolutionD. Industrial Revolution9.The major Christian festivals in Britain are_________B__ .A. Christmas, Easter and Mother’s DayB. Christmas, Easter and Whit SundayC. Christmas,Guy Fawkes Day and St. Patrick’s DayD. Christmas,Whit Sunday and St. George’s Day10.The Commonwealth of Nations is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. At present there are ____C_______ countries within the Commonwealth (1991).A. 30B. 40C. 50D. 6011.Among the three tribes of the Celts coming to Britain, the most industrious and vigorous of the Celtic tribes was the _____C______ .A. GaelsB. BrythonsC. BelgaeD. Vikings12.Political change in England came mainly through______A_____.A. gradual reformB. revolutionC. people’s uprisingsD. working class movement13.The two parties that have held power in Britain since 1945 are _____B_____ .A. the Democratic Party and the Republican PartyB. the Conservative Party and the Labor PartyC. the Labor Party and the Social Democratic PartyD. the Labor Party and the Democratic Party14.______C_____’s reign was a time of confident English nationalism and of great achievements in literature and other arts. in exploration and in battle.A. MaryB. Henry VIIIC. E1izabeth ID. Charles II15.After the Restoration,Parliament passed a series of severe laws called _____C_______against the Puritans,now known as Nonconformists.A. Agreement of the PeopleB. the Petition of the RightC. the Clarendon CodeD. the Act of Supremacy16.Which statement about the“Wars of Roses”is NOT true? BA. The king’s power now became supreme.B. Ordinary people were seriously affected.C. The wars were waged intermittently for 30 years.D. From these wars feudalism received its death blow.1 7.The finest exponents of Elizabethan drama in the English Renaissance were ___D________ .A. Ben Johnson,Christopher Marlowe and Charles DickensB. Edmund Spenser, Charles Dickens and William ShakespeareC. William Shakespeare, Ben Johnson and Charles DickensD. William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and Ben Johnson18.The Chartist movement was the first nationwide ____A_______ movement.A. working classB. lower middle classC. upper middle classD. upper class19._______A_______led the U.K. to final victory in the Second World War.A. Winston ChurchillB. Neville ChamberlainC. Tony BlairD. William Gladstone20.Which statement about the religion in Britain is true? CA. Every person in Britain may change his religion,but with difficulty.B. Every person may not manifest his faith in teaching,worship and observance.C. Every person has the right to religious freedom without interference from the community or the State.D. Churches and religious societies of any kind cannot own property and propagate their beliefs in speeches and writing.21.In the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus,a(n)_____C______navigator, led his men to sail across the vast ocean and reached some small islands in the now West Indies.A. FrenchB. SpanishC. ItalianD. English22.American troops defeated the British at______A_____ in Northern New York. This was agreat turning point of the American War of Independence,leading directly to an alliance between the U.S. and France.A. SaratogaB. TrentonC. LexingtonD. Yorktown23.In 1787,delegates from the states held a meeting in Philadelphia to make the Articles of Confederation adequate. The meeting came to be called the ______C_____ .A. First Continental CongressB. Second Continental CongressC. Constitutional ConventionD. Independent Convention24.Which of the following is NOT among President Theodore Roosevelt’s contributions? DA. The implementation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act.B. The initiation of large-scale irrigation projects.C. The adoption of the Hepburn Act of 1906.D. The passage of the Federal Reserve Act.25.______C_____Was the beginning of a long economic depression in the U.S. in 1929.A. Business bankruptcyB. Serious unemploymentC. The stock market crashD. Foreclosures26.During the Second World War, American wartime objectives were the total destruction of______A_____ powers and the establishment of a world order.A. AxisB. AsianC. AlliedD. European27.In 1932,in the depth of the depression,the American people chose ____B_______ as their next president who promised to get the U.S. out of the depression.A. Theodore RooseveltB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. Woodrow WilsonD. Herbert C. Hoovercation was made a function of the state under the ____A_______Amendment to the US Constitution.A. TenthB. EleventhC. TwelfthD. Thirteenth29.McCarthyism was a full-scale ___D________hysteria in the United States in the 1950s.A. pro-NaziB. anti-FascistC. pro-CommunistD. anti-Communist30.On June 5,1947,__B_________suggested that the US should offer economic aid to Western Europe so as to protect the region from Soviet expansion.A. George KennanB. George Marshall马歇尔C. Dwight EisenhowerD. James F. Byrnes31.A decision to set up a world organization,the United Nations,was made at_____A______.A. Yalta ConferenceB. Potsdam ConferenceC. Teheran ConferenceD. Paris Conference32.The safeguards against abuse of powers in the United States come in the form of____A_______.A. separation of powersB. executive ordersC. presidential electionsD. judicial reviews33.______D____Was meant to guarantee the blacks and others the right to vote.A. Emancipation Proclamation in 1863B. The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1865C. The Civil Rights Act of 1964D. The Voting Rights Act of 196534.Woman obtained voting right from the____C_______ Amendment to the Constitution.A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20th35.Of the four kinds of high schools,_____B______ones only aim to prepare students for college.A. comprehensiveB. academicC. vocationalD. technical36.There have been____C______ periods in the development of American political parties inthe United States.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five37.The 1920s in the United States has been described by many historians as a period of_____B______.A. material failureB. spiritual frustrationC. political setbacksD. welfare reform38.______A_____is the largest single source of goods imported by the U.S.,accounting for nearly30%of the total.A. CanadaB. MexicoC. JapanD. European Union39.Mark Twain’s masterwork was ____D_______ .A. The Scarlet LetterB. Leaves of GrassC. The Sketch BookD. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn40.In the early part of the 19th century,____D_______was the center of American writing.A. BostonB. PhiladelphiaC. ChicagoD. New York City41.Tourist trade is important in economy in ______B_____with rich green mountains and valleys.A. British ColumbiaB. Atlantic provincesC. the Canadian-ShieldD. St. Lawrence-Great Lakes provinces42.Which of the following about Canada in World War I is NOT true? AA. It founded its navy to enter World War I.B. It took a seat as a member of the League of Nations.C. It won the right to sign the Peace Treaty of 1919 in its own name.D. It has found its place among the nations of the world since World War I.43.Generally speaking,Canada can be divided into_____D______ geographical regions.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six44.Which of the following statements about Australia is true? BA. It is the world’s fifth largest country and is surrounded by sea.B. It is the smallest and the only continent that contains only one country.C. It is a continent that contains only Australia and New Zealand.D. It is the world’s smallest continent and the world’s fourth largest country.45.The first Australian colony, established by Britain in 1788 and called the premier state,is ____D_______ .A. VictoriaB. TasmaniaC. QueenslandD. New South Wales46.The Australian political division borders are drawn_____A______.A. along straight lines of latitude and longitudeB. along rivers and forestsC. along mountain rangesD. along natural features47.The only native mammals in New Zealand are______B_____.A. rabbitsB. batsC. opossumsD. goats48.A chain of mountains runs almost the whole length of South Island in New Zealand. The highest peak is_____B_____.A. Mt RuapehuB. Mt CookC. Mt NgaurohoeD. Mt Tongariro49.One of the four unusual demographic features of Ireland is_____B______.A. an early marriage ageB. an excess of males in the populationC. a low proportion of bachelors and spinsters of all agesD. a high birthrate compounded by a century of emigration50.Migration in Ireland declined sharply____D_______.A. during WWIB. in recent yearsC. in the early decades of the 20th centuryD. after the establishment of the Irish Free StateII.Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions.Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.(30 points,3 points for each)51.What is the Magna Carta also known as?52.Who has the power to declare war and make peace in the U.K.?53.What are the three political divisions on the island of Great Britain?54.When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?55.What foreign policy did the American government pursue in the early 1930s?56.What are Conglomerates in the USA?57.Where is the name“Canada”believed to have come from?58.Why does Great Britain have the greatest influence upon Australia?59.What is Maoritanga?60.What was the consequence of the the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921?III.Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet in around 40 words.(20 points,5 points for each)61.the House of Commons62.English feudal system63.the U.S. two-party system64.the New Deal。

