航海英语 海上避碰规则
国际海上避碰规则英文缩写(原创版)目录1.国际海上避碰规则的概述2.国际海上避碰规则的适用范围3.适用国际海上避碰规则的船舶类型4.不适用国际海上避碰规则的船舶情况5.国际海上避碰规则的实际应用案例正文一、国际海上避碰规则的概述国际海上避碰规则,英文名为 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea,简称 COLREGS。
国际海上避碰规则国际海上避碰规则,全称国际海上避碰规则(International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea),简称COLREGs,是国际海上交通安全的基础,旨在规范船舶在海上的行驶和交叉遇到时如何避免碰撞。
Regulations for PreventingCollisions at Sea. 1972PART A ── GENERALRule 1Application(a) These Rules shall to all vessels upon the high seasand inall waters connected therewith navigable by seagoingvessels.(b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with theoperationof special rules made by an appropriate authorityfor roadsteads, harbours, rivers, lakes or inland waterwaysconnected with the high seas and navigable by sea- goingvessels. Such special rules shall conform as closely aspossible to these Rules.(c) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with theoperationof any special rules made by the Government ofany State with respect to additional station or signallights, shapes or whistle signals for ships of war andvessels proceeding under convoy, or with respect to additional station or shapes for fishing vessels engaged infishing as a fleet. These additional station or signallights, shapes or whistlesignals shall, so far as possible, be such that they cannot be mistaken for any light, shapeor signal authorized elsewhere under these Rules.(d) Traffic separation schemes may be adopted bytheOrganization for the purpose of these Rules.(e) Whenever the Government concerned shall havedetermined that a vessel of special construction or purpose cannot comply fully with the provisions of any of these Rules with respect to the number, position,range or arc ofvisibility of lights or shapes, as well as tothedisposition and characteristics of sound-signaling appliances, such vessel shall comply with such other provisions in regard to the number, position, range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition andcharacteristics of sound- signaling appliances, as herGovernment shall have determined to be the closest possiblecompliance with these Rules in respect of that vessel.第一条适用范围1.本规则适用于公海和连接于公海而可供海船航行的一切水域中的一切船舶.2.本规则不妨碍有关主管机关为连接于公海而可供海船航行的任何港外锚地、港口、江河、湖泊或内陆水道所制订的特殊规定的实施。
国际海上避碰规则国际海上避碰规则(International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea),通常被简称为COLREGs,是一套指导海上船舶之间避碰行为的规则。
Regulations for PreventingCollisions at Sea. 1972PART A ── GENERALRule 1Application(a) These Rules shall to all vessels upon the high seasand inall waters connected therewith navigable by seagoingvessels.(b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with theoperationof special rules made by an appropriate authorityfor roadsteads, harbours, rivers, lakes or inland waterwaysconnected with the high seas and navigable by sea- goingvessels. Such special rules shall conform as closely aspossible to these Rules.(c) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with theoperation ofany special rules made by the Government ofany State with respect to additional station or signallights, shapes or whistle signals for ships of war andvessels proceeding under convoy, or with respect to additional station orshapes for fishing vessels engaged infishing as a fleet.These additional station or signallights, shapes or whistlesignals shall, so far as possible, be such that they cannot be mistaken for any light, shapeor signal authorized elsewhere under these Rules.(d) Traffic separation schemes may be adopted bytheOrganization for the purpose of these Rules.(e) Whenever the Government concerned shall havedetermined that a vessel of special construction or purpose cannot comply fully with the provisions of any of these Rules with respect to the number, position,range or arc ofvisibility of lights or shapes, as well as tothedisposition and characteristics of sound-signaling appliances, such vessel shall comply with such other provisions in regard to the number, position, range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition andcharacteristics of sound- signaling appliances, as herGovernment shall have determined to be the closest possiblecompliance with these Rules in respect of that vessel.第一条适用范围1.本规则适用于公海和连接于公海而可供海船航行的一切水域中的一切船舶.2.本规则不妨碍有关主管机关为连接于公海而可供海船航行的任何港外锚地、港口、江河、湖泊或内陆水道所制订的特殊规定的实施。
