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此次调查对象为山东省某三甲医院 2015尧2016尧 2017 级临床医学研究生袁采用整体抽样的方法袁共发放 问卷 300 份袁收回有效问卷 282 份袁有效问卷回收率为 94%遥 1.2 调查内容
采用自编调查问卷袁共设立 10 个条目袁主要包括 2 部分袁第一部分为调查对象的基本信息渊3 条目冤袁包括
[摘要] 目的 调查医学研究生医患关系的认知情况袁分析其对工作积极性尧未来择业的影响遥 方法 调查对象为山东省
某三甲医院 282 名医学研究生袁使用描述性统计尧字2 检验进行分析遥 结果 认为医患关系野有点紧张冶和野非常紧张冶的
比例为 87.2%袁医患关系现状与医生执业环境认知尧工作压力以及工作积极性有密切关系渊P<0.05冤遥 医学研究生对未
欧银 1,2袁周宏 1袁邰晓萌 1袁杨德武 1袁何惠娟 1袁汪佳 1袁宋恒 1袁郝志梅 1 1.华北理工大学管理学院袁河北唐山 06321பைடு நூலகம்曰2.北京同合至诚医院管理咨询有限责任公司袁北京 101100
[作者简介] 欧银渊1994-冤袁女袁陕西汉中人袁本科袁研究方向院卫 生事业管理遥 [通讯作者] 郝志梅渊1972-冤袁女袁河北唐山人袁博士袁教授袁研究 方向院社会医学与卫生事业管理袁E-mail院haozhimei@ncst.edu.cn遥
放问卷袁了解医学研究生的医患关系认知情况以及其择 业意向遥 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料
Investigation and Analysis of Doctor -patient R elationship Cognition and Career Tendency in Medical Graduates
OU Y in1,2, ZHOU Hong1, TA I Xiao-meng1, Y A NG De-wu1, HE Hui-juan1, W A NG Jia1, SONG Heng1, HA O Zhi-mei1 1.School of Management, North China University of Technology, Tangshan, Hebei Province, 063210 China; 2.Beijing Tonghe Zhicheng Hospital Management Consulting Co, Ltd, Beijing, 101100 China [Abstract] Objective To investigate the cognition of medical students' relationship between doctors and patients, and ana鄄 lyze their influence on work enthusiasm and future career choice. Methods The survey subjects were 282 medical graduate students from a top three hospital in Shandong Province, using descriptive statistics and 字2 test. Results The ratio of 野a lit鄄 tle nervous冶 and 野very nervous冶 between doctors and patients was 87.2% . The status of doctor -patient relationship was closely related to doctors' perception of environmental cognition, work stress and work enthusiasm (P<0.05). Medical gradu鄄 ate students are not optimistic about the future relationship between doctors and patients. Conclusion Medical graduate stu鄄 dents generally believe that the current doctor-patient relationship is tense, and they are pessimistic about the development of doctor-patient relationship in the future, which has a certain impact on the enthusiasm of medical graduate students and the choice of future career choices. [Key words] Medical graduate students; Career choice; Influence
医患关系情况与医学生的从医意愿有密切的关系袁 2014 年 12 月袁中国青年报教育科学部针对某大学在校 医学生的一项调查显示袁近 70%的受访者认为袁紧张的 医患关系可能会影响他们的职业选择遥 超过五成的受访 者对医生职业存在困惑和担忧遥 30%的调查对象则直接 表示将来不会从事医疗行业遥 先前研究多以在校本科生 为主袁以医学研究生为对象的调查较少袁该研究通过发
来医患关系不乐观遥 结论 医学研究生普遍认为目前医患关系紧张袁且对今后医患关系的发展持悲观态度袁对医学研
[关键词] 医学研究生曰职业选择曰影响
[中图分类号] R61
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1672-5654渊2019冤03渊c冤-0170-03
采用自编调查问卷袁共设立 10 个条目袁主要包括 2 部分袁第一部分为调查对象的基本信息渊3 条目冤袁包括
[摘要] 目的 调查医学研究生医患关系的认知情况袁分析其对工作积极性尧未来择业的影响遥 方法 调查对象为山东省
某三甲医院 282 名医学研究生袁使用描述性统计尧字2 检验进行分析遥 结果 认为医患关系野有点紧张冶和野非常紧张冶的
比例为 87.2%袁医患关系现状与医生执业环境认知尧工作压力以及工作积极性有密切关系渊P<0.05冤遥 医学研究生对未
欧银 1,2袁周宏 1袁邰晓萌 1袁杨德武 1袁何惠娟 1袁汪佳 1袁宋恒 1袁郝志梅 1 1.华北理工大学管理学院袁河北唐山 06321பைடு நூலகம்曰2.北京同合至诚医院管理咨询有限责任公司袁北京 101100
[作者简介] 欧银渊1994-冤袁女袁陕西汉中人袁本科袁研究方向院卫 生事业管理遥 [通讯作者] 郝志梅渊1972-冤袁女袁河北唐山人袁博士袁教授袁研究 方向院社会医学与卫生事业管理袁E-mail院haozhimei@ncst.edu.cn遥
放问卷袁了解医学研究生的医患关系认知情况以及其择 业意向遥 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料
Investigation and Analysis of Doctor -patient R elationship Cognition and Career Tendency in Medical Graduates
OU Y in1,2, ZHOU Hong1, TA I Xiao-meng1, Y A NG De-wu1, HE Hui-juan1, W A NG Jia1, SONG Heng1, HA O Zhi-mei1 1.School of Management, North China University of Technology, Tangshan, Hebei Province, 063210 China; 2.Beijing Tonghe Zhicheng Hospital Management Consulting Co, Ltd, Beijing, 101100 China [Abstract] Objective To investigate the cognition of medical students' relationship between doctors and patients, and ana鄄 lyze their influence on work enthusiasm and future career choice. Methods The survey subjects were 282 medical graduate students from a top three hospital in Shandong Province, using descriptive statistics and 字2 test. Results The ratio of 野a lit鄄 tle nervous冶 and 野very nervous冶 between doctors and patients was 87.2% . The status of doctor -patient relationship was closely related to doctors' perception of environmental cognition, work stress and work enthusiasm (P<0.05). Medical gradu鄄 ate students are not optimistic about the future relationship between doctors and patients. Conclusion Medical graduate stu鄄 dents generally believe that the current doctor-patient relationship is tense, and they are pessimistic about the development of doctor-patient relationship in the future, which has a certain impact on the enthusiasm of medical graduate students and the choice of future career choices. [Key words] Medical graduate students; Career choice; Influence
医患关系情况与医学生的从医意愿有密切的关系袁 2014 年 12 月袁中国青年报教育科学部针对某大学在校 医学生的一项调查显示袁近 70%的受访者认为袁紧张的 医患关系可能会影响他们的职业选择遥 超过五成的受访 者对医生职业存在困惑和担忧遥 30%的调查对象则直接 表示将来不会从事医疗行业遥 先前研究多以在校本科生 为主袁以医学研究生为对象的调查较少袁该研究通过发
来医患关系不乐观遥 结论 医学研究生普遍认为目前医患关系紧张袁且对今后医患关系的发展持悲观态度袁对医学研
[关键词] 医学研究生曰职业选择曰影响
[中图分类号] R61
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1672-5654渊2019冤03渊c冤-0170-03