英语国家概况课程习题(附答案)英语国家概况课程习题英语国家概况(1)模拟试题1I. Fill in the blanks:1. Britain consists of _4___ nations, including England,_Scotland____,_Wales______ and Northern Ireland______.2. The Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Britain in __5th______ century.3. The capital of Britain is ___London___ which has great influence on the UK inall fields including______government_, _finance______ and __culture_____4. The capital of Scotland is _Edinburgh_____, which is well-known for itsnatural5. _Egbert______, the ancestor of the present Queen, Elizabeth 11, united Englandunder his rule in 829.6. In Britain, the official head of state is the Queen_______ while the real centre ofpolitical life is in the House of Commoms______7. The British Constitution consists of _statute law______, __common law_____,and ___conventions____.8. The most important function of the Parliament is to ___pass laws____._______,9. Strictly speaking, the Parliament today consists of the Queen _______, theHouse of Lords_______and the House of Commons_______.10. Life peers should be nominated by _the Prime Minister______ and appointedby _the sovereign______.11. The UK is divided into __651_____ constituencies with each of themrepresented by a member in _the parliment________12. The party which wins the majority seats in parliament forms _thegoverment______and its party leader becomes _prime minister________13. Normally, a government can be in power for __5_____ years, and then it has toresign and hold a general election.14. There are three major parties in the UK: _the Conservative__Party____ theLiberal ANDDemocratic party_______ and the LabourParty_______.15. From 1979 to 1997, ___the _Conservatuve Party___ won 4 consecutiveelections and was in power for quite a long time.16. The two oldest universities in Britain are__Cambridge_____ and_Oxford______.17. Australia, as the World's _*****T______ continent and .largest_______island, has a population which is__small_____ in relation to its size.18. Geologically, Australia can be divided into three parts: _the Easternhighlands______ , which is also know as the_Great DividingRange______ , and which runs almost parallel to the eastern coast from northern Queens land to southern Tasmania; the Central Eaetern lowlands_______, which extends from the Gulf of Carpentries in the north to _Eastern SouthArstralia______ and the western Victorian coast; and the Great Western Plateau, which covers most of Western Australia_______, much of the Northern Territory_______ and South Australia, and part of __Western Queenlands_____.19. New Zealand is in the ____south-west Pacific___ Ocean. ___Australia____ is itsnearest neighbour. The __North Island_____ and the __South Island_____ are its two main land masses. They are separated by __Cook Strait_____20. The Head of State of New Zealand is _Queen Elizabeth 2______. She isrepresented in New Zealand by a __Covernor-General_____ whose most important task is to call upon the leader of the _majority_party_____ to form a government after an election.21. Columbus discovered the New World in the year of _1492_______22. The first permanent settlement in North America was established in today'sVirginia_______ in the year of ___1607____23. A federal system is one in which _power______ is shared between __a centralauthority_____and its constituent parts _______with some rights reserved to each.24. The U.S. federal government consists of the following three branches: theexecutive_______, __the legislative_____ and __the judiciary_____25. The Congress is divided into the House of representatives_______ with_435______ members who serve two-year terms, _the senate_______ with_100_ lawmakers who serve six-year terms.26. Groups who try to persuade Congressmen to vote for or against a bill are knownas __lobbies_____27. The Supreme Court is composed of _one______ chief justice and 8~ associatejustices.28. "WASP, stands for _White Anglo Saxon__Protesant____.29. In area, Canada is the _second_______ country on earth.30. Canada consists of ___10_______ provinces and ____3____territories. 第一卷选择题答案BDACA BBCDD ACBCB ADACA BAABA DCCBC BBDAD BCDCC BDABB D。

2010年自考英语《英语国家概况》冲刺练习汇总37.the league of nations国际联盟an international organization of 1920—1946 set up after the first world war to promote international cooperation and to achieve international peace and security.38.the blitz闪电战an air attack,particularly the London blitz of 1940—1941.the world is from the german ―blitzkrieg‖39.the beatles甲克虫乐队one of britain’s most influential pop groups,first perfor ming in 1959 in Liverpool.40.Thatcherism撒切尔主义The election of 1979 returned the Conservative Party to power and Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain. Her policies are popularly referred to as state-owned industries, the use of monetarist policies to control inflation, the weaking of trade forces unions, the strengthening of the role of market forces in the economy, and an emphasis on law and order.包括国有工业私有化,用货币政策控制通货膨胀,削弱工会,加强市场力量在经济中的作用,强调法律与秩序。

2010年4月英语国家概况自考试题全国2010年4月自考英语国家概况试题课程代码:00522请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question,four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.(50 points,1 point for each)1.___________of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history, in which William,the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his followers.A. The Roman ConquestB. The Anglo-Saxon ConquestC. The Norman ConquestD. The Celt Conquest2.As a result of the Black Death,___________.A. all land was left untendedB. no labor was required any longerC. 1and owners tended to change from arable to sheep-farmingD. surviving peasants were not able to bargain about their wages3.Which of the following statements about Elizabeth I(1 55 8-1 603)is true?A. Elizabeth was 35 when she came to the throne.B. Elizabeth remained single.C. Elizabeth was not able to work with Parliament.D. Her reign was a time of diminishing English nationalism.4. ___________ was not in the“Allies” in the First World War.A. BritainB. FranceC. RussiaD. Turkey5.The English Civil War is also called ___________ .A. the Revolutionary WarB. the Puritan RevolutionC. the ReformationD. the Renaissance6.The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The head of State is a king or a queen .In practice,___________.A. Parliament rules the countryB. the Sovereign reigns but does not ruleC. the Sovereign rules but does not reignD. the Prime Minister rules and reigns7.In January,1973,Britain finally became a full member ofthe___________,which was established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957.A. Organization of Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentB. Organization of European DevelopmentC. European Economic CommunityD. European Union8.The___________refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.A. UrbanizationB. Economic BoomC. Glorious RevolutionD. Industrial Revolution9.The major Christian festivals in Britain are___________ .A. Christmas, Easter and Mother’s DayB. Christmas, Easter and Whit SundayC. Christmas,Guy Fawkes Day and St. Patrick’s DayD. Christmas,Whit Sunday and St. George’s Day10.The Commonwealth of Nations is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. At present there are ___________ countries within the Commonwealth (1991).A. 30B. 40C. 50D. 6011.Among the three tribes of the Celts coming to Britain, the most industrious and vigorous of the Celtic tribes was the ___________ .A. GaelsB. BrythonsC. BelgaeD. Vikings12.Political change in England came mainly through___________.A. gradual reformB. revolutionC. people’s uprisingsD. working class move ment13.The two parties that have held power in Britain since 1945 are ___________ .A. the Democratic Party and the Republican PartyB. the Conservative Party and the Labor PartyC. the Labor Party and the Social Democratic PartyD. the Labor Party and the Democratic Party14.