1972 年国际海上避碰规则INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS FORPREVENTING COLLISIONS AT SEA,1972(第1- 19条)第一章总则Part A – General第一条Rule 1适用范围Application1 本规则条款适用于公海和连接于公海而可供海船航行的一切水域中的一切船舶。
(a)These Rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels.2本规则条款不妨碍有关主管机关为连接于公海而可供海船航行的任何港外锚地、江河、湖泊或内陆水道所制订的特殊规定的实施。
(b)Nothing in these Rules shall interfere in the operation of special rules madeby an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbors, rivers, lakes or inland waterways connected with the high seas and navigable by seagoing vessels. Such special rules shall conform as closely as possible to these Rules.3.本规则条款不妨碍各国政府为军舰及护航下的船舶所制定的关于额外的队形灯、信号灯、号型或笛号,或者为结队从事捕鱼的渔船所制定的关于额外的队形灯、信号灯或号型的任何特殊规定的实施。
Special rules made by authority
(b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of special rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbour, river, lakes and inland waterways connected with the high seas and navigable by seagoing vessel. Such special rules shall conform as closely as possible to these Rules. 本规则各条,
Special Structure and Purpose Vessel
特殊结构 和用途的船舶
(e) Whenever the Government concerned shall have determined that a vessel of special construction or purpose cannot comply fully with the provisions of any of these Rules with respect to the number, position, range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition and characteristics of sound-signaling appliances(to be continued),
船舶在海上相遇时,应首先观察对方船舶的航向 、速度和距离,然后根据情况采取适当的避让措 施。如果对方船舶存在危险,应立即采取行动, 如改变航向或减速,以避免碰撞。
国际海上避碰规则是国际海事组织制定的国际公 约,旨在规范船舶在海上的避让行为,确保海上 交通安全。这些规则包括船舶在相遇时应如何行 动、如何使用信号等具体规定。
船舶在狭窄水道中应保持谨慎,遵守相应的航行规则,确 保安全通过。
规则的英文版本 Introduction
规定船舶接近或追越军舰、渔船、从事渔业作业船只或 护航船只时的义务。
船舶在接近或追越军舰、渔船、从事渔业作业船只或护 航船只时应特别小心,采取必要措施确保安全。
规则的英文版本 Introduction
规则的英文版本 Introduction
规则的英文版本 Introduction
针对会遇或追越情况下的船舶义务进行 规定。
船舶在会遇或追越时应遵守相应的航行规 则,确保安全通过。
狭窄水道是指航道狭窄、弯曲或障碍物较多的水域,如海峡、河口等。在这些水 域中,船舶的航行安全受到较大威胁,因此需要特别谨慎。此时,船舶应遵守相 关规则和指示,如保持安全航速、避免会船等,以确保安全通过狭窄水道。
使用导航设备:在狭窄水道中,船舶应使用导航设备进行定 位和导航。
狭窄水道中航行难度较大,因此需要使用导航设备进行定位 和导航。这些设备包括GPS、雷达、AIS等,可以帮助船舶精 确掌握自身位置和周围环境信息,以便及时采取避让措施。
1972年国际海上避碰规则(COLREGs),全称《国际海上避碰规则》(International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea),
1972 年国际海上避碰规则INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS FORPREVENTING COLLISIONS AT SEA,1972(第1- 19条)第一章总则Part A –General第一条Rule 1适用范围Application1 本规则条款适用于公海和连接于公海而可供海船航行的一切水域中的一切船舶。
(a)These Rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels.2本规则条款不妨碍有关主管机关为连接于公海而可供海船航行的任何港外锚地、江河、湖泊或内陆水道所制订的特殊规定的实施。
(b)Nothing in these Rules shall interfere in the operation of special rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbors, rivers, lakes or inland waterways connected with the high seas and navigable by seagoing vessels. Such special rules shall conform as closely as possible to these Rules.3.本规则条款不妨碍各国政府为军舰及护航下的船舶所制定的关于额外的队形灯、信号灯、号型或笛号,或者为结队从事捕鱼的渔船所制定的关于额外的队形灯、信号灯或号型的任何特殊规定的实施。
(e)WhenevertheGovernmentconcernedshallhavedeterminedthatavesselofspecialconstructionorpurposecann otcomplyfullywiththeprovisionsofanyoftheseRuleswithrespecttonumber,position,rangeorarcofvisibilit yoflightsorshapes,aswellastothedispositionandcharacteristicsofsound-signallingappliances,suchvess elshallcomplywithsuchotherprovisionsinregardtonumber,position,rangeorarcofvisibilityoflightsorsha pes,aswellastothedispositionandcharacteristicsofsound-signallingappliances,asherGovernmentshallha vedeterminedtobetheclosestpossiblecompliancewiththeseRulesinrespecttothatvessel.第二条Rule2责任Responsibility1.本规则条款并不免除任何船舶或其所有人、船长或船员由于遵守本规则条款的任何疏忽,或者按海员通常做法或当时特殊情况所要求的任何戒备上的疏忽而产生的各种后果的责任。
(a)NothingintheseRulesshallexonerateanyvessel,ortheowner,master,orcrewthereof,fromtheconsequences ofanyneglecttocomplywiththeseRulesoroftheneglectofanyprecautionwhichmayberequiredbytheordinarypra cticeofseamen,orbythespecialcircumstancesofthecase.2.在解释和遵行本规则条款时,应充分考虑一切航行和碰撞的危险以及包括当事船舶条件限制在内的任何特殊情况,这些危险和特殊情况可能需要背离本规则条款以避免紧迫危险。
Regulations for Preventing Collisions atSea. 1972PART A ── GENERALRule 1Application(a) These Rules shall to all vessels upon the high seasand inall waters connected therewith navigable by seagoingvessels.(b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with theoperationof special rules made by an appropriate authorityfor roadsteads, harbours, rivers, lakes or inland waterwaysconnected with the high seas and navigable by sea- goingvessels. Such special rules shall conform as closely aspossible to these Rules.(c) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with theoperationof any special rules made by the Government ofanyState with respect to additional station or signallights, shapes or whistle signals for ships of war andvessels proceeding under convoy, or with respect to additional station or shapes for fishing vessels engaged infishing asa fleet. These additional station or signallights, shapesor whistlesignals shall, so far as possible, be such that they cannot be mistaken for any light, shapeor signal authorized elsewhere under these Rules.(d) Traffic separation schemes may be adopted bytheOrganization for the purpose of these Rules.(e) Whenever the Government concerned shall havedetermined that a vessel of special construction or purpose cannot comply fully with the provisions of any of these Rules with respect to the number, position,range or arc ofvisibility of lights or shapes, as well as tothedisposition and characteristics of sound-signaling appliances, such vessel shall comply with such other provisions in regard to the number, position, range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition andcharacteristics of sound- signaling appliances, as herGovernment shall have determined to be the closestpossiblecompliance with these Rules in respect of that vessel.第一条适用范围1.本规则适用于公海和连接于公海而可供海船航行的一切水域中的一切船舶.2.本规则不妨碍有关主管机关为连接于公海而可供海船航行的任何港外锚地、港口、江河、湖泊或内陆水道所制订的特殊规定的实施。
SECTION II - Conduct of Vessels in Sight of One Another
第二节 船舶在互见中的行动
Rule 11 : Application 适用范围 Rule 12 : Sailing Vessels 帆船 Rule 13 : Overtaking 追越 Rule 14 : Head-on Situation 对遇局面
Rule 20 : Application 适用范围 Rule 21 : Definitions 定义 Rule 22 : Visibility of Lights 号灯可见距离 Rule 23 : Power-driven Vessels underway 在航机动船 Rule 24 : Towing and Pushing.拖带和顶推 Rule 25 : Sailing Vessels underway and Vessels under Oars.在航帆船和划桨船
SECTION III - Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility 第三节 能见度不良时的行动
Rule 19 : Conduct of Vessels in
Restricted Visibility.
Rule 15 : Crossing Situation 交叉局面 Rule 16 : Action by Give-way Vessel 让路船的行动 Rule 17 : Action by Stand-on Vessel 直航船的行动 Rule 18 : Responsibilities between Vessels
第1章 海上避碰规则概述
船舶值班与避碰 1 总则(general) 总则(general)
1.1 适用范围(application) 适用范围(application)
第一款: 第一款:本规则各条适用于在公海和连接于公海而可供海船航 行的一切水域中的一切船舶。 行的一切水域中的一切船舶。 1.1.1适用水域 1.1.1适用水域 公海和连接于公海而可供海船航行的一切水域。 公海和连接于公海而可供海船航行的一切水域。 公海( sea):指各国领海或专属经济区以外不 ):指各国领海或 (1)公海(high sea):指各国领海或专属经济区以外不 受任何国家主权管辖或支配的全部海域, 受任何国家主权管辖或支配的全部海域,该水域中的任何一 部分水域均为规则的适用水域。 部分水域均为规则的适用水域。
船舶值班与避碰 1.1.3特殊规则(地方规则) 1.1.3特殊规则(地方规则) 特殊规则
(4)制定特殊规则 (special rules)的要求:特 rules)的要求: 殊规则应尽可能符合规则, 殊规则应尽可能符合规则,这样才能使特殊规则与规则 更靠近,海员更容易理解、掌握和应用。 更靠近,海员更容易理解、掌握和应用。
船舶值班与避碰 1.1.3特殊规则(地方规则) 1.1.3特殊规则(地方规则) 特殊规则
第三款:本规则各条, 第三款:本规则各条,不妨碍各国政府为军舰及护航 下的船舶所制订的关于额外的队形灯、信号灯、 下的船舶所制订的关于额外的队形灯、信号灯、号 型或笛号, 型或笛号,或者为结队从事捕鱼的渔船所制订的关 于额外的队形灯、 于额外的队形灯、信号灯或号型的任何特殊规定的 实施。这些额外的队形灯、信号灯、号型或笛号, 实施。这些额外的队形灯、信号灯、号型或笛号, 应尽可能不致被误认为本规则其他条文所规定的任 何号灯、号型或信号。 何号灯、号型或信号。
unit 14 海上避碰规则
• Rule 1 • (d) Traffic separation schemes may be adopted by the Organization for the purpose of these Rules. • (e) Whenever the Government concerned shall have determined that a vessel of special construction or purpose cannot comply fully with the provisions of any of these Rules with respect to the number, position, range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition and characteristics of sound-signaling appliances, such vessel shall comply with such other provisions in regard to the number, position, range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition and characteristics of sound-signaling appliances, as her Government shall have determined to be the closest possible compliance with these Rules in respect of that vessel.