___________’s reign was a time of confident English nationalism and of great achievements in literature and other arts. in exploration and in battle.A. MaryB. Henry VIIIC. E1izabeth ID. Charles II15.After the Restoration,Parliament passed a series of severe laws called ____________against the Puritans,now known asNonconformists.A. Agreement of the PeopleB. the Petition of the RightC. the Clarendon CodeD. the Act of Supremacy16.Which statement about the“Wars of Roses”is NOT t rue?A. The king’s power now became supreme.B. Ordinary people were seriously affected.C. The wars were waged intermittently for 30 years.D. From these wars feudalism received its death blow.1 7.The finest exponents of Elizabethan drama in the English Renaissance were ___________ .A. Ben Johnson,Christopher Marlowe and Charles DickensB. Edmund Spenser, Charles Dickens and William ShakespeareC. William Shakespeare, Ben Johnson and Charles DickensD. William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and Ben Johnson18.The Chartist movement was the first nationwide ___________ movement.A. working classB. lower middle classC. upper middle classD. upper class19.______________led the U.K. to final victory in the Second World War.A. Winston ChurchillB. Neville ChamberlainC. Tony BlairD. William Gladstone20.Which statement about the religion in Britain is true?A. Every person in Britain may change his religion,but with difficulty.B. Every person may not manifest his faith in teaching,worship and observance.C. Every person has the right to religious freedom without interference from the community or the State.D. Churches and religious societies of any kind cannot own property and propagate their beliefs in speeches and writing. 21.In the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus,a(n)___________navigator, led his men to sail across the vast ocean and reached some small islands in the now West Indies.A. FrenchB. SpanishC. ItalianD. English22.American troops defeated the British at___________ in Northern New York. This was a great turning point of the American War of Independence,leading directly to an alliance between the U.S. and France.A. SaratogaB. TrentonC. LexingtonD. Yorktown23.In 1787,delegates from the states held a meeting in Philadelphia to make the Articles of Confederation adequate.The meeting came to be called the ___________ .A. First Continental CongressB. Second Continental CongressC. Constitutional ConventionD. Independent Convention24.Which of the following is NOT among President Theodore Roosevelt’s contributions?A. The implementation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act.B. The initiation of large-scale irrigation projects.C. The adoption of the Hepburn Act of 1906.D. The passage of the Federal Reserve Act.25.___________Was the beginning of a long economic depression in the U.S. in 1929.A. Business bankruptcyB. Serious unemploymentC. The stock market crashD. Foreclosures26.During the Second World War, American wartime objectives were the total destruction of___________ powers and the establishment of a world order.A. AxisB. AsianC. AlliedD. European27.In 1932,in the depth of the depression,the American people chose ___________ as their next president who promised to get the U.S. out of the depression.A. Theodore RooseveltB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. Woodrow WilsonD. Herbert C. Hoovercation was made a function of the state under the ___________Amendment to the US Constitution.A. TenthB. EleventhC. TwelfthD. Thirteenth29.McCarthyism was a full-scale ___________hysteria in the United States in the 1950s.A. pro-NaziB. anti-FascistC. pro-CommunistD. anti-Communist30.On June 5,1947,___________suggested that the US should offer economic aid to Western Europe so as to protect the region from Soviet expansion.A. George KennanB. George MarshallC. Dwight EisenhowerD. James F. Byrnes31.A decision to set up a world organization,the United Nations,was made at___________.A. Yalta ConferenceB. Potsdam ConferenceC. Teheran ConferenceD. Paris Conference32.The safeguards against abuse of powers in the United States come in the form of___________.A. separation of powersB. executive ordersC. presidential electionsD. judicial reviews33.___________Was meant to guarantee the blacks and others the right to vote.A. Emancipation Proclamation in 1863B. The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1865C. The Civil Rights Act of 1964D. The Voting Rights Act of 196534.Woman obtained voting right from the___________ Amendment to the Constitution.A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20th35.Of the four kinds of high schools,___________ones only aim to prepare students for college.A. comprehensiveB. academicC. vocationalD. technical36.There have been__________ periods in the development of American political parties inthe United States.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five37.The 1920s in the United States has been described by many historians as a period of___________.A. material failureB. spiritual frustrationC. political setbacksD. welfare reform38.___________is the largest single source of goods imported by the U.S.,accounting for nearly30%of the total.A. CanadaB. MexicoC. JapanD. European Union39.Mark Twain’s masterwork was ___________ .A. The Scarlet LetterB. Leaves of GrassC. The Sketch BookD. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn40.In the early part of the 19th century,___________was the center of American writing.A. BostonB. PhiladelphiaC. ChicagoD. New York City41.Tourist trade is important in economy in ___________with rich green mountains and valleys.A. British ColumbiaB. Atlantic provincesC. the Canadian-ShieldD. St. Lawrence-Great Lakes provinces42.Which of the following about Canada in World War I is NOT true?A. It founded its navy to enter World War I.B. It took a seat as a member of the League of Nations.C. It won the right to sign the Peace Treaty of 1919 in its own name.D. It has found its place among the nations of the world since World War I.43.Generally speaking,Canada can be divided into___________ geographical regions.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six44.Which of the following statements about Australia is true?A. It is the world’s fifth largest country and is surrounded by sea.B. It is the smallest and the only continent that contains only one country.C. It is a continent that contains only Australia and New Zealand.D. It is the world’s smallest continent and the world’s fourth largest country.45.The first Australian colony, established by Britain in 1788 and called the premier state,is ___________ .A. VictoriaB. TasmaniaC. QueenslandD. New South Wales46.The Australian political division borders are drawn___________.A. along straight lines of latitude and longitudeB. along rivers and forestsC. along mountain rangesD. along natural features47.The only native mammals in New Zealand are___________.A. rabbitsB. batsC. opossumsD. goats48.A chain of mountains runs almost the whole length of South Island in New Zealand. The highest peak is___________.A. Mt RuapehuB. Mt CookC. Mt NgaurohoeD. Mt Tongariro49.One of the four unusual demographic features of Ireland is___________.A. an early marriage ageB. an excess of males in the populationC. a low proportion of bachelors and spinsters of all agesD. a high birthrate compounded by a century of emigration50.Migration in Ireland declined sharply___________.A. during WWIB. in recent yearsC. in the early decades of the 20th centuryD. after the establishment of the Irish Free StateII.Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions.Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.(30 points,3 points for each)51.What is the Magna Carta also known as?52.Who has the power to declare war and make peace in the U.K.?53.What are the three political divisions on the island of Great Britain?54.When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?55.What foreign policy did the American government pursue in the early 1930s?56.What are Conglomerates in the USA?57.Where is the name“Canada”believed to have come from?58.Why does Great Britain have the greatest influence upon Australia?59.What is Maoritanga?60.What was the consequence of the the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921?III.Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet in around 40 words.(20 points,5 points for each)61.the House of Commons62.English feudal system63.the U.S. two-party system64.the New Deal。