Regulations for PreventingCollisions at Sea. 1972PART A ── GENERALRule 1Application(a) These Rules shall to all vessels upon the high seasand in allwaters connected therewith navigable by seagoingvessels.(b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with theoperation ofspecial rules made by an appropriate authorityfor roadsteads, harbours, rivers, lakes or inland waterwaysconnected with the high seas and navigable by sea- goingvessels. Such special rules shall conform as closely aspossible to these Rules.(c) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with theoperation ofany special rules made by the Government ofany State with respect to additional station or signallights, shapes or whistle signals for ships of war andvessels proceeding under convoy, or with respect to additional station or shapes for fishing vessels engaged infishing as a fleet. These additionalstation or signallights, shapes or whistlesignals shall, so far as possible, be such that they cannot be mistaken for any light, shapeor signal authorized elsewhere under these Rules.(d) Traffic separation schemes may be adopted bytheOrganization for the purpose of these Rules.(e) Whenever the Government concerned shall havedetermined that a vessel of special construction or purpose cannot comply fully with the provisions of any of these Rules with respect to the number, position,range or arc ofvisibility of lights or shapes, as well as tothedisposition and characteristics of sound-signaling appliances, such vessel shall comply with such other provisions in regard to the number, position, range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition andcharacteristics of sound- signaling appliances, as herGovernment shall have determined to be the closest possiblecompliance with these Rules in respect of that vessel.第一条适用范围1.本规则适用于公海和连接于公海而可供海船航行的一切水域中的一切船舶.2.本规则不妨碍有关主管机关为连接于公海而可供海船航行的任何港外锚地、港口、江河、湖泊或内陆水道所制订的特殊规定的实施。
(e)WhenevertheGovernmentconcernedshallhavedeterminedthatavesselofspecialconstructionorpurposecannotcomplyfullywithth eprovisionsofanyoftheseRuleswithrespecttonumber,position,rangeorarcofvisibilityoflightsorshapes,aswellastothedispositionand characteristicsofsound-signallingappliances,suchvesselshallcomplywithsuchotherprovisionsinregardtonumber,position,rangeor arcofvisibilityoflightsorshapes,aswellastothedispositionandcharacteristicsofsound-signallingappliances,asherGovernmentshallh avedeterminedtobetheclosestpossiblecompliancewiththeseRulesinrespecttothatvessel.第二条Rule2责任Responsibility1.本规则条款并不免除任何船舶或其所有人、船长或船员由于遵守本规则条款的任何疏忽,或者按海员通常做法或当时特殊情况所要求的任何戒备上的疏忽而产生的各种后果的责任。
(a)NothingintheseRulesshallexonerateanyvessel,ortheowner,master,orcrewthereof,fromtheconsequencesofanyneglecttocomply withtheseRulesoroftheneglectofanyprecautionwhichmayberequiredbytheordinarypracticeofseamen,orbythespecialcircumstance softhecase.2.在解释和遵行本规则条款时,应充分考虑一切航行和碰撞的危险以及包括当事船舶条件限制在内的任何特殊情况,这些危险和特殊情况可能需要背离本规则条款以避免紧迫危险。
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7.6 海上避碰规则1. A drawbridge(吊桥)may use visual signals to acknowledge a vessel’s request to open thedraw. Which signal indicates that the draw will NOT be opened immediately?______.A. A flashing amber(琥珀色)lightB. A fixed red lightC. A white flag raised and lowered verticallyD. A flashing white light2.You are approaching a vertical lift bridge. You know the span is fully open when ______A. three white lights in a vertical line are litB. a red light starts to flash at about 60 times a minuteC. a yellow light is illuminated on the bridge pierD. there is a range of green lights under the lift span跨桥3.In case of accidents ______ the risk of sinking, all effective measures shall be taken to steerclear of the fairway to avoid ______ the traffic.A.involving / impedingB.involved / to impedeC. involving / to impedeD. involved / impeding4.Restricted areas at locks and dams 水闸are indicated by ______.A. flashing red lights upstream and fixed red lights downstremB. yellow unlighted buoysC. signs and / or flashing red lightsD. red daymarks upstream and green daymarks downstream5.Which statement about the Navigation Rules is TRUE?______A. The rules require vessels to comply with Traffic Separation Scheme regulations.B. The rules use the term safe speed.C. The Rules permit a stand-on vessel to take action prior to being in extremis.D. All of the above are correct.6.The officer of the watch should ______________ comply with thecollision rules.【48】A. some timesB. oftenC. at all timesD. seldom1条适用7.All vessels ____ size shall, whether in a fairway or not, observe the International Regulationsfor Preventing Collisions at Sea.A. in spite ofB. irrespectiveC. in respectD. in matter ofIrrespective of/with respect of 关于/without respect to 不考虑8.The International Rules of the Road apply ______.A. to all waters which are not inland watersB. only to waters outside the territorial waters of the PR ChinaC. only to waters where foreign vessels travelD. upon the high seas and connecting waters navigable by seagoing vessels2.条责任9.The Rules state that vessels may depart from the Rules when ______.【45】A. there are other vessels in the vicinityB. operating in a traffic separation schemeC. engaged in a situation involving more than two vesselsD. necessary to avoid immediate danger10.Under what condition are you allowed to depart from the rules of the road? ______.A. To avoid immediate dangerB. When authorized by the rig superintendentC. To comply with an operator’s requirementD. Under no conditions11.What would be a “ special circumstance ” under the Rules?______A. Vessel at anchorB. Two vessels meetingC. Speed in fogD. More than two vessels crossing3条一般定义vessel12.For the purpose of the Rules, except where otherwise required, the term ______.A. vessel includes seaplanesB. seaplane includes non-displacement craftC. vessel engaged in fishing includes a vessel fishing with trolling linesD. vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver includes fishing vessels13.What would be considered a vessel under the International Rules of the Road?______A. A jack-up rig under towB. A semisubmersible drilling rig under towC. A semisubmersible drilling rig drifting after breaking a tow lineD. All of the above POWER-DRIVEN VESSEL14.The term POWER-DRIVEN VESSEL refers to any vessel ______.A. with propelling machinery onboard whether in use or notB. making way against the currentC. w ith propelling machinery in useD. traveling at a speed greater than that of the current15.Which craft is a power-driven vessel under the Rules of the Road?______A. An auxiliary sailing vessel, using her engineB. A canoe propelled by a small outboard motorC. A trawler on her way to the fishing groundsD. All of the above16.The term power-driven vessel means ____________ in these rules.A. any sailing vessel with propelling machineryB. any vessel propelled by machineryC. any sailing vessel with or without machinery for propellingD. any sailing vessel with propelling machinery not in usevessel engaged in fishing17.To be considered engaged in fishing under the Rules, a vessel must be ______.A. power-drivenB. showing lights or shapes for a vessel restricted in its ability to maneuverC. using netsD. using fishing apparatus which restricts maneuverability18.Which statement is TRUE concerning a vessel engaged in fishing?______A. The vessel is classified as restricted in her ability to maneuver.B. Her gear will not affect the vessel’s maneuverability.C. The vessel may be using nets, lines, or trawls.D. She sounds the same fog signal as a vessel underway but stopped and making no way.19.Which statement is TRUE concerning a vessel engaged in fishing?______A. T he vessel may be using nets, lines, or trawls.B. The vessel may be trolling.C. The vessel shows 2 lights in a vertical line, white over red.D. The vessel sounds the same fog signal as a vessel underway, making no way.vessel not under command20.The navigation rules define a vessel not under command as a vessel whichA. from the nature of her work is unable to keep out of the way of anothervessel_________________B. does not have a proper look-outC. by taking action contrary to the roles has created a special circumstance situationD. through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by the roles21.The navigation roles define a vessel not under command as a vesselwhich_________________A. from the nature of her work is unable to keep out of the way of another vesselB. t hrough some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by the rulesC. by taking action contrary to the roles has created a special circumstance situationD. is moored, aground or anchored in a fairwayrestricted in her ability to maneuver22. A vessel restricted by its ability to manoeuvre by the nature of its work or its deep draft is__A. Hampered vesselB. Giving way vesselC. Vessel not under controlD. Disabled vessel23. A vessel that is defined as restricted in her ability to manoeuver is unable to keep out of theway of another vessel due to ______.A. her draftB. the nature of her workC. some exceptional(特殊的、罕见的)circumstancesD. a danger of navigation24.What determines if a vessel is restricted in her ability to maneuver? _______A. Whether or not all of the vessel's control equipment is in working orderB. The vessel's draft in relation to the available depth of waterC. Whether the nature of the vessel's work limits maneuverability required by the rulesD. Whether or not the vessel is the give-way vessel in a meeting situation25. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver is one which_________________A. through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by the rulesB. f rom the nature of her work is unable to maneuver as required by the rulesC. due to adverse weather conditions is unable to maneuver as required by the rulesD. has lost steering and is unable to maneuver26.Which vessel is NOT classified as “restricted in her ability to maneuver”?______A. A vessel picking up a navigation markB. A vessel transferring cargo while underwayC. A vessel whose anchor is fouledD. A vessel in a towing operation that restricts the ability of the vessel and her tow to change their course27.Which vessel is NOT regarded as being restricted in her ability to maneuver?______A. A vessel servicing an aid to navigationB. A vessel engaged in dredgingC. A towing vessel with tow unable to deviate from its courseD. A vessel constrained by her draft28.Which vessel is NOT regarded as being restricted in her ability to maneuver?______A. A vessel transferring provisions while underwayB. A pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed when connected in a composite unitC. A vessel servicing a navigation markD. A vessel launching aircraft29.Which vessel is to be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver?______A. A vessel fishing with trawlsB. A vessel which has lost the use of her steering gearC. A vessel with a draft of such depth that she cannot change her courseD. A vessel engaged in mine-clearing.30. A vessel engaged in mine clearance operations is called ______.A. a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverB. a vessel not under commandC. a vessel constrained by her draughtD. a vessel not under way31.What is a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver?______.A. A deep-draft vessel that can only navigate in a dredged channelB. A vessel fishing with a bottom trawl that must remain on courseC. A large tanker that is being towed as a dead ship to dry dockD. A vessel laying revetment mats to provide bank protection along a channel32.What is NOT a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver?______A. A vessel laying engaged in laying submarine cableB. A vessel towing with limited maneuverability due to a large unwieldy towC. A deep-draft vessel that can only navigate in a dredged channelD. A towing vessel underway with a fuel barge alongside and taking on fuelvessel constrained by her draft33.Which statement is true concerning a vessel constrained by her draft?