7月英语国家概况自考试题(1)2010年7月英语国家概况自考试题全国2010年7月自考英语国家概况试题课程代码:00522请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上,全部题目用英文作答I.MultipIe Choice Questions.(50 points,1 point for each) Directions:In this part of the test,there are 50 unfinished statements or questions.For each of the unfinished statements or questions,four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D are given.Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question.Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet.1.Christianity was first brought to England by______.A.the RomansB.the CeltsC.the Anglo-SaxonsD.the Danes2.The names such as Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday came from______.A.ChristianityB.Teutonic religionC.DruidismD.Catho1icism3.At about 700 BC,______began to arrive in England fromeastern and central Europe,now France,Belgium and southern Germany.A.the CeltsB.the Beaker FolkC.the RomansD.the Anglo-Saxons4.______made a treaty with the Danes allowing them to keep the northern and eastern parts of England,which later became known as the Danelaw.A.King EthelredB.King AlfredC.King EdwardD.King Harold5.Many hundreds of rebels were put to death by______ as he passed triumphantly with an army of 40,000 men through Kent and Essex.A.King Henry IIB.King RichardC.King JohnD.King Edward III6.For electoral purposes Britain is divided into ______ constituencies,each of which has ______ representative(s) in Parliament.A.651,oneB.561,twoC.651,twoD.561,one7.The Wars of the Roses broke out shortly after ______.A.the Black DeathB.the Watt Tyler’s UprisingC.the Hundred Years’ WarD.the Glorious Revolution8.It was during the reign of______that the name Great Britaincame into being in 1707.A.E1izabeth IB.Henry VIIIC.Charles ID.Anne9.Real religious Change came in Edward VI’s time.People call his switch to______ theology “the Reformation”.A.PuritanB.ProtestantC.CatholicD.Christian10.The English Civil War has been seen as a conflict between________.A.the Commons and the LordsB.the King and the BaronsC.the Parliament and the KingD.the Crown and the Church11.After William and Mary were crowned jointly in Westminster Abbey on their acceptance of the Bill of Rights,the age of_______ began.A.monarchyB.constitutional monarchyC.capitalismD.federal government12.As a result of the First World War settlement,the ______was established.A.League of NationsB.British CommonwealthC.British East India CompanyD.United Nations13.In Britain,the election of ________returned the________ topower and Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain.A.1979,Conservative PartyB.1983,Labor PartyC.1979,Liberal DemocratsD.1983,Democratic Party14.The House of Commons is headed by________.A.the Prime MinisterB.the SpeakerC.the Lord ChancellorD.the Monarch15. The Witan, the basis of the Privy Council was created by________.A. the CeltsB. the Anglo-SaxonsC. the NormansD. the Romans16. Which of the following is NOT one of the members of the Lords Temporal in the House of Lords?A. All hereditary peers and peeresses of England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom.B. Life peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties.C. Senior bishops of the Church of England.D. All other life peers.17. Margaret Thatcher believed in the following EXCEPT________.A. self-relianceB. the strengthening of trade unionsC. privatizationD. the use of monetary policies to control inflation18. Established Churches in Britain are________.A. the Church of England and the Church of WalesB. the Church of Wales and the Church of ScotlandC. the Anglican ChurchesD. the Church of England and the Church of Scotland19. ________appeal to people wanting news of more entertaining character in Britain.A. Popular newspapersB. Quality newspapersC. “Mid-market” newspapersD. Daily newspapers20. ________is the most popular sport in England and in Europe.A. RugbyB. TennisC.SnookerD. Football21. The Open University is a non-residential university based in the new town of________.A. Milton KeynesB. GlasgowC. EdinburghD. Cambridge22. From 1980 to 1989, the population between the age of25 and 44 increased by 28.1% in America because_____.A. those who were born during the period of large inflow ofimmigrants reached this age bracketB. those who were born after the World War II reached this age bracketC. those who were born during the World War I reached this age bracketD. those who were born before the World War II reached this age bracket23. On April 6, 1789, George Washington was elected the President of America and took the oath of office in_____.A. Washington D.C.B. PhiladelphiaC. BostonD. New York24. After_____, the United States saw great developments in industry, agriculture, science and technology, and population.A. the Civil WarB. the War of IndependenceC. the Vietnam WarD. the Second World War25. _____is a clear explanation of the political theory behind the revolution and this theory came from the British philosopher John Locke.A. The Articles of ConfederationB. The American ConstitutionC. The DeclarationD. The Bill of Rights26. Faced with the serious economic crisis, the _____ administration refused to take strong government action to soften the effects of the Great Depression.A. HooverB. RooseveltC. WilsonD. Truman27. As a result of_____, the United States had changed from a debtor nation to a creditor.A. the First World WarB. the Second World WarC. the War of IndependenceD. the Civil War28. The Progressive Movement refers to a number of diverse efforts at_____ reforms.A. political, social, and economicB. political, educational, and socialC. political, religious, and socialD. educational, religious, and economic29. Which of the following did NOT account for President Theodore Roosevelt’s contributions?A. The adoption of the Hepburn Act of 1906.B. The active use of the Sherman Antitrust Act.C. The withdrawal of 200 million acres of public land as forest reserve.D. The passage of the Federal Reserve Act.30. On June 5, 1947, _____suggested that the U.S. should offer economic aid to Western Europe so as to protect the region from Soviet expansion.A. George MarshallB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. George KennanD. Harry Truman31. President Truman on March 21, 1947 issued an executive order, initiating a comprehensive investigation of the loyalty of all federal employees. This was the beginning of _____.A. McCarthyismB. cleating out Soviet spiesC. widespread persecution of Communists and progressive peopleD. persecution of federal employees32. The slave system was formally ended by________in 1863 and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1865.A. the Bill of RightsB. the first ten AmendmentsC. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proc lamationD. the Articles of Confederation33. After the_______, the United States replaced France and became the main force in providing aid for the South Vietnam government.A. Paris ConferenceB. Geneva ConferenceC. Yalta ConferenceD. Teheran Conference34. Which of the following is NOT associated with Halloween?A. “Trick or treat”.B. “Spring Break”.C. A night-time children’s holiday.D. Pumpkin lanterns.35. In _______masterpieces, Leaves of Grass, he praised the ideas of equality and democracy and celebrated the dignity, the self-reliant spirit and the joy of the common man.A. T.S. Eliot’sB. Walt Whitman’sC. Theodore Dreiser’sD. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s36. The American economy is characterized by a high degreeof _______.A. free-market economy with a dominant public sectorB. planned economyC. monopolyD. government involvement of economy37. The American Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world. It was drawn up in 1787 and went into effect in_______.A. 1788B. 1789C. 1790D. 179138. Which is NOT the power of the President of the United States?A. He shares certain lawmaking powers with Congress.B. He is the Commander-in-chief of the armed forces.C. He can determine whether legislation conforms to the Constitution.D. He can give reprieves and pardons in federal criminal cases.39. Under _______to the United States Constitution, _______ takes the responsibility for education.A. the Tenth Amendment, the federal governmentB. the Thirteenth Amendment, the stateC. the Tenth Amendment, the stateD. the Thirteenth Amendment, the federal government40. _______ embodies Thomas Jefferson’s belief that an education should be practical as well as liberal.A. The community collegeB. The vocational collegeC. The junior collegeD. The public college41. In the year 1845, _______marked the end of one era and the beginning of another in the social history of Ireland.A. the Great FamineB. EnclosureC. the Black DeathD. the English Renaissance42. Ireland is unique among European countries for_______.A. its small populationB. its beautiful sceneryC. its excessive rainfallD. its century-long population decline43. Under the Anglo-Irish Treaty, Britain established_______with dominion status in Ireland in 1921.A. the Anglican Church of IrelandB. the Irish Free StateC. the Irish Republican ArmyD. Fianna Fail44. New Zealand is just_______ of the International Date Line, so it is the first country to get the new day.A. southB. westC. eastD. north45. In the years that followed the Land Wars the basic philosophy of race relations became _______, rather than Maori self-determination.A. assimilationB. alienationC. disassimilationD. subjugation46. Who was the first European to discover Canada?A. John Cabot.B. Abel Tasman.C. Samuel de Champlain.D. James Cook.47. In 1931 by_______Canada was formally declared to be a sovereign nation and became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.A. the Act of UnionB. the Statute of WestminsterC. the British North American ActD. the Constitution Act48. Since 1945 the Canadian government has adopted a policy of_______.A. free immigrationB. selected immigrationC. restricted immigrationD. encouraging immigration49. In Australia, _______is better known as the Great Dividing Range.A. the Eastern HighlandsB. the Great Western PlateauC. the Central Eastern LowlandsD. the Red Centre50. In Australia, the hot, dry environment has a great influence on the following EXCEPT_______.A. population distributionB. plantsC. animalsD. the built environmentII. Answer the Questions. (30 points, 3 points for each) Directions: Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.51. Who is directly responsible for the NHS in Britain?52. What is the peculiar feature of the feudal system of England?53. What is the significance of the expulsion of the English from France?54. What is the “winner-take-all” system?55. What mechanism did the writers of the American Constitution introduce to provide safeguards?56. Why were American children awarded the 1965 Nobel Peace Prize?57. How many geographical regions are there in Canada? What are they?58. What does the Outback usually refer to?59. What are many Maori people determined to do with Maoritanga?60. Why is Ireland also called the Emerald Isle?III. Term Explanation. (20 points, 5 points for each) Directions: Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet in around 40 words.61. the Black Death62. the Great Charter (1215)63. the Great Depression64. Boston Tea Party。

《英语国家概况》复习题及参考答案一 Multiple choice ( 30’)( ) 1 As a result of the Black Death, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of ___ in England. A grain B farm tools C houses D labor ( ) 2 In the late 17th century, two of most famous literary works were Pilgrim ’s Progress and _________ . A the Jew of Malta B the School of ArcheryC Novum Organum D Paradise Lost( ) 3. In 1836, a group of skilled workers and _____ formed the London Working Men ’s Association. A householders B tenants C small shopkeepers D office workers ( ) ) 4. 4. 4. In In In the the the Industrial Industrial Industrial Revolution, Revolution, Revolution, changes changes changes occurred occurred occurred earliest earliest earliest and and and quickest quickest quickest in in in the the industry of ______. A. pottery B hardware C textiles D chemicals ( ) 5. In Britain police officers are not allowed to join ________ or to go on strike. A a choir B a political party C a trade union D a club ( ) 6 The Great Carter of 1215 is also known as _________. A People ’s Charter B Magna Carta C King ’s Charter D the Declaration of human rights ( ) 7 Henry Ⅱ was the first king of the ________ dynasty. A Malcolm B Plantagenet C Windsor D Tudor ( ) 8. __________ is the most typically English of sports A Cricket B Golf C Tennis D Horse-racing ( ) 9. By the Treaty of ______ of 1842, China ceded _______ to Britain. A Nanjing, Hong Kong B Tianjing, Hong Kong C Nanjing, Macau D Tianjing, Macau ( ) 10. In _______, the name Great Britain came into being. A 1689 B 1702 C 1701 D 1707 ( ) 11. The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and the beginning of 1930s was first brought about by ___. A the farm failure B the bank failures C the stock market crash D the high unemployment ( ) 12. What are the problems that the U.S. economy has faced from time to time? A Inflation B Depressions C Recessions D all of the above ( ) 13.The real American literature began________. A after the war of Independence B after the Westward Movement C after the Civil War D after the Civil Rights Movement ( ) 14. In 1900, the United States ranked first in the production of ____ . A coal B electricity C oil D wheat ( ) 15. In the United States, if the parents don ’t send their children to school at certain age, ________ . A the state government will be responsible for it B they will educate the children themselves C they can save a lot of money D they are breaking the law ( ) 16. The U.S. and China established their diplomatic relations in _____. A 1974 B 1972 C 1978 D 1979 ( ) 17 In his inaugural speech, ______ said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”A Woodrow Wilson B Theodore Roosevelt C Franklin D. Roosevelt D George Washington ( ) 18. One of the characteristics of the American people is _______ and it is said they are always ______. A liberty, debating B aggressiveness, starting wars C mobility, on the move D greediness, making money ( ) 19. Hemingway ’s most famous masterpiece was ______. A The Sun Also Rises B A Farewell to Arms C For Whom the Bell Tolls D Old Man and the Sea ( ) 20. The system of higher education in the U. S. has three principle functions except ____-. A teaching B research C public service D individual service following statements are T (true) or F (false) according to what you have learned. (10(10’’) ( ) ) 1 1 1 There There There are are are three three three political political political divisions divisions divisions on on on the the the island island island of of of Great Great Great Britain: Britain: Britain: Scotland, Scotland, Wales and England. ( ) 2 Under William ’s rule, the freeman were at the bottom of the feudal system. ( ) 3 The English Civil War is also called the Glorious Revolution. ( ) 4 In U.K, a Parliament has a maximum duration of 4 years. ( ) ) 5 5 5 Christmas Christmas Christmas Day, Day, Day, December December December 25th, 25th, 25th, celebrates celebrates celebrates the the the birth birth birth of of of Christ, Christ, Christ, and and and is is is the the greatest of Christian festivals. ( ) 6 Chicago is known as the automobile capital of the world. ( ) 7 Between 1850 and1880, many early Chinese immigrants to the United States worked in the mining industry, especially in the gold mines. ( ) 8 The Pilgrims built a colony named Plymouth after they arrived in America. ( ) 9. The longest war that the United States has fought is the Civil War. ( ) 10. Higher education in the U.S consists of six types of institutions. 三 Fill in the following blanks: (10’) 1 In 1066, England was conquered by the _____________ who were led by William the Conqueror. 2 The greatest writer in the English language is ____________________ . 3 In criminal trials in Britain, the issue of guilt or innocence is to be decided by the ________ while sentence is to be passed by the _______________ . 4 4 The The The dominant dominant dominant broadcasting broadcasting broadcasting corporation corporation corporation in in in Britain Britain Britain is is is ____________, ____________, ____________, which which which is is controlled by the state. 5 The most famous leader of the American Civil Rights movement in the 1960s was ______________________. 6 The U.S. system of government has two layers of rule. They are the ___________ government and the ______ government. 