______A. S he must be a power-driven vessel.B. She is not under command.C. She may be a vessel being towed.D. She is hampered because of her work.34.Which statement applies to a vessel constrained by her draft? _________________A. The term only applies to vessels in narrow channelsB. She is severely restricted in her ability to change her course because of her draft in relationto the available depth and width of navigable waterC. She is designated as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverD. The vessel must be over 100 meters in lengthunderway35. A vessel is not underway when ______.A. the anchor is draggingB. the ahchor is used in dockingC. the ahchor is dredgingD. she is at anchor but yawing heavily36.When a vessel is aground, ______.A. she is underwayB. s he is not underwayC. whether she is underway cannot be determinedD. she might be or not be underway37.Which vessel is underway according to the Rules?______A. A vessel made fast to a single point mooring buoyB. A purse seiner hauling her netsC. A pilot vessel at anchorD. A vessel which has run aground38.Which vessel is underway within the meaning of the Rules?______A. A vessel at anchor with the engine turningB. A vessel tied to an offshore mooring buoyC. A vessel aground with the engine turningD. A vessel drifting with the engine stoppedLength and breadth39.According to the Rules, a vessel’s length is h er ______.A. length between the perpendicularsB. length along the waterlineC. l ength overallD. registered length40.What does the word breadth mean in the roles? ____________A. Breadth on the uppermost continuous deckB. Molded breadthC. Greatest breadthD. Breadth at the load waterlinein sight of one another41. A vessel is in sight of another vessel when ______.A. she can be observed by radarB. she can be observed visually from the other vess elC. she can be plotted on radar well enough to determine her headingD. her fog signal can be heard42.Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one ____________ from theother.A. can be observed visuallyB. can be observed by radarC. can be located on the radarD. can be heard43.You are on watch in fog. Which vessel is in sight?______A. A vessel that you can see from the bridgeB. A radar target of which you have determined the course and speedC. A vessel from which you can hear the fog signalD. All of the above44.Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another when____________.A. t he other vessel's lights are seen at nightB. the vessel's fog signal is heard in reduced visibilityC. the other vessel is plotted on the maneuvering boardD. The other vessel is sighted on radar45.Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another when ____________ (1) one can beseen visually from the other. (2) the other's lights are seen at night.A. (1) onlyB. (2) onlyC. Both (1) and (2)D. Neither (1) nor (2)restricted visibility46.The term RESTRICTED VISIBILITY, when used in the Rules, refers to ______.A. situations when you can see vessels on radar that you cannot see visuallyB. visibility of less than half a mileC. a ny condition where visibility is restrictedD. visibility where you cannot see shore47.When visibility is restricted ____________, we can say it is restricted visibility.A. by long distanceB. by the darkness at nightC. by a vessel in frontD. by fog or falling snow48.Visibility will not be reduced by____________.A. fogB. mistC. snowD. cloud49.The term restricted visibility means any condition in which visibility is restrictedby____________A. fog, mistB. fog, mist, falling snowC. fog, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstormsD. f og, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorms or any other similar causes5条了望50. A proper look-out shall be maintained ______.A. only at nightB. only during restricted visibilityC. at night and during restricted visibilityD. at all times51.Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out_______________A. by sightB. by sight and hearingC. by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate to the prevailingcircumstancesD. by sight and hearing as well as by all available means except smelling6条安全航速52.Every vessel should at all times proceed at a safe speed. Safe speed is defined as that speedwhere ______.A. you can stop within your visibility rangeB. y ou can take proper and effective action to avoid collisionC. you are traveling slower than surrounding vesselsD. no wake comes from your vessel53.The navigation rules state that a vessel shall be operated at a safe speed at all times so thatshe can be stopped within_________________A. the distance of visibilityB. 1/2 the distance of visibilityC. a distance appropriate to the existing circumstances and conditionsD. the distance that it would require for the propeller to go from full ahead to full astern54.The Rules state that certain factors are to be taken into account when determining safe speed.Those factors include ______.A. s tate of wind , sea, and current, and the proximity of navigational hazardsB. maximum attainable speed of your vesselC. temperatureD. aids to navigation that are available55.The Rules state that certain factors are to be taken into account when determining safe speed.One of the factors is the ______.A. radio communications that are availableB. maximum speed of your vesselC. temperatureD. current56.Which factor is listed in the Rules as one which must be taken into account when determiningsafe speed? ______.A. The construction of the vesselB. Th e maneuverability of the vesselC. The experience of vessel personnelD. All of the above must be taken into account57.In determining a safe speed of your ship, _____ shall not be among those taken into account.A. the state of visibilityB. the traffic densityC. the number of crew on boardD. the maneuverability of the vessel58.In determining a safe speed, the Rules list all of the following as factors which must be takeninto account EXPECT the ______.A. limitations of radar equipmentB. presence of background lights at nightC. m aximum horsepower of your vesselD. maneuverability of your vessel59.In determining a safe speed ____________ shall not be among those taken intoaccount.【48】A. the characteristics, efficiency and limitation of the radar equipmentB. any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in useC. the effect on radar detection of the sear state, weather and other sources ofinterferenceD. th e safe working load of the cranes both on board and ashore7条碰撞危险60.To determine if risk of collision exists, a vessel which is fitted with radar must use ______.A. radar scanningB. radar plottingC. compass bearingsD. All of the above61.Which statement is true concerning risk of collision? _________________A. Risk of collision never exists if the compass bearing of the other vessel is changingB. Proper use shall be made of radar equipment to determine risk of collisionC. Risk of collision must be determined before any action can be taken by a vesselD. Risk of collision exists if the vessels will pass within half a mile of each other62.Which statement is true concerning a vessel equipped with operationalradar_________________A. The master of the vessel must be on the bridge when the radar is in useB. The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibilityC. The use of a radar excuses a vessel from the need of a look-outD. Th is equipment must be used to obtain early warning of risk of collision63.Which statement is true concerning a vessel equipped with operational radar?_________________【47】A. She must use this equipment to obtain early warning of risk of collisionB. The use of a radar excuses a vessel from the need of a look-outC. The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibilityD. The safe speed of such a vessel will likely be greater than that of vessels without radar64.In determining if risk of collision exists, such risk may sometimes exist even when anappreciable bearing chage is evident, particularly when approaching ______.A. very large vesselB. a long towC. a vessel at close rangeD. all A, B and C65.Risk of collision may exist ______.A. if the compass bearing of an approaching vessel does NOT appreciably changeB. even when an appreciable bearing change is evident, particularly when approaching a vessel at close rangeC. if you observe both sidelights of a vessel ahead for an extended period of timeD. All of the above66.You see another vessel approaching, and its compass bearing does not significantlychange.This would indicate that ______.A. you are the stand-on vesselB. risk of collision existsC. a special circumstances situation existsD. the other vessel is dead in the water67.The risk of collision shall be deemed to exist if the compass bearing of an approaching vessel______A. did not appreciably changeB. does not appreciably changeC. do not appreciably changeD. not appreciably change68.The Rules state that risk of collision shall be deemed to exist ______.A. whenever two vessels are on opposite coursesB. whenever a vessel crosses ahead of the intended track of another vesselC. if the bearing of an approaching vessel does not appreciably changeD. if one vessel approaches another so as to be overtaking69.Which statement is true concerning risk of collision? _________________A. The stand-on vessel must keep out of the way of the other vessel when risk of collisionexistsB. Risk of collision always exists when two vessels pass within one mile of each otherC. Risk of collision always exists when the compass bearing of an approaching vesselchanges appreciablyD. Ris k of collision may exist when the compass bearing of an approaching vessel ischanging appreciably70.In which situation would you consider a risk of collision to exist? __________A. A vessel is one point on your starboard bow, range increasing, bearing changing slightly tothe rightB. A vessel is broad on your starboard beam, range decreasing, bearing changing rapidly tothe rightC. A vessel is two points abaft your port beam, range decreasing, bearing constantD. A vessel is on your starboard quarter, range increasing, bearing is constant71.In which situation would risk of collision definitely exist?_________________A. A vessel is 22 degrees on your port bow, range increasing, bearing changing slightly to therightB. A vessel is broad on your starboard beam, range decreasing, bearing changing rapidly tothe rightC. A vessel is 22 degrees abaft your port beam, range increasing, bearing is constantD. A ves sel is on your starboard quarter, range decreasing, bearing is constant8条避免碰撞的行动72.Any alteration of course and/or speed to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the caseadmit, ____________ to another vessel observing visually or by radar.A. be large enough to be readily apparentB. be a succession of small alterationsC. be with due regard to the power and speed of the vesselD. leave sufficient room for the other vessel to take action73.Any action taken to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the caseadmit,_______________A. be positiveB. be positive and made in ample timeC. b e positive, made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of goodseamans hipD. be positive, made in ample time, with due regard to the observance of good seamanshipand avoiding complying with local regulations74.When taking action to avoid collision, you should____________A. make sure the action is taken in enough timeB. not make any large course changesC. not make any large speed changesD. All of the above75.Under the Rules, any vessel may slacken her speed, stop, or reverse her engines to ______.A. create a crossing situationB. al low more time to assess the situationC. attract the attention of another vesselD. All of the above76.What is a requirement for any action taken to avoid collision ? ______.A. When in sight of another vessel, any action taken must be accompanied by sound signals.B. The action taken must include changing the speed of the vessel.C. T he action must be positive and made in ample time.D. All of the above77.When action to avoid a close quarters situation is taken, a course change alone may be themost effective action provided that ______.A. it is done in a succession of small course changesB. it is not done too earlyC. it is a large course changeD. the course change is to starboard78.If the circumstances admit, ____________ of small alteration of course and speed shall notbe taken to avoid collision.A. depressionB. oppressionC. successionD. possession.79.If there is sufficient sea room, alteration of __ may be the most effective action to avoidclose-quarters situation.