7. The National Day of the United States is ______. 8 Between 1946 and 1961, more than 63 million babies were born in the United States, who were known as the ______________ generation. 四 Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions.(30’) 1 What is the official name of Britain? 2 What were the main causes of the Hundred Years ’ War? 3 What are the primary sources of British law? 4 How was the 1920s in the United States described by many historians? 5 What is the meaning of the “Lost Generation ”? 6. What were the two guiding principles underlying America diplomatic activities in World War Two? 7. 7. What What What are are are the the the three three three periods periods periods as as as far far far as as as the the the evolution evolution evolution the the the British British British economy economy economy since since since the the Second World War is concerned? 8. What kind of economic system does the United States have? 9. Why is education very important to Americans? 10. What does the British Parliament consist of? 五 Explain each of the following terms in English. (10’)1 Thanksgiving Day 2 the Civil Rights Act of 1964 六 Write between 100-120 words on EITHER of the following topics.( 10’) 1. What is Thatcherism and what are the major components of Thatcherism? 2. In In what what what sense sense sense was was was the the the War War War of of of 1812 1812 1812 important important important to to to the the the development development development of of of the the the United United States? 参考答案参考答案一 1 DDCCC 6 BBAAD 11 CDAAD 16 DCCDD 二 1 TFFFT 6 FTTFT 三 1 Norman 2 Shakespeare 3 jury judge 4 BBC 5 Martin Luther King 6 Federal State 7 4, July 8 baby boom 四1 The official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain Britain and Nortain and Nortain Ireland. 2 2 Tthe Tthe Tthe main main main causes causes causes of of of the the the Hundred Hundred Hundred Y Y ears’ War War were were were partly partly partly territorial territorial territorial and and and partly partly economic. 3 The primary sources of British law are: (1) Statutes of Parliament; (2) common law; (3) equity law; (4) European Community law. 4 The 1920s in the United States has been described by many historians as a period of material success and spiritual frustration or confusion and purposelessness. 5 5 The The The “Lost “Lost “Lost Generation Generation Generation refers refers refers to to to those those those who who who are are are both both both physically physically physically and and and spiritually spiritually impotent. 6 6 The The The first first first was was was to to to win win win the the the war; war; war; the the the second second second was was was to to to establish establish establish a a a postwar postwar postwar political political structure structure in in in accord accord accord with with with American American American interests interests interests and and and to to to prevent prevent prevent the the the Soviet Soviet Soviet Union Union Union from from over-expansion. 7 (1) Steady development in the 50s and 60s; (2) Economic recession in the 70s; (3) Economic recovery in the 80s. 8 The United state has a free-market economy with a dominant private sector. 9. Because it contributes to developing the national strength and personal success. 10 10 The The The British British British Parliament Parliament Parliament consists consists consists of of of the the the Sovereign, Sovereign, Sovereign, the the the House House House of of of Lords Lords Lords and and and the the House of Commons. 五1 Thanksgiving Day is a typical American holiday. It is an annual day of thanks for the the blessings blessings blessings people people people have have have enjoyed enjoyed enjoyed during during during the the the year. year. year. The The The theme theme theme of of of thanksgiving thanksgiving thanksgiving has has been peace and plenty, health and happiness. 2 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 It was signed into law by President Jonson in 1964. It outlawed discrimination not only in public housing, but also in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. 六1:The The election election election of of of 1979 1979 1979 returned returned returned the the the Conservative Conservative Conservative Party Party Party to to to power power power and and and Margaret Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain. Her policies are popularly referred to as Thatcherism. It included: (1) the return to private ownership of state-owned industries; (2) the use of monetarist polices to control inflation; (3) the weakening of trade union; (4) the strengthening of the role market forces in the economy; (5) an emphasis on law and order. 2 The war, however, had great impact on the development of the United States. (1)The war made people realize the importance of a strong national government. (2)The war strengthened the feeling of national unity and patriotism. (3)For almost 10 years after the war, the Americans turned their attention to the development of the western part of the continent. (4)It made both Britain and Unites States realize that their disputes should be solve through negotiation..Please write any three of the 13 colonies the British established along the east coast of North America between 1607 and 1733. 。

浙江省2002年7月高等教育自学考试英语国家概况试题课程代码:00522Ⅰ.Read the following statements and decide which are true and which are false by putting T for true or F for false.Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet.(20%)1.Hispanics refer to Spanish-speaking people to the exclusion of Cubans and Puerto Ricans.2.The Wars of Roses was waged between the House of Lancaster and the House of York.3.The Magna Carta of 1215 is looked upon by many Englishmen as a legal step toward constitutional monarchy.4.The Civil Service helps provide stability when the government changes,for a change of ministers does not involve a change of staff.5.During American Colonialism,most colonies were left free to manage themselves politically, economically and culturally.6.By the end of the 18th century,the United States had stepped into the imperialist stage and become the strongest power in the world.7.Canada,a self-governing member of the Commonwealth of Nations,is a federation of 10 provinces and two territories.8.The Progressive Democratic Party is the oldest of all the parties in Ireland.9.The spiritual head of the Church of England is the British monarch.10.The history of Australia began with the arrival of Aborigines.11.Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the East Sea in the east.12.The first immigrants in American history came from England and the Netherlands.13.Criminal courts in England and Wales include Magistrates' Courts,Youth Courts and the Crown Court.14.The weather of Ireland is described as “mild,dry and changeable."The national newspapers in Great Britain can be divided into two groups:national Dailies and national Sundays.16.The Kiwi is a national symbol of New Zealand,and the New Zealanders refer to themselves as Kiwis.17.The universities of Oxford and Cambridge,popularly known as Oxbridge,date from the 12th &13th centuries.18.The US government is divided into three branches,the legislative,the executive and the judicial,each having part of the power but not all the power.19.John Donne is best known of the “Graveyard" poets.20.The Hundred Years' War was a war between England and Russia.Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with appropriate information.Write the answer on the Answer Sheet(10%)1._____ runs through the central part of America from north to south.2.The US senate has _____ members who are called senators.3.The Pentagon is a large building which houses the US _____ Department.4.On February 4,1861,representatives from the southern states of America met and agreed to form a government which they named the _____.5.Acts passed by the English Parliament must be signed by _____ before they become laws.6.The Short Parliament and the Long Parliament were two important meetings held before the English _____ Revolution.7.The destruction of the _____ established the position of England as a major sea power.8.The president of Ireland appoints the prime minister on the nomination of _______.9.Canada's main trading partner is _____.10.The Whigs were the forerunners of the _____ Party while the Tories were the forerunners of the Conservative Party of England.