【45】A. speed and courseB. speed aloneC. course aloneD. speed or course80.The effectiveness of the action to avoid collision with another vessel shall be carefullychecked____________A. until the other vessel is detected by radarB. until the other vessel can be seen clearlyC. u ntil the other vessel is finally past and clearD. until the other vessel's position is fixed81. A vessel shall slacken her speed, stop, or reverse her engines, if necessary,to_______________A. avoid collisionB. allow more time to assess the situationC. be stopped in an appropriate distanceD. All of the above82. A vessel the passage of which is not to be impeded _______________ to comply with thisRule when the two vessels are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision.A. r emains fully obligedB. has no obligationC. is not necessarilyD. is exempted83. A vessel not to impede the passage of another vessel is not relieved _____ takingcollision-avoiding action.A. onB. ofC. inD. for9条狭水道84.When underway in a channel, you should______.A. stay near the middle of the channelB. keep to the starboard side of any vessels you meetC. exchange whistle signals with any other vessels in the channelD. keep to the side of the channel which lies to your starboard85. A vessel proceeding along a narrow channel shall ______.A. avoid crossing the channel at right anglesB. not overtake any vessels within the channelC. kee p as near as safe and practicable to the limit of the channel on her starboard sideD. when nearing a bend in the channel, sound a long blast of the whistle86.While underway in a narrow channel, a vessel should stay ______.A. in the middle of the channelB. to the starboard side of the channelC. to the port side of the channelD. to the side of the channel that has the widest bends87.Which vessel is NOT to impede the passage of a vessel which can only navigate safety withina narrow channel?__A. Any vessel less than 20 meters in lengthB. Any sailing vesselC. A vessel engaged in fishingD. All of the above88.Your 15-meter vessel is crossing a narrow channel and a large cargo vessel to port is withinthe channel and crossing your course. You must_________________A. hold course and speedB. sound the danger signalC. initiate an exchange of passing signalsD. do not cross the channel if you might impede the other vessel89.Your 15-meter vessel is crossing a narrow channel and a large cargo vessel to starboard iswithin the channel and crossing your course. You should_________________A. hold your course and speedB. sound the danger signalC. k eep out of the way of the cargo vesselD. do not cross the channel90.Your 15-meter tug is underway and crossing a deep and narrow channel. A large containervessel is off your port bow on a steady bearing. Which statement is true concerning this situation? _________________A. You should maintain course and speedB. The container vessel is the stand-on as it is the larger vesselC. Y ou are not to impede the safe passage of the container vessel in the channelD. None of the above91.Which vessel shall NOT impede the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate onlywithin a narrow channel or fairway?_____A. A vessel dredgingB. A sailing vesselC. A vessel servicing an aid to navigationD. All of the above92.You are preparing to cross a narrow channel. You see a vessel that can only be navigated safely within thechannel. You should ______.A. n ot cross the channel if you might imped the other vess elB. initiate an exchange of passing signalsC. sound the danger signalD. hold your course and speed93.You are approaching a narrow channel. Another vessel in the channel can only be navigatedsafely in that channel. You should______________A. sound two prolonged blasts followed by one short blastB. no t cross the channel if you might impede the other vesselC. sound three short blasts, and take all way off your vesselD. hold your course and speed if he is on your port bow94. A vessel approaching a narrow channel shall _____.A. a void crossing the channel if it impedes another vessel navigating in the channe lB. not overtake any vessels within the channelC. keep as close as possible to the edge of the channel on her port sideD. anchor only in the middle of the channel95.Your vessel is crossing a narrow channel. A vessel to port is within the channel and crossingyour course. She is showing a black cylinder. What is your responsibility?______A. Hold your course and speed.B. Sound the danger signal.C. Begin an exchange of passing signals.D. Do not cross the channel if you might impede the other vessel.96.Your vessel is crossing a narrow channel. A vessel to port is within the channel and crossingyour course. She is showing a black cylinder. You should_________________A. hold your course and speedB. not impede the other vesselC. exchange passing signalsD. sound the danger signal97.Your vessel is constrained by her draft and operating in a narrow channel. Another vesselscrossing your course from starboard to port. You are in doubt as to her intentions. According to rule 9, you_______A. should sound one short blast to indicate that you are holding course and speedB. must sound one prolonged blastC. may sound the danger signalD. are required to back down98.You are in charge of a 250-meter freight vessel constrained by her draft proceeding down anarrow channel. There is a vessel engaged in fishing on your starboard bow half a mile away.According to rule 9, which statement is true? _____________A. You are not to impede the fishing vesselB. If you are in doubt as to the fishing vessel's intentions you may sound at least five shortand rapid blasts on the whistleC. You are to slow to bare steerageway until clear of the fishing vesselD. You must sound one prolonged blast to alert the fishing vessel99. A vessel approaching a narrow channel shall_________________A. a void crossing the channel if it impedes another vessel navigating in the channelB. not overtake any vessels within the channel。