Ⅲ.Multiple Choice(25%)In the following statements,there is only one correct choice for each blank.Choose the correct answer and write it on the Answer Sheet.1.In 1620,_____ sailed to the New World in a ship called “Mayflower".A. the PuritansB. the PilgrimsC. the English noblesD. the English poor2.In his ina ugural speech,_____ said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself".A. Woodrew WilsonB. Theodore RooseveltC. FranklinD.Roosevelt D. George Washington3.Quebec,one of Canada's two most important provinces,differs from the other provinces of Canada because it has a strong _____ culture.A. AmericanB. BritishC. CanadianD. French4.The Black Death killed about _____ of the entire population in England at that time.A.one fifthB.one halfC.one thirdD.one quarter5.The English Civil War is also called _____.A. the second Magna CartaB. the Long ParliamentC. the Puritan RevolutionD. the Anglican War6.The head of the Australian government is _____.A. the Prime MinisterB. the PresidentC. the Governor GeneralD. the Queen of England7._____ is the world's largest exporter of lamb and mutton. A. Australia B. IrelandC. BritainD. New Zealand8.People call King Edward's switch to _____ theology “The Reformation." A.Catholic B. ProtestantC. JewishD. Puritan9.The _____ in the 1920s was the beginning of a long economic depression in the US.A. stock market crashB. failure of cropsC. political persecutionD. government corruption10.The top of Australian judicial system is the _____.A. High CourtB. Supreme CourtC. Federal CourtD. Family Court11.The telephone was invented in 1876 by _____.A. Thomas EdisonB. Alexander BellC. George WestinghouseD. Albert Einstein12.The presiding officer of the Senate is the _____ while the chief spokesman of the House is the _____.A. Speaker,PresidentB. Vice-president,SpeakerC. Speaker,Vice-presidentD.Vice-president,Chief Executive13.Of all the 50 states in the USA,the smallest one is _____.A. Rhode IslandB. AlaskaC. TexasD. Florida14.Grammar Schools in Britain provide secondary school pupils with ______ education.A. a grammarB. an academicC. a tertiaryD. a technical15.The first Negro slaves were brought to Virginia in _____.A. 1617B. 1618C. 1619D.162016.Under the Articles of Confederation,the United States was ______.A. a strong unionB. a loose confederationC. a strong central governmentD. a strong but decentralized government17.The Great Compromise which became part of the US Constitution related to _____.A. representationB. tariffC. slaveryD. commerce18.After Charles I was beheaded,_____ became Lord Protector and exercised bourgeois dictatorship.A. James IIB. CrownwellC. Charles IID. Elizabeth I19.Westminster Abbey is well known for its _____ which has been the traditional burial ground of the most famous English poets.A. Speaker's CornerB. London TowerC. Poets' CornerD. archbishop20.The power to interpret the US Constitution belongs to the _____.A. PresidentB. CongressC. SenateD. Supreme Court21.The jury in England,Wales and Northern Ireland has _____ members.A. 15B. 12C. 10D. 16cation in Britain is generally supported by _____.A. public fundsB. students themselvesC. businessesD. private sources23.The state-run BBC is financed from _____.A. the GovernmentB. the sale of television licenseC. commercial activitiesD. both B and C24.Which of the following tribes came to Britain first?A. JutesB. AnglesC. SaxonsD. Teutons25.In _____ New Zealand became the first country to give women the right to vote.A. 1882B. 1893C. 1898D. 1872Ⅳ.Explain any three of the following in English and write the answer on the Answer Sheet.(15%)1. Constitutional monarchy2. The Supreme Court of the United States3. Jazz music4. James Cook5. Bilingualism in CanadaⅤ.Questions.Write the answer on the Answer Sheet.(30%) 1.What do you know about the Parliament in the UK?2.What was the impact of the Vietnam War on American society。
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全部题目用英文作答I. Multiple Choice Questions. (50 points, 1 point for each)Directions: In this part of the test, there are 50 unfinished statements or questions. For each of the unfinished statements or questions, four suggested answers marked, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet.1. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Britain?A. Great Britain and England are geographical names.B. The official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.C. Britain has four political divisions on the island of Great Britain.D. British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth in 1931.2. The successful Roman invasion took place in ______, headed by ______.A. 43 AD, the Emperor ClaudiusB. 43 AD, Julius CaesarC. 55 BC, Julius CaesarD. 55 BC, the Emperor Claudius3. During the fifth century when the Roman Empire fell, the Germanic ______ invaded and conquered Britain.A. Angles and CeltsB. Angles and PictsC. Angles and BritonsD. Angles and Saxons4. In the year 597, England began to be Christianized. It was mainly due to the work of ______.A. St. AugustineB. ConstantineC. Pope GregoryD. Ethelbert, king of Kent5. ______ is regarded by many Englishmen as the foundation of English liberties.A. The beginning of British ParliamentB. The People’s CharterC. The Petition of RightD. Magna Carta of 12156. ______ is known as “the father of the British navy” as he founded a strong fleet which first beat the Danes at sea.A. EthelredB. WilliamC. AlfredD. Edward7. Which of the following is NOT true about “Domesday Book”?A. It was compiled to discover how much to be called upon to pay by taxes.B. It was so called because it seemed to the English like the Book of Doom used on Judgment Day.C. It was completed as the result of a general survey of England.D. it is kept in the public library in London.8. The Lollards were ______ who had played a very important role in the Peasant Uprising of 1381.A. poor priests and itinerant preachersB. poets and writersC. merchantsD. craftsmen9. The word Renaissance is from ______, meaning “rebirth”, and was first applied by the ______ historian Jakob Burckhardt in 1860.A. English, SwissB. French, ItalianC. French, SwissD. English, Italian10. The significance of the Wars of the Roses was all the following EXCEPT that ______.A. feudalism received its death blowB. the great medieval nobility was much weakenedC. the king’s power now became limite dD. no less than 80 nobles of royal blood were killed in the wars11. The Religious Reformation in England was led by King ______, and the direct cause was his divorce case with ______.A. Henry VIII, Catherine of AragonB. Henry Tudor, Elizabeth of YorkC. Henry II, Eleanor of AquitaineD. Henry I, Matilda12. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Elizabeth I?A. Elizabeth I broke Mary’s ties with Rome.B. Elizabeth I restored her father’s independent Church of England.C. Elizabeth I’s religious reform was a compromise of views.D. Elizabeth I’s religious settlement was acceptable to both extreme Protestants and ardent Catholics.13. After the Restoration, British Parliament passed a series of severe laws called ______ against the Puritans, now known as Nonconformists.A. the Act of SuccessionB. the Petition of RightC. the Clarendon CodeD. the Act of Supremacy14. The spark of the First World War was struck at Sarajevo on June 28 ______, when the ______ Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist.A. 1913, GermanB. 1914,AustrianC. 1913, BulgarianD. 1914, English15. The leader of the House of Lords is ______.A. the Archbishops of CanterburyB. the MonarchC. the Prime MinisterD. the Lord Chancellor16. Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of farming in England in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?A. Use of artificial fertilizer.B. Introduction of new agricultural machinery.C. The “open-field” system.D. A system of crop rotation.17. In the United Kingdom, police officers are NOT allowed to join ______ or to go on strike.A. a trade unionB. a political partyC. a clubD. a society18. The Church of England is NOT free to change its form of worship, as laid down in ______, without the consent of Parliament.A. the Bill of RightsB. the Provisions of OxfordC. the Constitutions of ClarendonD. the Book of Common Prayer19. The British universities are governed by ______ or by ______ and enjoy academic freedom.A. royal charters, Act of ParliamentB. the People’s Charter, the Reform Act of 1832C. the Great Charter, the Bill of RightsD. the Petition of Right, the Test Act20. Rupert Murdoch’s News International, one of the largest publishing corporations, owns the following national papers EXCEPT ______.A. the TimesB. the SunC. News of the WorldD. the Daily Telegraph21. Now about 80% to 90% of immigration to the United States is from ______.A. Asian and Hispanic countriesB. African countriesC. European countriesD. Central and South American countries22. The Declaration of Independence clearly explained the political theory behind the American Revolution which came from ______.A. the British philosopher John LockeB. the Italian philosopher John LockeC. the American president George WashingtonD. the American statesman Thomas Jefferson23. In 1787, all of the states except Rhode Island were represented to revise the Articles of Confederation at ______.A. the First Continental CongressB. the Second Continental CongressC. the Constitutional ConventionD. the First US Congress24. In 1865, ______, which banned slavery, was added to the American Constitution.A. the Tenth AmendmentB. the Thirteenth AmendmentC. the Declaration of IndependenceD. the Bill of Rights25. Which of the following is NOT true about the Bill of Rights?A. It was meant to protect the blacks for the right to vote, to use the public facilities and to enjoy the same education as white people.B. It was the first ten amendments to the American Constitution.C. It was not until the federalists agree to the Bill of Rights Amendments that ratification of the Constitution was assured.D. It guarantees the basic rights for the individual such as the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and so on.26. As a result of ______, the territory owned by the United States almost doubled.A. the Louisiana PurchaseB. the peace treaty with MexicoC. the Gadsden PurchaseD. the armed uprising of the Americans in Texas27. After the World War I, the result of the ______ was the emergence of the ______.A. Peace Conference, Treaty of ParisB. Paris Conference, Versailles Treaty SystemC. Teheran Conference, Versailles Treaty SystemD. Paris Conference, Munich Agreement28. ______ was not an idealist, not a dreamer, so he presented to Congress his program known as ______.A. John F. Kennedy, the New FrontierB. Theodore Roosevelt, the New DealC. Woodrow Wilson, the program of New FreedomD. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the New Deal29. The decision of the setting-up of a world organization—the United Nations was made at the______.A. Yalta ConferenceB. Geneva ConferenceC. Teheran ConferenceD. Paris Conference30. The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union basically originated from ______.A. their different goals during the Second World WarB. their different attitudes toward GermanyC. their different attitudes toward Eastern EuropeD. their separate concepts of postwar world order31. The real purpose of the Marshal Plan is to ______.A. prevent Greece and Turkey from falling into the hands of the Soviet UnionB. support any country which said it was fighting against CommunismC. help Western Europe recover from the disrupted industrial productionD. prevent Western Europe from possible Soviet expansion32. Which of the following is NOT true about McCarthyism?A. It was the reflection of anti-Communism on the American society.B. It refers to the anti-Communist hysteria in the United States.C. The court played a role in approving the lawfulness of anti-Communist activities.D. It frightened a large number of Americans who felt it would be more dangerous to conform than to disagree with the majority.33. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, President ______ decided to use the naval force to prevent military material and arms from getting into Cuba.A. Franklin D. RooseveltB. Harry TrumanC. John F. KennedyD. Ronald Reagan34. After the Geneva Conference, the United States replaced ______ and became the main force in providing aid for ______.A. France, the North Vietnam governmentB. France, the South Vietnam governmentC. Britain, the North Vietnam governmentD. Britain, the South Vietnam government35. After the Watergate scandal happened in 1972, the President ______ had to resign. He is the first president to do so in the U.S. history.A. Ronald ReaganB. Harry TrumanC. John F. KennedyD. Richard Nixon36. ______ was elected president because in the late 1970s, the American society turned conservative.A. Ronald ReaganB. Jimmy CarterC. Richard M. NixonD. George Bush37. In America, the two major parties are really not very different today. But on economic issues, the ______ traditionally favors government intervention while the ______ stresses the role of the market more.A. Democratic Party, Republican PartyB. Republican Party, Democratic PartyC. Whig Party, Democratic PartyD. Whig Party, Republican Party38. According to the Constitution, the American President must take care that all laws be faithfully executed. To carry out this responsibility, he presides over ______ of the federal government.A. the legislative branchB. the executive branchC. the judicial branchD. the American Congress39. According to the American Constitution, the Vice President shall be President of ______.A. the SenateB. the CongressC. the House of RepresentativesD. the Cabinet40. The six goals set by President Bush in his "America 2000" Plan are all the following EXCEPT______.A. eliminating drugs and violence from the schoolB. improving the nation’s high-school graduation rate to at least 80%C. requiring students to demonstrate competency in English, mathematics, science, history and geographyD. ensuring that all adult Americans were literate41. Although relatively small in area, Ireland is large enough to show distinct regional variations in ______.A. climateB. ethnic minoritiesC. religionD. language42. Ireland’s population has bee n ______ during the past 100 years.A. stableB. increasingC. on declineD. doubled43. New Zealand is about 1,500 km to the ______.A. northeast of AustraliaB. southeast of AustraliaC. northwest of AustraliaD. southwest of Australia44. The first British settlers came to New Zealand in 1840 through ______, and they hoped to start model colonies by planned migration.A. the New Zealand CompanyB. the British East India CompanyC. a private immigration agencyD. the Dutch East India Company45. Canada is bounded on the north by ______, on the west by ______, and on the east by ______.A. the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic OceanB. Antarctica, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic OceanC. the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific OceanD. Antarctica, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean46. In 1971, the Canadian Government adopted a policy of ______, recognizing that cultural pluralism within a bilingual framework was the essence of the Canadian identity.A. unilingualismB. multilingualismC. biculturalismD. multiculturalism47. According to the new federal Immigration Act (1978), the following are the fundamental objectives of Canadian immigration law EXCEPT ______.A. family reunionB. concern for refugeesC. promotion of the economic development of the countryD. preservation of British culture48. Which of the following is the longest river in Australia?A. The Murray.B. The Clutha.C. The Swan River.D. The Shannon River.49. The following animals are unique to Australia EXCEPT ______.A. kangaroosB. emusC. budgerigarsD. koalas50. The dominant aspect of Aboriginal culture was ______.A. rock paintings and story-tellingB. religious ceremoniesC. the DreamtimeD. the balance between the people and their environmentII. Answer the Questions. (30 points, 3 points for each)Directions: Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.51. What is the cause of the decline of the British Empire?52. Why is the English Civil War also called the Puritan Revolution?53. What dose the British Parliament consist of?54. Why did the American Civil War break out?55. What are the two special powers of the Senate in America?56. Why is the board of trustees which governs American colleges and universities composed primarily of laymen?57. Under what treaty was modern New Zealand founded?58. Wh at happened to the French colony after the Seven Years’ War between Britain and France?59. What happened after the English king was declared the head of the Church of Ireland, replacing the Pope?60. How many political divisions are there in Australia? What are they?III. Term Explanation. (20 points, 5 points for each)Directions: Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet in around 40 words.61. NHS62. Whigs and Tories63. Electoral College64. "Manifest Destiny"。